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International Conference on Biomedical Engineering (ICoBE 2021) IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2071 (2021) 012001 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/2071/1/012001

Identifying drug-resistant tuberculosis from chest X-ray

images using a simple convolutional neural network

J Ureta1,2* and A Shrestha1,2

Bioinformatics Lab, Advanced Research Institute for Informatics, Computing, and
Networking (AdRIC), De La Salle University-Manila, Philippines.
Software Technology Department, College of Computer Studies, De La Salle
University-Manila, Philippines.

*[email protected]

Abstract. Tuberculosis(TB) is one of the top 10 causes of death worldwide, and drug-resistant
TB is a major public health concern especially in resource-constrained countries. In such
countries, molecular diagnosis of drug-resistant TB remains a challenge; and imaging tools
such as X-rays, which are cheaply and widely available, can be a valuable supplemental
resource for early detection and screening. This study uses a specialized convolutional neural
network to perform binary classification of chest X-ray images to classify drug-resistant and
drug-sensitive TB. The models were trained and validated using the TBPortals dataset which
contains 2,973 labeled X-ray images from TB patients. The classifiers were able to identify the
presence or absence of drug-resistant Tuberculosis with an AUROC between 0.66–0.67, which
is an improvement over previous attempts using deep learning networks.

1. Introduction
Due to technological and medical advancements, tuberculosis (TB) mortality rate is decreasing [1].
However, despite the continuous improvements in disease control, TB still remains a major public
health threat — it is one of the top 10 causes of death worldwide. In 2019, an estimated 8.9–11.0
million people were diagnosed with TB, and 1.1–1.2 million people died due to the disease [2]. TB
burden is high among low- and middle-income countries — the Philippines, for instance, has the third
highest prevalence rate in the world, with about 1 million Filipinos having active TB, and this number
continues to grow every year [3, 4, 5].
Drug-resistant TB (DR-TB) is a major public health concern, especially in resource- constrained
countries, since its treatment is difficult and takes more time and money [2]. In 2019, about 3.3% of
new TB cases and 18% of recurring cases were multi-drug-resistant TB (MDR-TB), and the rates of
effective treatment for such cases were significantly lower [2]. MDR-TB accounts for a third of all
antimicrobial resistance deaths globally [6].
Diagnosis of DR-TB remains a challenge [7]. Culture-based phenotypic drug-sensitive tests are
considered the gold standard, but they require specific laboratory facilities and can take several weeks.
Molecular assays that are based on detecting specific drug-resistant mutations have shown varying
degrees of success (see e.g. [8] for a review), but they are expensive and

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International Conference on Biomedical Engineering (ICoBE 2021) IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2071 (2021) 012001 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/2071/1/012001

require well-equipped facilities and trained technicians which are often hard to access. Whole- genome
sequencing and associated bioinformatics tools [9, 10, 11, 12], which look at the entire mutational
landscape, provide a promising new direction in diagnosis and characterization of MDR-TB. However,
these technologies remain out of reach for low- and middle-income countries with high TB burden.
On the other hand, conventional chest X-ray (CXR) is widely available, and has the potential to be a
valuable tool for early detection and screening of DR-TB. Previous studies have suggested the presence
of CXR image features that may be useful in distinguishing DR-TB from drug-sensitive TB. In a
retrospective cross-sectional study, Icksan et al. compared CXR findings between drug-resistant and
drug-sensitive TB and concluded that there were significant differences in the size and morphology of
lesions [13]. Based on a literature survey, Wáng et al. reported that common radiological signs
associated with MDR-TB include “centrilobular small nodules, branching linear and nodular opacities
(tree-in-bud sign), patchy or lobular areas of consolidation, cavitation, and bronchiectasis” [14], and
concluded that the prevalence of thick- walled cavity lesions might be a promising feature for differential
diagnosis of MDR-TB. Cha et al. [15] and Kim et al. [16] have similarly suggested the presence of
radiological signatures in chest radiograph and CT images that are informative in distinguishing drug-
resistant and drug-sensitive TB.
Computational image processing techniques can be used to aid human interpretation and to discover
novel features that might be key in differentiating drug-resistant from drug-sensitive TB. While deep
convolutional neural networks have been shown to have high accuracy in diagnosing TB from CXR
images [17, 18, 19], there has been limited work on applying such models to the more challenging task of
classifying drug-sensitive and drug-resistant TB. Jaeger et al. employed several classifiers, including
VGG-v16 pretrained on natural images and a customized convolutional neural network, to classify drug-
resistant and drug-sensitive TB using CXR images of patients in Belarus. They reported that both the
deep learning models did not perform well and attributed this to their small training set.
TB CXR image datasets have grown ever since. A prominent example is TB Portals, which is a web-
based, open access repository of multi-domain TB data which includes linked socioeconomic, clinical,
radiological, and genomic data [20]. There has also been progress in customizing neural network
architectures for TB screening rather than adapting models from natural image classification tasks which
have a large number of parameters and are overly data- hungry. Pasa et al. [21] describe a small and
efficient but accurate neural network optimized for the task of TB diagnosis.
Here, we employ the convolutional neural network architecture proposed by Pasa et al. to classify
DR-TB vs. drug-sensitive TB using CXR images from the radiological dataset of TB portals. We report
an AUROC of 0.66 on a test set consisting of images prior to the start of treatment, and an AUROC of
0.67 in a set including follow-up images. This result is an improvement over previous attempts by Jaeger
et al. [1] to use deep learning models to detect drug-sensitive TB.

2. Methodology
2.1. Data
We used the data of TB Portals[20] for this study which was extracted on July 2020. It includes 3,051
cases classified into five classes of drug resistance: multidrug resistance(MDR), extensive drug
resistance(XDR), monoresistance, polydrug resistance, and sensitive. The resistance classes are defined
as follows: “monoresistance is resistance to one first-line anti-TB drug only, polydrug resistance is
resistance to more than one first-line anti-TB drug (other than both isoniazid and rifampin), multidrug
resistance is resistance to at least both isoniazid and rifampin, and extensive drug resistance is resistance
to any fluoroquinolone and to at least one of 3 second-line injectable drugs (capreomycin, kanamycin,
and amikacin) in addition to multidrug resistance” [20].

International Conference on Biomedical Engineering (ICoBE 2021) IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2071 (2021) 012001 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/2071/1/012001

(a) (b)

Figure 1. This shows the percentages of cases for each drug resistance type among all the cases in the
TB Portal(a) and for each country (b)

We note that the TB Portals contains data that was heavily selected for MDR-TB, with almost half of
them (47%) being MDR, which does not reflect the actual prevalence of anti- microbial resistant TB in
the TB patient population. The higher proportion of DR-TB cases in the dataset is because TB portals has
collected data from the most virulent, drug-resistant and deadly cases in order to distinguish them from
available reference strains[20]. Figure 1a shows the percentage of cases in the TB Portals data for each
type of drug resistance, and Figure 1b shows the cases per country and resistance type.
For this work, we used the CXR dataset of TB Portals. This radiological dataset contains 2,973
labeled CXR images. We combined all cases that belong to the resistant classes (MDR, Monoresistant,
PDR and XDR) into a single class. We considered 2 datasets: a before-treatment dataset containing only
those images that were taken before treatment was started (899 images with 240 drug-sensitive cases and
659 drug-resistant cases), and the full dataset (2,973 images with 636 drug-sensitive cases and 2,337
drug-resistant cases). Both datasets were randomly partitioned into a training set with 70% of the images
and a testing set with 30%.

2.2. Preprocessing
We used U-Net [22] to segment the lungs in the CXR images. We trained the network using the publicly
available Montgomery dataset [23] which is maintained by the National Institutes of Health (NIH). It
contains 138 CXR images, in which 80 are normal while 58 have manifestations of TB. Figure 2a shows
a sample image from the Montgomery dataset, and Figures 2b and 2c show the left and right mask for
this image.
After segmentation, the images were further preprocessed using the same steps used by Pasa et al.
[21]. Black bands or borders were cropped from the edges of the images, images were resized and the
central 512 x 512 region was extracted. Lastly, the mean pixel value, which was calculated for all images
in the dataset, was subtracted from each pixel and were divided by their standard deviation [21].

2.3. Model Architecture and Training

We used the convolutional neural network proposed by Pasa et al. [21] which is tailored for diagnosing
TB. Figure 1 of the paper of Pasa et al. [21] shows the architecture of the network. The network is
composed of 5 convolutional blocks, with each block containing two 3x3 convolutional layers with
ReLU as the class activation function followed by a max pooling

International Conference on Biomedical Engineering (ICoBE 2021) IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2071 (2021) 012001 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/2071/1/012001

(a) (b) (c)

Figure 2. (a) sample image from the Montgomery dataset (b) left mask (c) right mask

Table 1. Number of epochs

Dataset Epochs
Before-treatment dataset 50
Full dataset 60

layer. Each block also has a 1x1 convolution layer that acts as a shortcut connection. The convolutional
blocks are then followed by a global average pooling layer and a fully-connected softmax layer. While
there are several other more complex deep learning models, most of them have been designed to be
trained on large amounts of data making them unsuitable for our task which has a limited amount of data.
The model was implemented using Tensorflow. The Adam optimizer was used to train the models
with the following parameters: β1 = 0.9 and β2 = 0.999 which are the exponential decay rates for the
moment estimates, E = 1 10−8 which is a small
× constant for numerical stability, a learning rate of 8 10 −5,
and a batch size of 8.×Categorical cross-entropy was used as the error function.
Five-fold cross validation was performed using the training set in order to determine and validate the
hyperparameters to be used for the final training. Afterwards, we trained the model on the full training set
and evaluated it on the testing set. We used early-stopping to determine the number of epochs to avoid
overfitting. Table 1 shows the number of epochs used for the final training on the entire training set. The
models were trained on a CPU with an RTX 2070 GPU.

3. Results and Discussion

Overall the U-NET segmentation performed well on the TB Portals dataset even if it was trained on a
different dataset. Figures 3a and 3b show a sample result of the segmentation process when applied to the
TB Portals dataset. However there were a few failed segmentations that were produced as can be seen in
the example Figure 3c and 3d.
The results of the 5-fold cross validation for the before-treatment dataset and the full dataset are
shown in Table 2. After re-training the models on the full training set, we applied them to the test sets.
The ROC curves and the AUC scores are shown in Figures 4a and 4b.
Previously, Jaeger et al. [1] employed a customized convolutional neural network and the VGG-v16
network for the same classification task and obtained AUC of 0.56 and 0.52, respectively. While the
performance of our classifier is modest, it is a significant improvement over these previous results. We
posit that the improvement is a consequence of the network

International Conference on Biomedical Engineering (ICoBE 2021) IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2071 (2021) 012001 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/2071/1/012001

(a) (b) (c) (d)

Figure 3. (a) and (b) are sample images from TB Portals (b) shows a good segmentation of (a) while (c)
shows a failed segmentation of (d).

Table 2. AUC scores for the 5-fold cross validation

Dataset Fold 1 Fold 2 Fold 3 Fold 4 Fold 5
Before-treatment dataset 0.721 0.657 0.734 0.705 0.721
Full dataset 0.708 0.657 0.713 0.689 0.701

(a) (b)

Figure 4. ROC curve of the before-treatment dataset (a) and ROC curve of the full dataset (b) where the
positive class is the drug-resistant class.

architecture we used, which is customized for TB CXR image analysis, or of the larger dataset that we
trained our model on, only part of which was available earlier.
Interestingly, the results of using just the before-treatment dataset was comparable to using the full
dataset despite the significantly fewer number of images that were used for training the model. That the
inclusion of follow-up images of the patients do not significantly improve classification accuracy was
also observed by Jaegar et al [1]. Since the before-treatment images likely correspond to drug-resistance
due to transmission as opposed to acquired resistance due to drug-selective pressures, our results suggest
the model is learning mostly about transmitted resistance. It is estimated that in some countries, the
percentage of MDR-TB resulting from transmission is higher than 90% [24]. Given that a few countries
are over-represented in the TB Portals database (see Figure 1b), it is likely that the database is biased
towards primary transmission cases. On the other hand, our results suggest that CXR images taken prior
to treatment contain information about likely drug-resistance and thus might have potential as a cheap
early screening tool for drug-resistance and to guide drug regimens.

International Conference on Biomedical Engineering (ICoBE 2021) IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2071 (2021) 012001 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/2071/1/012001

(a) (b)

Figure 5. Prevalence Precision curve of the before-treatment dataset (a) and of the full dataset (b) where
the positive class is the drug-resistant class

To partly address the issue of data imbalance which we mentioned in Section 2.1, we evaluated the
precision of our model accounting for the actual prevalence of the drug-resistant class which one might

be encounter in practical settings, instead of the one that our model is trained and tested on. Let η [0, 1]
denote the real-world positive class prevalence. Brabec et al.[25] show that the empirical precision of a
binary classification model can be expressed as:
̂ ∙𝜂
̂ (𝜂) =
𝑃𝑟𝑒𝑐 (1)
̂ ∙𝜂+𝐹𝑃𝑅
𝑇𝑃𝑅 ̂ ∙(1−𝜂)

̂ and 𝐹𝑃𝑅
where 𝑇𝑃𝑅 ̂ are the empirical True Positive Rate and False Positive Rate, respectively. We used
this relationship to plot the Prevalence-Precision curves of Figures 5a and 5b. We plotted the curves for
the different operating points of our classifier with TPR values ranging from 40% up to 80%. For the
positive class prevalence (η) we used a range of values from 3.4% to 18% based on the prevalence of
multi-drug resistance TB in 2018 [26]. We can see from Figures 5a and 5b that the precision value is
quite low for any prevalence value and operating point of the model. Further improvements are needed
for practical adoption of the model.
A major limitation of our current approach is the interpretability of the classification results. Since the
goal is to assist medical experts in identifying signs of drug resistance, it would be helpful if the areas
and features indicative of drug-resistance could be identified. One way to do this is through the use of
class activation maps (CAM) [27] which generate heat maps which can be used to identify image regions
used by the CNN for class discrimination.

4. Conclusion
While molecular diagnosis of drug-resistant TB remains hard to access for resource-constrained
countries, clinical imaging, supplemented by computer-assisted detection methods, is a promising tool
for early detection and screening. While we showed significant performance improvement compared to
previous work in applying deep learning models to classify drug-resistant and drug- sensitive TB from
chest X-rays, further improvements are required for practical adoption. For future work it would be
interesting to address the issue of imbalanced dataset at the training phase by using sampling and
augmentation techniques. Adding visualization techniques and consulting with radiologists may also
provide more insights and help validate the performance of the models.

International Conference on Biomedical Engineering (ICoBE 2021) IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2071 (2021) 012001 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/2071/1/012001

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