Aristotle Notes For CSS

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Theory of State

Origin of State
According to Aristotle, man is a social and political animal. He is different from other
animals because of his civilized nature and his capacity to evolve from good to better and
from better to best. Human progress is impossible without the inter-relations of human
beings. So human beings prefer to live together to meet various basic needs which
otherwise they cannot fulfill themselves by living alone.
To satisfy the basic human need of sex, man and woman came together to reproduce.
The master and the salve came together for self-preservation. The master used his
intellect to rule and the slave employed his body to labor.
The household (family) arose naturally from these primitive communities in order to serve
everyday needs. When the number of families increased, the humans formed tribes and
villages to solve some greater needs. Due to some even greater problems and social
needs, the villages and tribes in turn united to form the self-sufficient Institution of State

According to Aristotle, life manifests in several forms (Vegetation, Animals, and Humans).
Vegetative Soul: Performs only two functions i.e. Nutrition and Growth
Animal Soul: Vegetative Soul + Passion (They can walk, eat, fight and have sex)
Human Soul: Animal Soul + Reason

Link with Society:

Vegetative Soul: Family
Animal Soul: Village (Tribe)
Human Soul: State
 State is the Supreme Manifestation of Man’s essential nature.

 He who is unable to live in a society, or he who has no need to because he is

self-sufficient must be either a beast or God.

Nature of State:
1. State is an outcome of human needs and a result of gradual development

2. State is the Highest Natural Association. So it is self-sufficient and does not need
further higher level of association  Contemporary Relevance

3. Organic Nature of State

State is like a Social Organism.


Hand is a part of the human body, and if the body is destroyed, there is nothing called a
hand. A hand is recognized by its function or end or purpose, that is, to grasp things.

This function can be performed only if it is a part of the human body. Similarly,
individuals in the state are like hands of the body. The purpose of these individuals is to
lead a good life and this is not possible unless they are a part of the state.

To make the state healthy, individuals must also be healthy.

Aims/Objectives/Functions/Ends of State:
 Welfare of its citizens

It is a sovereign body which works for the comforting of its citizens and to meek all
their needs. It exists for the establishment and preservation of a healthy life.
 Individual and Collective Development by protecting Rights and Liberties

It provides a safe and sound environment in the form of Laws to enable its
individuals to develop their potential, and also use their capabilities and talents for
the common good and welfare of the society.

Aristotle’s Ideal State:

 A Balance of Individualism and Collectivism

Aristotle believes that the state should not have absolute powers. There should be
a balance between laws and liberties.

 To enable the Citizens to participate in Governance (Principle of Golden Mean)

Principle of Golden Mean

In every state, there are three classes i.e. Rich, Poor and Middle Class. Those who
are rich excel in power and wealth, and grow arrogant, violent and criminal. The
poor on the other hand often become victims of jealousy and revenge, and develop
violent tendencies towards status quo by becoming rogues.
While the former consider themselves above the laws and don’t obey them, the
latter tend to break them. The government by the former, therefore, would be
despotic and that formed by the latter would be despicable. In either case, the
state remains divided with conflicts, hatred and frictions.
Therefore, state must be run by Middle Class Citizens who favor neither class.
Legislators must always ensure the association of middle class citizens with the
government. Since middle class in numerically stronger than the other two classes,
it is definitely a source of stability.

Conclusion of Theory of State:

1. City State (Polis or Political Community) exists by nature (proved in the start of origin
of state).
2. Human Beings are by nature political animals. Because nature has equipped them with
speech and reason enabling them to communicate moral concepts such as Justice,
which are formative of the household and the city-state.
4. Polis is by nature prior to individuals because individuals cannot perform their natural
functions apart from the city-state, since they are not self-sufficient.
5. Political life is deeply rooted in human nature. Anyone-incapable of political
participation or is self-sufficient is either a beast or a god.

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Aristotle’s Different Forms of Government (Constitution = Organizing

1. Kingship (Monarchy)

 An idealized form of monarchic government in which the king is an exceptional

individual who governs with everyone's best interests in mind.
 Aristotle acknowledges that finding such an outstanding leader is difficult, but
prizes the possibility nonetheless.
 Best only from theoretical perspective

2. Tyranny

 The rule of an individual interested solely in his own benefit. He accumulates

the wealth and satisfies his lust for power.
 A perverse form of kingship, tyranny is unpopular and usually overthrown.
 In Aristotle's opinion, it is the worst type of government.

3. Aristocracy
 The Rule of the Best who value everyone’s interests. The wisest, most just,
most honest and most competitive people.
 It confers benefits on the basis of merit with the result that those who most
deserve to govern do in fact govern.
 But it lacks an economic base among the masses(Middle Class). In no time, it
degenerates into an oligarchy and political office is placed at the disposal of
the highest bidder.

4. Oligarchy

 The Rule of the Few

 A government controlled by a minority consisting of the wealthy
 Oligarchy is a bad form of government, as the ruling faction governs solely in
its own interests, disregarding those of the poor.

5. Polity/Representative Government
(Best Form of Government: A mixture of Aristocracy and Democracy)
The Golden Mean

 The Rule of the Many

 Economic Basis is found in the Middle Class
 A polity is formed when all relevant citizens of the state participate in the
decision making process through open discussions, compromises, and

6. Democracy/Demagoguery/Anarchy

 Extreme Form of Mob Rule. Citizens followed the example set by the rulers in
 Often based on the false assumption of equality i.e. those who are equal in one
respect are equal in all respects.
 Everyone’s voice is equal and the rule of the majority has greater authority than
the law. As a result, the will of the people supersedes law.
 Usually a charismatic leader (demagogue) takes control through populism and
becomes a tyrant.

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