Module 1 Ge 104

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Lesson No. and Title :

• Lesson 1 : Patterns in Nature and the Regularities in the World

•Lesson 2 : Fibonacci Sequence

•Lesson 3 : Nature of Mathematics

•Lesson 4 The Role of Mathematics in Some Discipline

•Lesson 5 : Importance of Mathematics


At the end of this module, students will be able to :

•Identify patterns in nature and regularities in the world.

•Explain the importance of mathematics in one’s life .
•Articulate the importance of mathematic’s in one’s life
•Express appreciation for mathematics as a human endeavor
•Identify Fibonacci sequence in nature and determine the nth term of a Fibonacci sequence
•Argue about the importance of mathematics what it is, how it is expressed, represented and

Time Frame : 2 Weeks

Introduction :

Good day everyone! I am Nedelyn Q. Gulfan your Mathematics in the Modern World teacher
and I’m so excited to be your teacher this semester. I’m about to put the excitement back into
education despite of the pandemic we’re facing. Stay focus . You can do it. Goodluck !

Activity : Study the figures below. What have you observed with each picture ?

Analysis :
Search or look for things that has a similar patterns with the pictures above. List and name them.
Why did you say that they are similar. Explain.
Abstraction :


Mathematics comes from the Greek word ʺmathema”, which, in the ancient Greek means “that
which is learnt “ or “ lesson “.The study of mathematics and the use of generalized mathematical
theories and proofs are the key differences between Greek mathematics and the preceding
civilizations. The Encyclopedia Britannica defines mathematics as “ the science of structure,
order, and relations that has evolved from elemental practices of counting, measuring, and
describing the shapes and characteristics of objects.

Characteristics of Mathematics

Mathematics As a Science Of Patterns

A pattern is a visible regularity in the world or in a man-made design. The elements of a
pattern repeat in a predictable manner. Patterns in the mathematical sense connotes order,
regularity, and lawfulness. In the modern world, the patterns of counting, measuring, reasoning,
motion, shape, position, and prediction, reveal the powerful influence mathematics has over
people’s perception of reality.
Pattern means an arrangement of lines or shapes, especially a design in which the same
shape is repeated at regular intervals over a surface. Man has developed a formal system of
thought for recognizing, classifying, and exploiting patterns which we called mathematics. By
applying mathematics to organize and systematize ideas about patterns, we have discovered a
pattern in nature.
Patterns can be observed even in stars which move in circles across the sky each day. The
weather seasons cycle each year such as winter, spring, summer and fall. All snowflakes contain
six fold symmetry which no two are exactly the same. There are evidences presented by
mathematician that hexagonal snowflakes have an atomic geometry of ice crystals.

Patterns can also be seen in fish patterns like spotted trunkfish, spotted puffer, and blue
spotted stingray, spotted moral eel, coral grouper, red lion fish, yellow boxfish and angel fish.
These animals and fish stripes and spots attest to mathematical regularities in biological growth
and form. These evolutionary and functional arguments explain why these animals need their
patterns, but it is not explained how the patterns are formed.

Patterns can also be found in language. Word patterns are used in decoding like
consonant blends(words with group of two or three consonants that each make its own sound)
consonant digraphs ( words that come together to create a single sound) vowel diphthongs

(vowel that glide in the middle) and vowel digraphs (spelling pattern in which two or more
adjoining letters represent a single vowel sound).
Logic Patterns
To construct or solve a pattern, find the rule for the pattern, understand the nature of the
sequence , and analyze the difference between the two successive terms.

Example :
If the word MODERN can be encrypted, how can you decode the word WORLD ?


The correct answer is B. Each letter in the original word MODERN is forwarded two places in
the alphabetical order.

Number Patterns
Mathematics is very useful in making predictions. Working with number patterns leads directly
to the concept of functions in mathematics, The number pattern helps make a generalization of
how the numbers are arranged in a sequence.

Example :

1. What is the next number in the sequence 11,13,17,19,23,____?

2. . What is the next number in the blank ? 100,98,96,94,______?
3. Find the next two numbers in the number sequence : 7,20,47,94,167,___

Millions of patterns can be found in the environment. These patterns occur in various forms and
in different contexts which can be modeled mathematically.
Examples are : symmetries, trees, spirals, waves , tessellations, stripes etc.
Symmetry means that one shape becomes exactly like another shape when you move it in some
way : turn, flip, or slide.
Symmetry is a sense of harmonious and beautiful proportion of balance or an object is invariant
to any various transformations (reflection, rotation or scaling). In other words symmetries are
when different sides of something are alike.
We have two main types of symmetry, bilateral and radial. Bilateral symmetry is a symmetry in
which the left and right sides of the organism can be divided into approximately mirror image of
each other along the midline. Symmetry exists in living things such as in insects, animals, plants,
flowers, and others. Animals mainly have bilateral or vertical symmetry, even leaves of plants
and some flowers such as orchids. Radial symmetry (or rotational symmetry) is a type of
symmetry around a fixed point known as the centre and it can be classified as either cyclic or
dihedral. Plants often have radial or rotational symmetry, as to flowers and some groups of
animals. A five-fold symmetry is found in the echinoderms, the group which includes starfish
(dihedral- D5 symmetry), sea urchins, and sea lilies (dihedral –D5 symmetry). Radial symmetry
suits organisms like sea anemones whose adults do not move and jellyfish (dihedral-D4
symmetry). Radial symmetry is also evident in different kinds of flowers.
Trees in mathematics are undirected graph in which any two vertices are connected by
exactly one path.
Tessellation or a tiling is a pattern of shapes that fit perfectly together that have no overlaps
or gaps.
People are familiar with waves : the shape of a wave repeats itself over a consistent period
of time.
Current researches in biology have created a models of patterns as diverse as zebra stripes ,
jaguar spots , shell patterns (geometrical layouts of spots and stripes).Stripes are made by series
of bands or strips, often of the same width and color along the length.
Beehives is another example of pattern in nature that can be modeled mathematically.
Sunflowers boast of radial symmetry and another type of numerical symmetry known in
mathematics as the Fibonacci Sequence.
Named after the Italian mathematician Leonardo of Pisa who was better known by his nickname
Fibonacci. Fibonacci observed numbers in nature. His most popular contribution is the number
that is seen in petals of flowers(calla lily has1, trillium has 3, hibiscus has 5, cosmos has 8, corn
marigold has 13 some asters have 21) which represents numbers in the Fibonacci sequence.

Another interesting observation by Fibonacci is the rabbit population beginning from a pair of
the first generation.
The first eight terms of the Fibonacci sequence denoted by Fn are :
Fn =
which means F1=1, F2=1 , F3=2, F4=3,…….
In general,
F3= F2+ F1
Adding two consecutive terms will result to another Fibonacci sequence.
Fn = Fn-1 + Fn-2
Where Fn - Fibonacci number
Fn-1 - the previous term
Fn-2 – the term before Fn-1
Example : Use the Fibonacci number to find the 9th term of the Fibonacci numbers.
Solution :
The first 8 Fibonacci numbers are 1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21. Thus,
F9 = F8 + F7
= 21 +13
= 34
When we take any two successive (one after the other) Fibonacci numbers, their ratio close to the

Golden Ratio “ ” which is approximately 1.618034…

In fact, the bigger the pair of Fibonacci Numbers, the closer the approximation. Let us try a


2 3 1.5

3 5 1.66666666…

5 8 1.6

However, one may calculate the Fibonacci number using the Golden Ratio.

Golden ratio – a special number which is approximately equal to 1.618033…

and maybe used to find the nth of a Fibonacci sequence .

These numbers can be applied to the proportions of a rectangle, called the Golden Rectangle.
This is known as one of the most visually satisfying of all geometric forms. The Golden
rectangle is also related to the Golden spiral, which is created by making adjacent squares
Fibonacci dimensions.

The formula is
where n is the nth term of the sequence
The ratio of two consecutive Fibonacci numbers as n becomes large approaches the golden
ratio, that is 1.6180339887….
Golden Ratio denoted by Greek letter “phi” ( ).




The answer comes out as a whole number, exactly equal to the addition of the previous two

Example: X7

F7 = (1.618034)7 - (1- 1.618034)7


When I used a calculator on this (only entering the Golden Ratio to 6 decimal places) , a more
accurate calculation would closer to 13.

Plants have distinct characteristics of Golden Ratio where they establish a Fibonacci
sequence in the number of leaves. Even the eyes of a pineapple follow the golden ratio and
golden spiral. The spiral happens naturally when each new cell is formed after a turn, as plants
grow new cells in spiral format and this pattern is seen on seeds arrangement of the beautiful
sunflower, rose petals, comfrey flowers, fern fiddleheads, flower buds, spiral aloe, and pine
cones. Leaves, branches and petals grow in spiral form in order for the new leaves do not block
the older leaves from the sun ray or maximum amount of rain or dew gets directed down to the
roots. If a plant spirals, the rotation tends to be fraction made with two successive Fibonacci
numbers, for example , 1-2,3-5 or even 5-8 also common that getting closer to the golden ratio.
The Golden Ratio can be used to achieve beauty, balance and harmony in art, architecture and
design. It can be used as a tool in art design to achieve balance in the composition.


According to the American Association for the advancement of science(1990),Mathematics
relies on both logic and creativity and it is pursued both for a variety of practical purposes and
for its intrinsic interest.

1.Patterns and Relationships

As a theoretical discipline mathematics explores the possible relationships among abstractions
without concern for whether those abstractions have counterparts in the real world.
2.Mathematics ,Science and Technology
Mathematics is abstract. Its function goes well with science and technology .Because of its
abstractness, mathematics is universal in a sense that other fields of human thought are not. It
finds useful applications in business,industry, music , historical scholarship, politics, sports ,
medicine, agriculture , engineering and the social and natural sciences.

3.Mathematical Inquiry
Using mathematics to express ideas or to solve problems involves at least three phases :(1)
representing some aspects of things abstractly (2) manipulating the abstractions by rules of logic
to find new relationships between them (3)seeing whether the new relationships say something
useful about the original things.
4.Abstraction and Symbolic Representation
Mathematical thinking often begins with the process of abstraction- noticing a similarity
between two or more objects or events. Whole numbers are abstractions that represent the size of
set of things and events or the order of things within the set.
5.Manipulating Mathematical statements
After abstractions have been made and symbolic representations of them have been selected,
those symbols can be combined and recombined in various ways according to precisely defined
Mathematical processes can lead to a kind of model of a thing, from which insights can be
gained about the thing itself. Any mathematical relationships arrived by manipulating abstract
statements may or may not convey something truthful about the thing being modeled.


Mathematics is offered in any college course. It is found in every curriculum because
its theories and applications are needed in any workplace. That’s why students can’t stay away
from attending math classes. There has to be mathematics in the real world.
Here are some main disciplines in which the role of mathematics is widely accepted:
1.Mathematics in Physical Science
In Physics, every rule and principle take the mathematical form ultimately. Mathematics gives
a final shape to the rule of physics. It represents them in a workable form. Mathematical
calculations occur at every step in physics.
2.Matehmatics in Chemistry
Math is extremely important in physical chemistry especially in advanced topics such as
quantum or statistical mechanics. Quantum relies heavily on group theory and linear algebra
requires knowledge of mathematical / physical topics such as Hilbert spaces and Hamiltonian
3.Mathematics in Biological Science
Biomathematics is a rich fertile field with open, challenging and fascination problems in the
areas of mathematical genetics, mathematical ecology. mathematical neuron-physiology
,development of computer software for special biological and medical problems, mathematical
theory of epidemics .
4.Mathematics in Engineering and Technology
The use of mathematics in Engineering is well known. It is considered to be the foundation of
engineering. Engineering deals with surveying, levelling, designing , estimating, construction
etc. Mathematics has played an important role in the development of mechanical , civil,
aeronautical and chemical engineering through its contribution to mechanics of rigid bodies,
hydro-dynamics, aero-dynamics , heat transfer , lubrication, turbulence ,elasticity and others.
5.Mathematics in Agriculture
Agriculture as a science depends extensively on mathematics. It needs a direct application of
mathematics such as measurement of land or area ,average investment in expenditure ,average
return or income , production per unit area , cost of labor ,time and work , seed rate etc.
6.Mathematics and Economics
Mathematical language and methods are used frequently in describing economic phenomena.
The whole economic situation is regarded as a game between consumers, distributors and
producers ,each group trying to optimize its profits.
7.Mathematics and Psychology
Experimental psychology has become highly mathematical due to its concern with such factors
as intelligence quotient ,standard deviation , mean, median , mode , correlation coefficients and
probable errors.
8.Mathematics and Actuarial Science , Insurance and finance
Actuaries use mathematics and statistics to make financial sense of the future. Much of their
work is on pensions, ensuring funds stay solvent long into the future when current workers have
9.Mathematics and Archaeology
Archaeologists use a variety of mathematical and statistical techniques to present the data from
archaeological surveys and try to distinguish patterns in their results that shed light on past
human behavior. Archaeologists use statistics to test the reliability of their interpretations.
10.Mathematics and Logic
According to C.J. Keyser “ Symbolic logic is mathematics, mathematics is symbolic logic “.The
symbols and methods used in the investigation of the foundation of mathematics can be
transferred to the study of logic. They help in the development and formulation of logical laws.
11.Mathematics in Music
Music theorists often use mathematics to understand musical structure and communicate new
ways of hearing music. This has led to musical applications of set theory , abstract algebra, and
number theory. Music scholars have also used mathematics to understand musical scales , and
some composers have incorporated the golden ratio and Fibonacci numbers into their work.
12.Mathematics in Arts
Mathematics and art are just two different languages that can be used to express the same ideas.
It is considered that the universe is written
in the language of mathematics , and its characters are triangles, circles, and other geometric
13.Mathematics in Philosophy
Mathematics occupies a central place between natural philosophy and mental philosophy.
Herbart ,in his words, “The real finisher of our education is Philosophy , but it is the office of
mathematics to ward off the dangers of Philosophy.”

14.Mathematics in Social Network

Graph theory, text analysis, multidimensional scaling and cluster analysis, and a variety of
special models are some mathematical techniques used in analyzing data on a variety of social
15.Mathematics in Political Science
In mathematical Political science, we analyze past election results to see changes in voting
patterns and the influence of various factors on voting behavior , on switching votes among
political parties and mathematical models for conflict resolution.
16.Mathematics in Linguistics
Mathematics has a great influence on research in literature. In deciding whether a given poem or
essay could have been written by a particular poet or author, we can compare all the
characteristics of the given composition with the characteristics of the poet or other works of the
author with the help of a computer.
17.Mathematics in Management
Different mathematical models are being used to discuss management problems of hospitals,
public health, pollution ,educational planning and administration. In order to apply mathematics
to management , one must know the mathematical techniques and the conditions under which
these techniques are applicable.
18.Mathematics in Computers
Most applications of mathematics to science and technology today are via computers. The
foundation of computer science is based only on mathematics.The foundation of computer
science is based only on mathematics .It includes logic, relations , functions, basic set theory,
countability and counting arguments , proof techniques ,mathematical induction, graph theory ,
combinatory , discrete probability etc.
19.Mathematics in Geography
Geography is nothing but a scientific and mathematical description of our earth in its universe.
The dimension and magnitude of earth ,its situation and position in the universe the formation of
days and nights, lunar and solar eclipses, latitude and longitude , maximum and minimum
rainfall , etc. are some of the numerous learning areas of geography which need the application
of mathematics.


According to Katie Kim (2015) , Math is a subject that makes students either jump for joy or rip
their hair out. Before you decide to doze off in math class, consider this list of reasons why
learning math is important to you in the world.

 Restaurant Tipping
 Netflix film viewing
 Calculating bills
 Computing Test scores
 Tracking Career
 Doing exercise
 Handling Money
 Making countdowns
 Baking and Cooking
 Surfing Internet
Other applications of mathematics are in forensic science, medicine, engineering, information,
technology, cryptography, archaeology, social sciences, political science and other fields.
In forensic, mathematics is applied specifically the differential and integral calculus to clarity
the blurred image to clear image. Another application of calculus is optimization (maximize or
minimize) surface areas, volumes, profit and cost analysis, projectile motion, etc.
In medical field, much of function of a protein is determined by its shape and how the pieces
move. Many drugs are designed to change the shape or motions of a protein by modeling using
geometry and related areas. Mathematics is also being applied in the development of medicine to
cure diseases.
In fluid dynamics, engineers use numerical analysis in phenomena involving heat, electricity,
and magnetism, relativistic mechanics, quantum mechanics, and other theoretical constructs.
In information technology, modern computers are invented thru the help of mathematics. An
important area of applications of mathematics is in the development of formal mathematical
theories related to the development of computer science.
Cryptography is a combination of both mathematics and computer science and is affiliated
closely with information theory, computer security and engineering. It is used in applications
present in technologically advanced societies,; examples include the security of ATM cards,
computer passwords and electronic commerce.
In archaeology, archaeologists use a variety of mathematical and statistical techniques to
present the data from archaeological surveys and try to find patterns to shed light on past human
behaviour and in carbon dating artefacts.
In social sciences such as economics, sociology, psychology, and linguistics all now make
extensive use of mathematical models, using the tools of calculus, probability, game theory, and
network theory.
In Political science, political analysts study the past election results to see changes in voting
patterns and the influence of various factors on voting behaviour, on switching of votes among
political parties and mathematical models for Conflict Resolution using Game Theory and
In music and arts, the rhythm that we find in all music notes is the result of innumerable
permutations and combinations. Music theorists understand musical structure and communicate
new ways of hearing music by applying set theory, abstract, algebra, and number theory.
Module 1

Chapter 2 : Mathematical Language and


Lesson 1 :The Language, Symbols, Syntax and Rules of

Mathematics, Writing Mathematical Language

Lesson 2 :Performing Operations on Mathematical Expressions


Lesson 3:The Four Basic Concepts Of Mathematics

Lesson 4:The Four Basic Concepts Of Mathematics


At the end of this module, students are expected to :

*Discuss the language, symbols, and conventions of mathematics

*Explain the nature of mathematics as a language
*Perform operations on mathematical expressions correctly, its basic concepts and logic
*Appreciate that mathematics is a useful language.
*Acknowledge that mathematics is a useful language

Time Frame : 2 Weeks

Introduction :

Hello, How are you doing ? Hope you are ready to start your second lesson.

Activity : Using the given variables, translate the following to mathematical expressions.

1. The sum of n and 8

2. M reduced by x
3. Twice the product of m and n
4. The product of x and y divided by 2
5. 20 more than twice f
Analysis :Classify each given as a mathematical expression (E) or a mathematical sentence (S).

1.a+9 _______________________________________

2. b+ 0 = b _______________________________________

3. t/100 _______________________________________

4. 3.1416 _______________________________________

Abstraction :

Lesson 1 :The Language, Symbols, Syntax and Rules of Mathematics, Writing

Mathematical Language

The language of Mathematics is the system used by mathematicians to communicate

mathematical ideas among themselves. Mathematics as a language has symbols to express a
formula or to represent a constant. It has syntax to make the expression well-formed to make the
characters and symbols clear and valid that do not violate the rules.

Mathematical symbols can designate numbers , variables, operations ,functions, brackets,

punctuation ,and grouping to help determine order of operations, and other aspects of logical

The language of mathematics makes it easy to express the kinds of symbols,syntax and
rules that mathematician like to do and characterized by the following :

a. precise (able to make very fine distinctions)

b. concise (able to say things briefly)

c. powerful (able to express complex thoughts with relative ease ).

Writing Mathematical Language as an Expression or a Sentence

An expression or mathematical expression is a finite combination of symbols that is

well-formed according rules that depend on the context. It is a correct arrangement of
mathematical symbols used to represent a mathematical object of interest.

The most common expression types are numbers, sets , and functions .


5, 2+3 , 10/2 , (6-2) + 1 , 1+1+1+1

A mathematical sentence is the analogue of an English sentence; it is a correct
arrangement of mathematical symbols that states a complete thought.

A sentence can be (always) true,or sometimes true/sometimes false.

Example : The sentence “ 1+2 =3” is true. The sentence “1+2 =4” is false.

The sentence “x=2” is sometimes true/sometimes false. It is true when x is 2, and

false otherwise. The sentence”x+3= 3+ x “ is always true no matter what number is chosen for

Lesson 2 :Performing Operations on Mathematical Expressions Correctly

A mathematical convention is a fact, name, notation, or usage which is generally

agreed upon by mathematicians. Mathematicians abide by conventions in order to allow other
mathematicians to understand what they write without constantly having to redefine basic terms.

The following symbols are commonly used in the order of operations.

The order of operations or BODMAS/PEMDAS is merely a set of rules that prioritize the
sequence of operations starting from the most common important to the last important.

BODMAS – Brackets, Order (indices), Division /Multiplication, Addition /Subtraction

PEMDAS - Parentheses , Exponents , Multiplication /Division, Addition/Subtraction

Step 1. Do as much as you can to simplify everything inside the parenthesis first.

Step 2 . Simplify every exponential number in the numerical expression

Step 3 . Multiply and divide whichever comes first, from left to right

Step 4 . Add or subtract whichever comes first , from left to right

Examples :

1. Evaluate : (11-5) x 2 – 3 + 1
Solution : remove the parenthesis : 6 x 2 -3 + 1
Multiply : 12-3 + 1
Subtract : 9 +1
Add : 10
2. Simplify : 4 – 3

Solution :4–3

4 - 3 [4 - 6 ] ÷ 2

4 - 3 [-2] ÷ 2

4+ 6 ÷2


Lesson 3:The Four Basic Concepts Of Mathematics

1. Set
A set is a collection of well-defined objects that contains no duplicates. The objects in the set
are called the elements of the set. Braces {} are used to describe a set. Capital letters are used
to represent a set.
Examples :
1. The bank accounts in a bank.
2. The set of natural numbers.
N= { 1,2,3,,4,…}
The 3 dots in enumerating the elements of the set are called ellipsis and indicate a
continuing pattern.
A finite set contains elements that can be counted and terminates at certain natural number,
otherwise, it is infinite set.

Examples : 1. A = {2,4,6,8,10 } - finite set

2.B = {1,2,3,4,5, … } - infinite set

Specification Of sets

1. List Notation /Roster Notation – listing all its members

-list names of elements of a set,separate them by commas and enclose them in

Examples :
1. {1,12,45}
2. {George Washington, Bill Clinton}
3. {a,b, d, m }
2.Rule Method/ Set-Builder Notation – stating the property of its elements.

Example :

1. {x/x is a natural number and x < 8

2. { x/x is a counting number }

3. Recursive Rules – by defining a set of rules which generates or defines its members.

Example :
1. The set E of even numbers greater than 3.
2. If x
Types of Set

Finite set – is a set whose elements are limited or countable and the last element can be

Example: A= {x| x is a positive integer less than 10}

Infinite set- is a set whose elements are unlimited or uncountable, and the last element cannot be

Example : B= {set of counting numbers}

Equal Sets

Two sets are equal if they contain exactly the same elements.

Examples :

2. {6,7,7,7} ={6,7}
Equivalent Sets

Two sets are equivalent if they contain the same number of elements.

Examples :

Which of the following sets are equivalent ?

Solution : All of the given sets are equivalent because they all have the same number of
Universal Set

A set that contains all the elements considered in a particular situation and denoted by U.

Example :

Suppose we consider the whole numbers .

Then U = {0,1,2,3,4,…} since U contains all whole numbers.


A set A is called a subset of set B if every element of A is also an element of B. “ A is a subset of

B is written as A

Examples :

1. A ={7,9} is a subset of B={6,9,7}

2. D={10,8,6}is as subset of {10,8,6}

A proper subset is a subset that is not equal to the original set, otherwise improper subset.

Example : Given {3,5,7} then the proper subsets are { } ,{3,5},{3,7},{5,7}. The improper
subset is {3,5,7}.

Power Set

It is the family of all the subsets of A denoted by Power (A).

Example : Given set A = {x,y}, the power (A) = { },{x},{y},{x,y} or {x/x is a subset of A.

Unit set – is a set with only one element, also called singleton.

Example: J= {x| x is a whole number greater than 2 but not less than 6}

Empty set or Null set – unique set with no elements, denoted by or [ ].

Example: M={x| x is a counting number less than 1} because there is no counting number
less than 1.
Cardinal number of a set – is the number of elements or members cardinality of set A is
denoted by n(A).

Example: E={a,b,c,d,e },the cardinal of E is 5 or n(E)=5

Operations on Sets :


- is an operation for sets A and B in which a set is formed that consists of all the elements
included in A or B or both denoted by U as A U B.
Example :

Given U = {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9} , A={1,3,5,7}, B={2,4,6,8} , C={1,2}

Find : A U B , AUC ,{AUB} U 8

Solution :

A UB = {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8}

A U C ={1,2,3,5,7}

{ AU B} U 8 ={ 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 }


- is the set containing all elements common to both A and B , denoted by

Example : Given U = {a,b,c,,d,e} , A ={ c,d,e} , B={ a,c,e}, C= {a} , D={e}

Find :

B∩ 𝐶, 𝐴 ∩ 𝐶 , {𝐴 ∩ 𝐷} ∩ 𝐷

Solution :

A or { }

{A ∩ 𝐷 }

- is an operation on a set that must be performed in reference to a universal set denoted by

Example : Given U ={ a,b,c,d,e} , A ={c,d,e} find A ‘ ?

Solution : A ‘ = {a,b}


A relation is a rule that pairs each element in one set, called the domain , with one or more
elements from a second set called the range. It creates a set of ordered pairs.

Example :


Regular Holidays in the Philippines Month and Date

1. New Year’s Day January 1

2 . Labor Day May 1

3.Independence Day June 12

4.Bonifacio Day November 30

5.Rizal Day December 30

A clearer way to express a relation is to form a set of ordered pairs :

{ (New Year’s Day, January 1), (Labor Day, May 1),(Independence Day, June 12),(Bonifacio
Day, November 30 ), ( Rizal Day, December 30 }

2.{(1,4),(2,5),(3,6)} is a relation. The domain is {1,2,3} and the range is{4,5,6}.

3. Function
- is a rule that pairs each element in one set called the domain, with exactly one element from
the second set called the range.

Example :

1. Table
Side (S) 1 3 5 7 9

Perimeter 4 12 20 28 36

The perimeter of a square is four times its side.

2. Ordered Pairs


4.Binary Function

A binary operation on a set is a calculation involving two elements of the set to produce
another element of the set.
A binary operation on a finite set is displayed in a table which shows how the operation
is to be performed. A binary operation * is defined on the set {1,2,3,4}.The table below
shows the 16 possible answers using this operation :
* 1 2 3 4
1 4 3 2 1
2 3 1 4 2
3 2 4 1 3
4 1 2 3 4

( To read the table : read the first value from the left hand column and the second
value from the top row. The answer is the intersection point).
Examples : 1. What is 2 * 2 ? answer : 1
2.Is 4 * 3 commutative ? answer : yes, 4*3 = 3 and 3*4 =3

Lesson 4 :Elementary Logic

 It helps us to differentiate correct reason from poor reasoning.
 Logic also defined as discipline that deals with the methods of reasoning.

Proposition is a declarative sentence that can be classified as true or false,but not both.

The truth value of prepositions is the truth and falsity of the preposition.

Simple proposition is a proposition that conveys one thought with no connecting words.

Compound proposition contains two or more simple propositions that are put together using
connective words like and ,or, not, and if…then, but …..

Example :

Rowena is passing in Mathematics.(simple proposition)

Rowena is passing in Mathematics but she is failing in Social Science .(compound proposition)


Note : p and q are propositions

1.Conjunction-two simple propositions connected using the word and.

It is denoted symbolically by : p q, where is the symbol for “and”.

2.Disjunction – two simple propositions that are connected using the word or.

Symbolically denoted by ; p q, where is the symbol for “or”.


Negation of proposition p denoted by p, where the symbol for “not”.

The negation of a given statement is a statement that is false, whenever the given statement is
true, and true whenever the given statement is false.

4.Conditional –two simple propositions that are connected using the words if …then.
Denoted symbolically by 𝑝 →q, where is the symbol for “if then”,


Conjunction of two conditional statements where the antecedent and consequent of the first
statement have been switched in the second statement.

p if and only q”; symbolically p q, where is the symbol for “if and only if”.



and ∧ conjunction

or disjunction

not ~ negation

If…then → conditional

If and only if (iff) ↔ biconditional

Example :

1.Today is Friday and tomorrow is Saturday.(conjunction)

2.I will pass the Math exam or I will be promoted .(Disjunction)

3.If you will recite the poem ,then you will pass the oral examination.(conditional)

4.If two sides of a triangle are congruent, then the angle opposite them are

5.The sentence He is not good is the negation of the statement He is good.

Her aunt’s name is Lucia is the negation of the statement Her aunt’s name is not Lucia.
Closure : You have completed the module. Congratulations ! Proceed to the last task given


Mathematics is a science that deals with the logic of shape, quantity and arrangement, it is the
building block for all human endeavors and activities. The most important use of mathematics is
how people apply it in their line of work.

Mathematics is widely used because of its characteristics namely : logical sequence,structure,

precision, and accuracy, generalization, applicability ,mathematical language and symbolism and


Romeo M. Daligdig ,EdD ,2019,Mathematics in the Modern World , Lorimar Publishing Inc.,10-
B Boston St, Brgy. Kaunlaran, Cubao, Quezon City Philippines.

Esmeralda A. Manlulu,2019, Course module for Mathematics in the Modern World, Rex
Book Store, Nicanor Reyes St, C. M. Recto Avenue, Manila Philippines

Recto “Rex” Calingasan, 2018, Mathematics in the Modern World, C and E Publishing,C
and E Publishing Inc. South Triangle , Quezon City

Mary Joy Rodriguez et .al . ,2018 , Mathematics in the Modern World, Nieme Publishing House
Co. LTD ,Brgy. Kaunlaran, Cubao, Quezon City Philippines




NAME : _______________________________________ COURSE/ YEAR LEVEL :_____________

Application :EXERCISES

A:Direction: Identify whether the given problem is a mathematical expression or a mathematical

sentence. Write your answer on the space provided before each number.

_________________________l. 3x

_________________________ 2. 2n+ 3 = 7

_________________________3. 3x/3y

_________________________4. X2 = 9

_________________________5.x+ y = 9

B:Direction : Write the elements of the following sets. Perform the indicated operations:

A={set of counting number between 1 and 5}

B={x is a positive integer 3 ≤ 𝑥 ≤ 8}
C={odd number 3< 𝑥 < 8}
A = __________________________

B= ___________________________

C= ___________________________

a. A∩ 𝐵 ∩ 𝐶 =

b.A∪ 𝐶 ∩ 𝐵 =
C. Let p represents "Mathematics is difficult " and let q be " PE is easy",and let b "Biology is
interesting " Write each symbolic statement in word.

1.~p v ~ q : _________________________________________________________________

2. p∧~ 𝑏 : __________________________________________________________________________________________

3. ~p→ 𝑞 : _________________________________________________________________________________________

4. p v q → 𝑏 : ______________________________________________________________________________________

5.q↔ 𝑏 : __________________________________________________________________________________________

:Find the next number in the following number sequences.

1.-28, -22, -16 ,-10 , ___________
2.8,-24,72,-216,648,-1994 ______________

Solve the following :

1.If Fib(22) =17,711 and Fib(24)=46,368, what is Fib(23) ? Fib (23)= _____________
2.Evaluate the following sums :
a. Fib(4) + Fib(7) + Fib(9) = ________________ =______________
b. Fib(2)+ Fib(8) + Fib(5) + Fib(7) = _____________ = ______________
3.What is Fib (87) ? Show you solution

4. If you have a wooden board that is 0.75 meters wide, how long should you cut it such that the
Golden Ratio is observed ? Use 1.618 as the value of the Golden Ratio. Show your solution.
Module Assessment :

Write an essay about the uses and/or application of mathematics in the world focusing on the
following questions: What new ideas did you learn ? What is it about mathematics that might
have changed your thoughts about it? Is Mathematics useful for human kind? Give one example
of mathematics application in your own life.

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