Advanced Computing

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This document provides information about papers presented at the 10th International Advanced Computing Conference (IACC 2020) including details about the conference, editors, and author index.

This document provides revised selected papers from the 10th International Advanced Computing Conference (IACC 2020) held in Panaji, Goa, India in December 2020.

The document covers topics related to advanced computing that were presented as papers at the IACC 2020 conference.


Kit Wong
Jagannathan Sarangapani
Suneet Kumar Gupta (Eds.)

Communications in Computer and Information Science 1367

Advanced Computing
10th International Conference, IACC 2020
Panaji, Goa, India, December 5–6, 2020
Revised Selected Papers, Part I
in Computer and Information Science 1367

Editorial Board Members

Joaquim Filipe
Polytechnic Institute of Setúbal, Setúbal, Portugal
Ashish Ghosh
Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata, India
Raquel Oliveira Prates
Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG), Belo Horizonte, Brazil
Lizhu Zhou
Tsinghua University, Beijing, China
More information about this series at
Deepak Garg Kit Wong
• •

Jagannathan Sarangapani•

Suneet Kumar Gupta (Eds.)

Advanced Computing
10th International Conference, IACC 2020
Panaji, Goa, India, December 5–6, 2020
Revised Selected Papers, Part I

Deepak Garg Kit Wong
Bennett University University College London
Greater Noida, Uttar Pradesh, India London, UK
Jagannathan Sarangapani Suneet Kumar Gupta
Missouri University of Science Bennett University
and Technology Greater Noida, Uttar Pradesh, India
Rolla, MO, USA

ISSN 1865-0929 ISSN 1865-0937 (electronic)

Communications in Computer and Information Science
ISBN 978-981-16-0400-3 ISBN 978-981-16-0401-0 (eBook)
© Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2021
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The 10th International Advanced Computing Conference (IACC 2020) was organized
with the objective of bringing together researchers, developers, and practitioners from
academia and industry working in the area of advanced computing. The conference
consisted of keynote lectures, tutorials, workshops, and oral presentations on all aspects
of advanced computing. It was organized specifically to help the computer industry to
derive benefits from the advances of next-generation computer and communication
technology. Researchers invited to speak presented the latest developments and tech-
nical solutions in the areas of High Performance Computing, Advances in Commu-
nication and Networks, Advanced Algorithms, Image and Multimedia Processing,
Databases, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Data Science, and Computing in
IACC promotes fundamental and applied research which can help in enhancing the
quality of life. The conference was held on 05th-06th December, 2020 to make it an
ideal platform for people to share views and experiences in Futuristic Research
Techniques in various related areas.
The conference has a track record of acceptance rates from 20% to 25% in the last
10 years. More than 10 IEEE/ACM Fellows hold key positions on the conference
committee, giving it a quality edge. In the last 10 years the conference’s citation score
has been consistently increasing, moving it into the top 10% cited conferences globally.
This has been possible due to adherence to quality parameters of review and acceptance
rate without any exception, which allows us to make some of the best research
available through this platform.

December 2020 Deepak Garg

Kit Wong
Jagannathan Sarangapani
Suneet Kumar Gupta

Honorary Co-chair
Sundaraja Sitharama Florida International University, USA
Sartaj Sahni University of Florida, USA
Jagannathan Sarangapani Missouri University of Science and Technology, USA

General Co-chair
Deepak Garg Bennett University, India
Ajay Gupta Western Michigan University, USA
M. A. Maluk Mohamed M.A.M. College of Engineering and Technology, India

Program Co-chairs
Kit Wong University College London, UK
George Ghinea Brunel University London, UK
Carol Smidts Ohio State University, USA
Ram D. Sriram National Institute of Standards and Technology, USA
Kamisetty R. Rao University of Texas at Arlington, USA
Sanjay Madria Missouri University of Science and Technology, USA
Marques Oge Florida Atlantic University, USA
Vijay Kumar University of Missouri-Kansas City, USA

Publication Co-chair
Suneet K. Gupta Bennett University, India

Technical Program Committee

Hari Mohan Pandey Edge Hill University, UK
Sumeet Dua Louisiana Tech University, USA
Jagannathan Sarangapani Missouri University, USA
Roger Zimmermann National University of Singapore, Singapore
Shivani Goel Bennett University, India
Seeram Ramakrishna National University of Singapore, Singapore
B. V. R. Chowdari Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Mun Han Bae MIU/Mongolia International University, Mongolia
Selwyn Piramuthu University of Florida, USA
Bharat Bhargava Purdue University, USA
Omer F. Rana Cardiff University, UK
viii Organization

Javed I. Khan Kent State University, USA

Harpreet Singh Wayne State University, USA
Rajeev Agrawal North Carolina A&T State University, USA
P. Prabhakaran St. Joseph University in Tanzania, Tanzania
Yuliya Averyanova National Aviation University, Ukraine
Mohammed M. Banet Jordan University of Science and Technology
Dawid Zydek Idaho State University, USA
Wensheng Zhang Iowa State University
Bal Virdee London Metropolitan University, UK
S. Rao Chintalapudi Pragati Engineering College, India
Qun Wu Harbin Institute of Technology, China
Anh V. Dinh University of Saskatchewan, Canada
Lakshman Tamil University of Texas at Dallas, USA
P. D. D. Dominic Universiti Teknologi Petronas, Malaysia
Muhammad Sabbir Rahman North South University, Bangladesh
Zablon Akoko Mbero University of Botswana, Botswana
V. L. Narasimhan University of Botswana
Kin-Lu Wong National Sun Yat-sen University, Taiwan
P. G. S. Velmurugan Thiagarajar College of Engineering, India
N. B. Balamurugan Thiagarajar College of Engineering, India
Pawan Lingras Saint Mary’s University, Canada
Mahesh Bundele Poornima College of Engineering, India
N. Venkateswaran Sri Sivasubramaniya Nadar College of Engineering,
R. Venkatesan National Institute of Ocean Technology, India
Manoranjan Sahoo National Institute of Technology Trichy, India
Venkatakirthiga Murali National Institute of Technology Trichy, India
Karthik Thirumala National Institute of Technology Trichy, India
S. Sundaresh IEEE Madras Section, India
S. Mageshwari National Institute of Technology Trichy, India
Premanand V. Chandramani SSN College of Engineering, India
Mini Vasudevan Ericsson India Pvt. Ltd., India
P. Swarnalatha School of CSE, VIT, India
P. Venkatesh Thiagarajar College of Engineering, India
S. Mercy Shalinie Thiagarajar College of Engineering, India
Dhanalakshmi K. National Institute of Technology Tiruchirappalli, India
M. Marsalin Beno St Xavier’s Catholic College of Engineering, India
K. Porkumaran Dr. N.G.P. Institute of Technology, India
D. Ezhilarasi National Institute of Technology Tiruchirappalli, India
Ramya Vijay SASTRA University, India
S. Rajaram Thiagarajar College of Engineering, India
B. Yogameena Thiagarajar College of Engineering, India
H. R. Mohan IEEE India Council Newsletter, India
S. Joseph Gladwin SSN College of Engineering, India
D. Nirmal Karunya University, India
N. Mohankumar SKP Institute of Technology, India
Organization ix

A. Jawahar SSN College of Engineering, India

K. Dhayalini K. Ramakrishnan College of Engineering, India
C. Jeyalakshmi K. Ramakrishnan College of Engineering, India
B. Viswanathan K. Ramakrishnan College of Engineering, India
V. Jayaprakasan IEEE Madras Section, India
D. Venkata Vara Prasad SSN College of Engineering, India
Jayakumari J. Mar Baselios College of Engineering and Technology,
P. A. Manoharan IEEE Madras Section, India
S. Salivahanan IEEE Madras Section, India
P. Santhi Thilagam National Institute of Technology Karnataka, India
Umapada Pal Indian Statistical Institute, Indian
A. Revathi SASTRA Deemed University, India
K. Prabhu National Institute of Technology Karnataka, India
B. Venkatalakshmi Velammal Engineering College, India
S. Suresh NIT Trichy, India
V. Mariappan NIT Trichy, India
T. Senthilkumar Anna University, India
S. Arul Daniel NIT Trichy, India
N. Sivakumaran NIT Trichy, India
N. Kumaresan NIT Trichy, India
R. Gnanadass Pondicherry Engineering College, India
S. Chandramohan College of Engineering, Guindy, India
D. Devaraj Kalasalingam Academy of Research and Education,
Avani Vasant Babaria Institute of Technology, India
S. Raghavan National Institute of Technology Trichy, India
J. Williams Agnel Institute of Technology & Design, India
R. Boopathi Rani National Institute of Technology Puducherry, India
Anandan Vellore Institute of Technology, India
R. Kalidoss SSN College of Engineering, India
R. K. Mugelan Vellore Institute of Technology, India
V. Vinod Kumar Government College of Engineering Kannur, India
R. Saravanan VIT, India
S. Sheik Aalam iSENSE Intelligence Solutions, India
E. Srinivasan Pondicherry Engineering College, India
M. Hariharan NIT, Uttarakhand, India
L. Ganesan A.C. Government College of Engineering and
Technology, India
Varun P. Gopi NIT Trichy, India
S. Mary Joans Velammal Engineering College, India
V. Vijaya Chamundeeswari Velammal Engineering College, India
T. Prabhakar GMRIT, India
V. Kamakoti IITM, India
D. Vaithiyanathan NIT Delhi, India
N. Janakiraman KLN College of Engineering, India
x Organization

S. Suresh Banaras Hindu University, India

R. Gobi PRIST University, India
B. Janet National Institute of Technology Tiruchirappalli, India
R. Sivashankar Madanapalle Institute of Technology & Science, India
S. Moses Santhakumar National Institute of Technology Trichy, India
G. Beulah Gnana Ananthi Anna University, India
Bud Mishra New York University, USA
S. Suresh Babu Adhiyamaan College of Engineering, India
T. Ramesh NIT Trichy, India
V. Anatha Krishanan NIT Trichy, India
R. B. Patel MMU Mullana, India
Adesh Kumar Sharma NDRI, India
Gunamani Jena JNTU, Andhra Pradesh, India
Maninder Singh Thapar Institute of Engineering and Technology, India
Gurbinder Singh GNDU, India
Manoj Manuja Chitkara University, India
Ajay Sharma NIT, New Delhi, India
Manjit Patterh UIET, Punjabi University, India
Mayank Dave NIT, Kurukshetra, India
A. L. Sangal NIT Jalandhar, India
C. Suresh Thakur Naval Research Board, India
L. M. Bhardwaj Amity University Noida, India
Sh. Manu Goel Infosys, India
Parvinder Singh DCRUST, India
Gurpal Singh PTU, Fatehgarh, India
M. Syamala Punjab University Chandigarh, India
Lalit Awasthi NIT Jalandhar, India
Ajay Bansal NIT Jalandhur, India
Jyotsna Sengupta Punjabi Univ, India
Ravi Aggarwal Adobe, USA
V. R. Singh New Delhi, India
Sigurd Meldal San José State University, USA
M. Balakrishnan IIT New Delhi, India
Renu Vig University Institute of Engineering & Technology,
Panjab University, India
Malay Pakhira KGEC, India
Savita Gupta University Institute of Engineering & Technology,
Panjab University, India
Lakhwinder Kaur University Institute of Engineering & Technology,
Punjabi University, India
B. Ramadoss NIT Trichy, India
Ashwani Kush Kurukshetra University, India
Manas Ranjan Patra Berhampur University, India
Sukhwinder Singh University Institute of Engineering & Technology,
Panjab University, India
Dharmendra Kumar GJU, India
Organization xi

Chandan Singh Punjabi University, India

Rajinder Nath Kurukshetra University, India
Manjaiah D. H. Mangalore University, India
Himanshu Aggarwal Punjabi University, India
R. S. Kaler Thapar Institute of Engineering and Technology, India
Pabitra Pal Chaudhary Indian Statistical Institute, India
S. K. Pal DRDO, India
G. S. Lehal Punjabi University, India
Rajkumar Kannan Bishop Heber College, India
Yogesh Chaba GJU, India
Amardeep Singh Punjabi Unversity, India
Hardeep Singh GNDU, India
Ajay Rana Amity University, India
Kanwaljeet Singh Punjabi University, India
P. K. Bansal MIMIT, India
C. K. Bhensdadia DD University, India
Savina Bansal GZSCET, India
Mohammad Asger BGSB, India
Rajesh Bhatia Punjab Engineering College, India
Stephen John Turner NTU, Singapore
Om Vikas Ministry of IT, India
Chiranjeev Kumar IIT (ISM) Dhanbad, India
Bhim Singh IEEE Delhi Section, India
Anandha Gopalan Imperial College London, UK
Ram Gopal Gupta IEEE India Council, India
A. K. Sharma YMCA University of Science and Technology, India
Rob Reilly MIT, USA
B. K. Murthy C-DAC, Noida, India
Karmeshu Jawaharlal Nehru University, India
K. K. Biswas IIT Delhi, India
Sandeep Sen IIT Delhi, India
Suneeta Aggarwal MNNIT Allahabad, India
Satish Chand NSIT, India
Savita Goel IIT Delhi, India
Raghuraj Singh HBTI Kanpur, India
Ajeet Kumar Cognizant, India
Varun Dutt IIT Mandi, India
D. K. Lobiyal JNU, India
Ajay Rana Amity University, India
R. S. Yadav MNNIT Allahabad, India
N. Singh NSUT, India
Bulusu Anand IIT Roorkee, India
R. K. Singh BTKIT Dwarahat, India
Sateesh Kumar Peddoju IIT Roorkee, India
Divakar Yadav JIIT, Noida, India
Naveen Kumar Singh IGNOU, India
xii Organization

R. S. Raw NSUT, India

Prabha Sharma IIT Kanpur, India
Ela Kumar GBU, India
Vidushi Sharma GBU, India
Sumit Srivastava Manipal University Jaipur, India
Manish K. Gupta DA-IICT, India
Annappa B. NIT Karnataka, India
Nikhil Pal ISI, India
P. I. Basarkod REVA ITM Bangalore, India
Anil Dahiya Manipal University, India
Gautam Barua IIT Guwahati, India
Anjana Gosain GGSIP University, India
Saroja Devi NMIT, India
P. K. Saxena DRDO, India
B. K. Das ITM University, India
Raghu Reddy IIIT Hyderabad, India
B. Chandra IIT Delhi, India
R. K. Agarwal JNU, India
Basim Alhadidi Al-Balqa’ Applied University, Jordan
B. G. Krishna Space Application Center, ISRO, India
Naveen Garg IIT Delhi, India
K. S. Subramanian IGNOU, India
Vijay Nadadur Tationem, India
Biplab Sikdar National University of Singapore, Singapore
Sreeram Ramakrishna National University of Singapore, Singapore
Vikas Mathur RightCloudz, India
B. V. R. Chaoudhari NUS, Singapore
Hari Krishna Garg Engineering National University of Singapore,
Raja Dutta IIT Kharagpur, India
Y. V. S. Lakshmi Center for Development of Telematics, India
Vishakha Vaidya Adobe, USA
Sudipto Shankar Dasgupta Infosys, India
R. Dattakumar VTU, India
Atal Chaudhari Jadavpur University, India
K. Rajinikanth RR School of Architecture, India
Srikanta Murthy PESCE, India
Ganga Boraiah KIMS, India
Ananda Kumar K. R. SJBIT, India
Champa H. N. UVCE, India
S. N. Omkar IISC, India
Bala Ji C-DAC, India
Annapoorna Patil Ramaiah Institute of Technology, India
Chandrashekhar S. N. SJCIT, India
M. Misbahuddin C-DAC, India
Roshini Charles C-DAC, India
Organization xiii

Saroj Meher ISI, India

Jharna Majumdar NMIT, India
Cauvery N. K. RVCE, India
G. K. Patra CSIR, India
Anandi J. Oxford College of Engineering, India
K. V. Dinesha IIIT Bangalore, India
Sunita K. R. BIT, India
Shailaja Ambedkar Institute of Technology, India
Andrzej Rucinski University of New Hampshire, USA
K. R. Murali Mohan DST, GOI, India
Ramesh Paturi Microsoft, India
Chandra Sekharan K. National Institute of Technology Karnataka, India
S. Viswanadha Raju Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, India
C. Krishna Mohan Indian Institute of Technology Hyderabad, India
S. R. N. Reddy Delhi University, India
R. T. Goswamy Birla Institute of Technology, India
B. Surekha KS Institute of Technology, India
P. Trinatha Rao GITAM University, India
G. Varaprasad BMS College of Engineering, India
M. Usha Rani SPM University, India
Tanmay De NIT Durgapur, India
P. V. Lakshmi SPM University, India
K. A. Selvaradjou Pondicherry University, India
Ch. Satyananda Reddy Andhra University, India
Jeegar Trivedi Sardar Vallabhai Patel University, India
S. V. Raoa Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati, India
Suresh Varma Adikavi Nannaya University, India
Y. Padma Sai VNR Vignana Jyothi Institute of Engineering
& Technology, India
T. Ranga Babu RVR & JC College of Engineering, India
D. Venkat Rao Narasaraopet Inst. of Technology, India
N. Sudhakar Reddy SV College of Engineering, India
Dhiraj Sunehra Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, India
Madhavi Gudavalli Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, India
B. Hemantha Kumar RVR & JC College of Engineering, India
N. Srinagesh RVR & JC College of Engineering, India
Bipin Bihari Jayasingh CVR College of Engineering, India
M. Ramesh Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, India
P. Rajeshwari GITAM University, India
R. Kiran Kumar Krishna University, India
M. Dhana Lakshmi Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, India
P. Raja Rajeswari Andhra University, India
O. Srinivasa Rao Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, India
D. Ramesh Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, India
B. Kranthi Kiran Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, India
R. V. G. Anjaneyulu National Remote Sensing Centre, NRSC, India
xiv Organization

A. Nagesh MGIT, India

P. Sammulal Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, India
G. Narasimha Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, India
B. V. Ram Naresh Yadav Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, India
B. N. Bhandari JNTUH, India
O. B. V. Ramanaiah VNRVJIET, India
M. Malini Osmania University, India
Anil Kumar Vuppala IIIT Hyderabad, India
Golla Vara Prasad College of Engineering, India
M. Surya Kalavathi JNTUH, India
Duggirala Srinivasa Rao JNTUH, India
Makkena Madhavi Latha JNTUH, India
L. Anjaneyulu NIT Warangal, India
K. Anitha Sheela JNTUH, India
B. Padmaja Rani JNTUH College of Engineering Hyderabad, India
S. Mangai Velalar College of Engg & Tech., India
P. Chandra Sekhar Osmania University, India
Mrityunjoy Chakraborty IIT Kharagpur, India
Manish Shrivastava IIIT Hyderabad, India
Uttam Kumar Roy Jadavpur University, India
Kalpana Naidu IIT Kota, India
A. Swarnalatha St. Joseph’s College of Engineering, India
Aaditya Maheshwari Techno India NJR Institute of Technology, India
Ajit Panda National Institute of Science and Technology (NIST),
Amit Kumar Infosys Technologies, India
R. Anuradha Sri Ramakrishna Engineering College, India
Anurag Goswami Bennett University, India
B. G. Prasad BMS College of Engineering, India
R. Balaji Ganesh NIT Trichy, India
Chung Trinity College Dublin, Ireland
D. Murali VEMU Institute of Technology, India
Deepak Padmanabhan Queen’s University Belfast, UK
Dinesh G. Harkut Ram Meghe Institute of Engineering and Management,
Badnera, India
Dinesh Manocha University of Maryland, USA
Firoz Alam RMIT University, Australia
Frederic Andres National Institute of Informatics, Japan
G. Kishor Kumar RGMCET, India
G. L. Prajapati Devi Ahilya University, India
Gaurav Varshney IIT Jammu, India
Geeta Sikka Dr B R Ambedkar National Institute of Technology,
K. Giri Babu VVIT, India
Gopal Sakarkar GHRCE, India
Gudivada Venkat Naidu East Carolina University, USA
Organization xv

Gurdeep Hura University of Maryland, USA

G. V. Padma Raju S.R.K.R., India
Yashodhara V. Haribhakta Government College of Engineering Pune, India
Haritha Dasari SRK Institute of Technology, India
Harsh Dev PSIT Kanpur, India
Yashwantsinh Jadeja Marwadi University, India
Jagdish Chand Bansal South Asian University, India
Vinit Jakhetiya Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Jammu, India
Singaraju Jyothi Sri Padmavati Mahila Visvavidyalayam, India
K. Subramanian IIT Kanpur, India
Kalaiarasi Sonai Muthu Multimedia University, Malaysia
Kalyana Saravanan Kongu Engineering College, India
K. Kotecha Symbiosis Institute of Technology, India
K. K. Patel Charotar University of Science & Technology
Kokou Yetongnon University of Burgundy, France
Kuldeep Sharma Jain University, India
Sumalatha Lingamgunta JNTU Kakinada, India
Latika Duhan Sushant University, India
Luca Saba University of Cagliari, Italy
M. Arun VIT University, India
M. G. Sumithra KPR Institute of Engineering and Technology, India
M. Mary Shanthi Rani Deemed University Gandhigram, India
Suneetha Manne VR Siddhartha Engineering College, India
Milind Shah Fr. C. Rodrigues Institute of Technology, India
Mohammed Asghar Baba Ghulam Shah Badshah University, India
Nagesh Vadaparthi MVGR College of Engineering, India
Navanath Saharia IIIT Manipur, India
Neeraj Kumar Thapar Institute of Engineering and Technology, India
Neeraj Mittal University of Texas at Dallas, USA
Nikunj Tahilramani Adani Institute of Infrastructure Engineering (AIIE),
Nobel Xavier Glassdoor, USA
Om Vikash ABVIITM Gwalior, India
S. N. Omkar Subbaram Indian Institute of Science, India
Laxmi Lydia VIIT, India
P. Arul Sivanatham Muscat College, Oman
P. K. Banssal Quest Group of Institutions, India
Venkata Padmavati Metta Bhilai Institute of Technology, India
Parteek Bhatia Thapar Institute of Engineering & Technology, India
Pradeep Kumar Indian Institute of Management Lucknow, India
Prashant Singh Rana Thapar Institute of Engg. & Tech., India
Pushpender Sarao Hyderabad Institute of Technology and Management,
xvi Organization

Krishnan Rangarajan Dayananda Sagar College of Engineering, India

M. Naresh Babu National Institute of Technology Silchar, India
R. Priya Vaijayanthi GMR Institute of Technology, India
Saravanan R. VIT University, India
Radhika K. R. BMSCE, India
Rajkumar Buyya University of Melbourne, Australia
Rajanikanth Aluvalu Vardhaman College of Engineering, India
Ramakanth Kumar P. R V College of Engineering, India
Roshani Raut Vishwakarma Institute of Information Technology,
Suresh Babu Adhiyamaan College of Engineering, India
Sabu M. Thampi Indian Institute of Information Tech & Mgt-Kerala,
Sajal K. Das Missouri Univ. of Science and Technology, USA
Samayveer Singh Ambedkar National Institute of Technology, India
Sanjeevikumar Padmanaban Aalborg University, Denmark
Sanjeev Pippal GL Bajaj Institute of Management & Technology, India
Santosh Saraf KLS Gogte Institute of Technolgy, India
Satyadhyan Chickerur KLE Technological University, India
Saurabh Kumar Garg University of Tasmania, Australia
Shachi Natu TSE College, India
Shailendra Aswale SRIEIT, India
Shirin Bhanu Koduri Vasavi College of Engineering, India
Shom Das Biju Patnaik University of Technology, India
Shreenivas Londhe Vishwakarma Institute of Information Technology,
Shweta Agrawal SIRT, SAGE University, India
Shylaja S. S. PES University, India
Srabanti Maji DIT University, India
Sudipta Roy Assam University, India
Suneet Gupta Bennett University, India
Sunil Kumar Khatri Amity University Tashkent, Uzbekistan
Tummala Ranga Babu R.V.R. & J.C. College of Engineering, India
Tessy Mathew MBCET, India
Anandakrishnan V. National Institute of Technology Tiruchirappalli, India
V. Gomathi National Engineering College, Kovilpatti, India
Vaibhav Gandhi B H Gardi College of Engineering & Technology, India
Vaibhav Anu Montclair State University, USA
Koppula Vijaya Kumar CMR College of Engg. & Tech., India
Vikram Bambedkar Cognizant Technology Solutions, Australia
Virendrakumar Bhavsar Univ. of New Brunswick, Canada
Vishnu Pendyala San José State University, USA
Vishnu Vardhan B. JNTUH College of Engineering Manthani, India
M. Wilscy Saintgits College of Engineering, Kottayam, India
Yamuna Prasad IIT Jammu, India
Organization xvii

Nishu Gupta Vaagdevi College of Engineering (Autonomous), India

B. Surendiran National Institute of Technology (NIT) Puducherry,
Bhadri Raju M. S. V. S. S.R.K.R. Engineering College, India
Deepak Poola IBM India Private Limited, India
Edara Sreenivasa Reddy Acharya Nagarjuna University, India
Seung Hwa Chung Samsung, South Korea
Anila Rao MLRIT, India
B. Raveendra Babu RVR & JC College of Engineering, India
V. K. Jain Mody University, India
Abhishek Shukla R.D. Engineering College, India
Ajay Shiv Sharma Melbourne Institute of Technology, Australia
G. Singaravel K.S.R. College of Engineering, India
M. Nageswara Rao KL University, India
K. Suvarna Vani V R Siddhartha Engineering College, India
Amit Sinha ABES Engg. College, India
Md. Dilshad Anasari CMRCET, India
Mainak Biswas JIS University, India
Abhinav Tomar IIT(ISM) Dhanbad, India
A. Obulesu Anurag University, India
Dattatraya V. Kodavade D.K.T.E Society’s Textile & Engineering Institute,
Arpit Bhardwaj Bennett University, India
Gaurav Singal Bennett University, India
Madhushi Verma Bennett University, India
Tanveer Ahmed Bennett University, India
Vipul Kumar Mishra Bennett University, India
Tapas Badal Bennett University, India
Mayank Swankar Bennett University, India
Hiren Thakkar Bennett University, India
Shakti Sharma Bennett University, India
Sanjeet Kumar Nayak Bennett University, India
Shashidhar R. Bennett University, India
Indrajeet Gupta Bennett University, India
Kuldeep Chaurasia Bennett University, India
Tanmay Bhowmik Bennett University, India
Sridhar Swaminathan Bennett University, India
Rohan Sharma Bennett University, India
Suchi Kumari Bennett University, India
Vijay Kumar Bohat Bennett University, India
Simranjit Singh Bennett University, India
Deepak Singh Bennett University, India
Nidhi Chahal Bennett University, India
Vijaypal Singh Rathor Bennett University, India
Mohit Sajwan Bennett University, India
Gunjan Rehani Bennett University, India
xviii Organization

Apeksha Agrawal Bennett University, India

Samya Muhuri Bennett University, India
Rahul Kumar Verma Bennett University, India
Suman Bhattacharjee Bennett University, India
Ankur Gupta Bennett University, India
Contents – Part I

Application of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

in Healthcare

Epileptic Seizure Detection Using CNN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

Divya Acharya, Anushna Gowreddygari, Richa Bhatia, Varsha Shaju,
S. Aparna, and Arpit Bhardwaj

Residual Dense U-Net for Segmentation of Lung CT Images Infected

with Covid-19 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Abhishek Srivastava, Nikhil Sharma, Shivansh Gupta,
and Satish Chandra

Leveraging Deep Learning and IoT for Monitoring COVID19 Safety

Guidelines Within College Campus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
Sahai Vedant, D’Costa Jason, Srivastava Mayank, Mehra Mahendra,
and Kalbande Dhananjay

A 2D ResU-Net Powered Segmentation of Thoracic Organs at Risk Using

Computed Tomography Images. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
Mohit Asudani, Alarsh Tiwari, Harsh Kataria, Vipul Kumar Mishra,
and Anurag Goswami

A Compact Shape Descriptor Using Empirical Mode Decomposition

to Detect Malignancy in Breast Tumour. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
Spandana Paramkusham, Manjula Sri Rayudu, and Puja S. Prasad

An Intelligent Sign Communication Machine for People Impaired

with Hearing and Speaking Abilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
Ashish Sharma, Tapas Badal, Akshat Gupta, Arpit Gupta,
and Aman Anand

Features Explaining Malnutrition in India: A Machine Learning Approach

to Demographic and Health Survey Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87
Sunny Rajendrasingh Vasu, Sangita Khare, Deepa Gupta,
and Amalendu Jyotishi

Surveillance System for Monitoring Social Distance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100

Sahil Jethani, Ekansh Jain, Irene Serah Thomas, Harshitha Pechetti,
Bhavya Pareek, Priyanka Gupta, Venkataramana Veeramsetty,
and Gaurav Singal
xx Contents – Part I

Consumer Emotional State Evaluation Using EEG Based Emotion

Recognition Using Deep Learning Approach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113
Rupali Gill and Jaiteg Singh

Covid Prediction from Chest X-Rays Using Transfer Learning . . . . . . . . . . . 128

D. Haritha and M. Krishna Pranathi

Machine Learning Based Prediction of H1N1 and Seasonal

Flu Vaccination . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139
Srividya Inampudi, Greshma Johnson, Jay Jhaveri, S. Niranjan,
Kuldeep Chaurasia, and Mayank Dixit

A Model for Heart Disease Prediction Using Feature Selection

with Deep Learning. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151
Vaishali Baviskar, Madhushi Verma, and Pradeep Chatterjee

CovidNet: A Light-Weight CNN for the Detection of COVID-19 Using

Chest X-Ray Images . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 169
Tejalal Choudhary, Aditi Godbole, Vaibhav Gattyani, Aditya Gurnani,
Aditi Verma, and Aditya Babar

Using Natural Language Processing for Solving Text and Language

related Applications

Analysis of Contextual and Non-contextual Word Embedding Models

for Hindi NER with Web Application for Data Collection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 183
Aindriya Barua, S. Thara, B. Premjith, and K. P. Soman

NEWS Article Summarization with Pretrained Transformer . . . . . . . . . . . . . 203

Apar Garg, Saiteja Adusumilli, Shanmukha Yenneti, Tapas Badal,
Deepak Garg, Vivek Pandey, Abhishek Nigam, Yashu Kant Gupta,
Gyan Mittal, and Rahul Agarwal

QA System: Business Intelligence in Healthcare . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 212

Apar Garg, Tapas Badal, and Debajyoti Mukhopadhyay

Multidomain Sentiment Lexicon Learning Using Genre-Seed Embeddings . . . 224

Swati Sanagar and Deepa Gupta

Deep Learning Based Question Generation Using T5 Transformer . . . . . . . . 243

Khushnuma Grover, Katinder Kaur, Kartikey Tiwari, Rupali,
and Parteek Kumar

Improving Word Recognition in Speech Transcriptions by Decision-Level

Fusion of Stemming and Two-Way Phoneme Pruning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 256
Sunakshi Mehra and Seba Susan
Contents – Part I xxi

MultiDeepFake: Improving Fake News Detection with a Deep

Convolutional Neural Network Using a Multimodal Dataset . . . . . . . . . . . . . 267
Rohit Kumar Kaliyar, Arjun Mohnot, R. Raghhul, V. K. Prathyushaa,
Anurag Goswami, Navya Singh, and Palavi Dash

English-Marathi Neural Machine Translation Using Local Attention . . . . . . . 280

K. Adi Narayana Reddy, G. Shyam Chandra Prasad,
A. Rajashekar Reddy, L. Naveen Kumar, and Kannaiah

NLP2SQL Using Semi-supervised Learning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 288

H. Vathsala and Shashidhar G. Koolagudi

RumEval2020-An Effective Approach for Rumour Detection with a Deep

Hybrid C-LSTM Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 300
Rohit Kumar Kaliyar, Rajbeer Singh, Sai N. Laya, M. Sujay Sudharshan,
Anurag Goswami, and Deepak Garg

Speech2Image: Generating Images from Speech Using Pix2Pix Model . . . . . 313

Ankit Raj Ojha, Abhilash Gunasegaran, Aruna Maurya,
and Spriha Mandal

SQL Query from Portuguese Language Using Natural

Language Processing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 323
Carlos Fernando Mulessiua da Silva and Rajni Jindal

Misogynous Text Classification Using SVM and LSTM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 336

Maibam Debina Devi and Navanath Saharia

Active Learning Enhanced Sequence Labeling for Aspect Term Extraction

in Review Data. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 349
K. Shyam Sundar and Deepa Gupta

Using Different Neural Network Architectures

for Interesting Applications

Intuitive Feature Engineering and Machine Learning Performance

Improvement in the Banking Domain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 365
S. Teja, B. Chandrashekhar, Eswar Reddy, Hrishikesh Jha,
K. Nageswara, Mathew Joseph, Jaideep Matto, and Richard K. Bururu

A Weighted Ensemble Approach to Real-Time Prediction of Suspended

Particulate Matter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 381
Tushar Saini, Gagandeep Tomar, Duni Chand Rana, Suresh Attri,
and Varun Dutt

DualPrune: A Dual Purpose Pruning of Convolutional Neural Networks

for Resource-Constrained Devices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 395
Tejalal Choudhary, Vipul Mishra, and Anurag Goswami
xxii Contents – Part I

Incremental Ensemble of One Class Classifier for Data Streams

with Concept Drift Adaption . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 407
Shubhangi Suryawanshi, Anurag Goswami, and Pramod Patil

Detection of Ransomware on Windows System Using Machine Learning

Technique: Experimental Results. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 417
Laxmi B. Bhagwat and Balaji M. Patil

Leading Athlete Following UAV Using Transfer Learning Approach. . . . . . . 424

Shanmukha Sai Sumanth Yenneti, Riti Kushwaha, Smita Naval,
and Gaurav Singal

Image Forgery Detection & Localization Using Regularized U-Net . . . . . . . . 434

Mohammed Murtuza Qureshi and Mohammed Ghalib Qureshi

Incorporating Domain Knowledge in Machine Learning for Satellite

Image Processing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 443
Ambily Pankajakshan, Malay Kumar Nema, and Rituraj Kumar

Enabling Oil Production Forecasting Using Machine Learning . . . . . . . . . . . 452

Bikash Kumar Parhi and Samarth D. Patwardhan

TABot – A Distributed Deep Learning Framework for Classifying Price

Chart Images . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 465
Matthew Siper, Kyle Makinen, and Raman Kanan

Multi-class Emotion Classification Using EEG Signals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 474

Divya Acharya, Riddhi Jain, Siba Smarak Panigrahi, Rahul Sahni,
Siddhi Jain, Sanika Prashant Deshmukh, and Arpit Bhardwaj

MaskNet: Detecting Different Kinds of Face Mask for Indian Ethnicity . . . . . 492
Abhinav Gola, Sonia Panesar, Aradhna Sharma,
Gayathri Ananthakrishnan, Gaurav Singal,
and Debajyoti Mukhopadhyay

Author Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 505

Contents – Part II

Using AI for Plant and Animal Related Applications

Tomato Leaf Disease Prediction Using Transfer Learning. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

R. Sangeetha and M. Mary Shanthi Rani

Amur Tiger Detection for Wildlife Monitoring and Security . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

Shankho Boron Ghosh, Ketan Muddalkar, Balmukund Mishra,
and Deepak Garg

Classification of Plant Species with Compound and Simple Leaves Using

CNN Fusion Networks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
P. G. Mary Sobha and Princy Ann Thomas

A Deep Learning-Based Transfer Learning Approach for the Bird

Species Classification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
Tejalal Choudhary, Shubham Gujar, Kruti Panchal, Sarvjeet,
Vipul Mishra, and Anurag Goswami

Applications of Blockchain and IoT

Integration of Explainable AI and Blockchain for Secure Storage of Human

Readable Justifications for Credit Risk Assessment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
Rahee Walambe, Ashwin Kolhatkar, Manas Ojha, Akash Kademani,
Mihir Pandya, Sakshi Kathote, and Ketan Kotecha

Blockchain Based Approach for Managing Medical Practitioner Record:

A Secured Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
Neetu Sharma and Rajesh Rohilla

iSHAB: IoT-Enabled Smart Homes and Buildings. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83

V. Lakshmi Narasimhan

Implementation of Blockchain Based Distributed Architecture

for Enhancing Security and Privacy in Peer-To-Peer Networks . . . . . . . . . . . 94
Kriti Patidar and Swapnil Jain

Application of Neural Networks to Simulate a Monopole Microstrip

Four-Tooth-Shaped Antenna . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106
Zufar Kayumov, Dmitrii Tumakov, and Angelina Markina
xxiv Contents – Part II

Use of Data Science for Building Intelligence Applications

RECA: Deriving the Rail Enterprise Confluence Architecture . . . . . . . . . . . . 123

V. Lakshmi Narasimhan

Energy-Aware Edge Intelligence for Dynamic Intelligent

Transportation Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132
Shajulin Benedict

A Single Criteria Ranking Technique for Schools Based on Results

of Common Examination Using Clustering and Congenital Weights . . . . . . . 152
Dillip Rout

Innovations in Advanced Network Systems

5G Software-Defined Heterogeneous Networks in Intra Tier with

Sleeping Strategy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 175
Rohit S. Waghmare, Hemlata Patil, and Sujata Kadam

Performance Investigation of MIMO-OFDM Based Next Generation

Wireless Techniques . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 188
Balram Damodhar Timande and Manoj Kumar Nigam

DLC Re-Builder: Sketch Based Recognition and 2-D Conversion of Digital

Logic Circuit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 200
Maitreyi Sharma, Sonal Nipane, Rachita, Krupa N. Jariwala,
and Rasika Khade

Design of I/O Interface for DDR2 SDRAM Transmitter Using gpdk

180 nm Technology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 215
Jayashree C. Nidagundi

Advanced Algorithms for Miscellaneous Domains

Improved SMO Based on Perturbation Rate in Local Leader Phase . . . . . . . . 231

Naveen Tanwar, Vishnu Prakash Sharma, and Sandeep Kumar Punia

Generation of Pseudo Random Sequence Using Modified Newton

Raphson Method. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 250
Aakash Paul and Shyamalendu Kandar

Smoothening Junctions of Engineering Drawings Using C2 Continuity . . . . . 263

Paramita De

An Efficient Privacy Preserving Algorithm for Cloud Users . . . . . . . . . . . . . 273

Manoj Kumar Shukla, Ashwani Kumar Dubey, Divya Upadhyay,
and Boris Novikov
Contents – Part II xxv

An Upper Bound for Sorting Rn with LRE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 283

Sai Satwik Kuppili, Bhadrachalam Chitturi, Venkata Vyshnavi Ravella,
and C. K. Phani Datta

Programmable Joint Computing Filter for Low-Power

and High-Performance Applications. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 296
Abhineet Bawa, Rama Kanta Choudhury, Chandra Kanta Samal,
and Navneet Yadav

Novel Design Approach for Optimal Execution Plan and Strategy for Query
Execution. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 308
Rajendra D. Gawali and Subhash K. Shinde

New Approaches in Software Engineering

An Iterative and Incremental Approach to Address Regulatory Compliance

Concerns in Requirements Engineering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 323
Deepti Balaji Raykar, L. T. JayPrakash, and K. V. Dinesha

State Space Modeling of Earned Value Method for Iterative Enhancement

Based Traditional Software Projects Tracking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 336
Manoj Kumar Tyagi, Ajay Sikandar, Dheerendra Kumar Tyagi,
Durgesh Kumar, Prashant Singh, Srinivasan Munisamy,
and L. S. S. Reddy

Agile Planning and Tracking of Software Projects Using the State-Space

Approach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 355
Manoj Kumar Tyagi, Dheerendra Kumar Tyagi, Lalit Kumar Tyagi,
Neha Tyagi, Durgesh Kumar, and Ajay Sikandar

Author Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 373

About the Editors

Dr. Deepak Garg is Director NVIDIA Bennett Research

Center on AI, Director and Chair, CSE,
Bennett University with 30 SCI publications and 700
million INR funding in Grants He has *1000 citation
count and h-index of 16 in Google Scholar. He has 60
Scopus papers and in total 130+ publications including
IEEE Transactions, Springer and Elsevier Journals.
Worked in national and international committees on
ABET, NBA and NAAC accreditation. Known as algo-
rithm and Deep Learning gurus in India and consulting He is an active Blogger with Times of
India with nickname as “Breaking Shackles”. Homepage

Kit Wong received the BEng, the MPhil, and the PhD
degrees, all in Electrical and Electronic Engineering, from
the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology,
Hong Kong, in 1996, 1998, and 2001, respectively. Since
August 2006, he has been with University College London.
Prof. Wong is Fellow of IEEE and IET. He is Area
Editor for IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communica-
tions, and Senior Editor for the IEEE Communications
Letters and IEEE Wireless Communications Letters.

Dr. Sarangapani Jagannathan is at the Missouri

University of Science and Technology (former University
of Missouri-Rolla) where he is a Rutledge-Emerson
Distinguished Professor of Electrical and Computer Engi-
neering and served as a Site Director for the NSF
Industry/University Cooperative Research Center on
Intelligent Maintenance Systems. His research interests
include neural networks and learning, secure
human-cyber-physical systems, prognostics, and autono-
mous systems/robotics. He has co-authored with his stu-
dents 176 peer reviewed journal articles, 289 refereed
IEEE conference articles, authored/co-edited 6 books,
received 21 US patents and graduated 30 doctoral and 31
xxviii About the Editors

M.S thesis students. He received many awards including

the 2020 best AE award from IEEE SMC Transactions,
2018 IEEE CSS Transition to Practice Award, 2007
Boeing Pride Achievement Award, 2000 NSF Career
Award, 2001 Caterpillar Research Excellence Award, and
many others. He is a Fellow of the IEEE, National
Academy of Inventors, and Institute of Measurement and
Control, UK and Institution of Engineering and Technol-
ogy (IET), UK.

Suneet Kumar Gupta is a Asst. Professor in the

Department of Computer Science Engineering at Bennett
University, Gr. Noida. His current research interests are
Wireless Sensor Network, Internet of Things, Natural
Language Processing and Brain-Computer Interaction.
Presently Dr. Gupta has completed a Wireless Sensor
Network based project funded by Department of Science
and Technology, Uttar Pradesh.
Dr. Gupta is also part of a project funded by the Royal
Academy of Science London entitled with
He has more than 45 research articles, authored 2 books
and 2 book chapters in his account.
Application of Artificial Intelligence
and Machine Learning in Healthcare
Epileptic Seizure Detection Using CNN

Divya Acharya1(B) , Anushna Gowreddygari2 , Richa Bhatia3 , Varsha Shaju4 ,

S. Aparna5 , and Arpit Bhardwaj1
1 Bennett University, Greater Noida, India
2 VNR Vignana Jyothi Institue of Engineering and Technology, Hyderabad, India
3 VESIT College, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
[email protected]
4 Vidya Academy of Science and Technology, Thrissur, Kerala, India
5 Saintgits College of Engineering, Kottayam, Kerala, India

[email protected]

Abstract. Epilepsy is one of the most devastating diseases in the history of

mankind. A neurological disorder in which irregular transmission of brain waves
result in seizures and physical and emotional imbalance. This paper presents the
study of effective use of Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) a deep learning
algorithm for epileptic seizure detection. This innovative technology will help the
real world to make diagnosis of the disease faster with greater accuracy. A binary
class epilepsy dataset is considered with 179 feature extracted as the attributes.
Binary and multiclass classification is performed by considering the class with
epileptic activity against all non-epileptic class. For classification CNN model is
proposed which achieved an accuracy of 98.32%. Then by applying a different
multiclass data set having 4 classes, the degree of generalization of our model is
also checked as the accuracy of end results was high. For 10-fold cross validation
and 70–30 data splitting method our models for performance is evaluated using
various performance metrics.

Keywords: Epilepsy · EEG · Deep learning · CNN · Machine learning

1 Introduction
Brain waves are electrical brain impulses. The behavior, emotions and thoughts of an
individual within our brains are communicated between neurons. Brainwaves are pro-
duced by synchronized electric pulses from neuron masses that communicate with each
other. Brainwaves happen at different frequencies [1]. Some are fast, and others are
slow. Such EEG (Electroencephalogram) Bands are generally called delta, theta, alpha,
and beta and gamma and are measured in cycles per second or hertz(Hz). Irregularity
in these waves results in several problems ranging from irregular sleeping patterns to
several neural diseases like epilepsy. An EEG (Electroencephalography) can be used to
identify possible issues relevant to the irregularity in brainwaves [2].
Electroencephalography (EEG) is a method of electrophysiological monitoring to
record activities of the brain [3]. It is a non-invasive method in which electrodes are

© Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2021

D. Garg et al. (Eds.): IACC 2020, CCIS 1367, pp. 3–16, 2021.
4 D. Acharya et al.

placed along the scalp. During EEG electrodes with wires are attached to one’s head.
This electrode detects the brain waves and the EEG machine amplifies it and later the
wave pattern is recorded on screen or paper [4]. Most commonly used for evaluating the
form and origin of seizure.
Epilepsy is a neurological disorder in which brain activity becomes abnormal result-
ing in the sensations, and loss of consciousness, exhibition of seizures, unusual behavior
[5]. The two main types of seizures include focal and generalized seizures. The focal
seizure is those which start at a particular part of the brain and are named after the origin.
Generalized seizures are those in which the brain misfires and result in muscle spasms
and blackouts.
Using new and emerging technologies like deep learning, this research paper is able
to make a directional change in the field of medical science. This can be used as a prime
tool in diagnosis, the most important phase in medical science. Epilepsy being one of the
most complicated diseases, it needs accurate detection facilities. EEG signals recorded
are analyzed by neuro physician and related specialists [6]. This detection and diagnosis
method depends solely on the decision of humans are susceptible to human prone errors
and is really time-consuming. Using deep learning algorithms, an automated alternative
solution is found that is faster and less error-prone thereby increasing the patient’s quality
of life [7].
A detailed study of CNN (Convolutional Neural Network) for epileptic seizure detec-
tion is presented in this research paper. The network performance is tested using four
approaches: a combination of a 10-fold cross-validation method and two databases
(binary and multiclass). The results are presented using the confusion matrix and as
well as by plotting accuracy-loss graphs. The overall performance of our model and
the results obtained from this study prove that the superiority of our CNN based deep
learning technique to effectively detect epileptic seizure.

2 Related Work
As deep learning is one of the most emerging and advanced technology now, there are
numerous effective studies done in order to effectively incorporate it in different means
of life. Like any other, epilepsy detection using deep learning have already undergone
different assessment by scholars. Here some of the state-of-the-art work is described
which were done earlier.
Sirwan Tofiq and Mokhtar Mohammad [8] mentioned how deep neural networks
allow learning directly on the data can be useful. In almost all machine learning applica-
tions, this approach has been hugely successful. They created a new framework which
also learns directly from the data, without extracting a set of functions. The EEG signal
is segmented into 4 segments and used to train the memory network in the long and
short term. The trained model is used to discriminate against the background of the EEG
seizure. The Freiburg EEG data set is used. Approximately 97.75% accuracy is achieved.
Vikrant Doma and Martin pirouz [9] conducted an in-depth analysis of the EEG data
set epoch and conducted a comparative study of multiple machine learning techniques
like SVM, K-nearest neighbor, LDA, Decision trees. The accuracy was between 55–75%.
Epileptic Seizure Detection Using CNN 5

The study carried out by a group of researchers Mi Li, Hongpei Xu, Xingwang
Liu, Shengfu Liu [10] used various EEG channel combinations and classified the emo-
tional states into two dimensions mainly valence and arousal. Entropy and energy than
measured as neighboring K-nearest characteristics. The accuracy was ranging from
Jong-Seob Yun and Jin Heon Kim [11] used the DEAP data set to classify emotions
by modeling the artificial neural network, k-NN, and SVM models by selecting EEG
training data based on the Valence as well as the Arousal values calculated using the
SAM (Self-Assessment Manikin) process methods. Accuracy of 60–70% was shown.
Ramy Hussein, Hamid Palangi, Rabab Ward, Z. Jane Wang [12] used the LSTM
network for the classification of their model. SoftMax functions were also found a
handful in their research. But the approach was found noisy and robust in real-life

3 Methodology

In this section proposed system architecture of detecting epilepsy using CNN and the
architecture of proposed CNN is described next.

3.1 Proposed System Architecture

Data is the basis for any machine learning based classification problem. Data collection
is a crucial task as data gathered will affect the model used for classification problem.
Initially input data of epilepsy is taken. After the data is collected it is preprocessed
as the real world data is noisy, incomplete, and inconsistent. To resolve such issues
preprocessing is done on the data set. After collecting the data it is divide into training
and testing data, where training data is large and testing data is smaller than the training
data. Then an appropriate model which suits our data set and our requirements is selected.
In our project, CNN model is taken for classifying the data into two groups. The model
makes the prediction in two classes. Class 0 is for patients suffering from epileptic
seizures and class 1 is patients not suffering.

3.2 Proposed Convolutional Neural Network Model (CNN)

The Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) is class of Deep Neural Network, most widely
used for working with 2d image data, although it can be used to work with 1d and 3d
data also. CNN was inspired from the biological process and its architecture is similar
to the connections between the neurons in the human brain. The name CNN refers to
the network using a mathematical operation called convolution.
A CNN usually consists of an input layer, an output layer and multiple hidden layers
sometimes only one hidden layer is present. Typically, the hidden layers of a CNN
consist of a series of convolutional layers which converge with a multiplication or other
dot product (Fig. 1).
6 D. Acharya et al.

Fig. 1. System architecture of prediction algorithm

CNN model as the ability to learn the filters and these filters are usually smaller
in size than the input and dot product is applied between the filter sized patch of the
input and the filter which is added to get a value. Sometimes the size of the output data
may be different from the input data so to retain the size and make it equal padding
is done. Specifically, it is possible to inspect and visualize the two-dimensional filters
learned by the model to discover the types of features that the model can detect, and it is
possible to inspect the activation maps produced by convolutional layers to understand
precisely what features were detected for a given input. Compared to other classification
algorithms the pre-processing required for CNN is much lower.
CNN is a method of information processing which is influenced by the way infor-
mation is processed by the biological neural network which is the human brain. The
main goal is to build a system that performs specific computational tasks faster than the
conventional systems. These tasks include the identification and classification of pat-
terns, approximation, optimization and clustering of data. This includes a huge number
of highly interconnected processing units that integrate to solve a particular problem.
Messages passing through the network can influence the configuration of ANN when a
neural network changes or learns depending on the I/O.
Figure 2 shows the architecture of our CNN model. The CNN model consists of an
input layer and output layer and 4 hidden layers which has a dense layer. The data set is
fed to the input layer and filters are applied which produce an output which are fed as
input to the next layer.
Max pooling and dropout are applied on the 1d convolutional layers to avoid over-
fitting of the data and to reduce the computational costs. Max pooling will take the
maximum value from the previous layer as the neuron in the next layer, and dropout
reduces the number of neurons performing in the convolution to reduce computation
cost. Relu activation function is used for the convolutional layers and SoftMax func-
tion is used on the output layer. The output layer classifies the data into seizure or not
Epileptic Seizure Detection Using CNN 7

Fig. 2. Architecture of CNN Model

4 Experimental Results

This section contains the description of dataset used, implementation of proposed CNN
model, and discussion and analysis on results obtained as follows:

4.1 Dataset

Figure 3 shows the dataset and is held by the UCI machine learning repository [13].
It is a preprocessed dataset. The sampling rate of the data was 173.61 Hz. It includes
11500 rows and 179 attributes with the closing attribute representing the class. The data
set includes the recording of 500 people’s brain activity. At a given time point, each
data point represents the EEG recording value. So for 2.3.6 s, there are 500 individuals
in total with 4097 data points. These 4097 statistical points were divided into 23 parts,
each part containing 178 data factors, and each data point represents the EEG recording
value at an exceptional time factor. Now the dataset have 23 * 500 = 11500 excerpts
of facts (rows) and each record incorporates 178 data points. The last column shows
the values of y that are 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. The dataset is converted into binary class problem
having epilepsy and non-epilepsy for classification.
The values of y are given in 179 dimensional input vector column and the explana-
tory variables are referred to as X1, X2,…., X178. The label in y represents the EEG
recordings of people taken from different states.
Class 2 to 5 are the records with people not having epileptic seizures and class 1 is
for people suffering from epileptic seizure. In this research paper we have implemented
a binary classification and multi class classification by means of thinking about class 1
as people who are epileptic and the rest of the classes are blended and made right into
a class 0 that is taken into consideration to be the folks who are not epileptic for binary
8 D. Acharya et al.

Fig. 3. Data set

4.2 Implementation of CNN Model

Our proposed CNN model is a 1 dimensional fully connected sequential model with
an input layer an output layer and 4 hidden layers which has one dense layer. Imple-
mented the model using two approaches one is by splitting the data set in 70–30 ratio
and the other by 10 fold cross validation method. For the implementation of the CNN
algorithm, Kera’s API was used to develop the CNN model with input size as 178 × 1.
The data set was divided into training and testing in the ratio 70:30. The input is fed into
the CNN architecture with a sequence of convolutional and pooling layers. Max pooling
and dropout is applied on the convolutional layers to avoid overfitting and to reduce the
computational cost. Padding was applied for each layer and a stride of 2 was applied.
SoftMax and ReLu were used as the activation functions and Adam as the optimizer.
Compilation of the CNN model was done by specifying the loss function as “categorical
cross-entropy” and evaluation metric as “accuracy”. Training of the CNN model was
done with batch-size equal to 16 for 200 epochs. When validated with the test set, an
accuracy of 97.19% was obtained.
In the 10-fold cross validation model K-Fold was imported
from sklearn.model_selection package and the number of folds were taken as 10.
The same model was implemented within 10 folds each with batch size 20 and
200 epochs and accuracy was calculated for each fold and the mean accuracy of
all the folds was taken, and the model achieved an accuracy of 98.32%. Using 10
fold cross validation, better accuracy is provide for both testing and training and
it is also beneficial when the data set size is small.
Epileptic Seizure Detection Using CNN 9

Table 1. Hyperparameters for the proposed CNN Model

Parameters Chosen values

Epoch 200
Batch size 16
Loss function Categorical cross entropy
Optimizer Adam
Metrics Accuracy

To ensure that the results were valid and generalizable to make predictions from new
data the detection was further tested on a different multiclass data set. For the new data
set validation a splitting of the training and testing data in 70 and 30 ratio and 10 fold
cross validation is done. When the dataset is divided into 70–30 ratio is it has obtained an
accuracy of 77%. When 10 fold cross validation was implemented the obtained accuracy
is 90.2%.
Convolutional Neural Networks are computationally efficient in terms of memory
and time because of parameter sharing. They tend to perform better than regular neural
networks. However, CNN has high computational cost and training is slow if you don’t
have a good GPU. In addition, they demand large training data in order to make accurate
Table 1 shows the hyper-parameters used for CNN model. A lot of hyper-parameter
tuning was carried out while finalizing the Network parameters. In the CNN architecture,
Conv1D layers are used because it is most suitable for time series data. Both Max
pooling and average pooling was tried but, max pool gave better results as expected from
the literature. Other parameters like the number of epochs, batch size, optimizer, loss
function, activation functions and learning rates were finalized using the Grid Search.
The epoch size finalized for the CNN architecture is 200 with batch size of 16. The
models are trained on various train test splits like 80–20 and 75–25 and K-fold cross
validation with 10 folds is also used for finding the most appropriate metrics-accuracy.
The loss function used by them for updating the weights during back-propagation is
categorical cross entropy and the optimizer used is Adam. Activation function for the
last layers is SoftMax and ReLu.

4.3 Results and Analysis

Collected the multiclass data set to predict epileptic seizures and have preprocessed the
data to fill in the missing values and performed binary classification on the data to
predict if the patient has epileptic seizure or doesn’t have epileptic seizure. Proposed
CNN model is used as the classifier. The data was split into training and testing in the
ratio 70–30 split and in 10-fold cross validation to check the performance of our model
classifying epileptic or not epileptic data. The performance was evaluated using different
performance metrics such as accuracy, recall, precision and f1 score.
10 D. Acharya et al.

Fig. 4. (a) loss vs epoch performance graph of the proposed CNN model for 70–30 validation
technique (b) accuracy vs epoch graph of the proposed CNN model for 70–30 validation technique

4.3.1 Results Obtained for Binary Classification of Proposed CNN Model

Results obtained by splitting the data set into training and testing in the ratio of 70–30
and 10-fold cross validation for the binary data set are described next:
Figure 4 shows the accuracy vs epoch and loss vs epoch graphs for the CNN model
where the validation technique used is splitting the data in 70 and 30 ratios. Categorical
Loss entropy function is used to calculate loss and accuracy is used as our metric. From
the figure it’s clear that our model is minimizing loss up to 0.032. The results show that
the model has achieved higher accuracy and loss is low compared to the accuracy which
means our model has got lower FP and FN values. Therefore, the model has achieved
average accuracy up to 97.72% for 200 epochs.

Fig. 5. (a) loss vs epoch performance graph of the proposed CNN model for 10-fold cross val-
idation technique (b) accuracy vs epoch graph of the proposed CNN model for 10-fold cross

Figure 5 shows the accuracy vs epoch and loss vs epoch graphs for the CNN model
where the validation technique used is 10-fold cross validation. From the Figure it’s clear
that our model is minimizing loss up to 0.02. The results show that CNN has achieved
Epileptic Seizure Detection Using CNN 11

higher accuracy and loss is low compared to the accuracy. Therefore, achieved accu-
racy up to 98.32% for 200 epochs of the testing phase for the 10-fold cross valida-
tion. Also, here validation loss has deviated from training loss but the deviation is not
too much which indicates our model is not over fitted and they are no overlapping, which
indicates our model is neither under-fitted.
A confusion matrix is a table that compares the actual values to the predicted values,
therefore evaluating the performance of the classifier on test data to which the true values
are known. Fig. 6 and Fig. 7 show that our model is able to classify the classes correctly.
The matrix shows high TP and TN values compared to the low FP and FN values therefore
this can be stated that our model is able to predict correct samples correctly with higher

Fig. 6. Confusion matrix of the proposed CNN model for 70–30 validation technique

Fig. 7. Confusion matrix of the proposed CNN model for 10-fold cross validation technique

A binary classification was done to predict epileptic seizures. The data set was
divided into training and testing with 70 and 30 ratio and the accuracy obtained was
97.72%. When the 10 fold cross validation was applied the model obtained a slightly
12 D. Acharya et al.

better accuracy of 98.32% than the previous one as shown in Table 2. Therefore, it is
stated that cross validation of the data set has given better accuracy. In the Table 2 various
performance metrics were also evaluated such as precision, recall, f1 score.
The proposed CNN model has achieved recall of 97.65% and 99.71% for 70–30
and 10-fold cross validation data partition method. In terms of precision also our model
has achieved 96.64% and 91.21% values for 70–30 and 10-fold cross validation data
partition method.
Since the dataset was highly unbalanced as more samples of non-epileptic data was
there so F1-score is also calculated for the proposed CNN model. For 70–30 and 10-fold
cross validation data partition method F1-score obtained is 97.14% and 95.27% which
proves that our proposed CNN based epilepsy classification model is able to handle and
accurately classify unbalanced dataset too as shown in Table 2.

Table 2. Performance Metrics for CNN Model

Validation technique Accuracy (%) Precision (%) Recal l(%) F1-score (%)
70 and 30 ratio 97.72 96.64 97.65 97.14
Cross validation 98.32 91.21 99.71 95.27

4.3.2 Results Obtained for Multiclass Classification of Proposed CNN Model

Results obtained by splitting the data set into training and testing in the ratio of 70–30
and 10-fold cross validation for the multiclass data set are described next:

Fig. 8. (a) accuracy vs epoch graph of the proposed CNN model for 70–30 validation technique
for multiclass dataset (b) loss vs epoch performance graph of the proposed CNN model for
70–30 validation technique for multiclass dataset

Figure 8 shows the accuracy vs epoch and loss vs epoch graphs for the CNN model
where the validation technique used is splitting the data in 70–30 ratios. Categorical
Epileptic Seizure Detection Using CNN 13

Loss entropy function is used to calculate loss and accuracy is used as our metric.
From the figure it’s clear that our model is minimizing loss up to 0.5. The results show
that our model has achieved higher accuracy and loss is low compared to the accu-
racy which means our model has got lower FP and FN values. It has achieved average
accuracy of 78% for 200 epochs.
Figure 9 shows the accuracy vs epoch and loss vs epoch graphs for the CNN model
where the validation technique used is 10-fold cross validation. From the figure it’s clear
that our model is minimizing loss up to 0.2. The results show that our CNN model has
achieved higher accuracy and loss is low compared to the accuracy which means our
model has got lower FP and FN values. Therefore, the proposed model has achieved
accuracy of 89.40% for 200 epochs of the testing phase for the 10-fold cross validation.
Also, here validation loss has deviated from training loss but the deviation is not too
much which indicates our model is not overfitted and they are no overlapping, which
indicates our model is neither underfitted.

Fig. 9. (a) accuracy vs epoch graph of the proposed CNN model for 10-fold cross validation
for multiclass data set (b) loss vs epoch performance graph of the proposed CNN model for 10-
fold cross validation for multiclass data set

A confusion matrix is a table that compares the actual values to the predicted values,
therefore evaluating the performance of the classifier on test data to which the true
values are known. Fig. 10 and Fig. 11 show that our model is able to classify the classes
correctly. The matrix shows high TP and TN values compared to the low FP and FN
values therefore we can say that our model is able to predict correct samples correctly
with a good accuracy.
In the Table 3, values for different performance metrics such as precision, recall,
f1 score for 4 different classes is represented. In the data set class 0 is Sad, class 1 is
Amusement, class 2 is Disgust and class 3 is Fear. The overall accuracy for the multiclass
data set using the 70 and 30 ratios of splitting of data is 78.9% and a loss of 0.5. For
the 10-fold cross validation the overall accuracy is 89.40% and a loss of 0.3. Therefore,
10-fold cross validation has given better results in terms of accuracy and loss and other
performance metrics also.
14 D. Acharya et al.

Fig. 10. Confusion matrix of the proposed CNN model for 70–30 validation technique having
multiclass data set

Fig. 11. Confusion matrix of the proposed CNN model for the 10-fold cross validation technique
having multiclass data set

The proposed CNN model has achieved highest value of recall for multiclass classi-
fication as 0.94 in class 0 for 70–30 and 0.85 in class 3 for 10-fold cross validation data
partition method. In terms of precision for multiclass classification also our model has
achieved highest value as 0.93 and 0.94 by class 2 in both the dataset partition method
i.e., 70–30 and 10-fold cross validation.
Since the dataset was highly unbalanced as more samples of non-epileptic data was
there so F1-score is also calculated for the proposed CNN model. For 70–30 and 10-fold
cross validation data partition method the highest F1-score obtained is 0.70 in class 0
and 0.80 in class 0 which proves that our proposed CNN based epilepsy classification
model is able to handle and accurately classify unbalanced dataset too as shown in Table
Epileptic Seizure Detection Using CNN 15

Table 3. Comparison of precision, Recall, F1-score of CNN model

Validation Classifier CNN

method Class Precision Recall F1Score
70–30 0 0.56 0.94 0.70
1 0.88 0.06 0.11
2 0.93 0.32 0.48
3 0.49 0.51 0.50
10-fold cross Class Precision Recall F1Score
validation 0 0.87 0.73 0.80
1 0.78 0.75 0.77
2 0.94 0.64 0.75
3 0.63 0.85 0.73

5 Conclusion and Future Scope

The first step in diagnosing a neurological disorder is always to assess if an EEG record
indicates irregular or regular brain activity. Since manual EEG perception is a costly
and time-consuming process, any classifier automating this first distinction will have the
capability to minimize delays in treatment and alleviate the caregivers. In this research
paper a new CNN model architecture is designed to be open and flexible and therefore
suitable for analyzing EEG time series data and accurately diagnosing whether or not a
person has Epilepsy. This novel CNN architecture outperforms the best accuracy previ-
ously reported and thus establishes a new benchmark. The performance of the proposed
model was assessed using 70–30 and 10 fold cross-validation train-test split method. In
both architectures, average of 95.02% accuracy is achieved.
In future we would implement other deep learning models like Recurrent Neural
Network, cascaded-hybrid models to increase the accuracy of the automated epilepsy
detection system.

Acknowledgment. This research work is performed under the nation wise initiative leadingin- and Bennett University, India. They have supported us with lab and equipment during the

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Residual Dense U-Net for Segmentation
of Lung CT Images Infected
with Covid-19

Abhishek Srivastava1 , Nikhil Sharma2 , Shivansh Gupta1 ,

and Satish Chandra1(B)
Department of CSE and IT, Jaypee Institute of Information
Technology Noida, Noida, India
[email protected]
Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering,
Jaypee Institute of Information Technology Noida, Noida, India

Abstract. The novel coronavirus disease 2019 (Covid-19) has been

declared as a pandemic by the World Health Organization which in the
current global scenario has brought everything from economy to edu-
cation to a halt. Due to its rapid spread around the globe, even the
most developed countries are facing difficulties in diagnosing Covid-19.
For efficient treatment and quarantining of the exposed population it is
important to analyse Lung CT Scans of the suspected Covid-19 patients.
Computer aided segmentation of the suspicious Region of Interest can
be used for better characterization of infected regions in Lung. In this
work a deep learning-based U-Net architecture is proposed as a frame-
work for automated segmentation of multiple suspicious regions in a CT
scan of Covid-19 patient. Advantage of Dense Residual Connections has
been taken to learn the global hierarchical features from all convolution’s
layers. So, a better trade-off in between efficiency and effectiveness in a
U-Net can be maintained. To train the proposed U-Net system, publicly
available data of Covid-19 CT scans and masks consisting of 838 CT
slices has been used. The proposed method achieved an accurate and
rapid segmentation with 97.2%, 99.1% and 99.3% as dice score, sensitiv-
ity and specificity respectively.

Keywords: Covid-19 · Deep learning · Dense residual networks ·

U-net · Segmentation

1 Introduction

SARS-COV-2 generally known as COVID-19 is a novel contagious virus whose

first case was reported from Wuhan, China in late December 2019 [1] where a
bunch of people were found suffering from pneumonia due to an unknown cause
and since then the virus has spread almost all part of the globe. In micro genome
study it was found that the strains of SARS-Cov-2 are highly similar to that of
c Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2021
D. Garg et al. (Eds.): IACC 2020, CCIS 1367, pp. 17–30, 2021.
18 A. Srivastava et al.

bat [1] whose primary sources were considered to be wet markets. High transmis-
sion rate of the novel COVID-19 is so threatening that it has forced humankind
to take shelters for long lock down periods. It created a threatening situation of
increasing clinical treatment forcing medical workers to work round the clock to
help the infected beings risking their own life. It is observed that a COVID-19
positive will infect roughly three new susceptible (the reproductive number [2]
is averaged to be 3.28) and the number increases even more if precautions are
not taken. Symptoms in patients infected with Covid-19 vary from person to
person based on immune response, with some patients remaining asymptomatic
[3], but the common ones are fever, cough, fatigue and breathing problems. It
was reported that [4] that 44% of the patients from China suffered from fever
in the beginning whereas that 89% of them developed a fever while in hospi-
tal [5]. It was also revealed later that the patients had varying symptoms like
cough (68%), fatigue (38%), sputum production (34%), and shortness of breath
(19%) and some of them who already were suffering from other illness where
more vulnerable to the impact of COVID-19. Not every community has suffi-
cient infrastructure for dealing with outbreaks like this, so there is a need to do
whatever we can to control.
A standard procedure is recommended by the World Health Organization
(W.H.O.) to test the presence of pathogens in the suspected host known as Real-
Time Fluorescence (RT-PCR) [6] for the in this procedure an oropharyngeal or
a nasopharyngeal swab is used to collect the specimen of a suspected being to
determine the nuclei acid in the sputum [7]. Still due to its high false positive rate,
resampling of the suspected person is suggested by W.H.O. Computer Tomog-
raphy (CT scan) imaging technique is one of the good options for the diagnosis
of SARS- CoV2 virus [8]. With demand of finding a Vaccine for the COVID-19
(SARs-COV2) many laboratory and pharmaceutical industries are working to
design vaccine based on immune response, targeting specific epitopes for bind-
ing sites. But part from these classic and important procedures and researches
it was discovered that subjects infected COVID-19 form abnormalities such as
bilateral, and unilateral pneumonia involves the lower lobes, pleural thickening,
pleural effusion, and lymphadenopathy, which is then analyzed by experts for
such characteristics features for diagnosis. Computer Aided Diagnosis (CAD)
tools help in better diagnosis from the CT scans [9] are based on some applica-
tion of machine learning algorithms. Moreover, CT scans improved false negative
rate compared to RT-PCR. Several studies have exploited deep learning archi-
tectures for various applications in medical imaging viz. lesion segmentation,
object/cell detection, tissue segmentation, image registration, anatomy localiza-
tion etc. Dice similarity coefficient is widely used to validate the segmentation
of white matter lesions in MRIs and CT scans [10]. In a recent work, Chen et
al. [11] proposed a residual attention U-net for automatic quantification of lung
infection in Covid-19 cases. They used aggregated residual transforms ResNet
blocks on the encoder side followed by soft attention. It is focused on relative
position of features on the decoder side in a U-Net like architecture evaluated
for multi class segmentation on Covid-19 data from Italian Society of Medical
Residual Dense U-Net 19

and Interventional Radiology (SIRM). It contained 110 axial CT images of 60

patients. A DICE score of 0.83 was obtained without data augmentation com-
pared to a DICE score of 0.75 with baseline U-net. Shan et al. [12] developed a
deep learning based segmentation using VB-Net that is, a modified 3-D convolu-
tional network V-net with bottleneck to make it faster to obtain volume, shape,
point of interest (POI) alongside contours on data from 249 Covid-19 patients
for training with a human in the loop strategy (HITL) and achieved a median
DICE score of 0.922.
In another work, Wu et al. [13] proposed a joint classification and segmenta-
tion system using a Res2Net mode. A Res2Net model was used for classification
with an attempt to explain the latent features by visualizing the spatial response
regions from the final Convolution layer of the model and for segmentation. A
VGG-16 model with deep supervisions was implemented to obtain the segmented
image of the CT scans. This joint model was trained on 2794 CT images from
150 patients and achieved a DICE score of 0.783. Zhou et al. [14] proposed a seg-
mentation scheme using res dil blocks i.e. residue blocks with dilated convolution
layers which caused the model to extract features at different granularities. The
model also used attention blocks and deep supervision on the U-net architecture.
CT scans can be used for the early detection of the Covid-19 and quarantining
the active host in order to control the inexorable virus.
The work presented in this work is inspired by simple ladder U-net [15] which
was designed especially for the segmentation of Bio-Medical Images bridging
with Dense Residual Blocks [16] to enable the use of the hierarchical features
from all the convolution layers along with the residual connections. Therefore,
managing the features gradient explosion, without any explicit parameter opti-
mization. Section 2 describes the materials and methods and the proposed deep
learning architecture. In Sect. 3 experimental results are discussed followed by

2 Materials and Methods

2.1 Dataset

Medical scans and data are usually private as they contain the information
of patients making it hard to access publicly. But due to the rapid spread of
Covid-19 many researches and organizations have released datasets which can
be accessed publicly for CAD development. This research is based on two pub-
licly available datasets described below.

COVID-CT. This CT- Scans based Covid-19 dataset [17]1 consists of 349 CT
images containing clinical findings of Covid-19 and numerous Normal patients’

20 A. Srivastava et al.

Fig. 1. Two different masks consolidation and pleural effusion for a Covid-19 patient
which was the prime task as multi-class segmentation from CTSeg dataset [18].

CT-Seg. This CT-Scan COVID-19 segmentation-based dataset [18] was made

publicly accessible on 13th April 2020, this dataset includes whole volumes of 9
patients, providing both positive i.e. 373 out of the total of 829 slices were label
as COVID-positive with findings of consolidation (=1) and pleural effusion (=2)
and rest were label as COVID-negative. Dataset included niftii CT volumes and
niftii COVID-19 masks accessible free of costs through their online site (Fig. 1)2 .

2.2 Deep Learning Architecture

In this section the components of the proposed model viz. Dense Residual Blocks,
U-Net and Residual Connections are described in length.

Residual Blocks. Residual blocks [19] are a special case of highway networks
without any gates in their skip connections. Essentially, residual blocks allow
the flow of memory from initial layers to last layers and avoiding training of
some parameters for our output segmentation. Despite the absence of gates in
their skip connections, residual networks perform as good as any other highway
network in practice.
Residual Block ease the training of few layers due to its skip connection by
producing an identity function which makes the model to learn the F(x) part
which is easier to learn than the H(x) part as mentioned in Fig. 2. We deployed
several residual blocks on the encoder decoder parts to avoid gradient vanishing
during training.

U-Net. The U-net architecture is designed mainly for segmentation of Bio Med-
ical images. The encoder part comprises of several Fully Connected Networks
(FCN) [20] to extract the spatial features from the subject, similarly decoder
is equipped with series of convolution, up-sample layers and skip connections
between the two, to retain the features from each encoder levels. But range of
interest of U-Net is very small, and do not have enough capability to distinguish
those trivial difference.

Residual Dense U-Net 21

Fig. 2. Canonical form of ResNet Block. A skip connection allows reusing of activations
from previous layer till current layer learns its weights hence avoiding vanishing gradient
in the initial back propagation.

Dense Residual Connection. Dense Residual blocks [21] consists of densely

connected structure where every Convolutional layer feed forward its learned rep-
resentations to every succeeding layer in the block. Dense Residual Connection
are designed to extract and adaptively fuse features from all hierarchical layers
by exploiting these features efficiently, which are obtained from each level of con-
volutional layers. RDB as shown in the Fig. 4 uses the adaptive route mechanism
for learning more effective features from current and preceding local feature in
order to stabilize the training of encoder. RDB, can’t only read a state from
the preceding block via a contiguous memory (CM) mechanism, which avoid
stacking up of numerous features all together to make it efficient in memory
consumption. The accumulated features are then adaptively preserved by local
feature fusion (LFF). These layers have relatively fewer channels (a.k.a growth
rate) as higher number of channels affects the stability and due to such dense
connections, it does not need to learn dispensable feature maps. Essential low-
level feature maps are also sustained and the construction of the segmentation
maps employ both high and low-level feature representations which improves the
quality of the segmented image.
The continuous feed-forward from Local Residual Learning ensures restora-
tion of the lost local features along with a deep and thorough extraction of
relevant information in the foreground of the CT scans from shallow or initial
convolution layers [23] with contiguous memory mechanism analogous to LSTM
[24]. This memory, aids a vital role in maintaining a long-term relationship. The
final concatenation in between RDB block and the Cth convolution layer pro-
duces the final output and makes a local residual block this deals with the issue
of gradient vanishing by improving gradient flow due to the easy propagation of
gradients through the network, eventually leading to a shorter pathway for an
inadequate latent feature space. The RrDB block as shown in Fig. 5 is a collec-
tive unit of 3 RDB Blocks connected in sequence for the cohesive extraction of
22 A. Srivastava et al.

Fig. 3. U-network for segmentation of bio-medical imagesas proposed by Ronneberger

et al.

Fig. 4. Residual dense block consisting of dense connected layers, local residual learning
through the Rd feature maps produced due to concatenation of feature map obtained
through densely connected [Bd,1, Bd,2, Bd,3, Bd,4, Bd,5] and Rd-1, leading to a con-
tiguous memory (CM) mechanism and improve the information flow.

all significant information from input low-resolution subject to high-resolution

quality images as done with image restoration [25] through RrDB blocks with-
out Batch Normalization [26] for restoring fine level of information for different
textures within a CT Scan (Fig. 3).

3 Proposed Model

The proposed architecture shown in Fig. 6 is based on the U-Net architec-

ture integrated with Dense Residual Network. Spatial features extracted from
Encoder do not make full utilization of the hierarchical features which can help
in focusing on the region and denoising any unwanted region that incorporates
during CT scan acquisitions resulting in poor performance. In the Decoder part
we included residual networks which are used for mapping the segmentation
Residual Dense U-Net 23

map from extracted spatial and hierarchical features from all convolution layers
in encoder. Full description of the model layers s provided in the Table 1 along
with the hyper parameters used during training process Table 2.

Fig. 5. 3-RrDB Network consisting of RDB block which is used in later stage for
Encoder stem of U-Net through which information flow from input is processed through
Global Residual Learning by concatenating the feature maps produced through Local
Residual Learning of 3-RrDB blocks and feature maps produced by the Encoder of U-
net. The extracted feature maps from the encoder branch are passed through 3-RrDB
Network blocks and concatenated with feature maps of Encoder to give rise to Global
Residual Pooling.

Rg = R0 + [RdI ] (1)
These feature maps obtained through 3-RrDB Network is fed into Decoder
part of RrDB-U-Net. A skip connection is added from each filter level from
encoder straight with decoder at every interval in order to get better precise
locations. The traditional CNN used in the decoder often have limited receptive
field which creates a shallow feature map of the encoder output. The dense
blocks are a continuous memory mechanism preserves both the low dimensional
features as well as high dimensional features of encoder output which is shown
in Eq. (2 to 8).
X → C1 → X1 (2)
(X, X1 ) → C2 → X2 (3)
(X, X1 , X2 ) → C3 → X3 (4)
(X, X1 , X2 , X3 ) → C4 → X4 (5)
(X, X1 , X2 , X3 , X4 , X5 ) → C5 → X5 (6)
X5 = X5 ∗ α (7)
X = X + X5 (8)
Where X denotes the input to the decoder layer, C1 is the first Convolution
layer, C2 is the second Convolution layer, C3 is the third Convolution layer,
C4 is the fourth Convolution layer, C5 is the fifth Convolution layer and α is a
constant. The lower output channels of (X1 , X2 , X3 , X4 , X5 ) ensures that the
continuous mechanism of the dense blocks stay intact. At each level of dense
24 A. Srivastava et al.

Fig. 6. ResNet block in encoder and decoder of U-net.

Fig. 7. Proposed residual dense U-net with residual connection and 3-RrDB network.

blocks only necessary higher as well as lower dimensional features are extracted
and propagated for the decoder layers to allow better generation of mask.
Extraction of quality information is one of the tough tasks that need to be
addressed before designing any model due to the presence of some proportion of
SNR (Signal to Noise Ratio) in the CT scan during acquisition. This may result
in poor performance of deep convolutional networks. To address this issue RrDB
blocks were included in the U-Net. U-Net improves the flow of information,
which leads to a dense fusion of features along with deep supervision, acting as a
catalyst, to learn fine line features from and around the region of interest as the
deep model has a strong representation capacity to capture semantic information.
Residual Dense U-Net 25

Table 1. Dimension description of each layer incorporated within the proposed con-
volution model
Number Type of Output Output Kernel Number Type of Output Output Kernel
of Layers Layer Features Size Size of Layers Layer Features Size Size
1 Input Layer 1 512*512 NA 41 Convolution a8 32 32*32 3*3
2 ResNet Layer R1 32 512*512 (3*3), (3*3), (1*1) 42 Leaky Relu l 9 32 32*32 Alpha = 0.25
3 Convolution C1 32 512*512 3*3 43 Concatenate c8 640 32*32 NA
4 Maxpool M1 32 256*256 2*2 44 Convolution a9 512 32*32 3*3
5 ResNet Layer R2 64 256*256 (3*3), (3*3), (1*1) 45 Leaky Relu l 10 512 32*32 Alpha = 0.25
6 Convolution C2 64 256*256 3*3 46 Lambda 2 512 32*32 x * 0.4
7 Maxpool M2 64 128*128 2*2 47 Add 2 512 32*32 NA
8 ResNet Layer R3 128 128*128 (3*3), (3*3), (1*1) 48 Convolution a10 32 32*32 3*3
9 Convolution C3 128 128*128 3*3 49 Leaky Relu l 11 32 32*32 Alpha = 0.25
10 Maxpool M3 128 64*64 2*2 50 Concatenate c9 544 32*32 NA
11 ResNet Layer R4 256 64*64 (3*3), (3*3), (1*1) 51 Convolution a11 32 32*32 3*3
12 Convolution C4 256 64*64 3*3 52 Leaky Relu l 12 32 32*32 Alpha = 0.25
13 Maxpool M4 256 32*32 2*2 53 Concatenate c10 576 32*32 NA
14 Convolution C5 512 32*32 3*3 54 Convolution a12 32 32*32 3*3
15 Convolution C6 512 32*32 3*3 55 Leaky Relu l 13 32 32*32 Alpha = 0.25
16 Convolution a1 32 32*32 3*3 56 Concatenate c11 604 32*32 NA
17 Leaky Relu l 1 32 32*32 Alpha = 0.25 57 Convolution a13 32 32*32 3*3
18 Concatenate c1 544 32*32 NA 58 Leaky Relu l 14 32 32*32 Alpha = 0.25
19 Convolution a2 32 32*32 3*3 59 Concatenate c14 640 32*32 NA
20 Leaky Relu l 2 32 32*32 Alpha = 0.25 60 Convolution a14 512 32*32 3*3
21 Concatenate c2 576 32*32 NA 61 Leaky Relu 15 512 32*32 Alpha = 0.25
22 Convolution a3 32 32*32 3*3 62 Lambda 3 512 32*32 x * 0.4
23 Leaky Relu l 3 32 32*32 Alpha = 0.25 63 Add 3 512 32*32 NA
24 Concatenate c3 608 32*32 NA 64 Lambda 4 512 32*32 x * 0.2
25 Convolution a4 32 32*32 3*3 65 Add 4 512 32*32 NA
26 Leaky Relu l 4 32 32*32 Alpha = 0.25 66 DropOut 1 512 32*32 NA
27 Concatenate c4 640 32*32 NA 67 Up Sampling 1 512 64*64 2*2
28 Convolution a5 512 32*32 3*3 68 Convolution C7 256 64*64 3*3
29 Leaky Relu l 5 512 32*32 Alpha = 0.25 69 Convolution C8 256 64*64 3*3
30 Lambda 1 512 32*32 x * 0.4 70 Up Sampling 2 256 128*128 2*2
31 Add 1 512 32*32 NA 71 Convolution C9 128 128*128 3*3
32 Convolution a6 32 32*32 3*3 72 Convolution C10 128 128*128 3*3
33 Leaky Relu l 6 32 32*32 Alpha = 0.25 73 Up Sampling 3 128 256*256 2*2
34 Concatenate c5 544 32*32 NA 74 Convolution C11 64 256*256 3*3
35 Convolution a6 32 32*32 3*3 75 Convolution C12 64 256*256 3*3
36 Leaky Relu l 7 32 32*32 Alpha = 0.25 76 Up Sampling 4 64 512*512 2*2
37 Concatenate c6 576 32*32 NA 77 Convolution C13 32 512*512 3*3
38 Convolution a7 32 32*32 3*3 78 Convolution C14 32 512*512 3*3
39 Leaky Relu l 8 32 32*32 Alpha = 0.25 79 Convolution C15 32 512*512 3*3
40 Concatenate c7 604 32*32 NA 80 Output Segmented Mask 1 512*512 NA

In contrast, to the fact that deeper model is hard to train, performance was
facilitated with easy training and better performance.

4 Experiments and Results

4.1 Data Pre-processing
CT scans are collection of huge raw images that need meaningful pre-processing
for unambiguous analysis and for a useful computer aided diagnosis. The scans
were labeled by radiologists as: ground glass, consolidation and pleural diffusion.
SegCT data includes 9 volumes, total 829 slices, where 373 slices have been
evaluated and segmented by radiologists as Covid-19. Each suspicious slice was
loaded and centre cropped in order to remove outer noise or unwanted regions.
The resulting images obtained were of sizes 128 * 128 pixels each slice, as shown
in the Fig. 9. The extracted image’s intensity I is then scaled to Hounsfield [22]
unit and linearly normalized before used as input for training the model in order
26 A. Srivastava et al.

Fig. 8. Data Augmentation methods opted for our model.

Table 2. List of hyperparameters used for training the proposed network for COVID-
19 CT scan segmentation

Hyperparameter values
Epochs 150
Batch sizes 20
Activation function Softmax, leaky relu, sigmoid [30, 31]
Optimizers Adam [29]
Loss Categorical crossentropy
Learning rate 0.001
Performance matrices Dice coefficient, accuracy

to prevent noises and black frame issues in raw data. The total of 838 images was
split into training set (60%), validation set (20%), and test set (20%). Experiment
was performed with 150 number of epochs on intel i5 8th Gen Intel CoreTM i5
9300H (2.4 GHz, up to 4.1 GHz, 8 MB cache, 4 cores) + NVIDIA GeForce
GTX 1050 (3 GB) GPU.

4.2 Data Augmentation

It is known that Deep Learning performance depends heavily on the amount

of data available to explore and exploit for the architecture. As the number of
CT slices available for the experiment were less, we opted to increase the data
through artificial method. This is done through domain specific techniques. Few
data augmentation techniques can result into information loss around a suspi-
cious region. To avoid such data from new training data is created with rotation,
inversion, rescaling, blurring and contrast enhanced images from training data,
with created data of the same class as that of the original data. CT Seg [18] pro-
vided with only 300+ CT Covid-19 slices which can result into overfitting [27].
Overfitting refers to the situation when network starts to memorize a function
Residual Dense U-Net 27

Fig. 9. Plot between training and validation data confirms that no over-fitting and
under-fitting takes place and model converges nearly around 30–40 epochs.

with very high variance to perfectly model the training data hence, resulting
poor performance on test/validation set.

4.3 Experiments and Performance Metrics

In multi-class image segmentation, the target area of interest may take a trivial
part of the whole image. The performance measure metrics considered here for
the segmentation task are DICE Score [28], accuracy, and precision, F1 score,
sensitivity and specificity. The DICE score can be considered as validation metric
to evaluate the performance of model’s reproducibility of manual segmentations
and the spatial overlap accuracy of automated generated mask.
From the above Table 1 it was found that the proposed architecture per-
formed well from many of the other variations with U-net. It can be clearly
observed that without increasing the much depth of our architecture model
managed to learn complex relevant features while maintaining the efficiency and
effectiveness. As deeper model requires large bunch of data and time to train,
we noticed that by using RrDB blocks in U-Net leads towards better results and
less training time.
As from above results we can conclude that our architecture performed well
by focusing on the finest and smallest details around the suspicious region of
interest. Our Model stabilize nearly around 30–40 epochs validating our use for
including the RrDB blocks i.e. ease the training process without increasing the
depth of model alongside with a quick convergence rate justifying our beliefs
that U-Net performance can be enhanced significantly by focusing on tuning the
model to focus on finer details rather than just increasing the model’s depth as
in our case RrDB blocks suitably deals with gradient explosion and over-fitting
as can be validated from Fig. 10.
28 A. Srivastava et al.

Fig. 10. Results of the proposed architecture (A) For the (i) lungs effected due to
the COVID-19 labelled as from (ii) consolidation along with the generated segmented
mask (in green) in (iii). (B) Similar to the above cases where (i) CT scan of human
lungs labelled as (ii) pleural and its (iii) generated mask (in blue) (C) Atlast cases
where both the consolidation and pleural cases were identified ((i), (ii), (iii)) and its
(iv) segmented masks in green and blue for both the labels reprectively (Color figure

5 Conclusion

CT imaging is used for screening Covid-19 patients and for analyzing the sever-
ity of the disease. For Computer Aided Diagnosis, deep learning has played an
important role. In this work, we explored the use of Residual Dense U-Net for seg-
mentation of lung CT Images infected with Covid-19. The proposed approach can
accurately and efficiently identify regions of interest within CT images of patients
infected withCovid-19. As current clinical tests take relatively longer time, this
approach of incorporating RrDB blocks in the standard encoder decoder struc-
ture of U-Net improves the quality of segmentations and proves as a useful
component in COVIDs-19 analysis and testing through CT images. A superior
performance was observed with dice coefficient of 97.6%. It was observed that
Residual Dense U-Net 29

by maintaining the hierarchal features a significant improvement in the Dice

Coefficient was seen by just changing the baseline of U-Net. Availability of more
data will lead to more findings in this area.

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Leveraging Deep Learning and IoT
for Monitoring COVID19 Safety Guidelines
Within College Campus

Sahai Vedant1(B) , D’Costa Jason1 , Srivastava Mayank1 , Mehra Mahendra1 ,

and Kalbande Dhananjay2
1 Fr. Conceicao Rodrigues College of Engineering, University of Mumbai, Mumbai,
Maharashtra, India
[email protected], [email protected],
[email protected], [email protected]
2 Sardar Patel Institute of Technology, University of Mumbai, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India

[email protected]

Abstract. The widespread coronavirus pandemic 2019 (COVID-19) has brought

global emergency with its deadly spread to roundabout 215 countries, and about
4,448,082 Active cases along with 535,098 deaths globally as on July 5, 2020
[1]. The non-availability of any vaccine and low immunity against COVID19
upsurges the exposure of human beings to this virus. In the absence of any vaccine,
WHO guidelines like social distancing, wearing masks, washing hands and using
sanitizers is the only solution against this pandemic. However, there is no idea
when the pandemic situation that the world is going through will come to an end,
we can take a breath of relief that someday we will surely go back to our colleges.
Although having students wait in line to be screened for COVID19 symptoms
may prove logistically challenging. Enthused by this belief, this paper proposes
an IoT and deep learning-based framework for automating the task of verifying
mask protection and measuring the body temperature of all the students entering
the campus. This paper provides a human-less screening solution using a deep
learning model to flag no facemasks on students entering the campus and non-
contact temperature sensor MLX90614 to detect elevated body temperatures to
reduce the risk of exposure to COVID19.

Keywords: WebApp · IoT · COVID19 · Deep learning

1 Introduction

Coronavirus 2019, since the day it originated in Wuhan city of Hubei Province of China
in December 2019, was declared a pandemic on March 11, 2020. Globally, 14.6 Million
confirmed cases had been reported with 610110 death cases by July 21, 2020. India
registered its first COVID19 case of a student returned from Wuhan, China, in the state
of Kerala, on January 30, 2020. Following this, numerous incidents were reported from

© Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2021

D. Garg et al. (Eds.): IACC 2020, CCIS 1367, pp. 31–53, 2021.
32 S. Vedant et al.

different states of the country, mainly from travelers returning from abroad, and then
local transmission led to widespread COVID19.
The graph depicts the severity of this pandemic and the rate at which it is spreading.
The trajectory for all the affected countries started when 100 confirmed cases were
reported within that country. This helps us in realizing how quickly the number of
confirmed cases has grown worldwide. India recorded its 1 million cases on July 17,
2020 (Fig. 1).

Fig. 1. Cumulative confirmed COVID 19 cases [2]

COVID-19 displays clinical symptoms varying from a state where symptoms are not
seen to multiple organ dysfunction syndromes and acute respiratory distress syndrome.
Conferring to the release of a recent study led by the World Health Organization based
on confirmed laboratory cases, a majority showed clinical characteristics like fever being
the most common symptom with 87.9%, dry cough with 67.7%, fatigue with 38.1% and
sputum production was seen in 33.4%. Few cases had symptoms like a sore throat with
13.9%, headache with 13.6%, myalgia with 14.8%, and breathlessness in 18.6%, while
symptoms such as nausea were seen in 5.04%, nasal congestion in 4.8%, hemoptysis in
0.9%, diarrhea in 3.7%, and conjunctival congestion in 0.8% were seen rarely [3].
At its inception, Coronavirus research was linked with the exposure of humans to
suspected animals’ species; the sudden outburst and quick spread have changed the
direction of research to transmission due to human contacts. The study of COVID-19
cases has confirmed that the Coronavirus is principally transmitted amongst humans
due to the spread of respiratory droplets via coughing and sneezing [4]. Respiratory
droplets can cover a distance of up to 6 feet (1.8 m). Thus, any human being coming
in close contact with another infected person is at high risk of getting exposed to these
virus traces and can contract the Coronavirus. Touch in any form directly or indirectly
Leveraging Deep Learning and IoT 33

with surfaces that are infected has been acknowledged as one of the likely reasons for
Coronavirus spread. There is proof which reveals that coronavirus can live on metal and
plastic surfaces for three days, on cardboard, it remains up to 24 h and on copper for
nearly 4 h [5].
As the world struggles due to the COVID-19 pandemic, it is very much required to
follow useful preventive guidelines to reduce the probability of being another fatality.
Every Individual and group must adhere to the practices given below, and if these prac-
tices are strictly followed, the world may soon see a flattened Coronavirus curve. Curve
Flattening indicates lowering the transmission of the Coronavirus to the level where
available healthcare arrangements can adequately manage the effect of the disease.

1. Hands must be washed more often using an alcohol-based sanitizer or use soap and
water to wash them thoroughly at regular intervals if you are away from home.
2. Practice social distancing – maintain a distance of 1 m from others
3. Make sure you don’t touch your eyes, nose, and mouth with bare hands.
4. Spraying disinfectant on regularly touched surfaces is essential.
5. Try staying at home unless it’s an emergency. Pregnant women’s and old age people
with any health conditions should avoid social interactions.
6. One should sneeze or cough in the open. Try covering your face with a cloth or use
elbow pit.
7. One must wear a mask always if people surround them. However, care should be
taken while disposing of the used masks [6].

The rate at which COVID19 is spreading across the world, the globe is facing issues of
falling economies and increasing casualties. Regrettably, the human race is still under
a persistent threat of contracting infection, with the condition getting worse every day.
However, researchers worldwide are coming up with technological approaches to deal
with Coronavirus pandemic’s impacts. These technologies include AI, IoT, Blockchain,
and the upcoming 5G Telecommunication networks, which have been at the forefront.
[7]. As per the CDC and the WHO cutting edge technologies will play an important role
in helping fight against Coronavirus Pandemic [8].
In this paper, we are focusing on the post lockdown scenarios where schools and
colleges will reopen, pending examinations will be held. This reopening will lead to a
lot of human movement and gathering at campuses. We are proposing a model where
precautionary measures can be automated with the help of technology and alert the
administration in the lapse of adequate precautionary measures or in the event of finding
symptoms like high body temperature in the person entering the facility. Highlights of
our research are the following:
Today, at the time of a severe crisis, screening of potential risk bearers is very crucial,
wherein this must be done without human interaction, hence automation of this process
must be done, such that a person can be identified uniquely and preventive measures can
be taken after that if considered as a risk.
Machine Learning and Deep Learning models have been used to detect various kinds
of objects and even faces. Wide range of applications have been using object detection
techniques, yet no model uniquely identifies a person and if a mask is present or not
at the same time. In the current scenario, there is a need for one such model, so that
34 S. Vedant et al.

we can identify every person by their unique features and thus automate the facemask
detection process along with identity verification. Just detecting whether a person is
wearing a facemask is not enough. According to the World Health Organization, one of
the primary symptoms of COVID-19 is the rise in body temperature. If fever patterns
of a person can be monitored it will be easy to take preventive measures and break the
chain of spread.
Due to advancement in the field of IoT, we are surrounded by various types of
sensors. Infrared thermal sensors are the best way to scan and detect body temperatures.
The speed of scanning is fast, measuring body temperature with an accuracy of ±0.5 °C.
The speed of processing is fast making these sensors detect body temperatures even
in larger groups of people. Another reliable method of scanning high temperature is
using Thermal Imaging Cameras. They work by rendering the infrared radiations as
visible light. Each College/University has a well-defined database of students studying
in their facility. Using any programming language, we can access the database. If the
model is running on the same server, where the database is present the computations
and processing time will be very less. Migrating from Relational database to a NoSQL
database will make the application scalable and easy to store data according to dates for
the pattern checking. Accessing databases for the admin will also be easy to find out
who are the potential risk bearers.

2 Literature Review

2.1 Object Detection

Various techniques exist for face detection with varying levels of accuracy and com-
putation speed. The major deciding factor in determining the technique was a balance
between accuracy and performance as the operation is run on a Raspberry Pi 3B+. Results
from the paper “A comparison of CNN-based face and head detectors for real-time video
surveillance applications” suggest that, although CNNs can accomplish a high level of
precision in comparison to old-style detectors, they require high computational resources
which are a constraint for several practical real-time applications [9]. The method of face
recognition developed by P. Viola and M. Jones has appropriate accuracy for the purpose
and can be run on a Raspberry Pi 3B+.

2.2 Facial Recognition

In facial landmark detection, relatively few of the techniques give the source code and
rather simply give executable equals making the multiplication of codes on various train-
ing sets or using various landmark annotation plans problematic. Binaries simply permit
certain pre-defined handiness and are routinely not cross-stage, making a continuous
blend of the systems relying upon landmark detection insurmountable. Although there
exist a couple of unique cases that give both getting training and testing code [10, 11],
those philosophies don’t consider landmark tracking on a real-time basis which is of
utmost importance for an interactive system. The head pose estimation and AU affirma-
tion point of view have not gotten a comparable proportion of energy as facial landmark
Leveraging Deep Learning and IoT 35

detection. Watson structure is a committed head pose estimation, which is an execu-

tion of the Generalized Adaptive View-based Appearance Model [12]. Similarities exist
between a couple of frameworks that contemplate head pose estimation using signifi-
cance data [13], regardless, they can’t go after webcams. While some facial landmark
detection consolidates limits of estimating head pose [14, 15], most dismissal this issue.
Even the Action Unit Recognition systems (FACET2, Affdex3, and OKAO4) have draw-
backs related to prohibitive cost, dark estimations, and normally dark getting ready data.
Looking at the eye-gaze estimation, contraptions and business systems require specialist
hardware, for instance, infrared cameras or head-mounted cameras [16–18]. Even though
there exist a few structures obtainable for eye-gaze estimation through webcam [19–21],
they fight in authentic circumstances and some require blundering manual arrangement
On the other hand, OpenFace gives both training and testing code considering the
basic reproducibility of examinations. The model also shows top tier results on in-the-
wild data and doesn’t require any remarkable gear or individual express arrangement.
Finally, the model runs dynamically with the total of the facial behaviour examination
modules collaborating.

2.3 Mask Detection

CNN expects a critical activity in PC vision-related model affirmation endeavour’s,

considering its supervisor spatial component extraction capacity and less computation
cost [22]. CNN uses convolution kernels to convolve with the principal pictures or
feature advisers for independent progressively critical level features. In any case, how to
arrange better convolutional neural framework structures remains an underlying request.
The inception framework proposed in [23] grants the framework to get comfortable with
the best mix of kernels. To set up a great deal of further neural frameworks, K. He et al.
proposes the Residual Network (ResNet) [24], which can take in an identity mapping
from the last layer. As object detectors are regularly passed on mobile or embedded
devices, where the computational resources are incredibly confined MobileNet [25] is
proposed. It uses significant adroit convolution to remove features and channel-wise
convolutions to alter channel numbers, so the computational cost of MobileNet is a
great deal lower than frameworks using standard convolutions.

2.4 IoT

We have based the embedded system design on systems already in use since it was
not the primary objective of the paper. A fusion of the methods of temperature sensor
interfacing [26] and the Pi camera library [27] was used to capture an image of the user’s
face and simultaneously record the user’s temperature.
36 S. Vedant et al.

3 System Architecture and Implementation

(See Fig. 2).

Fig. 2. Architecture diagram

4 Algorithm
The significant thought process behind the advancement of the Fig. 2 framework, was to
make a strong framework which needn’t bother with overwhelming registering neces-
sities and hefty costing. But simultaneously doesn’t settle on the precision part too. So,
we propose such an architecture is very much cost-effective as well as makes sure that
all the safety protocols are ensured by tracking every individual entering the college.
When the students and the staff enter the college, they are required to go through the
following process:

1. Get their image captured by the camera using the face detection model and
temperature by the MLX90614 Infrared Temperature sensor once a face is detected.
2. This image and data are read and sent to the central server where the details of each
student and staff members are present.
3. The machine learning models are applied to the captured image to identify the
student and check if a mask is present or not.
4. For face recognition, we have used OpenFace.
Leveraging Deep Learning and IoT 37

5. For mask detection, we have prepared a model using Keras/Tensorflow.

6. On the classification of a student, we can extract information like Roll Number,
Class to uniquely identify each student.
7. Similarly, on the classification of staff, we can extract information like Teacher Id,
Department to uniquely identify each staff member.
8. The information along with the image and temperature is sent for checking and
validation of data is done.
9. If the information is valid i.e. there are no null values and within the safety limits,
then this data can be uploaded to the database. Once the database is updated, we
inform the student that he can proceed.
10. Else if the Application server checks for null values, if exists it informs the Rasp-
berry Pi to once again take the picture of the student or staff member present at the
11. Else it checks the temperature value is higher than the prescribed normal body
temperature or if a student or a staff member is wearing a mask or not. If safety
protocols are broken by the predicted values which are not wearing a mask or
higher body temperature or both, in that case, the applications server then notifies
the administrator and the security personnel. Finally, admin and security personnel
can take precautionary measures if required.
12. In any case, the data is always being uploaded to the database even if the data is
within the safety protocols limits or not.
13. Once the data validation is completed the whole process is carried out again for the
next person.
14. As all the value is being stored in database day and date wise, it makes it simpler
for the administrator to apply various data analytics methods and generate charts
in our UI to track those students who have flouted the safety protocols most of the
time or students who have gradually shown any symptoms for COVID19. Hence
making it possible for the administrator to take advance actions, thereby preventing
the spread of such insidious virus to other students and staff present in the college.
Also, at the same time help the individual by informing

Figure 3 shows the working of the system for a single individual when he/she approaches
the entry point of the college. The process is repeated continuously in a loop for all the
individuals entering the college.
38 S. Vedant et al.

Fig. 3. Flow diagram

5 Software Design

Initially, the input is provided in the form of a captured image. The image is sent to
the application server as soon as the face is detected. At the application server, its
features are separated. Features are then contrasted with the authentic features for the
face recognition part. Though the same features are likewise sent to the face mask
classifier model to identify whether the student is wearing a mask or not. If the student’s
matches and different boundaries which include body temperature and mask detection
are inside the permissible limits then the student is permitted to enter the school. On
the off chance that the essence of the student is unrecognized or any of the boundaries
like a face mask and the body temperature is off the breaking point, alert assistance will
alarm the security about the sitting at a savvy social good way from the section/leave
point. Beginning from coding language python to human-computer interaction through
Face Detection, Mask Detection & Face Recognition model, and Firebase for the user
interface. A detailed analysis has been done of the software stack used.
Leveraging Deep Learning and IoT 39

5.1 Face Detection

Face detection is performed to find the trigger to capture an image from the camera and
simultaneously record the temperature at that instant. The entire procedure takes place
on a Raspberry Pi 3B+. This necessitates an object detection algorithm which is robust,
can run in real-time while not using too much processing power, since processing power
is a limited resource on this platform. The limitations and demands of the algorithm are
satisfied with the Viola-Jones Object Detection framework. When implemented on 384
× 288-pixel images, faces are detected at 15 frames per second on a 700 MHz Intel
Pentium III, which is an x86 processor from 1999 [28]. The performance of the system
and its accuracy suit the application perfectly.
The algorithm has four stages:

• Haar Feature Selection

– Haar features are used to match human faces since all faces share some common
characteristics like the upper cheeks are lighter than the eyes and the eyes are darker
than the nose bridge.

• Integral Image creation

– Integral Image Rectangle features are quick to compute using an intermediate rep-
resentation for the image, which is known as an integral image. The integral image
lets any rectangular sum be computed in four array references [28]. Thus, the inte-
gral image method reduces the number of calculations and thus can save a lot of

• Adaboost Training

– The Viola-Jones detection framework employs an adaption of the algorithm

‘AdaBoost’ to both select the best features for face detection and to train classifiers
that use them [28].

• Cascading Classifiers

– Classifiers work in a sequence, with simpler classifiers first in line, which reject the
majority of sub-windows before more complex classifiers are even necessary. This
results in low false-positive rates. This detection process resembles a degenerate
decision tree and is referred to as ‘Cascading Classifiers’ [28].

5.2 Face Recognition

For the motivation behind facial recognition, we have utilized OpenFace [29], which is an
open face profound learning facial acknowledgement model. It is based upon the paper
[30] developed by Google developers. OpenFace is actualized utilizing Python and Torch
permitting the system to be executed smoothly on CPU as well as on a GPU acceleration
40 S. Vedant et al.

which is CUDA. As we actualized the application in Keras (using TensorFlow [31]

backend), and to do that we utilized a pre-prepared model known as Keras-OpenFace by
Victor Sy Wangwhich [32] which is an open-source Keras execution of the OpenFace.
Applying CNN classifier to confront acknowledgement is certifiably not an extraor-
dinary thought because, as a gathering of individuals (like representatives of an organi-
zation) increments or diminishes, one needs to change the SoftMax classifier work. here
is a wide range of ways by which we can make a face recognition framework, and in this
application, we utilized facial recognition along with one-shot learning by a profound
neural system.

One-Shot Learning [33–35]

In one shot learning, just one picture for each individual is put away in the database,
which is gone through the neural system to create an implanting vector. This installing
vector is contrasted and the vector produced for the individual who must be perceived.
If there exist similarities between the two vectors, at that point the framework perceives
that individual, else that individual isn’t there in the database. This can be comprehended
in Fig. 4.

Fig. 4. OneShot [34] learning working

Triplet Loss Function [30]

Since we are utilizing the OpenFace pre-trained model for facial recognition. Preparing
the neural system with the Triplet Loss Function limits the separation between similar
pictures which have a similar personality, and amplifies the separation between the
pictures of an alternate character. The function is appreciated beneath in Eq. 1.
Loss = f − f p 2 − f a − f n 2 + α (1)
i i 2 i i 2
Leveraging Deep Learning and IoT 41

Fig. 5. OpenFace [29] model architecture

OpenFace Model [29]

The accompanying Fig. 5 shows the work process for a solitary info picture of Sylvester
Stallone from the freely accessible LFW dataset [36].

1. Pre-trained models from libraries like OpenCV [37] or dlib are used to detect
distinguished faces.
2. The faces are then fed into the neural network.
3. Utilize a deep neural system to implant the face on a 128-dimensional unit hyper-
sphere. The embedding is a conventional portrayal of anyone’s face. In contrast
to other portrayals, inserting has a pleasant property: a bigger separation between
two face embeddings implies that the appearances are likely not of a similar indi-
vidual. Thereby making grouping, likeness discovery, & order assignments simpler
than other face acknowledgement strategies where Euclidean separation betwixt
highlights isn’t significant.
4. Apply your preferred grouping or classifying methods to the highlights to finish your
acknowledgement task.

As we are utilizing the pre-trained model to compare the embedding vectors of the
pictures put away in the file system with the embedding vector of the picture captured
by the webcam. This can be clarified by underneath Fig. 6.

Fig. 6. Face recognition workflow

All the images stored in the file system are converted to a dictionary with names
as key and embedding vectors as value. When handling an image, face recognition is
done to discover bounding boxes around faces. We have used the same face detection
code that is being executed at the Raspberry Pi end for extricating the face Region of
Interest of the captured image. Before passing the picture to the neural system, it is
resized to 96 × 96 pixels as the profound neural system expects the fixed (96 × 96)
input picture size. When the picture is taken care of into the model, we produce the
128-measurement inserting vector for the obscure picture with the assistance of a pre-
prepared model. Simultaneously, we likewise load the put away implanting vectors for
the known datasets. To think about two pictures for likeness, we figure the separation
between their embeddings. This should be possible by either computing Euclidean (L2)
42 S. Vedant et al.

distance or Cosine separation between the 128-dimensional vectors. On the off chance
that the separation is not exactly an edge (which is a hyperparameter), at that point the
countenances in the two pictures are of a similar individual, if not, they are two distinct

5.3 Mask Detection

In the current situation due to Covid-19, there are no effective face mask detection appli-
cations that are presently popular for transportation implies thickly populated territories,
private regions, huge scope producers, and different endeavours to guarantee security.
Likewise, Also, the absence of large datasets of ‘with_mask’ images has made this task
more cumbersome and challenging. The dataset used for the training of the mask detector
comprises 10563 pictures having labels with two classes which are “with_mask: 7130
pictures” and “without_mask: 3433 images”. The pictures utilized were genuine pic-
tures of faces wearing covers. The pictures were gathered from Kaggle [38] and RMFD
datasets [39].
To prepare a custom face mask detector, for accommodation, we have broken
the entire procedure into two particular stages, each with its separate sub-ventures as
appeared by Fig. 7.

Fig. 7. Face detection architecture

Leveraging Deep Learning and IoT 43

Phase 1: Train Mask Detector

In the preparation stage, we concentrated on stacking our face mask recognition dataset
from the hard drive, preparing a model (utilizing Keras/TensorFlow [31]) on the
dataset, and afterwards stacking the face mask recognition in the file system. Utilizing
Keras/TensorFlow [31] permits us to get to the CUDA computations of Nvidia GPUs
which quickens our preparation procedure and permits a lot of functionalities while
building the model. The procedure embraced while building the model for the face mask
recognition involves:

1. Load the picture Datasets

2. Preprocessing steps incorporate scaling the dataset images to 224 × 224 pixels,
transformation to exhibit configuration, and escalating the pixel forces in the image
to the range [−1, 1].
3. Data augmentation steps incorporate applying on-the-fly transformations to the
dataset to ameliorate speculation during the preparation procedure. Utilizing the
scikit-learn technique, we section our images into 4:1 ratio for training and testing
purposes respectively.
4. Loading MobilNetV2 [25] classifier which we fine-tune with the assistance of pre-
prepared ImageNet [22] weights.
5. Building the completely associated (FC) head happens in three-advance:
6. Loading MobileNet [25] with pre-trained ImageNet [22] weights, excluding the head
layers of the network.
7. We then construct another Fully Connected head layer and add this layer to the base
layers instead of the original head layers.
8. Freezing the base layers of the neural network. As a result, the weights of these base
layers are not updated during the process of backpropagation. On the other hand, the
head layer weights will be tuned.
9. Compiling the model with the Adam optimizer, binary cross-entropy and a learning
rate decay schedule. We have defined the hyperparameter constants which includes
the underlying learning rate, batch size and the number of training epochs.

Phase 2: Apply Mask Detector

When the face mask classifier is prepared, we would then be able to proceed onward
to loading the mask classifier model, performing face mask detection and afterwards
characterizing each face as “without_mask” or “with_mask”. When the face detection
happens at the microcontroller end, the image captured is then sent to the application
server which sends it further to the face classifier model. Before feeding the image
directly into the model, we do pre-process on the captured image. Pre-processing is
taken care of by OpenCV’s [37] blobFromImage function, we resize the captured image
to 300 × 300 pixels and perform mean deduction. After the preprocessing step, we at that
point foresee the face guaranteeing that the threshold is met before finding the Region
of Interest. Looping over the detections and extracting the confidence scores to measure
against the confidence defined threshold. At that point, we compute the bounding boxes
value for detected faces and guarantee that the bounding box falls inside the limits of
the captured picture. In the wake of removing the facilitation of the bounding box of the
44 S. Vedant et al.

face ROI, we feed it into our face classifier model and get the ideal forecasts for that
face’s ROI. At long last, we decide the classmark dependent on the probabilities score
returned by the mask classifier model and thereby allocate the related class name which
is “with_mask” and “without_mask” for that captured image of the understudy.

5.4 Firebase
Firebase Firestore is a horizontally scaling NoSQL cloud-based database service pro-
vided by Google Developers. Firestore is a serverless database hence it can be easily
integrated with any platform very easily. The services of Firebase, being on the cloud
is available for usage from anywhere. The cloud messaging service of Firebase gives a
way to send notifications to the admin about a potential carrier of the virus. The Firebase
Firestore being a horizontally scaling database is highly scalable. At any point in time,
if we require new functionality, it can be integrated for the next versions of our database,
hence increasing the scope of the project is possible.
The usage of firebase is happening as follows:

1. Firstly, the image is being captured and transferred to the central server along with
the temperature.
2. Then, face recognition algorithms predict if a user is wearing a mask or not also
assign the captured image identity of the person.
3. The complete data as a packet is checked for any vulnerabilities or Null values
4. If the checks are completed the data is stored on the Firebase firestore according to
the current date. If the temperature readings are above normal or the student is not
wearing a mask, in that scenario the admin/security personnel will be notified.

6 Hardware Design
We use the Raspberry Pi 3B+ as a platform to capture user images and temperature
readings. The Raspberry Pi 3B+ has an ARMv8 64-bit SoC with Wi-Fi and Bluetooth
support. Gigabit Ethernet is also supported over the USB 2.0 connection [40]. This allows
the Raspberry Pi to perform basic face detection and communicate with the central server
effectively. The camera used is the Raspberry Pi Camera v2, which interfaces over the
Camera Serial Interface (CSI) port of the Raspberry Pi 3B+ [40]. It supports many video
resolutions and has libraries to access the camera feed [41]. The MLX 90614 [42] (3.3 V)
Infrared temperature sensor is used to measure user temperature. The sensor interfaces
over i2c hardware bus through i2c_bcm2708 kernel module and the libi2c library [26].
The camera and temperature sensor have to be adjusted so that the Field of View of the
sensor is aligned over the centre of the frame of the view of the camera (Fig. 8).
Leveraging Deep Learning and IoT 45

Fig. 8. Circuit diagram of raspberry Pi & MLX 90614 [26]

7 Results

The significant thought process behind the advancement of such a framework was to
make a strong framework which needn’t bother with overwhelming registering necessi-
ties and simultaneously doesn’t settle on the precision part too. The models that we used
should be computationally efficient and deployable to embedded systems (Raspberry Pi,
Google Coral, etc.). This was the very explanation we have utilized the OpenFace [29]
model for facial recognition, transfer learning on the MobileNet V2 [25] model for the
face mask classifier and Viola Jones [24] for face detection.

Table 1. Time & memory consumption [9]

Detector Time Memory consumption (GB)

Viola-Jones [43] 0.6 60 0.1
Head Hunter DPM [44] 5 1 2
SSD [45] 45.8 13.3 0.7
Faster R-CNN [46] 223.9 5.8 2.1
R-FCN 50 [47] 132.1 6 2.4
R-FCN 101 [47] 186.6 4.7 3.1
PVANEY [48] 40.1 9 2.6
Local RCNN [49] 1209.8 0.5 2.1
Yolo 9000 [50] 34.9 19.2 2.1
46 S. Vedant et al.

The Viola-Jones [43] framework has favorable performance in comparison to other

object detection frameworks, especially when processing power and framerate are con-
cerned. Table 1 and Fig. 9 show us a comparative study between the different detec-
tion frameworks present in the market along with their time taken and the memory

Fig. 9. Precision vs recall scores [9]

We can see that the training is done on LFW dataset [51] for the OpenFace [32]
Keras model which gave us an exactness of around (93.80 ± 1.3) % alongside different
measurements as according to the Table 2.

Table 2. OpenFace Keras metrics table [32]

Accuracy 0.938 ± 0.013

Alidation rate 0.47469 ± 0.04227@ FAR = 0.00134
Area Under Curve (AUC) 0.979
Equal Error Rate (EER) 0.062

Then again, the training is done on the custom dataset which incorporates around
10563 pictures downloaded from Kaggle [38] and RFID [39] for the face classifier model
dependent on transfer learning based upon the MobileNetV2[25] gave us a precision of
again 93% on normal conditions. Taking a gander at Fig. 11 we can see there are little
Leveraging Deep Learning and IoT 47

indications of overfitting and the Fig. 10 shows the assessment measurements on the
testing dataset per epoch which includes 20% of the all-out pictures present in the
custom dataset.

Fig. 10. Mask classifier metrics

Fig. 11. Loss/accuracy per epoch graph

At the point when the image captured from the microcontroller is fed into the model
by the application server after pre-preparing the image, the models return the probabil-
ities of the expectations made and the name of the understudy perceived. For portrayal
purposes, we have hued the bounding boxes showing up as red for an understudy without
mask and green for an understudy with a cover. We at that point additionally print the
48 S. Vedant et al.

class name {i.e. “with_mask” or “without_mask”}, likelihood, and the name perceived
by the models on the head of the bounding enclosure as indicated in the underneath
Fig. 12 and Fig. 13.

Fig. 12. Result without mask

Fig. 13. Result with mask

For any great framework, UI is one of the most significant perspectives. It is through
the UI that the individual interfaces with the framework get advantageous. Saving the
Leveraging Deep Learning and IoT 49

accommodation for the administrator and the for the security staff, we have made such
an interface, that would unravel the two fundamental purposes that are keeping up the
record of the understudy with the name, timestamp, mask, and internal heat level just as
keep any track in the abnormalities in the estimation of the mask-wearing and internal
heat level of every single understudy entering the school. In the Firebase database,
complete information is stored as a bundle of a packet of each understudy is embedded
by the current date and day. This makes the framework progressively adaptable and the
information from sorted out for playing out the data analysis by the administrator. To the
extent the alert notification generation is considered, the alert notification is produced by
the firebase itself as a message pop-up/email, which makes it considerably increasingly
best for the framework. The accompanying Fig. 14 and Fig. 15 are of the UI and the
firebase database respectively that we have utilized in our framework.

Fig. 14. User interface

Fig. 15. Firebase database

50 S. Vedant et al.

8 Limitations
Our present strategy for recognizing whether an individual is wearing a mask or not is
a two-advance procedure that performs face detection and afterwards applies a classi-
fication on faces to detect the mask. The issue with this methodology is that a mask
darkens some portion of the face. If enough of the face is darkened, the face can’t be
distinguished, and hence, the face mask detector won’t be applied.
Another issue is the reliability of the web relationship of the framework in which
the system is being set up. The web relationship with the system must have low inaction
and high transmission ability to send the alarm to the security as well as the image to
the application server for further processing. The force flexibly of the framework must
be steady as all the segments of the security framework run on power.

9 Future Work
We have entirely fair outcomes by simply contrasting the Euclidean separation with
perceiving a face. Notwithstanding, if one needs proportional the framework to a creation
framework, at that point, one ought to consider applying Affine changes additionally
before taking care of the picture to the neural system.
Further to improve our face mask detection model, we need to assemble all the
more genuine pictures of individuals wearing masks. Additionally, we have to assemble
pictures of appearances that may “befuddle” our classifier into speculation the individual
is wearing a mask when in truth they are not—potential models incorporate shirts folded
over faces, a handkerchief over the mouth, and so forth. At long last, we ought to
consider preparing a committed two-class object finder instead of a straightforward
picture classifier.

10 Conclusion

Since the origin of Covid19, technological solutions have been worked out by researchers
to combat the spread of Coronavirus pandemic. Few hot technologies like, IoT and Arti-
ficial Intelligence have been the front runners. Our paper discussed using IoT-based
sensors and Deep learning-based algorithms to detect the breach of suggested precau-
tionary measures like the use of masks in public places and to ensure no entry within
the campus to individuals showing COVID19 symptoms in our case high body temper-
ature. Our model also records every student’s body temperature in a central database on
a day-to-day basis and raises the alarm if the Pattern generated shows a gradual rise in
body temperature also helps the administration in monitoring safety standards within
the campus. This automated approach helps prevent the security personnel from coming
in contact with every student or visitors and reduces the chances of human errors in
identifying the person entering the facility with COVID19 symptoms.
Leveraging Deep Learning and IoT 51

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of Thoracic Organs at Risk Using
Computed Tomography Images

Mohit Asudani1 , Alarsh Tiwari2 , Harsh Kataria2 , Vipul Kumar Mishra2(B) ,

and Anurag Goswami2
Indian Institute of Information Technology Senapati,
Imphal 795002, Manipur, India
[email protected]
Bennett University, Greater Noida 201310, Uttar Pradesh, India
[email protected], [email protected],

Abstract. The recent advances in the field of computer vision have led
to the wide use of Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) in organ seg-
mentation of computed tomography (CT) images. Image-guided radia-
tion therapy requires the accurate segmentation of organs at risk (OARs).
In this paper, the proposed model is a 2D ResU-Net network to auto-
matically segment thoracic organs at risk in computed tomography (CT)
images. The architecture consists of a downsampling path for capturing
features and a symmetric upsampling path for obtaining precise local-
ization. The proposed approach achieves a 0.93 dice metric (DSC) and
0.26 hausdorff distance (HD) after using ImageNet stats for normalizing
and using pre-trained weights.

Keywords: Convolutional Neural Networks · ResU-Net · Computed

Tomography (CT) images · Organ segmentation

1 Introduction
Lung cancer is one of the leading cause of death in both males and females with
a contribution of 26.8% of all cancer deaths [1]. There were approximately 3.05
million cancer survivors treated with radiation, accounting for around 29% of all
the cancer survivors in 2016. The radiation-treated cancer survivors are projected
to reach 4.17 million by 2030 [1]. The introduction of procedures like stereotactic
body radiation therapy and intensity-modulated radiation therapy has led to
the improvement of Radiation therapy techniques, therefore, protecting normal
organs become a primary concern [2].
During the radiation treatment, it is necessary to segment organs at risk
correctly to avoid a very high radiation dose from the computed tomography
(CT). The segmentation of images has brought a significant impact on diagno-
sis and treatment. This segmentation helps the doctors in viewing the internal
c Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2021
D. Garg et al. (Eds.): IACC 2020, CCIS 1367, pp. 54–65, 2021.
A 2D ResU-Net Powered Segmentation 55

anatomy. Many existing techniques include X-Ray like Computed Tomography

(CT) and cross-section images, or Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), or oth-
ers like Positron Emission Tomography and Single Photon Emission Computed
The CT images are complex, so the identification, including the localization
of organs by using manual techniques, is time-consuming and challenging. In
general, experts do segmentation manually by intensity levels and anatomical
knowledge (e.g., the Esophagus is located behind the Heart, Trachea is above
the Spinal cord, etc). In current medical practice, the fundamental method of
OARs segmentation is contouring manually, due to large number of axial slices
of images and scans it may take one to two hours for major thoracic organs [2].
Moreover, manual contouring also suffers not only from inter and intra-observer
variability but institutional variability as well, where different varying sites adopt
varying labeling criteria and contouring atlases [2]. For the development of fully
or semi automated solutions for segmentation, a lot of effort has been invested.
Atlas-based methods incorporate for consensus-based labeling [2]. The automa-
tion of the segmentation algorithms enabled the shorting of the segmentation
duration as compared with the manual contouring, and adaptive therapy [2].
Due to segmentation availability and quality, the usage of these techniques are
still limited. Our objective is to instinctively segment out the thoracic organs:
heart, aorta, trachea, and esophagus in CT images. This is difficult because the
medical images given are three dimensional; the separation of organs are hard
to differentiate since they may be low contrast. There are significant variations
in the shape, size, and location of these organs at risk between patients [3]. For
some organs (e.g.-esophagus), the segmentation is the most challenging: position
and shape vary significantly between varying patients; also, the contours in CT
images have low contrast and may be absent [3].
In the paper, we proposed a 2D ResU-Net based deep network on segment-
ing the OARs and to identify tumors. The proposed network achieves a good
accuracy, and speed as compared to previous approaches. The paper is organized
in such a way to identify the problem, followed by understanding the dataset,
which is then followed by pre-processing, training the model with different archi-
tectures, and post-processing.

2 Related Work

A few interesting work have been done in recent years using a deep neural net-
work to segment the CT images. In [4] Olaf Ronneberger et al. introduced a
model that was based on simple UNet architecture for biomedical image segmen-
tation. Other modifications are also proposed like localization and organ-specific
U-Net model, Pixel shuffle method on fully convolutional U-Net architecture like
in the Two-stage encoder-decoder model with coarse and fine segmentation in
[5]. The author in [6] Used multi-task learning on U-Net architecture. Another U-
Net model with each layer containing a context pathway, a localization pathway,
and 2D residual U-Net with dilation rate was proposed in [7]. Moreover, dilated
56 M. Asudani et al.

U-Net architecture is also used with convolution, dilation, ReLU, batch normal-
ization, and average pooling in [7]. These architectures use 2D convolutions, but
with more computational capabilities. In another research, 3D convolutions are
also being used like Using two resolutions and applying the VB-Net for each
with Single-Class Dice loss in [8]. These are modified by researchers with a 3D
enhanced multi-scale network with residual V-Net and 3D dilated convolution
in [9]. A Simple dens V-Net with post-processing is presented in [10]. In [11], the
author used both 3D and 2D convolutions in a full convolution 3D network.

3 Proposed Methodology
3.1 Data Collection and Pre-processing
The experimental data was collected from the SegTHOR19 training and testing
datasets. The training data set include 40 patients (7390 slices), and testing
data contains 20 patients (3694 slices). By analyzing the provided training data,
The data is in the Neuroimaging Informatics Technology Initiative (NifTI) .nii
format. It was then converted into NumPy .npy format [13] and later to png
format using the matplotlib and PIL. A sample training image is shown in Fig.
1a, and a masked image is shown in Fig. 1b.
Pre-processing, often overlooked, is a major concern in terms of performance.
Generally, There are bright regions in the images as compared with the external
objects which will have a key effect on the organ voxels when normalizing with
the original intensity range. Due to the said reason, the key step was assumed to
be normalization. The reduction in the variability in the size occurred due to the
re-sampling of the images to the same voxel spacing. It also helped in bringing the
testing case distribution near to the training case distribution [2]. The Computed
Tomography scans have 512 × 512 pixels with its spatial variations varying from
0.90 to 1.37 mm. The most frequent spatial resolution is 0.98 × 0.98 × 2.5 mm3 .
The 3D CT scan was converted into 2.5D or 2D images formed by stacking the
previous array and next array. They were also normalized to 256 range values.
The 3D CT scan was cut into slices along the axial, sagittal, and coronal planes
for visualization of the test data. The 3D visualization of the testing data is
depicted in Fig. 2.

3.2 Data Augmentation

At the period of training, re-scaling was done. Images have arbitrarily rotated
the images by flipping them horizontally [13]. The data augmentation was imple-
mented on the png framework. The U-Net structure will not be affected by
augmentation method used in the training period [4,7].

3.3 Evaluation Metrics

The Evaluation metrics used are Dice metric and Hausdorff distance in order to
follow the metric evaluation of the competition Segthor’19. Moreover, they define
A 2D ResU-Net Powered Segmentation 57

(a) CT-scan image in 2D for training (b) Segmented mask

Fig. 1. A sample training and mask data

Fig. 2. 3D visualization of training data

similarity metrics and distinctions in pixels in accordance with the distance,

which evaluates the segmentation models (especially medical ones) critically to
gain better understanding about the practical working of the model.

The Overlap Dice Metric (DSC) has been used to find overlap between
segmented area as result of proposed algorithm [3].

(2|X ∩ Y |)
DSC(X, Y ) = (1)
(|X| + |Y |)

The Hausdorff Distance (HD)

HD(X, Y ) = max(h(X, Y ), h(X, Y )) (2)

58 M. Asudani et al.

HD is defined as max(d1; d2), where d1 and d2 are the maximum distance, to

the closest manual contour point from automatic contour points, and manual
contour points [3].
The model obtained the DSC and HD between two surfaces, G and S. The
proposed model is trained on single class dice metric and modified accuracy
metric. The modified accuracy metric defined only four classes that are to be
segmented for accuracy metric calculation and didn’t consider the void class.
In total, five classes (heart, esophagus, trachea, aorta, and void). Metric took
into consideration the error of four main classes and did not include the void
class. To get a better idea of performance of proposed model HD and DSC are
used as their complementary nature.

3.4 Loss Function

The accuracy metric was utilized in our study. It was demonstrated by the
research that for highly unbalanced segmentation dice loss yielded better results
[15]. In this paper, the Dice loss has been used to rained the model [2]. The
accuracy metric shows a high instability therefore, the localization neuralnet the
more time to converge. We also used flattened loss of Cross-entropy loss function
which gave nearly same results as compared with dice loss (Fig. 3).

(2|X ∩ Y |)
DSC(X, Y ) = (3)
(|X| + |Y |)

Diceloss = 1 − DSC(sumof allclasses)/numberof classes (4)

3.5 Proposed 2D ResU-Net Network Architecture

We started our experiment from uniform U-net encoder-decoder segmentation

architecture. The U-Net encoder-decoder architecture with long range connec-
tions has shown good performance in much of the segmentation tasks by effec-
tively combining the spatial-information features of CT images with high level
features with more global information to optimize classification. This model has
symmetrical encoder and decoder parts. Here, the encoder has comparatively
more non-linear mapping capability and learns by initializing parameters with
the well-liked networks that have been trained on the classification of medical
images. U-Net comprises of three sections, the contraction part, which is made
of many contraction blocks. This is used for the extraction of high-level con-
text information by convolutions and down-samplings. Each contraction block
accepts an input that applies two 3 × 3 convolution layers. The convolution lay-
ers are followed by 2 × 2 max pooling. After each block, the number of feature
maps or kernels doubles. Therefore, the architecture can effectively learn more
complex structures. The bottleneck layer is the bottom-most layer that mediates
A 2D ResU-Net Powered Segmentation 59

Fig. 3. The loss surfaces of ResNet-56 with/without skip connections. The proposed
filter normalization scheme is used to enable comparisons of sharpness/flatness between
the two figures.

between the contraction and the expansion layer of the U-net. This layer makes
use of two 3 × 3 convolutional neural network (CNN) layers preceded by 2 × 2 up
convolution layers. Same as the contraction layer on the left, the right expand-
ing section is also formed by many expansion blocks. Each of these blocks gives
input to two 3 × 3 convolution layers. To maintain the symmetry, Only half of
the feature map will carry forward after each block. The number of expansion
and contraction blocks on both sides is equal. The resulting mapping is fetched
to another 3 × 3 CNN. In this CNN layer, the number of feature maps is the
same as the number of segments desired.
The ResU-net model, as shown in Fig. 4, was implemented using the PyTorch
framework. ResU-Net brings out appreciable segmentation accuracy compared
with many other classical convolution networks. The residual connections pro-
vided the benefits in reducing the training difficulty [2]. Along with that, train-
ing a deep network required more memory and training time. A mix of residual
connection with deeper network, as shown in Fig. 4 yields better or equal per-
formances but takes a lot longer to train.
Utilization of dilated convolutions was another attempt as shown in Fig. 5
with more tunable parameters that includes dilation rates; the performances
were alike and hence, no further investigate was carried out.

3.6 Training

For the training, the proposed model was trained with weight decay of 1e−2 and
a learning rate of 1e−4 as shown in Fig. 6 learning rate and loss. Then slices
were made for varying learning rates at different epochs. The model was trained
for ten epochs. In the model, pixel shuffling and average pooling is used.
60 M. Asudani et al.

Fig. 4. The architecture of ResUnet

Fig. 5. The transposed convolution [21].

Total trainable parameters for our model are 19,946,396 and total non-
trainable parameters are 11,166,912. ImageNet stats were used for normalizing
the data.
For the task of image super-resolution, Shi et al. at [17] proposed to use pixel
shuffle as an upsampling operator.
This operator rearranges input channels to produce a feature map with higher
resolution, as shown in Fig. 7. Worth to mention, this technique solves the prob-
lem of checkerboard artifacts in the output image. Later, the same concept was
employed for semantic segmentation tasks [18,19]. The loss curve has been shown
in Fig. 8 with respect to epoch.
A 2D ResU-Net Powered Segmentation 61

Fig. 6. Finding learning rate with respect to the loss graphically

Fig. 7. The efficient sub-pixel CNN [20].

3.7 Data Post-processing

Due to conversion to 2.5D images, the number of total images formed is less by
two images (i.e., first one and last one) as compared with the given training data.
So, after the conversion of the results of 2.5D to 3D image again, void images
are added to the 3D image by stacking all the 2.5D images depth-wise. It was
noticed that the first and last images missing are void images in all the cases.
62 M. Asudani et al.

Fig. 8. Loss curve.

4 Experimental Results

The proposed algorithm has been implemented in Python 3.6, 64-bit Ubuntu
Linux platform in docker of Nvidia DGX-1 GPU. The proposed method was
validated on the 20 Computed Tomography scans of the given test data. No
external data was used, and our model was trained from scratch. The proposed
method uses the evaluation metrics, overlap Dice metric (DSC) Dice Similarity
Coefficient and the Hausdorff distance given in Eq. 2 and 1. The best result
obtained by the proposed algorithm shown in Fig. 9. Moreover, a comparative
result with a recent previous approach has been given in Table 1. It is evident
from Table 1 that the proposed approach is able to achieve better performance
in terms of DSC and HD both. Moreover, a sample predicted output and ground
truth is also shown in Fig. 10.

Fig. 9. Dice and Hausdroff distance for all four classes

A 2D ResU-Net Powered Segmentation 63

Table 1. Comparison with the previous approach

Proposed [13] [10]

Esophagus 0.80 0.5 0.81 0.68 0.77 1.68
Heart 0.934 0.23 0.93 0.26 0.93 0.20
Trachea 0.91 0.32 0.86 1.08 0.89 0.27
Aorta 0.93 0.31 0.92 0.52 0.92 0.30

Fig. 10. Comparison between ground truth and predictions of masks and CT scans of
the validation set

5 Discussion
The networks trained included U-net with ResNet34 and ResNet50, but the
results and metrics were similar and approximately equal. This network used a
2D CNN for training, and then also it has similar or better results than using a 3D
CNN network like V-nets or VB-net [8]. That’s why the parameters to be trained
are less, and the model is trained faster, cheaper, and with excellent efficiency
in results. A few lessons on convolutional neural network implementation were
learned, which are discussed below.

6 Conclusion
The images were converted to 3D CT scans from 2D to train our model. So,
there is a loss in slicing. State of the art architecture was used, and that helped
a lot with high accuracy. Without ResNet18, a single class dice metric was 0.39.
Pre-trained weights were used for resnet18 downloaded from torchvision models.
After using ImageNet stats for normalizing and using pretrained weights, the
accuracy graph got a high bump. This methodology gives accurate and more
robust segmentation as compared to manual segmentation. The proposed model
was applied to the test dataset and the results are depicted in Table 1.
64 M. Asudani et al.

Instead of training from scratch a better way that used in hospitals, is to

fine-tune the general model with the same patient study before deploying to
newer studies, which helps to incorporate the patient-specific features into the
general model to provide much better results.

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A Compact Shape Descriptor Using Empirical
Mode Decomposition to Detect Malignancy
in Breast Tumour

Spandana Paramkusham1(B) , Manjula Sri Rayudu2 , and Puja S. Prasad1

1 Geethanjali College of Engineering and Technology, Cheeryal Village, Kesara Mandal,
Medchal, Hyderabad 501301, Telangana, India
[email protected]
2 Vallurupalli Nageswara Rao Vignana Jyothi Institute of Engineering and Technology, Vignana

Jyothi Nagar, Pragathi Nagar, Nizampet (S.O), Hyderabad 500090, Telangana, India

Abstract. Breast cancer is the most common cancer in India and the world. Mam-
mogram helps the radiologists to detect abnormalities in breast. Analysis of the
lesions on breast helps doctors in the detection of cancer in early stages. Lesion
contours of breast are characterized by their shape. Malignant lesion contours
have speculated and ill-defined shapes and benign have circular and lobulated
shape. In the present work, we proposed a method to classify breast contours
into benign/malignant using empirical mode decomposition (EMD) technique.
Initially, the two-dimension contours of breast lesions are compacted into 1D
signature. Further, 1D signatures of lesions are decomposed into intrinsic mode
functions (IMFs) by the EMD algorithm and statistical based features are cal-
culated from these IMFs. This parameters form a input feature vector which are
further fed to classifier.

Keywords: Breast cancer · Mammogram · Feature extraction · Empirical mode

decomposition · Classification

1 Introduction
Breast cancer is the most common cancer in India and the world. According the WHO
reports, 2.1 million women got affected with breast cancer each year, and resulted in
highest mortality rate among women [1]. In 2018, nearly 627,000 women died due to
breast cancer. Approximately 15% of death in women is due to breast cancer. Mammog-
raphy plays prominent role in the detection of breast cancer in early stages. Computer
aided diagnosis and detection of masses from mammograms helps radiologists in early
indication of breast cancer. Mass is one of the abnormality in breast in which the radi-
ologists look for diagnosis. Masses are characterized by their shape. Benign mass is
circular or round with well defined boundary but where as malignant mass is spicu-
lated with fuzzy boundary. Shape descriptors are very important tools to classify masses
in breast. The goal of shape based descriptors is to measure spiculation in malignant
masses based on their boundary. Complexity of 1D signature of mass contour is studied

© Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2021

D. Garg et al. (Eds.): IACC 2020, CCIS 1367, pp. 66–74, 2021.
A Compact Shape Descriptor Using Empirical Mode Decomposition 67

using fractal analysis and achieved accuracy of 89% using ruler method [2]. Several
studies have been carried out to classify masses as benign and malignant. Shape fea-
tures such as compactness (C), fractional concavity (Fcc), spiculation index (SI), and
a Fourier-descriptor-based factor (FF) are calculated to discriminate benign and malig-
nant contours [3, 4]. Pohlman et al. [5] applied fractal analysis to benign and malignant
contours of breast masses and achieved accuracy of 80%. Rangayan et al. [6] employed
fractal analysis based on power spectral analysis to classify breast contour 1D signatures.
Texture features can also be extracted from mammograms to classify masses as benign
masses are homogeneous in nature and malignant masses have heterogeneous textures.
Many researchers have contributed papers on classification of masses using texture fea-
tures. Yang et al. [7], applied wave atom transform to extract features and classified the
masses using random forest classifiers. Prathibha et al. [8] employed a method of bandlet
and orthogonal ripplet type II transforms to extract features and applied KNN classifier
to distinguish normal-benign, normal-malignant and malignant-benign images. Dhahbi
et al. [9] used curvelet moment to classify masses. However, the use of texture features
results in high dimensional feature vector and increases computational cost of the classi-
fication model [7]. Regardless, many researches have shown that shape based descriptors
are more useful compared to any other descriptors such as texture, color, etc., [10]. In
the work proposed we have implemented EMD algorithm to extract features from 1D
signature of 2D mass contours to classify masses. Empirical mode decomposition algo-
rithm is developed by Huang et al. [11] to analyse nonstationary or nonlinear signals.
Djemili et al. [12] applied EMD algorithm and artificial neural networks to classify 1D
EEG signals. Orosco et al. [13] employed EMD for epileptic seizure detection.
In this work we focus on extraction of compact shape feature vector from 2D mass
contours. This work is proposed in three steps. In the first step, the 2D contour is mapped
into a compact 1D signature using Eucleidian distance. In the second step the 1D sig-
nature is further compressed using empirical mode decomposition algorithm to extract
statistical based features from IMFs of 1D signature and in the third step the extracted fea-
tures are given to classifier to discriminate benign and malignant masses. The proposed
model to classify breast masees is shown in Fig. 1.

2 Materials and Methods

2.1 Data Set
The mammography images used in this work are taken from publically available database
“Digital Database for Screening Mammography” (DDSM) [14]. Each mammogram
image containing massThe information related to particular patient is provided in overlay
file. The overlay file consist information about type of abnormalities and its location
present in mammogram. The description of abnormalities such as lesion type, subtlety,
assessment and its outline is given in overlay file. The outline of mass contour is given
as chain code in overlay file. The information related to contours in overlay file is given
by expert radiologists. The database contains normal, benign and cancer volumes. For
our research, we require benign and malignant mass contours. So, we have chosen 147
mammography images set from DDSM database which has only mass contours. These
set include 73 malignant and 74 benign contours.
68 S. Paramkusham et al.

Mammogram Mass contours

Mapping of 2D contour into 1D


Feature Extraction using EMD



Fig. 1. Flow chart of the proposed model

2.2 Mapping of 2D Contour into 1D Signature

Benign masses are almost circular and well defined which gives smooth signature and
malignant masses have speculated and rugged boundary. 1D signature curve of mass
contours is an important component for diagnosis of benign and malignant tumors or
masses due to its invariant properties in Euclidean space and the signature curve does
not changes with the orientation of mass contours [14] in mammogram. Mapping od 2D
contour into 1D signature is performed by centralized distance function method and it
is discussed below.

Centralized Distance Function

1-D signatures, defined as the plot of Euclidean distance from centroid of mass to the
each contour point vs a function of the index of the contour point. The contours and
signatures of both malignant and benign masses are shown in Fig. 2a, b, c and d.
A Compact Shape Descriptor Using Empirical Mode Decomposition 69

2.3 Compression of 1D Signature Using Empirical Mode Decomposition

EMD method is used to decompose the nonlinear or non-stationary 1D signal proposed

by Huang et al. [11]. It decomposes the 1D signal into intrinsic mode function (IMFs)
on two conditions. First condition is the difference between number of extremas and
zeros for IMFs must be 0 or 1 and the second condition is the mean of envelopes of local
maxima and local minima must be zero.
Let us consider the 1D signature of mass contour is x(t), where t indicates contour
index. The 1D signature x(t) can be decomposed into IMFs as
x(t) = xm (t) + rm (t) (1)

The procedure to obtain IMFs from 1D signature is summarized in steps given below
Step1: Intialize m = 0, and r(t) = x(t)
Step2: local minima and the local maxima of x(t) are to be computed
Step 3: Get the local minima and maxima envelopes using cubic spline interpolation and
they are represented as El (t)(lowerenvelope) and E(t)(t)(upperenvelope)
Step 4: Calculate mean of the envelopes and it is given as
El (t) + Eu (t)
M (t) =
Step 5: Compute mode 1 IMF represented as h(t)

h(t) = x(t) − M (t)

Step 6: h(t) is IMF1 (imfm (t) = h(t))

a) b) c) d)

Fig. 2. a) Benign contour b) 1D signature of 2a c) Malignant contour d) 1D signature of 2c

If it satisfies the two condition specified above. Then increment m = m + 1 and go to

step 7
x(t) = h(t) and repeat step 1 to 5
Step 7: compute residual r(t) = r(t) − imfm (t) and go to step1

IMFs and residual 1D signature of Fig. 2c is shown in Fig. 3

70 S. Paramkusham et al.

Feature Extraction
Features are extracted from IMFs of 1D signature obtained by the EMD algorithm.
The features extracted from IMFs are given as follows

• Root mean square value of IMF1

• First order diff of IMF1
• Ratio of mean to standard deviation of IMF1
• Entropies of IMF1, IMF2, IMF3

Along with above features, we also calculated length of the 1D signature, area,
solidity and eccentricity of 2D contour. We computed ten features for each contour
considered in the dataset. These features are further given to different classifiers for
further validation.

2.4 Classification

Classification is an important step to validate the efficacy of the proposed method. The
features extracted from the procedure discussed above are given to different classifiers
such as K-Nearest-neighbor (KNN), support vector machine (SVM), Adaboost decision
tree classifier and artificial neural network (ANN) are used to discriminate benign and
malignant mass contours.
Performance analysis of different classification model is achieved by computing
different parameters such as accuracy, sensitivity, specificity and Area under the curve

Fig. 3. IMF’s and residual of 1D signature of 2d

A Compact Shape Descriptor Using Empirical Mode Decomposition 71

3 Results and Discussion

The proposed method has been carried out on 97 contours out of which 67 are benign
contours and 30 are malignant contours. Among 97 mass contours we have considered
19 images for testing 78 images for training. The proposed method for feature extraction
from EMD algorithm is validated using different old-out technology. The simulations
were carried using MATLAB 2018a.
To analyze the performance of classifiers we have evaluated accuracy, sensitivity,
specificity and positive prediction value. Most of the features in the proposed method
are extracted from IMF1 because it contains high frequency components.

Table 1. Accuracy (%) with different classifiers

Classifiers IMF1 features Entropies of IMFs 2D features All ten features

SVM 81.8 78 80 94.7
KNN 68.2 77 78 86.1
Decision Tree 50 72.7 70 77.3

In the proposed work, ten features have been extracted and fed to SVM (Support
Vector Machine), KNN (K-Nearest Neighborhood) and Decision tree classifier. Table 1
shows the accuracies computed with different classifiers. Among them SVM classifier
achieved accuracy of 94.7%. Intially, the classifiers are fed with different feature set such
as only IMF1 features, entropies of IMF1, IMF2 and IMF3 and 2D contour features and
computed accuracies as shown in Table 1.

Table 2. Accuracies with different training to testing ration with classifiers

Training: testing SVM KNN Decision tree

80:20 94.7 86.1 77.3
75:25 83.3 66.7 79.2
50:50 75 72.9 75

Different sets of training to testing ratio of mass contours have been considered for
classification. First, we used 20% of mass contours for testing and 80% for training
and achieved accuracy of 94.7%, 86.1% and 77.3% with all three classifiers. The Area
under curve (AUC) is 0.85 with SVM classifier and 80:20 testing to training ratio as
shown in Fig. 4. In the same way the Fig. 5 shows the confusion matrix for testing
images with SVM kernel. Secondly, we used 25% for testing and 75% for training and
obtained accuracy of 83.3%, 66.7% and 79.2% with SVM, KNN and Decision Tree.
Finally, we used 50% for testing and 50% for training and obtained accuracy of 75%,
72 S. Paramkusham et al.

Fig. 4. AUC with SVM (linear kernel)

72.9% and 75%. Therefore, from Table 2 we can conclude that the accuracies obtained
with different number of testing images is above 75%.

Fig. 5. Confusion matrix

Table 3 gives comparison of our proposed method with the existing methods. Our
proposed model has given all assessment parameters such as accuracy, sensitivity, speci-
ficity and AUC which is not specified for other methods. Our method also achieved
highest accuracy of 94.7%. The drawback of our model is we have tested with less
number of mass contours when compared to other methods.
A Compact Shape Descriptor Using Empirical Mode Decomposition 73

Table 3. Comparison of accuracies, specificity, sensitivity and AUC with our proposed method

Feature extraction method Images Acc (%) Sens (%) Spec (%) AUC
GaborPCA [15] 114 80 – – –
Fractional concavity and spiculation index 111 82 0.79
Fractal dimension using ruler method and 111 – – – 0.82
fractional concavity [2]
Proposed method 97 94.7 100 83 0.85

4 Conclusion

In this paper, we proposed a compact shape descriptor with empirical mode decompo-
sition algorithm from 1D signature of 2D mass contour for the classification of benign
and malignant masses. This proposed method can help radiologists in classification of
breast masses. The proposed methos is validated using different classifiers and achieved
maximum accuracy of 94.7%. The experimental results show that our proposed method
achieved accuracy of 94.7%, sensitivity of 100% specificity of 83% to classify benign
and malignant masses.

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An Intelligent Sign Communication
Machine for People Impaired
with Hearing and Speaking Abilities

Ashish Sharma1(B) , Tapas Badal2 , Akshat Gupta1 , Arpit Gupta1 ,

and Aman Anand3
Computer Science Engineering Department,
Indian Institute of Information Technology, Kota, Kota, India
[email protected]
Department of CSE, Bennett University, Noida, India
Electronics and Communication Department,
Indian Institute of Information Technology, Kota, Kota, India

Abstract. People who are impaired with speaking and hearing abilities
use sign language for communication between them, but it is a tough task
for them to communicate with the outside world. Through this paper, we
are proposing a system to convert Indian Sigh Language (ISL), Ameri-
can Sign Language (ISL) and British Sign Language (BSL) hand ges-
tures to a textual format of the respective language as well as convert
text in to their preferable Sign language. In this paper, we are captur-
ing ISL, ASL, BSL gestures through a web camera. The streaming video
of hand gestures is then sliced to distinct images to match the finger
orientation to the corresponding alphabets. Finger orientations as fea-
tures of the hand gestures in terms of angles made by fingers, numbers of
fingers completely open, semi-open, fully closed, finger axis verticals or
horizontal and recognition of each finger are prepossessed and required
for gesture recognition. Implementation is done for alphabets uses single
hand and results are explained. After prepossessing the hand part of the
sliced frame in the form of masked image is projected to the extraction
of features from the image frame. To classify different gestures we used
SVM (Support Vector Machine), CNN (Convolutional Neural Network)
for further testing the probable gesture and recording the accuracies of
each algorithm. Implementation is done over our own regular ISL, BSL,
ASL data-set made by us only, using the web camera of our laptops. Our
Experimental results depict that our proposed work and methodology
can work on different backgrounds like a background consist of differ-
ent objects or may have some sort of color background etc. For text to
sign conversion we create a video which tells respective text into sign

Keywords: Indian Sign Language Recognition (ISL) · Text to sign

conversion · Hand gesture recognition · Hand segmentation · Support
Vector Machine (SVM) · Convolutional Neural Network (CNN)

c Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2021

D. Garg et al. (Eds.): IACC 2020, CCIS 1367, pp. 75–86, 2021.
76 A. Sharma et al.

1 Introduction
All non-vocal communication requires a particular action for a particular context
like the movement of the face, flipping of hands or folding fingers or actions by
any other body part is a form of gesture. Gesture recognition is a method to
make a machine or a computer get to recognize these actions. Algorithms used
by these methods act as a mediator between human and machine. This enables a
computer to interact with humans naturally by their own without any physical
contact, actually just by using cameras as their eyes. Deaf and dumb people
use hand gestures in their community for communication under the name sign
language. This leads to a kind of isolation between their community and ours
due to language differentiation as a normal person do not want to learn such
language. So if we can program our computers in such a way that they take
input in sign language and process them to convert in their respective language
or maybe other languages also either in speech or in the textual format then
they can act as a noble inter mediator and can remove the language barrier,
the difference between communities can be minimized and the most important,
knowing a language will meet to its worthy result in this high-tech world as sign
language can interact to English and vice versa. All these discussions lead to a
need for a system which can act as a translator and converts sign language to
the desired language in the desired format, so people with a different language
background can have a possible conversation with the people who know only
sign language due to some disabilities but literate.
Sign Language shares grammar syntax like the use of pauses, full stop, and
simultaneity, hand postures, hand placement, orientation, motion of the head,
face gestures with different sign languages. As a country like India is completely
diverse in terms of culture, religion, beliefs, and majorly in languages, so there
is not a standard sign language is adopted in India. Various social groups of
Indian Sign Language with their native and historical variation are there in
India in various parts of the country. But still, language skeleton is similar for the
maximum gestures. Work relating to the system of contrast relationships among
the speech sounds that constitute the fundamental components of ISL started
in the 1970s. With the help from Woodward, National Science Foundation USA
Vasishta and Wilson visit of India and collection of signs from different points
in the country for language analytic.
The organization of the paper is as follows: ‘Sect. 2’ the methods related to
different technologies available in the language. ‘Section 3’ explains the given Sign
language recognition system the method which uses algorithms for skin cropping
and SVM(Support Vector Machine). ‘Section 4’ concerns on the implementation
results and ‘Sect. 5’ is description and conclusion.

2 Literature Survey
This paper [14] proposes HSI color model for segmentation of images instead of
RGB model. HSI model works better for skin color recognition. The optimal H
An Intelligent Sign Communication Machine 77

and S values for hand as specified in [14] is H < 25 or H > 230 and S < 25 or
S > 230. After this they use euclidean distance formula to evaluate the distance
between centroid of palm and fingers. Distance transform method is used to
identify the centroid of the hand. The pixel with the maximum intensity becomes
the centroid. To extract each finger tip they select farthest point from centroid.
Every finger is identified by predefined sign gestures. To recognize semi opened
finger they divide every finger into 3 parts. and angle between the centroid and
the major axis of finger is calculated (Figs. 1, 2 and 3).

Fig. 1. Indian sign language alphabets [6]

Fig. 2. American sign language alphabets [13]

In this paper [4] they used YCbCr color space, where Y channel represents
brightness and (Cb, Cr) channels refer to chrominance. They use Cb, Cr channels
to represent color and avoid Y since it is related to brightness only. There are
some small regions near skin but not in skin so they use morphological operation.
After that they select skin region and extract features to recognize hand gesture.
They use three features velocity, orientation and location. They use orientation
78 A. Sharma et al.

Fig. 3. British sign language alphabets [9]

feature as a main feature for their system. Then they classify features using
Baum-Welch algorithm (BW). The gesture of hand motion is recognized using
Left-Right Banded model with 9 stage.
In this paper [10] they used YCbCr color space. This color model is imple-
mented by defining skin range in RGB model then convert these values into
YCbCr model using conversion formula. They used support vector machine
(SVM) algorithm. This algorithm use hyper plane to differentiate between two
classes. Hyper plane is defined by the Support vectors which are nothing but the
subset of training data. This algorithm also used to solved multi-class problem
by demising it into two-class problem.
They [7] create data-set using an external camera having some specifications
like 29 fps, 18 MP ans Canon EOS with 18–55mm lens. They eliminate back-
ground and extract hand region from left-out upper body part. They used RGB
configuration of frame having dimensions of 640 * 480 then they extract key
frames from video. They use orientation histogram to extract key frames. They
used different distance metrics (Chess Board Distance, Euclidean distance etc)
to recognise a gesture. After successful recognition of gesture they classified them
for text formation.
They [8] use Fully convolution network algorithm. In particular they used 8
layers FCN model which achieves good performance and used for solving dense
prediction problems. The output segmentation of this network is robust under
various face conditions because it consider a large range of context information.
After that they use CRF algorithm for image matting.
They [9] used Convolution neural network to generate their trained model.
In this network they used 4 layers, in first stage they used five rectified linear
units (ReLu), in second stage two stochastic pooling layers then one dense and
one SoftMax output layer. They took frames of 640 * 480 dimensions then resize
these frames into 128 * 128 * 3. They took 200 frames by 5 different people and
at 5 different viewing angles. Their data-set size is of 5000 frames.
An Intelligent Sign Communication Machine 79

In this paper [13] they used CNN to recognize static sign gestures. They use
American Sign Language (ASL) data-set to train their model which is provided
by Pugeault and Bowden in 2011. There are around 60,000 RGB images they
used for training and testing. They perform some operations on this data-set
because not every is image has same depth according to their dimensions. They
used V3 model to perform color features then for better accuracy they combined
it with depth features. They use 50 epoch and 100 batch size to train their model
using CNN.
Suharjito et al. [1] reviewed the different methods and techniques that
researchers are using to develop better Sign Language.
Kakoty et al. [6] address the sign language number and alphabets recognition
using hand kinematics with hand glove. They achieved the 97 % recognition rate
of these alphabets and numbers.
In this article [11] the proposed system is translating the English text into
Indian Sign Language (ISL). Authors have used human-computer interaction to
implement it. The implemented system consists of the ISL parser, the Hamburg
Notation System, the Signing Gesture Mark-up Language and generates the
animation for ISL grammar.
Paras et al. [12] used the wordnet concept to extend and expansion of the
dictionary and further construct the system to develop the Indian sign language
system for dump and deaf peoples.
Matt et al. [5] address the video-based feedback information to students to
learn the American Sign Language (ASL).
In this artical [3] authors address the deep learning based Gesture Images
implementation for sign language. The validation accuracy obtained for this
implementation using the different layers of deep learning is more than 90%.

3 Proposed Work
Flow Chart. The given flow chart explains the work flow of our project includes
segmentation of video and then masking of image followed by canny edge detec-
tion which is used surf library and then features of images projected to clustering
and comparisons between clusters of training and testing data is further done
by svm library as described below flowchart.

Segmentation. As to recognize and classify each and every character of the

input video it is required to apply image processing on it. For that purpose, the
input video is converted into frames so that different image processing algorithm
can be applied to them.
So for that in this step Input video is converted into frames, this step converts
video into 30 frames per second (fps) which is default for the webcam used for
making video but as we required less frames per second to recognize the each
and every character in the video, so by giving delay to the function which is
converting video to frame we are able to achieve the required output which is to
get 5 frame per second of a input video.
80 A. Sharma et al.

Skin Masking. The reasoning behind a process such that to remove the extra
noise in the segmented frame, after the masking there should be only the Region
of Interest (ROI), which contains only useful information in the image. This
is achieved via Skin Masking defining the threshold on RGB schema and then
converting RGB colour space to grey scale image (Fig. 4).

Fig. 4. Design flow for the project

So to achieve skin masking various image processing functions has been used.
Firstly, the frame is convert into a gray schema. This output gray image will
help us to convert it to HSV schema which will help us to detect the skin colour
which is the main objective of ours so that we can identify the hand region. After
identifying the hand region we have removed the noise from the image using blur
An Intelligent Sign Communication Machine 81

Classification. Sign classification is perform by using different techniques such

as: a) Support Vector Machine (SVM) b) Convolution Neural Network (CNN).
Mainly we have use SVM for testing the accuracy of our system by dividing
the 70% data as testing data and remaining as testing data where as we have
used CNN mainly for live recognition of the sign of the alphabets.
Classification using SVM involves various steps as shown in figure. We convert
saved masked image into 100 * 100 pixels then calculate its mean and variance
oven 10 pixels.
Mean μ =

(xi − μ)2
Variance : σ 2 =
We use these parameters as classification features for SVM. We use linear regres-
sion as base kernel of our SVM algorithm. After creating model of these specifi-
cations (gamma = default and c = 1) we train our model with our data-set. To
check accuracy of our model we use 30% data-set for testing purpose.
We use Convolution Neural Network as our second algorithm. To create CNN
model we use Sequential Model in which three layers have been used:
1) Rectified linear unit (ReLU) Layer
2) pooling Layer
3) Fully connected layer for this we used Sigmoid activation function
After successful creation of this model we use our 70% data-set to train this
model and remaining to test and validate our model.
We used CNN model for real time gesture recognition instead of SVM model
because of its better performance (in terms of time).

Output Labels and Sentence Formation. Proposed System predict output

labels using CNN model and show that label in real time on each frame. To form
sentence system need to store that character into their words and provide space
in between sentence. In this stage proposed system generate character from user
input and arranged it into a word from dictionary, user can choose to provide
space between words by pressing a key manually.

Text to Video. To convert text into sign video generation function is applied.
We use sign of alphabets to convert text into sign language.

4 Experiment Setup
Data-Set. As we have searched on the internet and we found no resources
from where we can get Indian Sign Language dataset. So after a long effort
82 A. Sharma et al.

in searching and finding dataset from different resources, then we only made
our own ISL dataset as in our lighting conditions and in other factors like own
environmental setup. There we have 26 × 15O = 3900 static training images
and 26 × 30 = 60 images which will use for testing. The actual resolution of
the images is 640 × 480, which will be cropped and normalized into 120 ×
120. The samples from the video are 320 × 260 in size and they are taken in a
various lighting environment. Same process we used on two other sign languages
American sign language and British sign language.
We have made one interface where we have given choice to the user in which
language he/she wants to do operation i.e whether in ISL, BSL or ASL. After
that another two other choices will come in which user have to tell whether
he/she wants to do sig-text conversion or text-sign conversion. It makes our
system user friendly and a normal people can easily use it for communication.

– Support Vector Machine Algorithm The support vector machine (SVM) is an
algorithm which is used for two-class problems (Binary classification prob-
lems) in which the concerned data can be separated by a different plane like
linear plane, parabolic plane etc depending upon the number of features of
the sets. Hyper plane basically refers to a virtual plane that can be drawn
in the 3D properties plot of the given data in order to separate them on the
basis of some features. Different classes are separated using it which uses the
training data to do the supervised learning of the system. Every feature in
the training data set is send with the target value to do the learning of the
system according to it. Support vector machine is mainly used to predict the
targeted value of the given testing data set features according to the plane
which is drawn by the algorithm for the distinguish of the different features
in the training data set [2].
Both Classification or regression function can be used for the mapping of
function. When there are non-linear functions for the distinction non-linear
plane is used according the features of it to convert it into n-d space distinc-
tion. Fig represents the plane which is drawn to separate the n-features in
n-d plane. Then the creation of Maximum-margin hyper planes can be done.
Proposed model works over only a subset of the training data set as per the
class boundaries. Similarly, This model can also be produced by SVR (sup-
port vector regression).
SVM uses different values of gamma and c to draw the hyper plane between
the two clusters for distinct of them. Larger the value of gamma more it con-
sidered the points far from the hyper plane which will give the better result
and c will tell how smoothly will the plane gonna be larger the value of c
greater distinguish it will take in consideration.
– Convolution Neural Network The combination of neurons with biases and
weights is known as Convolution Neural Network. The neurons which are
there in the layer gets the input from the its parents layers. Computation of
product between the weights and input is done, and posses an option to follow
An Intelligent Sign Communication Machine 83

the processes output with a non-linearity. Implementation of the properties in

the CNN is done with the assumption that of taking all the inputs as images.
The CNN architecture has been classified in to different layers, it contains
many convolution layer along with the activation function layer called ReLU
layer and Pooling step. Standard architecture of CNN is in the last layer. is
plenary connected is a standard architecture of CNN.

The CNN architecture has been classified in to different layers: (1) Con-
volution Layer: We extract features from our frame in this convolution layer,
Some parts of image is link to the upcoming layer convolution layer. Computa-
tion of the dot product is19 done in the receptive area and a kernel [3 * 3 filter]
on all the image as shown in the image. The output of the dot product gives as
the integer value which is known as features as shown in fig. After that feature
extraction is done using filter or kernel of small matrix. (2) Padding Process:
Padding means to do the summation of all the features which we got in the fea-
ture map and finally putting the summation in the middle of the 3 × 3 matrix.
This is done to get the equal dimension of output which we have used in the
input volume.
(3) Rectifier Activation Function (ReLU):
After the implementation of convolution layer on the image matrix, we will use
ReLU layer to get the non-linearity to the system by applying ReLU (non-linear
activation function) to the feature matrix. There are many activation function
are present but here we are using ReLU as it does not which makes the network
hard to train.
(4) Pooling Layer:
Controlling of over fitting and decreasing the dimension of the image is done in
Pooling layer. It can be done in three ways first one is max, second one is average
and third one is mean pooling, here we are using the max pooling, it is used to
take maximum value from the input which we are convoling with features.
(5) Fully Connected Layer:
This one of the important layer of convolution layer as it gives the classified
images according to the training data set. We have used the different sign images
for the training set as discussed above.
(6) Epochs:
During the whole data set is going backward and forward propagation through
networks is called epochs.
(7) Training Accuracy:
Training accuracy given by the model, when we are applying training on training
data sets.
(8) Validation Accuracy:
After the successful training of the model then it is evaluated with help of test
data sets then accuracy of model is predicted.
84 A. Sharma et al.

5 Experimental Result
We have performed the training on three different sign languages each having
45,500 training images and performed the testing on 20,800 images.

Accuracy. We have compare the performance of different languages using both

the classification method below is the comparison table of that in terms of accu-
racy of each sign language (Tables 1 and 2).

Table 1. Performance of different languages using both the classification methods.

Language CNN-accuracy SVM-accuracy

Indian Sign Language (ISL) 0.9988209 0.9876898
American Sign Language (ASL) 0.98949781 0.9796472
British Sign Language (BSL) 0.98645851 0.97289481

Table 2. Accuracy table for different algorithms on ISL.

Algorithm Accuracy
K-nearest neighbour 0.6628820960698
Logistic regression 0.7554585152838
Naive bayes 0.6283842794759

Fig. 5. Output of ‘L’ sign recognized by the system

Fig. 6. Output showing sentence formation using the system

An Intelligent Sign Communication Machine 85

Fig. 7. Output showing sentence formation in sign language

6 Conclusion

We have successfully perform different sign languages conversion into their

respective alphabets as well as form sentences using these alphabets. We has
used our webcam to capture gesture instead of some specified powerful camera
like RGB-D. Our systems also work on text to sign conversion. So it is works
like communication medium between who can communicate only in sign lan-
guage and those who don’t understand it (Fig. 5, 6 and 7).

– We have worked on the stationary hand gesture but sign language can have
moving hands also. So, in future it can be done for both moving hands also.
– The major problem with the project is it is mainly depend on the lighting
condition so in future the effect of lighting can be overcome.

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1344–1347, October 2012.
Features Explaining Malnutrition in India:
A Machine Learning Approach to Demographic
and Health Survey Data

Sunny Rajendrasingh Vasu1 , Sangita Khare1(B) , Deepa Gupta1 ,

and Amalendu Jyotishi2
1 Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Amrita School of Engineering, Bengaluru,
Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Bengaluru, India
[email protected], {k_sangita,g_deepa}
2 School of Development, Azim Premji University, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India

[email protected]

Abstract. India is one of the severely malnourished countries in the world. Under-
nutrition is the reason for death among two-third of the 1.04 million deaths among
the children under the age of five in the year 2019. Several strategies have been
adopted by the Government of India and state governments to minimize the inci-
dents of malnutrition. However, to make the policies effective, it is important to
understand the key features explaining malnutrition. Analyzing the Indian Demo-
graphic Health Survey Data (IDHS) of the year 2015–2016, this paper attempts
to identify causes of four dimensions of malnutrition namely, Height Age Z-
score (HAZ), Weight Age Z-score (WAZ), Weight Height Z-score (WHZ) and
Body Mass Index (BMI). Using machine learning approach of feature reduction,
the paper identifies ten most important features out of available 1341 features
in the database for each of the four anthropometric parameters of malnutrition.
The features are reduced and ranked using WEKA tool. Results and finding of
this research would provide key policy inputs to address malnutrition and related
mortality among the children under the age five.

Keywords: Malnutrition · HAZ · WAZ · WHZ · BMI · Machine learning

1 Introduction

Under-nutrition refers to deficiencies, excess or imbalance of energy or nutrients in

a person’s daily diet. According to World Health Organization (WHO), malnutrition
results from inability to absorb nutrients from food. Global Nutrition Report of 2018 has
showed that India accommodates more than 46.6 million stunted children under 5 years
of age which is approximately 33% of world’s total, half of which are underweight. On
contrary, a third of wealthiest children are over-nourished. Thus, India has the highest
malnutrition rates followed by Nigeria (13.9 million) and Pakistan (10.7 million) [1].
Low socio-economic status of people leads to lack of diet in terms of quality and quantity.

© Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2021

D. Garg et al. (Eds.): IACC 2020, CCIS 1367, pp. 87–99, 2021.
88 S. R. Vasu et al.

Under-nourished women are most likely to have unhealthy babies. In addition, under-
nourished individuals can do less productive work leading to low payments and poverty.
The Indian Government has started many programs such as midday meal scheme on
15th August 1995 in order to eradicate malnutrition. Under this scheme, fresh cooked
meals are provided to millions of children in almost all government and government
aided schools. Apart from this, the Government of India has also started Integrated
Child Development Services in 1975 [2], which targets on improving health of mothers
and children under age of 6 by providing health and nutrition education, health services,
supplementary food, and pre-school education. But these programmes and many other
such national as well as state level policies have not been designed considering the
variation of factors responsible for malnutrition in children below five. This is the root
cause of slower rate of decrease in number of deaths of children under age five caused
due to undernutrition.
This paper is categorised into six sections. The literature review is the next section,
IDHS dataset is explained in detail in the third section. Technique used in this analysis
is described in the fourth section, results and findings are discussed in the fifth section
of this paper followed by conclusion in the sixth section.

2 Literature Survey
Several studies on malnutrition have been carried out in past decades using different
types of datasets and methodology amongst which most commonly used dataset is Demo-
graphic Health Survey Data. Demographic Health Survey is conducted in every 10 years.
Although, many studies have been done using this dataset in the past, but very few of
them have used machine learning techniques for their analysis. Others have used either
analytical or statistical approach. Following are some of the works carried out in the
field of analysing increasing rate of malnutrition.
Nair et al. [3], has characterised malnutrition causes for states of India using IDHS
2005–2006 dataset. With the help of K-means clustering analysis states were divided
according to different features. Synthetic Minority Oversampling Technique was used for
pre-processing the dataset. For attribute selection Adaboost and Ranker algorithm were
used. The analysis resulted in generating seven clusters of HAZ, four clusters of WAZ, six
clusters of WHZ and five clusters of BMI which were the four anthropometric measures
used. Later in the research, using Ranker algorithm, the features were ranked in which,
the top rank features, those having highest variance amongst all four anthropometric
parameters, were found to be mainly responsible for malnutrition. These features were
considered important for policy makers as these would be helpful for improving and
creating new policies for different regions of India to eradicate malnutrition from its
root [4].
Many studies have used data mining techniques like decision tree and clustering.
In this work [5], few patterns were found - like a child can be malnourished even if
safe water source is used and there are 87% chances of malnutrition in the child if she
acquires a major disease and does not use good toilet facility. Another research developed
a model which can help policy designers and health care facilitators to identify children
under risk. Factors which were found to be the major contributors in malnutrition were
mother’s education, child age, region, wealth index and residence [6].
Features Explaining Malnutrition in India 89

Other studies were done using statistical analysis methods such as ANOVA, Case-
based Reasoning (CBR), Euclidean distance, ID3 algorithm, Probabilistic Bayes the-
ory and logistic regression [7–11]. To prove that malting technique produce phytase
enzyme, least significant difference techniques on zinc, iron and phytic acid was used.
Zinc is an essential metalloenzyme and it widely helps in reducing stunting, wasting and
improves brain development in infants [12]. Using multivariate logistic regression on
Bangladesh DHS dataset and environmental indicator, Normalized Difference Vegeta-
tion Index (NDVI), trends of nutrition security in foods of Ganges Brahmaputra Meghna
Delta have been found for year 2007 and 2011. Results showed, with the increase of
NDVI wasting probability decreases as the food consumption of medium income group
varies with the variation in vegetation due to change in climate [13]. Results of statis-
tical analysis on Pakistan DHS show secondary or higher education of parents, health
facilities and rich children have less tendency of becoming stunted whereas, children of
rural residence having no toilet facilities, smaller size during birth and older mother are
more likely to be stunted [14].
Poverty have strong implications on malnutrition, this work [15] used Indian Health
Development Survey (IHDS) of year 2012 to find the factors responsible for absconding
and suffering from poverty. For this purpose, machine learning techniques have been
applied such as info-gain and random forest classifier. The work found that livestock
such as goat plays a vital role in explaining poverty. Also, caste, education and rural to
urban migration are major factors in falling to poverty whereas, toilet and financial sector
are features of escaping poverty. Another research was conducted on infant mortality
rate by finding the influencing factors such as national income and fertility rate, etc.
using data from [16]. Similarly, several machine learning techniques are
deployed to identify probable causes of malnutrition [17–22].
From literature survey it is observed that, strategies deployed were based on country.
There are many different techniques that were used to identify root cause of malnutrition
and how it can be dealt effectively. Features themselves are divided into four classes of
anthropometric parameters which are also recognized by WHO, they are HAZ, WAZ,
WHZ and BMI. Identifying features for these anthropometric parameters is very impor-
tant. Selecting most important features of all four anthropometric parameters HAZ,
WAZ, WHZ and BMI from IDHS data, finding major impacting features using Principal
Component Evaluator and ranking them with Ranker Algorithm are the main objec-
tives of this paper. The features thus identified will help policy makers in improving the
existing policies and address the important causes of malnutrition.

3 Data Source

Dataset used in this paper is IDHS data of year 2015–2016. The DHS program collects
information on health and population in 90 developing countries, one of which is India.
The data is categorized in fields like birth record, children’s record, couples record,
individual’s record and men’s record etc. Amongst all, birth record data set is employed
for this purpose. Information of child such as age, sex, HAZ, WAZ, WHZ and BMI, etc.
are recorded in this dataset [4]. The mother of the child is also interviewed to collect
information about both mother and child health status such as type of place of residence,
90 S. R. Vasu et al.

number of children under five in household, births in last five years, gave child pumpkin,
carrots, squash, received polio vaccine, number of tetanus injections before pregnancy,
during pregnancy, given or bought iron tablets, etc. Birth record of year 2015–2016
contains 1315617 instances of 1341 features of all states and union territories of India.

4 Methodology
Methodology used in this analysis is shown in the schematic diagram Fig. 1, which begins
with data collection and cleaning of irrelevant information from the dataset, followed by
selection of useful features of all four anthropometric parameters, determining the most
important malnutrition impacting variables and ranking them using WEKA tool.

Fig. 1. Schematic diagram of methodology used in the analysis

4.1 Data Preprocessing

Before using the dataset for the analysis, it needs to be cleaned. Out of total 1341
features, some are not useful for the study. Few of them are repeated, few others have
no value and instances of the remaining features have constant value. All these features
Features Explaining Malnutrition in India 91

are eliminated before analysis which reduced the variables to 745. On removing the
duplicate instances using distinct method of dplyr package, total observations decrease
to 639916. The remaining useful data, has both numeric as well as categorical data. For
selection of features using Boruta Algorithm, the data need to be converted into numeric
type. For this purpose, all the categorical variable instances are encoded based on factor
levels of the feature whereas for numeric variables having NA values, the NA values are
replaced by mean of the column.

4.2 Feature Selection

After cleaning the data, on the numeric birth record dataset, Boruta Algorithm is applied
on all four dependent variables i.e. HAZ, WAZ, WHZ and BMI for selecting features
having highest mean importance as this is most important processing step of Data mining.
In Comparison to most of the traditional methods of feature selection, Boruta captures
all the features relevant to the outcome variable, which are in same circumstances. The
features captured are either strongly or weakly related to the decision variable unlike
other random forest methods.
The Boruta algorithm is a wrapper around Random Forest Classification Algorithm.
It generates shadow features by duplicating the dataset and shuffling values of each
column thereafter training the random forest classifier with the duplicate dataset. After
training, it compares the z-score of each original feature with that of its shadow feature. If
the z-score (importance) of original feature is found to be much higher than its shadow, it
implies that the feature is confirmed to be important else either left as decision pending
or rejected. In the plot as shown in Fig. 2, red colour indicates those features which
are rejected, green depicts confirmed features and features for which decision is left
pending are depicted with yellow colour. Those attributes whose mismatch with shadow
attributes is much higher than 50% and are close to 100% for HAZ, are confirmed as
important such as M6. On the other hand, those attributes whose mismatch is much
lower than 50% with its shadow attribute and are close to 0%, are rejected as they are
unimportant such as V204. Remaining attributes with mismatch percentage nearby 50
are left as tentative such as M1. Similarly for WAZ, M19 is confirmed as important
and M47 is left as decision pending as shown in Fig. 3. For WHZ, M6 is confirmed as
important and M3A is kept tentative as shown in Fig. 4. For BMI, M19 is confirmed as
important and M7 is left pending for decision as shown in Fig. 5. For all 3 remaining
attributes V499E is rejected.

4.3 Feature Reduction

Boruta iterations reduced the dataset down to 153 as for HAZ 18 attributes were con-
firmed to be important, 80 pending for decision and all others rejected. Similarly, 47
attributes for WAZ, 43 attributes for WHZ and 45 attributes for BMI were selected.
Applying the cut-off method on attribute stats of each anthropometric parameters i.e.
HAZ, WAZ, WHZ and BMI generated by Boruta Algorithm, 10 attributes for each
parameter are selected as the most important factors based on highest mean importance
as described in Table 1, Table 2, Table 3, and Table 4 respectively. Features are not listed
in the tables according to their ranking.
92 S. R. Vasu et al.

Fig. 2. Plot of Boruta algorithm result for HAZ (Color figure online)

Fig. 3. Plot of Boruta algorithm result for WAZ

Features Explaining Malnutrition in India 93

Fig. 4. Plot of Boruta algorithm result for WHZ

Fig. 5. Plot of Boruta algorithm result for BMI

The attributes which are found common in all the four anthropometric parame-
ters are ‘Had diarrhoea recently’, ‘Taking iron pills, sprinkles or syrup’, ‘Assistance:
DAI/Traditional Birth Attendant’, ‘Place received most vaccinations’, and ‘Women’s
age in year’. Whereas, those which are unique are ‘Daughters elsewhere’, ‘Delivery by
94 S. R. Vasu et al.

Table 1. Most important features of HAZ

Feature code Features of HAZ

H11 Had diarrhoea recently
H42 Taking iron pills, sprinkles or syrup
M39A Did eat any solid, semi-solid or soft foods yesterday
M3A Assistance doctor
M3B Assistance ANM/nurse/mid-wife/LHV
M3G Assistance Dai/Traditional birth attendant
S515 Place received most vaccination
V137 Number of children five and under in household
V205 Daughters elsewhere
V477A Women’s age in years

Table 2. Most important features of WAZ

Feature code Features of WAZ

H11 Had diarrhoea recently
H42 Taking iron pills, sprinkles or syrup
M39A Did eat any solid, semi-solid or soft foods yesterday
M3A Assistance doctor
M3G Assistance Dai/Traditional birth attendant
S515 Place received most vaccination
V477A Women’s age in years
M10 Type of mosquito bed nets child slept under IPC
M38 Drank from bottle with nipple yesterday
M3H Assistance friend/relative

caesarean section’, and ‘Haemoglobin level (g/dl - 1 decimal)’. The common attributes
have higher probability of being the main cause of malnutrition as compared to the
unique ones.

4.4 Determining Impacting Variables of Malnutrition

After finding the 10 most important features of all four anthropometric parameter, HAZ,
WAZ, WHZ and BMI the next step is to find the ranking of the factors that are mainly
responsible for malnutrition. For this purpose, WEKA tool is used in which, for attribute
selection, Principal Component evaluator is used with Ranker algorithm to get ranking
Features Explaining Malnutrition in India 95

Table 3. Most important features of WHZ

Feature code Features of WHZ

H11 Had diarrhoea recently
H42 Taking iron pills, sprinkles or syrup
M3B Assistance ANM/nurse/mid-wife/LHV
M3G Assistance Dai/Traditional birth attendant
S515 Place received most vaccination
V137 Number of children five and under in household
V477A Women’s age in years
M10 Type of mosquito bed nets child slept under IPC
M38 Drank from bottle with nipple yesterday
M3H Assistance friend/relative

Table 4. Most important features of BMI

Feature code Features of BMI

H11 Had diarrhoea recently
H42 Taking iron pills, sprinkles or syrup
M3B Assistance ANM/nurse/mid-wife/LHV
M3G Assistance Dai/Traditional birth attendant
M38 Drank from bottle with nipple yesterday
S515 Place received most vaccination
V137 Number of children five and under in household
V477A Women’s age in years
M17 Delivery by caesarean section
V453 Haemoglobin level

of features. Former performs Principal Component Analysis (PCA) on data for dimen-
sionality reduction by choosing enough eigen vectors to account for some percentage of
variance in the original data whereas later rank the principal component features.
PCA reduces the dimensionality of the dataset having many interrelated variables,
retaining the variation of data as much as possible. The data set then contains variables
arranged according to decreasing variation amongst all. The first few of them which are
ordered and uncorrelated are called principal component and all others as components.
PCA finds the correlation pattern among the original variables thereafter substituting a
new component in place of group of attributes which were correlated (Table 5).
96 S. R. Vasu et al.

Table 5. Ranking of features of all anthropometric parameters determined using WEKA tool


1 H11 M10 M10 H11
2 H42 M38 H11 M38
3 M3A H11 M38 H42
4 M3G H42 H42 M3B
5 M3B M3A M3B M3G
6 S515 M3G M3G M17
7 V447A M3H M3H S515
8 V137 S515 S515 V137
9 M39A V447A V137 V447A
10 V205 M39A V447A V453

5 Discussion
Using Principal Component Analysis along with Ranker algorithm, features were
selected and ranked based on their variance across all the four anthropometric param-
eters. The features having highest variation are identified as the most impactful fea-
tures explaining malnutrition. Three highest ranking features of HAZ are had diarrhoea
recently, taking iron pills, sprinkles or syrup and did eat any solid, semi-solid or soft
food yesterday. Similarly, for WAZ type of mosquito bed nets child slept under IPC,
drank from bottle with nipple yesterday and had diarrhoea recently are the most varying
features of respective anthropometric parameter.
From the analysis on all four anthropometric parameters namely, HAZ, WAZ, WHZ,
and BMI it was identified that 6 features are common across all the parameters. These are,
“Had diarrhoea recently”, “Taking Iron pills, sprinkles or syrup”, “Assistance of Dai”,
“Received most vaccination”, “Women’s age” and “Type of mosquito bed nets child
slept under IPC”. These variables can be used for improving or making new policies.
Three features are identified across three parameters, these are “Assistance from ANM”,
“Drank from bottle with nipple” and “Number of Children under five in the household”.
Besides, there are four features found across two parameters and there were only three
features unique to any of the parameters. BMI did not have any unique feature.
Considering only the features which are present in all the four or at least three parame-
ters different characteristics explaining malnutrition can be identified. These characteris-
tics can be classified into broadly three categories. First category is related to ‘availability
and awareness’ of safe drinking water and iron pills. It is irony of the country that even
after seventy plus years of independence a large section of the society is deprived from
availing safe drinking water. These problems are becoming even more acute in urban
areas especially in the slums apart from remote terrains. It is not surprising that iron
deficiency among the pregnant and lactating mother is one of the most important cause
of malnutrition among the mothers and children. An effective reach out in rural as well
Features Explaining Malnutrition in India 97

as in urban areas to these mothers would be helpful in addressing such deficiencies. Easy
availability and accessibility of iron rich food like fish, drumstick etc., would go a long
way in addressing iron deficiency among mothers and children. It is equally important
to invest and develop food products that can be easily stored, easily available at a very
low price would go a long way in addressing iron deficiencies. A second category is “ac-
cess to the services of ANM and trained Dais”. Investment in public health and public
health services especially creating a large pool of trained paramedical services would
be effective in addressing not only malnutrition for children but also for mothers as well
as general well-being of the mass in the need of healthcare services. Similarly access to
free vaccinations in the vicinity is an important feature to address malnutrition. A third
category is related to ‘awareness and behavioural and social change’. Early marriage
among the women and not having sufficient gap between the births are identified as two
important features of malnutrition. Investing in education, creating awareness through
the local governance structure as well as increasing income level of the households have
been identified as important factors in the literature that can have positive impact on
the behavioural as well as social change. These would require persistent investment and
action at the ground.

6 Conclusion

Malnutrition is a serious problem everywhere in the world. Severity of this problem

increases in developing countries like India due to lack of public health service sup-
port, infrastructure and investment. Despite implementation of several policies designed
by Government of India, policy makes have failed to tackle malnutrition as these poli-
cies have not been appropriately and systematically targeted. In this work causes of
malnutrition have been identified, using 2015–2016 IDHS dataset.
Further studies can go deeper into clustering the features similar across various states
to target malnutrition effectively. Besides, comparison of different IDHS data over the
years would reveal if there is any continuity or changes in the root causes of malnutrition
in India over the years.

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Surveillance System for Monitoring Social

Sahil Jethani1 , Ekansh Jain2 , Irene Serah Thomas3 , Harshitha Pechetti4 ,

Bhavya Pareek5 , Priyanka Gupta6(B) , Venkataramana Veeramsetty7 ,
and Gaurav Singal8
USICT, GGSIPU, New Delhi, India
[email protected]
IIT, Kharagpur, Kharagpur, India
[email protected]
SCE, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India
[email protected]
SVECW, Bhimavaram, Andhra Pradesh, India
[email protected]
LNMIIT, Jaipur, India
[email protected]
JECRC Foundation, Jaipur, India
[email protected]
Center for Artificial Intelligence and Deep Learning, S R Engineering College,
Warangal, Telangana State, India
[email protected]
Bennett University, Greater Noida, India
[email protected]

Abstract. In the light of recent events, an epidemic - COVID-19 which

took the world by surprise and continues to grow day by day. This paper
describes an idea to control the spread of disease by monitoring Social
Distancing. As of now from where we stand, the only way to avoid further
spreading is to maintain proper social distance. Combining the advanced
detection algorithms such as SSD, YOLO v4, and Faster-RCNN along
with pedestrian datasets we reached the desired conclusion of calculating
the distance between two detected persons in a video and identifying
whether the social distancing norm is followed or not. This method can be
implemented in CCTV’s, UAV’s, and on any other surveillance system.
The rapid advancements in technologies led to more precise and accurate

Keywords: Pedestrian detection · Distance calculation · UAV · Deep

learning · COVID19 · Surveillance

1 Introduction
Surveillance devices like drones are one of the most wonderful and precious
advancements of technology [16]. Science and technology are developing day by
c Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2021
D. Garg et al. (Eds.): IACC 2020, CCIS 1367, pp. 100–112, 2021.
Social Distance Monitoring System 101

day. A drone or UAV is an example of this. It can be remotely controlled or fly

autonomously. In the unmanned apparatuses, lengthening of flight is a crucial
factor [3]. It has a large number of applications like disaster management, wild-
fire tracking, cloud monitoring, and is also used for surveillance and monitoring.
This paper is written to analyze and explore existing studies about drone moni-
toring so that a better and more reliable model can be obtained [7]. From where
we stand UAVs and CCTVs are playing a significant role in not only offices,
industries, homes, etc. but also in streets too. Their usage will also continue to
grow in the nearby future.
Our world at present is alarmingly threatened by a deadly disease known
as COVID-19. Even though science and technology have developed up to this
extent, unfortunately, none can find a cure for this epidemic. For now, the most
effective method to somehow prevent further spreading of this worldwide epi-
demic is by maintaining a certain distance between two individuals(say from 1
to 2 m) and this is termed as Social Distancing. So one of our main objectives
should be to use UAVs, CCTVs, or any other surveillance mechanism to detect
the real-time distance between two people.
In these incredulous times, it is not surprising that the COVID-19 pandemic
and the rise of detection technologies are now intertwined, with the latter being
harnessed as part of the fightback for the former. With the help of more efficient
and advanced algorithms and freedom of customization of these systems, we
can achieve the desired result. The effectiveness of this project lies where there
is a chance of a large group of people gathering. In such cases, sometimes, it
becomes difficult for an individual to maintain social distance between people.
This situation is also true in bus stands, trains, streets, pilgrims, etc. These are
the situations in which these surveillance systems come into action [10].
Person detection algorithms have developed rapidly for the past few years.
These detection algorithms have been classified as two: One-stage approaches
and Two-stage approaches. The two-stage approach shows good accuracy as
compared to a one-stage approach, but more attraction is towards a one-stage
approach because of its former computing efficiency. It consists of a single net-
work of border boxes and class probabilities with an evaluation similar to RPN
and SSD [7].
As we mentioned above, this kind of approach might help us in controlling
the spread of COVID-19 to some extent. This is a challenging task because
this disease can spread at any moment and in all sorts of places but with the
advancement of technology and research, we can deal with this complex situation
to a considerable extent [14]. There is a high risk where more humans might
indulge in the case, so using surveillance devices can be a preferable choice in
monitoring social distance [14].
In our research, we calculated the distance between two detected persons by
converting the current perspective vision to bird’s eye vision, if they are not
maintaining the required threshold distance, a red bounding box along with a
red line is displayed over them. Hence a graph can be made which shows the
risk at a particular time in a given area. By doing so, vulnerable places can
102 S. Jethani et al.

be identified and thereby giving out awareness to the public. To reduce human
efforts and to make sure everyone follows the social distancing concept, this
work may seem to be quite promising. Further paper is arranged as, in Sect. 2,
the literature of related work is presented, in Sect. 3, the methodology of person
detection technique and monitoring of distance is shown. In Sect. 4, performance
evaluation is done and the final section gives the conclusion and future work of
our work.

2 Literature Review

Surveillance devices such as UAV’s have many real-world applications, including

vision methods such as object detection. Surveillance Devices require memory
capacity, computationally low cost, and fast solutions for Object detection [8].
Pedestrian identification has become an important task these days, especially
in vision-based and aerial surveillance systems. Over the past few months, the
role of computer vision in maintaining social distancing has been underlined
to prevent COVID-19. Various methods are available for achieving the task of
pedestrian detection in images and videos. Pedestrian detection is the process of
localizing all objects considered to be individuals in the image or video stream.
The initial process of the pedestrian detection was to capture the area of
interest from the image, describe the areas with descriptors, and then classify
the areas as human or non-human [15]. Based on CNN, to solve this problem
many methods pro-posed. These methods are classified into two groups, first
is a two-stage approach [5,13,20], and second is one stage approaches [17,18].
Two parts are there in this two-stage approach. First, the candidate produces
proposals for a set of objects, and the next part uses CNN to calculate the object
region on stage. Good accuracy has been demonstrated in two-stage detection
methods in MS COCO datasets [12]. Other than two-stage approaches, one stage
approaches attract more attention, largely by the computational efficiency of
the former. In an evaluation, the one-step approach consists of a single network
that evaluates boundary boxes directly from the full image. To cover objects at
different scales, this approach finds objects similar to RPNs and SSDs and with
distinct resolutions use feature maps. YOLO calculates the feature map and to
make predictions on a set of fixed areas uses an integrated layer. On the other
hand, YOLO v2 includes batch normalization rather than integrated layers to
assess border boxes to enhance accuracy. YOLO v3 for capturing characteristics
and making predictions based on different feature maps uses deep networks.
The main advantage of YOLO v3 is its high ability to detect objects and do
calculations so that the detection speed can receive real-time estimates.
In the paper [21], the authors combined the DPPN architecture to improve
the underlying class imbalance problem with the focal loss function embedded
in the object detection model and also the ability to detect images with varying
degrees. They considered both networks to be the backbone of their detection
model, RESNET and MobileNet. Although their model combined with that pro-
vides better results with detection accuracy, the mobile-net combination comes
Social Distance Monitoring System 103

with call time speed without recognition accuracy. Their model is compared with
RetinNet RestNet50 and HAL-RetinNet.
In the paper [4], the authors demonstrate three collaborative-based DL appli-
cations for tracking and detecting objects and assessment of distance. The object
edition is a developed method, it’s high in accuracy and also the real-time imag-
inary limitations of identifying the object. They used SSD and YOLO V3 algo-
rithms on object detection to know which algorithm is more suitable. YOLO
V3 is higher when compared to SSD. The MonoDepth algorithm provides an
asymmetric map as output. They verified policy with different datasets such as
Citiescope and Kitty, also in the RSIG LBC vehicle on Row City Center Traffic
Road in real-time. They confirmed under the railway dataset of the Tramway
Rouen. The new method presented is based on SSD to analyze the behavior of
objects such as pedestrians or vehicles. With the SSD modified algorithm, after
identifying an object they assessed future status by including its direction of
motion, for pedestrians willing to cross the road, for not willing to cross the road,
etc. SSD and YOLO V3 algorithms are used for detecting and tracking objects.
A large and appropriate dataset is very important to optimize their performance.
Changing the detection classes does not yield a significant improvement.
In paper [1] provides a comparison based on time, accuracy, and parameter
values of different algorithms for identifying and localizing objects with different
dimensions of the input image. In this, they have identified a new method to
improve speed for single stage models and for not losing accuracy. Final results
declare that Tiny Yolo V3 improves detection speed, confirming the accurate
Speed and accuracy are important parameters for evaluating pedestrian
detection performance. Performance is being squandered in different situations
because the experiment does not always take place in the same condition [11]. Of
course, many parameters can vary from one experience to another. By analyzing
the characteristics for object detection three popular models are there, Single
Shot Detection [13], YOLO [19] and F-RCNN [9]. F-RCNN is highly accurate
compared to SSD and YOLO v3, but, it is slow. If high-quality accuracy needs
to be achieved, RCNN is the fastest solution. But, it is not the fastest approach.
If speed is important, then YOLO v3 is the best approach. If we want good
accuracy and good speed at the same time, SSD is a good solution. At the same
time, YOLO V4 is a good solution, as it is a fast approach, and accuracy is
similar to faster-RCNN [22].

3 Methodology

The two major steps involved in monitoring social distancing are pedestrian
detection and distance calculation. We get the video input from the surveillance
system and convert the video input into image sequences. The model runs the
detection on these images and then distance calculation is done. After we know
the people breaking the social distancing threshold, we mark them with a red
bounding box as shown in Fig. 1. This section is divided into two sub-sections. In
104 S. Jethani et al.

the first subsection, we will discuss the models we used for pedestrian detection
and in the other sub-section, we talk about the approaches we used to calculate
the distance between each pedestrian.

Fig. 1. The flow chart for the work flow of monitoring social distancing

3.1 Pedestrian Detection

There are various kinds of object detection models available. Since the models
need to be deployed in surveillance systems like Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV),
CCTV Camera, etc. for pedestrian detection we had to select a model that does
not require high processing power. Also, we need our model to be fast enough to
do all the detection in real-time. Hence, we had to narrow down our selection of
models based on the speed of detection and computational power required. The
model which we selected are:
1. SSD (Single Shot Detector) + MobileNet (version 2)
2. SSD (Single Shot Detector) + Inception (version 2)
3. YOLO version 4 (You Only Look Once)
4. Tiny YOLO version 3
5. Faster RCNN
All the above models were pre-trained on COCO Dataset and as per the
requirements of our detection process, we filtered out the detection for only
Social Distance Monitoring System 105

the class “person” from the COCO Dataset with 66808 samples. Further, we
calculated various parameters such as confusion matrix, mAP, and the time
required to do the detection for each model. These parameters give an under-
standing and help in differentiating and selection among the various pre-selected
models. The hyper parameters used in training of SSD+Mobilenet(SSD+M),
SSD+Inception(SSD+I), Faster RCNN(FRCNN), RFCN, YOLOv4 and Tiny
YOLOv3 are listed in Table 1.

Table 1. Hyper parameters used in training of different models


Batch size 64 64 256 64 64 64
Momentum 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.89 0.949 0.9
Weight decay 0.0003 0.0004 0.0001 0.0003 0.0005 0.0005
Learning rate 0.004 0.004 0.001 0.003 0.0013 0.00261

3.2 Distance Calculation

Once we had the detection the next part was to calculate the distance between
each person. To calculate the distance we used two approaches:

Using the Euclidean Distance Formula. (This approach is considered to

calculate the relative error for the second approach) In this approach, we started
by calculating the bottom centre coordinates of each of the bounding boxes.
These coordinates are taken so that the height constraint is eliminated from
detection as well as all the points can be considered to lie on the same plane in
real life. We then had to calculate the distance between each of those coordinates.
For that we used the Euclidean Distance formula:

D(p, q) = (px − qx )2 + (py − qy )2 (1)

where p(px , py ) and q(qx , qy ) are the bottom centre point of two bounding boxes
respectively and the unit of the distance will be “pixel”. For conversion of units
from pixel to centimetres (cm), we need to know how many pixels in the hori-
zontal and vertical direction equates to certain ground truth distance. For that,
we selected four points as shown in Fig. 2. Points 1 and 2 constitute a horizontal
distance of 490 cm and Points 3 and 4 constitute vertical distance of 330 cm (the
ground truth distance was calculated with the help of Google Maps [6]). We
then calculated the distance(in pixels) between Point 1 and Point 2 and simi-
larly for Point 3 and Point 4 using Euclidean Distance Formula in the given input
frame. Let’s name these distances as “distance w” and “distance h” respectively.
Now we consider two coordinates on the image, say P (Px , Py ) and Q(Qx , Qy ) to
calculate the distance between them in centimetres following process was done:
106 S. Jethani et al.

Fig. 2. Point 1 to Point 4 used for conversion of units from pixel to cm.

(Py − Qy )
Height = × 490 (2)
Distance h
(Px − Qx )
W idth = × 330 (3)
Distance w

Distance = (Height)2 + (W idth)2 (4)
The Distance Calculated here will have the units in centimetres.
The next step was to mark the people who were not following the social
distancing protocols. As the social distancing guidelines suggest a minimum of
6 ft (182 cm) distance between two people, we set a threshold distance of 182 cm
and whosoever falls below this distance threshold was marked by drawing a red
bounding box around them. Also, we drew red lines between those people to
show with whom they were at proximity.

Conversion from Perspective View to Bird’s Eye View. The video input
from CCTV, Drone or any other surveillance system can be in any random
perspective view, we needed a method where we could calculate distance as
accurately as possible in any view. In the method that we came up with, we
converted the perspective view into a bird’s eye view. The surveillance system
has a monocular vision and it is not possible to calculate the distance between the
detected persons from that view. By selecting four points from the image(Region
of Interest) we can then map the entire image to a bird’s eye view perspective
using a perspective transformation matrix.
For the conversion and mapping from Perspective View to Bird’s Eye View,
we need to calculate transformation matrix (Msd ). Let’s assume we have the
point P (x, y) in the perspective view image and want to locate the same point in
the bird’s eye view, say Q(u, v) as shown in Fig. 3. If we have the transformation
Social Distance Monitoring System 107

Fig. 3. The selected points from the perspective image and the four corners of the
rectangle where we map the bird’s eye view.

matrix (Msd ) we can find it easily using the following equation:

⎡ ⎤ ⎡ ⎤ ⎡ ⎤
u ab c x
Q = Msd P  ⇒ ⎣v  ⎦ = ⎣d e f ⎦ ⎣y  ⎦ (5)
q gh i w

Where Q (u , v  , q) and P  (x , y  , w) are the homogeneous coordinates of the

point P and Q, hence Q(u, v) = ( uq , vq ) and P (x, y) = ( xw , yw ). Now to find
the transformation matrix we selected four points in the perspective image and
also selected four corners of the rectangle where we wish to map the bird’s eye
view. Let points P (xk , yk ) and Q(uk , vk ) where k = 0, 1, 2, 3 be the selected
points in the perspective and Bird’s eye view respectively. We assume in the
transformation matrix i to be equal to 1, then we need to find out elements from
‘a’ to ‘h’. By solving the Eq. 5, we get the following:
(axk + byk + c)
uk = ⇒ uk = axk + byk + c − gk uk − hyk uk
(gk + hyk + 1)

(dxk + eyk + f )
vk = ⇒ vk = dxk + eyk + f − gk uk − hyk uk
(gk + hyk + 1)
For k = 0, 1, 2, 3 this can written as 8 × 8 system:
⎡ ⎤⎡ ⎤ ⎡ ⎤
x0 y0 1 0 0 0 −x0 u0 −y0 u0 a u0
⎢x1 y1 1 0 0 0 −x1 u1 −y1 u1 ⎥ ⎢ b ⎥ ⎢u1 ⎥
⎢ ⎥⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥
⎢x2 y2 1 0 0 0 −x2 u2 −y2 u2 ⎥ ⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥
⎢ ⎥ ⎢ c ⎥ ⎢u2 ⎥
⎢x3 y0 3 1 0 0 0 −x3 u3 −y3 u3 ⎥ ⎢
⎥ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥
⎢ ⎢ d ⎥ = ⎢u3 ⎥
⎢0 0 0 x0 y0 1 −x0 v0 −y0 v0 ⎥ ⎢ e ⎥
⎥ ⎢ ⎢ ⎥
⎢ ⎥ ⎢ v0 ⎥
⎢0 0 0 x1 y1 1 −x1 v1 −y1 v1 ⎥ ⎢f ⎥ ⎢
⎥ ⎢ ⎥ ⎥
⎢ ⎢ v1 ⎥
⎣0 0 0 x2 y2 1 −x2 v2 −y2 v2 ⎦ ⎣ g ⎦ ⎣ v2 ⎦
0 0 0 x3 y3 1 −x3 v3 −y3 v3 h v3
108 S. Jethani et al.

Computing this we can calculate all the elements from “a” to “h” and get
the transformation matrix (Msd ). Once we have the transformation matrix we
can apply it to the perspective image to map the entire image into the bird’s
eye view image. After this we follow the same steps as in the previous approach
i.e, calculate the bottom point of each bounding box, convert those points into
bird’s eye view, Point 1 to Point 4 as shown in the Fig. 2 are also converted to
bird’s eye view and then the distance between them was calculated(in pixels).
We then converted the distance from “pixels” to “centimetres” similarly as the
previous method. Using the distance between the bounding box we marked the
people who were in the proximity of less than 182 cm (6 ft).

4 Results

Evaluation of both the subtasks of this proposed work along with their inferences
is discussed in this section. The models were trained on google colab which has
the following configuration

GPU: 12GB NVIDIA Tesla K80

Python version: Python 3.6.9.

4.1 Evaluation of the Pedestrian Detection Models

For evaluating our selected models we have used the Oxford Town Center Data
set [2]. It contains video from a CCTV camera located in the Cornmarket and
Market St., Oxford, England. We calculated the Mean Average Precision (map)
and the prediction time taken per image (in seconds). Following graphs were
obtained after the evaluation.

Fig. 4. Prediction time taken per image of all the selected models.
Social Distance Monitoring System 109

Fig. 5. Mean Average Precision of all the selected models

4.2 Evaluation of the Distance Calculations

We proposed two different distance calculation approaches, we will evaluate both

of them with ground truth distance. We used the Oxford Town Centre Data
set [2] for evaluation. We calculated the ground truth distance using Google
Map [6] and compared it with the distance that we have calculated from both of
our approaches. As seen in the Fig. 6 The mean error for the Euclidean Distance
Approach is 2.84 m and for the Bird’s eye view Approach is 1.05 m.

Fig. 6. Error in calculating the distance vs the ground truth distance for both proposed
110 S. Jethani et al.

Fig. 7. Output Image from both the proposed approaches

From Fig. 4 and Fig. 5, we observed that YOLOv4 and RFCN had the highest
mAP but took a long time for the detection while Tiny Yolo and SSD+Mobilenet
took the least time but had low mAP. For the distance calculation, it is clear
from Fig. 6 and from the mean scores of both the approaches, that the Bird’s
Eye View Approach is better than the Euclidean Distance approach. Also, from
Fig. 6, it can be observed that as the distance increases the error also increases
for the Euclidean Distance Approach but, the same does not happen for the
other approach. Figure 7 shows the output for both of the proposed approaches
of this work.

5 Conclusion and Future Work

Depending on the processing power of the surveillance device, we wish to deploy

this social monitoring system, we can select a suitable model after seeing the
results. It is possible that when deploying this system on a UAV that flies at a
great height, mAP could be lower than mentioned since the model is not trained
with aerial images taken at such height. Another limitation of our model is that
for a given area we need to feed in the four points of Region of Interest for
accurate distance calculation.
In the future, we could work upon the limitations to make this system more
accurate in detecting pedestrians, from UAVs flying at great heights. Also, we
could make this system in a way so that we won’t have to enter the four points
every time for the distance calculation. So far no ideal tool for monitoring social
distancing has been implemented and this work is a small step that can be used
to reach this goal. Furthermore, this model can be used in a way where the faces
of people who are not maintaining proper social distancing will be sent to higher
authorities so that effective action can be taken to avoid further violation.

Acknowledgment. A sincere thanks to who gave us this platform

and opportunity.
Social Distance Monitoring System 111

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Consumer Emotional State Evaluation Using
EEG Based Emotion Recognition Using Deep
Learning Approach

Rupali Gill(B) and Jaiteg Singh

Chitkara University Institute of Engineering and Technology, Rajpura, India


Abstract. The standard methodologies for marketing (e.g., newspaper ads and
tv commercials) are not effective in selling products as they do not excite the
customers to buy any specific item. These methods of advertising try to ascertain
their consumers’ attitude towards any product, which might not represent the
actual behavior. So, the customer behavior is misunderstood by the advertisers
and start-ups because the mindsets do not represent the buying behaviors of the
consumers. Previous studies reflect that there is lack of experimental work done
on classification and the prediction of their consumer emotional states. In this
research, a strategy has been adopted to discover the customer emotional states by
simply thinking about attributes and the power spectral density using EEG-based
signals. The results revealed that, though the deep neural network (DNN) higher
recall, greater precision, and accuracy compared with support vector machine
(SVM) and k-nearest neighbor (k-NN), but random forest(RF) reaches values that
were like deep learning on precisely the similar dataset.

Keywords: Deep Neural Network · EEG · Support Vector Machine · K-nearest

neighbor · Random forest

1 Introduction
As an emerging field, neuromarketing relates the full of feeling and psychological sides
of consumer conduct by utilizing neuroscience. The field of neuromarketing is a rising
field that individuals don’t perceive what occurs in their minds that were oblivious. Fur-
thermore, it has been exhibited that individuals are not satisfactory in their emotional s
or objectives (Hammou 2013). The utilization of promoting and publicizing media, sim-
ilar to reviews and meeting’s needs, and purchasing purposes can cause making of ends
(Telpaz et al. 2015; Barros et al. 2016). Similarly, oral communication about emotions
can prompt biased decisions. It is hard to extricate the emotions of consumer straight-
away through decisions, because of ethical issues associated with product purchase and
delivery (Telpaz et al. 2015). These components accentuate a logical inconsistency in
the shoppers’ suppositions during the ease of use appraisals and their genuine assess-
ments, sentiments, and observations with respect to an item’s utilization (Barros et al.
2016). Hence, neuromarketing needs methodological choices that can check consumer

© Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2021

D. Garg et al. (Eds.): IACC 2020, CCIS 1367, pp. 113–127, 2021.
114 R. Gill and J. Singh

behavior successfully. A powerful way is given by novel neuroimaging methods. Tech-

niques like these at last assistance advertisers to inspect the consumers cerebrums and
secure understandings of the conscious and sub conscious strategies that contains fizzled
or fruitful showcasing advertising messages. The data along these lines obtained in the
wake of taking out the key issue in traditional advertising research, that is, confiding in
people; explicitly, the consumer or employees must be believed, who report on how the
shoppers get impacted by the particular area of any advertisement (Morin 2011).
The promising neuroimaging devices in neuromarketing is Brain-computer inter-
faces (BCIs). It permits frameworks and consumers to convey proficiently. To run and
execute commands, BCI don’t requires the utilization of any sort of device or muscle
obstacle (Abdulkader 2015). Besides, to control a framework a BCI utilizes energet-
ically created consumers’ cerebrum action through signs, which offers the ability to
associate or communicate with the nearby marketplace. To examine activity of the brain,
Electroencephalography (EEG) is one of the main tools.
The rest of the paper is organized into sections. The next section provides the details of
related work done by the various authors. The third section provides the details of method-
ology and proposed work done for the current experiment, followed by classification of
DNN framework and discussion of results and last section of conclusion.

2 Background and Literature Review

BCIs help to communicate effectively between user brain and computer system. It does
not involve in physiological interference and record signals through system generated
commands (Ramadan et al. 2015). BCI have its application area in advertising, medical
science, smart cities and neuroscience (Abdulkader 2015; Hwang 2013). BCI systems
are working to aid the user. BCI systems are very challenging in the field of advertising
and marketing.
The promising neuroimaging devices in neuromarketing is Brain-computer inter-
faces (BCIs). It permits frameworks and consumers to convey proficiently. To run and
execute commands, BCI don’t requires the utilization of any sort of device or muscle
obstacle (Abdulkader 2015). Besides, to control a framework a BCI utilizes energetically
created consumers’ cerebrum action through signs, which offers the ability to associate
or communicate with the nearby marketplace.
For the same various neuromarketing techniques which record the brain activity are
used. The various techniques EEG, fNIRS, fMRI, MEG, SST, PET, TMS (Krampe 2018)
are used for recording brain activity (Ohme 2009; Hakim 2019; Harris 2018). But from
all the techniques EEG has best temporal resolution as shown in Table 1.
The study based on BCI based neuroimaging techniques indicate that there are three
neuroimaging techniques – MEG, SST, EEG which have good scope for marketing
research but due to limitations of MEG and SST these are not used for the current
research. Because of the extensive advantages and varied features of EEG over SST and
MEG (Cherubino et al. 2019), EEG is being used for the current research.
The EEG is the BCI to perform dreary, ongoing assessment of brains’ associations
in low temporal resolution (Ramadan 2017; Ramadan et al. 2015). Thus, in the experi-
mental study, EEG was held onto as the info sign to get a BCI framework. BCIs might be
Consumer Emotional State Evaluation Using EEG 115

Table 1. BCI neuroimaging techniques

BCI technique Characteristic

Temporal Spatial Cost Portability Training Scope for
resolution resolution marketing
fMRI (function Magnetic Low High Very No Extensive Limited
Resonance high
EEG High Low Average Yes Moderate High
fNIRS (Near Infrared Low High Very No Extensive Limited
Spectroscopy) high
MEG High Low High No Extensive High
SST (Steady State High Low Average Yes Moderate High
PET (Positron Emission Low High High No Extensive No
TMS (Transcranial Low High High No Extensive Limited
Magnetic Stimulation)

utilized to make an interpretation of them advertisement to check the emotional strate-

gies. The current research carried out an experiment using deep neural framework (DNN)
framework and used a benchmark DEAP data set for performing the experimentation.
EEG is a tool which assesses brain action. By assessing the variants this electrical
activity is logged on the scalp. These activities are logged utilizing electrodes placed over
the cortex straight on the scalp. The electrodes are attached in a device (Agarwal 2015;
Murugappan 2014). On the other hand, resolution and the ratio are limited in comparison
with those of different practices. EEG is regarded as the BCI input to comprehend a real
time brain evaluation (Lin 2018). EEG was chosen in this research as the input signal to
the BCI. The space between the electrodes that are local is 10% or 20% of their entire
scalp diameter as shown in Fig. 1.

Fig. 1. EEG emotive headset placement

The previous studies on EEG based recognition systems for emotion state recog-
nition are presented in this section. Emotional states can be defined as presentation of
116 R. Gill and J. Singh

human behavioral state for recognition of pleasantness states which could help in making
decisions (Ramsøy 2012).
The research by (Hwang 2013; Lotte and Bougrain 2018) stated that there is need of
more than one classifier and classifier combinations to detect and define feature sets and
improve the performance. The authors (Chew et al. 2016) stated that there is a great effect
on buying decision due to aesthetics presentation. They used 3D EEG signals to record
frequency bands and achieved good accuracy over liking scale. The extensive study and
review by provided by authors (Lotte and Bougrain 2018; Teo 2018a, b) to study various
deep learning and machine learning algorithms users to study consumer preferences.
(Hakim 2019), provided in depth study of classifiers and prediction algorithms user for
understanding consumer preference states and state that SVM with approximate accuracy
of 60% is best classifier so far for preference prediction. As per the study, LDA, SVM
are most studied algorithms for classifiers. The authors studied the various preferences
using EEG based systems (Hakim 2019). The previous (Lin 2018; Alvino 2018; Yadava
2017; Teo 2018a, b; Boksem 2015) has done much work on EEG based emotional state
With the emergence of neural networks and deep learning, EEG based studies have
become popular for emotional state prediction. Deep neural network (DNN) is type of
artificial neural network with various layers along with input and output layers. The most
basic type is multi-layer perceptron (MLP). The author (Loke 2017) suggested use DNN
for object identification. The authors (Teo 2018a, b; Roy 2019) have explores various
deep learning frameworks and (Teo 2017; 2018a, b) proposed the methods for EEG based
preference classification with compared with various machine learning classifiers.
The research has done considerable use of EEG in emotional state prediction to
understand the consumer preferences.

3 Methodology and Proposed Work

The recognition system that uses EEG focuses on the use of feature extraction process
along with the use of classification algorithm for decision making. In the experiment,
we researched the prospects of utilizing two emotional states - unpleasant and pleasant
and calculated of classifier accuracy through the EEG based recognition system (Ohme
Series of tasks involved in the paper are summarized as following steps (Ohme 2009)
in Fig. 2:

Fig. 2. EEG emotion process

Consumer Emotional State Evaluation Using EEG 117

1. Acquisition of Signal for the selected device: EEG-A DEAP dataset has been taken
and pre-processed to remove the artifacts.
EEG headset used in DEAP data set contain 32 channels. Table 2 provides the
mapping of 14+2 EEG Emotive headset used for the current research work. The
channels in bold are the mapped channels of EEG headset with DEAP dataset.

Table 2. Channel positioning according to 32 channel EEG headset used in DEAP dataset

Channel 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Channel Fp1 AF3 F3 F7 FC5 FC1 C3 T7 CP5 CP1 P3 P7 PO3 O1 Oz Pz
Channel 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32
Channel Fp2 AF4 Fz F4 F8 FC6 FC2 Cz C4 T8 CP6 CP2 P4 P8 PO4 O2

2. The pre-processing techniques that have been used are Independent Component
Analysis (IA). The data that has been pre-processed is fed into SVM, k-NN, RF and
DNN classifiers
3. Features are extracted and selected for a chosen device using Power spectral density
function. Features are selected where the most required optimum features have been
4. Classification of features based on machine learning and DNN algorithms: KNN,
5. Prediction of emotional states using classifiers by comparing the accuracy of each

The selection and extraction of features are basic techniques which are used to eval-
uate the performance of EEG recognition systems. The current study aims to detect the
emotional states-pleasant and unpleasant using classification algorithm through EEG
Emotive headset (Hwang 2013; Pham and Tran 2012). An off-line analysis was con-
ducted to evaluate the intelligence for the emotional detection and classification. The
DEAP data set was used to explore the performance and computation of deep learning
classification techniques. This might effectively replicate the emotional states of the
consumers for advertisement prediction. To carry out the experiment, the authors intend
to compare individuals’ recordings of the k-nearest neighbor (k-NN) and random forest
(RF), Support Vector Machine (SVM) classifiers and Deep Neural Network classifiers
for evaluating the emotional states. The Scikit-Learn toolbox was used to develop the
system learning suite, also used Python for EEG - artifact cleaning, filtering and pre-
processing, Python library - MNE software suite which is an open-source library used
to explore visualize and analyze cognitive and physiological signals, In addition Keras
library is used on the top of tensorflow for understanding and managing the cognitive
load.. This section discusses the methodology in conjunction with the experimentation
details of the proposed experimental work for detection of emotional states. It starts with
the outline of fact and, also the available prerecorded dataset of the emotional states.
118 R. Gill and J. Singh

Then the characteristic extraction is processed and eventually, the DNN classification
model is illustrated.

DEAP Dataset
DEAP dataset is used for the experimentation (Koelstra 2013). This dataset can be
divided into parts.

i. Calculation of valence, arousal and dominance emotional ratings for 120 music
videos of 1 min each.
ii. Calculation of participant ratings and recording of physiological and face video of 32
volunteers while watching 40 music videos mentioned in first parts. 22 participants
frontal face video was also recorded as shown in Fig. 3.

Fig. 3. DEAP dataset

Data Pre-processing
The experimental trial was done on the already pre-processed EEG based recordings from
the DEAP database. The EEG signal recordings were down examined from 512 Hz to
128 Hz, utilizing a band pass frequency filter between 4.0 Hz to 45.0 Hz, and the EOG
artifacts were eliminated from the epochs by using the dimensionality reduction method-
independent component analysis (ICA) (Hadjidimitriou 2012). The ICA decompose the
extracted features into independent signal by selecting a subset, by eliminating noisy and
very high-dimensional data (Nezamfar 2016). The features which are useful features are
retained and outliers are removed during the experimentation. Additionally, it reduces
the experimentation cost of the consequent measures. Thus, only the mentioned channels
were kept (Fz, F3, F4, AF3, and AF4) (Aldayel et al. 2020). Figure 4 shows the emotional
state engagement in various regions of brain with channel with frequency band involved.
Consumer Emotional State Evaluation Using EEG 119

Fig. 4. EEG emotion detection with band detection for EEG Channel (Teo 2017)

Feature Extraction for EEG Based Emotional State Recognition

Feature extraction plays a vital role in implementation of EEG based emotional recog-
nition system. Various feature extraction techniques are used by various researchers.
The techniques can be classified into frequency domain, time domain and time fre-
quency domain (Hwang 2013; Jenke et al. 2014; Roy 2019). The EEG features can
also be extracted by applying signal processing methods; time domain signal analysis,
frequency domain signal analysis, and/or time-frequency signal domain analysis. For
the current experiment power spectral density (PSD) feature extraction method has been
used to extract of the EEG frequency bands. PSD is a frequency domain technique. The
frequency bands from the recorded through EEG Emotive signals were used for the
calculation of valence.
Power Spectral Density - It is the contemporary feature extraction methods which
uses the frequency domain for experiments. It is an emerging and robust feature extraction
technique used for neuromarketing studies (Qin et al. 2019). The previous research
(Ohme 2010; Ramsøy 2012; Khushaba 2013) has shown that the output of PSD obtained
from the EEG-based data recordings functions well for determining understanding the
consumer behaviors and emotional states. PSD is linear extraction method used to extract
band power spectral features using either the parametric or non-parametric methods
(Ameera et al. 2019). PSD uses the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT), discrete Fourier
Transform (DFT) and FFT inverse for conversion of time domain signal into frequency
domain and vice a versa. PSD technique used in this research divides each EEG based
data recordings to four separate frequency bands: alpha (α), beta (β), gamma (γ), theta
(θ), as shown in Fig. 5. The division of signals into frequency bands is done through
Welch method or Burg method (Ameera et al. 2019). A thorough review by (Hwang
2013) says that PSD is being used in most of the researches for extracting features from
EEG. Also, the Python open source suite (MNE) was used for calculation of PSD. The
specific frequency band was computed to construct a feature using the MNE suite as
shown in Fig. 5. The frequency bands are calculated with amplitude over y-axis and time
over x-axis.
120 R. Gill and J. Singh

Fig. 5. Frequency domain EEG artifact with PSD computation

Valence - In the current study, valence was chosen as the rate of measure emotional
states. The Likert scale values ranging from 0–9 was used to record the same. The value
of activation for EEG frontal asymmetry (E) is directly proportion to valence (V), E ∝ V
(Koelstra 2013). Also, DEAP dataset also reflects this association valence (V) and EEG
frequency bands (αβγθ) (Koelstra 2011), shown in Fig. 6. The increase from valence,
leads to increase in intensity value of frequency bands, which is in accordance with the
results in a comparable study (Al-Nafjan et al. 2017a, b). The liking rating from the
DEAP dataset is not used in the current experiment (Al-Nafjan et al. 2017a, b).



Alpha α Beta β Gamma γ Theta θ

(8-13Hz) (13-30Hz) (30-40Hz) (4-8Hz)



Fig. 6. Process of EEG feature extraction

Calculation of valence (V) is done using below equations (Eqs. 1–4) (Al-Nafjan et al.
2017a, b):

V = (β(AF3, F3))/α(AF3, F3) − β(AF4, F4)/α(AF4, F4) (1)

V = ln [α(Fz, AF3, F3)] − ln [α(Fz, AF4, F4)] (2)

V = α(F4) − β(F3) (3)

Consumer Emotional State Evaluation Using EEG 121

V = α(F4)/β(F4) − (α(F3))/(β(F3)) (4)

4 DNN Classification
Deep Neural Networks are framework that contains layers of “neurons” combined with
each other. Each layer of neuron performs a different linear transformation to the input
information (Roy 2019; Aldayel et al. 2020). Then, every layer’s transformation under-
goes processing to the give an outcome through a nonlinear cost function. These cost
functions are minimized to obtain the optimal outcome. The DNN functions in a single
forward direction, by the input via the hidden ones (if accessible) into the output neurons
in the forward directions. The neuron output from previous layer acts as activation of
each neuron for the next layer.
For the current research, the DNN model using one input layer, three hidden layers,
one batch normalization layer and one output layer. The hyperparameters used for DNN
model training are learning rate calculated through Adam gradient, number of epochs,
and ReLU activation function and output in the form of Softmax activation function. The
trained DNN model was compared with accuracy results for classification algorithms -
SVM, RF, k-NN. The DNN classifier’s block structure is displayed in Fig. 7.

Fig. 7. DNN classification

The first step was to normalize the extracted features. There are two commonly
used normalization techniques – min-max normalization and z-score. For the current
experiment, min-max normalization (Eq. 5) was used and were fed to DNN classifiers.
This is the most common way to normalize the data. The data is normalized in the range
of 0 and 1. The minimum (min) value is converted to 0 and maximum (max) value is
converted to 1, all other values (v) lies between decimals of 0 and 1.
v_normalized = (v − min )/max − min (5)
Adam gradient descent optimization strategy was used to train the DNN classifier.
It is one of the most optimal strategy which uses an iterative algorithm in order to
122 R. Gill and J. Singh

minimize a function to the local or global minima. For the current experiment, three
reduction functions namely cross entropy functions - binary and categorical, and hinge
cross function are used. The system was stopped when the machine started to over-fit
and was stopped at 0.0001. With the acceptable defaults and proper setup: the starting
experimentation learning rate was 0.001. The system consists of layers input layer, and 3
hidden layers 1700, 1200,700 respectively and an output layer. As per the experimental
requirements the sample size for input layer was 2125 samples with decreasing the
size to 75% after every filter operation in the hidden layers. The output measurements
pertain to the amount of goal emotional states. The network was tested over the test
data which comprised roughly 20% of DEAP data samples. Together with three hidden
layers, that comprises components between rectified linear unit (ReLu). The output is
DDN execution is obtained through soft-max activation function with a binary cross-
entropy loss function. Soft-max activation function normalizes the outputs from various
hidden layers.

5 Result and Discussion

The experiment was performed to predict the emotional states using different classifica-
tion algorithms: Deep Neural Network, k-Nearest Neighbor, Random Forest and Support
Vector Machine. The accuracy of emotional states was predicted using the machine learn-
ing classification algorithms. Accuracy is the measure through the performance of any
system could be evaluated and same is used for EEG recognition system. The accuracy
is defining the average of the accurate predictions over actual value availability in the
proposed benchmark dataset.
Number of Correct Predictions
Accuracy(A) = (6)
Total Number of Cases
Figure 8 presents the measured accuracy for experimented classification algorithms.
The performance evaluation of these algorithms was done using cross validation tech-
nique. This technique helps the experimenter to train the model using subset of the

Fig. 8. Accuracy prediction using cross validation method on various classifiers on proposed
Consumer Emotional State Evaluation Using EEG 123

benchmark data set and then perform evaluation. For the current study three methods
namely - holdout, k-fold cross validation, and leave-one-out cross validation (LOOCV)
were used.
Hold out – Hold out (test/train splitting) method performs the training ay 50% of
the data set and 50% for the test dataset. The results of DNN and k-NN are better than
random forest (RF), support vector machine (SVM) as shown in Table 3:

Table 3. Outcome for the hold-out cross validation


93% 88% 62% 93%

LOOCV - This method performs training on the whole dataset leaving aside only one
data-point and then iterates over each data point. This is very time-consuming process.
The results of random forest (RF) outperformed other classifiers as shown in Table 4.

Table 4. Outcome for the leave one out cross validation


70% 92% 45% 87%

K-fold Cross Validation - The data set is spilt into number of subsets known as folds.
This model uses k − 1 folds for training and 1 for testing and then iterated each time over
every fold. The results of random forest and k-nearest neighbor is better than classifiers
as shown in Table 5.

Table 5. Outcome for the k-fold cross validation


K fold = 5 59% 89% 48% 91%
K fold = 10 67% 90% 49% 84%
K fold = 20 71% 91% 48% 87%

Since the very best results were achieved using the holdout validation from all the
validation techniques, this technique was chosen to apply the loss function -hyper param-
eters for DNN framework. Figure 8 presents the summary of all the cross-validation
Figure 9 presents the results for accuracy calculation for SVM, RF, KNN, and DNN
using three different loss functions: the cross-entropy function - binary and categorical,
124 R. Gill and J. Singh

and hinge function. Categorical cross entropy loss is combination of softmax activation
function and Cross - Entropy loss and is used for multi-class classification. Binary
cross entropy is a combination Sigmoid activation and Cross-Entropy loss and is used
for multi-label classification. The hinge loss is used for max-margin classification and
shows best results with SVM classifiers.

Fig. 9. Classifier accuracy for loss functions for emotional state classification using hold-out

The results demonstrate that the k-NN classifier highest accuracy of 88% when the
cross validation of k = 1. Though, accuracy of 92% was achieved for RF, the DNN also
reached the accuracy result of 91% which is the highest with hinge cross-entropy loss
function as compared to the other studied algorithms.
Further the research work compared the work done in the using DNN model on EEG
based emotion recognition. Table 6 provides summary of the results when compared with
existing researches. Two studies were used which used PSD feature extraction on DEAP
dataset and worked on detecting arousal. The comparative results show that proposed
method gave comparative results when applied on DNN model.

Table 6. Comparison of EEG emotion analysis using DNN model

Ref Data set Feature extraction Emotion classes Result

(Al-Nafjan et al. DEAP PSD Valence and arousal 82% Accuracy for
2017a, b) Hold out cross
(Aldayel et al. DEAP PSD Arousal 94% Accuracy for
2020) Hinge Cross
Proposed DNN DEAP PSD Arousal 93% Accuracy for
Hold out cross
Consumer Emotional State Evaluation Using EEG 125

6 Conclusion
In this paper, a DNN based learning model has been proposed to detect consumer emo-
tional states from EEG signals. The complete work is carried proposed dataset and DEAP
dataset. Initially from EEG two types of signals are extracted i.e. PSD and valence. There
are around 2125 different feature in each EEG activity. In this paper various evaluation
parameters of accuracy are used. The parameters were used to test the classifier perfor-
mance and validation using LOOCV, holdout and K-fold techniques. Total four different
classifiers were used (DNN, SVM, KNN, RF), our proposed method achieves the accu-
racy of around 70%, 93%, 91%, 84% and 87% in all the validation parameters. Our
proposed method had shown highest accuracy in contrast with all other methods. The
research work results were compared with existing researches. The major limitations of
the research if limited to only two emotional states and with evaluation using a smaller
number of parameters. In future, DNN method can be further explored on certain param-
eters to improve the achieved accuracy for emotional state evaluation. The exploration
of enhanced DNN model is proposed as future work for the valence arousal model.
The authors recommend applying DNN model on multiple modalities used in order to
understand consumer emotional states.

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Covid Prediction from Chest X-Rays Using
Transfer Learning

D. Haritha and M. Krishna Pranathi(B)

SRK Institute of Technology, Vijayawada, India

[email protected], [email protected]

Abstract. The novel corona virus is a rapidly spreading viral infection that has
became a pandemic causing destructive effects on public health and global econ-
omy. So, early detection and Covid-19 patient early quarantine is having the sig-
nificant impact on curtailing it’s transmission rate. But it has become a major chal-
lenge due to critical shortage of test kits. A new promising method that overcomes
this challenge by predicting Covid-19 from patient X-rays using transfer learning,
a deep learning technique is proposed in this paper. For this we used a dataset
consisting of chest x-rays of Covid-19 infected and normal people. we used VGG,
GoogleNet-Inception v1, ResNet, CheXNet models of transfer learning which is
a deep learning technique for its benefit of decreasing the training time for a neu-
ral network model. Using these we show accuracies of 99.49%, 99%, 98.63%,
99.93% respectively in Covid-19 prediction from x-ray of suspected patient.

Keywords: Convolutional Neural Network · Covid-19 · Transfer learning

1 Introduction
In December 2019, Covid-19 caused by most recently discovered corona virus was first
reported in Wuhan, China as a special case of pneumonia and later named as Covid-19
and the virus as SARS-CoV-2. It infects respiratory system at mild level common cold
to most impacting MERS (Middle East Respiratory Syndrome) as well as SARS (Severe
Acute Respiratory Syndrome). The clinical features of the disease include fewer, sore
throat, headache, cough, mild respiratory symptoms even leading to pneumonia. The
better accurate test techniques that are being currently used for Covid diagnosis are
Polymerase Chain Reaction and Reverse Transcription PCR [1] tests and are laboratory
methods that interact with other RNA and DNA to determine volume of specific RNA
using fluorescence. This is done by collecting samples of nasal secretions. Due to lim-
ited availability of these test kits, early detection can not be done which in turn leads to
increase in the spread of disease. Covid became a pandemic effecting globally and right
now there is no vaccine available to cure this. In this epidemic situation Artificial Intel-
ligence techniques are becoming vital. Some of the applications in this Covid pandemic
scenario that show promising use of AI are AI techniques embedded in cameras to iden-
tify infected patients with their recent travel history using facial recognition techniques,
using robot services to deliver food items and medicines for Covid infected patients, and

© Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2021

D. Garg et al. (Eds.): IACC 2020, CCIS 1367, pp. 128–138, 2021.
Covid Prediction from Chest X-Rays Using Transfer Learning 129

using drones to disinfect the surfaces in public places etc. [2]. Lot of research is being
carried out in using AI for drug discovery for Covid cure and vaccine for Covid preven-
tion by learning about the RNA of virus. Machine learning techniques are being used in
medical disease diagnosis for reducing manual intervention and automatic diagnosis and
are becoming supportive tool for clinicians. Deep learning techniques are successfully
applied in several issues like carcinoma detection, carcinoma classification, and respira-
tory disorder detection from chest x-ray pictures. Day by day the Covid19 is growing at
an exponential rate so, the usage of deep learning techniques for Covid prediction may
help to increase testing rate and thereby reducing the transmission rate. Covid effects
line up of respiratory track, shows preliminary symptoms like pneumonia and as doctors
frequently use x-rays to test for pneumonia etc., identification of Covid using X-ray can
play significant role in corona tests. So, to increase the Covid testing rate we can use
X-ray test as preliminary test and if AI prediction test results in positive then patient can
undergo medical test. In this paper, transfer learning, a machine learning technique is
used that takes an approach of reserving knowledge gained in solving one problem and
apply that knowledge for solving the other similar problems. A dataset consisting of x-
rays of normal and Covid-19 patients is used for transfer learning. A deep neural network
is build to be implemented with VGG, inception v1, ResNet and CheXNet models. We
have chosen these models as they are CNNs and are trained with large ImageNet datasets.
These are widely used in Image classification and disease prediction also. We selected
in particular CheXNet as it was trained on Chest X-rays. Section 2 briefs some of the
recent works done in Covid prediction using AI and Deep Learning (DL) techniques.
Section 3 presents our methodology used for Covid prediction using Transfer learning.
Section 4 discusses the results obtained in applying four VGG, GoogleNet-Inception v1,
ResNet, CheXNet models. In Sect. 5 the use of Transfer Leaning in Covid prediction is

2 Related Work
Many researches are working rigorously on possibilities of early Covid-19 detection
since Feb 2019. Both laboratory clinical testing methods and computer aided testing
using Artificial Intelligence, machine learning and deep learning (DL) approaches are
being developed. As this disease does not show symptoms immediately, early identifi-
cation of infected person has become difficult. Artificial Intelligence can be aided for
easy and rapid X-ray diagnosis using deep learning. The ideology of using x-ray images
in prediction of covid19 came from the deep neural network approaches which were
used in pneumonia detection using chest X-rays [3]. A deep learning based automated
diagnosis system for X-ray mammograms was proposed by Al-Antari et al. [4]. They
used YOLO, a regional deep learning approach which resulted in detection accuracy of
Bar et al., have detected chest pathology in chest radio-graphs using deep learning
models [5]. The feasibility of detecting pathology based on non-medical learning using
DL approaches is observed. Later many works for detection of lung abnormalities, tuber-
culosis patterns, vessel extraction using x-rays are developed [6, 7]. Covid-19 diagnosis
using deep learning In recent days extensive work is being carried out in using deep
130 D. Haritha and M. K. Pranathi

learning and AI techniques in the Covid 19 prediction. More accurate and faster Covid-
19 detection can be achieved by AI and DL using Chest X-rays with good accuracies.
There were numerous previous works done in the application of transfer learning models
based on Convolutional Neural Networks for different disease predictions. Apostolopou-
los et al., have taken X-ray image dataset from patients with common microorganism
respiratory disorder, Covid-19 positive, and normal diseases from public repositories
for the automated detection of the Coronavirus sickness [8]. They used transfer learning
models that uses CNN for detecting the varied abnormalities in little medical image
datasets yielding outstanding results approximately 96%. Their promising results show
that Deep Learning techniques from X-ray images extract important bio markers associ-
ated with the Covid-19 sickness. Three CNN based models ResNet50, InceptionV3 and
Inception-ResNetV2 were applied for the detection of coronavirus using chest X-ray
radiographs by Narin, Ceren, Pamuk [9]. They obtained 98%, 97% and 87% accuracies
respectively. Salman, Fatima M., et al., used Convolutional Neural Network for Covid19
detection [10, 12]. As an alternate to build a model from scratch, Transfer Learning helps
in reducing the computational overhead and is proved to be the most promising technique
in many deep learning applications. In this paper we proposed covid-19 prediction from
x-rays using transfer learning models with better accuracy.

3 Methodology

3.1 Dataset of Project

Collecting a good dataset is one of the most important requirements for getting better
accuracy of any ML model. Since, in this project we are predicting covid19 from chest
xrays we need a dataset consisting of chest X-ray images only. There is a collection of
datasets available even on internet. The model is trained on chest X-rays of Covid-19
positive patients and normal patients. A balanced dataset comprising 1824 chest X-rays
of both covid-19 and normal patients are considered [11] Fig. 1 shows sample chest
x-rays of Covid-19 patient and normal patient. The hazy lung opacity that obscures the
vessels and bronchial walls is a major feature that distinguishes Covid-19 positive x-rays
from normal once.

3.2 Transfer Learning

Transfer Learning is one of the advanced deep learning approaches in which a model
trained on similar problem is used as a starting point for the other similar problems. It
decreases training time in neural network for optimization of tuning hyper parameters.
One or more layers from the trained model are used in new model and some are freezed
and fine tuning is applied to other output layers which are to be customized. Figure 2
shows the working of Transfer Learning technique. The popular methods of this app-
roach are - VGG (VGG 16 or 19), GoogleNet (Inception v1 or v3), Residual Network
(ResNet50), CheXNet. Keras provides access to a number of such pretrained models. In
transfer learning initially Convolution Neural Networks (CNN) are trained on datasets
and then they are employed to process new set of images and extract the features. In
Covid Prediction from Chest X-Rays Using Transfer Learning 131

medical related tasks we use transfer learning to exploit CNN with these models and eval-
uate algorithms for image classification and object detection. In this section we discuss
the architecture of four models VGG, GoogleNet, ResNet and CheXNet and explore
their applicability using pretrained weights as part of transfer learning for Covid-19

Fig. 1. Sample x-rays of Covid patient and normal patient.

Fig. 2. Transfer learning

VGG: VGG is a CNN((Convolutional Neural Network), proposed by Karen and Andrew

in 2014 [13]. The VGG 16 is deep network consisting of sixteen layers out of which
thirteen layers are convolutional layers with 3 × 3 lters, and three fully connected layers.
The fully-connected layers are of 4096 channels each. The stride of convolution is one
pixel and padding is also one pixel value. All convolutional layers are managed as a
group of three whose output is given to a max-pooling layer as shown in Fig. 3.
GoogleNet: GoogleNet was rst proposed by google research group in 2014 and is
the winner of the ILSVRC 2014 Image Classification and detection competition from
Google[14]. It attained a top-5 error rate of 6.67%. This model contains 22 layers deep
132 D. Haritha and M. K. Pranathi

Fig. 3. Architecture of VGG16 model.

CNN and almost 12× less parameters. It uses variant strategies like 1 × 1 convolu-
tion and average pooling that enables it to create a deeper design. Fig. 4 depicts the
architecture of GoogleNet model.
ResNet: ResNet abbreviation for Residual Neural Network proposed in 2015 as part of
ImageNet challenge for computer vision task [15]. It was the winner of that challenge
and is widely used for Computer Vision projects. Using Transfer learning concept we
can train its 150 plus layers successfully. The last two or three layers that contain non
linearity can be skipped. This helps to avoid gradient vanishing problem. It’s architecture
is shown in Fig. 5.

Fig. 4. Architecture of GoogleNet model.

Fig. 5. Architecture of ResNet model.

Covid Prediction from Chest X-Rays Using Transfer Learning 133

CheXNet: CheXNet consists of 121 CNN layers. It produces heatmap comprising local-
ized areas which can indicate the areas effected by the disease in the image along with
the prediction probability [16]. This was developed to predict the pneumonia from chest
x-rays. This model used chest X-ray14 dataset containing 14 different pathological X-
ray images. It’s architecture is shown below in Fig. 6. The test set labels were annotated
by four reputed radiologists and was used for evaluating the performance of the model
with reference to annotations given by radiologists.

Fig. 6. Architecture of CheXNet model.

3.3 Implementation

In our paper, we performed of transfer learning models for Covid-19 prediction from
x-rays. The deep architectures helped in predicting the results with good accuracies for
VGG, GoogleNet, ResNet and CheXNet models. The Fig. 7 describes our proposed
implementation model.

Fig. 7. Schematic representation depicting implementation of our model.

134 D. Haritha and M. K. Pranathi


Step1: Load the dataset that contains 1824 images with 2 classes for binary classification.
Step 2: Resize the images in our dataset to 224 × 224, as the Transfer Learning CNN
models takes input images of size 224 × 224
Step 3: Select pre trained layers from VGG/GoogleNet/ResNet/CheXNet and modify
the output layers. The no of layers selected and modifications carried out are described
below for each model individually.
Step 4: Fine tune the hyper parameters of each model individually and tuned parameters
are indicated in Table 1
Step 5: Evaluate the performance of each model using the metrics explained in the next
Step 6: Pass a new X-ray image to detect whether the patient is having Covid-19 or not.

The VGG16 model contains 16 weight layers that include convolutional, pooling,
fully connected and final dense layer. The final layer contains 1000 predictable output
classes out of which we considered 2 classes for our model. This is done by freez-
ing convolutional layers and 2 new fully connected layers are constructed. GoogleNet
contains 22 layers with average pooling, all are trained and in output layer 2 softmax
layers are taken for prediction. ResNet model has 50 layers with output layer capable
of classifying 1000 objects. We freezed the final dense layer and added 2 layers for
predicting our 2 classes covid-19 and non covid. Finally, for CheXNet we considered
DenseNet121 network with pre trained weights and freezed the CONV weights. Then,
new fully connected sigmoid layers are constructed and appended at top of DenseNet.

4 Results and Description

4.1 Dataset
We had given chest x-ray images as input to our model. This data is divided in 8:2 ratio
in our model i.e. 80% for training the model and 20% for model validation. We also
tested with other images. The resizing is done to a default image size (224, 224).

Table 1. Hyper parameters used in different models

Hyper parameters Values

VGG GoogleNet ResNet CheXNet
Epochs 30 50 30 10
Activation function Softmax ReLU ReLU Sigmoid
Batch size 5 20 5 5
Learning rate 1e−3 1e−1 1e−3 1e−3
Test size 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2
Covid Prediction from Chest X-Rays Using Transfer Learning 135

4.2 Hyperparameter Tuning

The hyperparameters are tuned in order to obtain a highly performing model. We tuned
around 5 different parameters which comprise of adjusting the learning rate, selection of
optimizer, loss functions, changing number of epochs, batch size, test size, rotation range
etc. Learning rate is given as parameter to the optimizer function. Working on different
optimizer and loss function did not affected the working of the model much so we
used Adam as optimizer function and binary cross entropy as loss function throughout
the model. Batch size is the number of samples that will be propagated through the
network and epochs is the number of times the model is implemented on training data.
Dropout is a regularisation technique where some random neurons are ignored during
training. Increasing dropout generally increases accuracy. Table 1 shows the values of
hyperparameters that we used for different transfer learning models.

4.3 Performance Metrics

In a model the values like accuracy, precision, recall, and F1 score are considered as
performance metrics since they are used to evaluate the model performance. Accuracy
is the ratio of correctly classified to the total number of predictions. Precision is the ratio
of true positives to the predicted positives.
Recall is the ratio of true positives predicted out of total positives.
F1-score It is the weighted average of precision and recall.
Precision and recall are useful when the dataset is imbalanced i.e. when there is large
difference between the number of X rays with Covid and without Covid.

Table 2. Performance measures of different models

Model Accuracy F1-measure Precision Recall

VGG 99.49 99 99 100
GoogleNet 99.18 99 98.3 100
ResNet 98.63 97 100 99
CheXNet 99.93 100 100 100

4.4 Result
It ends up with a good accuracy of 99.49% and the values for sensitivity, specificity as
1.0000 and 0.9890 respectively using VGG 16 model, accuracy of 99% with values for
sensitivity, specificity as 1.0000 and 0.9834 respectively using GoogleNet-inception v1
model, accuracy of 98.63% with values for sensitivity, specificity as 1.0000 and 0.9725
respectively using ResNet 50 model and 99.93% accuracy with values for sensitivity,
specificity as 1.000 and 1.000 respectively using CheXNet model for Covid and normal
classes in Covid prediction. The performance measures of all these models is shown
below in Table 2.
136 D. Haritha and M. K. Pranathi

Fig. 8. Graph showing variations in different measures for VGG16 model.

Fig. 9. Graph showing variations in different measures for GoogleNet inceptionV1 model.
Covid Prediction from Chest X-Rays Using Transfer Learning 137

Owing to the well performance of these proposed models, they can be incorporated
in real-time testing which in turn increases the testing rate. The graphs in below figures,
Fig. 8, 9, 10, 11 shows variation in different measures of accuracy and loss for VGG,
GoogleNet, ResNet and CheXNet models.

Fig. 10. Graph showing variations in different measures for ResNet50 model.

Fig. 11. Graph showing variations in different measures for CheXNet model.

5 Conclusion and Future Work

In this paper, we used transfer learning approach to train CNN using x-ray images to
predict the novel Covid-19 disease. This idea can be implemented in real-time scenarios
of Covid-19 detection with further developments. This can also be implemented using
138 D. Haritha and M. K. Pranathi

other transfer learning methods. Our work can be further extended to train with large
datasets so that still better accuracy can be achieved even for the cases of unseen data.
This can also be further enhanced to predict the possibility of survival of the covid
affected patients. However the work carried in this paper can offer potential insight and
will contribute towards further research regarding COVID-19 predictions.

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Machine Learning Based Prediction of H1N1
and Seasonal Flu Vaccination

Srividya Inampudi1(B) , Greshma Johnson2 , Jay Jhaveri3 , S. Niranjan4 ,

Kuldeep Chaurasia5 , and Mayank Dixit5
1 Fr. Conceicao Rodrigues Institute of Technology, Vashi, Navi Mumbai, India
[email protected]
2 Saintgits College of Engineering, Kottayam, India
3 Vivekanand Education Society’s Institute of Technology, Mumbai, India
4 Sri Ramakrishna Engineering College, Coimbatore, India
5 School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Bennett University, Delhi, India

Abstract. The H1N1 Flu that came into existence in 2009 had a great impact on
the lives of people around the world. It was a life-threatening season to hundreds
of people mainly below 65 years old which eventually made the World Health
Organization (WHO) to declare it as the greatest pandemic in more than 40 years.
To find out the vaccination status National 2009 H1N1 Flu Survey (NHFS) was
conducted in U.S. In this paper, the data from the above survey was used to
develop a model that predicts how likely people got H1N1 and seasonal flu vaccine.
For this purpose, various Machine Learning (ML) and Artificial Neural Network
(ANN) models are used to determine the probability of person receiving H1N1
and Seasonal Flu vaccine.

Keywords: Machine learning · H1N1 · Seasonal flu · SVM

1 Introduction
H1N1 or swine flu virus first emerged in 2009, spring season in Mexico and then in
the United States and quickly spread across the globe. A distinctive combination or
integration of influenza genes was discovered in this novel H1N1 virus which was not
identified prior in humans or animals [1]. This contagious novel virus had a very powerful
impact on the whole world and spread across the world like a forest fire and as a result on
June 11 2009 the World Health Organization (WHO) declared that a pandemic of 2009
H1N1 flu or swine flu had begun [2]. The effects of this novel H1N1 virus were more
severe on people below the age of 65. There was significantly high pediatric mortality,
and higher rate of hospitalizations for young adults and children [3].
According to Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) the first and fore-
most step in protecting oneself of this virus is a yearly flu vaccination [4]. There are
various factors such as age, health perceptions of an individual and the similarities or
“match” in the vaccine’s virus structure and the virus structure which is affecting the
community which affects the ability of the vaccination to provide protection to the per-
son who is vaccinated [5]. Several activities were performed using various social media

© Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2021

D. Garg et al. (Eds.): IACC 2020, CCIS 1367, pp. 139–150, 2021.
140 S. Inampudi et al.

platforms and broadcasting networks such as Twitter was used to track the levels of dis-
ease activity and the concern of the public towards this pandemic [6]. The social media
played an important role to assess the sentiments towards vaccination and the implica-
tions for disease dynamics and control [7] etc. The popular among them is the phone
survey conducted by the U.S. where they asked respondents whether they had received
the H1N1 and seasonal flu vaccines, in conjunction with questions about themselves.
In the present study, we used the data obtained from the National 2009 H1N1 Flu
Survey (NHFS) to predict how likely people got H1N1 and seasonal flu vaccines. The
NHFS data is used for estimating the probability of a person receiving H1N1 and Sea-
sonal Flu vaccine using various Machine Learning (ML) and Artificial Neural Network
(ANN) models. The performance of various ML and ANN techniques are also dis-
cussed. In Sect. 2 literature review is presented. Section 3 discusses the data resource
i.e. NHFS survey and Sect. 4 presents the methodology used. Section 5 discusses the
results obtained and Sects. 6 and 7 presents conclusion and future research scope.

2 Literature Review
Mabrouk et al. [8] “A chaotic study on pandemic and classical (H1N1) using EIIP
sequence indicators”, states that the methods such as moment invariants, correlation
dimension, and largest Lyapunov exponent which were used to detect H1N1 indicated
the differences between the pandemic and classical influenza virus. Chinh et al. [9] “A
possible mutation that enables the H1N1 influenza A virus to escape antibody recogni-
tion” explained the methods such as phylogenetic analysis of pandemic strains, molec-
ular docking for the predicted epitopes. Huang et al. [10], “Aptamer-modified CNTFET
(Carbon NanoTube Field Effect Transistors) biosensor for detecting H1N1 virus in a
droplet,” suggested the combination immersed in nanotube which gives CNTFET and
thus it acts as a biosensor which is used in the detection of H1N1 virus by droplet.
M. S. Ünlü [11], “Optical interference for multiplexed, label-free, and dynamic
biosensing: Protein, DNA and single virus detection,” described interferometric
reflectance imaging sensor which can be used for label-free, high throughput, high
sensitivity and dynamic detection and gives detection of H1N1 virus and nanoparticles
and Kamikawa et al. [12] “Pandemic influenza detection by electrically active magnetic
nanoparticles and surface plasmon resonance” indicated that the detection consists of
several processes such as nanoparticle synthesis, glycans, polyaniline, and sensor modifi-
cation by means to find H1N1 by nanoparticle and resonance. Jerald et al. [13], “Influenza
virus vaccine efficacy based on conserved sequence alignment,” spoke about the vital
strain sequence used from National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) and
sequence alignment which helps vaccine efficiency for influenza.
Chrysostomou, et al. [14] “Signal-processing-based bioinformatics approach for the
identification of influenza A virus subtypes in Neuraminidase genes” discussed the
methods used for identification of influenza virus such as neuraminidase genes, sig-
nal processing, F-score, Support Vector Machines (SVM) and Wiriyachaiporn et al.
[15] “Rapid influenza an antigen detection using carbon nano string as the label for
lateral flow immune chromatographic assay,” presented preparation of allantoic fluid
infected with influenza A virus conjugation of Central Nervous System (CNS) to anti-
body and about the evaluation of CBNS-MAb using Lateral Flow Immunoassay (LFIA)
Machine Learning Based Prediction of H1N1 and Seasonal Flu Vaccination 141

and Ma et al. [16], “An integrated passive microfluidic device for rapid detection of
influenza a (H1N1) virus by reverse transcription loop-mediated isothermal amplifica-
tion (RT-LAMP)” demonstrated the loading of virus and magnetic beads and discussed
about virus capture, collection of virus-magnetic beads complexes, removal of excessive
wastes, virus particle lysis, RT-LAMP reaction and the coloration steps to detect H1N1
Nieto-Chaupis, Huber. [17]. “Face To Face with Next Flu Pandemic with a Wiener-
Series-Based Machine Learning: Fast Decisions to Tackle Rapid Spread” explained
about the Wiener model used in order to increase optimization, efficiency and perfor-
mance to find the spread of seasonal flu and Stalder et al. [18] “Tracking the flu pandemic
by monitoring the social web” related the retrieving data from Twitter and official health
reports provides inexpensive and timely information about the epidemic and Motoyama
et al. [19] “Predicting Flu Trends using Twitter Data” demonstrated the use of SNEFT
model and twitter crawler methods for predicting the flu using twitter data.
Wong et al. [20] “Diagnosis of Response Behavioural Patterns Towards the Risk
of Pandemic Flu Influenza A (H1N1) of Urban Community Based on Rasch Measure-
ment Model” presented the source of data and data analysis methodology used for the
response behavioral patterns towards H1N1 and Bao et al. [21] “Influenza-A Circulation
in Vietnam through data analysis of Hemagglutinin entries” provided NCBI influenza
virus resource datasets (2001–2012) which is used for the analysis of influenza virus and
Hu et al. [22], “Computational Study of Interdependence Between Hemagglutinin and
Neuraminidase of Pandemic 2009 H1N1” explained sequence data and informational
spectrum model.

3 Data Resources
Data is one of the most important and vital aspect of any research study. The National
Flue Survey (NFS) is being conducted since 2010–11 influenza season [23]. The data
for our study is obtained from the National 2009 H1N1 Flu Survey (NHFS) which
was carried out for Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). The main aim
of the survey was to monitor and evaluate H1N1 flu vaccination efforts among adults
and children. The survey was conducted through telephones, twitter and with the help
of various other electronic media in all the 50 states. The survey consists of national
random digit dialed telephone survey based on rolling weekly sample of landline and
cellular telephone contacted to identify residential households. Various questions about
flu related behaviors, opinions about flu vaccine’s safety and effectiveness, medical
history like recent respiratory illness and pneumococcal vaccination status were asked
apart from the major question about H1N1 and seasonal flu vaccination status. The
NHFS data was collected during Oct., 2009 to May, 2010. This data was obtained to
get a fair idea about the knowledge of people on the effectiveness and safety of flu
vaccines and to learn why some people refrained from getting vaccinated against the
H1N1 flu and seasonal flu. Huge amount of data was gathered through this survey which
is being commonly used for analysis and research purposes and the data also measures
the number of children and adults nationwide who have received vaccinations.
142 S. Inampudi et al.

4 Methodology
A methodology is proposed to determine the probability that a person will receive H1N1
and seasonal Flu vaccination based on many parameters. The data obtained from the
National 2009 H1N1 Flu Survey (NHFS) contains 3 CSV files namely the training set
features, the training set labels, and the test set features. The data has been obtained from
over 53000 people from which around 26000 observations have been considered for the
training set and the rest have been considered for the testing set.
We have considered various methodologies and compared different Machine Learn-
ing and Artificial Neural Network models to predict the probability. The Machine Learn-
ing algorithms such as Multiple Linear regression, Support Vector Regression, Ran-
dom Forest Regression and Logistic Regression were used. The system architecture of
Machine Learning model is presented in Fig. 1.

Fig. 1. System architecture of machine learning model

Artificial Neural Network (ANN) with different optimizers such as Adam, RMSprop,
SGD were used to predict the probability of the test set features. The system architecture
of ANN is presented in Fig. 2.

4.1 Taking Care of Missing Data

The missing data values in the dataset were imputed by univariate feature imputation
using the most frequent strategy (statistics) with the help of the Simple Imputer class from
the sklearn.impute module. This Simple Imputer class provides fundamental strategies
for assigning some value for the missing values in the columns of the dataset [24, 25].

4.2 Encoding Categorical Data

For encoding categorical data the columns are transformed separately and then the fea-
tures generated during this transformation of columns are concatenated to a single fea-
ture space and this process is carried out with the help of Column Transformer class of
sklearn.compose module. Heterogeneous or columnar data is most benefited from this
Machine Learning Based Prediction of H1N1 and Seasonal Flu Vaccination 143

Fig. 2. System architecture of artificial neural network

method as several feature extraction mechanisms can be combined together or it gets

transformed into a one transformer [24]. Then the categorical data is encoded using the
One Hot Encoder class of the sklearn.preprocessing module. The features are encoded
using an encoding scheme. A binary column is created in this method for every category.
A sparse matrix or a dense array is returned depending on the sparse parameter [25].

4.3 Splitting the Dataset

The training set features and training set labels have been split into training set (80%)
and testing set (20%) using train_test_split from sklearn.model_selection. This library
splits the dataset into training and testing sets.

4.4 Hyperparameter Tuning

Hyperparameter tuning is done to find the most optimal parameter for the model on which
the model gives the best results. We have used various Hyperparameter tuning methods
such as GridseacrchCV, RandomSearchCV for our machine learning models to obtain
better results. K fold cross Validation method has been used to tune hyperparameters for
the Artificial Neural Network.

4.5 Training the Model on the Dataset

An open-source Python library scikit-learn is used which uses a unified interface to

implement many machine learning, preprocessing, cross-validation, and visualization
algorithms [26]. Scikit-learn can be used for both supervised and unsupervised learning,
using a consistent, task-oriented interface [24].
In scikit-learn all supervised estimators implement a fit(X, y) method to fit the model
i.e. to train a model and a predict(X) is a method that gives predicted labels y for given
unlabelled observations X.
144 S. Inampudi et al.

4.6 Predicting the Results

Given the training model, we have predicted the label output for the test set features
using the predict function of the model. Probabilities of the labels of test set features
have also been predicted using the predict_proba method. In this predict_proba method,
the highest probability is returned [24, 27].

4.7 Evaluation of the Results

There are various evaluation methods available to measure the performance and the qual-
ity of the prediction made by the model such as roc_auc_score(), r2_score(), Confusion
Matrix, etc.
In our implementation, we have used the roc_auc_score() method from the
sklearn.metrics library. roc_auc_score metric is essentially defined for binary classi-
fication tasks. In this by default the positive class labeled is 1 and only the positive
labelled class is evaluated. Then the roc_auc_socre function computes the area under
the curve by this the curve information can be summarized in one number which is
denoted as AUC or AUROC [24, 27].

5 Results and Discussion

5.1 H1N1 and Seasonal Flu Vaccination
In the default models the best performing method on the dataset has been the Artificial
Neural Network method with 2 hidden layers and activation function being selu and the
optimizer being Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD) optimizer. The sigmoid function
is used in the output layer for activation function. The accuracy obtained with ANN is
shown in Table 1. Other Machine Learning algorithms have also yielded comparatively
good results except logistic regression which has been the worst performing model
with accuracy less than 70% in both H1N1 flu and seasonal flu vaccination prediction.
Comparison of all the methods used during implementation are presented in Table 1.
The Results are also plotted using the ROC AUC curve. In Figs. 3, 4, 5 and 6 we
can observe the performance of various models on the dataset and it can be concluded
that Artificial Neural Network method has performed the best with accuracy over 82%
in H1N1 flu vaccination prediction and 86% in Seasonal flu vaccination prediction.

5.2 H1N1 and Seasonal Flu Vaccination in ML Models with Hyperparameter

To obtain better results tuning of parameters has been carried out. Various methods such
as GridSearchCV, RandomSearchCV, kfold method were used for hyperparameter tuning
of the Machine Learning models. It is learnt that Support Vector Machine with Radial
Basis Function (RBF) kernel and C:20 using the GridSearchCV method yields the best
result for H1N1 vaccination prediction as shown in Table 2. The optimal parameters for
Machine Learning Based Prediction of H1N1 and Seasonal Flu Vaccination 145

Table 1. Results for H1N1 flu and Seasonal flu vaccination prediction

Model H1N1 score Seasonal flu score Parameters

svm 0.8085 0.8596 {‘kernel’:‘rbf’}
random_forest 0.8154 0.8494 {‘n_estimators’: 100}
logistic_regression 0.6792 0.5949 {max_iter=1000}
ANN 0.8257 0.8601 {‘1st hidden layer: ‘units=60,
activation=‘selu” ‘2nd hidden layer:
‘units=30, activation=‘selu” output
layer: ‘units=1, activation=‘sigmoid”

Fig. 3. ROC AUC Curve using Support Vector Machine: RBF Kernel for (a) h1n1 vaccine and
(b) seasonal flu vaccine

Fig. 4. ROC AUC Curve using Random Forest Regressor for (a) h1n1 vaccine and (b) seasonal
flu vaccine
146 S. Inampudi et al.

Fig. 5. ROC AUC Curve using Logistic Regression for (a) h1n1 vaccine and (b) seasonal flu

Fig. 6. ROC AUC Curve using Artificial Neural Network for (a) h1n1 vaccine and (b) seasonal
flu vaccine

random forest regression are training the model with ‘10’ n_estimators, and the optimal
parameters for logistic regression is C:5. All these results are presented in tabulated
form in Table 2 and Table 3. It is observed that the results of Seasonal flu vaccination
prediction have not been upto the mark using hyperparameter tuning, they were better
predicted using the default models.
Machine Learning Based Prediction of H1N1 and Seasonal Flu Vaccination 147

Table 2. Results with Hyperparameter tuning (GridSearchCV) for H1N1 flu vaccination

Model H1N1 score Seasonal flu score Parameters

svm 0.8397 0.7836 {‘C’:20, ‘Kernel’: ‘rbf’}
random_forest 0.8213 0.7504 {‘n_estimators’: 10}
logistic_regression 0.8363 0.7799 {‘C’: 5}

Table 3. Results with Hyperparameter tuning (RandomSearchCV) for H1N1 flu vaccination

Model H1N1 score Seasonal flu score Parameters

svm 0.8367 0.7836 {‘Kernel’: ‘rbf’, ‘C’:20}
random_forest 0.8205 0.7467 {‘n_estimators’: 10}
logistic_regression 0.8363 0.7799 {‘C’:5}

5.3 H1N1 and Seasonal Flu Vaccination in Artificial Neural Network

with Hyperparameter Tuning

Kfold method is used to fine tune hyperparameters in the Artificial Neural Network
method. The obtained results are more or less equal to the default method but a marginal
increase in performance is noted which can be clearly seen in Table 4. The most optimal
parameters obtained for ANN with kfold method are 1st hidden layer with selu as
activation function and having 60 units, the 2nd hidden layer with selu as activation
function and having 3 units, and the output layer with sigmoid as activation function and
having 2 units. All the results are presented in Table 4.

Table 4. Results with Hyperparameter tuning (kfold method) for H1N1 flu and Seasonal
vaccination prediction

Model Best score Parameters

ANN 0.8323 {‘1st hidden layer: ‘units=60, activation=‘selu” ‘2nd hidden layer:
‘units=3, activation=‘selu” output layer: ‘units=2, activation=‘sigmoid”
‘n_splits’=10, ‘shuffle’=‘True’, ‘optimizer=‘SGD’,
148 S. Inampudi et al.

6 Conclusion
In this paper, prediction of H1N1 and seasonal flu vaccination are carried out using the
data source given by the National 2009 H1N1 flu survey (NHFS) for Center of Disease
Control and Prevention (CDC). Various ML and ANN models are used for predition of
H1N1 and Seasonal Flu vaccination. The model studies are improved using several tech-
niques such as taking care of missing data, encoding categorical data, hyperparameter
tuning and splitting of data set for training and testing purposes. The results obtained
from various models are compared and evaluated. The results indicated that prediction of
H1N1 vaccination is done best by the help of SVM model with RBF kernel with the help
of hyperparameter tuning using GridSearchCV which yielded an accuracy of 83.97%
and seasonal flu vaccination prediction is done best with Artificial Neural Network which
yielded an accuracy of 86.10%.

7 Future Research Scope

Although we have achieved promising results, our study has many limitations. Mainly,
the use of Twitter for data collection is not uniform across time and geography. Due to
this inconsistency in the data our model’s performance may vary and suffer. The accuracy
difference can be noticed among the regional level and national level pertaining to the fact
that people of the same region usually tend to have the same behavioural aspects hence
lack of proper data could tamper the implementation. In future with advancements in
technology the quality and the quantity of data could increase which could result in better
performance and analysis of the issue. More information about the seasons, especially
non-pandemic seasons could be very helpful for analysis of this project. In future we
also look forward to exploring more Machine Learning algorithms, methods and deep
learning techniques to obtain more optimal results.

Acknowledgement. The work presented in this paper is carried out as part of Internship project at
Bennett University, Noida, India. Success of our Internship Project involving such high technical
proficiency requires patience and massive support of guides. We take this opportunity to express
our gratitude to those who have been instrumental in the successful completion of this work. Big
thanks to Dr. Madhushi Verma for all the encouragement, timely details and guidelines given to
our team. We would also like to thank Dr. Deepak Garg, HOD of Computer Science Engineering
Department and Dr. Sudhir Chandra, Dean, School of Engineering & Applied Sciences, Bennett
University for giving us the opportunity and the environment to learn and grow.

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A Model for Heart Disease Prediction
Using Feature Selection with Deep

Vaishali Baviskar1 , Madhushi Verma2(B) , and Pradeep Chatterjee3

GHRIET, Pune, India
[email protected]
Bennett University, Greater Noida, India
[email protected]
Tata Motors, Pune, India
[email protected]

Abstract. The heart disease is considered as the most widespread dis-

ease. It is challenging for most of the physicians to diagnose at an
early stage to avoid the risk of death rate. The main objective of this
study involves the prediction of heart disease by using efficient tech-
niques based on feature selection and classification. For feature selection,
the enhanced genetic algorithm (GA) and particle swarm optimization
(PSO) have been implemented. For classification, the recurrent neural
network (RNN) and long short term memory (LSTM) has been imple-
mented in this study. The data set used is the Cleveland heart disease
data set available on UCI machine learning repository, and the perfor-
mance of the proposed techniques has been evaluated by using various
metrics like accuracy, precision, recall and f-measure. Finally, the results
thus obtained have been compared with the existing models in terms
of accuracy. It has been observed that LSTM when combined with PSO
showed an accuracy of 93.5% whereas the best known existing model had
an accuracy of 93.33%. Therefore, the proposed approach can be applied
in the medical field for accurate heart disease prediction.

Keywords: Heart disease prediction · Deep neural network · Long

short term memory · Recurrent neural network · Genetic algorithm ·
Particle swarm optimization

1 Introduction

In the research field, heart disease has created a lot of serious concerns, and
the significant challenge is accurate detection or prediction at an early stage to
minimize the risk of death. According to World Health Organization (WHO) [1],
the medical professionals have predicted only 67% of heart diseases correctly and
hence there exists a vast research scope in the area of heart disease prediction.
A lot of technicalities and parameters are involved in predicting the diseases
c Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2021
D. Garg et al. (Eds.): IACC 2020, CCIS 1367, pp. 151–168, 2021.
152 V. Baviskar et al.

accurately. Various machine learning, deep learning algorithms and several opti-
mization techniques have been used to predict the heart-disease risk. All these
techniques mainly focus on the higher accuracy which shows the importance of
correct prediction of heart disease. It would be helpful for the doctors to predict
the heart disease at an early stage and save millions of life from death [2]. For
temporal sequenced data, the recurrent neural network (RNN) models are best
suited and for sequenced features, several variants have been chosen. In vari-
ous sequence based tasks like language modelling, handwriting recognition, and
for other such as tasks, long short term memory (LSTM) has been used, which
shows an impressive performance [3,4]. For better performance, evolutionary
algorithms (EAs) are used for model optimization. The evolutionary algorithm
related to self-adaptability based on population is very useful in case of feature
selection and extraction. The EAs used in the recent year include ant colony
optimization (ACO), particle swarm optimization (PSO) and genetic algorithm
(GA). The GA is considered as a stochastic method for optimization and global
search, which is very helpful in handling the medical data. The possible solu-
tions are obtained from set of individuals using GA. GA which are generally
used to create solutions with a better quality for global search and optimiza-
tion are based on the mutation, crossover and selection operators. The PSO-a
meta heuristic algorithm is considered in this study due to its simplicity and
ease implementation. It uses only few parameters and required few numbers of
parameters tuning. The PSO exhibits the information sharing mechanism and
population-based methods, and hence it extended from single to multi-objective
optimization. It has been successfully applied in the medical field for heart dis-
ease prediction and recorded good performances [5,6]. The main contribution of
this study involves,
– Improve the accuracy of the prediction of heart disease in human using effi-
cient feature selection and classification methods.
– Implementing the GA and PSO for efficient feature selection.
– Implementing the RNN and LSTM to improve an accuracy for heart disease
– Compared performance of the proposed method with the existing techniques
in terms of an accuracy, precision, recall and f-measure.
The remaining organization of the paper is as follows: Sect. 2 includes the
literature survey of the existing research work related to feature selection tech-
niques and deep learning classification methods for heart disease prediction.
Section 3 discusses the implementation process of the GA and PSO optimiza-
tion algorithm and LSTM and RNN classification. Section 4 discusses the per-
formance analysis of the proposed work. The conclusion has been presented in
Sect. 5.

2 Related Work
In [7], researchers proved that optimization algorithms are necessary for an effi-
cient heart disease diagnosis and also for their level estimation. They used sup-
A Model for Heart Disease Prediction Using Feature Selection with DL 153

port vector machine (SVM) and generated an optimization function using the
GA for the selection of more substantial features to identify the heart disease.
The data set used in this research is a Cleveland heart disease database. G. T.
Reddy et al. developed an adaptive GA with fuzzy logic design (AGAFL) in
[8], which in turn helps the medical practitioners for heart disease diagnose at
an early stage. Using the hybrid AGAFL classifier, the heart disease has been
predicted, and this research has been performed on UCI heart disease data sets.
For diagnosing the coronary artery disease, usually angiography method is used,
but it shows significant side effects and highly expensive. The alternative modal-
ities have been found by using the data mining and machine learning techniques
stated in [9], where the coronary artery disease diagnosis is done with the more
accurate hybrid techniques with increased performance of neural network and
used GA to enhance its accuracy. For this research work, Z-Alizadeh Sani data
set is used and yields above 90% values in specificity, accuracy and sensitivity.
In [10], researchers proposed trained recurrent fuzzy neural network (RFNN)
based on GA for heart disease prediction. The data set named UCI Cleveland
heart disease is used. From the testing set, 97.78% accuracy has been resulted.
For large data related to health diagnosis, the machine learning has been con-
sidered as an effective support system. Generally to analyze this kind of massive
data more execution time and resources have required. Effective feature selec-
tion algorithm has been proposed by J. Vijayashree et al. in [11] to identify the
significant features which contribute more in disease diagnosis. Hence to identify
the best solution in reduced time the PSO has been implemented. The PSO
also removes the redundant and irrelevant features in addition to selecting the
important features in the given data set. Novel fitness function for PSO has
been designed in this work using the support vector machine (SVM) to solve
the optimal weight selection issue for velocity and position of particle’s upda-
tion. Finally, the optimization algorithms show the merit of handling the difficult
non-linear problems with adaptability and flexibility. To improve the heart dis-
ease classification quality, the Fast correlation based feature selection namely
(FCBF) method used in [12] by Y. Khourdifi et al. to enhance the classification
of heart disease and also filter the redundant feature. The classification based
on SVM, random forest, MLP, K-Nearest neighbor, the artificial neural network
optimized using the PSO mixed with an ant colony optimization (ACO) tech-
niques, have been applied on heart disease data set. It resulted in robustness
and efficacy by processing the heart disease classification. By using data min-
ing and artificial intelligence, the heart disease has been predicted but for lesser
time and cost in [13], which focused on PSO and neural network feed forward
back propagation method by using the feature ranking on the disease’s effective
factors presented in Cleveland clinical database. After evaluating the selected
features, the result shows that the proposed classified methods resulted in best
accuracy. In [14], for the risk prediction of diseases, machine learning algorithm
plays a major role. The prediction accuracy influenced by attribute selection in
the data set. The performance metric of Mathew’s correlation co-efficient has
been considered. For attribute selection performance, the altered PSO has been
154 V. Baviskar et al.

applied. N. S. R. Pillai et al. in [15] using the deep RNNs the language model like
technique demonstrated to predict high-risk diagnosis patients (prognosis pre-
diction) named as PP-RNNs. Several RNNs used by this proposed PP-RNN for
learning from the patient’s diagnosis code to predict the high risk disease exis-
tences and achieved a higher accuracy. In [16], M. S. Islam et al. suggested grey
wolf optimization algorithm (GWO) combined with RNN, which has been used
for predicting medical disease. The irrelevant and redundant attributes removed
by feature selection using GWO. The feature dimensionality problem avoided
by RNN classifier in which different diseases have been predicted. In this study,
UCI data sets used and enhanced an accuracy in disease prediction obtained
from Cleveland data set. From the structured and unstructured medical data,
deep learning techniques exhibited the hidden data. In [17], researchers used
the LSTM for predicting the cardio vascular disease (CVD) risk factors, and
it generally yields better Mathew’s correlation co-efficient (MCC) as 0.90 and
accuracy as 95% compared with the existing methods. Compared with other sta-
tistical machine learning algorithms, the LSTM based proposed module shows
best performance in the CVD risk factors’ prediction. Based on novel LSTM
deep learning method in [18], helped in predicting the heart failure at an early
stage. Compared with general methods like SVM, logistic regression, MLP and
KNN, the proposed LSTM method shows superior performance. Due to mental
anxiety also CVD occurs, which may increase in COVID-19 lock down period.
In [19], researchers proposed an automated tool which has used RNN for health
care assistance system. From previous health records of patients for detecting the
cardiac problems, the stacked bi-directional LSTM layer has been used. Cardiac
troubles predicted with 93.22% accuracy from the obtained experimental results.
In [21], Senthilkumar Mohan et al. proposed a hybrid machine learning technique
for an effective prediction of heart disease. A new method which finds major
features to improve the accuracy in the cardiovascular prediction with differ-
ent feature’s combinations and several known classification techniques. Machine
learning techniques were used in this work to process raw data and provided
a new and novel discernment towards heart disease. The challenges are seen in
existing studies exhibited as,
– In the medical field, the challenging requirement is, training data in a large
amount is necessary to avoid the over-fitting issue. Towards the majority
samples, predictions are biased if the data set is imbalanced and hence over-
fitting occurs.
– Through the tuning of hyper parameters such as activation functions, learning
rates and network architecture, the deep learning algorithms are optimized.
However, the hyper-parameters selection is a long process as several values
are interdependent, and multiple trials are required.
– Significant memory and computational resources are required for timely com-
pletion assurance. Also, need to improve an accuracy of Cleveland heart dis-
ease data set using deep learning with feature selection techniques.
A Model for Heart Disease Prediction Using Feature Selection with DL 155

3 Methodology
The main purpose of this study is to predict the heart disease in human. The
proposed workflow is shown in Fig. 1, which starts with the collection of dataset,
data pre-processing, implementing the PSO and GA significantly for feature
selection and for classification, RNN and LSTM classifiers used. At last, the
proposed model is evaluated with respect to accuracy, precision, recall and f-
measure. This section describes the workflow of the proposed study.

Fig. 1. Heart rate prediction proposed flow with RNN and LSTM classification
156 V. Baviskar et al.

3.1 Preprocessing the Data

The data set contains 14 attributes and 303 records, where 8 are categorical
and 6 are numeric attributes. Attribute of a class is zero for normal and one for
having heart disease. Also, 6 records had been missing values. For pre-processing
the two strategies is followed. By using features mean value; the missing values
are replaced. Further the string values are changed into numerical categorical
values. After filtering out such records, 297 were complete records available for
the heart disease prediction.

3.2 Enhanced GA and PSO for Feature Selection

Genetic Algorithm (GA)

The GA is considered as the stochastic search algorithm that imitates natural
evolutionary process using the operators which imposed upon the population.
The GA algorithm used two major operators such as crossover operator and
mutation operator. For individual’s mating in parent population, the crossover
operator is used whereas the characteristics of individual’s randomly changed
and diverse offspring resulted for the mutation operator. In the following algo-
rithm 1, the offspring made systematic replacement of the generated parents.
In nature the crossover of single point symmetric and through bit flipping the
mutation is achieved. The expression of a minimization problem is,

|sf |
f it = αE(C) + β (1)
|Af |
where, E(C) is the classifier’s error rate, sf is the selected feature subset
length and available features total count is the Af , the parameters used to con-
trol feature reduction and classification accuracy weights β is 1 − α and α ∈

It selected a portion of population for next-generation breed. Based on the mea-
sured fitness values using Eq. (1) the selection is generated.

For further breeding, randomly selected two parents from the previously selected
pool. Until the suitable population size reached, the process is continued. At only
one point, the crossover taken place and this is the parent solution’s mid-point.
The crossover probability parameter is probc which controls the crossover fre-

Selected the random solutions from the chosen candidates for breeding and on
these, the bit flipping has been carried out. A diverse group of solutions arise,
which keeps various characteristics of their parents. The mutation probability
parameter is P robm which controls the mutation’s frequency.
A Model for Heart Disease Prediction Using Feature Selection with DL 157

Table 1. Algorithm 1

1. Set the initial population-size value N, nsite, P robc , P robm , maxit

2. Initializing the population at random by xi = (xi1 , xi2 ...xiD )
3. Assess fitness of every solution using Eq. (1)
4. prevfit ← fit
5. set counter=0
6. calculate fitness fitsort=sort(fit(x))
NT op
7. xval = 2
(f itsort)
8. for j in range(0,N/2)do
9. ij = f loor( N2 ∗ random) + 1
10. ik = f loor( N2 ∗ random) + 1
11. if (P robc > random) then
12. [xnewval (ij), xnewval (ik)] = crossover(xval (ij), xval (ik))
13. Assess fitness functions for each of the new solutions using f (xi ) Eq. (1)
14. if (fit < prevfit) then
15. x = xnewval
16. prevfit=fit
17. end if
18. end if
19. if (P robm > random) then
20. select nsite no of random sites to mutate using
21. il = f loor( N2 ∗ random) + 1
22. xnewval (il) = mutatexval (il)
23. Assess fitness of every solution
24. if (fit < prevfit) then
25. x = xnewval
26. prevfit=fit
27. end if
28. end if
29. x= Combine xval and xnewval
30. end for
31. [f itbest , i] = min(f it)
32. Solbest = x(i)
33. counter= counter+1
34. until(counter< maxit )
35. Return Solbest

GA algorithm 1 from Table 1 is described as, at first initialize the population

size N, nsite, P robc , maxit values. Then for each solution, initialize the popu-
lation randomly as xi = (xi1 , xi2 ...xiD ). The following calculations are repeated
158 V. Baviskar et al.

until the ending criteria is seen, i) evaluate the fitness value using f (xi ) ii) breed-
ing population selected as xval = N T op (f itsort) iii) Taken random value and its
higher than P robc , random sample mutation from xval is taken iv) update the
enhanced new solution with existing solution v) Taken random value and its
higher than P robm , random sample mutation from xval is taken vi) update the
enhanced new solution with existing solution vii) combination of xval and xnewval
generated and it is considered a new solution and finally global best solution is
produced considered as best found solution.

Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO)

The PSO is a population-based search technique derived from the exchange of
information through birds. At first in PSO, initialize the particles’ random pop-
ulation and based on their other particles interchange, these particles are moved
with certain velocity in the population. At each iteration out of all particles, the
personal, best and global best achieved and all the particles of velocity updated
based on this information. To the personal, best and global, the weights are given
by certain variables. The following algorithm 2 used specified transfer function
type k is used for alteration of endless value to binary value, which is a substi-
tute to basic hyperbolic tangent function. By the dimensional vector D, every
particle is represented, and with every individual value, which is being binary
are initialized randomly,

xi = (xi1 , xi2 ...xiD ) ∈ As (2)

Where As is the search space which is available by dimensional vector D, the

velocity vi is represented and initialized to 0.

vi = (vi1 , vi2 ...viD ) ∈ As (3)

By each particle retained, the best personal position recorded as,

pi = (pi1 , pi2 ...piD ) (4)

From Table 2, the PSO algorithm described as, at first the swarm size values
N, acceleration constant Ac1 , Ac2 , wmax , wmin , vmax , maxit are initialized. As in
Eq. (2) and Eq. (3), the population is randomly initialized and velocity vectors
are initialized respectively. The following calculations are repeated until the end-
ing criterion is seen, i) inertia weight value w is updated, ii) using f (xi ) the each
solution’s fitness value is updated, iii) assigned the personal-best solution pbest
and gbest as global test solution, iv) the velocity of each particle is formulated
with respect to each iteration c, v) using the transfer function k, the continuous
values are mapped into binary values and generate the new solutions. Finally,
the global best is produced as best found solution.
LSTM and RNN for Classification
A classification technique to predict the heart disease using the RNN and LSTM
model is developed. The LSTM model is proposed at first by Hochreiter et al. in
1997 considered as special RNN model [20]. The RNN is a catch up to the current
A Model for Heart Disease Prediction Using Feature Selection with DL 159

Table 2. Algorithm 2

1. Set the initial swarm-size value N, Acceleration constant Ac1 , Ac2 ,

2. wmax , wmin , vmax , maxit
3. Initialize population at random value x using Eq. (2) for every solution
and v is the velocity vectors as dimensional D as 0 vectors as per in Eq. (3)
4. counter← c
5. set c=0
6. w = wmax − c( wmax −wmin
7. The fitness function for every solution is evaluated using f (xi ) Eq. (1)
8. and assign the value for pbest and gbest
9. for i in range(1,N) do
10. vic+1 = wvic+1 + Ac1 rand1 (pbest (c) − xci ) + Ac2 rand2 (gbest − xci )
11. end for
12. update velocity v of particles
13. for i in range(1,N) do
14. for j in range(1,D) do
15. If v(Ij) > vmax then
16. v(i, j) = vmax
17. end if
18. If (v(I, j) < −vmax )
19. v(i, j) = −vmax
20. end If
21. k = vmax 1+e( −v(i,j)
22. If (rand < k) then
23. x (I,j)=1
24. Else
25.x(I, j) = 0
26. end If
27. end for
28. end for
29. c=c+1
30. Until c < maxit
31. return gbest

hidden layer state to previous n-level hidden layer state to obtain the long-term
memory. Basis of RNN network, the LSTM layers are added to valve node, which
overcomes the RNN long term memory evaluation problems. Generally, LSTM
includes three gates to original RNN network such as an input gate, forget gate
and an output gate. The LSTM design key vision is to integrate data-dependent
controls and non-linear to RNN cell is trained and assures that the objective
160 V. Baviskar et al.

Table 3. RNN and LSTM Specification

Simple RNN layer (100 units)

LSTM layer (100 units)
Activation Layer - Softmax
Optimizer - Adam
Epoch - 100
Batch Size - 4

function gradient does not vanish based on the state signal. The specification of
RNN and LSTM shown in Table 3.
GA and PSO algorithms with LSTM deep learning model are shown in Fig. 2
and Fig. 3. Here, GA and PSO are used as feature selection algorithms and
LSTM is used as classifier to classify the patients into normal and abnormal
class. Selected features are given as an input to classifier. The details of features
selected are given in Table 6.

4 Results and Discussion

4.1 Dataset Description
In this proposed study, the Cleveland heart disease data set described is available
on the UCI machine learning repository. This data aset contains 303 instances,
in which six instances exhibits missing attributes and 297 instances exhibit no
missing data. In its original form, the data set contains 76 raw features. From
Table 4, the experiments followed only 13 features. These instances have no
missing values used in the proposed experiments.

Table 4. Dataset features description [22]

Feature no. Feature description Feature abbreviations Features code

1 Age (Years) Numeric AGE F1
2 Sex SEX F2
3 Chest Pain Type CPT F3
4 Resting Blood Pressure RBP F4
5 Serum Cholesterol SCH F5
6 Fasting Blood Sugar FBS F6
7 Resting Electrcardiograpic Results RES F7
8 Maximum Heart Rate Achieved MHR F8
9 Exercise Indiced Angina EIA F9
10 Old Peak OPK F10
11 Peak Exercise Slope PES F11
12 Number of major vessels colored VCA F12
13 Thallium Scan THA F13
A Model for Heart Disease Prediction Using Feature Selection with DL 161

Fig. 2. GA with LSTM work flow

4.2 Performance Metrics

The proposed predictive model results are evaluated by performance metrics

such as accuracy, precision, recall and f-measure. The formulations of all the
metrics are,
162 V. Baviskar et al.

Fig. 3. PSO with LSTM work flow

Accuracy: The correctly classified in test data set shows in percentage values
are termed as accuracy. The accuracy can be calculated based on the formula
given in Eq. (5),
A Model for Heart Disease Prediction Using Feature Selection with DL 163

Accuracy = (5)
TP + TN + FP + FN
Precision: While the correctly classified subjects showed by precision value.
Precision is calculated by using the formula given in Eq. (6),
P recision = (6)
Recall: A recall is the proportion of related instances that have been recovered.
Therefore, both accuracy and recall are based on an understanding of significance
and measurement. It is estimated by the formula given in Eq. (7),
Recall = (7)
F-measure: The method of F1 score is referred to as the harmonious mean of
accuracy and recall. This can be computed with the aid of the formula given in
Eq. (8),
2 ∗ P recision ∗ Reall
F 1Score = (8)
P recision + Recall

4.3 Comparison of Results

The following figures representing the performance metrics of the proposed
method with respect to feature selection by GA and PSO and classification
using RNN and LSTM shown below. Here, data set is split into 30% testing and
70% training. Out of 303, randomly 212 records have taken for training, and
61 records have taken for testing and predicted for normal (class 0 - negative
class having no heart disease) and abnormal (class 1 - positive class having heart
disease) class of heart disease.

Fig. 4. Performance evaluation with an accuracy of model

From Fig. 4, it shows the results of the performance metric of accuracy of deep
learning models, RNN and LSTM with and without feature selection algorithms
164 V. Baviskar et al.

of GA and PSO. Here, all six models are compared and LSTM + PSO shows
better accuracy of 93.5%. Out of 61 records tested, 57 predicted accurately where
25 records are from normal class, and 32 records are from abnormal class. Also,
LSTM gives an accuracy in less time compared to RNN as shown in Table 5.

Table 5. Performance in time

Methods Accuracy Time

RNN 88.52 3.4672741889953613 s
LSTM 86.88 1.3537867069244385 s

Fig. 5. Performance evaluation with precision of model

From Fig. 5, it shows the results of the performance metric of precision of

deep learning models, RNN and LSTM with and without feature selection algo-
rithms of GA and PSO. Correctly classified of positive class patients’ percentage
accuracy is shown. Here, all six models are compared and LSTM + PSO shows
better performance of 94%. Out of 61 records tested, 34 records are predicted
for abnormal class where 32 records are accurately predicted, and two records
are from normal class but predicted wrongly as abnormal class.
From Fig. 6, it shows the results of the performance metric of recall of deep
learning models, RNN and LSTM with and without feature selection algorithms
of GA and PSO. Here, all six models are compared, and PSO shows better
performance of 94% for RNN and LSTM classifier. Out of 61 records tested, 34
records are from abnormal class where 32 records are accurately predicted, and
2 are wrongly predicted as normal class.
From Fig. 7, it shows the results of the performance metric of f-measure
of deep learning models, RNN and LSTM with and without feature selection
algorithms of GA and PSO. Here, all six models are compared and LSTM +
PSO shows better performance of 94%. It shows an average of precision and
A Model for Heart Disease Prediction Using Feature Selection with DL 165

Fig. 6. Performance evaluation with recall of model

Fig. 7. Performance evaluation with F-measure of model

Table 6. Features accuracy

Methods Selected feature Feature count Accuracy Time

PSO 1110101011001 8 0.918033 92.51282
GA 1111111111010 11 0.901639 47.31271

From Table 6, the proposed method evaluation shows the PSO, and GA
selected features. For PSO, the selected features’ count is 8 and shows an accu-
racy level as 91% and takes more time. While the GA selected features’ count
is 11 and shows an accuracy level as 90% and takes lesser time compared with
PSO. However, in terms of accuracy, the PSO shows better performance com-
pared with GA.
From proposed Fig. 8, the evaluation performance for RNN is shown for GA
and PSO features selected algorithms. It shows that, RNN with PSO shows
the better performance compared to RNN with GA and without any feature
selection. Also, accuracy is increased by 3% using PSO algorithm.
From proposed Fig. 9, the evaluation performance for LSTM is shown for GA
and PSO features selected algorithms. It shows that, LSTM with PSO shows
the better performance compared to LSTM with GA and without any feature
selection. Also, accuracy is increased by 7% using PSO algorithm.
166 V. Baviskar et al.

Fig. 8. Proposed method performance of RNN evaluation (With GA and PSO)

Fig. 9. Proposed method performance of LSTM evaluation (With GA and PSO)

Table 7. Comparison of Existing methods with Proposed method

Methods Accuracy
DNN + χ2 Statistical model [22] (K-fold)91.57
DNN + χ Statistical model [22] (holdout) 93.33
RNN+GA ( Proposed method) 90
RNN+ PSO ( Proposed method) 92
LSTM+GA ( Proposed method) 90
LSTM+ PSO ( Proposed method) 93.5

From Table 7, it shows that by compared with the existing method the pro-
posed method with LSTM + PSO shows higher accuracy for predicting the heart

5 Conclusion

In this study, the efficient diagnosis approach has been developed for accurate
prediction of heart disease. The proposed approach used enhanced GA and PSO
for optimized feature selection from the heart disease data set. Further, the
A Model for Heart Disease Prediction Using Feature Selection with DL 167

classification has been achieved by using deep learning models such as RNN
and LSTM. The proposed model has been evaluated using the accuracy, preci-
sion, recall and f-measure performance metrics. The obtained results show that
the proposed method which implements LSTM with PSO yields an accuracy of
93.5% and slightly higher computational time due to the feature selection phase
but leads to an accurate prediction of heart disease as compared to the existing
methods. For other performance metrics like precision, recall and f-measure also
LSTM + PSO shows better performance. In the future, it may be considered for
enhancing the performance of the proposed model.

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CovidNet: A Light-Weight CNN
for the Detection of COVID-19 Using
Chest X-Ray Images

Tejalal Choudhary1(B) , Aditi Godbole2 , Vaibhav Gattyani3 , Aditya Gurnani4 ,

Aditi Verma1 , and Aditya Babar5
Bennett University, Greater Noida, India
[email protected], [email protected]
New Horizon Institute of Technology and Management, Thane, India
[email protected]
Sir Padampat Singhania University, Udaipur, India
[email protected]
Vivekananda Education Society’s Institute of Technology, Mumbai, India
[email protected]
College of Engineering Pune, Pune, India
[email protected]

Abstract. Corona virus more popularly known as COVID-19 is an

extremely virulent strain from the Corona virus family of viruses and
their origin is attributed to bats and civet cats. Currently, there is no cure
for this virus nor are there any vaccines available to prevent this. Chest
X-ray images are used for diagnosing the presence of this virus in the
human body. Chest X-rays can be diagnosed only by expert radiothera-
pists for evaluation. Thus, the development of a system that would detect
whether a person is infected by the Corona virus or not without any
delay would be very helpful for people as well as doctors. In this research
article, we proposed a novel deep learning model named CovidNet to
detect the presence of Corona virus in a human body. We performed
extensive experiments on the proposed model and pre-trained models,
and the experiments show that the proposed model outperformed other
pre-trained models. The proposed CovidNet model achieved best testing
accuracy of 98.5%.

Keywords: Transfer learning · Deep learning · Image classification ·

Chest X-ray · COVID-19 · Convolutional Neural Network

1 Introduction
Corona virus has become a pandemic for the whole world. The virus spreads
from people to people mostly during close contact, through small droplets. Iden-
tification of COVID-19 patients is one of the biggest challenges currently as the
majority of the infected people remain asymptomatic and hence large scale test-
ing is the only way to identify infected individuals. As of 12th September 2020,
c Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2021
D. Garg et al. (Eds.): IACC 2020, CCIS 1367, pp. 169–179, 2021.
170 T. Choudhary et al.

there were 46,59,984 people infected with this virus in India and 77.77% had
recovered while 1.66% of people had succumbed to the virus [2]. The comput-
ers and machines are performing activities in almost every sector known to us.
The machines have proved to be a boon in the medical sector as well, and are
used right from detecting the disease to the treatment of the disease. Machines
have started performing operations which may be difficult even for humans to
perform. Nowadays with the help of deep learning, machine learning, and AI
technology, computers have been successful in detecting the diseases [4]. The
use of machine learning algorithms for computing medical images was not useful
earlier due to the lack of computing resources.
Deep learning methods, especially Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs)
has proven to be successful in image classification techniques [22]. Deep learning
models have shown remarkable results in the analysis of medical images [19]. One
of the popular variants of deep learning is the CNNs, and it has been used in
various classification [12,15], detection [18], and generation [9] problems. There
are various pre-trained CNN models like AlexNet, ResNet, Xception, MobileNet,
etc. These models can be used with the help of transfer-learning to train our
model as these models have already been trained on very huge datasets. The
CNN models extract various peculiar features from the images and further help
in classification of images according to the requirement. Figure 1 shows the
deaths of people and the number of confirmed cases all across the world upto
September 12, 2020 [1]. In today’s situation with a population of 138.267 crores,
the doctors cannot test every person for the detection of a virus. There is huge
demand for self assisted systems through which the early detection of COVID
infection can be identified [3].
Chest X-rays that are done for regular check-ups can be further used for
detecting various diseases such as Pneumonia, Effusion, Cardiomegaly, with the
latest application being Corona virus. Among all of these, Corona virus has
become one of the deadliest and rampantly spreading diseases amongst humans.
In the process of diagnosing the presence of Corona virus, chest X-rays have
proved to be of great importance. With the help of image classification, we can
extract even the granular features of the X-ray which is optimal for detection
of the virus. Detection of such a virus is very difficult as it is a very hazy and
blurred part in the X-ray which could be interpreted incorrectly as some other
disease. Thus the task of developing an algorithm for detection of such a virus
is difficult and complex. The use of deep learning models will be helpful for
better performance and will enable faster, efficient and more accurate detection
of diseases amongst humans. This technique will also facilitate the people in rural
areas to get access to better medical facilities as it is not feasible for doctors to
carry out various clinical processes in such remote regions.
Deep learning model are storage and computational intensive, require large
computational power during training and inference [6]. We have proposed a
CNN-based method for the classification of chest X-ray images to determine
whether an individual is Corona infected or not. We worked with various CNN
architectures and performed extensive experiments to test the effectiveness and
CovidNet: A Light-Weight CNN for the Detection of COVID-19 171

usability of the models. In addition, we also proposed a new CNN model for
the classification of the X-ray images. The main aim of this research is to find
the suitability and applicability of the popular convolutional architectures in
classifying chest X-ray images as COVID infected or not. The experimental
results suggest that the CNN-based approach for the classification of X-rays
as Corona infected or not is an effective approach for the early detection of
Corona infection. For the part of this project, we used 9 different models to
predict the output and get the accuracy. We have used proposed CovidNet,
MobileNet, NasNetLarge, Xception, Densenet121, ResNet50, InceptionV3 and

Fig. 1. Number of confirmed cases and deaths upto September 8, 2020.

This paper has been divided into various sections. Section 2 discusses the
important contribution made by other researchers in the same field. In Sect. 3, we
included the details of our methodology. Section 4, elucidated the experiments
performed on various CNN architectures, discussion, and finally conclusion is
given in Sect. 5.

2 Related Work
In this section, we have summarized the work done by the other researchers to
detect the presence of COVID-19 from chest x-rays. The use of machine and
172 T. Choudhary et al.

deep learning methods is explored by many authors. We have included methods

which are closely related to our work and are based on images.
In [5] the authors present a method for automatic detection of X-ray images
with the help of transfer learning. The datasets were collected from the public
medical repositories. Dataset 1 consisting of 1427 images and dataset 2 consist-
ing of 1442 images. The authors have implemented pre-trained models VGG19,
MobileNetV2, Inception, Xception and InceptionResNetV2. It was deduced that
MobileNet-V2 model performed best for both the datasets in terms of sensitiv-
ity, accuracy, and specificity. In [10], the authors applied a deep learning method
to classify COVID-19 from a small Chest X-ray dataset. The authors applied
an ensemble of 3 classifiers (pre-trained models ResNet50, VGG16 and custom
CNN model). The overall accuracy was 91.24%. In [11] the authors introduced a
new deep learning framework called COVIDX-Net which automatically identifies
the status of 2D X-ray images. The authors used 50 X-ray images to validate
the model. Two models, VGG19 and DenseNet performed better.
In [16] the authors proposed a CNN model which consists of only one con-
volutional layer to accurately diagnose COVID-19. The convolutional layer has
16 filters and is followed by other kinds of layer namely batch-norm ReLU, two
dense layers, and a final output layer. The authors worked on a total of 361 CT
images and 170 X-ray images. Results of the model are 94% and 94.1% accuracy
on X-ray and CT images respectively. The authors also proposed a pre-trained
deep learning model i.e. AlexNet, which obtained 98% and 82% accuracy on
X-ray images and CT images respectively. In [17] the authors performed the
detection of COVID-19 with using pre-trained models. ResNet50 model gives
highest performance with 98% accuracy among other models. [7] investigated
how Bayesian CNN (BCNN) can estimate the uncertainty in the solutions pro-
vided by deep learning models to improve the diagnostic performance of human
chest x-ray images. The uncertainty in prediction of x-rays is directly related to
the accuracy given by the model.

3 Methodology
In this section, we have elucidated the details of our methodology. We proposed
a light-weight CNN to detect whether the X-ray image is Corona infected or not.
First, we have provided the details of the proposed convolutional architecture
and followed by the dataset used while performing all the experiments. In addi-
tion, we also work with other pre-trained models and compare the results with

3.1 Dataset

Initially the model is trained and tested on the chest X-ray images dataset
GitHub [8]. However, this dataset has very few images, so we combined images
from the other dataset Kaggle [14]. It is very important for a deep learning
model to have a reasonable images to better understand and analyse could help
CovidNet: A Light-Weight CNN for the Detection of COVID-19 173

Fig. 2. Infected and non-infected images from of the dataset.

us better understand the dynamics of the disease and better prepare treatments.
The dataset is divided into 2 partitions i.e. training, and testing. Each of these
parts are further divided into infected and normal sub-parts. The dataset consists
of 689 images out of which 367 are normal, 322 are infected images. We use 593
images for training and 96 images are used for testing. Figure 2 show the infected
and non-infected images present the dataset. Our main focus is to achieve the
maximum accuracy with limited training and testing images. All the images
are resized to 224*224*3. Before giving the images as input to the model, pre-
processing is applied to all the images. Table 1 show the details of the dataset
used in our experiments.

Table 1. Details of the dataset used in the experiments.

Image types Training images Testing images Total images

Infected 296 26 322
Normal 297 70 367
Total 593 96 689

3.2 Convolutional Neural Networks

Convolutional neural networks popularly known as CNN are best known for their
outstanding performances on images. CNNs have been used in a variety of appli-
cations area from image classification [20], object detection, image generation,
to name a few. Image identification may include the detection of pedestrians
174 T. Choudhary et al.

on roads or moving cars etc. while those of image classification include classi-
fying a image to a particular class. CNNs takes an image as input and assigns
importance i.e weights and biases to them in order to differentiate them from
one another. In CNN, convolution is nothing but a point-wise multiplication of
two functions to produce a third function [15]. In convolution operation, the
input image is multiplied with the feature detector to generate the feature map.
CNN can have a variety of layers. The architecture of the basic CNN is shown
in Fig. 3. Feature extraction is done by convolutional layers. After the convo-
lution operation, pooling is applied to the image. The purpose of pooling is
to reduce the spatial dimensions. A convolutional layer can optionally be fol-
lowed by batch normalization [13] or dropout [21] layer. CNNs can also have
fully connected layers. There are various popular pre-trained CNN architectures
which are widely used for transfer learning namely VGG16, AlexNet, MobileNet,
ResNet50, Inception-ResNet, NasNet, to name a few.

Fig. 3. Basic architecture of the CNN.

Table 2. Summary of the proposed CovidNet model

Layer Filters, size Input shape Output shape #Parameters

Conv1 80, 3*3 224*224*3 222*222*80 2240
Maxpool1 2*2 222*222*80 111*111*80 0
Conv2 32, 3*3 111*111*80 109*109*32 23072
Maxpool2 2*2 109*109*32 54*54*32 0
Conv3 32, 3*3 54*54*32 52*52*32 9248
Conv4 64, 3*3 52*52*32 50*50*64 18496
Maxpool3 2*2 50*50*64 25*25*64 0
Flatten – 25*25*64 40,000 0
Dense1 64 40, 000 – 2560064
output 2 64 – 130
Total 2,613,250
CovidNet: A Light-Weight CNN for the Detection of COVID-19 175

32 64




1 Output



Fig. 4. Proposed CovidNet model architecture

3.3 Proposed Light-Weight CovidNet Model

In our experiments we have proposed a light-weight CNN to classify the Chest

X-ray images. Our model is light-weight in terms of parameters, layers, filters
and floating-point operations required compared to the existing standard models.
The model has 4 convolutional layers. We do not use batch normalization [13]
layer after convolutional layer. Figure 4 show the architecture of the proposed
CovidNet model. In the first layer we applied 80 filters, and in the second layer
it has 32, in the third layer it has 32, and in the fourth layer it has 64 filters. The
size of the filters in all the convolutional is 3 × 3. We applied ReLU nonlinearity
activation function in each convolutional layer to convert the linear operations
into non-linearity. Layer 1, 2 and four 4 is followed by a max pooling of 2 × 2.
Finally the output produced by the last convolutional layer is flattened and given
as input to the first dense layer which has 64 nodes. Since the dataset is small and
to avoid the issue of over-fitting, dropout [21] is used. At the end, the number
of nodes are set to according to the number of classes to be classified. Sigmoid
activation function is used in the last layer, as it is a binary classification problem.
Table 2 shows the layer-wise details of the proposed architecture, it should be
noted that the CovidNet has only 2.61M parameters.

4 Experiments and Results

All the experiments are performed on NVIDIA single GPU with 16 GB RAM.
The proposed model is implemented in Keras deep learning framework with
Tensorflow backend. Python programming language and other libraries such as
Scikit-learn, Pandas, NumPy, and matplotlib are used for data pre-processing
176 T. Choudhary et al.

and plotting purposes. An Adam optimizer is selected, learning rate is initial-

ized to 0.0001. The best accuracy is recorded while training the model using
early stopping. We performed multiple experiment to tune the optimal values
of hyper-parameters. Data augmentation techniques are also applied to increase
the number of images as the dataset is comparatively smaller in size. We apply
shearing, zooming, horizontal shifts, and rotation data augmentation. Table 3
show the details of the F1-score, precision, and recall for the CovidNet trained
model. Figure 5 shows the accuracy and loss curve for the best trained model. It
can be seen from Fig. 5 that the CovidNet has given maximum accuracy of 98.5%.
Table 4 shows the details of the various experiments and hyper-parameters used
while training and testing the proposed CovidNet.

Table 3. Precision, recall and F1-score

Precision Recall F1-score

Infected 0.98 0.98 0.98
Normal 0.97 0.97 0.99

Table 4. Details of the various experiments performed and hyper-parameters used

while training and testing CovidNet

Experiment Training accuracy Testing accuracy Optimizer Learning rate

1 53.7 52.8 Adam 3e−3
2 94.5 94.92 Adam 1e−3
3 94.92 98.5 Adam 1e−4
4 92.68 97.82 SGD 1e−3
5 94.75 97.10 RMSprop 1e−4

4.1 Pre-trained Models

To test the effectiveness of the CovidNe, we also performed experiments on the

pre-trained models. All the pre-trained models that we use in our experiments
have been trained on ImageNet dataset. Each model has different types of hidden
layers, nodes, activation functions, batch normalization, filters, strides. Since the
pre-trained models already have weights trained on the ImageNet dataset, we
just need to put a few layers at the end and train those layers keeping the
layers of the pre-trained models as it is. We reduce the number of nodes in the
last output layers from 1000 to 2. As these models have been trained for 1000
different classes and we have only two classes to classify. We experimented with
popular pre-trained models such as VGG16, MobileNet, NasNetLarge, Xception,
Densenet121, ResNet50, InceptionV3, and Inception-ResNetV2. Table 5 shows
the summary of the best results achieved with all pre-trained models along with
CovidNet: A Light-Weight CNN for the Detection of COVID-19 177

Fig. 5. Accuracy and loss curves for CovidNet model.

Table 5. Details of the results obtained with the pre-trained models

Exp Model name Training accuracy (%) Testing accuracy (%)

1 VGG16 94.41 92.98
2 Inception-V3 94.04 98.1
3 ResNet50 88.99 96.49
5 NesNetLarge 96.33 97.2
6 DenseNet121 92.66 96.49
7 InceptionResNet-V2 93.12 94.74
8 Xception 96.79 97.8
9 CovidNet 94.92 98.5

the proposed CovidNet. From Table 5 it is visible that Inceptio-V3 and Xception
performed best. However, it is important to note that CovidNet outperformed
all other pre-trained models.

4.2 Discussion
We would like to mention that the analysis has been done on a limited dataset
and the results are exploratory. Medical validations have not been done on the
proposed approach. We plan to improve the model to increase the accuracy of
model with more X-ray images so that the model can be generalized. We can
178 T. Choudhary et al.

concluded from the results that our proposed CovidNet COVID-19 detection
model outperformed other pre-trained models chest X-ray images. It is concluded
that the basic CNN model performed best for Adam optimizer over 35 epochs
at a learning rate of 1e−4 achieving training accuracy of 94.92% and 98.5%
testing accuracy. We have deduced that the proposed CovidNet is an effective
and light-weight convolutional architecture.

5 Conclusion
In this paper, we proposed a CNN-based method to classify the Chest x-rays as
infected or normal images. We tested and compared our proposed approach with
various pre-trained models. The experimental results suggest that the proposed
CovidNet model is able to perform superior than other pre-trained models. The
proposed CovidNet model achieved best testing accuracy of 98.5%. The scale
at which the experiments are performed in terms of the dataset size is small.
In future, we will work to collect more images and test the effectiveness and
generalization ability of the proposed light-weight CovidNet model.

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Using Natural Language Processing
for Solving Text and Language related
Analysis of Contextual
and Non-contextual Word Embedding
Models for Hindi NER with Web
Application for Data Collection

Aindriya Barua1(B) , S. Thara1 , B. Premjith2 , and K. P. Soman2

Department of Computer Science Engineering,
Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Amritapuri, Kerala, India
[email protected]
Center for Computational Engineering and Networking (CEN),
Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India

Abstract. Named Entity Recognition (NER) is the process of taking a

string and identifying relevant proper nouns in it. In this paper (All codes
and datasets used in this paper are available at:
Hindi-NER-With-WebApp.) we report the development of the Hindi
NER system, in Devanagari script, using various embedding models.
We categorize embeddings as Contextual and Non-contextual, and fur-
ther compare them inter and intra-category. Under non-contextual type
embeddings, we experiment with Word2Vec and FastText, and under
the contextual embedding category, we experiment with BERT and its
variants, viz. RoBERTa, ELECTRA, CamemBERT, Distil-BERT, XLM-
RoBERTa. For non-contextual embeddings, we use five machine learning
algorithms namely Gaussian NB, Adaboost Classifier, Multi-layer Per-
ceptron classifier, Random Forest Classifier, and Decision Tree Classifier
for developing ten Hindi NER systems, each, once with Fast Text and
once with Gensim Word2Vec word embedding models. These models are
then compared with Transformers based contextual NER models, using
BERT and its variants. A comparative study among all these NER mod-
els is made. Finally, the best of all these models is used and a web app
is built, that takes a Hindi text of any length and returns NER tags
for each word and takes feedback from the user about the correctness of
tags. These feed-backs aid our further data collection.

Keywords: Gaussian NB · Adaboost Classifier · Multi-layer

Perceptron Classifier · Random Forest Classifier · Decision Tree
Classifier · Gensim Word2Vec · FastText · Transformer · BERT ·
RoBERTa · ELECTRA · CamemBERT · Distil-BERT ·

A. Barua—Work done while interning at CEN.

c Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2021
D. Garg et al. (Eds.): IACC 2020, CCIS 1367, pp. 183–202, 2021.
184 A. Barua et al.

1 Introduction
Named Entity Recognition (NER) is an important sub-task of Natural language
processing (NLP). It is often seen as the prior step to vital NLP problems of
the modern-day, like question-answering systems, information retrieval, topic
modeling, to name a few. An NER system identifies and categorizes the ‘named
entities’, i.e, the proper nouns in a given text, for instance, person name, location,
date, number, object, organization name, thing, etc. [1]. However, the majority
of the advances made till now are in English and other resource-rich languages
while research on Indian languages is still scarce. Though Hindi is the third
most used language in the globe according to the 22nd edition of the World
Language Database Ethnologue [2], very little work has been done to build state-
of-the-art NER systems for the language. To make information more available to
Indian users and to have more customized information about the Indian masses,
NER in Hindi in its own Devanagari Script could be immensely beneficial. More
Indian-user-oriented algorithms for content or product recommendations, cus-
tomer support, etc. could be a game-changer for e-commerce companies, educa-
tional purposes, etc. If more cutting edge technological advancements are done in
the Indian’s mother tongue, language would no more be a barrier to knowledge
or recent scientific developments for the masses.

1.1 Hurdles in Performing NER for Hindi Devanagari Script

The following linguistic features of Hindi language, or any Indian language for
that matter, present certain hurdles to building a good NER system [3]:

– Lack of capitalization: A very useful feature in most European languages

when it comes to recognizing proper nouns or named entities is capitalization.
This can be evident from a simple example: “Radha works at the Microsoft
headquarters located in Seattle.” Since the proper nouns are capitalized, our
job of identifying them just becomes manifold easier. Hindi, written in the
Devanagari script, like most Indian languages, do not provide such leverage.
– Vague names: Hindi or Sanskrit names are often meaningful words, which
are present in a dictionary as regular things, for example, Varsha (rain, com-
mon noun), Pavan (wind, common noun), Sundar (beautiful, adjective) this
makes telling apart common nouns from proper nouns an extremely tedious
– Inadequacy of resources: Although Indian languages have an extremely
old and rich scholarly history, technological studies on them are still at their
primary stages. It is often difficult to find abundant annotated corpus, big
gazetteers, web or digital resources, etc.
– Absence of standard spellings for proper nouns: There are often dif-
ferent ways of spelling proper nouns in Hindi language. This expands the
quantity of tokens to be learnt by the algorithm.
Contextual vs. Non-contextual Word Embeddings in Hindi NER 185

2 Related Works
In [4] Hindi and Bengali are recognized as resource-poor languages. It uses
transliteration of English gazetteer to increase data availability, and performs
NER task. It reports F1 scores of 69.59% for Bengali and 81.12% for Hindi. The
paper [5] explores the importance of the quality of the embedding model in any
NLP task and how they affect the outcomes. It uses data from [6–8].
The paper [9] proves that different contexts of a word lead to different embed-
dings since varied contexts cause different kinds of bias, which is the weighted
mean of surrounding embeddings. This, in turn, proves the impact of context
on the embedding and the quality of the model. They propose an extension of
CBOW model which outperforms contemporary models as it is able to embed
polysemous words, i.e. words with multiple possible meanings.
In [10] we find the classification of word embeddings into 3 families:
Attention-based (BERT), Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) family-based
(ELMo), and Bag of words based (Word2Vec). It specifies Attention-based mod-
els as contextual and Bag of words based models as Non-Contextual. This clas-
sification forms the basis of our research.
The paper [11] did a comparative study on performances in NER of 4 word-
embedding techniques, Term Frequency and Inverse Document Frequency (TF-
IDF), Global Vectors for Word Representation (GloVe), Skip gram, and CBOW
on Code-mixed dataset [12], wherein English and Hindi languages are used
together. It concludes that TF-IDF yields the best accuracy of 83%, outdo-
ing GloVe whose accuracy is 82%, while GloVe outshines the other models in
the pretext of fastest execution time, on a small dataset of 2700 tweets.
The work by [13] compared BiLSTM on Hindi, using data from [14], for
BERT and FastText embeddings, and surprisingly found FastText outperformed
BERT. The paper [15] did a comparative study of CNN, GRU, LSTM, RNN,
on various NLP tasks and found that RNN performed well on a wide range of
NLP tasks, except in key-phrase recognizing tasks, viz. question answering and
sentiment detection.
The paper [16] extracts features of character-embedding on the basis of con-
text to train its Support Vector Machine (SVM). It uses Tamil-English as well as
Hindi-English code mixed corpus of tweets, where the tokenized words has BIO
(Beginning, Inside, Outside) tags. It found that better results were achieved on
Hindi-English code mixed data than the Tamil counterpart.
In another set of experiments, [17] compared conventional RNN techniques
with the new Transformers technique on various automatic speech recognition,
translation tasks, and text-to-speech tasks, and found that the transformers
are superior to the former. In a recent study, [18] compares various Contex-
tual Embedding pre-trained models based on LSTM architecture (ELMo) and
Transformer architecture (BERT, and numerous BERT variants, XLNet, UniLM,
ELECTRA, BART, etc.), it experiments with polyglottic and cross-lingual pre-
training for downstream NLP tasks.
The paper [19] reports an overview of the 1st Shared-Task on information
extraction for Indian Languages. Arknet in collaboration with FIRE 2018 devel-
186 A. Barua et al.

oped datasets for Relation Extraction as well as NER in Tamil, Hindi, Telugu,
Kannada and Malayalam. This paper evaluates solutions provided by ten teams,
most of which are based on deep leaning techniques like LSTM, CNN, BiLSTM,
etc. Our paper is based on the Hindi data taken from the same dataset. How-
ever, we have focused more on the performances of the word embedding models,
unlike the previous works on this data. We performed a novel exhaustive com-
parative study on the efficiency of contextual embeddings against non-contextual
embeddings on Hindi data, which has been hitherto unexplored, to the best of
our knowledge.

3 Word Embedding
The machine cannot understand natural language or text the way humans can,
so they need to be represented in form of real-valued vectors such that syntac-
tically and semantically similar meaning word vectors lie close to each other in
the vector space and mathematical relationships can be drawn between them.
This technique is called word embedding. Designing an effective method of rep-
resenting words and documents such that it is machine-understandable is a key
to NLP and plays an important role in determining the quality of any NER

3.1 Classification Based on Context Dependency

We have classified the word embedding models into two broad classes: Contextual
and Non-Contextual, based on [10]:
– Non-Contextual Word Embedding Model:
Non-Contextual Word Embedding Model produces only one vector paying
little heed to the position of the words in a sentence and disregards the
various implications they may have. For example, “She walked by the river
bank and went to the bank to deposit money.”, where the word ‘bank’ has
various implications dependent on the sentence setting, these models simply
break them all down into one vector for ‘bank’ in their yield. Following are
the two such models we will be analyzing:
1. Gensim Word2Vec: Word2Vec is a prevalent method to embed words
utilizing shallow neural networks [20]. It either uses Continuous Bag of
Words (CBOW) or Skipgram.
• CBOW Model takes the context of each word in a text sequence and
predicts one word corresponding to the surrounding words i.e, given
wi−2 , wi−1 , wi+1 , wi+2 , the CBOW model predicts wi . The context is
defined by the window size of neighbouring words. The input context
words are given as one hot encoded vectors, in the process of finding
the target word, the neural network gets trained.
• Skipgram is similar to CBOW, the difference being that it learns
by predicting the context words, for a given word, i.e, given wi , the
Skipgram model gives wi−2 , wi−1 , wi+1 , wi+2 .
Contextual vs. Non-contextual Word Embeddings in Hindi NER 187

2. FastText: A major loophole in Word2Vec is that it doesn’t work for Out

Of Vocabulary (OOV) words, while FastText does. FastText uses the same
technique of Skipgram and CBOW, but instead of working on a whole
word, it parts the word into n-grams, and then does the same process as
Word2Vec, but on these character n-grams. A word is represented as the
sum of vectors of character n-grams [21].
– Contextual Word Embedding Model:
Contextual Word Embedding Models can produce distinctive word embed-
dings for a word that catches the positioning of a word in a sentence, hence
they are context-dependent. We will be analyzing Transformer based word
embedding models which are contextual.

Transformer and Attention:

The concept of transformers is a major break-through from the previous
sequence-to-sequence models (like RNN). Let us take an example:
“The artist Rumi reveals that she never pursued a formal degree in Art. A
former engineer, the youngster had set her mind on doing an MS and pursu-
ing a career in Data Science Research. The all-rounder excelled in academics
and in various co-curricular activities. She admits that art and theatre came
to her by chance!”
The underlined words refer to the same person - Rumi. As humans, we can
easily relate all the underlined words to the same person, but for a machine,
capturing these relationships over a long sequence of words in a sentence is
very difficult. Transformers have brought many advancements in this con-
text, by enabling “parallelization”, unlike the “sequential” predecessors [22].
Transformer converts input sequences to output sequences, using “Attention”.
Attention is a mechanism that relates different positions of a sequence to com-
pute its representation.

Following are such models we will be analyzing:

1. BERT: BERT is an acronym for Bidirectional Encoder Representations
with Transformers. It is called bidirectional because it reads a sequence of
text from both left and right simultaneously and captures both left and
right context. For example,
“She walked by the river bank.”
“She went to the bank to deposit money.”
We can see the meaning of the word “bank” is completely different in
the two sentences and depends on the left ad right context. BERT adopts
bidirectionality to capture this. It uses multi-layer bidirectional encoders
of Transformer. It is pre-trained on a huge dataset utilizing a combi-
nation of masked language modeling objectives and next text sequence
predictions [23].
2. RoBERTa: RoBERTa is a modification of BERT and enhances the key
hyper-parameters which trains with way bigger learning rates and mini-
batches [24].
188 A. Barua et al.

3. XLM-RoBERTa: XLM-RoBERTa is a huge multi-lingual model, pre-

trained on a large amount of filtered data, that does not require special
tensors to determine the language [25].
4. CamemBERT: CamemBERT is based on Facebook’s RoBERTa, but
trained on French language [26].
5. DistilBERT: DistilBERT is a comparatively very small, quick, less
expensive, and light-weight Transformer model trained by distillation of
Bert base [27].
6. ELECTRA: ELECTRA is a pre-training methodology that trains 2
transformers: generator and discriminator, proposed in [28]. The gener-
ator replaces tokens in a sequence, and is trained as a masked model.
The discriminator identifies which tokens in the sequence were initially
replaced by the generator.
The methodology for Word2Vec and FastText is similar, where we encode the
words using either of the two algorithms and then pass them through various
machine learning classifiers, while for BERT and other models using Transform-
ers, we use respective pre-trained models.

4 Experimental Setup
4.1 Dataset Description
The dataset is taken from the first shared task on Information Extractor for Con-
versational Systems in Indian Languages (IECSIL) [19]. It consists of 15,48,570
Hindi words in Devanagari script and corresponding NER labels. Each sentence
end is marked by “newline” tag. Figure 1 shows a snapshot of one sentence in
the dataset. Our Dataset has nine classes, namely, Datenum, Event, Location,
Name, Number, Occupation, Organization, Other, Things. Figure 2 represents
a visualization of each class and its number of data points. Table 1 shows the
distribution of data points per class.

Table 1. Classes and distribution of data-points

Classes Number of data-points

Datenum 2672
Event 2932
Location 166547
Name 88887
Number 37754
Occupation 15732
Organization 12254
Other 1141207
Things 4048
Contextual vs. Non-contextual Word Embeddings in Hindi NER 189

Fig. 1. Snapshot of one sentence in the dataset

Fig. 2. Number of data-points in each class

4.2 Set-up for Non-contextual Embedding

Figure 3 shows the flow diagram of our set-up for experiments with non-
contextualized embedding.
190 A. Barua et al.

Fig. 3. Data flow diagram for proposed method using Non-Contextual Word Embed-
ding methods

1. Pre-Processing. Pre-processing is the process of mining data that involves

weeding out unnecessary data, wrong formatting, and overall standardization
of the data. We used Python regular expression library Regex and Natural
Language Tool Kit (NLTK package) to perform pre-processing.
2. Word Embedding. We use either Word2Vec or FastText, with Skipgram
model. These word embeddings are non-contextualized models that yield only
one vector for each word, consolidating all the various faculties of the mean-
ings into one vector. CBOW performs better and faster on more frequent
words, and hence works well on a large corpus [20]. We have used Skipgram
in our experiments as it’s better than CBOW in predicting for rare and infre-
quent words, and works well on a smaller corpus.
3. Feature Vector Classification. We divide the dataset into 80–20% ratios
for training and testing respectively. We have experimented with six classical
machine learning classifiers [32,33] for each of the two non-contextual word
embedding models:
(a) GaussianNB Classifier
(b) Adaboost Classifier
(c) Multi-Layer Perceptron Classifier
(d) Decision Tree Classifier
(e) Random Forest Classifier

After training the classifier model, with the various algorithms, it is sent forward
for testing and evaluation. The Word embedding model and Classifier models
are pickled and stored for later use, in making Web Application.
Contextual vs. Non-contextual Word Embeddings in Hindi NER 191

4.3 Set-up for Contextual Embedding Models: BERT and Variants

Figure 4 shows the flow diagram of our set-up for experiments with contextual-
ized embedding models.

Fig. 4. Data flow diagram for proposed method using Contextual Word Embedding

1. Pre-Processing and Sentence-ID Generation. Pre-processing is similar

to previous approach, with an addition that each word is given a sentence
ID, so that the context sentence of each word can be preserved, unlike the
previous methods. Figure 5 shows the sentence ID generation for each word in
two consecutive sentences, at each ‘newline’, the sentence IDs are incremented
by 1. So the input to the model is a list of lists of the form [[sentence id, word,
2. NERModel Creation and Training with Simple Transformers. The
NERModel is a pre-trained Simple Transformer model given at [29] which
uses an embedding model and adds an extra layer to fine-tune it for NER
task. In the creation of the model, we have to tweak two arguments:
model type and model name, we specify model type as one of six supported
the model types: BERT, RoBERTa, ELECTRA, XLM-RoBERTa, Distil-
BERT, CamemBERT. The model name has to be specified to identify the
exact architecture and trained weights that need to be used, which is to spec-
ify characteristics like ‘uncased’ and ‘base’. After training, the model is sent
out for evaluation. The NER model is pickled and stored for later use, in
making Web Application.
192 A. Barua et al.

Fig. 5. Processing and sentence ID generation of two sample sentences

5 Results and Discussion

We will be dealing with the following variables ahead: TP: True positives, TN:
True negatives, FP: False positives, FN: False negatives. Let us understand and
interpret the evaluation measures:

– Accuracy: It is a simple ratio of correct predictions to total number of

predictions as shown in Eq. 1. Accuracy can be a reliable measure only if we
have a symmetrical data-set, i.e, only when all classes in the data-set have
almost equal number of data instances. Hence, we must consider the precision
and recall.

Accuracy = (T P + T N )/(T P + F P + F N + T N ) (1)

– Precision: It is the ratio of correct predictions to total positive predictions.

High precision indicates low number of false positives as shown in Eq. 2.

P recision = T P/(T P + F P ) (2)

– Recall: It is the ratio of predicted positives to actual positives in the class

as shown in Eq. 3.
Recall = T P/(T P + F N ) (3)
– F1 Score: It is the weighted mean of precision and recall as shown in Eq. 4.
Hence, it takes into consideration both false positive observations and false
negative observations. In an unbalanced data distribution, F1 score gives a
more reliable measure of goodness of the model.

F 1score = (2 × Recall × P recision)/(Recall + P recision) (4)

Contextual vs. Non-contextual Word Embeddings in Hindi NER 193

From Fig. 2 we can see that our data-set has a class imbalance, with a lot more
data-points in the ‘other’ class, which is understandable because Named entities
in a sentence will always be less than common nouns, verbs or other parts-
of-speech. Hence, the accuracy score will be high due to the high accuracy in
predicting ‘other’ class words, which is not our primary focus. Therefore, we will
use the F1-score measure as the most reliable measure to judge how good the
models are.

5.1 Intra-category Comparison: Non-contextual Embeddings

Table 2 compares the accuracy (1 being 100%), recall, precision, F1 score for
various classifiers with Word2Vec and FastText.

Table 2. Performance evaluation of Non-Contextual Models for various classifiers

Classifier Performance measure Embedding

Word2Vec FastText
RFC Accuracy Score 0.9327 0.9359
Precision 0.7029 0.6976
Recall 0.8714 0.8826
F1-score 0.7534 0.8335
DTC Accuracy Score 0.9290 0.9629
Precision 0.6701 0.6976
Recall 0.9081 0.9094
F1-score 0.7371 0.7593
MLP Accuracy Score 0.8749 0.8913
Precision 0.5991 0.7313
Recall 0.2717 0.4017
F1-score 0.3210 0.4831
Adaboost Accuracy 0.7764 0.8710
Precision 0.2852 0.2960
Recall 0.1195 0.3258
F1-score 0.1134 0.3023
Gaussian NB Accuracy 0.4312 0.4743
Precision 0.1839 0.1683
Recall 0.3316 0.2683
F1-score 0.1534 0.1400

From Table 2, we can see that RFC + Word embedding gives the highest F1
score, where, RFC+FastText does 10.63% better than RFC+Word2Vec. From
Fig. 6a and Fig. 6b we can see that Fasttext provides better feature representa-
tion for classification than Word2vec for this task. This is expected as FastText
194 A. Barua et al.

(a) Word2Vec + classifier (b) FastText + classifier

Fig. 6. Performance Evaluation of Word2Vec and FastText with various classifiers

works better on morphologically rich languages like Indian languages. Hindi is

morphologically rich and words are usually formed by a combination of sub-
words called ‘sandhi’, which is intuitively similar to the act of breaking words
into sub-words done by FastText [30]. Figure 7 shows some examples of ‘sandhi-
vichhed’. For every word, FastText generates word embedding as the sum of
the n-gram vectors. Therefore, when we train the model over a huge corpus,
it is highly unlikely that the algorithm can’t find the learned n-grams in OOV
words. For OOV words, it sums up vectors for its component character n-grams,
if at least one of the n-gram is present in the training data, it can speculate the
representation of the new word with the help of that. Hence FastText is more
successful in generating word embeddings for Hindi OOV words.

Fig. 7. Illustration of Hindi words made of sub-words

5.2 Intra-category Comparison: Contextual Embeddings

Table 3 shows the eval-loss (Cross entropy loss), precision, recall, F1-score for
the various Contextual models. The lower the eval-loss, and higher the precision,
recall, F1-score, the better the model.
From Fig. 8 it is evident that XLM-RoBERTa performs best and out-performs
BERT by a good 23.78% (F1 measure) and RoBERTa by a 37.78%. It also has the
lowest eval-loss. This is justified because XLM-RoBERTa is a multi-lingual model
Contextual vs. Non-contextual Word Embeddings in Hindi NER 195

trained over 100 languages over a significantly larger data-set. The training cor-
pus called CommonCrawl is as huge as 2.5 gigabytes, which is a manifold higher
than its predecessors’ training data- the Wiki-100 corpus. The other models
are mono-lingual while XLM-RoBERTa is multi-lingual, hence it is more suited
for our Hindi data. XLM-RoBERTa, in general, would do comparatively better
on smaller and resource-poor data-set like that of ours. However, interestingly,
BERT performs better than RoBERTa on Hindi NER by approximately 7%.
CamemBERT is trained on French monolingual data, and hence it is inter-
esting to note its performance on Hindi data. It shows a 17% degradation from
BERT’s F1 score. DistilBERT is an extremely non-expensive and lighter model
than its counterparts. The execution time is approximately four times less than
that of BERT, but it did come with the trade-off of prediction metrics. It shows
a massive 38% degradation on BERT in our training. Although [28] claims an
improvement of ELECTRA Model on BERT, we find that it actually causes a
degradation of 45% on our Hindi NER task.

Table 3. Performance evaluation of Contextual Models

NER model Evaluation Measures

Eval loss Precision Recall F1 score
XLM-RoBERTa 0.12416 0.89031 0.90850 0.908419
BERT 0.52152 0.76371 0.695395 0.73390
RoBERTa 0.401102 0.70591 0.605028 0.659321
Camem-BERT 0.44155 0.678628 0.545639 0.60911
ELECTRA 0.64112 0.522521 0.326321 0.3999
Distil-BERT 0.613491 0.571200 0.36401 0.45406

Fig. 8. Performance Evaluation of Contextual NER Models

196 A. Barua et al.

5.3 Inter-category Comparison: Non-contextual vs. Contextual


Let us examine the Receiver Operation Characteristics (ROC) curves

for the two best performing models out of non-contextual and contextual mod-
els: FastText+RFC and XLM-RoBERTa NER Model. The 9 coloured lines‘red’,
‘blue’, ‘green’, ‘pink’, ‘brown’, ‘aqua’, ‘black’, ‘orange’, ‘purple’ represent the
9 NER tags, ‘Datenum’, ‘Event’, ‘Location’, ‘Name’, ‘Number’, ‘Occupation’,
‘Organization’, ‘Other’, ‘Things’ respectively. The true positives are plotted on
the Y-axis and false positives are on the X-axis. Hence the top-left corner of
the graph should have the lowest false positive rate. Hence steeper the graph,
better the performance, as it implies fast maximization of true positive rate, and
minimization of false negatives.
As we can see from Fig. 9a, even though the FastText+RFC model gives
an accuracy of 93.59% (Table 2), the class-wise accuracy is not uniformly high.
The ROC curves of lesser frequent classes are bad, but due to the almost perfect
accuracies of the abundant classes, the overall accuracy is very high. This further
strengthens the point that accuracy cannot be a reliable measure for our data-
On the other hand, Fig. 9b shows that the ROC curves of most classes in
the XLM-RoBERTa model are steep and perform almost equally good. This
difference is evident from the F1 scores of FastText+RFC and XLM-RoBERTa:
0.8335 and 0.9084 respectively. This clearly indicates that the contextual XLM-
RoBERTa NER Model outperforms the best of Non-Contextual NER Models,
i.e. FastText+RFC.

(a) ROC curve of Fast Text + RFC (b) ROC curve of XLM-RoBERTa

Fig. 9. ROC curves of best of contextual and non-contextual models for class-wise
performance visualization: 9 lines for 9 classes

Figure 10 compares the F1 scores of all the models. From a comparison of the
scores, we can see that the contextual embedding models perform better than
non-contextual models, as they can retain the positional, syntactical and seman-
tical features of the words better because of their parallelized nature. Unlike
former sequential models, they do not lose the relationships with words located
Contextual vs. Non-contextual Word Embeddings in Hindi NER 197

far off in a long sentence. They are much more resource expensive and time-
consuming, however, this comes with better performance.

Fig. 10. F1 Score comparison of all NER Models for both Non-Contextual and Con-
textual Embeddings

6 Web App for NER Visualisation and Data Collection

After the successful completion of all the experiments, the best model was used
to make the first of its kind interactive web application for NER in the Hindi
Language in Devanagari script, which is deployed at We pick-
led and saved each word embedding and NER model so that we can use them
in the web application back-end. Screenshots of web app are shown at Fig. 11,
Fig. 12 and Fig. 13.

6.1 Web Application Building Methodology

Figure 14 shows the data flow diagram for the algorithm of the web app. Flask
[31] was used to build the website which is a user-friendly python-based micro-

NER Tagging
1. First the user is given an HTML form (Fig. 11) where she can enter the text
to be tagged, and click the “Submit” button.
2. When the user clicks submit, the back-end receives the text input given by the
user, and filters it to remove bad formatting, white spaces, non-Devanagari
3. In case of Non-Contextual embedding we load/un-pickle the word
embedding model and the classifier model, we tokenize each word, for each
word, we use the word embedding model to embed the word, then pass it for
prediction into the classifier model. The predictions made by the model are
198 A. Barua et al.

Fig. 11. Web App Screen 1: Input form

Fig. 12. Web App Screen 2: Results page and drop-down menus for feedback

Fig. 13. Web App Screen 3: User feedback noted

Contextual vs. Non-contextual Word Embeddings in Hindi NER 199

Fig. 14. Data-flow diagram of web app

label encoded, so we convert them to human-readable NER tags. After get-

ting tags for each word, we concatenate those results to form the prediction
for the whole text and render it to the results’ HTML page (Fig. 12).
200 A. Barua et al.

4. In case of Contextual embedding the input is split into a list of sentences.

We un-pickle the NER Model, the list of whole sentences is input for predic-
tion. The NER tags are output in the form of a list, which can be directly
passed to be rendered to result’s page (Fig. 12).

Dataset Collection and Enhancement from User Feedback

1. On the results page (Fig. 12), the user can see the predicted NER tags of each
word in the text she had entered.
2. The user is prompted to help us improve the model by entering the correct
NER tags, by selecting the correct tag from a drop-down list of tags beside
each word. After the user gives the feedback and clicks “Submit Feedback”,
the back end receives a JSON dictionary of the feedback.
3. The user entered tag and the predicted tag is compared, if they are different,
it means that she claims that the prediction is wrong. In that case, we write
the Hindi word and the corresponding user-entered tag to our data-set, hence
helping in further data collection (Fig. 13).
4. The user is prompted that the feedback is noted. On clicking ‘Ok’ she is
redirected to first page to input more Hindi texts.

7 Conclusion
We experimented with various word embedding models, of contextualized and
non-contextualized types, and established that contextual NER models work bet-
ter than non-contextual ones, as their parallelised learning approach can retain
syntax and positional information of words over longer sequences, unlike the
sequential counterparts. Of all context-independent models, FastText with Ran-
dom Forest Classifier achieves the best F1-score, but context-dependent out-
performs it. Amongst all models, the XLM-RoBERTa excels the best, with the
lowest eval loss, and highest precision, recall, and F1-score. We also used the
best model to make an interactive web application that can be used for educa-
tional and experimental purposes, and help in collecting more data. This would
particularly be beneficial keeping in mind the low availability of good data-sets
in Hindi, written in pure Devanagari Script.

8 Future Work
All the results were obtained without any extensive hyper-parameter tuning.
So it can be expected that better results can be obtained by making tweaks to
the learning rates, batch sizes, etc. Adding a CRF-layer on top of the XLM-
RoBERTa can also improve the NER task on Hindi, which can be looked upon
as possible future work. Our dataset also has class imbalance as established
during the experiments, hence, a cost sensitive learning approach could also yield
better outcomes. Reinforcement learning can also be incorporated on the web
application, to improve the models utilizing the user feedback that our website
is designed to collect.
Contextual vs. Non-contextual Word Embeddings in Hindi NER 201

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NEWS Article Summarization
with Pretrained Transformer

Apar Garg1(B) , Saiteja Adusumilli1 , Shanmukha Yenneti1 , Tapas Badal1 ,

Deepak Garg1 , Vivek Pandey2 , Abhishek Nigam2 , Yashu Kant Gupta2 ,
Gyan Mittal2 , and Rahul Agarwal2
Computer Science and Engineering,
Bennett University, Greater Noida, India
[email protected]
Times Internet Limited, Gurugram, India

Abstract. Pretrained language models have shown tremendous

improvement in many NLP applications including text summarization.
Text-to-Text transfer transformer (T5) and Bidirectional Encoder Rep-
resentations from Transformers (BERT) are most recent pretrained lan-
guage models applied most widely in NLP research domain. In this paper
we have shown how T5 and BERT can be applied for text summarization
task and can be use for both abstractive and extractive summary genera-
tion tool. Our hypothesis is that T5 performance outperform over BART
and transformer developed from the scratch. To test our hypothesis used
our dataset containing more than 80K news articles and their summaries.
This dataset has been tested using BART, Text-to-Text transformer
(T5), model generated using transfer learning over T5, and an encoder-
decoder based model developed from scratch. The results show that T5
gives better result than other three models used for testing.

Keywords: Encoder-decoder model · Text summarization · Transfer

learning · Text-to-text transformer

1 Introduction
Nowadays, news agencies across the world, face an inundation of stories flowing
through their Content management system (CMS) on a daily basis. Many of
them are written internally by internal editors while others come from external
agencies and don’t have a summary available with the content. Segregation of
relevant articles from that of irrelevant can be a very tedious and time consuming
task for the editorials, if the summaries are not present. Reading long articles
one by one and then gaining insight into them is not a good idea. In order to
gather way more information from articles in less time, it is beneficial for the
agency to go through the summary of articles, while still gaining the essence or
crux of the article.
Text summarization provides the user with only important details in a short-
ened version of text and thereby allows him/her to understand the text in a
c Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2021
D. Garg et al. (Eds.): IACC 2020, CCIS 1367, pp. 203–211, 2021.
204 A. Garg et al.

shorter period of time. The purpose of text summarization is to condense the

content into a concise version while still retaining the relevant details.
Text Summarization methods can be classified into two types: (1) extractive
and (2) abstractive summarization. Extractive approach pulls key phrases/ lines
from the source document and combines them to make a summary. It doesn’t
make any changes to the text. On the contrary, abstractive text summarization
algorithms, just like humans, create new phrases and sentences which contain
useful information from the original text.
Primarily our task is not to proposed a new approach to generate summary
of a given text, instead we want to explore and provide a state-of-art model
used in NLP field for text summarization. We do the comprehensive study of
text-to-text approaches. Our findings lead us to two transformer based model
proposed by Facebook and Google that are BART and T5 respectively.
In this paper, we apply different language model suitable for text summa-
rization. We find that T5 can be use as potential model which can generate the
summary for news articles effectively. We evaluate the three different language
model on news summarization dataset containing 8000 news articles and their
summary. We achieve better result with pretrained model T5. Furthermore, we
apply transfer learning over T5 model and we conclude that transfer learning
may not necessarily increases the accuracy of pretrained model.

2 Related Work
Programmed summarization is the process of automatically producing a gist
of the text that retains the most significant content of the original text docu-
ment (Nenkova and McKeown, 2012) [11]. Conventionally, the summarization
approaches can be classified into three classes: extraction-based, compression-
based and abstraction-based methods. In fact, preceding research show that
human-written summaries are more abstractive (Barzilay and McKeown, 2005;
Bing et al., 2015) [12,13]. Abstraction-based approaches can produce new sen-
tences based on the details from different source text documents. Barzilay and
McKeown (2005) utilised sentence fusion to produce a new sentence from the
original source sentences. Bing et al. (2015) put forward a more fine-grained
fusion framework, where new sentences are produced by selecting and combin-
ing salient phrases. These approaches can be regarded as a kind of indirect
abstractive summarization, and intricate constraints are used to promise the
linguistic quality. Later, Miao and Blunsom (2016) [15] improved on the seq2seq
framework and proposed a generative model to seize the latent summary info,
the model has limited representation ability because they didn’t consider the
recurrent dependencies in their generative model.
Li et al. [1] introduced an extractive multimodal summary (MMS) method
for asynchronous text, audio, image, and video collections. The summarization
system produced textual summary from the sources.
Menéndez et al. [2] developed a summarization system to enhance the graph-
based overview method by integrating genetic clustering and graph connectivity
NEWS Article Summarization with Pretrained Transformer 205

information. The various topics in a document were defined by genetic clustering,

and connectivity information indicated the significance of the various topics.
The authors of [3] implemented a summarization system to retrieve the prob-
lem statement from a research paper and later used it to identify the related
research papers. The output phrases made the search query succinct. This greatly
decreased the amount of Internet searches and, at the same time, yielded a high
This paper [4] discussed about one of the famous pretrained models “BART”
which is an existing pretrained model which is an autoencoder based sequence
to sequence model. It is a transformer based neural machine translation archi-
tecture which is trained with text corpus data including noise functions, aiming
to reconstruct original text, text to text translation and text summarisation.
This paper [5] mainly discusses the concept of Transfer Learning, where the
weights of a model which is fully trained on huge datasets are extracted and
transferred into another network in order to tune the last the layers of the net-
work according to our requirements based on our dataset. This kind of approach
is implemented on various NLP and Deep learning models to give rise to different
methodologies and practices to achieve state of the art results.
The authors of this paper [6] proposed a new abstractive based text sum-
marisation based on deep recurrent generative decoder(DRGN). For improving
the quality of summaries and address the intractable posterior inference recur-
rent latent summaries along with Neural variational inference is employed. These
results achieves improvements over the state-of the-art methods.
In 2015, Fadl Mutaher Ba-Alwi et al. proposed a method [7] called as Latent
semantic analysis for Arab text summarization. LSA or latent semantic analysis
is a vectorial semantic form of analyzing connections and similarities between
a collection of sentences. The root representative is empirically selected as the
most effective word. In his research, he brought together the root representative
with different weighting techniques and LSA then an optimal combination of
them is used and proposed as the summarizer for Arabic text summarization.
Only the root representative has an average ROGUE score of 48.5% and achieved
an F1-score of 63%. While the LSA implemented technique has improved these
numbers considerably when compared to human summarizer with an average
ROGUE score of 59% and an F1-score of 68%.

3 Methodology
3.1 Dataset and Pre-processing
The dataset consists of 1093400 rows of articles that have been scraped from
sites like Economic Times and Times of India. Seven columns make up the
dataset including columns like – “articleid”, article body”, “synopsis” among
other columns that describe the category of the article. The various categories of
articles from the dataset are – News, Recos, Policy, Finance, Airlines/Aviation,
Market News, Banking, Indicators, Earnings and Corporate Trends. The distri-
bution of each kind of articles is shown in Fig. 1.
206 A. Garg et al.

Fig. 1. The data distribution of dataset used in this paper.

Since the articles have been directly scraped from the websites, they consist
of many HTML tags like <div>, <br> etc. A sample article from the “article
body” column of the dataset is shown as below (Fig. 2):

Fig. 2. The figure shows an article without preprocessing from the dataset used in this

And the sample synopsis of the article is – “Extending its gain for the second
consecutive trading session, shares of Anil Ambani-led Reliance Communications
on Monday surged over 5% on BSE to become the top gainer of the day.”
In addition to the HTML tags that are left behind in the article due to web
scraping, there were many abnormal escape characters present in the article and
synopsis as well which had to be cleared. A sample of the cleaned article is shown
as below (Fig. 3):
NEWS Article Summarization with Pretrained Transformer 207

Fig. 3. The figure shows an article after preprocessing from the dataset used in this

3.2 Transformers

Recent development has shifted the dependency to solve NLP task from recur-
rent neural networks to transformer-based models. The initial use of transfer
was restricted to machine translation but now it is effectively applied to other
text-to-text-based applications. The primary component of a Transformer is self-
attention, self-attention mechanism uses the weighted-average method to gener-
ate a sequence from a given sequence [9].
The transformers use in this paper follow encoder-decoder architecture [10].
The text sequence is converted into tokens and then before passing into encoder
these tokens are mapped to embedding vector. An encoder comprises self-
attention layer and feed-forward module. The Fig. 4 shows the architecture of
A sequence to sequence denoising encoder model BART is used in this paper.
Another encoder-decoder model used for generating the summary is T5 [14].
It has given a unified method to convert all text-based language problem to be
converted into a text-to-text problem. T5 has successfully shown the effectiveness
of a single model in various text-based problems using same decoding and loss
Transfer learning has shown great success in various natural language pro-
cessing applications. Transfer learning is effectively used in numerous text-based
tasks as a state-of-the-art approach. The reason behind the success of transfer
learning is that it is trained on an abundantly available dataset. This paper
explores the possibilities of applying transfer learning by training the existing
model with our dataset and check the performance of the updated system.
208 A. Garg et al.

Fig. 4. The figure depicts the model architecture of transformer [10].

4 Experiments and Results

The experiments were conducted on different types of news articles related to

politics, business, commodities etc. on all the models i.e. T5, BART and transfer
learning models.
To compare the results and performance of the models we used ROUGE and
BLEU score with standard options as evaluation metrics which basically com-
pares the number of overlapping between the predicted summaries with original
summaries based on N-grams, three types of Rouge Scales are used ROUGE-1
(R-1), ROUGE-L (R-L), ROUGE-L Sum (R-Ls).
Table 1 shows the results of both Rouge and BLEU scores obtained from
Transfer Learning model based on T5 transformers where model predicted sum-
maries are compared with the original Summaries.
Even though the model is not trained with much data and not much
epoch/iterations the model was able to generate a decent summaries with a
good score.
Table 2 depicts the results of both Rouge and BLEU scores obtained from
T5 model where model predicted summaries are compared with the original
The results generated by T5 pretrained model turned out to be very good
and also the summaries generated by this model were accurate. Table 3 shows
NEWS Article Summarization with Pretrained Transformer 209

Table 1. The Rouge and BLUE score obtained using transfer learning model based
on T5.

S. No. BLEU score Rouge score (R-Ls)

1 0.353553 0.63157
2 0.329341 1.0
3 0.432802 0.67567
4 0.429694 0.16
5 0.488923 0.2

Table 2. BLEU and Rouge SCORE of T5 model.

S. No. BLEU score Rouge score (R-Ls)

1 0.429086 0.94
2 0.461736 1.0
3 0.445005 0.62
4 0.436683 0.19
5 0.436683 0.18

Table 3. BLEU and Rouge score of BART model.

S. No. BLEU score Rouge score (R-Ls)

1 0.35782 0.58
2 0.37239 0.12
3 0.35494 0.42
4 0.35782 0.21
5 0.42552 0.32

the results of both Rouge and BLEU scores obtained from BART model where
model predicted summaries are compared with the original Summaries.
The results generated by BART pretrained model also turned out to be
efficient and the summaries generated by this model were also delivering the
message correctly from the article.
But by comparing all the obtained results as shown in Table 4 and Table 5,
the pretrained T5 model results turned out to be high among all the models
and also the summaries generated by T5 were more accurate and nearer to the
original summaries.
210 A. Garg et al.

Table 4. BLEU score of all models

S. No. Transfer learning BART T5

1 0.353553 0.35782 0.429086
2 0.329341 0.37239 0.461736
3 0.432802 0.35494 0.445005
4 0.429694 0.35782 0.434720
5 0.488923 0.42552 0.436683

Table 5. ROUGE SCORE of all models

S. No. Transfer learning BART T5

1 0.63 0.58 0.94
2 1.0 0.12 1.0
3 0.67 0.42 0.62
4 0.16 0.21 0.19
5 0.2 0.32 0.18

5 Conclusion
In several NLP applications, including text summarization, pre-trained language
models have shown enormous progress. BART and T5 are two such state-of-the-
art pre-trained models which have given excellent results for the task of text
summarization. In this paper, we have tuned these models with the help of
transfer learning to generate news article summaries. The results show that t5
gives better result than other two models used for testing.

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QA System: Business Intelligence
in Healthcare

Apar Garg, Tapas Badal(B) , and Debajyoti Mukhopadhyay

Bennett University, Greater Noida, India

[email protected]

Abstract. Nowadays, Question Answering (QA) systems are used as

an automated assistant system for resolving queries in various messag-
ing applications. Accessing a database to get specific information can be
stressful and time-consuming if one does not have the much needed tech-
nical skills. Designing a QA system/chatbot that can generate the result
by accessing the database dynamically has linguistic and design chal-
lenges. In this work, we present a medical domain-specific QA system,
which can provide real-time response to any employee’s standard business
queries in a healthcare company by removing unwanted dependencies on
the analytics team. The QA system uses Natural Language Processing
(NLP) and Deep Learning (DL) techniques for Named Entity Recogni-
tion and text pre-processing, etc. The higher precision value achieved
during pilot evaluation has shown how effective our proposed system is
for the medical domain question answering system.

Keywords: QA system · NER · Data engine · Bar plot

1 Introduction
A new study suggests that technology is turning individuals more and more
impatient each day. In this age of information technology, Google has become
the de-facto place to get instant answers to generic queries. However, these days
a typical user wants a solution to his specific question. Users might have to query
a vast database to get specific information they needs. A typical user is gener-
ally not comfortable using a database to retrieve the information he/she needs
because it either requires the knowledge of complex programming languages or
an inter-mediator, which can use the databases and tell the result to the user.
However, using an intermediary or learning a programming language is very tire-
some and taxing. People having a technical background could also find this task
a bit difficult sometimes.
For solving these kinds of problems, Question Answering (QA) systems [1]
were introduced. They are systems that take questions from the user in natu-
ral language as their input and send back answers. It indicates an advancement
over regular IR frameworks. They integrate methods from the fields of Infor-
mation Retrieval (IR), Information Extraction (IE), and, more broadly, Natural
c Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2021
D. Garg et al. (Eds.): IACC 2020, CCIS 1367, pp. 212–223, 2021.
QA System: Business Intelligence in Healthcare 213

Language Processing (NLP). A typical design for a QA system involves the

query analysis, the detection of suitable keywords for retrieving results from an
unstructured, semi-structured, or structured knowledge base.
A QA system manages natural language processing for interfacing the QA at
the user side, who poses numerous questions. The first type of question that can
be asked by a user is the factoid question. It is often asked about Named Entity
(NE), utilizing, for example, the words: When, Where, How much/many, Who,
and What, asking about the date/time, etc. The second type of question is the
question raised about the meaning of a word or a concept. Such a question is
generally asked using the words “Why” or “How”.
QA systems can be open domain or closed domain [1]. Open domain systems
answer any question and are not limited to domain and predefined knowledge.
Such systems search for a substantial amount of data to answer. Whereas, in a
closed domain system, domain knowledge plays a vital role. The answers to the
queries are trained on domain-specific questions and answers. The other type
of QA system is Knowledge-based QA (KBQA). The core idea of KBQA is to
convert the natural language query into a structured database query.
This paper introduces a medical domain-specific knowledge-based QA sys-
tem, which can answer the queries related to sales and marketing of drugs from a
given database. This topic, though, to our knowledge, has not yet been explored.
The QA system provides real-time response to the common business queries of
any employee in a healthcare company by removing unwanted dependencies on
the analytics team. This could bring significant time savings to both the analytics
team and the employees having queries. We address factual questions expressed
by WH pronouns. An answer can just be a table or a combination of table and bar
plot(s). We focus on searching and extracting answers from our own database.
However, the suggested solution can easily be extended to other resources as
There are four main contributions in this paper:

1. Design a QA system for Healthcare Domain: A Deep Learning based QA sys-

tem is designed to understand healthcare queries. It extracts entities and
establishes a correspondence between multiple instances of entities. Hence,
we have proposed an end-to-end system to understand user queries and gen-
erate responses using a data engine.
2. Design an Interface to connect QA system with Data engine: An active real-
time QA system is proposed, which replies to a user query by fetching the
data in real-time from the data engine.
3. Collection of domain-specific data: No sample query data is available for
healthcare QA system research. We have collected data for different types
of sample questions, each with unique functionality for training and testing.
We have also created a sample Data Engine to fetch results.
4. Customised training: We have custom trained spaCy1 model for Named
Entity Recognition [2].

214 A. Garg et al.

The remainder of this paper is structured as follows. Section 2 introduces

related work in QA systems with a focus on the medical domain. Section 3
describes the proposed methodology, comprises of five steps: User query, Query
pre-processing, Named Entity Recognition(NER), Translation of Extracted Enti-
ties and Data Engine. Section 4 introduces the results. Finally, in Sect. 5, we
discuss the Conclusion and Future Work.

2 Related Work
Recent developments in Deep Learning and Natural Language Processing have
introduced domain-specific QA systems and chatbots as digital assisting tech-
nologies to answer user queries dynamically. In the following subsections, we
summarize work done in the past related to medical domain-specific QA sys-
tems and chatbots.

2.1 Question Answering System

During early 1960s, when Artificial Intelligence was in a very rudimentary stage,
various systems were created, which can understand variety of languages, with
the help of a large database and dialogue system. The ideation of QA system
was done by Turing, in 1950 by “Imitation Game”, which was later known as the
famous “Turing Test”. This was the very first machine, which could communicate
with a human with the help of a teletype.
Weizenbaum et al. [3] designed the first natural language database system
called ELIZA for simulating a psychotherapist. It worked on identifying pat-
terns and simple structural and syntactic structures in the database from the
user inputs. In another research, Green et al. [4] proposed BASEBALL, which
was another domain-specific question answering system for statistical queries
regarding baseball games, played during the American league.
Woods et al. [5] proposed LUNAR, a QA system that gave information on
soil samples taken from lunar exploration by Apollo. The system turned user
questions into database queries by means of simple pattern matching rules and
produce answers at last. In a similar research, Androutsopoulos et al. [6] proposed
a NLIDB framework that facilitated the users to ask questions in their natural
languages and later obtained data from databases.
Clarke et al. [7] looked to the web as a question answering asset. The frame-
work provided by them performed complex parsing and extraction of entities for
both queries and best-matching web pages.
Brill et al. [8] proposed the AskMSR QA system design and evaluated the
contributions to accuracy from the various system components. They addition-
ally discussed predictive approaches, where the answering question system would
possibly throw an erroneous response. In a similar research, Zheng et al. [9] devel-
oped AnswerBus, which is an open-domain QA framework focused on retrieval of
information at the sentence level. It addressed natural-language questions from
QA System: Business Intelligence in Healthcare 215

users in various languages such as English and German and extract potential
Web answers.
Abacha et al. [10] introduced MEANS, which combined NLP and semantic
web technologies. The paper used Medical entity recognition, which could detect
and eliminate the phrasal information referring to medical entities and classify
the entities in predefined categories. The categories were problem, test, drug,
Zhu et al. [11] gave a hierarchical attention retrieval model for question
answering in the healthcare domain. The proposed model used two bi-directional
RNN encoders to encode the inter-documents dependencies for a given query and
document words. It also used cross attention between the query and the doc-
ument. The system could answer binary answers, who, etc. But, it was mainly
designed for “what” and “how” type of questions in the healthcare domain.

2.2 Chatbot

Question Answering (QA) is one of the tasks of a Chatbot. A Chatbot is a

system, which interacts with humans in natural language. Besides answering,
the questions of a user, it can be made to perform other tasks such as book
tickets and order food.
Chatbots and QA systems are now prevalent everywhere, ranging from smart-
phones to domain-specific places. A chatbot comprises of, speech to text con-
version and natural language processing, using dialogue act recognition and
intent identification for information extraction. For intent identification, bag
of words, latent semantic analysis, regular expressions, part of speech tagging,
named entity recognition, etc. are used [12]. The basic components of nearly
each chatbot system are chat engine, data engine, and interpreter program.
Previously, work has been done for chatbots in the medical domain. Ni et al.
[13] proposed MANDY to facilitate the medical staff by automating the patient
intake. The bot asked questions in natural language regarding symptoms of
their illness. The previous reports and the symptoms of that person were then
compiled together by the bot for the doctor. Another system was developed for
giving medicines, by taking care of the age of the patients and side effects, by
making disease predictions from the symptoms [14]. In another research, Liu
et al. [15] developed a system for differentiating questions of consumers and
professionals in the healthcare domain.
In 2018, Ahmad et al. [16] designed a chatbot containing mainly three func-
tionalities. If the user is informed about any illness, then the bot suggested the
type of medicine which can be consumed. Secondly, if the user asked about the
medicine, then the bot gave the functions of the medicine. Lastly, the bot sug-
gested how to consume that medicine. It also gave users an option for getting
the delivery of the required medicine.
Cameron et al. [17] implemented iHelpr for mental healthcare which managed
self-evaluation tools/scales and provided advice and information on welfare, all
within a conversational platform.
216 A. Garg et al.

Pereira et al. [18] conducted a survey in 2019 seeking answers to questions

regarding chatbots in the medical domain. What illness chatbots are tackling,
what are the competencies of patients the chatbot are aimed at, and what are
the most popular technical enablers for a chatbot. They reached the conclusion
that the most active health areas are mental and physical wellness. “Affect” and
“cognition” are the most used human competencies to detect behavior change
and “consumability” is the best enabler for the chatbot.
Ruf et al. [19] presented a travel chatbot companion for smartphones named
Pharmabroad for medical assistance while traveling. It matched the medicine
from the user’s home market to the parallel product in the new surroundings.
It used image recognition and OCR for text extraction from the user’s medical
box. It then mapped medicine name to molecule name and then inversed the
mappings for the new medicine name in the new area. The new medicine image
for the required drug was then presented to the user.

3 Methodology
In this paper, we have proposed a medical domain-specific knowledge-based QA
system. A distinguishing feature of the proposed system is its ability to address
dynamic queries using the data engine. Figure 1 presents the basic architecture
of our QA system. Firstly, the user submits a query to the QA Engine. The
submitted query is pre-processed and is sent to the NLP Engine. The NLP
Engine extracts keywords or Named Entities, from the query. Then the extracted

Fig. 1. Proposed QA system architecture. There AI enable QA system is used to

resolve the queries and further it is connected with a data engine to perform the data
analysis for response.
QA System: Business Intelligence in Healthcare 217

entities are forwarded to the Data Engine for retrieval of results. The retrieved
results are formulated in the form of statistical figures if needed.

3.1 User Query

A user can submit multiple types of queries to the QA system, one at a time. The
figure below shows some of the possible user queries with the type of functionality
they are testing. Some of the queries are listed in Table 1 below.

Table 1. Sample queries

Type of functionality tested Sample question

Singe value question What is the total sales of
Prolia in USA in quarter 1 of
Multiple value question What is the total sales of
Alendronate in Canada and
France in Q2 2019?
Different KPIs What is the QTD sales of
Prolia and Alendronate?
Comparsion by time period What is the sales of Xgeva in
Q4 2016 vs last year same
time period?

3.2 Query Pre-processing

Pre-processing of the user query is an important phase in our system. We have

done pre-processing in three steps, as mentioned below:

Noise Removal. Punctuations and additional white spaces do not give signif-
icant information to the query. They are just noise in text. Therefore, we have
removed all punctuations (except comma, a hyphen, and question-mark) and
additional white spaces in the query.

Lowercasing. Lowercasing was done to simplify the task of normalization of the

query. Hence, there is no need to map both ‘United States’ and ‘united states’
to ‘US’. After lowercasing the query, ‘United States’ will also get converted to
‘united states’. So mapping ‘united states’ to ‘US’ is sufficient. This task has
saved a lot of space in our table of synonyms and acronyms.
218 A. Garg et al.

Normalization. We have compiled a table of synonyms and acronyms from

various sources on the web. The table consists of 200 synonyms and acronyms,
which are mapped to their actual representation in the Data Engine. Table 2
given below shows some examples. This is helpful when for e.g. United Kingdom,
England, Britain maps to only one country in the data engine i.e. UK.

Table 2. Synonyms and acronyms used in the dataset for QA system.

Representation in query Representation in data engine

United Kingdom UK
Year to date YTD
United States US
Quarter to date QTD
England UK

3.3 Named Entity Recognition (NER)

spaCy [2] is an open-source library for advanced NLP, in Python. spaCy pro-
vides an exceptionally efficient statistical system for NER in python, which can
assign labels to groups of tokens, which are contiguous. The library is developed
as a modular pipeline and offers a range of tools for rapid text processing. It
parses content to construct a custom spaCy data structure which is later gone
through structured pipeline components to be processed further. The pipeline
components are highly customizable for optimal performance of NLP tasks such
as NER etc. Additionally, these components can be changed separately to con-
form to different implementations. The NER component in the spaCy pipeline
is a deep learning model utilizing CNN and LSTM architectures.

Fig. 2. spaCy model overview - black box

We have trained a blank spaCy model using annotated training data to rec-
ognize four custom entities from the user query: product, country, quarter, and
year. For annotating data, a custom-built web browser-based tool called spaCy
QA System: Business Intelligence in Healthcare 219

NER Annotator2 was used. These custom entity tags are also the attributes in
the Data Engine.
The model was trained on 48 sentences. After training it for 20 epochs with
dropout 0.2 and SGD optimizer, the model gave a training loss of 2.26−8 . Figure 2
presents black box of the model.
Our experimental set up included working with spaCy version 2.2.3 on an
Anaconda Distribution, Python 3.8.1 environment running on a machine with
Windows version 1903, Intel Core Processor i5 8th Gen with 8 GB RAM.

3.4 Translation of Extracted Entities

Edit distance [20] is a method for finding how dissimilar two strings are. It
can also be viewed as the minimum number of editing required to transform a
word into another word. For example, the edit distance between the words “ran”
and “run” is 1. Three operations are allowed on a character: insert a character,
delete a character, and replace a character. This problem is solved using dynamic
We have used the edit distance technique, to rectify spelling errors in
extracted entities. The entry in the Data Engine column (with corr. entity tag)
having the minimum edit distance with the entity, is considered to be the right
spelling of the entity. The minimum edit distance of an entity must be less than
2, for it to get transformed.

3.5 Data Engine

If the translated entities are not present in the Data Engine, then the QA system
response is “Apologies... I don’t understand your question”. If there is any lack
of information within the query, the QA system will request for more inputs from
the user. After this, the translated entities are mapped to entries in the database
to fetch “Total Sales” (represented by US$ MNF in Data Engine) corresponding
to those entries.
The retrieved results for sales could be a single row or it could be multiple
rows. The QA system will accompany the result with a bar plot in case of multiple
row output.

4 Results

We conducted a pilot evaluation task for the QA system that included a group
of people who did not work on the QA system’s design and implementation
phases. We asked these people to manually construct 75 sample questions as
per the 15 different functionality types (F1: five questions that are matched
to the first functionality type; ...; F15: five questions that are adjusted to the

220 A. Garg et al.

fifteenth functionality type.). 5 sample questions were created for each function-
ality type. Table 3 shows the obtained results for each functionality type and
Table 4 presents the summarized results.
The pilot evaluation task aimed to check the robustness of the system with
respect to each functionality type by testing whether or not each of the 75
questions yielded the correct output. We apply the precision measure (P) as a
measure of evaluation specified as:
N o. of questions with correct output
P recisionmeasure(P ) =
T otal no. of questions in f unctionality type

Table 3. Evaluation table showing functionality type of each question category and
precision achieved in this paper.

Functionality type Questions Correct Precision

F1 5 5 1
F2 5 5 1
F3 5 5 1
F4 5 4 0.8
F5 5 5 1
F6 5 5 1
F7 5 5 1
F8 5 4 0.8
F9 5 5 1
F10 5 4 0.8
F11 5 5 1
F12 5 3 0.6
F13 5 5 1
F14 5 5 1
F15 5 4 0.8

Table 4. Summarized evaluation table gives overall result.

Functionality type Questions Correct Overall precision

F1 to F15 75 69 0.92
QA System: Business Intelligence in Healthcare 221

Figure 3 presents some of the output bar plots for input user queries.

Fig. 3. Figure depicts the result after processing the query in the form of bar plots.

5 Conclusion and Future Work

The goal of this work was to build a Question Answering system in the medical
domain which can provide real-time responses to the common business queries of
any employee in a healthcare company by removing unwanted dependencies on
the analytics teams. After applying our system to various sample queries made
by a group of random individuals, it was found that our model showed promising
Our future goal is to work on boolean questions expecting a yes/no answer
and other types of factual questions. Another future goal is to work on depen-
dency parsing of a sentence, which will be helpful to determine the dependency
of entities on one-another.
222 A. Garg et al.

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Multidomain Sentiment Lexicon Learning Using
Genre-Seed Embeddings

Swati Sanagar and Deepa Gupta(B)

Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Amrita School of Engineering, Bengaluru,

Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Bangalore, India
[email protected], [email protected]

Abstract. Sentiment lexicon is widely used resource which plays an impor-

tant role in sentiment analysis tasks. Sentiment lexicon learning using minimum
labeled resources for multiple domains is a challenging task. Multiple domains
with similar characteristics are considered as same genre domains in our work. We
present an unsupervised sentiment lexicon learning model for same-genre mul-
tiple domains. The model uses pre-learned genre-based polarity seed words as
only labeled input and explore sentiment lexicon learning using different unsu-
pervised word-embedding approaches. The pretrained embedding provides gen-
eralized word vectors, so our approach explores it further by creating domain-
based word-embeddings. The experimentation involves sentiment lexicon learn-
ing using Word2Vec, GloVe, and fastText word-embeddings. The experiments are
conducted on 18 same genre domains. The different word-embedding sentiment
lexicon learning model results are compared across genre-base domains using
standard evaluation metrics. The proposed model performs good in comparison
to the existing models from the literature.

Keywords: Sentiment Lexicon · Word2Vec · GloVe · fastText · Sentiment

Analysis · Transfer Learning · Multiple domains · Word-embedding · Seed Words

1 Introduction
Sentiment analysis is a branch of natural language processing which deals with identi-
fying and extracting sentiments/opinions from text data. In sentiment analysis, people’s
experiences are considered as public opinions gauge, which is used to monitor the brand
status, to understand the product reputation, to analyze market, and in many other appli-
cations [1, 2]. Sentiment lexicon is a widely used resource which plays important role
in sentiment analysis tasks. They are formed by putting together the sentiment words
and their polarity/scores. Sentiment lexicons fall in two categories, general-purpose
and domain based. The former is less effective in identifying sentiments in domain
level tasks [3] as compared to the latter, which identifies domain-level sentiment words
and domain-relevant polarity and intensity. One domain-level sentiment lexicon may
differ from other domain in terms of sentiment word polarity, intensity, and domain-
specific words. A domain-level learning process of sentiment lexicon is independent of

© Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2021

D. Garg et al. (Eds.): IACC 2020, CCIS 1367, pp. 224–242, 2021.
Multidomain Sentiment Lexicon Learning 225

other domains. Sentiment lexicon learning is either a supervised or unsupervised/semi-

supervised process [4, 5]. The supervised learning approaches need labeled data for
every new domain, this leads to lacks in scalability as data labeling is costly and cum-
bersome work. Unsupervised/semi-supervised approaches, on the other hand, use seed
words or a very few labeled data instances for sentiment lexicon learning [3]. Sentiment
lexicon learning still remains a challenging task.
The general-purpose lexicons provide generalized polarity/scores for sentiment
words, therefore domain-level lexicon learning approaches are important. Aiming
at the unsupervised/semi-supervised sentiment lexicon learning, word-embeddings
approaches can be promising based on their performance of sentiment analysis tasks
[6]. Design and usage of distributed word-embedding has gained popularity and its
applications are explored on multiple different tasks [7–9]. Word embeddings represent
words as a continuous vector and their strength lies in the ability to capture similar-
ities in word meaning. The popular and most explored word-embedding techniques
includes Word2vec Skip-Gram and Continuous Bag-Of-Words (CBOW) [7], Global
Vector (GloVe) [8], and fastText [9]. Word2Vec is a statistical word-embedding tech-
nique that efficiently captures syntactic and semantic regularities. It has two models
CBOW that predicts target word from context words and Skip-Gram model that predicts
context words from the given word. GloVe model is considered an extension of word2vec
model that combines global statistics and local learning. fastText is as well considered
as an extension of word2vec in different direction with granularity consideration using
We propose an unsupervised solution to address the research gap in the learning pro-
cess between general purpose lexicon and in-domain lexicon learning. Different sources
of data are spread over multiple domains such as consumer reviews, blogs, news, twitter
etc. Each of these data source is a genre which is characterized by style of writing, the
text used beneath, content size, other unique, and general characteristics. We propose
a genre-based multidomain sentiment lexicon leaning approach, where the model uses
pre-learned genre-based polarity seed words [10] as only labeled input and explores sen-
timent lexicon learning using different existing unsupervised word-embedding models.
The pretrained embeddings provide generalized word vectors, so our approach explores
it further by creating domain-based word-embeddings. The model benefits from word-
embedding characteristics which maps similar words closer. The genre-based polarity
seed word and its domain-based embeddings play an important role in our genre-based
domain sentiment lexicon learning approach.
The rest of this work is organized as follows. The related literature work is described
in Sect. 2. The proposed genre-seed embedding model with different word-embedding
creation process is described in Sect. 3. Data used in different experiments, the exper-
imental setup, evaluation metrics and, baselines are described in Sect. 4. Experimental
results in comparison with baselines are discussed in Sect. 5 and the analysis of results
is discussed in Sect. 6. Section 7 presents conclusions and future directions.

2 Related Work
Lexicon learning from corpus is vastly studied in literature using different frameworks
and approaches. In-domain sentiment lexicon learning, and domain transfer learning are
226 S. Sanagar and D. Gupta

the major frameworks. In-domain learning approaches learn and evaluate using domain
corpora, while domain transfer learning approaches adapt/transfer learned knowledge
from the source domain to the target domain.
One of the early in-domain learning approaches includes word polarity learning using
Latent Semantic Analysis (LSA) and Pointwise Mutual Information (PMI) approaches
[11]. A set of labeled words act as seed to calculate semantic orientation scores of sen-
timent words using mutual association between them. In another approach along with
polarity identification score was assigned to noun, verb, and adjectives using knowl-
edge of conjunctions and Bayesian computations [12]. A vector concept categorization
approach was used to build relation between words and labeled star reviews [13]. A
lexicon was constructed from concept category and word frequency for movie and hotel
reviews. In another model, experimentation was conducted on five datasets including
Twitter data, movie review etc. [14]. Sentiment word polarity variation between datasets
is learned using labeled data and a generative model. Sentiment word and document
were considered as hierarchical supervision to learn domain-based lexicon. A rule-based
unsupervised model included movie review etc. three domains [15]. The dependency
graph propagation generated sentiment lexicon based on rules and a few seed words.
An autoencoder-meta embedding approach combined pretrained CBOW and GloVe
word embedding to create meta-embeddings [16]. The experimentation was conducted
on benchmark labeled twitter datasets. The model experimentation involved decouple,
concatenated, and average autoencoder meta-embeddings.
Domain transfer-learning/adaptation is one-to-one and multidomain transfer learn-
ing. The multidomain transfer learning involves multiple source domain and single
or multiple target domains. Sparse rectifier unit stacked denoising autoencoder model
taken source domain features from labeled and unlabeled instances [17]. The experiment
followed one-to-one domain transfer for all combinations of four domains. Another
one-to-one domain transfer research framework [18] constructed combination of mul-
tiple embedding. The model concatenated word2vec, doc2vec, and SVD embeddings
of source domain and adapted it to target domain. One-to-one domain transfer learn-
ing studies lack in defining source and target domains prior to the experimentation.
This shortcoming is overcome by diverse multidomain transfer learning approaches.
A multidomain approach considered three domains as source and one as target for all
possible combinations [19]. The model learns global and domain-specific knowledge
from source domains. The most similar domain is identified using graph similarity for
domain-specific knowledge. Global knowledge is collected from all source domains
considering sentiment-opposite and coherent relations. Similar setup is explored for
Hindi language reviews [20]. This n-gram, PMI based model used labeled source and
unlabeled target domain corpus to learn lexicon. An adversarial network segregated
common features in shared encoder and domain-based features in private encoder [21].
The approach conducted study on four domains with one target and two source domain
combinations. Another adversarial neural network study combined domain training and
sentiment classification task together [22]. The approach modeled source and target
domain data together for joint learning. An attention neural network model explored
domain representation to select domain related features [23]. The source knowledge was
adapted to target using simultaneous extraction of shared and domain related features.
Multidomain Sentiment Lexicon Learning 227

In-domain supervised approaches are unscalable due to cumbersome labeling task.

Unsupervised lexicon learning using seeds or limited labeled data breaks the barrier
of requirement of data labeling. Domain transfer learning approaches improve learning
scope by transferring the learned knowledge across domains. One-to-one domain trans-
fer learning is inefficient as it demands testing all possible combinations of source-target
domains to choose the best. The limitations are handled by multi-to-multi domain trans-
fer learning. It is been studied under different setups and approaches, but most of the
approaches use labeled data.
Our unsupervised learning approach do not use any labeled training data. The model
uses genre-based polarity seed word knowledge and apply them to the same genre-

Pre-processed Genre Polarity

Domain Corpus Seed Words [10]

Word-Embedding Creation

Domain-based Word Genre-Seed domain-based

Embedding Vectors Embedding Vectors

Domain Word Polarity- Sentiment
Intensity Learning Lexicon

Lexicon Evaluation

Fig. 1. The proposed model schematic

228 S. Sanagar and D. Gupta

3 The Proposed Model

The proposed genre-based sentiment lexicon learning model explore usage of different
word-embedding approaches at domain level. The model involves four steps, the first
step performs data preprocessing, the second step is domain word-embedding vector
creation, the third step is domain-based sentiment lexicon learning and, the final step is
sentiment lexicon evaluation. The proposed model process is depicted in Fig. 1.
In the first step the data preprocessing is performed in multiple sub-steps. Data
are normalized by excluding URLs, non-ASCII, and unwanted characters. Repeating
characters are normalized with spell-check. Then the tokenized data are POS tagged,
lemmatized [24] and verbs, adverbs, adjectives, and nouns except auxiliary verbs and
proper nouns are selected and converted to lowercase. The preprocessing steps illus-
trating step-wise changes in an example review from Cell Phones domain is given in
Table 1. After preprocessing data are passed to later steps of the model.

Table 1. Data preprocessing stages

Raw review I’m glad it was still available as I have had my phone a loooong time.
This one works fine
Initial processing I’m glad it was still available as I have had my phone a long time. This
one works fine
POS tagging I_PRP ‘m_VBP glad_JJ it_PRP was_VBD still_RB available_JJ as_IN
I_PRP have_VBP had_VBD my_PRP$ phone_NN a_DT long_JJ
time_NN This_DT one_CD works_VBZ fine_JJ !_. This_DT one_CD
works_VBZ fine_JJ !_
Lemmatization I_prp be_vbp glad_jj it_prp be_vbd still_rb available_jj as_in I_prp
have_vbp have_vbd my_prp$ phone_nn a_dt long_jj time_nn ._. this_dt
one_cd work_vbz fine_jj !_
Preprocessed review Glad still available phone long time work fine

Table 2. Genre-based polarity (positive/negative) seed words [10]

Positive genre-seed words Ample, affordable, bonus, beautifully, beginner, companion,

comfort, complement, contemporary, compliment, drawback,
detract, easy, excellent, elegant, exciting, favorite, fabulous,
fantastic, highly, hesitate, instructor, magical, nicely, organize,
outstanding, overjoyed, perfect, pleasantly, pleased, relax, superb,
thoughtful, terrific, wonderful,
Negative genre-seed words Aggravation, ashamed, annoys, awful, badly, crappy, crap, damn,
disgusted, defective, donate, garbage, gimmick, horribly, horrible,
insult, junk, joke, nonsense, nerve, piss, pathetic, refund,
recourse, reimburse, scam, stupid, substandard, trash, torture,
terrible, useless, waste, worthless, worst
Multidomain Sentiment Lexicon Learning 229

The proposed model use genre-based polarity seed words listed in Table 2. which
were learned in unsupervised setup from research paper by Sanagar and Gupta, 2020
[10]. The genre polarity seed words are learned from source domain corpus where
source domains are selected from many domains of same genre. The genre polarity seed
words are proved to be effective for consumer review genre and performed very good in
unsupervised setup. The model also uses the unlabeled corpus mentioned in the work.
The domain-based preprocessed unlabeled corpus creates unsupervised word-
embeddings The proposed model learns domain-based word-embedding using three
popular unsupervised learning word-embedding approaches which exemplify three dif-
ferent ways to look at word embeddings. It includes Word2vec Skip-Gram and CBOW,
GloVe, and fastText [7–9, 25].

a) Word2Vec Skip-Gram and CBOW

Word2vec is a neural network word-embedding learning model. The word-
embeddings are created using a shallow neural network [7] which includes input,
hidden, and output layer.
CBOW model predicts the most likely word i.e. target word given its C context
words. The model takes one-hot encoded word vectors of the C context words of the
vocabulary size V as the initial input. The input vector is multiplied by embedding
matrix W V xN . The input contains C context word vectors which are averaged to
generate fixed length hidden vector that smooths over the distributional information.

Fig. 2. Graphical representation of word-embedding creation process using CBOW and Skip-
Gram models (Source: Google)
230 S. Sanagar and D. Gupta

A hidden layer forms a hidden vector of size N. From the hidden layer to output layer
is weight matrix W NxV, which is obtained by multiplying hidden vector and finally
the output layer generates V dimensional output vector. The process is depicted in
left portion of Fig. 2.
The skip-gram model predicts the context words given the target word. Skip-gram
works well with small amount of data and provides well representation for rare
words. It takes input as one-hot encoded target word and work on generating the
C context words y1 , …., yC words, a reverse process to the CBOW approach. The
process is depicted in right portion of Fig. 2. We use negative sampling [8, 26, 27]
which has proved to be giving improved results [8]. Negative sampling allows to
select just a small number of negative words which are ignored and weights for
other words are updated. The negative sampling is used with sigmoid for computa-
tional efficiency, which learns to differentiate between the actual context words and
the noise distribution.
b) GloVe
Glove word embedding approach combines the two approaches, the count-based
matrix factorization i.e. global statistics and the local context-based information i.e.
local statistics in a single model [9]. Word2vec ignores frequency of occurrence
of context word which is addressed by GloVe. The model predicts surrounding
words by maximizing probability of context words given the center word using
logistic regression. The co-occurrence matrix is the initial input to the model. The
vector values for each word are decided by considering co-occurrences of every
pair of words. It focuses on leaning ratio of co-occurrence probabilities than the
probabilities themselves.
c) fastText
fastText model is considered as an enhanced version of Word2Vec and it is applicable
in both CBOW and Skip-Gram setup. fastText learns embedding by conducting
deeper level bifurcation of words using n-grams [28]. fastText extends word2vec
by improving scope of contextual words to n-gram level. The words are converted
to n-grams and skip-gram/CBOW model is applied to learn word vectors. fastText
addresses the unknown words by generalization.

The subsequent step creates domain-based words embedding including the contained
genre polarity seed words. The genre-based polarity seed words is the only labeled input
used in our model for domain sentiment lexicon learning. The embedded words with
similar meanings are mapped closer to each other. Our genre-based embedded seed
set contains s positive seeds represented as Psdset and s negative seeds represented as
Nsdset. The genre-based seed word embeddings are taken from the domain-based learned
word-embeddings. The vocabulary contains n sentiment words, a word is represented
as word i . A positive similarity score, psco of a sentiment word is calculated by taking
average of cosine similarity between sentiment word word i and positive genre-based
seed word psd s from positive seed word Psdset containing s positive seed words as
specified in Eq. (1). Similarly, negative similarity score, nsco of word i is calculated
considering negative genre-based s seed words from set Nsdset using Eq. (2). The final
Multidomain Sentiment Lexicon Learning 231

score of word i is calculated by subtracting positive score from the negative score using
Eq. (3) and the sentiment word with final score is added to domain sentiment lexicon.

 −−−→ −→
1 wordi psd s
psco(wordi ) = −−−−−→ −→  (1)
∀s, psds 33Psdset wordi  psd s 

 −−−→ −→
1 wordi nsd s
nsco(wordi ) =
|Nsdset| −−−−−→  −→ 
∀s,nsds ∈Nsdset wordi  nsd s 

Sco(wordi ) = psco(wordi ) − nsco(wordi ), ∀i, i = 1, . . . , n (3)

The domain-based learned sentiment lexicon is evaluated on domain test set using
linear classification [29]. Domain-based word-embedding creation and evaluation is
conducted independent of other domains.

4 Datasets, Experimental Setup, Evaluation Metrics and Baselines

This section describes the datasets, experimental setup of domain-based word-
embedding creation, lexicon evaluation metrics, and domain-level as well as model-level
result comparison baselines.
The proposed work uses two datasets. The first dataset is Amazon consumer product
reviews dataset for 18 domains (e.g., Amazon Instant Video, Cell Phones, Electronics,
Toys & Games, etc.) and Movie domain for model comparison experiment [30, 31].
The data contains reviews with no overlap between training and test sets. Each domain
contains 80,000 unlabeled reviews in training set, 20,000 balanced labeled reviews in test
set. The second dataset is Blitzer et al., 2007 [32] dataset used for model comparison.
This dataset contains domains belonging to same genre used in the proposed model.
Each domain from second dataset contains 1000 positive and 1000 negative test samples
of Apparel, Electronics Products, Kitchen, Health Care, and Movie domains.
The proposed model experiments involve creating word-embedding using different
approaches which use different hyper parameters. In all the models, minimum frequency
of words is set to 5 and window size to maximum review length at domain-level to
consider review-level context. CBOW training used embedding size 100, epochs 100,
learning rate 0.001, negative samples’ (noise words) is set to 5. The initial results of Skip-
gram model are observed promising which led to further tuning of those parameters.
Skip-gram training used embedding size 100, epochs are varied from 50 to 300 with
increment of 50, learning rate 0.0001, negative samples is set to 10. GloVe training used
vector size of 100, epochs 50, and other optimal default parameters. fastText training
used embedding size of 100, epochs 50, skip-gram with 10 negative samples and 0.001
learning rate.
Each word-embedding model learns different embedding vectors and it reflects the
basic learning mechanism of word embedding technique. A comparative listing of high-
est similar sentiment words from Beauty Products domain learned by different word-
embedding model for genre-seed word “superb”, “excellent”, “garbage”, and “waste”
232 S. Sanagar and D. Gupta

are in Table 3. The CBOW and Skip-Gram models have a lot of overlapping similar
words. Fast-Text model is based on n-gram technique and is observed in the table where
most similar words overlap characters partially such as first four characters “exec” from
“excellent” overlap with most of the highest similar words.
The experiments are developed using python3.6, NLTK [34], Stanford Tagger [24],
Gensim [35] library, Stanford GloVe [9] embedding creation code.
Sentiment lexicon evaluation uses linear binary classification for model and baseline
experiments. A review is assigned the sum of scores of all sentiment words in review
with reference to scores from the domain-based lexicon. A zero score is assigned to
missing words. The aggregate positive or zero score a review classifies the review as
positive and aggregate negative score classifies it as negative. The model and baseline
sentiment lexicon in this work are evaluated using standard evaluation metrics in Natural
Language Processing used for binary classification. The evaluation metrics includes
precision, recall, F1 score, and accuracy which are calculated based on values from
confusion matrix in Table 4. The class-wise metrics are calculated for positive and
negative reviews separately. The Actual class values represent the ground-truth and the
Target class represent the model generated values. precision is depicted in Eq. (4) which
is the fraction of correctly labelled reviews among the total number of labelled reviews.
recall is depicted in Eq. (5) which is fraction of correctly labelled reviews to the actual
number of reviews with correct label. F1 score is give in Eq. (6) and is hormonic mean
of values of precision and recall. accuracy is calculated using Eq. (7) and represents
total number of correctly classified reviews.
precision = (4)
true_positive + false_positive
recall = (5)
true_positive + false_negative
precision ∗ recall
F1 score = 2 ∗ (6)
precision + recall
true_positive + true_negative
Accuracy = (7)
true_positive + false_positive + true_negative + false_negative
The proposed genre-based model compares 18 domain results of sentiment lexicons
created by four word-embeddings. The 18 domain results are also compared to exist-
ing research work results that is based on genre-based multidomain sentiment lexicon
learning and uses LSA for lexicon leaning [10].
Another results comparison is conducted with two recent research work [10, 33]. We
have evaluated the corresponding domain lexicons on Blitzer et al., 2007 [32] test dataset
using linear binary classification method mentioned in this section. Movie domain is not
part of 18 domains, so its lexicon is created using Skip-Gram approach for model result

• Xing et al., 2019 [33] is cognitive inspired approach based on SenticNet lexicon and
heuristic rules. The learning process propagated back the error as feedback to the
Multidomain Sentiment Lexicon Learning 233

Table 3. Highest similar words learned by different word-embedding models for a few genre-seed

Genre-seed words Model Highest similar words from Beauty Product domain
“superb” CBOW Exquisite, outstanding, excellent, superbly, originate,
namesake, aforementioned, specification, refine, finest
GloVe Overrate, speedy, par, realty, terrific, hugely, sincerely,
endorse, fatal, magical
fastText Superbly, superlative, supervisor, impeccable,
supertape, underestimate, superglue, heartbeat,
exceptional, guilty
Skip-Gram Finest, pristine, beautifully, brilliant, excellent,
fantastic, outstanding, connoisseur, visitor, impeccable
“excellent” CBOW Impeccable, outstanding, great, reasonable, superb,
exceptional, fantastic, prompt, specification, satisfied
GloVe Great, good, pleased, highly, job, wonderful, value,
price, delivery, best
fastText Excellently, excellence, exceptional, exceed, great,
fashionable, exceptionally, exception, exceedingly,
Skip-Gram Great, satisfied, pleased, reasonable, perfect,
recommend, best, highly, good, fantastic
“garbage” CBOW Trash, junk, away, disgust, horrible, rubbish, crap,
nasty, awful, recycle
GloVe Trash, throw, toss, crap, waste, junk, money, piece,
away, chuck
fastText Trash, ashamed, crappy, awfull, stupidly, trashy,
plunk, trunk, crap, thrash
Skip-Gram Horrible, trash, throw, crap, awful, waste, worst,
money, terrible, even
“waste” CBOW Save, spend, waist, spending, shell, waisted, worth,
replay, drain, fork
GloVe Money, total, save, spend, nothing, basically,
disappointed, throw, worth, complete
fastText Wasteful, haste, spend, spending, waisted, basically,
garbage, save, expend, worthless
Skip-Gram Money, spend, save, total, nothing, complete, even,
buy, disappointed, throw

iterative process for correction that used a few labeled samples. The model experi-
ments were conducted on six diverse domains including Apparel, Electronics, Kitchen,
234 S. Sanagar and D. Gupta

Table 4. Confusion matrix

Classes Predicted
Positive class Negative class
Actual Positive class true_positive false_negative
Negative class false_positive true_negative

Health Care, and Movie. The sixth is finance domain which is unrelated to genre-based
domains hence excluded from results.
• Sanagar and Gupta, 2020 [10] is a genre-based unsupervised polarity seed transfer
learning approach for sentiment lexicon learning. The model used domain clustering
to segregate source and target domains and involves source domains in the iterative
genre-based polarity seed word learning process from corpus. The target domain
learns sentiment lexicon using seed-transfer learning combined with LSA approach.

The proposed model multiple experimental results including domain-wise and model
results comparison are presented in the subsequent section.

5 Experimental Result and Comparisons

The following section describes results and comparisons as follows.

• Word-embedding models and existing baseline model results comparisons across 18

domains. Elaborate results and analysis of best performing model.
• Statistical significance test of best performing model
• Result comparison with existing research work from literature [10, 33]

The first part is experimental accuracy results comparison of different word-

embedding sentiment lexicon along with the baseline Sanagar and Gupta (2020) [10]
for 18 domains. These results are presented in Table 5. The best result at domain level
is highlighted. The results indicate that Word2Vec Skip-Gram model has performed
well compared with other models and Sanagar & Gupta (2020) baseline. The Skip-
Gram model has achieved highest accuracy in 8 out of 18 domains, Sanagar & Gupta
(2020) model as well as Glove model have secured highest accuracy in 5 domains.
Skip-Gram model secured highest accuracy scores in majority domains and performed
second highest with fractional dip in four domains that includes Amazon Instant Video,
Health Personal Care, Toys & Games, and Video Game domains. The Skip-Gram model
has achieved accuracies above 80% in eight domains. The Sanagar & Gupta (2020)
model performed comparative to Skip-Gram. CBOW model can be ranked as third in
the accuracy performance measurement. The average results indicate that Skip-Gram
has performed best among the other word-embedding based sentiment lexicon learning
models. Hence, Skip-Gram model is considered as outcome of the proposed approach
and used in further experimentations and results analysis.
Multidomain Sentiment Lexicon Learning 235

Table 5. The model accuracy results of domain sentiment lexicons using different word-
embeddings and baseline model

SL. No Domain/model Sanagar & Gupta CBOW GloVe fastText Skip-gram

1 Amazon Instant 75.14 75.81 78.50 67.02 78.34
2 Automotive 77.72 75.65 74.75 60.73 78.04
3 Beauty Products 80.14 78.09 64.14 77.62 81.07
4 Book 77.84 73.30 67.47 74.18 73.63
5 Cell Phone 77.30 75.75 64.16 74.47 78.09
6 Clothe Shoe Jewel 79.22 76.28 56.69 74.82 80.50
7 Digital Music 77.78 72.84 73.48 68.71 82.03
8 Electronics 78.44 78.53 81.17 77.12 77.32
9 Grocery & Gourmet 79.28 78.99 63.64 65.72 75.56
10 Home & Kitchen 82.12 83.16 81.27 83.59 84.40
11 Health & Personal 76.78 74.37 74.65 59.97 76.38
12 Musical Instrument 80.42 80.76 74.48 71.45 81.67
13 Office Products 77.56 79.63 82.12 76.99 76.58
14 Pet Supplies 74.25 73.43 75.42 60.29 74.11
15 Sports & Outdoor 78.75 77.55 70.58 75.75 80.53
16 Tools Home 80.03 78.28 81.62 78.03 78.64
17 Toys & Games 86.89 81.66 80.94 80.34 86.32
18 Video Game 81.76 78.43 76.30 70.25 81.04
Average 78.97 77.36 72.06 73.41 79.13

Skip-Gram model learned lexicon statistics are presented in Table 6, which displays
domain-wise polarity sentiment word count. Table 6 statistics indicate that the count
of positive sentiment words is more compared with the count of negative sentiment
words across all the 18 domains. Elaborate polarity class-wise precision, recall, and
F1 score results of Skip-Gram model are depicted in Fig. 3. The unsupervised model
has achieved balanced results using precision, recall, and F1 score evaluation metrics in
Amazon Instant Video, Beauty products, Cell Phones, Musical Instruments, Pet Supplies,
and Sports Outdoor domains. Some domains display little higher on negative side as the
consumer tend to be more descriptive while complaining and more precise in positive
responses. Average number of positive and negative sentiment words are 23.4 and 32.5
respectively in test data per review across all the 18 domains.
We conducted statistical significance test using Single Factor ANOVA Test on accu-
racy results. The test determines significant difference in accuracy among the models
236 S. Sanagar and D. Gupta

Table 6. Skip-Gram model domain-wise sentiment word polarity statistics

SL. No. Domain #Positive sentiment words #Negative sentiment words

1 Amazon Instant Video 7164 4083
2 Automotive 4695 4588
3 Beauty Products 4557 3717
4 Book 6783 6826
5 Cell Phone 3828 3049
6 Clothe Shoe Jewel 3799 4350
7 Digital Music 6047 4925
8 Electronics 4238 4274
9 Grocery & Gourmet Food 5076 3753
10 Home & Kitchen 4472 4143
11 Health & Personal Care 7453 3645
12 Musical Instrument 5361 4141
13 Office Products 4238 4094
14 Pet Supplies 5038 4051
15 Sports & Outdoor 5186 4304
16 Tools Home 4383 4307
17 Toys & Games 5587 3915
18 Video Game 6103 3211

across the various domains. The ANOVA test generated p-value of less than 5% (F (4,
85) = 7.15, p = 0.0001), which indicates that there is a significant difference among
the models. The detailed pair-wise comparison is carried out using Tukey’s post-hoc
test to understand honest significant difference between groups. The test results at 95%
confidence level is tabulated in Table 7. Results indicate that the proposed skip-gram
lexicon learning model is statistically significant in comparison with all the other models
under study.
The proposed model shows a statistically significant increase in mean compared to
CBOW, fastText and Glove models, and slight increase compared to Sanagar & Gupta
(2020) model.
In the third part of the experimental results, the Skip-Gram model lexicons are
evaluated and compared with two recent research work by Xing et al. (2019) [33] and
Sanagar and Gupta (2020) [10]. The comparative results are given in Table 8. Skip-Gram
model has performed highest in Apparel, Kitchen, and Movies domains. The Sanagar
and Gupta [10] model has performed highest in Electronics and Health Care domains.
The Skip-Gram model has displayed improvement of 5 to 10.75 points and average of
7.9 points over Xing et al. (2019) model. The table displays average improvement of
Multidomain Sentiment Lexicon Learning 237

Fig. 3. Skip-Gram model experimental results of 18 domain sentiment lexicon for polarity class-
wise precision, recall, F1 score

Table 7. Accuracy results comparison of the Skip-Gram model and Other models listed in column
1 on using Tukey’s post-hoc analysis test.

SL. No. Skip-gram vs. Difference in Std. err. of t-value Adjusted 95% conf.
other models mean difference p-value interval
1 Sanagar & 0.157 1.724 0.090 1.000 −4.648 to
Gupta(2020) 4.963
2 CBOW 1.763 1.724 1.020 0.844 −3.042 to
3 GloVe 5.715 1.724 3.310 0.011 0.909 to
4 fastText 7.067 1.724 4.100 0.001 2.261 to

0.36 points over Sanagar and Gupta (2020) model, although results of both models are
almost similar.
238 S. Sanagar and D. Gupta

Table 8. Comparison of accuracy results of Skip-Gram model, Xing et al. (2019) [33] model, and
Sanagar and Gupta (2020) [10] model

Models\Domains Apparel Electronics Kitchen Health Movie Average

domain domain domain care domain
Xing et al. (2019) 74.70 69.20 69.30 65.70 77.90 71.36
Sanagar & Gupta 79.20 77.65 76.45 78.40 82.80 78.90
(2020) [10]
Proposed Model 81.90 74.20 79.60 76.45 84.15 79.26

6 Result Analysis and Discussion

This section presents deeper analysis of domain-based word embeddings and domain
relevance of sentiment words learned by domain sentiment lexicons across domains
using Skip-Gram model. Analysis is divided into two parts; the first part elaborates
on the importance of domain-specific word-embedding and the second part presents
analysis of sentiment words from 18 domain sentiment lexicons. The domain-specific
word-embeddings carry domain-based context and it also reflects in learned sentiment
lexicon. This analysis provides details of how results and sentiment word polarity and
intensity diverge from domain to domain.
The proposed model learns domain-based embeddings that preserve domain-specific
characteristics. We analyze the most similar words to one positive and one negative ran-
domly selected words. Table 9 presents results for 18 domains. Table 9 listed top 10 most
similar sentiment words to positive sentiment word “affordable” and negative sentiment
word “junk”. The most similar words are listed in descending order of similarity intensity
scores. There is an overlap of a few sentiment words between different domains such as
“great”, “best”, “reasonable”, “price”, “crap”, “garbage”, “shit”, “trash”, “cheap”, “crap-
py”, “worthless” etc. which are most similar to the selected words. There are interesting
domain-relevant words which are most similar such as “income” in Automotive domain
is second-most similar, as it correlates to income is proportional to automotive products
people purchase. Another sentiment word “ti” is abbreviation for “technical information”
which also reflects to how technical details are important and decide “price” that makes a
product “affordable”. Fourth similar sentiment word in Grocery & Gourmet Food domain
is “autoship”, which indicates automatic shipment of product which seems synonymous
in the context. Most common sentiment word “junk” has social-media reinvented mean-
ing which is synonymous to “worthless”. Tenth most similar sentiment word “munchy”
in Grocery & Gourmet Food domain is highly similar in context of food. In Video Games
domain, sixth most similar sentiment word “breakable” indicates if a videogame breaks
it is useless.
The sentiment word polarity and score/intensity divergence are depicted in Fig. 4
for randomly selected 10 sentiment words. Sentiment word “terrific” is highly positive
Multidomain Sentiment Lexicon Learning 239

Table 9. Skip-Gram word-embedding top 10 most similar sentiment words to ‘affordable’ and
‘junk’ in descending order of similarity across domains

Domains Top 10 most similar sentiment words to word ‘affordable’
1 Amazon Instant Video convenience, separately, pricey, splurge, hassle, bundle, leisure, cheapest, perk, advert

2 Automotive great, income, reasonable, reasonably, ti, good, price, qualm, happy, unbeatable

3 Beauty Products beat, reasonable, budget, reasonably, fantastic, steep, terrific, pricy, fantastically, great

4 Book module, resale, renovate, storage, courteous, saver, subscription, lifesaver, auto-
graphed, adaptable

5 Cell Phone fantastic, fabulous, great, wonderful, recommend, effeminately, verse, terrific, defina-
bly, esp

6 Clothe Shoe Jewel unbeatable, reasonable, budget, contemporary, amazingly, disappoint, surpass, incred-
ible, timeless, casually

7 Digital Music xma, inexpensive, locally, spruce, manhattan, deter, availability, approx, alway, con-
8 Electronics reasonably, value, great, price, best, excellent, especially, well, pleased, perfect

9 Grocery & Gourmet unsurpassed, brainier, superb, autoship, budget, caliber, competitive, reasonably, sim-
Food plicity, reliably

10 Home & Kitchen price, definitely, especially, value, exceptional, best, surpass, competitive, happier,
11 Health & Personal Care choice, excellent, reasonable, great, happy, pleased, especially, value, good, budget

12 Musical Instrument inexpensive, choice, definitely, great, reasonable, fraction, price, budget, good, satis-
13 Office Products pricy, great, happier, reasonable, best, economically, freelance, glad, pleased, conserve

14 Pet Supplies expensive, budget, bank, traditionally, comparable, ween, lesser, economical, reasona-
bly, find
15 Sports & Outdoor great, fantastic, durable, price, budget, excellent, well, beat, incredibly, reasonably

16 Tools Home reasonable, definitely, best, expensive, great, budget, comparably, outrageously, fixer,

17 Toys & Games happier, reasonable, reasonably, luxury, bargain, unbeatable, exorbitant, compromise,
ideal, typical

inexpensive, competitively, reasonable, happier, leery, fraction, reasonably, savings,

18 Video Game recreational, splurge

Domains Top 10 most similar sentiment words to word ‘junk’
1 Amazon Instant Video crap, garbage, rubbish, trash, dashiki, pile, mtv, crud, fool, shit

2 Automotive pure, garbage, piece, crap, rubbish, worthless, absolute, worst, total, dumpster

3 Beauty Products crap, worthless, garbage, crappy, piece, ashamed, useless, ripoff, fool, pathetic

4 Book trash, garbage, rubbish, pile, grub, unadulterated, paperweight, ounce, throw, dung

5 Cell Phone crap, pure, hunk, shit, absolute, ashamed, piece, garbage, worthless, trash

6 Clothe Shoe Jewel crap, garbage, worthless, trash, total, crappy, lousy, pathetic, dollar, utterly

7 Digital Music ashamed, hack, crap, talentless, garbage, excuse, shat, ripoff, exec, crappy

8 Electronics crap, garbage, piece, worthless, trash, joke, absolute, ashamed, money, pile
Grocery & Gourmet
9 unhealthy, load, bus, tide, grad, isle, goldfish, campus, pronounce, munchy
10 Home & Kitchen crap, worthless, worst, garbage, total, joke, useless, waste, cheap, money

11 Health & Personal Care crap, worthless, cheap, piece, money, crappy, ashamed, shit, lousy, useless

12 Musical Instrument crap, garbage, trash, hunk, shit, ashamed, worthless, crappy, cheaply, employee

13 Office Products garbage, hunk, crap, worthless, piece, ashamed, worst, curse, landfill, trash

14 Pet Supplies crap, cheap, garbage, crappy, waste, money, worst, flimsiest, worthless, earn

15 Sports & Outdoor crap, garbage, trash, piece, worthless, shit, ashamed, waste, hunk, rubbish

16 Tools Home crap, garbage, absolute, shit, ashamed, worthless, waste, cheap, crappy, piece

17 Toys & Games crap, hunk, utter, cheapest, cheap, landfill, ashamed, worthless, total, waste

18 Video Game garbage, crap, piece, trash, worthless, breakable, cheap, landfill, shit, hunk
240 S. Sanagar and D. Gupta

across all the 18 domains and highly positive in Grocery & Gourmet domain. Similarly,
sentiment word “classic” is positive in all domains but less relevant in Toys & Games
domain. Another sentiment word “durable” is highly positive in Cell Phones, Electronics,
Home & Kitchen, Sports & Outdoor, and other domains, as consumer considers longer
the lifespan of product better. But it has lowest relevance in Beauty Products and Book
domain, as durability is not relevant. Sentiment word “thin” is mostly a negative polarity
word but is positive in Cell Phone domain as thin cell phone is preferred consumer choice.
Sentiment word “expire” is mostly used in negative polarity context, it is most negative
and relevant in Beauty Products domain to check usability of product and almost neutral
in Amazon Instant Videos domain as it is not relevant to this product.








Domains -------------------------->
terrific classic thin durable manual

Fig. 4. Skip-Gram model sentiment word polarity and score divergence across 18 domains

The analysis shows that domain-based word embeddings reflect domain-relevance.

The domain-based lexicon learns domain-specific scores and polarity and displays
domain relevant quality and good results.

7 Conclusions

The proposed work presents unsupervised genre-based sentiment lexicon learning app-
roach for multiple domains. The experiments involve 18 domains of the same genre.
The domain-based sentiment lexicon learning model experimentation involved differ-
ent word-embedding models to create domain-based word-embeddings. The proposed
work creates word-embeddings using four approaches that includes Word2Vec CBOW,
Skip-Gram, GloVe, and fastText models. The proposed work compares sentiment lexi-
con results of 18 domains for all word-embedding models and a LSA-based Sanagar &
Gupta (2020) baseline model. The results proved that the Skip-Gram word-embedding
Multidomain Sentiment Lexicon Learning 241

lexicon learning model has performed the best among other models, and the second-best
model is Sanagar & Gupta (2020). The Skip-Gram word-embeddings gives the best
contextual representation.
As a future direction the classification results can be improved to overcome lim-
itations of lexicon by considering additional features along with learned genre senti-
ment lexicon. Another future direction to improve lexicon quality by exploration with
neural-net based models.

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Deep Learning Based Question
Generation Using T5 Transformer

Khushnuma Grover(B) , Katinder Kaur, Kartikey Tiwari, Rupali,

and Parteek Kumar

Thapar Institute of Engineering and Technology, Patiala 147004, Punjab, India

[email protected], [email protected],
[email protected], [email protected],
[email protected]

Abstract. Manual construction of questions is a tedious and compli-

cated process. Automatic Question Generation (AQG) methods work
towards diminishing these costs and to fulfil the requirement for a per-
sistent supply of new questions. Current AQG techniques utilize com-
plicated architectures, that require intensive computational resources as
well as a deeper understanding of the subject. In this paper we propose
an end-to-end AQG system that utilises the power of a recently intro-
duced transformer, the Text-to-Text Transfer Transformer (T5). We use
the pre-trained T5 model and fine-tune it for our down-stream task of
question generation. Our model performs very well on unseen data and
generates well-formed and grammatically correct questions. These ques-
tions can be used directly by students, to examine their own level of
understanding, and teachers, to quickly reinforce key concepts whenever
required. The model has also been deployed in the form of a web appli-
cation for public access. This application serves as an educational tool
using which any individual can assess their knowledge and identify areas
of improvement.

Keywords: Question generation · Deep learning · Transformers · NLP

1 Introduction
Asking questions is an inherent action that humans rely upon for acquiring
new information. It is a tool collectively accepted across all the cultures for
information exchange. Questions are also used as effective tools for assessment
of an individual’s understanding of a concept.
Traditional classrooms involve the use of periodic tests, quizzes and exams
along with the impromptu questions asked by the instructor during or after every
session. This enables the learner to gauge their understanding and the instructor
to gauge the effectiveness of their lessons. But creation and selection of questions
is a time consuming task. Creating good quality questions is a complex process
that requires training and experience [11].
c Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2021
D. Garg et al. (Eds.): IACC 2020, CCIS 1367, pp. 243–255, 2021.
244 K. Grover et al.

Also due to the unprecedented convenience of MOOCs, a large number of

students have shifted to this self-learning paradigm of education to learn new
concepts or to aid their classroom courses, but most online classrooms lack rel-
evant and sufficient number of exercises to test the students, which is again due
to paucity of time on the creator’s side.
Questions are not only limited to educational environments but also make
up an integral part of a multitude of intelligent machine activities. As the data
becomes abundant and machines are becoming more intelligent, and are expected
to learn by themselves, they are automatically expected to learn to question.
Machines can work as truly autonomous units only if they learn to question their
learnings and ask (or query) for more or relevant data to suffice understanding
of a particular concept (or user’s queries). Therefore, learning to frame questions
from existing knowledge is an important milestone for intelligent machines.
To facilitate these tasks, a separate subset of content generation tasks, Ques-
tion Generation (QG) [15], was recognised. Question Generation has been defined
as “the task of automatically generating questions from some form of input” [16].
In this study we explore and experiment with T5 transformer [13] for the
Question Generation task. We introduce a NLG pipeline that uses the pre-trained
‘t5-small’ architecture to generate questions. As will shown in the performance
evaluation, the T5-QG model shows performance at par with the other existing

Key Contributions. In this paper, we explore the utilization of the pre-trained

T5 model for QG tasks. As T5 model performs greatly on standard NLP tasks,
we proposed a system where we used T5 model specifically for the purpose of
question generation from text without answer supervision.
We also implemented a user-friendly web application to provide users with
the functionality of generating questions on any text required.
Several experiments have been performed using the benchmark dataset
SQuAD, and the results of these experiments clearly depict the effectiveness
of our QG model. Our model is able to generate well-formed and grammatically
correct questions from the input context.
The remaining of the paper is organized as follows, Sect. 2 discusses some
notable work in the field of Question Generation. In Sect. 3, a brief review of
the T5 model is provided. In Sect. 4, architecture and other details of our QG
model are discussed, and Sect. 5 provides the results of our research. In Sect. 6,
conclusions are drawn and the future scope of the paper is also discussed.

2 Related Work
Question generation and more loosely content generation has been long deemed
to be a complex computational task since generation of any kind of content
requires understanding of natural language as well as knowledge of the world.
Very first attempts at the content generation task included basic rule-based
techniques. For generating questions similar rule based methods were suggested
Question Generation Using Transformers 245

to which several improvements were made in subsequent years [3,6,11]. These

methods work by recognising anchors (domain specific words), which is achieved
by identifying recurrent nouns in the text and then fitting them to predefined
rules which form questions. Therefore the performance of such systems depend
solely upon the quality and number of rules. Then an overgenerate-and-rank
approach was introduced which uses the same rule-based approach to generate
questions, but it generates multiple questions from a single input sentence and
then ranks them using a supervised learning-based ranker [7]. The results are
more accurate than a simple rule-based approach but the questions are often too
predictable and give away answers in their wording themselves.
With the introduction of RNNs [21], text processing was finally deemed pos-
sible through deep learning, which had brought a revolution in other fields like
computer vision. RNNs could process sequences [17], and this was a useful fea-
ture that could be exploited in text generation. Theoretically, RNNs should be
able to handle very long sequences of data, but in practical applications the
results are far from expected. Also RNNs suffer from gradient vanishing and
exploding problems.
To overcome this problem a novel neural architecture, LSTM was introduced,
which is capable of maintaining long term dependencies due to the presence of
gated units and thus leads to generation of more meaningful contextual data [8].
Several other improvements to RNNs have also been suggested but these can not
be directly used for question generation since the process requires building rela-
tionships between context paragraphs and answer phrases. This was realised with
Seq2Seq models, which have separate encoder and decoder modules. Inspired by
the advances in other NLG fields, an approach to frame the task of question
generation as a sequence-to-sequence learning problem was suggested [5]. This
approach was fully data-driven and required no manually generated rules like
the previous propositions. This was also the first noted use of attention mech-
anism in question generation and it outperformed the previous rule-based and
overgenerate-and-rank state-of-the-art systems. A novel method to generate fac-
toid questions, from given data instead of text to generate questions, was also
suggested [18] which included using GRUs as decoder, in the Seq2Seq encoder-
decoder architecture.
Further improvements to Seq2Seq QG models also involved usage of rein-
forcement learning [23], after it proved to be rewarding in other NLG tasks. For
every question generated by the standard seq2Seq model, a reward is associated
by a Reinforce algorithm, and the model is trained to maximize the expected
reward. Several different reward functions were then explored and experimented
with to enhance overall performance of existing models [9].
The concept of Attention [20] was only introduced six years ago but since
then it has changed the entire scenario of the field of natural language generation.
Originally introduced for machine translation, it has been found effective in
nearly all NLP tasks. Attention empowers a model by learning to focus upon the
relevant parts of the input sequence. It allows the model to create relationships
between the different words of the same sequence. It also overcame the problem of
246 K. Grover et al.

short-term memory of RNNs, by providing a virtually infinite reference window,

enabling the model to remember the context of the whole generated document.
The introduction of attention gave way to transformers, which was suggested in
the same paper [20].
The Transformers outperformed the Google Neural Machine Translation
model in specific tasks. All previous techniques in NLP required sequential pro-
cessing, making training a very tedious and time consuming task, but trans-
formers allowed parallelization of tasks by taking the entire sequence as input
instead of token by token, this instantly made them popular. Several variations
of transformers have been introduced in the past one year. This also popularized
the concept of transfer learning in NLP, which has proven to be a game changer
in the field of computer vision.
Bidirectional Encoder Representation for Transformers (BERT) [4], intro-
duced the concept of conditioning to both left and right context, generating a
better language model. BERT-HLSQG [2] performed better than the seq2seq
global attention based model owing to the use of self-attention, bidirectional
language learning and change in format of training data.

Table 1. Overview of existing techniques and models for question generation

Method Ref Dataset Results

Rule-based [3, 6, 7, 11] N.A Automatic QG system
proves to be faster than
manual question
construction. The
performance of such
models depends upon
the number and quality
of rules used
Seq2Seq [5, 9, 18, 23] SQuAD, QG can be successfully
SimpleQuestions framed as a sequence
end-to-end task.
Reinforcement learning
can be further used to
enhance the results
BERT [4] SQuAD Pretrained models have
scope to perform better
than Seq2Seq model.
Answer focused models
can generate even
better results
GPT-2 Transformer [10] SQuAD Successful use of
transformer based
pretrained model
Question Generation Using Transformers 247

A more recent work addresses the use of GPT2 [12] transformer for AQG [10],
this highlights that transformer-based finetuning techniques can be used to cre-
ate AQG systems using only a single pretrained language model, without the use
of any additional complex components or features to enhance its performance.
The major existing QG techniques and model architectures are summarized in
Table 1.
The latest innovation in the field of neural text generation is the Text-to-Text
Transfer Transformer (T5) [13]. This transformer pretrained upon a newer large
text corpus (C4), achieved state-of-the-art results on several NLP tasks. And we
aim to utilize it for the QG task.

3 Overview of T5 Transformer

T5 transformer is inherently a simple encoder-decoder model. It is a “unified

framework that converts every language problem into a text-to-text format”
[13]. It is the latest model in the transformers series introduced by Google and
The most notable feature of this model is its “text-to-text” nature. Unlike
other transformers which take in natural language data only after converting it
to corresponding numerical embeddings, T5 takes in data in the form of text
only. And the outputs are also strings of characters, i.e. text again. This text-
to-text nature enables the model to learn any NLP task without changing the
hyperparameters and loss functions.
Also it is “unified” in the sense that it can perform several NLG tasks simul-
taneously. It does not require separate output layers for different tasks like other
transformers such as BERT and GPT2. Even for regression tasks, the output
can be produced as a string of numbers.
It has been trained upon a multi-task mixture of unsupervised and super-
vised tasks and for which each task is converted into a text-to-text format. For
unsupervised training, it is trained on a novel 750 Gigabyte-huge dataset, the
Colossal Clean Crawled Corpus(C4) [13], which was created especially for T5.
For supervised training, several popular datasets were used for respective tasks.
Due to the above reasons, T5 model has out-performed several other contem-
porary SOTA architectures in different NLP tasks(at least in twenty different
tasks) like text summarization, Question Answering, Sentiment analysis etc.
The input format for T5 is peculiar and consists of prepending a special
prefix to the standard input text as shown in Fig. 1. The prefix indicates the
task for which the output is sought. For example, for the purpose of translation
of a sentence from English to German language, the input should look like:
“translate English to German: That is good.”
Here “translate English to German” is the task prefix. These prefixes are
selected at the time of fine-tuning. Some other examples of prefixes for pre-
trained tasks are “summarize” for text summarization task, “cola” for checking
grammatical correctness of a sentence and “stsb” for sentence similarity of two
different sentences.
248 K. Grover et al.

Fig. 1. Input and output formats for T5 model

4 Architecture of T5 Model

The T5 model has an encoder-decoder based transformer architecture which is

best suited for the text-to-text approach. The number of parameters is kept same
as BERT [4] (which is an encoder only model) by sharing them across decoder
and encoder without a significant drop in performance.

Fig. 2. Architecture of T5. Source: [1]

The architecture of the T5 model is shown in Fig. 2.

The encoder consists of a stack of identical layers. Every layer is composed
of two sub-layers. The first sub-layer of each encoder layer is a multi-head self-
attention mechanism. The second sub-layer on the other hands is a fully con-
nected position-wise feed-forward network. Residual connections are employed
around these sub-layers, each followed by the normalization layer. Similar to the
encoder, decoder also consists of a stack of identical layers.
Question Generation Using Transformers 249

In the decoder, a third sub-layer is also inserted, in addition to the two

sub-layers already present in the encoder layer. This third sub-layer performs
multi-head attention on the output received by the encoder stack. Here also
residual connections are employed around these sub-layers, like that of encoder,
each followed by the normalization layer. More details can be referred from the
original paper [13].

5 T5 for Question Generation

Owing to the success of the BERT [4] and GPT2 transfer learning QG model, we
propose a QG system that utilizes a pre-trained T5 Transformer model. Transfer
learning enables the model to learn from abundant data. The pre-trained model
can also be applied in the downstream task. Here the pre-trained tasks can be
dissimilar from the downstream task. It is especially useful in NLP as labeled
data is scarce and valuable while unlabeled data is present in abundance.
The task we will be teaching our T5 model is question generation. Specifically,
the model will be tasked with asking relevant questions when given a context.
The T5 model is fine-tuned to generate multiple questions simultaneously by
just providing the context. The proposed model architecture is shown in Fig. 3.

Fig. 3. Model architecture overview for question generation

250 K. Grover et al.

5.1 Data Preparation

For fine-tuning T5 model we need to convert our question generation task to a
text-to-text format and as T5 is trained using teacher forcing method we need
to prepare a sequence input and sequence output. For fine-tuning we use the
popular Question Answering (QA) dataset, SQuAD v1.1 [14]. We used SQuAD’s
training and validation sets as our model’s training and test sets, as the original
test set is hidden. The dataset provides a context, question and answers to each
question. For the purpose of training our question generation model, we invert
the dataset such that the input is the context paragraph and the target is all
the questions posed on the given context. Also, we discarded the answers as
we wanted answer-agnostic questions to be generated. A training example fed
to the model is formed by an input text and a target corresponding to it. The
context forms the input text and all the questions posed on that context form the
target, separated by the <sep>. Maximum input length was set to 512 and the
maximum target length was set to 128, and examples were truncated or padded
accordingly. The process is depicted in Fig. 4. The final training examples feeded
to the model are shown in Fig. 5.

Fig. 4. Preprocessing of training data

5.2 Model Finetuning and Implementation Details

For fine-tuning T5 model for our question generation task, we used Hugging-
Face’s [22] implementation of t5-small model. The model has 60 million param-
eters and is the smallest out of the five models proposed in the original paper,
the largest having 11 billion parameters.
Question Generation Using Transformers 251

Fig. 5. Preprocessed data

The output target is truncated at a length of 128 so that infinite loops and
repetition are avoided. The model was trained for 20 epochs, using Adam as
optimizer and a learning rate of 1e−4.
For decoding the outputs of model, Beam search with beam size 4 is used
with decoding length set to maximum 128.

5.3 Model Evaluation

The trained model generates grammatically sound questions given any context.
We use an answer unsupervised model which is more general in nature and can
learn to generate questions by itself from any type of context. Also enabling it
to look for potential answers on its own.
But since the model is not answer supervised, the questions generated are
very different from the SQuAD’s human generated questions. Moreover our
model generates questions that are not in the target set but are obvious deduc-
tions from the input context.
All the current performance evaluation metrics (BLEU, METEOR, ROGUE,
etc.) measure similarity of predicted output to the target in different manners.
For example, BLEU measures the token-wise similarity, and use of a different
token at any position, even with a similar context will result in a diminished
BLEU score.
Since our predictions are very different from the training targets, though still
sound, the scores on traditional metrics are bound to be low. Also, since it is a
general observation that same question can be re-framed in a different manner
and still mean the same thing (semantically similar), we believe that these scores
do not reflect the performance of our model in totality.
252 K. Grover et al.

6 Results
In this section we will take a glance at the results achieved by our model.
By the predictions made by our model, it is observed that a T5 trans-
former can be successfully trained to generate syntactically correct questions
from unseen input context paragraphs, even after being trained for just 10 epochs
for the task.
Some of the predictions made by our model are listed in Fig. 6. We highlighted
the context from where we assume the model predicted the question.

Fig. 6. Prediction results

The generated questions are grammatically sound and context relevant.

Though context relevant, some questions generated are also open-ended which
is not generally the case in answer focused models.
Also, our model possess the ability to produce multiple questions from given
context. The number of questions generated depend upon the beam size selected
while making predictions, and therefore it can be adjusted accordingly.

6.1 Web-Interface
We have also made a web interface in order for others to benefit from this work.
Generator Q is an application that will allow the user to generate coherent good
quality questions from the data input by the user. The question generator will
take in a piece of textual data from the user. Accordingly, question and answer
pairs will be generated by the system, from the data provided. The PyTorch
model is hosted on the web. The website takes in input some text, which can be
pasted in the text box provided as shown in Fig. 7. The generated questions are
then rendered as shown in Fig. 8. Here is a link to access the website: GeneratorQ.
Question Generation Using Transformers 253

Fig. 7. Input user interface of the website

Fig. 8. Output user interface of the website showing questions generated

7 Conclusions and Future Work

Our research primarily focuses on automatic question generation using Transfer
Learning on T5 Transformer which was fine-tuned on the SQuAD dataset. As we
know manual construction of questions is a complicated and tedious task that
requires experience, our model aims to reduce that effort by producing good
quality and relevant questions. Our fine-tuned model fulfils this aim.
This can be further extended to generate questions along with answers in
a closed setting. Many of the previous techniques utilize a separate module or
some additional data to identify key phrases, that can act as answers. Earlier
several rule-based answer (or key) extraction modules were suggested. Recent
suggestions for this purpose include the use of a seq-to-seq probabilistic model
[19]. Another method to address the problem is by highlighting the answer por-
tion in the given context by using different techniques like using <hl> tags [2]
254 K. Grover et al.

and tagging answer start and end locations or pre-mentioning the answer with
the context paragraph. This requires additional knowledge and effort.
A problem we faced was the lack of datasets specific to educational setting.
More labelled data can be used to further expand this research. Another prob-
lem faced by us was the lack of a proper evaluation metric which accurately
judges the performance of the model. Since our model is not answer supervised,
the questions generated are very different from the SQuAD’s human generated
questions. More research can be done to produce better evaluation metrics for
QG task.
Further better results can we produced by increasing the number of epochs
for training and using a powerful GPU.

Acknowledgments. This paper is an outcome of the R&D work undertaken in the

Capstone project under Computer Science and Engineering Department of Thapar
Institute of Engineering and Technology, and the Visvesvaraya PhD Scheme of Ministry
of Electronics and Information Technology, Government of India, being implemented
by Digital India Corporation (formerly Media Lab Asia).

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Improving Word Recognition in Speech
Transcriptions by Decision-Level Fusion
of Stemming and Two-Way Phoneme Pruning

Sunakshi Mehra(B) and Seba Susan

Department of Information Technology, Delhi Technological University, Shahbad Daulatpur,

Main Bawana Road, Delhi 110042, India
[email protected]

Abstract. We introduce an unsupervised approach for correcting highly imperfect

speech transcriptions based on a decision-level fusion of stemming and two-way
phoneme pruning. Transcripts are acquired from videos by extracting audio using
Ffmpeg framework and further converting audio to text transcript using Google
API. In the benchmark LRW dataset, there are 500 word categories, and 50 videos
per class in mp4 format. All videos consist of 29 frames (each 1.16 s long) and
the word appears in the middle of the video. In our approach we tried to improve
the baseline accuracy from 9.34% by using stemming, phoneme extraction, fil-
tering and pruning. After applying the stemming algorithm to the text transcript
and evaluating the results, we achieved 23.34% accuracy in word recognition.
To convert words to phonemes we used the Carnegie Mellon University (CMU)
pronouncing dictionary that provides a phonetic mapping of English words to
their pronunciations. A two-way phoneme pruning is proposed that comprises of
the two non-sequential steps: 1) filtering and pruning the phonemes containing
vowels and plosives 2) filtering and pruning the phonemes containing vowels and
fricatives. After obtaining results of stemming and two-way phoneme pruning, we
applied decision-level fusion and that led to an improvement of word recognition
rate upto 32.96%.

Keywords: Stemming · Phoneme filtering · Phoneme selection · Decision fusion

1 Introduction
Automatic Speech recognition is the process of transforming speech to recognizable text
with the help of computer interface. It is challenging to extract pure text transcript from
audio since different speakers may have different styles, different accents, and different
voice quality [1]. Speech recognition is not speaker- dependent; recognition of speakers
from characteristics of their voices is another line of research [2, 4]. In recent years, a
lot of progress has been achieved in the task of spoken text recognition by supervised
classification, and less work is focused on unsupervised approaches. Alignment of subset
of phonemes on audio track with the sequence of phonemes extracted from the imperfect
speech transcript was acknowledged as a challenging task in [5] because of varying

© Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2021

D. Garg et al. (Eds.): IACC 2020, CCIS 1367, pp. 256–266, 2021.
Improving Word Recognition in Speech Transcriptions 257

sound/video quality compromised by noise disturbances, different speakers, varying

accent and varying style in pronunciation of words. The performance of aligning shows
a correct matching of phonemes with 10, 20, 30 error margins when more than 75% of
text is aligned correctly within 5 s. Unaligned temporal text is converted to phonemes
and the alignment between audio phonemes and text phonemes is done with dynamic
programming edit distance transformation [5]. Text to speech synthesizing system based
on Grapheme-to-Phoneme conversion resolves problems in rule based approaches [8,
13]. The use of root words or sub-words can be observed in [11, 14, 31, 33, 35] in
which the prefix and suffix of every word is stripped off. The idea of grapheme-to-
phoneme conversion is extended in [10] that uses the sub-word approach in resolving
ambiguity in inflected and compound words. The algorithm segments each word into
the main part and the suffix part, and concatenates the pronunciations of the two parts
procured separately from two different pronunciation dictionaries. The study shows 6%
of the errors are achieved due to inflected or compound words among a total of 8.33%.
Recently developed online tools like WinPitchPro perform text-to-speech alignment
[23]. Unsupervised acoustic modelling on 100k words of text in [25], measures the
effects of weak language models by model training. This method uses word confidences
to predict n-gram counts for language modelling by multiplying the word confidences
together to get a weighted count which results in better reduction in word error rate.
A larger gain might be possible but results improve much more in margin if better
estimation techniques are used to identify correct n-grams on small amounts of labelled
data [25].
Speech separation can also be used for the classification problem, based on super-
vised learning [17]. Over the past few decades, speech separation and Weiner filtering
make the assumption of background noises which constitutes a major problem in our
current system. Deep neural network with multiple hidden layers can perform better
than Multilayer Perceptron in speech separation [18]. Morphological parsing may or
may not involve stemming. It may just involve searching for a word in its original form
as it appears in the sentence [36, 39]. The stemming framework involves two main
aspects: first is to expand the sentence selection strategy from the so-called “sentence
by phrase” to “list by phrase”, and second is to examine different construction methods
and component models involved in such a framework [15]. The foremost challenge lies
in how the word is pronounced and with how much intensity the person said the word.
To map the words to phonemes we used the CMU dictionary which is also called a pro-
nouncing dictionary [40]. In this paper, we use a stemming framework in collaboration
with phonemes filtered and pruned in two independent stages for recognizing words
and correcting errors in imperfect speech transcripts. The organization of this paper is
as follows: Sect. 2 presents the proposed approach, Sect. 3 analyses the experimental
results and Sect. 4 states the conclusion.
258 S. Mehra and S. Susan

2 Proposed Approach for Correcting Imperfect Speech


2.1 Text Pre-processing

The text transcript is of limited size; an example is shown for the word category "signifi-
cant" in Fig. 1. The speech transcript normalization is the process of cleaning the data by
removing unwanted information- stop words, punctuation, conversion of numeral val-
ues to their word form, converting all words to lower case for better reading. Tokenizing
of the sentence is performed to read the content properly and distinguish each word
separately. Text filtering helps in faster processing and reduces the size of the document.

Fig. 1. Text transcription after pre-processing.

Stop words are removed since these have less importance, like “a”, “the”, “an”, “of”,
“like”, “for” that are not of any significance in information retrieval. We have re-phrased
commonly used phrases (like “couldn’t”) with their grammatical form (“could not”).
Tokens containing symbols like “.”, “!”, “#”, “$” are converted to word form as per the
requirement of the content, are removed, as shown in Fig. 2.

Fig. 2. After text normalization (removing all these bold letter words) from a transcription.

2.2 Stemming

In information retrieval and linguistic morphology, stemming is the process of chopping-

off suffix from a word and reducing it to its root form also known as the base form.
Stemming is used in text and natural language processing. For instance, if the word ends
with “ed”, “ies”, “ing”, “ly” the end of the word is removed to obtain its root form or
base form. One of the tools used for stemming is Porter stemmer where the stem may
not be identical to the morphological root of the words, as observed from the stemmed
results in Fig. 3. Stemmer algorithm outlines the process of removing inflectional endings
and common morphs from words. It is also used for text normalization in information
Improving Word Recognition in Speech Transcriptions 259

retrieval systems [7]. Porter stemmer is less aggressive than Lancaster stemmer which
trims out most of the valid text. In linguistic morphology, stemming is the process of
finding the root or base of the word. However, lemmatization is to find the lemma in a set
of lexicons having same word sense. The base or word-form can be derived or inflected.
In our LRW dataset, the keyword “absolutely” has lemma as “absolutely” and stem as
“absolut”. When you go through the text transcription, the occurrence of stem “absolut”
is more as compared to the lemma “absolutely”. So, the stemmer brings most of the
words closer to their respective categories, that would yield higher classification scores
than experiments that involve matching words in their original form as in [36] and [37].

Fig. 3. After applying stemming using Porter stemmer.

2.3 Phoneme Extraction from Text

Phoneme is the smallest unit of speech in linguistics where a sound or group of sounds
differ in their pronunciation and meaning, where the pronunciation varies according to
the surrounding letters which may affect the letter representation [12]. The word can be
sound of speech, including stress, articulation and intonation, for the representation of
which we used CMU pronunciation dictionary with over 125k words and their phonetic
transcriptions After text normalization, we generated a collection of phonemes from
the text aligned transcript. Only the standard detailing pattern of the sound or stress
pattern of a syllable, word, and phrase is selected. The phonetic transcription of the
word “about” is “AH0 B AW1 T” where 0 represents no stress, 1 represents primary
stress and 2 represents secondary stress; all the numerical values are filtered out. Thus
the text is first segmented to words and further represented by their phonemes as shown
in the example in Fig. 4.
Different speakers contribute to a different pronunciation; searching for a perfect
match in transcripts is challenging [22]. CMU pronouncing dictionary follows American
English to assume pronunciation of a text. CMU pronouncing dictionary follows the
same standard representation as the International phonetic alphabet of sounds in spoken
language [40].
Phoneme filtering is the process where the phonemes are filtered on the basis of
whether they contain vowels, plosives or fricatives. Phoneme filtering not only reduces
the size of the dataset but also improves the category identification as shown from the
sequence of phonemes shown in Fig. 5 that are extracted from the normalized text in
Fig. 2. Plosives are also known as stop or oral consonant which block the vocal tract so
that the flow of air ceases. They include both voiced and voiceless consonants. “b”, “d”,
“g” are voiced plosives and “p”, “t”, “k” are voiceless or unvoiced plosives. They are
also called glottal stop. Fricatives are consonants that are mostly voiced and consist of
high energy and amplitude. The example of fricatives is “f”, “s”, “v”, “z”. Because of
260 S. Mehra and S. Susan

Fig. 4. Overview of phoneme filtering and pruning from a sample phrase. Text phoneme is filtered
and pruned to include plosives and vowels and alternatively, to include vowels and fricatives in
the same manner.

high amplitude they are easily detected. The International Phonetic alphabet (IPA) aims
to transcribe the sounds of all human languages.
The IPA introduced the phonetic chart where each lexical unit is distinguished in the
way it is spoken. Consonants are the sounds produced in the vocal tract, more specifically
in the oral tract (the mouth and pharynx), where the produced speech is constructed. They
are further classified to labials, coronal, radical and dorsal. The vowels contribute to high
pitch and amplitude so most of the time they are detected correctly. Based on the manner
the speech is formed, if it is sound coming from nose its called as nasal; if it is the
sound formed by blocked air flow, then it is called stop, plosive, or oral. Fricatives are
consonants such as (“f”, “s”, “v”, “z”) produced by placing the lower lip against the
upper teeth. Trills are similar to taps and flaps is a sound produced by active and passive
articulator [27].

Fig. 5. After phoneme extraction and filtering.

Improving Word Recognition in Speech Transcriptions 261

2.4 Decision Fusion of Stemming and Phoneme

After collecting results of pure stemming and phoneme filtering, we pruned each
phoneme such that it contains either (i) vowels or plosives or (ii) vowels or fricatives.
The pruning was performed in two non-sequential stages. We call the scheme two-way
phoneme pruning.
Stage I: Phoneme pruning using Vowels and Plosives
Stage II: Phoneme pruning using Vowels and Fricatives.
In order to combine the goodness of all factors, the outcomes of stemming and Stage
I and Stage II of two-way phoneme pruning are combined using a decision level score
fusion, by which scheme, if any of the stages (stem, vowel + plosives, vowel + fricatives)
identify a given word in the transcript, then the word is considered to be identified.

3 Experimental Results
3.1 Dataset
One of the challenging datasets for speech recognition in the wild is Lip Reading in
the wild (LRW) dataset [20]. It is an audio-visual dataset that has motivated various
researches in audio-visual speech recognition [9, 21]. In our work, the audio track is
extracted and processed for generating the speech transcription. The LRW dataset con-
sists of 500 different classes of words (each class contains 50 samples). We use the
testing data alone for the unsupervised experiments. All these videos are in MP4 format
and have 29 frames each that are 1.16 s in length, and the word is supposed to occur
in the middle of the video. The word length, word details are given in the metadata. To
extract audio from the video we used Ffmpeg framework. Ffmpeg is a fast video and
audio converter. There is no quality loss while changing the format of multimedia files.

3.2 Results of the Proposed Approach Using Decision-Level Fusion

The experiments were performed in python 3.7.4 on a PC (Intel core i5 with Intel HD
Graphics 6000 1536 MB and Mac OS High Sierra with a clock of 1.8 GHz). The com-
putation time for a single audio file is 29 s. In our proposed work, we filtered and pruned
the phonemes by selecting vowels and plosives (in Stage 1) and vowels and fricatives (in
Stage 2). After applying stemming, the word recognition rate was observed to be 23.34%.
Stage 1 of Phoneme pruning yielded a recognition rate of 27.67% while Stage 2 yielded
28.23%. The results of decision-level fusion of stemming and Stage-1 and Stage-2 of
phoneme pruning, yielded the word recognition rate of 32.96%, a significant improve-
ment over the baseline method (9.36%) which is explained in the next sub-section. A
demonstration of decision-level fusion is shown in Fig. 6 for the word category "signif-
icant". All results are summarized in Table 1 with suitable references to the literature
regarding the use of the individual components for speech text understanding. We have
also compared our approach with two well- known automated spelling correction tools
– autocorrect [30] and symspell [6]. The code for both these tools is available online at
[32] and [19] respectively.
262 S. Mehra and S. Susan

Fig. 6. Decision fusion of stemming and two-way phoneme pruning.

Table 1. Comparison of various methodologies on LRW dataset.

Methods Accuracy
Baseline [29] 9.34%
Stemming [28] 23.34%
Phoneme pruning (Vowels & Plosives) [3] 27.67%
Phoneme pruning (Vowels & Fricatives) [5] 28.23%
Autocorrect [30] 21.50%
Symspell [6] 25.16%
Decision Fusion of Stemming and two-way Phoneme pruning 32.96%

3.3 Sliding Text Window-The Baseline Approach

In the baseline approach, we slide a window across the text after tokenizing each word
in the sentence. If the category word is found in a sentence, the text window can slide to
the next sentence or next line in the text file. After sliding word by word in a sentence
and line by line, it determines the number of occurrences of the category word, as shown
in Fig. 7. In this way the duplicity and redundancy of the same category in a sentence
can be avoided.
Improving Word Recognition in Speech Transcriptions 263

Fig. 7. Sliding text window to search for the keyword “significant” in-text transcription.

3.4 Test Cases

All 500 categories results (averaged) are projected in Table 1. An examination of test
cases shows that sometimes stemming performs best, sometimes phonemes (vowels +
plosives) performs best, and sometimes phonemes (vowels + fricatives) gives the best
results. Our technique combines the best of all three methods and provides the highest
accuracy. Some test cases are presented below, that can help us in understanding the role
of decision fusion more precisely.
Test Case 1: In some cases, only stem is found sufficient to recognize the word. For
instance, in category "announced," the probability of occurrence of the word "announce",
which is the root form of the word "announced", is 6%, the probability of occurrence
of vowels + plosives is 4%, and the probability of occurrence of vowels + fricatives
is 2%. As you can see, in such cases, decision fusion causes the stem to win with a
high probability value. After trimming “ed” from the word “announced”, the probability
of occurrence of stem “announce” increases by 4%. However, in vowels + plosives,
the word “announced” is pronounced in CMU dictionary as “AH”, “N”, “AW”, “N”,
“S”, “T”. The vowels are- “A” and plosives- “T”, the pattern we are looking for in our
transcript is “AAT”; the probability of increase in this case is 2%. Moreover, in case of
vowels + fricatives, the word “announced” is pronounced in CMU dictionary as “AH”,
“N”, “AW”, “N”, “S”, “T’. The vowel is- “A” and fricatives are- “W”, “S”. The pattern
we are looking for in our transcript is “AAWS”. The probability of occurrence in this
case is same as the baseline. The probability of increase is more in case of stem than
other two cases. Hence, stemming performs best for this particular test case.

Test Case 2: Let’s take one more example of another category “agreement” where the
probability of occurrence of stem is 44%, the probability of occurrence of vowels +
plosives is 88% and the probability of occurrence of vowel + fricatives is 92%. In this
case, decision fusion causes vowels + fricatives to win with high probability value.
In category “agreement”, the probability of occurrence of stem “agreement” is same
as the baseline. However, in vowels + plosives, the word “agreement” is pronounced
in CMU dictionary as “AH”, “G”, “R”, “IY”, “M”, “AH”, “N”, “T”. The vowels are-
“A”, “I” and plosives are- “G”, “T”. The pattern we are looking for in our transcript is
“AGIAT”, the probability of increase in this case is 22%. However, in case of vowels +
fricatives, the word “agreement” is pronounced in CMU dictionary as “AH”, “G”, “R”,
264 S. Mehra and S. Susan

“IY”, “M”, “AH”, “N”, “T”. The vowels is- “A”, “I” and plosives are- none the pattern
we are looking for in our transcript is “AI”. The probability of increase in this case is
70%. The probability of increase is more in case of vowels + fricatives than the other
two cases. Hence, vowels + fricatives perform best in this test case.
Test Case 3: In category “affairs” the probability of occurrence of stem is 4%, the
probability of occurrence of vowels + plosives is 20%, and the probability of occurrence
of vowels + fricatives is 6%. This is the case in which decision fusion causes vowels +
plosives to win with high probability value. After trimming “s” from the word “affairs”,
the probability of occurrence of stem “affair” is same as the baseline. However, in vowels
+ plosives, the word “affairs” is pronounced in CMU dictionary as “AH”, “F”, “EH”,
“R”, “Z”. The vowels are- “A”, “E” and plosives are- none, the pattern we are looking
for in our transcript is “AE”. The probability of increase in this case is 16%. However,
in case of vowels + fricatives, the word “affairs” is pronounced in CMU dictionary as
“AH”, “F”, “EH”, “R”, “Z”. The vowels are- “A”, “E” and fricatives are- “F”, “Z”, the
pattern we are looking for in our transcript is “AFERZ”. The probability of increase in
this case is 2%. The probability of increase is more in case of vowels + plosives than
the other two cases. Hence, vowels + plosives give the best results for this particular
test case.

4 Conclusions
We have presented a fusion approach of the best of stemming and two-way phoneme
pruning on highly imperfect speech transcription extracted from the LRW dataset which
is in mp4 format. After extracting audio samples using Ffmpeg framework, we converted
the audio speech to the text transcription using Google API which is publicly available
and has various applications in speech adaption, transcribing speech and real-time speech
recognition. We have evaluated the baseline results by pure string matching of a word
category from a text transcription. The first step is text normalization and speech adap-
tation by removing stop words which are the most frequent unwanted words from a text
file to make text processing faster. After applying stemming on the word, we extracted
the most root word and compared it with different categories. At the same time, we
converted the word to phonemes using the CMU pronouncing dictionary. After mapping
text transcript to phonemes, we applied phoneme filtering on text transcript, where we
filtered out the phonemes containing vowels, plosives or fricatives. The phoneme pruning
is executed in two non-sequential stages: Stage I: Phoneme pruning using Vowels and
Plosives, Stage II: Phoneme pruning using Vowels and Fricatives. Once we got results
through the above three methods, we applied decision fusion that confirmed whether the
occurrence of the word is detected by any of the three methods. The proposed fusion
method outperforms the state of the art and the word recognition accuracy is improved
from the baseline accuracy of 9.34% to 32.96% using our fusion method.

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MultiDeepFake: Improving Fake News
Detection with a Deep Convolutional
Neural Network Using a Multimodal

Rohit Kumar Kaliyar1(B) , Arjun Mohnot1 , R. Raghhul2 , V. K. Prathyushaa2 ,

Anurag Goswami1 , Navya Singh1 , and Palavi Dash3
Bennett University, Greater Noida, India
{rk5370,anurag.goswami,ns8558}, [email protected]
Sri Ramakrishna Engineering College, Coimbatore, India
[email protected], [email protected]
IIIT Bhubaneswar, Bhubaneswar, India
[email protected]

Abstract. Nowadays, the news ecosystem has shifted from traditional

print media to social media outlets. It has resulted in the inaccuracy
and irrelevancy in updating information by people which is commonly
known as fake news. Due to the increasing number of users in social
media, fake news is quickly publishing by an individual, and its credibil-
ity stands compromised, which brings in a need for effective detection of
fake news. Since a large proportion of the population uses social media
for updating themselves with news, delivering accurate and altruistic
information to them is of utmost importance. Fake news detection has
recently garnered much attention from researchers and developers alike.
This work proposes to detect fake news using various modalities avail-
able, such as text, image, and text in the image in an effective manner
using Deep Learning algorithms. In this paper, we propose a deep con-
volutional neural network for handling diverse multi-domain fake news
data. Our proposed model (MultiDeepFake) has obtained more accurate
results as compared to the existing state-of-the-art benchmarks. Classi-
fication results will motivate the researchers to use our proposed model
in future for fake news detection.

Keywords: Fake news · Convolutional neural network · Long

short-term memo. rumour · Deep learning · Social media

1 Introduction
With the advent of social media and technology [1,2], fake news has become one
of the significant problems in the industry today. It has the potential to influence
the decisions and opinions of the common public of the society [1]. Fake news
is “news articles that are intentionally and verifiably false and could mislead
c Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2021
D. Garg et al. (Eds.): IACC 2020, CCIS 1367, pp. 267–279, 2021.
268 R. K. Kaliyar et al.

readers.” It is a form of a story that can deceive people for some political and
financial benefits [2]. Fake news is often published intentionally or unintentionally
due to human neglect or incorrect data extraction and manipulation. It can
have severe repercussions if left unattended or undetected. Fake news is usually
created by manipulating data in the form of text, image, video, and audio. Hence,
there arises the need for a multimodal fake news detection system [3] which
effectively detects the correctness and accuracy of the news. Few examples of
fake news are shown in Fig. 1.

Fig. 1. Few examples of fake news: Source (Facebook)

As fake news is written to mislead readers, it is a challenging task to detect

the actual information using the content of the news only. Various social media
platforms are used by people to share news instantly without knowing the fact
behind it. Since the news content is diverse in terms of styles, the subject in
which it is written, it becomes essential to bring an effective system for the
detection. In this paper, we use deep learning models for the classification of
fake news. The key benefit of deep learning model over machine learning is that
it automatically extracts useful features [3–6]. In machine learning models, the
features of the input data to be processed must present explicitly whereas, in
deep learning, the model will incrementally learn the high-level features thereby
reducing the need of expertise and feature extraction (the key difference is shown
MultiDeepFake: Improving Fake News Detection 269

in Fig. 2). As we increase the hidden layers in the neural network, our model will
be more dense.
In this paper, we propose a deep convolutional neural network (MultiDeep-
Fake) having the capability of automatic feature extraction and achieved effective
results utilizing multimodal features. For pre-trained word embedding, we used
GloVe as our pre-trained word embedding. We have designed our model having
four dense layers and in-depth convolutional approach. To validate the results,
firstly, we implemented simple CNN model having two dense layers. Then, we
have implemented one LSTM model with bi-directional training features. Subse-
quently, we have implemented our proposed Deep Convolutional Neural Network
(MultiDeepFake), which a dense CNN, giving more accurate results compared
to the existing state-of-the-art classification methods. The researchers can use
our proposed model for significant results.

Fig. 2. Machine learning v/s Deep learning

2 Related Work
Conroy et al. [12] have explored several approaches that seem promising towards
the aim of correctly classify the misleading articles. They note that simple
content-related n-grams and shallow parts-of-speech (POS) tagging have prob-
lem insufficient for the classification task, often failing to account for impor-
tant context information. Feng et al. [13] have used semantic analysis technique
by considering object descriptor and contradictions with the text. They have
achieved 85%–90% of accuracy with their proposed neural network. One of the
researches by Wang [14] in the article “Liar, Liar Pants on Fire”, he provided
a dataset which can be available publicly. So many researchers are used, we
can use natural processing language (NLP) techniques for news outlet stance
detection, which can lead to fake news detection. Rubin et al [15] provide an
overview of the features of fake news, which contain the style and format of
journalistic reporting. Tacchini et al. [16] proposed a professional report on fake
270 R. K. Kaliyar et al.

news detection using a few machine learning classification models. At first, they
have implemented the deep syntax model, and he improved it as semantic anal-
ysis technique model. For this fake news detection, some are working on the
against of GROVER model, a model which is useful to generate a detect only
fake neural news [17]. For news article classification, we can use some models
like LSTM by extracting the few LIWC (Linguistic and Word Count) features
[18,19] and combine with the textual content information. Deep Walk is another
model for network embedding. In the following model for determining the fake
news, they used SVM model after DEEP WALK embeds the news article based
on the fake news network structure [20]. By taking the raw text as inputs, they
tried to extract some explicit features and was provided as an input to the SVM
classification model [21]. They also tested the RNN model, which is based on the
textual contents [22]. After applying RNN, they were able to classify the factual
news article.

3 Methodology
3.1 Fake News Classification with Deep Learning
Deep learning is a subset of machine learning which contains many useful and
efficient algorithms when compared to other learning algorithms [7,9,10]. In a
deep learning approach, the performance of a classification model is directly pro-
portional to the amount of data (refer Fig. 3 for more details) that is being passed
to the model. We designed a deep Convolutional Neural Network having different
filters across each convolutional layer and dense layer. We have also implemented
a bi-directional Long Short-Term Memory to validate the classification results
of our proposed model.

Word Embedding: The text in the dataset is converted into word vectors using
a count vectorizer or TF-IDF vectorizer. Here, each sentence consists of words
that are converted to vectors using advanced pre-trained embedding techniques
[12]. The GloVe uses to obtain a vector representation (for data flow kindly refer
Fig. 4) of different length words. It is based on the observation that the ratio of
word-word co-occurrences probabilities can be used to encode meaning [11]. It is
trained on non-zero word-word occurrence entries which shows how frequently
words co-occur with each other.

Convolutional Neural Network: Convolutional Neural Network is a type of

Artificial Neural Network that uses perceptron for cognitive tasks in the domain
of image processing and natural language processing. It is a class of deep neural
networks that are also called as shift-variant or space-variant artificial neural
networks. They are a regularized version of a multilayer perceptron in which
each node is connected to others in the subsequent layer. In CNN, there is less
scope of pre-processing the data required by the filters that are supposed to be
hand-engineered are learned by this independently. In this paper, we have used
a simple CNN having two dense as well as two convolutional layers.
MultiDeepFake: Improving Fake News Detection 271

Fig. 3. Performance of deep learning models with large data

Long Short-Term Memory: Long short-term memory is a type of artificial

neural network architecture that uses to process multiple data points in images,
speech, audio as well as text. It consists of a cell and three gates, namely an
input gate, forget gate and output gate. Unlike other architectures, LSTM has
connections for feedback which help regulate the information flow through the
gates. This architecture designed in such a way that it can remember the long-
term dependencies of the data. It could overcome the vanishing gradient problem
that arises when using Recurrent Neural Networks. These models can be trained
in both supervised and unsupervised method.

MultiDeepFake: In the case of our proposed model (see Fig. 5 for more details),
we tried increasing the density of the neural network, with three convolution lay-
ers and four dense layers with variable kernel size, and with some changes the
hyperparameters to optimize the result further. In our model, initially, we have
three convolutional layers with filters 3, 4, 5 respectively, each layer followed by
a max-pooling of kernel size = 5, the activation function used here was the ‘relu’
function. Subsequently, we had 1 flatten layer with a dropout of 0.1 followed
by max-pooling operations, with kerne size = 5 respectively. Finally, after con-
catenation, at the end of the model, four dense layers were added to make the
model more deep and powerful for more accurate feature extraction. We have a
dropout of 0.1 for the last dense layer the activation function used was ‘softmax’
for output function.
272 R. K. Kaliyar et al.

Fig. 4. Data flow using word embedding

MultiDeepFake: Improving Fake News Detection 273

Fig. 5. Architecture of MultiDeepFake

274 R. K. Kaliyar et al.

4 Implementation and Results

4.1 Dataset: Fakeddit

Fakeddit is derived from Fake News + Reddit. Fakeddit, a novel dataset com-
prising of around 800,000 examples from different classifications of fake news.
Each example is marked by 2-way, 3-way, and 5-way characterization classes.
The dataset contains features like text, clean title, number of upvotes, com-
ments, score, upvote ratio. The dataset containing text is fed into the model in
which the words and sentences are converted into vectors and pass through the
different layers containing a receding number of nodes to finally get classified as
real or fake in the output layer. In this model, we use the feature “clean title” in
the dataset as input (refer Table 1 and Figs. 6 to 7 for more details). It consists
of 69954 entries of data occurrences for each column in training dataset.

Fig. 6. Top 8 words in real news using Fakeddit

Fakeddit provides a large quantity of text+image samples with multiple labels

for various levels of fine-grained classification. With such massive data points in
the dataset, it can provide more generic results and helps to identify better
credibility of the news. The most frequent words as Real and Fake in the dataset
has been plotted to visualize trends whether the given sentence is fake or real.
MultiDeepFake: Improving Fake News Detection 275

Fig. 7. Top 8 words in fake news using Fakeddit

Table 1. Representation of Fakeddit

Column Description
ID Unique value
Author Provides the name author
Domain Which domain the news belongs
has the image It is a image or not
Num comments Neutral Number of comments
score Provides score
Title Title of news
clean title Cleaned title after pre-processing
upvote ratio Voting ratio of news
Output Class 2 way, 3 way or 5 way

4.2 Results

We have implemented different deep learning models (CNN, LSTM, and Mul-
tiDeepFake) for the detection of fake news. To train our dataset in an effective
manner, we used GloVe as a pre-trained word-embedded vector model. GloVe
is a word-embedded vector which contains around 400000 words mapped with
100-dimensional vector each. For CNN, we trained our model for every post,
276 R. K. Kaliyar et al.

Fig. 8. Cross Entropy Loss with no. of epoch for Training and Validation for LSTM
(Color figure online)

Fig. 9. Accuracy with no. of epoch for Training and Validation for LSTM (Color figure

splitting 20% of training dataset for testing, for 10 epochs and got a training
accuracy of 91.62%. And for testing, got an accuracy of 83.78% using Faked-
dit. For LSTM, we have designed a bi-directional LSTM model. This model
was trained only for news data concatenating source of news by their replies.
MultiDeepFake: Improving Fake News Detection 277

Fig. 10. Cross Entropy Loss with number of epoch using CNN (Color figure online)

Fig. 11. Accuracy with number of epoch using CNN (Color figure online)
278 R. K. Kaliyar et al.

Since our dataset is large, our LSTM model performed better than the CNN
model. We have achieved 84.20% in validation accuracy and 92.70% training
accuracy. The results for LSTM, CNN, and MultiDeepFake are shown below.
We found that LSTM outperforms CNN. The Graphs below (refer Figs. 8, 9,
10 and 11) are for the first nine epochs. For LSTM, dark red colour shows val-
idation accuracy and blue colour shows training accuracy. With our proposed
model (MultiDeepFake), we have achieved 97.20% training accuracy and 92.16%
validation accuracy, which is highest among all deep learning implementations.
Our proposed deep learning model provided more accurate results because of
its capabilities like: automatically extracts useful features, fit for a large and
unstructured dataset, and high accuracy.

5 Conclusion and Future Scope

In this paper, we have implemented a deep convolutional neural network for
multi-modal fake news dataset with the accuracy of more than 95% for the
training set and more than 90% for the validation set. In this digital age where
hoax news is present everywhere in digital platforms, our model has achieved
state-of-the-art results. In future, we will implement temporal and graph features
for effective fake news detection.

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English-Marathi Neural Machine Translation
Using Local Attention

K. Adi Narayana Reddy1(B) , G. Shyam Chandra Prasad2 , A. Rajashekar Reddy1 ,

L. Naveen Kumar1 , and Kannaiah3
1 BVRIT HYDERABAD College of Engineering for Women, Hyderabad, India
[email protected], [email protected],
[email protected]
2 Matrusri Engineering College, Hyderabad, India
[email protected]
3 HITAM, Hyderabad, India

[email protected]

Abstract. Machine translation, translates sentences from source language text

to target language. NMT (Neural Machine Translation) is a machine translation
mechanism based on deep learning. It has improved the weakness of the rule-
based and statistical machine translation. In this paper, NMT is applied on parallel
corpus pair English – Marathi. We’re proposing an NMT with a local attention
mechanism. It is efficient and overcomes the OOV (Out Of Vocabulary) problem.
The model performance is evaluated using the BLEU score. The results from the
experiment confirm that the proposed model has outperformed the global attention
mechanism and also Google translator.

Keywords: Deep learning · Machine translation · NMT · English-Marathi

parallel corpus

1 Introduction
India is a nation of great diversity, with multiple languages. In India, in different regions,
people use different languages for communication. People share their knowledge, opin-
ion, facts, and feelings in their regional languages. Globally English is the most preferred
language for human communication. Only 20% of people communicate in English but
just 0.2% in India [23]. Human translation of different languages is not feasible. We
need the mechanism that performs this function with less minimal human effort.
Machine translation is the most efficient mechanism to do this task. Machine trans-
lation, translates sentences in natural language/speech computationally from source lan-
guage to the target language with little human effort. The machine translation generates
grammatically correct target language from the source language. Translation of English
to the Indian language has challenges due to morphological and structural divergence.
In the early 1950s, machine translation started [1], and it has advanced rapidly since
the 1990s as the data availability increased due to the use of the Internet increased, at

© Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2021

D. Garg et al. (Eds.): IACC 2020, CCIS 1367, pp. 280–287, 2021.
English-Marathi Neural Machine Translation 281

the same time the availability of computational resources. The rule-based mechanism
[2, 3], knowledge-based mechanism [4, 5], corpus-based mechanism [6], and hybrid
mechanism [7] are traditional machine translation techniques. These approaches have
both advantages and disadvantages. Statistical Machine Translation (SMT) is another
widely used method, which produces better results than traditional mechanisms. In recent
times, the use of artificial neural networks in machine translation has become increasingly
common. This technique is referred to as Neural Machine Translation (NMT).
Several papers were proposed on machine translation and most of these works on
foreign languages and limited on Indian language Hindi such as Patel et al. [8] and Raju
and Raju [9] used conventional machine translation techniques. Revanuru et al. [10] used
NMT for the translation of sentences of source and target in the Indian language. In this
work, we have developed a neural network model based on a coverage mechanism on
English-Marathi parallel corpus. The model is tested with an evaluation metric BLEU
score. The architecture has two bi-directional LSTMs [11] as encoders and two LSTMs
as decoders. Local attention is applied to the top of the encoder [12].
The overview of the literature review is carried out on machine translation in Sect. 2,
machine translation using a neural network with attention mechanism fundamentals are
carried in Sect. 3. Section 4 covers the evaluation of the model. The result analysis is
elaborated in Sect. 5 and the conclusion is carried out in Sect. 6.

2 The Literature on Traditional Machine Translation

Machine Translation, translates source language text to the target language with minimal
human intervention. After 1979, a breakthrough came in machine translation where the
weather bulletin was translated from English to French [14, 15]. Researchers from IIT
Kanpur in 1991 developed a machine translation system called AnglaBharati-I [16,
17]. It was designed specifically for translating domain-specific English to the Hindi
language. MANTRA was developed by CDAC in 1999 [16]. This was developed to
work on pairs of parallel corpus English-Hindi, English-Gujarati, English-Telugu, and
English-Bengali. In 2004, the hybrid machine translation technique upgraded MANTRA
to AnglaBharati-II [16, 17]. The AnglaBharati-II outperformed AnglaBharati-I. The
details of the traditional techniques are presented in the subsections.

2.1 Rules-Based Machine Translation

Many of the languages that humans interact to obey certain grammar rules. The rules-
based translation program uses rules for mapping the source sentences to target sentences.
The Indian languages have to use a large number of rules to translate [18].

2.2 Phrase-Based Machine Translation

Machine translation based on phrase uses a phrase table containing a list of translated
phrases from a source language to the target language. It also contains additional informa-
tion about the rearrange of multiple phrases translation, which generates target-language
text. The generated target-language text is not able to like human-generated text as it
requires all combinations of phrases every time in the model [18].
282 K. Adi Narayana Reddy et al.

2.3 Statistical Machine Translation

SMT uses a corpus to translate the source to the target language. It generates translation
based on statistical methods. It uses the combination of a translation model with a
decoding and language model. It produced [19] better performance comparing with
other methods. A little human intervention was involved in this method.

3 Neural Machine Translation

NMT emerged as a novel technique recently in machine translation. NMT uses a neural
network and it translates the source text into target text using conditional probability.
In tasks such as translating English sentences into French sentences and also English
sentences into German sentences, It has outperformed the traditional machine translation
methods [13].

3.1 Simple Encoder and Decoder Architecture

A simple NMT consists of encoder and decoder architecture which is presented in Fig. 1.
Initially Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) [11] was used in encoder and decoder as it
maps sequences to sequences from source language as input and outputs the target
language [20].
Let X and Y are the respective source input text and target output text. The source text
x1 , x2 , ...xn is represented as fixed dimensional vector by the encoder and the decoder
uses conditional probability and outputs one word at a time.

P(Y /X ) = P(Y /X1 , X2 , . . . , XM ) (1)

Here X1 , X2 , . . . , XM are fixed size encoded vectors. The Eq. (1) is rewritten using
chain rule as

P(Y /X ) = P(yi /y0 , y1 , . . . , yi−1 ; X1 , X2 , . . . , XM ) (2)

The target word is predicted using previously predicted words and the encoder source
vector. Each term of the distribution is expressed with a softmax over the vocabulary
of words. The RNN’s have problems while training long sequences. This is called long
term dependency problem. The Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) [11] is the variant of
RNN, which captures the long term dependency. The encoder and decoder network fails
to generate words that occur less frequently in the input corpus. The attention mechanism
solves this problem.
English-Marathi Neural Machine Translation 283

Fig. 1. Encoder and decoder architecture.

3.2 Attention Mechanism

The encoder reads a complete sentence and memorizes it. It is stored in the activation
layer. The decoder uses it and generates the translated target sentence. This mechanism
supports short sentences and it performances better than the other models but degrades the
performance for longer sentences with 30 or 40 words. The encoder-decoder architecture
with attention is a solution to handle longer sentences. The attention mechanism catches
the dependencies in the input or output without regard to their distance. It translates like
human-generated sentences by looking at the parts of the text at a time. The approach
determines how much focus should be paid to a specific word during the process of
sentence translation. The attention approach is presented in the Fig. 2. The encoder
takes the input vector X1 , X2 , . . . , Xt and generates the attention vector h1 , h2 , . . . , ht .
The context vector Ci is produced by concatenating these vectors for each time step of
the input. The decoder generates the target word using context vector, hidden state, and
previously predicted word.

3.3 Local Attention

The major drawback of the global attention mechanism is that it considers everyword of
the source sentence for each of the target word. It is expensive for longer sequences. A
local attention mechanism [12] addresses the deficiency of global attention by choosing a
subset of positions from source sentences per target word. It achieves better performance
than the global attention. The local attention is presented in the Fig. 3.
284 K. Adi Narayana Reddy et al.

Fig. 2. Attention network

Fig. 3. Local attention network

4 Evaluation
4.1 Evaluation Metric
The BLEU (Bi-Lingual Evaluation Understudy) is the most popular evaluation metric,
which measures the difference between human and machine translations [21]. It counts
the matching translated text n-gram and referenced text n-grams.

4.2 Dataset
We used the dataset obtained from and The dataset
is English – Marathi parallel corpus. The dataset has 38696entries and it is split into
train, validation, and test sets. The training has 23977 corpora, each of the testing and
validation has 7992 corpora.
English-Marathi Neural Machine Translation 285

4.3 Training Details

We have trained the data on the above-described model. We use Bidirectional LSTMs
with 2 layers for encoding and LSTMs with 2 layers for decoding. Each layer consists
of 500 cells and 256-dimensional word embedding. We also added a local attention
mechanism with window size 3 and 5. It is implemented in Keras and TensorFlow [22].
The results are presented in Table 1.

Table 1. BLEU score

Model BLEU
Bi LSTM + LSTM + Local Attention with window size 5 31.50
Bi LSTM + LSTM + Local Attention with window size 4 31.49
Bi LSTM + LSTM + Local Attention with window size 3 30.96
LSTM + LSTM + Local Attention with window size 5 30.05
LSTM + LSTM + Local Attention with window size 4 30.05
LSTM + LSTM + Local Attention with window size 3 30.01
Bi LSTM + LSTM + Global Attention 29.75
Google Translator 28.65

5 Results Analysis

To make the comparison impartial, we have used the 20th iteration of the model per-
formance and larger sentences having a word count of more than 25. The results are
presented in Table 1.
From Table 1, the architecture with Bi-directional LSTM as encoder and LSTM as
decoder with attention added on top of decoder produced better results than the Google
translator. The architecture with LSTM as both encoder and decoder with added local
attention on top of decoder produced better results than the global attention mechanism.
The results show that local attention with window size 4 and 5 are performing better than
other window sizes. The architecture with BI-LSTM as encoder and LSTM as decoder
with local attention is added on the top of decoder producer even better BLEU score
comparing with all other models. The local attention is performed better than the global
attention as the local attention focuses only on the small window of the source sentences.
286 K. Adi Narayana Reddy et al.

6 Conclusion
The neural machine translation models outperformed the Google translator. The local
attention mechanism with Bi-LSTM as encoder and LSTM as decoder outperformed the
other models for sentences with more than 25-word length. This is because local attention
focuses on the smaller window of source sentences for each target word. In the future,
one can explore Generative Adversarial Networks (GAN’s) for machine translation on
Indian languages. It is also practically applied to legal document translation from English
to Marathi.

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NLP2SQL Using Semi-supervised

H. Vathsala1(B) and Shashidhar G. Koolagudi2

Centre for Development of Advanced Computing,
Bengaluru, Karnataka, India
[email protected]
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, NITK,
Mangalore, Karnataka, India

Abstract. Human Computer interaction has been moving towards Nat-

ural language in the modern age. SQL (Structured Query Language) is
the chief database query language used today. There are many flavors of
SQL but all of them have the same basic underlying structure. This paper
attempts to use the Natural Language inputs to query the databases,
which is achieved by translating the natural language (which in our case
is English) input into the SQL (specific to MySQL database) query lan-
guage. Here we use a semi-supervised learning with Memory augmented
policy optimization approach to solve this problem. This method uses
the context of the natural language questions through database schema,
and hence its not just generation of SQL code. We have used the Wik-
iSQL dataset for all our experiments. The proposed method gives a 2.3%
higher accuracy than the state of the art semi-supervised method on an

Keywords: NLP (Natural Language Processing) · SQL (Structured

Query Language) · MAPO (Memory Augmented Policy
Optimization) · NLP2SQL

1 Introduction

Natural Language Processing has been in existence for more than 50 years. As
computers continue to become more and more affordable and accessible, the
importance of user interfaces that are effective, robust, unobtrusive and user-
friendly become more pronounced. Since natural language usually is the pre-
ferred mode for human-human interaction, it is only sensible to adopt it in
Human Computer interaction also. Hence there has been a major move towards
incorporating Natural Language Processing (NLP) into the Human Computer
A large swathes of information is stored in the form of relational databases
(RDBMS). Relational databases are becoming increasingly important in actual
applications and Web sites. They are often used by people who do not have great
c Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2021
D. Garg et al. (Eds.): IACC 2020, CCIS 1367, pp. 288–299, 2021.
NLP2SQL Using Semi-supervised Learning 289

competence in this domain and who do not know exactly their structure. The
only way to efficiently access, manage and manipulate the data in the databases is
through the use of the Structure Query Language (SQL). This is why translators
from natural language to SQL queries are being developed.
These translators will prove to be intelligent interfaces for interaction with
the data. A lot of approaches have been used to tackle the problem including
the traditional sequence to sequence model [19] which is pretty generalized and
doesn’t make use of the full structure of the SQL queries. Hence a new approach
which uses sequence to set along with column attention was proposed to address
the previous problems. We solve this problem using a reinforcement learning
algorithm (vanilla policy gradient) coupled with off-policy experience replay.
The chief contributions of this paper include
– Use of GloVe [13], a pre-trained word embedding.
– Apart from storing the high positive trajectories, poorly performing trajec-
tories have also been used for training.
– Hyper-parameter tuning with respect to the architecture of internal nodes in
every LSTM, dimension of GloVe [13].
– Use of Epsilon Greedy strategy for systematic exploration.
– Use of Bidirectional LSTM [6].
The following section provides details of, (i) Literature review done during
the research process (Sect. 2) (ii) The proposed algorithm (Sect. 3) (iii) Imple-
mentation Experimentation and results (Sect. 4)

2 Literature Review
This section describes the literature review performed during the research pro-

2.1 MAPO
Memory Augmented Policy Optimization (MAPO) [7] reduces the variance in
the policy gradient estimates and improves the sampling efficiency with the help
of a high trajectory memory buffer. Memory clipping alleviates cold start of
policy gradients and an efficient search algorithm is used to explore the memory
buffers, for which bloom filters are used. For calculation of Expected rewards
from the large memory buffers, sampling is employed. Distributed actor-learner
(with 30 actors) is used to quicken the training process. This technique was first
employed in [12].

2.2 Coarse2Fine
This algorithm is analogous to 3-step machine translation. It uses attention
mechanisms [1] in both encoder and decoder. A rough sketch a is first gener-
ated, and this is used to guide the final decoding. The rough sketch is devoid
290 H. Vathsala and S. G. Koolagudi

of argument-names, variable-names (replaced with it’s datatype), and all other

lower level details. All the components of input x, rough sketch a and final out-
put y are treated as sequences. Hence, this becomes a seq2seq problem [20].
GloVe vectors are used to encode the input. The training objective maximizes
the joint probability of the final meaning representation and that of the interme-
diate rough sketch also. During preprocessing of the data, 10-dimensional PoS
tag embeddings are appended to the embeddings of the words in the natural lan-
guage question. This novel idea was presented in [5]. Parent feeding technique
is employed in the current work. The authors of this paper have not mentioned
how this work is better than that of Yin and Neubig [18] which uses a generic
system of abstract syntax trees(AST).

2.3 Gated Convolution Neural Network (G-CNN)

This work aims to perform language modeling using Gated CNNs. This is the
first non recurrent approach to language modeling, and the paper achieves sub-
stantial accuracy results on large-context datasets also. The main unique selling
proposition (USP) is that the CNN units can be parallelized and hence this
model is more faster than LSTM based models, only during inference, not nec-
essarily during training. It uses stacked convolutions which increases the number
of operations per context to O(nk) (per kernel), where n is the context size and
k is the kernel width. Causal convolutions are used, i.e., the kernel can only see
the previous words and not the future words. This ensures that the model does
not cheat.
The initial part of the sentence is padded with (k − 1) tokens, where k is the
width of the kernel. Comparison between Gated Linear Unit (GLU) and Gated
Tanh Unit has been performed. GLU is better than the latter, because it han-
dles the vanishing gradient problem better. RNNs are parallelized over different
sequences while training, and CNNs can be parallelized over different contexts
or tokens. The model uses residual activation blocks and the gradients have been
clipped to [−5, 5]. Kaiming initialization, Momentum and weight normalization
are some of the techniques that help in faster convergence even with large learn-
ing rates = 1. Adaptive softmax is used, instead of the conventional softmax.
This is less expensive but approximately gives the same results. It is empirically
found that a context size of 40 tokens is sufficient to obtain high accuracy. Sim-
ilarly, it is sufficient to limit the backpropagation to 40 time steps (instead of
the theoretical infinite limits).
Although this work provided better results theoretically, we found it hard
to reproduce similar results in our paper when we replaced LSTMs/RNNs with

2.4 DeepFix
The model trains a neural network for fixing the syntactic (non-semantic) pro-
gramming errors in the C language. The authors train a GRU with attention
to achieve 60% accuracy. The literals are given a fixed vector representation (as
NLP2SQL Using Semi-supervised Learning 291

they do not affect the syntax) and all the identifiers are given a similar fixed
representation. The initial weights of the GRU is drawn from a uniform distri-
bution within the range (−0.07, 0.07). Both encoder and decoder have 4 layers,
300 cells each. The model performs the error localization upto 80% accuracy.
Certain types of errors might never be suitable for LSTMs. For instance,
assignment of an array into another is not allowed in the C language (unlike
Python). The solution to this is to use a for loop and index through all the
elements of the array. It might be impossible to enable an LSTM to generate
such solutions.
It is not entirely clear if the vanilla attention mechanism is adding value
to the process. The model is stopped from continuing if one of it’s proposed
corrections is rejected by the oracle(during iterative repair). If this bound is
reduced to 3/4 it might give the model more chances to take corrective actions,
because a single line might contain multiple fixes(at different positions) which
are required to eliminate a single error message.
Eliminating bias has not been argued comprehensively in the paper because
real-world data might also have a similar distribution of the types of errors. By
forcing equal representation, we could be losing the information regarding the
priority of errors.
The mutations in the data set (seeded) were performed manually by the
authors. This might have introduced bias and might be a reason for the poor
performance. The authors select only one erroneous program per student for
every programming task citing the concern of bias. But since syntactic errors
are independent of the semantic nature of the program, this leads to wastage
of training data. It is true that there may be some correlation between the
programming task and the syntax errors and a specific student, but it will be
useful if a comparison had been provided.

2.5 SQLNet

The paper proposes a sketch-based model for SQL generation. The contents of
the sketch is filled with the help of neural networks. Column attention is used
extensively in three different steps. A sql2set model is used in the paper, as the
order of the conditions are to be considered only during evaluation in SQL. This
technique is very similar to the approach of generating Abstract Syntax Tree
(AST) and filling in the slots. To decide whether or not to include a column name
in the WHERE condition, binary classification is performed. The mechanism of
predicting the column names for SELECT and WHERE clauses are identical.
But the weights of the trainable matrices cannot be shared, because the column
in either of SELECT or WHERE need not be present in the other also (in fact
it might not be present in most of the cases). In predicting columns for WHERE
condition, the authors do not share weights between the bi-LSTMs used for
encoding the column names and the question. They propose that this ensures
independence of the decisions made. But this is a tradeoff, because the current
methodology requires a large number of trainable parameters. Apart from this,
292 H. Vathsala and S. G. Koolagudi

the WikiSQL dataset does not contain examples of self-join where a single table
is involved.

2.6 Execution Guided Decoding (EGD)

EGD uses the partially generated queries and weeds out the incorrect SQL state-
ments(those that produce a runtime error) and queries that do not match any
records. Some of the questions may not have any suitable records in the table.
The authors hypothesize that this could be because the decoder generated an
overly-restrictive where condition. EGD is performed only during inference, and
not during training. Using EGD during training may potentially improve the
model performance. EGD is model-agnostic and is useful in a variety of auto-
regressive tasks. It is difficult to use EGD in pure seq2seq models, because it’s
hard to know what stage the partial programs are executable. Execution guid-
ance only tries to reduce the number of execution errors. As a by product, the
accuracy increases by a small value (because the number of erroneous programs
decreases). This increases the number of semantically meaningful programs, but
not necessarily the number of semantically correct programs.
The authors make an impoprtant observation that many queries in WikiSQL
are grammatically wrong. This might hinder possible approaches like that of
GANs. It is not clear whether the beam-size plays an important role in deter-
mining the accuracy.
The paper does not use the Teacher-Forcing method while training of LSTMs.
We have incorporated this methodology in our proposed algorithm.
Execution guidance only tries to reduce the number of execution errors. As
a by product, the accuracy increases by a small value (because the number
of erroneous programs decreases). This increases the number of semantically
meaningful programs, but not necessarily the number of semantically correct
It’s not possible to implement EGD for all auto-regressive tasks. Example,
for tasks like music generation, there are no standard set of rules to determine if
an audio piece is syntactically and semantically correct (except for systems like
Carnatic/Hindustani music).

2.7 SQLova

It is very similar in structure to SQLNet [17], but has three important contribu-

– It uses BERT word representations instead of GloVe [13].

– It uses Sequence to sequence (Seq2Seq) model
– It uses Execution Guided Decoding [15]

NLQ is concatenated with the table headers. Every token consists of token,
position and segment embedding(see BERT for more details). It is not entirely
clear if this ordering of the input had any effect on the accuracy metric. (This is
NLP2SQL Using Semi-supervised Learning 293

because this paper largely borrows from SQLNet, and SQLNet does not impose
such restrictions on ordering of input). [17] predict the where-value using pointer-
networks (Vinyals). But this paper follows [5] and predicts the start and the end
token for the where-val instead of going for a seq2seq approach. Also, where-
val is conditioned on where-col and where-op. The order of where conditions
is ignored in measuring logical form accuracy in the model. The final output
of where-clause will be that one which has the highest joint probability with
respect to all the four where predictors.
The authors claim that SQLNet conditions the where-val only on the where-
col. But this is not true. It conditions the where-val on NLQ, column name, and
the partially generated query. This probability is calculated for every column
and softmax is used to choose the one with the highest probability.

2.8 XSQL

This work brings in a fresh set of fine-tuning of the results by leveraging recent
strides in natural language processing like the MT-DNN algorithm [11] over
BERT [3]

– It Uses MT-DNN instead of BERT to encode the question and to generate a

new structural representation for schema
– The [EMPTY] token is appended to every table schema to account for cases
where there are no WHERE conditions.
– KL-Divergence is used as an objective only for predicting the WHERE con-
dition column name.
– The ground truth Q in predicting the WHERE column name is calculated as
– If there is no where clause, Q[EMPTY] receives probability mass 1 for special
column [EMPTY]
– For n ≥ 1 where clauses, each where column receives probability mass of 1/n
Although this paper shows improvements in predicting the individual slots
of the SQL query, it would behave been fair playing ground if the authors
presented the test and dev accuracy that is prevalent in the NL2SQL research

3 Proposed Algorithm

The current work proposes to generate the SQL statements by using the policy
gradient [14] algorithm. The algorithm has been developed on top of Memory
Augmented Policy Optimization [10]. Similar to MAPO, the memory buffers
have also been used to store both the high reward trajectories and the low reward
trajectories. Sampling and training periodically from these buffers ensure that
the agent/model does not forget the high/low-reward trajectories.
The low-reward trajectories are also included in the memory buffer because
agent has equal opportunity to learn from both the high-reward and low reward
294 H. Vathsala and S. G. Koolagudi

trajectory. The usage of policy gradient makes it all the more important to
reinforce both positive and negative reward trajectories.
The authors of MAPO [10] have not made use of pretrained word embeddings,
but they have used random word embeddings. This work alleviates those lacunas
by using GloVe word embeddings [13]. This ensures that the inductive priors
from the unsupervised training of GloVe word embeddings are leveraged in the
proposed NLP2SQL model.
Similar to the original MAPO paper, the epsilon greedy strategy to ensure
systematic exploration of the search space has been retained. This step uses
bloom filters in order to store billions of patterns to ensure that no programs
are missed out.
We have also performed hyper parameter tuning with respect to the size of
the pretrained word embeddings and we realized that the optimal value is 300
dimensions. Apart from these, bidirectional LSTM in both encoder and decoder
has also been used.

4 Implementation, Experiments and Results

The algorithm has been implemented using Python 3.6, Tensorflow 1.7, gensim
3.2.0, nltk 3.3, Babel 2.5.3, bloom-filter 1.3. The model is tested against the
WikiSQL dataset [19] in the Linux environment over a cluster of 2 Nvidia K40
GPUs. Tensorflow GPU optimizations have also been used.
The reinforcement learning agent has been allowed to train for a maximum
of 15000 training steps in the environment. We have used the standard baselines
from OpenAI [4] for comparison with the vanilla policy gradient algorithm.

4.1 Dataset

WikiSQL [19] is a large database built mainly for the development of interfaces
for the natural language processing for relational databases. Annotated with SQL
queries, the dataset primarily consists of entries from Wikipedia and other com-
mon sources of information. In comparison with other question-answer datasets
(like WikiTableQuestions), WikiSQL has simple semantics as the SQL queries
have simpler structure and fewer operators. While most of the state-of-the-art
models are dependent on the question-program pairs as the data for the super-
vised learning, we will be using the question-answer pairs for semi-supervised

4.2 Model Architecture

As mentioned earlier, the model proposed in this paper is an improvement over

the Memory-Augmented Policy Optimisation(MAPO) [10] model. Neural Sym-
bolic Machine (NSM) [9] framework has been used the implementation of the
model, with a bi-directional LSTM as the encoder and two-layer LSTM for
NLP2SQL Using Semi-supervised Learning 295

both encoder and decoder. The ability of LSTM in assigning credit from high-
dimensional and/or continuous actions based on backpropagation and its learn-
ing from long-term temporal dependencies to infer states in partially observable
tasks makes it one of the best models to be used in the current scenario [2].

4.3 Results
The results from the experiment can be visualised in Table 1 and Table 2, and
in the Fig. 1 shown below.
Table 1 is the compilation of the measurement of the accuracy of each fea-
ture in the model. As more features are added over the vanilla MAPO imple-
mentation, the dev accuracy and the test accuracy increases. Finally, after the
inclusion of all the features, dev accuracy of 76.8% and test accuracy of 77.6%
is achieved.

Table 1. Measurement of accuracy of each feature in the model.

Features Dev accuracy (%) Test accuracy (%)

MAPO 72.4 74.9
GloVe Word Embeddings 75.1 76.7
Word Embeddings of Dimension 76.9 77.7
Bidirectional LSTM 75.3 75.6
Epsilon greedy exploration 77.3 78.0
Training with extremely good bad 77.3 77.9
All the above changes 79.3 78.7

Figure 1 is a line graph of the dev accuracy of the model against the training
steps (epochs). The dev accuracy grows slowly over the epochs, from 62.5% for
very small epochs up to 76% for large epochs. The accuracy saturates to 76.8%,
which is recorded as the performance of the model proposed.
Table 2 is a comparison of the performance of the model with other state-of-
the-art supervised and semi-supervised learning models in terms of dev accuracy
and test accuracy. The accuracy of the proposed model is significantly larger than
the state-of-the-art semi-supervised learning models (models proposed in [15,
17,19] and [8]), and is close to the accuracy of the supervised learning model
(proposed in [5]).

4.4 Discussion
Analysis of the dev accuracy and test accuracy results of the model, and com-
parison of its performance with various state-of-the-art models can be concluded
as follows:
296 H. Vathsala and S. G. Koolagudi

Fig. 1. Dev accuracy vs number of training epochs.

Table 2. Comparison with the previous works in supervised and weakly-supervised


Fully supervised Dev accuracy (%) Test accuracy (%)

[19] 60.8 59.4
[15] 67.1 66.8
[17] 69.8 68.0
[8] 68.3 68.0
[5] 79.0 78.5
Semi supervised Dev accuracy (%) Test accuracy (%)
MAPO 72.4 72.6
MAPO (mean of 5 runs) 72.2 72.1
MAPO (std of 5 runs) 0.2 0.3
MAPO (ensemble of 10) – 74.9
Current algorithm 79.3 78.7
NLP2SQL Using Semi-supervised Learning 297

– Addition of various features (like GloVe embeddings and epsilon greedy explo-
ration) over vanilla MAPO has resulted in the increase in dev accuracy and
test accuracy of the model
– The dev accuracy curve is of positive slope but negative curvature with respect
to the training epochs. This implies that the dev accuracy increases with
increase in epochs, but there is a drop in the rate of increase of the accuracy.
Also, the accuracy peaks to a value of 76.8%
– The performance of the model proposed is better than vanilla MAPO model
and the current state-of-the-art semi-supervised models, and is on par with
the current state-of-the-art supervised models.

We also explored the option of incorporating recent policy gradient algo-

rithms like Proximal Policy Optimization(PPO) and Trust Region Policy Opti-
mization(TRPO). But these algorithms are substantially different from that con-
sidered in the MAPO research paper. The major unique selling point of these
algorithms over policy gradient is that they use different objective functions like
KL-Divergence and Clipping respectively, to ensure that the newer policy is not
significantly different from the old policy. This is done to ensure that the agent
is robust and is not brittle.
The baseline paper that we have chosen is MAPO, which makes use of replay
buffers to remember high trajectory rewards. Although Actor-Critic Experience
Replay (ACER) [16] algorithm resembles this setup, the ACER algorithm does
not specifically address the usage of high-reward trajectories. More specifically,
we could not find theoretic justification with respect to the convergence proper-
ties in this modified algorithm.
We also considered the possibility of pure Q-learning algorithms like Deep
Q Learning(DQN), Double DQN and Duelling DQN. We faced substantial dif-
ficulty in framing this problem in a manner that is amenable to Q-learning in
particular. More importantly, historically Q-learning has not been applied to
search problems with such a large search space.

5 Conclusion

We have attempted to solve the problem of “NLP2SQL” using policy gradients.

We have used cutting edge techniques from program repair machine translation
and question-answering to solve this problem. This method gives 2.3% higher
accuracy than the state of the art on an average.
As future work, the theoretical underpinnings of this algorithm need to be
verified. More specifically, it is necessary to obtain convergence proofs for this
algorithm so that it can be applied to other problem areas like robotic control and
natural language understanding. Another line of thought worth exploring would
be the, although tangential to the topic of this paper, is optimal tuning of hyper-
parameters. Such tuning techniques would be extremely useful in generating
provably optimal model architectures.
298 H. Vathsala and S. G. Koolagudi

Acknowledgements. We thank Chenna Keshava B.S, Rithesh K and H.L Praveen

Raj, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, National Institute of Technol-
ogy Karnataka, India for programming the said concepts during the current work.

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RumEval2020-An Effective Approach for
Rumour Detection with a Deep Hybrid
C-LSTM Model

Rohit Kumar Kaliyar1(B) , Rajbeer Singh1 , Sai N. Laya2 ,

M. Sujay Sudharshan3 , Anurag Goswami1 , and Deepak Garg1
Bennett University, Greater Noida, India
Sagi Rama Krishnam Raju Engineering College, Bhimavaram, India
[email protected]
Sri Ramakrishna Engineering College, Coimbatore, India
[email protected]

Abstract. For the online and offline world, the widespread rumours on
social media have created a tremendous effect on society. In this paper,
our primary focus to develop a useful deep learning model for the clas-
sification multi-class and real-world rumour dataset. In existing investi-
gations, RumourEval17 have released by the research community, which
mainly interest in automated validation of fake content has escalated.
After some time, as the insecurity imposed by “fake news” has become
a mainstream concern. However, automatic support for rumour verifica-
tion system remains in its preliminary stage. Subsequently, the main aim
of introducing RumourEval-2019 (SemEval 2019) was to determine the
veracity of rumours. In this paper, we have designed our proposed deep
learning model for classification of rumours using real-world multi-class
rumours dataset: Twitter and Reddit. Classification results demonstrate
that our proposed model provides state-of-the-art results as compared
to existing benchmarks. We have achieved an accuracy of 82.40% for
subtask A and 81.04% for subtask B. Our classification results are bet-
ter as compared to previous RumourEval studies using twitter & Reddit
dataset. Classification results motivate the researchers to use our pro-
posed model for future research in the filed of rumour detection.

Keywords: Rumour · Deep learning · Social media · Machine

learning · Neural network

1 Introduction

After the first Rumour Eval shared task in 2017 [1], the demand for an automated
model for detection of rumours has only deepened, as experiments have exhib-
ited the potential effect of fake assertions on highly significant socio-political
consequences [1,19]. Living in a “post-truth world”, in which perceived truth
c Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2021
D. Garg et al. (Eds.): IACC 2020, CCIS 1367, pp. 300–312, 2021.
RumEval2020-An Effective Approach for Rumour Detection 301

can matter more than fact [2,5,8], the jeopardy of unbridled market forces and
unauthorized platforms, alongside often poor discernment on the part of the
reader, is perceptible. For example, the need to educate young people about
critical reading is increasingly recognized. Simultaneously, exploration in the pre-
diction of instance and assembling systems to comprehend and estimate rumours
expressed in written context have made some advancements over fountainhead.
Still, a detailed interpretation of the relation between stance and veracity and a
more extensive dataset is required to explore in broader aspects. Few examples
are shown with the help of Fig. 1.

Fig. 1. Few examples of rumours: Source (Facebook)

Subsequently, RumourEval-2019 [4,24] is a competition consists mainly of

two tasks. Task A, in which replies of each post classifies followed by SQDC pro-
cess: Support, Deny, Query, and Deny. Task B [7,8], in which posts are classified
for veracity as (True, False or Unverified). The dataset of RumourEval 2017 con-
tained posts of Twitter while RumourEval 2019 contains posts of Twitter as well
as Reddit which provide heterogeneity in the types of users, more focused dis-
cussions and longer posts. The aim for Task A is to identify how other users on
the micro-blogging website respond to the rumour by replying to the post that
holds the rumoured statement or the source post. In Reddit dataset, a tweet is
defined by the message that has initiated the conversation, and the replies from
a nested discussion. The objective was to categorize each of the tweets in the
thread as either querying, supporting, commenting or denying for Task A and
as true, false or unverified for Task B on the rumour instigated by the rootage
In this paper, we have designed a valuable and effective deep CNN-LSTM
model for multiclass real-world rumour dataset. In our model, we have considered
different kernel-sizes convolutional layers with a bi-directional LSTM network.
To make our model deep in nature, we have considered six dense layers. Our
model is capable of handling different sized input length vectors for better feature
representation. For better learning of our CNN model, we have used GloVe with
100-dimensional size as effective word embedding for the text classification task.
With our proposed model, we have achieved remarkable results. Firstly, we have
converted the existing dataset into the .csv format and applied deep learning
models. We have achieved an accuracy of more than 4.5% as compared to existing
benchmarks. It demonstrates that results using our model are promising.
302 R. K. Kaliyar et al.

2 Background
Zubiaga et al. [1] have presented a survey for the detection and resolution of
Rumours in Social Media. They have explored the problem using the power
of natural language processing to detect the rumours. They have investigated
various strategies in the rumour dataset collection. Their investigation was based
on a four-step rumour classification method which is detection, tracking, stance
classification, veracity classification.
Pamungkas et al. [8] have proposed their solution for detecting stances in
different social media rumours using Twitter dataset. In their investigation, the
authors have explored a method to develop a model that extracts the stylistic
and structural features categorizing the colloquial language of the micro-blogging
website. Additionally, they propose to take advantage of conversational-based
features by making the most of the distinguished tree structure of the dataset and
inspected the usage of effective based feature by extracting relevant information
from affective resources including dialogue-inspire features.
Fajcik et al. [12] have proposed a solution for RumourEval 2019 utilizing
a pre-trained Deep Bidirectional Transformers. In their approach, they have
explored a method based on recent improvements integrated into language rep-
resentation architectures. They fine-tuned the model with the pre-trained com-
prehensive Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers (BERT)
model, while using the discussion’s source post, target’s previous post and the
target post itself as inputs to determine the appropriate stance assigned to the
target post.
Gorrell et al. [20] have proposed the solution of the RumourEval 2019 for
detecting Rumour Veracity and Support. They have explored a method to solve
two sub-tasks simultaneously, subtask A: which is the SDQC (support, deny,
comment or query) support classification and Subtask B: which is the veracity
prediction of rumours.
Baris et al. [10] have proposed a solution for RumourEval 2019 utilizinf a
ConvoLving ELMo method Against Rumors. They have presented their app-
roach: CLEARumor (ConvoLving ELMo Against Rumors) for solving both sub-
tasks and provide empirical results and ablation experiments of their architec-
ture. They made PyTorch-based implementation and trained their models. After
preprocessing the rumour post and embedding with ELMo, the architecture for
Task A passes the embedded text through a convolutional neural network (CNN)
block, adds additional features, and uses a multilayer perceptron (MLP) block
for estimating class membership. These estimates are combined with other sup-
plementary features and fed into an MLP block for the classification for Task
Li et al. [25] have proposed a solution for rumour detection on Twitter with
tree-structured Recursive Neural Networks. They have used neural rumour detec-
tion approach based on Recursive Neural Networks (RvNN) to bridge the con-
tent semantics and propagation clues. They proposed two architectures which
are established on the recursive nature of neural networks, called the bottom-up
and a top-down tree-structured model for rumour detection on Twitter. The
RumEval2020-An Effective Approach for Rumour Detection 303

inherent nature of recursive models allows them using propagation tree to guide
the learning of representations from tweets content, such as embedding various
indicative signals hidden in the structure, for better-identifying rumours.

3 Implementation and Results

3.1 Dataset
The dataset used for the implementation of our proposed deep learning model
is a collection of Twitter and Reddit conversational threads that are correlated
to the rumours that are present in various news headlines. The collection of
events includes 325 Twitter conversational threads [6,12,14] comprising of 5568
underlying tweets and 40 Reddit conversational threads containing 1134 fun-
damental tweets, annotated for stance categorization at tweet level. Individual
thread encompasses an origin tweet that initiates the conversation and nests
responding tweets, that have either been answered regarding the source tweet or
related replied tweets (for more details about dataset refer Table 1).

Table 1. The number of labelled instances for the subtask(A) of the RumourEval 2019

SUBTASK A Twitter S Q D C Total

(Train) Reddit 910 358 344 2907 5217
15 37 34 612
SUBTASK A Twitter S Q D C Total
(Dev) Reddit 94 106 71 778 1485
8 14 11 403
SUBTASK A Twitter S Q D C Total
(Test) Reddit 141 14 11 771 1827
16 62 92 705
Total 1184 608 561 6176 8529

RumourEval 2019 (SemEval 2019 Task 7): It is a task from the codalab,
dealing with the rumour evaluation based on the veracity. RumourEval 2019,
has two subtasks: Task A and Task B.
– Task A is the classification of the rumours according to the veracity available
– Task B is the classification of the sentences for veracity and accuracy.

Task A: The first subtask Task A [1,2,8,9] is the classification of the rumours
according to the available veracity on social media. This is basically to tackle
the rumour’s statement with the replies that are commented on that particu-
lar rumour’s source post. It has an SDQC process (support, deny, comment or
304 R. K. Kaliyar et al.

Table 2. The number of labelled instances for the subtask(B) of the RumourEval 2019

SUBTASK B Twitter True False Unverified Total

(Train) Reddit 137 62 98 327
7 17 06
SUBTASK B Twitter True False Unverified Total
(Dev) Reddit 8 12 08 38
2 07 01
SUBTASK B Twitter True False Unverified Total
(Test) Reddit 22 30 04 81
09 10 06
Total 185 138 133 456

query) form of classification, where the corresponding comments are categorized

according to the respective terms. SDQC process (see Fig. 2 for SQDC process)
– Support: the user commenting to the reaction supports the truthfulness of
the rumours post.
– Deny: the user commenting to the reaction opposes the truthfulness of the
rumours post.
– Query: the user commenting to the reaction enquires for additional authen-
tication in relation to the truthfulness of the rumours post.
– Comment: the user commenting to the reaction makes their own observa-
tion without a transparent contribution to evaluating the truthfulness of the
rumours post.

Fig. 2. An example of Twitter thread with SQDC labels for each rumour post

Task B: The second subtask Task B [12,15–17] is the classification of the sen-
tences for veracity. The task aims to establish a label describing the rumour in
two categories true or false. The validation is established by the journalist or
an expert’s team from any trustworthy source. For task B, our model returns
RumEval2020-An Effective Approach for Rumour Detection 305

a confidence value falling in the range of 0 to 1 for each false content. If the
content is unverifiable, the confidence of 0 is to be returned (refer Table 2 for
more details about number of instances).

3.2 Pre-processing
At first step of implementation, we converted the existing dataset (RumourEval
2019) from .json to .csv format for more accurate processing. We have investi-
gated the scope to implement a suitable deep learning model using real-world
dataset. In the process of converting the given dataset to .csv format, each
post is marked as a source or reply post. Subsequently, we have labelled the
dataset for both the subtasks. We used special tokens to pre-process text in
the dataset. In the pre-processing of data, we have replaced URLs, mentions,
hashtags, and emojis as URL, MENTION, HASHTAG and EMOJI. We used
the tweet-pre processor (as a tokenize value), which is a pre-processing library
for tweet data in python. Columns in the real world Twitter Dataset (.csv) are:
type, id, in replyto status id, text, favorite count, retweet count, label a, label
b. Subsequently, columns in Reddit Dataset (.csv) are type, id, text, ups, downs,
label a, and label b.

3.3 Deep Learning over Traditional Machine Learning

The primary reason to use Deep Learning over traditional Machine Learning is
that the performance increases with as the scale of data raises. Deep Learning
algorithms do perform well with large datasets as the architectures are expected
to require a burdensome infrastructure in order to train in a reasonable amount of
time. In the case of composite problems such as classification of images, natural
language processing and recognition of speech, deep learning has outperformed
the classical machine learning techniques. A Deep learning methodology aims
to solve the problem of rumour detection from end to end, in machine learning,
the problem statement is fractionated into different parts, and their individual
results are combined in the final stage. When it comes to large datasets, classical
machine learning architectures are showing less accurate results. Deep learning
models give more accurate results for both structure as well as unstructured
datasets. The drawback observed in traditional machine learning technique, is
the need of domain expert for applied feature identification, for a reduction in the
complexity of data and pattern recognition that can enable efficient learning by
the algorithm. Deep learning provides a structured solution to this problem by
learning high-level feature extraction from data in an incremental process. This
advantage helps in eliminating the need for domain expertise and handcrafted
feature extraction.
To execute any Deep Learning model, it has become essential to possess high-
end machines such as GPU, contrary to traditional Machine Learning algorithms.
Due to a large number of trainable parameters in the system, Deep Learning
algorithms take an adequate amount of time to train (training cost is high in
deep learning). In our approach, we consider following process:
306 R. K. Kaliyar et al.

– Understanding of the research problem

– Collection the dataset
– Design our proposed model
– Validate the performance of our model as compared to others model

3.4 Deep Learning Models Used for RumourEval 2019

Convolutional Neural Network (CNN): A CNN is an advanced version of
an artificial neural network that employs a supervised machine learning algo-
rithm called perceptron to analyse the data. CNN’s can be employed for various
cognitive applications, including image recognition and language processing. For
our implementation, we have used a simple CNN having two convolutional and
two dense layers. We have used Google Glove 6B vector 100d for training the

Vector Representation Using GloVe: As our convolutional neural network

helps in the extraction of the features, it is difficult for the system to find the
dependence of the words that form meaningful sequences. The GloVe helps in
obtaining vector representations of these words that enables to map the global
word-word co-occurrence statistics in a word vector space. This vector space
results in linear substructure representations.

Recurrent Neural Network (RNN): In RNN’s, the connected nodes of the

neural network form a directed graph that enables it to showcase dynamic tem-
poral performance for a time sequence. In addition to the RNN model from the
previous model, knowledge from an embedding layer can enhance the precision
in the classification results. It integrates new information and characteristics
associated (lexical and semantic) with the words, a piece of knowledge that has
been trained and refined on a massive corpus of text-based data. The pre-trained
embedding that will be applying for our model is GloVe (Global Vectors for word

Deep C-LSTM: Long short-term memory (LSTM) is an artificial RNN archi-

tecture used in the fields of deep learning. It can process not only single data
points but also entire sequences of data. For example, LSTM applies to tasks
such as unsegmented, connected handwriting recognition or speech recognition.
LSTM unit comprises of a unique cell, and three gates called the input, out-
put and forget gate. In comparison to a conventional artificial neural network,
LTSM architectures are highly efficient in processing, classifying and making
predictions concerned to time-series data. In our proposed model, we have used
the power of automatic feature extraction and passes the entire sequence of data
for better prognosis. In our architecture (see Fig. 4 and Table 3 for more details
about deep neural network), we have taken three convolutional layers with max-
pooling and six dense layers for design our CNN Model deep in nature (see
RumEval2020-An Effective Approach for Rumour Detection 307

Fig. 3. Hidden nodes or layers in a neural network

Fig. 4. Architecture of deep C-LSTM network

Fig. 3 for more details). Subsequently, the input from the combined flatten layer
passed to a bi-directional LSTM layer following six dense layers with different
filters. The method of our proposed model is lucrative towards any real-world
rumour dataset. We have used Cross-entropy loss as our loss measure function
which measures the performance of a classification model whose output is a
probability value between 0 and 1. Cross-entropy loss increases as the predicted
probability diverges from the actual label. In binary classification, where the
number of classes M equals 2, cross-entropy can be calculated as:

L = − (ylog(p) + (1 − y)log(1 − p)) (1)

308 R. K. Kaliyar et al.

Table 3. Hyperparameters for our C-LSTM

Hyperparameter Description or value

No. of convolution layers 3
No. of max pooling layers 3
No. of dense layers 6
Kernel-sizes 3,4,5
Dropout rate 0.1
Optimizer Adam
Activation function Relu
Loss function Binary-crossentropy
Number of epochs 20
Batch size 64

Here, M - number of classes, log - the natural log, y - binary indicator (0 or

1), p - predicted probability

Fig. 5. Training accuracy and model loss using CNN (Twitter Dataset)

3.5 Results
Firstly, we have implemented a simple CNN model using real-world rumour
dataset. For word embeddings, we used a pre-trained word-embedded vector-
Glove. The glove is a word-embedded vector which contains around 400000 words
mapped with 100-dimensional vector each. For subtask A, we trained our model
for every post, splitting 20% of training dataset for testing, for 50 epochs and
got a training accuracy of 97.62% for Twitter and 97.47% for Reddit (see Fig. 5
and Fig. 6 for more details). The cross entropy loss is also shown for the same.
Subsequently, we have implemented our proposed Deep C-LSTM (Long Short
RumEval2020-An Effective Approach for Rumour Detection 309

Fig. 6. Training accuracy and model loss using CNN (Reddit Dataset)

Fig. 7. Accuracy and model loss using CNN and Deep CNN-LSTM (Reddit Dataset)

Term Memory) model with the hyperparameters (refer Table 3 for more details)
to train and test the real-world dataset. Using our proposed model, we have
achieved a validation accuracy of 82,40% for task A and 81.04% for Reddit-task
B. For subtask B; we created implemented the same two models. CNN model
was trained only for source tweets, neglecting their replies, and our proposed
model was trained on concatenating source tweets by their responses. Since our
dataset is not too large, our proposed model performed better than the simple
CNN model having two dense layers. Figure 7 clearly indicates that using our
proposed model, we have achieved the highest accuracy for both the sub-tasks.
A comparison with existing benchmarks and our proposed model is shown in
Table 4 utilizing Reddit and Twitter dataset.
310 R. K. Kaliyar et al.

Table 4. Comparison with existing benchmark results using Twitter and Redditt

Task and model Accuracy(%)

SemiEval19 (Subtask-A) 81.50
SemiEval19 (Subtask-B) 75.50
Our Proposed Model-Subtask-A 82.40
Our Proposed Model-Subtask-B 81.04

4 Conclusion and Future Work

In this paper, we have presented the performance of our proposed C-LSTM model
for rumour detection. We have achieved state-of-the-art results as compared to
existing benchmarks. In future, we will use graph-based information of fake news
for more accurate classification.

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Speech2Image: Generating Images
from Speech Using Pix2Pix Model

Ankit Raj Ojha, Abhilash Gunasegaran(B) , Aruna Maurya, and Spriha Mandal

Department of Computer Science and Engineering,

Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Coimbatore, India

Abstract. Generating images from speech is a fundamental problem

that has numerous applications which include art generation, computer-
aided design, enhancing learning capabilities in children among others.
We present an audio-conditioned image generation model that trans-
fers features from the speech descriptions (source) to respective image
(target) domain. To accomplish this, we have used the Caltech-UCSD
Birds-200-2011 (CUB-200-2011) dataset as target images and then we
generated high-quality speech descriptions of birds to prepare custom
dataset for training. We further verified the generated images using the
images of birds provided in the CUB-200-2011 dataset. The model is
trained and tested on three types of speech representations, i.e Spec-
trograms, ConstantQ Transforms and Short Time Fourier Transforms
the results of which are discussed in subsequent sections. Unlike con-
ventional approaches for speech to image conversions, which rely on a
different intermediary domain such as text to realize this transition, our
novel approach relies on an intermediate image transition, effectively
restricting the number of domains involved in this process.

Keywords: Pix2Pix · Speech to image · Spectrograms

1 Introduction

Generating images directly from speech is a problem that has applications such
as art generation, computer-aided design and enhanced learning capabilities in
children by allowing them to generate images directly from speech. Recent work
in the field of image generation from text as source has devised ways to generate
images from speech descriptions, i.e speech is first converted to an intermediate
form(text) and then this text is converted to an image using traditional image
generation models. The aforementioned method transitions the source speech
through two domains first text and then to image. This may, at times lead to
a loss of semantic meaning. Instead, we propose a method which involves an
image-to-image translation. We use the Pix2Pix [6] model, commonly known for
image to image translation, through which the speech(audio) is translated into
its target image by using image to image translational technique.
c Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2021
D. Garg et al. (Eds.): IACC 2020, CCIS 1367, pp. 313–322, 2021.
314 A. R. Ojha et al.

Generative Adversarial Nets (GANs) were introduced to train generative mod-

els. Our work explores how GANs conditioned by audio features can be employed
to generate images of birds. To accomplish our above-said experiment, we have
used the Caltech-UCSD Birds-200-2011 (CUB-200-2011) [13] dataset for target
images and also generated high-quality speech descriptions(audio samples) for
bird images from textual descriptions [20]. These audio samples are then converted
to their respective spectrograms using Librosa, a Python package for audio anal-
ysis. Finally, a custom dataset is created by pairing each of these spectrogram
images with their target image. After the first step (dataset creation), the gener-
ated data is fed to the Pix2Pix model which facilitates the generation of images
based on the given input. The composite model is trained on a new dataset gen-
erated from scratch with the help of the CUB dataset and can create pictures of
birds close to the speech description given as input (Fig. 1).

Fig. 1. Overview of speech to image generation

Our work here focuses on generating images from speech using Pix2Pix.
Major contributions include:
1. Using an image to image translational model to reconstruct images from their
visual descriptions.
2. Creating a comprehensive collection of audio files from preprocessed textual
description [20]. This collection consists of ten different descriptions for one
target image.
3. Compare the performance of three types of representations, i.e Spectro-
grams [16], Constant Q Transforms [14] and Short-time Fourier transform
(STFT) [15] by calculating the Frechet Inception Distance (FID) score [5].
The rest of the paper is organized as follows: Sect. 2 talks about the related
works, Sect. 3 discusses the approach and methodology used, Sect. 4 contains our
results obtained and Sect. 5 contains conclusion and future work.

2 Related Works
In the area of Generative Adversarial Networks or GAN, [3] is a seminal
paper in the history of image synthesis. Introduction of GAN opened up avenues
Speech2Image: Generating Images from Speech Using Pix2Pix Model 315

of using these adversarial nets for unique applications such as(eg. [1,6,9]). The
simple yet elegant architecture of GAN paved way for several other architectures
with slight variations in structure. A new class of CNNs having certain archi-
tectural constraints called Deep Convolutional Generative Adversarial networks
(DCGANs) [11] was developed. While DCGAN proposed and evaluated a large
number of constraints on the architecture of CGAN’s [12], the problem of image
generation that was conditioned by an extra input largely remained unexplored.
Conditional Generative Adversarial Nets [10] proved to be a groundbreaking
research paper in the domain of conditional image generation. It showed how
providing extra conditioning information to the model on this additional infor-
mation, makes it possible to simplify the data generation process. As described
in [10], this conditioning could be any auxiliary information such as class labels
or data from other sources. This additional layer acts as an input to both the
generator and the discriminator.
Generating images from text has been a subject of extensive research [19,
22,23] where a text is fed as an input to a different kind of GANs (Attentional
GAN, Stack GAN and Stack GAN++) to generate images from it. Gruss et
al. [4] in his paper developed a trivial way of generating images from speech by
first converting speech to text using language translation and then with the help
of AttnGAN [19] generating images from text. Though this work forms the basis
of our work, our effort has been to avoid the need for the intermediate step of
speech to text translation; and instead directly generate images from speech. [2]
research brought about image style transfer, inspired by the logic of convolution
neural networks (CNNs). Originally created for extracting images,”Neural Style
Transfer” used a CNN model for generating a new image which incorporated
the style of one image but the content of another image and shed light on how
two images could be encoded and style could be actually “understood” by the
The problem of image to image translation remained unexplored until
Pix2Pix [6] was developed. The Pix2Pix model was the first implemented
model to shed light on image to image translation. Most adaptations on how
one image domain can be transferred to another took place in the feature space.
The Pix2Pix model on the other hand directly produces target images by trans-
ferring information from a source domain to a target domain while bridging the
semantic gap between the two domains. In order to make the transferred image
look lifelike and to preserve the semantic meaning and interpretation, an encoder
and decoder were wrapped into the converter. The pixel-level domain converter
is composed of an encoder for the semantic embedding of a source and a decoder
to produce a target image. Pix2Pix was followed by the many variants along the
same lines of image to image transfer which included [8,18,24].
GAN is being used in a many areas which include but are not limited to sci-
ence, art, medicine and technology. The ground breaking research of the Pix2Pix
model paved way for newer methods to understand cross domain relationships
between objects to perform style transfer, while maintaining key features [7].
Latest work in the field also include Unpaired Image-to-Image Translation using
316 A. R. Ojha et al.

Cycle-Consistent Adversarial Networks [25]. GAN has also been used to develop
innovative solutions for Image-Inpainting [21] and Image-Blending [17].

3 Methodology

3.1 Visual Representation of Speech

The current image generation models generate images from speech (audio) in a
two-step fashion, first by converting speech to text and then generating an image
from that text. We propose a novel approach in which the image is directly gen-
erated from speech. In this approach, we have taken a total of 2750 speech
descriptions for a few of the bird species in the CUB dataset. After that spectral
images were generated for each of the speech descriptions. We represented images
of speech descriptions (audio) in three types: Spectrograms, Constant Q Trans-
form and STFT. These visual representations of speech descriptions (audio) were
created using the Librosa Python package (Fig. 2).

Fig. 2. Representing speech description The bird has head and beak proportional to its
body and the bird is brown in color in Spectrogram (Color figure online)

3.2 Custom Dataset Generation

Our work explores how GANs when conditioned by audio features can be
employed to generate images of birds. To achieve our goal, we created a cus-
tom dataset of speech descriptions and bird images. First, text descriptions of
bird images in the CUB dataset were converted to their corresponding speech
descriptions. These descriptions were then used to create corresponding audio
samples which were in turn converted to their respective visual represention, i.e
Spectrograms, Constant QTransforms and STFT using Librosa, a Python pack-
age for audio analysis. Next, image pairing is done which involves pairing each
of these spectrogram images with their target image(actual image of the bird
from the CUB dataset). After this (dataset creation), the generated data is fed
to the Pix2Pix model which facilitates the generation of images based on the
given input. Our composite model is trained on a new dataset generated from
Speech2Image: Generating Images from Speech Using Pix2Pix Model 317

Fig. 3. Representing speech description The bird has head and beak proportional to its
body and the bird is brown in color in Constant Q Transform (Color figure online)

Fig. 4. Representing speech description The bird has head and beak proportional to its
body and the bird is brown in color in STFT (Color figure online)

scratch with the help of the CUB dataset and can create pictures of birds close to
the speech description given as input. Input for the image-to-image translation
model is a concatenated image, the first half of the image being the spectrogram
and the second half of the image being the target image (Figs. 3 and 4).

3.3 Image-to-Image Translational Model

Image-to-image translation forms the core of the idea, of image generation from
visual representations of audio. The Pix2Pix network consists of a generator
which is an encode-decoder model with a U-Net architecture, a domain dis-
criminator and a generic discriminator to assess whether the generated image
is close to the original image. This allows the network to learn not just an
input-output mapping but a loss function to train this mapping. This makes the
network flexible and hence can be modeled for different types of applications.
One such application was that of speech2image where we use spectrograms as
input to reconstruct the original image. The network is trained on 2750 different
spectral images and was used to generate three different models, one for each
of these representation: Spectrogram, ConstantQ Transform and Short Time
318 A. R. Ojha et al.

Fourier Transform. These models were then tested on 1000 spectral images and
the FID score was generated and performance compared.

4 Results
This paper aims to throw light on the idea of generating speech conditioned
images instead of the usual two-step domain conversion method. Results acquired
from comparison of images generated by Spectrograms, Constant Q Transforms,
Short Time Fourier transforms (STFT) will help in determining which spectral
image holds the most important information and can be used for better image
translation. The performance of these networks is usually measured in relative to
how well the generative model or the discriminative model is doing with respect
to its opponent. Image quality might not necessarily give a satisfactory means
of understanding its performance. Therefore, Inception score is used to measure
its performance.
But according to Martin Heusel, et al. [5], “Drawback of the Inception Score
is that the statistics of real-world samples are not used and compared to the
statistics of synthetic samples.”
So, a new metric called Frechet Inception Distance score (also called FID
score) was developed. Lower scores indicate greater similarity between the two
groups of images or more similar statistics. Lower scores also correlate well with
higher quality of images. For the calculation of FID score, the Inception v3 model
is used, eliminating the last pooling layer before the classification of images as
output. Calculations of the activations for the generated and real images are
done and summarized into a multivariate Gaussian, made by computing mean
and covariance of these images. The distance between the two distributions is
then computed using the Frechet or Wasserstein-2 distance.
We use FID score as the metric for measuring the performance of our model.
Each model was trained on 2750 bird images from 150 birds species and then
tested on 1000 images to calculate the FID score. Figure 5, 6, 7 and 8 shows
some of the images generated by our model.
Formula to compute  FID between the real images x and generated images g
where µ is mean and is the covariance of a multivariate Gaussian distribution
(Table 1).

Table 1. Table comparing FID scores between different models

Models Spectrogram ConstantQ Transform STFT

FID scores 51.771 55.175 53.893
Speech2Image: Generating Images from Speech Using Pix2Pix Model 319

Fig. 5. Image generated from the model showing source spectrogram on left expected
image on right and generated image at middle.

Fig. 6. Images generated from the model showing source spectrogram on top, followed
by the generated and then the expected image at the bottom
320 A. R. Ojha et al.

Fig. 7. Images generated from the model showing source spectrogram on top, followed
by the generated and then the expected image at the bottom

Fig. 8. Images generated from the model showing source spectrogram on left expected
image on right and generated image at middle.

5 Conclusion

The results from this paper highlight the method of generating images by extract-
ing relevant features from the visual representation of a speech sample. A detailed
examination and thorough testing clearly shows that Constant QTransforms per-
form relatively better than its two counterparts, Spectrograms and STFT’s as
indicated by their respective FID scores. In fact this novel approach introduces
the use of a translational model for generation and can be used in a variety of
other settings for deriving semantic insights from a spectrogram.
Speech2Image: Generating Images from Speech Using Pix2Pix Model 321

Following are some of the suggested improvements to further the scope of

this project:
1. It can be extended to other languages. For example Hindi, Malayalam, Tamil,
2. Train the model to solve a generic problem like the identification and con-
struction of everyday objects by training it on a larger dataset.
3. Improve the neural architecture to achieve higher accuracy and a better image
4. Condition the project to incorporate sign language for the benefit of specially-
5. Improve the neural net to generate high resolution images.

Acknowledgement. The authors would like to express their thanks and gratitude to
Dr. Vivek Menon from Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Amritapuri for his valuable
guidance and expertise for our work.

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SQL Query from Portuguese Language Using
Natural Language Processing

Carlos Fernando Mulessiua da Silva(B) and Rajni Jindal

Computer Science and Engineering Department, Delhi Technological University,

New Delhi 110042, India
[email protected]

Abstract. Nowadays, there is a great challenge to make information technology

transparent so the end-user can have a good user experience. We are proposing a
Natural Language Interface Model in which the user introduces the phrase through
a text box in the local natural language, preferably in the Portuguese language.
The system will read these words and separate them into a list of tokens, which
will be analyzed, and if unnecessary words are found, they will be removed.
The system will make a combination of the user’s request. In the end, it will
arrive until the generation of SQL Query and basics MongoDB Query as well
ready to be executed directly in the Database. The model has an average accuracy
of 70.27%. A morphological analysis will understand the meaning of the user’s
sentence ending in a friendly interface.

Keywords: Natural Language Processing · SQL query · Portuguese language ·

Natural language interface for database · MongoDB query

1 Introduction

Modern databases are made for easy access to information when talking about Nat-
ural Language Processing. What comes into mind is Artificial Intelligence. There is
a severe difficulty for people who speak the Portuguese language to manipulate the
Database’s data. Since the language is used to create queries in the English Language,
this is becoming more and more abundant as only ten countries have English as official
Currently, non-experienced or non-technical users have difficulties in accessing the
Database. This becomes increasingly one reason people escape from the database area
and end up choosing other areas. As a result, this area is little explored. There are increas-
ing difficulties in the relationship between the user and the Database. Consequently, the
access of people who do not speak the English Language has been infrequent.
There is currently some software created for converting Natural Language into SQL
Query, and many of them use only the English Language. These applications were not
developed for the creation of very complex queries. Many users have difficulties in
formulating syntax for manipulating the Database.

© Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2021

D. Garg et al. (Eds.): IACC 2020, CCIS 1367, pp. 323–335, 2021.
324 C. F. M. da Silva and R. Jindal

A relational database consists of some operations such as SELECT, UPDATE,

DELETE, and INSERT. In this research, only the SELECT operation was used to facil-
itate access to information in the Database. Subsequently, the rest of the operations will
be implemented.
Generally, the process of transforming Natural Language into SQL Query follows
the following Algorithm (Fig. 1):

Fig. 1. Algorithm flowchart

This Algorithm is used in several applications that do this process. This type of
system can provide people with no technical knowledge access to the Database very
quickly. It also provides easy perception from the user’s data through the application’s
interface without any English language knowledge (Fig. 2).

Fig. 2. Syntax tree

2 Related Work
[1] Presented a Natural Language Interface Database, composed in two parts, Linguistic
and Database component. In the first part, the input is a Hind sentence, and this will be
SQL Query from Portuguese Language Using Natural Language Processing 325

processed, will be done the morphological analysis, the word group will be analyzed,
tags will be generated, and will be mapped. In the second component, the Query will
be generated after passing through the database management system, a response will be
generated, and the output will be given.
In this research, [2] a system has been proposed which the user introduces a sentence
in his natural language, and the system translates the sentence and turns it into some
SQL queries which can be used to access the Database through a DBMS [3]. The process
is done as follows: The input is given in natural language and then goes through the
translation module. After that goes to Levenshtein distance, and a SQL Query is created,
and finally, the Query is sent to Database.
H. Baius and M. Machkour [4] developed an Arabic Language Interface to be used
in XML Databases based on previous works. They built a database knowledge module
that works together with a linguistic module. The Arabic sentence is given as input,
and the user can choose SQL or Xpath or both. After the parse tree is done, the output
is generated according to the previous user choice. It is essential to mention that this
is a long process because first, the Arabic sentence must be converted into an English
sentence, and then the remaining steps are done.
In this approach, a study has been conducted to find the Impact of IntelliSense caused
by a Natural Language Interface Database [5]. Was proposed a Graphic User Interface
in which the user writes the input, and the system gives some suggestions of words to be
filled according to the best sentence formulation. Whatever the user writes the correct
sentence or not, the system will provide an output. A set of IF-ELSE is verified in the
Algorithm. The highest accuracy was 96%. In a total of 500 queries, 300 were correct,
and 200 were incorrect.
Another system was developed to work with yes or no questions. According to
the authors, the architecture is based on the user interface, question analyzer, query
generator, ontology builder, and database interface. After formulating the user’s question,
the system responds with a series of suggestions and some yes or no questions that
enable the user to make decisions based on his request. According to the authors, with
this system, it is also possible to work with unit conversion [6].
A good option for non-expert users of the Database would be to accept that the user
enters a sentence in English. The system will first transform the user’s words into SQL
Queries through the user’s sentence. After that, a mapping is done from the Query, it will
be executed, and then the output will be given. It is important to note that the system works
as an intelligent system that manages queries and facilitates non-technical users. The
architecture used goes through the following phases: Semantic Building, the Generation
of MR, and the Generation of Queries [7]. This study is based on a mathematical model.
A different application that uses the Matrix Technique can be a great option. The
user fills in using the natural language. The system identifies the keywords and does
the parsing; after that, the words are modified to resemble a matrix. Then the semantic
interpretation is performed, which depends on a network of words already assigned. An
SQL Query is then formulated and performed. Furthermore, the output is shown directly
to the user through a friendly interface [8]. It should be noted that a simple Query, which
uses a logical condition and Query with an aggregate function, were tested.
326 C. F. M. da Silva and R. Jindal

In paper [9], they propose a model that removes information from the MongoDB
database through natural language. The user writes a sentence containing a question in
the English Language, and the model returns a result that has the intervention of non-
structural Language (NoSQL). In this model, the user is not restricted from entering
any specific Query, as long as it meets the requirements for it to work. In this paper,
they propose an interface that provides the user, through a search field, to obtain results
without technical knowledge of the MongoDB database.

3 Proposed Model

We propose a system that can get phrases in the Portuguese Language [10], convert into
SQL Query, and send a query into a database to show information through an available
interface to the user [11]. We are proposing an approach that will facilitate the user with
less experience in accessing the Database.
It is essential to mention that the system will only work with one sentence at a time.
If the user wants to make more than one request, he is requested to do the flowchart
In the first phase, the system will only work with a database previously defined by
the System Administrator.

System Architecture
For the proposed system to be functional, it is divided into three (3) components:

Natural Language Processing

This is an essential component of the system because most of the Business Logic of our
application happens.

1. Tokenizer
This phase is where the words entered by the user are separated, and each word is
represented as a token so that it can be stored, and a specific list can be processed
later in the next phases.
2. Lexical Analysis
After creating the list of tokens from the words separated in the previous phase,
this list of tokens will be mapped with an existing dictionary. Unnecessary words or
tokens will be discarded.
After that, the words will be replaced with specific words from a database, which
will proceed to the next phase. It should be noted that the words the system replaced
are pre-chosen to facilitate the process of identifying verbs, names, and others.
3. Syntactic and Semantic Analysis
In this phase, the system will identify the names of tables that must be selected, the
attributes, and the existing keywords. Based on the dictionary, each token will be
mapped. In Semantic Analysis, based on the same dictionary, the words containing
conditions will be selected to facilitate the final Query formulation. These conditions
are replaced by some symbols like (≥, ≤, <, >).
SQL Query from Portuguese Language Using Natural Language Processing 327

4. Mapping
In this Mapping phase, a combination of the existing words is made with possible
fields in the Database, such as table names, attribute names, if there are any values,
if any specific conditions which requested by the user, if there has any order request,
if it needs to be grouped and if it has any operations among others. Any other words
which are not required will be discarded. After that, all the requirements for creating
SQL Query will have been met, and the system will be ready to proceed to the next

Database Component
In this component are the steps related to the Database. This means that the Mapping
interaction generated in the last phase of Natural Language Processing begins to be

1. SQL Query Generator

In this phase, the SQL Query is created through mapping, which was done in the
previous step. The Query is generated from an existing standard to facilitate syntax,
and the tokens are compared to create this Query.
2. MongoDB Query Generator
In this phase, the MongoDB Query is created through mapping, which was done
in the previous step. The Query is generated from an existing standard to facilitate
syntax, and the tokens are compared to create this Query.
3. Query Ready to be Executed
After getting the SQL and MongoDB Query ready, it is time to deliver the Query to
the final user, ready to be executed.

Conversion Component
Finally, in this component, the main one, the translation between the Portuguese and
English languages, occurs [12].

1. Conversion to the English Language

After the user has entered his Query in the text box in natural language at this phase,
the system will translate the sentence from Portuguese to English. It is essential to
mention that this translation works as a conversion so that the system can proceed
with the English Language (Fig. 3).
328 C. F. M. da Silva and R. Jindal

Fig. 3. Proposed system architecture

4 Proposed Algorithm

First step: After opening the system, the user will enter his Portuguese sentence in the
text box. Remember that this sentence must follow some questioning patterns.
Let us consider the following sentence entered by the user in Portuguese (Query):

“Mostra todos dados dos estudantes do departamento de ciência da computação

com a idade maior de 18 anos e notas maiores de 90 e ordenar de forma

Second step: The Query must be translated into the English language to be manipulated
since the database access key words (SELECT, FROM, WHERE, ORDER, GROUP,
DESCENDING,…) are all in the English Language.

“Show all data from students in the computer science department which age
greater than 18 and marks greater than 90 ascending order.”

Third step: The query moves to the Tokenizer phase, where all words in the sentence
considering the spaces between the sentences must be separated and stored as a list of

“Show, all, data, from, students, in, the, computer, science, department, which,
age, greater, than, 18 and marks, greater, than, 90, ascending, order."

Fourth step: Next, the word list (tokens) will be compared with an existing word list,
and unnecessary or ignored tokens will be discarded.
SQL Query from Portuguese Language Using Natural Language Processing 329

Unnecessary list: data, in, the, which than, and, then.

“Show, all, from, students, computer, science, department, age, greater, 18, marks,
greater, 90, ascending, order."

Fifth step: After the unnecessary tokens are discarded, go through the process of replacing
the tokens with words similar to the word list, such as table name, attribute name,
keyword, and values will be attached.

“SELECT (action), * (keyword), students (table-name), WHERE (clause), com-

puter science (value), department (att-name), age (att-name), greater 18 (value),
marks (att-name), greater 90 (value), ORDER BY (clause), ASC”.

Sixth step: After going through the previous process, now it is time to select the action
(SELECT) that will be taken according to the (action) previously entered by the user.
These can be several words that will give the same SELECT action such as Show, find,

– If the SELECT action were chosen, the FROM keyword would be added before the
table name.

It is essential to say that this system works only with the action (SELECT).

“SELECT (action) * FROM students (table-name) WHERE (clause) computer

science (value) department (att-name) age (att-name) greater 18 (value) marks
(att-name) greater 90 (value) ORDER BY (clause) ASC”.

Seventh step: This step is where the conditions found in the tokens entered by the user
are replaced. If no token contains comparison words, it will be ignored and will proceed
to the next step.
The condition will be inserted according to the keyword WHERE inside the Query
(≥, ≤, <, >).
The sign of logical operation and comparison will be added after the name of the
attribute in question (age > 18).
Considering the ORDER BY at the end of the Query, an attribute name will be added
after this keyword meets the query requirements.

“SELECT (action) * FROM students (table-name) WHERE (clause) computer

science (value) department (att-name) age (att-name) > 18 (value) marks (att-
name) > 90 (value), ORDER BY (clause) (att-name) ASC”.

Eighth step: Here, the complete Query is generated and is executed in the Database and
will follow the next steps (Fig. 4 and Table 1).

“SELECT * FROM students WHERE department = ‘computer science’ and

age > 18 and marks > 90 ORDER BY name ASC”.
330 C. F. M. da Silva and R. Jindal

Fig. 4. Flowchart

Table 1. Questions types

No. Type Features

1 Question Type A1 [‘mostrar, ‘visualizar’]
2 Question Type A2 [‘o que’, ‘qual’,
3 Question Type A3 [‘maximo’, ‘minimo’]
4 Question Type A4 [‘somar’, ‘quantos
5 Question Type A5 [‘contar’, ‘media’]
6 Question Type A6 [‘ordenar’, ‘agrupar’]
7 Question Type A7 [‘igual’, ‘contem’]
8 Question Type A8 [‘juntar’, ‘separar’]
9 Question Type A9 [‘maior que’, ‘menor

For this model, nine types of questions were structured, organized into different types
ranging from “Q. Type A1” to “Q. Type A9”. Each type corresponds to a set of rules
specifically assigned to it. For each type of question, there are some features associated
with it. Whether in an inserted sentence, it contains a word that corresponds to a specific
type of question, the flowchart will be redirected to that type of question.
SQL Query from Portuguese Language Using Natural Language Processing 331

5 Discussion of Results
The model has been developed using the Python programming language because it has
more affinities with natural language processing and needs to adapt to the model. This
model was developed for integration with the SELECT function in this first phase. For
future work, we hope to advance with the following functions DELETE, UPDATE and
INSERT. This model is not entirely developed to work with complex queries so far, so
some features are not functional (Fig. 5). A Dataset was used to train the model that is
present in Fig. 6.

Fig. 5. Model interface

This is the interface that the user sees when opening the model. The user enters
the phrase or question in the Portuguese Language, then clicks the button to do the
translation. The system will translate the sentence into the English language using the
“googletrans” API, and the user can change it whether he thinks something is missing.
Further down, he must choose an SQL dump he intends to interact with to allow the model
and have access to data that will be used. Then, the user must choose the language setting
332 C. F. M. da Silva and R. Jindal

so that the model recognizes some special characters. He is not obliged to work with the
Portuguese language as a configuration; he can select his configuration.
He can select the outputs he wants the model to show between SQL Query and Mon-
goDB Query (NoSQL) [13], thus leaving the user interface cleaner and more selectable.
Then he submits. If the system finds any fault in the user’s phrase, it will return the error
(Table 2).

Table 2. Accuracy of question types

No. Proposed model Accuracy (%)

1 Question Type A1 86.7
2 Question Type A2 84.3
3 Question Type A3 77.5
4 Question Type A4 74.1
5 Question Type A5 83.6
6 Question Type A6 65.8
7 Question Type A7 84.0
8 Question Type A8 61.2
9 Question Type A9 85.5

In this model, we have nine types of questions with different types of characteristics,
from which we have different results. We highlight the average accuracy, which was
70.27%. Among them, we find “Q. Type A1” with the highest accuracy of 86.7%, and
the lowest accuracy was “Q. Type A8” with 61.2%.
The “Q. Type A1” had the highest accuracy due to the characteristics of con-
sidering more possibilities in the formulation of prefixes of the questions involv-
ing SELECT Query such as: “mostrar”, “dizer”, “visualizar”, “apresentar”, “revelar”,
(mostrar todos estudantes…, mostrar nome dos estudantes…, visualizar os estudantes…,
visualizar idade dos estudantes…, dizer os nomes dos estudantes…, revelar a idade dos
estudantes…, apresentar nomes dos estudantes…).
The “Q. Type A8” presented the lowest accuracy because, due to the JOIN function’s
poor performance, the model currently works only with INNER JOIN. LEFT OUTER,
RIGHT OUTER, CROSS, and FULL OUTER have not yet been implemented.
Some queries such as: “mostrar os estudantes que tem o professor de matematica
com media superior” and “mostrar todas disciplinas que o estudante silva frequenta” are
present in “Q. Type A8” (Table 3).
In this model, 45200 data were trained using Google Colab [14], between “Q. Type
A1” up to “Q. Type A9”. “Q. Type A7” presents the most trained type with 5800 dues
to the wide variation of possibilities which we have at this point, such as “igual” and
“contem”. The least trained types were “Q. Type A3”, “Q. Type A6”, “Q. Type A8” and
“Q. Type A9” with 4700 data due to the few possibilities of variations available in these
such as “maximo”, “minimo” for “Q. Type A3”, “ordenar” and “agrupar” for “Q. Type
SQL Query from Portuguese Language Using Natural Language Processing 333

Fig. 6. Accuracy of question types graphically

Table 3. Data trained

No Proposed model (type questions) Data trained

1 Question Type A1 5000
2 Question Type A2 5000
3 Question Type A3 4700
4 Question Type A4 5300
5 Question Type A5 5300
6 Question Type A6 4700
7 Question Type A7 5800
8 Question Type A8 4700
9 Question Type A9 4700

A6”, “juntar” and “separar” for “Q. Type A8” and finally “maior que” and “menor que”
for “Q. Type A9”.

6 Conclusion and Future Work

Many new kinds of research have proposed a solution to the artificial intelligence of a
different approach. That allows users with little knowledge to have access to them, as is
the example of NLP.
Natural Language Processing brought humans a solution from the problems currently
encountered by inexperienced users who want to access the Database. This system will
benefit mainly people who are not familiar with the English Language and will allow
more fluent interaction and better interpretation of the data.
334 C. F. M. da Silva and R. Jindal

The system will allow the user to input a sentence in the Portuguese language. He
wants to retrieve data from the Database, and then the model will translate the words
according to get a sequence of tokens, which can be understood by the system. Moreover,
that will end with the generation of SQL Query and Mongo DB Query, ready to be
executed in the Database.
The model showed a good performance and managed to achieve the main objective,
developing a model that accepts the natural Language in Portuguese as an input field
and generates SQL and MongoDB Query as output ready to be used by the user. Having
an average of 70.27% accuracy, in which the sentences containing the words “mostrar
and visualizar” in their context showed more excellent performance when comparing
the others.
We intend to implement the INSERT, UPDATE and DELETE operations for the
future, so the four functions are present and functional in the model. We also intend to
develop more possibilities and make the components LEFT OUTER, RIGHT OUTER,
CROSS and FULL OUTER present in the model.
One of the most severe difficulties was generating MongoDB Query since it has a
different syntax than SQL.

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Misogynous Text Classification
Using SVM and LSTM

Maibam Debina Devi(B) and Navanath Saharia

Indian Institute of Information Technology Senapati, Senapati, Manipur, India


Abstract. Discrimination and manipulation are becoming predominant

in social network activities. Comments bearing attitudes, such as distress,
hate, and aggression in Social Networking Sites (SNS) add fuel to the
process of discrimination. This research aims to classify texts, which are
misogynous in nature using Support Vector Machine (SVM) and Long-
Short Term Memory (LSTM) for user-generated texts of English and
Hindi languages written using the Roman script. Approximately 87%
accuracy was achieved while SVM was trained with Term Frequency-
Inverse Document Frequency (TF-IDF) feature and for Hindi comments
approximately 93.43% accuracy was achieved for English using Bidirec-
tional LSTM (Bi-LSTM).

Keywords: Text classification · Misogyny · SVM · LSTM

1 Introduction
Misogyny, a characteristic that emerged from oppressive patriarchy, reflecting
an attitude of animosity towards women [22] that ends up generating a gender
gap. Consequences of a misogynistic action have been considered as a matter
of public safety [25] and contemplated as a crime [27]. It has become easy to
taunt and perpetuate hate with the advent of the Internet and SNS. Pieces of
evidence toward cyberhate have become a high threat to society. Implementa-
tion of techniques such as automatic detection of abusive language [32,35], hate
speech [13,15,34], aggression [33], cyber-bullying [36] in platforms, like Twitter
and Facebook are critically required as 76% women under the age of 30 experi-
enced online harrasement1 . Recently, a number of shared tasks was addressing
the issue of automatic detection of abusive language2,3 aggression4 , and misog-
yny5 in texts. Classification of text is an important component for many NLP
-norton-research; accessed date: 10 July 2020.
2; accessed on 10 July 2020.
3; accessed
on 15 July 2020.
4; accessed on 01 June
5; accessed on 15 July 2020.
c Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2021
D. Garg et al. (Eds.): IACC 2020, CCIS 1367, pp. 336–348, 2021.
Misogynous Text Classification Using SVM and LSTM 337

applications including web search [11], filtering [23,30], indexing [28], and opin-
ion mining [10]. Various methods have been introduced ranging from rule-based
to neural network-based as a solution to the text classification problem with pros
and cons over the last few decades. Neural network-based methods are gaining
attention due to the higher accuracy [7,12], whereas, linear classifiers are still
considered as strong baselines [1,17,20].
In this research, we focused on the classification of misogynous text using
SVM as a representative of the linear classification model and LSTM as a rep-
resentative of the neural network-based model. We have a set of comments
C = {c1 , c2 , c3 , . . . , cn }, a youtube based comments. Each comment ci is asso-
ciated with label lj , where i = 1, 2, 3, . . . , n and j = {0, 1}. Problem of the
misogynous text classification can be defined as a binary decision-making mod-
ule to test, whether, ci belongs to l0 or l1 . We moved towards a supervised
learning approach to design the decision-making module as the success rate of
supervised learning is predominant over unsupervised. Therefore, the C is split
into a training set T RC and test set T SC . T RC is used to build the prototype
for classification. The prototype then applied to T SC to test, whether or not
the ci ∈ T SC has the property of l1 . The discriminative classifiers, SVM, and
LSTM are used to build the prototype for the classification of the misogynous
text of Hindi and English languages using the dataset of TRAC shared tasks [8].
Contribution of this work lies in performing misogynous text classification using
SVM with TF-IDF and N −gram as a feature, and LSTM and its variations with
GloVe for Hindi and English languages. We also examined, the stability of these
approaches with an unbalanced class label ratio. As the input text for Hindi is
code-mixed [14,29] and written in the Roman script we employed pre-trained
GloVe6 with LSTM to train the classifier.
The organisation of this paper is as follows. Section 2 discusses about the
related work on misogynous text classification. Dataset and experimental details
are discussed in Sect. 3. Obtained result is analyse in Sect. 4. Section 5 describe
the conclusion with direction towards future work.

2 Related Work
Venue, such as, IberEval, TRAC, SemEval, and AMI have organised a number of
shared tasks related to misogynous texts and other event/action identification on
SNS texts. Logistic regression [2,31], SVM [2,31], Random Forest [31], Gradient
Boosting and Stochastic Gradient Descent [2], and Naive Bayes [31] are among
the used techniques to classify misogynous text. A study by Shushkevich and
Cardiff [31] highlighted the work on misogynous text identification using SVM,
NB, RF, and LR.
Introduction to a multi SVM approach for solving hate speech detection
problems is seen in [26]. Using multi-view SVM as a classifier, with unigram as a
feature over linear SVM classifier and creating a view classifier, then combination
with another SVM is perform to build a meta-classifier. The result is analysis
338 M. D. Devi and N. Saharia

with a technique like BERT. With the TRAC19 dataset proposed model mSVM
(multi-SVM) give an accuracy score with 61.2%.
Classifier combination techniques adopted in [24] experiment, SVM & RF,
SVM & GBT, and RF & GBT are combined using algebraic fusion where each
class obtained probabilities are taken by average. Of which obtained scores are as
follows 0.624, 0.247, and 0.623 respectively. Experiments like [18] give weightage
on lexical and stylistic features. Words with high intensity of being misogynous
are extracted and information gain is calculated. Collective features like n-gram
of words, TF-IDF, and stylistic features are used. With SVM as a classifier,
this experiment yields an accuracy score of 0.74 to 0.89 with a different dataset.
Gives the idea that features like bigram and trigram perform better than the
unigram. Subject features identification on multilingual content of twitter data
is seen in [6] shared task report of which machine learning and neural network
approaches are the adapted approaches. Trained with 5000 and 10000 tweets
for Spanish and English language, 3000 and 1600 as test samples for respective
languages. Used techniques include SVM, CNN, LSTM, and BiGRU and embed-
dings google’s Universal Sentence Encode. For which the SVM with RBF kernel
obtained the highest score with 0.651 and Google’s Universal Sentence Encoder
using sentence embeddings as features technique also outperformed then others.
CNN and LSTM also report with good scores next to SVM.
SVM as baseline and CNN, LSTM, and FastText with different embedding
techniques was explored in [5] where using SVM with TF-IDF as a baseline gives
an accuracy of 0.81. Upon it, feed different embedding techniques to neural net-
work architectures [5] and summarise that deep neural network-based learning
outperforms the identification of hate speech. Beside Tweets, work like [25] has
implemented misogynous text detection using an urban dictionary. A deep learn-
ing model like Bi-LSTM and Bi-GRU outperformed the resulting accuracy score
of 92.08% compared to Naive-Bayes, Logistic Regression, and Random Forest
Misogynous identification using neural network by [19] has highlighted with
promising results. With the use of English and Spanish tweets and the Bi-LSTM
technique have obtained good results with scores of 78.9% and 76.8%respectively.
Another experiment by [3] emphasizes the impact of using Adam optimizer and
obtain an F1 score as 0.8199 under the English dataset.
Misogynous text analysis has become a focus area under Natural Lan-
guage Processing. Reported work so far highlight different approaches related
to machine learning and deep learning to perform classification. From it, this
experiment consider the two promising model reported SVM and LSTM as base
model. And to aim to perform classification with different feature engineering
for SVM and LSTM and its variants.

3 Experiment
User-generated texts of SNS quite often attract researchers because of their
unstructured, uncensored [32], and spontaneous nature [21]. This research aims
Misogynous Text Classification Using SVM and LSTM 339

to develop an automatic misogynous text identification system using conven-

tional and deep learning approaches. The data-set used in this experiment is
taken from TRAC207 shared task [9]. The data-set comprised of 5329 English
language comments and 4981 Hindi language comments written using Roman
script collected from various Youtube videos. For SVM, 4263 and 3984 com-
ments of English and Hindi datasets were used for training. Out of which, ratio
distribution is likely unbalanced with 3339 are marked as NGEN (not based
on gender, i. e. non-misogynous comments) and 645 are GEN (based on gen-
der i. e. misogynous comments) for Hindi likewise 3963 and 300 as NGEN and
GEN respectively for English dataset. Looking forward to the LSTM model, the
ratio distribution is 3323 and 661 for Hindi and 3954 and 309 respectively for
the English dataset. Table 1 tabulated the basic statistics of the used data-set.
Precisely data distribution for training and testing is done with the division of
dataset in a ratio of 0.8 and 0.2 respectively.

Table 1. Data-set statistics


Hindi.NGEN 3339 829 3323 845 4168
Hindi.GEN 645 168 661 152 813
English.NGEN 3963 984 3954 993 4947
English.GEN 300 82 309 73 382
(T RSV M + T SSV M ) or (T RLST M + T SLST M )

During the experiment, we extracted only texts and corresponding labels

from the data-set, whereas the original data-set comprised of four columns. As
the dataset (cf. Table 1) is unbalanced in nature and mixture of language (cf.
Fig. 2), it will be worth to note the response of the learning models during the
examination. Handling unbalance data with feature, experiment by [16] gives
key idea for performing classification. Figure 1 depicted the experimental flow
for our experiment.
No solid answer has been claimed on deciding better feature technique
between embedding or pre-trained word embedding. Considering this intention
for this experiment, we have used an embedding layer and pre-trained GloVe for
LSTM. Besides using the embedding layer, it is observed in the Hindi dataset
consisting of Hindi-English code mixed comments. Table 2 gives the idea of
observed English words that carries rich semantic nature and found useful for
this classification task. LSTM is trained with pre-trained GloVe word embedding
to observe the weightage and response.
For both languages, the experiment started with cleaning the comments
which are referred to as preprocessing steps mentioned in Fig. 1. It starts with
the tokenization, lemmatization which remove inflectional endings, elimination of

TRAC 2020 dataset.; July 17, 2020.
340 M. D. Devi and N. Saharia

Fig. 1. System architecture

Table 2. Sample comments from Hindi dataset

ID Text Class
C7.1810 <movie-name> jasy ***** baaji film ki vajah s bollyhood GEN
ki ma **** rahy h
C7.2145 Amazing sir, Feminist irritate krti hai bewajah ki baate NGEN
C4.2134.2 **** mera sensible... Moral h vdo ka - don’t take movies GEN
seriously... Just watch for entertainment purpose....
Hollywood v majority level pei chutiyapa hi dikhata h
C4.1356 Are Bhai agar Bollywood influence Ni krti real life mein to NGEN
fir ye feminists ko problem Kyu hori h movie se? That
clearly means Bollywood Jo khila ra h vo tum khare ho aur
ye tumko Ni pachra h to ulti kree ho

tokens like punctuation, html tags and stops words. For english dataset perform
all steps of preprocessing whereas for Hindi we skip the process of lemmatization
and stop words removal. As it is a Youtube based dataset, users tend to give
comments in a casual and mixed format. For Hindi dataset which is a code-
mixed of hindi and english languages and written form in roman script possesses
a word that does not contribute to defining the sensitivity of texts. Such words
are discarded under the preprocessing step using nlkt based stop word list. After
it passes to the mentioned classifiers for identification purposes.

3.1 SVM
SVM follows a supervised manner applicable both in regression and classifica-
tion. It has remained as a state-of-the-art model for classification methods. By
generating the best possible hyper-plane among the classes. Hyper-planes act as
the line of segregation among the classes. For this experiment, we consider SVM
as the classifier and TF-IDF (Term frequency-inverse document frequency) as a
Misogynous Text Classification Using SVM and LSTM 341

feature extraction technique to perform misogynous text classification. This fea-

ture extraction technique does not maintain word order. Measures the relative
values of a term (token) for a text within the entire corpus by giving the relative
Two types of input are used during the experiment - the TF-IDF scores that
represents word level features and the bi-gram scores in the form of a matrix
that represents word-sequence or phrase level information.
For both the cases, it starts with obtaining the frequency count and created a
vocabulary size of 9338 and 14850, which contain all unique words for the English
and Hindi datasets respectively. Out of which, we considered the top 500 words
as max features ordered based on term-frequency. In the first case, both the
language words are trained with the TF-IDF score using the sklearn linear SVC
of the SVM model and giving accuracy with 92% and 88% for the respective
dataset. For the second case, the TF-IDF score of bi-gram is generated as a
feature and trained with SVM result accuracy with 92% and 83% respectively.
Table 3 tabulated the obtained result for SVM with TF-IDF and N − gram. The
class column consists of GEN (comments, which are based on gender, misogynous
class) and NGEN (comments, which are not based on gender, non-misogynous
class) for both the languages.

Table 3. Accuracy of SVM with TF-IDF and N -gram

TF-IDF N-gram
Class Precision Recall F-score Precision Recall F-score
Hindi.NGEN 0.89 0.97 0.93 0.83 0.96 0.89
Hindi.GEN 0.72 0.39 0.50 0.17 0.04 0.07
English.NGEN 0.94 0.99 0.96 0.92 1.00 0.96
English.GEN 0.59 0.23 0.33 0.00 0.00 0.00

3.2 LSTM
LSTM is a variation of Recurrent neural networks, consisting of unit cells for the
accumulation of state information. The unit cell is operated using three gates
which monitor the flow of information, namely i/p gate, o/p gate, and forget
gate. For any new input, information to accumulate to the unit cell depends on
the input gate activation. It can process input sequences with the utilization
of internal memory. It can capture long term dependencies that help in the
detection of misogynous text. Previous information on data can be ignored by
activating forget gates through an activation function. Unlike, a one-way/one-
directional approach to collect information, Bi-directional LSTM processes in
both directions, forward and backward for input sequences with two hidden
layers separately. Output of the forward and backward processing is combined
together and transferred to the next hidden layer.
342 M. D. Devi and N. Saharia

Few parameters are predefined before passing it to the model as shown in

Table 4. It includes the vocab size of 5000, max length as 100, and embedding
dimension considered as 64. For the input tokens, words that are out of the vocab-
ulary are assigned with special token OOV and padding done with max length
size. The sequential model is then generated with embedding as the first layer
where it converts the words into meaningful vectors by taking vocabulary size
with embedding dimension as 64 as its arguments. Then it is trained with LSTM
with ReLu as input activation function. Then adding a dense layer of 6 units
and softmax as the output activation function. Finally, the model is compiled
with sparse categorical crossentropy loss function which gives a good response
over computation time and memory and also which gives a better result than
binary crossentropy and Adam as an optimizer. And obtain accuracy scores with
93% and 84% for English and Hindi respectively.

Table 4. Predefined parameters of LSTM

Parameter Value
Vocabulary size 5000
Max length 100
Embedding dimension 64
input activation function ReLu
output activation function Softmax
Loss function sparse categorical crossentropy
Optimizer Adam

3.3 Bi-directional LSTM

Bidirectional LSTM is a promising model for text analysis [4]. We conduct clas-
sification for bidirectional LSTM with Keras having Tensorflow2.0 backbone
for the above-mentioned dataset. Dataset is splitted into two sets in a ratio
of corpus word count * 0.8 for training and remaining for the testing, which
results approximately 80% for training and 20% for the testing. These partition
shows slight differences in the normal split performed in SVM (cf. Table 1). The
model is trained with 5000 most common unique words, which is predefined as
per the hyperparameters. As texts/comments are of not of equal length, padding
with fixed size are used to make them equal. Normally the size can be set based
on the maximum length of text for all training sets. For this experiment, the
minimum word length for a cell is 2 and the max is 678. Considering this into
account, the max length is defined as 100 and padding is performed by adding
zeros at the end. Hyperparameter is fitted to the sequential model. For each
word, we store a single vector while embedding. Words which find similar mean-
ing often have similar vectors. The LSTM layer with the bidirectional wrapper
Misogynous Text Classification Using SVM and LSTM 343

is used. ReLu activation function with 6 units of dense layer and softmax as out-
put activation. For loss function we have used Sparse categorical cross-entropy,
optimization function as ADAM, and train with 10 epochs. The model learns
well with 0.64 loss with the first epoch and after 10 iteration decrease to 0.016
and resulting accuracy of 87% for the Hindi dataset and English with 93%.

3.4 LSTM with GloVe

Word embedding is a representation of words with dense vectors. Within a vec-
tor space, the word position is assigned with help of a word and its neighboring
words. Using a pre-trained embedding model word embedding can be gener-
ated. For this experiment, we used glove.6B.100d as our pre-trained embedding
module and embedding matrix of length 10992 and 15204 for English and Hindi
respectively. Study by Badjatiya et al. [5] showed that GloVe with classifiers for
Hindi texts written using Roman script may be worth to adapt for the detection
of hate speech. The reported accuracy is 85% and 93% for Hindi and English
language respectively using GloVe over LSTM for this dataset. This also showed
that despite Hindi based script and code-mixed nature using a single base lan-
guage pretrained GloVe showed the positive outcome. For it, a sequential LSTM
model with input as vocabulary and embedding dimension equal to 100 is passed.
To decrease over-fitting we add a dropout layer of 20%. It is passed to a Keras
LSTM having 64 units and dense of 6 units. The model is trained considering
activation function as softmax, sparse categorical crossentropy as loss function
and Adam Optimizer.
It is observed, in the model applying suitable features technique plays an
important role in the classification method. With variation in features technique
the best capability of the model differs. This experiment gives a strong point that
besides linguistic knowledge as a feature and maintaining the originality of data
by performing only basic need pre-processing phase. The model can still give a
promising result for both the conventional and the long term short dependency
model. With an accuracy of 82% to 93% as baseline accuracy for this TRAC
dataset. The relative performance of the deep learning approaches for English
and Hindi dataset with its accuracy graphs are shown in Fig. 2.

Fig. 2. LSTM variant accuracy graph for Hindi and English dataset
344 M. D. Devi and N. Saharia

Fig. 3. Loss response of model over multiple epochs for English dataset

3.5 Performance Measure

The F-score is used for the accuracy evaluation. F-score is a known and widely
used technique for binary classification. It is computed based on precision and
recall for test data. Precision refers positive predictive value and is computed
by considering instances of relevant retrieved. Whereas recall measures relevant
instances retrieved. Considering each comment in the dataset as ci with T as true
labels set i.e misogynous and non-misogynous class and S define the predicted
label set. The equation below 1 shows the used formula for the calculation of
the F-score.

2P (ci )R(ci )
F − Score(ci ) = (1)
(P (ci ) + R(ci ))
where P = Precision, R = Recall
|T ∩ S|
P (ci ) = (2)

|T ∩ S|
R(ci ) = (3)
|T |
In view of deep learning approaches the shown Fig. 2 is based on 10 epochs. In
order to select the best fit epoch size, this experiment also went through imple-
mentation of 10, 25 and 50 size epochs. Figure 3 explain the loss response of the
model over an increase in epochs size for the English dataset. It shows that with
increase in size of epochs the LSTM tends to show balanced response, Bi-LSTM
clearly shows the negative impact and for LSTM with GloVe gives desirable
response to it. Considering the learning effect in each epochs this experiment
consider 10 as desirable for execution. Likewise for the Hindi dataset, with an
increase in epoch size, the obtained loss and accuracy for both training and test-
ing tend to decrease performances. With consideration, this experiment tends to
deliver its implementation taking epochs size 10.

4 Analysis
The F 1 score is tabulated in Table 3 for both feature extraction techniques of
SVM. It is observed that for feature extraction, using TF-IDF with unigram
shows better performances compared to bigram. Table 5 tabulated consolidated
Misogynous Text Classification Using SVM and LSTM 345

results for all the classifiers with label HIN for the Hindi dataset and ENG for
the English dataset. Among the classifiers SVM with TF-IDF gives the highest
accuracy for Hindi and the performance of the variant of LSTM is almost equal
on the English dataset of which Bi-LSTM with embedding layer gives the highest
accuracy with 93.4%.
Bi-LSTM is capable of capturing syntactic and semantic text features auto-
matically. Learning information techniques in both sequences and direction of
text help in making an effective opinion about the category. Moreover, it encodes
dependencies between text for long sequences that provide good performance in
terms of the prediction task. Having larger vocab results to assign rules to words
with rare occurrences that may find useful for the class. As per the distribution of
category, it is found that around 1/5 of the total train is a misogynous class only.
Embedding methods consider hidden representation information which carries a
strong pattern considering unnecessary information. Most comments comprise
words less than 50 which also find it easy for the model to attend optimal con-
ditions by obtaining high accuracy for both the language.
SVM follows different feature engineering techniques from embedding. Using
TF-IDF as a feature extraction method creates a sparse vector with the weight
of words normalizing it by numbers of occurrences. It violates word relation-
ships among each other as TF-IDF makes use of all available words and gains
information. This technique gives a good response for the Hindi dataset with a
score of 87% running hand with Bi-LSTM. It shows using simple Bi-LSTM with
embedding surpass for both the dataset securing the highest accuracy. The bi-
directional information learning capability and its long-range dependency han-
dling feature offer superior results for both the dataset. In the future, we aim to
study intensity level of misogynous text which comes under sentiment analysis.

Table 5. Accuracy Score for different models

Approaches Accuracy [HIN] Accuracy [ENG]

SVM + TF-IDF 0.871 0.928
SVM + N-gram 0.831 0.923
LSTM 0.847 0.931
Bi-LSTM 0.870 0.934
LSTM + GloVe 0.853 0.933

5 Conclusion and Future Work

For this study, performed misogynous text classification with SVM and LSTM
its variations for Hindi and English languages. We obtained approximately 87%
accuracy for Hindi comments using SVM+TF-IDF and BiLSTM and 93% accu-
racy for English comments using BiLSTM and LSTM+GloVe. The obtained
346 M. D. Devi and N. Saharia

result is comparable to the state-of-the-art misogynous text classification. We

have successfully applied SVM+TF-IDF and SVM+Bi-gram in word level to
enhance the accuracy. We observed that despite a small and unbalanced dataset
Bi-LSTM outperforms over all the variants of SVM and LSTM. We will fur-
ther explore the misogynous text classification and intensity level detection by
embedding linguistic features.

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Active Learning Enhanced Sequence Labeling
for Aspect Term Extraction in Review Data

K. Shyam Sundar(B) and Deepa Gupta

Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Amrita School of Engineering, Bengaluru,

Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Bengaluru, India
[email protected], [email protected]

Abstract. Analyzing reviews with respect to each aspect gives better understand-
ing as compared to overall opinions and this requires the aspect terms and their cor-
responding opinions to be extracted. Supervised models for aspect term extraction
require large amount of labeled data. Aspect annotated data is scarcely available
for use and the cost of manual annotation of the entire data is huge. This study pro-
poses a way of using Active Learning to select a highly informative subset of the
data that needs to be labeled, to train the supervised model. The identification of
aspect terms is defined as a sequence labelling problem with the help of BiLSTM
network and CRF. The model is trained on publicly available SemEval (2014–
16) datasets for restaurant and laptop reviews. The results show a 36% and 42%
reduction in annotation cost for restaurants and laptops respectively, with negligi-
ble effect on the model’s performance. A significant difference in cost is observed
between active learning guided sampling and random sampling approaches.

Keywords: Active learning · Reinforcement learning · Actor-critic · WMD

1 Introduction
A review is an evaluation provided by the user or a critic based on their opinion. A review
usually consists of several lines of text (review) and a numerical evaluation (rating). It
tells us how good a product or a service is received by its customers. A survey in 2014
by Myles Anderson showed that 88% of the consumers trust online reviews as much as
personal recommendations [1]. Thus, these reviews have high impact on the business.
Usually, a company will gather these reviews analyze them together to extract useful
information. In order to understand the impact of the product or service with respect to
different consumers, we need to perform the analysis on the actual review. This requires
extracting of features from the reviews and analyzing the opinions (sentiment) on each
feature individually. This process is called Aspect Term Extraction (ATE) [2]. The aspect
term refers to the feature present in the review, i.e., the characteristic of the product on
which the review provides information. For example, in the review “The phone has a
good resolution but has a very short battery life.”, the terms “phone”, “resolution”
and “battery life” are the aspect terms. The aspect term “resolution” has a positive

© Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2021

D. Garg et al. (Eds.): IACC 2020, CCIS 1367, pp. 349–361, 2021.
350 K. Shyam Sundar and D. Gupta

connotation whereas the aspect term “battery life” has a negative connotation. The term
“phone”, on the other hand, has contradictory connation.
In Machine Leaning, supervised models are preferred over unsupervised or rule-
based models [3]. This is because there is not specific way of identifying where and in
what form is an aspect term present in the sentence. Hence without a target value for
the algorithm (unsupervised), the labeling of these aspects will become more difficult.
Hence, supervised models which have a specific goal provides a better solution. But the
training data required by a supervised model is very high. If we can reduce the amount
of training data to be annotated by the user, we can attain a significant cost reduction
in model the problem. One way to overcome this is sampling the dataset which reduces
the load. But we have no way to identify whether the resulting sample of data is good
enough for training the model. This arises the need to identify the usefulness of each
record in the resulting sample. Active Learning (AL) provides a solution for this problem.
Active Learning is the process in which a highly informative subset of the data is chosen
among the entire dataset such that the resulting subset can act as a representative of the
original dataset [4]. Active Learning is also known as machine learning with a human
in the loop. This is because the model actively queries the user whether a particular
sample is to be kept in the final dataset or discarded. This human in the loop is also
highly prone to errors and will be biased towards his opinions. But having more than
one human to normalize this problem defeats the purpose of reducing labor cost. A
possible solution is by automating the active learning process using Reinforcement
Learning. Reinforcement Learning (RL) is a process in which a sequence of actions is
taken so that reward obtained in following that sequence is maximized [5]. We use a
Reinforcement Learning environment as a substitute for the human in the loop to reduce
any possible error and reduce the decision making faster and more efficient.
The rest of the article is organized as follows—Sect. 2 provides an outlook on differ-
ent researches and theories put forth related to this study. Section 3 provides a description
of the dataset used in the study. Section 4 describes the proposed architecture and Sect. 5
presents the experimental results. Section 6 presents the conclusion and possible future
approaches to the problem.

2 Literature Review
2.1 Aspect Term Extraction (Sequence Labelling)

Machine Learning vs Deep Learning for ATE

Sentiment analysis is a process that is highly dependent on the opinions and responses
provided by the consumers. The range and diversity of the consumer base varies from
product to product. Hence, the reviews provided by different types of people will be
different whether in terms of language, veracity or the depth of information. This implies
that the data gathered from these reviews are not consistent with each other, nor are
they all good enough to be considered a sample. Extracting aspect term from one of
these sentences will be completely different from extracting from another sentence and
Machine Learning algorithms have difficulty in processing the data when it contains
highly inconsistent features [6]. This problem has been efficiently overcome when Deep
Active Learning Enhanced Sequence Labeling for Aspect Term Extraction 351

Neural Networks (DNNs) were introduced. Studies in the field of aspect term extraction
have provided significant contribution to the society. A variety of approaches have been
introduced for extracting sequences from textual data like Conditional Random Field,
Autoencoders, Bi-LSTM, etc. Some models incorporate a hybrid approach by using
more than one model in sequence, to attain better results.

Unsupervised and Semi-supervised Approaches

With the scarcity of labeled data available for train supervised models, Bagheri et al. [7]
proposes an unsupervised approach for detection of aspect terms for sentiment analysis.
The model contains a generalized method for detecting multi-worded aspects followed
by a set of heuristic rules and a metric (A-Score Metric) based on mutual information
and aspect frequency. The model is tested on dataset mention in [8], which contains
reviews on different electronic products. The proposed model has a dramatic increase
in accuracy of 13.9% as compared to standard MEM and other models. Other studies in
the area put forth hybrid theories by using a combination of models to make up for the
uncertainty in labeling text sequence with unsupervised models. Studies like [9] and [10]
proposes using Attention Model, for dealing with aspect term recognition. The study
in [11] uses multiple Word-Embedding method to support cross domain aspect term
extraction. The study in [12] uses Bidirectional Long Short-Term Memory network and
Conditional Random Field in an unsupervised manner. Semi supervised approach like
in [13], have also been tried in this field, where the solution is modeled using variational

Supervised Approaches
Some studies, despite the lack of training data available, are opting for supervised app-
roach in the case of text analysis tasks like sentiment analysis, aspect term extraction,
named entity recognition, etc. This is because supervised models are better at making
decisions as compared to unsupervised models [14], in this case, deciding whether a
term in aspect or not. Xiang et al. [15] proposes model using CRF and Multi Feature
Embedding (MFE). The model is compared with standard CRF approaches as base line
and shows good improvement as compared to the latter. The study by Li et al. [16],
uses history attention and selective transformation that exploits opinion summary and
aspect detection history for better decision-making purpose. It contains a Truncated His-
tory Attention (THA) module and a Selective Transformation Network (STN) module
for capturing aspect detection history and opinion summary respectively. The model
achieved 5.0%, 1.6%, 1.4% and 1.3% gain in F1 score for Laptop-2014, Restaurant-
2014, Restaurant -2015 and Restaurant-2016 respectively as compared to standard CRF
baselines. Studies in [17–23] also use a supervised approach with different support-
ing features like Convolution Neural Networks, rule-based approach or alternate gated
neural networks, etc.

2.2 Active Learning Strategies in Different Domains

The above studies have clearly established the lack of aspect-annotated reviews. Sim-
ilarly, in other domains, there exist cases like this where there is a scarcity in labelled
data. To overcome this problem, Active Learning strategies have emerged in recent years
352 K. Shyam Sundar and D. Gupta

that provide a solution by reducing the amount of data that needs to manually annotated
in the dataset. The study by Viet-Vu et al. [4], proposes a semi-supervised KNN graph
structure with Active Learning to select the samples. The approach aims to identify
interesting dense regions in the data space using constrained clustering approach. The
results show that the S-kNN-G model, that is proposed, show better results as compared
to previous models (5–7% increase over different datasets). Karthik et al. in [24], pro-
posed an improvement in the application of RL by collecting external evidence in the
design of information extraction systems. The results of the proposed architecture are
11.4% more accurate than the existing Maxent and NumKilled extractors that operate
on the same datasets. Studies in [25–28] also provide few approaches on using Active
Learning in the field of Natural Language Processing like Named Entity Recognition,
Text Classification and other fields.

Research Purpose
Over the years, the concept of Active Learning has been used in different fields of
research like medical research, image analysis and in different fields of Natura Language
Processing like Named Entity Recognition, semantic segmentation, etc. In the case of
Aspect Term Extraction for review data, few have tried to tackle the problem of scarcity
in aspect labeled dataset. In this study we propose an automated Active Learning strategy
with the help of Reinforcement Learning to overcome this problem. This study helps to
identify instances of an unlabeled dataset that are highly informative that can be labeled to
aid the supervised models, thereby reducing the cost and time spent on creating a suitable
annotated dataset. This study uses a Bidirectional Long Short-Term Memory Network
(Bi-LSTM) coupled with Conditional Random Fields (CRF) for sequence labeling model
and Self Attention RNN for Active Learning agent.

3 Data Description
The data used is taken from SemEval ABSA task [16], 2014–16 for laptops and restau-
rants. The data contains reviews that are split into individual sentences. In each sentence,
the aspect words are annotated with their corresponding opinions. The sequence labeling
model is evaluated only on 2014 datasets for restaurants and laptops as laptop data is
not labeled in the 2015 and 2016 datasets. This is to provide a fair comparison of our
model with respect to varying aspect terms. The datasets consist of reviews split into
individual sentences with each aspect term tagged separately.

4 Proposed Architecture
The purpose of this study is to tackle the problem of having scarce amount of labelled
training data available for sequence labeling task. So, we propose an Active Learning
strategy that is able to work on unlabeled dataset, i.e., an unsupervised sample selection
process. This means that there is no target for the agent to aim for. So, we provide a starting
point for the agent to work from, to optimize the agent for selection of samples, that are
useful for the sequence labeling model. We propose a three phased architecture to achieve
this purpose. Figure 1 represents the overview of the Active Learning enhanced Sequence
Labeling process. The proposed architecture comprises of the following phases:
Active Learning Enhanced Sequence Labeling for Aspect Term Extraction 353

Fig. 1. Proposed architecture

1. Initial sequence labeling

2. Agent training and subset extraction.
3. Improved model training.

4.1 Phase 1: Initial Sequence Labelling Phase

Sequence Labeling Architecture

Deep Neural Networks do not work with data in their raw format. Instead they work on
numerical vector representation of the data. This enables the model to work on datasets
354 K. Shyam Sundar and D. Gupta

that are inconsistent in nature, that contain missing data or any other form of discrepancies
[29]. They can also extract implicit features present in the data during the training process
and discover the structure of huge datasets with the help of their backpropagation process
[30]. A type of neural networks called Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs) have shown
better performance when dealing with textual data which are mostly sequential. This is
because RNNs are neural networks with a memory. They are able to retain information
for a certain number of instances which make it easier when dealing with sequential data
(sentences → sequence of words). But as we increase the size of memory, it encounters
the vanishing gradient problem thus significantly affecting the training process. Hence
RNNs, though use for processing sequences, are not suitable for processing longer
sequences, e.g., reviews [31]. To overcome the problem of vanishing gradients, the Long
Short-Term Memory (LSTM) network was introduced. LSTM is modified version of
the RNN with additional control signals. This helps to control the network by only
remembering only significant terms in a sequence and discarding the rest, reducing the
load on the memory and the probability of encountering a vanishing gradient [32]. Since
we are dealing with not only aspects that contains a single term but also multiple terms,
we use the Bidirectional Long Short-Term Memory (Bi-LSTM) network for processing
the text. BiLSTM is useful in this case because, it retains information on past and future
instances, since the network runs from both sides (input and output). This provides
additional context information that can assist the labeling process. Once the features
are chosen by the BiLSTM network, they are passed to the Conditional Random Field
(CRF) annotator.
Since the Bi-LSTM network uses vector representation of the data, we have used
GloVe word vector representation for the words. It is available in four different embed-
dings sizes—50, 100, 200 and 300. The end result of the sequence labeling model is that
each term in the sentence according to BIO tagging method where the labels is:

1. B—Beginning (Single word aspect / initial word of a multi word aspect)

2. I—Inside (Remaining words of a multi word aspect)
3. O—Outside (Non aspect terms).

Initial Sequence Labeling Task

To provide a starting point of the agent, we create a seed model of the sequence labeling
model. This seed model is trained on small random sample set and the final state of this
seed model is fed to the active learning agent as its initial state. This is to make sure
that the active learning agent is able to select informative subset that is optimal to the
sequence labeling task. Here, the final state represents the weight matrix of the Bi-LSTM
network obtained at the end of the last epoch.

4.2 Phase 2: Agent Training and Subset Extraction Phase

Active Learning for Sample Selection

The idea of active learning is that the machine learning model can achieve better results
Active Learning Enhanced Sequence Labeling for Aspect Term Extraction 355

with lesser effort if the model is allowed to choose the data from which it learns [33].
The active learner poses a query in the form of unlabeled instances of the data, and
the oracle (usually a human annotator), provides decision making support to keep or
discard the instance, and then label the required set of instances. Active learning is good
motivation in fields where there is an abundance in raw data, but scarcity in labeled ones.
In this study we use an approach called multiple instance Active Learning [34], where
the quality of the instances is judged in groups of instances (bags) instead of individual
instances. In this method, several different bags with differing number of instances is
formed and the bag with the best set of instances is selected to be annotated. The reason
for using this is that, the model is going to learning unsupervised, and grouping the
instances will give the model an idea on what to compare to aid in the decision-making

Reinforcement Learning for Automating Active Learning

Any decision-making process can be defined as a Reinforcement Learning (RL) problem
[6]. The decision making of the Active Learning process involves a human in the loop,
which leads to an increase in latency of decision-making process and increase in error
prone or biased decisions. But this can be defined as a Reinforcement Learning problem
in which the decision-making can be redefined as a Markov Decision Process (MDP).
An MDP requires that the future state depends only on the current state. Since the
method of multiple instance active learning works on the basis of bags of instances,
during the process of adding instances to the bag, the MDP can decide whether the next
instance is to be added or discarded based on the current state of the bag. This decision
is based on a rewards system where the RL model tries to maximize this reward, i.e., if
a new instance is to picked into the bag, the effect produce should be an increase in the
reward after adding the instance into the bag. If there is a decrease in the reward, the
corresponding instance is then discarded from the bag. Hence, the final set of instances
in the bag will be the most suitable set of samples for training the sequence labeling
model since the active learning model is initialize with the internal state of a sequence
labeling model.

Actor-Critic Model with Self Attention RNN

Monte Carlo approach to an MDP is not suitable because of its high entropic nature
and having a high estimated variance. This will cripple our model because, having a
high variance will result in a bad decision-making process. Monte Carlo approach also
calculates the reward at the end of each episode, since it assumes that the output is
dependent on all the instances. This is disadvantageous for our model, because we need
to make decisions for each of instances instantly. The Actor Critic model [35] over comes
this by employing two different components—the Actor, or the policy gradient function;
and the Critic, the advantage function (e.g., Q value). This allows the actor critic to be
more efficient by allowing learning updates at each step instead of each episode, because
the values of the actor and critic are dependent only on the current state and the next
state, i.e., they will only depend upon the current state of the bag and the state of the
upcoming instance. The actor critic agent is implemented as a Self-Attention RNN [14].
It is represented as a tuple (S, A, R) where,
356 K. Shyam Sundar and D. Gupta

1. S—The current state of the agent

2. A—The possible set of actions
3. R—The calculated reward.

Fig. 2. Agent training and subset extraction

Agent Training and Subset Extraction

Figure 2 shows the active learning process used to extract the samples. For each instance,
the actor critic is presented with possible actions—0, add instance to the bag; 1, discard
instance; and 2, end episode (replace the bag of instances). Two different outputs are
extracted after each step. The first output is in the form of [1 × 3] vector, where each
unit determines the probability of the action to be taken. The second output is the value
(Q-value) derived from the action probabilities through linear compression. The reward
is calculated after every action is taken by the agent. The reward is dependent on two
values—the average distance between each instance in the bag, and the size of the bag.
The distance is calculate using the Word Mover Distance method [36]. The reward takes
a positive effect from the distances, with the assumption that a set of instances that are
far away from each other will probably contain information that are exclusive to that
instance. The size of the bag negatively affects the reward because, in the end we are
Active Learning Enhanced Sequence Labeling for Aspect Term Extraction 357

trying to minimize the training cost by reducing the required amount of training data.
After each step, the loss is calculated based on the state value, action and reward of that
particular instance and it is back-propagated to the network. This process is repeated for
a fixed number of epochs over the given dataset to improve the agent. Thus, the agent
learns over a period to include only better documents. Once the agent is trained, the
support data is passed through the agent model, from which the list of most informative
records is extracted used to extract informative samples.

4.3 Phase 3: Improved Model Training Phase

The sample set chosen by the active learning agent is added to the initial seed set, the
sequence labeling model is retrained. The loss is calculated as the difference between the
Viterbi path score (predicted labels) and score of the Gold Standard path (actual labels).
The loss is non-negative and zero when the labeling is correct. The training is continued
until an acceptable loss value is reached. The model is also compared with a model
trained on randomly selected samples instead of Active learning guided sampling. The
comparison is made after taking an average of 10 repetitions to normalize the entropy
of the randomly selected samples. The model is then used on the test dataset and the
results are evaluated using F1-score because it provides equal importance to precision
and recall values and also helps in dealing with class imbalance in the dataset.

5 Experimental Results

Four different models are created for restaurant and laptop datasets respectively, using the
different embedding (word vector) sizes available. Higher embedding size implies more
amount of context information present in the vector. This helps to identify the optimal
amount of contextual information that is sufficient can aid in the sequence labeling task.
Too much context information can also confuse the model because of the number of
dimensions required to be processed. The four models in each case are compared for
better understanding of this process.
The seed model is set to trained on the seed set, which contains 10% of the training
data selected using random sampling. The remainder of the 90% is named as the support
data from which the agent extracts the informative samples. The initial seed can also be
created manually, and not selected from the dataset, or selecting using some rules. Table
1 provides the data distribution after the seed-support split after cleaning the data and
removing empty sentences.

Table 1. Seed-support data split

Domain Data distribution

Seed data (10%) Support data (90%) Total (100%)
Restaurant (2014) 303 2736 3039
Laptop (2014) 304 2738 3042
358 K. Shyam Sundar and D. Gupta

Once the seed set is selected, the seed model is created and trained over the seed set
for 10 epochs. At the end of the last epoch, the hidden state weight matrix of the Bi-
LSTM network is stored (seed state). The seed state of the model is used to initialize the
Self Attention network in the agent. The combined data of 2015 and 2016 datasets have
been taken for training the agent. Each sentence in the agent data is passed through the
network which provides the probability distribution for the actions and the state value.
The reward is calculated followed by the loss and backpropagation. If the action taken
is 2 (reset the bag), the episode is stopped and the state of the network is reinitialized to
the seed state. This helps to keep the objective of the agent to select samples useful for
the sequence labeling task. This process is then repeated over 10000 iterations (can be
stopped at a suitable time based on the loss value).

Table 2. F1-scores for model with active learning based sampling and random sampling

Domain Test Embed Results (F1-Scores) in %

data size Model with AL based sampling Model with Random sampling
Restaurant 800 50 86.19 84.79
100 89.25 88.95
200 89.13 87.54
300 90.23 88.24
Laptop 800 50 87.91 86.65
100 89.01 89.45
200 89.83 87.93
300 89.81 88.33

Once trained, the agent is passed over the support dataset. This time, the agent is
passed repeatedly for the number of instances present in the support data. This is to
ensure a fair probability for each instance to be chosen into the bag. The difference
in the subset extraction process is that, the agent is not reinitialized to the when the
action taken is 2. Instead the bag containing the documents is carried forward to further
episodes. Table 3 shows the number of samples selected for each model by the agent.
After the training data is finalized the proposed model is created and trained. Sub-
sequently, the model on randomly selected samples is also trained. Each model is then
used on the test dataset and evaluated. Table 2 lists the corresponding F1-scores of the
From the table, we can see the difference between the models where data is chosen
randomly or using Active learning agent. The results of random model is obtained by
averaging results of 10 iterations to normalize the entropy. Hence, we need at least
10 times the cost for training with random sampling as compared to Active Leaning
method to attain similar results. The best results for both domains are obtained using
GloVe 300 vectors with a cost reduction of 36.26% and 42.14% for restaurants and
laptops respectively. Compared to the model trained on the complete dataset, there is a
Active Learning Enhanced Sequence Labeling for Aspect Term Extraction 359

maximum of ~3% drop in F1 across all the models which is an acceptable loss. Table 3
shows the improvement obtained in our study as compared to previous researches done
on Asepect Term Extraction.

Table 3. Comparison of F1-scores on aspect term extraction with previous models

Model Results (F1-scores)

in %
Restaurants Laptops
CRF1 [16] (2018) 79.72 72.77
CRF2 [16] (2018) 82.33 74.01
HTSA [16] (2018) 85.61 79.52
CRF3 [15] (2018) 84.33 76.53
Wo-BiLSTM-CRF [22] (2019) 84.97 81.08
WoCh-BiLSTM-CRF [22] (2019) 86.05 79.21
Proposed model 90.23 89.81
(Active Learning + BiLSTM-CRF)

6 Conclusion and Future Work

Active Learning based selection of training samples is has proved to be a better method
as compared to random sampling. Using Reinforcement Learning to automate the Active
Learning process has shown its usefulness in terms of training time. The use of DNNs
for labeling with the help of word embeddings eliminates the problem of encountering
unseen words during the testing process and eliminated the need for feature selection.
The Active Learning strategy aims to reduce the amount of data required to train a model,
thereby reducing the cost and time taken. This scalability also accounts to the advantages
of using Active Learning to select training samples. Active Learning does not require
labeled datasets. Hence, an agent can be easily trained over the abundance of unlabeled
data available for use. With sufficient amount of data, the agent will be able to select
the best set of samples required to labeled for any kind of process. We have achieved a
total of 4.18% and 8.73% increase in F1-scores for restaurants and laptops respectively,
compared to the best results achieved so far in this field. The performance of the Active
Learning aided model is constantly better that the random sampled model in all cases.
The model can be further enhanced by using target specific embeddings instead of
pre-trained models like Glove. This ensures better transformation of words into vectors
such that the vectors contain context information with respect to that specific domain.
Active Learning can also be generalized to an entire domain on which the agent is trained.
An agent trained over a single dataset can be used on any similar datasets within the same
context. A cross agent analysis with different data on same domain can done. Multiple
instance active learning has been used in this study. Branching to other strategies can be
considered based on what kind of model will be used on the sampled dataset.
360 K. Shyam Sundar and D. Gupta

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Using Different Neural Network
Architectures for Interesting
Intuitive Feature Engineering
and Machine Learning Performance
Improvement in the Banking Domain

S. Teja(B) , B. Chandrashekhar, Eswar Reddy, Hrishikesh Jha,

K. Nageswara, Mathew Joseph, Jaideep Matto, and Richard K. Bururu

Centre of Advanced Analytics and Training (CATD) Bangalore, CIMB Bank,

Bengaluru, India
[email protected]

Abstract. Performance tuning of the machine learning models is very

important, especially in the banking domain. In line with the new age,
they are moving away from their conventional methods to target cus-
tomers for credit cards, loans, etc. products. The transactional data,
customer information, which was collected over the years, have a huge
scope of applying data mining techniques to extract useful information
for maximizing the return on investment, cost optimization and fraud
detection. For a successful deployment of a machine learning model mul-
tiple out of time validations are performed and stability is strictly eval-
uated. Here, we propose a cardinal method for intuitive use case related
feature engineering, tuning the hyper parameters, best model selection
and diagnosing the model for further improvements. The stability of a
model plays a huge factor, as we expect the deployed model to work well
for the next 6–8 months, then up for re-tuning based on the data distri-
bution and model performance. Statistical and data driven methods are
used to develop sophisticated features and achieved minimal accuracy
variation across time periods. Implementation of our methods for the
use cases like customer attrition from the bank in the next 6 months and
detection of the in-bound calls from the customer to the call centre to
enquire about balance, transaction details, etc. are discussed. Achieved
47% & 55% recall score in the top 2 deciles respectively for the use cases.

Keywords: Banking domain · Customer attrition · In-Bound call

detection · Machine learning · Imbalanced dataset · SMOTE ·
Supervised learning · Feature engineering · Hyperparameter tuning ·
Modelling flow and diagnosis

1 Introduction
Earlier, banks used to target customers using personalized marketing by creating
different clusters based on the demographic information, transactions, etc. which
CIMB Bank.
c Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2021
D. Garg et al. (Eds.): IACC 2020, CCIS 1367, pp. 365–380, 2021.
366 S. Teja et al.

are being quickly replaced by hyper-personalized marketing, analyzing the real

time customer information. In the era, when deep learning is scaling off quickly
with large data sets to achieve higher accuracies, using machine learning models
to score similar accuracies can be often underwhelming. But, it may not be
always feasible to build a deep learning model with the limited server capacity
for every business problem which could take hours/days for training and tuning
the network.
Customer attrition is a real challenge which every bank is faced with. In
general, the marketing team spends 8 to 10 times to attain a new customer
for the bank compared to the spend on retaining an existing customer. Hence,
leading to a substantial cost saving for the bank. Also, identifying the to be
attrited customers at an early stage can help understand and address the reason
behind it. There could be varied reasons like the bank may not be the primary
account of the holder, loan/savings account in different banks or due to change
in employment of the payroll customers, etc. Predicting such customers before 6
months would help the bank to reach out and offer lucrative incentives to further
continue the association with bank. If the customer opts for balance transfer of
credit card/loan from another bank, which in turn increases the port folio of the
customer with the bank. But the major challenge is the imbalanced dataset.
Detecting the in-bound calls to the customer call centre is another such case.
In the age when mobile technology is booming, still a larger audience is depen-
dent on the traditional interactive voice response and customer support based
systems to do the balance enquiry, check transaction related information, report
an incident, etc. Hence, CIMB Clicks app has been launched a few years back
to create a one stop shop for all product services, enquiries and for rolling out
hyper-personalized offers to the customers. Targeting these customers using var-
ious marketing techniques will help drive the bank in the digital age and provide
ease of access to a much larger customer base. Strategies include scheduling a
short weekly summary of the transactions as a text message with link to open
the digital app, etc.
Model performance improvement techniques are roughly categorized into 3
– Data: Add more training data, perform feature engineering, etc.
– Modelling: Fine-tuning the hyperparameter of the model, using ensemble
models, etc.
– Model Diagnosis: Using various data driven methods and evaluation criteria
to fine tuning the model for further improvement.

Adding more data doesn’t necessarily improve the machine learning model
performance after a certain point. But, feature engineering using the business
knowledge and statistical methods is critical to tune the model performance
which is detailed in the Sect. 2.3.
Intuitive Feature Engineering and Machine Learning Performance 367

2 Methodology
In this study, we explore intuitive ways of ideation and use of statistical methods
to derive self explanatory feature variables and a structured modelling flow for
performance improvement. We present the methodological underpinnings of the
techniques in this section and the criteria used to evaluate the performance.

2.1 Data Preparation

In this section we present how to identify the positive class customers for the
use cases as below:

Customer Attrition. The customers who opt to close their account volun-
tarily are far fewer than the ones who gradually stop using it. Thus, identify
the customers who have been inactive for at least 6 months continuously from a
time period in the past 2 years to get sufficient positive class customers for model
building. To select the negative class training points, stratified under-sampling
was performed by occupation and time period in the last 2 years. Since, the data
was highly imbalance, the under-sampling was done in such a way that the ratio
of positive class was at least 5–10%.

In-Bound Call Detection. Segregated the in-bound calls mainly into two
categories as follows:

– Queries related to Savings/Current account balance enquiries, debit card

transaction details, incident reporting, etc.
– Credit card related enquiries like outstanding balance, payment due date,
amount due, bill generation date, overdue interest rates, etc.

Concluded to predict the customers who might call in the next one week
for such queries based on various permutations. The time period and the cus-
tomers were extracted from a 6 month period for the positive labeled customers
whereas for the negative labeled, stratified under-sampling was performed by
occupation and time period of the customers who have totally not called. The
data distribution is maintained at 10% for the positive class.

2.2 Feature Engineering

In this section we present intuitive ways to perform feature engineering for the
use cases as below:
368 S. Teja et al.

Algorithm 1: Deriving trend features

Input : data variable, list of data points of the variable in the last 6
Months (N = 6 data points) sorted on the ascending time period.
Output : Trend value of the variable in the last 6 months.
Initialize: counter = 0.
for i ← 1 to N − 1 do
for j ← i to N do
if data[j] > data[i] then
counter = counter + 1
else if data[j] < data[i] then
counter = counter - 1
counter = counter + 0

Evaluate: N ∗ (N - 1)

Customer Attrition. Decoding the pattern behind customer behavior is

important. To incorporate such pattern as a feature variable, developed an
enhanced version of the Mann Kendall Trend algorithm which is used in the
detection of trend for the time series data. Thus, created a feature variable
which outputs a scaled value between [−1, 1]. This shows the decreasing trend
when the value is closer to −1, whereas a closer to +1 indicates an increasing
trend of the variable.
The data was sorted in the ascending time period, Algorithm 1 depicts the
flow for trend feature engineering.
Example 1.1: As shown in the Fig. 1 the trend feature variable was calculated
for the Customer C on the count of transactions over time, which was found to
be −0.86 shows the decreasing trend of the variable.
Similarly, trend feature variables are calculated for various features like total
no. of credit and debit transactions, money inflow and outflow, balance, etc. of
the last 6 months. Apart from these, traditional variables like mean and standard
deviation were also calculated for similar variables.
In addition to these variables, Coefficient of Variation (CV) which measures
the dispersion of data points around the mean was also added as a feature
variable to the model. It was calculated using the Eq. (1).
CV = (1)
where σ is the standard deviation and μ is the mean. The Coefficient of
Variation feature variable helps to capture the variability of various features and
provides a scaled value which can be compared across all the training points.
Example 1.2: For customers A and B the Fig. 2 and 3 shows the variation of
savings account balance over a 6 month period.
Intuitive Feature Engineering and Machine Learning Performance 369

Fig. 1. Trend feature calculation

Fig. 2. Customer A Saving account balance variation over time

– CV of Customer A was found to be 0.63.

– CV of Customer B was found to be 1.62.
The customer balances are operating at different scales but the CV feature
variable is a scaled value which can be compared across multiple customers with
similar variation in the balances.
370 S. Teja et al.

Fig. 3. Customer B Saving account balance variation over time

In-Bound Call Detection. Feature engineering is all about capturing the pat-
tern of the positive class customers using business knowledge. Below traditional
features were created:

– Count of prior calls.

– Age, demographics, monthly income and tenure of the customer with the
– Credit card outstanding balance and percentage utilization.
– No. of days before payment is due, amount due.
– Savings/Current account balance.
– Count and amount of debit transactions.
– Count and amount of credit transactions.
– Count and amount of debit/credit card transactions at point of sale machines

Features created would help distinguish the customers who are likely to call
from the rest. But it is also important to capture when they are going to call,
since we are predicting the customers who are likely to call in the next 1 week. To
address that, the pattern of recurrence had to captured. Hence, below features
were created in accordance to that:

– Week number of the month and no. of days of the month in week 1.
– No. of debit and credit transactions done in the week of month to be predicted
of last 1 month, 2 months, 3 months and 6 months.
– Similarly, for the amount of debit and credit transactions.
Intuitive Feature Engineering and Machine Learning Performance 371

2.3 Feature Selection

Various data driven methods were used for feature engineering. It is possible
that many features, which were created in the feature engineering section are
correlated, like the debit transactions in the last 1 month, 2 months, 3 months,
etc. Hence, feature selection is an important aspect of modelling. Since, the total
no. of features present will directly effect the time taken for training the model
and variance of the model. Principal component analysis (PCA), an unsuper-
vised learning model could be used for feature transformation to remove the
multicollinearity among the variables. But it would result in loss of a business
explanation to quantify the effect of top variables in the model, since the vari-
ables are transformed into eigen vectors. After train and test split, feature scaling
was performed on the training data set using the Min Max Scaler algorithm. The
Eq. (2) depicts the algorithm to perform the scaling.

Xi − minimum(X)
Xnew = (2)
maximum(X) − minimum(X)
After performing the scaling operation on all independent variables. Devised
Algorithm 2 for initial phase of feature selection to select one variable among the
correlated variables which the has maximum variance.

Algorithm 2: Feature selection among correlated variables

Input : training data, independent continuous variables of the training
Output : List of columns to subset from the complete training data for
which are partly uncorrelated features.
Calculate: Variance of all feature variables.
Calculate: Correlation matrix of all feature variables.
Initialize : variable names = List of column names of the training data.
Initialize : subset columns = [], Empty
Initialize : correlation threshold = 0.7
while variable names is not empty do
1 do column = variable names[1] ;
// Extract the 1st variable name from all the variables.
2 corr columns = Extract the list of variables from the correlation matrix
whose absolute value is greater than the correlation threshold value for
the variable do column;
3 select column = Select one variable with the maximum variance from
corr columns;
4 subset columns.append(select column);
// Append the select column to create a new list of variables
5 variable names = set{variable names} - set{corr columns};
// Remove the subset of columns from the base list.
Evaluate : Use the subset columns variable to subset the feature variables
from the train and test data;
372 S. Teja et al.

Then, embedded method of feature selection was used in the next phase of
dimensionality reduction to derive the important features by training a machine
learning model. To derive the feature importance, Random Forest model was
used to train on the training data set and selected the features which contribute
to 98% of the total importance.

2.4 Handling the Imbalanced Data

Imbalance of the data set was a real challenge which could be overcome by
using various sampling techniques like stratified undersampling of the negative
class or by oversampling of the positive class. But these techniques have various
disadvantages like by under sampling the negative class there could be a potential
loss of data and by over sampling of the positive class the model could likely
Hence, to overcome such challenges Synthetic Minority Oversampling Tech-
nique (SMOTE) has been introduced which over samples the positive class by
creating new synthetic samples using the K nearest neighbors of the original pos-
itive class training points. Oversampling by SMOTE is highly advisable when
the modelling objective is to achieve higher precision scores. But it wouldn’t nec-
essarily achieve higher recall scores. Since, SMOTE creates the samples based on
existing positive class samples which in turn increases more pure samples. But
to achieve higher recall scores it is important to classify the borderline samples
accurately. To achieve that, Borderline-SMOTE has been introduced to oversam-
ple the borderline training points using the K nearest neighbors of the positive
class and the M nearest neighbors of the negative class to determine if a positive
class training point is in the border line.
In this paper SVM-SMOTE algorithm was used to generate the synthetic
minority samples. Initially, this algorithm trains an SVM model and then uses
the support vectors to construct the borderline area to interpolate new samples.

2.5 Evaluation Criteria

In this study, we use Logarithmic loss (Log loss), Receiver Operating Charac-
teristic (ROC) curve and Decile Analysis for best hyperparameter selection and
for model performance evaluation. The goal is to minimize the log loss error,
minimize the variation in ROC curve during the multi fold cross-validation and
to maximize the recall score. Decile Analysis was performed using Algorithm 3.
Table 1 shows the decile analysis of the model. Minimum probability ranges
at the decile level can be used to evaluate F1 score, precision and recall scores.
The count of target customers captured at each decile level was in the decreasing
order which is a good indication that the model is a good fit.
Intuitive Feature Engineering and Machine Learning Performance 373

Algorithm 3: Decile Analysis

Input : Data frame object, With Customer ID, Predicted Probability
and Target label as column values).
Output : Decile Analysis of the data.
– Split the data frame object into 10 equal sized bins on percentile based
distribution of the predicted probability data.
– Aggregate the data at each bins level and calculate the following:
I Minimum and maximum probability for each bin.
II Sort the decile summary in the descending order on probability.
III Count of total customers in each bin.
IV Count of the target customers in each bin.
V % captured of target customers in each bin with respect to the total.
VI Cumulative % captured of the target customers shows the recall score
at each bin level on the minimum probability.
VII Cumulative Lift captured is the cumulative % captured divided by
total sample rate till that bin.

Table 1. Decile analysis

Decile Min Max Count of Count of Target % Recall Cum lift

probability probability total ID’s target ID’s captured
1 0.87 0.98 25680 17719 35% 35% 3.46
2 0.81 0.87 25680 10270 20% 55% 2.73
3 0.73 0.81 25680 6919 14% 68% 2.27
4 0.61 0.73 25680 5519 11% 79% 1.97
5 0.55 0.61 25679 3911 8% 87% 1.73
6 0.49 0.55 25680 2381 5% 91% 1.52
7 0.37 0.49 25680 1705 3% 95% 1.35
8 0.24 0.37 25680 1365 3% 97% 1.22
9 0.12 0.24 25680 912 2% 99% 1.10
10 0.03 0.12 25681 480 1% 100% 1.00

2.6 Modelling Structure

Supervised machine learning models are strictly divided into 2 types:

– Parametric Models: Logistic Regression, Linear Regression, etc.

• The data should satisfy a series of assumptions.
• Models may under fit the data when excess features are present in the
– Non-Parametric Models: Decision Tree, Random Forest, Gradient Boosting,
XGBoost, etc.
374 S. Teja et al.

• Would require lots of data.
• Model training time is more.
• Model may over fit the data. Hence, the hyperparameters must be tuned
using the bias variance trade-off.

The Algorithm 4 was coined for a systematic approach to model building, fol-
lowed by the Sect. 2.7 for hyperparameter tuning of the models.

Algorithm 4: Modelling Flow

Input : Model training data, output from the Algorithm 2.
Output : Decile analysis of the data.
Modelling: Build a logistic regression model with lasso/ridge penalty.
Evaluate : Calculate and access the following steps:
1 Predict for both train (excluding the synthetic samples) and test data.
2 Median predicted probability of the training data.
3 ROC curve, decile analysis and F1, recall, precision scores using the median
probability for both train and test.
4 Check: The count of target customers attained in each bin should be in the
decreasing order as shown in the Table 1 for both train and test.
Modelling: Build and tune the hyperparameters of the Random Forest
Model as discussed in the Section 2.7.
Evaluate : Perform the evaluation steps from line 1 to 4.
Modelling: Build and tune the hyperparameters of the XGBoost Model as
discussed in the Section 2.7.
Evaluate : Perform the evaluation steps from line 1 to 4.
Compare and select the best model.

2.7 Hyperparameter Tuning

Predominantly, the hyperparameters define the model architecture. In this

section, we explore important hyperparameters to tune for Random Forest and
XGBoost models, as they are prone to overfitting (Fig. 4).

Number of Tree to Build. Refers to the number of trees built in a forest for
model learning. Building less number of trees can result in high variance of the
model which would be due to the randomness. It may show high accuracy when
the forest has less than 10 trees, but when cross-validation was performed, the
error would be unnaturally high on the validation sets. Saturation was attained
after a building certain number trees in the forest. Figure 5 shows the log loss of
train and test data with incremental growth in the number of trees of the model.
Intuitive Feature Engineering and Machine Learning Performance 375

Fig. 4. Log loss vs No. of Trees built

Maximum Depth of the Tree. Maximum depth refers to the level of node
splitting of a tree, while building the forest of trees. Too low a depth may result
in underfitting of the model and too high a depth would result in overfitting.
Figure 5 shows the log loss of train and test data with incremental growth in the
depth of trees built in the model.

Class Weight. It refers to the weights which are to be associated with each
label of the data to calculate the error, it is mainly categorized into 2 parts:

– Balanced
– Imbalanced

Balanced is used when the distribution of positive and negative class training
points are equal. For imbalanced data distribution, compute the class weights
using the Eq. (3) and update the hyperparameter.
Wj = (3)
k ∗ nj
where Wj is the weight of the class j, n is the total no. of observations, nj is
the total no. of observations of class j and k is the total no. of classes.
It is important to note that class weight has to be updated as per the data
distribution, since it is not likely that in every use case the data distribution of
each class is equal. Then, the Weighted Cross Entropy of the constructed tree
was calculated using the Eq. (4).

Weighted Cross Entropy = −w0 y log p − w1 (1 − y) log(1 − p) (4)

376 S. Teja et al.

Fig. 5. Log loss vs Depth of the Tree

Tuning such parameter with higher class weights of the positive class would
seem like the recall score is improving. But it would only boost the predicted
probability (median shifts towards 1), which doesn’t necessarily increase the
prediction accuracy.
Apart from these hyperparamters, minimum sample in the leaves could be
optimized to further constraint the learning of the model.
Stability of the parameters needs to be evaluated by performing multi fold
cross-validation using the ROC curve as shown in the Fig. 6.

3 Empirical Study

We applied the proposed method to the real-world database. The data was
extracted from the bank’s big data platform to implement and deploy the cus-
tomer attrition and in-bound calls use cases. The data manipulation was done
using Hive and Python (Version 3.6) was used for data pre-processing, model
building and deployment. All types transactions, demographics and account
related information was used to derive the features as discussed in the Sect. 2.2.
For customer attrition modelling, the total samples were 256800 as model train
and test dataset and a out of time period of 6 months was used for the final
model validation. Similarly for in-bound calls, a total of 410300 samples were
considered for training and testing. And a out of time validation of 4 weekly
prediction was performed.
Intuitive Feature Engineering and Machine Learning Performance 377

Fig. 6. ROC Curve variation over Cross-Validation

4 Results

The aforementioned methods are applied for feature engineering and model tun-
ing for customer attrition and in-bound calls prediction. The total no. of trees
and max depth parameters are tuned for Random Forest and XGBoost model
using Log loss metric. Cross-Validation was performed on the selected parame-
ters and stability was evaluated using the ROC Curve as shown in the Fig. 6.
Customer Attrition and In-Bound Calls detection model validation compar-
ison results are shown in Table 2 and 3 respectively. Incremental uplift in recall
and lift is achieved with the proposed modelling flow as discussed in the Sect. 2.6.
XGBoost achieved the best recall in top 2 deciles. Performance of the validation
data is evaluated using ROC curve and decile analysis.

Table 2. Customer Attrition experimental results

Algorithm LR RF XGB
Top 2 Deciles Recall 39% 44% 47%
Top 2 Deciles Lift 1.96 2.18 2.34
LR: Logistic Regression; RF: Random
Forest; XGB: XGBoost Model

Figure 7 shows the cumulative captured of attrited customers with each

deciles and 29% of it is captured in the top decile. Similarly, Fig. 8 shows the
in-bound calls captured at decile level and 35% of it is captured in the top decile.
378 S. Teja et al.

Table 3. In-Bound Calls experimental results

Algorithm LR RF XGB
Top 2 Deciles Recall 46% 49% 55%
Top 2 Deciles Lift 2.29 2.47 2.73
LR: Logistic Regression; RF: Random
Forest; XGB: XGBoost Model

Fig. 7. Recall of Attrited Customers captured vs Deciles

Fig. 8. Recall of In-Bound Calls captured vs Deciles

Intuitive Feature Engineering and Machine Learning Performance 379

5 Conclusion and Future Work

In this paper, we have presented the state of the art statistical methods for fea-
ture engineering and machine learning model performance enhancement tech-
niques to predict the customer attrition and in-bound calls in the banking
domain. Model results show that our methods produce better accuracies than
a random model. The imbalance of the data set is a real challenge which we
overcame by using SVM-SMOTE and slightly enhanced the minority sample for
model training. Accurate predictions is critical in retaining the customers and
to increase the digital base of the bank.
Experimental results shows that the stages of modelling improve the per-
formance and the algorithm to tune the hyper-parameters resulted in a stable
Random Forest and XGBoost Model. Hence, captured 47% of the total attrited
customers in the top 2 deciles. Similarly, 55% of the total calls made to the
customer care centre were captured in the top 2 deciles.
Future work includes model diagnosis using various data driven methods,
business knowledge and to continue research on more statistical methods for
feature engineering in order to capture the inherent pattern. For In-Bound call
detection there is a huge potential in the variables varying with time, will con-
tinue exploring such features.

Acknowledgment. The complete list of the cross functional team which has worked
in these projects are: Ang E Mei, Megan Azreen Ehsan, NG Wai Keat, Abhishek
Prakash, Anoop Sharma, Ashish Chauhan, Gajanan Thenge, Ganapathy K, Hylish
James, Rajeev Reddy, Saikat Kumar, Shaik Imran, Shilpana Sathyanarayana, Suraj
Shukla, Somnath Ojha, Ujjwal Gupta, Uttam Kumar Kushwaha, Varsha Vishwakarma,

Decision Management, † Consumer Banking.

Organization & Team.

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A Weighted Ensemble Approach to Real-Time
Prediction of Suspended Particulate Matter

Tushar Saini1(B) , Gagandeep Tomar1 , Duni Chand Rana2 , Suresh Attri2 ,

and Varun Dutt1
1 Indian Institute of Technology, Mandi, India
[email protected]
2 Department of Environment, Science and Technology, Government of Himachal Pradesh,

Shimla, India

Abstract. Given the widespread health effects of air pollution, it is imperative to

predict air pollution ahead of time. A number of time-series forecasting models
have been developed to predict air-pollution. However, an evaluation of individual
and ensemble models for real-time air pollution forecasting lacks in the literature.
The primary objective of this research is to develop and test individual and ensem-
ble time-series forecasting models for real-time forecasting of air pollution ahead
in time. Air pollution data of suspended particulate matter (PM2.5 ) over 5-years
from Beijing, China was used for model comparisons. The PM2.5 -time-series was
split as the first 80% for training and the latter 20% for testing time-series fore-
casting models. Five individual time-series forecasting models, namely, Multilayer
Perceptron (MLP), Convolution Neural Network (CNN), Long-Short Term Mem-
ory (LSTM), and Seasonal Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average (SARIMA)
were developed. Also, a new weighted ensemble model of these individual models
was developed. Among the individual models, results revealed that both during
training and test, the CNN performed the best, and this model was followed by the
LSTM, MLP, and SARIMA models. Furthermore, the weighted ensemble model
performed the best among all models. We highlight the potential of using the
weighted ensemble approach for real-time forecasting of suspended particulate

Keywords: PM2.5 · MLP · LSTM · CNN · SARIMA · Weighted ensemble


1 Introduction
Various serious health issues can be associated with air pollution [22]. It was estimated
that around 4.2 million premature deaths worldwide in both rural and urban areas were
caused by air pollution in 2016 [22]. Among these deaths, a large number of deaths
occurred in densely populated regions of China and India with high concentrations of
particulate matter of 2.5 microns or smaller (PM2.5 ) [14]. Certain studies have shown that
prolonged exposure to PM2.5 or PM10 can cause short-term and long-term pulmonary
and cardiovascular health effects [14, 23]. In fact, the particulate matter of size less than

© Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2021

D. Garg et al. (Eds.): IACC 2020, CCIS 1367, pp. 381–394, 2021.
382 T. Saini et al.

10 microns can penetrate deep inside the lungs. In comparison, particulate matter of size
less than 2.5 microns can penetrate the lung barrier and can even enter the blood system.
The air quality index of million-plus cities in India shows that more than 50 percent
of cities have moderate to poor air quality [23]. In recent years, the problem has only
been made severe. The major cause of ever-increasing air-pollution can be attributed
to industrialization, vehicular emissions, crop burning, and other activities like burning
crackers. As per a study based on 2016 data, at least 140 million people in India breathes
air that is ten times more over the WHO safe limit. Additionally, air pollution also incurs
economic costs [14]; according to the report by Greenpeace Southeast Asia [14], India
is estimated to bear 10.7 lakh crore rupees or a loss of 3.39 lakh rupees per second.
Also, according to The Economic Consequences of Outdoor Air pollution report, it was
reported that global healthcare costs associated with air pollution were expected to rise
from USD 21 billion in 2015 to USD 176 billion in 2060 [14]. It was also projected
that the market impacts of outdoor air pollution, including effects on labor productivity,
health spending, and crop yields, will lead to economic costs that will steadily rise to
1% of global GDP by 2060 [14].
Given the health effects and increasing costs, it is imperative to have some mechanism
that can not only monitor the air pollution in real-time and but also forecast future air
pollution values. It is of utmost importance that we develop forecasting models that
can predict the values with high accuracy. This forecasting of air pollution may likely
help policymakers in making informed decisions about opening new industries, starting
mining activity, etc. Various decisions like issuance of permits to set up new industries,
vehicle permits, or setting up new policies for sectors can be based on the forecast. It will
also help individuals to have some degree of awareness about their surroundings. They
can use the forecasts to plan their daily routines. It will help them to avoid areas that
may have a higher concentration of pollution, which can be detrimental to their health.
Various researchers have proposed a number of machine-learning approaches for
the prediction of particulate matter. For example, reference [12] proposed a hybrid of
the Convolutional Neural Network-Long-Short-Term-Memory (CNN-LSTM) model for
forecasting PM2.5 . Reference [4] employed a multilayer perceptron (MLP) based model
for predicting fine particulate matter (PM10 and PM2.5 ). Reference [5] even used an
ensemble of three methods, namely Gradient Boosting, Neural Network, and Random
forest, for prediction of PM2.5 . Although prior research has considered certain ensem-
ble models, a comprehensive evaluation of ensemble models via calibration of model
parameters has been less explored. Furthermore, an evaluation of an ensemble model’s
performance against individual statistical and machine-learning models is yet to be
The primary objective of this research is to overcome these gaps in the literature
and to propose a comprehensive evaluation of an ensemble model for particulate matter
prediction against individual statistical models (e.g., seasonal autoregressive integrated
moving average or SARIMA) as well as machine learning models (MLP, LSTM, and
CNN). The ensemble model is built by combining a weighted average of individual
statistical and machine learning models using a weighted average and a grid-search
method. The main novelty in this work is that it considers individual and ensemble
models, where ensembling is done by considering both statistical and machine learning
A Weighted Ensemble Approach to Real-Time Prediction 383

models on a larger air pollution dataset. An application of the developed models is to

provide the policymakers with highly accurate forecasting of air-pollution concentrations
so that proactive measures can be taken to curb the pollution before it occurs. In what
follows, Sects. 2 describes the background of models for forecasting air pollution data.
Next, we have described the air pollution dataset that was used and different models
calibrated on the dataset. Furthermore, we detail the method of calibrating different
model hyperparameters. Finally, we detail the results and discussion of forecasting air
pollution via ensemble and individual models.

2 Related Work
Reference [4] proposed an MLP prediction model for forecasting of PM2.5 levels. How-
ever, the dataset selected for model training and testing was limited to only two years.
The parameters were varied in the MLP model over smaller variable ranges, and other
machine learning, statistical, and ensemble models were not investigated. Reference [23]
also proposed an MLP and stack ensemble model. The data used for the training purpose
was 2350 samples, which was collected for 2.5 months. Again, the hyperparameters of
the models were not optimized over a defined range.
Reference [20] proposed an LSTM model for forecasting air pollutants. The data
used was retrieved from the EPA of Taiwan between the years 2012 and 2017. However,
only the lookback period and activation function were varied. Other parameters, like the
number of nodes per layer and the number of hidden layers, were kept constant. There
were no benchmarking or comparisons with other models. Reference [3] investigated
the use of the vanilla LSTM model for the prediction. The dataset used was the Beijing
dataset from the UCI Machine Learning Repository. However, again there was no com-
parison or benchmarking with other machine learning or statistical models. Reference
[16] investigated the use of Stacked Autoencoder LSTM (SAE-LSTM) for the predic-
tion of PM2.5 and compared the results with six other models, namely, BP, SAE-BP,
SAE-BiLSTM, SAE-ELM, LSTM, ELM. However, the dataset size was smaller, and
only 1610 samples were used for training and testing purposes, and only a subset of
parameters of LSTM was optimized over a small range. Also, no ensemble model was
developed for forecasting purposes.
Reference [12] proposed a deep CNN-LSTM model for the prediction of PM2.5 . The
dataset used was the Beijing dataset from the UCI Machine Learning Repository. Here,
CNN was used for feature extraction, and LSTM was used for forecasting. However, the
hyperparameters of the models were not optimized and were set to some constant. The
model results were compared with other models like SVM, MLP, CNN, and LSTM, but
no statistical model was used for comparison. Also, the use of the ensembling process
was absent. Reference [7] proposed a CNN-LSTM model for the prediction of PM2.5 .
The data used was the Shanghai data set for the year 2015 to 2017. Again, a subset
of hyperparameters was optimized over a short-range. The CNN was used for feature
extraction while LSTM was used for obtaining the final prediction. The result was
compared with the RNN, CNN, and LSTM models. However, the ensemble model was
not investigated.
Reference [15] proposed the SARIMA forecasting method for the Brazilian city, Sao
Paulo. The data consisted of 2190 samples. The parameters of SARIMA were optimized
384 T. Saini et al.

using the grid search method. However, the comparison was limited to another statistical
method, called Holt-Winters. Also, no machine learning and ensemble models were
Reference [24] proposed an ensemble framework-based LSTM model. An ensemble
empirical mode decomposition (EEMD) model was used for modal transformation from
single to multi-mode. Then, LSTM was employed for model’s feature learning, and
lastly, an inverse EEMD computation was performed to integrate multi-modal learning.
The data used was for Beijing, China, for the duration of 1st Jan 2016 to 31st Dec
2016. The results were compared with a feedforward neural network and vanilla LSTM
model. However, the hyperparameters were not optimized and were kept constant. Also,
no statistical or other ensemble models were investigated.

3 Methodology
3.1 Data
The data used in this experimentation were collected at the US Embassy in Beijing and
were provided by the UCI Machine Learning Repository [13]. The data comprises hourly
logged data of the pollutant and weather parameters. For this experimentation, we only
considered the pollutant variable, which represents PM2.5 concentration in the air, in the
units μg/m3 . The data were collected over five years, between 1st Jan 2010 to 31st Dec
2014, and it consisted of 43,824 data points with 1-hourly air pollution values. Dataset
was split (without shuffling) into two; 80% of data were used for training (calibrating)
models and the remaining 20% for testing the calibrated models. So, nearly four-year
data, i.e., from 1st Jan 2010 to 31st Dec 2013, was used for model training; and one-year
data, i.e., from 1st Jan 2013 to 31st Dec 2014, was used for model testing. As plotting all
43,824 data points in one graph made it cluttered, we only plotted 800 data points from
the dataset to visualize data observations and model predictions. Out of these 800 data
points, the first 600 data points are the first 600 training data points, and the remaining
200 data points are the first 200 testing data points. Figure 1 shows the plot of 800
data points of PM2.5 concentration from the dataset (the vertical line indicates the split
between training and test data points).

3.2 Data Pre-processing

The time-series data were logged at different timesteps. All machine-learning models
followed a supervised learning approach, where a set of predictors forecast the depen-
dent variable of interest. To apply a supervised machine learning algorithm, we had to
transform the time-series data into a supervised format. Thus, a time series yt, yt−1 , yt−2 ,
yt−3 , ……, yt−n was transformed into a supervised format in the following form:

yt = f (yt−1 , yt−2 , yt−3 , . . . , yt−n )

where yt is the variable value to be predicted and yt−1 , yt−2 , yt−3 , …, yt−n are the values
of the predicted lag-observations of the variable on n prior timesteps. Here, yt represents
the PM2.5 concentration at time t. The number of lag-observations n used to predict
A Weighted Ensemble Approach to Real-Time Prediction 385

Fig. 1. Time-series plot of the Beijing dataset.

the observation at the current timestep was treated as the lookback period in different
machine learning algorithms. So, the models used n prior observations to predict the
next time step PM2.5 concentration.

3.3 Models and Algorithms

Multilayer Perceptron (MLP): MLPs or feedforward artificial neural networks are
machine learning models, having at least three layers of nodes: an input layer, a hidden
layer, and an output layer [17]. The MLP models may contain several hidden layers
having a number of nodes. These nodes take input from the prior layer, multiply it with
weights, and return the output to the forward layer after adding a bias [17]. The back-
propagation technique is used for training the models [11]. Backpropagation works by
approximating the non-linear input-output relationship by internally changing the values
of the weights [11]. The algorithm consists of two steps: feedforward and backpropa-
gation. In the feedforward step, inputs (predictors) are applied to the input layer, and
the output is generated after passing through the hidden layers at the output layer. The
expected output is compared to the generated output, and an error is calculated [11].
This error is then backpropagated to subsequent layers, and the weights of nodes of
the MLP are updated [11]. In our experiment, the MLP possessed three free variables,
namely, lookback period, number of hidden layers, and the number of nodes per layer.
These variables were optimized using a grid-search procedure (more details ahead in
this paper).

Long-Short Term Memory (LSTM): An LSTM model is an artificial recurrent neural

network (RNN) architecture used in machine learning. LSTM has feedback connections,
unlike normal feedforward neural networks [19]. A standard LSTM unit comprises a
cell and three gates: an input gate, an output gate, and a forget gate ([9]; see Fig. 2). At
arbitrary time periods, the cell has some values, and the three gates control the flow of
information into and out of the cell. The forget gate filters out the data from the previous
386 T. Saini et al.

cell state [9]. The input gate uses the sigmoid or tanh activation functions with point-
wise multiplication to control the flow of information in the cell [9]. Finally, the output
gate decides which data is passed on to the next cell state [9]. Based on time-series data,
LSTMs are well-suited for classifying, analyzing, and making predictions as there can be
lags of uncertain length between essential events in a time series. These networks learn
the relationship between the lagged data and the current data by introducing the concept
of memory [6]. In our experiments, LSTMs possessed three free variables, namely
lookback period, number of layers, and nodes per layers. The xt in Fig. 2 represents the
input at time t, ht is the output value of the cell, and Ct represents the cell state. The
subscript t − 1 represents a value at time step t − 1.

Fig. 2. A cell of LSTM containing three gates, forget gate, input gate, and output gate.

Convolution Neural Network (CNN): CNNs are a class of networks that try to learn
the local spatial relationships between data [8]. CNNs were developed with the idea of
local connectivity. Each node in the input is only connected to the local region [21].
The spatial scale of such a connection is referred to as the node’s receptive field [21].
Local connectivity is accomplished by substituting convolutions for the weighted sums
in the neural network. In the layer of the convolutionary neural network, the input
is transformed to construct a feature map with the weight matrix (also called the filter)
[21]. In other words, the weight matrix slides over the input and computes the Hadamard
(dot) product between the input and the weight matrix [21]. CNNs’ local networking
and shared weights minimize the overall number of parameters that must be trained,
resulting in more effective training [21]. Applications of CNNs have been generally in
data having spatial aspects (e.g., images) [23]; however, we considered this model to
encapsulate the hidden information between the subsequent data-points in a time series.
In our experiment, we optimized five hyperparameters of CNN, namely, lookback period,
number of layers, number of nodes per layer, kernel size, and number of filters in the
CNN models.
A Weighted Ensemble Approach to Real-Time Prediction 387

Seasonal Auto-Regressive Integrated Moving-Average (SARIMA): is a statistical

forecasting model used for univariate time-series data and is best suited for data
having trend and seasonal components. It forecasts the time-series by describing the
autocorrelations in data [1].
Stationarity: In the SARIMA model, the time-series data must be stationary. A sta-
tionary time-series has the property in which the mean, variance, and autocorrelation
remain constant over time. A time-series that is not stationary can be made approximately
stationary using differencing [1].

Auto-regressive: AR part of the SARIMA model predicts a parameter by passing the

past values of the same parameter to the model. Thus, the AR part can be defined as:

yt = c + 1 yt−1 + 2 yt−2 + . . . . . . + p yp−1 + t (1)

in Eq. (1), p is the AR trend parameter, t is the white noise and yt−1 , yt−2 , and so on
denotes the pollutant concentration.

Moving-Average: MA part of the SARIMA model uses the current and past values of
stochastic (imperfectly predictable) term, which is given by Eq. (2):

yt = c + t + θ1 t−1 + θ2 t−2 + . . . . . . + θq t−q (2)

in Eq. (2) q is the MA trend parameter, t is the white noise and t−1 , t−2, to t are the
error terms at previous timestamps.
If we combine auto-regression (AR), i.e., Eq. (1) and a moving average (MA), i.e.,
Eq. (2) on stationary data, we obtain a non-seasonal ARIMA model, which is defined
by Eq. (3):

yt = c + 1 yt−1 + . . . . . . + p yt−p + θ1 t−1 + . . . . . . + θq t−q + t (3)

SARIMA is an ARIMA, having a seasonal component. The standard SARIMA

model has various hyperparameters, such as (p, d, q), (P, D, Q), and m. where p is the
non-seasonal auto-regressive (AR) order; d is the non-seasonal differencing order; q
is the non-seasonal moving average (MA) order; P is the seasonal AR order; D is the
seasonal differencing; Q is the seasonal MA order; and m is the seasonality (a time
span of repeating seasonal pattern In this experimentation, we had optimized all seven
parameters mentioned above using the grid-search technique.
Ensemble Model: Ensemble modeling is a technique where multiple models are used
to predict an outcome [10]. In this experiment, we ensembled the above-mentioned
individual models (namely MLP, LSTM, CNN, and SARIMA) using a weighted average
method [2]. The weighted average method assigns weights to each model, defining the
importance of each model in the prediction. Thus, in the novel ensemble model approach,
first, the grid search method was used to find the optimized hyperparameters of each
model, and then the grid search method was used again to find the weights for the
ensemble model. The weights which provided the least error for the ensemble model
in training data were chosen as the final weights in the model for testing. Equation 3
388 T. Saini et al.

shows how the prediction is computed in the ensemble model by using weights and
their respective model predictions. The yt is the predicted value of the ensemble model,
which is computed by taking a weighted sum of the individual model predictions in the
following manner:


where, wMLP , wLSTM , wCNN , and wSARIMA were the 4 weights in the range [0, 1]
representing the weight of each model, MLP (mMLP ), LSTM (mLSTM ), CNN (mCNN ),
and SARIMA (mSARIMA ), respectively. Figure 3 shows the architecture of the ensemble

Fig. 3. The architecture of the ensemble model.

3.4 Optimization of Model Parameters

We implemented a grid search procedure for finding the hyperparameters of different
models [2]. Grid search is a technique where we take into consideration all the relevant
values of each parameter of the model, and we choose those parameters which perform
best on the data. We varied each parameter in a range and step size in combination
with other parameters in their ranges and step sizes. Thus, all possible combinations of
parameter values were run in the grid search procedure in a model. The objective in the
model was to accurately forecast the next 1-hourly PM2.5 value given the values on prior
timesteps. The performance of the time-series model was evaluated by calculating the
error between the actual and the predicted values. In this research, Root Mean Square
Error (RMSE) was used for evaluating the performance of a model [2]. Hence, the
parameter configuration for which the RMSE came out to be minimum was considered
as the best configuration. We did some preprocessing to convert PM2.5 hourly data into
time series data before inputting it into the models. The models predict the concentration
of PM2.5 for the next hour by taking prior values of PM2.5 in the time series. Table 1
A Weighted Ensemble Approach to Real-Time Prediction 389

shows the combinations of hyperparameters that were used in the grid search to find
the optimized hyperparameters for which models best fitted PM2.5 data. Although the
epochs and the batch size could also be varied in the machine learning models; however,
we fixed them to a reasonably high value to reduce the combinatorial complexity (batch-
size and epochs were fixed to 1 and 100, respectively). The hyperparameters for MLP
were varied in following ranges: lookback period (1, 3, 5, 7); number of hidden layers
(1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 16, 32, 64); and, nodes per layer (1, 3, 6, 12, 25, 50, 75). For LSTM, the
hyperparameters were varied as: lookback period (1, 3, 5, 7); number of hidden layers
(1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 16); and, nodes per layer (25, 50, 75, 100). For CNN, the hyperparameters
were varied as: lookback period (1, 3, 5, 7); number of hidden layers (1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 16);
nodes per layer (25, 50, 75, 100); filters (2, 4, 8, 16); and, kernel size (1, 2, 3, 4). Lastly,
for SARIMA, the hyperparameters were varied as: p (0, 1, 2); d(0, 1); q(0, 1, 2); P(0,
1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32); D(0, 1, 2); Q(0, 1, 2); and, m(1, 2, 4, 12, 24). These variations in the
hyperparameters across models were based upon prior literature.

Table 1. Hyperparameters range used for the models.

Model Parameter Range of values

MLP Look Back Period 1, 3, 5, 7
Layers 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 16, 32, 64
Nodes Per Layer 1, 3, 6, 12, 25, 50, 75
LSTM Look Back Period 1, 3, 5, 7
Layers 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 16
Nodes Per Layer 25, 50, 75, 100, 125
CNN Look Back Period 1, 3, 5, 7
Layers 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 16
Nodes Per Layer 25, 50, 75, 100
Filters 2, 4, 8, 16, 32
Kernel Size 1, 2, 3, 4
SARIMA p – AR Order 0, 1, 2
d – Difference Order 0, 1
q – MA Order 0, 1, 2
P – Seasonal AR Order 0, 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32
Q – Seasonal Difference 0, 1, 2
D – Seasonal MA Order 0, 1, 2
m – Seasonality 1, 2, 4, 12, 24
Ensemble wMLP [0, 1] in steps of 0.01
wLSTM [0, 1] in steps of 0.01
wCNN [0, 1] in steps of 0.01
wSARIMA [0, 1] in steps of 0.01
390 T. Saini et al.

4 Results
Table 2 shows the optimized hyperparameter values that best fitted the data found using
the grid search method in each model. As shown in Table 2, the optimized parameters
for MLP were lookback period: 1, number of hidden layers: 6, and the number of nodes
per layer: 32. For LSTM, the optimized parameters were lookback period: 5, number of
hidden layers: 8, and number of nodes per layer: 100. For CNN, the optimized parameters
were lookback period: 5, number of hidden layers: 4, number of nodes per layer: 25,
filter: 16, and kernel size: 3. For SARIMA, the optimized parameters were p: 0, d: 0, q:
1, P: 4, D: 0, Q: 1, and m: 2. For the ensemble model, the weights obtained from the
grid search were wMLP : 0.06, wLSTM : 0.36, wCNN : 0.58, and wSARIMA : 0.00. Thus, the
SARIMA model did not enter the ensemble model.

Table 2. Optimized value of parameters in different models.

Model Optimized value of parameter

MLP lookback Period: 1, number of layers: 6, nodes per layer: 32
LSTM lookback Period: 5, number of layers: 8, nodes per layer: 100
CNN lookback period: 5, number of layers: 4, nodes per layer: 25, filters: 16,
kernel size: 3
SARIMA p: 0, d: 0, q: 1, P: 4, D: 0, Q: 1, m: 2
Ensemble Model wMLP : 0.06, wLSTM : 0.36, wCNN : 0.58, wSARIMA : 0.00

Table 3 shows the RMSE values of the developed models in the training dataset, where
the models possessed the calibrated hyperparameters. The lowest RMSE was obtained
for the ensemble model, which was 24.68 μg/m3 . In contrast to the ensemble, the CNN
model performed the second-best having an RMSE of 26.49 μg/m3 . Furthermore, LSTM
and MLP models had RMSEs of 27.28 μg/m3 and 28.25 μg/m3 , respectively. The
SARIMA model performed the worst, having an RMSE of 32.47 μg/m3 .

Table 3. The RMSE of different models in the training dataset.

Models RMSE for the training dataset (μg/m3 )

Multilayer Perceptron 28.25
Long Short-Term Memory 27.28
Convolution Neural Network 26.49
SARIMA 32.47
Ensemble Model 24.68
A Weighted Ensemble Approach to Real-Time Prediction 391

Table 4 shows the RMSE values from different models in the test dataset. Again, the
lowest RMSE was obtained for the ensemble model, which was 23.45 μg/m3 . The CNN
model performed the second-best having an RMSE of 23.49 μg/m3 . The LSTM and
MLP models had RMSEs of 24.96 μg/m3 and 24.51 μg/m3 , respectively. Furthermore,
the SARIMA again performed the worst, having an RMSE of 30.73 μg/m3 .

Table 4. The RMSE of different models in the test dataset.

Models RMSE for the test dataset (μg/m3 )

Multilayer Perceptron 24.51
Long Short-Term Memory 24.96
Convolution Neural Network 23.49
SARIMA 30.73
Ensemble Model 23.45

Figure 4 shows the forecast graph of the ensemble model against the PM2.5 obser-
vations in training and test datasets (the two datasets are divided by the vertical dotted
line). The forecast was computed by taking the weighted sum of MLP, LSTM, CNN,
and SARIMA model predictions using the optimized weights found in Table 2. For the
ensemble model, the RMSE on train data was 24.68 μg/m3 , and on the test data, it
was 23.45 μg/m3 . As can be observed from the figure, the blue line shows the actual
PM2.5 concentration, and the red line shows the predicted PM2.5 concentration. Both
lines near-perfectly superimpose on each other. The ensemble model was also able to
capture the peaks and troughs in the PM2.5 values.

Fig. 4. Ensemble model prediction for test and training data set.

Using the same UCI Beijing PM2.5 dataset, reference [3] trained a Vanilla LSTM
model for forecasting PM2.5 concentration. The RMSE obtained using Vanilla LSTM
392 T. Saini et al.

was 24.37 μg/m3 . Thus, the RMSE obtained by the ensemble model (23.45 μg/m3 ) was
less than that of the best model in the literature.

5 Discussion and Conclusion

Air pollution is detrimental to health, and it may cause pulmonary and cardiovascular
diseases among human beings [22]. In fact, the effects of PM2.5 exposure are severe and
long-term exposure may cause diseases like lung cancer [22]. Air pollution also inflicts
heavy economic losses due to the loss of lives and health expenditures [14]. Thus, it
is crucial to monitor and forecast air pollution. The primary objective of this research
was to develop ensemble forecasting models, which could combine the predictions of
individual machine learning and forecast particulate matter concentrations with a high
degree of accuracy. For the purpose of model training and testing, we utilized the large
Beijing air pollution data set provided by the UCI machine learning repository [13].
Our results revealed that all the developed and optimized models, i.e., MLP, LSTM,
CNN, SARIMA models, were able to perform PM2.5 forecasting with high accuracy.
Furthermore, a weighted ensemble model, which combined the individual prediction
models, performed the best both in the training and testing datasets. The RMSEs for
both the training and testing datasets were quite low in the ensemble model. Also, the
ensemble model was able to capture the peaks and troughs in the PM2.5 data. Also, the
best RMSE value obtained in this research was better than the one cited in the literature
on these data [3].
First, we found that the machine learning models (e.g., MLP, LSTM, and CNN)
performed better compared to the statistical models (e.g., SARIMA). A likely reason
for this result could be that the machine learning models have memory capabilities
(LSTMs) and spatial capabilities (CNNs), and these capabilities allow these models
to learn better the relationships between the current air pollution values and prior air
pollution values. These findings are consistent with prior literature [15, 16, 21], where
also machine learning models like MLPs, LSTMs, and CNNs have been developed to
predict air pollution values.
Second, we found that the weighted ensemble model performed better than all other
individual models, including individual machine learning models. A likely reason for
this finding could be that the ensemble model takes the best out of the forecasts of the
individual models by weighting different individual predictions. Again, these findings
agree with prior research [18, 24], where ensemble models have been shown to perform
well for forecasting air pollution data.
This work has a number of implications for the real world. For example, using
the ensemble model developed, one could timely warn policymakers and citizens 1-h
ahead of time if the PM2.5 values exceed predefined thresholds. This timely warning
may help policymakers evacuate people from polluted areas before the problem causes
pulmonary problems. Also, the timely warning may help policymakers to take steps to
reduce vehicular traffic and other sources of pollution in an area to reduce the predicted
effects of air pollution. Furthermore, the developed models can be deployed at air quality
monitoring stations with minimal cost, where air quality is measured manually or using
real-time methods. Future research may build upon this work and develop and compare
A Weighted Ensemble Approach to Real-Time Prediction 393

multivariate models to forecast air pollution. In such models, values of weather variables
(like wind speed and direction, temperature, and relative humidity) may be used along
with prior values of pollutants (PM2.5 ) to arrive at superior forecasts. Here, the developed
individual and ensemble multivariate models may be compared with univariate individual
and ensemble models. Another aspect is to consider classical machine learning models
like decision trees, support vector machines, and k-nearest neighbor approach alongside
connectionist models (like MLPs, LSTMs, and CNNs) for forecasting air pollution. Still,
another focus could be in developing longer-term forecasts of pollution values that are
several hours ahead in time. Some of these ideas form the immediate next steps in our
program concerning monitoring, warning, and prediction of air pollution.

Acknowledgment. This research work was made possible by a grant provided by the Depart-
ment of Environment Science and Technology, Government of Himachal Pradesh, on the project
IITM/DST-HP/VD/240 to Dr. Varun Dutt and Er. Pratik Chaturvedi. We are also grateful for the
computational support provided by the Indian Institute of Technology Mandi, HP, India.

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DualPrune: A Dual Purpose Pruning
of Convolutional Neural Networks
for Resource-Constrained Devices

Tejalal Choudhary, Vipul Mishra(B) , and Anurag Goswami

Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Bennett University,

Greater Noida 201310, India
[email protected], {vipul.mishra,

Abstract. Many successful applications of deep learning have been wit-

nessed in various domains. However, the use of deep learning models in
edge-devices is still limited. Deploying a large model onto small devices
for real-time inference requires an adequate amount of resources. In the
last couple of years, pruning has evolved as an important and widely used
technique to reduce the inference cost and compress the storage-intensive
deep learning models for small devices. In this paper, we proposed a novel
dual-purpose pruning approach to accelerate the model performance and
reduce the storage requirement of the model. The experiments on the
CIFAR10 dataset with AlexNet and VGG16 models show that our pro-
posed approach is effective and can be used to make the deployment
of the trained model easier for edge-devices with marginal loss of accu-
racy. For the VGG16 experiment, our approach reduces parameters from
14.98M to 3.7M resulting in a 74.73% reduction in floating-point opera-
tions with only 0.8% loss in the accuracy.

Keywords: Deep Neural Network · Pruning · Model acceleration and

compression · Resource-constrained devices

1 Introduction
Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) are getting popular in various domains, and have
shown significant improvement in their ability to work well on a variety of data
such as text, audio, video, and image. One of the popular variants of the DNNs
is the convolutional neural network (CNN). CNNs have achieved state-of-the-art
accuracies in various vision-based applications such as segmentation, detection,
classification, image generation to name a few. Over the years, CNN architecture
has expanded in their depth (increased number of hidden layers) and width
(increased nodes/filters in each layer) from a 5 layer LeNet-5 [19] to 152 layers
ResNets [11]. The large number of parameters helps DNN during training to
converge faster and generalize. At the same time, the over-parameterized model
leads to over-fitting [30]. Moreover, the introduction of graphics processing units
c Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2021
D. Garg et al. (Eds.): IACC 2020, CCIS 1367, pp. 395–406, 2021.
396 T. Choudhary et al.

(GPUs) has solved the problem of training the DNN model with millions of
parameters up to some extent, and it is a onetime process.
Nowadays resource-constrained devices such as Smartphone’s and other IoT
based-devices are increasing year by year. Bringing the power of DNNs in edge-
devices can open dozens of possibilities for real-time on-node inference. How-
ever, DNN models generally have millions of parameters which consume large
memory, energy, and require high processing power. There are many applica-
tions that require on-demand human-like decision-making abilities, for example,
a driverless car must detect various objects on road in real-time such as animals,
pedestrians, traffic signals, and other vehicles to make them successful. For real-
time applications, DNN needs to be deployed in end-devices rather than relying
on cloud or web-based solutions.
One of the important constrains that limits the deployment of the trained
model in edge-devices is that the edge-devices cannot run DNNs with millions of
parameters due to the lack of computational and battery power required to run
the large DNNs, limited memory is another contraint. In addition, DNNs per-
form a lot of FLOPs while operating on input data. Each FLOP consumes some
amount of battery power [13]. In short, the deployment of DNNs on resource-
constrained devices is hindered by their limited resources availability. The stor-
age requirement of the DNNs can be lowered by reducing the number of learn-
able parameters from the dense layers, while the inference performance can be
improved by reducing parameters/filters from convolutional layers [4].
Inference with deeper networks with a large number of parameters takes more
time. It has been found in earlier research that once the training is over, DNNs
do not need a large number of parameters during inference. Hence, eliminating
unimportant connections would lead to a better model and also reduce stor-
age and computational cost. Eliminating the parameters will result in removing
unwanted/unimportant connections which will improve the performance of the
There exists various methods to find the unimportant weight parameters
and eliminate them. The main motive behind the elimination of unimportant
parameters is to compress the size of the model and also lower the time taking
FLOPs to accelerate the inference performance [9]. However, removal of these
parameters should least affect the performance of the network.
Out of the many compression and acceleration techniques such as weight
quantization and sharing, knowledge distillation (KD), low-rank approximation,
pruning is a widely used technique to remove the unimportant/redundant param-
eters from the network. In pruning, the parameters are either set to zero or com-
pletely removed from the network [9]. Pruning can be applied at different levels
i.e. individual weight connections [9], a complete neuron [29], filter [22], or layer
[2]. Pruning DNN makes model smaller in size, inference efficient, and it also
solves the issue of over-fitting.
The main idea of the paper is to compress and accelerate the performance
of the DNN model so that it can run under the constraints of the target device.
To achieve the compression and acceleration, we proposed to prune unimportant
DualPrune: A Dual Purpose Pruning of Convolutional Neural Networks 397

weight parameters from the dense layers and filters from the convolutional layers
respectively. Pruning dense layer will help to reduce the model size whereas
pruning filters will reduce the number of FLOPs that directly affects the inference
This paper has been organized into various sections. The existing contribu-
tion made by the researchers in the field of model compression and acceleration
has been discussed in Sect. 2. Section 3 explains the proposed methodology. The
experiments performed on the pre-trained models and results are included in
Sect. 4 and 5 respectively. Finally, the conclusion is summarized in Sect. 6.

2 Related Work
Model compression and acceleration has become a popular research area in the
deep learning community, and significant improvements have been seen in the
last couple of years. There are several techniques to compress and accelerate the
model performance such as pruning, quantization and weight sharing, knowl-
edge distillation, and low-rank approximation. Each of these techniques solves
a different purpose. In this section, we have discussed the existing contribution
made in the field of model compression and acceleration.
Pruning is a well-known method to remove unimportant parameters of the
model and improve inference performance. The early works on pruning were
based on removing connections based on the saliency of the parameters [10,20].
In one of the research [9], the authors proposed to remove small magnitude
parameters from the network. Specifically, the authors proposed training, prun-
ing, and fine-tuning pipeline. [29] found in their research that removing indi-
vidual weight connections is a time-consuming process, the authors proposed to
remove complete neuron if it is redundant. The authors relate it with the popular
Hebbian rule which says “neuron that fire together wire together”. Before remov-
ing the neuron, the activation of the removed neuron is transferred to another
neuron. In another research [22], it is found that removal of the parameters from
the dense layers only makes model smaller, to accelerate the actual performance
of the model, the authors proposed to prune complete filter from the layer based
on the L1-norm. There are other research work in which the authors proposed
to remove filters based on batch-normalization parameters [24], the influence of
the filters on the next layer [25]. In another research [32], the authors proposed
to prune network layers based on their power consumption. From a very DNN,
pruning of a complete layer is also proposed by [2].
The existing pruning methods only perform one particular type of pruning
either i.e. individual weight or filter pruning. We have proposed to prune indi-
vidual weight connections from the dense layer, and also the pruning of filters
which not important from the convolutional layer. This helps in reducing the
size of the model as well as in improving the inference performance.
Quantization is another popular techniques to make DNNs efficient. In quan-
tization weights are represented with smaller bits instead of 32-bit precision
[3,21]. The weights of the DNN can be quantized to sixteen bit, eight bit, or
398 T. Choudhary et al.

even less. Other than the weights, gradient and activations can also be quantized
[14]. Another popular form of the quantization is known as weight binarization
where the weights are represented with 1-bit [5,23]. The weights of the DNN can
be quantized during or after the training.
The use of low-rank approximation methods is also explored to represent the
large weight matrix with smaller matrices. Singular value decomposition (SVD)
is a well known approach to factorize the large matrices into smaller matrices
[8,33]. [31] proposes a sparse-low rank (SLR) approach in which the authors
first make the weigh matrix sparse and to make the model smaller uses low-rank
representation for resulting dense layer sparse matrix.
Knowledge distillation (KD) is another popular way of reducing the model
size and computational required. In KD, a smaller student model is trained by
the large teacher model [4,12]. There are many research works [1,18,27] which
addressed KD in different ways. For a more detailed study of various compres-
sion and acceleration techniques, the readers are suggested to refer to recent
surveys [4].

3 Methodology

In this section, we discuss the proposed convolutional and dense layer pruning
approach. In each convolutional layer l, a set of filters is applied that works as a
feature extractor and generates one feature map which is given as input to the
next l+1 layer. The convolutional layer is followed by another kind of layers such
as batch normalization, pooling, and non-linearity. Figure 1 shows the pruning
of filters from the convolutional layer and pruning of weight connections from
the dense layer before and after pruning. In Fig. 1, the unimportant filters are
shown as a dotted line and dense layer weight connections are shown as a red
dotted line. In the lower part of Fig. 1, the pruned filters and its corresponding
feature map is highlighted with the red color. Similarly, the unimportant weight
connections from the dense layer are removed.
The earlier methods of model compression and acceleration do not solve both
purposes. Some methods are designed to only reduce the storage while others
bring acceleration. In CNN, the storage required by the model is dominated by
the dense layers, while the convolutional layers are responsible for consuming
more than 90% computational time [7]. We target to achieve both goals keeping
in mind that for edge-devices a model not only needs to be fast but also smaller in
size. We proposed a dual-purpose pruning approach to compress and accelerate
the trained CNN. Our proposed approach takes the trained model as an input
and removes the unimportant filters from the convolutional layer and weight
connections from the dense layers. Figure 2 shows our proposed dual-purpose
pruning and fine-tuning approach. It takes an original train model M as input
and finally generates accelerated and compressed model Mp . The whole approach
can be divided into two main sub-blocks. First is the acceleration block in which
we prune unimportant filters and second is the compression block, where the
accelerated model is compressed to make it smaller in size.
DualPrune: A Dual Purpose Pruning of Convolutional Neural Networks 399

Fig. 1. CNN before and after pruning. (Color figure online)

3.1 Acceleration Block

In CNNs, the feature extraction part is done by the convolutional layer filters.
Each filter applies to the input to generate the feature map. In each convolutional
layer, there are few filters that are unimportant compared to the other filters
and do not contain useful information. In our proposed acceleration block, we
used the absolute sum of each filter to identify these unimportant filters. All the
filters are ranked by their absolute sum and a given percentage of low ranking
filters are pruned. Figure 2 shows the overall steps followed to accelerate the
model after training. We locally prune the least important X% filters in each
layer. The selection of the X is done empirically. After removing the filters and
their activations, the numbers of input channels are also reduced in the next
layer. Once the unimportant filters are pruned, a new network architecture is
created with remaining filters and the weights of the remaining filters are copied
into the new model.

3.2 Compression Block

The working of the compression block is shown in the lower part of Fig. 2. After
pruning of convolutional filters, dense layer weights are examined to identify
weight connections that are less important and can be removed. It has been
shown in earlier research that weights with smaller values do not contribute more
to improve the network performance and reduce the error. Hence, the selection
of the weight connections for pruning is done based on their magnitudes. In
400 T. Choudhary et al.

Fig. 2. Proposed ‘DualPrune’ acceleration and compression framework.

the compression block, the accelerated model is given as input where the small
magnitude weights are ranked as per their magnitudes, and pruned. Finally, the
resulting network is re-trained to recover the accuracy loss.

4 Experiments
This section details the experiments performed on the AlexNet [17], VGG16 [28]
model, and CIFAR10 [16] dataset to validate the generalization and effectiveness
of the proposed method. All the experiments are performed on a single GPU of
NVIDIA DGX V100 supercomputer with 16GB RAM. The next subsections
provide the details of the convolutional architecture and dataset used in the

4.1 Convolutional Models Used

The initial sets of experiments are performed with AlexNet [17] architecture.
Original AlexNet architecture has 5 convolutional layers and 3 dense layers. It
was trained on ImageNet [6] dataset, and won the ILSVRC challenge in 2012.
In our experiments, we used a modified version of the original AlexNet [15], and
make some changes to the dense layers to have 512 neurons in the first two dense
layers instead of 4096. Finally, a softmax output layer is added with 10 classes.
DualPrune: A Dual Purpose Pruning of Convolutional Neural Networks 401

We further extend our experiments to a more popular VGG16 convolutional

architecture. VGG16 has shown its importance on various computer vision tasks.
It has 13 convolutional layers and 3 dense layers, and it was trained on the
ImageNet dataset. It has 138M parameters and 30.97B FLOPs. Our experiments
use a variation of the original model in which convolutional layers are the same,
however, has one dense layer with 512 nodes and one softmax output layer. The
number of nodes in the softmax layer is equal to the number of classes in the
CIFAR10 dataset. VGG16 is trained from scratch. One reason behind reducing
the number of dense layers is that the CIFAR10 is a comparatively small dataset
than ImageNet which has 1000 classes.

4.2 Dataset

CIFAR10 is a widely used classification dataset. It has 60,000 color images of 32

* 32 pixel size divided into 10 classes. The 10 different classes are truck, ship,
horse, airplane, frog, dog, deer, cat, automobile, and bird. Five training batches
contain exactly 10,000 images each, and one testing batch has exactly 10,000
images. Following are the common steps involved while performing experiments

– Train AlexNet, VGG16 model on CIFAR10 dataset, and save the trained
– Use the proposed approach to prune the trained model for the desired per-
– Finally, re-train the pruned model for more epochs to recover the accuracy

4.3 Training the Base Models

AlexNet base model is trained for 100 epochs on the CIFAR10 dataset with ReLu
non-linearity. VGG16 model is trained on CIFAR10 datasets for 160 epochs. No
changes are made to the training and testing data distribution, the default data
splits are used. An SGD optimizer with momentum is used to optimize the
network during training. The learning rate was set to 0.1 during training and it
is decayed by 10 after every 30 epochs. Weight decay was set to 1e-4. PyTorch
[26] deep learning framework is used for the implementation. In each case, the
model with the best accuracy is saved and used for pruning.

4.4 Pruning

The filters from the convolutional layer are pruned based on their absolute sum.
The absolute sum is calculated for all the layers and a given percentage of filters
are pruned from each layer. During pruning of the filters, their corresponding
activation maps are also pruned. Pruning filter and its feature map reduces the
input channels for the next layer, hence, after pruning the number of input
channels in the next layer is also reduced. We tested our approach with different
402 T. Choudhary et al.

pruning percentages for convolutional as well as for the dense layer. For the dense
layer pruning, all the weight connections are ranked as per their magnitude and
the desired percentage of connections are pruned.

4.5 Fine-Tuning
Pruning trained model brings some degradation in the accuracy. It is necessary to
re-train the resulting pruned model on the same dataset for few more epochs. We
fine-tuned AlexNet and VGG16 pruned model for 50 & 80 epochs respectively
to recover from the accuracy loss. The same hyper-parameters are used that we
used while training the base models excepting the learning rate. Since the model
was already trained and does not require higher learning rates. Keeping this in
mind, during fine-tuning the learning rate is reduced to 0.001 from 0.1. We do
not make any other changes to the training parameters while fine-tuning the
pruned model.

Table 1. Summary of the various experiments performed on the AlexNet model and
CIFAR10 dataset. DLPP: dense layer parameters pruned

Exp no Pruning% #Para DLPP FLOPs Acc drop

1 Conv:50, Dense:50 958506 166401 4458506 −1.8
2 Conv:50, Dense:30 958506 99841 4458506 −2.1
3 Conv:50, Dense:50 First conv 1002762 166401 5447690 −0.9
4 Conv:60, Dense:60 First conv 810181 191693 5164338 −0.7
5 Conv:60, Dense:60 First 773525 191693 4296754 −0.7
conv layer:25
6 Conv:60, Dense:60 723123 191693 3103826 −2.7

5 Results
AlexNet: Table 1 shows the summary of the various experiments performed on
the AlexNet model and the CIFAR10 dataset. In Table 1 DLPP is the dense layer
parameters pruned. It can be seen from Table 1 that the best pruned model is
achieved when the pruning percentage is 60% for both convolutional layer as well
as dense layer, however, the first layer is more sensitive to pruning, in that case,
the pruning percentage for the first layer was 25%. This pruning configuration
results in reducing model parameters from 2.87M to 0.72M. Also, the FLOPs
are reduced from 15.38M to 4.2M with a marginal loss of accuracy. The best
accuracy is achieved during fine-tuning at 45th epoch.
VGG16: For the VGG16 model, multiple experiments are performed with dif-
ferent pruning configuration and the best results are achieved when the prun-
ing configuration for the convolutional and dense layer was 50 and 30 percent
DualPrune: A Dual Purpose Pruning of Convolutional Neural Networks 403

Fig. 3. The layer-wise number of FLOPs in the original vs best pruned VGG16 model

Table 2. Comparison with other methods (VGG16 model)

Method #Parameter left FLOP reduction Accuracy drop

[22] 5.4M 34.2% 0.15
[34] 3.92M 39.1% −0.07
Ours 3.7M 74.73% −0.8

respectively. The model parameters are pruned from 14.98M to 3.7M. The time-
consuming FLOPs are also reduced from 313M to 79.07M with only 0.8% loss
in the top1 accuracy after fine-tuning. Figure 3 shows the FLOPs of the original
vs best pruned model. It can be seen from Fig. 3 that the convolutional layers
contain a significant number of unimportant filters and a large number of fil-
ters can be removed from the layers that brings the acceleration in the model
The experiments on the AlexNet and VGG16 model show the importance
and effectiveness of the proposed dual-purpose pruning approach. However, the
dataset onto which the experiments are carried out is very small. To test the
generalization ability of the proposed approach, experiments needs to be per-
formed on the large scale dataset. ImageNet is one such dataset which has 1.2M
training images. In the future, more experiments will be performed with different
convolutional architectures and the ImageNet dataset.
404 T. Choudhary et al.

5.1 Comparison
The initial sets of experiments are performed with AlexNet and CIFAR10 dataset
to test the effectiveness and applicability of the proposed method. We com-
pare our method with other best performing methods on VGG16 and CIFAR10
dataset. Table 2 shows the details of the comparative study. The proposed app-
roach is compared with [22] and [34]. It is found that our method is superior than
[22] in terms of the number of FLOPs reduction. Our approach is also superior to
[34] in both number of parameters pruned, FLOP reduction, and also improved

6 Conclusion
In this paper, we proposed a dual-purpose pruning approach to make DNNs
efficient for resource-constrained devices. We tested our approach on two dif-
ferent popular convolutional networks and CIFAR10 dataset. For the VGG16
experiment, our approach reduces parameters from 14.98M to 3.7M resulting
in a 74.73% reduction in floating-point operations with only 0.8% loss in the
accuracy. The experimental results suggest show that our method is able to
reduce the number of learnable parameters and also time-consuming FLOPs of
the model. Resulting pruned model is efficient for deployment in edge-devices
where the adequate resources required to run DNNs are not available. In the
future, we will test the applicability and generalization ability of our approach
to distinct convolutional architecture and large-scale ImageNet dataset.

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Incremental Ensemble of One Class
Classifier for Data Streams with Concept
Drift Adaption

Shubhangi Suryawanshi1,2(B) , Anurag Goswami1 , and Pramod Patil2

Bennett University, Greater Noida, India
Pune University, Pune, India
[email protected], [email protected]

Abstract. Due to the digital era, and recent development in software

and hardware technology uses enormous applications like e-commerce,
mailing system, social media, fraud detection, weather and network
application. These applications generate a huge amount of continuous,
sequenced, temporarily ordered and infinite data called as a data stream.
There is a need to manage such data streams with real-time responses
and sufficient memory requirements. Data streams lead to a problem of
changing data distribution of the target variable is called as the concept
drift. The Learning model performance degrades if the concept drift is
not addressed, so there is a need for a learning model that adapts the
concept drift by retaining the good performance of the model. One-class
classification is a promising research area in the field of data streams clas-
sification. In the One-class classification, only the positive samples are
considered to address the class imbalance and drift detection problem by
not considering their counterparts. In this paper, an Incremental One-
class Ensemble classifier is used to adapt the concept drift problem in
streaming data. Model is evaluated with the Spam and Electricity real-
world datasets and the model is used to address Gradual and sudden
drift with 82.30% and 81.50% accuracy.

Keywords: Data stream · Drift · Data distribution · Incremental

ensemble classifier · One class classification

1 Introduction
Due to the recent advancement in technology, an infinite amount of continuous
Streaming data are evolving which leads to a change in the data distribution
over time. This change is known as a concept drift that is affecting the accuracy
of the learning model [1,2]. Many applications which are facing the problem
of concept drift [1], few are Emailing System, Weather, Energy Consumption,
Fraud Detection, E-commerce. Consider the example of the buying preferences
of customers, which are changing and depending on many factors like a month,
c Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2021
D. Garg et al. (Eds.): IACC 2020, CCIS 1367, pp. 407–416, 2021.
408 S. Suryawanshi et al.

day of the week, seasons, Fashion trends, rate of inflation that may not be the
features of the dataset, as the customer’s interest changes over time depending
upon above parameters, and it affects the prediction of the learning model . In
this example, the seasons are recurrently appearing every year.

Fig. 1. Virtual drift

Concept drift is categorized into Virtual and the Real drift. Consider a source
S generating the data streams S = (x 1 , y1 ), (x2 ,y2 ), ......., (xn ,yn ). In virtual
drift as shown in Fig. 1 the P(x), the input variable’s data distribution is changing
but it is not affecting the class boundary, and the posterior probability the
target variable remains constant [1]. This category of the drift is not affecting
the accuracy of the classifier [3].

Fig. 2. Real drift

In the second category of the drift i.e. Real drift as shown in Fig. 2, the P(x),
the data distribution of the input variable is changing or sometimes remains
constant but it is affecting the class boundary, and with changing the posterior
probability of the target variable. This category of the drift is affecting the
accuracy of the classifier [3]. Following is shown an example of the real drift.
IEOCC for Data Streams with Concept Drift Adaption 409

Fig. 3. Types of concept drift

1.1 Concept Drift Types

There are four types of concept drift Sudden, Gradual, Incremental, and recur-
rent drift [1,2] shown in Fig. 3.

– In the sudden drift, suddenly the data distribution is changing, and it never
goes back to previous distribution. It is a permanent change. e.g.. consider a
sensor, if it suddenly gives the faulty reading [1,2].
– In Gradual Drift continuously the data distribution is changing according to
a particular timestamp, but it will become more noticeable over time. After
a long time, the change will be identified [2].
– In the Incremental drift incrementally, changes are accruing in data distribu-
tion, it is noticeable after a long time [2].

There is a need for a learning model to identify the different types of con-
cept drift and to differentiate different drift with noise. Many algorithms can be
applied to adapt to drift without compromising the learning accuracy.
One-class classification [4,5] is a promising research direction in the area
of Concept Drift adaption in data streams. It can be applied for the binary
classification, Detection of Outlier, and identification of novel class. One-class
410 S. Suryawanshi et al.

classification can be applied to Non-stationary data streams to adapt to drifts

by considering only the positive samples and not its counterparts.
The objective of this paper is to increase the learning accuracy of an ensemble
of a One-class classifier with incremental learning. It gives promising results than
a single classifier.
The paper is organized as follows: Literature Survey, Next Section is Experi-
mental Design describe the Research Goal, Dataset, Independent and Dependent
Variables and Experiment Steps. Result and its analysis is presented in next
Section. Last section is Conclusion.

2 Literature Survey
This section details the different One-class classification algorithms and how one
class classification can be applied to detect and adapt the concept drift problem.
In the research article [2] the data stream classification, as well as the data
stream classification Challenges are discussed. The problem of classification i.e.,
the evolving data streams faces the problem of Concept drift. The changes in
data distribution of the target variable are discussed to address the issue different
techniques are discussed like One-class classification where only training data of
positive samples are considered but for the negative class is available. In one
class classification can’t preserve the old data. Ensemble algorithm is applied for
the concept of drift detection it can work well with the recurrent drifts. Decision
tree-based algorithms are also discussed for the drift adaption.
In another research [3], authors have discussed the different data streams clas-
sification algorithms and their capability to address the concept drifts, Different
categories of the concept drift and its types are explained. different concept drift
datasets and the research direction in this field are discussed.
The integrated One-class classification [4] is used to address the concept drift
issue by considering both positive and negative samples. They have performed
the experiments on the text document dataset. The stacking of SVM is used to
adapt the change in the concept that occurred due to the users changing interest
rate. Achieved a maximum accuracy of 63.2% and addressed gradual and sudden
Weighted One class SVM classifier [5] employed for the gradual concept drift
in the real-world dataset. One class classifier can be applied for binary classifica-
tion. SVM is used with Incremental learning which can identify the hyperplane
boundaries that can easily distinguish the change in the data distribution. Per-
formed the experiments on Electricity and airline dataset with 72.04 and 66.14%
New Random Forest Method for One-class Classification [6] in this paper they
have used the one class classifier with random forest on the UC Irvine repository.
In the random forest, they have used l = 200 tress. Compared the result with
One class SVM (OCSVM). Random Forest’s performance is outperformed than
another classifier with 91% accuracy.
IEOCC for Data Streams with Concept Drift Adaption 411

A Survey on One-class Classification [7] in this paper different ensemble

methods for drift detection are discussed. AdaBoost and Bagging classifiers [13]
are discussed for the dataset which is improperly sampled into positive and
negative classes. For generating the prediction, the voting rule is used.
The ensemble approach is more popular in the concept of drift adaption in
data stream processing [10,12]. In an ensemble approach, the heterogeneous clas-
sifier or same classifier with different parameters are combined. Drift detection
based incremental classifier [8,9], explicit drift detection technique is used to
detect the drift. It used an ensemble of hoeffding tree, for the drift detection in
data streams. Many estimators of hoeffding trees are used old data is preserved
by using the ensemble model.
A Survey on Supervised Classification on Data Streams [14,15] in this paper
different algorithms like Naı̈ve Bayes [11]. Hoeffding tree, very fast decision tree
(VFDT), and the ensemble classifier for the data stream classification are dis-
cussed and how they are adapting the concept drift with or without drift detec-
tors are discussed.
So based on this literature, we were motivated to apply the Ensemble of One-
class classifier to detect and adapt the concept drift in evolving data streams.

3 Experiment Design

The motivation of this experiment was to provide evidence-based experimenta-

tion performed on the real-world data stream dataset, by using the ensemble of
One-class classifiers and the results are compared with One-class SVM and One-
class Naı̈ve Bayes algorithm. Scikit-learn and Scikit-Multiflow framework used
for experimentation. The Experimentation is performed in a computer with Core
i3 Processor, 12 GB of main memory.

3.1 Research Goal

This research has the primary goal to analyze the efficiency of an ensemble of
One-class classifiers to adapt the concept drift in the evolving data streams.

3.2 Dataset

– Electricity Dataset contains total number of 48,312 instances, attributes are 8

and with 2 classes. Real world Electricity dataset from Australian Electricity
Market is used. The rise (UP) or a fall (DOWN) predicted by classifiers in
electricity dataset.
– Spam Dataset is real word streaming dataset. Which is having 500 attributes
with 9, 324 instances. Two class labels are considered spam and legitimate.
This dataset is with gradual drift.
412 S. Suryawanshi et al.

3.3 Independent and Dependent Variables

The one class classification dependent variable is drift count and the independent
variable features data distribution. Drift detection is depending on the change
in data distribution of the features. If there is a change in the data distribution
there will be a drift its value will be 1 otherwise the value will be 0.

Fig. 4. Ensemble of One-class classifier for drift detection

3.4 Experiment Steps

The Experimentation steps (also shown in Fig. 4) are as follows:

Step 1 Importing & Normalizing Dataset

Dataset is imported and converted into Panda’s data frames.for the Nor-
malization of Dataset MinMaxScaler is used for rescaling and for han-
dling missing values. After converting it into data frames for the conver-
sion of the features data, MinMaxScaler () is used. Which converts the
data into the range of 0 to1, for missing values NaN is used.
Step 2 Window Selection
For processing the data streams, the data stream is added into the win-
dow with a specified size. Optimal Window size is selected by perform-
ing Experiments with different window sizes. By appropriate selection of
windows, the data distribution of that specific window size is checked.
IEOCC for Data Streams with Concept Drift Adaption 413

Step 3 Drift detection

For drift detection, the data distribution of the incoming data streams
is checked with previous data streams from the previous window if the
data distribution is changing that point is identified as drift.
Step 4 One-class Ensemble classifier and Voting Rule
In this Ensemble of One-class Classifier, the group of different classifiers
is combined and trained incrementally for prediction, the hard voting is
considered. In hard voting, the rule of majority voting is applied for the
prediction of outcome.
clf = Voting Classifier (estimators = [(‘RandomForest Classifier’,
clf1), (‘Bagging Classifier’, clf2), (‘Multinomial NB’, clf3)], voting =
‘hard’,weights = [2, 2, 1])
for the classifier, weights are assigned as [2, 2, 1] and the majority voted
rule is applied.
Step 5 Prediction
for the prediction classifiers-based classifier hoeffding tree is used, to
predict the new instance the Ensemble classifier is used. If the classifier
misclassifies the incoming instance, then the model is updated incremen-
tally with the incoming data instances.
The Experimentation performed by considering three classifiers One-
class SVM, One-class Naı̈ve Bayes, and Ensemble of One-class Classifier
on Spam and Electricity dataset the results are as follows.
Step 6 Result
The Experimentation performed by considering three classifiers One-
class SVM, One-class Naı̈ve Bayes, and Ensemble of One-class Classifier
on Spam and Electricity dataset the results are as follows (Table 1).

Table 1. Result with the real-world dataset and drift detected window size = 500

Sr. No Classifiers Dataset Accuracy Drift detected

1 One Class SVM 79.44 5
2 One Class Multinomial Naive Bayes 81.20 23
3 Ensemble of One class Classifiers 82.30 1
1 One Class SVM 78.17 6
2 One Class Multinomial Naive Bayes 81.30 219
3 Ensemble of One class Classifiers 81.50 254

4 Analysis and Results

Experimentation is performed with different window sizes 50, 100, 500, 1000,
1500. It is observed that, 500 window size gives the optimal result. After perform-
ing the experimentation on the Spam and Electricity dataset by using One-class
414 S. Suryawanshi et al.

SVM, One-class Naı̈ve Bayes and Ensemble of One-class classifier. It is observed

that the Ensemble of One-class is efficiently detected the drifts in One-class

Fig. 5. One class ensemble classifier with electricity dataset

Fig. 6. One class ensemble classifier with spam dataset

In the Fig. 5 & Fig. 6 Graph is Shown, with Spam and Electricity dataset. In
this graph, the blue line shows the accuracy measure across all batches (window).
Y-axis shows the data instances, and the X-axis shows the accuracy measure.
The variation or fluctuation across the different batch of data instances is shown
in the graph and finally, the mean of the accuracy is calculated as output. The
comparison of accuracy on the Spam and Electricity dataset is as shown below
in Fig. 7.
IEOCC for Data Streams with Concept Drift Adaption 415

Fig. 7. Comparison of accuracy on spam and electricity dataset

The Incremental One-class Ensemble Classifier is adapting to the concept

of drift and incrementally classifying the incoming instances. Drift detection
methods are used to detect gradual and sudden drifts in a given dataset, and
the ensemble One-class classifier adapts to drifts without compromising learning

5 Conclusion and Future Scope

In this paper, the different One class Classifier algorithms are compared on the
real dataset concept drift dataset. Our results show that the performance One-
class Classifier in the drifting dataset depends on the appropriate window size
which depends on the size of the dataset. In predefined norms, it shows that One-
class SVM gives promising results in addressing Concept Drift in the data stream.
In this paper, it is observed that the Ensemble classifier with heterogeneous
learning model outperforms than other classifiers to address gradual and sudden
In our experiment, we have used the change in the data distribution for
detecting the drifts without differentiating with outlier maybe by considering
the counterparts i.e. the negative samples affect the accuracy of the classifier.
In the future, One-class Classification can be applied to address the recurrent
and incremental drift detection and adaption.
416 S. Suryawanshi et al.

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13. Trivedi, S.K., Dey, S.: Interplay between probabilistic classifiers and boosting algo-
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Detection of Ransomware on Windows System
Using Machine Learning Technique:
Experimental Results

Laxmi B. Bhagwat and Balaji M. Patil(B)

School of Computer Science Engineering and Technology, Dr. Vishwanath Karad World Peace
University, Kothrud, Pune, India

Abstract. Recent statistics show that malware attacks have been increased by over
97% in the past two years. Among these, a large portion is due to Ransomware, a
subset of malware. Ransomware codes are easily available as Ransomware as-a-
service (RaaS). Because of it, there is a significant threat to the world, as this is a
malware which generates high revenues and is creating a viable criminal business
model. Because of this the systems of private companies, individuals, or public
service providers are at stake and can suffer a severe disruption and financial loss.
There are two methods for the detection and analysis to be done for the detection
of ransomware. One is the Static detection approach and the other is the Dynamic
detection approach. We have done the detection using the Dynamic approach. This
paper focuses on detection of ransomware and benign applications using machine
learning algorithms for dynamic detection of ransomware. Our experimentation
results show that high accuracy is obtained using the KNN algorithm.

Keywords: Malware · Ransomware families · Encryption · File systems ·

Machine learning

1 Introduction
In today’s world digitization is increasing professionally, socially, and financially in
various sectors such as government, military, education, business [5], and health. These
sectors rely more on the computer systems for their smooth operations. So these sectors
are becoming targets of the cyber attackers. The attackers do attacks using malware.
Malware is the malignant code used to perform malicious actions in digital devices like
mobiles, tablets, and computers. Typical names of malware are viruses, worms, Tro-
jans,etc. They are designed with different components and have various functionalities.
This malware is spread across the world through internet. The Internet is a carrier for
this malware and they enter the system by various techniques such as system vulnera-
bilities, drive-by download, attachments, and social engineering, etc. It becomes very
important to just find a way to detect the malicious activity in the system. We have used
the Machine Learning technique to detect the behavior of the Ransomware. As per the
literature survey for detection of ransomware using dynamic approach we have used

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D. Garg et al. (Eds.): IACC 2020, CCIS 1367, pp. 417–423, 2021.
418 L. B. Bhagwat and B. M. Patil

KNN (K- Nearest Neighbors Classifier), SVM (Support Vector Machine), Random For-
est and Logistic Regression as machine learning algorithms. We have used wrapper RFE
(Recursive Feature Elimination) method and Extra Trees Classifier for feature selection.
We have found the intersection of few features which were highly ranked by these two
feature selection methods. Some features which were not common we saw the ranking
of them and selected the highly ranked among them.

2 Related Work
Hajredin Daku et al. [4] used machine learning to identify new variants of Ransomware.
They have used three ML algorithms for the detection of Ransomware. They have used
150 samples from 10 different families of Ransomware. They also have given the benefits
of using dynamic analysis using machine learning over static analysis of Ransomware.
In another study that is done by Zhi-Guo Chen et al.[3] tells how we can overcome the
disadvantage of signature based and static analysis. They have done dynamic detection
of Ransomware using Random Forest (RF), Support Vector Machine (SVM), Simple
Logistic (SL), and Naive Bayes (NB) ML algorithms. They have used API calls and
control flow graphs for the detection of Ransomware dynamically analysis technique.
Daniele Sgandurra et al. [6] implemented EldeRan, an ML approach that detects Ran-
somware by dynamic analysis technique. EldeRan checks for the sign of Ransomware
by monitoring the set of actions performed by an application. They have achieved a
ROC curve of 0.995 in their implementation. Monika et al. [7] had their main under-
standing of how the evolution of ransomware occurs under the Windows and Android
platforms. They had chosen ransomware variants from ransomware families in win-
dows and Android environments. Their analysis after experimentation is there can be
a significant improvement in the techniques used for encryption while performing ran-
somware attacks. The detection was done by monitoring the registry actions and file
system actions. Yu-Lun Wan [8] et al. used Argus for labeling merging and packet pre-
processing for the network traffic. They have combined six feature selection methods to
obtain high accuracy while at the time of classification. A decision tree algorithm was
used by them to improve the intrusion detection system. Ahmad O. Almashhadani et al.
[11] have done the behavioral analysis of crypto-ransomware recording the activities
that take place in the network. They have implemented an intrusion detection system by
simultaneously recording the packet and flow levels.

3 Overall Process of Proposed System

The ransomware attack is mainly on the file system of the computer system. As shown in
Fig. 1 for overall processing there are three main components: System/Virtual Machine
with Windows OS platforms, Ransomware detection phase, and Classification phase.
The system/virtual machine runs the application exe files in the sandbox. The sand-
box generates the report in various formats. These reports generated were used for the
generation of the data set. They were also used to find the required attributes from the
generated data set values. From these data set some instances were used for training and
some were used for testing. The models were trained using the training data sets and
then the test data set were used for the detection of benign or ransomware.
Detection of Ransomware on Windows System 419

Fig. 1. Overall process of Proposed System

4 Ransomware Data Set Collection

4.1 System Overview

The data set collection process is as shown in Fig. 2. We created our data set from
the ransomware sample files and benign application files. Ransomware and benign files
samples were given to the cuckoo sandbox for analysis and report generation. The cuckoo
sandbox [9] produced a detailed report for the samples provided in different formats.
As we have decided on a dynamic analysis of Ransomware, we required the behavioral
analysis category in the report that was generated by the Cuckoo sandbox. The report
generated by the cuckoo sandbox was in the JSON file format. As we got the results in
JSON format, we had written the parser to parse the contents of the file and extracted the
keyword features relating to file access, processes, registry changes, etc. Data that was
related to the extracted features were stored in a CSV file format to do further analysis.
When extracting different features we have maintained the count for each feature that
was affected or altered by the ransomware samples. After creating the CSV file we got
262 features on which we applied feature selection methods to select the most important
and relevant features for the detection of ransomware. The machine learning classifier
was the final stage that performed the task of detecting if a file is benign or ransomware.
420 L. B. Bhagwat and B. M. Patil

Fig. 2. Data set collection process

5 Feature Selection
5.1 Feature Selection Methods Used

As mentioned in the previous section we got 262 features from the behavioural report
that was produced by Cuckoo sand box. Feature selection was the most important part of
our implementation. From 262 we obtained 45 top ranking features using the following
methods. From 45 we selected 15 best and top features. How the feature selection was
done is explained further.
The dataset that we obtained had many redundant attributes, which had less contri-
bution towards the detection of ransomware. There are many methods than can be used
for feature selection. Some of them are Filter methods, Wrapper methods and Embedded
methods. We have used used two methods for the selection of attributes. First method that
was used was wrapper RFE (Recursive Feature Elimination) method. Recursive Feature
Elimination with cross validation was used for better results. It uses greedy technique
which finds the best performing features from the set of features. It repeatedly creates
models and removes the weakest feature at each iteration. It constructs the next model
with the left out features, until all the features are exhausted. It then ranks the features
based on the order of their elimination. However, for this method we had to specify the
number of features that we want. Recursive feature elimination with cross-validation on
the other hand, add Cross-validation into the mix. The calculation of score for feature
importance is done based on the validation data only. This can be a more resource con-
suming process depending on the size of the data and the estimator used. Using this we
found that the best results were obtained by selecting the best 15 features which were
highly ranked by this method.
Second method that was used was Extra Trees Classifier - Extra Trees is like Random
Forest, in that it builds multiple trees and splits nodes using random subsets of features.
It uses Gini Index for finding the importance of the feature. To perform feature selection,
each feature is ordered in descending order of Gini importance. The user has to select
Detection of Ransomware on Windows System 421

the value of k,which is the no. of top k features. We selected k as 15 from which top 15
features were selected according to the ranking done by Extra Trees Classifier.
As mentioned in the introduction section we have found the intersection of a few
features which were highly ranked by these two feature extraction methods. Some fea-
tures which were not in common for them we saw the ranking of them and extracted the
highly ranked features.
Hence we got our 15 behavioral attributes using above methods. This was a novel part
of our research as till now there has been a debate on what can be the number of features
that can give the best accuracy for detection. The various behavioral features for dynamic
analysis that we have obtained were related to file system, process related, processes
memory and registry operations. There are four features which are not mentioned earlier
in any of the research done earlier [4, 5, 8].

6 Experimental Results
The experiments were conducted on a 32-bit Windows-7 system with no additional
software installed other than python. We used windows-7 32 bit in an oracle virtual box
for an isolated environment. The virtual machine (VM) that was running in the sandboxed
environment was Windows 7 and had network connectivity. Every time a new analysis
was done on VM it was reverted to the original clean or safe state before each new
analysis. The samples of benign and ransomware files were analyzed in the Sandbox.
We had network connectivity to the VM, and PCAP traces were collected, but our focus
was on the analysis of host-based and stand-alone features only. The results that were
obtained were in the json format. As described in the previous section we had written a
parser in python to create a csv file for the analysis and detection to be done. Collecting
malware was an important part of our research. We have referred to many online sources.
We gathered most of our samples from Virus Total [10], and we captured the remaining
by manually browsing through security forums and some researchers database. Andrea
Continella [1] et al. provided the database for all ransomware files. This was the only
initial state of our research.

6.1 Classification Results

Cross-validation To evaluate the performance of our system we have used the k-fold
cross-validation technique [1, 3]. In this technique, it divides the data samples into an
equal number of groups depending upon the value of k specified. It keeps one group
of samples for testing and another group of samples for training. This step is repeated
k-times. We used this technique so that we can have the effectiveness of the machine
learning models that we have selected for the detection and analysis. After selecting the
relevant attributes for the classification to be done we had selected KNN (K- Nearest
Neighbors Classifier) the value for k we selected was 5, SVM (Support Vector Machine),
Random Forest, and Logistic Regression as machine learning algorithms [2] for the
detection of the samples collected as ransomware or not. The following table gives the
results of the evaluation metrics True Positive rate, True Negative rate, and Accuracy.
422 L. B. Bhagwat and B. M. Patil

Table 1. Results of classification algorithms for True Positive rate, True Negative rate, and

Sr. No ML Algorithm TP rate TN rate Accuracy

1 Logistic Regression 89.06% 100% 94%
2 SVM (Support Vector Machine) 92.15% 100% 92.45%
3 KNN (K- Nearest Neighbors Classifier) 100% 60% 96.22%
4 Random Forest 90.47% 0 90.47%

The above-mentioned algorithms were evaluated on the 15 features that we had obtained
using feature selection methods as explained in Sect. 5.1.
From Table 1, it is clear that KNN performs well as compared to other algorithms used
for classification. We have used total 260 data set samples for benign and ransomware
applications of different ransomware families. The output that will be displayed to the
user of our implemented system is ‘1’ when the software/application given as input to
our system is malicious or ‘0’ if it is a benign software/application.

6.2 Comparison of Results

From above table KNN performed exceptionally well in our experimentation done giving
a TP rate of 100% as compared to the TP rate of 95.30% as achieved by Alhawi O.M.K
et al. [2]. Also in our experimentation we achieved a accuracy of 96.22% as compared
to the accuracy of 77.33% for KNN mentioned in the research by Hajredin Daku et al.

7 Conclusion

From the results obtained it is clear that the accuracy by KNN was very high for the
detection of ransomware files. Hence the features that were selected using the feature
selection algorithms gave a good accuracy for the detection of ransomware.
Thus, dynamic (behavior) analysis in conjunction with machine learning gave good
results and hence are capable of zero-day ransomware detection.

Acknowledgments. We would acknowledge and thank Aditya, Anagha, Mrunmai, and Shradhha
for their assistance with the feature extraction process and experimentation to be done. They were
very sincere and helpful at the time of implementation to be done. We are also thankful to Andrea
Continella et al. for providing us the vast collection of malicious files to be used for our research.
Detection of Ransomware on Windows System 423

1. Continella, A., et al.: ShieldFS: a self-healing, ransomware-aware filesystem. In: ACSAC
2016: Proceedings of the 32nd Annual Conference on Computer Security Applications,
pp. 336–347, December 2016
2. Alhawi, O.M.K., Baldwin, J., Dehghantanha, A.: Leveraging Machine Learning Techniques
for Windows Ransomware Network Traffic Detection. In: Dehghantanha, A., Conti, M., Dar-
gahi, T. (eds.) Cyber Threat Intelligence. AIS, vol. 70, pp. 93–106. Springer, Cham (2018).
3. Chen, Z.-G., Kang, H.-S., Yin, S.-N., Kim, S.-R.: Automatic ransomware detection and anal-
ysis based on dynamic API calls flow graph. In: RACS 2017, pp. 20–23. Association for
Computing Machinery, September 2017
4. Daku, H., Zavarsky, P., Yasir Malik, K..: Behavioral-based classification and identification
of ransomware variants using machine learning. In: 17th IEEE International Conference on
Trust, Security and Privacy. In: Computing and Communications/12th IEEE International
Conference on Big Data Science and Engineering (2018)
5. Kesselman, D.N.: A behavioural-based approach to ransomware detection. In: MWR Labs
6. Sgandurra, D., Muñoz-González, L., Mohsen, R., Lupu, E.C.: Automated Dynamic Analysis
of Ransomware: Benefits, Limitations and use for Detection. arXiv:1609.03020v1
7. Monika, P.Z., Dale, L.: Experimental analysis of ransomware on windows and Android plat-
forms: evolution and characterization. In: 2nd International Workshop on Future Information
Security, Privacy & Forensics for Complex Systems (FISP 2016) (2016)
8. Wan, Y.-L., Chang, J.-C., Chen, R.-J., Wang, S.-J.: Feature-selection-based ransomware detec-
tion with machine learning of data analysis. In: 3rd International Conference on Computer
and Communication Systems (2018)
9. Cuckoo Sandbox.
10. Virus Total - Intelligence Search Engine.
11. Almashhadani, A.O., Kaiiali, M., Sezer, S., O’Kane, P.: A multi-classifier network-based
crypto ransomware detection system: A case study of locky ransomware. IEEE Access 7,
47053–47067 (2019)
Leading Athlete Following UAV Using Transfer
Learning Approach

Shanmukha Sai Sumanth Yenneti1(B) , Riti Kushwaha2 , Smita Naval2 ,

and Gaurav Singal1
1 Bennett University, Greater Noida, India
[email protected], [email protected]
2 MNIT Jaipur, Jaipur, India

[email protected], [email protected]

Abstract. Nowadays Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) have tremendous appli-

cations to make human life easier or to automate the process, similar to other
technologies. In this paper we are developing a vision-based navigation system
for UAVs, so that a UAV can follow a human athlete autonomously. This work
involves two sub tasks 1) To detect and mark the leading athlete and 2) To navigate
the UAV in such a way that it follows this marked athlete and continuously changes
its position with respect to the person which has been marked. Since detecting the
person in the video is one of the important tasks while tracking an athlete, we
need a model which gives quick and reliable outputs in low resource-constraint
environment. We will perform person detection on live video and one of the most
popular models for this purpose is MobileNet with SSD, object detection with
convolutional neural network-based characteristics because using SSD (Single
Shot Detector) makes detecting objects much faster compared to 2 shot detectors
like Faster R-CNN. A control algorithm uses the bounding box position to change
the UAV flight parameters in order to keep the runner in the field of centre view.
When this model has been tested on 100 images of side view of various running
races, 95% of the time the athlete in the lead was marked correctly.

Keywords: Convolutional neural networks · Object detection · MobileNet ·


1 Introduction

Recently, human monitoring and object detection [6] are seen as the main factors for
smart-city surveillance, which can be used to improve digital society security. For sev-
eral research areas, an unmanned aerial vehicle, called a drone, has been developed. It
can be operated by a person, or a system built to fly the task automatically. Such as
military services, disaster relief services, forestry, and transport. This will contribute
to the development of the UAV smart system, which is easy to monitor. UAVs that are
programmable for a user to operate have lots of noteworthy applications. For instance, a
drone/UAV [8] could track an athlete or even actors, working as a “private camera man.”

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D. Garg et al. (Eds.): IACC 2020, CCIS 1367, pp. 424–433, 2021.
Leading Athlete Following UAV Using Transfer Learning Approach 425

The subsequent video recorded could be used for entertainment (a cricket game filmed
from the viewpoint of the leg umpire or to record bloopers made by actors), analysing
performance by athletes (recording the dribbles and field position of a soccer player),
A drone may be flying over a first responder or fireman in search and rescue or fire-
fighting, offering an enhanced view of the scene. It may be trailing an elderly person in
the sense of assisted living, creating an alarm if the person is in a dangerous situation or
if the person falls down [10]. Finally, a drone may be escorting a child to or from school
in a child safety scenario [12]. As drones reduce in size, many of these applications, e.g.
by fly-sized UAVs, could be introduced almost seamlessly. Currently, only tracking user
coordinates with GPS and mobile phones helps the individual to follow. In addition to
the widely known fallibility of this solution indoors and in calamity assistance situations,
the above applications involve meticulous control of drone and subject relative positions
being monitored. Often the drone must be kept in front, often behind and sometimes
above. In each case, you may need to remain aligned directly with the person, e.g. imme-
diately above the rescue team, or at an angle, e.g. 30 above the swimmer, and monitor
the person of interest from far or near. For instance, the “private cameraman” should
remain close to the technique of recording football dribbling, and far from recording the
positioning of each player. Such precision in controlling its location allows the UAV to
identify the location of the athlete precisely in the scene, to comprehend how the athlete
is confronted etc. [11].
Although these objectives could, in theory, be accomplished by equipping
drones/UAV’s with computer vision applications, earlier robotic vision work stressed on
autonomy, explicitly a self-governing navigation system based on synchronized local-
ization and mapping, visual odometry, and obstacle evasion; However, these are not
key criteria for the above applications where, rather than complete independence, the
goal is to strongly obey an individual, regardless of the person’s pose, time of day, etc.
Similarly, intricate user experiences, such as gesture or emotional recognition, are not
important for robotics that follow a human [15]. In this sense, robot-human communi-
cation comes down to simple “drone behaviour software design” instructions, such as
defining whether to capture video from behind an individual or in front of him/her, the
distance and angle that follows the individual, and simple “virtual barrier” commands
that prevent drone movements in constrained zones. This program can be made possible
by tampering simple visual patterns.
Through this paper we want to put forward a method that we developed to extend
the use cases of drones/ UAV’s to sports activities, especially during running races using
transfer learning [13] which is a quick way to deploy a vision-based navigation system
for a drone into action. We provide a way to use a lightweight model to achieve the
best trade off between performance and speed for object detection and applied computer
vision techniques to mark the leading athlete and navigate the UAV according to this
athlete’s movements.
In the next section we discuss about the related work done to solve similar tasks
using various methods. Section 3 explains the approach we have implemented to solve
this task. And Sect. 4 explains the experimental setup which we have used to carry out
426 S. S. S. Yenneti et al.

our experiments and approach. The results of our work are also discussed in Sect. 4.
Finally, we make a conclusion about our work and its extension in Sect. 5.

2 Literature Review

For this work we have referred many researches works of other people which share a
similar aim and methodology [14], all of which are mentioned in the acknowledgement
section of this paper. Primarily there are a few papers that tackle a similar problem using
various computer vision techniques while others have used machine learning and deep
learning methods. These methods include the usage of HOG feature vectors to identify
the human like structures in an image and implement the k-means clustering algorithm
[1], together which detected humans and their direction of motion in the frame. This is
critical for reidentification of individuals which is another active research problem.
A research [2] using computer vision techniques is usage of skpexels - a spatiotempo-
ral depiction for skeleton sequences to fully utilize the “local” correlations between joints
using the 2D convolution filters of Convolution Neural Networks. They converted skele-
ton videos into Skepxel-based images of flexible dimensions and develop a CNN-based
structure for efficient human action recognition using the skpexel images.
Due to its robustness and high accuracy the method of deep learning was extensively
used in object detection. For the task of human recognition, the current state of the art
is Retina Net. Retina Net provides the greatest accuracy of human detection among all
the deep learning approaches (Lin, Goyal, Girshick, He, & Piotr Dollar, 2018). In the
paper [3], the images temporal relation has been used to enhance the human detection
accuracy. Their task has been broken down into two sub tasks – firstly to detect if there
are any humans in the image and next to identify their locations in the image. When a
series of images is employed, the model accuracy of human detection has increased by
21.4% as compared to making use of only one image.
Another method known as Hierarchical Extreme Learning Machine (H-ELM) [4],
which is one of the unsupervised feature learning methods, uses sparse auto encoders to
deliver more strong features that adapt to data variations without pre-processing. These
deep neural models have proven to be skilled in human and non-human classification.
Yet another research work approaches the task of face discovery using frames from the
video and applied to the approval of the face detection, is a Haar-cascade classifier and
max-margin object detection with CNN based features because they have high accuracy
[5]. To develop an obstacle detection system, Colour discovery system has been used,
which only focuses on the colour of bodies and thereby detects the impediments in the
way of drone.
In another work, a self-governing drone having person detection and tracking frame-
work which utilizes a static wide-edge camera and a lower-edge camera mounted on a
pivoting turret, has been exhibited [9]. To utilize memory and time productively, they
have proposed a joined multi-outline profound learning location procedure, where the
casing coming from the zoomed camera on the turret is overlaid on the wide-edge static
camera’s casing. With this methodology, we can assemble an effective pipeline where
the underlying discovery of little measured flying interlopers on the fundamental picture
plane and their location on the zoomed picture plane is performed at the same time,
Leading Athlete Following UAV Using Transfer Learning Approach 427

limiting the expense of asset thorough recognition calculation. Using YOLO algorithm
and CNN on NVIDIA GPU to train a deep learning model to detect humans/ persons or
other objects on the frame. Now programming the drone movements, to follow the object
in whichever direction it moves. Their future work included the detection of possible

3 Methodology

In existing literature as per our best knowledge, no one has explored the similar use case
with UAVs. This technique will make the process automatic and reduce the requirements
of multiple cameras for tracking the athlete that is leading in a running race.

3.1 Approach
A the main aim of this work is to make a UAV that can identify the leading athlete and
follow that person on the racetrack. This task can be broken down into two parts – firstly,
identifying the leading athlete [7] and getting the locations of that person. Secondly, we
must program the drone in such a way that the drone always follows the leading athlete
Preparing a model to recognize humans form scratch without any training would
take a great many training data and hours or long stretches of training time. To speed this
up, we can utilize Transfer learning – a process where we use the weights of the model
that has been trained on a large amount of data to perform a analogous task. And then
fine tune the layers in the way we want our results. Many models are available which
we can use which have been trained to distinguish a wide variety of objects in images.
From these trained models we can use checkpoints of their training phase and then apply
them to our own task of detection. Transfer learning helps not only in cutting down the
time required for training a model, but one can also improve the model’s accuracy by
training the layers further on different data.
We decided to use MobileNet as it has a lightweight architecture. It uses depth wise
separable convolutions which essentially means it performs a single convolution on each
colour channel instead of blending all three and flattening it. This has the consequence
of filtering the input channels. This architecture also needs very low maintenance hence
it performs well with high speeds. SSD layers are added to the last DSC layer to replicate
the architecture we have used.
For detecting the athlete in each frame of a live stream video obtained from the
drone, we are using COCO SSD MobileNet_V1, a MobileNet neural network trained
on the COCO dataset. MobileNet is an efficient Convolutional Neural Network for
Mobile Vision Applications, Howard et al., 2017. COCO is a large object discovery
and segmentation dataset. That has over 66 thousand instances of humans at various
poses and under diverse lighting conditions. COCO expands to common objects in
context, like the name says the images are taken from everyday scenes. The authors
of the MobileNet demonstrated that ReLU6 is better than regular ReLU when we use
low precision computation. Single shot detector (SSD) generates anchors and selects the
428 S. S. S. Yenneti et al.

topmost convolutional feature map and at a lower level it selects a feature map having
higher resolution.
After that it adds a sequence of convolutional layers with spatial resolution with a
specified configuration (decay rate for instance) Using this architecture and pretrained
weights on COCO we can obtain the locations of every person in the image and using
coordinates we are able to mark a bounding box around each individual. Using these
coordinates and computer vision techniques we can identify the individuals at the extreme
ends of each frame. Depending on the direction of the race the drone will select either
individual as the leading athlete.
Now, the second task of following the athlete throughout the race, begins. We tackle
this task by measuring the relative position of the centre of the bounding box with respect
to the centre of the frame of video stream. We will move the drone/ UAV in such a way
that these two points always overlap each other. Once the UAV has detected a leading
athlete, it returns the four coordinates of the bounding box: its top-left corner symbolized
by (x1, y1) and its bottom right corner denoted by (x2, y2). Given these, we will compute
the centre of the box and its area. To compute the area, we compute the width as (x2 −
x1) and the height as (y2 − y1) and multiply them. While the centre, is calculated as (x2
+ x1)/2 and (y2 + y1)/2.
The total flow of the activities is as follows, first the UAV captures live video feed
through its camera, then the video that is captured is broken down to frames which are
processed one after the other. After which each processed frame is sent as an input to
the SSD MobileNet model to detect the no. of persons. Then using the coordinates of
each person, we locate the athlete at the extreme ends of the frame and mark that person.
This bounding box over the marked person will act a s an input to the drone navigation
control which will command the drone to move in a way that the bounding box is always
at the centre of the frame.
A pseudocode of the flight parameters to enable the UAV to follow the. Athlete
marked is shown in below Fig. 1.
A person detection platform has been created using Python 3 and TensorFlow ver-
sion 1.15.2 and recreated the model architecture to load the weights. The model has
been downloaded from TensorFlow model zoo which is publicly available. A pipeline
of different processes at each stage was created. Initially the videos are captured and
processed frame by frame and each frame has been resized before being converted to an
array of pixels and sent to the model as input. After which the TensorFlow graphs are
loaded and the model makes a prediction. Then the model returns the coordinates of the
bounding boxes (in the format [ymin. xmin. ymax, xmax]) which are used to calculate
the position of each person identified in the frame. With these coordinates the leading
athlete can be detected by calculating the position of each bounding box with respect to
the centre of the frame. The person at the extreme ends is marked as the leading athlete
and a bounding box is drawn over the leading athlete only as shown in Fig. 2.
Leading Athlete Following UAV Using Transfer Learning Approach 429

Fig. 1. Pseudocode of the flight control applied on UAV

Fig. 2. Workflow of the approach which includes several steps. 1 - The gimbal captures the video
footage of the race from the side, 2 - this video is broken down into frames and each frame is sent
to the model as an input after which the leading athlete is marked with computer vision and finally
3 - the UAV navigation algorithm commands the UAV to move accordingly
430 S. S. S. Yenneti et al.

4 Experiment and Results

This section shows the results and configuration of a UAV that has been used for
implementation of the work.

4.1 Experimental Setup

The drone setup includes standard propellers – a pair of 1045 propellers to help pull the
drone through air, with clockwise rotation. And pusher propellers at the back rotating
counter clockwise. Brushless motors (Model: A2212 1000KV), which are better than a
brushed motor, are used. Since we have a gimbal at the bottom it is mandatory to have
ground clearance, for this purpose 4 pieces of tall landing skid gear legs are mounted. To
control the speed of motors an electronic speed controller is used (30A ESC). The flight
controller on the drone is a pixhawk 2.4.6 32bit ARM RC flight controller. A gimbal and
gimbal controller board are used for capturing live feed through the drone and to send
commands to the gimbal on the drone respectively. An RC receiver transmitter set (Fly
Sky FSi6 2.4G 6 channels AFHDS RC transmitter and a FS-iA6B receiver is used) to
communicate with the drone and to transmit the video to the ground control. Collision
avoidance sensor (TINY LIDAR Laser Ranging Sensor VL53L0X having 2 m range),
although not mandatory, helps from damaging the drone due to any obstacles during the
flight. And a battery 7.4 V, 2200 mAh is needed to power up the drone and keep all the
components running. To make room for all these components, while making sure it is
light weight, the frame of the drone acts like a hub to place all these parts, so a frame
model: F450 HJ450 DJI is used.

4.2 Result Analysis

As seen in Fig. 3, the model was able to detect most of the test cases. A few misclassifi-
cations happened due to the image quality and the form of athletes in the picture/video
streams. The classification accuracy among the test images taken from internet contain-
ing 100 random images of races from the side view came out to be 94.9 percent. The
usage of SSD with Mobile-Net version produced the best accuracy trade-off with the
performance speed.
Leading Athlete Following UAV Using Transfer Learning Approach 431

Fig. 3. In the above two instances the leading athlete is marked by a green bounding box while
the trailing athlete is marked in red. The UAV will follow the green box in such a way that the
centre of the box is at the centre of the frame. While the last image was used to detect the leading
athlete when the race direction is configured (Color figure online).

The model accuracy when trained on COCO dataset over all the classes is shown in
Fig. 4. Single shot detector when used with MobileNet has achieved the highest mAP
among all other advanced models when tested for real time processing, which explains
its balance between speed and accuracy.
432 S. S. S. Yenneti et al.

Fig. 4. The performance of the pretrained model on the coco dataset. The image on top shows the
comparison between MobileNet and other popular architectures. Due to its light architecture (lesser
parameters) the model performs very quickly compared to most state-of-the-art architectures while
not compromising the accuracy. The comparison between the models with respect to GPU times
is made by a Google research. (Source: Google research)

5 Conclusion

Here, we would like to point out that usage of transfer learning for tasks like athlete
following UAV, which needs to be quick at handling the frames and detecting humans,
is useful because it removes the training phase while deploying a drone into a required
activity. Using transfer learning in the new domains, having inadequate data or compute
power for a model to train is useful to implement many advanced neural networks that
have been trained on a large amount data and have state of the art performance. We also
want to mention that Mobile Net SSD trained on COCO is a fast and robust model for this
task since it only has a footprint of around 1 GB in memory. Today most of the drones
are being used for various tasks like aerial photography, security and surveillance and
other military activities. This work introduced a way to put UAV’s into work in sports
domain. After this paper we would like to improve our current workflow to maximize
the efficiency and reduce latency issues. In future we want to extend our work into other
activities, especially in sports, where usage of drones may give us a better perspective
in that domain.

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Image Forgery Detection & Localization Using
Regularized U-Net

Mohammed Murtuza Qureshi1(B) and Mohammed Ghalib Qureshi2(B)

1 Information Technology, Storytech Private Limited, Hyderabad, India
[email protected]
2 Information Technology, Xeta Analytics Private Limited, Hyderabad, India

[email protected]

Abstract. With the rise in digital media and popular image sharing platforms
there has been an increase in the manipulation of images through image editing
software. Image editing has never been easier because of the readily available
and easy-to-use software. This has led to a wave of tampered images flooding the
Internet. Traditionally, the human eye could distinguish between an original image
and a tampered one, but with editing software developed recently, it has become
significantly harder. Broadly Image Forgery can be either Copy-Move, where a
region of an image is copied and pasted on another location in the same Image or
Image Splicing, here, a section within a specific region of the image is copied and
pasted on another region in a different Image. Most of the current methods and
algorithms for Image Forgery detection use manually chosen features to identify
and localize manipulated portions of the image with some moving towards Deep
Learning models. We followed a deep learning approach of using a modified
version of the Image Segmentation Model U-Net. The U-Net model was modified
by adding regularization. The results were promising with an F1 score of 0.96
on the validation and test sets with the model able to detect and localize forged

Keywords: Image forgery · Image manipulation · Image segmentation ·

Regularization · Deep learning · Artificial intelligence · Neural networks

1 Introduction
Photographs are the recording of an event in the past, these images were definitive
recordings which could be used as evidence, as they were tamper proof. Although a
lot has changed since the first photographs were invented, methods to tamper with
real photographs emerged. A similar path was followed with digital images, several
developments in the world of digital editing of images has led to images being modified
[1]. This has in turn led to massive increase in tampered images being circulated on
various social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Baidu and Twitter.
Forgery of an Image can be done using various techniques, among them the most
prominent techniques are Copy-Move and Image Splicing we will briefly go through
each of them:

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D. Garg et al. (Eds.): IACC 2020, CCIS 1367, pp. 434–442, 2021.
Image Forgery Detection & Localization Using Regularized U-Net 435

Copy-Move is a method of image tampering where a small region within the image
is copied and added to another location in the same image. This can generally be done
to increase the counts of a certain item in an Image or to hide something in the Image
or to create similarity between two different items in the Image.
Image Splicing is an image forgery technique where a region in an Image is copied
and pasted on another location in a different Image. This can be done to add things which
are not already present in an Image and thus create a False impression of their existence
in the first place.
Image forgery and manipulation is one of the major reasons for the spread of fake
news in this digital media era when the focus is shifting from textual information to more
visual information. The consumption of images has increased manifold with popular
social media platforms like Instagram which are predominantly image based making it
ever important to check the authenticity of images. Add to this, is the easy availability
of professional editing software on computers and even on mobile devices. Detecting
Image forgery is a crucial step in spreading fake news and preventing many unwanted
misconceptions in the minds of people. To this end, there has been very active research
in this area [2].
We took the approach of using a modified version of the very successful image seg-
mentation model U-Net. The original U-net was developed to segment medical Images.
Our experiment and research involved trying variations and finally rounding off to using
a Regularized version of the U-Net to reduce the model complexity which proved to be

2 Previous Related Works

There are multiple machine learning approaches to detect image forgery, these algo-
rithms work on the principle of identifying pixel-wise differences to detect and localize
tampered sections of the image. One of the first methods widely used for forgery detec-
tion was Error Level Analysis (ELA), first developed by Jonas Wagner. Wagner [3]
describes ELA as a method to identify differences between original and recompressed
versions of the image. This enables the user to identify any manipulated regions as they
can vary in brightness. ELA as mentioned by [4], is based on the process of identifying
different compression levels in an image which marks the manipulated regions.
Popescu and Farid discuss in their article [9], most techniques proposed to recognize
tampering were based on detecting resampling on digital images, mostly performed
using linear or cubic interpolation. They proposed that resampling techniques produce
considerable statistical correlations, and these can be identified using an Expectation-
Maximization (EM) algorithm. However, this approach was very susceptible to images
with JPEG quality factor (QF) of 95 or lower. This method was later improved by [8]
by adding a Radon transform and derivative filter-based approach to detect tampering
on images with JPEG QF lower than 95. Bunk et al. in [5] use this Radon transform
method to build a feature extraction that detects manipulated regions in the image. They
blended this method with deep learning models to detect tampering in images.
As most digital images are stored in the JPEG format, most of the machine learn-
ing techniques are based on the detection of anomalies in JPEG compression levels
436 M. M. Qureshi and M. G. Qureshi

due to smoothing and/or resampling of forged parts of the image. However, constant
research and development in the field of deep learning has since enabled a lot of differ-
ent approaches that were applied to Image Forgery Detection. With recent advances in
computer vision, the deep learning models display great efficiency in visual detection
functions such as image classification and image segmentation [5].
Long et al. [7] propose that the strides of development done with convolutional
networks are driving huge advances in visual recognition. In the article, they discuss
that fully convolutional networks which are trained end-to-end, on each pixel to perform
semantic segmentation outperform all previous works.
Beste Ustubioglu et al. [13] used DCT-phase terms for restricting the range of the
feature vector elements’ and Benford’s generalized law to determine the compression
history of the image under test.
In [12], the authors propose a CNN model for detecting image splicing based
on weight combination strategy, the algorithm extracts three different types of fea-
tures which include YCbCr features, edge features and PRNU (photo response non-
uniformity) features. The model is trained until the best combination of these weights is

3 Research Methodology
While most of the previous works focus on using different manual techniques and rules
to learn features and differentiate the forged part from the original image, our focus was
more on using a Deep Learning approach. Deep Learning has been proven effective in
solving a lot of complex problems in computer vision and by building an appropriate
neural network we can allow the model to find complex hidden patterns in the data which
can differentiate the forged part from the original image.
Since our research involved detecting & then localizing the forged part in an Image,
we decided on using the Deep Learning technique of Image Segmentation where the
goal is to classify each pixel of an Image to a certain class. We decided on using a
Segmentation Model, specifically we used a modified/regularized version of the U-Net
model, a popular segmentation network developed for use in Medical Images Segmen-
tation. U-net integrates the location information of the pixel with contextual information
to acquire a common information by merging localization and context. The main reason
for regularizing our neural network was to reduce its complexity to control the number
of parameters present in the model which can lead to overfitting on the training data.

3.1 Base Model Framework

The network consists of a contracting path (which acts as an encoder) and an expansive
path (a decoder), which gives the architecture its U-shape. U-Net learns segmentation in
an end-to-end setting. Like most other convolutional networks, it is based on processing
many convolutional operations. The input image is supplied, and the data is propagated
through the U-Net with the output segmentation coming out at the end [11] (Fig. 1).
It is an end-to-end fully convolutional network (FCN). It does not contain any Dense
layer and only contains Convolutional layers and because of which it can accept any
image size.
Image Forgery Detection & Localization Using Regularized U-Net 437

Fig. 1. Original U-Net segmentation model architecture

After every cycle of convolution, only the applicable portion of the convolution is
carried forward by the network, therefore, for every 3 × 3 convolution, a one-pixel row
is lost on all sides. This allows compression or reduction in size of large images. It is
followed by a max pooling layer (Max Pooling) which further reduces the size of the
image. After the network performs max pooling operations, the total number of feature
channels are increased by a scale of 2x. This sequence of convolutions and max pooling
results in the increase of feature channels and at the same time cause spatial contraction,
thus increasing the “What” and decreasing the “Where”.
Mapping of all features to a single vector is done with the Standard classification
ending here. Apart from the contracting path, U-Net creates a high-resolution segmen-
tation map using an extra expansion path. This additional expansion path consists of
up-convolutions and concatenations with high resolution features from the contract-
ing path. The expansion path, also referred to as the decoder is used to enable precise
Up-convolution: A learned kernel is used to output a segmentation map which has
two channels one for the background and one for the foreground. The kernel maps each
feature vector to the 2 × 2 pixel output window subsequently by a nonlinear activation
To summarize, U-net combines spatial and feature information, simply put the loca-
tion information and the contextual information are extracted by the U-net to finally
obtain general information which is needed to predict a good segmentation map.

3.2 Modifying/Regularizing the U-Net

Overfitting refers when a machine learning model or a neural network follows the training
data closely and builds a perfect model around it but fails to generalize on new unseen
438 M. M. Qureshi and M. G. Qureshi

data. It is generally caused by noise in the data it is being trained on, the models pick up
the noise which is usually specific to that dataset.
This happens because the complexity of the network is too high. This could be
because of two reasons: 1. If we increase the number of hidden layers then the neural
network complexity increases. 2. When there are too many hidden layers the number of
parameters increases. Deep neural networks in general have an extremely large number
of parameters compared to the traditional statistical models. U-Net specifically has a
total number of parameters of 61.4 × 106 .
To make sure that the model does not overfit to the training data and captures more of
generalized features we introduced regularization. Since the variation can be huge in the
new data and if the model overfits the training data, it can tend to fail while segmenting
the new images, we decided on the method of L2 Regularization of weights.
Also, called Ridge Regression or weight decay, L2 Regularization. The loss function
used in the neural network is extended by a regularization term denoted by , which is
the sum over all squared weight values of a weight matrix, defined as the L2 norm.

(W ) = W 22 = wij2
i j

So as the weights go up the loss increases. By adding this term, the model tries to
minimize the weights. A method to keep the coefficients of the model small because as
the weights go up the loss increases and, in turn, the model becomes less complex.
To control, how much of the weights affect the model there is an additional hyper-
parameter introduced in the neural network, Alpha. Alpha is sometimes called the reg-
ularization rate. Thus, in general terms, alpha defines how much the model needs to be
Here, if Alpha is zero then we aren’t penalizing or making any change to the loss
function. However, if Alpha is very large then it will add too much weight and it will
lead to under-fitting. It’s important how we choose Alpha (Fig. 2).
α α  2
L̂(W ) = W 22 + L(W ) = wij + L(W )
2 2
i j

3.3 Dataset
The dataset used for the experiment was developed from the Casia V2.0 Dataset for Image
Splicing by [6]. The dataset primarily consists of 7200 original untampered images,
which were then morphed using splicing or copy-move techniques. The total number of
edited images numbered 5123. Each edited image was paired with a mask image which
represented the manipulated region, which was used as the y-label for training the model.

3.4 Data Augmentation

To increase the amount of data available for training and testing purposes we used the
strategy of augmenting the available data. Data Augmentation is a strategy through
which one significantly improves the amount of data available, without collecting data,
by augmenting or transforming the data we already have. There are various techniques
which include cropping, flipping, padding etc. (Fig. 3).
Image Forgery Detection & Localization Using Regularized U-Net 439

Fig. 2. Example of a model with good fit and high variance.

We used the following techniques for augmenting our data:

• Horizontal Flipping: Reversing the entire rows and columns of an image pixels
(Fig. 4(i)).
• Transpose: Transpose the input by swapping rows and columns (Fig. 4(ii)).
• Rotate: Randomly rotate the input by 90 degrees zero or more times (Fig. 4(iii)).
• Elastic: deformation of images as described in [10] (with modifications) (Fig. 4(iv)).

Fig. 3. Tampered image and corresponding mask

Fig. 4. Augmented images

440 M. M. Qureshi and M. G. Qureshi

4 Results
The regularized network was trained for 20 epochs on the augmented data with the
L2 regularization with a learning rate (alpha) of 0.0001 which provided the following
results. The F1 score, which is the harmonic mean of precision and recall, provides a
better metric to understand the output of the model. The loss function used in the model
was binary cross entropy (Fig. 5).
A detailed list of Parameters & Hyperparameters used:

• Batch size: 8
• Steps per Epoch: 64
• Epochs: 20
• Learning Rate: 0.0001
• Regularizer: L2 Loss
• Regularization Type: Kernel
• Loss: Binary Cross Entropy
• Optimization Algorithm: Adam
• Metric: F1 Score
• Input Size: 512*512*3
• Training Set Size: 3277
• Validation Set Size: 820
• Test Set Size: 1025
• Data Augmentation Techniques: Horizontal Flipping, Transpose, Rotation, Elastic

Fig. 5. Graphical representation of model loss & F1 score for each epoch

As the model was loaded with pretrained ‘Imagenet’ weights, the training F1 score
reached a figure above 0.90 after initial few epochs, the highest F1 score recorded was
0.9614 during epoch 9, the model ended with an F1 score of 0.9604. The validation F1
score also reached above 0.90 very quickly then stabilized at around 0.9486 till the end
of training.
The loss figures instead took a very gradual decline, the training loss bottoming out
at 0.2701 while the validation loss was floating around 0.31 after the 10th epoch.
The test results show some promising performance in identifying and localizing
the tampered sections of the image, as shown in Fig. 6. In the first example, it can be
noticed that the model has performed really well, segmenting the tampered region from
Image Forgery Detection & Localization Using Regularized U-Net 441

the background, whereas in the second and third examples, we can notice that there are
relatively high amounts of pixels/regions being identified as tampered when compared
to the first example, even though the identification of non-tampered regions as tampered
is sparse,. This can be attributed to the fact when the background region and tampered
region pixels are having similar RGB pixel values.

Fig. 6. a) Tampered Image, b) Predicted manipulated region, c) Actual manipulated region

5 Conclusion
In this paper, we tried to identify image tampering using a U-Net model which was
regularized and modified using L2 regularization to reduce the total parameters used in
the model which improved the overall accuracy and F1 score of the model by avoiding
overfitting. Our experiments results were quite promising and since the model is not
constrained by type of the input image unlike few of the previous works the deep learning
442 M. M. Qureshi and M. G. Qureshi

model can be further improved by adding layers and filters which can help in identifying
the forged region. Further research can involve adding layers which can help in image
compression irrespective of image type like Discrete Cosine Transform which has been
previously used in detecting Forgery.

6 Limitations
As noted earlier, while the model identifies the tampered regions correctly, it also tends
to mark some of the surrounding pixels (sparsely) as tampered, this can be attributed
to when there is a continuity in the color of pixels of the tampered region and the
background. A possible solution is adding an external layer which can filter/remove out
all the sparse regions being identified as tampered.

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Incorporating Domain Knowledge in Machine
Learning for Satellite Image Processing

Ambily Pankajakshan(B) , Malay Kumar Nema, and Rituraj Kumar

Centre for Artificial Intelligence and Robotics, DRDO, Bangalore, India


Abstract. This paper highlights the need for incorporation of domain knowledge
in the context of satellite image processing. We take an application area of satellite
image processing and make our assertion for incorporation of human domain
knowledge. Traditionally, a machine learning based approach do not take general
human intelligence into account for training and classification. We suggest to
apply general human intelligence through suitable domain knowledge filters on
the outcome of a deep classifier network. The results of processing become more
suitable for human understanding and decision making after they pass through
the domain knowledge-based filters. We devise intuitive filters (not an exhaustive
set) and demonstrate the utility of incorporation of domain knowledge with the
example of air traffic infrastructure.

Keywords: Deep learning · Domain knowledge · Satellite image processing ·

Object classification · Object detection · Airstrip detection

1 Introduction and Prior Work

Deep learning algorithms [1] in association with suitable hardware [2, 3] have been
proven as an enabling tool for big data exploitation. So far, this powerful tool has been
performing exceptionally well in various application areas. The application areas are
ranging from image object classification and detection [4], video action/activity recog-
nition [5–7], face recognition [8], medical diagnosis [9], weather prediction [10] etc.
The area has been investigated for applications related to generative adversarial network
[11] as well. Despite the fact that the deep learning stack has been thoroughly explained
[12, 13], it was pointed out that the results are not understood/explainable. This is largely
attributed to the fact that traditionally the deep learning based methods do not provide
any means of capturing the domain knowledge as part of learning. To assist in this sit-
uation explainable AI [14] was developed which can coarsely be defined as a method
which provisions a better understanding of the results to users. In this paper we take
this approach and try to come up with results which are more meaningful for human

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D. Garg et al. (Eds.): IACC 2020, CCIS 1367, pp. 443–451, 2021.
444 A. Pankajakshan et al.

1.1 Satellite Image Processing

Satellite imagery provides a lot of coverage of features like clear/turbid water, dense
forest, grass/shrubs, barren land, built up areas and other man-made structures etc. These
features help in development planning. Collecting this much detail from alternate sources
is an effort intensive as well as time-consuming exercise. Assessing these features for
any changes with the help of satellite imagery is a faster and easier exercise.

Challenges of Satellite Image Processing

Satellite imagery comes with its own set of challenges which can primarily be divided
into two categories (i) data availability and handling and (ii) data processing and its
interpretation. If we consider data availability and handling, the availability of data is
dependent on access to appropriate data pertaining to the location of interest. Data han-
dling is largely associated with the availability of required storage and suitable hardware.
Most of the challenges associated to data availability and handling are nearly solved,
hence large volume of data is already available with the necessary storage capacity and
processing capabilities.
Challenges related to automated processing and its interpretation without human
in the loop are still being pursued. In the context of deep learning-based approaches,
relevant data collection, correct labeling and interpretation of satellite imagery are the
main challenges to be addressed in order to develop a system. Prior works on satellite
imagery have reported results in object detection in satellite images [15–17]. The article
[18] submits that satellite imagery cannot be used for prediction of development markers
reliably but we tend to differ. While existing work stops at object detection on the
input imagery, we extend the processing by adding one post processing filter. This filter
captures the human domain knowledge related to the intended detection.
In this paper we take airports/airstrips as an indicator of developmental possibilities.
Processing of satellite imagery for finding airports is susceptible to give segments of
express highways, toll booths, bridges, long fields as output because these objects, though
semantically different, possess largely overlapping features. Also, it can be noted that
sensors in satellites do not capture domain knowledge as part of imagery. We address
these challenges and assert that satellite imagery can be leveraged for assessment of
regional development. In Sect. 2 we give outline of our approach and introduce our
filtering logic. The filters are used for capturing the domain knowledge which otherwise
is not part of satellite imagery. In Sect. 3 we give the implementation details for our
approach and provide result and conclusions in Sect. 4.

2 Proposed Method

Regional development was always assumed to be predicated on the availability of rail-

ways. Nowadays, the development of a region gets a boost the moment an airstrip is
operational. Therefore, our work is focused on identifying airstrips which can later be
used as an indicator of developmental activities.
Incorporating Domain Knowledge in Machine Learning 445

2.1 Data Collection

For the purpose of capturing varying types of airstrips/airports we chose to select satellite
imagery of developing countries. The imagery was collected from open domain. Gen-
eral awareness towards developed airports and developing airports was used to select
the satellite imagery of the areas. Airstrip/airport images with large variance in their
development were selected for the purpose of training and testing. A set of 1000 images
were taken for this task.

2.2 Post Detection Filtering (Capturing Domain Knowledge)

In this section we deliberate on the filters (not an exhaustive set) for assessment of
development and elaborate the specific case of airstrips/airport. These filters capture
the domain knowledge and can help in effective decision making about assessment of
regional development. For example, let us denote a geographical region by G, urban
areas by U, cultivated area by C and barren land by B as detected by the deep learning
methods then the ratios of U/G can be a good assessment of urbanization; C/G will be
an indicator of agricultural development, and B/G gives a fair idea about the availability
of land where new development can start. These values can be reconciled with the
surveyed values. In case of any mismatch between these values and domain knowledge
about the area (generally available through surveys) a suitable correction to achieve
a realistic assessment can be obtained. This can be summarized by the block diagram
given in Fig. 1 below. The outcome of the object detection is subjected to a post detection
calculation and filtering based on domain knowledge. This step applies a threshold on the
outcome parameters from the deep network followed by application of human domain
knowledge filters. Application of the domain knowledge-based filtering leads to results
with enhanced precision.

Fig. 1. Schematic diagram of post detection filtering process

Here we make a point that the post detection calculations are not limited to the
suggested ratios. The key idea is to apply domain knowledge on these calculations. The
approach can be generalized as follows.
Let O be the outcome (set of objects) from deep learning classifier, M be the metric
set related to the data and D be the set of metrics from the domain knowledge then

O => S iff M (O)  D (1)

Where S is the set of objects selected as the desirable object set.

446 A. Pankajakshan et al.


O => V (2)

Where V is the set for review by experts for further correction if required. It is to
be noted that the number of elements in M and the details they capture is an important
aspect of domain knowledge filtering concept.

Application to Airstrip/Airport Detection

The accuracy of the learning-based classifiers is predicated largely on the quality of
labeled data on which it is trained. It can be observed from the structure of deep
learning framework that the features are analyzed to great details at different resolu-
tion levels. Similar structures which may not be semantically airports but possess the
same/similar/overlapping feature set comes up as the deep network output. While this
outcome cannot be attributed as incorrect labeling or incorrect performance of deep
learning algorithm, the outcome is not usable as it is. To a certain level, application of
a threshold on the detection accuracy helps. Still a large number of similar objects pass
through it. Our approach plans to capture the domain knowledge to filter the detection
done by the deep learning method. In this we apply the knowledge about airstrip dimen-
sions which are measurable through images and locations which are available as part of
the metadata of the satellite imagery.

3 Our Implementation

We used YOLO V4 [19] based on CSPdarknet-53 as the backbone for our imple-
mentation. We further subdivided the airports/airstrips into two subclasses, namely
(i) developed-airport and (ii) undeveloped-airstrips. Following are the implementation
details of training and testing.

3.1 Training

In our implementation we chose the following hyperparameters of the network. These

are mainly driven by the knowledge of the input data dimensions, number of images in
the data set and capability of the available hardware (Table 1).

Table 1. Chosen hyper parameters

Batch 64 Channels 3
Subdivisions 32 Max 6000
Width 608 Steps 4800,5400
Height 608 Filters 21
Incorporating Domain Knowledge in Machine Learning 447

In order to reap benefits of transfer learning, convolutional weights that are pre-
trained on Imagenet on darknet53 model were used as starting point. Our training set
had 732 images which were labeled into the two classes as mentioned above. We used
NVIDIA K-80, 12 GB GPU for training and testing. The focus of our work is to intro-
duce the human domain knowledge filtering post detection. Therefore, the data was not
augmented with techniques like adversarial training, generative adversarial training etc.

3.2 Testing
The trained model was tested for performance using the test data set. The images in the
test data were the images which were not used for training purpose. For the performance
metric we chose to use the mean average precision (mAP) at 6000 iterations. The mAP
for the developed-airport class was 52.35% and for undeveloped-airstrips class, the
mAP obtained was 45.56%. Finally, for the full training the mean average precision
([email protected]) is 0.489525, or 48.95%.

3.3 Post Detection Filter (Capturing Domain Knowledge)

In this section we give details of domain filtering implementation specific for
airstrip/airport. Our post processing filter is based on a few filtering parameters which
may not be easily provided to the deep network for training. However, these parameters
are part of domain knowledge for a person of civil infrastructure development team.
These parameters are size and location. In other words, the set M in case of airstrips
consist of size and lat-long. Typically, a runway has to cater for a length that allows
safe take-off and landing by an aircraft. This length is further dependent on the type of
aircraft, altitude etc. The analysis for obtaining the runway length is out of scope of the
present paper and we take this as given knowledge. If the runway is denoted by R then
Rmin and Rmax are the minimum and maximum lengths for the desirable runway length.
A filtering on this parameter will avoid small construction areas, long and medium
expressway segments etc. Further, if the location (latitude-longitude) of the object is
denoted by L [lat, long] then the knowledge of runway location within the land mass will
lead to reliable detection and hence will avoid objects like large ships, speed-boats and
their wake. In other words the set D consists of Rmin , Rmax and L [lat, long] . Let any object
as given in the outcome of the deep learning classifier be O then the object with the
measurement of dimensions be Od and the object with lat-long meta data be OL .
Let A be the desirable set of airstrips then

A = O[d , L] : Rmin ≤ d ≤ Rmax and L[lat, long]  G (3)

Where G is a geographical region known to be bounded with valid lat-long. For our
implementation we had chosen Rmin and Rmax as 1.5 km and 5.0 km respectively.

4 Results and Conclusion

In this section we report the results from two perspectives. The first one is confirming the
correctness of the object detection from deep network. The correctness of the detection
448 A. Pankajakshan et al.

Fig. 2. Three objects of type developed airport detected with 99% confidence score. This result
is part of experiment for confirming the correctness of detection. This image is not part of satellite
data set of Sri Lanka.

Fig. 3. Object of type developed airport detected with 99% confidence score. This result is part
of experiment for confirming the correctness of detection. This image is from the satellite data set
of Sri Lanka.

can be observed in the results as given in Fig. 2, Fig. 3 and Fig. 4. The second perspective
is for our contribution i.e. post detection filtering.

After assurance of good training of the deep learning network, we continued the
experimentation on validation data of 1000 satellite images. For the purpose of covering
a self-sufficient region, we chose open source satellite imagery of Sri Lanka. The deep
Incorporating Domain Knowledge in Machine Learning 449

Fig. 4. Object of type undeveloped airstrip detected with 85% confidence score. This result is
part of experiment for confirming the correctness of detection. This image is not from the satellite
data set of Sri Lanka.

network detected 213 objects with 3 false negatives. These numbers were reduced to 65
airport objects after application of accuracy threshold of 0.55. When the object detector
was run on the chosen set of images, the outcome O was not only the airports. Upon
examination it was found that the output consists of all the objects which maps to a
similar feature set as airport. These objects were typically long straight stretches like
segments of express highways, tollbooths at highways, long field etc. As a classifier,
the machine has done the correct job but these objects are not semantically airstrip or
airport. A lot of spurious objects were dropped when we applied the threshold on the
confidence score. Still a lot of objects remained in the outcome as airport. One such
result detecting a road segment as an airport is given in Fig. 5. This type of results needs
to be reduced/eliminated in order to improve the detection.
The detection outcome which consisted of True Positives (like the ones in Fig. 2,
Fig. 3, and Fig. 4) and False Positives (like the one given in Fig. 5) was then subjected
to our filtering logic for further refinement of the results.

Result After Application of Domain Knowledge Filtering

Our filtering logic as defined in Sec 3.3 provided a reliable outcome. After the application
of filter, the resultant objects reduced to 20 including 8 False Positives. The number of
objects after filtering was far less than the initial estimate by the deep learning classifier.
In other words, it can be stated that the application of domain knowledge filter has
resulted in better quality of outcome both from the perspective of accuracy as well as
human understanding. The results are summarized in Table 2.
Effectively, the precision improved to 0.60 from the original value of 0.056 after
application of post classification filter. The proposed filtering method is not exhaustive.
The parameters in the filter can still be increased by many other elements such as terrain
information. Inclusion of a greater number of relevant filtering elements can lead to
a generalized domain filter and hence a better performance on a variety of terrain. As
concluding remark, it can be stated that an exercise containing good quality data, accurate
labeling and well-trained classifier/detector can still result in an outcome which may not
450 A. Pankajakshan et al.

Fig. 5. Segment of road detected as undeveloped airstrip with 95% confidence score. Elimination
of false positives like this using the domain knowledge filtering is the aim of this paper.

Table 2. Outcomes before and after application of domain knowledge filter

Before application of domain filter After application of domain filter

True positives 12 12
False positives 201 8
Precision 0.056 0.6
Recall 0.8 0.8

be qualitatively up to the mark. We again make assertion for capturing of general human
intelligence in the form of domain knowledge filter for improving the quality of the

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Enabling Oil Production Forecasting Using
Machine Learning

Bikash Kumar Parhi(B) and Samarth D. Patwardhan

Maharashtra Institute of Technology (WPU), Pune 411038, MH, India

[email protected]

Abstract. Machine learning is defined as an application of artificial intelligence

where available information is used through algorithms to process or assist the
processing of any set of data. There is growing evidence of machine learning
being used in many oil and gas industry operations for better predictions, right
from facies identification to pipeline maintenance, thereby enhancing safety sig-
nificantly. The rate of a production well decreases with time and this relationship
is known as the decline curve. Decline curve analysis is a graphical method used
for analyzing oil and gas production rates and forecasting future performance,
thereby assisting in overall field performance management. Arp’s decline curve
analysis is usually the most common method which includes a comprehensive set
of equations defining the exponential, harmonic and hyperbolic declines which
can only be applied in case of a stabilized production trend. This paper focuses on
predicting the decline curve by using appropriately designed neural networks and
machine learning algorithms irrespective of production trend. The feature vectors
are geological location of the well, production data, pressure data, and operating
constraints. Fine tuning these parameters lead us to predict the performance of a
well with reasonable certainty.

Keywords: Machine learning · Decline curve · Oil and gas production · Neural

1 Introduction – A Brief About Oil and Gas

Petroleum is a naturally occurring black organic substance found in geological forma-
tions beneath earth’s crust. Petroleum engineering is a study which includes survey and
planning of a field which is termed as a ‘Reservoir’ followed by drilling and at last
completion for production from the well. There can be oil wells, gas wells or a com-
bination of two depending on the subsurface conditions of temperature and pressure.
After production from a well, crude or gas are stored in facilities from where they are
sent to refineries where they are processed, and are then supplied to industries or sent
in cargo to various depots and petrol pumps. From surveying for oil till its production,
the process is termed as “upstream” and from refinery till consumption the process is
termed “downstream”. Figure 1 shows a schematic of oil reservoir. A reservoir is always
formed when a porous rock is encountered in-between overlying and underlying lay-
ers of impermeable rock. The reservoir itself is highly porous and permeable which is

© Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2021

D. Garg et al. (Eds.): IACC 2020, CCIS 1367, pp. 452–464, 2021.
Enabling Oil Production Forecasting Using Machine Learning 453

said to have been trapped inside geological formations like folds, faults, anticlines. The
overlying layer is known as cap rock as it forms a seal for any further movement of

Fig. 1. Schematic of reservoir (earth & environmental sciences 1110 physical geology by Prof.
Stephen A. Nelson, Tulane University)

Figure 2 shown below is a schematic of a petroleum well under production with

various surface and sub surface units. Christmas tree is the main component attached
above surface equipment which regulates the flow and helps in shutting off the main flow
during testing operation as well as while performing well activation and stimulation jobs.
Other main components are the ‘subsurface casings’, ‘packers’ which are used to hold
the production tube in position and for zone isolation. Perforations as shown in the
schematic as carried out with help of perforating guns after casing is run and cemented.
A petroleum reservoir (oil and gas) is a subsurface pool of hydrocarbons contained
in porous or fractured rock formations. Geological and geophysical survey is the first
step in the development of any field. This helps us in estimating the crude hydrocarbon
volume as well as the size of the reservoir. The total volume estimate of hydrocarbon
crude is known as OOIP (Original oil in place) which is a function of porosity and water
saturation of the reservoir. Only after the survey is carried out and interpreted, further
development of the field is done only if the volume estimate is productive enough to carry
out huge investments in drilling and completion. Post surveying operation, drilling plans
are made which constitute hydraulics design, drill bit design, casing and cementing plans.
Drilling and casing are carried out as per the plan. Completion of the well is followed up
with the use of various surface and subsurface production equipment like Christmas tree,
subsurface valves, gas sleeves, etc. Perforations are done in the casing at the required
depth with help of detonators and shaped charges which act as the passage for flow of
crude from reservoir to the wellbore.
Once a well starts to produce, the production rate is maximum initially and gradually
decreases with time over years due to various factors. The main factor is because the
reservoir pressure gradually decreases as crude comes out of the reservoir over time.
454 B. K. Parhi and S. D. Patwardhan

Fig. 2. Well schematic under production phase after completion with casings and perfora-
tions (

Various other factors which leads to drop in production rate are due to scale and asphal-
tene formation inside the wellbore, blocking of the rock pores or fluid paths through
which crude flows inside formation. There are treatments and remedies like fracking
(hydraulic and mechanical both) which are used for well activation or well stimulation,
in order to bypass the created damage.

1.1 Machine Learning in Oil and Gas

Machine learning methods are being increasingly deployed across various oil and gas
industry operations. These methods are frequently performed to expedite/automate oper-
ations or to assist with laborious assignments, many a times enhancing safety of the crew.
The benefits of employing machine learning methods include increased speed of exe-
cution, reproducibility, and consistency, thereby providing an overall cost advantage to
the operator.
Application of these methods in the oil and gas industry are diverse and some have
been studied while carrying out literature review. Some very efficient and useful appli-
cations that have been successfully carried out using Machine learning are - Shale dis-
crimination using AI (André et al. 2013), Screening of EOR/IOR techniques using ML
(Alvarado et al. 2002), Prediction of PVT parameters using ML (Ramirez et al. 2007),
ML used for production performance optimization (Bowie et al. 2018), ML for improved
directional drilling survey (Pollock et al. 2018), Modeling ETR in unconventional reser-
voir using ML (Vyas et al. 2017), Detecting failures and optimizing performance in
Artificial Lift using ML (Pennel et al. 2018). From all of these application, the most
important aspect is that it is a fast, reliable process and gives a prediction which is com-
parable with the original results from predefined equations and industry benchmarked
Enabling Oil Production Forecasting Using Machine Learning 455

software tools. Thus ML can be used to increase the efficiency of operations without
any risk. These methods have also been evaluated for petro physical and geo-technical
analyses and interpretations, which are commonly performed by human experts on the
basis of log data and, when available, seismic and core data.
Some other general applications of machine learning in oil and gas industry are
smarter maintenance, predictive analysis, health and performance optimization, and
smarter operations. Smarter Maintenance is the approach or applications that help in
a smarter maintenance of field and personnel with very low downtime. Reactive Mainte-
nance (RM) is the most basic approach which involves letting an asset run until failure.
It is suitable for non-critical assets that have little to no immediate impact on safety
and have minimal repair or replacement costs so that they do not warrant an investment
in advanced technology. Preventative Maintenance (PM) approach is implemented in
hopes that an asset will not reach the point of failure. The preventative maintenance
strategy can be formulated on a: fixed time schedule or operational statistics and man-
ufacturer/industry recommendations of good practice. Condition-Based Maintenance
(CBM) is a proactive approach that focuses on the physical condition of equipment and
how it is operating. CBM is ideal when measurable parameters are good indicators of
impending problems. Predictive Maintenance (PdM) is implemented for more complex
and critical assets. It relies on the continuous monitoring of asset performance through
sensor data and prediction engines to provide advanced warning of equipment problems
and failures. Risk-Based Maintenance (RBM) enables comprehensive decision making
to plant operations and maintenance personnel using PdM, CBM and PM outcomes.
Predictive analytics together with PdM can lead to the identification of issues that may
not have been found otherwise. Predictive analytics software keeps a track of historical
operational signatures of each asset and compares it to real-time operating data to detect
even the precise changes in equipment behavior. With Predictive asset analytics software
solutions, oil and gas organizations get early warning notifications of equipment issues
and potential failures which help them to take corrective measures and improve overall
performance which Health and Performance Optimization of ML. For Smarter Opera-
tions with the help of predictive analytics, they can ascertain and comprehend actual and
expected performance for an asset’s current ambient, loading and operating conditions.

1.2 Production Trend and Decline Curve

After a well is completed (cased, cemented, perforated), the well is ready to start pro-
duction. Production from well starts generally at a high rate and decreases continuously
with time. There may be only oil production, only gas or combination of both which
depends on the temperature and pressure in the subsurface. Water is also accompanied in
production along with the hydrocarbons. The graph between production rate and time is
known as the decline curve. The decline curve shows the production trend of the well for
that period of time. This graph can be extrapolated to get the Estimated Ultimate Recov-
ery (EUR) of the well, which is the maximum hydrocarbons which can be recovered
with feasible commercials. Some remaining crude is always left out in the subsurface
which is known as Irreducible Oil (IR) and can be recovered partially with Enhanced Oil
Recovery or Improved Oil Recovery (EOR/IOR) methods. The trend also gives a future
estimate about the life of the well by determining the EUR. It is also used in production
456 B. K. Parhi and S. D. Patwardhan

forecasting which can be used by extrapolating the trend line to the required time (or

1.3 Decline Curve Analysis (DCA)

This is a graphical method used for analysis of declining production rates and fore-
casting future performance of oil and gas wells. Prediction of future oil well or gas
well production is done based on the concept of “history match” of the past production
As shown in Fig. 3 below, the production rate vs time is a declining curve primarily
due to the loss of reservoir pressure, and changing relative volumes of the produced
fluids. The red line indicates the decline curve trend.

Fig. 3. The graph illustrates a production vs time curve from an oil well (Fetkovich et al. 1996)

Arp’s Decline Curve. This analysis is usually the most common empirical method for
performing a decline curve analysis. This includes a comprehensive set of equations
defining the exponential, harmonic and hyperbolic declines. Stabilized production trend
is a criteria which needs to be satisfied while using Arp’s decline curve analysis.
Arp’s general equation of decline is given in Eq. (1). q (t) is the flow rate at any time
‘t’, qi is the initial flow rate of the well, ‘b’ decline constant or co-efficient which values
range between 0 and 1, Di is the initial rate of decline.
q (t) = (1)
(1 + bDi t) /b
As per Arp’s decline analysis, the value of b = 0 for exponential, b = 1 for harmonic
and 0 < b < 1 for hyperbolic decline trends. The respective equations for flow rate in
the three types of decline trend is given in Eq. (2), (3), (4).

q (t) = qi e−dt (2)

Enabling Oil Production Forecasting Using Machine Learning 457

q (t) = (3)
(1 + Di t)
q (t) = (4)
(1 + bDi t) /b
Figure 4 below depicts typical empirical decline curves used in the upstream oil
and gas industry, to match and forecast the production till a well’s economic ultimate
recovery (EUR).

Fig. 4. Production vs time graph for three types of decline curve trend as per Arp’s DCA (Arp’s
et al. 1944)

2 Objectives, Methodology and Workflows

In this work, a machine learning technique is applied on a set of data to first match the
existing production history, and further predict the production, leading to an assessment
of how much oil/gas can be produced from the existing well. This prediction helps in
managing the field, from an operational standpoint. The dataset includes typical values
of parameters from oil and gas fields i.e., production history, pressure values, and well
logs. Artificial Neural Network (ANN) is the type of machine learning algorithm which
is employed in this work for the prediction of the decline curve. Data sets for training
of the algorithm are obtained from wells drilled in previously worked fields. A sigmoid
activation function is used and proper regression is applied to the data sets for obtaining
the decline curve trend. These trends are then compared with previously generated
decline curves from the actual field production data, and the model is further trained.
It is seen that with successful training of the algorithm, a reasonable accuracy from a
decline curve perspective is obtained.

2.1 Data Sets Acquisition

Data sets are procured from previously worked oil and gas fields for the purpose of
successful training of the machine learning algorithm. Sufficient sets of data are required
for a successful training of algorithm to ensure a high level of accuracy between the
458 B. K. Parhi and S. D. Patwardhan

match and the actual data. A well-trained algorithm will assist in predicting the curve,
for the operators to be able to analyze the field performance, and make critical investment
decisions regarding further drilling of new wells, or re-completion of existing wells. The
parameters included in the dataset include production history, wellhead pressure data,
and operational constraints.
The first set of data include production history of 5 oil wells within the same reservoir
with 17 years data. The production process is even accompanied with well activation or
activation methods which can be visible in the graphs plotted in this paper.
The second set of data includes production history of a well producing only gas for
5 years. The production trend in this case is a stabilized trend. Both sets of data are used
for training and testing of our designed model.

2.2 Neural Network Model Design

In the design of a typical neural network architecture, the number of hidden layers and
nodes in each layer play significant role in determining the performance of the algorithm
and hence, the final result. There is no rule as such and it depends on how effectively
we can choose our model so as to not over-fit any data and/or under-fit the results. The
network model that has been designed for this work is based on the availability of the
data sets. As we have two cases for oil and gas wells, the architecture is designed as

Case 1: For oil wells, sufficient data was available and thus the neural network architec-
ture constitutes of 3 layers with 1 input layer, 1 output layer and 1 hidden layer with 3
nodes in the hidden layer, as shown in Fig. 5 below.

Fig. 5. Model representation 1 for oil wells

Case 2: For a gas well, the architecture comprised of a simple neural network of 2 layer
with one input layer and one output layer, as shown in Fig. 6 below.

In this case, a hidden layer is not used as it was in earlier case. The reason is due to the
data sets which were included in training of the algorithm. For Gas well, a hidden layer
was added at first which lead to slow convergence of our cost function and the predicted
curve obtained was showing overfitting of the data. Thus to reduce this variance and for
Enabling Oil Production Forecasting Using Machine Learning 459

Fig. 6. Model representation 2 for gas wells

fast execution, a simple neural network with no hidden layer was used in case for gas
While training the model, in the step for forward propagation of our network we use
the following function:

H (θ, x, b) = θho G(θih · x + bih ) + bho (5)

Where H (θ, x, b) is the hypothesis function of our ANN obtained by adjusting the
weights/parameters (θ) and bias (b) from the training examples or input ‘x’. The
subscripts ‘ih’ and ‘ho’ represents the input to hidden and hidden to output terms
The activation function used is a sigmoid function:

G(x) = 1 (1 + e−x ) (6)

During the learning phase, for effective training of the neural networks, a squared
sum function (Eq. (7)) is used as the cost function for efficient learning of weights (θ )
and bias (b) respectively:
J (θ, b) = (H (θ, x, b))2 − Yi2 + a (θ 2 ) (7)

Where n = no of training examples, Yi = Actual Output, a = learning rate or decay rate

of cost function J.
An effective and efficient method of 1st order Gradient descent is applied with respect
to ‘θ ’ and ‘b’ for obtaining the parameters/weights ‘θ ’. Learning rate (a) is optimized
so as to obtain the best fit for our curve which is done by iterative selection method.
The obtained value found is 0.01 which is used as the learning or decay rate ‘a’ for our
The methodology applied for learning of the neural network model is called the Back-
propagation algorithm. At the start, all the weights/parameters are assigned with random
values. The neural network algorithm is activated with these randomly assigned values
of weights and tested for each input in the training dataset. The output obtained from
hypothesis is noted and compared with the actual output values. The difference between
the actual and the obtained output is compared and noted as error. This error value is
propagated back to the previous layer of the output and similarly further backwards until
460 B. K. Parhi and S. D. Patwardhan

the input layer. The error in each layer is noted and the randomly assigned values of
weights/parameters are adjusted as per the error values. This step goes to repeat until
the error obtained in output is minimal and our results of hypothesis matches with the
actual results/inputs. Once the above algorithm terminates, we obtain a trained/learned
neural network model which can now be used for future prediction.

3 Testing and Results

For training of the neural network, 70% of the data sets were used and the remaining
30% are used for testing of the model. As shown in Fig. 7, the blue dots represents the
actual production data from well logs and past production history (70% of the data) and
was used for training. The red curve represents the trend line obtained from hypothesis of
our neural network model. The trend line obtained is refined by adjusting the parameters
and bias of our algorithm which is achieved by proper selection of decay rate. Though
it can be observed that the trend line accurately cannot predict the deviation which are
caused by certain well activation or any other factor but the average prediction is good
and this further can be extrapolated to obtain the ultimate recovery and life of the well.
Remaining 30% of the data was used for testing purposes. The trailing part of the curve
shown in green is the result obtained and it can be seen that the model displays an
accurate fit as per the trend line. The accuracy of any model depends on how well we
choose the number of layers in neural networks and also on the decay rate which in turn
determines the weights or parameters of the model. Once a good trend line was obtained
using the developed neural architecture, the testing results were accurate fit to the trend
line and the real data set.

Fig. 7. Production rate vs time graph for an oil well 1.

The neural network model design is same for all the oil wells shown below that are
taken up for study. The difference in each of the cases is the proper optimization of the
cost junction J (Eq. (3)) so as to obtain the proper weights or parameters and bias.
Enabling Oil Production Forecasting Using Machine Learning 461

As shown in Fig. 8(a) for well 2, the production trend obtained is giving an average
fit to maximum sets of data and the final result obtained by using the testing data set is
shown in the trailing part of the graph in green which shows an accurate fit to the trend
line. The production trend is declining in a regular manner.
In Well 3 and Well 4, as shown in Fig. 8(b) and Fig. 8(d), it can be observed that
it is showing a very irregular production pattern. It is showing very high rate in certain
days which are mainly triggered due to the activation of well. The actual trend is both
increasing and decreasing. It was a challenge to get a good fit but with various iterations
for obtaining the appropriate decay rate, it was finally possible to get the appropriate
values of weights and bias and it can be inferred from the end parts (in green) of the
graph which shows the testing results which is very accurately fitting with the actual
data and trend line. Having a good hypothesis is a must in order for the model to obtain
the final results. Good hypothesis is obtained which is a function of proper selection of
neural network design, sufficient training set data so as to efficiently train our algorithm
and proper selection of decay rate for our cost function to help efficiently minimize the
critical parameters as well as bias.
In well 5 as shown in Fig. 8(c), the production data shows very steep decline during
initial years of production but the rate stabilizes after some years. The trend line as can
be seen doesn’t fit accurately with various initial data sets but the overall performance
of the function is good as it can predict the future values accurately when testing was
carried out with the last 30% of the datasets. Green part denotes the results of testing.

Fig. 8. From top left to bottom right the graphs are (a) for well 2, (b) for well 3, (c) for well 5,
(d) for well 4 showing the production rate vs time for each respectively. (Color figure online)
462 B. K. Parhi and S. D. Patwardhan

The graph shown below in Fig. (9) below is between cumulative oil production and
time in days for well 1. The same model was used as shown in Fig. (5) for obtaining
the desired trend. As before, 70% of the data was used for training while the remaining
30% of the inputs were used to obtain the predictions. As it can be shown our model is
perfectly trained and a perfect match to the original cumulative production is obtained.

Fig. 9. Cumulative oil production vs time for well

Result from Gas Well

A different neural network structure was used for the gas well model design. As shown
in Fig. 10, first 70% data was used for training of the model and remaining 30% for
testing purposes. The gas well shown is having a stabilized production trend and thus
hypothesis was a good fit to the actual trend. The test results are shown in green and it can
be observed how accurate the prediction is. This well is showing a regular production
decline trend and thus our model to actual is a significantly good match.

Fig. 10. Production vs time graph obtained from gas well under study

4 Conclusion
As the oil and gas industry is adopting the machine learning techniques to better under-
stand and interpret data, this work is focused on proposing a new and efficient approach
Enabling Oil Production Forecasting Using Machine Learning 463

for predicting the decline curve or the production trend by using appropriately designed
neural network algorithms. The variables for input are production history, operational
constraints, and by adjusting the parameters of weight and bias of our neural network
model, it is observed and concluded that a proper decline curve trend has been obtained
for any well within the reservoir or field of study. Analysis of the decline curve help us
determine the life of a well and also used for reserve estimation purpose. In short, how
much oil/gas is down there in the reservoir, and how much of it has been produced, and
how much remains to be produced still.
There are even certain limitations of machine learning approach, for e.g. finding
patterns is sometimes difficult and more often the availability of enough dataset for
training purpose is a major issue. Because of these issues, many ML algorithms do not
give the required output/result as expected. Other limitations of ML are biased dataset
where in the data used for training and validation is itself not in proper order or format
due to which the output is not correct as the programmer expects.
The proposed ANN method is a fast and reliable method for production forecasting
which can be employed in oil and gas production operations. Sufficient data set acqui-
sition and proper training of the neural network are the two important factors which
determine the efficiency of the designed ANN model. For the available data at our dis-
posal, we were able to accurately match the data and forecast it with reasonable accuracy.
This will help the operators in planning their field exploitation strategies with optimum

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Website References:
TABot – A Distributed Deep Learning
Framework for Classifying Price Chart Images

Matthew Siper(B) , Kyle Makinen, and Raman Kanan

CS6513 CSE NYU Tandon School of Engineering, New York University,

Brooklyn, NY 11201, USA
[email protected]

Abstract. In this work, we propose a framework called TABot, a distributed

deep learning (DL) framework for classifying price chart images. The deep learn-
ing engine we outline consists of an ensemble of convolutional neural networks
employed for classifying price chart images. We present three workflows that com-
pose our framework. The first is the data sourcing workflow: a distributed asyn-
chronous pipeline to collect price data and programmatically generate candlestick
charts. We measure the processing times of our distributed solution relative to a
synchronous analog to identify a nominal processing time differential between the
two solutions. The second is the model training workflow. We again leverage a
distributed asynchronous pipeline to train each convolutional neural network in a
parallel fashion. We measure the processing time of our parallel solution and com-
pare to a synchronous analog. The third is the prediction workflow. We introduce
a simple scheme for collecting the prediction output of each component model
in an ensemble network model. Our results support the viability of convolutional
neural networks to classify price chart images. The TAbot architecture addition-
ally highlights the benefit of utilizing elastic computing environments to manage
computational and data persistence costs incurred by deep learning frameworks.

Keywords: Deep learning · Convolutional neural network · Distributed pipeline


1 Introduction
Recent breakthroughs in deep learning and elastic computing have increased access to
the compute machinery necessary to persist and train models performant on complex
tasks. Many deep learning techniques have been applied to financial time series data as
a means of forecasting for financial assets. A recurrent neural network is an example
architecture that is often implemented for this purpose. However, such implementations
require vast amounts of price data to effectively meet forecasting objectives.
By contrast, one benefit we see to leveraging a convolutional neural network archi-
tecture is no price data in the underlying security is required to make predictions. Instead,
the convolutional neural network requires only images of price charts for model training
and pattern prediction. In this work, we train an ensemble model consisting of sev-
eral convolution neural networks using computer-generated candlestick charts produced

© Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2021

D. Garg et al. (Eds.): IACC 2020, CCIS 1367, pp. 465–473, 2021.
466 M. Siper et al.

by the TABot data sourcing workflow. We use the prediction accuracy achieved on a
validation set of images to measure model quality.
This paper is structured as follows. Section 2 describes related work of deep learning
applications to financial domains and a discussion of pipeline architectures implemented
in nonfinancial domains. In Sect. 3, we introduce the three workflows that compose
TABot: data sourcing, training, and prediction. In Sect. 4, we explain the experiments
conducted to measure model quality and processing performance of the data sourcing and
training workflows relative to respective synchronous analogs and present our results.
Section 5 includes our concluding remarks and suggestions for future work.

2 Related Work
Applying deep learning models to time series data is not a new technique. Deep learn-
ing applicability to price forecasting is particularly relevant for financial instruments.
For example, Sreelekshmy et al. [1] leverage deep learning and various linear models
(e.g. AR, ARMA, ARIMA) to predict future price values in the NSE index. Devadoss
et al. [2] use a multilayer perceptron implementation to forecast price values. Each of
these techniques involves fitting a deep learning model to predict a continuous value.
To achieve high model quality with such implementations requires large amounts of
continuous price data for model training.
Our implementation differs in that we train an ensemble model of convolutional
neural networks to classify price patterns of stocks. This architecture requires labeled
images of price patterns for model training in lieu of actual price data. This distinction
suggests that less complex normalization techniques may be required to achieve model
generality compared to techniques that are common amongst multivariate regression
Distributed pipeline architectures are used in many domains where big data is preva-
lent for which there is an abundance of research and data available. For example, Dean
et al. [3] propose a large scaled distributed deep learning software framework called Dis-
tBelief, whereby the authors introduce several novel distributed optimization strategies
that allowed for faster training across CPU cluster versus GPU hardware. Gupta et al.
[4] proposes Rudra, a server architecture for training large-scale deep neural networks
that would assist with scaling TABot image patterns and batch sizes. Akiba et al. [5] and
Tokui et al. [6] introduce a distributed deep learning framenwork called ChainerMN and
show state of the art parallelization efficiency when the framework is employed across
a cluster of GPUs. Dai et al. [7] introduce a deep learning framework called BigDL that
provides distributed training support directly on top of a functional compute model of
existing big data systems. Jacob et al. [8] leverage a RabbitMQ pipeline architecture for
processing real-time ECG data from patients. Moreno-Schneider et al. [9] build a simi-
lar pipeline architecture for NLP and content curation processing workflows. Robertsen
et al. [10] propose a pipeline architecture for mapping and processing marine matege-
nomic sequence data. In this work, we propose analogous pipeline architectures that
constitute the data sourcing and training workflows of TABot, respectively.
TABot – A Distributed Deep Learning Framework 467

3 Method
3.1 Data Sourcing Workflow
The data sourcing workflow is responsible for generating the training data required to fit
our ensemble network (see Fig. 1). The workflow is distributed across three independent
work paths. Each work path consists of two distributed asynchronous queues. Disjoint
subsets of tickers, where each subset represents a distinct pattern label, are dispatched to
their target path by a Processor object. The execution path details of the data sourcing
process are summarized below.

Step 1. The Processor object publishes a disjoint set of tickers in the form of messages
to its write queue.
Step 2. The ChartBuilderWorker reads a message from its queue and extracts the ticker
and the pattern from the message. The worker then uses the ticker value and makes an
API call to Yahoo to retrieve price data for the last 120 days (this value represents a
default parameter that is overridden by a lookback period variable). The worker uses
this data to construct a candlestick chart using the Matplotlib library. The resultant chart
is saved as a JPEG file in the designated pattern directory. Finally, the worker publishes
a message to its write queue. This message contains the absolute file path of the locally
persisted image.
Step 3. The UploaderWorker reads the published message from its read queue and
extracts the absolute file path for the given image. The worker then increments its inter-
nal message counter variable and checks whether it is greater than the preconfigured
threshold. If it is, then the worker issues a bulk upload command to copy the locally
persisted images to their designated S3 bucket in AWS. Finally, the worker deletes the
images from the local file directory and resets its internal counter to zero.

Fig. 1. Architecture diagram of the distributed data sourcing workflow.

3.2 Training Workflow

The training workflow is responsible for model fitting (see Fig. 3). Model fitting is
done in a distributed asynchronous pipeline analogous to the data sourcing workflow.
468 M. Siper et al.

The training workflow is parallelized across three independent work paths. Each work
path consists of a queue and a corresponding ModelWorker object. A Processor object
dispatches a training message, which contains the key-value pairs that collectively define
how the training process will be executed by a ModelWorker upon its read operation.
The training process carried out by each distributed ModelWorker is summarized below.

Step 1. The ModelWorker reads the training message from its queue and extracts the key-
value pairs that collectively define the training instruction to be executed. One such item
in the message is the model_configuration_value key that maps to a config-uration object
defined within the TABot framework. The configuration object con-tains the parameters
used to configure the model (e.g. the shape of each convolutional layer or the pooling
scheme to use), and hyperparameter tuning instructions, if any.
Step 2. The worker checks its local data, validation, and model directories to see if the
expected file hierarchies exist. If the file does not exist, then the ModelWorker creates
Step 3. The worker downloads the S3 image directories to its local data directory.
Step 4. The worker collects ten twenty percent of the image files from each pattern label
and moves each image to its corresponding pattern directory under the validation root
Step 5. The worker checks if a model file exists in its model directory. If a model file
exists, then the worker loads it in and begins fitting the model. If no such model exists,
or if the from_scratch key from the training message was set to true, then the worker
constructs a new model from scratch according to the mapped configuration object. If
the tune key in the training message was set to true, then the training process consists of
the hyper tuning algorithm outlined in Fig. 2 below.
Step 6. After the worker has finished its training process, the model is saved to its
corresponding model directory and the worker waits for the next training message to
arrive at its queue.

3.3 Prediction Workflow

The prediction workflow is responsible for fetching the predicted label and probability
from each component-model and mapping predictions based on an ensemble scheme.
Since the focus of our work was to evaluate the viability of using a convolutional neural
network architecture for price pattern classification, we opted for a logical and simple
ensemble scheme.
The scheme consists of two rules that map the set of component-model predictions
to one ensemble prediction. The first rule is to search for the most common label in a set
of component-model outputs. If such a label is identified in the prediction set, then we
compute the confidence for this prediction as the average of all the confidence intervals
in the prediction set that correspond to the predicted label. The second rule is if no
common label exists in the prediction set, then the label with the highest confidence is

Step 1. A ChartBuilderWorker object uses the ticker value selected by the user via the
dropdown event to make an API call to Yahoo to fetch price data for the last 120 days (this
TABot – A Distributed Deep Learning Framework 469

max_pooling_sizes [(2,2), (3,3), (4,4)]
convolution_sizes [16, 32, 64]
dropout_factors [0, 0.25, 0.5]
activation_functions [‘relu’]
optimizers ['rmsprop’, ‘adam’]
epochs [5, 16, 32]
steps_per_epoch_options [1, 2, 4]

for each parameter_combination in training_parameters do
model model.COMPILE(parameter_combination)
current_accuracy model.PREDICT(test_data)
if current_accuracy > optimal_accuracy then optimal_parameters pa-


Fig. 2. Hyper-parameter tuning algorithm pseudo-code.

Fig. 3. Architecture diagram of the distributed training workflow.

value represents a default parameter that is overridden by a lookback period variable).

The worker uses this data to construct a candlestick chart using the Mat-plotlib library.
The resultant chart is saved as a JPEG file in the live-cache local directory.
Step 2. The candlestick chart is rendered in the UI.
470 M. Siper et al.

Step 3. The locally persisted JPEG file is read and converted into to a 300 × 300 matrix
of triplets, whereby each triplet represents the scalar values of red, blue, and green,
respectively, present in the corresponding pixel.
Step 4. The pixel matrix is iteratively fed to each component-model and the subsequent
prediction output is appended to a results dictionary.
Step 5. The ensemble scheme is applied to the results dictionary to compute the ensemble
model prediction. The ensemble prediction is then appended to the results dictionary.
Step 6. The contents of the results dictionary, which contains the prediction output of
the ensemble model and the prediction outputs of each component-model are rendered
in a table within the client UI.

4 Empirical Evidence

This work seeks to answer three questions. The first is whether a convolutional neural
network architecture can be used to classify price chart images. The second is what
performance gains can be realized by distributing data sourcing workflow relative to a
synchronous analog? Similarly, the third is what performance gains can be realized by
distributing the training workflow relative to its synchronous analog? We will address
questions two and three in Sect. 4.1 and 4.2 below followed by Sect. 4.3 where we draw
conclusions on our primary experiment of interest to test the viability of convolutional
neural networks to identify chart patterns.

4.1 Experiment 1 – Measuring Data Sourcing Workflow Performance

In this section, we describe the experiment conducted to answer question two: what
performance gains can be realized by distributing the data sourcing workflow relative
to its synchronous analogs? The first step was to collect 300 tickers from each of the
price pattern labels (wedgeup, wedgedown, horizontal, and no pattern). These tickers
were sourced from the FinViz screener tool and stored in a variable locally scoped to
the Processor object.
Next, we defined two additional processing environments of varying synchronicity.
In the first environment, which we labeled the Synchronous environment, all processing
was executed in a continuous single-threaded block of code using one locally instantiated
ChartBuilderWorker and one UploaderWorker instance. The second environment, which
we refer to as the One_work_path environment, consisted of one work path (i.e. two
asynchronous queues), as oppose to the three independent work paths present in the
Distributed workflow (see Fig. 4).

Fig. 4. Schematic of the One_work_path workflow.

TABot – A Distributed Deep Learning Framework 471

Each environment executed the data sourcing workflow ten times. Their respective
nominal processing times were recorded. The results, listed in Table 1 below, confirm
that the Distributed environment was significantly faster than both the Synchronous and
One_work_path environments, respectively.

Table 1. Average processing time of the data sourcing workflow per environment.

Environment Average runtime (s)

Synchronous ~ 50000
One_work_path 547
Distributed 298

4.2 Experiment 2 – Measuring Training Workflow Performance

In this section, we describe the experiment conducted to answer question three: what
performance gains can be realized by distributing the training workflow relative to
its synchronous analog? Each component-model was trained using the data sourced
from Experiment 1. Specifically, the first 100 images from each pattern directory were
migrated to a target directory created for this experiment. We evaluated the nominal
runtime of the distributed training workflow and compared runtimes to the synchronous
environment. The synchronous environment executed the training of each component-
model iteratively within a single-threaded continuous block of code. The resultant run-
times, listed in Table 2 below, show that the synchronous environment was unexpectedly
faster than the distributed environment. We attributed much of this runtime differential
to network overhead and relatively small batch sizes.

Table 2. Average processing time of the training workflow per environment.

Environment Average runtime (s)

Synchronous 225.4
Distributed 365.7

4.3 Experiment 3 – Measuring Model Quality

In this section, we describe the experiment conducted to answer our primary question of
interest: how viable is a convolutional neural network architecture in the classification
of price chart images? To answer this question, we trained the ensemble model using
four different pattern labels. The labels we used were wedgeup, wedgedown, horizontal,
and no_pattern. The training data consisted of 600 images for each pattern. The labeled
472 M. Siper et al.

tickers were sourced from the FinViz screener tool. To source differentiable images
across pattern types, we set the pattern filter in the screener tool to ‘strong’ to minimize
weak pattern formations in the training data.
To source tickers for the no_pattern label, we selected 150 weak formations for each
of the other pattern labels in the label set. The remaining 150 tickers were selected ran-
domly from other patterns not represented in the label set. In order to increase model
robustness, each component-model was configured with a distinct lookback parame-
ter. This allowed for each-component model to learn periodicities, scales, and pattern
locations unique to each lookback period. Component-model 1 was configured with a
lookback period of 40 bars. Component-models 2 and 3 were configured with lookback
periods of 80 bars and 120 bars, respectively.
Twenty percent of the training data for each label was moved to a corresponding
validation directory. This validation set was used to measure model accuracy. The clas-
sification accuracies produced by the ensemble, as well as, each component-model are
presented in Table 3 below.

Table 3. Ensemble and component-model performance.

Model Accuracy
Component-model 1 72.6%
Component-model 2 79.7%
Component-model 3 76.3%
Ensemble Model 80.3%

5 Conclusion

In this work, we presented a framework called TABot, a distributed deep learning frame-
work for classifying price chart images. We sought to test convolutional neural net-
work viability for predicting chart patterns and the benefits of synchronous versus asyn-
chronous workflows. We showed that utilizing a distributed asynchronous architecture
for data sourcing was significantly faster than both the One_work_path and Synchronous
workflows, respectively. For model training, we found the distributed training workflow
was unexpectedly slower than its synchronous analog. We attributed this slowdown to
the costs incurred by network overhead and relatively small batch sizes.
As for convolutional neural network viability for chart pattern recognition, the accu-
racy achieved by our ensemble network was 80.3%. This performance confirms convo-
lutional neural network architectures can be employed to classify price chart images.
Future work to enhance the ensemble model and extend its practicality includes tech-
niques that measure variations within chart pattern labels to increase model robustness.
Key sources of variability include pattern size, coloring and orientation, all of which are
instrumental to producing actionable models.
TABot – A Distributed Deep Learning Framework 473

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Multi-class Emotion Classification Using EEG

Divya Acharya1(B) , Riddhi Jain2 , Siba Smarak Panigrahi3 , Rahul Sahni4 ,

Siddhi Jain4 , Sanika Prashant Deshmukh5 , and Arpit Bhardwaj1
1 Bennett University, Greater Noida, India
2 Jaipur Engineering College and Research Centre, Jaipur, India
[email protected]
3 Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, Kharagpur, India
[email protected]
4 Dr. B. R. Ambedkar National Institute of Technology Jalandhar, Jalandhar, India
[email protected], [email protected]
5 Fr. C. Rodrigues Institute of Technology, Navi Mumbai, India

[email protected]

Abstract. Recently, the availability of large EEG datasets, advancements in

Brain-Computer interface (BCI) systems and Machine Learning have led to the
implementation of deep learning architectures, especially in the analysis of emo-
tions using EEG signals. These signals can be generated by the user while per-
forming various mental, emotional and physical tasks thus, reflecting the brain
functionality. Extracting the important feature values from these unprocessed sig-
nals remain a vital step in the deployment. Fast Fourier Transformation proves to
be better than the traditional feature extraction techniques. In this paper we have
compared the deep learning models namely Long Short-term Memory (LSTM)
and Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) on 80–20 and 75–25 Train-Test splits.
The best result was obtained from LSTM classifier with an accuracy of 88.6% on
the liking emotion. CNN also gave a good accuracy of 87.72% due to its capability
to extract spatial feature from the input signals. Thus, both these models are quite
beneficial in this context.

Keywords: Emotion recognition · EEG · Convolutional neural network · Long

short-term memory networks · Deep learning

1 Introduction
Electroencephalography (EEG) signals track and record brain activities with small metal
discs with thin wires (electrodes) placed on the scalp. Analysis of EEG signals help
researchers, doctors to assess and diagnose brain and mental diseases. Due to com-
plex nature, noise, artefacts in EEG signals, and data from many patients making the
EEG signal analysis process time-consuming and may not always be accurate. Careful
analysis of EEG with computer algorithms provides valuable insights and helps better

© Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2021

D. Garg et al. (Eds.): IACC 2020, CCIS 1367, pp. 474–491, 2021.
Multi-class Emotion Classification Using EEG Signals 475

understanding of diseases like Stroke Diagnosis, Epilepsy Diagnosis, Autism Diagno-

sis, Sleep Disorder Diagnosis, Dementia Diagnosis, Alcoholism Diagnosis, Anesthesia
Monitoring, Coma and Brain Death, Brain Tumor Diagnosis [1]. The new and emerging
Brain-Computer Interfaces (BCIs) technology captures EEG signals and analyses and
translates it into the command to carry out the desirable tasks. Different researchers
have used different Machine Learning algorithms for improvement in the study of EEG
Emotions play a significant role in human beings as these are associated with the
brain and bring neurophysiological changes in thoughts, feelings, behavioral responses,
and a degree of pleasure or displeasure.

Fig. 1. Proposed model architecture for emotion recognition using EEG signal processing

Emotions are complex in nature as they involve various components like subjective
experience, cognitive processes, psychophysiological changes, and instrumental and
expressive behavior. Everyday interaction between humans like facial expression, voice,
the text provides primary data to researchers to identify human emotion, but it may not be
exactly how they are feeling but rather as they feel others would respond. EEG signals to
aid in identifying emotions as it gives a better understanding of participant’s underlying
responses captured at the time of observation [2]. As shown in Fig. 1, signals are captured
using electrodes. These signals are then filtered by removing the noises and artifacts,
which can be done by bandpass filtering. Removal of artifacts entirely is not possible,
as removal of artifacts entirely may result in the loss of some valuable information.
After filtering data, necessary features are extracted and shaped correctly to fit into a
classifying model for the analysis of several emotions. Once the model is implemented
successfully, it can be used to deploy various applications. Therefore, it offers high
accuracy for recognition of emotions as compared to voice or facial expression. Various
researchers worked on EEG data to classify emotional states using machine learning
algorithms like random forest [3], Naive Bayes [4], KNN [5], SVM with RBF kernel
function [6]. But very few researchers used deep learning algorithms like CNN [7] and
RNN [8] to analyze EEG signals.
476 D. Acharya et al.

In this paper, we are proposing a distinct comparison between two deep learning
architecture LSTM (Long Short-term Memory) & CNN (Convolution Neural Network),
in which we have split the pre-processed DEAP data into two splits, i.e., 75–25 and
80–20 where we received a good result. We are using LSTM as sequences tasks as they
can capture more dependency and predicts the sequence of data. The data used in this
paper is not continuous but is sequential, so LSTM offers excellent results. For CNN,
the prediction is much faster and is done in computationally efficient manner, that is why
CNN is in this research paper.

2 Related Work
S Tripathy et al. (2017) [9] explored Deep Neural Network (DNN) and Convolutional
Neural Network (CNN) for emotion classification on DEAP dataset. The proposed archi-
tecture of their DNN model is an input layer of 4040 units followed by 5000, 500 and
1000 hidden units in three hidden layers. The output layer is a 2 or 3 class softmax (Dunne
and Campbell (1997) [10]) classifier depending upon the requirement. Further the pro-
posed architecture of CNN was two convolutional layers, followed by Maxpooling and
Dropout layers, which connects to Fully Connected layers to provide the output. They
achieve an accuracy of 75.78% and 73.125% for DNN and 81.406% and 73.36% for
CNN in 2 class (high and low) valence and arousal classification respectively. For 3 class
classification (high, normal and low) of valence and arousal, the accuracy achieved is
58.44% and 55.70% for DNN and 66.79% and 57.58% for CNN.
W. Liu et al. (2016) [11] extract features by the Bimodal Deep Auto-encoder (BDAE).
They design two Restricted Boltzmann Machine (RBM), one for EEG (EEG RBM)
and other for eye movement features (eye RBM). They concatenate the hidden layers
and obtain an upper RBM. The BDAE network is used for feature selection and they
train linear SVM classifier on the high-level features extracted. The mean accuracies
achieved with the BDAE network are respectively 91.01% and 83.25% on SEED and
DEAP datasets.
S. Alhagry et al. (2017) [12] proposed 2-layer stacked LSTM architecture for emo-
tion recognition on DEAP dataset. The first LSTM layer consists of 64 units with ReLU
activation function, followed by a dropout layer with 0.2 probability. Second layer con-
sists of 32 neurons with sigmoid activation function connected finally to a dense layer
again with sigmoid activation. They divide valence, arousal, and liking to high/low class
and respectively obtain an average accuracy of 85.65%, 85.45%, and 87.99% on DEAP
J. Zhang et al. (2016) [13] obtain average classification accuracy of 81.21% and
81.26% on valence and arousal respectively. They use Probabilistic Neural Networks
(PNNs), which consists of four layers including the input layer, and the output layer.
The second layer is termed as Pattern layer and the third layer is termed as Summation
P. Zhong et al. (2020) [14] propose a Regularized Graph Neural Network (RGNN)
for EEG based emotion recognition, in addition to two regularizers to make their model
robust, node-wise domain adversarial training (NodeDAT) and emotion-aware distribu-
tion learning (EmotionDL). They beat the state-of-the-art results of bi-hemispheric dis-
crepancy model (BiHDM) (Y.Li et al. (2019) [15]) with the average accuracies of 94.24%
Multi-class Emotion Classification Using EEG Signals 477

and 79.37% for subject-dependent classification accuracy on SEED and SEED-IV (all-
bands), while the BiHDM achieved average accuracies of 93.12% and 74.35% respec-
tively. Further in case of subject-independent classification, RGNN obtained 85.30%
and 73.84% mean accuracy respectively.
D. Acharya et al. (2020) [16] provide LSTM architecture for negative emotion classi-
fication and also briefly examines the human behavior in different age groups and gender.
Their LSTM model, for four class negative emotion classification obtains classification
accuracy of 81.63%, 84.64%, 89.73%, and 92.84% for 50–50, 60–40, 70–30 split of
data, and 10-fold cross-validation. The models have been evaluated on both DEAP and
SEED datasets.
A. Bhardwaj et al. (2014) [17] provide a novel Genetic Programming approach
with hill-climbing integrated constructive crossover and mutation operators. They have
estimated their classification accuracy to be 98.69%.
Another novel Genetic Programming approach with provision of a technique for
hybrid crossover, intron deletion and mutation operation has been proposed in H. Bhard-
waj et al. (2019) [18], which increases the accuracy of classification and also leads to a
decrease in time complexity. This further suggests the possibility of a real-time Genetic
Programming classifier for detection of epileptic seizures.
A new fitness function termed as Gap score (G score) has been proposed in D.
Acharya et al. (2020) [19] to address imbalance in dataset. They propose a framework
termed as GGP, a Genetic programming framework with G score fitness function. Their
GGP framework provides 87.61% classification accuracy using EEG signals.

3 Methodology

In this section dataset description, feature extraction technique used, model archi-
tecture, and hyperparameter used for training the classifier including description of
implementation tools are described next.

3.1 Dataset Description

The collection of the original DEAP dataset [20] was done in 2 parts. The first part
was the online self-assessment where 14–16 subjects rated 120 YouTube music videos
each of 1-min extract based on valence, arousal, dominance, likeness and familiarity all
listed in online ratings.csv or.xls file. The second part involves physiological recordings
and participant ratings of 32 volunteers. These unprocessed physiological clips were in
BioSemi.bdf format. Out of 120 videos 40 were shown to each of them. Frontal face
clips were also recorded for 22 subjects and could be downloaded from
file. Apart from these, the dataset also had list and links of YouTube music videos and a
participant questionnaire file containing all the answers given by each participant to the
questions asked before the experiment. Original 512 Hz EEG signal were pre-processed
to 128 Hz after down sampling, filtering, segmenting and removing all the artefacts
like eyes blinking, muscle movements etc. They were present in MATLAB.mat and
Python.dat format.
478 D. Acharya et al.

In each of these 32.dat files corresponding to each participant there were 2 arrays:
Data and labels. Data was of 40 × 40 × 8064 dimensions. There were 40 channels in
each video which in turn had 8064 EEG signal data that forms 322560 in total. The
labels had 40 × 4 shape where 4 signifies valence, arousal, dominance and liking (Table
1). Python NumPy arrays is used and loaded.dat files using cPickle library and encoding

Table 1. Pre-processed dataset description

Data 40 × 40 × 8064 (video × channel × data)

Labels 40 × 4 video × label (Valence, Arousal, Liking, Dominance)
No. of participants 32
Sampling rate 128 Hz

3.2 Feature Extraction

Fast Fourier transformation was performed for feature extraction reducing it to final
dimensions of (58560,70) from (40,40,8064) hence resulting in faster training as well
as giving better accuracy.
These extracted features comprise of five frequency bands: Delta-δ (1–4 Hz), Theta-θ
(4–8 Hz), Alpha-α (8–14 Hz), Beta-β (14–31 Hz), and Gamma-γ (31–50 Hz), shown in
Fig. 2. Extracted 70 features in total and have used PyEEG python library.

Fig. 2. Brain wave samples for different waveforms [21]

FFT is used to change the Signal domain that is the x-axis from time to frequency. It
works on the principle of computing the discrete Fourier transform (DFT) of time Series
in an efficient way. It makes the calculations easier by calculating the coefficients of
the DFT in an iterative manner, which results in the reduction of computational time as
well as computational complexity. It also reduces round-off errors associated with the
Multi-class Emotion Classification Using EEG Signals 479

As shown in Table 2, 14 channels and 5 bands for our model is selected. The window
size was chosen 256 which averages the band power to 2 s. The step size is 16 which
means that each 0.125 s update once.

Table 2. FFT parameters description

Channel 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 11, 13, 17, 19, 20, 21, 25, 29, 31

Bands 4, 8, 12, 16, 25, 45
Window size 256
Step size 16

3.3 Model Architecture

Two deep learning Architectures for our research, Long Short-Term Memory Networks
(LSTMs) and Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs). The dataset used is the python
pre-processed version of DEAP dataset. The models were trained for each emotion-
arousal, valence, dominance and liking- separately classifying them on a scale of 0 to 9
with varying train-test splits. Both the models were implemented using Keras (Chollet
(2015) [22]) and described below:

3.3.1 Long Short-Term Memory (LSTMs)

Long Short-Term Memory Networks (LSTMs) introduced by Hochreiter and Schmid-
huber in 1997 [23] are special kind of Recurrent neural networks (RNN). LSTM’s were
created as a solution to the short-term memory. They have internal mechanisms called
gates which can learn which data in a sequence is important to keep or throw away.
Hence stores both short- and long-term input units. This is the major reason why we use
LSTM in our research.

Fig. 3. LSTM cell

480 D. Acharya et al.

A common LSTM unit in Fig. 3 is made of a cell, an input gate, an output gate and a
forget gate. The cell remembers values over time and the three gates are used to regulate
the flow of information into and out of the cell.
The Sigmoid Activation function helps us to classify if the neuron is active or not.
The Sigmoid function transforms a real value to a value ranging from 0 to 1. Consider
0.5 as the threshold value, if the value ranges between 0–0.5 then it is considered not
activated, if the value ranges between 0.5–1 then it is considered activated.

Fig. 4. Sigmoid function [27]

All the three gates use sigmoid function because the gates must give only positive
values. The equations for the gates are given:
it = σ ωi ht−1 , xt + bi (1)

The first equation is for input gate which tells use what new information will be
stored in the cell state.
ft = σ ωf ht−1 , xt + bf (2)

This second equation is for forget gate; it tells what information to throw away.
ot = σ ω0 ht−1 , x + b0 (3)

Third equation is for output gate which is used to provide the activation to the final
output of LSTM at t timestamp.

it : represents input gate

ft : represents forget gate
ot : represents output gate
wx : weight for the respective gate(x)
ht−1 : output of previous LSTM block at timestamp t-1
xt : input at current timestamp
bx : biases for the respective gate(x)
Multi-class Emotion Classification Using EEG Signals 481

The next three equations are used for calculation of cell state, candidate cell and the
final output.
ct = tanh ωc ht−1 , xt + bc (4)

ct = ft ∗ct−1 + it ∗c̃t (5)

ht = ot ∗tanh(ct ) (6)

ct : cell state (memory) at time stamp(t).

c̃t : represents candidate for cell state at timestamp(t).
∗: represents the element wise multiplication of the vectors.

Fig. 5. Proposed LSTM architecture

In our proposed approach one bi-direction LSTM layer, four LSTM layers and two
dense layers in the model architecture as shown in the Fig. 4. The first bi-directional
LSTM layer has 128 units (in total 256). It involves duplicating the first LSTM layer in
the network so that there are two layers side by side. It provides the input sequence as
input to the first and a reverse copy of it to the second. Followed by this is the dropout
layer with a probability of 0.6. This helps in preventing overfitting by randomly setting
inputs to 0 according to the rate during training.
The next layer is a LSTM layer of 256 neurons, followed by dropout layer of 0.6.
The next 4 layers are 2 LSTM layers of 64 neurons each followed by a dropout layer.
The dropout rates being 0.6 and 0.4 respectively. The final LSTM layer is of 32 neurons
followed by dropout layer of 0.4. Then a dense layer of 16 units is used. The activation
used for the same is ReLU. Then a dense layer of 10 classes is used with the SoftMax
activation function. It results in a multiclass probability distribution over our 10 classes.
Knowing the probabilities of all the classes, use of argmax to find the class output is
482 D. Acharya et al.

3.3.2 Convolutional Neural Network (CNN)

CNNs are very effective models for Image Processing and classifications. The best thing
with the CNN architecture is that there is no need of external feature extraction. The
network employs a mathematical operation called convolution. It is a special type of
linear equation. Instead of the general matrix multiplication, it uses convolution of data
and filters to generate various features which are then passes to the next layer. It is used
for its excellent capability to extract spatial features from the data.

Z = X ∗f (7)

With X as input, f as filters and ∗ as convolution.

Fig. 6. Proposed CNN architecture

In our proposed model three conv1D, three fully connected dense layers and a dense
layer with SoftMax activation for 10 classes in the end as seen in the model architecture
in the Fig. 5.
The first convolution layer uses Rectified linear unit (ReLU) as activation function
and 128 filters with kernel size of 3. The accurate no. of filters and size of filters is found
after a lot of hyperparameter tuning using Grid Search and manual changes. The input
passed to the first layer of conv1D is of shape (70,1) and same padding and stride of 1
is used.
The outputs of the first layer are standardized that is having a mean of zero and
standard deviation of one using a Batch Normalized layer. The next layer is Max pooling
1D layer of pool size 2 for down sampling the input by taking the maximum value over
window size of 2. The padding and strides are set to default i.e. “valid” and “none”
respectively. The resulting output has a shape of:
nin + 2p − k
nout = +1 (8)

nin : number of input features

nout : number of output features
Multi-class Emotion Classification Using EEG Signals 483

k: convolution kernel size

p: convolution padding size
s: convolution stride size

The next Convolution layer is same as the first one followed by batch normalization
and max pooling layers. Then Flatten the shape to form a 1-dimensional layer and feed
it to a fully connected layer of 64 neurons and TanHyperbolic (tanh) as the activation
function. Dropout on the outputs of dense layer is used to reduce the overfitting of the
network, with a dropout probability of 0.2. This is followed by 1 dense layer of 32
neurons, tanh activation and dropout layer of 0.2 and another dense layer of 16 neuron
with activation function as ReLU and dropout probability of 0.2.
Finally, a Dense layer of 10 neurons with activation function as SoftMax is used to
give the output of the network.

3.4 Hyperparameter Tuning

A lot of hyperparameter tuning was carried out while finalizing the Network parameters.
Due to the problems like vanishing and exploding gradients Recurrent neural networks
(RNNs) is not opted for this. However, one layer of Gated recurrent units (GRU) was
tried instead of the Bidirectional LSTM as the first layer, but results were not satisfactory.
In the CNN architecture, Conv1D layers are used because it is most suitable for time
series data. Both Max pooling and average pooling was tried but, max pool gave better
results as expected from the literature.
Other parameters like the number of epochs, batch size, optimizer, loss function,
activation functions and learning rates were finalized using the Grid Search.

Table 3. Network parameters for CNN and LSTM

Parameters Chosen values

Epoch 200
Batch size 256
Loss function Categorical cross entropy
Optimizer Adam
Metrics Accuracy

The epoch size finalized for the CNN and LSTM architecture is 200 with batch
size of 256. The models are trained on various train test splits like 80–20 and 75–25
and K-fold cross validation with 10 folds is also used for finding the most appropriate
metrics-accuracy. The loss function used by them for updating the weights during back-
propagation is categorical cross entropy and the optimizer used is Adam. And activation
function for the last layer is SoftMax for both.
Parameters like no. of layers, number of hidden units, filter size, number of filters
and pool size for CNN model and number of hidden neurons, dropout rates and layers
484 D. Acharya et al.

for LSTM model were finalized separately, parameters detailed in Table 3. This was
done through both Grid search and manual testing.

3.5 Implementation Tools

The environment used for the computation of CNN and LSTM classifiers is Google
Collaboratory which is a hosted Jupyter notebook service that requires no setup to
use while providing free access to computing resources including GPUs. The python
version is Python (3.6.9). The TensorFlow version is 2.2.0. The code is executed in a
virtual machine. The GPUs available in CoLab often include Nvidia K80s, T4s, P4s and

4 Experimental Results
In this section discussion on the experimental results and conclusions attained from
the above proposed methodology is done. Created various models with different model
architectures and also varying the train test split into different ratios. As Table 4 illustrates
that LSTM model architecture which is proposed gives best test accuracy of 88.6% with
75–25 train test split, whereas CNN model architecture gives best accuracy of 87.72
with 80–20 train test split.

Table 4. Comparison between model results on the basis of splits

Classifier Train-test split

75–25 80–20
CNN 87.45% 87.72%
LSTM 88.6% 85.74%

Table 5. Both model’s performance on all the four emotions

Classifier Emotion Train-test split

75–25 80–20
LSTM Arousal 81.91% 85.07%
Valence 84.39% 83.83%
Dominance 69.69% 81.43%
Liking 88.60% 85.74%
CNN Arousal 84.77% 85.48%
Valence 85.01% 82.59%
Dominance 85.50% 83.61%
Liking 87.45% 87.72%
Multi-class Emotion Classification Using EEG Signals 485

The above results are for the liking emotion. Trained these models on all the four
emotions individually and got impressive results. Our models were generalizing results
very well as they have achieved above 80% accuracy while classifying each emotion.
Categorical cross entropy is used as the loss function.
As illustrated in Table 5 both CNN and LSTM model test accuracies are found out
for each emotion using both the train test splits and table helps to summarize the results
for each emotion. As inferred from the table both the model architectures generalize
results very well for all four emotions.
The change in train-test split hardly changes the model performance as the model
generalizes results pretty well for both the splits. However, after analyzing the results
here this can be concluded that CNN model results are quite précised for each emotion
whereas LSTM model results vary with dominance emotion classified with only 69.69%
whereas Liking emotion classified with 88.6%.
After training a lot these hyper tuning parameters are finalized to obtain these results.
Initially simple LSTM layers are used but the model accuracy was not improving above
65%. Trained model consisting of GRU units but the results were not convincing. Batch
size does not have a strong impact on the model results. Dropout and batch normalization
layers have significant impact on model’s accuracy, dropout helped to avoid overfitting
on training data which helped to improve model’s results. Categorical cross entropy is
used as loss function.
As illustrated in Fig. 6 Similar output are obtained for all the four emotions where
least number signifies that emotion present is least and maximum number signifies that
the amount of emotion is maximum.

Table 6. Test loss for both models using different train test split

Classifier Train-test split

75–25 80–20
CNN 0.474 0.459
LSTM 0.399 0.503

As illustrated in Table 6. It is found that here LSTM model with data split in 75–25
ratio provided the lowest classification loss of 0.399. Ideal value for categorical cross
entropy loss should be equal to zero but practically loss under 1 is considered that the
model generalizes results on unseen data pretty well. Both the models reported the value
of loss less than 1, which is what we expect as referred to literature. Various learning
curves for both the models are also plotted.
All the curves follow the expected pattern as referred to literature, the train and test
accuracy for both the models increases with the increase in the number of epochs as
shown in Fig. 7. (a) (b). Both the train and test loss decrease with the increase in the
number of epochs. Third set of curves is plotted between test accuracy and test loss here.
Observed a slight difference between curve of LSTM and CNN as illustrated in Fig. 7.
(b), (e). LSTM starts learning a little later than the CNN model and also loss reaches to
486 D. Acharya et al.

Fig. 7. Row 1: (Left-Right) (a) accuracy vs epoch (CNN), (b) loss vs epoch (CNN) Row 2: (Left-
Right) (c) test accuracy vs test loss (CNN) (d) accuracy vs epoch (LSTM) Row 3: (Left-Right)
(e) loss vs epoch (LSTM) (f) test accuracy vs test loss (LSTM)

minimum or stable point after around 40 epochs for CNN whereas it took around 120
epochs to do so for LSTM model.
The comparison between our proposed models and previous works accuracy for
different type of emotion is shown in Table 7. The results provided by the proposed
method has been compared with four different methods which all used DEAP dataset.
The proposed models i.e. our CNN model has attained 87.72% for liking class and
also LSTM model has attained 88.6% for the same which is better than the previously
attained best accuracy of 87.9% by LSTM model [12] and 81.46% by CNN model
[9]. Our proposed models have generalized very well as they are getting above 80%
on all classes of emotions. The method proposed by S. Alhagry [12] have managed to
get better accuracy than our models for two classes i.e. Arousal and Valence but our
proposed models give more finer results i.e. on the scale of 0 to 9 as shown in Fig. 8 for
each emotion as compared to S. Alhagry [12] i.e. High or low. This proves that though
the accuracy sees a little less, still our model is better capable of classifying the emotions
on a finer range.
Multi-class Emotion Classification Using EEG Signals 487

Table 7. Comparison with other State-of-the-art methods

Arousal Valence Dominance Liking

Choi et al. [24] 74.65% 78% - -
Naser et al. [25] 66.2% 64.3% - 70.2%
Rozgic et al. [26] 76.9% 68.4% - -
S Alhagry et al. [12] 85.65% 85.45% - 87.9%
Our CNN 84.7% 85.01% 85.5% 87.72%
Our LSTM 81.91% 84.39% 69.7% 88.6%

Figure 8 compares the mean accuracy comparison with other State-of-the-art results.
We have compared our results with best results known to us in two (high/low) or
three class (high/normal/low) classification of EEG signals on the Arousal, Valence,
Dominance, and Liking in Table 7 and Fig. 8.

Fig. 8. Mean accuracy comparison with other State-of-the-art results

Confusion matrix is a good technique to measure the performance of classifier for

multiclass classification. It is always drawn between true and predicted label. Findings
stated that both the classifier algorithms perform similarly for all the classes with classes
4 and 5 being predicted with highest scores. On comparing scores from both Fig. 9 and
Fig. 10 the confusion matrix it can be reported that LSTM model scores are better than
the CNN model for all the classes except for classes 0 and 7. This also justifies why
LSTM architecture is performing better on unseen data (88.6%) than CNN architecture
488 D. Acharya et al.

Fig. 9. Confusion matrix for CNN Model

Fig. 10. Confusion matrix for LSTM model

Multi-class Emotion Classification Using EEG Signals 489

5 Conclusion, Limitation and Future Scope

In this research paper the comparison between CNN and LSTM models on 80–20 and
75–25 Train-Test splits for the classification of EEG signals for emotion analysis is
performed successfully. The best result achieved is with the LSTM model using one
Bidirectional layer. It has enhanced the performance of the model on this sequence
classification problem as compared to the previous papers due to Bi-LSTM’s ability to
preserve information from future to past as well from past to future. FFT for feature
extraction has also contributed in the hike of accuracy as compared to traditional feature
extraction techniques. CNN also gave a good accuracy due to its capability to extract
spatial features from the input signals.
Still some of the limitations lead to setback in integrating real-life emotion analysis
systems like collecting emotion data in a convenient and reliable way such that the signal
to noise ratio is increased. Also sometimes decoding the affective state consistently and
accurately pose problems. Real-Time online analysis systems also require timely output
of the EEG data computation, imposing constraints on the computation speed. The
collection of EEG data with the help of EEG headsets with either dry or wet electrodes
pose real problems including discomfort to the users especially with long hair, its weight
on the head, etc. Sometimes decoding the affective state consistently and accurately pose
In future our team would like to work on Multi-task cascaded-hybrid models of
LSTM and CNN to combine their power and thus increase the accuracy of the emotion
recognition system. The emotion detection system can be very effective in eliminating the
gap between human emotions and computational technology, thus, enabling robots and
computers to receive natural emotional feedback and improve human experiences. Even
this system can be used by therapist to better evaluate their patients and find ways to
predict and prevent depression before there are any clear outward signs of it.

Acknowledgment. This research work is performed under the nation wise initiative leadingin- and Bennett University, India. They have supported us with lab and equipment during the

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MaskNet: Detecting Different Kinds of Face
Mask for Indian Ethnicity

Abhinav Gola1(B) , Sonia Panesar2 , Aradhna Sharma3 , Gayathri Ananthakrishnan4 ,

Gaurav Singal5 , and Debajyoti Mukhopadhyay5
1 National Institute of Technology, New Delhi, New Delhi, India
[email protected]
2 Babaria Institute of Technology, Vadodara, Gujarat, India
[email protected]
3 Maharaja Surajmal Institute of Technology, Delhi, India
[email protected]
4 Vidya Academy of Science and Technology, Thrissur, Kerala, India
[email protected]
5 Bennett University, Greater Noida, Uttar Pradesh, India

[email protected], [email protected]

Abstract. The COVID-19 pandemic has rendered social distancing and use of
face masks as an absolute necessity today. Coming out of the epidemic, we’re
going to see this as the new normal and therefore most workplaces will require an
identification system to permit employees based on the compliance of protocols.
To ensure minimal contact and security, automatic entrance systems need to be
employed in workplaces and institutions. For the implementation of such systems,
we have investigated the performance of three object detection algorithms, namely
SSD MobileNet V2, YOLO v3 and YOLO v4 in the context of real-time face mask
detection. We conducted training and testing of these algorithms on our dataset
focusing on various type of masks in the Indian community. We have exhibited
in this paper that YOLOv4 transcends both YOLO v3 and SSD MobileNet V2 in
sensitivity and precision and thus has a major use case in building AI identification

Keywords: Covid-19 · Face mask · Detection · Convolutional neural networks ·

YOLO · SSD MobileNet V2 · Object detection · Object recognition

1 Introduction

SARS-CoV-2 commonly known as Coronavirus has been wreaking havoc in more than
200 countries since December 2019. As of late October 2020, atleast 52 million people
have been diagnosed with the virus with a total of more than 1 million deaths worldwide.
This has raised a grave need to improve fundamental public health measures and
minimize the social and economic damage caused by this pandemic. Furthermore, many
organisations have made it mandatory to allow their staff and/or customers to enter

© Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2021

D. Garg et al. (Eds.): IACC 2020, CCIS 1367, pp. 492–503, 2021.
MaskNet: Detecting Different Kinds of Face Mask 493

their premises only if they wear masks, which requires placement of either manual or
automatic mask detection systems.
This can be achieved by using artificial intelligence techniques which are currently
state-of-the-art methodologies and are being progressively involved in the detection of
specific objects in images and videos. We focused on the object detection application
of this field for the task of face mask detection. It is a two-step process to understand -
first is to detect whether a mask is present in the image or not; in more technical terms
this part is called object localization [18] where the model identifies all the predefined
classes present in an image and then draws bounding boxes around each of them. The
second step is to assign class labels to these bounding boxes which in our case refers to
classifying whether the faces detected in an image are wearing a mask or not.
This was done with the use of Region-Based Convolutional Neural Networks, or
R-CNNs, which address tasks of object localization and recognition. You Only Look
Once, (YOLO) is another technique for object recognition in real-time. These type of
face recogniser systems which are developed using machine learning make use of a
large amount of data to learn. Also, this can’t be done only for a single type of mask.
There are different types of masks available like disposable masks, non-disposable masks
which consist of surgical masks, non -surgical masks, clothed face masks and respirators
with filtering features like N95 masks etc. Other protective equipment like face shields,
medical goggles are sometimes used along with face masks. In India especially, as there
is no examination on disinfecting and reusing fabric veils, as of May 2020 [1], people
do not use standard surgical face masks and instead rely on covering their faces by their
hands or other types of veils like a clothed face mask. These types of masks vary in style
and type – a scarf around the face or a tied handkerchief on the mouth etc.
As far as we are aware, there are no publicly available datasets covering such variety
of masks, and therefore this work proposes a dataset focused on specific types of masks
used in India. We present this dataset in 2 formats – YOLO and Pascal VOC for which two
types of annotations were carried out on the dataset. Various pre-processing algorithms
were applied to the dataset which included adding noise, rotating, flipping, cropping and
resizing of the image. The dataset has been made public and can be found at [9]. We also
propose a novel face mask detector based on the state-of-the-art object detection model
YOLO v4. To the best of our knowledge, the proposed system is the first such detection
system dedicated to the Indian society.
The rest of the paper is composed as follows. We discuss previous works related to
face mask detection in Sect. 2. Methodology and datasets are expressed in Sect. 3. Then,
the final results are displayed in Sect. 4 with the conclusion and future work in Sect. 5.

2 Related Work

The authors of [4] investigated the impacts and workings related to Coronavirus in their
paper on February 20, 2020. This study is being used as a basis for a source of information
for every research related to Covid-19. Approaching our specific task, studies conducted
for masked face detection and/or recognition are quite sparse. This work was initiated
by the authors of [2], who realised that the existing facial recognition systems which
were employed for the tasks of security checking, automation of attendance etc. were
494 A. Gola et al.

giving poor performance because of increased use of masks in this pandemic. In the
paper, they’ve explained various practical applications of face detection and recognition
and have also produced three datasets for such tasks.
Building on the previous research, the authors of [3] have proposed a feature pyramid
network (FPN) to build a one-stage detector. Their cross-class object removal algorithm
which rejects low-confidence and high intersection of union (IoU) predictions achieved
good results for precision and recall metrics. Daniell Chiang with AIZOOTech imple-
mented a mask detecting algorithm with 5 major deep learning frameworks – PyTorch,
TensorFlow, Keras, MXNet and Caffe. Their algorithm which was based on SSD Lite
was trained on the dataset which they created using images from WIDER Face and
MAFA [16]. All of their models along with the dataset have been open-sourced for
anyone to use.
Xiaobin Li and Shengjin Wang in their paper [5], have proposed a concise and
efficient framework of two eight-layer CNNs [17] for object localisation in remote
sensing images. They have achieved great results in detecting inshore ships using Google
Earth images. They have also proposed a new cropping method of trapezium shape
instead of rectangular shape for doing the pre-processing of sample images which can
be used for object detection tasks where conventional cropping methods are not possible
to implement.
Joseph Redmon and Anelia Angelova in [6], have explored the real-time approach
to robotic grasp detection using single-stage regression as an alternative to ‘sliding
window’ and regional proposal techniques. Their model has shown good results while
running at 13 FPS on a GPU. It can simultaneously perform detection of an object and
assigning a bounding box to it in a single step. Also, in [7] Toshanlal Meenpal, Ashutosh
Balakrishnan and Amit Verma have proposed a binate face classifier which can detect
randomly aligned faces in input images. They used a pre-trained VGG-16 model to
expedite their training time while using Binomial Cross-Entropy as their loss metric.
Using post-processing techniques on the outputs from the model, they were able to detect
multiple sideways aligned faces too. The authors of [8] have proposed an end-to-end
trainable model for extracting face masks from video frames. They used a combination
of convolutional LSTM networks and FCNs with a loss function that they introduced
named as segmentation loss, optimising the IOU outputs. Their study shows a significant
improvement over the baseline FCN network.
Currently, all of the models which are being used for real-time face mask detection
are trained on datasets primarily containing images of people of Chinese and in other
cases, western ethnicity. Due to this, they fail to perform when tested on datasets with
people of other countries. India, currently the second-worst country to be hit by this
pandemic can’t rely on these existing models. Therefore, there was a critical need to
develop a system specifically trained on images of people of Indian ethnicity.
Additionally, current SOTA models are trained to detect only standard surgical masks
and thus, do not recognise makeshift masks like handkerchiefs, dupatta etc. Especially in
India, where people use different types of veils like scarves or chunnis around their head
and neck, these types of clothing can confuse an artificial model unless it’s previously
trained to recognise and discard them. We overcome these challenges by first constructing
a data set consisting of all the nuances of the Indian culture. We included images with
MaskNet: Detecting Different Kinds of Face Mask 495

people wearing the various type of garments such as turbans and stoles to wrap their
bodies. Therefore, training our model on such a dataset helped it in understanding the
myriad of situations that it might face in real-world scenarios.

3 Methodology
In this paper, we compare and evaluate the performance of three object detection method-
ologies – SSD MobileNet V2, YOLO v3 and YOLO v4 when applied for the task of
real-time face mask detection, in terms of accuracy and precision. Figure 1 represents
the procedure to implement these three end-to-end trainable models.

Fig. 1. Methodology flowchart

3.1 Architectures and Algorithms

SSD MobileNet V2: MobileNet uses bottleneck residual blocks consisting of 3 convo-
lutional layers as shown in Fig. 2. Each layer uses batch normalisation and,ReLu6 as an
activation function to introduce non-linearity to the data flowing through them except
the last layer which doesn’t use an activation function. Using an activation function in
the last layer destroys useful information obtained from it as it outputs a low dimensional
data. First one is the 1 × 1 convolution expansion layer which is named so as it boosts
the numbers of channels in the input data. The output coming from the 1st layer is filtered
by the depth-wise convolution layer. It involves edge detection, colour filtering, and so
The last layer in the model is the linear projection layer that outputs a low dimensional
tensor which was projected from a high dimensional data. It serves as the bottleneck
layer as it is responsible for narrowing down of the data flowing through the network. It
operates much as in ResNet, and aids with gradient flow through the network. Stacking
17 of such blocks in series and then following them by a traditional 1 × 1 convolution,
a pooling and a classification layer results in the complete MobileNet V2 structure. To
use SSD with MobileNet we take the outputs of the last layers of MobileNet and feed
them into the SSD layers.
496 A. Gola et al.

YOLO v3: It was introduced as an upgrade over its predecessors: YOLO v1 and YOLO
v2. Unlike YOLO v1 which had 24 convolutional layers followed by 2 fully connected
layers and YOLO v2 which used a custom deep architecture darknet-19, v3 uses a variant
of Darknet, adding 53 more layers to the initial structure for the detection function, and
thereby giving us a 106-layer convolutional network.
The newer architecture incorporates what YOLO v2’s architecture was lacking -
residual blocks, skip connections and upsampling. Detections being done at three distinct
ratios using detection kernels is one of the most significant features of the v3. The shape
of the detection kernel is:

1 × 1 × (B × (5 + C) (1)

1*1 3 * 3 Depthwise
Expansion 1*1
Layer Projection
Batch Layer
Batch Normalisation
Normalisation Batch
ReLU6 Normalisation

Fig. 2. Bottleneck residue block of MobileNet V2

Here, B represents number of bounding boxes and the number of classes is given
by C. Also, YOLO v3 now allows multilabel classification for detected objects by using
logistic regression instead of softmaxing the classes. YOLO algorithms use 2 primary
evaluation metrics for object detection. First is the Intersection Over Union (IOU) which
is calculated by dividing the area which is common in both boxes with the total area of
the two boxes. Its value lies between 0 and 1.
When an object detection model predicts a bounding box, it initially calculates the
IOU between the predicted bounding box and the ground truth box and if the IOU value
[11] is above the threshold only then the bounding box is considered.
Area of Intersection
IOU = (2)
Area of Union
The second metric used by YOLO algorithms is Non-Max Suppression which keeps
track that the algorithm detects an object only once. It will look for the probability of
detection of each bounding box. The most confident detection will be the one having the
highest probability and the metric will then suppress the other boxes.
YOLOv4: YOLOv4 Backbone Network – Feature Extraction: It compresses features
down through a convolutional neural network backbone. Based on their intuition and
experimental results, the final YOLOv4 network implements CSPDarknet53 for the
MaskNet: Detecting Different Kinds of Face Mask 497

backbone network and based on DenseNet. Its main function is to eliminate computa-
tional bottlenecks in the DenseNet and providing an unchanged feature map as its output
to facilitate learning.

YOLOv4 Neck - Feature Aggregation: The combination of backbone feature layers

happens in the neck. YOLOv4 chooses PANet for the feature aggregation of the net-
work. Additionally, YOLOv4 adds a SPP block after CSPDarknet53 which improves
the receptive field and sorts out relevant features from the backbone.
YOLOv4 Head - The Detection Step: YOLOv4 deploys the same YOLO head as YOLOv3
for detection with the anchor-based detection steps, and three levels of detection granu-
larity. CIoU loss is used as it gives an improved performace over MSE, IoU and GIoU
loss as a result of faster convergence. [12] The integrated architecture of YOLO V4 is
shown in Fig. 3.

Fig. 3. YOLO v4 architecture diagram

3.2 Generation/Fabrication of Dataset

Most of the datasets available for the face mask detection problem pertained to either
Western countries or China. Therefore, there was a necessity of a dataset centred towards
the Indian community where alongside standard surgical masks, images of people
wearing other types of home-made veils like dupattas and handkerchiefs must also be
included. Also, cases like cloth or a turban covering the head need to be included to help
the models learn better.

Table 1. Dataset size

Model Train Valid. Test

Size of dataset 1700 200 100
498 A. Gola et al.

We tackled this challenge by generating our dataset including the above-mentioned

categories of images. For this task, we used Sony IMX 519 with pixel size 1.22 um,
Samsung Isocell GW1 with pixel size 0.8 um and Sony IMX 586 with pixel size 1.75
um sensors. With each sensor, we collected 800 images with different angles and back-
grounds. This dataset was then pre-processed which included splitting it into training,
validation, and testing folders and performing resizing, orienting and colour corrections.
The ratio of train:valid:test images was kept 1700:200:100. The dataset was then con-
verted into 2 formats -YOLO [For v3 and v4] and Pascal VOC [For SSD MobileNet
V2]. This was done using the open-sourced software -LabelImg [10]. The final dataset
has been uploaded on the Mendeley Data repository for future uses. Some samples of
the images created are displayed in Fig. 4 and the dataset size is mentioned in Table 1.

Fig. 4. Sample of images from the created dataset

3.3 Experimental Setup and Model Training

Transfer Learning: In order to train faster and maximise our accuracy more efficiently
with our limited face mask dataset, we used transfer learning. The idea is to first train a
model on an extensive and broad dataset. Then, the feature maps learned by this model
can be customized for a targeted task. All three models were trained in Google Colab
with Nvidia Tesla K80 GPU chip and 12 GB RAM to recognise two classes – ‘masked
and ‘without mask’. Also, before feeding the dataset into the networks we used data
augmentation techniques like flipping, rotating, cropping, adding noise and occluding
portions of the images to improve the downstream performance of our model.
SSD + MobileNet V2: We used SSD MobileNet V2 as our base model. After pre-
processing, we had two.csv files that contained the images’ filename and the label/box
position respectively. We also had a.pbtxt file that carried a label map for each class.
TFRecords file was created for the test and train labels as we’re working on TensorFlow
and it takes input in the form of data.record file.
Our next step was selecting the pre-trained model, ssd_mobilenet_v2 from the Tensor-
Flow object detection API. Necessary changes were made to the configuration file and
saved. The initial learning rate was set to 0.003 and both the momentum and weight
MaskNet: Detecting Different Kinds of Face Mask 499

decay value were set to 0.9. The model was then trained for 200k steps. The training
process was visualized using the TensorBoard. Finally, the model was evaluated on the
test set.
YOLO v3: We trained the YOLO v3 model on Darknet framework. First, we configured
v3’s GPU environment on Google Colab by installing cuDNN on top of Colab’s GPU
drivers. We added the paths to our images and annotations to the Darknet folder. Then
we customized the.confg file according to our dataset. Batch size was set to 32 and
subdivisions to 8. The momentum value for stochastic gradient descent and the weight
decay had values of 0.9 and 0.0005 respectively. The size of input images was set at
height = 608 and width = 608 and the initial learning rate at 0.001. The threshold value
was kept at 0.3. Finally, the model was evaluated on the test set.
YOLO v4: The YOLO v4 model was also trained on the Darknet framework. Again, the
configuration of v3’s GPU environment on Google Colab was done by the installation
of cuDNN on top of Colab’s GPU drivers. The paths to our images and annotations and
the file containing the names of our cases (obj.names) were added to the Darknet folder.
Then we customized the.confg file by setting the batch size to 64 and subdivisions to
12. The momentum value for stochastic gradient descent and the weight decay were put
as 0.949 and 0.0005 respectively. The size of input images was set at height = 416 and
width = 416 and the initial learning rate at 0.001. The threshold value was again kept at
0.3. Finally, the model was evaluated on the test set.

4 Experimental Results

We initially tested each of the three models on our own test data. They were also tested
on the task of detecting face masks in video sequences using the method presented in
Fig. 5.

Fig. 5. Stages of detection

4.1 Metrics Used

Performance evaluation for all the three algorithms was done using four parameters
(Precision, Recall, F1 Score and Mean Average Precision). These are defined as follows:
True Positives
Precision = (3)
True Positives + False Positives
True Positives
Recall = (4)
True Positives + False Negatives
500 A. Gola et al.

Precision ∗ Recall
F1 Score = 2 · (5)
Precision + Recall
where True Positives are the number of times our classes were successfully detected
by the model while False Positives are the number of times our classes were falsely
detected by it. Furthermore, False Negative tell us the number of times our model failed
to recognize any of the classes in the image. YOLO uses the Mean Average Precision
criterium as defined in the PASCAL VOC 2010 challenge. Broadly, it can be defined as
the area under the precision-recall curve.

4.2 Performance Evaluation

Samples of the images used to test our models are demonstrated in Fig. 6 with their
corresponding results in Fig. 7. Table 2 displays the values of the chosen evaluation
metrics for each model. We can observe from the table that all three of the algorithms
have a high precision rate (99.34% for SSD MobileNet V2 vs 99.59% for YOLOv3 vs
99.88% for YOLO v4). Therefore, the probability of a class being right when detected
is very high. We also observe that YOLOv4 outperforms both YOLO v3 and SSD
MobileNet V2 in the comparison of recall values 99.21% for YOLO v4 versus 99.03%
for YOLOv3 and 86.70% for SSD MobileNet V2. The plots for loss curves for each
model are shown in Fig. 8.

Fig. 6. Sample of images used for testing

Fig. 7. Detection results

Because of the high recall values, YOLOv4 has a higher F1 score than the other two
models with a value of 99.54%. Comparing the mean average precision score for each,
we notice that YOLO v4 again surpasses the others with an mAP of 88% while V3 and
SSD have respective values of 85% and 79%.
MaskNet: Detecting Different Kinds of Face Mask 501

Table 2: Evaluation metrics used

Metric SSD MobileNet YOLO v3 YOLO v4

Precision (TPR) 99.34% 99.59% 99.88%
Sensitivity (recall) 86.70% 99.03% 99.21%
F1 Score 92.59% 99.30% 99.54%
mAP 79% 85% 88%

4.3 Result Comparison with Related Works

For this dataset [9], there is no reported accuracy as this is a novel dataset which we have
proposed during our study. We report F1 scores of 92.59%, 99.3% and 99.54% on our
3 models. For the sake of comparison, we reproduced the research of authors of [13] by
employing ResNet50 as a feature extractor and with decision trees, SVM and ensemble
as classifiers. We trained this hybrid model on RMFD [2], SMFD [15] and LFW [14]
datasets and they produced F1 scores ranging from 45% to 60%. We believe the poor
performance of these hybrid models on our test dataset is due to them being trained on
datasets disparate from the Indian milieu and with no understanding of various makeshift
masks used by Indian citizens.

YOLO v3 YOLO v4 SSD MobileNet v2

Fig. 8. Loss curves

5 Conclusion and Future Work

Three object detection pipelines were implemented and analysed for our task of real-
time face mask detection – SSD MobileNet V2, YOLO v3 and YOLO v4. We first
described the architectural structure and working of each model. Then, we specified the
procedure for creating a face mask detection dataset specifically focused towards India.
All the three models were trained and tested on this captured dataset. Based on the higher
values of the evaluation metrics obtained in case of YOLO v4, we infer that for the future
502 A. Gola et al.

purposes of object detection tasks, it should be set as the paragon model against which
other models can be contrasted.
This research serves as a guideline for systems that plan to use AI for face mask
monitoring. Though it demonstrates that YOLO v4 is the apropos go-to model for the
subsequent tasks, it also provides experimental information to serve as a basis for other
researchers to determine the algorithms suitable for their tasks. A minor limitation of the
proposed model is that it struggles with small-sized objects and variance in aspects and
ratios. Still, YOLO v3 and YOLO v4 are a huge improvement over the earlier versions.
Ideally, the model should be able to detect objects at multiple scales and ratios but it
struggles when encountering a wide range of sizes and aspect ratios. Our study can
be expanded for detection of masks specific to other local regions. Also, to make the
entrance validation system more efficient, the detection of thermal imaging can be added
as a filter for healthiness.

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Author Index

Acharya, Divya I-3, I-474 Gawali, Rajendra D. II-308

Adi Narayana Reddy, K. I-280 Ghosh, Shankho Boron II-19
Adusumilli, Saiteja I-203 Gill, Rupali I-113
Agarwal, Rahul I-203 Godbole, Aditi I-169
Anand, Aman I-75 Gola, Abhinav I-492
Ananthakrishnan, Gayathri I-492 Goswami, Anurag I-54, I-267, I-300, I-395,
Aparna, S. I-3 I-407, II-43
Asudani, Mohit I-54 Gowreddygari, Anushna I-3
Attri, Suresh I-381 Grover, Khushnuma I-243
Gujar, Shubham II-43
Babar, Aditya I-169 Gunasegaran, Abhilash I-313
Badal, Tapas I-75, I-203, I-212 Gupta, Akshat I-75
Barua, Aindriya I-183 Gupta, Arpit I-75
Baviskar, Vaishali I-151 Gupta, Deepa I-87, I-224, I-349
Bawa, Abhineet II-296 Gupta, Priyanka I-100
Benedict, Shajulin II-132 Gupta, Shivansh I-17
Bhagwat, Laxmi B. I-417 Gupta, Yashu Kant I-203
Bhardwaj, Arpit I-3, I-474 Gurnani, Aditya I-169
Bhatia, Richa I-3
Bururu, Richard K. I-365 Haritha, D. I-128

Chandra, Satish I-17 Inampudi, Srividya I-139

Chandrashekhar, B. I-365
Chatterjee, Pradeep I-151 Jain, Ekansh I-100
Chaurasia, Kuldeep I-139 Jain, Riddhi I-474
Chitturi, Bhadrachalam II-283 Jain, Siddhi I-474
Choudhary, Tejalal I-169, I-395, II-43 Jain, Swapnil II-94
Choudhury, Rama Kanta II-296 Jariwala, Krupa N. II-200
Jason, D’Costa I-31
da Silva, Carlos Fernando Mulessiua I-323 JayPrakash, L. T. II-323
Dash, Palavi I-267 Jethani, Sahil I-100
Datta, C. K. Phani II-283 Jha, Hrishikesh I-365
De, Paramita II-263 Jhaveri, Jay I-139
Deshmukh, Sanika Prashant I-474 Jindal, Rajni I-323
Devi, Maibam Debina I-336 Johnson, Greshma I-139
Dhananjay, Kalbande I-31 Joseph, Mathew I-365
Dinesha, K. V. II-323 Jyotishi, Amalendu I-87
Dixit, Mayank I-139
Dubey, Ashwani Kumar II-273 Kadam, Sujata II-175
Dutt, Varun I-381 Kademani, Akash II-55
Kaliyar, Rohit Kumar I-267, I-300
Garg, Apar I-203, I-212 Kanan, Raman I-465
Garg, Deepak I-203, I-300, II-19 Kandar, Shyamalendu II-250
Gattyani, Vaibhav I-169 Kannaiah I-280
506 Author Index

Kataria, Harsh I-54 Panchal, Kruti II-43

Kathote, Sakshi II-55 Pandey, Vivek I-203
Kaur, Katinder I-243 Pandya, Mihir II-55
Kayumov, Zufar II-106 Panesar, Sonia I-492
Khade, Rasika II-200 Panigrahi, Siba Smarak I-474
Khare, Sangita I-87 Pankajakshan, Ambily I-443
Kolhatkar, Ashwin II-55 Paramkusham, Spandana I-66
Koolagudi, Shashidhar G. I-288 Pareek, Bhavya I-100
Kotecha, Ketan II-55 Parhi, Bikash Kumar I-452
Kumar, Durgesh II-336, II-355 Patidar, Kriti II-94
Kumar, Parteek I-243 Patil, Balaji M. I-417
Kumar, Rituraj I-443 Patil, Hemlata II-175
Kuppili, Sai Satwik II-283 Patil, Pramod I-407
Kushwaha, Riti I-424 Patwardhan, Samarth D. I-452
Paul, Aakash II-250
Lakshmi Narasimhan, V. II-83 Pechetti, Harshitha I-100
Laya, Sai N. I-300 Pranathi, M. Krishna I-128
Prasad, Puja S. I-66
Mahendra, Mehra I-31 Prathyushaa, V. K. I-267
Makinen, Kyle I-465 Premjith, B. I-183
Mandal, Spriha I-313 Punia, Sandeep Kumar II-231
Markina, Angelina II-106
Mary Sobha, P. G. II-30 Qureshi, Mohammed Ghalib I-434
Matto, Jaideep I-365 Qureshi, Mohammed Murtuza I-434
Maurya, Aruna I-313
Mayank, Srivastava I-31 Rachita II-200
Mehra, Sunakshi I-256 Raghhul, R. I-267
Mishra, Balmukund II-19 Rajashekar Reddy, A. I-280
Mishra, Vipul I-395, II-43 Rana, Duni Chand I-381
Mishra, Vipul Kumar I-54 Rani, M. Mary Shanthi II-3
Mittal, Gyan I-203 Ravella, Venkata Vyshnavi II-283
Mohnot, Arjun I-267 Raykar, Deepti Balaji II-323
Muddalkar, Ketan II-19 Rayudu, Manjula Sri I-66
Mukhopadhyay, Debajyoti I-212, I-492 Reddy, Eswar I-365
Munisamy, Srinivasan II-336 Reddy, L. S. S. II-336
Rohilla, Rajesh II-73
Nageswara, K. I-365 Rout, Dillip II-152
Narasimhan, V. Lakshmi II-123 Rupali I-243
Naval, Smita I-424
Naveen Kumar, L. I-280 Saharia, Navanath I-336
Nema, Malay Kumar I-443 Sahni, Rahul I-474
Nidagundi, Jayashree C. II-215 Saini, Tushar I-381
Nigam, Abhishek I-203 Samal, Chandra Kanta II-296
Nigam, Manoj Kumar II-188 Sanagar, Swati I-224
Nipane, Sonal II-200 Sangeetha, R. II-3
Niranjan, S. I-139 Sarvjeet II-43
Novikov, Boris II-273 Shaju, Varsha I-3
Sharma, Aradhna I-492
Ojha, Ankit Raj I-313 Sharma, Ashish I-75
Ojha, Manas II-55 Sharma, Maitreyi II-200
Author Index 507

Sharma, Neetu II-73 Timande, Balram Damodhar II-188

Sharma, Nikhil I-17 Tiwari, Alarsh I-54
Sharma, Vishnu Prakash II-231 Tiwari, Kartikey I-243
Shinde, Subhash K. II-308 Tomar, Gagandeep I-381
Shukla, Manoj Kumar II-273 Tumakov, Dmitrii II-106
Shyam Chandra Prasad, G. I-280 Tyagi, Dheerendra Kumar II-336, II-355
Shyam Sundar, K. I-349 Tyagi, Lalit Kumar II-355
Sikandar, Ajay II-336, II-355 Tyagi, Manoj Kumar II-336, II-355
Singal, Gaurav I-100, I-424, I-492 Tyagi, Neha II-355
Singh, Jaiteg I-113
Singh, Navya I-267 Upadhyay, Divya II-273
Singh, Prashant II-336
Singh, Rajbeer I-300 Vasu, Sunny Rajendrasingh I-87
Siper, Matthew I-465 Vathsala, H. I-288
Soman, K. P. I-183 Vedant, Sahai I-31
Srivastava, Abhishek I-17 Veeramsetty, Venkataramana I-100
Sudharshan, M. Sujay I-300 Verma, Aditi I-169
Suryawanshi, Shubhangi I-407 Verma, Madhushi I-151
Susan, Seba I-256
Waghmare, Rohit S. II-175
Tanwar, Naveen II-231 Walambe, Rahee II-55
Teja, S. I-365
Thara, S. I-183 Yadav, Navneet II-296
Thomas, Irene Serah I-100 Yenneti, Shanmukha I-203
Thomas, Princy Ann II-30 Yenneti, Shanmukha Sai Sumanth I-424

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