Philips MasterLine Halogen Lamps Brochure 8-92

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The MasterLine" Col lection:
Halogen lighting with the
accenl on high perlormance.
Tfe rl reni.r rieiieii ,r
!ft fil .".fr fIrts
lt l_relaLt -r' S ll rrlNUUt:t-U ,r;r iLiilr l' til
[i th .he i',']astcr- rrE I ui1 r r[ l r]lr {F
lt:r'rriaIae fa i]!r.f :r'r []i, lrr !s I ri:s
;iliJ,,t ,,:t rLt lnf r.[. ir] fl.,j fls i..s u-,'afts
ifuspu r s airil !trrfs !,rfr N!lEIit tt lfi
l- pirct il il,a :i |..i.Ti ;r'al i sp al ! rt il
I',las-r'L irar i! rcl I ifrlt: ::teIl t'r
lrirei ts |1 lra ir!E !t rt f- ,,i tf !rEat|r IrIriti
5;it 1q3 | ghir -ulr1
arll.r ir'rl r cL,:
IES !f ielttnrs 1-:1 i]Lr ,'Ir:r iE
tlrlL! rf:
srl..:l !r'llarL ..irLles al e s lr:,.ll,.rts he
l'r3L aaflrale fl d srr Uat rr.

I .. l"'lJSt:rL fe jrn j,i|fta rs a''

p'ess !'e al'a! ri l'Ai rr!"s I|'r PAF
38 '.i PAil 2l it rj il t!, tlr: siira est
m."r'fllE' t:r P'All l6 laIu r: tfe:r
uatta!res afl b:am spraaas Icr i, rLu 1rrer1
:raieftiltl i sr rl alrp catlt r Ilte! ar:
.l:s !l,ra ir ep aiE staf.lard PAB ar:l l.'i:rlo'
:rlllls llr plt,r i l! llE'!ir Sa\r lijs ilrlil
br Ltlt:r |l -ilrr ;raaefl rht fir
Tf "r ful;rs:Lr L r.. {.li rrttl PAll 38 s a amp
r''f -.s: ftrltrmar.r: surpara eea I qft Iq
ioi[i rp li' ri] a pa.rr.ed P' ps

rEl E[[.r fi -cl] h. '\'llsterL r! 60 r,'att

P,trF 38 qcni:rrLes lf rfiEr !,i srrath
prl.r' th,tl,r rtla ! I ll rates stri! -rtfl L ke
a .h.. l,'last:rL !r arps th.6l ,,fi11 PAB .lN
rlers tlr aft u.rf tr. cl'l :'i:rl ft ,1 fdtlra
appEal Iq ,]f,r rafrrlt]r l ,, lfli ll:l !1, t ,i llfaft
ir rs:Ta araratt h iilr thts
I rrdlt r.r ti tsaes:fr:iar!:a :i.r60
!'ra:i P-AF 36 s I sr. e),Jren-r !i.n',.r{it, .ifrt erl

Designed by Schafer Associates.

I C'irpareii i! a
'5"r irrat: PAF 38 nrafdesaert

ire 6"'.1 lrall iAF 3ll ,.r cJre'eierti tilsls ti

!.eiaeit r' 5lE .r'ri ar,er the le 0i he allp

Ti s tedLraltf | ',lalla-qe a s0 l eans .ass reai

r 1'a araa irr,,er nc i a" ilna 1!.t .!

'h.rn lra Llls.! L : Cii erl ar ri PAH 38 amirs

il-1rll..S r: !ar:ir Lirtrattaqes Tfl l"'la.'hrl r:
15 /rdt. PIli 38 rep arirs ir..r'paiirb c i5 !'ratl
'AB 38 rl: :llsLrLr :r []s pn! il r- t;l
.:;l l'' lll r ! ,.1''.t1s l,r tlt ..ttetlli Sa! f-ils .rf .li)
l]irrrlrl S ir ar I ifE /5 afd ll ,/iall PAB 16

!'i:r:i PtiB38 faa'|].rstj|rls ii. .,rtista d fit

Etil-!il:it!r ltils
ilasler! re PAF 2"r afd anls

ihan(s lt ih"o r era Js rE il! .erk ies gf

lrf ah a lrrs ,eu011 n10 ex si "! Lt- nar es
ri trairi lfe r,o:d ior ecartets
P!ll l6 raliE 1r' lel i:|t;r I I sp !j' a:s|:
I Tl;rir sL:i:s sltf as ;t r,lljL I ll!r it &| f f E

PAF lii: slp:'I a|r s !a[ ! ra tl i];t?tt||]

rlpt aa aas it| aS ,/': ;s ts s l'p I I !a ! |
scrt', lii:L; trlke taf e{:tE[]"r r' ir .]lt t,lIl
il li .'i ir f:t 1l-|] :ts frt ,ts .rser ir qfN ,j
A,ir al e
iratt 4C :m. 6ll ,/iiitts the
'' D

tf;' ":impLr 1i,i: PAB l6 afL. !,; slrrl ii3 ltll

tli i : r;
Creating drama and impact t,

with MasterLine lamps.

[]i et:l0f a-ps are rf erre efl
Itlas.erL ne
tl]c fcr irrat t! a r ap! ale ba air:
!el,,j!ef th€ maf\i faatffs tlral rf Lref1le hr,,!
peo: e se::nd resprnd 10 u/rat tor d sp a!
Lilecl rre qit r,! can h"" p ,/0! l]Omrjlur catt
,/0Lrr t!ardrarale0l
sty € 0f ser ie, qLre

nercha:o se slrle ma!le, am !r te ljle

Anclg iie goa s !"r may,rarl tc arh e\,:
are isla! sh n! amb allce, gh !hl rg
h /
lea:rred merchano se, j sp a! n! c0i0rs
arcu,ra:e !, d rel]l fg r stlre tratfr f 0\!
estab sf rq appel :e appea , cr leal!r r!
shc'vcas::tll ,,r ndlw tens
3l rs ng \y'a-s:erL re arrps tr alla n:rese
g0as,\i0rw berellt fr0m th,. f!i ar',aflaqe
cf th s d st ncl l]lass ci halogen amps r,lr cr
de rer addcd grl oJlpLrt an[i (]r r !h
ene'g'l sarirgs ll.!i:riri. fr :rrrr i iriiliir .iirilrir ,lrii iriiiil! lili ii:-f ailiri iilllrJlii ,lrt,l irr,l,ri illi.'l,ili,lrir 8t.rir:'
A ke'/ irns derat Jr n'1orr se ect on shor d tr iiti , r r ir ltfr iiii, Lr
iliit ,titil Jii4 rilfrti iriliiipri iilitij llil.liilr L ii ril i',1,1 iillrri.', Ll rlii il lr ilJ l
i:f,,jrr'irl j"!,-il 5|u;tL,ir ii, /rtirt tiiir ;r'irr,l,c iilr aitirr'tl;liiu iiri f rii .-\iriiri iit :i!r r,,lir!il
be tle accenL facl0r, !'ih 1]h expresses the
'e ati0nsh p betT/een ll'e brlgftness 0i af
rblect anC s surorniirqs an accen: laclor of

5 meers tre al]ceft s 1,rE t nes br !hte'1han 2:1 Noticeable

5:l [ow theatrical
ls mmei a1e sJrro!fd r!s
15rl Theatlical
30:1 Dramatic
50+:1 Very dramatic

L ght f{t acl]r]fls are l]rl]atei br romb f r! I

lorr key rf rerc rg clon

. !mir0r,s fters:y tr€aler hiqhrrejs f/eids, Halogen lighting accents youI strengths,
narc dGnatit, et'fect F0r accent ighting applications, halogen is preferred 0ver rrany other llght
sources becarse t otfers these distinct benefits:
the narc danaft lhe effect , lptinalcolor rendering with a color renderlng index of 100 lthe same as
. d stal.|e belv,/cc]r am! and sJbji]cl J 0,{€r
natura day ight), halogen light ls brlght, cr sp and wh te, mak ng the colors
dislrrre neans grrdlr/ drafia
of merchandlse, food and featured objects appear nat!ra and true{o'Jfe
. lccenl fact0r lhe tqltet lhe au:ent rattc, lhe
, Long lamp lile with near-pe ect lumen naintenance halogen lamps last
mare drarnatic lne liihttng effert
lonqer than c0nventi0nal incandescent amps and show virtua ly no oss of
l!ht output, redircing the need for frequent arnp rep acement
, High energy efticiency- halogen lamps de iver more lumens per waft of
enerqy than c0nventi0nal incandescent amps, for lower energy costs
Which Masterline lamp to specify.
llse the chart be ow as a gu de t0 some 0f the ways t0 ach eve the
The se ection ofappropr ate Masterl ne amps fOr y0ur app cat 0r is desired effects and benelts 0f I ght fg w th lvasterLine amps Wh ie
dictated arg€ y by the atm0sph€re y0u seek t0 e$abi sh the effects and applcatr0ns isted are am0ng the mcst w de y used, yolr
Phi ips prov des a comprehensive ass0rtment 0f lvJasterL n€ ha ogel specrfc app icat on may call f0r 0ther I ght rg $ralegies, y0Lrr Ph llps
amps su tab e for virtually every accent and d splay i0htin0 need. L ght ng representat \/e l]an help you reach your ght na 0blectives


: fl l?t#,iton:t:,0,,,,
ru &alF
rl PAR-16 (60w, NF)
PAR'30 (50w, NF)
, Deslgr flexibilityfrom
compacl size
.Enhanced merchandise

. Food appears more

U ffi ffi
Create dramaiic I lltrl I ll . Decorative Elemcnrs
PAR'20, (50w, SP)
accents on displays appelrzlng
PAR 30, (75w, SP)
. Producls displayed
and obiects
lYllll]:P;TJff,,, PARI6 (60w, NSP)
attrafiive to customers

lZ-l mn
U @
.s,,'u,, PAB 30 (50w, NSP) , Aitention brought to object
l{r "1)l .Sculpture
EVB € PAR 30 (75w, NSP) . Exciting, damatic effect
|\:J-lJ 'An objects &ag PAR 38 (60w, SP)

Save energy
PAB'3B (60w, 75, 90, F) Direct store traflic
PAR 30 {50w, F) Enhance store idenlity
Downlighling or
floodlig hling to create
@:3rl:iffil'" PAR 16 (40w, NF) lo attracl targel lifestyle
a comfortable and
inviting ambiance Foyers

ru ffi @
. Create pleasanl,
Dining Tables
PAB 30 (75w, NF) nlmale atmosphere
. Save energy

Wallwashing or
spot,ighting to create
attraclive room
ru &E ffi PAR-30 (75w S)
PAR-38 (60w,75,90, S) lelp direct traff ic f low
Anract attention to wall
objects and displays
higlrlighting wall Biill[*;r**'** ffi Create appropriate

ru &g [e-]
displays ALL PAR-16 {40w, NF) am0tance
PAR-30 (75w, NF)
PAR-20 (50w, NF)

Eean Spread: NS - Narraw Spat, S=Spat, Nf = Narrow Fload, f=Fload

B-rightness lnprcssion: L=Law, M = Maderate, B=Bright, VB=VeryBright
Accent Factot: Lf = Law fheatrital15 1). T=lheatrml[151), D = Dranatjc BA:1), VD.VeryDranatic6a+t)
nA$ERUL PAR-38 Retrolit Chart

$12.00 1X
$12.00 34X

$12.00 1X
26qfi2 45PAm8/'llrsPr
75n,6P $12.00

$36.00 lx
150nfl $36 00
$36.00 ]X
331314 60PAm8rt/SPr
15orySP $36.00

$30.00 ]X
324228 /5PAfl38/H/FL'r
90PAm8/H]ft $ 6.m 1X

150PA8/SP s30 00 ]X
3?€30 /5PAm8/r/SP. gOPArc8Al/SP $ 000 1X

$24 00 ]X
1508/FL $24 04

g0PAru8/lrlsP ,
$24 00 ]X
150&1SP $24 m

o d ,t" ,q ,.
I "0.
o i"0f0.o F". I !. a ddo! o iapo
' 8Aed on 10{ per KWllarerql rcle 4000 nua opeGlng ho!6
(11 A$daa[e i ]30!o l
IfAJIERye PAR-20 Retrofit Chart

nASnRU€_ PAR-16 Retrolit Chart

50820 $ 400 11X
/5830/5P s1400 21\
50820 $ 400 3X
75R30/Fl $r4 00 3t

/5R20 $ 6 0rl 9l
/5830/5P s 600
75n20 $ 600 24X
/5830/F $ 600 4it
15F3olsP $ 600 Equal
r00N30fL $1000 3X
Philips Lighting CompanV
200 Franklin Square Drive. P.O. Box 6800
Somerset. NJ 08875-6800
A D v s on o1 Norlh Amer can Ph ps Corporal on
Pr fled n llSA 8/92 P 2919 A


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