Topic 1-Recognizing and Analyzing Geometric Shapes Polygons

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Subject: GEC 3- Mathematics in the Modern World

1. Title of the Module

Chapter 5 - Geometric Design

2. Introduction

Geometrical design (GD) is a branch of computational geometry. It deals with the construction and representation of free-form curves, surfaces, or
volumes and is closely related to geometric modeling. Core problems are curve and surface modelling and representation. GD studies especially the construction
and manipulation of curves and surfaces given by a set of points using polynomial, rational, piecewise polynomial, or piecewise rational methods. Geometric
problems originating in architecture can lead to interesting research and results in geometry processing, computer-aided geometric design, and discrete differential
geometry. In architecture, geometric design is associated into transformational geometry as a design idiom, and applications of this design idiom within the domain
of architectural geometry.

3. Learning Outcome

After completing this module, the students must be able to:

a) know and/or identify the different geometric designs

b) define key terms under geometric designs
c) determine the differences between geometric shapes, patterns, and diagrams
d) solve/compute problems involving and/or under geometric designs
e) create and/or formulate at least one geometric design; and
f) appreciate and manifest the value of mathematics particularly the geometry in this modern world
especially to the enrichment of the Filipino culture and arts.

4. Learning Content

Topic 1- Recognizing and analyzing geometric shapes


In elementary geometry, a polygon is a plane figure that is bounded by a finite chain of

straight-line segments closing in a loop to form a closed polygonal chain or circuit.

These segments are called its edges or sides, and the points where two edges meet are the polygon's
vertices or corners. The interior of the polygon is sometimes called its body.

An n-gon is a polygon with n sides (e.g., a triangle is a 3-gon).

A polygon is a two-dimensional example of the more general polytope

in any number of dimensions.

Different Types of Polygons

Simple Complex
Different Types of Polygons

Regular Polygons

Geometric Solids are 3-Dimensional (or “3-D”) shapes – which means they have the 3
dimensions of width, depth, and height. Basic examples are spheres, cubes, cylinders, and pyramids.
But there are lots of others. Some geometric solids have faces that are flat, curved, or both. Some
have faces that are all the same shape. Some have faces that are different shapes. But they all have 3



Solids come in 2 types: non-polyhedra and polyhedra.

Non-polyhedra describes any geometric solid that has any surface that is not flat, like a sphere, cone,
or cylinder.


Polyhedra describes a geometric solid that has all flat faces (but the faces don’t have to be the same
size or shape). Polyhedra must have at least 4 faces (but there is no limit to how many faces they can have).
Some examples of polyhedra are pictured below:

Pentagonal prism Truncated tetrahedron Truncated Dodecahedron

Truncated cube Rhombicuboctahedron

Some of the Polyhedra are called Truncated. Truncated means that something is cut off. That
is, the corners, called “vertices,” are cut off and replaced with a new face. For example,
a truncated cube has new triangle shaped faces where the cube’s vertices were. The shape of
the original polyhedra will determine the shape of the new face in each vertex.

pictures below show a cube, and then a truncated cube.

Cube Truncated Cube

Platonic Solids

A Platonic Solid is a special type of Polyhedra, in which

each face is exactly the same, and the same number of
faces meet at each corner, or vertex. They were
named after a famous philosopher and mathematician
from ancient Greece named Plato.

Platonic Solids
Amazingly, there are only 5 geometric solids that qualify as platonic solids.

The Five Platonic Solids

Topic 2-Transformations (flips, slides, turns, resize)

▪ Figures in a plane can be reflected, rotated, slid (translated) or resized (dilated) to produce new


▪ The new figure is the image, and the original figure is the pre-image
▪ The operation that maps (or moves) the preimage onto the image is called a transformation

4 Basic Transformations

Topic 3-Patterns and Diagrams

Symmetry is the beauty of form arising from balanced proportions.

Geometrical symmetry is of three types. These are listed below:
1) Reflectional Symmetry
2) Rotational Symmetry
3) Translational Symmetry

1. Reflectional symmetry is a kind of symmetry in which half of the image is exactly same as the other
half. That is, in reflectional symmetry, either left portion is the reflection of right portion or the upper
portion is the reflection of lower portion. In this type of symmetry, one can draw either a horizontal
or a vertical line across the image.

Reflectional symmetry is also known as reflection symmetry, bilateral symmetry, mirror

symmetry or mirror image symmetry.

Reflectional symmetry can be seen almost everywhere in the nature. The image of a tree or a
mountain in the river is a good example of horizontal symmetry, since we can draw a horizontal line which
divides it in exactly same reflection.

Reflection Symmetry

Reflection Symmetry (sometimes called Line Symmetry or Mirror Symmetry) is easy to see, because
one half is the reflection of the other half.

Here is a dog "Flame" has her face made
symmetrical with a bit of photo magic.

The white line down the center is

the Line of Symmetry
(also called the "Mirror Line")

The reflection in this lake also has symmetry, but

in this case:

• the Line of Symmetry runs left-to-right

• it is not perfect symmetry, because the image is
changed a little by the lake surface.

Line of Symmetry

The Line of Symmetry (also called the Mirror Line) can be in any direction.

But there are four common directions, and they are named for the line they make on the standard XY graph.

Plane Shapes

Not all shapes have lines of symmetry, or they may have several lines of symmetry. For example,
a Triangle can have 3, or 1 or no lines of symmetry:

Isosceles Triangle Scalene Triangle
(two sides equal, (no sides equal,
(all sides equal,
two angles equal) no angles equal)
all angles equal)
3 Lines of No Lines of
1 Line of Symmetry
Symmetry Symmetry

2. Rotational Symmetry

A shape has Rotational Symmetry when it still looks the same after some rotation (of less
than one full turn)

Examples of Different Rotational Symmetry Order

Real World Examples

A Dartboard has Rotational The US Bronze Star Medal has Order 5 The London Eye
Symmetry of 0rder 10

3. Translational Symmetry
A translation (also called a slide) involves moving a figure in a specific direction for a specific
distance. A vector (a line segment with an arrow on one end) can be used to describe a translation, because
the vector communicates both a distance (the length of the segment) and a direction (the direction the arrow

A design has translational symmetry if you can perform a translation on it and the figure appears unchanged.
A brick wall has translational symmetry in lots of directions!

The brick wall is one example of a tessellation, ,

You can see translation symmetry in lots of places. It’s in architecture and design.

Lloyd's Building Weissenhof Row Houses Roman


Jerusalem Temple Mt. Dome British Museum Great Court roof

Rosette Pattern
A rosette pattern describes the possible symmetries of a flower, or a pinwheel. The repetition
aspects of a symmetry describe the petals around stem. Translations or glide reflections do not come into play.
pattern is preserved under a rotation by certain angles corresponding to the number of petals on it. There may
or may
not be mirror lines, that is, reflections that preserve it.
Rosette patterns were classified by Leonardo da Vinci. He realized that there were two classes of rosettes: the
ones with mirror lines (reflection symmetry), like a sunflower, and the ones without mirror lines, like a
The notation is Dn (for dihedral) and Cn (for cyclic), where n indicates the number of times that the rosette
coincides with itself in one complete turn-around the center (thus n is largest number such that a rotation by
360◦/n about its center brings the pattern into coincidence with itself).

When constructing rosette patterns with a given rosette group, it is important to take into account that
of two reflections in non-parallel lines is a rotation about the point of intersection by twice the angle between
Rosette pattern is a moiré pattern whose high frequency reduces its visibility. Rosette patterns have been
used as architectural and sculptural decorations of the new century.

Rosette Symmetry Pattern

A symmetry group is the collection of all symmetries of a plane figure. There are two types of
symmetry groups which are known as rosette symmetry groups. These are:

1. Cyclic symmetry, and

2. Dihedral symmetry.

Cyclic Symmetry

Cyclic symmetry group has rotation symmetry only around a center point. If the rotation has n order,
the group is called Cn.

Dihedral Symmetry

Dihedral symmetry group has rotation symmetry around a center point with reflection
lines through the center point.

The symmetry group of a snowflake with dihedral (D6) symmetry.

Frieze Pattern
An infinite strip with repeating pattern is called a frieze pattern, or a border pattern or an infinite
strip pattern.

A frieze group is the set of symmetries of a frieze pattern, i.e., geometric transformations built from
rigid motions and reflections that preserve the pattern. This may include:
• translations,
• glide reflections,
• reflections along the long axis of the strip, • reflections along the narrow axis of
the strip, and

• 180-deree rotations.

Examples of Frieze Group Patterns

A Tessellation (or Tiling) is when we cover a surface with a pattern of flat shapes so that
there are no overlaps or gaps.

Mindanao Designs, Arts, and Culture

Mindanao is the home of 18 tribal groups which have made weaving their identity, culture,
and way of life. For these indigenous communities, woven textile conveys their
creativity, beliefs, and ideologies, and there are some very interesting geometrical themes
imbedded in this art culture. Some of their crafts are as follows:

There are 18 Lumad ethnolinguistic groups recognized by the Philippine government.

However, there are probably about 25 or more. Owing to the isolation of these groups, the
Philippine census has never been consistent. The Lumads are:

➢ The Subanen
➢ Manobo
➢ B'laan
➢ T'boli
➢ Mandaya
➢ Mansaka
➢ Tiruray
➢ Higaonon
➢ Bagobo
➢ Bukidnon
➢ Tagakaolo
➢ Banwaon
➢ Dibabawon
➢ Talaandig
➢ Mamanua
➢ Manguangan
➢ Atta
➢ Ubo

There are also 13 Muslim ethnolinguistic groups:

➢ Maranao
➢ Maguindanao
➢ Tausug
➢ Kalagan
➢ Sangil
➢ Ilanun/Iranun
➢ Palibugan
➢ Yakan
➢ Sama
➢ Badjao
➢ Jumamapun
➢ Palawanon
➢ Molbog

The Mandaya people of Davao Oriental are known for their weaving pattern called ikat using abaca fibers.

The Maranao are famous for their sophisticated weaving with woven fabric with beautifully patterned

The Yakan people of Basilan are recognized for their remarkable technicolor geometric weaves and distinctive
face decorations used in their traditional ceremonies.

The Bilaan or B`laan are a tribal community of Southern Mindanao, the name of this indigenous group comes
from the words Bla and An, meaning Opponent People. The Bilaans have their own system of weaving using
abaca fiber. Before weaving the typical patterns, rituals are held in accordance with the Bilaan culture, but
only the weavers know about these rituals and before making any pattern or design, divine guidance is first

It is believed that the designs were imparted to the dreamer through the l'nilong (fairies), who
are considered guardians of nature. Their handicraft and traditional attires are being brought to almost every
ceremony and are considered as priceless possessions that are offered as dowries during weddings and used as
payment for crimes committed against a person or clan or for settling disputes among warring clans.

The Bagobo constitute one of the largest groups among the indigenous peoples of southern Mindanao.
They are composed of three (3) sub groups, namely the TAGABAWA, the CLATA or GUIANGAN and the
UBO. Although they belong to one socio-linguistic group, BAGOBO, they also differ in some ways, such as
the dialects, dance steps, costumes and their color preferences to mention a few.


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