Unit 3: The Human Body: Systems and Senses

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Unit 3 Activity Book Grade 3

The Human Body: Systems and Senses

Grade 3 Unit 3

The Human Body:

Systems and Senses
Activity Book
ISBN 978-1-68161-032-0

© 2015 The Core Knowledge Foundation and its licensors


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02 LSCOW 2017
Unit 3
The Human Body: Systems and Senses
Activity Book
This Activity Book contains activity pages that accompany the lessons from the Unit 3
Teacher Guide. The activity pages are organized and numbered according to the lesson
number and the order in which they are used within the lesson. For example, if there are two
activity pages for Lesson 4, the first will be numbered 4.1 and the second 4.2. The Activity
Book is a student component, which means each student should have an Activity Book.
iv Unit 3 | Activity Book Grade 3 | Core Knowledge Language Arts


Directions: Write words and phrases and/or draw pictures of the different human body
systems and senses.

KWL Chart: Human Body Systems

Skeletal System


Core Knowledge Language Arts | Grade 3 Activity Book | Unit 3 1

KWL Chart: Human Body Systems
Muscular System


2 Unit 3 | Activity Book Grade 3 | Core Knowledge Language Arts

NAME: 1.1


KWL Chart: Human Body Systems

Nervous System


Core Knowledge Language Arts | Grade 3 Activity Book | Unit 3 3

KWL Chart: Human Body Systems


4 Unit 3 | Activity Book Grade 3 | Core Knowledge Language Arts

NAME: 1.1


KWL Chart: Human Body Systems



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6 Unit 3 | Activity Book Grade 3 | Core Knowledge Language Arts


Topic and Concluding Sentences

Draw a box around the topic sentence of the paragraph. Draw a circle around the
concluding sentence.

For Katie and Molly, when it’s hot during the summer, a day at the beach
is a perfect day! Katie, Molly, and their mom took a cab from their hotel to
the beach. At the beach, all three smeared sunblock all over their skin. It was
hot so they got in the water for a bit. Then they looked for seashells. After
that, Katie and Molly played volleyball with some teenagers. Katie made
some really sweet plays. In fact, a small group formed to watch her play. After
the game, Katie and Molly and their mom started to feel like they could use
some food. They left the beach to find something to eat. What a good day!

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8 Unit 3 | Activity Book Grade 3 | Core Knowledge Language Arts


Topic and Concluding Sentences

Draw a box around the topic sentence of each paragraph. Draw a circle around the
concluding sentence.

Cookies are the best treat. They are very sweet and very tasty. Also, there
are lots of different yummy flavors of cookies. If you get tired of one kind of
cookie, you can always try another kind. I can’t think of one thing that’s bad
about cookies.

Joyce is not good at singing. When she sings, she can never seem to hit the
right notes. If she is supposed to sing high, Joyce sings low. If she is supposed
to sing low, Joyce sings high. Even Joyce’s dog hates it when she sings!

Hugo is good at drawing. In fact, he once won a drawing contest. Hugo

drew a car for the contest, but he can draw all sorts of things. If you ask Hugo
to draw an animal or a person or a plant, his drawing will look just like the
real thing. He is the best artist I know.

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10 Unit 3 | Activity Book Grade 3 | Core Knowledge Language Arts


Dear Family Members,

Please help your child succeed in spelling by taking a few minutes each
evening to review the words together. Helpful activities for your child to
do include: spelling the words orally, writing sentences using the words, or
simply copying the words.
Spelling Words

This week, we will be reviewing the spelling of several types of plural

nouns. Some plural nouns are formed by adding –s or –es. For nouns ending
in ‘y’, the ‘y’ changes to an ‘i’ before adding –es. Your child will also review
irregular singular and plural nouns. Your child will be assessed on these
words. On the assessment, your child will be asked to write the singular and
plural forms of these nouns.

Students have been assigned two Challenge Words, exercise and laugh.
Challenge Words are words used very often. They may not follow spelling
patterns and need to be memorized. Students will not be responsible for
changing the form of the Challenge Words.

Irregular nouns, such as child, cannot be made plural using the regular
patterns. Your child must learn and memorize the correct plural form.

The spelling words, including the Challenge Words, are listed below:
Regular Singular Nouns Regular Plural Nouns
1. match matches
2. night nights
3. glass glasses
4. fox foxes
5. story stories
6. baby babies

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Irregular Singular Nouns Irregular Plural Nouns
7. child children
8. man men
9. woman women
10. goose geese
11. mouse mice
12. louse lice
13. tooth teeth
14. foot feet
15. person people
Challenge Word: exercise
Challenge Word: laugh

Student Reader

The Reader for Unit 3 is entitled How Does Your Body Work? Although it is
a nonfiction Reader, Dr. Welbody, a fictional character, is the narrator who
guides students through the factual information. We are using Dr. Welbody
as the narrator in this Reader to make the informational text more accessible
to students. The Reader consists of selections that explain how a few of the
body systems work.

The chapters your child will read this week include information about the
skeletal and muscular systems. Students will learn important facts about the
skeletal and muscular systems—what they are and how they work.

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The Mowse Hole

Your Classroom Wall
Mowse Land U.S.A.
September 30 2011

dear friends,

i have been listening to your teacher tell you about real animals for the last
few weeks i love learning about animals because I am one I no you have met
my relative, Rattenborough

i thought i would write a report about animals and leave it for you to read

i had trouble writing my report my sentences seem to be out of order can

you help me

Thank you so much


mr. mowse

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Classification of Animals
A Report by Mr. Mowse
Select and mark the topic sentence (TS) and concluding sentence (CS) in this
paragraph. Then, number the remaining sentences, which provide supporting details,
in the correct order.

___ Another characteristic is that all living things reproduce, or make


___ One important characteristic is that all living things need energy, or
food, to survive.

___ A second characteristic is that all living things develop, starting as

babies and growing into adulthood.

___ There are certain important characteristics that living things have in

___ Learning about the characteristics of all living things helps us to better
understand life.

___ Last, all living things respond and adapt to the surrounding

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Select and mark the topic sentence (TS) and concluding sentence (CS) in this
paragraph. Then, number the remaining sentences, which provide supporting details,
in the correct order.

___ Another way to classify animals is whether they are cold-blooded or


___ One characteristic that scientists study is the type of body covering on
an animal.

___ Animals can be classified or grouped by a set of common characteristics.

___ Warm-blooded animals can control their body temperature, but

the temperature of cold-blooded animals is affected by the outside

___ Some animals have fur and some have scales to cover their bodies.

___ Classification makes understanding life easier and more organized.

___ Finally, scientists also study whether animals are vertebrates (having
backbones) or invertebrates (not having backbones).

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The Skeletal System

Hello! My name is Dr. Welbody. Some of you may remember me. I visited
your school once before. You were in first grade then. We learned about some
of the systems that keep your body working. I told you to eat healthy food so
you would grow up to be big and strong. It looks like you listened to me, too! I
see that you have grown a lot since then! You are getting big and tall!
I am here today to help you learn more about the body and its systems.
In the next few days we will learn about three systems: the skeletal system,
the muscular system, and the nervous system.
I’d like to begin with the skeletal system. The skeletal system is made up
of bones that give your body shape.
I have a slideshow here on my computer. The first slide shows the skeletal
system. The picture on the right shows what the skeletal system looks like
from the front. The one on the left shows what it looks like from the side.
There are more than 200 bones in your body. When I went to medical
school to learn to be a doctor, I had to learn the name of every bone in the
body. I had to study very hard!
You kids don’t need to be able to name every bone in the body. But you
should know the names of some of the more important bones. So let’s get
Let’s start at the top, with the skull. Doctors call this set of bones the
cranium. The skull, or cranium, has a very important job. It protects your
You might think the skull is all one big bone. But that’s not the case. In
fact, a human skull is a set of 22 bones.
Rub the back of your neck. Can you feel the bone that’s right at the base
of your neck? That’s one of the bones in your spine, or spinal column. The
spine is a chain of bones that runs down through your neck and back. It runs
from the base of the skull all the way down to your hips (or pelvis).

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The spinal column is made up of more than 30 smaller bones, stacked
one on top of another. These smaller bones are called vertebrae. The
vertebrae protect a bundle of nerves called the spinal cord. The spinal cord
delivers nerve signals to and from the brain.
You may remember learning that animals with spines, or backbones, are
called vertebrates. That’s because their spines are made up of vertebrae.
My next slide shows the bones inside your chest. If you tap on your chest,
right in the middle, you can feel your breastbone. It’s also known as the sternum.
If you tap a bit to the left or the right, you may be able to feel some of
your ribs. The ribs protect inner organs like the heart and lungs.
If you look at the slide, you can see why people sometimes talk about “the
rib cage.” The rib bones look like the bars of a cage.
Do you see the two large bones behind the rib cage? They are shaped
like triangles. There’s one on each side. These are your shoulder blades. The
medical name for the shoulder blade is the scapula.
The last two bones I want to tell you about are leg bones. They are called
the tibia and the fibula. These are the two bones in the lower part of your
leg. The tibia is the larger of the two.
Okay, that’s a lot of bones—and a lot of names. Let’s play Simon Says and
see if you can remember the names. I’ll be Simon.
Are you ready?
Simon says, tap your skull.
Simon says, now tap your cranium.
Ha! The cranium is the same thing as the skull. Did I trick any of you?
Simon says, flex your vertebrae by bending over and touching your tibia.
Simon says, take a deep breath and feel your rib cage expand.
Simon says, put your pelvis to work and sit down.
Now, reach back and see if you can touch one of your scapulae, or
shoulder blades.
Wait! I didn’t say Simon says! Did I catch anyone?
18 Unit 3 | Activity Book Grade 3 | Core Knowledge Language Arts


The Skeletal System: Reader’s Theater


 elcome to the Human Body Network. Today, we are visiting Mrs. Bones’
third-grade class as they learn about the skeletal system.
Mrs. Bones

 ood morning, everyone. We have a special visitor today named Dr.

Welbody. Some of you may remember her. She visited your classroom
when you were in first grade.
Dr. Welbody

 ello! My name is Dr. Welbody. I visited your school a few years ago. We
learned about some of the systems that keep your body working.

Hello! Hello!
Dr. Welbody

 ell, let’s begin. The skeletal system is made up of bones. There are more
than 200 bones in your body. You kids don’t need to be able to name every
bone in the body. But you should know the names of some of the most
important bones. So let’s get started!
Student 1 (tapping her head)

What is the name of the bone that makes up my head?

Dr. Welbody

 ood question! Your skull is made up of more than one bone. Doctors call
this set of bones the cranium.

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Student 2

The cranium? That’s a funny name. How will I remember that name?
Dr. Welbody

Try this: The cranium protects your brain, right?

Student 3

I guess so.
Dr. Welbody

 nd the word cranium sounds like the word brain. The CRAN-ium
protects your BRAIN-ium!
Everyone (giggling)

The CRAN-ium protects your BRAIN-ium.


 r. Welbody and Mrs. Bones are great teachers. The class is learning a lot
Dr. Welbody

That was easy!

Student 4 (tapping his chest)

 hat about this bone right here in the middle of my chest? What is its
Dr. Welbody

The sternum. Say it with me—sternum.

20 Unit 3 | Activity Book Grade 3 | Core Knowledge Language Arts

NAME: 2.4


Student 5

That’s a hard word to remember. Do you have a trick to help us?

Dr. Welbody

Try this poem:

Be glad your sternum’s on the inside,

That really is the best.
For if it were on the outside,
You’d have a bony chest!
Everyone (giggling)

Say it again, say it again!

Dr. Welbody and students

Be glad your sternum’s on the inside,

That really is the best.
For if it were on the outside,
You’d have a bony chest!

I wish I were a third grader today!

Student 6

What about the bones in my legs? What are they called?

Dr. Welbody

 he two bones in your lower leg are called the tibia and the fibula. The
tibia is the larger of the two.

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Student 7

I bet you have a trick for us to help us remember, don’t you?

Dr. Welbody (chuckling)

 es, I do! You see in your Reader that one of the bones is larger than the
other. Well, here goes—a fib is a little lie and the fibula is the little leg bone.
How about that?

 e loved your visit! Hooray for Dr. Welbody’s tricks and for Mrs. Bones’

 hanks for tuning into the Human Body Network today. We hope you
learned a lot about bones. Tune in again soon!

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The Skeletal System

Directions: Fill in the missing labels of the skeletal system.

spinal column skull femur

pelvis tibia rib cage


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24 Unit 3 | Activity Book Grade 3 | Core Knowledge Language Arts


All About Bones

1. What is the outer part of a bone made of?

A. blood
B. muscle
C. calcium
D. seashells


2. Identify what makes up the inside of bones.

A. calcium
B. bone marrow
C. oxygen
D. soft tissues


3. The important job of the bone marrow cells is to


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4. carry oxygen all around the body.
A. Bone marrow cells
B. White blood cells
C. Red blood cells
D. Soft tissues


5. Describe how an x-ray works so that a doctor can see the bones inside
someone’s body.


6. Explain how a cast helps broken bones heal.


7. What do you think might happen to a broken bone if a cast were not placed
on it?

26 Unit 3 | Activity Book Grade 3 | Core Knowledge Language Arts



Blank Busters

child match foot tooth mouse

glass woman man person goose
louse story fox night baby

Fill in the blanks with the correct spelling words. Sometimes you will use the singular
form, and sometimes you will use the plural form. Sometimes you will use both. You
will not use a word more than once.

1. My cat chased a under the fence. Cats like to

chase .

2. My friend is the only in her family. In my

family, there are three .

3. are not toys. You could start a fire with just one
if you are not careful with it.

4. I thought I only needed one to take pictures

during the play. But after seeing how wide the stage is, I need two or
three to take pictures so that we can see

5. The library book I checked out this week is a

about a boy who lived on a boat. I like reading
about kids my age.

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6. A group of waited at the bus stop in the rain.
One did not have an umbrella or raincoat so he
was soaked.

7. My sister has a loose that she wiggles all the time.

She has already lost four .

child match foot tooth mouse

glass woman man person goose
louse story fox night baby

8. Some sat on a blanket at the park and ate lunch.

One took her shoes off before she ate.

9. Today, there are many more at the pond.

Yesterday, I only saw one and it was not long
before it flew away.

10. My neighbor found a on her son’s head.

She washed all his clothes and sheets to make sure there were no
on those.

11. My hurt after walking around all day. There is a

blister on one but not on the other.

12. I put the dirty in the sink so nobody would use

them. My had some milk left in it from dinner so
I gulped it down.

28 Unit 3 | Activity Book Grade 3 | Core Knowledge Language Arts



All About Bones

Last time, we learned the names of some of the bones in the body. Today,
I’d like to tell you a little more about bones.

The bone I’m pointing to is the human fibula bone. The fibula, you may
recall, is one of the bones in your leg.

The outer part of a bone is hard. It is made up of the same stuff as a

seashell you might find at the beach. That stuff is called calcium.

Do you like milk? Milk and other dairy products like cheese have lots of
calcium in them. They are good for your bones. One way to take good care
of your bones is to eat a healthy diet with dairy products. Exercise is also
good for your bones.

If you could look inside a bone, you’d see something called bone marrow.
Since you can’t see inside this bone, I’ll show you a slide.

This slide shows bone marrow cells. I think you may already know a
little about cells. Is that right? If you look at things with a strong microscope,
you can see that many things are made up of tiny cells. Your skin is made of
cells. So are your bones.

Here you can see some bone marrow cells. There are millions of cells
like these inside your bones. The bone marrow cells have an important job.
They are like little factories. They pump out red blood cells. Then, the red
blood cells carry oxygen all around the body.

As you get older and taller, your bones grow with you. Bones are strong.
They can support a great deal of weight. However, if we put too much

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pressure on them, or if the pressure comes from the wrong direction, bones
can break.

This next slide shows a broken bone. This is a special kind of picture
called an x-ray.

X-rays are part of the invisible light spectrum. When you aim x-ray light
at your body, some parts of the body absorb a lot of x-rays and some do not.
Your bones are hard. They absorb a lot of the x-ray light. The soft tissue
around your bones absorbs less x-ray light. That is why doctors like x-rays.
We can aim x-rays at a part of your body and get a picture of the inside of
your body. We can use x-rays to find out if any bones are broken. You will
learn much more about x-rays in a later unit about light and sound.

Have any of you ever broken a bone?

I fix lots of broken bones each year. Would you like to know how I do it?

I start by taking x-rays. That’s how I find out if the bone is really broken.
If the x-rays show that a bone is broken, then I set the bone. That means I
put the bone pieces back in the right place. Once the bones are in the right
place, I put on a cast.

One of the remarkable things about the bones in your body is that they
are able to heal themselves. Once a broken bone has been set, it grows back
just like it was before it was broken.

Here’s a boy I fixed up last summer. He broke one of the bones in his
arm. I put the cast on to hold the bones in the right place so they would heal.
He had to wear the cast for two months while the bones healed. Then, I cut
the cast off for him.

He’s just fine now. His bone has healed and his arm is as good as new.
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Core Knowledge Language Arts | Grade 3 Activity Book | Unit 3 31
4.1 NAME:

Word Shelf

prefix meaning not





32 Unit 3 | Activity Book Grade 3 | Core Knowledge Language Arts



dis–: Prefix Meaning “not”

disagree—(verb) to not have the same

disapprove—(verb) to not accept
disobey—(verb) to not do what someone
tells you to do
distrust—(verb) to not believe that
someone or something is honest or

Choose the right word to complete each sentence. Write it on the line.

disobey disapprove dislike disconnect

1. Our teacher had to the projector from the

computer to see if she could fix the display problem.

2. We people who call our house and insist they

aren’t selling something because they really are.

3. You should not a police officer if he tells you not

to cross the street yet.

4. Write your own sentence using the one word left in the box.

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4.3 NAME:

Word Shelf

prefix meaning wrong





34 Unit 3 | Activity Book Grade 3 | Core Knowledge Language Arts



mis–: Prefix Meaning “Wrong”

misbehave—(verb) to act wrong

misjudged—(verb) formed an opinion
that is wrong
misspell—(verb) to write or name the
letters in a word in the wrong order
misplaced—(verb) put something in the
wrong location

Choose the right word to complete each sentence. Write it on the line.

misplaced misunderstand misjudged misused

1. I have my keys because they are not where I put

them every night.

2. It is easy to Mr. Connor because he speaks in such

a quiet voice.

3. Sam how large the couch was so we had a hard

time getting it through the door of his new apartment.

4. Write your own sentence using the one word left in the box.

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36 Unit 3 | Activity Book Grade 3 | Core Knowledge Language Arts


Practice Prefixes dis– and mis–

If the sentence shows an example of the correct definition of the underlined word, write
yes on the blank that follows. If the sentence does not show an example of the correct
definition of the underlined word, write no.

1. Dad disapproves of my goal to try out for the baseball team, so he said he
will help me practice.

2. To misspell a word means you spelled it incorrectly when you wrote it on

your paper.

3. Carla misused the glue by using a few dabs on her paper instead of
squirting it all out at one time.

4. The puppy disobeyed her master by chewing up his slippers.

5. When I disconnect the leash from my dog’s collar, he might try to run

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Write a sentence for each word like the ones on page 37 that you can answer with yes.

1. disagree

2. misunderstand

3. misplaced

38 Unit 3 | Activity Book Grade 3 | Core Knowledge Language Arts



Order Sentences
Select and mark the topic sentence (TS) and concluding sentence (CS) in this
paragraph. Then, number the remaining sentences, which provide supporting details,
in the correct order.

___ Next, spread the peanut butter on one slice of bread and the jelly on the
other slice of bread.

___ Making a peanut butter and jelly sandwich is an easy thing to do.

___ First, get out a plate, the bread, the peanut butter, the jelly, and a knife
and place it all on a counter.

___ Before you know it, you are ready to sink your teeth into your yummy

___ Put your two pieces of bread together to make a sandwich.

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Write Topic and Concluding Sentences

Read the sentences that go with each topic. Then, write a topic sentence and a
concluding sentence for each topic. Remember to indent the topic sentence.
Topic: Summer

One of the best things about summer is that we don’t have school! I have the
whole day to do lots of fun things. Another good thing about summer is that
it is hot and sunny, so I can go swimming almost every day. Also, since it
stays light out later at night, after dinner my mom lets me go to the park to
play ball with my friends.

Topic: Class Trip

First, we all got on a bus that took us from school to the harbor at Battery
Park. Then, we took a boat to the Statue of Liberty. Then, we got to climb up
inside the statue. When it was time for lunch, we had a picnic outside on the
grass near the statue. Then, it was time to go back to school.

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Spelling Assessment
As your teacher calls out the words, write them in the correct column.

Singular Noun Plural Noun

_____________________________ _____________________________
_____________________________ _____________________________
_____________________________ _____________________________
_____________________________ _____________________________
_____________________________ _____________________________
_____________________________ _____________________________
_____________________________ _____________________________
_____________________________ _____________________________
_____________________________ _____________________________
_____________________________ _____________________________
_____________________________ _____________________________
_____________________________ _____________________________
_____________________________ _____________________________
_____________________________ _____________________________
_____________________________ _____________________________
Challenge Word: _____________________________
Challenge Word: _____________________________

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Dictated Sentences



44 Unit 3 | Activity Book Grade 3 | Core Knowledge Language Arts



The Muscular System

Have you ever seen a movie or a TV show in which skeletons chase

people? I saw a cartoon like that the other day. These kids were trying to
solve a mystery, but they were having problems. Every time they went out to
look for clues, a skeleton would pop out of a grave and chase them around.

Well, as a doctor, I have to tell you: that’s just not very realistic. Bones
don’t move all by themselves. In fact, bones don’t go anywhere at all without

When I bend my arm, I do it by using muscles. I tighten the muscles in

my arm, and the muscles make the bones and the rest of the arm move.

When you kick a ball, it’s the same thing. You tighten the muscles in your
legs in order to move your leg bones.

This slide shows you some of the muscles in the muscular system. You
can see that there are lots of muscles in our bodies. There are about 650
muscles in the human body, in fact. About half of your body’s weight comes
from muscles!

Muscles are important to us for many reasons. Can you think of some?

Muscles help us run and jump. They allow us to stand up and sit down.
We use muscles when we lift heavy objects. We also use them when we chew
our food and when we smile. We even use muscles when we breathe.

Doctors divide muscles into two groups: voluntary muscles and

involuntary muscles. Voluntary muscles are muscles that you can make
move and control. Involuntary muscles are muscles that you can’t control.

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Involuntary muscles work without you even thinking about them. These
muscles work automatically.

The muscles that help you move your arms and legs are voluntary
muscles. When you want to pick up a box, you think about it and then
tighten the muscles in your arms so you can lift the box. You can also control
the muscles in your legs when you want to make your body run or jump.

The muscles in your heart, however, are involuntary muscles. They keep
your heart beating, whether you are awake or asleep. You don’t have to think,
“It’s time to beat again, heart!” These muscles work automatically.

There are involuntary muscles in your stomach, as well. Your stomach

muscles keep digesting your food without you reminding them to do the job.

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Joints and Muscles

1. Make a list of the joints in your body. (Hint: There are more joints than
what are listed in How Does Your Body Work? Use the information in the
chapter and think about other parts of your body.) Be ready to share your
list with your classmates.

2. Explain what cartilage does.


Core Knowledge Language Arts | Grade 3 Activity Book | Unit 3 47

3. Ligaments connect to ,
while tendons connect to .
pages and

4. Your Achilles tendon is located just above your .

A. knee
B. cranium
C. heel
D. sternum


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Write a Paragraph

I like winter.

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Joints and Muscles

Does anyone know what we call the place where two bones come
It’s called a joint.
You have lots of joints in your body. Your elbow is a joint. So is your
shoulder. So is your knee.
Many joints are cushioned by cartilage. Cartilage is a flexible, connective
tissue. It is not as hard as bone, but it is stiffer and less flexible than muscle.
Do you remember when we learned about the vertebrae—the bones
that make up your spinal column? Well, we have cartilage between each
of the 30 or so vertebrae in our spinal column. The cartilage cushions the
vertebrae and keeps them from rubbing or banging against each other. The
cartilage is shown in red in the model on the slide.
You also have cartilage in your ears. Grab the top of your ear and bend it
down a little. Now, let it go. Do you feel how your ear snaps back into place
when you let go of it? It’s the cartilage that makes your ear do that.
Some of the most important tissues in your body are located at the joints.
A ligament is a kind of tissue that connects one bone with another. Most
of your joints contain ligaments. You have ligaments in your knee, in your
neck, and in your wrists.
This slide shows ligaments in your knee. Can you see how the ligaments
connect your thigh bone to the bones in your lower leg?
Ligaments connect bones to other bones. Tendons connect muscles to
Core Knowledge Language Arts | Grade 3 Activity Book | Unit 3 51
I said earlier that the muscular system and the skeletal system are
connected. Well, it’s the tendons that link these two systems. It’s the tendons
that connect muscles to bones and allow you to move your bones.
One of the most famous tendons in the body is called the Achilles
[ә-KIL-eez] tendon. Does anyone know where the Achilles tendon is?
That’s right! The Achilles tendon is in the back of your leg, just above the
heel. The Achilles tendon connects your heel bone to the muscles in your
lower leg. It’s an important tendon that you use when you walk or run.
Does anyone know why this tendon is called the Achilles tendon?
No? Well, then, I guess I had better tell you the story.
The Achilles tendon is named for a famous Greek warrior named
Achilles. You may remember hearing about the ancient Greeks when you
were in second grade.
When Achilles was a baby, his mom tried to make sure that he would
never die. She had heard that a person who had been dipped in the River
Styx could not be harmed by spears or arrows. She took her son and
dipped him in the river. Then, she felt better. She believed that her son was
invulnerable. Nothing could harm him—or so she thought.
There was just one problem. When she dipped Achilles in the river, she
held him by his heel. So this heel never got dipped in the river.
Many years later, during the Trojan War, a Trojan warrior shot an arrow
at Achilles. The arrow landed right above Achilles’s heel—the very spot that
had not been dipped into the River Styx. Achilles died from his wound.
So now you know why the Achilles tendon is named for Achilles. This
tendon was the one spot where the mighty warrior was vulnerable and
could be wounded.
52 Unit 3 | Activity Book Grade 3 | Core Knowledge Language Arts


Dear Family Members,

Please help your child succeed in spelling by taking a few minutes each
evening to review the words together. Helpful activities for your child to
do include: spelling the words orally, writing sentences using the words, or
simply copying the words.
Spelling Words

This week, your child will continue to work with singular nouns and their
plural forms. Students will change the singular noun to a plural noun by
first changing the ‘f ’ to ‘v’, dropping the final ‘e’ when appropriate, and then
adding the suffix –es. Your child will be assessed on these words. On the
assessment, your child will be asked to write the singular and plural forms of
these nouns.

Students have been assigned two Challenge Words, before and please.
Challenge Words are words used very often. They may not follow spelling
patterns and need to be memorized. Students will not be responsible for
changing the form of the Challenge Words.

The spelling words, including the Challenge Words, are listed:

Singular Nouns Plural Nouns
1. knife knives
2. life lives
3. wife wives
4. half halves
5. wolf wolves
6. loaf loaves
7. elf elves
8. leaf leaves
9. thief thieves

Core Knowledge Language Arts | Grade 3 Activity Book | Unit 3 53

Singular Nouns Plural Nouns
10. shelf shelves
11. self selves
Challenge Word: before
Challenge Word: please

Student Reader

The chapters your child will read this week in How Does Your Body Work?
include information about the nervous system, the spinal cord and brain,
and eyes and vision. Dr. Welbody will continue to guide students through the
factual information.

54 Unit 3 | Activity Book Grade 3 | Core Knowledge Language Arts



The Nervous System

Read the following sentences carefully. If the sentence describes an action that is a
reflex, write the word yes in the blank. If the sentence describes an action that is not a
reflex, write the word no in the blank.

1. You see it’s snowing outside so you put on a coat.

2. You touch a pan of boiling water and immediately pull your hand

3. You see a vase of flowers and stop to smell them.

4. You walk outside, it’s freezing, and your arms get goose bumps.

5. Your brother jumps out at you from around the corner and you

6. The cookie you ate tasted so good you had another.

7. The doctor taps your knee with a rubber hammer and your leg

Core Knowledge Language Arts | Grade 3 Activity Book | Unit 3 55

Answer in complete sentences, noting the page in How Does Your Body Work? where
you found the answer.

1. Why does a doctor check your reflexes?


2. Imagine you are at the doctor’s office and when the doctor taps on your
knee, your leg does NOT kick up. Name the system that may not be


56 Unit 3 | Activity Book Grade 3 | Core Knowledge Language Arts



Blank Busters
life thief wolf
loaf shelf self
leaf wife knife
elf half

Fill in the blanks with the correct spelling words. Sometimes you will use the singular
form, and sometimes you will use the plural form. Sometimes you will use both. You
will not use a word more than once.

1. Last week we ran out of bread for lunch since we only bought
one . This week we need to buy two

2. Several stole things left in the cars that were

parked on the street last night. One dropped a hat
that the police kept for evidence.

3. My uncle has been married twice and has had two .

His current makes the best cookies.

4. I can only reach the bottom in the kitchen cabinet.

The top two are too high for me.

5. could hurt you if you are not careful. When you

cut with a , you have to take your time and pay
close attention to what you are doing.
Core Knowledge Language Arts | Grade 3 Activity Book | Unit 3 57
6. Dogs and have many things in common. However,
a dog would make a good pet but a would not.

life thief wolf

loaf shelf self
leaf wife knife
elf half

7. In the fall, the change colors. I love it when I find

a bright yellow or red on the ground!

8. When a frog begins its , it lives in the water.

When the frog grows to be an adult, it is almost as if it leads
two , one in the water and one on land.

9. After taking a vacation, she was her usual, happy .

Sometimes people need to take a break to get back to their normal
after working hard for so long.

10. You did not divide the pile of books into two equal .
My does not include enough books for the topic I
am writing about.

11. Sometimes during the holidays, I see people in stores dressed as

. Once, someone dressed as an
was handing out stickers to children.

58 Unit 3 | Activity Book Grade 3 | Core Knowledge Language Arts

Prefix Review: un–, non–, re–, pre–, mis–, and dis–

1. Throw the die and move the number of spaces indicated.

2. Read the word in the space that you land on and use it correctly in a sentence.
3. Then, write the word in the correct column on this page.
4. Next, write the part of speech for the way you used the word in the sentence.

Core Knowledge Language Arts | Grade 3

un– Part of Speech non– Part of Speech re– Part of Speech








Activity Book | Unit 3


Grade 3 | Core Knowledge Language Arts
pre– Part of Speech mis– Part of Speech dis– Part of Speech

Unit 3 | Activity Book

Core Knowledge Language Arts | Grade 3 Activity Book | Unit 3 61
Good job! You
got a big tree
distrust redo unable for the beavers. misused
Move ahead
one space.



Oh no! The tree
fell on the den. dislike nonliving preset misspell
Wait 1 turn.

62 Unit 3 | Activity Book Grade 3 | Core Knowledge Language Arts



preview rewrite disobey START

nondairy prepay

Oops! You fell

in the pond. Dry
unsafe nonthreatening unneccessary
off and wait one

preselect disapprove

misjudged unsure

rename review

unhappy retell disconnect nonverbal misplaced

Core Knowledge Language Arts | Grade 3 Activity Book | Unit 3 63

64 Unit 3 | Activity Book Grade 3 | Core Knowledge Language Arts


Review Prefixes
un–, non–, re–, pre–, dis–, and mis–
Circle the correct word, from the choices after each sentence, to complete the sentence.
Robby approached the dog in a
1. ____________ way so the dog would nonthreatening threatening
know he wasn’t going to hurt it.

Uncle Bill was ____________ that

2. happy unhappy
someone scratched his new truck.

Mary had to ____________ the roast the

3. night before the party and then finish precook cook
cooking it that morning.
I ____________ that we should offer
to cut the grass and rake leaves for our
4. disagree agree
neighbor, Miss Andrews, since her
health is not good.
She ____________ how cold it was
5. outside and forgot to take a hat and judged misjudged
gloves, so she was very cold.
The ribbons I cut for wrapping presents
6. look ____________ because two of them uneven even
seem much longer than the others.
My brother asked me to ____________
7. the new bucket with water so we could refill fill
wash the car.
Rachel knows the best ____________
ways to get her mom’s attention from
8. nonverbal verbal
across the room so she doesn’t have to

Core Knowledge Language Arts | Grade 3 Activity Book | Unit 3 65

Write the part of speech and the meaning for each word. Then write the root word for
each word.

1. disconnect
Part of Speech: Root Word:


2. misused
Part of Speech: Root Word:


3. review
Part of Speech: Root Word:


4. unsure
Part of Speech: Root Word:


5. prepay
Part of Speech: Root Word:


66 Unit 3 | Activity Book Grade 3 | Core Knowledge Language Arts



Your Brain Signal

1. You have all over your body.

    1            2 

2. If a person is , he is unable to
move his legs and/or his arms.

3. The cord extends from your tailbone to your

skull and is like a super highway.

4. The cerebellum has two .

       5                        6 

5. The medulla controls involuntary movements in your lungs such

as .
       7                  8 

Once you have answered the questions above, fill in the letters with the corresponding
numbers below to answer the question:

What does the brain send out to the rest of the body?

 5   7   2   4   3   8   1   6

Core Knowledge Language Arts | Grade 3 Activity Book | Unit 3 67

68 Unit 3 | Activity Book Grade 3 | Core Knowledge Language Arts


Review Prefixes
un–, non–, re–, pre–, dis–, and mis–
Circle the correct word, from the choices after each sentence, to complete the sentence.

I ____________ peaches but I’ll gladly

1. like dislike
eat apples instead.

Grandma asked me to help her

2. ____________ the photos in her photo do redo
album because she had new photos.
Ben felt ____________ enough to get
3. out of bed and sit outside while his unwell well
brother played in the backyard.
Our assignment was to write a
4. ____________ paper about one of the fictional nonfictional
systems of the human body.
It is easy to ____________ you when
5. you try to talk with your mouth full of misunderstand understand
Please ____________ the oven to
350 degrees so it will be warm enough
6. heat preheat
to start baking the cake batter we are
Will cannot eat or drink ____________
7. products, like cheese and ice cream, nondairy dairy
because he is allergic to milk.
You should ____________ this
8. letter because it is hard to read your rewrite write

Core Knowledge Language Arts | Grade 3 Activity Book | Unit 3 69

Write the part of speech and the meaning for each word. Then, write the root word for
each word.

1. nonliving
Part of Speech: Root Word:


2. misspell
Part of Speech: Root Word:


3. disobey
Part of Speech: Root Word:


4. preprint
Part of Speech: Root Word:


5. unsafe
Part of Speech: Root Word:


70 Unit 3 | Activity Book Grade 3 | Core Knowledge Language Arts



The Spinal Cord and Brain

You’ve got a lot of nerves! Really, you do!
You have nerves in your fingers. You have nerves in your toes. There are
nerves all over your body. But there are two parts of your body that are especially
important for your nervous system. One is the spinal cord. The other is the brain.
I told you a little about the spinal cord earlier, when we were looking at
the skeletal system. I told you that the bones that make up your spine—the
vertebrae—are there to protect your spinal cord. The vertebrae are hollow, and
long strings of nerves run through the hollow parts of the bones. The nerves
that make up the spinal cord run all the way up your back and neck. They end
up in the brain.
If I were to have a serious accident and damage my spinal cord, that
could be a very bad thing. I might end up paralyzed—unable to move my
legs and/or my arms. I might need to use a wheelchair to get around, like the
boy in this photograph.
You see, the brain uses the spinal cord as a sort of super-highway to send
messages out to the rest of the body. If the spinal cord is broken, or damaged,
the messages can’t get through to the arms and legs.
The spinal cord leads right to the center of your nervous system—your
brain. It’s the brain that receives messages from the nerves. It’s the brain that
sends messages out to your muscles. Even though the brain weighs only
2–3 pounds, it is the most important organ for life.
The brain is protected by the skull. Inside the skull, there are three layers
of fiber and fluid protecting the brain. So, the brain is really well-protected.
But it can still be harmed. Ask a football player who’s had a concussion.
Getting a concussion is like bruising the brain. Ouch!
The brain is divided into three main parts: the medulla, the cerebellum,
and the cerebrum. Each part has its own job to do.
The medulla, or “brain stem,” is located at the base of the skull in the
back, right where the spinal cord meets the brain.
Core Knowledge Language Arts | Grade 3 Activity Book | Unit 3 71
The medulla controls the important involuntary actions of the body, like
breathing, heartbeat, and digestion.
The cerebellum sits right next to the medulla. It is divided into two
hemispheres or halves. The cerebellum has several jobs. One of them is to
control voluntary movements. That means the cerebellum helps you walk,
run, and jump.
The two hemispheres of the cerebellum control different parts of the
body. The right hemisphere controls movement on the left side of the body.
The left hemisphere controls movement on the right side. It might seem
strange that the left side of the brain controls the right side of the body, but
that’s just the way we’re made.
The third part of the brain is the cerebrum. The cerebrum sits on top of
the cerebellum and the medulla. It is the largest part of the brain.
Each part of the cerebrum has a certain job to do. For example, the front
part just inside your forehead controls emotions. The very back part just above
the brain stem controls the sense of sight. The sense of touch is controlled by a
strip of the brain running over the top of your head from ear to ear.
The outside part of the cerebrum is called the cerebral cortex. The cerebral
cortex is the wrinkly part of the brain that most people think about when they
think of a brain. People sometimes call this part of the brain “the gray matter.”
The cerebrum is divided into two hemispheres, just like the cerebellum.
Until recently, we did not know much about what the various parts of the
cerebrum do. But in the past few decades, we have learned a lot.
Scientists now have even more advanced ways than just x-rays to look
at and observe different organs in the body, including the brain. They use
something called a PET scan to see different parts of the brain work. A
scientist may ask the person having the PET scan to do something like talk or
blink his or her eyes. When the person performs different actions, different
parts of the brain light up on the computer screen. Scientists have learned a
lot about what happens where in the brain by looking at PET scans. As you
can see from this image of the brain, some of the things we do take place in
the left hemisphere, while others happen in the right hemisphere.
72 Unit 3 | Activity Book Grade 3 | Core Knowledge Language Arts


The Spinal Cord and Brain

Answer each of the following questions by first reading the question silently, then writing
the answer on the line. Write the page number where you found the answer. If you need a
hint, look in the brain on the back of this page. Some words may be used more than once.


1. Which bones protect your brain?

2. What is it called when you bruise your brain or hit your head
really hard?

3. How many main parts is the brain divided into?

4. What is another name for the medulla?

5. What is the job of the medulla?

6. The cerebellum helps you to control

movements, like walking, running, and jumping.

7. What is the name for the largest part of the brain?

8. The wrinkly outer covering of the cerebrum is called the


9. What is another more common name people have given to

the cerebral cortex?

Core Knowledge Language Arts | Grade 3 Activity Book | Unit 3 73

Choose one question out of the following three to answer. You will not find the answer
on a page in How Does Your Body Work?, but please indicate the page number you
reread that helped you form your idea.

Choice 1. Explain whether or not you can have a concussion in your big toe.

Choice 2. Determine if scratching an itch is a voluntary or involuntary

movement and state why.

Choice 3. How is the medulla, also called the brain stem, similar to the
stem of a tree?

Write the answer to the question you chose below.

Question that you chose:



voluntary gray matter
concussion cerebellum three
skull or
brain stem cerebrum
controls breathing and heartbeat

74 Unit 3 | Activity Book Grade 3 | Core Knowledge Language Arts



Identify Irrelevant Sentences

For each paragraph, underline the topic sentence and cross out the sentence that does
not stay on the topic. Circle the concluding sentence.

Vegetables come in many different colors. Some vegetables are green like
beans and lettuce. Some vegetables are yellow like squash. Sometimes meat
is red. Other vegetables, like carrots, are even orange. The many colors of
vegetables help to make them appealing.

I visit the dentist for a checkup two times a year. The dentist checks my
teeth for cavities. A vet helps sick animals. Then, the dentist cleans my teeth
and flosses them. After that, the dentist lets me pick out a toothbrush. When
I leave the dentist’s office, my teeth are so clean!

Clara jumps out of bed excitedly. Today is the day that her class is going
to the zoo. As she brushes her teeth, Clara wonders what animals she will get
to see at the zoo. Last week, Clara went with her dad to get the car fixed. She
hopes that she’ll get to see the tigers and the bears at the zoo. But she knows
that even if she doesn’t get to see them, her day will still be amazing.

Core Knowledge Language Arts | Grade 3 Activity Book | Unit 3 75

76 Unit 3 | Activity Book Grade 3 | Core Knowledge Language Arts


Topic and Irrelevant Sentences

Read all of the sentences in each set. One of the sentences in each set is a topic sentence;
underline that sentence. Most of the other sentences in the set are supporting details for
the topic sentence. But, there is one sentence in each set that does not belong because it
does not stay on the topic. Cross out this sentence.

If you are interested in art, there are many art museums that you can visit.
If you like going to shows, you can choose from many different dramas
and plays.
New York City is a wonderful place to visit.
There are also many different kinds of restaurants, so you can find just
about anything you want to eat.
Valentine’s Day is in February.

You must be sure to give a dog food and clean water each day.
Taking care of a dog as a pet is a big responsibility.
Birds make their nests in the spring.
You also need to walk a dog or let it outside at least twice a day.
It is important that a dog has a comfortable, dry place to sleep.

Francis Scott Key wrote a poem while watching the attack on Fort McHenry.
Andrew Jackson led the army in the Battle of New Orleans.
This poem later became a song known as “The Star-Spangled Banner,”
which is now our national anthem.
Key watched the American flag fly at Fort McHenry during the entire battle.
He was inspired to write the poem when he saw that the flag was still
waving at Fort McHenry the morning after the battle.

Core Knowledge Language Arts | Grade 3 Activity Book | Unit 3 77

78 Unit 3 | Activity Book Grade 3 | Core Knowledge Language Arts


Help This Eye See!

Find the correct order in which light travels through the eye by reading the clues and
choosing the correct word for each clue. Then write the word in the numbered blanks.
Next, fill in the letters for the mystery word at the bottom of the page.
optic nerve pupil cornea
lens brain retina


1. Protects the eye from dirt and germs


2. Gets bigger in the dark and smaller in bright light


3. The one in your eye is a convex


4. This is made up of rods and cones


5. The eye highway for messages to travel on


6. This organ receives information through the optic nerve allowing us to


Mystery Word=
 4   1   2   3   6   5 

Core Knowledge Language Arts | Grade 3 Activity Book | Unit 3 79

80 Unit 3 | Activity Book Grade 3 | Core Knowledge Language Arts


Spelling Assessment
As your teacher calls out the words, write them in the correct column.

Singular Noun Plural Noun

___________________________ ___________________________

___________________________ ___________________________

___________________________ ___________________________

___________________________ ___________________________

___________________________ ___________________________

___________________________ ___________________________

___________________________ ___________________________

___________________________ ___________________________

___________________________ ___________________________

___________________________ ___________________________

___________________________ ___________________________

Challenge Word: ___________________________

Challenge Word: ___________________________

Core Knowledge Language Arts | Grade 3 Activity Book | Unit 3 81
Dictated Sentences



82 Unit 3 | Activity Book Grade 3 | Core Knowledge Language Arts



Titles for Paragraphs

Write a title for each paragraph.


Summer is the best season. When it is summertime, I get to swim

in the lake by my house. I also get to go to the beach with my family.
We cook outside and enjoy the sunshine. That is why I like summer
best of all.


Last Halloween, Linda dressed up in a pink, silk princess costume.

She even wore a silver crown on her head. Her dress was all ruffled. She
really looked like a princess. Linda’s princess costume was great!


Gertrude did not enjoy her walk in the forest. As she walked,
branches from the trees scratched her arms and legs. It was very hot,
and there were lots of flies. Then, there was a loud howling in the forest
that really scared Gertrude. She decided that the next time she takes a
walk, she will walk in the park!

Core Knowledge Language Arts | Grade 3 Activity Book | Unit 3 83

84 Unit 3 | Activity Book Grade 3 | Core Knowledge Language Arts


Eyes and Vision

For the past few days I have been talking to you about the body and
its systems. Your teacher asked me if I could also tell you something about
vision and hearing.
I told her I could. I know a little about vision and a little about hearing,
but I am not an expert on either one. So, I told her I would bring in some
friends of mine who know more about these subjects.
I have one of those friends with me today. His name is Dr. Kwan Si-Yu.
He is a special kind of eye doctor called an optometrist. He can tell you all
about the eyes and how they work.
Hello, I am Dr. Kwan Si-Yu. Are you ready to learn all about eyes?
The human eye has several parts. I’d like to start by showing you two
parts you can see easily.
In the images on the right, you can see what eyes look like up close. The
pupil is the black part in the center of the eye. The iris is the colorful part of
the eye that surrounds the pupil.
The iris can be different colors. Some of you may have green eyes or
brown eyes. When we say that a person has green eyes or brown eyes, it’s his
or her irises we are talking about.
The pupil is not as colorful as the iris. It is always black, but it changes
shape. When it is dark, the pupil gets bigger to let more light in. When it
is very bright and sunny, the pupil shrinks to let less light in. How much
light will be let into the inside of your eye depends on the shape of the
Now, let’s learn about some parts of the eye that you can’t see just by
looking at a person’s face.
Core Knowledge Language Arts | Grade 3 Activity Book | Unit 3 85
This slide shows some parts of the eye as they would look if you could
see inside a person’s head. You are looking at them from the side.
You can see the iris and the pupil. There are also some other parts shown.
• The cornea is a thin, clear tissue that covers the colored part of the eye.
It helps protect the eye from dirt and germs.
• The lens is the part of your eye that focuses light. The lenses in your
eyes curve outward.
• The retina is made of a special kind of tissue that is very sensitive to
light. Light from the lens falls on the retina. Then, nerves in the retina
send messages to the brain.
• These messages travel down a nerve called the optic nerve.
Now, let’s see how all of these parts work together so you can see things.
You may be surprised to learn that the eye does not really see objects.
Instead, it sees the light that reflects off objects.
Light passes into the eye—first through the cornea, and then through
the pupil. If it’s dark, the pupil expands to let more light in. If it’s bright, the
pupil gets smaller to let less light in. When a doctor shines a light in your
eyes, she is watching to see if your pupils change shape.
Next, the light passes through the lens, which focuses the light and
projects it onto the retina.
The retina is lined with special cells called rods and cones. These
are special kinds of nerve cells that sense light. The rods and cones send
information to the brain, using the optic nerve.
All of this happens very quickly—so quickly that it seems like you see
things at the exact moment you look at them. In reality, though, you are
seeing them a split second later.
The brain combines the information passed through the optic nerve of
each eye to make one image. That is when you “see” the object.
86 Unit 3 | Activity Book Grade 3 | Core Knowledge Language Arts


Dear Family Members,

Please help your child succeed in spelling by taking a few minutes each
evening to review the words together. Helpful activities for your child to
do include: spelling the words orally, writing sentences using the words, or
simply copying the words.
Spelling Words

This week, we are reviewing spelling patterns and irregular spellings that
we have already learned. Your child will be assessed on these words. On the
assessment, your child will be asked to determine the appropriate form of a
word to fit in a sentence given orally. Students have reviewed all rules and
unique spellings for these words. The chart on the next page lists the words
for this week and the pattern or note for each. The bolded words are the
spelling words for this week.

Students have been assigned two Challenge Words, across and idea.
Challenge Words are words used very often. They may not follow spelling
patterns and need to be memorized. Students will not be responsible for
adding any suffixes to the Challenge Words.

Core Knowledge Language Arts | Grade 3 Activity Book | Unit 3 87

The spelling words, including the Challenge Words, are listed below:
Patterns for Adding Suffixes Spelling Words
add –ed and –ing by doubling or not doubling watch → watched, watching
the final consonant submit → submitted, submitting
drop the final letter ‘e’ then add –ed and –ing raise → raised, raising
add –s or –es (add –es to verbs ending in the wish → wishes
following letters: ‘s’, ‘x’, ‘z’, ‘sh’, and ‘ch’)
change the ‘y’ to ‘i’ then add –ed or –es dry → dried, dries

Patterns for Forming Plurals Spelling Words
add –s or –es (add –es to nouns ending in the book → books
following letters: ‘s’, ‘x’, ‘z’, ‘ch’, and ‘sh’)
change the ‘y’ to ‘i’ then add –es puppy → puppies
change the ‘f ’ to ‘v’ then add –es, dropping the knife → knives
final letter ‘e’ when needed
child → children
irregular plural forms
person → people
Challenge Word: across
Challenge Word: idea

Student Reader

The chapters your child will read this week in How Does Your Body Work?
include information about vision and the ears and hearing. Dr. Kwan Si-Yu
and Dr. Kim Audit will guide students through the factual information.

88 Unit 3 | Activity Book Grade 3 | Core Knowledge Language Arts



Write a Paragraph
Write a good paragraph. Remember to include a topic sentence, 3 or 4 supporting
sentences, and a concluding sentence. Add a title.

If you have extra time, try writing another paragraph on the back of this page about a
different topic.
Core Knowledge Language Arts | Grade 3 Activity Book | Unit 3 89
90 Unit 3 | Activity Book Grade 3 | Core Knowledge Language Arts


Circle nouns. Draw a box around adjectives and arrow them to the nouns they
describe. Draw a wiggly line under verbs.

1. A talented basketball player catches, dribbles, and dunks the ball with skill.

2. The fluffy, sweet ball of soft fur is my new kitten Powder Puff.

3. Classic Tales filled me with excitement and joy as I read and reread it.

4. Our new teacher assesses our daily work.

5. Your background in science helps you understand the human body.

Draw a box around the topic sentence. Circle the concluding sentence. Create a title for
the paragraph.
Title: _______________________________________________________
Grandma’s broken down barn was in great need of a paint job, and my
brother and I were just the team to paint it. We were visiting Grandma during
our summer vacation and were eager to see what farm life was all about.
We quickly discovered there is a lot to do on a farm. Since Grandma lived
far away from any town, any jobs that needed to be done Grandma and her
helpers did themselves. Grandma’s chief helper had taken a week’s vacation,
so many of his jobs became ours. The cows needed to be milked, and the
horses wanted to be out in the pasture. The stables needed to be cleaned out,
and vegetables were ready to be picked in the garden. But the most important
job Grandma has saved for us to do was to paint her barn that used to be red
and had little paint left on it. Even though we were quickly becoming used to
helping around the farm, we couldn’t wait to get started painting!

Core Knowledge Language Arts | Grade 3 Activity Book | Unit 3 91

Split the run-on sentences by inserting punctuation and capitalization.

6. Studying the human body is fascinating my favorite chapter was about

the skeletal system.

7. Drinking milk every day is good for your growing body exercising is also
good for you.

Add either a subject or a predicate to the fragment to create a simple sentence.

8. my math book

9. makes me want to shout for joy

92 Unit 3 | Activity Book Grade 3 | Core Knowledge Language Arts



A Clean Bill of Health

Today is our last day together. Dr. Welbody is here to help us

review some of what we learned about the human body. Take it away,
Dr. Welbody!

Hello, everyone! It’s so nice to see you again! When Ricardo and I talked
last night, I said that I hoped you had learned how to take care of your bodies
so that your pediatricians could give you a “clean bill of health.” Does anyone
know what I mean by “a clean bill of health”? It’s just another way of saying
that you’re healthy. If someone examines you and finds nothing wrong, they
will give you a “clean bill of health.” It’s important to know how to keep your
bodies healthy, so I will talk to you about that, too.

Humans are made of cells, tiny living units that are the building blocks
of their bodies. Similar cells group together to form tissues. Tissues form
organs, and organs build systems. All the systems working together form a
complicated, interconnected network. Do other mammals have cells, tissues,
organs, and systems? Yes, cells are the basic building blocks of all organisms,
including all other mammals—and plants, too!

Humans have many interconnected systems, including the circulatory

system, the digestive system, the excretory system, the respiratory system,
and the three that we talked about the most: the skeletal system, the
muscular system, and the nervous system.

Your skeletal system is made up of axial bones and appendicular bones,

working together to give your body a sturdy framework for all the other
systems. Your vertebrae are stacked in a column, forming your spine.

Core Knowledge Language Arts | Grade 3 Activity Book | Unit 3 93

Together with your protective skull and ribcage, these are your axial bones,
running down the center, or axis, of your body. Your legs and arms are
attached to your appendicular bones, the shoulder blades and the pelvis.

Can anyone remember what we call the point where two bones meet?
This is called a joint. Some joints move, others don’t, and some move just
a little bit. And what’s the name of the connective tissues that wrap around
your joints to hold your bones together? These are called ligaments.

What can you do to give your skeletal system a clean bill of health?
Diet is important. Make sure that you eat enough foods with calcium to
grow strong bones. Milk, broccoli, and dark, leafy greens are good choices.
Posture is important, too; make sure that you sit and stand up straight. Keep
your back safe by bending your knees when you lift something heavy!

Ropelike tissues called tendons attach your bones to muscles. These

skeletal muscles give your bones mobility, allowing you to touch your toes
or climb a mountain. Because we control our skeletal muscles, we call them
voluntary muscles. There are other muscles that we cannot consciously
control. We call these involuntary muscles.

It is important to keep all of your muscles, both voluntary and

involuntary, healthy. What can you do to give your muscles a clean bill of
health? Diet is important. Muscles need protein found in eggs, meat, beans,
and nuts. Exercise strengthens your muscles. Get all the exercise you can as a
way of thanking your muscles for keeping you in constant motion.

Your nervous system is your body’s command center that communicates

with the rest of your body systems and tells them what to do. Your nervous
system works closely with your skeletal and muscular systems. Your skeletal

94 Unit 3 | Activity Book Grade 3 | Core Knowledge Language Arts

NAME: 12.2


muscles move your skeletal bones, but your muscles get their commands
from messages sent by the nervous system. A network of nerves links your
brain and spinal cord to muscles and sensory organs all over your body.
Nerves collect messages from your brain, from your senses, and from other
places inside your body. Many messages can be sent at the same time, as
electrical impulses dash around your body in split-second relays. Your
nervous system, with your brain acting as its main commander, controls
everything you do. Your nervous system is like an electrical system. Electrical
wiring, in your house or in your body, can be shorted out if something
goes wrong. So, how can you prevent that? How can you give your nervous
system a clean bill of health? It’s no surprise that diet and exercise are just
as important to your nervous system as they are to your other systems.
Vitamins and minerals from healthy foods like fresh fruits and vegetables,
and protein from different foods, are all important. Drinking lots of water
helps, too. Stay away from eating too many sweets and extra salty foods and
drinking too much soda. Be sure to get outside every day to play.

All we have left to review are your sensory organs, which include parts
of your eyes and ears. Without these sensory organs, you could not hear
a story being read or see words or images on the page. What can you do
to give your eyes a clean bill of health? Your eyes already have some built-
in protection: eyelids, eyebrows, and eyelashes keep dust and sweat away.
Two deep sockets in your skull protect your eyeballs. But there are other
things that you can do to prevent injury to your eyes. Never look directly at
the sun. Avoid bright lights and smoky spaces. Give your eyes a rest, never
sitting for too long in front of a computer or a television screen. Wear safety

Core Knowledge Language Arts | Grade 3 Activity Book | Unit 3 95

goggles to protect your eyes from damaging chemicals in pool water or
chemicals in a science lab, and wear sunglasses to protect your eyes from the
glare of the sunlight shining off things such as polished surfaces or snow.

Your ears are delicate organs as well, so how can you give them a clean
bill of health? Most importantly, keep the noise volume down. Ears can be
damaged when sounds are too loud. While it is important to keep your outer
ears clean, you must never stick anything too far into them. Objects might
get stuck or otherwise cause damage to the eardrum.

Well, that brings us to the end of our time together. We’ve had lots of fun,
and I hope you have, too. We hope you’ve also learned a few things along the
way. Here is one last riddle: I am probably the most important three pounds
in your body. I help you think and reason. I control your movements, as well
as all your senses. I am the one organ that makes humans more advanced
than other mammals. What am I? Your brain! Remember to eat a balanced
diet and exercise every day. Dr. Welbody and I wish you all a clean bill of
health at your next checkup! Bye for now!

96 Unit 3 | Activity Book Grade 3 | Core Knowledge Language Arts



Overcoming Disabilities, Part I

1. What is the selection mostly about?

A. deafness and seeing-eye dogs
B. deafness and blindness
C. seeing-eye dogs and Braille
D. blindness and Helen Keller

2. Which of the following is the best title for the list in the box shown

1.  Use a cane

2.  Use a seeing-eye dog
3.  Listen to voices
4.  Learn to read using Braille

A. Ways to Live with Deafness

B. Ways to Live with Hearing Loss
C. Ways to Live with Learning Problems
D. Ways to Live with Blindness

Core Knowledge Language Arts | Grade 3 Activity Book | Unit 3 97

4. What does the word gesture mean in this question?

Did you know that there is a gesture or sign in American Sign Language for
each letter in the alphabet?


5. What does it mean to “read lips”?


6. Which of the following lists of words from “Overcoming Disabilities,

Part I” is in alphabetical order?
A. communicate, cane, read, language
B. understand, language, read, message
C. blind, Braille, cane, communicate

98 Unit 3 | Activity Book Grade 3 | Core Knowledge Language Arts



Introduce Subject Pronouns

Replace the words in parentheses with the correct pronoun from the box. Write the
pronoun on the line.
I We
You (singular) You (plural)
He They

1. ________ (the boy) sailed around the world.

2. ________ (everyone in my class, including me) are terrific third


3. ________ (the person who you are talking to) like ice cream.

4. ________ (a girl named Wanda) sits next to me at lunch every day.

5. ________ (your name) enjoyed the grammar lesson and learned a lot.

6. ________ (my dogs) eat every bite in their bowls.

7. _______ (the three people you are speaking to) make up my

grammar team.

8. ________ (your favorite book) fascinates me even when I read it a

second time.

Core Knowledge Language Arts | Grade 3 Activity Book | Unit 3 99

Read each sentence below and mark the subject by writing an ‘S’ over top of it. Write
a new sentence replacing the subject with the appropriate subject pronoun. Mark the
pronoun as the subject by underlining it in the new sentence. Then, answer the question.

A. My brother teaches me to shoot hoops in our driveway.
B. He teaches me to shoot hoops in our driveway.
Who does the pronoun refer to? My brother

1. A.  The black dogs sleep under the porch.


Who does the pronoun refer to?

2. A.  Sally, Sandy, and Sherman watch the funny movie.


Who does the pronoun refer to?

Review: Change the fragment into a complete sentence.

3. my pet hamster

100 Unit 3 | Activity Book Grade 3 | Core Knowledge Language Arts



Overcoming Disabilities, Part II

1. When did Ray Charles become blind?


2. Which sentence from the selection tells you about the success of Ray
A. Ray Charles won 10 Grammy Awards and made millions of dollars as a
B. He couldn’t see, but there was nothing wrong with his ears.
C. He did not give up on life.
D. He learned to sing and play the piano.

3. Why did Helen Keller have terrible temper tantrums?


Core Knowledge Language Arts | Grade 3 Activity Book | Unit 3 101

4. What does the word communicate mean in this sentence?

They did not know how to help her communicate.

A. hear her parents call

B. carry her dolls outside
C. tell her feelings and wants
D. turn the television off

5. What was special about Helen Keller’s college degree?


102 Unit 3 | Activity Book Grade 3 | Core Knowledge Language Arts



Overcoming Disabilities, Part II

People with disabilities face extra challenges in life. It can be hard to
make your way in the world when you are deaf or blind. However, these
disabilities don’t keep determined people from doing amazing things.
This is a painting of the musician Ray Charles. Ray Charles went blind
when he was seven years old. He couldn’t see, but there was nothing wrong
with his ears. He loved music and decided to become a musician. He learned
to sing and play the piano. Eventually, he became one of the most popular
musicians of his day.
Ray Charles won 10 Grammy Awards and made millions of dollars as a
singer. He did not let his disability hold him back.
This next image shows a girl named Helen Keller. Helen Keller lost both
her sight and her hearing from a serious illness when she was just 19 months
old. She was deaf and blind for the rest of her life.
As a young girl, Helen Keller could not hear or speak. She learned to
communicate a few ideas by making gestures. When she wanted her mother,
she would grab and pull her mother to her. When she wanted to be alone,
she would push her mom away. She could nod her head to say yes or shake
it to say no. When she wanted toast, she would make a gesture as if she was
spreading butter on bread.
There were a few ideas she could communicate. Yet there were many
things she could not get across with gestures. As a child, she would often try
to communicate and fail. Then, she would get angry and cry. Sometimes she
would have terrible temper tantrums. She wanted, more than anything, to
communicate with people. She was not able to do so.
Helen’s parents were worried about her. They did not know how to help
her communicate. Since she was deaf and blind, she could not attend school.
Core Knowledge Language Arts | Grade 3 Activity Book | Unit 3 103
So, her parents searched and found a special teacher who came to live with
them. The teacher’s name was Annie Sullivan.
Annie Sullivan wanted to teach Helen to understand words, but how
can you understand words if you can’t hear them? Sullivan started by giving
Helen a doll to hold. Then, she took Helen by the hand and traced the letters
d-o-l-l on her palm. She did this over and over. After a while, Helen learned
to write the letters d-o-l-l on a page. She did not know that she had written a
word. She did not even know that words existed. But she felt proud that she
could imitate what her teacher was doing.
Her teacher, Annie Sullivan, traced more words on Helen’s palm. She
learned to spell pin, hat, cup, and a few other words. The real breakthrough
happened when Annie tried to teach Helen the word water. Sullivan took
Helen outside to a well. She placed one of Helen’s hands under the spout and
spelled w-a-t-e-r on her other palm. Suddenly, something seemed to click
in Helen’s head. She understood that w-a-t-e-r meant the “wonderful, cool
something” that was flowing over her hand.
Helen soon learned more words. When she was eight, she went to a
special school for the blind. Sullivan went with her. Later, she went to a school
for the deaf. But she didn’t stop there. She went on to Radcliffe College, where
she became the first deaf and blind person to receive a college degree.
Helen learned to speak and she learned to read lips with her fingers. She
learned to read, using Braille. She wrote books, including a biography of
her own life, The Story of My Life. She was active in politics and fought for
women to have the right to vote.
Helen Keller lived a long and productive life. She died in 1968 at the age
of 87.
In 2003, the state of Alabama honored Helen Keller by putting an image
of her on their state quarter. The quarter pays tribute to Helen’s courage in
overcoming her disabilities and inspiring millions of people.
104 Unit 3 | Activity Book Grade 3 | Core Knowledge Language Arts


Unit 3 Assessment
The Body Tells a Story: The Case of Otzi, the Iceman

In 1991, two hikers were out for a hike in the Alps mountain range, in
Europe. One of them spotted something sticking out of the ice. They went
to have a look. It turned out to be a body. The hikers thought it might be the
body of a hiker who had died recently. They notified the police.

The body was unearthed and examined. It turned out to be the body of a
man who died about 5,300 years ago. His body had not decayed much. It had
been covered by snow and ice. The snow and ice had preserved the body.

At that point, the police began to lose interest. Whoever the man was,
he was not the victim of a crime in the recent past. On the other hand,
scientists and historians started to get more interested. This man—who was
nicknamed Otzi—had lived a long time ago in prehistoric times. He lived
back when writing had not yet been invented. Many people were hoping
Otzi’s body might help us learn more about how human beings lived in
prehistoric times.

Scientists began to study the iceman’s body. They looked at his skeleton.
They measured his bones. The bones helped them pin down some key facts.
They made it clear that Otzi was a man. He was about 45 when he died. He
stood about 5 feet, 4 inches tall. He weighed about 110 pounds. He would be
a bit on the small side today. He may have been normal size 5,000 years ago.

One scientist looked at Otzi’s leg bones. He found that Otzi had strong
bones. The iceman’s tibia was thick and strong. It had been strengthened

Core Knowledge Language Arts | Grade 3 Activity Book | Unit 3 105

by traveling long distances on sloping ground. Otzi had apparently walked
many miles on the slopes of the Alps. He may have been a shepherd who
tended a herd of animals. The scientist also found a small fracture in Otzi’s
hip bone. This is an injury that was caused by years of wear and tear.

Another scientist looked at Otzi’s teeth. He found tiny specks of pollen

and dust in Otzi’s tooth enamel. These tiny grains came from specific kinds
of plants. They suggested that Otzi spent his childhood in a specific area in
Northern Italy where such plants grow. Later, he moved farther north into
the area where his body was found.

Scientists used x-rays to examine Otzi’s body. One x-ray showed that he
had an arrowhead lodged in his left shoulder. Apparently, someone shot him
with an arrow. It may have been the arrow that killed him, but scientists are
not sure.

Other scientists looked at Otzi’s digestive system. In Otzi’s intestines, they

discovered the remains of two meals. These were the meals he had eaten in
the hours before his death. The main course for one meal consisted of meat
from a chamois, a kind of antelope. During this meal, Otzi also ate some
roots and fruits. The other meal included meat from a red deer, along with
more roots and fruits.

Scientists found tiny grains of pollen from pine trees in Otzi’s food. These
suggested that Otzi ate one of his last meals in a pine forest and that he died
during the springtime, when pollen is produced by plants.

The scientists also found wheat and barley in Otzi’s stomach. They think
these grains may have been grown by Otzi and his kinsmen, rather than
picked in the wild. The grains may have been baked to make bread.

106 Unit 3 | Activity Book Grade 3 | Core Knowledge Language Arts

NAME: 14.1


A group of scientists studied Otzi’s lungs. They found that his lungs were
blackened, probably from the smoke of campfires.

You might not think fingernails are very interesting. But it turns out they
are. Fingernails provide a record of bodily health, sort of like the rings of a
tree. Otzi’s fingernails had three odd lines. Scientists think each line was left
by an illness. Otzi was probably sick three times in the six months before he
died. His last sickness seems to have lasted about two weeks.

You can see that people were right to be excited about the discovery of
Otzi’s body. By studying his body, we have learned a lot about how human
beings may have lived in prehistoric times.

Core Knowledge Language Arts | Grade 3 Activity Book | Unit 3 107

1. Why had Otzi’s body not decayed much?

2. Which of Otzi’s bones had been strengthened by traveling long distances

on sloping ground?
A. tibia
B. fibula
C. sternum
D. cranium

3. What does the word sloping mean in the following sentence?

It had been strengthened by traveling long distances on sloping ground.

A. flat
B. rough
C. slanted
D. sandy

4. A scientist found tiny specks of and in Otzi’s

tooth enamel.

5. Why was using x-rays a good way to examine Otzi’s body?

A. X-rays show a picture of the outside of the body.
B. X-rays show a picture of the inside of the body.
C. X-rays show how muscles work.
D. X-rays show how the nervous system works.
108 Unit 3 | Activity Book Grade 3 | Core Knowledge Language Arts
NAME: 14.1


6. Why did the author write this selection?

A. to tell readers about what scientists learned from a preserved iceman
B. to question readers about scientists who examine bones
C. to educate readers about scientitsts in the Alps
D. to prevent readers from becoming scientists who preserve things from

7. According to the selection, what does the word kinsmen mean?

A. animals
B. kings
C. relatives
D. pets

8–10. Select and mark the topic sentence (TS) and concluding sentence
(CS) in this paragraph. Then, number the remaining sentences,
which provide supporting details, in the correct order.
Next, you pour the hot water in a cup and drop in the tea bag.
Then, remove the tea bag carefully and add sugar or milk if you wish.
Making a cup of hot tea is an easy thing to do.
You must wait 3–5 minutes for the tea to steep, or become tea.
First, you heat water in a kettle on the stove.
Before you know it, your tea is ready to drink!

Core Knowledge Language Arts | Grade 3 Activity Book | Unit 3 109

11. If scientists misjudged something about Otzi, what does that mean they

12. Scientists may disagree about what features of Otzi’s body indicate, which
means scientists may .
A. not believe that someone is honest
B. not enjoy something
C. not do what someone tells them to do
D. not have the same opinion

13. Put the following words from the selection in alphabetical order:

skeleton scientists fracture frozen iceman


110 Unit 3 | Activity Book Grade 3 | Core Knowledge Language Arts

NAME: 14.1


Lost and Found

It was very crowded at Megaland that day. I was six years old. I went on
a spin-around ride with Mom and Dad. On the way out, they turned right. I
was swept off to the left with a crowd of other people. Soon, I was standing
outside the ride all by myself. I was not sure what to do.

I walked along a path. “Mom?” I called out. “Dad?”

Mom and Dad were on the other side of the ride looking for me. They
were worried. They looked for me but could not find me.

I could not find them either. The park was too crowded. I was not sure
what to do. Then, I remembered something Mom told me once: “If you
ever get lost, look for a mom with kids.” I sat down on a bench and started
looking for a mom. After a while, a kind-looking mom came by with three
kids. Their dad was with them, too. The mom looked nice—friendly in a
mom sort of way. I walked up to her and tugged on her blouse.

“Excuse me,” I said. “My name is Amy, and I’ve lost my mommy.”

She seemed to understand right away. “Don’t worry!” she said. “We’ll take
you to the security office and help you find your parents.”

We set out for the security office, but there was a big parade going on.
The guard said we could not cross the road until the parade was over.

While we were waiting, the mom asked me some questions.

“What’s your last name, sweetheart?”


Core Knowledge Language Arts | Grade 3 Activity Book | Unit 3 111

“And where are you from?”

“Muncie, Indiana.”

“What do your parents do?”

“My mommy is a nurse, and my daddy is the mayor.”

She asked me some more questions. The dad didn’t seem to be paying
much attention to me. He was tapping away on his cell phone. I was surprised
when he said, “Good news, Amy! I just got a text message from your dad!”

“You what?” said the mom.

The dad explained, “Amy said her dad was the mayor of Muncie, Indiana.
I looked him up on the Internet and sent him a text message. He just texted
me back. I told him that we’ll meet him at the Misty Mountain ride as soon
as the parade is over.”

So that is how I got lost . . . and found again. Pretty cool, isn’t it?

112 Unit 3 | Activity Book Grade 3 | Core Knowledge Language Arts

NAME: 14.1


14. Where does this story take place?

15. Put the following sentences in order as they appear in the selection, using
the numbers 1–5.
 The dad texted Amy’s dad and got a text to meet him at the Misty
Mountain ride after the parade.
 Amy could not find her parents after she got off the spin-around
 Amy noticed the dad tapping away on his cell phone, not paying
attention to her.
  The mom asked Amy questions.
  Amy found a mom and told her she was lost.

16. According to the selection, what does swept mean?

A. seated quickly
B. pushed quickly
C. ran slowly
D. hopped slowly

17. Why couldn’t Amy and the other mom and dad get to the security office?

Core Knowledge Language Arts | Grade 3 Activity Book | Unit 3 113

18. What might have happened if Amy and the other mom and dad were
able to go right to the security office?
A. The dad might not have looked up Amy’s dad on the Internet.
B. The mom might have taken Amy on another ride.
C. Amy’s parents might have let her ride the spin-around ride again.
D. The other mom might have bought lunch for Amy before riding the next

19. What did Amy’s mom tell her to do if she ever got lost?

20. Why did the author write this selection?

A. to inform readers about rides at an amusement park
B. to entertain readers with a story about a girl who was lost
C. to challenge readers to take more vacations
D. to ask readers questions about parades with guards

21. Circle the sentence that does not stay on topic in the following paragraph.

How Does Your Body Work? is a fascinating book to read. It is full of

interesting chapters about our skeletal, muscular, and nervous systems.
It even describes our respiratory system and shows images of the lungs!
I know that I want to reread the entire book to make sure I did not miss
a single detail. We are so lucky to have exciting Readers to study here at

114 Unit 3 | Activity Book Grade 3 | Core Knowledge Language Arts

NAME: 14.1


22. Which prefixes have the same meaning, which is “not”?

A. mis– and dis–
B. re– and un–
C. non– and un–
D. re– and pre–

23. Replace the words in parentheses with the correct subject pronoun.

(my kittens) lap up every drop of milk in their bowls.

24. Name the root word and prefixes in the following words.

review preview

Root Word:

Prefix: Prefix:

25. If this selection was nonfictional, then it would be what?

A. related to something that is made up
B. not made with or does not contain milk
C. able to soak up liquid
D. not related to something that is made up

Core Knowledge Language Arts | Grade 3 Activity Book | Unit 3 115

116 Unit 3 | Activity Book Grade 3 | Core Knowledge Language Arts


Fluency Assessment

The students in the class were talking among themselves. None of 13

them were paying attention to their science teacher, Mr. Brown. 21

Mr. Brown walked over to his bookshelf. He took a huge book off the 36
shelf. It was a dictionary. It weighed about five pounds. He held the book 52
out with two hands. Then, he let it fall. 58


The book slammed against the floor. 65

The students were startled. Sally almost jumped out of her chair. Ned 77
twitched. Jimbo blinked and shook his head. Susan was so scared she 90
shouted “Whuh?” 91

The students turned to look at Mr. Brown. Some of them looked 104
shocked. Some of them looked annoyed. 109

“What’s the deal, Mr. Brown?” Susan said. “Why did you drop that book?” 122

“I was testing your reflexes,” said Mr. Brown. 130

“What?” said Ned. “Did you say test? Do we have a test today? Oh, 146
man! I am going to fail! I totally forgot to study!” 155

Mr. Brown smiled. “Don’t worry, Ned. This is a test you can pass 169
without even trying!” 171

“Cool!” said Ned. “That’s my kind of test!” 179

Core Knowledge Language Arts | Grade 3 Activity Book | Unit 3 117

“You see,” Mr. Brown explained, “that’s the thing about reflexes. You 191
don’t have to think about them. A reflex is something you just do without 205
thinking. Sally, when I dropped that book, did you think, Goodness! A loud 220
noise! I think I will show how surprised I am by jumping out of my seat?” 233

“No,” said Sally. “I don’t remember thinking anything at all.” 243

“Exactly,” said Mr. Brown. “That’s how reflexes work. If you touch 256
a hot stove, you don’t want to have to think things out. You want to be 273
able to react right away, without having to think about it. This is one of 289
the ways in which your nervous system keeps you safe. Your nerves are 303
always on the lookout. They react, on their own, to loud noises. They feel 317
vibrations. They sense heat. Your nervous system is like a watchdog that 331
never sleeps. It is always protecting you and your body.” 334

118 Unit 3 | Activity Book Grade 3 | Core Knowledge Language Arts

NAME: 14.2


W.C.P.M. Calculation Worksheet

Student:                  Date:             

Story: Reflexes

Total words: 334

Words Time
Minutes Seconds
Finish Time
Words Read

Start Time
Elapsed Time

( × 60 +) =
Time in


÷ × 60 =
Words Correct Time in Seconds W.C.P.M.

Compare the student’s W.C.P.M. scores to

national norms for Fall of Grade 3 Comprehension Total _____/ 4
(Hasbrouck and Tindal, 2006):
National Percentiles Answers
W.C.P.M. Level
for Winter, Grade 3: Correct
128 90th 4 Independent comprehension level
99 75th 3 Instructional comprehension level
71 50th 1-2 Frustration comprehension level
44 25th
Intensive remediation
21 10th warranted for this student

Core Knowledge Language Arts | Grade 3 Activity Book | Unit 3 119

120 Unit 3 | Activity Book Grade 3 | Core Knowledge Language Arts


Our Interconnected Systems

A description of this system:

How this system works with other systems:

Core Knowledge Language Arts | Grade 3 Activity Book | Unit 3 121

A drawing of the system(s):

My star rating—The chapter was . . .

1 star = not so great     4 stars = awesome!

★    ★    ★    ★

122 Unit 3 | Activity Book Grade 3 | Core Knowledge Language Arts



Spelling Assessment

As your teacher calls out the words, write them in the correct column.

Part A Part B

1. ___________________________ 6. ___________________________

2. ___________________________ 7. ___________________________

3. ___________________________ 8. ___________________________

4. ___________________________ 9. ___________________________

5. ___________________________ 10. __________________________

Challenge Word: ___________________________

Challenge Word: ___________________________

Core Knowledge Language Arts | Grade 3 Activity Book | Unit 3 123

Dictated Sentences



124 Unit 3 | Activity Book Grade 3 | Core Knowledge Language Arts



Directions: Write words and phrases and/or draw pictures of the different human body
systems and senses.

KWL Chart: Human Body Systems

Skeletal System


Core Knowledge Language Arts | Grade 3 Activity Book | Unit 3 125

KWL Chart: Human Body Systems
Muscular System


126 Unit 3 | Activity Book Grade 3 | Core Knowledge Language Arts



KWL Chart: Human Body Systems

Nervous System


Core Knowledge Language Arts | Grade 3 Activity Book | Unit 3 127

KWL Chart: Human Body Systems


128 Unit 3 | Activity Book Grade 3 | Core Knowledge Language Arts



KWL Chart: Human Body Systems



Core Knowledge Language Arts | Grade 3 Activity Book | Unit 3 129

130 Unit 3 | Activity Book Grade 3 | Core Knowledge Language Arts


Directions: Write the working title of your narrative at the top of the page. Write the
revised sentences from your first draft in three paragraphs to tell the beginning, middle,
and end of your narrative.

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132 Unit 3 | Activity Book Grade 3 | Core Knowledge Language Arts


Writing Rubric
4 The narrative piece follows a logical sequence with a clear
beginning, middle, and end.
Each paragraph contains transition words that connect the
paragraphs and the story smoothly.
The narrative piece contains appropriate characters, a setting, a
plot, and dialogue.
Descriptive language captures the reader’s attention.
The concluding paragraph explains something about the story
that the reader has been waiting to find out.
There are no errors in grammar, capitalization, or punctuation.

3 The narrative piece follows a logical sequence with a clear

beginning, middle, and end.
Each paragraph contains transition words that connect the
paragraphs and the story smoothly.
The narrative piece contains characters, a setting, a plot,
and dialogue.
Descriptive language captures the reader’s attention.
The piece has a good concluding paragraph.
There are few errors in grammar, capitalization, or punctuation.

Core Knowledge Language Arts | Grade 3 Activity Book | Unit 3 133

2 The narrative piece has a beginning, middle, and end.

Paragraphs have few transition words.

The narrative piece contains unfitting characters, setting, plot,

and dialogue.

Descriptive language is minimally used.

The piece has a weak concluding paragraph.

There are some errors in grammar, capitalization, or


1 The narrative piece does not have a clear beginning, middle, and

The narrative piece contains unfitting characters, setting, plot,

and lacks dialogue.

Paragraphs completely lack transition words and the story does

not flow smoothly.

Descriptive language is lacking.

The concluding paragraph is missing or ends abruptly.

There are many errors in grammar, capitalization, or


Teacher Comments:

134 Unit 3 | Activity Book Grade 3 | Core Knowledge Language Arts



Directions: Fill in the labels for the parts of the eye using the words in the box.

cornea iris pupil

optic nerve retina lens

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136 Unit 3 | Activity Book Grade 3 | Core Knowledge Language Arts


Directions: Label the diagram of the human ear using the words in the box.

ear canal sound wave eardrum

ear bones auditory nerve cochlea

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138 Unit 3 | Activity Book Grade 3 | Core Knowledge Language Arts
Illustration and Photo Credits
Cover: Science Source; 2.2 (Mr. Mowse): Shutterstock; 3.1 (Skeleton): Shutterstock; 4.1 (dis- Word Shelf): Shutterstock; 4.3 (mis - Word Shelf): Shutterstock; 7.4 (Frisky beaver): Shutterstock;
9.1 (Brain vocab): Core Knowledge Staff; PP.4 (Eye outline): Apryl Stott; PP.5 (Ear Outline): Apryl Stott
Core Knowledge Language Arts
Editorial Staff

Susan Lambert, Vice President, CKLA

Julie Weintraub, Senior Account Manager
Elizabeth Wade, PhD, Managing Curriculum Developer
Patricia Erno, Managing Curriculum Developer
Jamie Raade, Senior Curriculum Developer
Amber McWilliams, ELL Specialist
Christina Cox, Copy Editor
Julia Cantuaria, Associate Marketing Manager

Project Management

Matthew Ely, Director of Operations

Jennifer Skelley, Senior Producer
Leslie Johnson, Associate Project Manager

Design and Graphics Staff

Todd Rawson, Design Director

Julia Sverchuk, Creative Director
Erin O’Donnell, Senior Designer


Ann Andrew, Desirée Beach, Leslie Beach, Brian Black, Stephanie Cooper, Tim Chi Ly, Nicole Crook, Stephen Currie, Kira
Dykema, Carol Emerson, Jennifer Flewelling, Mairin Genova, Marc Goldsmith, Christina Gonzalez Vega, Stephanie Hamilton,
Brooke Hudson, Carrie Hughes, Sara Hunt, Rowena Hymer, Jason Jacobs, Leslie Johnson, Annah Kessler, Debra Levitt,
Bridget Looney, Christina Martinez, Sarah McClurg, Julie McGeorge, Evelyn Norman, Chris O’Flaherty, Cesar Parra, Leighann
Pennington, Heather Perry, Tim Quiroz, Maureen Richel, Jessica Richardson, Carol Ronka, Laura Seal, Cynthia Shields, John
Starr, Carmela Stricklett, Alison Tepper, Karen Venditti, Carri Waloven, Michelle Warner, Rachel Wolf
Core Knowledge Language Arts
Core Knowledge Foundation
Series Editor-in-Chief Design and Graphics Staff

E. D. Hirsch Jr. Kelsie Harman

Liz Loewenstein
Bridget Moriarty
Linda Bevilacqua Lauren Pack

Editorial Staff Consulting Project Management Services

Mick Anderson ScribeConcepts.com

Robin Blackshire
Additional Consulting Services
Laura Drummond
Emma Earnst Erin Kist
Lucinda Ewing Carolyn Pinkerton
Sara Hunt Scott Ritchie
Rosie McCormick Kelina Summers
Cynthia Peng
Liz Pettit
Tonya Ronayne
Deborah Samley
Kate Stephenson
Elizabeth Wafler
James Walsh
Sarah Zelinke


These materials are the result of the work, advice, and encouragement of numerous individuals over many years. Some of those singled out
here already know the depth of our gratitude; others may be surprised to find themselves thanked publicly for help they gave quietly and
generously for the sake of the enterprise alone. To helpers named and unnamed we are deeply grateful.

Contributors to Earlier Versions of These Materials

Susan B. Albaugh, Kazuko Ashizawa, Kim Berrall, Ang Blanchette, Nancy Braier, Maggie Buchanan, Paula Coyner, Kathryn M. Cummings,
Michelle De Groot, Michael Donegan, Diana Espinal, Mary E. Forbes, Michael L. Ford, Sue Fulton, Carolyn Gosse, Dorrit Green, Liza Greene, Ted
Hirsch, Danielle Knecht, James K. Lee, Matt Leech, Diane Henry Leipzig, Robin Luecke, Martha G. Mack, Liana Mahoney, Isabel McLean, Steve
Morrison, Juliane K. Munson, Elizabeth B. Rasmussen, Ellen Sadler, Rachael L. Shaw, Sivan B. Sherman, Diane Auger Smith, Laura Tortorelli,
Khara Turnbull, Miriam E. Vidaver, Michelle L. Warner, Catherine S. Whittington, Jeannette A. Williams.

We would like to extend special recognition to Program Directors Matthew Davis and Souzanne Wright, who were instrumental in the early
development of this program.


We are truly grateful to the teachers, students, and administrators of the following schools for their willingness to field-test these materials
and for their invaluable advice: Capitol View Elementary, Challenge Foundation Academy (IN), Community Academy Public Charter School,
Lake Lure Classical Academy, Lepanto Elementary School, New Holland Core Knowledge Academy, Paramount School of Excellence, Pioneer
Challenge Foundation Academy, PS 26R (the Carteret School), PS 30X (Wilton School), PS 50X (Clara Barton School), PS 96Q, PS 102X
(Joseph O. Loretan), PS 104Q (the Bays Water), PS 214K (Michael Friedsam), PS 223Q (Lyndon B. Johnson School), PS 308K (Clara Cardwell),
PS 333Q (Goldie Maple Academy), Sequoyah Elementary School, South Shore Charter Public School, Spartanburg Charter School, Steed
Elementary School, Thomas Jefferson Classical Academy, Three Oaks Elementary, West Manor Elementary.

And a special thanks to the CKLA Pilot Coordinators, Anita Henderson, Yasmin Lugo-Hernandez, and Susan Smith, whose suggestions and
day-to-day support to teachers using these materials in their classrooms were critical.
Unit 3 | The Human Body: Systems and Senses Activity Book | Grade 3

ISBN 9781681610320

ckla.amplify.com 9 781681 610320

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