T4 - SMBD - Batch 2020-22

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1. Course Information

Post Graduate Diploma in Management

Course title & Course Code Sales Management & Business Development;
Credits 3
Term and Year III Term, AY 2021-22 ( Batch 2020-22)
Course Pre-requisite(s) Marketing Management I and II
Course Requirement(s) Knowledge of Key Marketing Terminologies
Course Schedule (day and time of class) As per Time Table Schedule
Classroom # (Location) As per PMC allocation
Course Instructor Faculty’s Name
Course Instructor Email Faculty’s Email
Course Instructor Phone (Office) Faculty’s extension number
Student Consultation Hours As offered by faculty
Office location Designated cabin

2. Course Overview

Sales Management and Business Development is a course designed to engage students in

various classroom and out of class activities to familiarize them with the various techniques
and tactics which works in real life sales situations. The focus of this course will be to acquire
selling skills. High pressure on margins, changing expectations of customers, modifications
in the channels of communication and distribution necessitate the corresponding alteration in
the skills and profile of sales force.

This course will discuss relevant sales management frameworks and examine their
application for practical sales situations. The course also focuses on imparting knowledge
related to attracting, developing, motivating and retaining performers and building teams. The
course would prepare the students for a career in sales.
3. Course Learning Outcomes (CLO)
After undergoing this course, the students will be able to:
CLO1: Summarize the role of sales executives (Understand-Factual)
CLO2: Demonstrate selling skills (Apply-Procedural)
CLO3: Reflect the knowledge of conceptual frameworks for sales management (Evaluate-

4. Mapping of CLOs with PLOs & Graduate Attributes (GAs)

List of PLOs
PLO1: Communicate Effectively.
PLO2: Demonstrate the Ability to Work in Teams to Achieve Desired Goals.
PLO3: Reflect on business situations applying relevant conceptual frameworks.
PLO4: Evaluate different ethical business perspectives.
PLO5: Determine sustainability issues.
PLO 6: Exhibit creative thinking.

  PLO-1 PLO-2 PLO-3 PLO-4 PLO-5 PLO-6

** I: Introduced; R: Reinforced; E: Emphasised

GA 1: Self-initiative
GA 2: Deep discipline knowledge
GA 3: Critical thinking and Problem solving 
GA 4: Humility, Team-Building and Leadership Skills
GA 5: Open and Clear Communication
GA 6: Global outlook
GA 7: Ethical competency and sustainable mindset
GA 8: Entrepreneurial and innovative

GA 1 GA 2 GA 3 GA 4 GA 5 GA 6 GA 7 GA 8


5. Reference/ Book
1. Havaldar K. & Cavale V.M., Sales and Distribution management, McGraw Hill, 3rd Edn.
2. Panda,Tapan K, and Sahadev Sunil,(2013), ‘Sales and Distribution Management, Oxford,
2nd ed.
3. Still, Cundiff, and Govni, (2011), Sales Management: Decision, Strategy and cases,
Pearson, 5th ed.
4. Ingram & Lafarge, Sales management: Analysis & Decision making, Cengage
Internet Resources

 www.salesforce.com
It is a website which provides latest information on sales practices and procedures
followed by leading organization. A practical guide all sales related problem
 www.sellingpower.com
The website updates students on recent articles and studies including white papers on
sales management. This is an online magazine which is quite informative in nature.
 www.forbes.com
This online magazine gives tips on latest in sales management and business

6. Assessment Plan

S.No. Assessment Tools: Weightage

1 Reflective Notes of module 1&2 (CLO1)
(Individual Assessment)
Each student would be required to submit by session no. 8 a reflective 20%
note on their understanding of content covered in module 1 and 2. The
reflective note should cover the following points:
 Nature, Role and Importance of Sales Management
 What are different forms of personal selling in context of B2C,
B2B and B2G
 Importance of Business Development; Difference between
business development planning and sales planning; How is
business plan developed- gathering market intelligence,
understanding the market, funnel management, choosing right
marketing mix, omnichannel sales. All these points need to be
elaborated through examples from various industries
Suggestive Pedagogy: Students can be sent to big bazaar/ retail outlet
and based on their experience they can add on to the reflective notes.
Submission Details: Soft copy submission through LMS by session no 8
2 Sales Pitch/Role Play (CLO2)
(Individual Assessment) 20%
(Students would be given sales situations/scenarios which would be
I. The sales situations/scenarios will be shared with the students in
session number 5 and the role plays will be conducted and evaluated
from session number 10 onwards.
II. The scenarios will be covering selling situation for products and
III. Students would be required to submit in hard copy a page write up on
the product/service and the selling scenario provided
IV. The student will have 10 minutes for the sales pitch where they
would be evaluated on the following parameters:
 Knowledge about product/service
 Market and competitor knowledge
 Presenting and Objection handling
 Communication skills and following sales procedure
3 Workshop Submissions (CLO3)
(Group Assessment) 20%
 Students would be divided into groups in session no. 14 before
the start of the workshop based learning of topics on Sales
Forecasting, Sales Quotas and sales Territories.
 The team submissions during the workshop conducted in session
no. 15,16 and 17 will be evaluated.
 During the workshop, the concept and the theory would be
discussed first and thereafter the students in group would be
working on a caselet or a scenario related to the topic and
submitting their work by end of the day.
4 End Term (CLO3) 40%
(Individual Assessment)
Conceptual and application based questions would be used for evaluating
the students during End Term Examination
Total 100%
** Note: Students would be required to complete the Sales Mastery course offered on ijaipuria
platform during the trimester.

7. Mapping of Assessment Component with CLO

 Assessment Component Reflective Sales Workshop End

Note Pitch Submissions Term
(20%) (20%) (20%) (40%)
CLO1: Summarize the role of sales Embedde
executives d
CLO2: Demonstrate selling skills Embedde
CLO3: Reflect the knowledge of
conceptual frameworks for sales Embedded

8. Session Plan

Curtain Raiser: Busting Myths About Sales (GT-1)

Create awareness about sales careers, roles and responsibilities, career progression of sales
executives/managers through Alumni/Industry Professional Interaction & Discussion of JDs

Break Myths like:

A) Sales is not for girls
B) Sales requires Door-to-door sales calls
C) Sales is all about cold Calling
D) It is a high pressure target driven job
E) Sales is only a field job
F) Selling can be unethical
G) Selling is for those who have gift of Gab

Session Topic Reading /Reference Pedagogy CLO

Module:1 Fundamentals of Sales and Personal Selling
1 Nature, Role and Krishna Havaldar Ch 1 Movie Review CLO1
Importance of Sales Pg. 1-10 (Prerequisite- watch the
Management ( Topics not movies Rocket
covered in the curtain raiser) Singh/Pursuit of
Happyness) and
2 Personal Selling- in context Krishna Havaldar Ch 1 Scenario Based CLO1
of consumers and businesses Pg. 11-25 Discussions
(Types/ Classification of Case 1 - Vishal Julka’s
personal selling, Difference Dilemma (Tapan Panda
between selling and marketing) pg. 37)

Module 2: Business Development Plan & Process

3 Business Development Kirshna Hawaldar Ch 3 Classroom Discussion CLO1
(Importance of business Pg. 77-88 and 107-110 (along with group
development; Difference Handouts on Business activity on framing
between business development development- Business business development
planning and sales planning; Development Manager plan/template)
How is business plan
developed- gathering market
intelligence, understanding the
market, funnel management,
choosing right marketing mix,
omnichannel sales)
4 Business Development Case Case 2- Kheyti- Product Case based discussion CLO1
and Business
5 Sales Technologies (Social Handout: Guest Talk CLO1
Selling-linkedin sales 1.Social media and
navigator, Affiliate marketing) related technology
2.How B2B sales can
benefit from social
Module 3: Selling Process & Skills
6 Selling Process (Pre-sales Tapan Panda Ch 3 Pre session- CLO2
preparation, Methods of Pg. 101-115 Video/flipped videos/
prospecting, Pre-approach- movie clips followed by
Lead generation) classroom discussion
7 Selling Process ( Approach to Tapan Panda Ch 3 Concept delivery through CLO2
the Customer- FAB Approach, Pg. 116-120 sales pitch
8 Selling Process (Approaches Tapan Panda Ch 3 Concept delivery through CLO2
to Sales Presentation & Pg. 121-125 sales pitch
Methods of handling customer
9 Selling Process (Methods of Tapan Panda Ch 3 Concept delivery through CLO2
closing sales and follow up Pg. 125-131 sales pitch
10 Selling Skills: Krishna Havaldar, Ch2, Role Plays ( Invite to CLO2
(Communication skills and Pg. 64-66 communication faculty or
process, Managing Body Placement trainer)
Language, Listening Skills,
Conflict Management)
11 Selling Skills:(Negotiation and Tapan Panda, Pg 97 Role Plays ( Invite to CLO2
Problem Solving Skills) Case 3- MRF Tyres communication faculty or
Placement trainer)
12 Demonstration of selling skills Role Plays ( Invite to CLO2
communication faculty or
Placement trainer)
13 Demonstration of selling skills Role Plays ( Invite to CLO2
communication faculty or
Placement trainer)
Module 4: Sales Planning : Process, Execution & Effectiveness
14 Sales Forecasting (Qualitative Ingram LaForge Module Classroom discussion CLO3
& Quantitative Forecasting 4
15 Sales Forecasting through Excel Based questions Workshop mode CLO3
practical cases (using excel)
16 Staffing salespeople Tapan Panda Ch 7 Workshop mode CLO3
(Workload analysis) Pg.258 practical exercise
17 Sales Quotas (Types of Sales Tapan Panda Ch 8 Workshop mode CLO3
Quotas, Procedure of Quota Pg.278- 285
setting, Problems in setting
sales quotas)
18 Sales Territories (Designing Kirshna Hawaldar Ch 4 Scenario Based CLO3
and Allocation of Sales Pg. 123-138 Discussions
Territories Route Planning) Tapan Panda Pg 265
Case 4- Territorial
Design of German
19 Sales Organization Kirshna Hawaldar Ch 5 Case based discussion CLO3
Structures ( hierarchy, product Pg. 161-174
based, customer based, Case 5 - Protek
geography based, key account Packaging Inc. (Making
management) sales Management
20 Sales Motivation,  Tapan Panda Ch 11 Co-teaching CLO3
Compensation & Ethics Pg.375- 386
(Factors Influencing  Tapan Panda Ch 11
Motivation of Sales Person,
Types of Compensation Plan) Pg.387- 391
Case 6- Ethical Sales

9. Evaluation Rubrics
a. Rubrics for Reflective Notes (CLO1)

Criteria Below Expectations (BE) Meets Expectations (ME) Exceeds Expectations (EE)
Understanding and Has not understood the nature of Has understood the task but Understood and addressed task.
Addressing the task the task. Relies on information points selected are not always Information is appropriate and
copied from texts relevant or fully discussed relevant
Maximum marks (5) Key points organised to illustrate
points being made.
Structure and Content Information randomly Some structure but information Well structured, easy to follow.
presented. No sense of structure not always presented in a logical Addressed the task
order. Context and purpose
introduced but need further
Maximum marks (10)
Overall Reflection There is very poor integration Theory is not well integrated Theory is well integrated with
with theory which lacks with research/evidence/examples.
research/evidence/examples. research/evidence/examples. Learning and the benefit of
The summary of reflection is The summary of the benefits of reflection well summarised
Maximum Marks (5)
poor the reflection is very basic

b. Rubrics for Workshop Submissions (CLO3)

Traits Below Expectations Meets Expectations Exceeds Expectation

Gather Relevant Struggles to pinpoint the Clearly identifies the Demonstrates a sophisticated
Information related to information needed for sales. information required for sales. understanding of what information
Sales management & Gathers information from Gathers information from is needed for sales.
business development one source. multiple valid and reliable Gathers extensive information from
taken during Minimal evidence of search/ sources. a variety of valid and reliable
workshop. selection criteria. Evidence of search/ selection sources including journals, texts,
criteria. etc., specific to the subject.
(10 Marks) Clear evidence of search/ selection
Select and Uses Has limited knowledge on Selects and uses relevant Selects and uses relevant concepts
Relevant Concepts selecting and using relevant concepts and relevant models of and relevant models of SMBD.
and Frameworks concepts and relevant models SMBD. Needs no assistance in selecting
of SMBD on the of SMBD. Requires minimal assistance in relevant concepts and frameworks.
basis of workshop Requires extensive assistance choosing relevant concepts and
learnings in selecting relevant concepts frameworks.
and frameworks.
(10 Marks)

c. Rubrics for Sales Pitch/Role Plays (CLO2)


S.No Exceeds Expectations Meets Expectations Below Expectati

knowledgeProduct and

Excellent product knowledge was Adequate product knowledge was Poor product know

depicted depicted depicted

Excellent competitor knowledge Adequate competitor knowledge was Poor competitor kno
was depicted depicted depicted
(5M)Opening & Closure

Relevant questions were asked to Many Irrelevant questions were asked to Relevant questions we

identify customer needs identify customer needs to identify customer ne


2 Excellently Exhibited skills in Skills in order to overcome customer Poor Skills in overcom
overcoming customer objections objections were average objections
Exhibited convincing power while Exhibited adequate convincing power Lacked convincing p

& (5M) Conviction &

selling the product while selling the product selling the product
3 Depicted detailed product Depicted adequate product knowledge Depicted poor produc
knowledge and was aware of and more research on competition was and was unaware of com
competition needed
Body Language (5M) Speech was clear with Speech was not clear at times, some Speech was unclear

appropriate volume, tone & pronunciations were incorrect & the pronunciation and

pronunciation tone was same throughout modulation

Clarity in

The signs of nervousness were there

4 which needs to be worked upon The body language was
Body language depicted confidence
throughout the role play

d. Rubrics for End Term (CLO3)

CRITERIA Below Expectations Meets Expectations Exceeds Expectation

Able to offer response Fails to demonstrate Demonstrates a fair level of Demonstrates completeness of
by gathering relevant completeness of information, completeness of information, information, ability to synthesize
information related to ability to synthesize learning to ability to synthesize learning to ability to synthesize learning to
SMBD and apply knowledge of SMBD. apply knowledge of SMBD. apply knowledge of SMBD.
demonstrating Demonstrates a sophisticated
conceptual clarity. understanding of what
information is needed.
20 Marks
Selects and Uses Has limited knowledge on Selects and uses relevant Selects and uses relevant
Relevant Concepts selecting and using relevant concepts and frameworks. concepts and frameworks.
and Frameworks concepts and frameworks.

20 Marks

10. Institute’s Policy Statements

It is the responsibility of every student to be aware of the requirements for this course, and
understand the specific details included in this document. It is emphasized that this course
requires a significant commitment outside of formal class contact.  The learning tasks in this
course may include classes (lectures or seminars), required reading, the preparation of
answers to set questions, exercises and problems and self-study. In addition, students may be
required to complete an assignment, test or examination.
LMS-Moodle/Impartus is used to host course resources for all courses. Students can
download lecture, additional reading materials and tutorial notes to support class
Late Submission
Assessment tasks submitted after the due date, without prior approval/arrangement, will be
not be accepted. Requests for extension of time must be made with the faculty member
concerned and based on Special Consideration guidelines. 
Plagiarism is looked at as the presentation of the expressed thought or work of another person
as though it is one's own without properly acknowledging that person.
Cases of plagiarism will be dealt with according to Plagiarism Policy of the institute. It is
advisable that students should read Student Handbook for detailed guidelines. It is also
advisable that students must not allow other students to copy their work and must take care to
safeguard against this happening. In cases of copying, normally all students involved will be
penalised equally; an exception will be if the student can demonstrate the work is their own
and they took reasonable care to safeguard against copying.

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