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Grid Map

This thesis document describes a project to build an efficient occupancy grid map for autonomous vehicles using lidar data fusion. The project was completed at Scania CV and involved developing a SLAM solution using an occupancy grid mapping framework with Rao-Blackwellized Particle Filtering for vehicle localization. Low-level sensor fusion of multiple lidars was performed and the algorithm was parallelized for GPU implementation. Experimental results showed the proposed system improved trajectory estimation and provided accurate maps, with fused grids being more informative than individual sensor grids.
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Grid Map

This thesis document describes a project to build an efficient occupancy grid map for autonomous vehicles using lidar data fusion. The project was completed at Scania CV and involved developing a SLAM solution using an occupancy grid mapping framework with Rao-Blackwellized Particle Filtering for vehicle localization. Low-level sensor fusion of multiple lidars was performed and the algorithm was parallelized for GPU implementation. Experimental results showed the proposed system improved trajectory estimation and provided accurate maps, with fused grids being more informative than individual sensor grids.
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Building an Efficient Occupancy

Grid Map Based on Lidar Data
Fusion for Autonomous driving



To the soul of my father...
Building an Efficient Occupancy Grid Map Based on
Lidar Data Fusion for Autonomous driving


August 7, 2019

Master’s Thesis Degree Project at the Autonomous Vehicle Perception group - Scania
S UPERVISOR AT KTH: John Folkesson
E XAMINER : Mårten Björkman

Degree Project in Computer Science and Engineering

in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of
Master of Science in Embedded Systems



The Localization and Map building module is a core building block for
designing an autonomous vehicle. It describes the vehicle ability to create
an accurate model of its surroundings and maintain its position in the
environment at the same time. In this thesis work, we contribute to
the autonomous driving research area by providing a proof-of-concept of
integrating SLAM solutions into commercial vehicles; improving the robustness
of the Localization and Map building module. The proposed system applies
Bayesian inference theory within the occupancy grid mapping framework and
utilizes Rao-Blackwellized Particle Filter for estimating the vehicle trajectory.
The work has been done at Scania CV where a heavy duty vehicle equipped
with multiple-Lidar sensory architecture was used. Low level sensor fusion
of the different Lidars was performed and a parallelized implementation of
the algorithm was achieved using a GPU. When tested on the frequently
used datasets in the community, the implemented algorithm outperformed the
scan-matching technique and showed acceptable performance in comparison
to another state-of-art RBPF implementation that adapts some improvements
on the algorithm. The performance of the complete system was evaluated
under a designed set of real scenarios. The proposed system showed a
significant improvement in terms of the estimated trajectory and provided
accurate occupancy representations of the vehicle surroundings. The fusion
module was found to build more informative occupancy grids than the grids
obtained form individual sensors.

Keywords— Autonomous Driving, Occupancy Grids, Bayesian Inference, Lidar,

SLAM, Rao-Blackwellized Particle Filter, Sensor Fusion, GPU

Modulen som har hand om både lokalisering och byggandet av karta är en

av huvudorganen i ett system för autonom körning. Den beskriver bilens
förmåga att skapa en modell av omgivningen och att hålla en position i
förhållande till omgivningen. I detta examensarbete bidrar vi till forskningen
inom autonom bilkörning med ett valideringskoncept genom att integrera
SLAM-lösningar i kommersiella fordon, vilket förbättrar robustheten hos
lokaliserings - kartbyggarmodulen. Det föreslagna systemet använder sig
utav Bayesiansk statistik applicerat i ett ramverk som har hand om att
skapa en karta, som består av ett rutnät som används för att beskriva
ockuperingsgraden. För att estimera den bana som fordonet kommer att färdas
använder ramverket RBPF(Rao-Blackwellized particle filter). Examensarbetet
har genomförts hos Scania CV, där ett tungt fordon utrustat med flera
lidarsensorer har använts. En lägre nivå av sensor fusion applicerades för
de olika lidarsensorerna och en parallelliserad implementation av algoritmen
implementerades på GPU. När algoritmen kördes mot data som ofta används
av ”allmänheten” kan vi konstatera att den implementerade algoritmen ger
ett väldigt mycket bättre resultat än ”scan-matchnings”-tekniken och visar
på ett acceptabelt resultat i jämförelse med en annan högpresterande RBPF-
implementation, vilken tillför några förbättringar på algoritmen. Prestandan
av hela systemet utvärderas med ett antal egendesignade realistiska scenarion.
Det föreslagna systemet visar på en tydlig förbättring av uppskattningen
av körbanan och bidrar även med en exakt representation av omgivningen.
Sensor Fusionen visar på en bättre och mer informativ representation än när
man endast utgår från de individuella lidarsensorerna.

I would like to express my sincere gratitude to all those who contributed in

successfully completing this project. Foremost, I am extremely grateful to
Henrik Felixson, my supervisor at Scania, for giving me the opportunity to
carry out my thesis research at the Sensor Fusion team, for the continuous
support and guidance he offered me and for his involvement, empathy,
understanding and friendship. I would also like to thank John Folkesson, my
supervisor at KTH, for the valuable help through the project from forming a
strong research question to adapting the right methodology to be applied.

Furthermore, I would like to express my deepest appreciation to my friend

Jonas Ayddan who was always encouraging and supportive when times
got rough. I would also like to thank my friend, Jörgen Persson, for the
stimulating discussions and sleepless nights before my deadlines.

Finally, to my family, my mother and brothers, there are not enough

words that can express my gratitude for your inspiration, love and endless
support...from the bottom of my heart, thank you!


1 Introduction 1
1.1 Problem Statement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
1.2 Thesis Objectives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
1.3 Thesis Outline . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
1.4 Ethics, Society and Sustainability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

2 Background 7
2.1 Feature- and Grid-based Simultaneous Localization and Mapping
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
2.2 SLAM solution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
2.3 Sensors for SLAM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
2.4 Sensor Fusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
2.5 SLAM and GPU . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
2.6 SLAM Benchmark . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

3 Methodology 17
3.1 Occupancy Grid Mapping . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
3.1.1 Bayesian Inference Theory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
3.1.2 Practical Approximations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
3.1.3 Mathematical Derivation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
3.2 Sensor Modeling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
3.3 Map Initialization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
3.4 Rao-Blackwellized Grid-Based SLAM . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
3.5 Mapping with Multiple Lidars . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
3.5.1 Grid Fusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
3.5.2 Raw Measurement Fusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30

4 Implementation 32
4.1 Hardware Architecture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
4.2 Coordinate Frames Transformation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
4.3 Software Architecture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35

4.4 Practical Aspects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36

5 Evaluation and Results 37

5.1 RBPF SLAM Benchmarking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
5.2 Experimental Evaluation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
5.2.1 Experiment I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
5.2.2 Experiment I - Test Scenario 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
5.2.3 Experiment I - Test Scenario 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
5.2.4 Experiment II . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
5.2.5 Computational Performance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52

6 Conclusion and Future Work 54

6.1 General Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
6.2 Discussion and Future Work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55

Bibliography 58

List of Figures

1.1 Vehicle autonomy levels. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

1.2 Core competencies for designing a highly automated vehicle. . 3

2.1 SLAM problem as a DBN structure. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

2.2 Data fusion levels. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
2.3 Different steps within the process of designing a multi-sensor
fusion system. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

3.1 Inverse sensor model for a Lidar detecting an object placed at

range = 10 m. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
3.2 Gaussian inverse sensor model for a Lidar detecting an object
placed at range = 10 m. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
3.3 Multi-Lidar data fusion techniques. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27

4.1 Lidar sensors configuratin on the test truck. . . . . . . . . . . 33

4.2 Coordinate frames conventions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
4.3 Software architecture overview. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
4.4 Implemented kernels on the GPU. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36

5.1 Graphical analysis of the translational errors. . . . . . . . . . 41

5.2 Graphical analysis of the rotational errors. . . . . . . . . . . . 41
5.3 True relative distances between the objects. . . . . . . . . . . 42
5.4 Online simulation of the Lidars detection. . . . . . . . . . . . 43
5.5 Resultant occupancy grids out of processing each Lidar point
cloud individually through the mapping algorithm. . . . . . . 45
5.6 Extracted Objects from the occupancy grids. . . . . . . . . . . 46
5.7 Extracted objects from the front forward Lidar occupancy grid. 47
5.8 Accumulated Laser scans received from the Lidars. . . . . . . 49
5.9 Occupancy grid map built out of the fused point cloud. . . . . 49
5.10 Extracted objects from the fused grid map. . . . . . . . . . . . 49
5.11 The different estimated trajectories of the truck during the
experiment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51

5.12 Maintaining an occupancy grid map using RBPF SLAM. . . . 51

5.13 Total execution times. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52

List of Tables

4.1 Lidar sensor specs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32

5.1 Translational components of the average and squared errors . . 39

5.2 Rotational components of the average and squared errors . . . 40
5.3 Relative distances between the objects in scenario 1 . . . . . . 47
5.4 Relative distances between the objects in scenario 2 . . . . . . 48
5.5 Maximum and Mean absolute error . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
5.6 Execution Time of the different blocks . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53

List of Acronyms and Abbreviations

ADAS Advance Driving-Assistant System

SAE Society of Automotive Engineers

GPU Graphical Processing Unit

SLAM Simultaneous Localization and Mapping

RBPF Rao-Blackwellized Particle Filter

GPS Global Position System

DBN Dynamic Bayes Network

EKF Extended Kalman Filter

Sonar Sound Navigation and Ranging

Radar Radio Detection and Ranging

LIDAR Light Detection and Ranging

CUDA Compute Unified Device Architecture

MCL Monte Carlo Localization

LOP Liner Opinion Pool

IOP Independent Opinion Pool

LIOP Logarithmic Independent Opinion Pool

IMU Inertial Measurement Unit


Chapter 1


The development of autonomous vehicles is advancing at a very high pace

and self-driving trucks on public roads will soon see the light of day.
Nowadays, vehicles have been supported with advanced driver-assisting
systems (ADASs) that aid the driver with performing routine tasks and
make driving easier. These cutting-edge systems are tweaked year after
year by adding more features and functions. Hence, the autonomy level of
the vehicle has been evolving gradually and eventually ADASs will handle
the whole task of driving. With the aim of enhancing the communication
and collaboration within the autonomous automotive industry, the Society
of Automotive Engineers (SAE) in its International Standard no. J3016
introduced a common taxonomy and a scale for the vehicle autonomy [1]
as shown in Figure 1.1.

Based on the human driver’s intervention with the dynamic driving tasks, the
scale consists of six levels of autonomy, spanning from level 0, no automation,
to level 5, full automation. Level 0 includes systems that only provide
warnings, such as Collision Warning systems, while the driver is controlling
the steering and the speed of the vehicle all the time. In level 1, the driving
assisting system can control either the steering or the speed of the vehicle. An
example of that is the Adaptive Cruise Control system where the speed of the
vehicle is automatically adjusted according to the distance to the detected cars
in front of the vehicle. The driving assisting systems within level 2 can control
both the steering and speed of the vehicle while the driver is monitoring
the environment. An Automatic Parking assisting system that automatically
performs the entire parking process belongs to this level.

A key distinction exist between level 2 and level 3 where the automated
driving system controls all aspects of driving including monitoring the


environment, however, the driver is expected to be ready to take over the

control at all times. The Audi Traffic Jam Pilot is considered to be at
automation level 3. On the contrary, the driver takes over the control only
in certain situations in level 4. Vehicles with automation level 5 can drive
themselves all the time with no need for any kind of intervention by the driver.

Figure 1.1: Vehicle autonomy levels [1].

The core competencies for designing a vehicle with an autonomy level

higher than level 1 can be described in a three-layer structure [2]; vehicle
control, sensing and processing and decision-making, see Figure 1.2a. The
interaction between these competencies along with the vehicle’s interaction
with the environment are shown in Figure 1.2b. The Environment Perception
and Modeling block refers to the ability of the autonomous vehicle to
use the sensory system to collect information about the environment and
extract relevant features from these information, developing a contextual
understanding of the surroundings. The Localization and Map Building is
a fundamental block that enables the autonomous driving which refers to the
vehicle’s ability to utilize the collected data to achieve a global map of the
surroundings while maintaining its position with respect to the environment.
Finally, The Path Planning and Decision-Making block refers to the process
of finding the optimal path between the start location of the vehicle to the
desired destination while avoiding collisions.


(a) Core competencies structure.

(b) Interaction between core competencies.

Figure 1.2: Core competencies for designing a highly automated vehicle [2].

1.1 Problem Statement

Due to the reduction in manufacturing costs, modern sensor technologies
such as LIDARs are becoming very popular to be used in the automotive
industry within the task of environment perception. LIDARs use an optical
measurement principle to measure the distance to the surrounding objects in
the space and deliver those measurements in what is known as point clouds.
Occupancy grids are a location based representation of the environment


containing information about free areas and presence of obstacles in the

environment. Lidar sensors are especially suited for the purpose of occupancy
grid mapping due to their high angular resolution and range accuracy.
However, LIDARs usually suffer from light scattering under tough weather
conditions and have limited field of view. Thus, an autonomous vehicle
cannot depend on only one Lidar sensor to accurately map its environment and
navigate through it. On the other hand, the occupancy information provided
by the different embedded Lidar sensors can be fused into one grid occupancy
map where static obstacles are typically represented as occupied cells.

Autonomous commercial vehicles have seen rapid progress and they will
eventually become a crucial part of our transportation system. In order
to fulfill the high safety standards within the automotive industry, further
development is still required such that the vehicle is able to adapt on
its own in a wide variety of scenarios. This project contributes to the
autonomous driving research area by investigating how the raw readings from
the different Lidar sensors can be used to build an accurate and efficient
global occupancy map of the vehicle surroundings while tracking its location
in the environment; increasing the situation awareness of the vehicle.

1.2 Thesis Objectives

The project aims to solve the aforementioned problem under investigation by
addressing the following:

• Building occupancy grid maps techniques.

• Designing an accurate sensor model for Lidar sensors.

• Solving the simultaneous localization and mapping problem.

• Different fusion methods for integrating data from different Lidars.

• Achieving a quantitative measure of map consistency.

• Experimental evaluation on a real vehicle.


1.3 Thesis Outline

This thesis report documents and describes in details the work that has been
carried out through the project and it is organized as follows. Chapter 2
starts with describing the Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM)
problem, motivating for investigating its solutions and further presenting the
current state of art research related to the different aspects of the problem;
including the various sensors that can be used, integrating the measurements
from multiple sensors and utilizing the computational capabilities of the
Graphical Processing Unit (GPU). Afterwards, in chapter 3, the method
followed through the project to solve the SLAM problem is described.
First, achieving an occupancy representation of the environment is addressed
through applying Bayesian inference theory. Next, the mathematical sensor
model is illustrated. Finally, the general algorithm which is adapted from
Rao-Blackwellized Particle Filter (RBPF) and applied to localize the vehicle
while maintaining a map of its surroundings is presented and processing the
data from the different sensors is explained. Further, the architecture of the
proposed system is demonstrated in chapter 4 while highlighting the different
software and hardware building blocks.

Chapter 5 describes the evaluation procedures that were designed and performed
to validate the efficiency of the proposed solution in terms of both the
accuracy of the resultant occupancy grids and the computational performance.
The results of the experimental evaluation process are further discussed in
chapter 6 and a final conclusion has been drawn.

1.4 Ethics, Society and Sustainability

According to the world health organization, more than 1.2 million people die
every year due to road accidents [3]. Fully autonomous cars have the potential
to improve the road safety and save thousands of lives per year by eliminating
traffic accidents in relation to driver’s mistakes. Moreover, autonomous
transportation will not only enhance the mobility of elderly people and those
who cannot drive themselves but will also optimize the traffic flow and energy
use through platooning and automated ride-sharing[4].

As the autonomous vehicles are expected to promote human well-being, they

are expected to distribute the inevitable harm as well. Such distribution
arises very challenging ethical conundrums. In scenarios where someone’s
death is unavoidable, a self-driving car has to decide on its own, within


fractions of the second, who should die and who should live; taking an ethical
decision. The main challenge here is to define global principles that should
control the ethical behaviour of autonomous vehicles. Those principles should
further be adapted by the automotive industry to design moral algorithms for
autonomous cars and should be used by the policymakers to regulate them.
In an attempt to form a broad ethical framework for autonomous vehicles to
follow in the future, a recent survey that was published in Nature gathered data
from millions of people from all over the world through deploying an online
experimental platform, the Moral Machine [5]. The survey was concluded
with three strong preferences that should serve as building blocks for global
machine ethics codes, namely, sparing human lives, sparing more lives and
sparing young lives.


Chapter 2


This chapter aims to provide the reader with a literature review of the
different topics that are related to mapping and sensor fusion in the context of
autonomous driving. The chapter starts with a brief motivation for utilizing
Grid-based SLAM (Simultaneous Localization and Mapping) within the task
of increasing the situational awareness of an autonomous vehicle. Then, a
detailed description of the SLAM problem is presented while addressing the
state-of-art approaches applied to solve it. The chapter proceeds with an
analysis of the different sensors and data fusion approaches that are used for
perceiving the environment and solving the SLAM problem. Finally, a review
of the related work within the topic of using the powerful GPU (Graphical
Processing Unit) while implementing mapping algorithms is shown.

2.1 Feature- and Grid-based Simultaneous Localization

and Mapping
Perception of the surroundings and mapping the environment are fundamental
proprieties for a vehicle to be able to drive autonomously. Building an
accurate map of the environment is of high importance for an autonomous
vehicle to determine the free drivable corridor, path planning and obstacle
avoidance, and to eliminate the estimation error of the vehicle position with
respect to some reference frame, landmark localization.

There exists two main approaches for representing the map. One popular
map representation approach is feature based mapping such as topological
maps or landmark-based maps. Whereas such approach is reliable and
computationally compact, it assumes some prior knowledge about the environment


to be known in advance and relies on predefined feature extraction techniques

[6]. Another alternative approach to map the environment is occupancy grid
where the environment is divided into an evenly spaced grid of cells and each
cell is considered to be either free or occupied. Occupancy grid maps are able
to represent arbitrary features and provide detailed representations without the
need for prior information about the environment. Although occupancy grid
framework is a computationally intensive and memory consuming algorithm,
one of the major advantages of the framework is that all the cells in the grid
are independent of each other, which in turn makes it possible to be efficiently
parallelized and executed in a GPU (Graphical Processing Units).

In order to build an accurate map of the environment, an autonomous

vehicle need a good estimation of its location. The task of navigating
through an unknown environment while building a map is often referred
to, in the literature, as the simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM)
problem [7]. SLAM is considered a complex problem because it needs to
solve two dependent problems; estimate the vehicle position relative to the
map and build the map based on both the processed sensory information
and the position. However, implementing SLAM solutions has recently
increased within the field of the autonomous driving research due to the
localization accuracy that can be achieved through SLAM, which overcomes
the GPS accuracy, along with the resultant intuitive awareness of the vehicle

2.2 SLAM solution

The SLAM problem is often considered as a Dynamic Bayes Network
(DBN), as shown in Figure 2.1, while Markov assumption is being applied
to simplify the problem and save the useful information in the current state.
In this DBN structure, controls ut and measurements zt are the observed
variables which are used to estimate the hidden variables; vehicle trajectory
x1:t and the map m. Solving the probabilistic DBN is achieved by first
estimating the vehicle position within an existing map, then incorporating
new measurements and updating the map [8]. Through an intensive research
during the last decade, different estimation techniques have been proposed
to address and solve the SLAM problem. Those estimation techniques can
be roughly classified according to the underlying model of the environment
mentioned in the previous section [6]. Extended Kalman Filter (EKF) based
algorithms in combination with predefined landmarks are one of the most
effective approaches to reach a correlated posterior estimation about landmark


maps as well as the position. However, the Gaussian distribution assumption

of the sensor model and the linear approximation of the motion model applied
by EKF filters, when violated, lead the filter results to diverge [9]. Moreover,
EKF filters assume uniquely identifiable landmarks which is not a typical real
world case and violating it leads to inconsistent maps.

Figure 2.1: SLAM problem as a DBN structure [10].

To remedy the issues discussed with using EKF algorithms, Rao-Blackwellized

particle filters (RBPF) was introduced by Doucet et al. [11] as an effective
way to solve the SLAM problem while building accurate occupancy grid
maps. RBPF approximates the posterior distribution over the potential vehicle
trajectory by a proposal distribution, samples the proposal distribution using
a number of particles where each particle stores a possible vehicle trajectory
and a map of the environment, and assigns an importance weight for each
particle, by calculating the ratio between the distributions. Further, a selection
(resampling) step is performed where the low weighted particles are replaced
by high weighted ones. The FastSLAM algorithm intoduced by Montemerlo
et al. [12] used Rao-Blackwellized Particle filter to solve landmark based
SLAM problems.

The RBPF algorithm was introduced as a generic mapping framework to

solve the SLAM problem. However, it left open two major challenges to
be further investigated by the literature; how the proposal distribution should
be computed and when the resampling step should be performed. The
first challenge implies achieving accurate proposal distribution; the more
accurate the proposal distribution, the less particles required to build an
accurate map, reducing the memory requirements and computation time.
While the second challenge implies avoiding the particle depletion problem
[9]; removing accurate particles when resampling. In many RBPF based
SLAM applications, since the trajectory of the vehicle evolves according
to the vehicle motion, the proposal distribution is chosen to be modeled as


the probabilistic odometry motion model. Hähnel et al. [13] presented an

improved motion model that reduces the number of the required particles by
combining the scan matching framework with the Rao-Blackwellized particle
filtering. G. Grisetti et al. [14] improved the algorithm proposed in [13]
by using the scan matching procedure along with the odometry information
to determine the most-likely position which is further used for creating the
next generation of the particles. That in turn resulted in an accurate proposal
distribution with less variance which is computed on the fly instead of using
a fixed distribution as in [13]. The authors of [15] reduced the risk of the
the particle depletion problem by following a selective resampling technique.
Instead of resampling every sampling instant, resampling was performed only
when necessary based on a threshold over the weights of the particles.

2.3 Sensors for SLAM

A wide variety of modern sensory technologies are becoming very popular to
be used in the automotive industry within the task of environment perception
and SLAM. An analysis of these sensory technologies is described further in
this section to understand their strengths and weaknesses, provide an insight
of their performance and motivate the choice of Lidar sensors for this project.

In [16] Zaffar et al. discussed the different types of sensors used in solving
the SLAM problem. Monocular camera is one of the most popular sensors
used for SLAM due to its compactness and cheap cost along with the high
resolution and detailed images they can provide about the environment. For
example, A 6DOF real time visual SLAM system based on a monocular
camera is presented in [17]. However, monocular cameras do not provide
depth information which leads to complex SLAM algorithms. On the
contrary, stereo cameras can calculate depth information using the disparity
of two camera images looking at the same scene. An extensive experimental
comparison between monocular based SLAM approach and stereovision
based SLAM approach was done by the authors of [18]. Since cameras are
passive sensors, they do not rely on any emission for mapping the environment
and they have low power consumption. On the other hand, cameras are
sensitive to changes in illumination and they do not perform well under
difficult weather conditions like rain, snow and dust.


Sonar sensors locate objects by emitting a sound signal and measuring the
Time-of-Flight: the total time taken by the sound wave from emission to
reception upon bouncing off an object. Sonar sensors can easily suffer
from the Specular reflection phenomenon where the reflected signal bounces
away from the sensor [19]. Moreover, similarly to cameras, they are very
sensitive to weather conditions due to the dependency of the sound waves
on temperature. However, there exist SLAM applications based on sonar
sensors in the literature [9]. Radar sensors are based on the same principle as
sonars, but emitting radio waves instead. Radar sensors, compared to cameras
and sonars, have a very robust performance in rough weather conditions and
vibrations [20]. In addition to their good range resolution, they are able to
measure the radial speed of the moving objects. However, the main drawback
of radars is their very poor angular resolution. Degerman et al. addressed the
ability of building an occupancy grid map using radar sensors [21].

Lidar sensors emit laser beams at fixed angular steps while rotating around
a vertical axis, measure the distance to the surrounding objects using the
Time-of-Flight principle and deliver those measurements in what is known
as point clouds; generating a 3D visualization of the environment. In addition
to the accurate range measurement, Lidars, on the contrary to radars, provide
high angular resolution. Moreover, Lidars, by measuring the intensity of the
reflected laser beam, return very accurate depth information [16], therefore
compensating for the main monocular vision-based systems weakness. Due
to their robust and reliable measurements, Lidars have become one of the
most popular sensor options while solving the SLAM problem. An online 3D
SLAM approach was recently introduced by Droeschel et al. in [22].

On the other hand, Lidar measurements are corrupted in environments with

heavy rain and bad mist and dust conditions [20]. Thus, we cannot depend
on only one Lidar sensor in those situations. In order to create a robust
representation of the vehicle environment, it is therefore necessary to combine
different Lidar sensory information such that they can compensate for each
other’s drawbacks. This approach is widely known as sensor fusion, which is
further investigated in the following section.


2.4 Sensor Fusion

As can be observed from last section, an autonomous vehicle is often
supported by multiple sensors to help with the environment perception and
decision-making processes. Thus, a lot of effort within the autonomous
driving research area has recently been dedicated towards the sensor fusion
technology. Sensor fusion is the study of efficient approaches for combining
the sensory information from different sources into a representation that is
not feasible from individual sources and that is supportive for an automated
decision-making process [23]. A comprehensive study of the state-of-art
sensor fusion methodologies and challenges was introduced by Khaleghi et
al. [24]. According to the type of the input sensory data to the system and the
obtained output information, the fusion processes are defined as a three-level
hierarchy [25], as shown in Figure 2.2. Whereas the medium-level fusion
integrates information in terms of features extracted from the raw sensory
data, the high-level sensor fusion processes sensory information in a symbolic
representation or in other words; decisions.

On the other hand, the low-level fusion processes the raw sensor data, pixels
or signals, in a central manner. Thus, one main advantage of performing
sensor fusion at a low level is minimizing the information loss [26]. The
Occupancy Grid framework, introduced by Elfes and Moravec [27], is one
of the most popular approaches to fuse sensor information in a low-level.
Occupancy grids divide the environment into an evenly spaced grid of cells
and estimate the probability of each cell for being occupied based on the
raw sensor measurements. The main advantage of using occupancy grid as
a framework for sensor fusion is that it is easy to interpret any type of sensory
measurements in cell-based occupancy information; occupancy grid fusion
framework only requires a sensor model describing the probabilistic relation
between the sensor measurement and the state of the cell being occupied.
An algorithm for generating occupancy grid maps which relies on physical
forward sensor models instead of the inverse ones was first presented by
Sebastian Thrun [28].

However, the occupancy grid requires an inference theory to estimate the

probability of occupancy for each cell. In [29] Ivanjkoet et al. did a
comprehensive experimental comparison of the different occupancy grid
mapping approaches, based on sonar sensor data, where maps constructed
by Bayesian inference approach showed fair accuracy compared to the other
approaches taking into consideration the memory resources requirements.
Another common way of performing data fusion in low-level is by first fusing


all sensor data and then applying a single Bayesian estimator on a single
sensor model.

Figure 2.2: Data fusion levels [25].

Figure 2.3 shows the methodology proposed by W.Elmenreich [30] for

designing an efficient multi-sensor fusion system for autonomous vehicles.
As can be observed, the process of deciding the sensory data to be fused is
an application-dependent process. For the task of lane detection, Homm et
al. [31] fused the measurements from both a laser scanner and a monocular
camera, showing that both sensors complement each other and form a robust
and continuous lane detection system. While in [32] a Lidar along with
a stereo camera were used to design an object detection system within
a dynamic environment. The ultimate goal of this project is to achieve
an accurate map of the static surrounding environment of a truck which
can be further reliably used, through applying state-of-art computer vision
technologies, for finding interesting features, path planning and obstacle
avoidance. As mentioned in the previous section, Lidar as a sensor is
especially suited for the purpose of localization and mapping the surroundings
due to its excellent accuracy and resolution. In order to overcome its
unreliable performance within bad weather conditions, a combination of a
long range radar and a short range radar were used along with the Lidar by


[33] to map the environment where experimental scenarios on a Volvo truck

showed good results.

Figure 2.3: Different steps within the process of designing a multi-sensor

fusion system [30].

In this project, we will investigate building an accurate occupancy grid map

of the vehicle surrounding using a sensor setup that consists of multi-lidar
configuration; compensating for each other’s drawbacks within rough weather
conditions. The fusion of the different Lidar data will be performed in a
low-level manner following the two aforementioned techniques: occupancy
grid fusion, constructing a sensor model for each Lidar and then fusing the
occupancy information provided by the different embedded Lidar sensors into
one fused occupancy grid map, and fusing the Lidar measurements into one
sensor model before interpreting these measurements into an occupancy grid
representation. Furthermore, a comparison between the two approaches will
be held by evaluating the accuracy of the occupancy information resultant
from each approach within different scenarios.


2.5 SLAM and GPU

The main drawback of low-level sensor fusion is the huge amount of
data that needs to be processed. The project aims to make use of the
computational capabilities of the Graphical Processing Unit (GPU) to deal
with the computational heavy processes involved in the grid mapping algorithm.
However, due to the time limitations of the project timeline, addressing
the issue of the most efficient GPU implementation is not part of the work
objectives. Florian et al. [34] addressed utilizing the GPU to overcome the
limitations of classical occupancy grid computation in automotive environments
and introduced a method for fast computation of occupancy grid maps with
laser range-finders and radar sensors. While Diego et al. [35] worked on the
applicability of GPU computing within the area of robotic mapping with laser
rangefinders with a novel grid matching method. In [36] the different methods
to accelerate the particle filter based SLAM algorithms were explored using
NVIDIA’s general purpose GPU computing platform - CUDA - where the
most time consuming step, particle weight calculation, was imported into
CUDA. The authors of [37] addressed the problem of switching coordinate
systems by comparing different types of mapping algorithms: the exact
algorithm, the sampling approach and the texture mapping approach based
upon a GPU computation.

2.6 SLAM Benchmark

As can be seen from section 2.2, different algorithms and estimation techniques
have been addressed toward solving the SLAM problem. However, there
is no standard approach for comparing the performance of those different
algorithms. For instance, in Feature-based SLAM algorithms, the Mahalanobis
distance between the estimated and true location of the landmarks are often
used as a measure of accuracy. While in Grid-based SLAM algorithms, the
resultant maps are compared based on visual inspection. Thus, there is a huge
need, in the SLAM research community, for a common approach to construct
meaningful comparisons between the different algorithms.

In [38], Kümmerle et al. proposed a metric for measuring the performance of

a SLAM algorithm by obtaining the relative geometric relations, displacements,
between the output poses of the algorithm along the trajectory of the vehicle
and calculating the deformation energy needed to transfer the estimated
relations to the true ones (ε):


ε(δ ) = trans(δi, j δi,∗ j )2 + rot(δi, j δi,∗ j )2 (2.1)
N∑i, j

Where δi, j = xi x j is the relative transformation from estimated pose xi to

estimated pose x j , δi,∗ j = xi∗ x∗j is the corresponding true transformation, N is
the number of relations, trans(.) and rot(.) are the translational and rotational
components of the relations. Since this metric is not based on comparing
the resultant maps but the poses instead, it allows for comparing SLAM
algorithms which are based on different map representations, for instance
Feature- and Grid-based algorithms, and that are applying different sensor

On the other hand, the main disadvantage of this method is that it includes
intensive manual work; a human operator that is aware of the topology of
the environment where the datasets have been recorded has to inspect the
estimated SLAM poses, visualize the sensors observations and construct the
true relations. The exact procedure for obtaining the reference relations in
indoor environments is described in [38]. For large outdoor environments,
Kümmerle et al. adapted Monte Carlo Localization (MCL) framework to
process aerial images in order to extract the reference relations.

It is important to note that the metric in equation 2.1 does not specify the
relative relations that should be included in the summation; the selection
of the relative displacements depends on the application at hand. The
authors of [38] argue that by considering only the relative displacements
between nearby poses, the local consistency of the resultant map is assessed
which in turn is sufficient for evaluating the performance of localization
algorithms. In addition to the proposed metric, Kümmerle et al. provided the
relative relations that were obtained manually for the frequently used public
datasets within the SLAM research community, thus forming a benchmark
for evaluating the different SLAM algorithms. In this project, we will make
use of the benchmark to validate the implemented RBPF SLAM algorithm as
further described in chapter 5.


Chapter 3


In this chapter, we present the methodology adapted and applied through

the project. At the beginning, we explain in details the occupancy grid
mapping as a framework to represent the vehicle surroundings and the
application of Bayesian inference theory to achieve such representation while
addressing the mathematical model of the Lidar sensor. Then we describe the
Rao-Blackwellized grid-based SLAM algorithm implemented in this project.
Finally, we discuss the different fusion approaches, analyze their performance
and introduce the most suitable ones that have been chosen and applied.

3.1 Occupancy Grid Mapping

As an alternative framework to extracting geometric models directly from
sensor readings while mapping the environment, Elfes et al. [39] were the first
to introduce the occupancy grid mapping framework. The main idea behind
occupancy grid maps is to divide the environment into an evenly spaced grid
with fixed dimensions and fixed resolution. A random binary variable mi j is
assigned to each cell within the map m where this random variable refers to
the occupancy state of the cell; Occupied or Free. Thus:

• For a cell with a total confidence that it is Occupied: p(mi j ) = 1

• For a cell with a total confidence that it is Free: p(mi j ) = 0

• For a cell with Unknown occupancy state: p(mi j ) = .5

When denoting the vacancy state of the cell ( p(mi j ) = 0 ) as m̄i j , that in turn
implies the following constraint:


p(mi j ) + p(m̄i j ) = 1 (3.1)

Applying the aforementioned conventions to all the cells within the map, we
can efficiently describe the map m as a two dimensional grid as follows:

m = {mi j : 1 ≤ i ≤ W, 1 ≤ j ≤ H} (3.2)

Where W is the number of cells in the width dimension and H is the number
of cells in the height dimension.

This kind of occupancy representation of the vehicle’s surroundings can be

achieved by mirroring the presence of objects in the environment; parts of
the environment where obstacles exist are mapped as occupied cells. On the
other hand, obstacles are detected by processing the sensor readings while
maintaining the vehicle position in the map. Thus, our problem can be
formulated as computing the posterior distribution over the map based on the
sensor measurements z1:t and given the vehicle trajectory x1:t :

p(m1:t |z1:t , x1:t ) (3.3)

3.1.1 Bayesian Inference Theory

As we are interested in estimating only the current state of the map, mt ,
we can apply Bayesian inference theory and estimate mt in a predict-update
procedure, while assuming that the current state of the map depends only on
its previous state, as follows:

• Predict:
p(mt |z1:t−1 , x1:t−1 ) = p(mt |mt−1 )p(mt−1 |z1:t−1 , x1:t−1 )dmt−1 (3.4)

• Update:

p(zt |mt , z1:t−1 , x1:t )p(mt |z1:t−1 , x1:t )

p(mt |z1:t , x1:t ) = (3.5)
p(zt |z1:t−1 , x1:t )


3.1.2 Practical Approximations

The problem formulation in equation 3.3 refers to the general case where the
map is dynamic and evolves over time. However, the evolution of the map
is always unpredictable. That in turn results in the term p(mt |mt−1 ), in the
prediction step, being hard to compute. Thus, a common approximation is to
assume a Static map p(m|z1:t , x1:t ); only static obstacles are mapped while
dynamic behaviours within the map are neglected. Taking this assumption
into consideration, we can apply what is called Static State Bayes filer or
Binary Bayes filer where only the update step is applied and the sensor
readings are directly processed and used to update the probability distribution
of the map.

Moreover, in order to reach a further simplified formulation of the problem,

another common approximation in the literature is to assume that the cells
in the map are independent from each others. That means there is no
occupancy relation or dependency between a specific cell and its neighbouring
cells given the occupancy state of this cell. Although this assumption is
not true for all real situations, it has been shown as a fair assumption that
allows for simple computations. Taking this assumption into consideration,
our problem formulation is reduced from estimating the occupancy state of the
whole map to the product of the occupancy state probability of the individual
i=W j=H
p(m|z1:t , x1:t ) = ∏ ∏ p(mi j |z1:t , x1:t ) (3.6)
i=1 j=1

3.1.3 Mathematical Derivation

Applying the Static State Bayes filter to estimate the occupancy probability
of each cell:

p(zt |mi j , xt , z1:t−1 , x1:t−1 ).p(mi j |z1:t−1 , x1:t−1 , xt )

p(mi j |z1:t , x1:t ) = (3.7)
p(zt |z1:t−1 , x1:t )

Applying Markov assumption where the current state of the sensor measurements
zt and the vehicle pose xt are assumed to sum the past, the previous states
z1:t−1 and x1:t−1 , equation 3.7 shall be simplified to:


p(zt |mi j , xt ).p(mi j |z1:t−1 , x1:t−1 )

p(mi j |z1:t , x1:t ) = (3.8)
p(zt |z1:t−1 , x1:t )


p(mi j |zt , xt ).p(zt |xt ) p(mi j |zt , xt ).p(zt |xt )

p(zt |mi j , xt ) = = (3.9)
p(mi j |xt ) p(mi j )

Substituting in equation 3.8, we obtain:

p(mi j |zt , xt ).p(zt |xt ).p(mi j |z1:t−1 , x1:t−1 )

p(mi j |z1:t , x1:t ) = (3.10)
p(mi j ).p(zt |z1:t−1 , x1:t )

By analogy, the vacancy state of the cell can be calculated as:

p(m̄i j |zt , xt ).p(zt |xt ).p(m̄i j |z1:t−1 , x1:t−1 )

p(m̄i j |z1:t , x1:t ) = (3.11)
p(m̄i j ).p(zt |z1:t−1 , x1:t )

Dividing equation 3.10 by equation 3.11 yields to:

p(mi j |z1:t , x1:t ) p(mi j |zt , xt ) p(mi j |z1:t−1 , x1:t−1 ) p(m̄i j )

p(m̄i j |z1:t , x1:t ) p(m̄i j |zt , xt ) p(m̄i j |z1:t−1 , x1:t−1 ) p(mi j )

p(mi j |z1:t , x1:t ) p(mi j |zt , xt ) p(mi j |z1:t−1 , x1:t−1 ) 1 − p(mi j )

1 − p(mi j |z1:t , x1:t ) 1 − p(mi j |zt , xt ) 1 − p(mi j |z1:t−1 , x1:t−1 ) p(mi j )

Taking the logarithm for the previous expression allows us to simplify the
computations by moving to summation instead of multiplication:

p(mi j |z1:t , x1:t ) p(mi j |zt , xt ) p(mi j |z1:t−1 , x1:t−1 ) p(mi j )

log = log +log −log
1 − p(mi j |z1:t , x1:t ) 1 − p(mi j |zt , xt ) 1 − p(mi j |z1:t−1 , x1:t−1 ) 1 − p(mi j )


Finally, denoting the log odd ratio as l(mi j |z1:t , x1:t ), we obtain:

l(mi j |z1:t , x1:t ) = l(mi j |z1:t−1 , x1:t−1 ) + l(mi j |zt , xt ) − l(mi j ) (3.14)

or in short:

lt,i j = lt−1,i j + l(mi j |zt , xt ) − l(mi j ) (3.15)

Equation 3.15 is the final expression used at each iteration for incorporating
the new senor readings in updating the occupancy state of each cell that lies
in the sensor field of view through the occupancy grid mapping algorithm
as shown in Algorithm 3.1. For those cells that do not fall within the sensor
cone, the occupancy probability remains unchanged, keeping the last obtained
value lt−1,i j . In the following two sections, 3.2 and 3.3, we provide further
explanation of the terms involved in equation 3.15.

Algorithm 3.1 Occupancy Grid Mapping algorithm

1: Algorithm occupancy_grid_mapping ({lt−1,i }, xt , zt ):
2: for all cells mi do
3: if mi in perceptual field of zt then
4: lt,i = lt−1,i + inverse_sensor_model(mi , xt , zt ) - l0
5: else
6: lt,i = lt−1,i
7: end if
8: end for
9: return {lt,i }


3.2 Sensor Modeling

In equation 3.15, the occupancy value of each cell within the sensor cone
is updated by adding the term l(mi j |zt , xt ). This term is responsible for
incorporating the new sensor measurements by calculating the probability of
the cell occupancy given only the current measurement zt and the current
vehicle pose xt . This probability is often called the inverse sensor model as
it interprets the causes into effects; provides information about the map given
a sensor reading caused by an object in this map. As previously discussed in
section 2.3, Lidars provide high angular resolution readings. Thus, its angular
uncertainty is always neglected and only the uncertainty within the range
readings is taken into consideration. That in turn results in Lidars having a 1D
inverse sensor model in the range dimension. Figure 3.1a shows a Lidar with
an ideal inverse sensor model that complies with the probability conventions
stated at the start of this chapter:

• The region before the detection of the object is free region; occupancy
probability = 0

• The region exactly where the detection happens, where the object is
placed, is occupied region; occupancy probability = 1

• The occupancy state of the region beyond the detection is unknown;

occupancy probability = .5

(b) Ideal inverse sensor model with limited

(a) Ideal inverse sensor model.

Figure 3.1: Inverse sensor model for a Lidar detecting an object placed at
range = 10 m.


In order for the upcoming Lidar measurements to be able to contribute to the

update of the occupancy state of the cell, the probability of occupancy should
be limited such that it does not reach neither 0 nor 1. Through this project,
the maximum probability of occupancy Pmax is chosen to be 0.8 whereas the
minimum probability Pmin is chosen to be 0.2. Thus, we can describe the
modified ideal inverse sensor model as:

 Pmin : 0 ≤ r ≤ z − ∆r
P(r|z) = Pmax : z − ∆r
2 ≤ r ≤ z + ∆r
2 (3.16)
0.5 : r > z + ∆r


Where z is the actual measurement obtained from the Lidar and r is the set
of all possible values of the range measurement. Furthermore, we account
for the noise that Lidars experience in reality by convolving the ideal sensor
model with a Gaussian distribution with a zero mean and a variance value
that simulates the sensor noise. In that way, we obtain a more accurate sensor
model as shown in Figure 3.2 and which can be approximated as:

 0.2 : r < z − ∆r
P(r|z) = ηN (r, z, σz ) : r ∈ [z − ∆r
2 , z]
0.5 :r>z


1 (r − z)2
N (r, z, σz ) = √ .exp(− ) (3.18)
2πσz 2σz2


Figure 3.2: Gaussian inverse sensor model for a Lidar detecting an object
placed at range = 10 m.

3.3 Map Initialization

In equation 3.15, each occupancy state update iteration involves the subtraction
of the term l(mi j ). This term represents the prior probability, in log odds form,
of the occupancy state of the cell. Since we usually have no prior knowledge
about the map, each cell is assumed to have an unknown occupancy state
at the beginning. Thus we initialize all the cells in the grid with occupancy
probability equals .5.

p(mi j ) = .5 ∀i, j (3.19)


3.4 Rao-Blackwellized Grid-Based SLAM

In the occupancy grid mapping algorithm shown in Algorthm 3.1, known
and accurate positions of the vehicle are assumed to be given in order to
obtain accurate representation of the vehicle surroundings. However, in real
world, there is a large error within the raw odometry measurements that yields
to inaccurate information about the vehicle positions in the environment.
Feeding such noisy measurements into the grid mapping algorithm results in
building inconsistent maps of the environment. Therefore, the raw odometry
error cannot be neglected and in order to account for it, the problem shall
be extended from predicting the posterior over only the map p(m|z1:t , x1:t ) to
predicting the posterior over both the map and the trajectory of the vehicle,
defining the SLAM problem as:

p(x1:t , m|z1:t , u0:t ) (3.20)

The main idea behind Rao-Blackwellized Grid-Based SLAM is to make use

of both Monte Carlo Localization (MCL) and occupancy grid mapping to
solve the problem. It divides the estimation of the joint posterior into first
estimating the vehicle trajectory which is then used to estimate the map:

p(x1:t , m|z1:t , u0:t ) = p(x1:t |z1:t , u0:t ).p(m|z1:t , x1:t ) (3.21)

The Rao-Blackwellized Grid-Based SlAM samples the posterior of the

trajectory by a number of particles where each particle represents a potential
vehicle trajectory and is associated with building a particular map, based on
the represented trajectory x1:t along with the observations z1:t . The Rao-
Blackwellized Grid-Based SlAM algorithm used and implemented through
this project to solve the SLAM problem is shown in Algorithm 3.2 and can be
summarized by the following steps:

1. Sampling: The new generation of particles {xt } is obtained by sampling

from a proposal distribution π(xt |z1:t , u0:t ) which in most cases is
chosen to be the probabilistic motion model distribution that accounts
for the odometry sensor noise. Thus, in other words, in this step we
obtain the new generation of particles {xt } by applying the motion
model p(xt |xt−1 , ut−1 ) on the last generation {xt−1 }.


2. Weighting: In order to account for the difference between the proposal

distribution and the true, or target, distribution of the vehicle trajectory,
we use the latest scan readings received by the Lidar to calculate an
importance weight wt for each particle:

p(xt |z1:t , u0:t )

wt = ∝ p(zt |m, xt ) (3.22)
π(xt |z1:t , u0:t )

Mathematically, in this step, each particle is weighted based on the

likelihood of the current observation in the maximum likelihood map;
the map built so far using the vehicle trajectory proposed by this
particular particle. In order to compute such observation likelihood,
a scan-to-map registration routine is implemented through this project.
For each range reading within the current scan batch received by the
Lidar, we find the closest corresponding occupied cell in the map
built so far. The larger the distance between the scan reading and its
corresponding occupied cell, the lower the likelihood this scan reading

3. Mapping: The map estimate p(m|z1:t , x1:t ) is computed for each

particle given the vehicle trajectory, x1:t , represented by this particle
along with the observations, z1:t , from the Lidar sensor.

4. Re-sampling: Due to the limited number of particles, particles with

low weights are replaced by ones with high weights.

Algorithm 3.2 Grid-based RBPF SLAM (Xt−1 , ut , zt )

Xt0 = Xt = 0/
for k = 1 to M do
[k] [k]
xt = sample_motion_model (ut , xt−1 )
[k] [k] [k]
wt = measurement_model (zt , xt , mt−1 )
[k] [k] [k]
mt = update_occupancy_grid (zt , xt , mt−1 )
[k] [k] [k]
Xt0 = Xt0 + h xt , wt , mt i
end for
for k=1 to M do
draw i with probability ∝wt
[i] [i]
add h xt , mt i to Xt
end for
return Xt


3.5 Mapping with Multiple Lidars

As previously mentioned, Lidar sensor is one of the most suitable sensors to
be used while solving the SLAM problem due to its high angular resolution
and reliable readings. However, a Lidar sensor can suffer from data corruption
under tough weather conditions. Using such corrupted measurements for
estimating the map leads, in turn, to corrupted representation of the environment.
Thus, it is with a great advantage to equip the truck with multiple Lidars such
that a more accurate representation is feasible by integrating information from
the different Lidars.

Here, an interesting question to ask is how to best integrate data from the
different Lidars. As can be seen by Figure 3.3, there are two main approaches
to incorporate the different Lidars measurements. The first approach is to
build a sensor model for each Lidar, maintain an occupancy grid out of each
sensor readings individually and further fuse those separate grids into one
single grid; Grid Fusion. An alternative approach is to integrate the raw
readings from the different Lidars into one point cloud, one sensor model,
that is further processed through the SLAM algorithm and used to build the
map; Raw Measurement Fusion.

In order to argue for the choice of Raw Measurement Fusion as the fusion
method used through this project, we will first discuss the most common
methods within the Grid Fusion approach and discuss why they are not
suitable to be followed in comparison to the Raw Measurement Fusion.

(a) Grid Fusion (b) Fusing raw Lidar data

Figure 3.3: Multi-Lidar data fusion techniques.


3.5.1 Grid Fusion

Let us assume S number of sensors, the posterior over a cell mi j in the map
generated from the sth sensor readings is:

ps (mi j ) = p(mi j |zs1:t , x1:t ) 1≤s≤S (3.23)

Fusing the single grids from all the S sensors into one single grid, the posterior
over the cell in the fused grid is defined as:

p(mi j ) = p(mi j |z11:t , .., zs1:t , x1:t ) 1≤s≤S (3.24)

The most common approaches to be applied while performing sensor fusion


• Linear Opinion Pool (LOP): An average of the probabilities provided

by the individual sensors is performed while assigning a positive weight
ws to each sensor, where Σs ws = 1, to determine the contribution of each

p(mi j ) = Σs ws ps (mi j ) (3.25)

• Independent Opinion Pool (IOP): Based on the assumption that the

sensors are independent, the IOP finds the geometric mean of the
individual probabilities provided by each sensor.

p(mi j ) = K ∏ ps (mi j ) (3.26)


where K is the normalizing constant. The Logarithmic Independent

Opinion Pool (LIOP) is a frequently generalized form of the IOP where
a positive weight ws is assigned to each sensor; p(mi j ) = K ∏s ps (mi j )ws
There are a lot of measures proposed in the literature to evaluate the
performance of the fusion method. From our point of view, the absolute
criteria to select the most suitable fusion technique can be described by the
following properties:


• Mitigation in Conflicting Situations: When the measurements provided

by the sensors are indicating contradictory information about the
occupancy state of a cell, the property of mitigation is the ability of
the fusion system to increase the uncertainty about the occupancy state
of this cell. For instance, if one sensor perceives a cell as most likely to
be occupied and another sensor perceives the same cell as most likely to
be empty, the fusion output should make the probability of occupancy
of this cell tend to .5 (unknown).

• Reinforcement in Supporting Situations: When the measurements

provided by the sensors are indicating similar information about the
occupancy state of a cell, the property of reinforcement is the ability
of the fusion system to increase its belief about the occupancy state of
this cell. For instance, when two sensors perceive the same cell as most
likely to be occupied, the fusion output should make the probability of
occupancy of this cell tend to 1 (occupied). Similarly, it should make
the probability tend to 0 (empty) when both sensors perceive the cell as

• Neglecting Non-Informative Information: The final belief of the

fusion system about the occupancy state of the cell should not be
affected by non-informative sensors, reporting occupancy probability
.5 (unknown state), in comparison to the informative ones.

Evaluating the LOP and IOP grid fusion methods against the aforementioned
properties, the IOP, by calculating the geometric average of the individual
probabilities, allows for reinforcement in the supporting information cases
and totally neglects the non-informative sensors. However, the IOP is too
extreme in its conclusion in the conflicting information situation; disabling
the mitigation characteristic. To illustrate that, let us consider the case
of three sensors reporting occupancy probabilities about a particular cell
as ps (mi j ) = .9,.9,.9 respectively. Applying the IOP formula in equation
3.26, the output probability is p(mi j ) = .999, concluding that the cell is
high likely to be occupied. Similarly, when the probabilities reported by
the three sensors are ps (mi j ) = .9,.5,.5 respectively, the output probability
is p(mi j ) = .9, neglecting the sensors reporting unknown state. when the
reported probabilities by the sensors are ps (mi j ) = .9,.1,.1 respectively, while
an increase of the uncertainty is desirable in such case, the output probability
is p(mi j ) = .1.


On the other hand, the LOP, by calculating the weighted average of the
individual probabilities, is always conservative in its estimate; disabling the
reinforcement characteristic in the supporting information cases and enabling
the non-informative sensors to contribute to the final belief. To explain
that, let us assume two sensors with equal weights reporting occupancy
probabilities of ps (mi j ) = .9,.9 respectively about a particular cell. While
an increase in the belief about the occupancy state of this cell is desirable,
applying LOP formula in equation 3.25 leads to output probability of
p(mi j ) = .9. In another case when the sensors report probabilities of
ps (mi j ) = .9,.5 respectively, the output probability is p(mi j ) = .7; allowing
the non-informative sensor to affect the final belief. To sum up, the LOP in
most cases results in less informative grid than the ones being fused. Hence,
we will rule out the LOP and decide the IOP as a more suitable grid fusion
method for our application.

3.5.2 Raw Measurement Fusion

Since we are using a sensor setup that consists of multi-lidars to build an
accurate occupancy grid map, we can take advantage of the similarity in the
sensor models and the frequency between the Lidars by directly merging the
data from the different Lidars into one grid as the simplest fusion method. The
point cloud provided from each sensor is first transformed from the sensor
coordinate frame to the vehicle coordinate frame; putting the different point
clouds into a common frame. The fused cloud is further constructed by taking
fixed angular steps where the readings from the different clouds are compared
at each step and the closest reading is considered. This fused point cloud is
finally used to build a single occupancy grid map.

Now let us analyse performing raw measurement fusion against IOP grid
fusion. Firstly, in the raw measurement scale, sensors are only informative. At
a specific angle, a sensor either provide a range measurement, corresponding
to an occupied area, or not, corresponding to a free area. Secondly, although
raw measurement fusion does not feature reinforcement in supportive information,
it never, theoretically, leads to false negatives. Supportive sensors in law
measurement level are sensors that provide the same range measurement
at a specific angle and thus only one of them is considered in the fused
cloud and processed through the sensor model to be interpreted as an
occupancy probability. Finally, the main drawback of the raw measurement
fusion is that it is always biased to false positives in conflicting information
situations. A typical situation of such case would be a sensor reporting a
range measurement at a specific angle while all other sensors do not for the


same angle. Hence, when constructing the fused point cloud, only the sensor
providing a range measurement will be considered, in comparison to the other
sensors. Nevertheless, such disadvantage can be redeemed by filtration of
false measurements. Moreover, since all the Lidars have the same sensor
model, it is unlikely that sensors provide conflicting information.

To conclude, an adequate occupancy representation of the vehicle surroundings

is feasible through combining raw measurements from the different Lidars, in
comparison to performing IOP fusion. Since performing independent opinion
pool fusion is computationally expensive due to the fact that we have to
maintain a map for each sensor before fusing them into one grid, combining
raw measurements is the most suitable fusion method to our application where
efficient and accurate maps are our objectives.


Chapter 4


This chapter is dedicated to provide the reader with a better understanding of

the project by presenting an overview of the developed system and addressing
the issues associated with the implementation of the methodology described
in the previous chapter.

4.1 Hardware Architecture

The project made use of Scania test truck which was equipped with an inertial
measurement unit (IMU) sensor that was used to estimate the ego-vehicle
motion and further update the position of the truck, an RTK GPS that was
used for creating a ground truth about the vehicle position along with three
Scala Lidar sensors mounted as shown in Figure 4.1 with the following specs:

Table 4.1: Lidar sensor specs

Parameter value
Number of Vertical Layers 4
Horizontal field of view 145 ◦
Vertical field of view ±3.2 ◦
Angular resolution .25 ◦
Range resolution ≤ .1m
Maximum range 150m
Data Refresh Time 40/80 ms

One of the main aims of this project is to make use of the computational
capabilities of graphical processing units to handle the heavy processes


involved within both occupancy grid mapping and particle filter algorithms.
Thus, an NVIDIA Jetson TX2 board that has a GPU, with 256 NVIDIA
CUDA cores, was chosen as an embedded platform for running the implemented
SLAM algorithm and evaluate the performance against a CPU platform.

(a) Side right Lidar (b) Front forward Lidar (c) Side left Lidar

Figure 4.1: Lidar sensors configuratin on the test truck.

4.2 Coordinate Frames Transformation

In this project, the perception of the vehicle’s environment is achieved using
a variety of sensors that are distributed in different spots on the truck. Thus,
data received from the sensors are expressed in different coordinate frames,
see Figure 4.2. Transformation between those different frames to a common
reference frame, the vehicle coordinate frame; base link, is a fundamental
step while processing the sensor data. Finding such transformation between
each sensor frame and the vehicle frame is often referred as the extrinsic
calibration of the sensor. Sensors calibration for the used test truck was
previously done by Scania where an object was accurately positioned in
relation to the vehicle and the transformation matrices were then defined by
matching the sensors measurements to the actual position of the object. So,
through the project, once the readings are received by the Lidars and the IMU,
they are conveyed to the base link frame by applying the fixed predefined
transformation matrices.

Moreover, in order to estimate the vehicle position while maintaining a map

of its environment, the following coordinate frames transformations were


• odom to base link: The IMU measurements, after being transformed

to the base link frame, are used to estimate the ego-vehicle motion
between two time instants, t1 and t2 , and further update the position
of the truck relative to its initial position, odom frame.

• map to odom: This transformation corresponds to expressing the

vehicle position in relation to the discretized map of its environment.
Due to the error within the odometry information provided by the IMU,
the vehicle position relative to the map frame can significantly drift over
time. The localization component of the proposed SLAM algorithm
accounts for such odometric errors and corrects the vehicle position in
the map.

Figure 4.2: Coordinate frames conventions. SR, FF, and SL; side right, front
forward and side left Lidars frames. IMU; inertial measurement unit frame.
odom; the inertial odometric frame of the vehicle. map; the frame where the
vehicle is moving.


4.3 Software Architecture

Figure 4.3 shows an overview of the software architecture developed through
the project as an implementation of the chosen methodology.

Figure 4.3: Software architecture overview.

We can sum up the workflow within the software architecture as follows:

1. Data are collected from all the sensors, Lidars and IMU, and transformed
to the base link frame.

2. The information provided by the IMU are used to calculate the ego-
vehicle motion and provide the odometry information for the SLAM

3. The data from the different Lidars are fused into one point cloud that is
further provided to the mapping component of the SLAM algorithm.

4. The Rao-Blackwellized Grid-Based SLAM algorithm shown previously

in Algprithm 3.2 is applied on the provided scan and odometry data:

• Once an odometry update happens, the motion model is applied

and the new particles generation is obtained.
• Once a new scan point cloud is received, the measurement model
is applied for each particle; the readings are converted from
polar to Cartesian, Bresenham’s line algorithm is applied on each
reading to determine the coordinates of the occupied cells, scan
matching with the last obtained map is performed and finally the
weight is calculated for this particle.


4.4 Practical Aspects

The different components of the software architecture were written in C++
programming language using Qt Creator toolkit. The system was implemented
on the Kinetic distribution of the Robot Operating System (ROS) and run
on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS. The data from the different Lidars were represented
by synchronized Point Cloud ROS messages format and recorded in rosbag
format. Moreover, the project made use of the ROS transformation TF
package to maintain the relationship between the different coordinate frames.

Using 1000 particles and a grid resolution of .1 m, the building blocks of the
SLAM algorithm were implemented as 7 kernels GPU, namely:

Figure 4.4: Implemented kernels on the GPU.

The same building blocks were implemented as functions, with the same
naming criteria in C++ on ROS, Robotics Operating Systems, environment on
the CPU. Finally, a comparison of the performance in terms of the execution
time was constructed between the GPU and the CPU which is further shown
and discussed in the next section.


Chapter 5

Evaluation and Results

The evaluation process through this project has been applied in two main
steps. First, in order to validate the implemented Rao-Blackwellized particle
filter SLAM algorithm, a quantitative analysis was performed using the
SLAM benchmark described and discussed in section 2.6. Second, a set
of experiments was designed and performed where the performance of the
proposed system was qualitatively assessed. In this section, we thoroughly
describe the evaluation procedure while presenting and discussing the results.

5.1 RBPF SLAM Benchmarking

The authors of [38] managed to create an objective benchmark by selecting
datasets that represent the various types of indoor environments among the
most frequently used datasets in the SLAM community, namely, MIT Killian
Court and ACES building at the University of Texas datasets as an example
of a topologically challenging corridor-environment with nested loops, and
Building 079 at the University of Freiburg, Intel Research Lab and CSAIL
at MIT datasets as examples of a cluttered office environment. They also
addressed outdoor environments by recording new dataset at the University
Hospital in Friburg. Moreover, Kümmerle et al. manually extracted relative
displacements between the nearby poses for each dataset.

Further, they processed the aforementioned datasets through three common

mapping techniques including scan-matching and Rao-Blackwellized particle
filter SLAM. Finally, the absolute and squared errors out of each technique
was computed according to the proposed metric in equation 2.1. The
translational components of the errors for each dataset when processed
through scan-matching and RBPF are presented in the first and second
columns of table 5.1 respectively. While the rotational components are


presented in the first two columns of table 5.2. The datasets, reference relative
relations, map images and the error metric evaluator source files can be found
online at: http://ais.informatik.uni-freiburg.de/slamevaluation/

Processing the mentioned datasets through our implementation of RBPF

SLAM algorithm and using the provided metric along with the reference
relations, the absolute and squared errors have been calculated and registered
in the third columns of tables 5.1 and 5.2. Thus, we can validate the
performance of our implemented RBPF algorithm by comparing the computed
errors for each dataset against the errors obtained from the scan-matching
technique and RBPF used in [38]. Here, we used 50 particles such that a
fair comparison to the results obtained in [38] can be held. In Figure 5.1,
we provide a graphical analysis of comparing the translational errors of the
three alorithms, while Figure 5.2 presents a graphical analysis of the rotational

Based on the error scores in the tables and the error plots, we can see that
the implemented RBPF in our project, like the one used in [38], outperforms
the scan matching approach in most cases. This has to do with the fact that
scan matching introduces high errors at loop closures. Moreover, we can
see that the results of the RBPF implemented within our system are always
comparable to the ones of the RBPF implementation used by Kümmerle et al..
Since the later led, on average, to building consistent maps when processing
the different datasets, we can then conclude that our implementation has been
validated to result in accurate representation of the environment. However, we
can argue that the difference in performance between the two implementations
is due to the fact that the RBPF used in [38] applies an improved motion
model by using scan matching along with the odometry information and uses
selective re-sampling technique. That in turn proves the positive effects of
the improvements proposed in [14] and [15] on the performance of the Rao-
Blackwellized Particle Filter algorithm.


Translational error Scan Matching [38] RBPF [38] RBPF

m (abs) / m2 (sqr)
Absolute error 0.173 ± 0.614 0.060 ± 0.049 0.16 ± 0.37
Squared error 0.407 ± 2.726 0.006 ± 0.011 0.16 ± 0.83
Maximum absolute error 4.869 0.433 3.119
Absolute error 0.220 ± 0.269 0.070 ± 0.083 0.40 ± 0.63
Squared error 0.136 ± 2.277 0.011 ± 0.034 0.56 ± 1.45
Maximum absolute error 1.168 0.698 3.07
MIT Kilian Court
Absolute error 1.651 ± 4.138 0.122 ± 0.386 0.12 ± 0.35
Squared error 19.85 ± 59.84 0.164 ± 0.814 0.13 ± 0.78
Maximum absolute error 19.467 2.513 3.128
Absolute error 0.106 ± 0.325 0.049 ± 0.049 0.093 ± 0.33
Squared error 0.117 ± 0.728 0.005 ± 0.013 0.17 ± 0.49
Maximum absolute error 3.570 0.508 4.72
Freiburg bldg 79
Absolute error 0.258 ± 0.427 0.061 ± 0.044 0.057 ± 0.027
Squared error 0.249 ± 0.687 0.006 ± 0.020 0.004 ± 0.05
Maximum absolute error 2.280 0.856 1.69
Freiburg Hospital
Absolute error 0.434 ± 1.615 0.637 ± 2.638 0.67 ± 3.05
Squared error 2.79 ± 18.19 7.367 ± 38.496 2.76 ± 23.52
Maximum absolute error 15.584 15.343 14.2109

Table 5.1: Translational components of the average and squared errors resultant
from processing the different datasets through the three mapping algorithms along
with the corresponding standard deviation and the maximum error. The errors out of
our implemented RBPF are presented in the right column while the errors in the left
and middle columns were obtained by Kümmerle et al. in [38].


Rotational error Scan Matching [38] RBPF [38] RBPF

deg (abs) / deg2 (sqr)
Absolute error 1.2 ± 1.5 1.2 ± 1.3 0.39 ± 0.43
Squared error 3.7 ± 10.7 3.1 ± 7.0 0.34 ± 1.49
Maximum absolute error 12.1 7.9 4.8
Absolute error 1.7 ± 4.8 3.0 ± 5.3 1.35 ± 2.28
Squared error 25.8 ± 170.9 36.7 ± 187.7 14.35 ± 160.0
Maximum absolute error 4.5 34.7 9.75
MIT Kilian Court
Absolute error 2.3 ± 4.5 0.8 ± 0.8 0.60 ± 0.41
Squared error 25.4 ± 65.0 0.9 ± 1.7 0.54 ± 1.66
Maximum absolute error 21.6 7.4 5.838
Absolute error 1.4 ± 4.5 0.6 ± 1.2 0.62 ± 0.65
Squared error 22.3 ± 111.3 1.9 ± 17.3 0.8 ± 2.29
Maximum absolute error 26.3 18.2 4.85
Freiburg bldg 79
Absolute error 1.7 ± 2.1 0.6 ± 0.6 1.15 ± 0.99
Squared error 7.3 ± 14.5 0.7 ± 2.0 2.23 ± 3.34
Maximum absolute error 9.9 6.4 3.94
Freiburg Hospital
Absolute error 1.3 ± 3.0 1.3 ± 2.3 1.66 ± .66
Squared error 10.9 ± 50.4 7.1 ±42.2 3.19 ± 44.71
Maximum absolute error 27.4 28.0 29.7

Table 5.2: Rotational components of the average and squared errors resultant from
processing the different datasets through the three mapping algorithms along with
the corresponding standard deviation and the maximum error. The errors out of our
implemented RBPF are presented in the right column while the errors in the left and
middle columns were obtained by Kümmerle et al. in [38].


(a) Average absolute error (b) Maximum absolute error

Figure 5.1: Graphical analysis of the translational errors of the different

mapping approaches. The errors of our implemented RBPF are shown in
grey, while the errors of the RBPF used in [38] are presented in orange.

(a) Average absolute error (b) Maximum absolute error

Figure 5.2: Graphical analysis of the rotational error of the different mapping
approaches. The errors of our implemented RBPF are shown in grey, while
the errors of the RBPF used in [38] are presented in orange.


5.2 Experimental Evaluation

5.2.1 Experiment I
Environment Setup
The experimental evaluation was carried out at Scania test track where the
test truck described previously in section 4.1 was stopped at some point in
the middle of the road. Three objects were placed in front of the vehicle, in
a triangular shape, that were formed using six moving boxes; each two boxes
were put on top of each other acting as a large enough object to be detected by
the Lidars. Behind the scene, another truck was parking beyond the left box
with a spare object placed in front of it. Moreover, part of the experimental
team were standing in two groups to the left side of the test truck.

Ground Truth
In order to reach a rough quantitative measure that support the qualitative
analysis applied while evaluating the accuracy of the occupancy grids generated
by the proposed algorithm, the left object was placed on an x-sign which was
accurately positioned on the test track by Scania and the other two objects
were delicately placed relative to the left one as shown in Figure 5.3.

Figure 5.3: True relative distances between the objects.

5.2.2 Experiment I - Test Scenario 1

This test case was designed with the sake of achieving the following aims:

• Verify the detection capabilities of each Lidar sensor.


• Evaluate the performance of the occupancy grid mapping component of

the proposed SLAM system.

• Validate the ability of the implemented mapping module to handle the

dynamic changes in the environment.

While the vehicle is being static, the data from all the sensors were being
logged for almost 1 minute. During recording the data, one person from
the two standing groups moved toward the test vehicle and went back to the
other group; causing referenced dynamic changes within the static scene. The
collected logs were further processed offline; the data from each Lidar were
passed individually to the mapping algorithm and an occupancy grid with .1
m cell resolution was maintained for each of the sensors .

Results and Discussion

While Figure 5.4 shows an online simulation of the detection from the
different Lidars, the occupancy grid obtained from each Lidar readings can
be seen in Figure 5.5.

Figure 5.4: Online simulation of the Lidars detection. Light blue; side right
Lidar, dark blue; front forward Lidar, pink; side left Lidar.

As can be seen in Figure 5.4, while the front forward Lidar has detected the
three objects, each of the right and left Lidars has detected only one; right and
left objects respectively. The objects were correctly mapped in the occupancy


grid of the corresponding detecting Lidar; marked in blue in Figures 5.5a,

5.5b and 5.5c. The recorded log showed packet loss of 22.4 % in the front
forward Lidar measurements which explains the huge missing part of the
occupancy map generated from the front forward Lidar shown in Figure 5.5b.
Nevertheless, we can see that not only the three objects are mapped, but also
the truck behind the scene along with the spare object; referenced by numbers
one and two respectively in the figure. We can extrapolate the overlap in the
field of view between the front forward and side left Lidars by the left object,
the parking truck and the spare object being mapped again in the occupancy
grid of the side left Lidar shown in Figure 5.5c beside the two groups of
people; referenced by numbers three and four in the figure. More importantly,
we can see in Figure 5.5c that the dynamic movements were detected by the
left Lidar but not interpreted into occupied cells; proving the ability of the
algorithm to handle the dynamic changes while mapping a static environment.


(a) Occupancy grid of the side right Lidar


(b) Occupancy grid of the front forward Lidar readings.

(c) Occupancy grid of the side left Lidar readings.

Figure 5.5: Resultant occupancy grids out of processing each Lidar point
cloud individually through the mapping algorithm. Grids are visualized in
each Lidar frame. In blue circles; the referenced objects. In red circles;
the different objects behind the scene. The white points are the accumulated
measurements of each Lidar.


The parts of the grids generated by the side right and side left Lidars readings
where the objects have been mapped are highlighted in Figures 5.6a and 5.6b
respectively, with the objects extracted manually. Although sharp occupied
cells directly beneath the two dimensions of the object detected by each
Lidar were expected, the figures show some occupied cells before the two
dimensions. This has to do with the fact that the windy weather during the
test along with the improper attachment between the two boxes forming the
object have led to parts of the top box to be detected by the Lidar before the
bottom one. However, neglecting this fact, for the simplicity of the evaluation,
we can see that those excessive cells do not exceed two rows in width. Thus,
we can conclude that the deviation between the ground truth and the mapping
algorithm output is lower than .2 m.

The part in Figure 5.5b where the objects are mapped is zoomed in Figure 5.7
while the objects are manually extracted and the relative distances between
the objects are measured. A comparison between those distances and the true
ones is constructed in table 5.3.

(a) The right object mapped by side right Lidar readings.

(b) The left objec mapped by side left Lidar readings.

Figure 5.6: Extracted Objects from the occupancy grids.


Table 5.3: Relative distances between the objects in scenario 1

Distance True value (m) Measured value (m) error (m)

Left box to Middle box 7.62 8.0 .38
Left box to Right box 9.32 9.5 .18

Figure 5.7: Extracted objects from the front forward Lidar occupancy grid.


5.2.3 Experiment I - Test Scenario 2

The aim of this test scenario is to evaluate the performance of the mapping
component of the proposed SLAM system while paying attention to the effect
of the low-level sensor fusion process.

While the vehicle being static, the side left Lidar was completely blinded and
the data from all sensors were being logged for almost 1 minute. The collected
log was further processed offline; the data from the different Lidars were first
fused into one point cloud which was then passed to the mapping algorithm
and a general occupancy grid with .1 m cell resolution was constructed.

Results and Discussion

Figure 5.8 shows the projected point cloud received from the different Lidars
along with the point cloud resultant from the raw measurement fusion process.
The side left Lidar does not provide any information about the environment;
being totally blinded. It is clear that the fused point cloud, white points in the
figure, perfectly combines the readings provided by the two Lidars; side right
and front forward. The occupancy grid map built out of processing the fused
point cloud is presented in Figure 5.9. Again, the missing parts of the grid
corresponds to the large packet loss in the front forward Lidar measurements.
However, we can see that the fused grid provide more information about the
vehicle’s surroundings compared to the grid constructed from the side right
Lidar point cloud individually in the first scenario. Moreover, applying low-
level fusion is a great boost to the SLAM system in case of sensor failure,
simulated in our scenario by camouflaging the side left Lidar, given that the
Lidars are complementing each other in terms of their field of view. Figure
5.10 magnifies the part of the grid where the objects are mapped. Extracting
the objects on the map and measuring the relative distances between them,
we can compare those distances to the ground truth as illustrated in table 5.4.
We can notice that by applying the low-level fusion, the error has reduced
compared to the case when only the front forward Lidar readings were used
for mapping the environment.

Table 5.4: Relative distances between the objects in scenario 2

Distance True value (m) Measured value (m) error (m)

Left box to Middle box 7.62 7.9 .28
Left box to Right box 9.32 9.2 .12


Figure 5.8: Accumulated Laser scans received from the Lidars; In light blue,
side right laser scans and in dark blue, front forward laser scans. In white, the
fused laser scans when applying low-level fusion.

Figure 5.9: Occupancy grid map built out of the fused point cloud and
visualized in the base link frame.

Figure 5.10: Extracted objects from the fused grid map.


5.2.4 Experiment II

In this experiment, we evaluate the performance of the full proposed SLAM
system; both localization and mapping. With the same environment setup as
the first experiment, the truck was parked far from the objects where none of
the objects was detected by the front forward Lidar. The truck started moving
slowly from its initial position approaching the boxes while performing two
stops on the way to make sure that there is enough time to map the boxes.
While the truck was moving, the data from all the sensors; Lidars, IMU and
RTK GPS were being logged. The collected log was further processed offline;
the data from the different Lidars were first fused into one point cloud which
was then passed to the SLAM algorithm and a general occupancy grid with .5
m cell resolution was maintained.

Results and Discussions

In Figure 5.11, we present the RBPF SLAM trajectory in comparison to
the odometry information obtained from the IMU and the ground truth
represented by the RTK GPS measurements. We can see that the SLAM
output was struggling at the beginning where no detection was available
for localization. However, the SLAM trajectory was further improved when
objects were detected and mapped, resulting in the estimated positions being
close to the ground truth ones. Moreover, it is obvious that the estimated
trajectory by the RBPF SLAM, marked in yellow in the figure, is better than
its corresponding obtained form the IMU readings, shown in red. That is
proven as well by the SLAM results showing lower max and mean absolute
errors compared to the IMU odometry, see table 5.5.

Table 5.5: Maximum and Mean absolute error

Estimation Approach MAE (m) Max error (m)

RBPF SLAM 0.6939 2.3471
Imu Odometry 2.3471 4.6782


Figure 5.11: The different estimated trajectories of the truck during the

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

Figure 5.12: Maintaining an occupancy grid map using RBPF SLAM.


Figure 5.12 illustrates the process of maintaining an occupancy grid map of

the environment while keeping track of the vehicle trajectory. In Figure 5.12-
a, we can see that no object has been detected yet. While in Figure 5.12-b, the
right and left objects have been detected and are being mapped. Afterwords,
in Figure 5.12-c, while the middle object has been detected, the right one
is not in the field of view of any of the Lidars anymore and the occupancy
state of its surrounding area is being updated. The final obtained occupancy
grid is presented in Figure 5.12-d where the objects are marked in red circles.
The right object has been interpreted into one occupied cell which perfectly
mirrors the area of the box. However, this is not the case for the middle
and left objects as the truck stopped and did not pass the objects. Moreover,
logging the data was directly terminated at this point which resulted in not
enough time for updating the occupancy.

5.2.5 Computational Performance

In this section, we discuss the efficiency of the proposed SLAM system in

terms of its computational performance. As mentioned in section 4.4, the
building blocks of the SLAM algorithm were first implemented as 7 kernels
on NVIDIA Jetson TX2 GPU where most parts of the algorithm have been
parallelized. The same implementation was further adjusted and run on the
CPU with 7 functions processing the same tasks as the kernels. The execution
time of each building block on the CPU and the GPU is shown in Table 5.6.
We notice a dramatic drop in the total execution time of the algorithm from
70.5 ms on the CPU to 22.816 ms on the GPU, see Figure 5.13. That in turn
indicates that the proposed SLAM algorithm is 2.09 times faster compared to
when it is running on the CPU.

Figure 5.13: Total execution times.


Table 5.6: Execution Time of the different blocks

Kernel/Function CPU (ms) GPU (ms)

PolarToCartesian 0.042 0.028
GenerateParticles 50.61 8.87
MapCorrelationScore 11.155 8.243
FindCellBresenham 0.014 0.009
CreateLocalMap 0.378 0.128
UpdateGlobalMap 7.96 5.34
Resample 0.298 0.198


Chapter 6

Conclusion and Future Work

We finalize the report by summarizing the work that has been done within
the implementation phase of this project, highlighting the results out of the
evaluation process and proposing potential improvements in the form of future

6.1 General Conclusion

The Localization and Mapping module is one of the core competencies
for designing vehicles with autonomy level higher than level 1. Due to
the reduction in production costs of advanced sensory technologies, the
autonomous driving research community has recently become interested in
integrating SLAM, Simultaneous Localization and Mapping, solutions into
commercial vehicles; increasing the intuitive awareness of the vehicles. The
goal of this project was to propose a complete SLAM system that can be used
by self-driving vehicles to efficiently map its surroundings while maintaining
its location in the environment. Our approach to achieve such system was to
utilize Bayesian inference theory to reach a detailed occupancy representation
of the environment. The state-of-art Rao-Blackwellized particle filter was
deployed with the grid representation of the environment to delicately
estimate the location of the vehicle while mapping its surroundings.

The algorithm was efficiently implemented on Jetson TX2 board overcoming

the complex computations associated with occupancy grid and particle filter
frameworks. The implementation was validated by testing it on the most
frequent used datasets in the SLAM community and benchmarking it against
another mapping approach, scan-matching, and against one of the most
popular grid-based RBPF implementations in the community, GMapping.
The results out of our implementation not only outperformed the scan-


matching technique results but also was comparable to the results obtained
from the GMapping RBPF implementation. To provide an insight of potential
real time solution that could be achieved by adapting and/or improving our
GPU implementation, a similar implementation was done on the CPU and a
comparison in terms of the execution time was constructed between the two
embedded platforms where the GPU implementation was found to be almost
three times faster than its corresponding on the CPU.

While most of the research is done on scaled vehicles and in virtual

environments, this project aimed to address the challenging SLAM problem
within an industrial context and to provide a proof-of-concept of the feasibility
of integrating SLAM solutions into commercial vehicles. With the Lidar
being one of the most suitable sensors for accurately mapping the environment,
we used Scania heavy truck that was equipped with multiple Lidars sensory
architecture. An inverse sensor model was defined for the Lidars to update
the occupancy state of the grid cells. Moreover, raw measurement fusion
was performed to integrate the Lidars readings; compensating for each other
drawbacks. Further, a set of real experiments was designed and performed at
Scania test track where the performance of the full system has been evaluated
in terms of the quality of the resulting occupancy map and the accuracy of the
estimated trajectory of the truck compared to the ground truth.

In the different designed scenarios, the proposed system was able to build
adequate occupancy maps of the truck surroundings. Moreover, in the second
scenario of Experiment 1, the raw measurement fusion applied between the
Lidars helped to skip the sensor synchronization step and was proven to
result in more informative grid than the grid that each Lidar can individually
provide. Furthermore, the localization component showed more accurate
estimation of the truck trajectory compared to the one obtained from the raw
odometry information. With the truck being able to map its static environment
and localize itself in a a global reference frame, through applying state-of-
art computer vision technologies, it can further plan it path, determine the
drivable corridor and avoid collisions.

6.2 Discussion and Future Work

Due to the constraints on the available resources and timeline of the project,
the functionality of the developed system within this research project was
limited. Thus, we here discuss some of those limitations and propose
directions for further research:


• Mapping Dynamic Environments: The mapping within this projects

was limited to environments containing static objects due to the assumptions
applied by the occupancy grid mapping framework. Extending the
developed system to be able to detect and map the dynamic changes
within the environment would be with a great assist for an autonomous
vehicle. One approach to do so is to apply the Bayesian Occupancy
Filter, BOF, introduced in [40]. In BOF, a four-dimensional grid is
maintained where two dimensions hold the (x, y) coordinates of the cell
and the other two dimensions represent the estimated velocity of the
cell in x and y directions.

• Raw Measurement and Grid Fusion: As discussed in section 3.5,

we fused the raw readings provided from the different Lidars and we
argued for using such fusion technique against the grid fusion method.
Although the results showed that the applied raw measurement fusion
leads to more informative grid than the grids obtained from each Lidar
individually, such fusion approach is limited and does not allow for
including more sensors with different physical working principles than
the Lidar. Whereas more sensors can be easily added within the grid
fusion framework by maintaining an additional grid map out of the
new sensor measurements and fusing it with the others, seeking such
general scalable fusion module always leads to suboptimal utilization
of the different sensor readings. Thus, an alternative direction can be
to propose different sensory system architectures, find the most optimal
fusion approach for the system in hand and compare the performance
of the different systems under the same set of designed experiments.

• Exploitation of the RBPF improvements proposed in [14] and

[15]: In section 5.1, the RBPF implementation used in [38] showed
better performance against our implementation; proving the positive
effects of the improvements proposed in [14] and [15] in terms of the
resultant maps consistency. However, no detailed information about the
execution time of such implementation are provided. An interesting
point would be to parallelize the implementation using a GPU and
evaluate its computational performance as well.

• Different Objects: Due to the limited available resources of the

project, we had the chance to test the proposed system only on objects


formed from carton boxes. The evaluation process should be further

extended to determine the Lidar detection capabilities with different
types of objects and under different simulated weather conditions while
paying attention to the performance of the fusion module within each



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