MK6214 - MSD - LMTSM - TIET - Version No.

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Master Course Plan_V1

LM Thapar School of Management

BE-MBA Course Outline - Master File

Course Title Managing Sales and Distribution

Course Code MK6214
Course Credits 2
Total contact hours or equivalent 24-30 hours (2 credit)
Number of Sessions 20 sessions of 1.5 hours
Term Spring 2023
Year Fourth
Harjot Singh,
Name of the instructor and contact details [email protected], 93562-
9.30 am to 1.30 pm on the day of the
Office Hours

Sales is a core function in the area of marketing. Distribution enables the product or service to be
available to the consumer. The course aims at making the students understand the processes by
which organizations manage their selling and distribution activities to increase their reach and
market share. The students should be able to appreciate the ways in which organizations sell and
distribute their offerings. The course aims to show a glimpse into the minds of sales managers and
executives and the ways in which they operate. It centers on the examination and application of
planning, development and implementation of sales and distribution effort. It exposes the students
to various sales force management techniques and practices. It also focuses on the distribution
systems and channel structures. It makes the students analyze the effectiveness and efficiency in the
management of selling and distribution activities. The students should be able to give useful
suggestions at the end of the course.

Course Learning Objectives:

Upon successful completion of the course, the students should be able to:

CLO1: Understand the fundamentals of sales management and selling process

CLO2: Elucidate how organizations motivate, control and evaluate salespeople
CLO3: Assess organizational approaches in setting up distribution systems
CLO4: Analyze managerial interventions in motivating and managing channels
CLO5: Suggest how organizations can improve their selling and distribution efforts

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Master Course Plan_V1

Evaluation criteria:

Components Weightage Remarks

35 (content,
presentation) + 5
Individual Creative (timeliness in
• The expectations form the project,
Project (Continuous submitting topic
and the rubric, are explained in
work throughout the plus timeliness in
great detail in the appendix.
semester) (CLO5) submitting the
project) = 40

End Semester • It would cover four CLOs (CLO1, CLO2,

Test CLO3 and CLO4) equally (15 marks
(Application each). Testing may include objective,
based) 15 x 4 = 60 short or long questions and shall be
(CLO1, CLO2, based on the application of concepts,
CLO3 and cases and discussions.

Textbook/ Textbook chapters (TBC):

1. Still, R.R., Cundiff, E.W. and Govoni, N.A.P. (2020). Sales Management: Decisions, Strategies
and Cases. New Delhi, India: Prentice Hall of India
2. Bert Rosenbloom (2020). Marketing Channels. New Delhi, India: Cengage Learning

Reference books/ Reference book chapters (RBC):

1. Sales and Distribution Management by Tapan K Panda & Sunil Sahadev, Oxford University Press
2. Sales and Distribution Management by Krishna K Havalder and Vasant M Cavale, McGraw-Hill
3. Sales Management by Joseph F. Hair, Rolph E. Anderson, Rajiv Mehta and Barry J. Babin, Cengage
4. Sales Management — Shaping Future Sales Leaders by John F. Tanner Jr., Earl D. Honeycutt Jr.
and Robert C. Erffmeyer, Pearson Education
5. Sales Management — Analysis and Decision Making by Thomas N. Ingram, Raymond W. LaForge,
Ramon A. Avila, Charles H. Schwepker Jr. and Michael R. Williams, Cengage Learning
6. Salesmanship and Sales Management by P.K. Sahu & K.C. Raut, Vikas Publishing House
7. Marketing Channels by Bert Rosenbloom, Cengage Learning
8. Basics of Distribution Management — A Logistical approach by Satish K. Kapoor and Purva
Kansal, PHI Learning
9. Distribution and Logistics Management — A Strategic Marketing Approach by D K Agrawal,
10. Marketing Channels (MC) by Coughlan/Anderson/Stern/El-Ansary, Pearson Education

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Master Course Plan_V1

List of Readings (R):

• R1. Welch, Jack., “Evaluating Salesperson Performance”, General Electric article

• R2. Compiled reading material, “Managing Channel Member Behavior”.
• R3. Rangan, Kasturi V., “Reorienting Channels of Distribution” Harvard Business School

List of Cases (C):

• C1. Marketing to Manage Customer Experience (Product #: W17332-PDF-

• C2. Bless Organics: Channel Offerings (Product #: 520-0045-1. The Case Centre)
• C3. Purple Telecom: Designing the Channel (Product #: 520-0041-1. The Case Centre)
• C4. Brand W: Strategizing for Omni-Channel Retail. (Product #: W18432-PDF-ENG. HBSP)
• C5. Ajanta Packaging: Key Account Management. (Product #: W18241-PDF-ENG. HBSP)
• C6. Balancing the demands of customers and suppliers. (Product #: W16394-

List of in class activities (CA):

CA1. Discussions based on videos related to selling

Videos, having the following links, are useful for understanding key concepts of the course. Some of
these videos shall be shown and discussed in the class within the available time. You are
encouraged to see the remaining videos, and similar videos, on YouTube.

1. How to Sell Your Product or Service_ Acquiring the Sales Mindset (Part 1 of 11) -
Sales Training (
2. Sales Presentation Role-Plays Series (from the textbook Selling_ The Profession)
3. Overcome Objections (5 Simple Steps) Persuasion Sales Skills - Michael
4. Sales_ Handling Objections - The Right Way How to Handle Objections
5. Sales Training - Handling Objections Training with Colin Sprake
6. Closing the Sale_ 9 Common Objections (
7. Sales Closing Techniques (
8. Top Sales Closing Techniques (
9. Zig Ziglar - The Complete Sales Closing Seminar
10. Sales Call Role Play (
11. Sales Call Role Play1 (
12. SM 444 Sales Role Play Presentation (
13. Spin Selling (
14. Spin Selling for Tech companies (

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CA2. Role Plays to enhance Selling Skills

Role Plays to enhance your selling skills shall be conducted in the class after showing you some
relevant videos. All the students are expected to volunteer to participate in this activity in the
available class time. These should help you during your placement interviews. It has been observed
that almost all organizations coming to the campus for sales-profiles ask the candidates to 'sell'

CA3. Think-ink-pair-share activity

Short discussions between pairs of students shall be conducted in class to further develop your
understanding of the subject.

CA4. Discussions based on case studies

Case studies and short case situations will be taken up for discussion in the class. Details of the case
studies are given in the relevant sessions.

This course is designed to achieve its objectives through a combination of discussion of concepts,
cases and examples from industry. To bring a variety in the learning methods, pedagogy will
comprise presentations, projects, videos and role-plays. The course will use a hands-on approach
and will entail your active participation. It will be demanding and challenging in terms of class
engagement, creativity and an open mindset.

Week wise detailed plan:

Week No. Topic to be covered Readings and Cases In class activities

TBC (Text book 1):

Chapter 1 - Sales
Introduction to Sales
Management and the
Management, Nature and Scope
Week 1 Business Enterprise, • CA3
of Selling, Types of Selling
Chapter 2 - Sales
Management, Personal
Selling and Salesmanship
TBC (Text book 1):
Chapter 5 -
Selling Skills and Styles,
Formulating Personal-
Theories of Selling, Qualities of
Week 2 Selling Strategy, • CA3
an Effective Salesperson
Chapter 6 - The
Effective Sales

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TBC (Text book 1):

Chapter 10 - Personnel
Sales Force Management, Management in the Selling
Selling Process, Recruitment Field, Chapter 11 - • CA1
Week 3
and Selection of Salespeople Recruiting Sales Personnel, • CA2
(CLO1) Chapter 12 - Selecting Sales
TBC (Text book 1):
Chapter 7 - The Sales
Sales Organization, Sales
Week 4 organization, Chapter 21 - • CA3
Territories and Quotas (CLO2)
Quotas, Chapter 22 - Sales
Evaluating Salesperson's TBC (Text book 1):
Performance, Supervision and Chapter 15 - Motivating
Control of Sales Personnel, Sales Personnel, Chapter
Week 5 Leading and Motivating Sales 19 - Controlling Sales • CA3
Personnel (CLO2) Personnel: Evaluating and
• R1
Sales management: • C1
Week 6 Enhancing buying experience • CA2
through touch points (CLO2)
Need of Distribution Systems, TBC (Text book 2):
Week 7 Introduction to Marketing Chapter 1 - Marketing • CA3
Channels (CLO3) Channel Concepts
Designing and setting up of
TBC (Text book 2):
Distribution Channels,
Chapter 6 - Designing the
Modifying Channels, Channel
Marketing Channel,
Week 8 Structures, Functions and • CA3
Chapter 8 - Target Markets
Relationships (CLO3)
and Channel Design
Designing and setting up of
Distribution Channels,
• C2
Week 9 Modifying Channels, Channel • CA4
• C3
Structures, Functions and
Relationships (CLO3)
Functions of Channels, TBC (Text book 2):
Week 10 Understanding Retailers and Chapter 7 - Selecting • CA3
Wholesalers, Challenges the Channel Members
of Distribution (CLO4)
Managing Channels and TBC (Text book 2):
Week 11 Channel Members, Managing Chapter 14 - Evaluating • CA3
Channel Cooperation and Channel Member

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Conflict (CLO4) Performance

• R2
Managing Channels and • R3
Channel Members, Managing • C4
Week 12 • CA4
Channel Cooperation and • C5
Conflict (CLO4) • C6


Details of the project to be carried out individually:

You should upload the title (name of the idea/product/service/company), the approach and the
inspiration behind the approach, the objectives of the project, and the methodology you plan, in 3
slides as a word/pdf file named as rollnumber_Project title in the Google classroom by 10pm, April
10, 2023. You could lose marks in timeliness if you are late.

You should aim to make a creative presentation which stands out when compared to that of others.
You may choose approach 1, which is based on primary work, taking full pandemic related
precautions. Secondary work or data should not be the main plank but only supportive of the primary
work. You are expected to incorporate most of the concepts learnt in the class while making your
project by using either approach 1) or 2), as explained ahead.

Approach 1): You are required to select an existing organization which has some office/outlet/point
of purchase in or around your home town or some other place. You can also take up a small
organization with which you have or can develop some contact. You can visit it (if you consider the
visit safe by taking due pandemic related precautions) in the evenings/free time, or you can choose
to collect information through contacts/phone/online sources, and study its sales and distribution
model/structure/approach/policies/processes. You are expected to make suggestions to the
office/outlet/point of purchase to increase their sales turnover and reach. You are expected to click
some photographs/videos (including your photograph in the setting of the visited organization
if you visit an organization) to include in your submission.

Approach 2): You may also take up a hypothetical/actual new product or service which you intend
to market and propose a sales and distribution model for the same. You have to define your target
market; describe how you will sell/distribute/promote your product/service and propose a
distribution model/structure/approach along with relevant policies/processes which you will
follow to achieve your sales and distribution objectives. You are expected to click some
photographs/videos to include in your submission.

The title/first slide should mention the approach taken (1 or 2) and what motivated you to
take that approach. Last 5 slides in both the approaches should capture the suggestions you
make to the management of the chosen/hypothetical (could be self/family) organization, the
innovative practices you have used while working on the project, your reflections (as you look
back on your project and the work done by you) and a summary of the professional/business
related points you have learnt during the course of the project.

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The output of the project will be a power-point presentation containing 20-25 slides. You are
required to upload the final submission in the Google classroom by 10pm, May 10, 2023. Hard
copy is not required to be submitted. 5 marks are earmarked for timeliness of submission of the title
and the project. Rubric for assessment of contents of submission for projects received in time (out of
40 marks) is given below.
Outstanding work with wonderful photographs and visuals 29-33
Excellent work with excellent photographs and visuals 26-29
Very good work with very good photographs and visuals 22-25
Good work with good photographs and visuals 16-22
Average work with average photographs and visuals 10-16
Lower than average work with poor photographs and visuals < 10

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