Technical Guidance Notes: Level 2, No. 13

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Technical Guidance Note | Level 2, No. 13

Technical Guidance Notes

Level 2, No. 13: Masonry cladding to
steel-framed buildings
Technical Guidance Notes are published by The Institution of
Chris O’Regan Structural Engineers to provide guidance to engineers in the early
BEng(Hons), CEng, FIStructE, MICE stages of their careers. This note has been prepared by AECOM on
Principal Engineer, Building Engineering, AECOM, behalf of the Institution.
London, UK

Introduction ICON LEGEND

Since the invention of medium-storey framed structures in the late 1800s,
there has been a need to clad them with a reasonably robust material that W Design principles
acts as an efficient barrier to the external environment. Masonry delivers
the performance required of a cladding system on multiple fronts. It has W Applied practice
therefore developed from a load-bearing element within structures to
become a component of an envelope to larger framed buildings.
W Further reading
This Technical Guidance Note introduces structural engineers to the
interfaces between a primary structure that is principally formed from
W Web resources
steelwork and a masonry cladding system.

to perform as a system; material properties of those stipulated within the building’s design
Design principles masonry are discussed in Technical Guidance documentation. In the UK, this is normally
Note Level 1, No. 27 Introduction to masonry. the guidance given in the National Structural
Steelwork Specification (NSSS). This allows the
There are four key aspects of masonry cladding Methods of support specialist installer to use methods they have
to steel-framed buildings that need to be Unlike curtain wall cladding systems, masonry developed over many years to counter the
understood before developing an interface is heavy and brittle, making it very sensitive to variances from the defined datum within the
between them. These are: movement of the supporting structure. Masonry steel frame.
 methods of support (both vertically cladding therefore needs robust connections Direct lateral restraint is provided by the
and horizontally) to the primary structure that will allow the frame on a floor-by-floor basis, but vertical
 movement of masonry envelope to expand and contract during the support is intermittent. This reduces the cost
 movement of supporting elements building’s lifetime. of installing proprietary support systems, which
 corrosion prevention. Geometry is also important when developing are typically expensive (Figure 1).
a support system for masonry cladding. An alternative is to support masonry cladding
Any masonry-based cladding system Complex shapes may be formed with the off a sub-frame that is fixed to the primary
requires a robust interface that addresses all cladding and consideration must be given structure. This allows cladding brackets to be
these aspects to avoid failure. Depending on to how accurately it will be installed. In any aligned as required for the masonry units within
the aspect under consideration, failure may cladding interface with a primary structure, the the cladding, which may not coincide with
occur immediately after construction (e.g. level of accuracy within the cladding system is the ideal place to fix to the primary structure.
due to an inadequate method of support) or typically different to that of the structure it is A comparative explanation of these support
during the lifespan of the building (e.g. due to enveloping. methods is given in Table 1.
corrosion). For masonry cladding systems, it is Due to the high vertical loads that masonry
This note examines each aspect in turn considered best practice not to specify cladding imposes onto the primary frame
and identifies how they rely on one another tolerances or movement greater than structure, it is possible that a significant

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Technical Level 2, No. 13 | Technical Guidance Note

the masonry is exposed to, while design of the cladding panel must
moisture may be absorbed from take into account the support
the air or originate from exposure conditions that are present due to
to rain water. The two materials these movement joints.
typically used for masonry are In the UK, this should be carried
clay and concrete. These behave out in accordance to BS EN
differently with respect to in-plane 1996-1-1, with the assumption that
movement – clay undergoes long- the lateral support conditions
term expansion while concrete will are either simply supported or, in
shrink in the long term. some cases, not present. These
Cladding panels require conditions depend on the type
horizontal and vertical movement of movement joint installed within
joints to prevent the build-up the wall panel. Additionally, all
of stresses caused by planar panels exposed to wind pressure
movement. (This phenomenon must be designed for horizontal
only applies to thin-wall cladding actions due to wind, as defined in
systems due their inability to BS EN 1991-1-4. This is covered in
spread the induced stresses Technical Guidance Note Level 1,
within their thickness. Load- No. 4 Derivation of wind load.
bearing masonry elements are The maximum distance between
typically much thicker and can horizontal movement joints within
therefore resist these increases in a masonry cladding panel in a
stresses.) multistorey structure is typically
The layout of movement joints no more than three floors or 9m,
is normally determined by the whichever is the lesser, from the
cladding specialist. The structural ground level. Further horizontal
engineer should design support joints are required at every other
 Figure 1
Typical vertical support to masonry wall systems that are sympathetic floor for storeys above the third
to these joints. In addition, the level (Figure 2). For buildings less

eccentric load will be applied onto the perimeter

beam of the frame. This can lead to torsional TABLE 1: METHODS OF VERTICAL SUPPORT TO MASONRY CLADDING
effects, as described in Technical Guidance
Note Level 1, No. 21 How to avoid torsion. Fixing type Advantages Disadvantages
To counter this issue, a closed steel section Cast-in fixings to floor slabs Fast installation and robust Reliant on coursing to
can be used to support the masonry. These support system masonry to match floor slab
are resilient to torsion, but are not as stiff as
open steel sections of a similar depth. They Proprietary support angles to Less reliant on coursing to Can cause torsion to primary
therefore have greater vertical deflections primary structure masonry cladding matching steel elements and increase
that cannot easily be accommodated by the location of line of support complexity of fixing of angle
masonry cladding. It is recommended to detail supports to structure
the support system in such a way as to avoid Sub-frame supported from Designed for single purpose Slightly more expensive than
significant torsional effects onto the perimeter primary structure of supporting masonry with other more direct support
steel beams (see Technical Guidance Note primary structure acting as methods and requires close
Level 1, No. 21 for guidance). anchor/foundation coordination with primary
Lateral restraint to masonry cladding is frame design
typically provided by wall ties attached to the
primary superstructure. These can be cast TABLE 2: METHODS OF FIXING WALL TIES TO PRIMARY STRUCTURE
in where there is a concrete floor edge and/
or fixed directly to the steelwork. The latter Fixing type Advantages Disadvantages
method of fixing requires careful consideration
due to the high moisture content these ties are Bolted through steel Robust fixing that creates Sensitive to tolerance of verticality
exposed to; the connection to the mild steel element positive and resilient of wall ties versus primary structure.
frame element is typically the weakest point. connection between wall tie May require vertically slotted holes to
Table 2 describes the three most common and steel element overcome this within steelwork
methods for fixing wall ties to masonry into the Self-tapping screws Easy to install and provide Rely heavily on good workmanship on
primary structure. reasonably robust part of installer
connection to steel elements
In-plane movement of masonry
Proprietary slotted Pre-installed onto steel and Expensive when compared to other
There are two principle causes of in-plane
fixings slotted configuration makes fixing methods and can be damaged
movement of masonry cladding panels: thermal
them less sensitive to vertical during transportation of steel
variances and moisture ingress. Thermal effects
tolerances elements they are fixed to
are generated by temperature variances that

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Technical Guidance Note | Level 2, No. 13

 Figure 2
Location of horizontal
movement joints in
W Figure 3
Elevation on
vertical movement
masonry cladding joint and masonry
panels support angle

than 12m tall, no horizontal movement joints are apply to the design of steel elements with
regards to relative vertical deflections cannot
With respect to vertical movement joints, MASONRY PANELS be followed.
BS EN 1996-2, Cl. advises that they For example, a typical floor supporting beam
be placed at 10–12m centres, with 15m being Movement joint Joint widths (mm) is advised to have a vertical deflection limit of
a maximum provided the mortar beds are spacing (m) span/360 or 20mm (whichever is the lesser)
reinforced. when subjected to a variable action. So, for a
0–7 10
Table 3 provides a guide to the thickness 6m long beam that supports a 150mm concrete
of joints in single-storey clay-based masonry 7–11 15 floor slab, the maximum allowable deflection
panels. These are marked against the required 11–15 15–20 is 17mm. For a beam supporting a wall, 17mm
gap in the movement joint and are based on a is too large a vertical deflection and will likely
ratio of a 1.3mm gap in the joint per linear metre cause the wall to crack, as the beam deflects
length of masonry panel, e.g. 10m centres = a masonry wall that is supported by a proprietary due to the variable actions applied to it.
minimum 13mm gap required to the movement angle can create a bridge across the joint. It is therefore good practice to limit vertical
joint. Note that when developing movement joint Therefore, the angle cannot be continuous deflections of beams that directly support
layouts, the less frequent the joints, the wider through the joint, otherwise the masonry masonry to no more than 5mm or span/500
they need to be. cladding panel would be prevented from moving (whichever is the lesser) when they are
Vertical movement joints in masonry cladding within its own plane (Figure 3). subjected to all applied actions, including
are typically left open, as the cladding acts The final consideration for movement the cladding it supports. This can lead to
only as a rain screen due to masonry’s inherent joints within masonry cladding is to ensure changes to the primary structure, such as the
porosity. A waterproof membrane is placed that the lateral stability of the panels is not introduction of additional columns, to ensure
behind the cladding to act as the first layer of compromised by the presence of the joints. these deflection limits are met. This is a very
defence against moisture ingress. While the joints are required to prevent stresses stringent requirement and can be difficult to
For cavity walls, two different materials are increasing within the wall, the overall stability achieve, but it is important to adhere to in order
typically used to form the two skins of the of the masonry panel is equally important. This to avoid the masonry cladding cracking and, in
wall, e.g. clay bricks and concrete blocks. This can lead to the joints being positioned in visually some cases, becoming unstable.
difference in material impacts on the wall ties undesirable locations, creating a patchwork- Horizontal sway is also subject to stricter
that provide lateral restraint to the two skins. like appearance to the cladding. It is therefore requirements due to the way masonry cladding
The ties must be allowed to flex as the two important to pay special attention to this when reacts to movements of the primary structure.
materials react differently to planar movement setting out the joints, to avoid undermining the For buildings up to six storeys, the traditional
within the wall. These movements are due to desired finish of the cladding. recommended limit of height/300 per storey
environmental effects (e.g. moisture and/or applies. For buildings approaching 20 storeys,
thermal effects) that cause the clay masonry to Displacement of supporting this limit is reduced to height/600 per storey.
expand and the concrete block to contract. To structural elements At such an elevation, height/300 equates to
counter the differential movement, the vertical Masonry cladding is sensitive to movement approx. 200mm, which would be an excessive
joints are staggered between the two skins of of the primary structure it is tied to, especially horizontal sway for masonry cladding. The
the cavity wall to prevent the wall ties becoming when a cement-based mortar is used, as reduced limit maintains stability.
overstressed. this reduces the flexibility of the wall panel. The final form of movement between
The interface between movement joints and Structural engineers must therefore take extra the steel frame and the masonry cladding
support systems needs to be coordinated. For care when developing support systems for is differential movement between the two
example, a vertical movement joint within the masonry cladding elements. The rules that components of the building structure. Clay

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Technical Level 2, No. 13 | Technical Guidance Note

masonry walls have a tendency to expand

vertically at a greater rate than the steelwork
structure, causing it to move in all orientations
relative to the primary structure. The wall ties
are therefore designed to be able to flex, to
allow relative movement between the frame and
the masonry without causing it to be restrained.
This avoids the build-up of stresses within the
wall panel that it cannot withstand, which would
cause it to crack.
W Figure 4
Drainage to cavity wall
supported by primary
Corrosion prevention
A primary reason for the failure of masonry
cladding panels is the corrosion of the wall ties
that provide lateral support to the wall panels. Wall tie – mechanical restraint device fixed
Older masonry-clad buildings are prone to this Applied practice between wall skins of a cavity wall and/or
failure and significant remedial works have been primary structure where one is present.
undertaken to repair and replace the existing
wall ties to these historic wall panels. BS EN 1996-1-1 Eurocode 6: Design of Further reading
The trigger for corrosion in contemporary masonry structures. General rules for Brick Development Association (1986) Brick
masonry-clad systems is the result of an reinforced and unreinforced masonry structures cladding to steel framed buildings, London: BDA
electrolytic or bimetallic interface between
wall restraints and supports and the mild steel NA to BS EN 1996-1-1 Eurocode 6: Design Brick Development Association (2014)
primary frame elements. Wall ties and support of masonry structures. General rules for Movement joints: Provision of brickwork
angles are typically made from stainless steel, reinforced and unreinforced masonry structures expansion joints, London: BDA
as they are placed within an environment that
is directly exposed to moisture. The porous BS EN 1996-2 Eurocode 6: Design of masonry Concrete Block Association (2003) Aggregate
nature of masonry allows water to pass through structures. Design considerations, selection of concrete blocks: A guide to movement control,
it into the space between the cladding and materials and execution of masonry Leicester: CBA
the primary structure. This creates a moisture-
rich environment that needs to be properly NA to BS EN 1996-2 Eurocode 6: Design of Corus Construction & Industrial (2004)
ventilated, otherwise the wall support and masonry structures. Design considerations, A corrosion protection guide for steelwork
restraint system will quickly deteriorate due to selection of materials and execution of masonry in building interiors and perimeter walls,
corrosion. Scunthorpe: Corus
To overcome this problem, a layer of isolating PD 6697:2010 Recommendations for the
material is placed between the stainless steel design of masonry structures to BS EN 1996-1-1
wall tie and supporting elements and the mild and BS EN 1996-2
steel beams. This typically takes the form of Resources
plastic bushes, gaskets and washers that act as
an inert barrier between the two metals. Glossary and further reading
Steelwork within the external cladding Brick Development Association:
envelope (i.e. the elements that directly
provide restraint and support to the masonry) Glossary
is considered to be placed within an external Bimetallic corrosion – accelerated corrosion Concrete Block Association:
environment and needs a significant amount due to contact with dissimilar metals that
of corrosion protection. In the UK, the Steel creates an electrical contact.
Construction Institute (SCI) recommends that www.steelconstruction.
C1, C2 and C3 category of corrosion protection Clay masonry – typical external facing info/Facades_and_interfaces#Support_to_
be applied. This is on the provision that there is brickwork. brickwork
no direct contact between the masonry and the
mild steel frame elements.
Over time, masonry will crack and develop
leakage. To prepare for this, measures need
to be taken to drain water away from the
steelwork to the outer face of the masonry AECOM is built to deliver a better world. We design, build, finance and operate
(Figure 4). These typically take the form of infrastructure assets for governments, businesses and organisations in more than 150
gaps in the masonry units, creating discreet countries. As a fully integrated firm, we connect knowledge and experience across our
weep holes through which the moisture can be global network of experts to help clients solve their most complex challenges.

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