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Lidar Simulation for Robotic Application

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Lidar Simulation for Robotic Application

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Lidar Simulation for Robotic Application

Development: Modeling and Evaluation

Abhijeet Tallavajhula

Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of

Philosophy in Robotics.

The Robotics Institute

Carnegie Mellon University
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15213
May 2018

Thesis committee
Alonzo Kelly, CMU RI (Chair)
Martial Hebert, CMU RI
Michael Kaess, CMU RI
Peter Corke, Queensland University of Technology

Copyright c 2018 Abhijeet Tallavajhula


Given the increase in scale and complexity of robotics, robot application development is
challenging in the real world. It may be expensive, unsafe, or impractical to collect data,
or test systems, in reality. Simulation provides an answer to these challenges. In sim-
ulation, data collection is relatively inexpensive, scenes can be procedurally generated,
and state information is trivially available. Despite these benefits, the use of simulators
is often limited to the early stages of application development. In this work, we take
steps to close the gap between simulation and reality, for Lidar simulation.

We adopt the perspective that the eventual purpose of a simulator is a tool for robot
application development. Our framework for sensor simulation consists of three compo-
nents. The first is sensor modeling, which describes how a sensor interacts with a scene.
The second is scene generation, needed to construct simulated worlds corresponding to
reality. The third is simulator evaluation, based on comparing real and simulated data.
We formalize the intuition that application performance must be similar in simulation
and reality, using an application-level loss. Our framework is broadly applicable to
simulating sensors other than Lidars.

We instantiate our framework for two domains. The first domain is planar Lidar simu-
lation in indoor scenes. We construct a high-fidelity simulator using a parametric sensor
model. We show how application development paths for our simulator are closer to
reality, compared to a baseline. We also pose sensor modeling as a case of distribution
regression, which leads to a novel application of a nonparametric method that adapts
to trends in sensor data. The second domain is Lidar simulation in off-road scenes. Our
approach is to build a library of terrain primitives, derived from real Lidar observations.
These are shown to generalize, resulting in an expressive simulator for complex off-road
scenes. For this domain as well, we quantitatively demonstrate that our simulator is
better for application development, compared to a baseline.

Our work suggests a generic approach to building useful simulators. We view them as
predictive models, and perform thorough tests on real data. We evaluate them with an
application-level loss, which supports their greater use in the development cycle.
I first thank my advisor, Alonzo Kelly, for supporting me during the Ph.D. This work is
in large part his vision. Al has valuable lessons to teach, and I hope I have learned them
well. I am grateful to my committee members, Peter Corke, Martial Hebert, and Michael
Kaess, for their time and comments. I am grateful to Barnabás Póczos for inputs on
distribution regression. This work would have been incomplete without guidance from
Çetin Meriçli, whose help I could always count on. I thank Brad Lisien for assistance
in collecting data from Gascola. This research was supported by the National Science
Foundation under Grant Number 1317803.

Interactions with the faculty of the Robotics Institute, and CMU, have provided many
learning opportunities. I thank Sidd Srinivasa for the opportunity to come to RI. I am
grateful to the staff of the Robotics Institute, and the OIE. I especially thank Suzanne,
who looks out for students, and helped me navigate timelines. Finally, I would like to
thank my family, and my friends. I am fortunate in that I would have enjoyed their
support regardless of whether I was doing a Ph.D. or not.


Abstract i

Acknowledgements ii

1 Introduction 1
1.1 Motivation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.2 Outline of approach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

2 Background 10
2.1 Sensor modeling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
2.2 Scene generation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
2.3 Simulator evaluation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
2.3.1 Data-driven simulator training and test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
2.3.2 Observation-level loss . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
2.3.3 Application development . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
2.3.4 Application-level loss . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
2.4 Assumptions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
2.5 Related work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23

3 Indoor planar Lidar simulation 26

3.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
3.2 Related work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
3.3 Statistics background . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
3.3.1 Density estimation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
3.3.2 Regression . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
3.3.3 Distribution regression . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
3.4 Approach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
3.4.1 Real and simulated scenes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
3.4.2 Sensor modeling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 Parametric method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 Nonparametric method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
3.4.3 Simulator evaluation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
3.5 Experiments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
3.5.1 Observation-level simulator evaluation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
3.5.2 Application-level simulator evaluation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
3.5.3 Magnetic field sensor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56

Contents iv

4 Off-Road Lidar simulation 59

4.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
4.2 Related work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
4.3 Approach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
4.3.1 Real and simulated scenes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67 Ground segmentation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69 Scene elements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70 Scene segmentation and labeling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74 Primitives and scene construction . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
4.3.2 Simulator evaluation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76
4.4 Experiments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
4.4.1 Observation-level simulator evaluation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
4.4.2 Application-level simulator evaluation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86
4.4.3 Datasets generated . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89

5 Conclusion 90
5.1 Summary of contributions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90
5.2 Future work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91
5.2.1 Nonparametric sensor modeling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91
5.2.2 Off-road Lidar simulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92
5.2.3 Simulator evaluation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95
5.3 General sensor simulation outline . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96
Chapter 1


1.1 Motivation

The scale of robotics is increasing, evidenced by the growth in fields such as self-driving
cars, and unmanned aerial vehicles. This is accompanied by an increasing challenge of
developing software for robots. In fact, the difficulty of working with real robots can be
experienced even in a simple lab setting. Testing robots in real-world conditions can be
expensive, unsafe, or impractical. We illustrate these points using a few examples.

Figure 1.1: Simulation is useful in education, as an aid for students. Pictures are
from the Mobile Robot Programming Lab course, CMU. On the left is a Neato robot,
retrofitted as a fork-truck. On the right is a competition task between student groups.

The first example is related to education. At the Mobile Robot Programming Laboratory
(MRPL)1 , a course at Carnegie Mellon University (CMU), students program all the
basic building blocks of mobile robots. Working through a series of assignments, they
learn about and implement position control, and trajectory planning. Students also use
planar laser range sensors on the robots to perform localization and object detection.

Chapter 1. Introduction 2

The course culminates in a competition between groups. This example comes from first-
hand knowledge, from our involvement in teaching the course. Despite the apparent
simplicity, students face non-trivial problems when working with robots. To start with,
the robots are a limited resource, which different groups must coordinate to share.
Students quickly face the quirks of working with real data, such as sensor noise. In
addition, deploying code-in-progress directly on robots can be unsafe. For example,
we have observed that, when testing their Proportional-Integral-Derivative (PID) code,
students might forget to reset integral error to 0. The result is a robot that accelerates
suddenly, which can lead to damage. Not only students, but also maintainers of the
course have dealt with hardware issues. For example, an intended motor upgrade to the
robots malfunctioned, putting a number of them out of service. Labs were delayed be a
week, an expensive amount of time during a semester.

Figure 1.2: Simulation is useful for outdoor mobile robots, where real-world tests
are expensive. On the left is the Crusher robot. On the right is an unmanned ground
vehicle from the Pegasus project. Both projects are from NREC, CMU.

Our second example is the domain of outdoor mobile robots. We refer to projects
from the National Robotics Engineering Center (NREC), CMU 2 . Researchers at NREC
develop software, such as perception for off-road navigation [1], and virtualized reality
[2], for robots in challenging outdoor scenarios. Validating systems by testing in the
real world can be very expensive in this domain. For projects with the Crusher 3 robot,
which went on for 5 years, field tests were conducted every second week. An average
of ten people accompanied each field test. In the worst case, the cost for a week was
$250, 000. Unforeseen issues such as weather conditions may interrupt data collection
plans. Hardware failure on large systems can delay testing, incurring further cost.

A third example of the challenge of working with real systems is in machine learning for
robotics. Learning-based methods are widely used in robotics, especially in perception.
The challenges may be illustrated by considering classification, a common supervised
Chapter 1. Introduction 3

Figure 1.3: Simulation is useful for learning algorithms, where collecting and annotat-
ing large volumes of real data is impractical. Pictures are from the work on Maturana
and Scherer [3] on helicopter landing zone detection. The picture on the left shows
predictions from a CNN. The right depicts simulated grass used to generate synthetic
training data.

learning problem. In the work of Maturana and Scherer [3], the classification problem
was to detect landing zones from autonomous helicopters. A convolutional neural net-
work (CNN) was used as the classification algorithm, and the input was Lidar range
data. CNNs were chosen for their high performance, and fast predictions. Deep learning
methods often require large amounts of training data. This was difficult to obtain in
[3], as the source of real data was expensive flight tests. Even after obtaining real data,
annotation of a large dataset can be daunting. Further, for multi-class classification,
it may be impractical to arrange for sufficient diversity of classes in a real dataset. A
related problem is domain adaptation. For example, assume that the classifier in [3]
was trained in sunny weather conditions, but the landing detection was then required
to work on a helicopter operating in a different season.

Figure 1.4: Some of the many modeling tools, and simulators.

Developing application algorithms for robot systems that operate in complex, real-world
conditions is thus challenging. Methods which simplify the process of application devel-
opment will thus be of wide-ranging impact to the robotics community. Simulation is
one such solution. Simulated data is cheaper to obtain than real data. In a simulated
environment, safety of systems and other hardware issues are not a concern. Simulation
worlds can also be generated (up to representation accuracy) to specification, allowing
tests in conditions that would be impractical to target in reality. Simulators for different
Chapter 1. Introduction 4

Figure 1.5: Examples of the recent interest in simulation. From left to right, the
Gazebo simulator for the DARPA Robotics Challenge [4], simulation for visual tracking
[5] using Unreal Engine 4, and AirSim for aerial robotics [6].

phenomena have been developed (Figure 1.4). These include physics (such as simulat-
ing contacts and friction between soft and rigid bodies), graphics (such simulating the
interaction of light with different materials and textures), and various sensors (such as
simulating GPS, IMUs, cameras). The components are further bundled into specialized
packages, such as simulators for manipulation, aerial robots, and robot soccer, to name
a few. The domain of this work is range sensor simulation. While we mostly refer to
and work with Lidars, the techniques and language we use in this thesis are broadly
applicable to simulating other sensors. The motivation for focusing on Lidars is that
they are a key technology that have enabled advances in outdoor robots. They are often
used to provide a three-dimensional picture of the world to the robot. Applications are
routinely developed to process Lidar data, such as algorithms for scan matching, object
detection [7], and mapping [8]. Applications must deal with the noise and large scale
of Lidar data. They must be robust and have high performance, qualities which are
essential for good decision-making in the higher levels of autonomy. Lidar simulation
has been, or could be, used to address the challenges in each of the real-world anecdotes
mentioned above, as we briefly discuss next.

We built a simulator for the MRPL course mentioned earlier (Figure 1.1), which proved
useful in a number of ways. Working in simulation allowed students to make progress
even when shared real robots were occupied. Prototyping software in simulation added
a layer of safety. With regards to the mobile robots example, a Lidar simulator was
used during the Pegasus project at NREC 4 , during the design of an unmanned ground
vehicle, see Figure 1.2. The decision of where to place a Lidar sensor was arrived at
by running simulations. This saved time for the hardware team, which would otherwise
have had to test different sensor configurations in reality. In the CNN-based landing
zone detection work of Maturana and Scherer [3], the authors used synthetic training
data in the absence of sufficient real data, see Figure 1.3. This use of a Lidar simulator
enabled the selection of architectures and hyperparameters and for the CNN. Synthetic
data is attractive for machine learning, since a large amount of data may be generated
Chapter 1. Introduction 5

procedurally. Since state information is trivially available in simulation, annotations can

be generated automatically. Other biases with real datasets, such as class imbalances
and inadequate diversity, can be overcome in simulation, since desired worlds can be
directly specified.

Simulation is closely tied with application development in robotics. In this thesis, by

application we refer to an algorithm to be deployed on the robot to perform some
task. By development we refer to the process of tuning and optimizing the algorithm.
Simulation is beneficial for application development in a number of ways, in addition
to those mentioned above. First, simulation is repeatable. The same tests can be run
repeatedly, even as an application algorithm is modified. Achieving this in reality is
difficult. Second, desired worlds as test environments can be be specified in simulation.
For example, we might want to test perception algorithms in a dense forest. Locating
and scheduling such a test in reality may be expensive, but is easier in simulation. Third,
state information can often be trivially obtained in simulation. The same information
may not be available in reality. This allows simulated testing of applications in ways,
and using metrics, not possible otherwise. For example, consider the application of
visually tracking a target. The tracking algorithm may internally estimate the velocity
of a target. In reality, the state of the target may not be known, and a metric such as
bounding box overlap may be used to evaluate the tracking algorithm. In simulation,
however, the target state will be known. This information can be used to compute
additional metrics for the algorithm. It may lead to insights, such as poor performance
because of errors in target velocity estimation.

In fact, simulators are already part of the application development timeline in robotics.
However, their role may be limited. Simulators may be used in the early stages, to test
initial implementations, and catch obvious bugs. As development proceeds and an ap-
plication matures, simulation may be set aside. Testing in reality may be favored. Why
is this the case, given the benefits of simulation outlined? Our answer is that a useful
simulator has three components: sensor models, scene construction, and simulator eval-
uation. The sensor models must be high-fidelity. Scenes constructed in simulation must
be realistic, or more strictly, must correspond to real scenes. Evaluation of simulators
must be thorough, and meaningful in the context of robot application development. A
lack of any of these leads to a simulator of limited value. We discuss these, once again,
in the context of the simulation anecdotes.

When developing a Lidar simulator for the MRPL course, we found that a vanilla ray-
tracing sensor model was not good enough. Students preferred to work with real robots,
because the simulated data was too clean. As an example, consider the situation in
Figure 1.6, which is similar to one of the course assignments. The task is to detect a
Chapter 1. Introduction 6




scene naive simulation real observations

Figure 1.6: A detection task. The first panel shows the scene. The target is to be
detected from range data. The second panel shows range data form a naive simulator.
In this data, it is easy to locate and navigate to the target. The third panel shows the
real range data, which is noisy and has missing data. The same algorithm would find
a false positive, and cause the robot to drive into the wall.

target, which the robot has to approach and pick up. Behind the robot is a wall. In
a naive simulation, developing software to detect the target, while ignoring sensor data
from the wall, is simple. In reality, there are breaks in the sensor data. A detector
developed on the naive simulator might detect a false positive, and the robot drives
straight into the wall. While the aim of simulation is to ease the burden of working with
reality, this should not come at the cost of simplifying real data. Because the real Lidar
sensor was noisier than the vanilla simulator, applications developed by students which
performed well in simulation would degrade in reality. They switched to working with
real data once simulation stopped being a useful source of feedback. This observation
led us to use high-fidelity sensor models in our simulator.

We mentioned in the outdoor mobile robot anecdote (Figure 1.2) that a Lidar simulator
was used to decide the placement of a sensor. While useful, the drawback with the
simulator in that case was that it was ‘geo-specific’. This was because the Lidar simulator
was constructed by mapping a real site. Lidar data could be simulated in only one
simulated scene, which was the mapped version of the real scene. While simulated data
was high-fidelity, the simulator was inexpressive. We mentioned earlier that simulators
are useful because they allow the specification of desired worlds. But this ability is
limited by the expressiveness of the simulator. Outdoor missions might require testing
in a number of real environments. The ability to support the creation of simulated
scenes corresponding to complex real world scenes is important for simulation.

Finally, in the work of Maturana and Scherer [3] on autonomous landing zone detection
(Figure 1.3), a problem noted was Lidar simulator evaluation. First, it was difficult to
create simulated worlds corresponding to real landing zones. An expressive simulator,
Chapter 1. Introduction 7

where the real world can be reconstructed, is thus important even for simulator simula-
tion. Second, it was observed that the performance of algorithms in simulation was an
optimistic estimate of performance in reality. Admittedly, simulation was not the cen-
terpiece of [3]. Even in other projects developing applications for autonomous systems,
simulation may not be the focus. But unless simulators are evaluated in a principled
way, for the purpose they are intended for, trust in simulation will remain low.

1.2 Outline of approach

Indoor Lidar simulator Off-road Lidar simulator

Figure 1.7: Real and simulated scenes from our work. The left figure depicts the
indoor Lidar simulator. The right figure depicts the off-road Lidar simulator

The potential benefits of simulation, and the drawbacks of current approaches, are mo-
tivations to build better Lidar simulators. At a high level, our approach is to consider
each component of simulation individually: sensor models, scene generation, and sim-
ulator evaluation. We instantiate the high-level approach in the construction of two
Lidar simulators. The first simulator is for a planar Lidar sensor operating in indoor
environments. The second simulator is for a 3D Lidar sensor operating in off-road en-
vironments. In either case, we demonstrate an improvement over existing simulation
methods. The outline of the thesis document is as follows.

true histogram

sensor 0.05

model 0
0 5 10 15 20
scene simulator 0.1

generation evaluation 0.05

0 5 10 15 20
Simulator components 0.1 Non-parametricP-Reg
sensor model Off-road Lidar simulator

Figure 1.8: Our work includes a formulation for general sensor simulation (Chapter
2), non-parametric sensor models (Chapter 3), and complex off-road scene generation
(Chapter 4).

• Chapter 2 contains the terminology used in this thesis. It is the common lan-
guage which we use to speak about both indoor and off-road Lidar simulation.
We describe our notation and mention assumptions. We approach evaluation in a
Chapter 1. Introduction 8

data-driven manner, and show how this approach requires the construction of re-
alistic scenes in simulation. We specify what is meant by application development,
and note the difference between observation-level and application-level simulator
evaluation. The benefit of introducing our terminology is that past approaches to
evaluating simulators can be discussed in common terms. We can view them as
specific cases of our more general approach. While our work is in Lidar simulation,
we believe that our high-level approach is broadly applicable. It can be used to
guide the construction of any sensor simulator.

Note that there are other aspects of simulators: their software architecture, com-
munication between modules, user interfaces, and others. While important, these
are not the focus of this thesis.

• Chapter 3 details the simulation of a planar Lidar in indoor scenes. The motivation
was a classroom simulator. The simulated scenes in this case are simple, and the
contributions are in the sensor model. We first use a specific parametric model
which is able to reproduce quirks in real sensor data. Then, in response to the
question of whether it is possible to simulate sensors directly from raw data, we
reply in the positive with a completely non-parametric approach. This is a novel
application of a recently developed non-parametric regression method to modeling
sensors. We then perform application-level simulator evaluation. We demonstrate
the approach via two fundamental mobile robot tasks: object detection and state

The non-parametric regression method we use is conceptually simple. It is efficient

to apply to modeling any sensor with unidimensional output. We demonstrate this
by modeling a probe used in medical applications.

• Chapter 4 details the simulation of a 3D Lidar in off-road scenes. The motivation

was off-road autonomy missions. The sensor model in this case is consists of hybrid
geometric elements. It is a representation well-suited to simulating Lidars interact-
ing with off-road terrain, such as vegetation. Our contribution is the introduction
of expressiveness to such a simulator. We extract terrain primitives from training
data, which results in a primitive library optimized for simulation. The primitives
can then be used to construct new simulated scenes. We evaluate the simulator in
complex, real-world scenes of interest. In this case, we perform application-level
evaluation for scan matching.

Our approach can also be used to simulate arbitrary scenes, and to efficiently
map off-road sites. We have generated labeled datasets in the course of our work
on simulation. These may be of independent interest, e.g. for Lidar semantic
segmentation and object detection.
Chapter 1. Introduction 9

• Chapter 5 concludes the thesis. We highlight lessons learned and summarize the
contributions. We list short-term directions for improving the simulators con-
structed in this thesis. We also discuss long-term paths for future work.

Discussion of related work is included in each chapter. For work on the individual
simulators, we also include extra notation where necessary.
Chapter 2


This chapter contains the terminology used in this thesis. We describe our notation
and mention assumptions. Broadly, we view a Lidar simulator as a predictive model,
consisting of three parts: a sensor model, a scene generator, and an evaluation method.

2.1 Sensor modeling



state point cloud

Figure 2.1: Some of the notation illustrated for a Lidar sensor in an off-road en-
vironment. On the right, the dotted line represents the path taken by the vehicle.
Information gathered along the path is the dataset.

The state of the world in reality is denoted by x. We consider all information that affects
sensor observations as part of the state. This includes the pose of the sensor, qsensor ,
and the sensor’s environment. The state space is denoted by X . The sensor observation
is denoted by z. The observation can be a vector. For a Lidar sensor, the observation
is a set of range returns z = {z j }, where the subscript j denotes coordinates of the
observation vector. The returns in an observation may correspond to a sensor-specific

Chapter 2. Background 11

scanning (or firing) pattern. A return is just a real number in the case of a hit, and a
‘nothing’ value in the case of a miss. Sensor observations are typically noisy, so no two
observations at a particular state will be equal. We take this into account by saying
that the true behavior of a sensor is represented by the observation distribution, p(z|x),
which specifies the probability (density) of an observation at a particular state.

It is unlikely that the real world will be recreated exactly in a simulator. Therefore, we
denote the world state in simulation by x̂. The corresponding space of simulated world
states is X̂ . Simulated observations are denoted by ẑ. A sensor model is a model of
the true observation distribution, and denoted by p̂(z|x̂). Note that the sensor model
depends on the simulator state. A simulator does not have access to the real state
x. Simulated observations are samples drawn from the sensor model, ẑ ∼ p̂(z|x̂). The
sensor model can be deterministic, as in the case of a simple ray-trace simulator.

The sensor model may have parameters which can be tuned to optimize the model. In
this work, we consider data-driven sensor models, which are optimized on real data.
This requires a dataset D, which is a set of state-observation pairs D = {(xi , zi )}. In
practice, we might only have access to a part of the real state. We overload the dataset
notation and make its contents clear, where required. For example, in the off-road
case, the dataset is a set of sensor pose-observation pairs, D = {(qsensor,i , zi )}. Since
lidar observations are naturally viewed as points in space, we will often convert a set of
observations into a point cloud. A range return that results in a hit, when transformed
into the world frame, using the sensor pose qsensor , results in a point denoted by y ∈ R3 .
A set of points in the world frame, often accumulated over multiple observations, results
in a point cloud denoted by Y = {yj }.

2.2 Scene generation

By scene generation, we refer to the construction of simulated worlds in which to query

sensor observations. Our reasons for paying attention to scene generation require a
notion of simulator evaluation. Evaluation is the subject of Section 2.3 below. For now,
however, we work with the understanding that a simulator is optimized by matching
simulated sensor observations to real observations. First, consider the simplest method
of selecting a sensor model, classic calibration. In calibration, the sensor is placed in
a controlled setup. For example, a range sensor may be placed on a measuring table,
pointing at a plain target such as a flat surface (Figure 2.2, top). The distance to the
target, which is also the state x, can be accurately measured. Observations are logged
at a state, and the data collection is repeated at different states, resulting in a dataset of
state-observation pairs, D = {xi , zi }. The simulated state is simply the distance to the
Chapter 2. Background 12

indoor scene

real scene simulated scene

indoor scene with realistic object

real scene simulated scene

off-road scene

real scene simulated scene

Figure 2.2: The progression of simulator training from laboratory indoor scenes to
complex off-road scenes.

target, which has been measured in reality, x̂i = xi . The simulator in this case is simply
the sensor model, p̂(z|x̂). Matching simulated observations ẑi to real observations zi
leads to an optimized sensor model.

Of course, our sensor’s operating condition may not be a sanitized laboratory. Suppose
we want to construct an off-road Lidar simulator. The objects that the Lidar looks at
might more likely be uneven ground and vegetation. To this end, we could replace the
flat surface in the calibration setup with a real plant (Figure 2.2, middle). To generate
corresponding simulated observations, the simulated scene would now have to contain a
simulated plant. The simple distance-to-target state description is not enough. Scene
generation is more difficult in this case. The simulated plant may not match the real
plant in terms of position, shape, and so on.
Chapter 2. Background 13

After selecting a sensor model with the sample plant, the next step would be to place
the sensor on a robot and take it outdoors, into the type of real environment that we
eventually want to simulate in (Figure 2.2, bottom). It is important that we take this
step forward to train simulators in complex scenes. Otherwise, the simulator may be
dismissed as good only for toy worlds, leading to a gap between simulation and reality.
The problem of scene generation is immediately apparent here. To simulate observations
that can be compared with real data, we have to reconstruct a complex real scene in
simulation. Note the difference between realistic and reconstructed simulated scenes.
A realistic simulated scene does not correspond to a real scene. Although it may be
similar (according to some metric) to the real world. This may be a common use case
for a simulator: hallucinating worlds to test applications in. A reconstructed simulated
scene is an analogue of a real scene. The latter is more challenging, but the payoff is
a principled evaluation of the simulator. Hence the connection between evaluation and
scene generation. Once a simulator has been validated for reconstructed scenes, its use
in realistic scenes is justified.

sim state space sim state space

sim state space real state simulated state simulated state




x (m)

sim state space real state simulated state

Figure 2.3: Generating a simulated world state corresponding to a real world state
can be thought of as a projection onto the simulator state space.

The space of simulated states is X̂ . We can informally interpret the ‘size of X̂ ’ as the
expressiveness of the simulator. For example, suppose that the library of objects in
simulator 2 is a superset of the library in simulator 1 (Figure 2.3, top). Simulator 2
is a more expressive simulator, since more diverse real scenes can be reconstructed in
Chapter 2. Background 14

simulation . Given a real state x and some simulator with space, X̂ , however, we still
need to map x to a simulated scene x̂. This can be thought of as a projection operation,
that is (i.e.), selecting the simulated scene closest to the real scene. For simulator 2, a
good scene projection leads to simulated scene with state x̂1 (Figure 2.3, middle). A
poorer scene projection results in a scene with state x̂2 , and x̂1 is a better reconstruction
of x̂. Figure 2.3, bottom, depicts a scene generation in a different simulator. While
simulator scene space X̂2 uses mesh objects, X̂3 uses Gaussian distributions to model
objects. In our work, the projection step is manual. It can, however, be automated
using well-known Lidar processing tools, as discussed in Section 5.2.2. Details of the
scene representation chosen for our indoor and off-road Lidar simulators are in Chapters
3 and 4, respectively.

2.3 Simulator evaluation

In Section 2.2 we said that a simulator is evaluated by comparing simulated data with
real data. Borrowing language from learning theory [9], we compare them using a
quantity called the loss l. The loss, averaged over a dataset, is called the empirical
risk R̂. By simulator evaluation, we formally mean the calculation of the empirical risk
over a dataset. We first discuss simulator training, and then different choices for the
simulation loss.

2.3.1 Data-driven simulator training and test

For evaluation, we first collect a dataset in a real scene, D = {xi , zi }. Although we write
the real dataset as containing the real state, typically only partial state information will
be available. We generate a simulated scene corresponding to reality. It is assumed that
the real dataset contains the sensor pose information, qsensor,i . We query observations at
the sensor poses, to generate a corresponding simulated dataset, D̂ = {x̂i , ẑi }. Writing
the simulated dataset as containing the full simulated state is exact. The simulator can
then be evaluated by comparing the real and simulated data, using the simulation risk.

The simulator typically has parameters θ. These could include parameters for the sensor
model and the scene generation. For simulator training, a training dataset is collected.
The parameters θ are then tuned to reduce the risk on the training dataset, resulting in
an optimized simulator, say with parameters θ∗ . The evaluation process is then repeated
on a separate test dataset. The simulator is not to be tuned on the test dataset. The
empirical risk on the test dataset is only calculated for a single set of parameters θ∗ ,
allowing it to serve as an unbiased estimate of the simulator’s performance.
Chapter 2. Background 15

reality reality

simulation simulation
risk risk

simulation simulation


train test

Figure 2.4: Real data is compared with simulated data using the simulation risk. The
simulator is optimized to minimize the risk during training. The risk is calculated on
a test scene for an unbiased estimate of simulator performance.

2.3.2 Observation-level loss

An observation-level loss compares simulated and real data at the level of raw observa-
tions. For a Lidar sensor, where the observation is a vector of range returns, z = {z j },
we can define the loss and risk to be
1 X j
l(z, ẑ) = |z − ẑ j |, R = E l(z, ẑ), (2.1)

where M is the number of returns in an observation. In practice, a modification to

the loss may be necessary to account for the hits and misses among the range returns.
The risk is an expectation of the loss, calculated with respect to some distribution of
states and observations p(x, z). For a dataset of size N , with data sampled from the
distribution p(x, z), we calculate the empirical risk

1 X
R̂ = l(zi , ẑi ). (2.2)

The simulator training procedure can be rewritten as minθ R̂(θ). The averaging step
in the risk means that, even if risk were low, the simulator may infrequently simulate
observations that do not agree with reality. Where infrequently is with respect to the
distribution p(x, z). The risk may be defined as the worst-case loss, R = max l(z, ẑ),
with the maximum taken over all real observations. However, this quantity is impractical
to work with. Defining the risk as an average makes it tractable to compute. It also
Chapter 2. Background 16

allows the provision of guarantees under the framework of statistical learning theory [9].
In practice we do not deal with the distribution p(x, z) directly. It is implicit in the
data collection procedure. The kind of generalization we expect from the simulator is
specified through the distribution. For example, we may want to build a Lidar weather
simulator, with high-fidelity simulation of Lidar data across conditions such as clear
skies, snow, and rain. Our target distribution would then be over scenes with varying
weather conditions. It must be kept in mind that low risk on one distribution does not
directly imply good simulator performance on another distribution. These are standard
caveats with any learning-based method.

2.3.3 Application development

Informally, a low observation-level risk means that, on average, simulated data agrees
with reality. However, in robotics, the aim of simulation is not just the generation of
sensor-realistic observations. A simulator is a tool used to develop an application to be
deployed on a real system. Intuitively, a useful simulator is one in which application
development proceeds similarly to how it would in reality. In this section, we specify
what is meant by application development.

An application algorithm is denoted by A. When clear, we will use the terms application
and algorithm interchangeably. An algorithm A is associated with tunable parameters
α. These are unrelated to the simulator parameters θ. The performance of the algorithm
is measured using an algorithm objective J, with a low objective indicating high perfor-
mance. The algorithm objective J(α, D) is calculated for a set of algorithm parameters
α, over a dataset D. As an illustration, consider 2D localization as a hypothetical appli-
cation, and the algorithm A to be scan matching (Figure 2.5, top). Lidar range data is
to be matched to a map of the environment. The range data is depicted as red points,
and the map is depicted as blue lines. The solid arrow represents the true pose of the
robot. The output of the algorithm, the estimated pose after scan matching, is depicted
as a dashed arrow. The Lidar data is transformed to points based on the estimated
pose. Real sensor noise is exaggerated for illustration. For simplicity, the algorithm has
a single parameter α, the maximum inlier distance to the map. The closest distance of
Lidar points to the map is computed, in the input robot frame. If this distance exceeds
α, then the point is marked as an outlier and not considered for scan matching. Each
instance i in the dataset D is a scan matching problem, consisting of a map, the initial
pose, and the ground-truth pose of the robot, say qi . Denote the output of the scan
matching algorithm by qi0 . The ground-truth pose is not input to the scan matching
algorithm. It is only used to compute the error of localization. The algorithm objec-
tive can be chosen to be the following, where the dependence of J on the algorithm
Chapter 2. Background 17

application: scan matching

pose after
scan matching

ground truth
points after
scan matching


algorithm parameter: maximum inlier distance

too low just right too high

Figure 2.5: A hypothetical scan matching application to illustrate application-level

loss. There is one parameter, the maximum inlier distance, which is to be tuned on

parameters α is implicit,

1 X
J(α, D) = kqi − qi0 k.

We can also choose the performance to take into account other metrics of interest, such
as the number of times a particular bug (such as a system crash) occurs. By application
development, we refer to tuning the algorithm parameters to minimize the objective (or
maximize performance). For example, for the scan matching example, the algorithm
parameter α is the maximum inlier distance. A suitable value for this parameter is not
known a priori. In an ideal world all points would be inliers, but in reality, outliers
will exist due to sensor noise, unmapped objects in the world, and other reasons. The
optimal value for α will require a process of development. Given dataset D, we write
the iterations of application development as {(αi , Ji )}. We attempt to improve the per-
formance of the algorithm in successive development iterations, as depicted for the scan
matching example in Figure 2.6. The dataset consists of a number of maps and scans.
Initially, the algorithm performance is poor, as depicted by the estimated poses (dashed
Chapter 2. Background 18

Figure 2.6: Application development is the process of tuning algorithm parameters α

to minimize the algorithm objective J on a dataset. The algorithm performance may
finally be calculated on a test dataset.

arrows) being far from the true poses (solid arrows). As development proceeds, the esti-
mated poses line up with the true poses. At the termination of algorithm development,
the algorithm is ready to be deployed on the robot. We denote this terminal point as
(α∗ , J ∗ ), where Ji = J(αi , D), and J ∗ = J(α∗ , D). Application development can thus be
viewed as tracing a path in the space of algorithm parameters and objective, (α, J). The
algorithm objective may be finally calculated on a test dataset, serving as an unbiased
estimate of the algorithm performance.

Application development is agnostic to the source of data. For the scan matching ex-
ample, assume we had access to a Lidar simulator. When it is difficult to collect real
data, application development may first occur in simulation. The illustration for the
scan matching example, Figure 2.7, is analogous to development in reality, Figure 2.6.
This results in a development path, {(α̂i , Jˆi )}, where Jˆi = J(α̂i , D̂).

2.3.4 Application-level loss

Our application-level loss connects the evaluation of a simulator to its purpose, and is
intended to be a meaningful evaluation of the usefulness of a simulator. The algorithm
objective J(α, D) defined in Section 2.3.3 is agnostic to the data source. Now, for sim-
ulator evaluation, we are given a real dataset D, for which we simulate a corresponding
dataset D̂. For the same algorithm parameters α, we can compute the algorithm ob-
jective both in reality and simulation. These are J(α, D) and J(α, D̂), respectively.
Chapter 2. Background 19

Figure 2.7: Application development for the same scan matching algorithm, but in

Consider a simulation loss defined as

l(α) = |J(α, D) − J(α, D̂)|. (2.3)

This application-level loss can be thought to measure the gap between simulation and
reality, from the perspective of the application. However, this loss is a function of
the algorithm parameters. Since these are not fixed, it leads to the question of which
parameters to calculate the loss for. Answers are suggested by the process of application

loss of best algorithm

in simulation

Figure 2.8: An application algorithm trained in simulation may degrade when trans-
ferred to reality. The difference can be quantified by the simulation loss.
Chapter 2. Background 20

Say the process of application development in simulation resulted in the path {(α̂i , Jˆi )}.
If we only cared about the best performing algorithm, we would compute the loss for α̂∗ ,
|J(α̂∗ , D) − J(α̂∗ , D̂)|. Further, consider that the Lidar simulator did not capture the
non-idealities of the real data, which are high variance in range readings, sensor dropouts,
and outliers. It is often observed that the performance of an algorithm degrades when
it is transferred to reality. The loss for α̂∗ enables calculation of this performance gap
during transfer. For the scan matching example, since the simulated data is relatively
‘clean’, increasing the maximum inlier distance improves performance. Lower objectives
are achieved in simulation than in reality, and the performance gap is depicted in Figure

Figure 2.9: Illustration of the application-level risk. Each row is a particular set of
algorithm parameters. Each column represents a real scene and corresponding simu-
lated scene. Each bracket entry is the difference in performance between simulation
and reality. The (empirical) simulation risk is the sum of losses over the αk sampled
from distribution p(α).

In cases where we are concerned only with the best performing algorithm parameters,
application development is simply an optimization. In these cases, we can take the
simulation risk to be l(α̂∗ ). However, we can also consider cases where the losses at
parameters other than α̂∗ are of interest. For example, suppose the scan matching algo-
rithm was under development by students in a classroom setting. They may manually
explore the parameter space in order to understand the effects of different parameters on
the algorithm performance. In application development, roadblocks encountered when
working with real data can provide useful insight into a system’s operation. We would
like simulation to be useful in this broader sense: it should challenge application devel-
opment in a manner similar to reality, resulting in similar bugs, and leading to similar
Chapter 2. Background 21

design decisions. We could take the simulation risk as the maximum loss over the space
of algorithm parameters, but this quantity is not tractable to compute. Instead, we de-
fine the empirical risk as a mean over parameters {αk }, k = 1 : K drawn independently
from a distribution p(α),

R= E l(α), (2.4)
K p(α)
1 X
R̂ = l(αi ). (2.5)

For the scan matching example the risk is visualized in Figure 2.9. Informally, a low
application-level risk means that, on average, algorithm performance on simulated data
agrees with reality. We would expect the simulator to provide similar feedback as reality,
even when algorithm performance is poor. This definition of the risk does not depend
on a particular algorithm development path.

Figure 2.10: Upto now we considered a single simulator. We can calculate the
application-level simulation risk in a similar manner for another Lidar simulator. This
second Lidar simulator is better at modeling the real sensor noise.

The simulator risk gives us a precise way of comparing two simulators. For the scan
matching example, suppose we had a second, more realistic simulator, Figure 2.10. If
R̂2 < R̂1 , then we can make the claim that simulator 2 is better for the purpose of
developing some application than simulator 1. See Figure 2.10.

A related, qualitative way of comparing simulators is by comparing application develop-

ment paths. In a typical setting, initial application development may occur in simula-
tion, and suppose that this development path was {(α̂i , Jˆi )}, where Jˆi = J(α̂i , D̂). In our
Chapter 2. Background 22

Figure 2.11: Comparing algorithm development paths in simulation and reality.

case, since we have a real dataset corresponding to the simulated one, we can compute
the objective for these parameters on the real dataset as well. This results in a path
{(α̂i , J(α̂i , D))} representing performance in reality, which is invisible during application
development in simulation. For the scan matching example, this is depicted in Figure
2.11. Imagine that the scan matching algorithm is trained in simulation. The developer
working in simulation sees the pink curve. The red curve shows the corresponding ob-
jective of the same parameters in reality. At a point in the development path, we may
zoom in, and analyze the difference in feedback provided by real and simulated data.
For example, on simulated data, it may benefit to keep increasing the maximum inlier
distance. On the other hand, the real data has outliers. The pose estimate becomes
worse if the outliers are considered for registration.

2.4 Assumptions

We summarize the assumptions made in the formulation.

• We assumed that the real dataset D contains the sensor pose as part of the state.
Localization robots in off-road environments is a challenging problem in itself,
which we assume has been solved before turning attention to simulation. This
choice simplifies the formulation used.

• Time is not explicitly part in our formulation, but is implicit in our assumption
that the pose is known. We assume that the scene is stationary during data col-
lection. Whether the sensor is stationary or dynamic depends on the domain.
For the indoor Lidar simulator, we work with training data in the form of sen-
sor histograms at each state. This requires data collection while the sensor was
Chapter 2. Background 23

stationary. For the off-road Lidar simulator, in contrast, training data was col-
lected while a Lidar sensor mounted on a ground vehicle was being driven. For
the purpose of simulation, scenes can be stationary or dynamic.

• We assumed, for application development, the availability of a real dataset D. An

argument can be made that under this assumption, D can be used for application
development directly, ignoring simulators. And that a simulated dataset D̂ will
be used primarily where D is difficult to collect. This argument misses key points.
First, our aim is to evaluate simulators in a principled, data-driven manner. A
simulator can be a predictive model as complex as an application developed on it,
and there is no reason to expect that such evaluation will require less data than
application development does. Second, it is such data-driven evaluation based on
D that motivates application development in simulation in place of reality, as we
expect the simulator to generalize to similar datasets. Third, a final iteration of
application development for robots will likely require real data, and this can be
later utilized to evaluate the simulator.

• We assumed that an algorithm A we develop is ‘open-loop’, that is, the dataset

of states and observations is not dependent on the output of the algorithm. This
assumption allows us to collect a real dataset and use it off-line for simulator

2.5 Related work

We discuss related work for application-level simulator evaluation in this section. Re-
lated work for sensor models and scene generation are more appropriately discussed
with each simulation domain. They can be found in Section 3.2 and 4.2 for indoor and
off-road Lidar simulation, respectively. In prior work on general-purpose robotics simu-
lators, such as Gazebo [4, 10], and Player/ Stage [11], the focus was on aspects such as
software architecture, interfaces, and speed. In other work [12–14] there was comparison
among simulators, but not between simulation and reality. Simulators such as BlenSor
[12] and VANE [15] often make use sensor models for different sensors. These may be
validated individually [6, 16] in controlled environments, similar to standard calibration
experiments. The models may then be tested in increasingly complex and realistic envi-
ronments. For example, [17] evaluated range finders in smoky environments. A challenge
in this progression is to create simulated worlds corresponding to real worlds. In work
on VANE [15], GPS data from a real environment was compared to simulated data from
a ‘geo-typical’ simulated world. How well the real and simulated worlds matched was
unknown. In [18], an outdoor Lidar simulator was evaluated in real scenes of interest.
Chapter 2. Background 24

Another way of stating that evaluation of simulators be performed on the kinds of scenes
we are interested in developing applications in is to say that the train and test domains
of simulators must be the same. Otherwise we need to deal with the additional problem
of domain adaptation [19]. Domain randomization [20] is a recent technique to assist in
the transfer of deep neural networks from simulation to reality. In our work, we perform
evaluation on simulated scenes which exactly correspond to complex real-world scenes.
Our work can be thought of as a validation step, the positive outcomes of which can
be used to ground more complex steps such as that presented in [20]. While most of
these evaluations were observation-level, some used an application-level loss. In work
on AirSim [6], real and simulated data obtained from executing some trajectories on
a quadrotor were compared. The simulator USARsim [21] was also evaluated at an
application-level, for HRI studies. In the language of our approach, the simulation loss
was computed for particular algorithm parameters in [6, 21]. The notion of application
development was not further used in evaluation, while we define a simulation risk.

The use of simulation in application development has been studied in [22, 23]. Simulation
can be used to generate a synthetic dataset with the size, variety, and annotation detail
that a real datasets lacks. Simulated data can also be varied in a controlled way to
uncover performance trends of algorithms in simulation. In [22], extensive testing of
aerial tracking algorithms on a synthetic dataset was performed, with insights such as
sensitivity of performance to target scale variation. In [23], simulated data was used to
investigate visual recognition and SLAM algorithms, with insights such as performance
trends with respect to the time of day. How well such insights transferred to reality
was unaddressed in [22], and limited in [23]. Evaluating the simulator itself was not the
focus, as both relied on Unreal Engine 4. In addition, how well the simulated worlds
in [22, 23] mapped to real worlds was unknown. Simulator evaluation in our approach
requires data from a real world, and a corresponding simulated world. Our work can
be seen as complementary. A simulator can be evaluated at the level of an application,
and then be used to investigate algorithms in ways not practical in reality.

There has been much work making use of simulation in computer vision [24–26], to
augment real training data. For example, [27] presented a synthetic dataset for urban
semantic segmentation. The simulated dataset, generated in Unity, was designed to
improve on real datasets in terms of object classes, variability, and so on. The utility of
simulation was demonstrated by showing that a neural network, trained on a combina-
tion of real and synthetic data, performed better than one trained on real data alone.
Simulator evaluation was not the focus, and simulated worlds were generated heuris-
tically. In contrast, in [28], simulated indoor scenes in were created using statistics of
real scenes. A virtual KITTI dataset was presented in [5], in which simulated worlds
were created to correspond to real KITTI videos. Simulation was evaluated, for the
Chapter 2. Background 25

application of object tracking algorithms, by comparing performance of an algorithm in

simulation and reality. This quantity, in our approach, is just an application-level simu-
lation loss. We also take a broader view of development, quantified using the simulation
risk. In addition, we compare multiple simulators, while [5] evaluated only the one that
was utilized. We further note that, in [5], simulation was evaluated by calculating a
simulation loss for an algorithm parameter α which had been optimized, in part, to re-
duce the loss. We believe our loss is more representative of robot applications, since the
parameters we use are not aware of the real dataset, making our risk is a more unbiased
Chapter 3

Indoor planar Lidar simulation

3.1 Introduction

We study the problem of building a planar Lidar simulator for indoor scenes. We are
motivated by a desire to reduce the cost and complexity of robot application develop-
ment, while increasing the quality of the resulting software. Perception systems that
operate on data from rangefinders need to be robust to noise in the sensors. The al-
gorithms in the pipeline often preprocess the data, and have parameters for thresholds
such as outlier checks. The conventional wisdom is that robot applications developed
in simulation will need significant rework before they work on hardware. We adopt the
perspective that if simulators were only good enough, this would no longer be the case.
Indeed, if the data produced by a simulator were as poor in quality as real data, then
application developers could address the right issues earlier in the development cycle.
They could do so using better debugging tools, and produce a higher quality result, with
less effort.

Our focus in this chapter is on sensor modeling. The sensors we work with in robotics
are often noisy, and operate in varied environments. Sensor models, which model the
distribution of observations given state, help deal with these challenges. They are a
widely used and integral part of robotics. To note two examples, they are a component
of state estimation algorithms [29], used in updating state based on sensor readings.
Observation distributions are also the workhorse of simulation [30], used to generate

One of our motivations was to build a simulator for the rangefinder on a Neato robot
(Figure 3.1b). The rangefinder is a low-cost planar laser range sensor, and further
details regarding the construction can be found in [31]. A number of retrofitted Neato

Chapter 3. Indoor planar Lidar simulation 27

(a) Mobile Robot Programming Lab, CMU (b) Neato robot

robots were used in the Mobile Robot Programming Lab, CMU (Figure 3.1a). In the
course, students develop software for mobility and perception. Providing the class with
a simulator was one of the original motivations for this work. Despite its simplicity,
there is sufficient richness in this task to illustrate the benefits of the approach we take.
The Neato sensor’s behavior is non-ideal in a number of ways. In Figure 3.2, a range
scan from an L-shaped corridor is shown. Certain readings have large biases, which
may be peculiar to the particular sensor. The readings have a variance which grows
with obstacle distance. There are sensor dropouts, which means that certain readings
consistently miss, even when an obstacle is in the range of the sensor. A vanilla sensor
simulator, as may be found e.g. in Gazebo [10], is unable to generate realistic data.
In addition, we are interested in a simple and principled procedure to acquire a sensor
model, which practitioners can implement for their own sensors.

1 2

y (m)



-3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3
x (m)

Figure 3.2: Non-idealities in the real sensor. Systematic bias (1), increased variance
with increased range and angle of incidence (2), dropouts (3). The black arrow depicts
the 2D pose of the sensor.

In Section we describe our first approach, a parametric sensor model. The para-
metric sensor model is selected to capture non-idealities in the real sensor. We evaluate
the sensor model by comparing not only raw predictions (Section 3.5.1), but also overall
Chapter 3. Indoor planar Lidar simulation 28

performance of applications in simulation versus reality (Section 3.5.2). Our parametric

approach outperforms the baseline simulator, but it is specific to the Neato Lidar sensor.

Observation distributions approximated by parametric models are limited in their ex-

pressiveness, and may require careful design to suit an application. However, sensors
can behave noisily in commonplace situations, such as a compass on a mobile robot
whose readings are affected by motor current. Instead of a search for the right paramet-
ric family for each new situation encountered, a principled and simple nonparametric
approach to modeling and predicting distributions from data can be of wide benefit
to robotics. In Section, we propose nonparametric distribution regression as a
procedure to model sensors. It is a data-driven procedure to predict distributions that
makes few assumptions on the data source. We apply the procedure to model raw dis-
tributions from real sensors (Section 3.5.3), and also demonstrate its utility to a mobile
robot state estimation task (Section 3.5.2). We show that nonparametric distribution
regression adapts to characteristics in the training data, leading to realistic predictions.
The same procedure competes favorably with baseline parametric models across appli-
cations. The results also help develop intuition for different sensor modeling situations.
Our procedure is useful when distributions are inherently noisy, and sufficient data is

This chapter contains work from the following publications.

Tallavajhula, Abhijeet, and Alonzo Kelly. ”Construction and validation of a high fidelity
simulator for a planar range sensor.” ICRA 2015.

Tallavajhula, Abhijeet, Barnabs Pczos, and Alonzo Kelly. ”Nonparametric distribution

regression applied to sensor modeling.” IROS 2016.
Chapter 3. Indoor planar Lidar simulation 29

3.2 Related work

Existing open-source simulators are not well-suited for real-world sensor modeling. The
Lidar model in Gazebo [10] is simplistic, consisting of random Gaussian noise added to
the output from ray-tracing. The noise parameters are uniform and apply to all rays.
The Lidar model in Blensor [12] is more fine-grained, with adjustable noise parameters
for individual rays. However, even in the case of available parameters, there is no
procedure provided as to what the noise settings must be, or how to determine them.
A sensor model requires an associated training procedure.

Since our work is about acquiring a sensor model and using it for simulation, an associ-
ated field is calibration. Sensor calibration is a classic problem that has been repeatedly
studied [32], [16]. Calibration is often stated as characterizing the error in a model.
Starting with some representation of the error, the sensor is placed in a carefully con-
trolled environment where precise and accurate measurements can be taken. Residuals
are calculated from the difference between the true and the expected readings, and the
error model is fit to the residuals. Given identified errors, simulating is simple: clean
data is generated to which noise is added, which is what is done in the simulators [10, 12].
In contrast, we make no distinction between a model and noise. We choose parameters
to directly represent the entire sensor distribution. We then use data-driven methods to
learn how these parameters vary with state.

One way to characterize approaches to modeling for simulation is based on the assumed
knowledge of state. In a controlled calibration environment, state may exactly be known.
Results from calibration can then be used to predict sensor output at any state within
experiment limits. [18] solves the problem of Lidar simulation in a different setting:
training data is in the form of Lidar scans taken outdoors, with no map, but accurate
pose information is available via a high-quality inertial navigation system (INS). The
focus is on modeling the environment, which is represented by a combination of fit planes
and permeable ellipsoids. Realistic simulation in the vicinity of training poses is pos-
sible, but this solution does not generalize across environments. Our work, conducted
and applicable indoors, considers the case that both the map and sensor pose are known
nominally, within reasonable error. We incur a loss in prediction power, but gain sig-
nificant ease in data collection. This approach was motivated by the observation that
while exact localization is difficult, current localization algorithms result in fairly good
state estimates.

In sensor modeling, there are broadly two problems to be considered. The first is the
problem of modeling distributions, given samples. There is a long history of paramet-
ric modeling, which approximates the observation distributions with a parametric one.
Chapter 3. Indoor planar Lidar simulation 30

While these methods may be sufficient when the approximations are good, they are lim-
ited in their expressiveness. Dealing with complex distributions involves incorporating
more parameters, and increasingly elaborate models. For example, [33] presents results
of detailed parametric modeling for sonar sensors. The second problem is to predict ob-
servation distributions. Data, such as logged states and observations, will be available
only at certain states, from which we may want to predict a distribution at an unseen
state. With the parametric models, the approach is to allow the parameters to depend
on state. Sensor models for range sensors, for example, vary in complexity from the
simple raycast model in [29], to a Bayesian network model developed in [34].

The majority of sensor models are parametric. For example, [35] proposes a model for
small sonar sensors. [16] characterizes a parametric model for ladar devices. Other work
fits a parametric model to sensor readings, but estimates parameters at new states using
nonparametric methods. [36] considered Gaussian distributions as observation models,
but estimated parameters using Gaussian processes. Similarly, [37] used Gaussian pro-
cess regression to predict models for multiple beams of a range sensor. [38] regressed
covariances of a Gaussian distribution using nonparametric kernel smoothing. In con-
trast, we take a finer-grained approach to sensor modeling, performing even density
estimation in a nonparametric manner.

There has been recent work in machine learning which extends the standard case of real-
to-real regression to distribution-to-real regression [39], distribution-to-distribution re-
gression [40], and other variants. Importantly, these procedures are nonparametric. The
case that is relevant to sensor modeling is real-to-distribution regression, or regressing
from state to observation distributions. We will henceforth refer to real-to-distribution
regression as simply distribution regression. Nonparametric distribution regression is
conceptually simple, consisting of two steps that can be abstracted as density estima-
tion, followed by regression. Nonparametric density estimation allows us to deal with
complex distributions. Nonparametric regression allows us to deal with complex func-
tions of state.

Validation of simulators is a topic that receives little attention. The experimental results
in [12] are comparisons between simulators, not a comparison of simulation with reality.
[41] introduces a synthetic benchmark for the evaluation of vision algorithm that use
RGB-D data. Algorithms are compared on clean and noisy simulations, but there are
no results showing how this correlates with real performance. Part of the reason is the
difficulty in recreating environments in simulation. In [18] extensive validation of lidar
simulators is performed. Quantitative measures for comparing lidar readings are defined
and computed for simulated versus real readings over a number of runs.
Chapter 3. Indoor planar Lidar simulation 31

3.3 Statistics background

Our approach to sensor modeling is data-driven. It builds on concepts in statistics,

which we review in this section. Some of the notation used is local to this section.
Further details on these topics may be found in the references [9, 42].

3.3.1 Density estimation

Density estimation is the problem of estimating the density p(X = x) of a random

variable X ∈ Rd , given independent and identically distributed (i.i.d) samples {Xi }, i =
1 : n drawn from p(X). Let the estimate be p̂(x). The objective is to minimize the risk,
which can be taken as the expected L2 loss, E( (p(x) − p̂(x))2 ).

In parametric density estimation, the density is assumed to depend on parameters β,

expressed as p̂(x, β). The task is to estimate the parameters β. In nonparametric density
estimation, it is not assumed that the density has a specific functional form. An example
is kernel density estimation. For a scalar input, an example kernel is the Gaussian kernel,
1 x
K(x) = √ exp − , x ∈ R. (3.1)
2π 2

A scalar kernel with a bandwidth δ is defined as Kδ (x) = 1δ K(x/δ). A kernel in higher

dimensions can be defined in terms of a scalar kernel. We use a positive definite band-
width matrix, ∆,
− 12 − 12
K∆ (x) = |∆| K ∆ ||x|| , x ∈ Rd .

The bandwidth is a hyperparameter, which must be tuned for optimal performance. In

practice, it can be selected on training data using cross-validation. Or it may be selected
on a separate validation dataset. Once a bandwidth is selected, the error of the estimator
is calculated on a test dataset. The hyperparameters are not tuned on the test dataset,
because then the test error will no longer be unbiased. Other nonparametric density
estimators are histograms, and orthogonal series estimators. Theoretical guarantees for
nonparametric density estimation are well-understood. Consider the Hölder class of
functions Σ(k, L). For integer k, functions in this class have their k − 1th derivative
Lipschitz continuous, with constant L. The Hölder class is a way of imposing regularity
conditions on the unknown density. For densities in Σ(k, L), the error goes to zero at
rate n− 2k+d . This is also known to be the minimax error rate.
Chapter 3. Indoor planar Lidar simulation 32

3.3.2 Regression

Regression is the problem of predicting an output Y given input X. Typically the output
is a scalar, Y ∈ R, while the input may be a vector X ∈ Rd . The joint distribution
P (X, Y ) is unknown, but we have a dataset D = {(Xi , Yi )}, i = 1 : n of i.i.d samples
from the unknown distribution. Our predictor is f (X), which depends on the dataset.
The objective is to minimize the expected squared error, E(Y −f (X))2 . The expectation
is over (X, Y ) as well as the data which is used to select the predictor f (X). Consider the
squared error conditioned on the input, E[(Y − f (X))2 |X = x]. A useful decomposition
is as follows

E[(Y − f (X))2 |X = x] = E[(Y − E(Y |x) + E(Y |x) − f (X))2 |x]

= E[(Y − E(Y |x))2 |x] + E[(E(Y |x) − f (x))2 ]
= σ 2 + (E(Y |x) − Ef (x))2 + E(Ef (x) − f (x))2 .

Above, σ 2 is the variance of the output Y from its mean E(Y |x) at x, and is not in our
control. From the second line, it is seen that the optimal prediction is f (x) = E(Y |x).
Therefore, regression can be seen as an approximation of the conditional mean of the
output given the input. The term (E(Y |x) − Ef (x))2 represents the predictor bias.
The term E(Ef (x) − f (x))2 represents the variance of the predictor. Typically we will
pick from a class of predictors. Choosing a larger class may reduce bias, since it may
approximate the true conditional mean better. But it may increase the variance, due to
the fact that we are learning from finite samples. Variance is controlled by techniques
such as regularization. This observation is often referred to as the bias-variance tradeoff.

The class of predictors may be parametric. For example, the class of linear predictors,
f (x) = wT x. By contrast, in nonparametric regression, a fixed functional form is not
assumed for f (x). An example is kernel smoothing,
K∆ (||x − Xi ||)Yi
f (x) = Pi=1
n ,
i=1 K∆ (||x − Xi ||)

which is similar to kernel density estimation. A combination of a linear predictor and

kernel smoothing is the local linear predictor, in which weights w are chosen to minimize
the error
K∆ (||x − Xi ||)(Yi − wT Xi )2 . (3.2)

In contrast to a parametric linear predictor, the weights w(x) depend on the query input.
Similar higher-order local polynomial fits are possible. They may help reduce bias, at
Chapter 3. Indoor planar Lidar simulation 33

the cost of increasing variance. Other nonparametric regression methods include RKHS
regression, and Gaussian process regression. Nonparametric regressors may have their
own hyperparameters θ, such as regularization weights. These can be selected using
cross-validation, or separate validation data. The theoretical guarantee is similar to
density estimation. For functions in the Hölder class Σ(k, L), a nonparametric regression
method such as kernel smoothing has error rate n− 2k+1 .

3.3.3 Distribution regression

This review in this section is based on the reference [40]. Standard regression considers
both inputs and outputs to be real vectors. Distribution regression extends the setting
to allow both inputs and outputs to be distributions themselves. Instead of a function, a
functional f must be regressed. Denote the input distribution by P ∈ P, and the output
distribution by Q ∈ Q. The input-output distribution samples are {Pi , Qi }, i = 1 : n. In
standard regression, the samples are observed. In this case, the distribution samples are
not observed. Rather, data sampled from these distributions are. The available data
is the set of pairs {(SiX , SiY )}, i = 1 : n, where SiX = {Xij }, j = 1 : mX , and Xij are
i.i.d samples from Pi . Similarly, SiY = {Yij }, j = 1 : mY , and Yij are i.i.d samples from
Qi . The number of samples from each input or output distribution, mX and mY , are
allowed to depend on index i.

The first step in distribution regression is to estimate the input and output densities,
{(p̂i , q̂i )}. This step uses the techniques from Section 3.3.1. A functional from inputs to
outputs is then regressed. This step adapts function regression techniques from Section
3.3.2. A number of nonparametric function regressors, including kernel smoothing, can
be interpreted as linear smoothers. The prediction of a linear smoother at a query input
is a weighted sum of the outputs in the training data. The weights themselves are a
function of the input. Similarly, a functional regressor can be considered which has the
f (p) = W (p, pi )qi ,

where W denotes the weights. In implementation, the estimated densities p̂, p̂i , q̂i will be
input to the regressor. The theoretical analysis in [40] is carried out for orthogonal series
estimation of the output densities. If the input distribution space is a doubling dimen-
sion, it is proved that the rate of convergence of the risk is polynomial in n, mX , mY .
Chapter 3. Indoor planar Lidar simulation 34

3.4 Approach

3.4.1 Real and simulated scenes

y (m)


0 5 10
x (m)
targets maze corridor

Figure 3.3: Objects made of line segments can represent a number of indoor scenes.
The image on the right is the plan of a real corridor.

We consider planar scenes with objects that consist of line segments. The objects in-
clude piecewise-smooth lines, and closed polygons. One reason for this choice is the
kind of scenes used in the MRPL course. In the course, scenes are constructed using
straight segments (made of wood) of known length. A number of desired objects and
environments can be constructed using the segments, such as

• walls with corners, and straight corridors. Such environments make it simple to
specify a map to localize against.

• Obstacles, which robots must avoid.

• Targets, which robots must track and drive up to.

• Mazes, which robots must use path planning and search to get out of.

Line segments are also an accurate representation of indoor environments. For example,
corridors, for which floorplans may be available. Some environments are depicted in
Figure 3.3. Sensor modeling is simpler in such a scene compared to one represented
by occupancy map. Further, a description of a scene in terms of line segments can be
extracted from range data, as reviewed in [43, 44].

In symbols, a scene, denoted by S, is a set of objects, S = {ok }. An object o =

(M, qobject ) consists of an object model M , and the object pose, qobject . The object
model M may be taken to be the x and y coordinates of the endpoints of the line
segments. The coordinates are specified in any coordinate system whose origin is fixed
to the object. Our object model includes only geometry, and not variables such as
reflectivity. In practice this simplification was enabled by constructing real scenes with
the same material. The coordinates of the object model are specified in the identity
frame. The object is transformed to the world frame via the object pose, qobject . The
Chapter 3. Indoor planar Lidar simulation 35

real state x = (S, qsensor ) consists of the scene along with the pose of the sensor. All
poses in planar scenes are in SE(2).

Due to the simplicity of the real scenes, they can be specified exactly in simulation.
This means that the real and simulated scenes spaces are identical, or X̂ = X . We
know object models {Mk } since they were constructed using planks of known lengths.
We conducted experiments in an indoor lab space, where it was also simple to measure
the pose of the objects {qobject,k }. We localized the robot using either an optimized
registration algorithm, or using a motion capture system. The registration itself was
validated using the motion capture. Since both the real scene and sensor pose were
known, we could reconstruct the real state exactly, or x̂ = x. In the rest of this chapter,
we only refer to the real state x.

An interesting question is: can a useful sensor model be constructed when there is noise in
the state information? Suppose that true state in the data is unknown and only estimates
{x0i } were available. For example, we may only have a nominal map and the approximate
sensor pose. Under such uncertainty, an Expectation-Maximization (EM) approach
comes to mind. For example, consider a sensor mounted on a robot for which we had the
control and observation history {ui , zi }. We could try to frame the simulator parameters
β as the maximizing parameters and states {x0i } as the hidden variables. Given a sensor
model with parameters β, the E-step would involve state estimation (which makes use
of the sensor model). Given the distributions over state at each timestep, the M-step
would be to optimize the sensor model, as β = arg maxβ 0 P ({zi }|{xi }, β 0 ). However,
we are interested in simulator parameters that vary with state. We do not assume a
functional form for β(x), but use nonparametric regression. In this case, states are part
of the data points that define the learned model. They can no longer be considered
hidden variables, violating the conditions of the EM algorithm.

There may be further concerns that we equate x and x̂, as the real state may not be
exactly known in simulation. We primarily use the simulated state information to train
regressors, so we address these concerns by appealing to results in statistics. The general
problem of regression in the presence of measurement error has been studied in the
literature on error in variables. Nonparametric prediction with input noise is in general
a hard problem. Advanced methods [45, 46] allow input errors to be drawn from arbitrary
distributions and construct unbiased estimators when multiple noisy observations of the
same input are available. The resulting procedure is computationally intensive, however.
A single prediction involves evaluating an integral as part of an inverse Fourier transform,
a laborious task for a range simulator which needs to make hundreds of prediction at each
state. Instead, we rely on ideas from regression calibration [47], a procedure in which
the true state x is replaced by the noisy state x0 and standard regression is performed.
Chapter 3. Indoor planar Lidar simulation 36

This simple procedure is most useful when errors are small, a characteristic we use to
our advantage. Observing that localizing state within 1cm takes reasonable effort, but
doing so within 1mm takes much more, this procedure of working with approximate
state relieves some of the burden of model-building. It is important to keep in mind
the framework of the procedure. Regression calibration requires that predictions are
made on inputs observed with the same error as the training inputs. Strictly then, the
range simulator does not estimate p(z|x), but p(z|x0 ). For a range sensor, approximate
state knowledge during training implies that bias in the readings and pose errors are
interrelated. A bias predicted in range could be partly due to error in the training pose.

3.4.2 Sensor modeling

xi ~ p(x)
(zi1,...ziM) ~ p(z|xi)


x1 x z



Figure 3.4: The problem of sensor modeling. Given data in the form of states and
observations at those states, we want to model the observation distribution at unseen

Given our choice of indoor scenes, the problem of building a simulator reduces to that
of sensor modeling. Standard regression would predict an observation ẑ at a state
x. Since sensors are noisy, this is not very useful. Instead, we estimate the true dis-
tribution of observations p(z|x) by p̂(z|x). Since we estimate a distribution, sensor
modeling is a special case of distribution regression:one in which the inputs are real
vectors, but the outputs are distributions. We assume that datasets are of the form
D = {(xi , zij )}, i = 1 : N, j = 1 : M . States are i.i.d samples drawn from a state distri-
bution p(x). The test distribution is assumed to be the same as the training distribution:
Chapter 3. Indoor planar Lidar simulation 37

a standard assumption made by most learning procedures. Intuitively it means that we

will encounter states similar to those trained on. Observations are i.i.d samples from
the observation distribution at that state, zij ∼ p(z|xi ). It is not necessary that the
same number of observations are logged at each state xi . We take them all to be M for
simplicity. Multiple observations at each state are required for good density estimates.
This form of dataset is easy to collect in a number of cases, including our planar indoor
Lidar sensor. With the sensor mounted on a mobile robot, as in Figure 3.10, the robot
drives to a new pose, logs sensor data, and repeats the process.

1 deg

angle of incidence
nominal range

Figure 3.5: The laser has 360 bearings. They are spaced at 1 deg (not drawn to scale).
We model each independently. Features used for regression are the nominal range and
angle of incidence to an obstacle.

The Lidar sensor we work with has 360 range returns. Their bearings are equally spaced
in [0, 2π). For regression, we do not use the state x directly, but instead work with
features ψ(x) computed from the state. For a query ray in a scene, we use the nominal
range, and angle of incidence to the target as features, ψ = (r, δ). This is depicted in
Figure 3.5. We continue to write the sensor model as p̂(z|x), while understanding that
the dependence is more accurately represented as p̂(z|ψ(x)). Parametric method

In this approach, the estimated distribution belongs to a parametric family, p̂(z|x) =

p̂(z|x, β). The βi compress the information in the observations {zij }. Given training data
D, parametric distribution regression involves two steps. First, parameters are estimated
from the observations, resulting in a reduced dataset Dβ = {(xi , β̂i )}, i = 1 : N . At a
query state x, we predict the distribution by estimating β̂ via regression with Dβ , and
constructing the distribution. The approach is summarized in Procedure 1. Note that
the parametric only refers to the output distributions. The regressor to predict β itself
can be non-parametric.

A parametric model was selected to capture the non-idealities we came across when
working with the sensor. A coin is flipped, and with probability Pnull , the sensor returns
a null reading. With probability 1 − Pnull , a range reading is sampled from a Gaussian
N (µ, σ). Given samples {zj }, j = 1 : M , we use the maximum likelihood estimators for
Chapter 3. Indoor planar Lidar simulation 38

Figure 3.6: Illustration of the two regression procedures. In P-Reg, parameters βi

are estimated for the training data. At a new state x, β is estimated via regression. In
NP-Reg, distributions are estimated nonparametrically. At a new state x, each p̂(zb |x)
is predicted independently via regression.

Procedure 1: P-Reg
Input : Query x, Dataset D = {(xi , zij )}
Output : Predicted distribution p̂(z|x)
1 β̂i ← EstimateParameters({zij })
2 Dβ ← {(xi , βi )}
3 β̂ ← Regress(x, Dβ )
4 p̂(z|x) ← p̂(z|x, β̂)


num null readings

P̂null = ,
1 X
µ̂ = zj ,
1 X
σ̂ = (zj − µ̂)2 .

The resulting sensor model requires the prediction of three parameters, β = (Pnull , µ, σ).
As discussed in Section 3.2, we do not explicitly model an error in the signal. The
systematic bias, for example, will be contained in the trend of the mean, µ. We used local
linear smoothing (Equation 3.2) with a Gaussian kernel for Regress. Each component
of β was regressed independently. At a query feature ψ, the prediction is wT ψ, where
the weights w are given by

w = (ΨT W Ψ)−1 (ΨT W Y ),

Chapter 3. Indoor planar Lidar simulation 39

Procedure 2: NP-Reg
Input : Query x, Dataset D = {(xi , zij )}
Output : Predicted distribution p̂(z|x)
1 p̂(z|xi ) ← EstimateDensity({zij })
2 Dz ← {(xi , p̂(z|xi ))}
3 p̂(z|x) ← Regress(x, Dz )

where Ψ ∈ RN ×dim(ψ) is a matrix where each row is a feature vector from the training
dataset. The weight matrix W ∈ RN ×N is a diagonal matrix, with entries

K∆ (kψ − ψi k)
Wii = PN .
j=1 K∆ (kψ − ψj k)

The vector Y ∈ RN ×1 is (Pnull,i ), (µ̂i ), or (σ̂i ), depending on which sensor model pa-
rameter is being regressed. We modeled the each of the 360 bearings in an observation
z = z k , independently. The hyperparameters of the model were the bandwidths in the
local linear smoothers. We used bandwidths common to each Lidar bearing, but differ-
ent across the parameters being estimated. These were tuned to minimize error on a
validation dataset. Note that the simulator parameters θ in this case were the hyper-
parameters of Regress. The parameters β were not related to θ; they were estimated,
and used to model the observation distribution. Nonparametric method

We now discuss the nonparametric approach to sensor modeling. Given training data
D = {(xi , zij )}, it involves two familiar steps. First, since we only have samples {zij }
from p(z|xi ), we construct nonparametric density estimates p̂(z|xi ). This results in
datasets Dz = {xi , p̂(z|xi )}, i = 1 : N . At a query state x, we predict the distribution by
regressing at each z with Dz . We call this nonparametric regression procedure NP-Reg,
and it is summarized in Procedure 2. Note that, for both P-Reg and NP-Reg, p̂(z|x)
has to be computed for each z of interest, although we have suppressed this in the input
to the procedures. If we are performing state estimation, p̂(z|x) only at the observation
currently being processed is of interest. If we are performing simulation, we need p̂(z|x)
over the domain of z in order to draw samples.
Chapter 3. Indoor planar Lidar simulation 40

For EstimateDensity, we implemented kernel density estimation. Let Kz denote the

observation kernel, and δz the observation kernel bandwidth, then

1 X
p̂(z|xi ) = Kz,δz (||z − zij ||), (3.3a)
1 ||z − zij ||
Kz,δz (||z − zij ||) = Kz . (3.3b)
δz δz

Sensor observations in our case take values from a discrete set, z ∈ {z1 : zB }. In such
cases, we integrate the distribution to obtain the observation probabilities, and construct
a histogram h(x) ∈ RB . The histogram has B bins, and stores probability values in
each bin, hb (x) = P (zb |x), b = 1 : B. Instead of kernel density estimates integrated to
histograms, we directly use histogram estimates when we want to speed up predictions.
With I denoting the indicator function, the histogram probability estimate in bin b is
given by

b 1 X
ĥ (xi ) = I(zij = zb ), b = 1 : B. (3.4)

For Regress, we use kernel smoothing. Let Kx denote the state kernel, and ∆x the
state kernel bandwidth. ∆x ∈ Rp×p is a matrix, where p is the state dimension.
i=1 p̂(z|xi )Kx,∆x (||x − xi ||)
p̂(z|x) = PN (3.5a)
i=1 Kx,∆x (||x − xi ||)
− 12 − 12
Kx,∆x (||x − xi ||) = |∆x | Kx ∆x ||x − xi || (3.5b)

The kernel bandwidths δz and ∆x are the hyperparameters of the procedures. They
were selected to minimize the empirical risk R̂ on validation data. The observation
kernel bandwidth δz is a scalar, but the state kernel bandwidth ∆x is a matrix. It is
common to choose a scaled identity matrix, ∆x = δx Ip , where Ip is the p × p identity
matrix. But not all dimensions of state have the same scale. To balance computational
overhead with expressiveness, we use a diagonal matrix, ∆x = diag(δx1 . . . δxp ). The
hyperparameters are selected using a grid search. We found that the choice of kernel
was not crucial. Using a different kernel, such as the boxcar kernel, only led to different
bandwidth values.

Other choices exist for the component procedures, such as series estimation [48] for
EstimateDensity, and Gaussian processes [49] for Regress. With our choices, pre-
diction using NP-Reg is efficient. Let H ∈ RB×N denote the matrix of estimated
histogram values, where Hbi = ĥb (xi ). Suppose there are Q query states, {x1 : xQ }.
Chapter 3. Indoor planar Lidar simulation 41

smoothing independent
across columns
estimation independent
across columns

B H X W train
histogram estimates kernel weights states

train states

query states

Figure 3.7: With histogram estimation and kernel smoothing, prediction is an efficient
matrix product.

Let W ∈ RN ×Q denote the matrix of weights derived from the state kernel, where
Wiq = Kx,∆x (||xq − xi ||)/( N
i=1 Kx,∆x (||xq − xi ||)). Then the B × Q matrix of predicted
histograms at the query states is HW (Figure 3.7). Note that the histograms from
the training data are linearly smoothed to make a prediction at a query state. This
is a recurring feature of nonparametric methods. With a histogram density estimator,
N = 103 training states, M = 100 observations and Q = 200 query states, prediction
takes about 0.5s when implemented in MATLAB. Histogram estimation is independent
across training data, and linear smoothing is independent across queries.

NP-Reg is obviously useful when p(z|x) is inherently noisy. We use ‘noisy’ in an informal
sense, to mean that the observation distribution is hard to approximate parametrically.
We point out another case. Let us expand the state to (x, y). The part y of state
is unmodeled. If the information y were available, it may be possible to build a good
parametric model p̂(z|x, y) of the true distribution p(z|x, y). But our model is p̂(z|x),
and the effect of the unmodeled states on this distribution is increased apparent noise.

Instead of modeling the effect of unmodeled states in the observation model, an alternate
approach is to directly model y. The choice depends on the application. Consider the
operation of a range sensor. Let the unmodeled states y be dynamic objects in the en-
vironment, which are not explicitly represented. Careful calibration and reasoning may
result in a satisfactory parametric model p(z|x, y). In a sense, physics-based methods
refine models by reasoning about y. Enumerating models for a few materials is easy,
but if there are a large number of material types in the environment, it is difficult to
Chapter 3. Indoor planar Lidar simulation 42

obtain information about all. If the distribution p(z|x) is noisy, it is suited for nonpara-
metric treatment. Limiting the size of x may also be desirable in applications such as
simulation. An important point is that the distribution of the unmodeled states p(y)
must be the same during training and test. The predicted observation model p̂(z|x)
will represent observations due to different materials in a statistically, if not physically,
realistic manner.

p(z|x) p(z|x')

x x'
z z

Figure 3.8: Illustration of when sensor modeling is fundamentally difficult. Observa-

tion distributions vary widely for small changes in pose. p(z|x) is not only noisy but
also non-smooth in state.

Finally, there are situations in which sensor modeling is fundamentally hard. This is
because both the parametric and nonparametric procedures rely on a Regress step.
Regression is hard when there is little smoothness of outputs in the inputs. Consider a
range sensor again, operating outdoors, pointed at a patch of grass (Figure 3.8). The
state x is just the pose of the sensor. p(z|x) may be hard to model parametrically at
any state, because of effects such as pass-throughs (e.g. when lidar randomly senses
the range to foreground or background surfaces). Nonparametric methods can model
distributions at any two states x and x0 . However, between x and x0 , the distributions
themselves may vary in a non-smooth manner, because blades of grass are spatially

3.4.3 Simulator evaluation

We only discuss the observation-level loss here. Details of the application for the
application-level loss are can be found in the experiment sections. There are a num-
ber of methods to evaluate observation models (see [18] for a discussion), such as the
likelihood of observations. We use the formal concept of risk from learning theory [9]. For
the parametric approach, the loss is the squared error between β̂ and β. The empirical
risk is the mean of the loss over a dataset.

For the nonparametric approach, we need to specify the histogram metric used to com-
pute the loss l of prediction. The Euclidean norm l(h, ĥ) = B b b 2
b=1 (h − ĥ ) is not a good
choice. It favors placing probability mass in the same bins, which may be low even with
placing mass arbitrarily in other bins. This point is illustrated in Figure 3.9. Instead
we use the histogram match, l(h, ĥ) = B
P Pb c
Pb c
b=1 | c=1 h − c=1 ĥ |. It is the L1 norm
Chapter 3. Indoor planar Lidar simulation 43

of the cumulative sums, and takes into account the position and distribution of prob-
ability mass. The component algorithms in Procedures 1 and 2 (EstimateDensity
etc.) will have free parameters, which are hyperparameters. During training, these
hyperparameters were selected to minimize empirical risk.


2 x
3 x 1

x x

Figure 3.9: The plots on the left are the histograms. Plots on the left show corre-
sponding cdfs. Under the Euclidean metric, histogram 1 matches 3 more closely than
2. Under the histogram match metric, histogram 1 matches 2 more closely than 3.
Chapter 3. Indoor planar Lidar simulation 44

Figure 3.10: A Neato in the data collection environment

Field Value
Frequency 5 Hz
Number of bearings 360
[Min range, Max range] [0, 4.5] m
Resolution 0.001 m
Number of histogram bins B 4501

Table 3.1: Sensor properties

3.5 Experiments

3.5.1 Observation-level simulator evaluation

The maximum range, resolution, and other details are listed in Table 3.1. Datasets
for learning were collected by driving the robot around inside a known map, shown in
Figure 3.10. The environment was static during data logging. The number N of sensor
poses in the training, validation and test datasets was 100, 30, and 30, respectively. We
chose the number of observations M to be logged at each state based on the histogram
loss metric (Section 3.4.3). A large number of observations, 250, were collected at a
representative state. The resulting histogram, say ĥ250 , was treated as ground truth.
We then computed the estimated histogram, ĥM , and the loss l(ĥ250 , ĥM ). As expected,
the loss decreases with increasing M . For data logging, we then picked the M at which
the loss fell below a threshold (0.5). The value picked was M = 70. See Figure 3.14a.
Chapter 3. Indoor planar Lidar simulation 45

Parameter P-Reg error Physics-based model error

µ 0.015 m 0.018 m
σ 0.001 m 0.002 m
Pnull 0.0076 −

Table 3.2: Sensor model parameter prediction error

For comparison of our data-driven procedure with a physics-based sensor model, we use
the following formula for the variance, derived in [50] and used in [16, 51],

σ2 = K . (3.6)
cos δ

The proportionality constant K = 1e − 3 was determined from a grid search on the

training data. Predicted error in the sensor model parameters for the physics-based
approach and our data-driven parametric approach (Section are in Table 3.2.
Example real data, and corresponding simulated data, is depicted in Figure 3.12. The
advantage to learning parameters for each bearing is that systematic biases can be
reproduced. Certain bearings consistently record null readings, another behavior that is
well-learned. The non-null readings seem geometric in nature, while the null readings are
likely caused by physical obstructions to some bearings. Regression surfaces for P-Reg
are shown in Figure 3.11.

Figure 3.11: Regressed functions for µ, σ, and Pnull .

2 2 2
y (m)
y (m)

y (m)

1 1 1

0 0 0
0 1 2 3 4 0 1 2 3 4 0 1 2 3 4
x (m) x (m) x (m)
real our parametric model physics-based model

Figure 3.12: Real and simulated scans.

Empirical risk versus test size for the nonparametric and parametric methods are shown
in Figure 3.14b. Sample histogram predictions are shown in Figure 3.13. NP-Reg
makes noisy predictions, which is appropriate since the true histogram is also noisy at
Chapter 3. Indoor planar Lidar simulation 46

true histogram

h 0.1
2 2.05 2.1 2.15 2.2


2 2.05 2.1 2.15 2.2


2 2.05 2.1 2.15 2.2
Figure 3.13: Example histogram predictions.

a similar scale. P-Reg makes smooth predictions because of the Gaussian parametriza-
tion. Overall however, P-Reg performs better in terms of risk. This result illustrates an
important point. The main advantage of NP-Reg over P-Reg is the increased expres-
siveness. Parametric assumptions are not made during modeling, and the theory justifies
regression at the level of distributions. This gain comes at a price, as nonparametric
procedures generally require more training data. This case supports the intuition that
a parametric model is preferable when it is a good approximation. Because we made a
careful choice of the sensor model parameters, P-Reg requires less data to learn. The
risk is low to begin with. NP-Reg starts at high risk, and converges slower. It will even-
tually achieve low risk with more data, but the increased expressiveness is unnecessary.
Another reason for P-Reg’s better performance is the bearing-specific regression. For
NP-Reg, there was not enough data for bearing-specific regression, and so we pooled
together data from all bearings. This is visible in that, while the histogram predicted
by NP-Reg is similar in shape to the real histogram, it is slightly shifted along the
horizontal axis, accounting for the error.
Chapter 3. Indoor planar Lidar simulation 47

3 55







0 15
0 50 100 150 200 250 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000
(a) Loss l(h, ĥ) versus observations M . (b) Empirical risk R̂ versus number of states N .

Figure 3.14

3.5.2 Application-level simulator evaluation

We present the utility of the sensor models for developing applications in this subsection.


For this application we used the parametric sensor model optimized on training data
from Section 3.5.1. As a baseline Lidar simulator, we used the physics-based sensor
model (Equation 3.6).

For the detection application, we considered a setup in which the scene of objects S con-
sisted of an object representing boundary walls, owalls , targets {otarget,j }, and obstacles
{oobstacle,j }. The boundary walls were in the shape of a rectangle. The sensor was at
the center of the rectangle, and pointing in the direction of the x−axis. The targets and
obstacles were straight lines. All targets were lines of the same length (0.61 m), while
obstacles were of different lengths. The application task was to detect all the targets in
the scene. The task was representative of finding simple features in range scans. Since
the robots we used functioned as forktrucks, the targets detected represented objects to
be picked up, while avoiding obstacles. We generated a set of scenes {Si }, i = 1 : N
as follows. In simulation, we generated a large number (106 ) of candidate scenes by
sampling from a distribution of scenes. From these, we selected N = 50 diverse scenes,
using non-maximal suppression. We set these scenes up in reality, and logged observa-
tions to obtain the real dataset, D = {xi , zi }. The sensor pose qsensor,i was the same at
all scenes. A simulated dataset D̂ = {xi , ẑi } was generated using the Lidar simulator.
We generated simulated datasets both for our approach, and the baseline.
Chapter 3. Indoor planar Lidar simulation 48

3.5 3.5 3.5

3 3 3

2.5 2.5 2.5

y (m)

y (m)

y (m)
2 2 2

1.5 1.5 1.5

1 1 1

0.5 0.5 0.5

0 0 0
0 1 2 3 4 0 1 2 3 4 0 1 2 3 4
x (m) x (m) x (m)

sample scenes

1.5 1.5 1.5

1 1 1

0.5 0.5 0.5

y (m)

y (m)

y (m)
0 0 0

-0.5 -0.5 -0.5

-1 -1 -1

-1.5 -1.5 -1.5

-2 -1 0 1 2 -2 -1 0 1 2 -2 -1 0 1 2
x (m) x (m) x (m)
real ranges our approach baseline

Figure 3.15: Top, sample scenes in the detection dataset. Below, sample scans in the
detection dataset. The target is the green line. The black arrow shows the robot pose.

We are particularly interested in how simulators compare to reality for naive algorithms
than high quality ones. We want the simulator to rapidly guide developers towards
algorithms that will work well on the hardware with less (or no) changes. The detection
algorithm A was a line-finding algorithm that starts at a point and grows a line in
either direction. The algorithm parameters α included the maximum inlier distance of
a point to a line, and the minimum number of points in a candidate line. The algorithm
objective J(α, D) was the negative of the F 1 score. The F 1 score is a standard metric
for detection tasks, and is defined in terms of the precision and recall. These quantities
are calculated over a dataset as

# true positives detected # true positives detected

precision = , recall = ,
# positives detected # positives in the dataset
2 precision × recall
F1 = , J = −F 1.
precision + recall

We computed the application-level loss for two algorithm parameters, shown in Figure
3.16. The loss for our simulator is uniformly lower than that of the baseline. We can
quantitatively make the claim that our simulator is better for developing the detection
algorithm than the baseline.

We also wanted an insight into specific ways in which our simulator is better for ap-
plication development. For this purpose, we performed another, qualitative evaluation.
We compared application development trajectories in simulation and in reality, as was
Chapter 3. Indoor planar Lidar simulation 49

application-level loss baseline simulator

our approach

minimum inliers
maximum inlier distance
Figure 3.16: Application-level simulator loss is uniformly lower for our approach.

baseline our approach

0.6 0.6

0.5 0.5

0.4 0.4

0.3 0.3

0.2 0.2

0.1 0.1

0 0
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0 0.2 0.4 0.6
recall recall
0.5 0.5

0.4 0.4
F1 score

F1 score

0.3 0.3

0.2 0.2

0.1 0.1

0 0
0 5 10 15 0 5 10 15
development iteration development iteration

Figure 3.17: Comparing development paths between reality and simulation, for the
baseline and our approach. Plots in red are for simulated data, while plots in blue are
for real data.
Chapter 3. Indoor planar Lidar simulation 50

also described in Section 2.3.3. A start configuration, α0 , of the detection algorithm was
chosen with all checks for false positives disabled. This was meant to mimic a first im-
plementation. We then tuned parameters based on the following strategy: first increase
recall, and then increase precision (at some cost to recall). At any stage, the performance
of the algorithm is a point in the precision-recall curve. With continuing development,
the algorithm can be imagined to trace out a trajectory in the precision-recall space.
This trajectory can be plotted for simulated and real datasets and is a visual aid. Figure
3.17 shows these trajectories for an algorithm developed on the baseline simulator. As
is evident, performance on the baseline is overly optimistic. We repeated the exercise
by performing development on our learned simulator. The trajectories are plotted in
Figure 3.17. Although it starts at the same point, the trajectory on real data (the blue
curve) is different in either case, because algorithm development proceeds differently.
For example, preprocessing the range data before detection was a crucial step for higher
recall, a step suggested by the learned simulator but not by the baseline. Similarly,
tolerance parameters for outlier rejection chosen on the baseline were too aggressive on
the learned simulator.

The application development paths resulted from a specific choice of a strategy. For
detecting lines in range scans, we of course know how to construct a robust algorithm.
The point of this exercise is that we can expect the learned simulator to be equally
valuable on problems for which the developer is less skilled, or for which less is understood
about the nature of a good solution. The benefit of our simulator over the baseline is
quantitatively demonstrated for other algorithm parameters in Figure 3.16.

Registration-based localization

For this application we used the parametric sensor model optimized on training data.
The baseline simulator is the same as that described in Section 3.5.2.

For the registration application, we considered a setup in which the scene S consisted of
a L-shaped corridor. We selected velocity controls that commanded the robot to follow a
non-trivial trajectory {ut }, t = 1 : T for T timesteps. At each timestep, an observation
{zt } is received. An extended Kalman filter (EKF) was used to obtain pose estimates
{qt0 }. The motion update of the EKF leaves the pose unchanged, but adds noise to the
pose uncertainty. The noise covariance R for the motion update was experimentally
Chapter 3. Indoor planar Lidar simulation 51

y (m)



-3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3
x (m)

2 2

1 1
y (m)

y (m)
0 0

-1 -1

-2 -2

-3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3
x (m) x (m)
baseline our approach

Figure 3.18: Range scans in the real and simulated corridors.

calculated to be

R = (V ∆t)R1 + (ω∆t)R2 ,
   
1.8 −0.56 2.2 0.62 −0.072 0.038
−4 −4
   
R1 = 
−0.56 1.2 −1.8 × 10 , R2 = −0.072 0.79 0.57  × 10 .

2.2 −1.8 5.9 0.038 0.57 5.7

Where V , ω are the linear and angular velocities in the robot’s local coordinate frame.
We chose a form that depended on the robot’s dynamics. The noise is proportional to
the linear and angular displacements. Such a form ensures that there is no contribution
to the noise if there is no displacement in some time interval. The observation update
performs the pose estimation, by registering the Lidar points zt to the map of the

y (m)
y (m)

0 0.9
0.8 our approach
-1 baseline
-2 -1 0 1 2 3 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4
x (m) x (m)

Figure 3.19: Example trajectory estimates from the registration-based filter. Detail
of a section is also shown.
Chapter 3. Indoor planar Lidar simulation 52

A run of the robot and filter results in the trajectory and its estimate, Ξ = {(qt , zt , qt0 )}.
For each run, the corridor scene and the control commands {ut } were the same. The
initial position was q0,i was different for each run i. This was accounted for by the initial
position uncertainty, which was determined experimentally to be diag(0.28 0.28 3.4) ·
10−3 . The true pose of the robot was obtained using an OptiTrack1 motion capture
setup. This resulted in a real dataset D = {Ξi }, i = 1 : N . We collected data for
N = 20 runs. We then generated a simulated dataset, D̂ = {Ξ̂i }. The true pose is
trivially available in simulation. The same EKF was run in simulation and reality to
generate pose estimates. We generated simulated datasets both for our approach, and
the baseline simulator. Examples of estimated trajectories are in Figure 3.19.

The registration algorithm A worked by running an optimizer to minimize the error

between observations z and the map. Error for a single Lidar point is defined as the
nearest distance to the map. Error for a scan is the sum of errors for the Lidar points.
In our implementation the optimizer was gradient descent. The optimization variables
were the robot pose, and gradients were calculated numerically. The output of the reg-
istration algorithm was used in the observation update of the EKF. There are a number
of parameters in the error computation. However, for tuning real-time localization, we
picked the algorithm parameters α to be the number of optimization iterations. Each
instance of optimization runs for a maximum number of refining iterations. The opti-
mization may converge in fewer iterations. There is a trade-off here: a large number of
refining iterations results in a better pose estimate, but the robot will have moved more
and the estimate gets delayed. The algorithm objective J was the pose estimation error,
averaged over the runs:

error(Ξ) = kqt − qt0 k,
1 X
J= error(Ξi ).

Plots for the simulation loss l(α) versus α are shown in Figure 3.20. Once again, per-
formance on the learned simulator is a better approximation to real performance, than
performance on the baseline simulator. The application-level risk for our simulator is
0.008 and 0.014 for the baseline. We also calculated the average time for the registration
algorithm A to converge. Plots of the convergence time versus α are shown in Figure
3.20. Time taken by scan matching remains low on the baseline simulator, but increases
on the learned simulator and real data because of increasing refining iterations. Encoder
information arrives at 0.03s on the robot. If the baseline simulator were trusted and the
Chapter 3. Indoor planar Lidar simulation 53

refining iterations set to 100, scan matching would take 0.1s on average, and a number
of encoder messages would queue up during the computation in a single thread.

0.12 0.04
our approach
mean scan match time

0.1 baseline

objective J
0.08 our approach


0.02 0
0 20 40 60 80 100 10 20 30 40 50
refining iterations refining iterations

Figure 3.20: Algorithm performance measures versus the refining iterations of the
scan matching algorithm.

Particle filter-based localization in a dynamic environment

In the observation-level simulator evaluation for the planar Lidar sensor, we saw that
a well-chosen parametric sensor model is better than the nonparametric model. The
nonparametric model performs well when the observation distributions are complex with
unmodeled state, as this application demonstrates.

y (m)



0 1 2 3 4 5
x (m)

Figure 3.21: Snapshots from the operation of a particle filter. The nominal map is
shown in black. Unmodeled objects are not shown. The true trajectory is a blue dotted
path. Particles are shown in green.

Unlike the previous two sections where we compared simulation against reality, in this
section we evaluate sensor models for an application. Our experiments for this section
Chapter 3. Indoor planar Lidar simulation 54

were conducted in simulation. The application was particle filter-based localization in

a dynamic environment. The setup was as follows. The scene S consists of a straight,
wide corridor of dimensions 5 × 5m. In Figure 3.21, the walls of the corridor is depicted
as solid black lines. The scene also consisted of unmodeled objects {ounmodeled,t }. By
unmodeled, we mean that the map used by the particle filter does not contain the
{ounmodeled,t }. However, they affect any sensor observations logged in the scene. The
unmodeled objects represent dynamic objects, such as moving people, which can occur
in indoor environments. The motion of the unmodeled objects were modeled as random
walks. While the unmodeled objects affect sensor observations, it may be impractical
to track the pose of all such objects. Therefore, one approach to state estimation is to
include the effect of unmodeled objects in the sensor model. The unmodeled objects are
depicted in gray in the top half of Figure 3.21.

We used NP-Reg as a sensor model, and compared it with the sensor model described
in [29]. We refer to the latter as classic raycast model. In the classic raycast model, the
probability density of an observation z at state x is defined as

(z − r)2
p(z|x) ∝ η exp − + (1 − η) exp(−λr). (3.7)
2σ 2

Where r is the nominal range to a target in the map. The classic raycast sensor model is
thus a mixture of a Gaussian distribution, and an exponential distribution, with mixing
weight η. The Gaussian distribution has standard deviation σ, and represents random
noise around the nominal range. The exponential distribution has rate λ, and represents
observations from dynamic objects. The complete sensor model described in [29] also
contains terms representing null readings, and uniformly distributed readings. Since
these effects were absent in the sensor used in our simulated scenes, we did not include
them in the classic raycast model used as the baseline.

To optimize the sensor models, we obtained training data in simulation as follows. We set
up the corridor with the dynamic objects in simulation, and logged sensor observations.
We obtained data at a total of N = 3660 features. The features used were those
described in Section 3.4.2, the nominal range and angle of incidence to a target. We
simulated M = 50 observations at each feature, and the observations included the effects
of the unmodeled (and dynamic) objects. We simulated 5-10 dynamic objects each, in
the bottom and top half of the corridor. Both sensor models were optimized on the
same training data. For NP-Reg, the hyperparameters were the kernel bandwidths,
as described in Section For the classic raycast model used as baseline, the
parameters were (η, σ, λ) (Equation 3.7).
Chapter 3. Indoor planar Lidar simulation 55

Observation model Classic raycast model NP-Reg

Mean pose error (m) 0.004 ± 0.041 0.002 ± 0.020

Table 3.3: Filter errors

Having described the sensor model, we describe the particle filter used as the algorithm
A. A particle filter maintains a set of particles and associated weights, {(qi , wi )}, i = 1 :
Np , that are updated in response to sensor readings. When an observation is received,
an observation update is performed. The poses of the particles are unchanged, but the
weights are updated. Weights are proportional to the probability of the observation,
wi ∝ P (z|xi ). The observations depend on the state x, which includes the pose of the
sensor and the map, but not the unmodeled objects. Updating the weights is followed
by a resampling step. Further details of the particle filter can be found in [29].

To test the particle filter with either sensor model, we considered a sensor traveling
along an S-shaped path, depicted in Figure 3.21. The path was 4.3m in length, and
52sec in duration. We logged 50 sensor observations along the path. We also logged
the motion control commands (linear and angular velocities) input to the sensor. These
control commands were available to the particle filter. Simulated noise in the motion
was the source of uncertainty in the sensor pose. We initialized the particle filter with
200 particles. These were sampled from a uniform distribution, of radius 1m, and 10deg
around the true initial pose. For the resampling step after the observation update, a
low-variance resampler was used. Since the particle filter is stochastic, we ran the filter
30 times with either sensor model. Errors in estimating position are shown in Table 3.3.

The particle filter run with our sensor model had lower error, and we briefly explored
why this was so. Overall particle filter performance is a non-trivial function of a number
of variables, in addition to the observation model. As a simplification, we focused
on a snapshot of particles, for a single time instant, shown in Figure 3.22, top. The
true robot pose is a red arrow, and a set of particles is shown in green. Of these, we
focused on a single particle, whose pose is also shown in green. This particle’s pose
was close to the true pose, and we would expect it to be assigned a high weight. We
further concentrated on a single reading, at a specific bearing of the range sensor. As
depicted, the observed range (red dotted line) was less than the nominal range (green
dotted line), due to an unmodeled obstacle. The bottom half of Figure 3.22 shows the
predicted distributions. The observation had a low probability under the classic model,
despite the exponential term. On the other hand, the distribution predicted by NP-
Reg had peaks at both the nominal and observed reading. Note that the same data
(consisting of unmodeled objects) was used to train both models. It is possible to reason
about dynamic obstacles in more detail and build a better parametric model, as in [34].
The point of the example is that NP-Reg required no modifications for this specific
Chapter 3. Indoor planar Lidar simulation 56

3 3

2.5 2.5

2 2

1.5 1.5
y (m)

y (m)
1 1

0.5 0.5

0 0

-0.5 -0.5
0 1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5
x (m) x (m)

Figure 3.22: Observation probabilities under the different models. Figure 11(a) depicts the
environment. We focus on a specific particle. Figure 11(b) depicts the nominal and observed
range readings. Figure 11(c) depicts the histogram predicted by the classic model. Figure 11(d)
depicts that predicted by NP-Reg.

field value
frequency 100 Hz
number of bearings 1
[min range, max range] [0, 0.2] m
resolution 1e − 4 m
number of histogram bins B 2001

Table 3.4: Sensor properties

situation. Being a nonparametric procedure, it adapts to the training data to predict

realistic distributions.

3.5.3 Magnetic field sensor

To illustrate the flexibility of NP-Reg, we also modeled a magnetic field sensor 2 . It

consists of a small probe whose pose is measured when it is placed within a generated
Chapter 3. Indoor planar Lidar simulation 57

field generator probe metal forceps

p(z|x) p(z|x)

z z
unimodal observation distribution multimodal observation distribution

Figure 3.23: The effect of unmodeled state on the observation distribution. Bringing
a metal object near the sensor affects the field, making the observations noisier and

magnetic field. The small size of the probe makes it suitable for medical applications.
For simplicity, we consider only one axis of operation. Other details are in Table 3.4.
The state x was the coordinate value along the axis, and the observation z is the state
measurement. Data was collected by moving the sensor along the axis. Even within
a workspace of 20 cm, the sensor shows interesting behavior. Referring to Figure 3.23,
when the environment around the sensor is stationary, the observation distribution is
well captured by a Gaussian. In reality, however, there could be metal objects around
the probe that disturb the magnetic field, resulting in noisy distributions. These could
be, for example, metallic surgical tools that are brought in the vicinity of the probe. It
is difficult in practice to account for all such foreign objects in the state x, so they can
be considered the unmodeled states y, which affect the observation distribution as noise.
In our experiments, we deliberately introduced unmodeled states. A pair of metallic
forceps was waved near the sensor while collecting data.








0 1
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130
(a) Loss l(h, ĥ) versus observations M . (b) Empirical risk R̂ versus number of states N .

Figure 3.24

The number of observations per state M was chosen in a similar manner as described for
the laser sensor (Section 3.5.1). The loss in estimation versus M is shown in Figure 3.24a.
Chapter 3. Indoor planar Lidar simulation 58

Reaching the threshold required about 300 samples. The more complicated distributions
of the field sensor require a larger M for nonparametric modeling than the laser.

The choice of a baseline P-Reg was a Gaussian distribution, with a kernel smoothing
procedure for the regression step. For both procedures, empirical risk on test data
versus N is shown in Figure 3.24b. Not only does NP-Reg have lower risk in this case,
it continues to improve with increasing data. The risk for P-Reg converges quickly, to a
higher value. The hard-to-model distributions benefit from the nonparametric modeling.
Sample histogram predictions are in Figure 3.25. NP-Reg comes closer to capturing
the multi-modality of the observation distribution.

true histogram


0 5 10 15 20


0 5 10 15 20


0 5 10 15 20
Figure 3.25: Example histogram predictions.
Chapter 4

Off-Road Lidar simulation

4.1 Introduction

Lidars are a key technology that have helped advance achievements in outdoor robots.
As sensors, they provide robots with observations of the environment. A large amount
of software is developed to process Lidar observations, for example, algorithms for state
estimation and recognition. Such software should be able to deal with the noise and
scale of Lidar data, among other requirements. The reliable and high-quality perfor-
mance of perception software is essential for good decision making in the higher levels
of autonomy. As the scale of robot operations grows, so do the challenges of software
development. It may be difficult, unsafe, or expensive to develop software on enough
real-world environments. Simulators have attracted attention as a solution to these
problems. They are generative, and so conditions that are difficult or expensive to test
in reality may be queried in simulation. Full state information is available in simulation,
which is not the case in reality.

In this chapter, we focus attention on the off-road case. We present some motivating
examples for building high-fidelity off-road Lidar scene simulators. Consider developing
software, for tasks such as terrain modeling [1] and virtualized reality [2], for off-road
mobile robots. Real-world development can be very expensive, with potential delays
due to unforeseen weather and hardware issues. Further, some tests amount to repeated
robot runs under different software or hardware configurations. Such problems are an
ideal fit for solution by simulation. Another example is the use of Lidars in autonomous
helicopters. In [3], a convolutional neural network (CNN) was trained to detect landing
zones from Lidar observations. Real data was obtained from expensive flight tests.
Synthetic data was obtained in [3] using a simple simulator. It was noted that a priori
modeling of Lidar returns from vegetation was difficult, and that simulator evaluation

Chapter 4. Off-road Lidar simulation 60

was a challenge. In this work, we build realistic Lidar models from data. We also perform
data-driven evaluation of simulators, comparing against real data from complex scenes.
Synthetic data from the simple simulator in [3] was found to be useful in parameter
selection; a high-fidelity Lidar simulator can be of greater value in training learning

Figure 4.1: The domain of our work is off-road Lidar scene simulation. We may
collect training data in scene 1, and want to simulate in a query scene 2.

Figure 4.2: Data logs from the real scene have high fidelity on the training data. They
typically fail to generalize to the training distribution, and have limited expressiveness.

In urban scenes, where objects with planar structure are be more common. For such
objects, raycasting followed by additive noise may be a good sensor model. Off-road
environments contain terrain such as uneven roads, trees, shrubs, and other vegetation.
Effects such as pass-throughs and mixed pixels are seen in Lidar data. Modeling such
terrain is an added challenge. A useful simulator has the qualities of being high-fidelity,
Chapter 4. Off-road Lidar simulation 61

Figure 4.3: Open-source simulators typically are high expressive. However, the fi-
delity of simulation is often insufficiently evaluated.


x (m)

scene 1 scene 2

Figure 4.4: The hybrid geometric simulator models terrain with a combination of
surface meshes and Gaussian distributions. These are fit to data. However, it is geo-
specific, and new scenes cannot be simulated.

and expressive. A high-fidelity simulator is one whose output is realistic. In terms of

the notation in Chapter 2, it has low simulation risk. An expressive simulator is one
in which different real-world scenes of interest can be reconstructed. We discuss the
available options for off-road Lidar simulation. The first option is to use data logs for
simulation. Dataset in the form of sensor poses and observations, {qsensor,i , zi } can be
logged in a training scene. At a query pose close to a pose in the dataset, such as
qsensor,i for some i, the real observation zi is simply played back. In this sense, data
logs have high fidelity. Of course, for poses that are far from those in the dataset, the
simulation loss will be high. This is why data logs are useful only in preliminary stages
Chapter 4. Off-road Lidar simulation 62

of software development. Data logs have low expressiveness, as new scenes cannot be
composed. See Figure 4.2. A second option for simulation is an existing general-purpose
robotics simulator, such as Gazebo [10]. The fidelity of such Lidar simulation is, at
worst, low, and at best, untested. There exists little work in systematically comparing
simulated data to real ranges. It in unclear how calibrated the models are to real data,
at multiple levels: the sensor models, and the mesh model structures. On the other
hand, such simulators are highly expressive: 3D models of vegetation available online
may be obtained for use. New scenes may be constructed using interfaces designed to
simplify a user’s effort. See Figure 4.3. A third option is a simulator based on the
hybrid geometric model presented in [18]. A sensor model which takes into account
non-idealities of Lidar data was considered. Terrain was modeled using a combination
of surface meshes, and permeable volumetric elements. The models were fit to real Lidar
data, and high-fidelity simulation was demonstrated. However, the simulator was ‘geo-
specific’: tied to the scene where data was collected. The models were blind to scene
semantics. It was not possible to compose new scenes, and expressiveness was low. See
Figure 4.4. The three options, charted on a graph of expressiveness versus fidelity, are
shown in Figure 4.6. Our approach is to build a simulator that is both expressive and
high-fidelity. We use the hybrid geometric models as our starting point, inheriting its
realism for off-road Lidar simulation. We then propose to assign semantic meaning to
the point clouds, and extract scene primitives from the training data. A primitive is
associated with a class, such as tree or shrub, and a sensor-realistic geometric model.
New scenes can be composed using the primitives. See Figure 4.5.





x (m)

scene 1 scene 2

Figure 4.5: The proposed simulator adds semantic information to the hybrid geomet-
ric model, in order to extract primitives. The primitives can be used to compose a new

The outline of the chapter is as follows. In Section 4.2 we discuss related work. We
Chapter 4. Off-road Lidar simulation 63


open-source simulator our approach
hybrid geometric
data logs


Figure 4.6: Existing options for off-road Lidar scene simulation are either high-fidelity,
or expressive. Our proposed solution is both.

summarize work that led up to the hybrid geometric models for Lidar simulation. We
make connections to recent research in robot and computer vision. In Section 4.3, we
present an overview of our approach to Lidar scene simulation, followed by details. In
Section 4.4, we evaluate our approach with real-world experiments.

This chapter contains work from the following.

Tallavajhula, Abhijeet, Meriçli, Çetin, and Alonzo Kelly. ”Off-Road Lidar Simulation
with Data-Driven Terrain Primitives.” ICRA 2018.

Tallavajhula, Abhijeet, Meriçli, Çetin, and Alonzo Kelly. ”Application-level Evaluation

of Off-Road Lidar Simulation.” Manuscript.
Chapter 4. Off-road Lidar simulation 64

4.2 Related work

Interest in simulators has been growing. Gazebo [10] is an open-source simulator that
was promoted, and received support for development, as the platform for the simulation
track of the DARPA Robotics Challenge [4]. There have also been government projects
to develop simulators, such as the VANE platform [15]. For computer vision, simula-
tors based on game engines, such as Unity [52] and Unreal Engine 4 [53], have gained
popularity for sophisticated scene rendering, and the ability to create detailed virtual
worlds. Aside from realism, development of such simulators has focused on a number of
factors such as software architecture, user interfaces, communication between modules,
visualization, and others. In our work, we focus only on realistic models, and simulator

A number of general-purpose robotics simulators [10, 11, 21] perform Lidar simulation.
Most simulate observations by calculating the range to object models, and adding Gaus-
sian random noise. Aside from the sensor models being simple, how to assign appropriate
values to the parameters is unclear. While such a sensor model works for simulating
Lidar returns from large, extended objects, off-road terrain such as vegetation present a
challenge. Lidars interact with fine structure, such as leaves, resulting in effects such as
pass-throughs and mixed pixels [16, 54]. The sensor model presented in [55], and the cor-
responding simulator [15], account for mixed pixels by raycasting multiple rays for each
Lidar beam. Unfortunately, this approach is expensive when simulating observations
from thin structures. In addition to a sensor model, off-road Lidar simulation requires
a terrain model. The graphics community has paid attention to modeling plants, such
as the generative model in [56]. However, there was no comparison to real vegetation,
nor was it obvious how the model could be tuned to fit real observations. A method
to reconstruct trees from real data was presented in [57]. However, the focus was on
visually realistic trees. In a similar vein, [58] used domain knowledge of tree structure
to guide an iterative reconstruction from data. Neither of these approaches considered
modeling vegetation for the purpose of simulation.

An extensive evaluation of models for off-road Lidar simulation was carried out in
[18, 59]. A hybrid geometric model was found to perform well for different types of
terrain. The ground was modeled as a triangle mesh, and non-ground terrain as a set of
Gaussian distributions. The sensor was modeled jointly with the terrain structure. Lidar
effects such as pass-throughs were modeled by associating geometric elements with a hit
probability. The models were fit to real data, and realistic simulation was demonstrated
in [18]. We will refer to the resulting simulator as the hybrid geometric simulator. The
hybrid geometric simulator is used as a base for our work, although, as noted in Sec-
tion 4.1, it only simulates a fixed scene. Only query poses close to the training poses
Chapter 4. Off-road Lidar simulation 65

would yield realistic results. No semantic information beyond ground and non-ground
is attached to the models. Therefore, new scenes cannot be simulated. This is a major
handicap for software development, in which we may want to test algorithms on new
scenes before real-world deployment.

There has been recent work in simulation for testing robot perception algorithms. [23]
presented a high-fidelity simulator for evaluation robot vision. A synthetic scene was
created using Unreal Engine 4. The advantage of a simulator, in being able to test algo-
rithms under varied simulated conditions, was demonstrated. A number of interesting
trends were observed for SLAM algorithms in simulation. Testing of the same algorithms
on real data, however, was limited. It was observed that performance in simulation was
better than in reality, and noted that the performance trends in reality paralleled those
in simulation. A simulated dataset for UAV tracking was presented in [22]. This too
was on Unreal Engine 4, which was recently made open-source. The game engine is
extremely flexible, allowing the creation of virtual worlds with varied characteristics.
How closely the virtual worlds created in the dataset map to real worlds, however, was
unaddressed. Similar to [23], the advantage of a simulator, in the performance of track-
ers under a number of different conditions and metrics, was demonstrated. However,
how well the conclusions translate to real data was untested.

Simulated data has long been used in the computer vision community. Given the dom-
inance of learning-based methods, gathering adequate training data can be a challenge.
It may be difficult to collect large datasets, label them, or deal with different domains.
The challenges are especially relevant for deep learning methods. For these algorithms,
useful feedback during the entire software development path is less important. What
matters is the final performance of an algorithm on some test data. The evaluation of
simulated data is often in terms of the benefit to performance of a learning algorithm.

Synthetic data has been used for pedestrian detection [24, 60, 61]. In [24], for example,
the task was to detect pedestrians in the field of view of a fixed camera. Not enough
real data, with annotated pedestrians in the field of view, existed. The state in simula-
tion consisted of synthetic pedestrians rendered in the real scene, using 3DS Max1 from
Autodesk. The appearance, locations, and poses of synthetic pedestrians were chosen
heuristically. Simulation was evaluated at the level of algorithms. The performance (on
real data) of a detector trained on purely synthetic data was compared against detectors
trained on real data. In the supplementary material, it was noted that algorithm per-
formance was critically dependent on the quality of simulation. While no quantitative
results are presented for how the performance varied with simulator parameters, it did
appear that some (e.g. sharpness of rendering) were selected to improve performance.
Chapter 4. Off-road Lidar simulation 66

SYNTHIA [27] is a recent synthetic dataset for semantic segmentation. Virtual urban
worlds were generated using the Unity development platform. The simulation scenes
were extremely expressive, consisting of diverse urban environments. How they were
specified, and how well they mapped to real environments, however, was unclear. CNNs
trained on a combination of real and simulated data were found to perform better, than
those trained on real data alone. A similar conclusion was reached by [25], in the domain
of object detection. In [25], synthetic images were appended to the real training images.
Realistic simulation of texture and background was found to be unnecessary when there
were enough real images. It was found to matter, however, when transferring algorithms
to new domains (detecting novel categories). The importance of obtaining some amount
of data from the target domain has also been demonstrated theoretically [19].

Work with similar motivations as [27], but for the task of indoor scene understanding,
is presented in [28]. It used SceneNet [62], a synthetic dataset of annotated indoor
scenes. OpenGL was used to obtain color and depth maps of the scenes from different
viewpoints. Realistic sensor models were used, as described in [63]. Compared to other
work, [62] laid emphasis on creating realistic scenes in simulation, using object co-
occurrence statistics calculated from real data. For the task of semantic segmentation
on real data, it was shown that training on synthetic data, followed by fine-tuning on
real training data, outperformed training on real data alone. [26] also uses synthetic
data, in the form of RGB-D images, for indoor scene understanding. BlenSor [12] was
used as a rendering engine. Simulated scene generation was unaddressed, and scenes
were generated at random. It was observed that performance on challenging real scenes
could be transferred by training on simulated data, followed by a small amount of real

For the task of multi-object tracking, a Virtual KITTI dataset was created in [5]. To
create realistic scenes, virtual seed worlds were created using annotations in the real
KITTI dataset. Other aspects such as illumination and background adjusted manually.
Like much of other work in creating synthetic data, [5] used a game engine (Unity) for
rendering images of virtual scenes. Simulation allows testing under varied environments,
and in [5], the effect of conditions such as challenging weather, on the performance of
algorithms, was calculated.
Chapter 4. Off-road Lidar simulation 67

4.3 Approach

4.3.1 Real and simulated scenes

We first present an outline of our approach to simulation. Various steps, including im-
plementation details, are discussed in subsections that follow. The core of our simulator
is written in C++, and we use MATLAB for labeling and scene generation.

For off-road scenes, it is unreasonable to assume that the real state x will be known. We
do not have an expression for x, or an explicit way to characterize the real state space
X . Our choice of the simulated scene, and the simulated state, will necessarily be an
approximation. The simulated scene will have to be inferred using information logged
from a real scene. This is in contrast to the indoor scenes encountered in Chapter 3. An
implication is that sensor modeling is not the only (or the main) task at hand for off-road
Lidar simulation. To see why, consider building a sensor model for a Lidar interacting
with vegetation using the methods in Chapter 3. To frame the problem purely as sensor
modeling, we might need to accurately obtain the shape of real vegetation. This is
difficult task even for the simplest of plants. Even if we could train a sensor model at
the histogram level using data-driven methods, such a model might not be very useful
during test. This is because the shape of vegetation during test will also have to be
known. In the off-road case, therefore, we perform simultaneous mapping and sensor
modeling. The description of the terrain and how the sensor interacts with the terrain
are linked. For the indoor Lidar simulator, objects in simulation corresponded to objects
in the real world. For off-road Lidar simulation, the scene representation may not be
physically realistic. What matters is that the representation is optimized for the purpose
of Lidar simulation.

The building block of the scene in simulation is a scene element e = (ρ, ω). A scene
element is the output of a joint modeling of the terrain and sensor. Therefore, it consists
of the element geometry ρ, and sensor model parameters ω. As in the indoor case
(Section 3.4.1), the simulator state x̂ = (S, qsensor ) consists of a scene S and the sensor
pose qsensor . A scene S = {ok } is a set of objects. An object o = (c, M, qobject ) consists of
an object class c, model M , and pose qobject . The object class c is a categorical variable,
and functions as an identifier. The object model M = {ei } is a set of scene elements.

In our approach, scene elements are fit to real data. Since these elements constitute the
object model M = {ei }, an object contains information about how the Lidar interacts
with the real world. Our idea is to re-use this information for future simulation. We do
this by storing objects from a training scene into a library. Such an objects will be called
a scene primitive, π = (c, M ). A primitive is simply an object from a training scene,
Chapter 4. Off-road Lidar simulation 68

transformed to identity. Since the pose of all primitives are the same, we omit writing
the pose in the tuple of a primitive. The unique set of scene primitives is then the
primitive set, Π = {πj }. For Lidar simulation, we build new scenes using the primitive
set. To construct a simulation scene, we also need information telling us ‘which object
goes where’. This is contained in the scene annotation a = {(ck , qobject,k )}. A scene
annotation is just the set of object classes and poses.

large tree
medium tree



large tree large tree
large tree large tree

0 94 - shrub shrub

shrub shrub


Figure 4.7: Outline of our approach.

We assume the availability of a training dataset Dtrain = {(qsensor,i , zi )} consisting of

sensor poses and observations. This may be collected, for example, by driving a robot
with a Lidar in a real scene, and logging observations (see Figure 4.7). Using the sensor
poses and intrinsics, we transform the range measurements to points in the world frame,
to obtain a point cloud Ytrain . The point cloud is segmented into ground and non-ground
points. We then fit scene elements {ej } to each segment separately. To ground points, we
fit a triangle mesh; the element geometry ρ is therefore a triangle. On the non-ground
points, we perform a clustering; ρ in this case is an ellipsoid. The different element
geometries used are why we call this approach the hybrid-geometric simulator. Once
the geometry of the point cloud has been obtained, we find the sensor model parameters
ω for each element. These include hit probabilities and range variances. Having modeled
the training scene, we can simulate observations by querying a Lidar pose qsensor . We
obtain a simulated point cloud Ŷtrain by querying the sensor poses in the training data
log Dtrain . We use the simulation risk to compare simulated data with reality. The
simulator parameters θ are tuned to minimize this error metric.

The procedure outlined above leads to a Lidar simulator which has been optimized to
simulate observations in the fixed training scene. This is exactly where the work of
Chapter 4. Off-road Lidar simulation 69

[18] terminates. At this point, the scene elements {ej } are blind to objects semantics.
Therefore, we perform object segmentation and labeling in the point cloud Ytrain , from
which the annotation a = {(ck , qobject,k )} is derived. The segmentation also allows us
to group elements into an object model, Mk = {ej | ej ∈ segmentk }. These pieces of
information are combined into scene objects {ok }, ok = (ck , Mk , qobject,k ). Finally, we
transform objects to identity (as a reference pose), thereby extracting a set of primitives
Π = {πi }, πi = (ci , Mi ) from the training scene. The approach is summarized in Figure

For a test (or new) scene, we collect data in a similar manner as for the training scene,
resulting in the dataset Dtest . In this case, however, we do not fit scene elements to the
point cloud Ytest , since we want to evaluate the generalization of the scene primitives
obtained from the training data. The cloud Ytest is segmented and labeled, resulting in
an annotation a = {(ck , qobject,k )}. This annotation for the test scene is combined with
the scene primitives, from the training scene, to result in objects. Having constructed a
simulated test scene, we can simulate Lidar observations at query sensor poses qsensor .
Once again, simulator evaluation is done using the simulation risk. Ground segmentation

overhead view points after ground segmentation

Figure 4.8: Example segmentation of training scene cloud into ground (brown) and
non-ground (green) points. Corresponding overhead view of the off-road scene is shown
on the left.

Ground segmentation is performed on the point cloud Y = {yj } obtained from the
training data, and is a preprocessing step before scene elements are fit to Y . Ground
segmentation is a routine step in point cloud processing [64, 65], and we use a simple
procedure based on geometric features, as in [18]. The spherical variance φ(y) of a
point y is calculated as follows. For points in a ball of radius dφ , centered at y, the
Chapter 4. Off-road Lidar simulation 70

covariance is computed. If the eigenvalues of the covariance matrix are λ1 ≤ λ2 ≤

λ3 , then φ(y) = λ1 +λ2 +λ3 . If there are less than Nmin,φ neighbors, a default value is
assigned, φ(y) = φdefault . Optionally, the spherical variation values can be smoothed
with neighbors within a radius dsmooth,φ , as

j wij φ(ri )
φ(ri ) = P , (4.1)
j wij
kyi − yj k2 (φi − φj )2
wij = exp −ηd 2 − ηφ . (4.2)
dsmooth,φ (1/3)2

The spherical variation is a measure of the ‘flatness’ of the local neighborhood. It

achieves the largest value of (1/3) for a sphere. Classification of a point is ground
if it is less than a threshold, φ(y) < φthresh , and non-ground otherwise. The different
parameters used in ground segmentation are tuned on a manually segmented point cloud. Scene elements

-10 20
z (m)

z (m)


-30 -20
-10 0

30 -10
40 20
x (m) 50 0 0
-20 -20
-40 y (m) y (m) -20
x (m)

Figure 4.9: Hybrid geometric scene elements. Ground points are modeled by a tri-
angle mesh. Non-ground points are clustered into Gaussian distributions. The red
markers are real Lidar range data. The points are derived from the same scene shown
in Figure 4.8.

Once an input cloud is segmented into ground and non-ground, we jointly model the
terrain and sensor by fitting scene elements to the point cloud. A detailed study of
different approaches to terrain modeling was carried out in [18]. For terrain without
fine structure, surface modeling based on triangle meshes was found to perform well for
simulation. The surface model is appropriate for a number of urban scenes. For terrain
with fine structure, such as wires in urban environments, and vegetation in off-road
Chapter 4. Off-road Lidar simulation 71

-1.5 -1.5
z (m)

z (m)
-2 -2
-2.5 3 -2.5 3
-3 -3
1 1
1 -1 1 -1
0 -3 0 -3
-1 -1
x (m) x (m)
y (m) y (m)

Figure 4.10: Elements are associated with a hit probability, according to which a
ray intersecting an element may pass through. On the left, the ray first strikes the
volumetric element shaded in red. It may pass through, and intersect the element
shaded in red, on the right. The points are derived from the same scene shown in
Figure 4.8.

environments, volumetric models were better for simulation. It was also found to be
important to incorporate permeability in the models, whereby a ray striking an element
(a mesh triangle or a volumetric element) can pass through with some probability. [18]
considered two volumetric models. The first was a regularly sampled voxel grid, with a
Gaussian distribution of observations associated with each voxel. The second was a set
of Gaussian distributions, obtained from top-down clustering of the point cloud, with
a Gaussian distribution of observations associated with each cluster. The voxel grid
is computationally more efficient, but introduces voxelization artifacts. The top-down
clusters were observed to model irregular structure in the environment better, but at the
cost of increased computational cost. Compared to the surface model, the disadvantages
of the volumetric model were: slower for simulation, and increased range variance when
applied to planar terrain. A hybrid model was introduced to combine benefits across
models. The ground points were modeled by a triangle mesh, and non-ground points
by Gaussian distributions. We refer to this model as the hybrid geometric model. The
hybrid geometric model was found to perform well across terrain types, from urban
to off-road. The lesson for Lidar simulation, from the work of [18], was that surface
elements are appropriate for terrain with planar structure, while volumetric elements
are appropriate for terrain with irregular structure.

Modeling ground points. Working with the above insight, we model ground points
by a triangle mesh (see Figure 4.9). We first fit a surface to the points. This is exactly
regression as described in Section 3.3.2. The unknown function being fit in this case
is the physical ground. We make use of the RBF interpolation tool 2 in ALGLIB [66].
ALGLIB is a C++ data analysis library. The number of points in the ground surface
can be large (∼ 1e5), even after subsampling. The RBF interpolation tool is suitable
for our use case. It uses compact Gaussian radius basis functions for regression, which
Chapter 4. Off-road Lidar simulation 72

brings down the computational complexity to O(N log N ) from O(N 3 ) (for a method
such as Gaussian Process regression [49]). The parameters of the regression tool are
the radius of the basis function, and a regularization constant. A higher regularization
constant results in a smoother surface fit.

After obtaining a surface fit, we triangulate it using the Delaunay triangulation tool in
CGAL [67]. CGAL is a C++ library that provides a number of computational geometry
algorithms. We also use the library to query intersections between a triangle mesh and
a ray. We perform simple filtering steps to remove noise in the mesh generation. For ex-
ample, we filter out isolated points whose nearest neighbor exceeds a threshold. Because
of the uneven shape of the ground encountered in off-road scenes, the triangulation may
generate large triangles as an artefact. We also filter these out using an upper threshold
on the triangle side lengths.

Each ground element ej = (ρj , ωj ), therefore, has a triangle for its geometry ρj . The
sensor model parameter ωj = (σground 2
, Phit,j ) consists of the range variance σground , and a
hit probability Phit,j . These parameters are used as follows. Suppose that a ray intersects
a triangle element. We flip a coin, and with probability Phit,j , declare the intersection
a hit. With probability 1 − Phit,j , the ray passes through the triangle element. Suppose
we sample a hit, and the nominal range is r. The simulator adds noise independently
sampled from the Gaussian distribution N (0, σground 2
) to r. The parameters σground and
Phit,j are calculated from data. The range variance is calculated from the training data.
For observed hits in the training data, after computing residuals ξj = zj − rj ,

2 1 X
σground = (zj − rj )2 .

The hit probabilities act as a filter for triangles as well. If extra triangles were generated,
and no observed rays intersect with them, we expect Phit,j = 0.

Modeling non-ground points. Non-ground points for off-road terrain in our case
correspond to Lidar observations from trees, shrubs, and other vegetation. To model
their irregular structure, we fit Gaussian distributions to these points (see Figure 4.9).
The Gaussian distributions are obtained using hierarchical clustering. We use the hi-
erarchical k-means clustering tool part of the FLANN [68] C++ library. In top-down
hierarchical clustering of points, all points initially belong to one cluster. The points
are clustered using an algorithm (in this case, k-means). Each cluster is, in turn, fur-
ther clustered using the same algorithm. The process continues recursively, till an edge
case is met. An example edge case is a threshold on the minimum number of points
in a cluster. The number of clusters at each stage is specified by a branching factor.
The result of the recursive clustering is a tree of clusters, called a dendrogram. The
Chapter 4. Off-road Lidar simulation 73

dendrogram is then cut at some level to minimize the cluster variance, and the result is
returned. One of the parameters of the procedure is the number of clusters requested.
For other internal clustering parameters in FLANN, such as the branching factor and
initialization method, we used defaults.

Each cluster returned is a scene element. The geometry ρj = (µj , Σj ) of the element is an
ellipsoid. For Mj points in the cluster, the ellipsoid mean and covariance are calculated

1 X
µj = yk ,
1 X
Σj = (yk − µj )(yk − µj )T .
Mj − 1

The sensor model parameters in this case are ωj = (µj , Σj , Phit,j ). The cluster mean
and covariance are used for a Gaussian distribution associated with the ellipsoid. If
a ray hits an volumetric element ej , then the simulated observation is a sample from
the distribution N (µj , Σj ). Ray-ellipsoid intersections can be calculated in closed-form.
Sampling in this manner smears observations, taking into account some of the mixed
pixel effects. The hit probability is a parameter that models pass-throughs in Lidar
data. When a ray intersects an element ej , a Bernoulli random variable is sampled with
probability Phit,j . If the value is 0, the ray passes through. The ray may intersect another
element ek , in which case Phit,k is sampled (see Figure 4.10). In an off-road environment,
successive readings may not be the same due to factors such as wind which may cause
vegetation to sway. Such effects also support using a stochastic sensor model. Once
again, the hit probability Phit works as a convenient filter. If spurious clusters have been
generated which no rays intersect, we expect Phit = 0.

For both triangle and volumetric elements, the hit probability is calculated from data

phit = ,
#hits + #misses

where #hits is the number of rays which hit an element, and #misses is the number which
missed the element. While counting the number of missed rays, we condition on the fact
that the rays intersected (i.e. passed through) the element. The various parameters in
modeling the ground and non-ground points are part of the overall simulator parameters,
Chapter 4. Off-road Lidar simulation 74

large tree medium shrub large tree medium shrub

camera frames Lidar point cloud

Figure 4.11: Example instances of the vegetation classes in off-road scenes. Scene segmentation and labeling

In this work, segmentation and labeling is manual. We first segment the Lidar data
corresponding to a scene using tools in CloudCompare [69]. The segments are then
labeled using a custom MATLAB tool, visualized in Figure 4.16. We chose MATLAB
for its support for 3D point visualization. In our custom tool, we could load a subset
of segments, subsample them, select segments easily, and load partial labelings. We
consider the following classes for vegetation objects:

• small shrub, • small tree,

• medium shrub, • medium tree,

• large shrub, • large tree.

Figure 4.12: In off-road terrain, shrubs often occur in extended sections. We deal
with such patches by dividing them into cells, as shown on the left. Like trees, shrubs
also occur in isolated instances, with examples on the right.
Chapter 4. Off-road Lidar simulation 75

We found that, while trees are often distinct and spacially localized, shrubs may be
spread over large, irregular regions. We term such regions patches. We deal with patches
by dividing them into cells of uniform size, see Figure 4.12. During training, the models
in each cell are stored as primitives. During test, a patch is populated cell-wise. Primitives and scene construction

Having obtained scene elements and labeled segments, we combine the pieces of infor-
mation to obtain scene objects. For each segment with label c containing points {yj },
we find the pose qobject as follows. The translation is the centroid of the points. We
assume rotation along the global z-axis only. The principal axes of the points {yj } are
found in the global x-y plane. We pick the principal axis aligned closest to the velocity
vector of the sensor during data collection, and set that to be the local x-axis of the
object. The orientation of the object is obtained from its local x-axis.

To find the object model M of an object o, we fit an oriented bounding box to the
object points {yj }. The box is oriented along the local coordinate frame of the object,
calculated above. The extents of the box are based on the coordinates of the points in
the local coordinate frame. The object model then consists of scene elements in the box
interior, M = {ej | ej ∈ object bounding box}. Using the pose qobject , we then transform
the object model M to identity, and store the result as a scene primitive π = (c, M ). The
primitives together constitute the primitive library Π. This data-driven primitive library
is our main tool for increasing the expressiveness of the hybrid geometric simulator.

primitive library

tree tree

tree tree
trees shrubs

shrub -
094 shrub
- tree

shrub shrub shrub

x (m)

training 0scene
query scene

Figure 4.13: The scene annotation tells us which object goes where. An annotation
is used along with the primitive library to construct a query scene.

For a new scene, we use an annotation a = {(ck , qobject,k )}, consisting of object classes
and poses, to populate the simulated scene. For a pair (ck , qobject,k ), we pick a primitive
πi = (ci , Mi ) such that ci = ck . In our implementation, the annotation for a new scene
Chapter 4. Off-road Lidar simulation 76

is also derived from a semantic segmentation. In that case, the annotation for a scene
object includes a bounding box. We use the heuristic of selecting the primitive whose
bounding box most closely matches the bounding box of the scene object. For the metric
between bounding boxes, we use the Euclidean norm of the box extents. The primitive
model Mi is then transformed to the pose qobject,k , resulting in object ok . The annotation
a can correspond to arbitrary scenes.

4.3.2 Simulator evaluation

Observation-level loss

x x
true hits: 2, 3
true misses: 1
false hits: 4
false misses: 5

precision: 2/3
real simulation recall: 2/3
Figure 4.14

In our case, a sensor observation z is a packet of Lidar data. Each packet consists of
returns from rays fired at different directions, from a common sensor pose qsensor . Some
of the rays result in hits, and others in misses. A simulated observation ẑ will also contain
hits and misses, some of which will be true, and the rest false. The observation-level
loss is calculated over the true hits

1 X
l(z, ẑ) = kyj − ŷj k, (4.3)
# true hits
j∈ true hits

where y is the 3D point corresponding to a range return. To compare the false hits and
misses, we also computed the F1 score over observations,

2 ∗ precision ∗ recall
F1 = , (4.4)
precision + recall
#true hits
precision = , (4.5)
#true hits + #false hits
#true hits
recall = . (4.6)
#true hits + #false misses
Chapter 4. Off-road Lidar simulation 77

Apart from an observation-level error, we also compare the real point cloud Y with
the simulated point cloud Ŷ , as a gross measure. The asymmetric point cloud error is
defined as

n 0

˜pcd 1 X
l (Y, Ŷ ) = 0 kynearest(j) − ŷj k, (4.7)

ynearest(j) = arg min ky − ŷj k. (4.8)


Using the asymmetric error above, we computed the symmetric point cloud error,

lpcd (Y, Ŷ , θ) = (˜lpcd (Y, Ŷ ) + ˜lpcd (Ŷ , Y )). (4.9)

Baseline simulator

Neighbor simulator. In Section 4.1, we described the use of a data log as a simulator.
This is limited to simulation in the training scene. Given a training dataset Dtrain =
(qsensor,i , zi ), a query sensor pose qsensor and a ray v, we calculate the distance along the
ray dvk and perpendicular to the ray dv⊥ of Lidar hits in the dataset. The simulated
observation is

ẑ = zj ,
where j = arg min dvk,i , for dv⊥,i < dv⊥,thresh .

Points which are far from the query pose and ray are filtered by a threshold on the
perpendicular distance to the ray. We also apply the standard filters on maximum and
minimum ranges, which are intrinsic to the Lidar sensor. If no points satisfy the Boolean
conditions, a null value is returned.

Mesh model simulator. As a baseline scene simulator, we implemented a baseline

that was representative of what may be achieved using current general-purpose robotics
simulators. In the mesh model simulator, the primitive library (and consequently, scene
objects), were derived open-source 3D mesh models. This baseline was also implemented
in C++, with each mesh model held in a CGAL triangle list. The sensor model consisted
of raycasting with the object models, followed by adding Gaussian noise to the nominal

We obtained mesh models of trees and shrubs from TurboSquid3 . The number of avail-
able models were limited due to reasons such as: scarcity of freely available mesh models
of natural terrain; use of proprietary file types; large-size (> 10MB) mesh models. The
Chapter 4. Off-road Lidar simulation 78

raw mesh models required processing for use, as they had to be subsampled, trans-
formed, scaled and sorted into appropriate classes. Example baseline primitives are
shown in Figure 4.17. Given an annotation, scene objects are constructed from mesh
model primitives for the baseline in the same way as for our hybrid geometric scene

Implementation specifics

Some steps taken to speed up the modeling and simulation were

• The ground as well as non-ground segments are divided into blocks. Each block is
modeled and stored independently.

• A simulated scene can be hundreds of meters long. Performing intersection checks

for each simulation query is inefficient. For the non-ground volumetric elements,
we create a local set of Gaussian distributions around a query ray. Similarly, for
the baseline mesh model simulator, we check intersection with a local set of mesh
objects. The local set is obtained using the k-d tree tools provided by the FLANN
C++ library [68].

• Simulation is independent across rays, and can be parallelized. We use OpenMP

4 for a simple parallelization over the query rays.

• For the mesh model simulator, subsampling the open source meshes was found to
be important to bring the simulation time down to the same order as the time
taken by our approach.

Further optimizations are doubtless possible; software design and real-time simulation
were not the focus of our work. The list above is a sample of parts of the implementation
that can be addressed for faster simulation.
Chapter 4. Off-road Lidar simulation 79

4.4 Experiments

4.4.1 Observation-level simulator evaluation

training scene test scene 1

test scene 2

(a) Data collection platform. The Lidar is at(b) Data collection site. The vehicle path is
the top of the sensor head. marked in black. Test and training scenes are
marked in red.

Figure 4.15

In our experiments, data was collected using a custom ground vehicle mounted with a
Velodyne-32 Lidar5 , see Figure 4.15a. Lidar packets, each consisting of hit and miss
returns, were received at 20 Hz. Each packet constituted an observation z. Vehicle pose
was provided by a Novatel SPAN6 pose system. After post-processing, pose information
was available at sub-centimeter position accuracy, at a frequency of 2E2 Hz. The sensor
pose qsensor was calculated from the vehicle pose, and the fixed relative pose of the Lidar
with respect to the vehicle. Data was collected in an off-road site nearby Pittsburgh,
depicted in Figure 4.15. Lidar packets were logged as the vehicle was driven manually,
at an average speed of 2.4 m/s. Modeling and evaluation steps of the simulator were
conducted offline. We selected one scene for training and two for test, as marked in
Figure 4.15. We ran the hybrid geometric modeling steps on the training scene, resulting
in a representation of the scene as a combination of surface triangles and volumetric
ellipsoids. Values for simulator parameters θ are summarized in Table 4.1. Parameters
were optimized (using NLopt [70]) on a 10 sec slice of the training scene. The objective
was minimization of the mean packet error+2(1 − F1 score).

For the training scene, we verified that the hybrid geometric models result in better
simulation than the neighbor simulator baseline, as also found in [18], see Table 4.3.
The semantic segmentation of the training scene is shown in Figure 4.16, and example
primitives obtained for each class are shown in Figure 4.17. Statistics for the primitives
are collected in Table 4.2. The test scene, which was longer than the training scene,
Chapter 4. Off-road Lidar simulation 80

Parameter name Selection method Value

Ground segmentation
maximum distance to neighbor heuristic 5m
minimum neighbors to compute feature heuristic 10
default spherical variation φdefault optimization 0.01
threshold φthresh optimization 0.09
Modeling ellipsoid elements
minimum points per cluster optimization 5
(hit count prior, miss count prior) heuristic (0, 1)
clusters per point optimization 0.042
maximum Mahalanobis distance for hit optimization 3.5
Modeling triangle elements
regression basis radius heuristic 5m
regression regularization constant optimization 0.001m
maximum triangle side optimization 10
(hit count prior, miss count prior) heuristic (1, 2)
range variance fit to data 0.07m2
maximum residual for hit optimization 0.75m

Table 4.1: Hybrid geometric simulator parameter values


Figure 4.16: Segmentation and labeling for the training scene. The test scene is
processed in the same way.

Primitive class Instances Mean ellipsoids per instance Mean instance height (m)
low shrub 4 4 1.1
small shrub 18 12 2.1
medium shrub 27 24 3.8
large shrub 10 34 5.4
small tree 32 150 5.9
medium tree 33 301 9.4
large tree 19 161 13.4

Table 4.2: Training scene primitive statistics

Chapter 4. Off-road Lidar simulation 81

15m low medium

shrub shrub small tree large tree


data-derived ellipsoid primitives


open-source mesh primitives
Figure 4.17: Examples from the primitive set. The top figure shows primitives ob-
tained from the training data. The bottom figure shows primitives obtained from freely
available mesh models.

was then constructed in simulation, see Figure 4.18a. Lidar data from the test scene
was used to obtain the annotation, but the simulated objects were constructed entirely
from the training scene primitives. A simulated scene was also constructed using the
baseline simulator, see Figure 4.18b. From the data collection step, we obtained the test
dataset of sensor poses and observations, Dtest = {(qsensor,i , zi )}. Given the dataset, we
could directly model the test scene for simulation. Our aim, however, was to evaluate
simulation of complex, new scenes using primitives from training scenes. By querying the
simulated scenes at the sensor poses in the test dataset, we obtained the simulated sensor
observations, {(qsensor,i , ẑi )}. Evaluation results of simulation are summarized in Table
4.3. Our simulation approach, based on data-driven terrain primitives, is quantitatively
better than the baseline, based on open-source mesh primitives. Point clouds for different
data sources are shown in Figure 4.19. The nearest neighbor simulator is myopic, and
Chapter 4. Off-road Lidar simulation 82

cannot simulate objects at the background of a viewing direction. Compared to the

mesh primitives, our approach results in simulation with more realistic object shapes,
and has significantly higher recall.

Scene Simulator Point cloud error Observation-level risk Precision Recall F1

Training Our approach 0.26m 3.2m 0.52 0.95 0.67
Training Neighbor sim 0.30m 9.8m 0.55 0.61 0.57
Test 1 Our approach 0.48m 2.9m 0.57 0.85 0.68
Test 1 Mesh primitives 0.55m 3.1m 0.58 0.75 0.65
Test 2 Our approach 0.58m 3.6m 0.56 0.81 0.66
Test 2 Mesh primitives 0.72m 3.8m 0.54 0.67 0.59

Table 4.3

(a) Simulated objects with the hybrid geomet- (b) Simulated objects with the mesh model
ric elements. simulator.

Figure 4.18: Simulated test scenes.

There are also qualitative ways in which our approach is better. The example in Figure
4.20 illustrates the benefit of the volumetric elements of our approach, over the surface
triangles of the baseline. The ray origin is on the left. In our approach, the ray intersects
ellipsoids, and the simulated point is close to the real point. In the baseline, the ray
misses the mesh triangles close to the real point. The simulated point instead is much
farther down the ray, where it intersects another mesh. This is why the length in the
y-axis in the figure for the baseline (60m) is greater than that for our simulator (15m).
Figure 4.21 illustrates the benefit of using permeable ellipsoids over opaque surface
triangles. The ray origin is on the left, and the ray strikes a tree. The real point is in
the interior of the tree. The simulated point from our approach is also in the interior,
as the ray can pass through ellipsoids. The simulated point from the baseline, however,
terminates at the surface of the tree. The baseline tree is visually realistic, but the
hybrid geometric tree is sensor-realistic. This example in Figure 4.22 illustrates another
benefit of data-driven primitives over open-source primitives. The ray origin is at the
top right. A number of shrubs are in the path of the ray. The shape of data-driven
Chapter 4. Off-road Lidar simulation 83


real our approach neighbour sim

test 1

real our approach mesh primitives

test 2

real our approach mesh primitives

Figure 4.19: Real and simulated point clouds for different scenes.

primitives better match the scene objects, compared to the baseline primitives. In our
approach, the simulated point is close to the real point. In the baseline, however, the
simulation result is a false miss, depicted as a red cross. On the other hand, Figure
4.23 illustrates a weakness of our approach. The ray origin is at the top right. Low
shrubs are in the path of the ray. The clustering in this case is coarse relative to the size
of the shrubs, visible as some large ellipsoids. This causes the simulated point in our
approach to have large variance. This problem is not present in the baseline, however,
and the simulated point is close to the real point. The real point is behind meshes, and
therefore not in view. In such cases where the clustering is not fine enough, the scene has
large ellipsoids. The associated Gaussian distributions have high variance. Intersection
with these ellipsoids, in turn, resulted in false hits. This is why the precision of our
approach is lower than that of the baseline, see Table 4.3. This failure mode suggests
Chapter 4. Off-road Lidar simulation 84

that we include the FLANN clustering parameters in the simulator optimization, a step
not currently performed.

our approach baseline


sim point 10
sim point
z (m)

z (m)
0 real point
-5 real point -10

375 -120 -100
370 360
365 -130 340
320 -150
y (m) x (m) y (m) x (m)

Figure 4.20: Example illustrating the benefit of volumetric elements over mesh mod-

our approach baseline

20 20

10 10
sim point sim point
z (m)

z (m)

0 0

real point -10
real point
-20 -20

320 320
360 -320 -340 -360 360 -320 -340 -360
y (m) x (m) y (m) x (m)

Figure 4.21: Example illustrating the benefit of using permeable elements.

our approach baseline

366 366

364 364

362 362
y (m)

y (m)

360 360
sim miss
358 358

356 real point 356 real point

354 sim point 354
-305 -300 -295 -290 -305 -300 -295 -290
x (m) x (m)

Figure 4.22: Example illustrating the benefit of data-driven primitives.

Another application of our work is in mapping off-road sites. Lidar mapping is the task of
acquiring detailed point clouds of a site. Suppose that high-resolution point clouds were
Chapter 4. Off-road Lidar simulation 85

our approach baseline

0 0

z (m) -2 -2

z (m)
-4 -4

-6 -6 real point
-8 sim point -8
y (m)

y (m)
real point 388
386 sim point
382 384
380 380
-154 -152 -150 -148 -146 -144 -142 -154 -152 -150 -148 -146 -144 -142
x (m) x (m)

Figure 4.23: Example illustrating a weakness of the hybrid geometric approach, large

Figure 4.24: Application to efficient mapping an off-road site. A detailed Lidar

data log from a representative section (finely dotted line) can be extrapolated to other
sections (sparsely dotted lines).

required. If data were being logged by a ground vehicle, this would imply driving the
vehicle at a sufficiently low speed. If the extents of the site were large, then such mapping
would take a long time. It might further be slowed down or interrupted by hardware
issues, or weather changes. Mapping can be addressed using our simulation approach as
follows. A section of the off-road site can be marked as a training scene. A detailed point
cloud can be gathered from the training scene, such that scene elements can be fit, and
primitives extracted. For the rest of the site, we can construct a simulated scene, using
a scene annotation. As in our approach, the scene annotation can be obtained from
real Lidar point clouds. The idea to exploit is that segmentation and labeling can be
performed on a point cloud with resolution lower than that required for building models.
The vehicle collecting data can thus drive slowly in the section marked for training, and
quickly in the rest of the off-road site. In our experiments, for example, the average
vehicle speed in the training scene was about 5 miles per hour (mph). The segmentation
Chapter 4. Off-road Lidar simulation 86

and labeling was performed on a subsampled point cloud that could have been collected
with a vehicle speed of about 17mph. This suggests a 3-4× speedup in mapping times.
If the scene annotation was obtained using satellite imagery, the mapping time may be
further reduced. Once the off-road site has been constructed in simulation, a point cloud
of any desired resolution may be queried from it. From this viewpoint, our approach can
be seen as expensive data gathering in a representative site (the training scene), followed
by extrapolation to a larger site (the full scene) in an inexpensive manner (using scene

large tree
200 large tree
large tree
large tree
large tree
y (m)

large tree

large tree

0 large tree
large tree
large tree

-100 0 100
x (m)
scene annotation simulated scene
Figure 4.25: A synthetic scene, densely populated with large trees.

The simulated scenes in our experiments corresponded to real scenes. However, another
common use case of simulators is to construct arbitrary scenes. In fact, one of the
advantages of simulation is that scenes which are of interest, but difficult to reach in the
real world, can be studied. Working with arbitrary scenes is also possible in our off-road
Lidar simulator. All that is needed is to supply the simulator with an appropriate scene
annotation (Section 4.3). For example, we may want to test perception applications in
a densely forested environment. A possible annotation, and the constructed simulated
scene, are depicted in Figure 4.25. Objects from the category of large trees were placed on
either side of a straight path. The dimensions of the bounding boxes in the annotations
were based on those encountered in the training data. Performing evaluation in real
off-road scenes is advantageous for such use of simulators as well. Having shown that
the data-driven terrain primitives generalize provides support for simulation in unseen,
but similar, artificial scenes.

4.4.2 Application-level simulator evaluation

Scan matching

For the scan matching application, we considered scans derived from Lidar data from the
first test section (Figure 4.26 (a)). Since each Lidar packet consisted of rays spanning
Chapter 4. Off-road Lidar simulation 87

about 1.8deg, we aggregated 300 packets to result in a scan spanning 360deg, for a total
of N = 300 scans. Simulated data corresponding to real data was generated using our
approach and the baseline mesh model simulator.

The algorithm A used was the scan matcher in the odoscan7 ROS package. It is a
wrapper written around PCL [71] tools for registration, with additional features. For
robustness, a RANSAC procedure is run as an outer loop over the inner scan matching
iterations. Each inner scan matching is run for a maximum number of iterations, or
till one of two thresholds is met. The thresholds are: a minimum change in the pose
estimate, and a minimum change in the objective value, calculated between successive
scan matching iterations. For fast computation, there is the option of filtering the input
clouds. The filter is an approximate voxel grid, in which the the voxels are not uniform
in space, but the leaves of a k-d tree. The algorithm parameter vector α was in R7 .
The parameters were: the maximum iterations for scan matching, the maximum point
correspondence distance, the number of RANSAC iterations, the RANSAC threshold,
the log-minimum transformation change threshold, the log-minimum objective change
threshold, and the log-voxel size of the filter. Let {q̃i,i+1 } be the relative poses estimated
by scan matching, between time instances i and i + 1. Let {qi,i+1 } be the set of ground
truth relative poses, then the algorithm objective is the pose error norm,

1 X
J(α, D) = kq̃i,i+1 − qi,i+1 k.

For the difference between two poses in SE(3), we report two quantities. The first is the
norm between the two positions in Euclidean space. The second is the absolute value of
the angle in the angle-axis representation of the rotation between the poses.

400 400

350 350
y (m)

y (m)

300 300
ground truth
250 250 our approach
200 200
-300 -200 -100 0 -300 -200 -100 0
x (m) x (m)
(a) (b)

Figure 4.26: (a) Off-road scene, and vehicle path. (b) Estimated paths, for particular
application parameters, for different data sources.
Chapter 4. Off-road Lidar simulation 88

To calculate the application-level risk, we sampled M = 103 algorithm parameters from

a uniform distribution. The results are in Table 4.4, and our simulator has lower
application-level risk than the baseline. For 100 application parameters, bar plots of
the losses are in Figure 4.27. For more insight into performance, we discuss a qualitative
difference between the simulators and reality. We observed that two important algorithm
parameters were the log-minimum objective change threshold δJ , and the log-voxel size
of the filter, δvox . The dependence on δJ was step-like: at a certain value, there was
a sharp improvement of performance, with little further improvement. For δvox , there
was an optimal value: at small values, the filter had no effect, and at large values, too
much information was filtered out. These trends are difficult to ascertain beforehand,
and are revealed on exploring the algorithm parameter space on real data. For partic-
ular application parameters, estimated trajectories are shown in Figure 4.26(b). The
scan match performance on data from our simulator is closer to reality, than on data
from the baseline simulator. Scans from the baseline were sparse compared to reality, so
at the particular value of δvox , useful information is filtered out the baseline simulator.
If development occurred on the baseline, we would pick a lower value of δvox , which
would degrade performance in reality (which has a step dependence on the parameter).
Note that obtaining the best-performing algorithm in reality, which is minα J(α, D),
is distinct from the calculation of simulation risk. We are interested in application
performance being similar in simulation and reality.

0.8 0.014
baseline baseline
0.7 our approach 0.012 our approach
application-level loss (rad)
application-level loss (m)


0.1 0.002

0 0
20 40 60 80 100 20 40 60 80 100
application parameter sample application parameter sample
(a) (b)

Figure 4.27: Simulation losses for 100 α samples with the simulation objective as (a)
position error, and (b) rotation error, between real and estimated and relative poses.

Simulator Risk for J = position error (m) Risk for J = angle error (rad)
Our approach 0.070 1.6 × 10−3
Baseline 0.096 6.1 × 10−3

Table 4.4: Risks for off-road scan matching application

Chapter 4. Off-road Lidar simulation 89

Scene Length (m) Log duration (s) Number of Lidar packets

training 356.3 70.0 119260
test 1 650.0 116.5 210764
test 2 294.2 65.0 117426

Table 4.5: Scene statistics.

Class Low shrub (patch) Small shrub (patch) Medium shrub (patch) Large shrub (patch)
Instances 4 (2) 39 (59) 73 (55) 44 (20)
Class Small tree Medium tree Large tree
Instances 111 86 51

Table 4.6: Number of instances per class.

4.4.3 Datasets generated

We have generated the following datasets in the course of our work, which may be of
independent interest.

• Lidar simulation. Data logs from real scenes consist of sensor poses, along with
Lidar packets. Each Lidar packet consists of returns from rays fired in 32 × 32 =
1024 directions. There are 32 yaw angles, with 32 pitch angles at each yaw angle.
The data can be analyzed at multiple scales, from a high-level picture of point
clouds, to a low-level view of individual rays resulting in hits or misses. The
statistics are in Table 4.5.

• Off-road segmentation and labeling. The manual segmentation and labeling

performed for the scenes serves as a dataset which can be used to train classifiers
for automatic segmentation and labeling. The number of instances across scenes
are in Table 4.6. The segments are associated with bounding boxes, so that labeled
points of varying resolution can be obtained from the data logs.
Chapter 5


5.1 Summary of contributions

We have presented a framework for data-driven Lidar sensor simulation. In our frame-
work, a simulator consists of three components: sensor modeling, scene generation, and
simulator evaluation. A good sensor model captures the complex interaction of a Li-
dar with objects. Good scene generation recreates real scenes in simulation. Good
simulator evaluation is thorough and takes into account the use case of a simulator for
robot application development. Each component is important for useful simulation. Our
framework is general, and applicable beyond Lidar simulation. For much past work in
sensor simulation, we can identify and separate efforts in each of the components. Exist-
ing work on evaluation can be re-framed as specific instances of our broader concept of
application-level simulator evaluation. We instantiated our approach for two domains,
indoor planar Lidar simulation, and off-road Lidar simulation.

• We identified sensor modeling as a special case of distribution regression, and used

this insight to construct a high-fidelity simulator for a planar Lidar sensor in in-
door scenes. We showed that an appropriately chosen parametric sensor model
outperforms the models used in current robot simulators. We demonstrated this
in a meaningful manner, through utility of our simulator for development of ap-
plications such as detection and registration.

We took the connection between regression and sensor modeling further by apply-
ing nonparametric distribution regression, developed in the learning community,
as a modeling procedure. We showed that it is an appropriate procedure when
faced with complex observation distributions, e.g. due to unmodeled state. We
believe it can play a useful role in any modeler’s toolbox, as a procedure that

Chapter 5. Conclusion 91

adapts to data to capture inherent noise, without requiring the designer to make
specific assumptions.

• We constructed an off-road Lidar simulator that was both high-fidelity and expres-
sive, where past simulators were only either. We demonstrated that object models
derived data generalize to new scenes better than open-source mesh models. We
compared simulators on complex, real-world scenes of interest. Such evaluation
justifies treating simulated data from hallucinated worlds as realistic.

We showed how our simulator can also benefit efforts to efficiently create point
cloud maps of off-road geographical sites. Our work generated off-road labeled
point cloud datasets, which may be of independent interest.

We have shown that simulation tools are likely to improve the efficiency of the appli-
cation development process. They expose the flaws in naive approaches earlier in the
development cycle, and in a manner that mimics what would eventually happen when
testing on the hardware. This is significant because it is possible to scrutinize a simulator
by slowing down time, inserting breakpoints, and other methods. Our results suggest
that we do not necessarily have to choose between realistic data and convenience in

5.2 Future work

5.2.1 Nonparametric sensor modeling

There are a number of conditions, other than those explored in this thesis, in which sen-
sors behave in inherently noisy ways. Examples are range sensors in smoky environments
[17], and sonar sensors under water [72]. The following extensions to the nonparametric
sensor modeling procedure as described in Chapter 3 will increase its applicability.

• Relaxed assumptions on data collection. In Chapter 3, we worked with

datasets of the form {xi , zij }. That is, at each state, we sampled multiple obser-
vations. This step was assumed so that we could estimate observation densities
p̂(z|xi ) at each state xi . This form of dataset was simple to collect with a Lidar
sensor in a static scene. On the other hand, there are cases where this form of
data is hard to collect. Consider a tactile sensor on a robot hand. Each obser-
vation z consists of the sensor reading when the hand approaches and contacts
some object. Even if the experiment were automated, it will be difficult to ensure
the same state x each time an observation is sampled, due to object uncertainty
Chapter 5. Conclusion 92

(Figure 5.1). This may be further complicated, because the velocity of the hand
when contacting the object may be part of the state. Another example is sensor
readings logged from a quadrotor as it hovers. The platform may be stable, but is
not stationary.

Figure 5.1: Collecting tactile sensor data when contacting an object. It is difficult to
collect multiple observations at the same state. Figure from Koval et al. [73].

It is reasonable, however, to assume that the states at which multiple observations

are logged are related. They may be part of a slowly varying trajectory, or within
a bounded region, and so on. This information may be exploited in the regres-
sion. On the theoretical front, this extension calls for convergence guarantees on
distribution regression, under an appropriate model of changing state.

• Distribution regression in higher dimensions. In our experiments, we per-

formed distribution regression for scalar-valued output distributions. Multi-dimension
sensor observations were dealt with by modeling each dimension independently.
Modeling higher dimensions jointly is challenging from a computational stand-
point, since representations such as histograms become memory intensive. Esti-
mation in higher dimensions is also known to be challenging statistically. One
approach to work with higher dimensions is to use copula methods [74]. As an
example, consider a random variable in two dimensions. In the Gaussian copula
method, the marginal cumulative distribution function (cdf) for each dimension is
modeled independently. The joint distribution is then specified using a parametric,
Gaussian distribution (Figure 5.2).

5.2.2 Off-road Lidar simulation

• Further optimizations. Our simulator opens a number of avenues for further

improvements. More parameters of the simulator can be optimized. An example
Chapter 5. Conclusion 93

Figure 5.2: Gaussian copula. Marginal cdfs are modeled using nonparametric dis-
tribution regression. The joint is modeled using a Gaussian distribution. Figure from

is the set of modeling parameters used for the hierarchical clustering of point cloud
data. This was the clustering used to generate the ellipsoid scene elements.

Some of our implementation details (such as basic parallel processing) are in Sec-
tion 4.3, but computational efficiency was not the focus of our work. In our opin-
ion the largest gains will be obtained by optimization of ray-element intersection
queries. These are the most basic type of operation in Lidar simulation. They can
be sped up performing queries on tools such as the NVIDIA OptiX ray tracing
engine 1 .

• Automated scene generation. Building an off-road scene makes use of a scene

annotation. In this work, we generated the annotation for a real scene manually.
Automating scene generation is a useful step that will make it easier to evaluate
a simulator. Conceptually, this requires off-road vegetation classification and seg-
mentation using Lidar data. We believe this step is a matter of implementation,
and not fundamental research. This view is based on extensive prior work on point
cloud processing, which we briefly review. Our work has already generated labeled
datasets (Section 4.4.3) which can be used for training.

Semantic segmentation of 3D data is a well-studied problem, with applications in

urban scene understanding [64, 75], off-road traversability analysis [76], and agri-
cultural robotics [77–79]. Successful solutions have been developed, as evidenced
by a number of instances of reported classification accuracies in excess of 90%
[77–80]. A common approach is to classify a point based on local shape features,
introduced in [81], and subsequently used in [79, 82, 83]. Additional features that
have been investigated are based on laser remission values [76, 84, 85], and color
[77]. While some work performs classification, followed by segmentation [81], oth-
ers first segment points, and then classify the segments [64, 65, 78]. In the latter
Chapter 5. Conclusion 94

case, segment-level shape descriptors may be used for classification [64, 75]. By
taking into account knowledge that neighboring points share class labels, results
can be improved by using classifiers based on conditional random fields (CRFs)
[80], or Markov random fields (MRFs) [83]. While vegetation is often considered a
single semantic class, we work with multiple vegetation classes, similar to [77, 78].
In our approach, Lidar data was processed offline, although real-time algorithms
have been developed in [65, 76, 83, 84]. Finally, the source of 3D data in our work
was a Lidar mounted on a ground vehicle. This is not a limitation, as prior work
contains precedents for classifying scene data obtained from other sources, such as
aerial robots [77, 84], and satellite images [82].

In Section 2.2 we referred to the expressiveness of a simulator. We discussed

how scene generation is like a projection from real scenes to the space of simu-
lated scenes. When automating scene generation, we are approximating the ideal
projection. Errors in automated scene generation can thus also lead to errors in
simulation. At the same time, automated scene generation complements expres-
siveness: a simulator may be able to represent reality, but if simulated scenes are
too tedious to construct, the simulator’s value diminishes.

• Lidar generative models. Instead of using a hierarchical clustering to fit ellip-

soids, we could use recent work on compact generative models for point cloud data
by Eckart et al. [86]. In [86], a mixture of Gaussian distributions was used as a
generative model for a given 3D point cloud. This is common with our use of Gaus-
sian distributions for non-ground objects. The key difference is that a top-down
hierarchy of mixture distributions was proposed in [86]. A coarse model could be
obtained by sampling distributions at the top level. Similarly, a fine model corre-
sponded to sampling distributions at the bottom levels. The result was that model
fidelity could be traded off with sampling time. Figure 5.3(a) shows 3D models for
the Stanford bunny at different levels of fidelity. Using the models of [86] in our
work would introduce a similar knob, which is currently missing in our simulator.
Note that the models in [86] worked only with point cloud data. Integrating them
in a Lidar simulator will additionally require considering the geometry of Lidar
rays, including hit probabilities in the mixture distributions, and so on.

The other generative models with recent success in generating 3D objects are
deep learning methods, as in [87]. Figure 5.3(b) shows interpolation between 3D
objects from the training dataset in [87]. Training a Lidar simulator could involve
training a separate neural net (NN) to simulate Lidar readings for each object.
Each primitive in this approach would be an optimized NN, instead of optimized
ellipsoids. NNs from the library could be planted in a new simulated scene, which
would be represented as a mixture of NNs. Given a simulation query, we would
Chapter 5. Conclusion 95

(a) (b)

Figure 5.3: Compact generative models (a) from [86], and deep learning to generate
3D objects (b) from [87].

have to decide which NN to generate observations from. Simulation would also

have to take into account interaction between the primitive NNs. This is because
a ray may pass through an object, only to hit one behind it.

5.2.3 Simulator evaluation

• Training with application-level simulation risk. The application-level simu-

lation loss measures the value of a simulator for the purpose of application develop-
ment. Given a loss, it is natural to ask if it can be used for training the simulator.
Basic experiments with the indoor planar Lidar suggested that a simulator trained
with the application-level risk was not significantly better than one trained with
an observation-level risk.

In our experience, training with the application-level risk is more cumbersome,

and takes longer. A valid objection is that, while we want a simulator to be
useful for application development, it should not be tied to a single application.
A workaround may be to minimize the application-level risk simultaneously for
many application algorithms. This gives rise to further questions, such as which
combination of applications. Training to minimize the observation-level risk, by
contrast, was found to be faster and simpler. Disconnecting the simulator from an
application introduces a gap between the two: the simulator writes data, which
is then fed into the application, to return a risk. This discontinuity implies that
analytical gradients are not available to optimize the simulator parameters with
respect to the application-level risk. In this work where speed was not the focus,
each calculation of the risk proved to be expensive.

Having shown the utility of the application-level risk, however, we believe this is an
interesting direction. It will require speeding up the Lidar simulator, the applica-
tion, and using intelligent optimization methods. These will allow the optimization
of the simulator parameters to make sufficient progress. We also recommend seed-
ing the training with a simulator already optimized on the observation-level loss.
Chapter 5. Conclusion 96

• Closed-loop applications. We assumed in Section 2.4 that applications are

open-loop. This allowed us to collect a dataset {xi , zi }, and calculate the application-
level risk offline. For closed-loop applications, by contrast, the dataset depends on
the output of the application algorithms. For example, consider closed-loop navi-
gation. Pose estimates q̂i would depend on all past observations, {zj } j = 1 : i, and
influence the next state xi+1 visited. Running the application algorithm with the
same parameters α in simulation would generate a dataset with different states.

Development of open-loop applications is a rich domain with its own challenges,

as explored in this thesis. Development of closed-loop applications, a certain use
of simulators, brings us into the territory of reinforcement learning.

5.3 General sensor simulation outline

(a) (b) (c)

Figure 5.4: (a) In urban scenes, Lidar reflectivity can be used to detect road markings
[88]. (b) Urban reconstruction [89] can be used to generate simulated scenes. (c)
Relevant applications for development are detection and tracking.

Based on our framework, contributions, and experience, we present general guidelines

for the construction of a sensor simulator. As an example, we consider steps for Lidar
simulation in urban scenes.

What kind of real data can be gathered? Data-driven sensor simulation relies on
comparing simulated and real data. It is essential that real data be gathered in conditions
similar to those intended for simulation. For other robot applications, simulation may
be stated as an answer to the problem of gathering adequate real data. The same
answer cannot apply to simulation itself. We insist on having real data, and this makes
constructing a simulator seem as difficult as developing an application on a real robot.
This is exactly the view we promote. A simulator is a predictor that models the complex
behavior of sensors in realistic scenes. There is no reason to expect that the construction
of a simulator should be trivial compared to developing an application in reality.

We understand that setting up a system for gathering real data takes serious engineering
effort. Our off-road Lidar simulation work was only possible because researchers at
NREC had spent valuable time maintaining the platforms used. The payoff on the data
Chapter 5. Conclusion 97

investment, however, is that future application development can be confidently carried

out in simulation. If real data for training is not available, simulators will remain
immature, specified by hand, untested, and viewed as little more than toy checks for
real robot applications.

What is a suitable sensor model? The sensor model describes how the sensor in-
teracts with the environment. Is a parametric model sufficient? Simple logs of sensor
observations, when visualized as histograms, can reveal if Gaussians are good approx-
imations. Physics-based models can be helpful in deciding what features to choose, or
what input space to work in. If observation distributions are complex, then the alterna-
tive to painstaking parametrization is the use of nonparametric sensor models. These
can adapt to trends in raw histograms, at the cost of requiring more training data.

A helpful exercise is to assume the environment is completely known, and then think
about the sensor model. For Lidars in urban scenes, for example, this means considering
that the state of all objects are known. Lidar returns from flat roads, pavements and
walls may be well-approximated by Gaussian distributions. Modeling reflected intensity
might be important, a problem not considered in this thesis, but to which our methods
readily extend.

How are simulated scenes generated? Simulation using the best sensor models will
be unrealistic if simulated scenes are not realistic. An exercise is to think about the real
scenes an application will be developed for. It should be possible to reconstruct those
kinds of scenes in simulation. Like real data collection, it may take effort to set up scene
generation. Our suggestion is that scene generation also be data-driven. Specifying
scenes by hand becomes unfeasible for complex scenes. Instead, an approach based on
using statistics from real scenes is principled.

For urban scenes, approaches for scene reconstruction from points or images has been
studied in work such as [89, 90]. An additional complexity is the presence of dynamic
objects, such as other vehicles, and pedestrians. Scene modeling was more of a challenge
than sensor modeling for the off-road scenes we considered. This is even more the case
for urban scenes. Simulated urban scene construction was discussed briefly in [27], and
can be explored more thoroughly in our opinion. Data-driven computer vision tools for
scene understanding, visual tracking, and others, can be utilized.

What robot applications will be developed using simulation? Comparing per-

formance of application algorithms in reality versus simulation is a measure that can
be interpreted by developers working on applications. It can influence their decision to
develop on simulation instead of reality, and lead to savings of time and effort. There
Bibliography 98

may be many routes to constructing a simulator, but the application-level risk places
them on a comparable footing.

No matter how good simulators become, we believe applications will not (and should
not) be deployed before final testing in reality. This process generates real data that can
then be used for further simulator training and evaluation. Consider a Lidar simulator
for urban scenes which has low application-level risk for state estimation in regular traffic
conditions. For testing the state estimation in a new, but standard, city block, using
simulated data is justified. If we then wanted to test estimation under reduced sensing,
we might have to go out and collect real data. The simulator can then be evaluated and
trained to model reduced sensing as well. In this manner, sensor simulation and robot
application development can benefit from each other. The data-driven methods of this
thesis can be used to assess and improve performance, and bring Lidar simulation for
robotics closer to reality.

simulation reality

application development timeline

Figure 5.5: Our work is a step in the direction of reducing the gap between simulation
and reality for robot application development.

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