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Progress in Organic Coatings 112 (2017) 127–132

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Cellulose nanofibers to assist the release of healing agents in epoxy coatings MARK
a,⁎ a a a,b
Poornima Vijayan P , Aisha Tanvir , Yara Hany El-Gawady , Mariam Al-Maadeed
Center for Advanced Materials, Qatar University, P.O. Box 2713, Doha, Qatar
Materials Science and Technology Program, Qatar University, P.O. Box 2713, Doha, Qatar


Keywords: Epoxy monomer and amine curing agents were immobilized on cellulose nanofibers (CNF). Obtained epoxy
Self-healing immobilized CNF (EiCNF) and amine curing agent immobilized CNF (AiCNF) were characterized using Fourier
Epoxy coating transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) and scanning electron microscopy
Cellulose nanofiber (SEM). The mechanism and nature of interaction in EiCNF and AiCNF were elucidated. While chemical inter-
action was observed between amine curing agent and CNF, only physical interaction exists between epoxy
monomer and CNF. Preliminary investigation of self-healing ability of epoxy coating incorporated in both EiCNF
and AiCNF was carried out. The dual healing agents supported on CNF were effective in imparting self-healing
ability to epoxy coatings.

1. Introduction excellent mechanical properties [19]. The numerous hydroxyl groups

present on cellulose make it compatible with hydrophilic polymers, and
Polymer coatings are widely used to protect metal structures from to be used as a mechanical reinforcing agent [20–23]. Apart from their
corrosion. Polymer coatings are usually incorporated with fillers to use as reinforcing fillers, cellulose derivatives such as cellulose nano-
further improve their corrosion protection ability [1,2]. Any mechan- crystals (CNC) can be used for enzyme immobilization and drug de-
ical damage on these polymer coatings can increase the chances of livery purposes [24]. Yabuki et al. [16,17] reported that cellulose na-
triggering corrosion. Hence, the ability of polymer coatings to repair nofibers act as pathways to release corrosion inhibitors into damaged
mechanical damages by themselves can improve the life span of the areas on epoxy coatings over carbon steel substrate. According to this
metal under protection. There are various methods adopted by re- study, cellulose nanofibers deformed and shortened in the presence of
searchers to induce self-healing in polymers [3–6]. Among various water, thereby facilitating the release of corrosion inhibitors into the
techniques used to achieve self-healing ability, the one based on the use scratched area.
of reservoirs for the safe encapsulation and release of healing agents is In order to recover the damage on the host epoxy coating with a
most promising. Micro/nano polymer capsules [7–9], inorganic nano- matching chemical entity, a two-component self-healing system based
tubes [10,11] and mesoporous materials [12] are effective reservoirs on reservoirs of epoxy monomer and curing agent is required [24].
for the storage of healing agents/corrosion inhibitors. Core-shell fibers Green reservoirs like cellulose nanofibers have not yet been used to
encapsulated with healing agents were fabricated using coaxial elec- store and release epoxy monomer and curing agents.
trospinning [13,14]. The healing agent- dicyclopentadiene (DCPD) was This research reports on the possibility of using cellulose nanofibers
successfully enwrapped into polymer fibers of polyacrylonitrile (PAN) to assist the release of epoxy monomer and curing agent upon damage
using co-axial electrospinning method. of epoxy coatings. The advantage of using dual healing agents such as
In search of finding easier and ecofriendly methods, chitosan [15] epoxy monomer and curing agents is the recovery of damaged area with
and cellulose nanofibers [16,17] have been reported as efficient green the matching chemical entity as the epoxy coating matrix. This work
reservoirs for corrosion inhibitors. Cellulose is an abundant poly- aims to immobilize both epoxy monomer and amine curing agent on the
saccharide that consists of β (1-4) linked D-glucose units [18]. It is one surface of cellulose nanofibers to utilize them to heal the damage in
of the most promising nature-derived nanomaterials owing to its ex- epoxy coatings.
traordinary mechanical properties combined with its sustainable
nature. The abundance of OH groups on the surface of cellulose favors
the formation of hydrogen bonding, causing the cellulose chains to
assemble in highly ordered structures, which in turn results in its

Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: [email protected], [email protected] (P. Vijayan P).
Received 8 May 2017; Received in revised form 16 June 2017; Accepted 18 July 2017
0300-9440/ © 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
P. Vijayan P et al. Progress in Organic Coatings 112 (2017) 127–132

2. Experimental (100:10.9). The resulting mixture was coated on polished carbon steel
substrate and cured for 24 h at room temperature to get uniform
2.1. Materials coating of approximately ∼300 μm thickness. The coating was named
as Epoxy/EiCNF/AiCNF. Steps involved are schematically shown in
The epoxy resins used for the study are Epon 826 and Epon 815C. Fig. 2.
Epon 815C is a diluted (with butyl glycidyl ether) form of Epon 826.
Amine curing agent used is Diethylenetriamine (Epikure 3223). The 2.3. Experimental techniques
epoxy resin and curing agent were purchased from Miller-Stephenson
Chemical Co., USA. Polished carbon steel plates are used as substrates Fourier transform infrared spectroscopic (FTIR) studies of the CNF,
for coating. Commercially available cellulose (fibers) from Sigma- EiCNF and AiCNF were carried out from 4000 to 600 cm−1 using the
Aldrich was used as the source for cellulose nanofiber synthesis. FT-IR Frontier (PerkinElmer) instrument. The thermal stability of CNF,
EiCNF and AiCNF were analyzed using TGA Pyris 4000 from 30 °C to
2.2. Methods 800 °C at a heating rate of 10 °C/min. Benchtop scanning electron mi-
croscopy (JCM 6000, Jeol) was used to observe CNF with and without
2.2.1. Preparation of cellulose nanofibers immobilization of resin and curing agent. The accelerated salt immer-
CNF was prepared using a previously reported one-step method sion test was carried out to determine the self-healing and corrosion
[25]. The starting biomass was added to 1 M solution of ammonium per resistance of the coatings. Cross-scratches were made on the coating
sulphate (APS). The mixture was heated to 60 °C for 16 h to yield a surface using a scalpel. The prepared coatings were immersed in 10 wt
suspension of CNFs. The suspension was centrifuged at 10,000 rpm for % salt solutions to observe the corrosion process in different time in-
10 min which resulted in the formation of a CNF pellet. This pellet was tervals for two weeks.
repeatedly washed and centrifuged until it reached a pH of 4. It was
then sonicated to break-down any CNF agglomerates and neutralized 3. Results and discussions
using a 1 M NaOH solution. Finally, the suspension was lyophilized to
yield a white powder. The TEM images of obtained cellulose nanofibers 3.1. Scanning electron microscopy
are shown in Fig. 1. The obtained cellulose is in the form of nanofiber
rather than nanocrystal reported by Leung et al. [25]. Initially, the evidence of immobilization of epoxy monomer and
curing agent on CNF was obtained from morphological analysis. Fig. 3
shows the SEM images of cellulose nanofibers, EiCNF and AiCNF. The
2.2.2. Immobilization of epoxy monomer and amine curing agent on CNFs appear to be aggregated while the surface is smooth (Fig. 3a). On
cellulose nanofiber the other hand, the surface of EiCNF and AiCNF is covered with excess
0.1 g of cellulose nanofibers were added to epoxy (Epon 815C) and material (Fig. 3b and c). This indicated that the CNF effectively im-
the mixtures were incubated at room temperature (shaking for 24 h). mobilized both epoxy and the curing agent on its surface.
Similarly, 0.1 g of cellulose nanofibers in amine curing agent was in-
cubated at room temperature (shaking for 24 h). The incubated samples 3.2. Fourier transform infrared spectroscopic analysis
centrifugated and washed with excess ethanol. The resulting cellulose
nanofibers were named as epoxy immobilized CNF (EiCNF) and amine Infrared spectroscopic analysis was used to identify the nature and
curing agent immobilized CNF (AiCNF). mechanism of immobilization of both epoxy monomer and curing agent
on cellulose nanofibers. Initially, the interaction between amine curing
2.2.3. Preparation of self-healing epoxy coating on carbon steel agent and cellulose nanofiber was investigated. Fig. 4 shows the FTIR
Both EiCNF and AiCNF were dispersed in epoxy monomer (Epon spectrum for CNF, amine and AiCNF. Cellulose nanofibers exhibited a
826) using ultra-sonication for 10 min. The obtained homogeneous broad absorption band between 3500 and 3000 cm−1, which represents
mixture was mixed with stoichiometric amount of curing agent OeH stretching vibration of the OH groups [26]. In AiCNF, this OeH
stretching remained unchanged indicating the absence of reaction with
amine groups. CeH stretching vibration of cellulose was observed
around 2900 cm−1 [27]. Bands at 1058 cm−1 and 898 cm−1, assigned
to CeO stretching and the glycosidic linkages were observed, both of
which are characteristic of the cellulose structure [28]. The presence of
carboxyl groups on CNF was confirmed by the presence of the
stretching vibration of C]O at 1730 cm−1 [25]. For AiCNF, new peaks
at 1560 cm−1 and 1640 cm−1 were observed which suggested the
formation of amides as a result of the reaction between C]O in CNF
with amine. The peak seen at 1560 cm−1 represents the NeH bend
found in primary amides, whereas the peak at 1640 cm−1 confirmed
the presence of C]O as a result of the amide linkage [29]. As suggested
previously [30], the formation of stable amide linkage between car-
boxylated CNF and amine can offer the storage of curing agent in CNF
for self-healing purpose. Moreover, the OeH band at 1430 cm−1 in CNF
shifted to a higher wavelength of 1480 cm−1 in amine immobilized
CNF suggesting that hydrogen bonds between carboxyl groups were
broken to form the amide linkage. The presence of sharper bands in
3300–3500 cm−1 region indicated the existence of unreacted amine
group in the curing agent. It is expected that the unreacted amine and
newly formed amide functionalities would be reactive for healing
Similarly, Fig. 5a and b shows the FTIR spectrum for CNF, epoxy
Fig. 1. TEM images of cellulose nanofibers.
monomer and EiCNF. The band in the region 3300–3500 cm−1 from the

P. Vijayan P et al. Progress in Organic Coatings 112 (2017) 127–132

Fig. 2. The steps involved in the preparation of self-healing epoxy coating.

Fig. 3. SEM images of (a) cellulose nanofiber (b) epoxy immobilized cellulose nanofibers and (c) amine immobilized cellulose nanofibers.

Fig. 4. FTIR for (a) cellulose nanofiber, amine immobilized cellulose na-
nofiber and diethylenetriamine curing agent.

eOH group in cellulose retained in epoxy immobilized cellulose na- adsorbed epoxy monomer on the CNF surface. FTIR studies showed no
nofiber suggested the absence of chemical reaction between epoxy indication of chemical interaction between CNF and epoxy monomer,
monomer and cellulose nanofiber. The characteristics peaks in epoxy concluding that the immobilization of epoxy monomer on CNF is purely
such as 915 cm−1, 861 cm−1 (epoxide ring), 1509 cm−1 (Aromatic by physical interaction.
C]C stretching) and 829 cm−1 (]CH, para substituted aromatic)
present in the epoxy immobilize CNF samples indicated the presence of

P. Vijayan P et al. Progress in Organic Coatings 112 (2017) 127–132

Fig. 5. FTIR for cellulose nanofiber, epoxy immobilized cellulose nanofiber and epoxy; (b) is the details of (a).

Fig. 6. (a) TGA and (b) DTA curves of cellulose nanofiber, epoxy, amine, epoxy immobilized cellulose nanofiber and amine immobilized cellulose nanofiber.

Fig. 7. Photographs of (a) epoxy coating and (b)

epoxy/EiCNF/AiCNF coating after 14 days of im-
mersion in 10 wt% NaCl solution.

3.3. Thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) [31]. The major degradation peak for EiCNF appeared around 280 °C,
which is in between that of pure epoxy (382 °C) and CNF (250 °C). This
Fig. 6 shows TGA and DTA curves of neat cellulose nanofibers, pure degradation behavior of EiCNF clearly indicated strong physical ad-
epoxy, AiCNF and EICNF. An initial weight loss in the region 25–100 °C sorption of epoxy monomer on cellulose surface which restricted the
occurs for CNF, which is due to evaporation of loosely bound surface mobility of the cellulose backbone. The major degradation peak for
water [30]. This initial weight loss due to water evaporation is also amine is at 196 °C. At the same time, EiCNF showed multiple peaks.
visible in both EiCNF and AiCNF samples. In case of CNF, major de- Peak at 191 °C is due to the degradation of unreacted amine on the
gradation occurred at around 250 °C, which is attributed to thermal surface of CNF. A duplet at 282 °C and 317 °C are due to the degrada-
depolymerization of hemicellulose and cleavage of glycosidic linkages tion of amide functionality on CNF and CNF backbone respectively.

P. Vijayan P et al. Progress in Organic Coatings 112 (2017) 127–132

Fig. 8. Schematic digram showing the self-healing

mechanism in epoxy/EiCNF/AiCNF coating.

Thermal stability of AiCNF is less when compared to EiCNF. At 150 °C, Acknowledgements
the EiCNF lost 9.52% of its weight compared to 15.75% for AiCNF. At
350 °C, weight loss of 52.39% and 62.02% occurred for EiCNF and This paper was made possible by PDRA grant # PDRA1-1216-13014
AiCNF respectively. However, after 550 °C, both materials exhibited from the Qatar National Research Fund (a member of Qatar
similar thermal degradation. Foundation). The findings achieved herein are solely the responsibility
of the authors.

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