Atm BVN Integration Thesis Paper

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ISSN 2229-5518

Securing Automatic Teller Machine Transactions

Using Bank Verification Number
Ojulari Hakeem, Oke Alice

Abstract— Automatic Teller Machine (ATM) fraud is a global threat and has been on increase in Nigeria. Conventional security system to
protect customer’s accounts on ATM has been debased. This paper aims at presenting an empirical model of securing Nigerian ATMs using
Bank Verification Number (BVN) indicating technical ATM integration. Two integration models namely BIO and BIO-PIN models were
examined with ATM state flows. The models were integrated with biometric application and connected to a BVN emulator. Each model requires
a biometric state and was integrated into the ATM state flow. The biometric state was used as an exit state to the biometric application which
is exclusively different from ATM application. The whole unit was linked through a web service to a BVN emulator for verification process;
customer primary account number (PAN) was used as a query parameter to retrieve fingerprint image from BVN proxy server which was
connected to the main server.

Index Terms— Automatic Teller Machine (ATM), Bank Verification Number (BVN), BIO and BIO-PIN models, Biometric, BVN emulator,
NCR ATM, fingerprint image.
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infrastructure for identification and verification of bank

customers in Nigeria. Consequently, central bank of Nigeria
THE term biometric refers to identifying human based on (CBN) in collaboration with Nigerian banks launched a
physiological features such as irises, faces, fingerprints, centralized biometric identification system in February 14,
signatures etc. Biometrics industry was established in the early 2014 which is referred to as Bank Verification Number (BVN)
1990s [1], and deployed live in controlled environments. project. Charms Plc (Nigerian Company) and Dermalog
Biometric system is being used where authentication is needed (German Company) entered a technical partnership to
in a real time to enhance system operations and security. The implement BVN project with the single central database for all
usual practice of securing sensitive information is by the use of banks data residing at the Nigeria Inter-Bank Settlement
Personal Identification Number (PIN) and Password. This System (NIBSS). This involves biometric captures (fingerprints
conventional security system was adopted on ATM cards but and facial images) of bank customers for unique identification
has been violated leading to ATM frauds due to identity theft. during bank transactions which are stored in a database. With
ATM fraud is a global treat to financial institutions and is the BVN project which has been concluded successfully in all
exponentially growing. Jain, el a [7] stressed that traditional banks, NCR Nigeria aims at providing a biometric security
security methods such as PIN are no longer considered reliable solution on NCR ATMs in order to protect bank customers
to satisfy the security requirements of electronic transactions. from ATM frauds through system integration to BVN server
Implementing biometric technology on ATM has been a better for authentication. Due to the fact gathered that numerous
improvement over conventional security system [5] because researches believe that fingerprint implementation is easier on
bio-data cannot be stolen, lost or forgotten. ATM [5], this work adopts fingerprint of the two biometrics
The banking industry biometric ‘know your features (facial and fingerprint) available at NIBSS.
customer’ (KYC) project was initiated as a result of lack of a Relatively all researches on ATM biometric systems in Nigeria
central and standardized identity database with associated have never been put to a real practice. It could be as a result of
lack of full understanding of ATM technology or not having
the opportunity to carry the empirical tests in any ATM
laboratory. NCR research team [1] investigated all possible
———————————————— physiological biometrics techniques in the laboratory and
• Ojulari Hakeem O is currently pursuing masters degree program in pointed out that the approaches followed a similar operation
Computer Science and Engineering in Ladoke Akintola University of
Technology, Oyo State, Nigeria, and also a Professional Service Consultant since the verification process involves comparing with stored
in NCR Nigeria E-mail: [email protected], data. It was concluded that fingerprint has a preferential
[email protected]
• Oke Alice O. is currently a Senior Lecturer in the department of Computer advantage over other biometric features like facial and iris.
Science and Engineering, Ladoke Akintola University of Technology, Oyo Global research investigated that fingerprint is the widely used
State Nigeria. A Registered Engineer with The Council for the Regulation
of Engineering in Nigeria (COREN), full member of Computer
biometric identification [5] as shown in Fig. 1. NCR in 2003
Professional (Registration) Council of Nigeria, (MCPN), the National suggested that a verification process of matching (one-one)
Computer Society (NCS) and Nigerian Society of Engineers (NSE).
E-mail: [email protected]
ISSN 2229-5518

rather than identification (one-many) which requires a form of • ATM integrating module
unique identifier to verify user is the better option to adopt on • BVN server integrating module
The client application captures fingerprint image from bio-
scanner (Dermalog device); and verifies against existing BVN
repository through an exposed web service. The web service
interacts directly with bio-database. The validation is a one to
one process; this means that the captured image is verified
against an existing customer bio-data. The use of ATM card is
still required. A preliminary search is performed on the bio-
database using customer’s account which is linked with the
card number, and primary account number (PAN), which is
indirectly linked to BVN. This will narrow the verification
process down to 1:1 and speed up the matching process.


The validation module interacts with BVN database through a
proxy connection for verification. ATM is a finite state machine
(FSM) which operates on a state flow; this state flow in ATM
industry is referred to as download. However, a new state
(referred to as BIO) can be created and added to the download.
Hence, BIO state was created as shown in Fig. 2 indicating
interoperability of the modules. The BIO state is added
immediately after a PIN state which is an exit from

Fig. 1: Comparative survey on the wide use of fingerprint

Mohammed [3] proposed a model that captured customer

fingerprint and used PIN as an encryption key to store the
image in the ATM card. The model still requires customers to
enter PIN as part of authentication. The enrollment stage
involves the use of the actual ATM card for data storage.
Krishnamurthy and Reddy [2] implemented a GSM modem on
ATM as an embedded security system to send an auto
generated PIN (after verification) as an SMS message to the
customer whenever a finger swipe is observed on the biometric
device. The customer uses the PIN to continue the transaction
and the customer mobile number is required during
enrollment process.

This paper presents two models that were simulated in the
ATM laboratory to implement fingerprint biometric on NCR
ATMs. The research work is dependent on BVN project as the
central biometric database. Identifier as the application was
called is an ATM Biometric client that was developed and
deployed on ATM together with an authorized bio scanner
device from Dermalog. The client-server application involves Fig. 2: An overview of the Application design
four stages these are:
• Capturing module NCR direct connect (NDC) application software. Both PIN and
• Validation module Next states are part of NDC platform. An actuating switch is
ISSN 2229-5518

used to handle both entering and exiting NDC in order to

manage the integration process. While exiting NDC platform,
the actuating switch initializes biometric device to scan the
customer finger by indicating a prompt on the ATM screen and
save the image in the internal buffer. BioValidator and
comparator perform the validation process, and the process
takes place as soon as image is captured. The
validation/verification result is passed to the actuating switch
to determine the next state. The next state is a composite of bad
next state and good next state. If the verification is successful,
a good next state is initiated which means the customer can
proceed the transaction, otherwise a bad next state is initiated
and the ATM comes to a close state which ejects the ATM card.


NCR ATM integration needs real expertise in NDC protocol or
ATM download. The two models under consideration are
described as BIO-PIN and BIO models of which both require
bio-state to be created on ATM download.

(a) BIO-PIN Model

In this model, the BIO state is integrated after the PIN
state as shown in Fig. 3. This model still requires PIN entry
state first before capturing fingerprint for customer
verification. Normal transaction state flow is allowed to
continue after successful validation. Hence, both BIO and PIN
are required for authentication. However, if the captured bio-
data is invalid (after 3 retries) the ATM is taken to a close state
(final state) and card is ejected. This model is referred to as
BIO-PIN model.

(b) BIO Model

This model is similar to model (a) but with the absence
of PIN entry state. Normal transaction flow is allowed only Fig. 3: BIO-PIN Model state chart
after successful validation of captured bio-data as shown in
Fig. 4 Thus, it is only BIO that is required for authentication.
2.4 BVN SERVER INTEGRATION MODULE Marcel [4] pointed out three main types of biometric
The server side of the biometric system requires a proxy that performance evaluation as measured in terms of the number
connects to BVN server through a BVN application of uncontrolled variables which are technology, scenario, and
programming interface (API) called BVN connection API. The operational. The biometric sensor, the application, the
proxy handles all requests from the bank ATMs and provides environment and the users are contributing factors to the
connection to the BVN server in order to reduce overloading system performance. In practice, score is used to measure
of BVN server network bandwidth. There is a windows service biometric performance, and threshold value is used to
that runs on the proxy that manages the BVN connection. ATM differentiate between the groups of scores and to differentiate
sends a request for BVN fingerprints via a proxy web service between genuine clients and impostors. Generally, false
handler using customer account detail as a parameter to acceptance rate (FAR) and false rejection rate (FRR) are used to
retrieve customer fingerprint from BVN server. measure biometric performance.
ISSN 2229-5518

Fig. 6 ROC Curve

In order to evaluate performance of the biometric system

deployed on a test ATM, a database consisting of 5 NCR staff
was generated as a test. Each staff provided 5 fingerprint
images giving 25 images in total. A single image from
individual was used as a template while the rest of the
individual images were used to verify the fingerprint. Ideally,
Fig. 4: BIO model state chart
the expectation was to have 4 genuine scores on individual. 20
genuine scores were derived taking each image as a template
in succession. Consequently, other staffs were used as
Fig. 5 shows the FAR for a varying threshold over the score
impostors and 100 impostor scores were expected each. In all,
distribution. Typically, FAR and FRR are used to generate
total number of genuine scores and impostor scores are 100
Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) curve, this is as
and 500 respectively as shown in Table 1. These scores are
shown in Fig. 6 which is a plot of true acceptance rate (TAR =
usually used to generate the ROC curve in order to choose the
1 - FRR) against FAR. The closer the curve is to the top left
best threshold suiting the live implementation for verification
corner, the better it is (this corresponds to maximizing the so-
or matching.
called area under the curve or AUC). Generally, such curves
are generated from a database of bio records.
Table 1 Score distribution

Staff Template Genuine Impostor

Score Score
1 1 (5) 4(5) 20(5)
2 1 (5) 4(5) 20(5)
3 1 (5) 4(5) 20(5)
4 1 (5) 4(5) 20(5)
5 1 (5) 4(5) 20(5)
100 500

However, the choice of threshold becomes a problem. A

threshold is set to differentiate between the groups of scores
and used to differentiate between clients and impostors. There
are two populations of individuals that were considered; A =
acceptable individuals and U = unacceptable individuals. Each
Fig. 5 Typical plot of FAR against threshold individual is related with a 'score' X. Suppose in each of the
ISSN 2229-5518

two populations, the scores have normal distributions, (µ, 𝜎), Calculating specificity and sensitivity;
and the same standard deviation, SD or σ, where in A, the
mean is μA and in U is μU. The standard deviation, σ, is given
mathematically as shown in (1) TP 95
Sensitivity = = = 0.863 = 86.3%
(TP + FN) 95 + 15
𝜎 = √1/𝑁(∑𝑁 2
𝑖=1(𝑥𝑖 − µ) ) (1)
TN 485
Specificity = = = 0.989 = 98.9%
where 𝑁 = number of individuals, (TN + FP) 485 + 5
𝑥 = individual score,
µ = mean score

An individual that has its score greater than threshold 𝑡 will be 4 CONCLUSION
accepted. However, if the score from unacceptable individuals This paper has demonstrated a practical method of integrating
is greater than 𝑡, it is false acceptance or if the score from the a biometric system on ATM with existing BVN biometric
acceptable individuals is below 𝑡, it is false rejection. The database, and performance was evaluated mathematically.
probabilities of the two scenarios are shown mathematically; Biometric is a very secure system which has been extended to
ATM environment. A better performance can be achieved if
𝐸𝑟𝑟𝑓𝑎𝑙𝑠𝑒𝐴𝑐𝑐 = 𝑃(𝑁(µ𝑈 , 𝜎) > 𝑡) (2) the threshold is considerably adjusted to increase sensitivity or
to reduce FRR. Nonetheless, the performance will definitely be
𝐸𝑟𝑟𝑓𝑎𝑙𝑠𝑒𝑅𝑒𝑗 = 𝑃(𝑁(µ𝐴 , 𝜎) < 𝑡) (3) different when deployed in a live environment where there are
heterogeneous set of users of large number compared to what
was tested in the laboratory with homogenous set of users of
If the classification threshold selected is too high some client small number. The user experience on every new technology
patterns will be falsely rejected and if it is too low some is a contributing factor that will affect the performance of the
impostors will be accepted. The threshold, t, was chosen system, and thus will increase the failure rate. However, it
moderately around 50. The error rates calculation is as shown predisposes a risk of customers being kidnaped in order to get
in (2) and (3) respectively. FAR and FRR were determined to fingerprint access to customer accounts on ATM. In addition
plot ROC curve. Choosing a threshold of 50%, 15 impostor to this, customers will not be able to give their ATM cards to
scores exceeded the threshold and 5 genuine scores fell below either friends or family anymore. Despite the shortcomings, it
the threshold. Calculating FAR and FRR: is expected that ATM biometric system will reduce ATM
frauds to a great extent in Nigeria when fully implemented in
live environment.
impostor scores exceeding threshold 15
FAR = = = 3%
all impostor scores 500

genuine scores falling below threshold 5

FRR = = = 5%
all genuine scores 100 REFERENCES
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