Open Book Examination: Nebosh

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For: NEBOSH International General Certificate in Occupational Health and Safety


For: NEBOSH International General Certificate in Occupational Health and Safety
NEBOSH International Certificate in Construction Health and Safety
NEBOSH International Certificate in Fire Safety and Risk Management

Open Book Examination


Available for 24 hours

Learner name Muneeb Mustafa

NEBOSH learner 00756973
Learning Partner name 1428-Abacus International Training And Consultancy

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Answer sheet IG1_IGC1-0026-ENG-OBE-V1 Apr23 © NEBOSH 2023

Task 1: Duties of the employer and worker

Question 1
Employees shall comply with safety and health standards and regulations applicable to
their operations and shall cooperate with the employer to allow the employer to comply
with the obligations of this Convention," which is Article 19 of ILO Convention C155.
Employees should be informed and trained about the hazards and risks associated with
their employment, the measures taken for their protection, and the processes for
reporting hazardous conditions, as recommended in suggestion 16 of ILO
Recommendation R164.
It is clear from the given scenario that the injured worker and his coworkers may have
violated Article 19 of C155 and Guideline 16 of R164.

The worker's severe injuries were the direct result of his disobedience of safety laws,
including his failure to wear required PPE while operating the grinder.

Even though they were aware of the lack of proper PPE, coworkers also failed to
comply with safety standards by failing to notify the unsafe working condition.

It's also clear that the employees were not given sufficient information or training
regarding the risks and dangers they faced on the job.

The fact that the wounded worker had no idea what measures to take to protect
themselves while using the grinder is strong evidence that they had not received proper

In essence, the employees' disregard for safety rules and their inability to receive
enough education about the potential dangers they face on the job constitute violations of
Article 19 of C155 and Recommendation 16 of R164.

Task 2: Impacts of an accident

Question 2
1. The amusement park may have to pay for legal representation if the injured
worker, their family, or anyone else affected by the accident files a claim or

2. The amusement park may be obligated to compensate the injured worker or

their family for medical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering, and other
damages if they are found liable for the accident.

3. It's possible that the amusement park's insurance premiums will go up as a

result of the accident, and the company might not renew the policy at all.

4. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) may levy fines of
several hundred to several thousand dollars per infraction if it finds that the
amusement park has violated safety regulations.

5. The ride or other equipment may need expensive repairs or replacement if it

was damaged in the accident.

6. Negative publicity, lower attendance, or closing the ride or the entire park could
result in a significant loss of revenue for the amusement park.

Answer sheet IG1_IGC1-0026-ENG-OBE-V1 Apr23 © NEBOSH 2023

7. Staff resignations could increase recruitment and training expenses if workers
leave the park because they feel their safety is being neglected.

8. Workers who are exposed to accidents or who believe their safety concerns are
being ignored may experience a drop in morale and performance as a result.

9. Potential customers may be dissuaded from visiting the amusement park if its
reputation is harmed by unfavorable press, online chatter, or word of mouth.

10. Investors may be less willing to support the park's operations or expansion
plans if they have doubts about the park's safety history.

11. The amusement park may be subject to more frequent inspections, audits, and
reporting from both the government and the general public.

12. Loss of trust: The management of the park may have lost the trust of its
employees, customers, and the community as a result of the accident, making
future collaboration more difficult.

Task 3: Influencing health and safety culture

Question 3
The scenario reveals numerous unfavorable signs of health and safety culture in the
amusement park.

1. To begin, there doesn't appear to be sufficient safety processes and

procedures in place at the park.

2. The fact that the maintenance worker was able to enter the ride while it was
running indicates that there may not have been adequate lockout/tagout
protocols in place to prevent illegal entry.

3. In addition, the ride's emergency stops button and other safety devices failing to
operate suggests a lack of routine safety inspections and maintenance.

4. Second, there appears to be an absence of both training and oversight for

workers at the amusement park.

5. The park may not have adequate training processes in place for new
employees if the injured worker had not been adequately trained on the
maintenance procedures for the ride and had not been provided with necessary
protective gear.

6. Lack of accountability for safety measures and a failure to prioritize safety is

further suggested by the absence of supervision or oversight on the side of the
park's administration.

7. Finally, it seems that there is a general lack of concern for safety among park
employees. The ride's history of safety concerns and subsequent operation imply
that such worries were either dismissed or not taken seriously.

8. The fact that the wounded worker and their coworkers kept running the attraction
even after the safety measures had failed speaks volumes about their attitude
toward their own and the park guests' safety.

Answer sheet IG1_IGC1-0026-ENG-OBE-V1 Apr23 © NEBOSH 2023

9. A negative health and safety culture can be inferred from the amusement park's
general lack of effective safety procedures, inadequate training and monitoring,
and general attitude of apathy towards safety.

Task 4: Accident investigation

Question 4 (a)
1. (Protect the well-being of everyone in the vicinity, including employees, visitors,
and onlookers.

2. Make sure no one messes with the situation by putting up a cordon around it.

3. Don't touch or move anything having to do with the accident until investigators
have arrived; this will help preserve evidence.

4. Take photos and videos to record the scene and any relevant materials as they
currently appear.

5. Make sure that all employee and visitor statements are properly captured and
documented if they witnessed the accident.

6. Gather any ride or safety equipment that appears to have been damaged or
broken at the scene.

7. Check the rides and the safety equipment's maintenance records for any signs
of damage or malfunction.

8. To learn more about the safety protocols and practices in place, it would be
helpful to conduct interviews with the employees responsible for operating the
ride and maintaining the safety equipment.

9. Verify that all safety gear is in excellent working order and that employees
have been properly taught to utilize it.

10. Investigate the ride's design and construction in depth to find any flaws that
could have caused the incident.

11. To make sure the amusement park's safety measures were sufficient and
applicable, you should review them.

12. Whenever applicable, external influences should be taken into account as

potential causes.

13. Coordinate and ensure a complete and thorough investigation by working with
outside agencies like the police or regulatory entities.

Answer sheet IG1_IGC1-0026-ENG-OBE-V1 Apr23 © NEBOSH 2023

Question 4 (b)
1. A breakdown in the ride's mechanical components may have been the immediate
cause of the disaster. The car may have become detached from the ride because
of poor upkeep or a technical flaw in the ride's mechanism.

2. Accidents can also be caused by human error, such as when riders ignore safety
instructions or fail to fasten their vehicles properly. Inadequate training, a lack of
supervision, or an organizational culture that values productivity over safety could
all be at blame.

3. Accident could have been caused, at least in part, by faulty ride design. Some
causes include insufficient safety features or a car design that increases the
risk of separation from the ride.

4. High winds or other harsh weather could have been contributing environmental
variables to the disaster. This may have happened because of lax supervision or
because the ride wasn't shut down when it should have been.

5. It's possible that multiple causes, rather than a single one, contributed to the
situation that directly led to the accident. The catastrophe could have been
caused by a number of factors, including mechanical failure, poor maintenance,
and human error. In order to get to the bottom of what happened, investigators
need to take into account every variable.

Task 5: Improving the emergency procedure

Question 5
1. Make sure your employees and guests are ready for an emergency by holding
frequent drills and exercises.

2. Make sure that everyone who might be called upon to respond to an emergency
has received enough training.

3. In the event of an emergency, it is imperative that all employees and guests

receive timely and accurate information.

4. Make sure everyone knows their role in the event of an emergency by

establishing a clear chain of command and practicing the plan on a regular

5. Maintain working fire extinguishers and first aid kits, and make sure they are
conveniently accessible in case of an emergency.

Answer sheet IG1_IGC1-0026-ENG-OBE-V1 Apr23 © NEBOSH 2023

6. In the event of an evacuation, make sure there is adequate signage and
directional arrows to help people find their way.

7. Make sure that all employees and guests know where the nearest exits are
located in the event of an emergency.

8. Evaluate emergency plans frequently and make adjustments as needed.

9. Create a method of recording and reporting occurrences in order to spot

trends and optimize safety measures.

10. Make sure your employees know how to properly use their PPE to keep them
safe on the job.

11. Safety rules and procedures should be reviewed and updated on a regular
basis to ensure they remain relevant and effective.

12. It is important to discover areas for improvement, thus it is important to

encourage workers to report safety dangers and near-miss situations.

13. In the event of a significant catastrophe, it is important to establish working

relationships with local emergency personnel to guarantee a coordinated

Task 6: Working within a health and safety management system

Question 6
The amusement park can gain many advantages by adopting a formal health and safety
management system, such as:

By identifying possible hazards and risks and putting in place measures to mitigate or
eliminate them, a well-designed health and safety management system can help reduce
the occurrence of accidents and incidents. As a result, the workplace and its environs
may become safer for those who work there and those who visit.

To ensure the park is following all applicable health and safety laws and regulations, a
formal health and safety management system can be put in place. This includes following
recommendation 16 from the International Labor Organization's Convention C155, the
Occupational Safety and Health Convention, 1981 (No.155).

When employees believe their employers care about their safety, they are more apt to be
inspired to work hard and put in extra effort. The amusement park may prove it cares
about its employees' well-being by adopting a health and safety management system.

By avoiding lost productivity, property damage, and legal claims, an amusement park can
save money by preventing accidents and incidents. The park may enhance its bottom
line by cutting these expenses with a health and safety management system.

The park's employees and patrons alike can reap the rewards of a safer environment
fostered by a proper health and safety management system.

Answer sheet IG1_IGC1-0026-ENG-OBE-V1 Apr23 © NEBOSH 2023

Task 7: Benefits of combined worker and employer involvement

Question 7
Employee and management participation in health and safety consulting at the
amusement park may have the following positive effects:

The amusement park can benefit from the employees' understanding of the unique
dangers they face on the job by consulting with them on health and safety issues. This
can aid in spotting hazards that have been missed by management, leading to a more
thorough hazard inventory.

Employee engagement and ownership of health and safety in the workplace can be
improved by worker participation in health and safety discussions. Workers may become
more accountable for their own safety by taking an active role in the identification and
reporting of potential dangers as a result.

Communication between employees and management can be strengthened through

health and safety consultations. This can aid in communicating health and safety risks to
employees and letting management know about problems that employees are having.

Better decisions may be made for the amusement park's health and safety if employees
are included in the meetings. Better risk management and hazard control can arise from
better health and safety decision-making that is informed by this information.

Participation from both employees and management in health and safety consultations at
the amusement park can lead to a more cooperative and enthusiastic health and safety
culture, which in turn benefits everyone who works there.

Your total
word count*
* please note that this form already has 0 words (excluding text boxes and footers), which
you can deduct from your total amount if you are using your word processor’s word count

Documents and Scenario

sources of information RRC International IG 1 And IG 2
you used in your

End of examination

Now follow the instructions on submitting your answers in the NEBOSH Open Book
Examinations: Technical Learner Guide. All Open Book Examination guidance documents
can be found on the NEBOSH website:

Answer sheet IG1_IGC1-0026-ENG-OBE-V1 Apr23 © NEBOSH 2023

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