CHAPTER 2 Edited

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This chapter presents the relevant literature and studies that the researcher

considered in strengthening the importance of the present study. In related studies, the

researchers categorized it into two: foreign and local.


The idea that Parental Involvement affects students’ academic achievement is

intuitively appealing to the point that society in general, and educators in particular,

have considered PI an important ingredient for the remedy of many ills in education

today (Valerie J. Shute 2011). Parental Involvement has been used to refer to home,

school and community-based activities in which parents engage to support their

children's education and development (Epstein, 1995, Seginer, 2006).

In the study of (Cole, Sylvia A. 2017) “The Impact of Parental Involvement

on Academic Achievement” point out that there is a positive correlation between

parental involvement and students’ educational experiences, including improved

academic outcomes. This study shows that praise and rewards should never be

withheld from students (Parent engagement: Strategies for involving parents in school

health, 2012). Students who have parents who support autonomy are fundamentally

and inherently motivated and engaged in school. This qualitative case study aims to

investigate parental participation and its impact on academic achievement at an

elementary charter school in located in Charlotte, NC. Additionally, students are

found to perform better in academic work and extra curricular activities, and also
promotes children's social, emotional and academic growth (Green, Walker, Hoover-

Dempsey, & Sandler, 2007). Another study “shows that when parents become

involved, students’ academic achievement improves.

Additionally, according to Redding, (2008), African American, Hispanic, and

English-Learner parents are less involved in their child’s education. This lack of

involvement is a contributing factor to the increasing educational gap among these

groups (Redding, 2008).

However, In this study “The Influence of Parental Involvement on Students

Achievement” by Jemimah Cancino, claims that for a long time, researchers have

been studying parental involvement in the educational system which have a great

contribution in development and educational outcomes for preschool, elementary

school children, and even in secondary school. Researchers examined the relationship

between the parental involvement and students achievement in Diliman Preparatory

School SY 2021-2022. Results showed that parents strongly agrees that they

encourage their children to believe that they are capable of learning new things , that

they can succeed in school. The cognitive development of every children is heavily

influenced by the parents, and school must be retained most especially during the

child’s primary school years (Bartolome et al., 2017). Finally the current study found

that majority of parents are involved in their children’s education.

Cuartero-Enteria and Tagyam (2020) studied the indigenous people’s parents

and their parental involvement in chosen elementary schools in Mindanao’s Northern

region which the parents’ profile was specifically identified. The result of this study

showed that the parental involvement Indigenous people plays a critical part in
students’ academic. But, they also stated that there is still room for progress that need

to be aimed in terms of improving the awareness about parental involvement and its


In the study of (Bartolome, Mamat, & Masnan 2017) entitled “Parental

Involvement In The Philippines; A Review of Literatures” states parenting is

important in the Philippines society because family is viewed as a center to one’s

social world.

Another study from (Albiso et al. 2022) entitled Parental Involvement and

Academic Performance of High School Students: A Correlational Study pointed out

that the level of Parental Involvement has become significant in the students’

Academic Performance. It has shown that students require consistent support,quality

instruction, and motivation from their parents both at home and in school (Deutcher

and Ibe, 2000). The previous quantitative study conducted by Patall, Cooper and

Robinson (2008) showed that helping with the assignments, frequent monitoring of

academic progress and showing up in parent-teacher conference enhances school

success of the students. However, the researcher reported in theeir studies that when

parents are involved in the academic undertakings of students, it can negatively affect

the performance of students in school (Keith et,al.., 1993; Tokac & Kocayoruk, 2012).

Children have felt odd,and they tend to get pressured by the involvement of their

parents in school.


In the study entitled “Gender Differences in Parental Involvement and

Adolescents’ Academic Achievement” (Chandra Muller) shows that sex was highly

significant in several aspects over the last 20 years, whereby more women than men
now enter higher education. The results showed that daughters experienced more

parental involvement with their education than did sons.

In addition, In the study “Perception of Selected Senior high school

department university of Cebu” published by (Garces et al,,. 2023), highlights that

parents exhibit greater involvement in the academic affairs of male students compared

to female students.

Another study from Filipino Parental Involvement and Children’s Educational

Performance (Sampson Lee Blair), states that in many instances, daughters may be

given financial support by parents, as it is believed that daughters will have a stronger

commitment to supporting their parents as they grow older (Arguillas and Williams



In U.S. studies, (Lareau, 1987, Lareau, 2011) demonstrated that lower-SES

parents were less likely to believe that it was their responsibility to manage their

children's education, and were less heavily involved in both at-home educational

activities and in participating at the school. Lower-SES parents are less educated,

which may limit their perception of the skills and knowledge that they can offer to the

school and their child (Hoover-Dempsey et al., 2005).

A comparison of parents’ educational level and involvement in their

children’s education shows parents are more engaged when their own educational

level exceeds their children’s current level of education. However, parents less

educated than their children are more engaged within their children’s school

environment than parents who have a level of education equivalent to or greater than
their children’s. Less educated parents are more involved perhaps because many

would like to see their children attain higher education than they did.

While, In the study of Jemimah Cacino “The Influence of Parental

Involvement On Students Achievement” shows that Parents’ level of Educational

Attainment has been found to have a significant impact on the Diliman Preparatory

students’ performance academically (afful, 2014:Mensah,2013) cited by Darko

Asumadu (2021). Parents’ Educational Attainment are important in schooling

according to Mallan (2009), because parents want their children to keep up with the

rest of the class. Students with parents who have received a diploma form high school

or higher, perform better academically (Nannyonnjo 2007). He discovered that the

students performed well in school if their parents completed senior high school or


Mensah (2013), claims that if the student has both parens with low level of

educational, perform consistently worse than students who have both parents with a

higher level of educational


Some parents tend to have jobs that require them to work long and

unpredictable hours, which can interfere with their ability to be involved at school and

at home (Heymann, 2000, Hoover-Dempsey et al., 2005).

Dongxu Li, Xi Guo (2023) on their study entitled “The effect of time parents

spend with children on children’s well being” claims that the more time parents spent
with their children, the higher their children’s well being will be (Gugl and

Welling,2011). In conclusion, it is necessary to improve the time spent with children

and to pay attention to individual differences in children.

. On the otherhand, In the study of (Garces et al,,. 2023) entitled “Perception

of Selected Senior high school department university of Cebu, states that students

faced more problems and had lower self-evaluation when their parents were less

involved in school. Having a job, limits the amount of time and quality with which

parents can have with their children and participate in their education. When parents

become busier, they tend to become less involved with the academic pursuit of their

children (Bhamani et al. 2020).

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