MP GTU Study Material E-Notes Unit-1 21032020023720PM

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1.1 Machine Tools and it’s Function ............................................................................................... 1.2

1.2 Classification of Machine Tools ............................................................................................... 1.2
1.3 Motions In Machine Tools ......................................................................................................... 1.3
1.4 Cutting Tools .............................................................................................................................. 1.4
1.5 Cutting Tool Material ................................................................................................................. 1.8
1.6 Cutting Fluid or oil ...................................................................................................................... 1.8
1.7 Mechanism of Chip Formation ................................................................................................ 1.10
1.8 Cutting Force Analysis ............................................................................................................. 1.11
1.9 Determination of shear Angle ................................................................................................. 1.11
1.10 Tool wear, Life and Economics of Machining ........................................................................ 1.13
1.11 Types of Methods of Cutting ................................................................................................... 1.15
1.12 Importance of Various Tool Angles. ....................................................................................... 1.16
1.13 Reference .................................................................................................................................. 1.17
1.1 Machine Tools and it’s Function
A Machine tools is a power driven machine for making articles of a given shape, size and
accuracy(according to blue prints) by removing metal from work pieces in the form of chips.
Functions of machine tools are..,
- Hold the job
- Hold the cutting tools
- Move one or both of these(rotary or reciprocating motion)
- Provide a feeding motion for one of these.

Fig.1.1 Function of Machine Tools

1.2 Classification of Machine Tools

 GENERAL PURPOSE MACHINE TOOLS : Versatile in use like lathe, milling, drilling etc.
 SINGLE PURPOSE MACHINE TOOLS: Single operation design like gear cutting, shaping , hobbing
 LIMITED PURPOSE MACHINE TOOLS: Narrow range of operation like automatic cutting off
 PRODUCTION MACHINE TOOLS: Batch and mass production like multi tool lathe, automates,
grinders etc.
 SPECIALIZED MACHINE TOOLS: For machining articles similar in shape but different in size like
 SPECIAL MACHINE TOOLS: For definite operation like tool and cutter grinder.
 Normal Accuracy
 Higher Accuracy
 Precision
 High Precision
 Super High Precision

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1.2 Manufacturing Process (3141908)
Unit-1 Basic Machine Tools and Metal Cutting Principle
I. Light weight: (upto 1t)
II. Medium weight: (upto 10t)
III. Heavy weight: (over 10t)
- Large size: (10 TO 30 T)
- Heavy: (30 TO 100T)
- Extra heavy: (OVER 100T)


 Lathes:
 Drilling And Boring Machines
 Planers, Shapers, Slotters And Broaching Machines:
 Milling Machines
 Grinding And Micro-finishing Machines
 Gear And Thread Cutting
 Combination Machine Tools
 Cutting Off Machines
 Miscellaneous Machine Tools: like Balancing Machines, Straightening Machines Etc.

1.3 Motions In Machine Tools

To obtain a finished work piece on a machine tool, certain coordinated motions must be imparted to the
work and cutting tool. These motions are of two types:
(A) Primary or Working Motions &
(B) Auxiliary Motions

Primary or Working Motions

 Principal or cutting motions and feed motions.
 They serve the purpose of removing metal from the work piece.
 Working motions are power driven. However certain small machines have hand feeds.
 The speed of the principal motion depends on the optimum cutting speed, while the feed motion
depends on the required degree of surface finish.
 Principal motions are of three types: (I) ROTARY, (II) RECIPROCATING & (III) COMBINED. These
motion can be imparted either to the workpiece or to the tool.

Mr. Ankur N Tank, Department of Mechanical Engineering

Manufacturing Process (3141908) 1.3
Unit-1 Basic Machine Tools and Metal Cutting Principle
Auxiliary Motions
 It help in the completion of the machining process and include such motions as:
 handling and clamping the work in the machine, advance and withdrawal of the cutting tool
 Engagement and disengagement of working motions and changing their speeds etc.
 Auxiliary motions are generally hand operated in conventional machines and power driven in
automatic machine tools.

1.4 Cutting Tools

The cutting tools may be classified in different ways. Depending upon the number of cutting points on the
tool, the cutting tools are of two types:
1. Single-point cutting tools,
2. Multi-point cutting tools.
A single-point cutting tool has only one cutting point or edge. The tools used for turning, boring, shaping,
or planning operations, that is, tools used on lathes, boring machines, shaper, planer, etc. are single point
tools. A multi-point tool has two or more than two cutting point or edge [for example, tools used on drilling
machines, milling machines, broaching machines etc.] multi-point tool can be considered to be basically
a series of single-point tools.
Depending upon the construction of the cutting tool, it is classified as :
1. Solid tools,
2. Tipped cutting tools.
The solid cutting tools are made entirely of the same material, whereas, in a tipped cutting tool, an insert
of cutting tool material is brazed or held mechanically to the shank of another material.

1.4.1 Tool Terminology

Fig.1.2 Tool Terminology

Mr. Ankur N Tank, Department of Mechanical Engineering
1.4 Manufacturing Process (3141908)
Unit-1 Basic Machine Tools and Metal Cutting Principle
Shank: Main body of tool, it is part of tool which is gripped in tool holder
Face: Top surface of tool b/w shank and point of tool. Chips flow along this surface
Flank: Portion tool which faces the work. It is surface adjacent to & below the cutting edge when tool lies
in a horizontal position.
Point: Wedge shaped portion where face & flank of tool meet.
Base: Bearing surface of tool on which it is held in a tool holder.
Nose radius: Cutting tip, which carries a sharp cutting point. Nose provided with radius to enable greater
strength, increase tool life & surface life.
- Typical Value: 0.4 mm – 1.6 mm

1.4.2 Tool Geometry and Various Tool Angles

Fig.1.3 Tool Geometry

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Unit-1 Basic Machine Tools and Metal Cutting Principle
 Side Cutting Edge Angle (SCEA): It is also known as lead angle (Cs) and approach angle. It is the
angle between the side cutting edge and side of the tool shank.
 End Cutting Edge Angle (ECEA): This is the angle between the end cutting edge and the normal to
the tool shank.
 Side Relief Angle (SRA): It is the angle between the portion of the side flank immediately below
the side cutting edge and a line perpendicular to the base of the tool and measured at right to the
side flank.
 End Relief Angle (ERA): It is the angle between the portion of the end flank immediately below the
end cutting edge and a line perpendicular to the base of the tool and measured at a right angle to
the end flank.
 Back Rake Angle (BRA): It is the angle between the tool face and line parallel to the base of the
tool and measured in a plane (perpendicular) through the side cutting edge. This angle is positive.
 Side Rake Angle (SRA): It is the angle between the tool face and a line parallel to the base of the
tool and measured in a plane perpendicular to the base and the side cutting.

1.4.3 Tool Signature American Standard Accosiation System (ASA)

Fig.1.4 American Standard accosiation system (ASA)

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1.6 Manufacturing Process (3141908)
Unit-1 Basic Machine Tools and Metal Cutting Principle
 Tool Designation under ASA System is given in order next:
 Back rake, side rake, End Relief , side relief, End Cutting Edge Angle, Side Cutting Edge Angle and
nose radius.
  b -  S – θ e – θ s - Ce – Cs – R
 If tool Designation is 8 – 14 – 6 – 6 – 6 - 15 - 1/8 means that
  b = 8°,  S = 14°, θ e =6°, θ s = 6°, Ce = 6°, Cs = 6°, R= 1/8”
 In ASA system of tool angles the angles are specified independently of the position of the cutting
edge it, therefire does not give any indication of the behavior of the tool in practice.
 Therefore in actual cutting operation we should include the side cutting edge (principal cutting
edge) in the scheme of reference planes. Such system is known as ortho gonal rake system (ORS). Orthogonal Rack System

Fig.1.5 Orthogonal Rack System

 The angles are also measured in the plane MM (known as auxiliary reference plane) which is
normal to the projection of the end cutting edge on the basic plane. These angle are end relief
angle γ1 and back rake angle α1 (also called auxiliary rake angle).
 The plane angles are the approach angle or entering angle λ which is equal to (90° -Cs) and the end
cutting edge angle Ce.
 Tool Designation under ORS is:
 i – α – γ – γ1 – Ce – λ – R
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Manufacturing Process (3141908) 1.7
Unit-1 Basic Machine Tools and Metal Cutting Principle
1.5 Cutting Tool Material
 Carbon steel: Carbon steels having carbon percentage as high as 1.5% are used as tool materials
however they are not able to with stand very high temperature and hence are operational at low
cutting speed.
 High speed steel (HSS): These are special alloy steel which are obtained by alloying tungsten,
Chromium, Vanadium, Cobalt and molybdenum with steel. HSS has high hot hardness, wear
resistance and 3 to 4 times higher cutting speed as compare to carbon steel. Most commonly used
HSS have following compositions.
a. 18-4-1 HSS i.e. 18% tungsten, 4% chromium, 1% vanadium with a carbon content of 0.6 - 0.7%. If
vanadium is 2% it becomes 18-4-2 HSS.
b. Cobalt high speed steel: This is also referred to as super high speed steel. Cobalt is added 2 – 15%.
The most common composition is tungsten 20%, 4% chromium, 2% vanadium and 12% cobalt.
c. Molybdenum high speed steel: It contains 6% tungsten, 6% molybdenum, 4% chromium and 2%
 Cemented carbide: These are basically carbon cemented together by a binder. It is a powder
metallurgy product and the binder mostly used is cobalt. The basic ingredient is tungsten carbide-
82%, titanium carbide-10% and cobalt-8%. These materials possess high hardness and wear
resistance and it has cutting speed 6 times higher than high speed steel (HSS).
 Ceramics: It mainly consists of aluminum oxide (Al2O3) and silicon nitride (Si3N4). Ceramic
cutting tools are hard with high hot hardness and do not react with the workpiece. They can be
used at elevated temperature and cutting speed 4 times that of cemented carbide. These have low
heat conductivity.
 Diamond: It is the hardest known material having cutting speed 15 times greater than that for high
speed tools.
 Cubic boron nitride (CBN): It is the second hardest material after diamond and a economical
alternative to the later. It is manufactured through high temperature and pressure to bond boron
crystals in cubic form with a ceramic or metal binder to form polycrystalline structure with nitride
particles present. It is an excellent cutting tool material because it combines extreme high hot
hardness up to high temperatures of 2000°C.

1.6 Cutting Fluid or oil

1.6.1 Advantages of Cutting Fluids

 Reduction of tool costs.
 Reduce tool wear, tools last longer.
 Increased speed of production.
 Reduce heat and friction so higher cutting speeds.
 Friction reduced so less power required by machining.
 Tools last longer and require less regrinding, less downtime, reducing cost per part.
 Reduction of power costs and labour cost.
Mr. Ankur N Tank, Department of Mechanical Engineering
1.8 Manufacturing Process (3141908)
Unit-1 Basic Machine Tools and Metal Cutting Principle
1.6.2 Characteristics of Good Cutting Fluid
 Good cooling capacity
 Good lubricating qualities
 Resistance to rancidity
 Relatively low viscosity
 Stability (long life)
 Rust resistance
 Nontoxic
 Transparent and Nonflammable.

1.6.3 Types of Cutting Fluids

Most commonly used cutting fluids either aqueous based solutions or cutting oils.
Cutting Fluid Fall into three categories
 Cutting oils
 Emulsifiable oils
 Chemical (synthetic) cutting fluids

Cutting Oils
 There are two classifications Active and Inactive.
 Terms relate to oil's chemical activity or ability to react with metal surface
 Elevated temperatures
 Improve cutting action
 Protect surface

Active Cutting Oils

 Those that will darken copper strip immersed for 3 hours at temperature of 212ºF Dark
 or transparent Better for heavy-duty jobs
 This kind of oil has three categories
 Sulfurized mineral oils
 Sulfochlorinated mineral oils
 Sulfochlorinated fatty oil blends

Inactive Cutting Oils

 Oils will not darken copper strip immersed in them for 3 hours at 212ºF Contained sulfur
is natural Termed inactive because sulfur so firmly attached to oil – very little released.
This kind of oil have four general categories
 Straight mineral oils,
 fatty oils,
 fatty and mineral oil blends,
 sulfurized fatty-mineral oil blend

Emulsifiable (Water Soluble) Oils

 Mineral oils containing soap like material that makes them soluble in water and causes
 Them to adhere to work piece. Emulsifiers break oil into minute particles and keep them
 Separated in water.
 Supplied in concentrated form (1-5 /100 water).Good cooling and lubricating qualities.
 Used at high cutting speeds, low cutting pressures

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Unit-1 Basic Machine Tools and Metal Cutting Principle
 Chemical Cutting Fluids
 Also called synthetic fluids Introduced about 1945 and have Stable, preformed emulsions.
 It Contain very little oil and mix easily with water and Extreme-pressure (EP) lubricants
 added, React with freshly machined metal under heat and pressure of a cut to form solid
 Lubricant it is also Reduce heat of friction and heat caused by plastic deformation of metal.

1.7 Mechanism of Chip Formation

 A typical Metal cutting process can be schematically represented in Figure in which a wedge
shaped tool is made to move relative to the work piece. As the tool makes contact with the metal;
it exerts a pressure on it resulting in the compression of the metal near to the tool tip.

 This includes shear type deformation with in the metal and it starts moving upward along the top
face of the tool, as the tool advances, the material ahead of it is sheared continuously along a plane
called the shear plane.

Fig.1.6 Mechanism of Chip Formation

 This shear plane actually narrow zone. (About 0.025 mm) and extends from the cutting edge of the
tool is formed by two intersecting surfaces. The surface along which the chip moves upwards is
called “Rake Surface” and the other surface which is relieved to avoid rubbing with the machined
surface is called “flank”.
 The angle between rake surface and the normal is known as “Rake Angle” (which may be positive
or negative) and the angle between the flank and the horizontal machined surface is known as the
“relief or clearance angle”.

Mr. Ankur N Tank, Department of Mechanical Engineering

1.10 Manufacturing Process (3141908)
Unit-1 Basic Machine Tools and Metal Cutting Principle
1.8 Cutting Force Analysis
Here the analysis is limited to two dimensional or orthogonal cutting which is simpler to understand as
compared to the complicated three dimensional cutting process when a cut is made. The force acting on
metal chip are,

Fig.1.7 Cutting force Analysis

Fs = which is resistance to shear of the metal is forming the chip its act along shear plane.
Fn = Which is Normal to the shear plane. This is backing up force on the chip provided by the work piece.
F = It is the frictional resistance of the tool acting on chip. It acts downward against the motion of the chip
as it glides upwards along the tool face.
N = It is the force subjected at the tool chip interface acting normal to the cutting face of the tool and is
provided by the tool.

1.9 Determination of shear Angle

In the simplified model of two dimensional cutting operations the cutting tool is completely defined by
the rake angle α and clearance angle γ. In additions the following assumptions are made
1. Tool is perfectly sharp and contacts the chip on its front or rake face.
2. The primary deformation takes place in a very thin zone adjacent to the shear plane AB.
3. There is no flow of chip that is plain strain condition.
Shear angle α is defined as the angle made by the shear plane with the direction of the tool travel
If t = uncut chip or undeformed chip thickness.
tc = chip thickness after the metal is cut.
r= is called the cutting ratio or chip thickness ratio or chip compression factor.
ζ= is called chip reduction factor.

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Manufacturing Process (3141908) 1.11
Unit-1 Basic Machine Tools and Metal Cutting Principle
Fig.1.8 Determination of Shear Angle

The shear angle can be determined in the following ways.

t = uncut chip thickness.

tc = cut chip thickness.
∅ = Shear Angle.
α = Rake Angle.

r= … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … (i)
Now finding the value of t and tc,
Consider Δ BAC and angle ∅
Sin ∅ =
t = AB Sin ∅ … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … (ii)

For tc consider Δ DBA

Cos (∅ - α) =
tc = AB Cos (∅ - α) … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … (iii)

Now putting t and tc value in equation (i)

𝐴𝐵 sin 
𝐴𝐵 𝐶𝑂𝑆 ( − 𝛼)
sin 
𝐶𝑂𝑆 ( − 𝛼)
Mr. Ankur N Tank, Department of Mechanical Engineering
1.12 Manufacturing Process (3141908)
Unit-1 Basic Machine Tools and Metal Cutting Principle
r Cos (∅ - α) = sin ∅
r cos ∅ cos α + r sin ∅ sin α = sin∅ [using cos (A-B)]
Divide above equation by cos ∅ we get
r cos α + r tan ∅ sin α = tan ∅
r cos α = tan ∅ - r tan ∅ sin α
r cos α = tan ∅ (1- r sin α)
𝑟 cos 𝛼
tan ∅ =
1−𝑟 sin 𝛼
where ∅ = shear angle.

1.10 Tool wear, Life and Economics of Machining

1.10.1 Tool Wear:

The life of a cutting tool can be terminated by a number of means, although they fall broadly into two main
Gradual wearing of certain regions of the face and flank of the cutting tool, and abrupt tool failure.
Considering the more desirable case the life of a cutting tool is therefore determined by the amount of
wear that has occurred on the tool profile and which reduces the efficiency of cutting to an unacceptable
level, or eventually causes tool failure. When the tool wear reaches an initially accepted amount, there are
two options, to resharpen the tool on a tool grinder, or to replace the tool with a new one. This second
possibility applies in two cases,
(i) When the resource for tool resharpening is exhausted.
(ii) The tool does not allow for resharpening, e.g. in case of the indexable carbide inserts. Wear zones
Gradual wear occurs at three principal locations on a cutting tool. Accordingly, three mainTypes of tool
wear can be distinguished,
1. Crater wear
2. Flank wear
3. Corner wear
Crater wear: It is consists of a concave section on the tool face formed by the action of the chip sliding
on the surface. Crater wear affects the mechanics of the process increasing the actual rake angle of the
cutting tool and consequently, making cutting easier. At the same time, the crater wear weakens the tool
wedge and increases the possibility for tool breakage. In general, crater wear is of a relatively small

Fig.1.9 Types of wear observed in single point cutting tool

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Unit-1 Basic Machine Tools and Metal Cutting Principle
Flank wear: It is occurs on the tool flank as a result of friction between the machined surface of the work
piece and the tool flank. Flank wear appears in the form of so-called wear land and is measured by the
width of this wear land, VB, Flank wear affects to the great extend the mechanics of cutting. Cutting forces
increase significantly with flank wear. If the amount of flank wear exceeds some critical value (VB >
0.5~0.6 mm), the excessive cutting force may cause tool failure.

Fig.1.10 Cross-section perpendicular to the major cutting edge of a worn cutting tool showing the effect of
crater wear on the tool rake angle and the flank wear land.

Corner wear: It is occurs on the tool corner. Can be considered as a part of the wear land and
respectively flank wear since there is no distinguished boundary between the corner wear and flank wear
land. We consider corner wear as a separate wear type because of its importance for the precision of
machining. Corner wear actually shortens the cutting tool thus increasing gradually the dimension of
machined surface and introducing a significant dimensional error in machining, which can reach values of
about 0.03~0.05 mm.

1.10.2 Tool life

The tool life is the duration of actual cutting time after which the tool is no longer usable. There are many
ways of defining the tool life, and the common way of quantifying the end of a tool life is by a limit on the
maximum acceptable flank wear.
Parameters, which affect the rate of tool wear are cutting conditions ( cutting speed V, feed f, depth of
cut d), cutting tool geometry (tool orthogonal rake angle), properties of work material From these
parameters, cutting speed is the most important one. As cutting speed is increased, wear rate increases,
so the same wear criterion is reached in less time, i.e., tool life decreases with cutting speed:
If the tool life values for the three wear curves are plotted on a natural log-log graph of cutting speed versus
tool life as shown in the right figure, the resulting relationship is a straight line expressed in equation form
called the Taylor tool life equation:

V Tn = C

Where n and C are constants, whose values depend on cutting conditions, work and tool material
properties, and tool geometry. These constants are well tabulated and easily available.

Mr. Ankur N Tank, Department of Mechanical Engineering

1.14 Manufacturing Process (3141908)
Unit-1 Basic Machine Tools and Metal Cutting Principle
Fig.1.11 Tool Life Versus Cutting speed

Fig. Effect of cutting speed on wear land width and tool life for three cutting speeds. Natural log-log
plot of cutting speed versus tool life.

An expanded version of Taylor equation can be formulated to include the effect of feed, depth of cut and
even work material properties.Tool life also depends to a great extent on the depth of cut d and feed rate
per revolution f. Assuming a logarithmic variation C with d the equation can be written as,

V Tn dm = C

It has been seen that decrease of life with increase speed is twice as a great as the decrease of life with
increased feed. By considering feed rate also, the general equation can be written as:

V Tn dm fx = C

1.11 Types of Methods of Cutting

Orthogonal Cutting Oblique Cutting

 The cutting edge of the tool remains
 The cutting edge of the tool remains
inclined at an acute angle to the direction
normal to the direction of tool feed or work
of tool feed or work feed.
 The direction of the chip flow velocity is at
 The direction of the chip flow velocity is
an angle with the normal to the cutting
normal to the cutting edge of the tool.
edge of the tool. The angle is known as chip
flow angle.

 Here three components of forces are

 Here only two components of forces are
acting: Cutting Force, Radial force and
acting: Cutting Force and Thrust Force. So
Thrust Force or feed force. So the metal
the metal cutting may be considered as a
cutting may be considered as a three
two dimensional cutting.
dimensional cutting.

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Unit-1 Basic Machine Tools and Metal Cutting Principle
 The cutting edge being oblique, the shear
 The cutting edge being non oblique, the
force acts on a larger area and thus tool life
shear force acts on a smaller area and thus
is increased
tool life is decreased.

1.12 Importance of Various Tool Angles.

The Rake Angle
 The rake angle is always at the topside of the tool.
 The basic tool geometry is determined by the rake angle of the tool.
 Rake angle has two major effects during the metal cutting process.
 One major effect of rake angle is its influence on tool strength. A tool with negative rake will
withstand far more loading than a tool with positive rake.
 The other major effect of rake angle is its influence on cutting pressure. A tool with a positive rake
angle reduces cutting forces by allowing the chips to flow more freely across the rake surface.
 he rake angle has the following function:
 It allows the chip to flow in convenient direction.
 It reduces the cutting force required to shear the metal and consequently helps to increase the tool
life and reduce the power consumption.
 It provides keenness to the cutting edge andimproves the surface finish.

Relief angle:
 Relief angles are provided to minimize physical interference or rubbing contact with machined
surface and the work piece.
 Relief angles are for the purpose of helping to eliminate tool breakage and to increase tool life.
 If the relief angle is too large, the cutting tool may chip or break. If the angle is too small, the tool
will rub against the work piece and generate excessive heat and this will in turn, cause premature
dulling of the cutting tool.
 Small relief angles are essential when machining hard and strong materials and they should be
increased for the weaker and softer materials.
 A smaller angle should be used for interrupted cuts or heavy feeds, and a larger angle for semi-
finish and finish cuts.
Side relief angle:
 The Side relief angle prevents the side flank of the tool from rubbing against the work when
longitudinal feed is given.
 Larger feed will require greater side relief angle.

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1.16 Manufacturing Process (3141908)
Unit-1 Basic Machine Tools and Metal Cutting Principle
End relief angle:
 The End relief angle prevents the side flank of the tool from rubbing against the work.
 A minimum relief angle is given to provide maximum support to the tool cutting edge by increasing
the lip angle.
 The front clearance angle should be increased for large diameter works.
End cutting edge angle:
 The function of end cutting edge angle is to prevent the trailing front cutting edge of the tool from
rubbing against the work. A large end cutting edge angle unnecessarily weakens the tool.
 It varies from 8 to 15 degrees.
Side cutting edge angle:
 The following are the advantages of increasing this angle:
 It increases tool life as, for the same depth of cut; the cutting force is distributed on a wider surface.
 It diminishes the chip thickness for the same amount of feed and permits greater cutting speed.
 It dissipates heat quickly for having wider cutting edge.
 The side cutting edge angle of the tool has practically no effect on the value of cutting force or
power consumed for a given depth of cut & feed.
 Large side cutting edge angles are likely to cause the tool to chatter.
Nose Radious
 The nose of a tool is slightly rounded in all turning tools.
 The function of nose radius is as follows:
 Greater nose radius clears up the feed marks caused by the previous shearing action and provides
better surface finish.
 All finish turning tool have greater nose radius than rough turning tools.
 It increases the strength of the cutting edge, tends to minimize the wear taking place in a sharp
pointed tool with consequent increase in tool life.
 Accumulation heat is less than that in a pointed tool which permits higher cutting speeds.

1.13 Reference
1) R.K.Rajput,”Manufacturing Technology”,Lakshmi publication (P) Ltd.
2) B.S.Raghuvanshi, “Workshop Technology (Vol.ll)”,Dhanpat Rai & Co.
3) P.C.Sharma, “Production Engineering”, S.Chand Publications

Mr. Ankur N Tank, Department of Mechanical Engineering

Manufacturing Process (3141908) 1.17
Unit-1 Basic Machine Tools and Metal Cutting Principle

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