Australian Curriculum (Content Description, Code and Elaboration/s) OR NSW Syllabus (Outcome, Code and Content Descriptor/s)

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Learning Area: MUSIC APST Focus Areas: Select one or two APST to focus on in this lesson. After the lesson, Date: 30/10/2020
Stage/ Grade: YEAR 7/ STAGE 4 you can reflect on how this lesson contributed to your ability to meet these standards. Time: Wk. A- Friday, period 2
Class: MUE 2.3 Use curriculum, assessment and reporting knowledge to design learning Length: 60 mins
sequences and lesson plans.

5.1 Demonstrate a range of verbal and non-verbal communication strategies

to support student engagement.

Australian Curriculum (content description, code and elaboration/s) OR NSW Syllabus (outcome, code and content descriptor/s) You will find these details in the curriculum/ syllabus
documents or on resources provided. Do not try to cover lots of content. Focus in on the key learning for this lesson. Remember these are long-term goals – your lesson is a short-term
Syllabus Content to be covered:
• tonality: the effect created by the observance of a particular scale pattern.
• melody: a succession of pitches

Syllabus Outcomes to be covered:

• demonstrates an understanding of musical concepts through exploring, experimenting, improvising, organising, arranging and composing
• notates compositions using traditional and/or non-traditional notation
• demonstrates an understanding of the musical concepts through listening, observing, responding, discriminating, analysing, discussing and recording
musical ideas.

Learning Intention(s): Must be explicit and written in student friendly Success criteria: Must be explicit and written in student friendly language (usually written in first or
language. Learning goals should be challenging but achievable. second voice)

Students will learn musical concepts through performing, Lesson Objective: As a result of this lesson the students will be able to:
composing and listening experiences on Duration and Pitch, about:
 East Asian tonal centre  Understand the sequence of a major pentatonic scale
 Melody in Asian ensembles  Perform it in traditional Chinese language
 Composing using traditional notation  Compose using traditional pentatonic scale notes
 Major pentatonic scale using Chinese solfa

Success criteria:
Students will learn to:
 Perform a pentatonic scale
 identify the notes in a major pentatonic scale  Compose a 4 bar sequence using pentatonic scale notes
 Respond by performing examples of a major pentatonic  Notate it on the stave.
 Compose using the notes out of the major pentatonic scale.

Cross-curriculum Priorities: If relevant, list any of the CCPs (Sustainability, Asia & Australia’s Engagement with Asia, Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Histories
and Cultures) that you have incorporated into your lesson. It would be important to indicate in your procedure where this occurs.

Topic covered- Music of a Culture: Traditional Music of China

General Capabilities: List any of the general capabilities (Literacy, Numeracy, ICT, Critical & Creative Thinking, Personal & Social Capability, Ethical
Understanding, Intercultural Understanding) that you have incorporated into your lesson. For NSW students, also include Civics & Citizenship, Difference &
Diversity, Work & Enterprise). It would be important to indicate in your procedure where this occurs.

Cross Curriculum content: ICT, Difference and Diversity.

Key Competencies: Solving Problems, Using technology.

Literacy: Discussing, analysing and writing about musical concepts.

Numeracy: Discussion about ratios in a pentatonic scale sequence.

Considerations for classroom management and student diversity: Carefully consider your students and the topic/ activities you have planned.

Management - for example: - seating plans, safety considerations, classroom organisation, prevention and intervention strategies.
Diversity – consideration of strengths and needs of students in this particular class, including but not exclusive to students with disability, those who are gifted and talented and those
for whom English is an additional language or dialect. What strategies and resources will support inclusive student participation and engagement of ALL students in this lesson?
Differentiation strategies will be listed in the section below.

SOME of these considerations may remain on your master copy but NOT ALL OF THEM.

Timing Procedure/ Teaching and learning activities Resource and teaching strategies Plans for differentiation Assessment
This is a PROCEDURE and should be written as one. That means like a and feedback
recipe – concise & explicit. Step by step. Use dot points or numbers. You
don’t need to explain WHY you are doing things, just WHAT you and the
students will be doing.

(Total: INTRODUCTION: Think of every piece of equipment you will What teaching strategies are Assessment in learning-
need to engage students and deliver a you using to ensure you are
15mins) successful, inclusive lesson. List resources meeting the diverse needs of Diagnostic assessment,
How will you will focus the attention of the students & motivate them to
for each lesson phase. the students? and scaffolding of prior
listen to you? Engagement will occur if the students sense that the content
to follow is worthwhile. If applicable take this opportunity to: If relevant, consider the venue for your Do you have activities
 stimulate the students’ interest in the lesson/ task lesson. How will you prepare it? Do you planned that will differentiate knowledge.
 review prior knowledge/ acknowledge background knowledge need to book it? What if it rains, etc? for individuals or small
 establish the purpose and significance of the lesson groups? Does this reflect
 link what is to follow with what has been presented in the past Resource/Materials/Technology what you have written in the
 establish /negotiate expectations, including behavioural expectations section: - “Considerations
Projector (Vivi) for classroom management Prior
and LI & SC.
PowerPoint software and student diversity”?
This is a critical phase of the lesson. It is often overlooked or considered Internet
lightly. Set your lesson up for success. Prior
Computers Students have
(ORIENTATION) Sheet music previously done a
Pencils Students have research activity on the
How to achieve it- Success criteria: piano previously done a traditional Chinese
research activity on the instruments. Students
 Perform a pentatonic scale Use a variety of teaching strategies and aim traditional Chinese were able to identify
 Compose a 4 bar sequence using pentatonic scale for student engagement. Be the interesting instruments.
notes teacher that all the students enjoy learning and articulate tone
from! Students were able to colour and texture in
 Notate it on the stave.
(Total identify and articulate
Key Vocab traditional Chinese
10) tone colour and texture
Major pentatonic scale music.
(GUIDED DISCOVERY) in traditional Chinese
(5min) Melody music. How will you know if the
Scale success criteria have been
Questioning strategies: achieved and by whom?
Tonal centre
I do:
Do you need to include a
A mix between open diagnostic assessment
 Teacher introduces the pentatonic scale in relation to and closed questions to strategy in the orientation
the C major scale. phase to determine what
ensure students use students already know?
 Compares the major pentatonic scale to the scale
(5min) degrees of C major. combination of:
Do the formative or
recollecting, summative assessments you
understanding use in the lesson body and
conclusion relate to the
We do: information from learning intention and
previous lesson about success criteria?
 Prompted Practice: asks students about key
Teaching strategies: The teacher traditional Chinese Strategies should be varied &
signature of c major?
will provide examples for those music. mindful of the different ways
 > identify the notes on the stave in relation to the that students receive
two scales, asks about the differences. who are not understanding the information and construct
task. Singing the pentatonic knowledge.
 Teacher segways to exploration phase, introduces
(20mins) the activity requirements and recaps on note scale together, then on
You will need to gather some
durations with class. evidence DURING the lesson
their own. to inform your reflections
What strategy will you use to
(EXPLORATION) Differentiate the task by guiding Teacher differentiates collect student data e.g. exit
them in a one bar portion of the by providing methods card, collection of work
You do: composition activity. of independent

research, doing the Record your assessment

 Students are to complete a composition task using strategy along with the
the notes from in a major pentatonic scale. Students tasks in pairs. And for criteria for the task. Be
are given the parameters of their composition. the students who need succinct. Use dot points. Like
this: -
 Parameters include: 4/4, C major, and only using further assistance, do Assessment strategy
(5mins) crotchet, minims, and semi quaver note durations-no one with them and then  Criteria
rests. have them only aim to  Criteria
 students are given 15 minutes to compose their 4 bar  Criteria
do 4 sample answers.
compositions into their music books.
Assessment in learning-
Diagnostic assessment,
(REFLECTION) and (Pack Up)
Key Questions and scaffolding of prior
What is the scale that Chinese knowledge.
music bases their tonality from Which models of
differentiation are you
called? adopting?
Linking learning: What are these notes using the For example: -
terms scale degrees? Students will be
 Recaps on the content of the lesson by prompted * Universal Design for
What music does this scale Learning (UDL) - removing monitored and
remind you of? barriers with flexible methods
evaluated during their
 Class packs away. of presentation, expression
and engagement (2000) learning process.
BODY: * Maker Model (1982) - Teacher will prompt,
adjustment of environment, remind and check for
This where YOU TEACH the knowledge or skill you want the students to content, process and /or
product student understanding.
master or explore. This section of the lesson should include some explicit
teaching time where you guide the students through the new information,
* Williams Model (1986) –
concept or skill, checking for understanding. good for Visual Arts

THEN you can set the students to work making sense of the concept through * Learning Contracts
Formative assessment –
the exploration of the key content (listed in your learning intention). The evaluate students’ work
active manipulation and construction of ideas and materials will assist in * Tiered Learning in task time.
the consolidation and formation of new knowledge.
* Compacting
This lesson phase often includes MODELLED, GUIDED and
* Layered Curriculum
INDEPENDENT activities.
KEY questions – note these down to ensure you stay on track. * Cubing


In this lesson phase you review the key learning from the lesson. At this
stage you should have a real sense of the outcome of the lesson – do the
students get it/ if not why not? This is your last opportunity to give the Diagnostic assessment
lesson relevance by linking it to past experiences or signposting how it will to assess if students
be useful in the future. have met their success
Don’t forget to give focused feedback and give the opportunity for sharing criteria.
quality work.
Teachers Reflexion:
Timing is important here – you must allocate time so that you know whether
students have achieved the learning intentions for the lesson before the Were my questions
lesson concludes
effective and well
Reflection on student engagement and achievement against delivered?
the outcome, indicator or objective based on information /
How efficiently l did I
evidence provided by the assessment strategies within the
teach the topics?
lesson. This should be guided by the learning intention and
success criteria provided to students for this specific lesson. How well did students
respond to my
explanation of the
 identify the notes in a major pentatonic scale topics?
 Respond by performing examples of a major
pentatonic scale What worked well in ‘I
 Compose using the notes out of the major do, We Do, You Do’ part
pentatonic scale. of the lesson? What

Objectives Did I praise students

correct responses?
 Perform a pentatonic scale
 Compose a 4 bar sequence using pentatonic scale Did the students leave
notes the lesson knowing how
 Notate it on the stave.
to describe and
distinguish the
traditional Chinese
Success criteria sound within
instruments, tone
 Sing along to major pentatonic sequences colour and texture?
 Use traditional notation methods and compose a 4-
bar sequence utilizing the major pentatonic notes Did I focus on the
and selection of note values. targeted APST?

Students did meet their learning outcomes as most had all

participated in the class sequences and activities. Some
students had not completed their compositions so this will
need time in next lesson for completion. It was also
suggested that students extend their knowledge in the next
lesson by performing their compositions and showcasing
them to the class.

Reflection on your pedagogy. Namely the teacher skills and

strategies employed during this lesson. Reflect on your
communication skills;
Your questioning, explanations, demonstrations.
Were management strategies instigated?

I feel that perhaps more video examples would have been

beneficial to help showcase that major pentatonic sound
utilized in traditional Chinese music.

The major pentatonic scale itself needed more background

and reference to its significance and importance in the
universal context of traditional and non-traditional contexts.
Maybe look at a TED talk video for some direction here.

Upon exploration phase some students had some issue

understanding the task and note values. This will need
further scaffolding and addressing in next class as a refresher

Students found it impossible to sing a major pentatonic scale

using number system with only the tonic note given. Perhaps
research better way to help sequence this to help with
pitching and interval recognition in future.

Students were responding well to the silent treatment when

they were talking over me, I led the class from the back of
the room but indicated this to the class before proceeding
which had them point their attention to me where

Students in this lesson were given sufficient time for pack up

and recap as I had allocated and articulated time slots for
each phase of the lesson using my timer on my phone.

Reflection for action:

If I taught this lesson again I would… (also have a clear

action plan for the following lesson/s

Were my questions effective and well delivered?

Questions helped prompted student thinking. Any mis-

demeanours and misunderstandings that as a collective
recognised, were handled and verified promptly with the
entire class.

How efficiently l did I teach the topics?

Topics and sequences were articulate quite clearly as

mentioned in my feedback notes by my mentor teacher.

How well did students respond to my explanation of the

Students did respond well to my explanation; however, some
were not understanding certain instructions given their level
of individual understanding on those concepts of musical

What worked well in ‘I do, We Do, You Do’ part of the

lesson? What didn’t?

I could have demonstrated or given an example on how to

compose for those individuals who had no experience in
composition. What worked was the framework in the task
activity. As it has set the scope of the do’s and don’ts for
their exploration phase.

Did I praise students correct responses?

I did praise on student accomplishments when I went around

the room to check on some student responses.

Did I focus on the targeted APST?

2.3 Use curriculum, assessment and reporting knowledge to

design learning sequences and lesson plans.

The lesson sequence was informative and clear- student

tasks were well intertwined with the learning outcomes.

5.1 Demonstrate a range of verbal and non-verbal

communication strategies to support student engagement

Not talking over students, and moving around the room

helped achieve fluidity and regain student engagement in
moments where needed.

Further notes: in the next lesson we will continue on and

have the kids perform their compositions to the class. We
will do some more work on note values and traditional

Signature of mentor teacher: Your mentor teacher must see, approve and sign your lesson plan BEFORE you teach it. Date:

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