U11 Intelligent Business

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abolish - zlikwidować

accounting errors

advantage (personal/business)

against sb: bring, file, press, prefer charges

alarmingly common



antitrust – apposing monopolies in order to promote free competition

antitrust breaches – naruszenia praw ochrony konsumenckiej

asset management – zarządzanie aktywami

be busted – rozsadzić niszczyć

be convicted of – być skazanym

be in negative territory – decreasing

be par for the course - If a type of behaviour, event, or situation is par for the course, it is not good
but it is normal or as you would expect

blow against insider trading

blow the whistle

bluntly - dosadnie

breach – break an agreement


bring into line - wyrównać

buck - dollar
bundling – oferowanie w pakiecie

bust – niepowodzenie, fiasko

bystanders – osoby postronne


cartel – a group of businesses who have joined together to reduce competition

carve up – divide and share, podzielić

commit an act – formal – do sth wrong, illegal

compliance officers – inspektorzy zgodności


confidence trickster - a dishonest person who obtains money by deceit

conscience - sumienie

conspirator – a member of a group who agrees to do illegal thing together


conspiring to rig markets

copyright infringement


crack conspiracies

create a stir – get a lof of attention

creative accounting

credit card fraud


cripple a company financially – uczynić kaleką, sparaliżować

culpable executives


deal with by sth


declare war – wypowiedzieć wojnę

defendant – a person being sued or accused (sometimes: the accused)


deliberately - celowo

deter cartels
deterrent - odstraszacz

deterrent effect

disclosure – ujawnienie, zdemaskowanie

disqualified from doing business

distinguish from robust competition

draw a line

draw a veil over - If you draw a veil over a particular subject, you do not speak about it because it is
unpleasant and you do not want to think about it/ zaciągnąc kurtynę milczenia

draw back – retreat / wycofywać się

draw blank - to fail to get an answer or a result/ fail to remember

draw conclusion -

draw down – deplete by consuming or spending / wybrać, wyczerpać

draw line at sth - to never do something because you think it is wrong

draw near – approach / zbliżać się

draw out – prolong or induce to speak freely / przedłużać, nakłaniać do swobodnego mówienia

draw strength from – czerpać siłę

draw up – compose, write up or set down / zredagować, spisać formalnie

dressmaker - krawcowa


embezzlement and misappropriation of company funds

enter into agreement to fix prices

ethical decision





exceed - przekroczyć

expense account fraud

file a complaint/ lawsuit/ petition against sb

file a law suit – to give a document to court or organization for them to deal with it officially

file a suit against – take to court

file for – z jakiej przyczyny


flatline – remain stable

foothold - oparcie

fraudulent act

fuss (make a fuss) – zamieszanie, ceregiele

gain ground – zyskać na popularności

gather information

get away with sth – succeed in doing something you shouldn’t

go against principals

gullibility - naiwność


heavy sentencing

hedge funds


hinder rivals in related markets – powstrzyywać, przeszkadzać

identity theft

immediate supervisor – najbliższy, bezpośredni


impairing competition – osłabianie konkurencji

in practice

incompletely documented payments - concealed or falsified information

increase in business transactions over the internet

incriminating evidence – obciążające dowody

indiscreet remark

insider trading – handel informacjami poufnymi

insider trading – handel poufnymi informacjami

intent – meaning to commit a crime

interal controls

jail sentence


larceny – stealing personal property

litigant/litigator – someone involved in the court case (both the accused and bringing action)

lucrative scam – dochodowe oszustwo

make a dishonest buck ahead od deals

market rigging

markets watchdog – strażnik rynków

milieu (social, exclusive) – środowisko, otoczenie

misappropriation of funds

misdeed - wykroczenie


monetise – make money

money laundering


nosy - curious


office stationery

option trades – handel kontraktami ze za jakiś czas cos sprzedasz lub kupisz za ustalona cene

options - an agreement that can be bought and sold, that gives the owner the right to decide
whether to buy or sell shares, bonds, etc. for a fixed price within an agreed time period or on a
particular date

order to desist or a fine


originating - creating

pact – agreement or bargain


peaks and valleys

penalties and sanctions

perform an act – do sth, especially hard or useful

perjury – krzywoprzysięstwo


petty theft - drobna kradzież

plaintiff – a person who brings an action to a court of law

plea-bargain – adeal made when someone admis guilt in return for less punishment

plead guilty to charges

ponzi scheme - a fraud where the money from new investors is used to pay interest to initial

predatory pricing – grabieżcze, rozbójnicze

preliminary investigation – wstępne śledztwo

press release

price fixing

price-fixing cartel

private damages – odszkodowania dla osób prywatnych

prosecutor – a government official who conducts criminal cases on behalf of the state

provide intent

punishable by prison


put off - odstraszyć

pyramid scam

quantify – określić ilość

racketeering – gangsterstwo



regulatory bodies

report offenders

repurpose – modify

rig markets - to make the price of shares go up or down in order to make a profit

rightsizing – cutbacks

rigid – sztywny

ring – gang/ group

robust competition

rogue trader

run of the mill - standard, unexceptional

scam – a dishonest business scheme



smoking gun – concrete evidence

sounding out interest among – badanie zainteresowania wśród / trying to understand someone’s
opinions and attitudes


take things further

tax evasion

tax evasion - unikanie podatków

the harsher the penalty the greater the rush to be first to confess

threat of prison

thrive – kwitnąć, rozwijać się

trappings of successful lifestyle


trustbuster – specjalista od znajdywania karteli, people who prosecute or dissolve business trusts

turn a blind eye

uncover dirt

value migration – lower returns

violation of trust

volatility - zmienność

watertight prosecution

weight up options

whistleblowing - reveal the wrong doing to outside authorities

white collar crime – non violent crime committed for financial gain. characterized by deceit,
concealment and violation of trust. motivation is to obtain or avoid losing money, property or
services or to secure personal or business advantage

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