Reliability Analysis Based On The Salford Gait Tool
Reliability Analysis Based On The Salford Gait Tool
Reliability Analysis Based On The Salford Gait Tool
Jesus David Franco Gomez Lizeth Fernanda Correa Acevedo Santiago Victoria Marin
Engineering department Engineering department Engineering department
Universidad Autónoma de occidente Universidad Autónoma de occidente Universidad Autónoma de occidente
Cali, Colombia Cali, Colombia Cali, Colombia
[email protected] [email protected] [email protected]
𝑆𝐸𝑚 = 𝑠 1 − 𝑅 (2)
Figure 4. Subphases of the gait cycle for analysis (A) Initial contact
(B) End of double stance (C) Mid stance (D) Start of double
Figure 2. Subphases of gait as seen from the sagittal plane. Taken from stance (E) Toe-off of the left leg (initial swing) (F) Mid swing.
Toro et al. (2007).
It should be noted that to determine the angles properly and Based on the determined angles of the hip, knee, and ankle,
use Salford's rating system, according to Hamill et al. each group member assigned a rating based on the results
(2015), the absolute angles of the trunk, thigh, leg, and foot obtained, using the Salford rating system [2] shown in table
from the patient's reference must be determined, and 1.
subsequently the corresponding angles of the hip, knee, and
ankle must be determined [4]. Next, the formulas used to Table 1. Equivalency of grades earned in the Salford grading system. Taken
determine the angles of the hip (3), knee (4), and ankle (5) from Toro et al. (2007
from the absolute angles indicated by Hamill et al. (2015)
will be shown.
As mentioned in the methodology, the first part of the
Table 7. Results of the intra-observer test-retest of the three measurements
practice involved the analysis of intra-observer test-retest in the same video of Lizeth.
reliability to determine reliability according to each
evaluator. Once the initial contact phase of gait was
analyzed in the three videos at two different times, a table
was obtained with the integrated results of the angles of the
hip, knee, and ankle, along with their average, to
subsequently determine the correlation coefficient of the
two measurements made.
Table 11. Results of the assigned hip categories in the six walking moments
with their percentage of success.
Table 15. Labels assigned based on the sum of the hip, knee and ankle
IV. DISCUSSION Finally, the categories obtained by each evaluator were
organized in a better way in table 14 according to the total
As requested in the guide, each evaluator made three sum of the qualification made, where it is observed that for
measurements on the first phase of gait with three different hip and knee an equal value of "-1" was obtained for hip and
videos, and after two days these videos were measured "7" for knee except for ankle where Lizeth and Jesús
again, i.e., in total each evaluator made six measurements, obtained a qualification of "5" and Santiago of "6". These
obtaining the results of the tables (2, 3 and 4) in which values were related according to the labels indicated by the
appear the angles obtained for each joint based on each Salford tool (figure 5) in table (15), so the possible gait
analyzed video and if this refers to measurement 1 or disturbances would be obtained following the Salford
measurement 2, with this the Pearson correlation coefficient instructions and followed by the previously described
is obtained (table 5), this value is important to know the qualification, which gives a percentage of success of 66%,
reliability of the data obtained by each evaluator, where it is where the three evaluators have the same result for a slight
obtained that the evaluator Lizeth has the highest reliability hip extension and a slight knee flexion by the test subject;
in their measurements with a value of 0. 9997, followed by the mentioned value is the percentage of the reliability of
Santiago 0.9986 and finally Jesus with a value of 0.9978. the use of the Salford tool by the working group.
Subsequently, 3 measurements were made to the same gait
video of the patient, where from the data obtained the V. CONCLUSIONS
standard deviation was obtained for each measurement
made by the three evaluators (whose values can be seen in Based on the results obtained in the analysis of Saldorf's
tables 6, 7 and 8) and based on this it was obtained that the gait, it can be concluded that the evaluation carried out by
evaluator with the least dispersion of the data has Lizeth the three evaluators showed high reliability in their sensors,
with a standard deviation of 0.8238 followed by Santiago indicating that the technique used is reliable and can be used
with 1.00 and then Jesus with 1.88. From the reliability and to evaluate gait in different subjects. It is noteworthy that
the standard deviations obtained by each evaluator, the evaluator Lizeth obtained the highest reliability in her
standard error of measurement was determined (Table 9), measurements and was also the participant with the least
where again Lizeth with a value of 0.0046 has the smallest data dispersion, suggesting that her measurements were
error in contrast to Jesus who obtained a value of 1.8895 more precise and consistent compared to the other
and Santiago with 0.0377. evaluators. This result is important as it suggests that
evaluators should be especially careful when taking
Subsequently, the six stages of gait were analyzed in order measurements to minimize data scarcity.
to use the Salford tool and give a score to all the angles
obtained (table 10) to carry out the inter-observer reliability Regarding the results obtained in the analysis of the six gait
tests, as can be seen among the three evaluators, the phases, it was demonstrated that the variation in results
variation of the assigned scores is low and this is verified in between evaluators was low. Overall, a high rating was
the subsequent results (seen in tables 11, 12 and 13) since obtained in the hip and knee joints, except for the ankle
almost the same values were obtained according to the where there was a discrepancy in the rating obtained by
angles of each joint in the analyzed stages. Based on this, Santiago compared to the other evaluators. This suggests
the percentage of acceptance of each joint in the six stages that there may be a lack of agreement in how evaluators are
of gait was determined, whose value represents the evaluating the ankle joint and further analysis may be
reliability of the assignment of the categories in the necessary.
moments of gait evaluated in the patient, where a percentage
of 100% was obtained for the hip and knee, except for the Finally, the categorization obtained by each evaluator
ankle where a value of 50% was obtained and where showed similar values in the rating of hip and knee joints,
Santiago's qualification had a different value from that of except for the ankle. Regarding possible gait disturbances, it
the other evaluators in the stages middle position, start of was found that evaluators obtained the same result for a
support and toe of, this most probably due to errors slight extension of the hip and a slight flexion of the knee by
associated with the poor location of the markers since it is the test subject. Overall, it can be concluded that the Salford
very difficult to visualize and place the angles in the gait analysis technique is a useful and reliable tool for
Kinovea software. evaluating gait in different subjects and detecting possible
[1] ¿Qué es el análisis de confiabilidad? (Definición y
ejemplo). (s.f.). Statologos: El sitio web para que aprendas
estadística en Stata, R y Phyton.