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Facts Controllers

A thyristor-controlled series capacitor (TCSC) uses thyristors to provide continuous control of reactive power flow in transmission lines. It consists of a fixed capacitor in series with a thyristor-controlled reactor. This allows the TCSC to operate in three modes - bypass, blocked, and partial conduction - to variably control the series capacitive reactance and effectively manage power flow, stability, and voltage support.
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Facts Controllers

A thyristor-controlled series capacitor (TCSC) uses thyristors to provide continuous control of reactive power flow in transmission lines. It consists of a fixed capacitor in series with a thyristor-controlled reactor. This allows the TCSC to operate in three modes - bypass, blocked, and partial conduction - to variably control the series capacitive reactance and effectively manage power flow, stability, and voltage support.
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Series compensation

 Series compensation is the method of

improving the system voltage by
connecting a capacitor in series with the
transmission line.
 In other words, in series compensation,
reactive power is inserted in series with
the transmission line for improving the
impedance of the system. It improves
the power transfer capability of the line.
It is mostly used in extra and ultra high
voltage line.
The effect of series compensation on the
basic factors, determining attainable
 Maximal Power Transmission,

 Steady-state Power Transmission

 Limit, Transient Stability,
 Voltage Stability
 Power Oscillation Damping
Concept of Series Capacitive

 The basic idea behind series capacitive

compensation is to decrease the overall
effective series transmission impedance
from the sending end to the receiving
end, i.e., X in the P = (V 2 /X) sin δ
relationship characterizing the power
transmission over a single line.
 Consider the simple two-machine model,
with a series capacitor compensated line,
which, for convenience, is assumed to be
composed of two identical segments.
 Note that for the same end voltages the
magnitude of the total voltage across
the series line inductance, V x = 2VX/2 is
i n c re a s e d b y t h e m a g n i t u d e o f t h e
opposite voltage
 Vc developed across the series
c a p a c i t o r a n d t h i s re s u l t s f ro m a n
increase in the line current.
 Effective transmission impedance with the
series capacitive compensation is

 where K is the degree of series compensation,

 Assuming the voltages VS = Vr = V

 The current in the compensated line is
 Real Power Transmitted is

 Reactive power supplied by the series

capacitor is

 Series capacitive compensation can also be

used to reduce the series reactive impedance
t o m i n i m i z e t h e re c e i v i n g - e n d v o l t a g e
variation and the possibility of voltage
 A simple radial system with feeder line
reactance X, series compensating reactance
Xc, and load impedance Z is shown .
 The "nose point" at each plot given for a
specific compensation level represents the
corresponding voltage instability where the
same radial system with a reactive shunt
compensator, supporting the end voltage, is
 Clearly, both shunt and series capacitive
compensation can effectively increase the
voltage stability limit.
 Shunt compensation does it by supplying
the reactive load demand and regulating
the terminal voltage is done by Series

 Use of thyristor control in series capacitors potentially

offers the following little-mentioned advantages:
1. Rapid, continuous control of the transmission-line
series-compensation level.
2. Dynamic control of power flow in selected
transmission lines within the network to enable
optimal power-flow conditions and prevent the loop
flow of power.
3. Damping of the power swings from local and inter-
area oscillations.
4. Suppression of subsynchronous oscillations. At
subsynchronous frequencies, the TCSC presents an
i n h e re n t l y re s i s t i v e – i n d u c t i v e re a c t a n c e . T h e
 5 Enhanced level of protection for series capacitors. A
fast bypass of the series capacitors can be achieved
through thyristor control when large over voltages
develop across capacitors following faults.
 Likewise, the capacitors can be quickly reinserted by
thyristor action after fault clearing to aid in system
6. Voltage support. The TCSC, in conjunction with
series capacitors, can generate reactive power
that increases with line loading, thereby aiding
the regulation of local network voltages and, in
addition, the alleviation of any voltage instability.
7. Reduction of the short-circuit current. During
events of high short-circuit current, the TCSC can
switch from the controllable-capacitance to the
controllable-inductance mode, thereby restricting
the short-circuit currents.
 It consists of the series compensating
capacitor shunted by a Thyristor-
Controlled Reactor.
 In a practical TCSC implementation,
several such basic compensators may be
connected in series to obtain the desired
voltage rating and operating
Circuit Diagram
 The steady-state impedance of the TCSC is
that of a parallel LC circuit, consisting of a
fixed capacitive impedance, XC, and a
variable inductive impedance, XL(α), that is,

 XL=wl, and a is the delay angle measured

from the crest of the capacitor voltage (or,
equivalently, the zero crossing of the line
 The TCSC thus presents a tunable
parallel LC circuit to the line current that
is substantially a constant alternating
current source.

 A TCSC is a series-controlled capacitive

reactance that can provide continuous
control of power on the ac line over a wide
 The principle of variable-series
compensation is simply to increase the
fundamental-frequency voltage across an
fixed capacitor (FC) in a series compensated
line through appropriate variation of the
firing angle, α.
 This enhanced voltage changes the effective
value of the series-capacitive reactance.
The impedance of the LC network is given by
 If ωL > 1/ωC, the the reactance of the FC is less than
that of the parallel-connected variable reactor and
that this combination provides a variable-capacitive
reactance are both implied. Moreover, this inductor
increases the equivalent-capacitive reactance of
the LC combination above that of the FC.
 If ωC - 1/ωL = 0 a resonance develops that results
in an infinite-capacitive impedance an obviously
unacceptable condition.
 If, however, ωL < 1/ωC, the LC combination
provides inductance above the value of the fixed
 In the variable-capacitance mode of the
TCSC, as the inductive reactance of the
variable inductor is increased, the
equivalent-capacitive reactance is gradually
 The minimum equivalent-capacitive
reactance is obtained for extremely large
inductive reactance or when the variable
inductor is open-circuited, in which the value
is equal to the reactance of the FC itself.
 The behavior of the TCSC is similar to that
of the parallel LC combination.
 The difference is that the LC-combination
analysis is based on the presence of pure
sinusoidal voltage and current in the
circuit, whereas in the TCSC, because of
the voltage and current in the FC and
thyristor-controlled reactor (TCR) are not
sinusoidal because of thyristor switchings.
TCSC Operation





 In this bypassed mode, the thyristors are
made to fully conduct with a conduction
angle of 180deg.
 Gate pulses are applied as soon as the
voltage across the thyristors reaches zero
and becomes positive, resu l ti n g i n a
continuous sinusoidal of flow current
through the thyristor valves.
 T h e TC S C m o d u l e b e h a v e s l i ke a p a r a l l e l
capacitor–inductor combination.
 However, the net current through the module is
inductive, the reactor is chosen to be greater
than that of the capacitor.
 Also known as the thyristor-switched-reactor
(TSR) mode, the bypassed thyristor mode is
distinct from the bypassed-breaker mode, in
which the circuit breaker provided across the
series capacitor is closed to remove the capacitor
or the TCSC module in the event of TCSC faults or
transient over voltages across the TCSC.
 This mode is employed for control purposes and
also for initiating certain protective functions.
 Whenever a TCSC module is bypassed from the
violation of the current limit, a finite-time delay, T
Delay , must elapse before the module can be
reinserted after the line current falls below the
specified limit.
 In this mode, also known as the waiting
mode, the firing pulses to the thyristor
valves are blocked.

 If the thyristors are conducting and a

blocking command is given, the thyristors
turn off as soon as the current through
them reaches a zero crossing.
 The TCSC module is thus reduced to a fixed-
series capacitor, and the net TCSC reactance
is capacitive.
 In this mode, the dc-offset voltages of the
c a p a c i t o r s a re m o n i t o re d a n d q u i c k l y
discharged using a dc-offset control without
causing any harm to the transmission-
system transformers.
 This mode allows the TCSC to behave
either as a continuously controllable
capacitive reactance or as a
continuously controllable inductive
 It is achieved by varying the thyristor-pair
firing angle in an appropriate range.

 However, a smooth transition from the

capacitive to inductive mode is not
permitted because of the resonant region
 A variant of this mode is the capacitive-vernier-
control mode, in which the thyristors are fired
when the capacitor voltage and capacitor
current have opposite polarity
 This condition causes a TCR current that has a
direction opposite that of the capacitor current,
thereby resulting in a loop-current flow in the
TCSC controller.
 The loop current increases the voltage across the
FC, effectively enhancing the equivalent-
capacitive reactance and the series-
compensation level for the same value of line
 Based on the three modes of thyristor-
valve operation, two variants of the TCSC
 Thyristor-switched series capacitor (TSSC),
which permits a discrete control of the
capacitive reactance.
 Thyristor-controlled series capacitor
(TCSC), which offers a continuous control
of capacitive or inductive reactance. (The
TSSC, however, is more commonly

Single Line Diagram of STATCO


 STATCOM or Static Synchronous Compensator is a

power electronic device using force commutated
devices like IGBT, GTO etc. to control the reactive
power flow through a power network and thereby
increasing the stability of power network.
 STATCOM is a shunt device i.e. it is connected in
shunt with the line.
 A Static Synchronous Compensator (STATCOM) is
also known as a Static Synchronous Condenser
 It is a member of the Flexible AC Transmission
System (FACTS) family of devices.
Existing System

 In power system, real power and reactive power

is controlled by the voltage and phase angle
difference between the sending end and
receiving end respectively.
 Impedance of the transmission line can also be
used to control real and reactive power.
 Flexible AC Transmission Systems (FACTS) are
used to improve the power transfer capability of
transmission line.

Reactive power Compensation of

capability and fault ride starting current for
through for wind farms large motors

Compensation of weak
transmission lines to remote

Protection of week Flicker control of

transmission lines fluctuating loads
Active harmonic filtering
Historical Background

 Since 2005,  Texas, has been operating an ABB-supplied STATCOM on

its 138 kV power system.

 The world’s largest and most powerful STATCOM, entered service on Aug.
19, 2011, in the 500-kV Dongguan substation China.

 Hyosung Heavy Industries installation a 400-Mvar STATCOM at Shinyoungju

STATCOM in India

On 6th June 2018 Siemens has commissioned 400 kV Synchronous

STATCOM solutions at Power Grid Corporation's substation in Rourkela,
O r i s h a

Vsh>Vt Capacitive
Vsh<Vt Inductive

 STATCOM has the following components:

 1)      A Voltage Source Converter, VSC
 The voltage-source converter is used to convert the DC
input voltage to an AC output voltage.
 PWM Inverters using Insulated Gate Bipolar
Tr a n s i s t o r s ( I G B T ) : I t u s e s Pu l s e Wi d t h
Modulation (PWM) technique to create a
sinusoidal waveform from a DC voltage source
with a typical chopping frequency of a few
 2)      DC Capacitor
 DC Capacitor is used to supply constant DC voltage to
the voltage source converter, VSC.
 3)      Inductive Reactance
 A Transformer is connected between the output of VSC
and Power System. Transformer basically acts as a
coupling medium. In addition, Transformer neutralize
harmonics contained in the square waves produced by
 4)      Harmonic Filter
 Harmonic Filter attenuates the harmonics and other
high frequency components due to the VSC.
Voltage-Sourced Converters

 There are two basic categories of self

commutating converters:
 Current-sourced converters
 Voltage-sourced converters

 By varying the amplitude of the output

voltages produced Vo

 The reactive power exchange between

the converter and the ac system can be
controlled in a manner similar to that of
the synchronous machine.

 If the amplitude of the output voltage

(Vo) is increased above that of the ac
system(V), then the current flows from
the converter to the ac system, and the
converter generates reactive
 It the amplitude of the output voltage (Vo) is decreased
below that of the ac system(V), then the reactive current
flows from the ac system tie the convertor, and the
converter absorbs reactive power(inductive)

 If the amplitude of the output voltage is equal to that of

that of the ac system voltage, the reactive current absorb is

 The practical converters are used for STATCOM are. Single

phase H-bridge, or three phase two level, multipulse
inverter, multilevel inverter etc.
 The direct current in a voltage-sourced converter flows in either
direction, the converter valves have to be bidirectional, and
also, since the dc voltage does not reverse, the turn-off devices
need not have reverse voltage capability; Such turn-off devices
are known as asymmetric turn-off devices.

 Thus, a voltage-sourced converter valve is made up of an

asymmetric turn-off device such as a GTO with a parallel diode
connected in reverse.

 However, for high power converters, provision of separate

diodes is advantageous
Working of A single phase
 T1 and T2 (based on say GTOs) are switched on and off
once in a cycle.

 The conduction period of each switch is 180± and care has

to be taken to see that T1 is off when T2 is on and vice

 The diodes D1 and D2 enable the conduction of the current

in the reverse direction.

 The charge on the capacitors ensure that the diodes are

reverse biased.

 The voltage VPN = Vdc/2 when T1 is conducting (T2 is off)

and VPN = -Vdc/2 when T2 is conducting (and T1 is off).
 When E1 > V , the STATCOM draws a capacitive reactive
current, whereas
 It is inductive if E1 < V .
 At the instant when T1 is switched on and Ir is inductive,
the current (Ir) flowing through the circuit is negative (as it
is a lagging current) and flows through T1 (as iT1 is
negative of Ir).
 After 90±, the current through T1 becomes zero and as Ir
rises above zero and becomes positive, the diode D1 takes
over conduction. Similar events occur when T2 turns on
and off.
 On the other hand, when Ir is capacitive, the
current Ir is positive at the instant of turning on
T1 and flows through the diode D1.
 After 90±, the current reverses its sign and flows
through T1.
 At the time of switching off T1, the current
through it is at its peak value.
Modes of Operation
Advantages of a STATCOM over
a SC
 The advantages of a STATCOM over a SC
(a) The response is much faster to changing system
(b) It does not contribute to short circuit current.
(c) It has a symmetric lead-lag capability.
(d) It has no moving parts and hence the
maintenance is easier.
(e) It has no problems of loss of synchronism under
a major disturbance.
Comparison of SVC and STATCOM
The power exchange between the
STATCOM and the ac system.

 Any combination of real power generation or

absorption with var generation or absorption is
achievable if the STATCOM is equipped with an
energy-storage device of suitable capacity.

 With this capability, extremely effective control

strategies for the modulation of reactive- and
real-output power can be achieved to improve
the transient- and dynamic-system-stability
The power exchange between
the STATCOM and the ac
The power exchange between
the STATCOM and the ac
 In practice, the semiconductor switches of the
converter are not lossless, so the energy stored in
the dc capacitor is eventually used to meet the
internal losses of the converter.

 In this way, the converter absorbs a small amount of

real power from the ac system to meet its internal
losses and keep the capacitor voltage at the desired
Basic Control Approaches

 A static (var) generator converter comprises a large

number of gate-controlled semiconductor power
switches (GTO thyristors).
 The gating commands for these devices are
generated by the internal converter control in
response to the demand for reactive and/or real
power reference signal(s).
 The reference signals are provided by the external or
system control, from operator instructions and
system variables, which determine the functional
operation of the STATCOM
Internal control

 The internal control is an integral part of the


 Its main function is to operate the converter power

switches so as to generate a fundamental output
voltage waveform with the demanded magnitude
and phase angle in synchronism with the ac system
Main functions of the internal
converter control
 The internal control computes the magnitude and
phase angle of the required output voltage from
Iqref provided by the external control
 It generates a set of coordinated timing
waveforms ("gating pattern"), which determines
the on and off periods of each switch in converter
corresponding to the wanted output voltage.
 These timing waveforms have a defined phase
relationship between them, determined by the
converter pulse number.
Internal control can be
achieved by
 Indirectly: via controlling the capacitor
voltage(which in turn is controlled by the angle of
the output voltage) or

 Directly: by internal voltage control

mechanism(e.g PWM) of converter in which case
the dc voltage is kept constant ( by control of the
Indirect control

 The inputs to the internal control are:

 the ac system bus voltage, v,
 the output current of the converter, io,
 and the reactive current reference, Iqref.
Basic control scheme for the voltage-sourced converter type var
controlling the reactive output by the variation of the dc capacitor
voltage ("indirect" output voltage control).
Indirect control

 Voltage v operates a phase-locked loop that

provides the basic synchronizing signal, angle θ.
 The output current, io, is decomposed into its
reactive and real components, and the
magnitude of the reactive current component,
1oq, is compared to the reactive current
reference, lqref.
 The error thus obtained provides, after suitable
amplification, angle a, which defines the
n e c e s s a r y p h a s e s h i ft b e t w e e n t h e o u t p u t
voltage of the converter and the ac system
voltage needed for charging (or discharging) the
storage capacitor to the dc voltage level required.
Indirect control

 Accordingly, angle a is summed to θ to provide

angle θ+α, which represents the desired
synchronizing signal for the converter to satisfy
the reactive current reference.
 Angle θ+α operates the gate pattern logic
(which may be a digital look-up table) that
provides the individual gate drive logic
signals to operate the converter power
Direct Control
 The input signals are again
 the bus voltage, V,
 the converter output current, io,
 and the reactive current reference Iqref plus the dc
voltage reference Vdc
 This dc voltage reference determines the real
power the converter must absorb from the ac
system in order to supply its internal losses.
Direct Control
Basic control scheme for the voltage-sourced converter type var
controlling the reactive output by internal voltage (magnitude
and angle) control at a sustained dc capacitor voltage ("direct"
output voltage control).
Direct Control
 The converter output current is decomposed
into reactive and real current components.
 T h e s e c o m p o n e n t s a re c o m p a re d t o t h e
external reactive current reference (determined
from compensation requirements)
 and the internal real current reference
derived from the dc voltage regulation loop.

 After suitable amplification, the real and

reactive current error signals are converted into
the magnitude and angle of the wanted
converter output voltage, from which the
appropr iate gate dr iv e sign als, in pro pe r
re l a t i o n s h i p w i t h t h e p h a s e l o c ke d l o o p
provided phase reference, are derived.
Direct Control

 ln this case the internal real current reference

would be summed to an externally provided real
current reference that would indicate the desired
real power exchange (either positive or negative)
with the ac system.
 The combined internal and external real current
references (for converter losses and active power
compensation), together with the prevailing
reactive current demand,
 would determine the magnitude and angle of the
output voltage generated, and thus the real and
reactive power exchanged with the ac system.
Control characteristics of a

the STATCOM can supply both the

capacitive and the inductive

and is able to independently control

its output current over the rated
maximum capacitive or inductive
range irrespective of the amount of
ac-system voltage.

That is, the STATCOM can provide

full capacitive-reactive power at any
system voltage

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