Post Fi X Anchors: Icon Legend

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Note 29 Level 1

40 TheStructuralEngineer Technical
July 2013 Technical Guidance Note

Post fix anchors
Introduction ICON Introduction to
W post fix anchors
Post fix anchors are typically present when a modification is installed into a LEGEND
structure. This could be due to a late change or as part of a refurbishment.
These anchors have been used to attach structural elements to concrete W Applied practice

and masonry for many years and recently the technology behind them has
become increasingly complex. Additionally, they are used in temporary W Further reading
and enabling works, fixings for barriers, balconies and handrails and for
providing fixings to restraint straps in domestic construction.
W Web resources

In response to this, we have developed a Technical Guidance Note that

introduces post fix anchors in an attempt to provide some clarity around
the multitude of options that can be presented to a designer required to
specify anchors.

Expansion grip

N Figure 1
Typical mechanical anchor N Figure 2
Typical resin anchor N Figure 3
Resin anchor placed into debris filled hole

presence of drilling detritus and/or creep over post fix anchors. The depth of embedment
Introduction to time, the anchor could potentially fail (Figure and thickness of the base material defines
post fix anchors 3). It fails because the localised gripping the size of the ‘cone of failure’, which the
action is reduced. It is for this reason that the anchor’s performance is based on. The cone
There are essentially two types of post integrity of the bond between the resin and of failure is the section of base material
fix anchors: mechanical and resin. The the base material is maintained, by cleaning that the anchor is bonded to; be it by
mechanical type places a localised grip onto the drill hole prior to installing the resin. clamping action or chemical resin bonding.
the sides of the wall of the hole it has been It is referred to as a ‘cone’ as that is its
placed into (Figure 1). The most commonly Choice of anchor approximate shape after an anchor fails by
seen version of this type of anchor is the There are many external elements that being pulled out (Figure 4).
screw plug. This is where a plastic plug is influence the choice of anchor. The most
placed into a hole and a screw is then placed important is the type of base material it Similarly the relative location of anchors to
into the plug. As the screw is tightened, is to be fixed into. Concrete can support both each other and the distance to any
the plug mechanically expands outwards, both mechanical and resin anchors while, edge, is of similar importance to the base
jamming the screw and plug into the material for masonry, only screw plug and chemical material type. Mechanical anchors are
it is fixed into. resin anchors are appropriate. Other types particularly sensitive to this as they rely
of mechanical anchor are likely to break on the cone of failure of the base material
Resin anchors are are made up of two the masonry. It is for this reason that resin around them to resist the forces applied to
components: the anchor and resin it is anchors are typically used in masonry them (Figure 5).
installed into. The resin is the primary walls; they were developed specifically
component that binds the anchor to the for this purpose. The orientation of anchors is also important;
base material. It is vital therefore, that the especially when they are installed into
hole is thoroughly cleaned prior to inserting Size, depth and location the soffit of structural elements such
the resin. The anchor is inserted into the The size of the anchor and the material as floor slabs. In these cases, careful
resin, which in turn sticks to the base it is made from, play a significant part in attention should be paid to potential failure
material (Figure 2). determining its strength, but there are mechanisms, which can result in a cascade
other aspects to its installation that impact effect of neighbouring anchors failing as
If the bond between the adhesive and the on its performance. The thickness of the the force spreads across to them. It is
base material is compromised due to the base material also influences the design of recommended that in such instances some

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E Figure 5
Geometric influences on post fix anchors
• Make, type and size of anchor
• Assumption on condition of base material
• Baseplate thickness and size
• Likelihood of corrosion to the
anchors based on exposure conditions
• Location of anchor placement
• Depth of embedment
• Forces/actions the anchors have been
Edge distance designed for
• Minimum thickness of base material
• Manufacturer and component reference
number of anchor
• Testing regime
performance of post fix anchors: • Design life of structure
E Figure 4
Cone of
failure in anchors
• Type and strength of base material It is not advisable to allow for alternatives
• Spacing of anchors unless the designer is willing to carry out a
• Edge distance between the anchor re-design of the fixing should a request be
and the base material made by the installer.
• Depth of embedment of the anchor
• Thickness of base material
• Angle of resultant force Eurocode 0.
Applied practice
Manufacturers of anchors provide
comprehensive guides on how to design
their fixings. Most provide design software BS 8539:2012: Code of practice for the
that allows the designer to alter the fixing selection and installation of post-installed
type and geometry of the anchor group anchors in concrete and masonry
dynamically. This saves a considerable

S Figure 6
Forces on an anchor
amount of time when undergoing
the process of trial and error when
designing post fix anchors. However, it is
Glossary and
recommended that hand calculation checks
further reading
S = Shear are carried out when using this software, to
T = Tension verify its output. Cone of failure – The primary line of
R = Resultant shear resistance within the base material
It is also important to note that in many against pull-out.
instances, the anchor specified by the
designer may not be able to be sourced by Expansion anchor – A mechanical bolt
the contractor. In such instances it is required assembly that expands when tightened.
that the contractor alerts the designer to this,
so that they can re-assess the connection Resin anchor – A bolt that is placed within
solution developed, based on an alternate a chemical adhesive that fixes to the walls of
redundancy is built into the proposed fixing anchor that can be procured. the recess it has been installed into.
solution. This is achieved by allowing for one
anchor to fail, with neighbouring anchors Testing of post fix anchors Screw plug – A plastic plug that is installed
being able to support the load irrespective of If there is any doubt over the integrity of the into the wall and expands when a screw is
the failed anchor. base material, samples of anchors should be placed into it. Typically used for very low loads.
tested following their installation. The same
Method of design applies if there is any uncertainty over the
The basis for the design of anchors should quality of the installation of the anchors. Eurocode 0.
take into account the action that is to be Web resources
applied to them. These design actions will, Typically, tests are not required for fixings
in most instances, have both shear and that are installed within concrete, if they are
tension components which are known as compliant with European Technical Approval Construction Fixings Association:
a ‘combined action’ (Figure 6). The shear, requirements. Additionally, no testing is
tension and combined action applied to the required when the anchors have been
anchor is then compared against the base installed by trained operators. Structural-Safety (2008) SCOSS Alert
design resistance of the anchor, as specified 048A: The selection and installation of
by the manufacturer. This resistance Specifying anchors construction fixings:
value has a series of coefficients applied When specifying anchors it is imperative that
to it, which are used to arrive at a design the designer communicate, in as much detail
resistance. These coefficients represent as possible, exactly what fixings they wish to The Institution of Structural Engineers library:
the following elements that influence the be used. This information should include:

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