MATHEMATICS G-12 (Practice Paper Class 12)

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Term – I (2023 – 24) Subject –Mathematics

Grade: XII Section: Roll No: Marks: 80

Name of the Student: Time: 3 hr

Instructions:-(1) This questions paper is divided into 5 sections A, B, C, D and E.

(2) Section -A consists 20 MCQs of 1 mark each.
(3) Section - B consists 5 questions of 2 marks each.
(4) Section -C consists 6 questions of 3 marks each.
(5) Section - D consists 6 questions of 4 marks each.
(6) Section -E has 2 case study based questions of 4 marks each.

Section - A
Q.1. Which of the following is not an equivalent relation on Z.
(a)aRb <=> a + b is an even integer. (b) aRb <=> a - b is an even integer
(c)aRb <=> a < b (d) aRb <=> a = b
Q.2. Let A= {1,2,3} then the number of equivalent relations containing (1,2) is
(a) 1. (b) 2. (c) 3. (d) 4
Q.3.The function f: N -> N defined by f(x) = 2x + 3 is
(a) One- one but not onto (b)Onto but not one-one (c) Many - one (d) none of these
Q .4.If f : R -> R where f(x) = (3 - x)¹/³, then fof(x) is equal to
(a)x¹/³. (b) x³. (c) x. (d) 3-x³
Q .5.The value of tan-¹√3 - cot-¹( - √3)is equal to
(a) - π/2. (b) π. (c) 0 (d) 2√3.
Q.6.The value of sec(cosec-¹x)is equal to
(a)cosec(sec-¹x). (b) cotx. (c) π. (d)None of these
Q.7. Matrix A and B are invertible each other if
(a)AB = BA. (b) AB = BA = 0. (c) AB = 0, BA = I. (d) AB = BA = I
Q. 8 .If I is a unit matrix , then 3 I will be
(a)A unit matrix (b) A triangular matrix (c)A scalar matrix (d) none of these
Q.9.In a skew symmetric matrix the diagonal elements are all
(a) different from each other (b)zero (c) one. (d)none of these.
Q.10.If A be a square Matrix of order 3 × 3, then |kA| is equal to;
(a)k|A|. (b) k²|A|. (c)k³|A|. (d)3k|A|
Q. 11.If A is an invertible matrix, then det.(A-¹) is equal to;
(a) det.(A). (b)1/det.(A). (c) 1. (d) none of these.
Q.12. f(x) = (4 - x²)/(4x - x³) is discontinuous only on ;
(a) one point (b)Two points. (c)Three points (d) none of these
Q.13.If x = a cos⁴A, y = a sin⁴ A, then dy/dx at A = 3π/4 is;
(a)a². (b) 1. (c) - 1. (d) -a²
Q.14.d/dx{tan-¹(cos x/1+sin x)} =
(a)1/2. (b)-1/2. (c) 1. (d) -1
Q.15. Function y =x²e is increasing in the interval
(a) (-2 ,0). (b) (2 , 3). (c) (0,2). (d) none of these
Q. 16.Minimum value of (1 - x + x²)/(1+x+x²) for all value of x is
(a) 0. (b) 1. (c) 3. (d)1/3
Q.17.Rate of change in area w.r.t . r on any circle whose radius r = 6 cm is
(a)10 π. (b) 12 π. (c) 8 π. (d) 11 π
Q 18.tan-¹ √3 - sec-¹ (-2) is equal to
(a) π. (b) -π/3. (c) π/3. (d) 2π/3.
Q.19.If A is both symmetric and skew symmetric matrix,then;
(a)A is a diagonal matrix (b) A is zero matrix (c) A scalar matrix (d) A is a square Matrix
Q.20.The derivatives of sin-¹(2x/1 + x²) with respect to sin-¹(1 - x²)/(1+x²) is
(a) -1. (b) 1. (c) 2. (d) 1/2
Section - B
Q.21.Evaluate tan-¹(1) + cos-¹(- 1/2) + sin-¹( -1/2).
( )
Q.22.Prove that tan -¹x + tan-1 y = tan-¹

Q.23.Differentiate sec(tan √x)

Q.24. Define symmetric matrix and skew symmetric matrix with example.
Q.25.Find the value of k so that the function f defined by f(x) = {kx+ 1, if x ≤ π cosx, if x > π} is continuous at x = π .
Section -C
Q.26. Differentiate tan x by first principal.
Q.27. Differentiate w .r.t. x sin-¹ {x²/√(x⁴ + a⁴)}.
Q.28.Show that the function given by f(x) = log x /x has maximum at x = e.


Q.30.Solve the system of equations by matrix method 2x + 5 y = 1, and 3 x + 2 y =7.

Q .31.If x + y =10 , then find the maximum value of x y.
Find two positive numbers such that their product is 64 and sum is minimum.
Section - D
Q.32.The volume of spherical balloon is increasing at the rate of 20cm³/sec Find the rate of change of its surface area
at the instant when its radius is 8 cm.
The volume of a cube is increasing at the rate of 8 cm³/s. How fast is the surface area increasing when the length of
an edge is 12 cm ?

Q.34.If x =sin³t/√cos2t , y =cos³t/√cos2t then find dy/dx.


Q.36.If the function f(x), defined below is continuous at x =0, find the value of k
f(x) ={(1 - cos 2x)/2x²,if x < 0 , k if x = 0, x /|x| if x > 0}.
Q.37 Prove that the relation R on Z defined by (a , b ) € R <=> (a - b) is divisible by 5 is an equivalence
relation on Z.
Consider f : R → R given by f(x) = 4x + 3.Show that f is invertible. Find inverse of f.
Section - E
Q.38 Two schools P and Q want to award their selected students on the values of Tolerance, Kindness, and
Leadership. The school P wants to award Rs x each, Rs y each and Rs z each for the three respective values to 3, 2
and 1 students respectively with total award money of Rs. 2200. School Q wants to spend Rs 3100 to award its 4, 1
and 3 students on the respective values (by giving the same award money to the three values as school P). If the total
amount of award for one prize on each value is Rs 1200, using matrices, find the following:

(1)What is award money for Tolerance?

(a)350 (b)300 (c)500 (d) 400
(2)What is the award money for Leadership?
(a) 300 (b)280 (c)450 (d)500
(3)What is the award money for Kindness?
(a) 500 (b)400 (c)300 (d)550
(4)If a matrix A is both symmetric and skew-symmetric, then
(a)A is a diagonal matrix (b)A is a scalar matrix (c)A is a zero matrix (d)A is a square matrix

Q.39. Sand is pouring from a pipe at the rate of 12 cm3/ second the falling sand forms a cone on the ground in such
a way that the height of the cone is always 1/6th of the radius of the base. Based on above information answer the
(i) Write the expression for volume in terms of height only.
(ii) What is the rate of Change of height, when height is 4 cm?

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