LNAV/VNAV minimums.
Both pilots must complete the required training (CBT+SIM), to be able to start conducting
LNAV/VNAV approaches use both lateral and vertical guidance. Vertical guidance is provided
by the barometric vertical navigation (BARO VNAV) sensors providing an accurate barometric
3. Approach has an accurate published final approach course as the RNP or RNAV(GNSS)
4. Direct clearance to initial fix (IF) or intermediate fix (IF) is allowed but not to the (FAF).
5. Direct to clearances may be accepted to the intermediate fix (IF) provided the resulting track
change at the IF does not exceed 45 degrees.
6. GPS/GNSS system should be operational, and RAIM notams are not available.
9. The VNAV path must cross at or above all step down fixes.
11. Deviation above and below the barometric VNAV path must not exceed 75 feet.
12. At the FAF altitude cross check call, insure that both altimeters agree within ± 100 feet.
13. The temperature limitation and temperature altitude corrections should be applied by pilots as
provided in the FCOM, if the airport temperature is below 0 deg, or is below the minimum
temperature for the approach being flown, advise ATC of the corrections.
14. RNP accuracy required, and the cross Track Error/Deviation allowed for the approach are :
15. For approaches with a missed approach procedures based on a radio aid ( VOR or NDB), the
16. Pilots should revert to the LNAV line of minima if unable to comply with LNAV/VNAV minimum
17. Do not add 50 feet to the LNAV/VNAV DA.Only add 50 feet to the MDA or DA/MDA minimums
18. The procedure must be discontinued under conditions provided in the respective FCOM.