Tuberculosis of The Spinal Cord.5

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AIAN Review

Tuberculosis of the Spinal Cord

Divyani Garg, Divya M. Radhakrishnan1, Umang Agrawal2, Harshad Arvind Vanjare3, Edmond Jonathan Gandham4, Abi Manesh5
Department of Neurology, Vardhman Mahavir Medical College and Safdarjung Hospital, New Delhi, 1Department of Neurology, All India Institute of Medical Sciences,
New Delhi, 2Department of Infectious Diseases, PD Hinduja Hospital and MRC, Mumbai, Maharashtra, 3Departments of Radiodiagnosis, 4Neurological Sciences,
Infectious Diseases, Christian Medical College, Vellore, Tamil Nadu, India
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Tuberculosis involving the spinal cord is associated with high mortality and disabling long‑term sequelae. Although tuberculous radiculomyelitis
is the most frequent complication, pleomorphic clinical manifestations exist. Diagnosis can be challenging among patients with isolated spinal
cord tuberculosis due to diverse clinical and radiological presentations. The principles of management of tuberculosis of the spinal cord are
primarily derived from, and dependent upon, trials on tuberculous meningitis (TBM). Although facilitating mycobacterial killing and controlling
host inflammatory response within the nervous system remain the primary objectives, several unique features require attention. The paradoxical
worsening is more frequent, often with devastating outcomes. The role of anti‑inflammatory agents such as steroids in adhesive tuberculous
radiculomyelitis remains unclear. Surgical interventions may benefit a small proportion of patients with spinal cord tuberculosis. Currently,
the evidence base in the management of spinal cord tuberculosis is limited to uncontrolled small‑scale data. Despite the gargantuan burden of
tuberculosis, particularly in lower and middle‑income countries, large‑scale cohesive data are surprisingly sparse. In this review, we highlight
the varied clinical and radiological presentations, performance of various diagnostic modalities, summarize data on the efficacy of treatment
options, and propose a way forward to improve outcomes in these patients.

Keywords: Abscess, arachnoiditis, mycobacteria, myelopathy, syrinx, tuberculosis

Introduction variable benefits in small series of patients with adhesive

Spinal cord involvement in tuberculosis (TB) is a devastating
yet under‑recognized entity.[1] Nearly half of the patients with In this review, we examine the pathophysiology, diagnostic
tuberculous meningitis (TBM) may concomitantly harbor and therapeutic challenges, and outcomes in spinal tuberculous
spinal cord and spinal nerve root pathology.[2] Secondary meningitis, with the aim of synthesizing current pertinent
spinal cord involvement may also occur due to vertebral literature focused on non‑osseous manifestations and
TB.[3,4] Although the latter is often discussed in the literature, overcoming specific gaps in the literature with respect to
there exists a paucity of information on primary spinal cord diagnosis and treatment.
TB (SCTB). Identification of spinal cord involvement in
TBM is imperative as it may lead to portentous complications Search Methodology
including adhesive radiculomyelitis, abscess, tuberculomas, We searched MEDLINE (PubMed) from 1953 to December
and syrinx formation. 31, 2021. We identified studies on epidemiology, pathogenesis,
Despite the widespread TB burden in low‑ and middle‑income clinical features, diagnosis, treatment, and outcomes in
countries, large‑scale data on tuberculous spinal cord SCTB. The exact search terms used are provided in the
involvement are lacking. Most descriptions of spinal TB are supplementary appendix. We mainly selected articles from
focused on the osseous component and its complications,
and information on non‑osseous spinal TB emanates from Address for correspondence: Dr. Abi Manesh,
small single‑institution cohorts, case series, and case Department of Infectious Diseases, Infectious Diseases Research and
reports. SCTB poses specific challenges toward clinical Training Centre (IDTRC), Christian Medical College, Vellore ‑ 632 004,
Tamil Nadu, India.
recognition, diagnosis, and therapy. Diagnostic flow heavily E‑mail: [email protected]
depends on radiological features. The optimum duration of
anti‑tubercular therapy (ATT) for meningeal TB or spinal TB Submitted: 03‑Jul‑2022 Revised: 21‑Aug‑2022 Accepted: 30‑Sep‑2022
is variable in different guidelines, ranging from 9–12 up to Published: 17-Nov-2022

18 months.[5‑7] Even after ATT, radiculomyelitis, and syrinx

This is an open access journal, and articles are distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons
formation may complicate the post‑treatment course. Apart Attribution‑NonCommercial‑ShareAlike 4.0 License, which allows others to remix, tweak, and build
from ATT, adjunctive strategies such as immunomodulation upon the work non‑commercially, as long as appropriate credit is given and the new creations are
are routinely used in severe forms of TB, such as TB licensed under the identical terms.

meningitis. The impact of such interventions on SCTB is For reprints contact: [email protected]
unclear. Moreover, fibrinolysis has been employed with DOI: 10.4103/aian.aian_578_22

112 © 2022 Annals of Indian Academy of Neurology | Published by Wolters Kluwer - Medknow
Garg, et al.: Spinal cord tuberculosis

the past 10 years but also referenced important older reports SCTB originates in one of three ways: 1) rupture or evolution
and seminal descriptions. Articles in English were included. of hematogenously disseminated tubercular foci on the
We also cross‑searched reference lists of articles identified spinal meninges or spinal cord, 2) downward extension of
by this search strategy. We included systematic reviews and intracranial exudates to subarachnoid space producing spinal
meta‑analyses, randomized trials, case series and case reports, arachnoiditis, and 3) extension of adjacent vertebral disease
and animal research, wherever relevant. to spinal meninges.[1,12,13] The commonest mechanism is via
the hematogenous route.
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Pathogenesis and Pathophysiology Spinal leptomeningitis progresses over three phases: 1)

Tubercular radiculomyelopathy (TBRM) comprises all an initial radiculitis phase characterized by nerve root
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atypical forms of spinal tuberculosis such as tubercular inflammation, 2) the arachnoiditis phase defined by ongoing
myelitis, intradural tuberculosis, and spinal cord fibroblast proliferation and collagen deposition causing
complications of tubercular meningitis.[8] Mycobacterium nerve root adhesions, and 3) the final adhesive arachnoiditis
tuberculosis (MTB) gains entry to the host through droplet phase identified by atrophied nerve roots encapsulated in
inhalation. Bacterial phagocytosis by macrophages triggers dense collagen.[14] The subarachnoid space in patients with
a cascade of inflammation resulting in the primary complex. spinal TBM contains thick gelatinous exudates, encasing the
During the short period of bacteremia, MTB can spread spinal cord and radicles partially or completely. There may
hematogenously to the central nervous system (CNS) and be hyperemia and edema of the cord and radicles because of
form granulomas on meninges, sub‑pial, and sub‑ependymal inflammation.[8,13,15] The exudates may cover several spinal
surfaces known as “Rich foci,” which may later rupture or segments and are predominantly located posteriorly, possibly
grow. due to the prolonged supine position of patients.
The first description of spinal arachnoiditis leading to The pathogenesis of TBRM shares similarities with models
subarachnoid obstruction and myelopathy was given by of experimental allergic encephalomyelitis (EAE).[16] The
Sir Victor Horsley. [9] In 1947, Ransome and Montiero characteristic features of TB myelitis include inflammatory cell
published four cases of tuberculous myelopathy in the infiltration, perivascular demyelination, axonal damage, and
absence of Potts’s disease, contrary to the belief that TBRM activation of glial tissue [Figure 1].[12,13] Inflammatory exudates
was always a complication of vertebral tuberculosis. [10] can damage the parenchyma by direct infiltration or cause
Dastur reviewed 74 cases of tuberculous paraplegia without subarachnoid block due to elevated cerebrospinal fluid (CSF)
evidence of Pott’s spine. [11] He observed extradural protein. Occasionally, extensive exudates compress the cord
granulomas and arachnoid lesions without dural involvement without direct invasion. Demyelination of the entrapped nerve
in 64% and 20% of patients, respectively. Intramedullary roots and white matter damage leads to axonal loss. Occlusion
lesions and subdural extramedullary lesions were present of the spinal vessels by necrotizing granuloma or vasculitis
in 8% each. can cause spinal cord infarction.[13,16]

Figure 1: Pathological changes associated with early and late tuberculous radiculomyelitis

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In the latter stages of the disease, the tenacious exudates get

organized, leading to the clumping of fibrin‑glazed roots. There
may be atrophy of nerve roots as well, together known as
chronic adhesive arachnoiditis. Arachnoid adhesions obstruct
CSF flow with the formation of loculations.[8,11] Irregular
subarachnoid space can cause occlusion of vessels leading to
damage to the cord and radicles; cord atrophy is seen in the
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final stages.
Syrinx develops as a late complication of TBM, though
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the precise mechanism of syrinx formation is unclear. One

proposed mechanism is obliterative endarteritis causing
ischemic injury and softening of the spinal cord, resulting in
cavitation. Another hypothesis is that of obstruction of CSF
flow due to local scarring, forcing the CSF into the central canal
through Virchow–Robin (VR) spaces; the dilated VR spaces Figure 2: Clinical phenotypes in spinal cord tuberculosis
coalesce to form a syrinx.[17,18] Savoiardo proposed an alternate
hypothesis of syrinx formation. Neck movement‑induced was seen in 24% of HIV and 14% of HIV‑uninfected patients.
elongation of the spinal cord (fixed by adhesions) results in the Radiculomyelitis was observed in 210 (77%) patients. Other
squeezing of the necrotic pulp or cystic spaces in the cord.[19] common manifestations included spondylitis (39%), subdural
The disruption of the spinal cord at areas of least resistance
abscess (15%), and intramedullary tuberculoma (12%).
causes upward extension of the syrinx; on rare occasions, the
syrinx can communicate with the subarachnoid space.[20] Radiculomyelitis
TBRM is the most frequent manifestation of tuberculous spinal
Similar to TBM, TBRM might be a delayed hypersensitivity
cord involvement. TBRM is a broad term that is variably
reaction to tubercle bacilli protein. TBRM commonly develops
employed to include tubercular myelitis, arachnoiditis, spinal
during the treatment of TBM. The likely explanation for
cord tuberculoma, spinal cord edema, or infarction.[21] It is this
this paradox is the recovery of the delayed hypersensitivity
variation in descriptive case reports that lends challenges to
response with treatment. Enhanced immune reaction to
tubercular antigen, released during ATT due to mycobacterial estimates of its exact incidence. Inflammation of the arachnoid
death, is a putative mechanism.[21] membrane, called arachnoiditis, leads to the involvement of
nerve radicles encased by the arachnoid membrane as they
To summarize, TB affects the spinal cord by four mechanisms: traverse out of the spinal canal. Clinically, arachnoiditis
1) obstruction of venous drainage associated with meningitis, presents as an LMN syndrome affecting the lower limbs
causing edema of the border zone, 2) vasculitis‑related or typically, with hypotonia, areflexia, radicular pain, paresthesia,
thrombotic occlusion leading to ischemic myelomalacia, 3) and in long‑standing situations, muscle atrophy. Bladder
development of intramedullary tuberculomas with caseation and bowel involvement in the LMN pattern may also occur.
necrosis, and 4) rarely, vascular occlusion resulting in cord Lumbosacral radicles are most commonly involved, giving
infarction. rise to cauda equina syndrome. Frequently, conus syndrome
may also occur. This is clinically characterized by prominent
Clinical Presentation sphincter disturbances, perianal or saddle anesthesia,
Tuberculous involvement of the spinal cord is highly variable and extensor plantar response with absent ankle reflexes,
in presentation, ranging from exclusively lower motor representing an admixture of UMN and LMN features. TBRM
neuron (LMN) or upper motor neuron (UMN) to mixed may appear at variable periods, even in patients who are
UMN/LMN type of neurological involvement [Figure 2]. adequately treated.[21,23] It has also been described to develop
In a case series from northern India amongst 71 patients as a paradoxical response during therapy.[24] Multifocal
with TBM, 33 (46.4%) had clinical features of the spinal loculations and adhesive arachnoiditis are contributors to
cord and nerve root involvement. Paraparesis was variably syrinx development, treatment non‑response, and poor
of UMN (6 patients; 8.4%), LMN (10; 14%), and mixed outcome.[25]
(6; 8.4%) type.[2] Tubercular spinal abscess
In a retrospective study from South Africa, 274 patients with Intramedullary spinal cord abscess is an exceedingly rare
spinal tuberculosis without bony involvement were assessed presentation.[26‑28] Typical presentation is myelopathy, with
amongst both HIV‑infected and HIV‑uninfected individuals. paraparesis of acute or subacute onset, sensory deficits, and
The majority (76%) of patients were HIV‑infected.[22] Spinal bowel/bladder involvement. The thoracic spinal cord is the
cord involvement frequently followed TBM as a paradoxical most affected, followed by the cervical and lumbar regions.
reaction. Paradoxical reaction presenting as spinal involvement This predilection is determined by differential blood flow to

114 Annals of Indian Academy of Neurology ¦ Volume 26 ¦ Issue 2 ¦ March-April 2023

Garg, et al.: Spinal cord tuberculosis

the spinal cord, with thoracic regions receiving nearly 45% myelitis (LETM) have been reported in the literature and
of total cord blood flow. Diagnosis may be challenging as, should enter the differential diagnosis for TM in countries in
unlike the brain, ring enhancement on MRI may be minimal which tuberculosis is endemic. In a review of 10 patients with
to absent in the spinal cord.[29] Epidural and spinal subdural tuberculous LETM, extensive myelitis extending up to the
tubercular abscesses may also occur, rarely without osseous conus was described.[40] Most of these patients presented with
involvement.[30,31] acute or subacute onset paraplegia with bladder involvement,
in association with fever, headache, or altered sensorium. The
Syrinx formation
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duration from symptom onset to presentation ranged from

Syringomyelia is an uncommon late complication of TBM 1 day to up to 2 months. Of six patients tested for aquaporin‑4
although both early and paradoxical development on ATT
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antibodies, all were negative.

has been reported.[32] The development of syrinx following
TBM may be delayed by several years of symptom‑free Cervicodorsal involvement is the most frequent.[41] Several
intervals. Early syrinx formation was first reported by Daif case reports have described LETM in tuberculosis and
et al. in two cases, developing after 11 days and 6 weeks reported an association with neuromyelitis optica spectrum
of the onset of tubercular meningitis.[33] In a series of disorders (NMOSD).[42,43] However, the current evidence is
10 HIV‑infected patients with post‑tubercular syrinx formation, tenuous and needs to be corroborated in larger case‑control
syringomyelia developed after a median of 21 months after studies. The underlying pathogenesis is likely to be
initial diagnosis.[34] In contrast, in the same report, the authors immune‑mediated. Most patients demonstrate excellent clinical
identified (via literature review) that the duration among and radiological responses to a combination of steroids and
46% of HIV‑uninfected patients for post‑tubercular syrinx ATT.
development was longer (>4 years), compared to 8% of Vertebral tuberculosis with cord involvement
HIV‑infected individuals. Osseous vertebral involvement may lead secondarily to
Spinal cord infarction spinal cord involvement. The dorsal vertebral region has
Obliterative endarteritis or infective thrombosis of the spinal increased predilection for this complication, considering
vessels is a potential complication. However, spinal cord strokes the narrow width of the spinal canal in this region, in
have been infrequently described. In one patient, paraparesis combination with the physiological kyphosis at the thoracic
developed after ATT for TBM, which was attributed to spinal column, which physically may push the tuberculous tissue
infarction, demonstrated on diffusion‑weighted imaging.[35] toward the cord.
Reports of spinal cord infarction in the setting of tubercular Paraplegia in spinal osseous tuberculosis may be
meningitis are scarce. This is surprising, considering the early‑onset (paraplegia of active disease) or late‑onset (paraplegia
frequent occurrence of infarcts in the brain. Up to 41% of of healed disease), as per Hodgson’s classification.[44] Various
patients with CNSTB display infarcts on imaging.[36] Whether mechanisms underlying early‑onset paraplegia include
this discrepancy is due to the under‑recognition of spinal mechanical factors (compression via granulation tissue/
infarcts, or whether spinal vessels are less susceptible to abscess, vertebral collapse/instability, gibbus formation),
obliterative endarteritis, is unclear. apart from arachnoiditis, spinal cord infarction, myelitis, and
Tuberculomas tuberculomas described above. Paraplegia of healed disease
Spinal tuberculomas, which may occur in the intramedullary, may be due to bony factors such as severe kyphosis and
extramedullary intradural, or extradural location are rare. It pachymeningitis.
is estimated that intramedullary spinal tuberculomas occur Impact of HIV on presentation
in 2/100,000 cases of TB and 2/1,000 cases of CNS TB.[37] Southeast Asia and Africa are endemic for TB‑HIV co‑infection.
There are above 100 individual case reports and a few small Although the effects of this co‑infection are well studied in
case series indexed in PubMed that report intramedullary pulmonary TB, there is a paucity of data regarding the clinical
spinal tuberculoma. The usual location is the thoracic manifestations and outcomes for extra‑pulmonary TB, and
spinal cord; however, these have been reported from other lesser for spinal cord involvement. In non‑HIV patients, TBM
regions, including the cervical cord and conus. Literature on with concomitant spinal meningitis occurs in around 10%
extramedullary intradural tuberculomas is even scarcer. These of the patients.[45] This association is, however, stronger in
may mimic en plaque meningioma.[38] TBM may concur with patients with HIV, with one report documenting this figure to be
spinal cord tuberculoma, but more commonly, the latter follows around 48%.[22] TB‑HIV immune reconstitution inflammatory
the former.[39] Tuberculomas of the spinal cord have been syndrome (IRIS) in the spinal cord predominantly presents
shown to respond well to ATT, with or without concomitant as radiculomyelitis[46,47] though epidural abscess and spinal
steroids. tuberculomas have been documented as well.[1]
Isolated myelitis Modi et al. found that of 97 patients presenting with
Tuberculosis is a rare cause of transverse myelitis (TM). Both non‑traumatic myelopathy in South Africa, 50% had HIV,
short‑segment and rarely, longitudinally extensive transverse of whom 50% had concomitant tuberculosis.[48] Bhigjee

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et al. similarly found tuberculosis to be the most common Evaluation

cause of myelopathy among people living with HIV.[49] In
another similar large series from South Africa comprising History
216 patients, acute‑onset myelopathy/cauda equina syndrome SCTB generally occurs secondary to the spondylitic form
in HIV‑positive patients was largely attributable to tuberculosis, of tuberculosis, after rupturing of granuloma into the spinal
with non‑spondylitis forms being more common than cord, or due to secondary seeding from TBM. The patient
spondylitis at a lower CD4 count.[50] Marais et al. observed may present with constitutional symptoms such as fever, night
sweats, weight loss, and loss of appetite. The patient may
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that syringomyelia was a relatively early manifestation (within

complain of symptoms of radiculomyelitis, spinal meningitis,
4 years) in HIV patients with neurological TB compared to
bowel/bladder involvement, transverse myelitis, tuberculous
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non‑HIV patients, with relatively high mortality and poor

abscess, and syrinx formation. Headache, fever, vomiting, and
outcomes.[22] In another large case series from South Africa
altered sensorium may suggest concurrent CNS involvement,
involving 274 patients with spinal TB disease without
which warrants urgent attention. Other possible clues may
bony involvement on plain X‑ray, 76% of the patients were
include hemoptysis, cough, breathlessness, lymphadenopathy,
co‑infected with HIV. The clinical presentation and outcomes
and recurrent urinary tract infections. History of earlier TB
were similar in both HIV and non‑HIV cohorts. However,
infection, known or possible TB exposure, and residence in
compared to non‑HIV patients, patients with HIV more
endemic regions must be elicited to further consolidate this
commonly presented with radiculomyelitis had a significantly
higher incidence of paradoxical spinal cord disease, lower
rates of vertebral destruction in patients with concomitant CSF findings
spondylitis, higher incidence of TBM, and a lower CSF CSF findings in patients with spinal cord disease are similar
glucose.[22] to those seen in patients with TBM, with predominantly
lymphocytic leukocytosis (10–100 cells/µL), high protein,
Paradoxical worsening in spinal cord tuberculosis
and low CSF glucose [Table 1]. Patients with concomitant
Paradoxical worsening, characterized by the worsening
HIV infection and those with early meningeal disease may
of preexisting lesions or the development of new lesions,
have predominant neutrophilic leukocytosis.[52] In patients
complicates almost a third of patients with SCTB. The
with subarachnoid block, CSF protein concentration may
paradoxical worsening is important as it may confuse
be as high as 2 g/dL. CSF smear for AFB, TB cultures, and
the clinicians and elicit doubts regarding the diagnosis and
newer molecular tests may help clinch the diagnosis. Isolated
possible drug resistance. Younger age, HIV infection, a
forms of spinal tuberculosis such as arachnoiditis in the
large burden of disease, mycobacterial smear positivity, and
absence of meningitis, may be more difficult to diagnose.
elevated proteins are risk factors for paradoxical worsening.
A targeted biopsy followed by microbiological, molecular, and
Many unique features are associated with SCTB. Although
histopathological analyses may help in these cases.
most paradoxical worsening in TBM is not of significant
long‑term clinical consequence, residual sequelae are
common among patients with SCTB. Large vessel infarcts Molecular Tests
characterizing TBM are uncommonly recorded in autopsy Xpert MTB/Rif
and radiological studies of SCTB. Imaging and CSF findings Xpert MTB/Rif is a semi‑nested cartridge‑based polymerase
may not correlate with clinical worsening in the spinal chain reaction (PCR), which provides information regarding
cord.[51] the presence of TB and rifampicin resistance within 2 h of the
sample being processed using the wild‑type mycobacterial
Three patterns of paradoxical worsening occur in patients with
DNA through five partially overlapping fluorescent probes.
spinal TB: 1. new onset spinal cord involvement in patients
Limited diagnostic sensitivity (55–80%), difficult interpretation
with TB elsewhere, 2. worsening of existing spinal cord lesions,
of rifampicin resistance in cases of “very low load,” and the
and 3. remote worsening, for example, development of syrinx.
availability of Xpert Ultra preclude its use in the diagnosis of
Patients with a large burden of diseases, such as military TB,
TBM and SCTB.[53]
often present with new onset brain or spinal cord involvement.
The release of mycobacterial antigens on antimycobacterial Xpert Ultra
therapy is the putative mechanism. Almost 50% of patients with Xpert MTB/Rif Ultra, a cartridge‑based nested PCR test, is
SCTB worsen while on treatment. Preliminary data suggests now endorsed by the World Health Organization (WHO) for
early worsening (less than 4 weeks of antimycobacterial the diagnosis of TBM.[54] Recently, two large prospective
therapy) may be associated with younger age, female sex, studies carried out in the African cohorts found that the
and associated with CSF changes. Late worsening, while on sensitivity of CSF Xpert Ultra was significantly higher than
therapy, is usually secondary to worsening tuberculomas within Xpert MTB/Rif and TBMGIT in the diagnosis of TBM in the
or on the surface of the cord. Remote events such as syrinx HIV population.[55,56] A Vietnamese study,[57] however, failed to
formation rarely complicate SCTB even after the completion find a significant difference between CSF Xpert Ultra and CSF
of antimycobacterial therapy. Xpert MTB/Rif to diagnose TBM, which may be explained by

116 Annals of Indian Academy of Neurology ¦ Volume 26 ¦ Issue 2 ¦ March-April 2023

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the fact that only 15% of the patients in the Vietnamese cohort of the involved structures and associated complications.
were HIV positive, who are expected to have higher bacillary Imaging abnormalities may present as enhancement along
loads in the CSF. the surface of the cord and thickening and enhancement
of the nerve roots, the presence of nodular enhancement
Pyrosequencing along the surface of the cord, edema within the cord, and
Pyrosequencing (PSQ) is real‑time PCR providing information ring‑enhancing lesions within the substance of the cord.[2,60,61]
on extremely drug‑resistant (XDR)‑defining mutations within MRI is also a useful tool to assess epidural collection secondary
6 h in the MTB genome. A small pilot study comprising
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to adjacent tuberculous spondylodiscitis causing cord/nerve

13 patients with suspected TBM found that pyrosequencing, compression [Figures 3 and 4]. Meningitis and arachnoiditis
when performed directly on the CSF samples, established the are considered the two most common imaging findings, seen in
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diagnosis in 84.6% of the patients compared to Xpert MTB/ more than 50% of cases in patients with TBRM.[2,61] The most
Rif (15%) and TBMGIT (30.7%).[58] It detected six patients important imaging differential for nodular enhancement along
with drug‑resistant TB, who were not detected by TBMGIT the surface of the cord/nerve roots would be drop metastases
culture. A further larger study conducted on 100 patients from an intracranial primary, whereas for intramedullary
with suspected TBM found that the diagnostic accuracy of tuberculoma, it would be focal metastasis. Table 3 enlists the
pyrosequencing was significantly higher compared to Xpert imaging differences between tuberculous and non‑tuberculous
MTB/Rif and TBMGIT (98% vs. 43% vs. 45%) in the diagnosis myelitis, supported by Figures 5a and b.
of TBM.[58] Despite the limitations of the small sample size,
the retrospective nature of the study, lack of information about Predictors of asymptomatic spinal cord involvement in
HIV status, and the inherent limitations of the test (expensive, patients with TBM
requirement of molecular expertise), the ability of this test to Patients with TBM, especially with concomitant HIV
provide information on XDR‑defining mutations within 6 h infection, are at a higher risk of developing cord involvement.
when performed directly on the CSF sample with excellent A gadolinium‑enhanced MR imaging of the spine in these
diagnostic performance may have significant implications cases may help in detecting occult nodules/granulomas,
on clinical outcomes, especially in regions endemic for if present.[23] A pilot study performed by Srivastava et al.
drug‑resistant TB. found that 3/16 patients with TBM with no symptoms
suggestive of spinal cord involvement had evidence of spinal
Next‑generation sequencing arachnoiditis on MRI when performed within 1 month of
Newer molecular techniques such as targeted next‑generation diagnosis of TBM. These patients had higher CSF protein
sequencing and whole‑genome sequencing are presently (520 ± 48.5 mg/dL vs. 300 ± 43.7 mg/dL) compared to those
being evaluated in the diagnosis of tuberculosis. Although without radiculomyelitis.[62] Wadia et al. noted patients with
pyrosequencing provides information on resistance to isoniazid, TBM with no symptoms suggestive of spinal cord involvement
rifampicin, fluoroquinolones, and aminoglycosides, whereas and showed the presence of exudates around the spinal cord and
targeted next‑generation sequencing provides additional nerve roots.[8] Gupta et al., in a prospective study comprising
information on resistance to pyrazinamide, ethambutol, 71 consecutive patients of newly diagnosed TBM, found
linezolid, bedaquiline, capreomycin, and clofazimine. A recent that 11% had evidence of spinal meningitis on MRI despite
study on 40 uncultured sputum samples found that tNGS being asymptomatic.[2] Univariate analysis showed that high
provided results for 39/40 samples with a significantly faster CSF protein and a baseline‑modified Barthel index < 12 were
time than phenotypic MGIT (3 vs. 21 days, P: 0.0068).[59] significant predictors of spinal cord involvement in patients
The utility of these molecular techniques in TBM and spinal with TBM, though multivariate analysis did not find these
cord involvement remains uncertain and may offer an exciting factors to be statistically significant.
avenue for research.
Patients with osseous forms of spinal tuberculosis comprise yet
Imaging another important population, which may be at a higher risk
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is the most sensitive of cord involvement. Sae‑Jung et al., in a retrospective study
tool for the anatomical assessment of the spinal cord and comprising 125 patients with spinal tuberculosis, found that
surrounding nerve roots [Table 2]. In the setting of tuberculous cord signal changes and notable Cobbs angle were significant
infection, MRI provides an accurate estimate of the extent predictors of neurological deterioration.[63] A similar study

Table 1: Cerebrospinal fluid findings in various forms of spinal cord tuberculosis[22]

CSF findings Isolated Epidural Subdural Meningitis/radiculitis without
myelitis (n=19) abscess (n=12) abscess (n=20) epidural/subdural abscess (n=84)
Neutrophil cell count [median (IQR) ×106/L] 0 (0‑0) 0 [0‑0] 38 (4‑202) 2 (0‑16)
Lymphocyte cell count [median (IQR) ×106/L] 0 (0‑2) 0 (0‑12) 32 (6‑320) 28 (5‑70)
Proteins (g/L) median (IQR) 0.8 (0.6‑1) 3.9 (1‑6) 5.1 (4‑20) 2.2 (1‑4.4)
Glucose (mmol/L) median (IQR) 2.75 (2.5‑3.25) 2.75 (2‑3.75) 3 (1.25‑4)

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a c d e

f g h j
Figure 3: Imaging findings in spinal tuberculosis. Sagittal and axial imaging of the spine (T2‑weighted images a, b, e, f, g, i, j and post‑contrast
T1‑weighted c, d, h) showing thickening and nodularity along the cauda equina nerve roots (a and b) associated with post‑contrast enhancement
(c and d) suggestive of radiculitis. A well‑defined oval, partially cystic lesion (e) is seen involving the thoracic cord with edema out of proportion to the
lesion suggestive of an evolving abscess. Image (f) demonstrates a long‑segment cord hyperintensity and expansion suggestive of myelitis associated
with the syrinx. Multiple T2W hypointense lesions involving the cord with mild surrounding edema (g) suggest the presence of multiple intramedullary
tuberculomas, whereas nodular and ring‑like enhancement along the surface of the cord suggest meningeal inflammation and tuberculomas (h).
Image (i) demonstrates long‑segment myelitis, whereas cord compression secondary to tuberculous spondylodiscitis‑associated extradural abscess
is seen in image (j)

118 Annals of Indian Academy of Neurology ¦ Volume 26 ¦ Issue 2 ¦ March-April 2023

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a b c d
Figure 4: Sagittal imaging of the cervicothoracic spine (b) (T2‑weighted images a and c and post‑contrast T1‑weighted images b and d) demonstrate
inflammatory exudates along the dorsal aspect of the thoracic cord (a) causing anterior displacement of the cord with cord hyperintensity (a) and
post‑contrast enhancement (b). Image (c) demonstrates scalloping of the thoracic cord with resultant cord edema secondary to chronic arachnoiditis.
No obvious post‑contrast surface enhancement is seen (d); however, there is an enhancing parenchymal granuloma involving the cervical cord

from India found that kyphosis >30 degrees, cord edema, and The WHO guidelines for the treatment of drug‑susceptible CNS
canal encroachment (>50%) were significant predictors of TB recommend the administration of ATT in two phases.[66]
neurological deficit.[64] Wang et al. found that elderly patients The initial 2 months of the intensive phase are followed by
with cervical and lumbar vertebral involvement were more at a continuation phase of 7 or 10 months. In the intensive
risk of developing neurological disturbances.[65] phase, the patient receives a combination of four first‑line
drugs (isoniazid, rifampicin, pyrazinamide, and streptomycin).
To summarize, in patients with TBM, high CSF protein is
In the continuation phase, 2‑drug (isoniazid and rifampicin)
an important predictive marker of asymptomatic spinal cord
ATT is given. The British Infection Society (BIS) and National
disease. Concurrent spine screening by gadolinium‑enhanced
Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) guidelines
MRI may be helpful in these cases. In those with osseous spinal
also recommend at least 12 months of ATT for all forms of
cord involvement, old age, kyphosis of more than 30 degrees,
CNS TB; isoniazid, rifampicin, pyrazinamide, and ethambutol
and cord edema were important predictors of neurological
for initial 2 months followed by isoniazid and rifampicin
for 10 months.[68] The NICE guidelines advocate managing
tuberculous involvement of the spinal cord as CNS TB. The
Treatment of Spinal Cord TB American Thoracic Society (ATS) recommends 9–12 months
What do guidelines say? of ATT for meningeal involvement; isoniazid, rifampicin,
The established guidelines for the management of CNS pyrazinamide, and ethambutol for the initial 2 months followed
TB largely focus on TBM.[5,6,66‑68] There are no specific by isoniazid and rifampicin for 7–10 months.[6] Similarly,
recommendations to treat SCTB. Management principles the Index‑TB guidelines in India recommend 2 months of
for TBRM are derived from the treatment guidelines for isoniazid, rifampicin, pyrazinamide, and ethambutol followed
CNS TB. by isoniazid, rifampicin, and ethambutol for 7 months for the

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Table 2: Imaging findings in various forms of spinal tuberculosis

Categories T2W T1W Post‑contrast T1W Diffusion‑weighted
Radiculitis Thickening and clumped nerves Thickening and clumped nerves Diffuse nerve enhancement in the ‑
acute phase usually accompanied
by leptomeningeal enhancement
(the most common finding)
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Myelitis Long‑segment cord hyperintensity Long segment cord iso/hypointensity Patchy areas of cord enhancement ‑
with expansion in the acute phase with expansion in the acute phase in the acute phase
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Syringomyelia Long‑segment central Long‑segment central hypointensity Rare ‑

hyperintensity with CSF signal
Parenchymal/ Well‑defined oval to rounded Well‑defined lesions iso/hypointense Nodular enhancement in smaller ‑
surface lesions, central hyperintensity to cord parenchyma lesions, ring enhancement in larger
tuberculomas in the acute phase, central lesions
hypointensity in the chronic phase
Parenchymal Well‑defined lesions with central Iso to hypointense to cord Ring enhancement Central diffusion
Abscess hyperintensity and extensive parenchyma restriction present
surrounding cord edema and
Vertebral TB Cord compression secondary to an Cord compression secondary to an The compressed cord may show ‑
with secondary epidural abscess, cord may show epidural abscess, cord may show enhancement in the acute phase
cord involvement hyperintensity hypointensity
Spinal cord Segmental cord hyperintensity in The involved area may be iso/ Enhancement is seen in the Involved areas show
infarction arterial territory distribution hypointense to the cord parenchyma subacute phase diffusion restriction

Table 3: Imaging differences between tuberculous vs. non‑tuberculous myelitis

MRI Tuberculous myelitis Non‑tuberculous myelitis
Long segment cord Common, often associated with surface Common, surface enhancement is less common (examples
hyperintensity on T2W enhancement include viral myelitis, arachnoiditis, dural arteriovenous fistula,
sagittal sequence neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorder, cord infarction)
Cord hyperintensity on Commonly involves the entire cross‑section of Commonly consists of a portion of the cross‑section (example
T2W axial sequence the cord includes anterior spinal artery infarct, which affects anterior
two‑thirds of the cord, small eccentric hyperintensities are seen in
multiple sclerosis, posterior column involvement with subacute
combined degeneration of cord and tabes dorsalis)
Less common involvement of the entire cross‑section of the cord
(examples include myelitis related to infections such as melioidosis)
Granulomas along the Common Uncommon (intracranial drop metastasis may mimic granulomas)
surface of the cord Larger granulomas may show diffusion restriction Diffusion restriction is not common
Granulomas involving Common and often multiple Uncommon and often solitary (examples metastasis and
the substance of the cord cysticercosis)
Enhancement pattern of Nerves can show both smooth or nodular Smooth enhancement is more common (for example, acute
cauda equina nerve roots enhancement depending on the disease burden inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy)
Nodular enhancement is rare (for example, drop metastasis)

treatment of CNS TB.[5] Whether patients with extensive spinal review of 10 reported cases of tubercular LETM, treatment
arachnoiditis will benefit from prolonged ATT is unclear. with ATT and steroids resulted in clinical and radiological
improvement.[40] Patients with damaged anterior horn cells
Role of ATT in spinal cord TB
have poor recovery with ATT.[73] The patient should receive a
TB myelitis combination ATT for at least 9–12 months. Further extension
Neurological insufficiency in TB myelitis is secondary to
of therapy in some cases is dictated by an amalgamation of
inflammatory activity.[1] Previous reports suggest an excellent
clinical, radiological, and other supportive evaluations that
response of TB myelitis to a combination of ATT (isoniazid,
suggest active disease, although guidelines remain unclear
rifampicin, pyrazinamide, ethambutol/streptomycin) and
on this issue.
adjuvant steroids.[24,69,70] Early initiation of ATT is important.
In two different series, involving four cases of longitudinally Corticosteroids and hyaluronidase may be an adjuvant therapy
extensive transverse myelitis (LETM) because of TB, medical to ATT. Steroids are often used as a pulse therapy in patients
therapy alone resulted in a favorable outcome.[71,72] In a recent with severe concerns, such as LETM or severe arachnoiditis,

120 Annals of Indian Academy of Neurology ¦ Volume 26 ¦ Issue 2 ¦ March-April 2023

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Figure 5: (a) Imaging findings in non‑tuberculous myelitis. Long‑segment T2W hyperintensity on sagittal imaging of the cord. Image a demonstrates
heterogeneous cord hyperintensity associated with swelling seen with melioidosis of the cord. Image b1 shows long‑segment cord hyperintensity
extending up to the conus. Digital subtraction angiography (image b2) demonstrates an abnormal tortuous vessel along the surface of the cord
confirming the diagnosis of a dural arteriovenous fistula. Image c1 shows a long‑segment cord hyperintensity in a patient with hyperacute paraplegia
raising suspicion for cord infarct. Diffusion restriction is seen on diffusion imaging (c2) confirming the diagnosis. (b) Image a1 shows localized T2W
cord hyperintensity with the scalloping of the cord suggestive of arachnoiditis. During surgery, the thecal sac was found to contain multiple cysticercal
cysts. Image a2 shows central cord signal changes in the same patient secondary to cysticercal arachnoiditis. Image b demonstrated short‑segment
cord T2W cord hyperintensity in a patient with disseminated CMV infection. Images c1 and c2 show a solidary cysticercus granuloma with a ring‑like
post‑contrast enhancement. The lesion showed significant regression with steroids. Image d demonstrates smooth enhancement of the cauda equina
nerve roots in a patient with acute inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy; whereas nodular enhancement is seen (image e) in a patient with
leptomeningeal carcinomatosis

or large tuberculomas with significant edema, causing Intradural extramedullary tuberculomas

paraparesis, as per the literature. Regimens are variable, with Evidence shows that medical therapy alone will be insufficient
steroid durations ranging from 8 weeks to 6 months. for the management of spinal intradural extramedullary
tuberculoma. ATT combined with surgical excision yields
TB spinal arachnoiditis
excellent results.[24,69,74,75]
Treatment of TB spinal arachnoiditis may be medical
or surgical. Medical therapy remains the mainstay of Intramedullary tuberculoma and abscess
management.[24,69] As arachnoiditis is diffuse, surgery may be Before the MRI era, surgical excision of the intramedullary
of limited role. If there is a resistant strain, drugs are modified lesion was the technique of choice for both diagnosis and
according to the sensitivity pattern. treatment. Currently, ATT is the preferred treatment for

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intramedullary tuberculoma and abscess.[2,21,24,28] Adjunctive evaluating the benefits of steroid therapy and other alternative
corticosteroid therapy results in a favorable outcome. With agents are needed.
early diagnosis and treatment, one can avoid complications
and unnecessary surgical intervention. Surgery is indicated Evidence for other interventions
in the management of spinal intramedullary tuberculoma for Fibrinolysis
1) a large lesion with rapid progression of neurological deficits, The use of hyaluronidase as an adjuvant in the treatment of
2) deterioration of neurological status despite medical therapy, tuberculous arachnoiditis has been described in non‑randomized
studies in the 1980s and 90s [Table 4].[80‑82] In a recent
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3) inconclusive neuroimaging findings, and 4) paradoxical

increase in the size of the lesion after ATT.[75‑77] retrospective description of the use of intrathecal hyaluronidase
among patients with spinal tubercular arachnoiditis or
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Therapy for spinal cord paradoxical worsening optico‑chiasmatic arachnoiditis, weekly hyaluronidase for
Corticosteroids are the main immunomodulatory therapy in 10 weeks was administered, besides ATT and steroids. Of
CNS TB. The evidence is largely derived from patients with 19 patients with spinal arachnoiditis, 10 were independent
TBM without HIV infection. Importantly, corticosteroid at the completion of therapy.[83] The benefits of fibrinolysis
therapy decreases mortality without impact on disability in reported from observational literature need augmentation by
TBM. Corticosteroids probably beneficially impact SCTB as further evaluation in a randomized trial setting.
well, as close to a third of TBM patients have concomitant
spinal cord involvement. However, no randomized trials Surgical management
have evaluated the role of steroids in spinal TB so far. Intramedullary tuberculomas, intra‑conal abscess
The percentage of paradoxical worsening in SCTB is Patients with intramedullary TB can present with a mass‑like
higher than in TBM. Often paradoxical worsening happens presentation mimicking intramedullary tumor, sometimes
despite receiving adequate steroids. The role of adjunctive like an intramedullary abscess. The aim of surgery is to
immunomodulatory therapy in these individuals is unclear. perform safe surgical excision of the lesion without causing
Adjunctive thalidomide therapy at low doses (3–5 mg/kg/day) new neurological deficits. The surgical procedure involves
produced a favorable response in two children with tuberculous laminectomy done at the level of the lesion. The dura is opened,
mass lesions involving the spinal cord.[78] The duration of and CSF is let out to allow the pulsations of the cord. A midline
thalidomide therapy used in these patients was 8 weeks myelotomy is performed after identifying the lesion. After
although some advocate shortened regimens of less than a identifying the lesion, a plane is developed to safely excise the
month. However, longer durations have been used in children lesion. Intraoperative neuromonitoring helps in safe surgical
with optic neuritis (median 2, interquartile range [IQR] excision. The pia mater is closed by welding technique and
1.3–7.3 months).[78] Painful paresthesia may develop with the dura is closed primarily.
longer regimens due to the development of sensory axonal
neuropathy. Infliximab, a tumor necrosis factor‑alpha inhibitor Syringomyelia
has been successfully used in three patients with paradoxical The best management for post‑TB syringomyelia is
worsening involving the brain and spinal cord.[79] Larger studies unclear. Often patients are treated by placing a

Table 4: Studies on the use of fibrinolysis for tuberculous arachnoiditis

Study Study design No. of Patients Fibrinolysis used Outcomes
Gourie‑Devi Case series 14 patients with spinal THA 500‑3000 IU every Near normalcy in 5 patients, good recovery in
et al., 1980[80] TBA week to fortnight over 6, fair recoveries in 3 during follow‑up over 5
3-16 weeks to 30 months based on ‘functional deficit scale.’
Sodhani et al., Prospective 25 patients with spinal ITHA 1500 IU weekly No difference between groups clinically, in
1986[82] controlled study TBA for 10 weeks compared CSF parameters and myelogram
with prednisolone therapy
(40‑60 mg for 6 weeks) in
sex‑matched patients
Gourie‑Devi and Non‑randomized 66 patients; 39 were ITHA 1500 IU every 10‑14 Significant decrease in final CSF protein level
Satishchandra, clinical trial given ITHA (group A) days based on CSF protein in group A compared to group B. Significant
1991[81] and 27 were not given levels: average of 5.9 decrease in mean disability and functional
ITHA (group B). Both injections (range 2‑14) deficit in group A compared to group B.
groups received standard
ATT and steroid therapy.
Samal et al., Retrospective 19 patients with spinal Initial treatment of Of 19 patients with spinal TBA, 10 were
2020[83] TBA; 11°CA; 5 had both arachnoiditis with IV independent at end of therapy; patients in
methylprednisolone. In case whom ITHA was initiated within 12 weeks of
of ‘non‑response,’ ITHA the onset of symptoms had better outcomes
was given weekly (1500 IU
per dose) for 10 weeks
ATT=Anti‑tubercular therapy, ITHA=intrathecal hyaluronidase, OCA=optico‑chiasmatic arachnoiditis, TBA=tuberculous arachnoiditis

122 Annals of Indian Academy of Neurology ¦ Volume 26 ¦ Issue 2 ¦ March-April 2023

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syringe‑subarachnoid shunt with mixed results.[24] A focal meningitis, 29 (14.6%) had spinal tubercular meningitis, and
laminectomy is performed. The dura and the arachnoid are among those who completed therapy, 84% were dependent for
opened. A small myelotomy is done in the center of the syrinx their activities of daily living.[71]
to open it. One of the shunt tubes is gently guided cranially or
Unique anatomical location within a restricted space, complex
caudally into the syrinx. The other end of the tube is placed
vascularity, and close proximity of neural tracts predispose to
in the subarachnoid cavity beneath the dentate ligament. This
poor outcomes. There may be several further reasons for poor
helps to keep the shunt in place. The dura is then closed. Spinal
outcomes, mainly engendered by the underlying pathology.
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cord function, specifically motor evoked potential (MEP),

The development of syrinx/cavitation and myelomalacia
somatosensory evoked potential (SSEP), and D waves are
leads to permanent sequelae.[41] Additionally, in patients with
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monitored throughout the procedure to minimize the risk of

tuberculous myelitis, involvement of the anterior horn cells
postoperative neurological deficit.
may portend a poor prognosis in terms of motor recovery.[73]
Outcomes in spinal cord tuberculosis LETM, which frequently spans nearly the entire spinal cord
Outcomes among patients with spinal cord involvement in TB length, is associated with poorer recovery. In addition, we
are variable and predictors of outcomes are unclear. hypothesize that some of these patients are developing spinal
cord ischemia, which remains under‑recognized, and may
Large studies reporting outcomes of various types of spinal cord
portend a poor prognosis.
involvement are rare. Most available studies are single‑center
experiences, retrospective in nature, and document outcomes Future directions
with radiculomyelitis, the commonest presentation. In the There are many avenues for focused research in spinal cord
available studies [Table 5], poor outcomes were reported TB. A discrepancy between what the guidelines enunciate
in up to 35–85% of the study population despite standard and what neurologists practice at the ground level in India is
mycobacterial therapy and steroids. This is markedly higher reflective of the multiple lacunae that exist.[85]
compared to any other form of tuberculosis, including TBM.
The most striking concern with SCTB is poor long‑term
In one study of 71 patients with TBM, 33 (46.4%) had outcomes. At least a third of patients remain severely
spinal cord and/or nerve root involvement clinically. disabled while the proportion is less than 15% in TBM.[86]
MRI demonstrated meningeal enhancement (40; 56.3%), A long‑sighted, multi‑pronged approach is needed to reduce
myelitis (16; 22.5%), tuberculoma (4; 5.6%), CSF loculation this disability in SCTB [Figure 6]. Firstly, there is an acute
(4; 5.6%), myelomalacia (3; 4.2%), and syrinx (2; 2.8%). need for the documentation of long‑term outcomes with
Radiculomyelitis was determined to be associated with antimycobacterial therapy and steroids in large multicentric
high CSF protein (>250 mg/dL) and was associated with cohorts of patients. The pleomorphic presentations and
unfavorable outcomes (modified Barthel index <12 or death) varied anatomical involvements mandate such large studies.
at 6 months.[2] In a recent series of 198 patients with tubercular Secondly, the mechanism of long‑term sequelae in SCTB is

Table 5: Outcomes of spinal cord tuberculosis (reporting studies with at least 20 patients; studies chiefly reporting on
tuberculous spondylodiscitis were excluded
Study Number of Types of HIV infection Paradoxical Adjunctive Follow‑up
patients involvement worsening therapy
Gupta, 2015, 71 patients Spinal cord and Unknown Eleven (26.82%) All received Good outcome at 6 months
Single‑center spinal nerve root 8 weeks of defined as modified
prospective study, involvement steroids Barthel’s Index of ≥12 in
India[2] 27 (66%) patients
Marais, 2018, 274 patients, The majority had 209/274 69 patients had Details not Among the 89 patients
Retrospective 89 followed up spinal disease patients (76%) paradoxical available who followed up at 9
single‑center, South at the end of 9 without bony worsening (62 in months, 38 (44%) were
Africa[22] months involvement HIV infected and 7 able to walk
among uninfected)
Liu, 2018, 52 patients All patients have All HIV 26 patients All patients The overall outcome
retrospective prominent spinal uninfected (52%); median received steroids was unclear; none of the
single‑center, cord involvement duration 30 days patients died; outcomes
China[51] (isolated after initiation of were similar regardless
spondylitis was therapy of whether patients
excluded) developed paradoxical
worsening or not
Goyal et al., 2019, A total of 244 All patients had None Not known 93.4% of the Poor outcome defined by
Ambispective patients with arachnoiditis total cohort modified Rankin scale ≥3
single‑center cohort CNS TB; 25 had received steroids in 21 patients (84%).
study, India[84] arachnoiditis

Annals of Indian Academy of Neurology ¦ Volume 26 ¦ Issue 2 ¦ March-April 2023 123

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resistance may be presumed in a patient who shows suboptimal

response or worsening to the first‑line regimen, in the absence
of drug sensitivity testing. The subsequent regimens should be
as per national guidelines for resistant TB.
Currently, the management of SCTB is not different from
TBM. Studies evaluating the underlying pathophysiology and
efficacy of strategies for augmented mycobacterial killing and
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controlling host inflammation in SCTB are urgently needed.

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We would like to thank our institutes for their support.
Financial support and sponsorship
Figure 6: Future direction in spinal cord tuberculosis
Conflicts of interest
unclear. Although the thick characteristic gelatinous exudative There are no conflicts of interest.
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