Chapter 2 - 050113

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Chapter 2


This chapter presents the related literature, including the related studies, synthesis

of the art, gap filled of the studies, conceptual framework, and definition of terms used

by the researchers in the study.

Related Literature

On Parental Involvement to Academic Performance of Students.

According to Delgado Paulette, Parental Involvement is essential for student’s

development and offers many benefits. There are many studies that explore how

parental participation can improve student’s academic performance. Parents and

families have a major impact on the success of the process of education and upbringing

of children. One way that parents can contribute positively to their children's education

is to assist them with their academic school work. Parental involvement, from an

economist’s perspective, can be defined as direct effort provided by the parent in order

to increase educational outcomes of their children.

Effects of Parental Involvement to Academic Performance of Students.

“When there is good communication between parents and student’s academic

performance increase, it also improves student’s behaviors and ethics.” (Delgado,

Paulette. 2019). It makes students less likely to suffer low self-esteem and develop self-

confidence. According to another author (Amy Hitchinson) Parental involvement not

only enhances academic performance but also improve attitude and virtues. A parent’s

interest and encouragement in a child’s educations can make a positive difference.

Related Studies

The study of Datu and Episcope (2021), entitled “Involvement of Filipino Parents in

the Educational Processes under the New Normal”, determined the extent of the

parent's involvement in the educational processes of their children under the new

normal. Employing the mixed method of research, the descriptive-correlational design

was used. The results revealed that the parents are sometimes involved in their

children’s education and moderately competent in performing the different activities as

home-teachers in the new normal.

The past research is slightly related to the current study since the statement on

the study discusses the relation of parental involvement and education. Their analysis

served as a way to fulfill the gap in the current research and served as a foundation to

the present study.

The study of Topor, Keane, Shelton, and Calkins (2010), entitled “Parent
involvement and student academic performance: A multiple mediational analysis”,

results indicated a statistically significant association between parent involvement and a

child's academic performance, over and above the impact of the child's intelligence. A

multiple mediation model indicated that the child's perception of cognitive competence

fully mediated the relation between parent involvement and the child's performance on

a standardized achievement test.

The past research is slightly related to the current study since it tackles the

significant relation of parent involvement and student academic performance. The

findings of the study were used in the present research in knowing the relation between

parental involvement on learning and academic performance of Senior High School


The study of Hanif and Khan Alwi (2019), entitled “Impact of Parental Involvement

on Academic Performance of Students”, concluded that two factors of parental

involvement i.e. Moral and financial do affect academic performance of students of

higher secondary classes.

The past research is directly related to the current study since it states the possible

effect in the relationship of parental involvement and academic performance. The past

study was applicable to the present study because it tackles a significant information

about the relationship of parental involvement and students’ academic performance.

The study of Alfonso, Díaz, Woitschach, Álvarez, and Cuesta (2017), entitled
“Parental involvement and academic performance: Less control and more

communication”, resulted that students whose parents exhibited a more distal or

indirect profile of family involvement tended to demonstrate better results than those

from homes with a more controlling style. Parental involvement styles have an effect on

achievement at an individual and school level, even after accounting for the effect of

context or background variables.

The past research is slightly related to the current study since the findings shows

the results of the relation of parental involvement and the effect in academic

performance. It filled a research gap with their findings, which also served as the basis

for the current study.

The study of Cook (2021), entitled “Parental Involvement and Its Impact on

Student Academic Achievement”, indicated that parental involvement does not

significantly affect student status as GT (gifted and talented) or non-GT. The results of

the study further indicated there is a significant difference between the academic

achievement of non-GT students and the academic achievement of GT students, with GT

students having a higher achievement level.

The past research is slightly related to the current study since it tackles that

parental involvement does not really affect the student academic achievement. The

findings of the past research can help in the current study of the researchers in the

relation of parental involvement and academic performance.

Synthesis of the Art

The article by and Amy Hitchinson, both has the similarities of the

effects of parental involvement to a student’s academic performance. It shows great

similarities on how good the effects of parents’ interest while on the other hand an

article by Delgado Paulette stated that there are still some negative effects of parental

involvement such as too much of a control freak of a parent when it comes to the

studies of their children.

Hoodver-Dempsey and Sandler (1997) and Francesco Arrisati, Bruno Besbas and

Nina Guygon (2010), both stated that there is always a great result when a parent is

involved to the academic performance of the students.

Gap Filled by the Study

The gap between the previous study of Datu and Episcope (2021) and this

current study is that the previous study only focuses of the events of the new normal

while this study focuses on the face to face involvement of parents to a student’s school

performance. One of the previous research used in the Related Studies indicates

another variable referred as the child’s intelligence fully mediated the parent’s

involvement towards a child’s success, it also has a higher scope of participants while

this study only focuses on Senior Highschool Students.

Another previous research by Tia Cooks indicates that parental involvement does

not affect a student’s performance in contrast of this current research that focuses on

what effects does parental involvement has on a student’s performance. One more of

the previous study being used in the Related Studies only indicate that the main

problem affecting the parental involvement is financial aid while this current study still

figures out what factors affects parental involvement to student’s academic


Conceptual Framework

Parental Involvement Academic Performance

Attending PTA Meetings Academic Grades

Figure 1. Conceptual Framework of the Study

Parental involvement and attending PTA meetings are way of parents to

monitor, guide and correct the performance of their child and give advice or some

support. Attending PTA meetings is a part of parental involvement. It is the only one of

the activities which parents might get involved with students learning. Academic

performance is the way to achieve, improve and maintain academic grades. It is also the

main basis if the students will pass the grade level or not.
Definition of Terms

The following terms are conceptually and/or operationally defined in the study

to enhance better understanding among the users of this study.

Parents. This word means the one that begets or brings forth offspring. In this research

it means the person who brings up and care for another.

Students. The one who attends school. The same definition is being used in this study.

Performance. The execution of an actions. In this study definition is the behavior of the

student inside the school.

Academic. Relating to the performance in courses of study. The same definition will be

used in this study.

Learning. Knowledge acquired by study. The same definition will be used in this study.


TEACHING” Retrieved from:

news/the- importance-of-parental-involvement-in-teaching%3fformat=amp

Datu and episco (2021). “Involvement of Filipino Parents in the Educational Processes

under the New Normal” Retrieved from:

Topor, Keane, Shelton and Calkins (2010). “Parent Involvement and Student Academic

Performance: A Multiple Mediational Analysis” Retrieve from:

Hanif and Khan Alwi (2019). “Impact of Parental Involvement on Academic Performance

of Students”. Retrieve from:



Alfonso, Diaz, Woitschach, Alvarez and Cuesta (2017). “Parental Involvement and

Academic Performance: Less Control and More Communication”. Retrieved from:

Tia Cooks 2021). “Parental Involvement and its Impact on Students Academic
Achievement” Retrieve from:


Francesco Arritais, Bruno Besbas and Nina Guygon (2010). “Parental Involvement in

School: A Literature Review”. Retrieved from: https://www,

economic-politique-2010-5-page-759.htm (2019) “How Family Engagement Leads to Students Success”. Retrieved



Hitchinson, Amy (2020). “Parental Involvement is Key to Student Success – The Ivy

Academy of Early Learning”. Retrieved from:


Hoover-Dempsey and Sandler (1997). “Parental Involvement: A Summary of Empirical

Findings”. Retrieved from:

Parent. Definition from Merriam Webster Dictionary (Application)

Student. Definition from Merriam Webster Dictionary (Application)

Performance. Definition from Merriam Webster Dictionary (Application)

Academic. Definition from Merriam Webster Dictionary (Application)

Learning. Definition from Merriam Webster Dictionary (Application)

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