SP 1230

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Petroleum Development Oman L.L.C.

Specification for Medical Examination,

Treatment and Facilities

Document ID SP-1230

Document Type Specification

Security Unrestricted

Specification for Medical Examination, Treatment and

Discipline Facilities

Owner PDO Chief Medical Officer (MCC)

Issue Date May 2022

Version 6.0

Keywords: This document is the property of Petroleum Development Oman, LLC. Neither the
whole nor any part of this document may be disclosed to others or reproduced, stored in a
retrieval system, or transmitted in any form by any means (electronic, mechanical,
reprographic recording or otherwise) without prior written consent of the owner.

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i Document Authorisation
Authorised For Issue
Document Authorization
Document Authority Document Custodian Document Controller
Dr Rawahi, Sulaiman Dr Yaqoubi, Nasser Dr Rawahi, Malik

Ref. Ind: MCC Ref. Ind: MCOH Ref. Ind: MCO1

Date: 25 May 2022 Date: 25 May 2022 Date: 25 May 2022

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ii Revision History
The following is a brief summary of the 4 most recent revisions to this document. Details of all
revisions prior to these are held on file by the issuing department.

Version No.


6.0 May 2022 Dr Nasser Changes made:

Yaqoubi &
Shiboun Jassasi  Identified the reachable time for AED
 Change in frequency of medical examination at age
of 40 years
5.0 January Dr Salim Sawai & Changes Made:
2022 Shiboun Jassasi
 Revision and update list of HSE critical jobs
 Revision of Medical conditions affecting FTW
 Update list of approved clinics
 Revision and update of FtW protocols
 Linking Medical Fcaility inspection template
 Health care facilities requirement linked with OPAL
Camp standard
 Ambulance requirement linked with OPAL road
safety standard

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4.0 Oct 2016 Dr.Sulaiman Changes Made:

& Dr Salim Sawai  Clarity and simplification
 Improvement of all the forms.
 Introduction of Sickle Cell test during pre-
employment and Cardiac risk assessment by using
the online Framingham calculator. Also all new
employees above 50 years of age have to undergo
TMT during pre-employment medical.
 A doctor to be recruited by any contractor if they
have 1000 employees or more on the same site or
 Added specification for the converted emergency
evacuation vehicles.
 Added the list for essential and emergency
medications to be kept in clinics.
 Updated the list of PDO approved Clinics.
 Updated the list of HSE classified job to include
radiation, Asbestos, Mercury, lead and Benzene
workers to undergo 2 yearly medical check up.
 Added summary information on centralization
strategy. Removing the necessity to provide a clinic
for camps within 30km of the nearest PAC.
 Added check list for returning to work after
significant ill health, injury or long absence from
work for any other reasons.

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3.0 Apr 2009 Dr. Salim Sawai  Shell Group FTW new version integrated into PDO SP-
MCOH 1230. Requirements for medical examinations are similar to
the old one but now tabulated and the procedures are
 Changes in the required number of First Aiders,
requirement reduced from 10% to 5%.
 Amendments to specific conditions which may affect fitness
to work. i.e. from using the general term of unfit to work in
interior to unfit to work in the field.
 Changes regarding frequency of health surveillance
Medical Examinations. Moving towards risk based medical
examination; hence the frequency has been reduced from
the 2 yearly medical examinations for everybody to every 5
years for those under 40 years of age, every 2 years for
those between 40 and 60 and annually for those above 60.
Except the following categories have to undergo FTW
medical evaluation every 2 years regardless of their age:
1. Persons who are required to wear tight sealed full face
masks or half sealed face masks breathing apparatus
when undertaking a work task (Breathing apparatus
2. Fire fighting and rescue team workers.
3. Business travellers
4. Catering and food preparation workers.
 Clinic requirements- Number of beds from one bed to 2
beds or more depending on the size of workforce.
 Pages 26-60 are new additions to this specification to make
medical examinations requirements and procedures
simpler, clearer, user friendly and in line with group
2.0 Nov 2003 Khalifa Maskery Changes made:
CSM/31  2.1.1 HSE Classified jobs: Routine medical check-up for
all the positions is same (2 yearly)
 Appendix H: Defibrillator is added to the minimum
requirements for the Camp/Site Clinics
1.0 Jun 2002 Wayne Austin

iii Related Business Processes

Code Business Process (EPBM 4.0)

iv Related Corporate Management Frame Work (CMF)

The related CMF Documents can be retrieved from the Corporate Business Control
Documentation Register CMF.

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i Document Authorisation ...................................................................................................... 3
ii Revision History .................................................................................................................. 4
 Added specification for the converted emergency evacuation vehicles. ...................... 5
iii Related Business Processes .............................................................................................. 6
iv Related Corporate Management Frame Work (CMF) Documents ..................................... 6
1 Introduction........................................................................................................................ 11
1.1 Purpose ....................................................................................................................... 11
1.2 Changes to the Specification ...................................................................................... 11
2 Scope ................................................................................................................................ 12
2.1 Process Definition ....................................................................................................... 12
2.2 Process Deliverables ................................................................................................... 12
2.2.1 Records ..................................................................................................... 12
2.2.2 Reporting Format ....................................................................................... 12
2.3 Responsibilities ........................................................................................................... 13
2.4 Performance Levels / Indicators.................................................................................. 13
2.5 Performance Monitoring .............................................................................................. 13
2.6 Effective period ............................................................................................................ 13
2.7 Review and Improvement ........................................................................................... 13
2.8 Compliance.................................................................................................................. 14
3 Medical Treatment ............................................................................................................ 15
3.1 PDO ............................................................................................................................. 15
3.2 Contractors .................................................................................................................. 15
4 First Aid Treatment ............................................................................................................ 16
4.1 General ........................................................................................................................ 16
4.2 First Aid Team ............................................................................................................. 16
4.3 First Aiders and certification ........................................................................................ 16
4.4 First Aid Kits ................................................................................................................ 17
5 Clinics ................................................................................................................................ 19
5.1 PDO ............................................................................................................................. 19
5.2 PDO, Contractors, and Subcontractors ...................................................................... 19
5.3 Medical confidentiality, for all employees .................................................................... 21
6 Ambulance Services ......................................................................................................... 22
6.1 Ambulance Vehicles .................................................................................................... 22
6.2 Converted Emergency Evacuation vehicles. .............................................................. 22
6.3 Ambulance Drivers ...................................................................................................... 23
6.4 PDO Paramedics ......................................................................................................... 24
7 Medical professionals (PDO and Contractors) ................................................................. 25

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7.1 Doctors ........................................................................................................................ 25

7.2 Nurses ......................................................................................................................... 25
7.3 Contractor nurse .......................................................................................................... 26
8 Medical Examinations ....................................................................................................... 27
8.1 General ........................................................................................................................ 27
8.2 Objectives of the medical assessment ........................................................................ 27
8.3 The PDO Workplaces.................................................................................................. 28
8.4 The Assessment of Prospective Employee ................................................................ 28
8.5 Assessment of Fitness ................................................................................................ 29
8.6 Certificate of Fitness .................................................................................................... 30
8.7 Types of Medical Examinations .................................................................................. 30
8.8 Pre-employment Examinations ................................................................................... 31
8.9 Pre-placement Examinations ...................................................................................... 31
8.10 Pre- transfer or Overseas Examinations ................................................... 32
8.11 Routine Medical Examinations (Part of Wellness Program) ..................... 32
8.12 Medical Examination for Ill-health Retirement........................................... 32
8.13 Process for Medical Examinations (PDO and Contractor employees) ..... 33
8.14 Fitness to Work Medical Examination (FTW) ............................................ 34
8.14.1 Definitions .................................................................................................. 34
8.14.2 Introduction ................................................................................................ 34
8.14.3 Purpose ..................................................................................................... 34
8.14.4 Objectives .................................................................................................. 35
8.14.5 Principles of Medical Evaluation of Fitness to Work ................................. 35
8.14.6 Legal Requirements and Constraints ........................................................ 36
8.14.7 Responsibilities .......................................................................................... 37
9 HSE Classified Jobs requiring FTW medical examinations.............................................. 38
9.1 Jobs with Specific HSE Risks ..................................................................................... 38
10 Specific Conditions Which May Affect Fitness To Work ............................................. 40
10.1 Infectious Diseases ................................................................................... 40
10.2 Malignant Neoplasm (cancers) .................................................................. 40
10.3 Diseases of Digestive System ................................................................... 40
10.4 Diseases of Liver and Pancreas................................................................ 40
10.5 Heart Conditions (Cardiovascular System) ............................................... 41
10.6 Hypertension (high blood pressure) .......................................................... 42
10.7 Pulmonary Circulation ............................................................................... 42
10.8 Peripheral Circulation ................................................................................ 42
10.9 Cerebro-Vascular Disorders ...................................................................... 42
10.10 Diseases of Blood or Blood Forming Organs ............................................ 42
10.11 Mental Disorders ....................................................................................... 43
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10.12 Diseases of Nervous System and Sense Organs ..................................... 43

10.13 Musculoskeletal System ............................................................................ 43
10.14 Skin ............................................................................................................ 43
10.15 Endocrine and Metabolic Disorders .......................................................... 44
10.16 Genitourinary System ................................................................................ 44
10.17 Respiratory System ................................................................................... 44
10.18 Ear, Nose and Throat ................................................................................ 45
10.19 Sleep disorders .......................................................................................... 46
10.20 Medicines................................................................................................... 46
10.21 Age ............................................................................................................ 46
11 Appendices .................................................................................................................. 47
Appendix 1: Aircraft refuelling ............................................................................................... 47
Appendix 2: Breathing Apparatus (BA) Work ....................................................................... 48
Appendix 3: Business travel ................................................................................................. 49
Shell Health Services - travel health..................................................................................... 49
Appendix 4: Catering and food preparation .......................................................................... 50
Appendix 5: Heavy vehicles driving ...................................................................................... 51
Appendix 6: Professional Light vehicles driving ................................................................... 52
Appendix 7: Fire Fighting and Rescue team work................................................................ 53
Appendix 8: Remote Location Work including Offshore* ..................................................... 54
Appendix 9: Transfers – Group A Country ........................................................................... 55
Appendix 10: Transfers – Group B Country ......................................................................... 56
Appendix 11: Cardiovascular Risk Assessment (CVS profile) ............................................. 57
Appendix 12: FTW Evaluation Content Summary ................................................................ 58
Appendix 13: Guidance on Physiological Parameters ......................................................... 59
Appendix 14: Questionnaires and Evaluation Forms ........................................................... 60
Appendix 15: Fitness to Work Certificate ............................................................................. 61
Appendix 16: (Form SQ2), Breathing Apparatus Screening ................................................ 62
Appendix 17: (Form SQ3), Business Travel Screening Questionnaire ................................ 63
Appendix 18: (Form SQ4), Catering & Food Preparation Screening ................................... 64
Appendix 19: (Form SQ4a), Catering & Food Prep. Follow up Screening........................... 65
Appendix 20: (Form SQ5): Epworth Screening Quest. for Sleep Apnoea ........................... 66
Appendix 21: (Form SQ6): Returning to work Checklist. ..................................................... 67
Appendix 22: PDO Noise Protocol ....................................................................................... 68
Appendix 23: PDO-approved Medical centres (Clinics) ....................................................... 69
Appendix 24: Minimum Requirments for First Aid Kits ......................................................... 71
Appendix 25: PDO Clinic Facilities ....................................................................................... 71
Appendix 26: Minimum Requirements for Ambulances ....................................................... 73
Appendix 27: Minimum Equipments for Camp/worksite Clinics ........................................... 74
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Appendix 28: List of Clinics’ Essential and Emergency Medications. .................................. 76

Appendix 29: Nurses/Medic Medical Responsibilities .......................................................... 78
Appendix 30: Definitions ....................................................................................................... 79
Appendix 31: Terms and Abbreviations ............................................................................... 80
Appendix 32: EX1 Form (Initial Examination Report) ........................................................... 81
Appendix 33: EX2 Form (Routine/Periodic Medical Examination) ....................................... 83
Appendix 34: EX3 Form (Transfer Examination Report) ...................................................... 85
Appendix 35: EX4 Form (Transfer Examination Report) ...................................................... 87

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1 Introduction

1.1 Purpose
This Specification describes PDO's requirements for managing medical examinations,
medical treatment, and medical emergency and medical facilities in line with MoH, OPAL,
and Shell group requirements. In this specification we have adopted the Shell group FtW
standards. All definitions of terms that appears in this specification can be found in
Appendix 30.

1.2 Changes to the Specification

This document shall be reviewed as necessary by the Document Custodian, but no less
frequently than every four years.
In the interim period, Document Custodian may decide to incorporated additional
information or changes in the document. These changes shall be communicated to all
the stake holders through a written letter to all contractors’ HSE managers working within
PDO concession area.

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2 Scope

This Specification applies to all PDO, employees, all contractors and sub-contractors
authorised to work on behalf of PDO.

The Specification addresses:

 Medical treatment
 First aid and Medical Emergency Response (the details of MER are found in
documents PR- 1243)
 Clinics and other related medical facilities
 Ambulance services
 Nursing services
 Medical examinations including FTW protocols.
 OPAL Camp Standard requirement (Section 6. Health Care Facilities)

2.1 Process Definition

Define the process inclusive of its mapping to the latest version of the EP Business

Biennial : Every 2 years

Pre-employment : Before commencing employment.

Pre-placement: : Before commencing employment in a job for which there are

predetermined level of medical and physical fitness is
necessary for the safe and proper performance of the job

2.2 Process Deliverables

2.2.1 Records

Medical records shall be maintained in each clinic to document the implementation of

this Specification and for future reference and audit.

Individual employee’s medical records shall be treated as most confidential

documents and shall be kept in secure locations, preferably a computerised filing
system (on the site where employee works) to be handled only by medical personnel.
Medical records shall be kept for a minimum of 30 years.

2.2.2 Reporting Format

A monthly report of key health performance indicators (HPIs) from contracting health
services shall be submitted to PDO Medical Officers in the respective locations copied
OH Advisor/Chief Medical Officer who will reviewed these on quarterly basis.

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2.3 Responsibilities

Managers are responsible for ensuring that the activities they control are managed in
accordance with the requirements of this Specification.

Corporate Functional Discipline Heads

Corporate Functional Discipline Heads are responsible for ensuring that the
requirements of this Specification are reflected in the documents for which they are

Contract Holders

Contract Holders are responsible for communicating this Specification to Contractors,

and for ensuring that the requirements of this Specification are adhered to within the
scope of their contracts.


Contractors are responsible for ensuring that activities undertaken within the scope of
their contracts are managed in accordance with the requirements of this Specification.

2.4 Performance Levels / Indicators

Describe the key performance indicators / levels, against which the process integrity is
to be measured. Include parameters over which or under which the process must not
deviate under normal conditions. Specify these normal conditions.

2.5 Performance Monitoring

A medical examination, treatment, medical emergency response and medical facilities
monitoring programme including inspections and level 3, 2 and 1 audits shall be
developed, implemented and maintained to demonstrate compliance with this

2.6 Effective period

This specification is the improvement of the previous version of SP-1230 and so it takes
effect as soon as it is published. The exception is the subject related to the new PDO
strategy for closure of all small clinics and centralization of contractor health services.
This would take effect one year from the publication of this reviewed specification.

2.7 Review and Improvement

Any user of this document who encounters a mistake or confusing entry is requested to
immediately notify PDO Chief medical Officer using the “User feedback Form” provided
in CP 122 HSE Management System manual, part 2 Chapter 3.
This document shall be reviewed as necessary by the Document Custodian, but no less
frequently than every four years. Triggers for full or partial review of this specification are
listed in PDO’s CP 122 HSE Management System manual, Part 2, Chapter 8.

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2.8 Compliance
Any non-compliance with this Specification by PDO, contractors or subcontractors shall
be notified, investigated and reported as per the ‘Non Compliance Report Form’ (refer to
CP 122 HSE management system manual, Part 2 Chapter 6) and the HSE defaults
consequence management shall be applied and followed.

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3 Medical Treatment

3.1 PDO
All PDO staff is entitled to free medical care at PDO clinics at a General Practitioner level
and within the limits available at PDO facilities i.e. a primary health care.

Notwithstanding any primary medical treatment provided by PDO, any staff requiring
further treatment shall be referred to a Ministry of Health hospital or at approved private
health institutions as per the new improved PDO self- insurance benefits.

3.2 Contractors
Contractor shall provide medical treatment facilities and medical emergency response
for its employees at its own cost.

Contractors that are authorised by PDO to obtain primary medical treatment at PDO
clinic facilities shall provide the clinic with a list of all personnel who may require medical
treatment at any time during the term of the Contract. The list shall provide information
to include:

 employee name,

 employee number,

 work location, and

 Contract number under which the employee is engaged.

Contractor shall notify PDO Clinic administrator (MCA) quarterly of any amendments to
the list.

Notwithstanding any primary medical treatment provided, any Contractor personnel

requiring further treatment shall be referred to a Ministry of Health hospital or private
hospital by the treating medical personnel at the contractor cost.

On each occasion that medical services are provided to the Contractor by PDO, the
contractor shall complete and submit the "Contractor Medical Attendance and Cost
Record" Form. The contractor shall be charged for any medical services provided or
arranged by PDO.

PDO shall provide out-patient medical treatment to seconded staff at PDO Interior clinics
whilst these persons are performing work or services in the Interior. The contractor shall
be charged for any medical services provided or arranged by PDO.

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4 First Aid Treatment

4.1 General
All PDO employees, and both contractors and visitors spending more than one month
in any 12-month period on the site shall be trained in First Response (TIER 0) in order
to ensure that everyone knows what to do in the event of an incident.
The first response is the immediate assistance delivered by any person(s) nearest to the
casualty (bystanders) at the time of the incident. That is, Make Safe, Call Out to
Designated First Aider (DFA) and site control centre, and follow standard ‘Do’s and
Designated First Aider (DFA): an individual trained and certified in First Aid and receiving
regular skills maintenance from the Site Medical Professional.

First Aid treatment that include having competent ‘First Aiders’(TIER 1) and fully-stocked
First Aid kits shall be available at all PDO and contractor facilities within the PDO
concession area, at all times people are at work. All employees (PDO and Contractors)
to be informed about the names of first aiders in each location or department.

When more than 20 people are working at a particular location, a minimum of 10% of
staff per shift shall be competent First Aiders with access to suitable First Aid kits. One
additional competent First Aider with access to First Aid kits shall be provided for every
10 additional employees.

When less than 20 people are working at a particular location, at least Two persons per
shift is to be competent First Aider with access to suitable First Aid kits.

4.2 First Aid Team

First Aid Teams exist to assist in emergency response in 24/7 hours, particularly in the
Interior, where resources are geographically dispersed.

The Nurse (PDO or Contractor) shall maintain a list of names, telephone numbers and
locations of each member of the First Aid Team in their area. This list shall be up to date
and available at the clinic and the local emergency control room.

4.3 First Aiders and certification

First Aiders shall possess a valid certificate of competence in First Aid, obtained either
through the PDO-approved provider. Refer to PDO's Corporate HSE Training Advisor
(refer to PDO’s Specification for HSE Training SP 1157). I.e. all approved providers shall
have American Heart Association accreditation (the center and its trainers). Therefore
all first aider shall be certified in Heart Saver (AHA) course including the use of
automated external defibrillation (AED), work specific first aid and use of Material safety
data sheet (MSDS). First Aiders must be up to date in knowledge and skills.

The first aid certification expiry date is mentioned on the certificate and is usually valid
for 2 or 3 years. Thereafter regular re-certification by an accredited center is mandatory.

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The First Aider is also responsible for keeping their First Aid certification up to date and
initiating plans for ensuring regular updating of his/her knowledge and skills. The First
Aiders shall undertake refresher drills and familiarisation training every 4 months. This
shall include familiarisation with the Medical Emergency Plan, the layout of the clinic, the
location and use of equipment and first aid management of different medical cases. This
drill and training shall be arranged and organised by his /her department.

The following are responsibilities of First Aiders:

 Assess the scene and the casualties and identify the principal problem(s)

 Call the emergency number 5555 for assistance if necessary

 Assess the condition of casualty[ies] and provide immediate first aid treatment.
Omani law does not restrict trained First Aiders from using the AED to save lives.

 Assess the need to call or transfer to TIER 2 and 3

 Notify site doctor, nurse or company adviser of patient’s condition

 Record and report all First Aid treatment given.

 Seek help from Tier 2 personnel and follow the instructions.

Other responsibility of First Aider regarding AED:

 AED machine must be located in an easily accessible place and be reachable

within the first four minutes of cardiac incidents.

 Keep the AED maintained properly including installation of a new battery and
replacement of electrod pad as needed.

 Make sure AED works properly, If the AED machine starts beeping or you see the
light flashing, this means the battery is low and you must contact the MCN team
for replacement.

4.4 First Aid Kits

All First Aid kits shall be:

 clearly identifiable and their location known by all staff

 stored in an accessible location, and shall not be locked

 portable.

All first aid kits shall contain, as a minimum, the contents listed in Appendix 24 – Contents
of First Aid Kits. A list of the contents shall be stored with each kit.

A designated First Aider for a particular location shall be assigned responsibility to check
each First Aid Kit weekly, to maintain the kit fully-stocked, and to record and retain the
checks. The location of First Aid kits, and names, telephone numbers and locations of
First Aiders shall be centrally posted at each work location.

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First Aid kits for PDO staff shall be obtained through logistics department. The PDO
Medical department shall provide the contents of the first aid kits upon receiving a request
from the assigned PDO First Aiders. Contractor First aider will secure their own First aid

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5 Clinics

5.1 PDO
Access to the PDO Coastal Clinic shall be provided to the following people:

 Company employees and their eligible family members

 PDO retirees and their spouses

 Specified contractors and subcontractors provided there was a prior approval by

the PDO chief Medical Officer and the contract holder.

5.2 PDO, Contractors, and Subcontractors

PDO is in the process of centralizing contractors’ healthcare services in the interior. The
aim is to consolidate all contractor satellite clinics in each interior hub to have only one
well resourced contactor health center serving all contactors’ workforce in that area. The
interim phase of the centralization process has already been initiated in two pilot
locations including Marmul area.

Primarily the current PAC clinics in respective locations are to serve as central clinics,
until a single unified medical center agreed and established. All companies with camp
and worksite bases within 30 kilometers of the PAC (Central Clinic) are to use the PAC
facility. PAC clinics are required to maintain adequate staff and resources to cope with
additional workforce i.e. at least 1 extra nurse in the clinic for additional 500 people.

PDO shall no longer authorise contractors’ own clinics especially those that are manned
by a single nurse except clinics at the rig site. However, under specific conditions, a step
out will be provided by the PDO Chief medical Officer for contractor clinic facilities to
operate for the purpose of providing own staff medical care. The conditions will include:

 population risk profile,

 the contractor's work is classed as posing a high risk on the basis of Health
Risk assessment

 the contractor's camp or base is remote. This will not only be based on the 30
kilometres distance but also the time it takes to travel to the nearest PAC Clinic.
30 minutes is regarded as an acceptable travel time.

Any contractor with 1,000 employees operating outside the specified 30 kilometers
boundary of the PAC (later Central Clinic) and have the above mentioned stepout shall
provide a doctor and a clinic onsite.

Similarly, smaller establishment of about 100 or more employees operating outside the
specified 30 kilometers boundary of the PAC (later Central Clinic) and have the above
mentioned stepout shall provide a clinic with a nurse.

A clinic shall be provided by the contractor for an average of less than 100 people if:

 the contractor's work is classed as posing a high risk on the basis of Health
Risk assessment

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 the contractor's camp or base is remote (a distance of 30 minutes or more by

road) or more than 30 kilometres from the nearest clinic.

These are often at rigs or other gathering stations.

Two or more contractors in adjacent camps shall be permitted to share a clinic provided
the clinic has adequate staff and resources to cope with the additional workforce and
subject to prior approval from their Contract Holders and the location PDO Medical

Contractors shall provide transport for any personnel that require a visit to the clinic.

The site clinic shall be inspected, licensed and approved by the Ministry of Health and
the PDO Medical Department before commencement of business. Also the Clinic shall
be accessible 24 hours with easy access to ambulance services and shall be manned
by a PDO approved and ACLS certified medical Professional (a nurse or and a doctor)
and shall have:

 accommodation for Tier 2 MER Professional nearest to the clinic

 communication facilities such as fixed land line or GSM and network service to
communicate with site manager and Remote Medical support direct from clinic

 easy ingress/egress with wheel chair or stretcher

 A dedicated Examination/assessment, emergency and procedure room with

an examination coach/bed

 waiting area separated from the examination/assessment room to maintain


 Observation/Emergency treatment room with two bed or more depending on

the size of the workforce,

 Adequate work area and lockable Storage cabinets for medications, medical
records and equipment

 Computerised Medical filling system or a lockable filing cabinet for keeping

confidential medical documents

 adequate illumination and ventilation& temperature control system

 Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) archive and other medical reference.

 Lockable Refrigerator for certain drugs with thetmometer.

 appropriate hand washing facilities

 proper medical waste disposal system

 Functioning, clean toilet & utility Room.

 Meet PDO SP-1231, SP-1285 and MD 286/2008 for Indoor Environment

Quality (IEQ), Heating, ventilation & Air-conditioning and Lighting requirement.

The minimum requirements for Camp/Worksite clinics are detailed in Appendix 27 and
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5.3 Medical confidentiality, for all employees

Medical records of all individuals, including specific details of all medical examinations,
shall remain strictly confidential.

PDO, contractors and sub-contractors shall:

 maintain, update and store medical records of all employees preferably in a

computerise filing system as per MoH standards

 collect, collate and report health surveillance data

 retain health surveillance records for a minimum of 30 years from the date of

 records all clinical interaction, discussion, and consultations

 evidence that effective management of ongoing medical conditions is occurring,

proper continuity of care and enable identification of possible work-related illness
or injury.

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6 Ambulance Services

6.1 Ambulance Vehicles

All ambulance vehicles shall comply with the Ambulance Code of Practice and the
minimum requirements for ambulances (refer to Appendix 26 and the Medical
department procedure guide).

The ambulance vehicles should have the following general specifications:

 Approved by ROP and MoH and meet OPAL Road Safety Standard Annnex B-

 4-wheel drive, air conditioned throughout the vehicle

 Sufficient capacity for carrying one or more patients lying down on stretcher(s)
well secured to the vehicle, and a nursing attendant. A sideways facing seat for
carrying each stretcher shall be acceptable if it is a permanent seat and at least
a retractable-type 2-point seatbelt is fitted.

 Be suitable for stretcher recovery work - the doors should fully open to allow free
and unrestricted access

 Any equipment, and cupboards shall be properly secured inside the vehicle

 The nursing attendant shall be able to communicate directly with the driver

 The vehicle shall be fitted with a radio, siren, and flashing warning light.

 Each ambulance shall be checked daily by the ambulance driver or paramedics

to ensure that it is road worthy, regardless of whether or not the ambulance has
been recently used and to report any defects.

If a contractor provides a clinic, and the contractor camp is more than 30 kilometres by
road from the nearest PDO or PAC clinic, the contractor shall provide an ambulance.

If required, contractor ambulances shall be called upon to be used to supplement PDO

ambulances in emergencies.

6.2 Converted Emergency Evacuation vehicles.

Ensure that all converted vehicles (Emergency Evacuation vehicles) must comply with
the specification SP2000 section 3.2.1 version 3.

One vehicle must be onsite at all times that can accommodate and secure a stretcher
inside the vehicle and shall comply with the following specifications:

 Long wheel based, air conditioned, very well maintained 4 wheel drive vehicle
in a very good condition.

 Able to carry one patient lying down on a well secured stretcher to the vehicle.

 Availability of seat for the patient attendant/escort beside the stretcher.

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 Availability of one Oxygen cylinder and a stand fixed to the inside of the vehicle

 Availability of intravenous drip hooks

 Availability of communication facility-RADIO or Thuraya phone.

 Availability of a well stocked First Aid Kit inside the vehicle.

 Availability of a difibrilator(AED) onsite which can be used during patient


 Be suitable for stretcher recovery work - the doors should fully open to allow
free and unrestricted access.

6.3 Ambulance Drivers

Ambulance drivers should acquire enough knowledge and skills to provide additional
support to nursing team while also allowing them enough rest in the event that they have
been called out on emergency calls during the night. Ambulance drivers shall not have
any other duties that take them away from the clinic or its immediate vicinity.

All ambulance drivers shall meet the following minimum requirements:

 Will be Minimum of 25 years and Maximum of 55 years of age

 No history of alcohol/drug use for at least 10 years.

 Shall be physically and mentally fit, having passed annual medical

examination (Fitness to Work for professional drivers), with minimum vision
acuity of 6/12 with or without glasses.

 Have held a valid light vehicle driving license for no less than 5 years.

 Have held a PDO driving permit on blacktop and graded (Complete

defensive driving course).

 Have attended and passed the PDO emergency vehicle driver course.

 Have attended HSE induction course, H2S, escape awareness and

defensive driving, ambulance drivers (DD08)

 Have attended and passed the Heart Saver Course (American Heart
Association accredited) which includes BLS and defibrillation skills. Hence
they are competent First Aiders.

 Have undergone pre-employment medical and the 2 yearly fitness to work

medical examinations and declared fit for the job

 Familiar with local Emergency Response Plans

 Ability to read a road map and be familiar with the geographical area of
activities to enable a maximum response time of 10 minutes.

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Refer to PDO’s Medical Emergencies Contingency Plan and code of practice for
ambulance services for a detailed description of responsibilities relating to emergency
preparedness and response.

6.4 PDO Paramedics

PDO paramedics are assistant health professionals who, in addition to driving the
ambulance, they assist nurse to provide specialist pre-hospital emergency health care.
The paramedics undergo Medical Emergency Technician (MET) course and train in the
use of emergency equipment such as defibrillator, oxygen administration and application
of splints and tractions on the site.
When not attending to emergency, a paramedic helps nurses at the out-patient
department in some of the daily routines, such as taking ECG, preparing IV line,
recording vital signs, etc. to ensure maintenance of their skills and to afford them the
necessary experience.

Roles & Responsibilities:

Their main roles are to operate emergency vehicle and help nurse performing victim(s)
health assessment at the site and provide initial stabilization prior to transfer to the clinic
or hospital for definitive care.

 Certified MET
 Emergency Medical Service and Ambulance Ride & Defensive Driving Support
 Basic Life Support (Approved by AHA)
 Skill in the use defibrillator (AED)

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7 Medical professionals (PDO and Contractors)

The Medical staff a doctor or a nurse shall be licensed by the Ministry of health, holds a valid
Advanced Cardiac Life Support (ACLS), Basic Trauma Life Support (BTLS), International
trauma Life Suport (ITLS) certification or equivalent critical life support training, a minimum of
4 years relevant work experience post graduation and approval certificate to work on PDO
concession areas by the PDO medical department before recruitment and deployment to site.
Employers shall allow their medical staff to participate in and attend continuous medical
education seminars/workshops at least once/year.

7.1 Doctors
Any set up or company with 1000 employees or more on the same site/area, a doctor
shall be recruited and shall be available on site at all times.

7.2 Nurses
The minimum number of nurses provided, shall be dictated by the number of people
served by the clinic as detailed in the table below. The required number of nurses shall
be maintained at all times, including cover for periods of nurse sickness absence and
annual leave.

Number of people serve by the clinic Number of Nurses

0 - 500 1

501 - 1000 2 + (1 doctor if the workforce has reached 1000)

1000 plus 1 doctor + 2 nurses (Add 1 nurse for additional 500)

Medical responsibilities of the nurse shall include, as a minimum, those listed in Appendix
29 and PDO Medical department procedure guide and shall take precedence over non-
medical duties.

Each qualified nurse shall meet the following minimum requirements:

 Qualified as Oman Registered Nurse with valid Omani Ministry of Health

licence (PDO and contractor nurses).

 4 years relevant nursing experience

 valid Advanced Cardiac Life Support (ACLS) certification

 Competent in assigned emergency response duties and casualty

management including resuscitation as a Tier 2 medical professional.

 ability to communicate in English (written and verbal)

 Fully acquainted with local PDO emergency response protocol

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7.3 Contractor nurse

 In addition to the above mentioned requirements, contractor nurses shall
undergo 1 week orientation in any of the PDO medical facilities, followed by a
competent assessment and PDO approval of his or her ability to manage a clinic
before deployment to site.

 The contractor’s nurse shall refer treatment of all illnesses or injuries that are
beyond their abilities to the nearest PDO clinic. The nurse shall contact the PDO
doctor or nurse before transfer to discuss the case and any special requirements.

 The contractor’s nurse or an HSE personnel shall provide monthly KPI (Key
Health Indicators) to the location PDO Medical Officer copying PDO
Occupational Health advisor (MCOH) and the PDO Chief medical Officer (MCC).

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8 Medical Examinations

8.1 General
The contractor shall arrange and pay for pre-employment and routine medical
examinations of all contractor staff to be engaged under a contract to perform work or
services for PDO and staff seconded to PDO under a contract.

All medical examinations shall be conducted either by a PDO Medical Officer or a PDO-
approved Medical Practitioner (refer to Appendix 23 for PDO approved clinics) in
accordance with PDO Medical Fitness Standards and within with the requirements of
Omani Labour Law.

The medical assessment to be conducted in accordance with occupational health

standards. In order to satisfy the requirement for proper duty of care these will include
experience and/or qualifications in occupational medicine and a thorough knowledge of
the individual's occupation and work place. In the medical assessment, the Examining
Physician is responsible for carefully assessing the physical, mental health of the
individual and the suitability of that individual to do that type of work, with particular regard
to the unique nature of the PDO workplaces.

The examining Medical Practitioner shall:

 complete and sign an Initial Medical Examination Report, EX1 (refer to Medical
Examination forms Appendix 32)

 communicate the outcome of the medical examination. That is fit or unfit and
including any medical restrictions (temporary or permanent), to the concerned
contractor. Any person found to be medically unfit for the work shall not be
employed under the contract.

Any person found to have medical restrictions shall not be employed under the contract
until approved by PDO Medical Officer, and/or PDO Occupational Health Advisor.

If approval is withheld or rejected the contractor shall communicate the out come to the
person concerned at no cost to PDO.

The contractor shall maintain, update and store medical records of all staff working for
PDO under a contract for a period of at least 30 years.

8.2 Objectives of the medical assessment

 to ensure that designated personnel are medically fit to work and do that particular
job safely.

 to protect the individual and co-workers health and safety and to anticipate and,
where possible, prevent the avoidable occurrence of ill-health or worsening of pre-
existing medical conditions at work, which could place the individual, their
colleagues and the emergency rescue services at risk.

 to provide occupational health surveillance.

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8.3 The PDO Workplaces

The Examining Physician shall ensure that the medical assessment of an individual
relates to the particular work factors and environment of the work site. Therefore, the
physician must have a thorough knowledge of health hazards, which include, but not
limited to the following:

a) PDO Work Site Related Factors

 Adverse weather, exposure to heat, and physical exertion.

 Shift work with long hours (e.g. twelve hour shifts), changes in routine
and absence from home for prolonged periods
 Limited privacy and peer group pressure
 Confined work place

b) The PDO Interior Environment

 May be remote from interior clinics and health centres
 Adverse weather conditions may prohibit or delay medical evacuation
from interior work sites

8.4 The Assessment of Prospective Employee

Proof of the identity of the prospective employee (e.g. by passport, drivers licence or
similar) is required.

A medical history questionnaire (Form EX1 or EX2) must be completed and signed. All
positive answers in the questionnaire must be discussed with the individual, and the
results recorded. A full clinical examination including dentition must be performed.

The full Medical assessment mandatory requirements and investigations include the

A) A medical history questionnaire form must be completed by the candidate

(Form EX1 or EX2) and reviewed by the examining Medical professional.
B) A thorough clinical examination to be conducted by the examining doctor.
C) Blood pressure, vision and BMI to be checked
D) Blood investigations to be done include: FBC, FBS, LFT, RFT & lipid profile.
Also sickle cell testing to be done only once during pre-employment.
E) ECG for staff aged 40 years and above and when clinically indicated.
F) Audiogram for all candidates during pre-employment and every 2 years
thereafter only for those exposed to high noise above 85 decibels.
G) Urinalysis & visual acuity and colour vision test.
H) Spirometry test to be done for Firemen, rescue workers and those who are
going to wear breathing apparatus. This test to be done only once during pre-
employment for this particular group.
I) Staff aged 40 years and above will be required to have their heart risk assessed
by the examining doctor during their periodic or fitness to work medical
examination at no additional cost by using the Framingham Calculator

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(http://cvrisk.mvm.ed.ac.uk/calculator/framingham.htm). Any employee

found to have a heart attack risk of 20 % or more, he/she is to be referred to a
specialist Physician to evaluate the need for Trade mill stress test to assess
the risk of heart attack.
J) All new employees who are above 50 years of age have to undergo a tread
mill test (TMT) during pre-employment medical examination. Positive result
should trigger a referral to heart specialist for evaluation and opinion.
K) For those over 60 yrs of age working or visiting the interior locations on regular
base including vendors would need a medical waiver. Hence Contractors and
subcontractors shall provide and send to PDO medical department and their
contract holders the list of all employees who are above the age of 60 (Omanis
and non Omanis) and working permanently in interior, and apply for a waiver
from PDO medical department allowing them to work in interior.
L) The maximum age limit to work in interior locations with a waiver and for highly
skilled workers is 64. Please note the maximum age limit to work on interior
locations for non-skilled workers such as drivers and helpers, catering staff etc
is 60 year.
M) Return to work after illness or injury- Contractors and subcontractors must put
controls in place to ensure that patients referred for further specialist care
including admissions to hospitals, must report back to PDO clinic and submit
reports to a PDO doctor before resuming their normal work duties, and to get
confirmation of staff fitness from PDO before he/she is taken back on duty.
Same procedure applies to subcontractors.
N) Any person found to be medically unfit for the work shall not be employed under
the contract.
O) Contractors and subcontractors shall have Alcohol and drugs policy. The policy
shall be communicated to staff and shall be implemented accordingly.

8.5 Assessment of Fitness

Fitness to work shall be determined by any of the following:

 Medical findings

 The physical(functional) and mental capability of the candidate

 Nature of the job

 Location of the work site and the availability of medical services and in
some cases the availability of special medical support

 Prognosis, risk of relapse or acute exacerbation of any condition.

 Side effects of treatment

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 Any adverse effects which could be precipitated by the interior


 The proposed frequency and duration of interior visits

8.6 Certificate of Fitness

It is the responsibility of the employer, and of the individual, to take all reasonable and
practical steps to self declare their fitness status and maintain valid fitness certification.
Also individual employees are required to fill a self declaration questionnaire form
following below circumstances:

a. Medical evacuation or absence from long sickness (>/= 10 days) due to

significant injury or any major illness, or injury resulted from a worksite the
individual must not return to the worksite unless certified as medically fit to
return to work by PDO Medical officer in the respective area. This does not
necessarily involve further medical examination.

b. Employee returning from long leave, or having been away from work for
more than a month (30 days or more) for other reasons including rest days,
annual leave, or sabbatical; he or she might have had some illness or an
upheaval that could affect his/her work performance, safety or hinder
him/her from coping well with work.

For both the above situations (a, and b), a short questionnaire/checklist (SQ6 -
Appendix 21) shall be completed by the returning employee and submitted to the
respective supervisor or directly to the respective medic/doctor in the field/at work site
(in case of significant health issues).
The purpose of this questionnaire/checklist is to extract information on their physical
and mental status, that would otherwise not outwardly declared by employees but one
that could impact on their personal health or affect their safety and work performance.
Direct supervisor/line shall submit any check list to the site doctor/medic nearby if the
answers to any of the questions (3, 4, 5, 6, 8, and 9) are “YES”. The medical
professional shall review and act upon the checklist accordingly.
The form should be kept with line supervisor for a period of at least 1 year (soft or hard
copy). For further clarification on this contact any of the PDO doctors.

8.7 Types of Medical Examinations

Every person shall be examined prior to employment and thereafter as specified in this

The Examining Physician may recommend increasing the frequency of periodic

assessments if clinically indicated, such as in those persons with chronic Medical
conditions, but not disqualifying conditions. Medical examination should also be
undertaken prior to termination of employment.

Medical examinations to ensure the fitness of an individual for a particular job shall be
classified as one of six categories below which are described in more details under
section 8.8 through 8.14

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1. Pre-employment examination
2. Pre-placement examination
3. Pre-transfer or overseas
4. Fitness To Work Examinations (FTW)
5. Routine Medical Examinations (Wellness program/Health Surveillance)
6. Medical examination for ill-health retirement evaluation

The outcome of any medical examination shall be communicated to management as

one of four categories:
 A (fit without restriction)

 B (fit with specified restriction)

 C (unfit)

 D (awaiting specialist assessment)

All medical examinations shall be conducted by PDO approved Medical Officer in

accordance with the requirements of Omani Labour Law and with PDO's Medical
Fitness Standards following the below outlined process.

8.8 Pre-employment Examinations

All proposed new employees shall undergo a mandatory pre-employment medical

Pre-employment examination is to be conducted by a PDO Medical Officer or PDO-

approved Medical Practitioner (refer to Appendix 23 -PDO APPROVED CLINICS) in
accordance with the requirements stipulated in this specification and sign the Medical
Examination Report, EX1 (refer to Appendix 32).

A firm offer of employment shall not be made until an opinion on whether the person is
fit for the job, including any restrictions, has been communicated to the line and human
resource by the doctor using fitness certificate (hard copy of electronic version).

8.9 Pre-placement Examinations

A PDO Medical Officer shall be consulted in the following circumstances to determine
if a pre-placement medical examination of an individual is required:

 Line is concerned that a person may not be fit for a planned job change; or

 An employee is planned for a job change involving work tasks that they are not
required to perform in their existing position.

The person shall not be placed in a new position until an opinion on whether the person
is fit for the job, including any restrictions, has been communicated to line management
by the examining approved PDO Medical Officer using a fitness certificate.

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8.10 Pre- transfer or Overseas Examinations

A PDO Medical Officer shall be consulted in the following circumstances to determine
if a pre-transfer or overseas medical examination of an individual is required:

o Employee is being transferred to group B countries

o In addition to considering the suitability for a candidate to live in country of

destination, an additional assessment should be made of any task that will be
required of the individual in the location and the appropriate additional standard

The person shall not be transferred to a new location until an opinion on whether the
person is fit for the job, including any restrictions, has been communicated to the
receiving medical team by the examining approved PDO Medical Officer.

8.11 Routine Medical Examinations (Part of Wellness Program)

All Omanis and expatriate employees should undergo routine medical examinations,
every 5 years for those under 40 years of age, every 2 years for those between 41 and
60 and annually for those above 60. Please note: it is mandatory to conduct routine
medical examination for all employees when they reach the age of 40, provided it was
conducted at age of 38 years or below. This is applicable to new contracts or renewal
of contratcs starting from July 2022. In addition, expatriate employees shall undergo a
mandatory medical examination for the purpose of renewing their Labour Permit as per
the Omani Labour Law.

Please note for a certain classified jobs/tasks employees are required to undergo FTW
medical evaluation every 2 years regardless of their age. Please refer to section
9.1(HSE classified jobs)

The examining doctor shall complete and sign the Medical Examination Report, EX2
(refer to Appendix 33).

All PDO employees and expatriates shall undergo a final pre-departure, pre-transfer at
the end of their posting with PDO and a pre-overseas medical examination.

8.12 Medical Examination for Ill-health Retirement

A Medical Board shall be convened to assess the fitness of an individual to continue in
a particular job position if an individual has or appears to have a medical problem that
is significantly affecting his/her performance at work. The request may be initiated by
employee direct supervisor/manager or treating medical personnel.

For a case to be referred to the Medical Board, a PDO Medical Officer has to
recommend that a Medical Board is the most appropriate course of action and PDO's
Chief Medical Officer has to approve the recommendation.

In situations where a Medical Board decides that a person shall be assigned a category
C medical classification (unfit), medical severance award shall be considered. The
details of the award shall depend on prevailing PDO policy at the time.

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8.13 Process for Medical Examinations (PDO and Contractor


Department to initiate Medical Examination

Process for HSE Classified jobs i.e. jobs which
require FTW Medical Examination

Phone Reception 24677430 (Coast) or contact

appropriate nearest Interior Clinic

1. Complete Medical History Forms.

2. Routine investigations performed by medical staff.

Physical examination with Doctor + any other tests

Category A: Category B: Category C: Category D:

FIT without FIT with UNFIT Awaiting
restriction specific specialist
restriction assessment

Doctor certifies Reassign

fitness for duty and to other
signs fitness duties Refer to Refer to
certificate (input Medical appropriate
data into Medical Board specialist
system for PDO

Repeat According Medical

to the severance

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8.14 Fitness to Work Medical Examination (FTW)

8.14.1 Definitions

Fitness to Work (FTW): An employee is currently in a physical and psychological state

in which he / she can carry out specific work, without significant risk to him / herself,
the business and / or third parties. FTW is a category of the possible occupational
health controls (e.g. elimination, substitution, engineering, procedures and personal
protective equipment) which may be required for the safe execution of a task.

Accommodation: The process by which reasonable changes may be made to the

workplace, or work task such that an employee may safely conduct the task.

8.14.2 Introduction

Guidelines and protocols based on Shell group protocols and guidance notes are used
to specify PDO and Shell group requirements for the Medical Evaluation of Fitness to
Work. Specifically, they describe:

 When an evaluation is required.

 How frequently it shall be repeated.
 What the medical evaluation shall (and shall not) include.

The protocols should be implemented by and applied to PDO employees, contractors

and subcontractors working under the operational control of PDO HSE Management
System. PDO management, health department and contract holders should ensure
that contractors and sub-contractors working for PDO company adopts these protocols
that have been developed to support the effective implementation of the Fitness to
Work requirements of the Minimum Health Management Standards.
FTW requirements have been defined for tasks that have been assessed on the Shell
Risk Assessment Matrix at RAM 4 or 5 and for one additional group (catering and food

Work tasks place physical and psychological demands on the employee. Every
reasonable effort should be made to assist those with functional limitations such that
they are accommodated in the workplace whilst not compromising the health and safety
of that employee or a co-worker. The section also describes the medical evaluation
processes, which in specific circumstances support the safe execution of a task in the

8.14.3 Purpose

The purpose of this FTW guide is to ensure that a lack of Fitness to Work (FTW) does
not result in significant injury or illness, risks to the business or risks to the community
or company reputation. This section provides simple but risk based protocols and
guidance for fitness to work medical evaluation. As such they complement, but do not
replace the clinical competences of the assessing health care professional. The
overarching principles of these protocols are that they:

 Be focused on risk and evidence based wherever possible.

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 Be based upon a consensus of professional opinion where evidence is


 Focus on the capacity of the employee and the essential tasks of a position
and not in isolation, the presence or absence of an illness or disease.

 Be simple and value adding through the elimination of unnecessary and / or

inappropriate evaluations.

 Provide a standard process in respect of medical evaluation of fitness to


The decision regarding whether an employee is fit for work or not (and any
accommodation that may be required) should result from the outcome of the medical
evaluation and other relevant evaluations e.g. a trade test.

8.14.4 Objectives

The Medical Evaluation of Fitness to Work process is designed to:

 Minimize the risk of an adverse consequence to the health and / or safety of

an employee or third party, resulting from a foreseeable health condition.

 Match, wherever reasonably practicable, the requirements of a position and

its associated tasks to the functional capacity (physical and psychological)
of the employee. This requires complementing other non-medical
evaluations as part of the overall fitness to work process

 Minimise the risk of liability arising from medical evaluation of fitness to work.

8.14.5 Principles of Medical Evaluation of Fitness to Work

Medical evaluations of fitness to work are not voluntary and must be distinguished
from health promotion, health surveillance related to workplace exposures and / or
health and wellness evaluations. An employee, who refuses to participate in a required
medical evaluation as part of the fitness to work process, shall be temporarily declared
unfit for that position and referred to human resources and / or line management.

Medical evaluations for fitness to work may be rationally combined with other visits to
a medical facility for either health surveillance and or health promotion but the
mandatory elements of the fitness to work programme must not be confused with other
voluntary elements.

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Employee selected for position for which fitness to

work medical evaluation is required

Periodic review
based on the Initial screening
Protocol evaluation

No medical Further evaluation

concerns required

Fit for Detailed medical and

task task assessment

for task

8.14.6 Legal Requirements and Constraints

This document describes the medical evaluation process that shall be applied in a
fitness to work program for PDO, contractors and subcontractors working for PDO.
Local legislation shall always be met, but if this guidance requires more frequent or
extensive evaluation, then the requirements of this document shall apply.

Specifically this means the following:

 The frequency of evaluations in this document shall be applied if it is more

frequent than that required by local legislation.

 The content of the examinations specified in this document shall apply. If

Omani legislation requires use of a specific form it shall be used.

 If any practice is required by law, it shall be followed. This may include the
content of an examination and / or the means of recording it.

 If this document makes additional requirements over and above the Omani
specific requirements, they shall be followed and applied.

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 Where no practice for a fitness to work evaluation is specified within Oman,

then the process (content and means of recording) in this document shall be

 The conduct of medical enquiries and examinations must be permitted in the

context of country specific legislation. If it is not, an alternate process must be

 Terms such as “reasonable” and “accommodation” are to be interpreted

consistent with country of operation legislation.

8.14.7 Responsibilities

Corporate Health Services (Health advisors) is responsible for:

 Maintaining an up to date view of current best practice on medical evaluations

for FTW and amending these protocols and guidance notes as required while
adhering to country specific legislation.

 Application of these protocols and guidance notes.

 Protecting the confidentiality of medical records and information.

 Providing fitness to work advice to line / HR on a case by case basis.

Human Resources advisors are responsible for:

 Ensuring that these protocols are applied to all employees before being engaged
in a task for which medical evaluation of fitness to work is required.

 Applying with the line, an appropriate accommodation assessment procedure,

as well as defining and applying a process for managing employees found to be
unfit for a required task.

Line Managers are responsible for:

 Reviewing the HSE case and health risk assessments to determine if activities
within their business include specific tasks or working conditions for which
medical evaluation of fitness to work has been identified as a control.

 Arranging fitness to work medical evaluations for employees in accordance with

location FTW programme requirements.

 Referring an employee to occupational health advisor should they have a

concern about the individual’s fitness for a specified task. Also responsible for
ensuring that employees engaged in tasks identified in this document have
completed the necessary medical evaluation process.

Employees are responsible for:

 Attending required medical evaluations in a timely fashion. Also responsible for

declaring a change in their physical or psychological capacity for work to their
line managers or the health advisor, so that their fitness may be assessed.

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9 HSE Classified Jobs requiring FTW medical examinations

9.1 Jobs with Specific HSE Risks

Certain jobs with specific HSE risks i.e. jobs that have been assessed on the Shell Risk
Assessment Matrix at RAM 4 or 5 and for one additional group (Food handlers) are
listed below with examination requirements and frequency intervals defined. This list
is to be reviewed and updated regularly as high risk jobs are identified that may require
additional content or different frequency of examination. The examining doctor can, at
any time, order additional tests as deemed necessary by individual circumstance.

The following categories have to undergo specific FTW medical evaluations

every 2 years regardless of their age.

A) Persons required to wear tight sealed full face masks or half sealed face masks
breathing apparatus when undertaking a work task (Breathing apparatus work).

B) Fire fighting and other rescue team workers.

C) Frequent Business travellers

D) Food handlers (Catering and food preparation workers)

E) Professional light and heavy vehicles drivers.

F) Off shore workers

G) Health professionals

All protocols are summarised and available in the appendices 1 to 10 of this


The following high risk groups shall also undertake medical surveillance every
2 years regardless of their age. The medical surveillance shall include a urine or
serum biological monitoring of mercury, benzene or lead depending on the
nature of the job and the type of exposure.

A. Mercury workers who are exposed to Mercury at or above the 8 hours TWA
Occupational exposure limits(OEL) for more than 30 days/year or if there was
unexpected emergency exposure to the hazardous agent.

(Examples of these jobs are piping/vessel cleaning and disposal of mercury,

maintenance and intrusive operational personal involved in Gas process
facilities (GGP, SR-CPP, SNGP and KGP) with inlet concentrations presently
up to 0.06 mg/Nm3. (milligram/ Normal m3).

H) Benzene workers and vessel entry tasks including tank cleaning who are
exposed to Benzene at or above the 8 hours TWA Occupational exposure
limits(OEL) for more than 30 days/year or if there was unexpected emergency
exposure to the hazardous agent.

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(Examples of these jobs include operational and maintenance (e.g. drilling and
well service) personnel involved in GGP facility and potentially others like SR-
CPP, SNGP and KGP), crude oil sampling operators and lab analysts )
B. Lead workers (e.g. painters and batteries maintenance) who are exposed to
Lead at or above the 8 hours TWA Occupational exposure limits(OEL) for
more than 30 days/year or if there was unexpected emergency exposure to
the hazardous agent.

C. Radiation workers (e.g. industrial radiographers,NDT, personnel working in

NORM waste yard and NORM decontamination facility, tank cleaning
operators and well logging engineers).

D. Asbestos workers.

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10 Specific Conditions Which May Affect Fitness To Work

Important Note for the examining Medical professional:
Please note, before taking any fitness decision regarding your client you must take
considerations of the following:

10.1 Infectious Diseases

Active infectious disease is unacceptable. Food handling staff require special
examination to exclude acute or chronic disease involving gastrointestinal tract, chest,
ear, nose, throat and skin.

10.2 Malignant Neoplasm (cancers)

Frank malignant diseases are usually unacceptable. Each case should be considered
individually taking into account the nature of job, the Medical history and prognosis of
the neoplasm. The progress and likelihood of disease complications or its treatment must
be carefully evaluated.

10.3 Diseases of Digestive System

Dentures or other orthodontic appliances should be well fitting and functional.

History of digestive disorders causing severe or recurrent symptoms requiring special

diet or medication (e.g. esophagitis, gastritis, cholelithiasis, inflammatory or parasitic
bowel disease) is unacceptable until satisfactorily treated and reassessed.

Where there is a past history of peptic ulceration or acute gastric erosion a person may
be acceptable provided that the examining physician is satisfied that the risk of
complications is reduced to an absolute minimum by successful surgery or the use of
appropriate medication. Cases of acute gastric erosion or peptic ulcer disease can be
reconsidered following absence of symptoms and healing that is assessed by

All significant hernias are unacceptable until satisfactorily surgically repaired.

Diaphragmatic hernia is acceptable unless disabling symptoms are present.

Haemorrhoids,fistulae,fissures, and abscesses are generally acceptable if satisfactorily


A person with an uncomplicated stoma is usually acceptable, but the Examining

Physician should be satisfied that the underlying cause is compatible with the work
nature and circumstances, and that the patient's personal management of the condition
is acceptable.

10.4 Diseases of Liver and Pancreas

Diseases of the liver are unacceptable where the condition is serious, progressive and/or
where complications such as oesophageal varices are present and may negatively affect
work performance. Chronic or recurring pancreatitis should be assessed thoroughly
against the job tasks and the prognosis of the condition.
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10.5 Heart Conditions (Cardiovascular System)

The cardiovascular system should be free from acute or significant chronic disease.

Congenital Heart Disease: If this is unassociated with symptoms, or haemodynamically

significant changes, it is acceptable.

Valvular Heart Disease: If there is significant haemodynamic change, it is unacceptable.

An individual who has undergone successful cardiac surgery for valve or congenital heart
disease may be fit for employment if free from symptoms and the prescribed therapy
does not cause negative impacts on job performance. If otherwise, then cardiac review
is needed. Individuals in this grade may require more frequent assessment.

Ischaemic Heart Disease: Myocardial insufficiency and past or recent history of heart
attack is unacceptable but each case should be considered individually depending on:

 job type, if it is physically demanding then they will be unacceptable

 severity of myocardial insufficiency. To take into consideration the severity of the

blockage to arteries(confirmed by TME and angiogram) and the Ejection fraction
which should be equal to or more than 40%.

 health risk assessment- That you will be able to evacuate the patient to the
nearest Tier 3 hospital within 4 hours.

Coronary Bypass Surgery (CABG) and Angioplasty: Individuals who have undergone
these procedures must have their cardiac fitness assessed before returning to work. A
cardiological opinion is essential and will be appropriate not earlier than six months after
the event. This assessment must include sub-maximal exercise testing.

Individuals with cardiac transplants are not acceptable.

Cardiac Arrhythmias: If these produce symptoms, or are associated with

haemodynamic abnormality, then expert cardiac opinion is

Cardiomyopathy: Cardiologist opinion is mandatory.

Cardiac Enlargement: Fitness will depend on the underlying cause and nature of the
job. You need to seek Cardiologist opinion.

Pacemakers: The subject of pacemakers is highly specialised and

acceptability to work on PDO locations must include
assessment of:

 The underlying condition and indication for insertion

 The type of pacemaker
 Type and nature of work
 The effect of the working environment on the unit
 The risk of physical damage to the unit.

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10.6 Hypertension (high blood pressure)

Generally, hypertension is acceptable provided it is uncomplicated and well controlled
by treatment. Consistent resting BP of more than 180 systolic or more than 100 diastolic
is unacceptable until satisfactorily controlled at least 140/90..

10.7 Pulmonary Circulation

A history of more than one pulmonary embolism is unacceptable, however requires
careful assessment by specialist.

10.8 Peripheral Circulation

The following conditions require careful assessment against the job tasks :
 Current or recent history of thrombophlebitis or phlebothrombosis with or without

 Signifcant varicose veins associated with varicose eczema, ulcers or other


 Arteriosclerotic or other vascular disease with evidence of circulatory

embarrassment (e.g. intermittent claudication, or aneurysm).

10.9 Cerebro-Vascular Disorders

Cerebro-vascular accident(CVA) including evidence of general cerebral
arteriosclerosis or and dementia is unacceptable. A person who had stroke is usually
unacceptable unless there is no residual impairment which may affect performance.
The risk of recurrence must be assessed.

History of Transient ischemic attack (TIA) alone does not make the individual un-
acceptable, the underlining cause and job description have to be taken into

10.10 Diseases of Blood or Blood Forming Organs

Any significant disease of the haemopoietic system, need to be investigated. The
following are unacceptable for working in the interior(desert) locations:

 Symptomatic anaemias, and any other disease of blood, or blood forming organs
which may adversely affect performance or safety, until investigated and
successfully treated.

 Sickle cell disease (anaemia) is not acceptable for out doors field based jobs
which involve exposure to heat or any health and safety critical jobs.

 Leukaemia, polycythaemia and disorders of the reticulo-endothelial system

unless in long-term remission.

 Serious haemorragic (bleeding) disorders

 Individuals who are immunocompromised due to disease or treatment.

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10.11 Mental Disorders

Care is necessary when assessing an individual during remission from one or more
episodes of mental illness. An established medical history or clinical indication of any
of the following is usually unacceptable for PDO locations:

 Personality disorders characterised by anti-social behaviour

 Psychosis

 Schizophrenia and bipolar disorder

 Chronic anxiety states and recurrent depression on regulare psychotropic


 Alcohol or drug abuse

10.12 Diseases of Nervous System and Sense Organs

Organic nervous disease causing or likely to cause any significant defect of intellect,
muscular power, balance, mobility, vision sensation or co-ordination is unacceptable.

Established history with current diagnosis of epilepsy of any type, or disturbance of

consciousness is unacceptable. Similarly, any other convulsive disorder, disturbance
of consciousness or neurological condition likely to render the individual unable to
perform duties safely is also unacceptable. This category includes epileptiform seizure
following drinking, tranquilliser, withdrawal, or stroboscopically induced (e.g. flicker of

10.13 Musculoskeletal System

There must be no deformity, or amputation of body or limb, to significantly reduce
mobility, or interfere with performance of duties, or prevent compliance with all
evacuation procedures. A limb prosthesis may be acceptable providing the above
criteria can be met.

Acute, chronic or recurrent disease of peripheral nerves, muscles, bones, or joints

significantly affecting mobility, balance, co-ordination or ability to perform normal
duties, or carry out evacuation procedures, or survival training is unacceptable.

Severe advanced arthritis of the limbs/joints is unacceptable

10.14 Skin
The skin must be healthy, without evidence of clinical disease:

 Clinical evidence of any recurrent, physically or socially disabling skin disease or

sensitivity is usually unacceptable.
 Any skin condition that is likely to be aggravated or triggered by work environment
and direct contact with oils, detergents, cement or other biological or chemical
substances is unacceptable.

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10.15 Endocrine and Metabolic Disorders

Adequately controlled thyroid disease may be acceptable, but in all cases, thyroid
disorders require careful assessment by a speciailist.

Uncomplicated stable diabetes mellitus treated by diet alone or an oral hypoglycaemic

agent and satisfactorily controlled is usually acceptable, but will require more regular

Insulin dependence employee is NOT accepted to work at rig site, in the field or doing
any hazardous jobs such as working at heights, heavy duty drivers or working near
sharp or rotating machineries.

Insulin dependent patients are acceptable to work in interior after careful consideration
of their job type and reasonable control of their disease with no history of frequent hypo
or hyperglycaemic attacks and diabetic ketoacidosis.

Individuals suffering from other endocrine disorders such as Addison's disease,

Cushing's syndrome, acromegaly, diabetes insipidus and hypoglycaemia should be
individually assessed by a specialist for interior based jobs.

All cases of gross or mobid obesity require individual assessment. Those in whom
exercise tolerance, mobility, general health, or personal hygiene are adversely affected
are unacceptable. As a general rule and depending on the job type those in whom the
Body Mass Index exceeds 35 will probably be unacceptable for HSE critical jobs such
as fire fighters, rescue workers and professional drivers.However, we must take
individual masculinity and body physique into consideration.

10.16 Genitourinary System

The presence of recurrent renal, ureteric, or vesical calculi may be acceptable for
employment following successful treatment by surgery or lithotripsy.

Chronic renal failure or any renal disease which could lead to acute renal failure (i.e.
nephritis, nephrosis) is unacceptable for working in the desert locations.

Renal Polycystic disease, hydronephrosis or unilateral nephrectomy with disease in the

remaining kidney must be assessed carefully by specialist depending on the nature of
the job. Uncomplicated renal transplant in general is acceptable but may not be
acceptable in the desert locations.

Enuresis or incontinence, prostatic hypertrophy or urethral stricture interfering with

adequate bladder evacuation, Hydrocele, or painful conditions of the testicles, all
require careful assessment against job tasks and location.

10.17 Respiratory System

A history of spontaneous pneumothorax is generally unacceptable for working in the
desert, except for a single episode without recurrence for two year, or after a successful
surgical procedure.

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Obstructive airways disease, such as chronic bronchitis, emphysema, and any other
pulmonary disease causing significant disability or recurring illness, such as
bronchiectasis, is unacceptable for working in desert locations.

Restrictive or fibrotic pulmonary disease resulting in significant symptoms or disability

is unacceptable.

Open pulmonary tuberculosis is unacceptable until treatment is concluded and the

attending physician has certified that the patient is no longer infectious.

A history of asthma requiring frequent or recurrent medication including oral steroids,

require careful assessment regarding fitness to do certain jobs.

10.18 Ear, Nose and Throat

Ear disorders

Active otitis external (acute or chronic) is acceptable after treatment.

Disorders of the tympanic membrane (e.g. dry perforations and grommets) and the
middle ear require further assessment. Chronic middle ear disease may be
unacceptable for working in the desert. Intractable inner ear disorders with severe
motion sickness, vertigo, etc. (e.g. Meniere's disease) are unacceptable for certain

A functional hearing loss sufficient to interfere with communications or to impede safety

(e.g. inability to hear audible warning devices) is unacceptable. Intrinsically safe
hearing aids may be worn, but the examinee should not be dependent on such an aid
to hear a safety warning.

Increasing noise induced hearing loss may be a reason for medical unfitness. All
personnel who may be exposed to work related noise must have audiometry
performed, both at initial assessment, and as directed thereafter by the examining
physician in line with PDO's Hearing Conservation Programme. Where the
measured loss is greater than 25 dBA, then special assessment of the individual by an
ENT specialist is advised. Refer to PDO noise protocol appendix 22.

Nose and throat disorders

Chronically infected sinuses, or frequently occurring sinusitis, require careful

assessment by specialist. Hay fever is a minor problem in the interior. It is only
unacceptable if therapy or medications are causing undesirable side effects affecting
job performance.

Eye diseases

Any eye disease or visual defect rendering, or likely to render, the individual incapable
of carrying out job duties efficiently and safely, is unacceptable.

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Visual acuity, corrected, must be at least 6/12 in the better eye, demonstrated by
recognised test type procedures. A monocular individual is acceptable provided the job
functions can be performed efficiently and safely. Recent onset of monocular vision is
unacceptable (i.e. within six months of onset)

Colour perception should be adequate for the particular type of task to be undertaken.
Colour blindness per se does not disqualify the person from being commercial driver
as long as he/she meets the minimum requirement i.e he/she can recognise the colours
of traffic signals (red, green and amber)

A history of conditions such as glaucoma and uveitis need specialised assessment.

10.19 Sleep disorders

Individuals suffering from Narcolepsy or obstructive sleep apnoea causing excessive
day time sleepiness are unacceptable for health and safety critical jobs such as driving,
field and control room operators, emergency response personnel, rescue and fire
workers or any other jobs requiring full time alertness or focus.

10.20 Medicines
Individuals being treated with certain medicines require careful consideration:

 Individuals on anticoagulants, cytotoxic agents, insulin, anticonvulsants, and

certain immunosuppressants are unacceptable for work in the field including rigs
or doing heavy manual tasks, however they may do office based work or any non
hazardous jobs either in the interior or any other location.

 Individuals on psycho-tropic medications (e.g. tranquillisers, narcotics,

hypnotics) are unacceptable for work in the field. A previous history of such
treatment will also require further consideration and review by specialist.

Any previous adverse drug reaction must be brought to the attention of the examining

In certain circumstance the medical officer may decide to remove an individual from
working in the location despite being assigned office based task if the work environment
is unsafe for that particular staff. This shall be carefully reviewed as part of total care
of individual employee.

10.21 Age
With all the other findings in the Medical assessment, age must be considered and
taken into account during fitness to work assessment in desert locations. The minimum
age is 18 years and the maximum acceptable age with a medical waiver is 64 years.

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11 Appendices

Appendix 1: Aircraft refuelling

Fitness to Work Group Aircraft refuelling

Key fitness for work Adequate colour vision is an absolute requirement for this task.

Scope and Application Employees who conduct the refuelling of aircraft.

Critical activity and The 3 commonly used aviation fuels have different colours
potential hazards  Avgas 100LL is blue
 Avgas 100 is green
 Jet A1 is white/straw
Accordingly the colour vision requirement is:
1. Ability to recognize and identify above three different fuel
2. Ability to detect change from yellow to blue green using
Shell water detection capsule
3. Ability to recognize and distinguish lettering and labelling
on Avgas (red) and Jet A1 (black)
An error when fuelling an aircraft could have result in a catastrophy
There are many engineering controls but this final colour dependent
identification of fuel is a required safe working practice.

Procedure: Questionnaire: Form Q1 for initial evaluation (refer to EX1 Form -

Appendix 32 )
 Pre placement evaluation of colour vision – once only. Colour vision
Physical evaluation
is largely stable and repeat periodic testing is not indicated unless
Specific evaluation there is clinical indication to suspect a change in status of employee.
Screening test using Ishiara plates for all at pre-placement in task. Fit
for task if no errors.
 If errors on Ishiara, complete Farnsworth Munsell 100 Hue test - an
applicant shall demonstrate an individual error of 5 or less on the
specific axis corresponding to Duetan or Protan axis and complete
the test with a total score of not less that 100. (The Farnsworth
Munsell D-15 is an acceptable alternative test). If employee passes
either of above tests they shall also complete a field trade test
confirming that they can complete all three tasks identified above.
 General physical examination every 2 years including Audiometry.

Reference Resources Shell Colour Vision Standards

Performance % of those who have been positively assured colour safe for task.

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Appendix 2: Breathing Apparatus (BA) Work

Fitness to Work Breathing Apparatus (BA) Work


Key fitness for work Previous successful use of BA is the best predictor of ongoing successful use.
issues The use of half face or full face respirator decreases the visual field and may
render it difficult to use corrective spectacles (Visual acuity and fields should
be adequate for task.
Depending on the frequency and physical demands during use, BA users may
need further cardiovascular risk assessment, especially those required to use

Scope and  Persons who are required to wear breathing apparatus when undertaking
a work task. For the purposes of this FTW group, “Breathing apparatus”
includes all personal respiratory protective equipment where a tight seal
is required to confer protection on the user. This is always the case for
self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA) and a supplied air respirator
with full-face mask (SAR). It is also required for sealed half facemasks
but not necessary for simple non-sealed devices e.g. dust mask.

Critical activity and  Breathing apparatus can increase work load due to increased cardio
respiratory effort related to breathing through a filter, thermoregulatory
potential hazards
demand and the additional weight of the equipment. In addition the work
task itself often increases cardio respiratory and thermal load.

Procedure  Pre-placement questionnaire and physical evaluation.

 Periodic review – two yearly screening questionnaire and Medical
confirmation of fitness to work.
 An initial assessment is required to exclude problems, which may be
exacerbated, by the work or the use of BA. The assessment should
include a fit test (to confirm seal of mask) appropriate for the type of
respiratory protective equipment (RPE) - to be repeated once every two

Questionnaire Form Q1 for initial evaluation (refer to EX1 Form - Appendix 32 )

Form SQ2 for periodic two yearly screening review- (Appendix 16)
EX1 for pre placement physical examination to include blood pressure and
Physical evaluation Body Mass Index (BMI).
EX1 for 2 yearly reviews of SCBA users requiring a cardiovascular profile.

Investigations Spirometry is desirable for a baseline on the pre placement evaluation but not
required unless clinically indicated at any point of evaluation. SCBA users
should have a CVS assessment including Framingham calculation and ECG
once every two years regardless of age.

Reference OSHA Respiratory Protection. –(1910.134)

Resources https://www.osha.gov/pls/oshaweb/owadisp.show_document?

Performance % employees using BA who complete periodic questionnaire and Fit test.

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Appendix 3: Business travel

Fitness to Work Group Business travel

Key fitness for work  Assess risk of exacerbation of pre-existing condition

issues  Address any location and task specific requirements e.g. offshore
malaria prophylaxis
 Vaccination requirements for destination
 Post travel health concerns
 Impact of flying on health condition

Scope and Application Frequent business travellers have been defined as those who travel:
 Within the region on travel of more than 4 hour flights three or more
times per month
 On long distance (intercontinental) trips three or more times annually.
 Less frequently but to high risk destinations (significant local health
risks/basic local health facilities/difficult access)

Critical activity and Travel to and operate in a country other than base location. Hazards may
potential hazards
 Those of destination e.g. infectious disease, altitude sickness, remote
 Those associated with travel e.g. jet lag, deep vein thrombosis (DVT).
 Exacerbation of a pre-existing medical condition

Procedure Screening questionnaire and training on hazards of business travel, once

every two years.
1. Traveller register’s on Global business travel website. (see reference)
2. Traveller completes training module on business travel.
3. Traveller completes screening questionnaire
4. Questionnaire review completed by a competent health advisor and
traveller approved fit or called forward for clinical review as necessary.
All travellers should check vaccination requirements for their
destination at Shell Health Services - travel health
Medical clearance guidelines for travelling by air

Questionnaire EX1 Form – (Appendix 32) and SQ3 – (Appendix 17)

Physical evaluation Only if considered necessary based on screening questionnaire follow up.
Attendance for vaccination and malaria prophylaxis required if appropriate
for country of destination.

Investigations As clinically indicated for specific fitness to work concern.

Frequency Two yearly

Shell Health Services - travel health
Reference Resources
http://sww.shell.com/travel/health/ Error! Hyperlink reference not

Performance indicators % of business travellers completing assessment within the previous two

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Appendix 4: Catering and food preparation

Fitness to Work Group Catering and food preparation

Key fitness for work  Recurrent skin disease may reduce frequency of hand washing. Self-
issues confirmation of symptom resolution is required following any illness
absence (self) or gastrointestinal disease (self or family).
 Catering staff shall be excluded from work during, and for 48 hours
after any gastrointestinal illness.

Scope and Application  A food handler is defined as a person who presents a risk of
transmitting pathogenic organisms in the course of their work which
involves touching unwrapped foods to be consumed raw or without
further cooking or other forms of treatment. (See Health Guidelines
for Catering refer to A to Z: Guides, Manuals, Standards

Critical activity and  Good food handling techniques and storage are critical to minimize
potential hazards risk of food related disease transmission. Frequent hand washing is
required and staff should be trained in food preparation and handling.
 The main control in the prevention of food contamination is
competence of the employed staff and appropriate working practice.

Procedure Pre placement screening questionnaire. (EX1 Form-Appendix 32)

Questionnaire following illness absence (Appendix 19)
An Initial screening questionnaire is required for all catering staff with focus
on conditions which may impact on food handling techniques e.g. skin
conditions and current Gastrointestinal illness.

Questionnaire Pre- employment - EX1 Form- (Appendix 32) and SQ4 – (Appendix 18)
When returning to work after illness (food handlers) (Appendix 19)

Physical evaluation Thorough clinical examination particular review of skin and nails.

Investigations As per PDO standards mentioned above.

Following food contamination episode investigation and review may
include stool sampling.

Frequency 2 yearly and following illness absence.

Reference Resources Health Guidelines for Catering refer to PDO SP1232 and the link below
A to Z: Guides, Manuals, Standards

Performance indicators % staff completing initial screening questionnaire

Compliance with SQ4a post illness.

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Appendix 5: Heavy vehicles driving

Fitness to Heavy vehicles driving

Work Group

Key fitness  Visual acuity with corrective lenses if necessary must be carefully assessed.
for work  Cardiovascular risk must be assessed in all candidates and cardiology review
completed if indicated (pre-existing disease and/ or over age 40 with >20% 10 year
issues risk of myocardial infarction)
Assess endocrine disorders and impact of any medication. Potential for loss of
consciousness related to Insulin dependent diabetes, epilepsy or related condition must
be assessed.
 Body Mass Index (BMI) - If BMI >30 and screen all for sleep apnoea.
 Assess capacity to complete associated tasks (e.g. climb on trailer & crane gantry)

Scope and  Drivers of overhead cranes, long vehicles, large buses and dozers, water tankers,
Application fuel and petrochemical tankers etc shall be assessed against this protocol. It may
be applied to smaller workshop cranes on the basis of a local risk assessment.

Critical  Operate a heavy vehicle within above definition in a safe and reliable manner such
activity and that safety of self, colleagues or third party is not compromised.
potential  Hazards of heavy vehicles driving may be exacerbated by pre-existing medical
hazards condition or treatment thereof. Particular attention should be made in the risk
assessment to the requirement to lift and place the load and to clear obstacles
during transfer.

Procedure  Pre placement questionnaire and Medical examination including assessment

of risk of sleep apnoea.
 Periodic review questionnaire and examination.
 All applicants for heavy vehicles driving positions require a pre placement
evaluation prior to taking up position whether as a new hire or a transfer from a
new position.

Questionnaire EX1 Form – (Appendix 32) and Form SQ5 – (Appendix 20)

Physical EX1 Form - Physical examination shall include:

evaluation  Visual acuity and fields (confrontation method only unless abnormal)
 Cardiovascular (CVS) assessment including Framingham and ECG.
 Forced whisper test

Investigations  Audiometry.
 Cardiovascular (CVS) assessment using Framingham risk calculator. Risk of 20%
or more requires further cardiac evaluation with Stress test (TME).
 Drug and alcohol screening during pre-employment.

Frequency Every two years. 60 years is maximum acceptable age for drivers, no waiver beyond
60 year of age.

Reference USA National Commission Certification of Crane Drivers

Resources http://www.nccco.org/general/handbooks.html

Performance % of professional drivers completing assessment within required time frame.


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Appendix 6: Professional Light vehicles driving

Fitness to Work Group Professional driving

Key fitness for work  Visual acuity with corrective lenses if necessary must be carefully
 Cardiovascular risk must be assessed in all candidates and cardiology
review completed if indicated (pre-existing disease and/ or over age 40
with >20% 10 year risk of myocardial infarction)
 Assess endocrine disorders and impact of any medication. Potential for
loss of consciousness related to Insulin dependent diabetes, epilepsy
or related condition must be assessed.
 Body Mass Index (BMI) - If BMI >30 and screen all for sleep apnoea.

Scope and Application Professional light or heavy vehicles drivers, whether PDO employed or
contracted, are those drivers where driving on PDO business is an integral
and significant part of their job, e.g. distribution tanker drivers, chauffeurs,
personnel transport drivers and van drivers.

Critical activity and Operate a vehicle within above definition in a safe and reliable manner such
potential hazards that safety of self, colleagues or third party is not compromised. Hazards
of driving may be exacerbated by pre-existing medical condition or
treatment thereof.

Procedure  Pre placement questionnaire and Medical examination including

assessment of risk of sleep apnoea.
 Periodic review questionnaire and examination.
 Many legislations require specific questionnaires and examinations to
be completed. Local country requirements must be met. The
guidelines apply in addition to country specific requirements.

Questionnaire EX1 Form – (Appendix 32) and Form SQ5 – (Appendix 20)

Physical evaluation EX1 Form - Physical examination shall include:

 Visual acuity and fields (confrontation method only unless abnormal)
 Cardiovascular (CVS) assessment.
 Forced whisper test

Investigations Audiometry.
Cardiovascular (CVS) assessment using Framingham risk calculator. Risk of
20% or more requires further cardiac evaluation with Stress test (TME).
Drug and alcohol screening during pre-employment.

Frequency Every two years. 60 years is maximum acceptable age for drivers, no waiver
beyond 60 year of age

Reference Resources USA National Commission Certification of Crane Drivers

DVLA (UK) At A Glance

Performance % of professional drivers completing assessment within required time

indicators frame.

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Appendix 7: Fire Fighting and Rescue team work

Fitness to Fire Fighting and Rescue team work

Work Group

Key fitness Visual acuity and fields must be assessed.

for work Potential for loss of consciousness related to Insulin dependent diabetes, epilepsy or related
issues condition must be assessed.
Cardiovascular risk must be assessed in all candidates and cardiology review completed if
indicated (See under Investigations)
Locomotor conditions that may impact mobility and carry capacity must be carefully

Scope and Members of an emergency response team located on or offshore, hazardous material
Application handling team members or equivalent. It does not include office based emergency support
teams. (Team members not engaged in hazardous rescue activity do not require to meet
this standard – e.g. communication and coordination roles, drivers etc).

Critical Activity of emergency response crews may include

activity and  Fire fighting.
potential  Medical Emergency response team
hazards  Use of Self Contained Breathing Apparatus (SCBA)
 Lifting and carrying loads including casualty rescue, ropes, ladders, fire-hoses etc.
 Work in extreme heat, flame and smoke filled environments.
 Work in hazardous chemical environments.
 Work at heights and or in confined spaces.

Procedure  Pre placement questionnaire and examination.

 Step test
 Applicants who have no contraindication shall complete an annual physical trade
test of fitness for emergency response duty conducted by their supervisors.
 Periodic repeat questionnaire and physical examination.
The physical trade test will, in controlled circumstances, represent actual or likely duties of
that person’s emergency response role. Applicants completing this test to the satisfaction of
the emergency response team supervisor, will be considered fit for emergency response

Questionnaire Form EX1 Questionaire Appendix 32

Physical EX1 Form - Physical examination shall include:

evaluation  Visual acuity and fields (confrontation method only unless abnormal)
 Cardiovascular (CVS) assessment.

Investigations Audiometry.
Cardiovascular (CVS) assessment using Framingham risk calculator. Risk of 20% or more
requires further cardiac evaluation with Stress test (TME).
Drug and alcohol screening during pre-employment.

Frequency Every two years. With confirmation of Medical fitness 55 years is the maximum acceptable
age for actually performing strenuous fire fighting tasks.

Reference ------

Performance % of fire fighters/rescue staff completing assessment within the past 2 years.
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Appendix 8: Remote Location Work including Offshore*

Fitness to Work Group Remote Location Work including Offshore*

Key fitness for work Cardiovascular (CVS) risk must be assessed in all candidates and cardiology
review completed if indicated (See under Investigations)
Assess chronic diseases and the need of monitoring and medication.
BMI - consider physical trade testing for fitness for duty if >35.
Check if there is any evidence of active alcohol or drug abuse or any other
psychiatric disorder.
Capacity to complete associated tasks - e.g. climb on different types of
transport, helicopters, boats etc.

Scope and Application Remote locations are those at which in foreseeable circumstances (e.g.
inclement weather) an injured or ill employee or family member cannot be
evacuated to a tier three (i.e. hospital) medical facility within four hours.

Critical activity and The particular hazard addressed by this standard is the potential for the
potential hazards remoteness of a place of work or domicile to add to the risk (probability and
outcome) of an adverse health event. i.e. that a delay in reaching a medical
facility (that is reasonably likely and foreseeable for the location in question),
might compromise the health and well being of an employee. The hazards of
any particular occupation at that location are additional to these requirements
(e.g. the need to wear breathing apparatus).

Procedure Pre placement questionnaire and examination.

Periodic review including questionnaire and examination.
In addition to considering the suitability for a candidate to live in a remote
location, an additional specific assessment shall be made of any task which will
be required of the individual in the location and the appropriate additional
standard applied – e.g. requirement to participate in a rescue team or use
SCBA. Position requirements should be clarified with human resources if not
clear at the time of assessment.

Questionnaire Form EX1 Questionaire Appendix 32

Physical evaluation EX1

Physical examination shall include
 Weight and Height ( Body mass index)
 Cardiovascular assessment.
 Visual acuity and fields

Investigations Cardiovascular (CVS) assessment using Framingham risk calculator for all
employees 40 years and above. Risk of 20% or more requires further cardiac
evaluation with Stress test (TME).
Drug and alcohol screening during pre-employment.

Frequency Every two years.

Reference Resources Can be obtained from http://www.ukooa.co.uk/

Performance indicators % of staff completing assessment within the past 2 years.

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Appendix 9: Transfers – Group A Country

Fitness to Work Group Transfers – Group A Country

Key fitness for work Group A pose few if any problems for a transferring employee and family.
issues However consideration should be given to:
 any tasks of the position for which an FTW standard applies
 Children with special educational needs.
 Those with ongoing special medical treatment needs.

Scope and Application PDO and Shell employed (and dependents), transferred to work in a position
in any of the following countries:
Abu Dhabi, Dubai (United Arab Emirates), Australia, Austria, Bahrain, Belgium,
Canada, Denmark, Dubai, Finland, France, Germany, Gibraltar, Greece, Hong
Kong, Iceland, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Kuwait, Luxemburg, The
Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Portugal, Qatar, Singapore, Spain,
Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom, USA.

Critical activity and Not different from general working population.

potential hazards

Procedure  Pre-transfer screening questionnaire - Form EX4 (Appendix 35) and for a
child EX3 (Appendix 34) is designed to identify any medical needs in
country of destination.
In addition to considering the suitability for a candidate to live in country of
destination, an additional assessment should be made of any task that will be
required of the individual in the location and the appropriate additional standard
applied – e.g. requirement to participate in a rescue team or use SCBA.
 Physical evaluation is not required unless requested by employee.

Investigations None unless clinically indicated.

Reference Resources Refer to Shell Health Services - travel health

Performance indicators % completing transfer screening process.

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Appendix 10: Transfers – Group B Country

Fitness to Work Group PDO and Shell employee (including partner and children), transferred to
work in a position in a group B country as a new hire or a transfer from a
new position.

Key fitness for work Evaluate

issues  local facilities for treatment of chronic medical conditions in the worker or
dependents, and those with ongoing special medical needs.
 Vaccinations and malaria prophylaxis
 any tasks of the position for which an FTW standard applies
 Children with special educational needs.

Scope and Application Group B is any country other than

Australia, Austria, Bahrain, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, Finland, France,
Germany, Gibraltar, Greece, Hong Kong, Iceland, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan,
Kuwait, Luxemburg, The Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Portugal, Qatar,
Singapore, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, United Arab Emirates, United
Kingdom, USA.

Critical activity and  Restricted medical services and/or remote sites with difficult access
potential hazards  Psychological Hazards
 Restricted schooling
 Infectious diseases (malaria, yellow fever etc).

Procedure  Pre-transfer questionnaire and medical evaluation – EX2 (Appendix 33)

In addition to the suitability for a candidate to live in country of destination, an
additional assessment is required for any task that will be required of the
individual in the location and the appropriate additional standard applied – e.g.
requirement to participate in a rescue team or use SCBA. Position requirements
shall be clarified with HR if not clear at the time of assessment.
 Physical examination (EX2) shall include: BMI and Blood pressure

Investigations  CVS profile if aged over 40 years

 Other e.g. blood investigations and ECG if clinically indicated or part of
visa requirements
 HIV test and chest X-Ray if required for visa requirements

Reference Resources Refer to Shell Health Services - travel health for specific destination

Performance indicators % completing transfer screening process.

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Appendix 11: Cardiovascular Risk Assessment (CVS profile)

Fitness to work Group
Scope and application

This assessment is an additional requirement for the following groups of employees

 Professional drivers,
 SCBA users,
 Fire fighters and emergency response crews
 Remote location workers
 Crane drivers
 Age above 40 year
Critical activity and potential hazards
In a number of safety critical occupations, the potential for a sudden cardiovascular event
may present significant danger for the employee, a co-worker or a third party, e.g. loss of
control of machinery or plant or danger to self or others if occurring in a remote or isolated

 Employees age 40 or above require a CVS profile during their Medical examination.
 A cardiovascular screening tool is provided online at
 Physical examination including blood pressure and BMI
 Lipid profile if not completed in previous 2 years or if change in treatment, diet or lifestyle.
 Stress testing (TME) is not required unless employee falls into high-risk category (see
below) or there is a clinical indication or new recruits above 50 or above 60 years of age.

Key fitness for work issues

The purpose of this risk stratification exercise is to target a more detailed investigation to
those at greatest risk (Framingham >20% 10 year) who would require further cardiological
review and annual follow up thereafter.
Following % based on 10-year risk of myocardial infarction or Cardiovascular death.
< 10% low risk no action.
10-20% medium risk counsel on lifestyle and refer to Primary Health Care Provider if
appropriate. Normally fit for safety sensitive work without further investigation.
>20% high risk refer to Primary Health Care Provider and specialist cardiologist. A detailed
assessment and clearance from the specialist is required before confirming fit for any of
these HSSE critical tasks/jobs. This assessment may include stress testing, ECHO, work
capacity or other relevant testing as directed by a cardiologist.

Reference Resource - International Task Force for Prevention of CHD


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Appendix 12: FTW Evaluation Content Summary

CVS assessment
Task RAM Questionnaire and examination content

Blood pressure

Colour vision

Hearing test

HIV test
Aircraft refuelling 4B Pre-placement questionnaire & examination 

Breathing apparatus work 4B Pre-placement questionnaire & examination Q1 E1     1

Re-evaluation every two years SQ2

Frequent Business traveller 4B Pre placement screening questionnaire SQ3

Re-evaluation every two years SQ3

Catering & food preparation 3B Pre-placement questionnaire & examination SQ4 E1 

Re-evaluation every two years. And Post illness SQ4a
Heavy vehicles driving 4B Pre-placement questionnaire & examination Q1 E1  2    
Re-evaluation Every 2 years. Q1
SQ5 E1  2    

Emergency Response team 4C Pre-placement questionnaire & examination Q1 E1      

work Re-evaluation Every 2 years. Q1 E1      

Transfer Group A 3B Pre placement questioniare EX2

Transfer group B 4B Pre placement questionnaire & examination EX2 EX2     3

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Appendix 13: Guidance on Physiological Parameters

Catering Staff

Group A work

Group B work
location work
HG V driving



team work



Fitness to work group

Blood pressure N/A <140/90 <140/ 90 N/A <140/90 <140/90 <140/90 <140/90 N/A <140/90

Audiometry (with hearing N/A

aid if required) Average hearing loss in 500, 1K, 2K Hz of <40dB

Body Mass index N/A <30 <35 N/A <35 <35 <30 <35 N/A NA

20/40 (6/12) 20/40 (6/12) in

Visual acuity (corrected) N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
in each eye each eye

Visual fields (only map if At least 70 in horizontal

abnormal on N/A N/A N/A N/A meridian of each eye N/A N/A N/A N/A
Colour Vision See Protocol N/A N/A N/A Field test Field test N/A N/A N/A N/A

Spirometry N/A FEV1 / FVC >70% N/A N/A N/A N/A FEV1 / FVC >70% N/A N/A N/A

CVS assessment profile

N/A <20% (SCBA only) <20% N/A <20% <20% <20% <20% N/A <20%
(10 year risk)
Sleep Apnoea Score
N/A N/A N/A N/A <16 <16 N/A NA N/A N/A

Values indicated in this table are minimum values for which candidate may be considered fit for the indicated task. These are not pass / fail
standards and if a candidate could not meet the standard then further assessment on a case-by-case basis should be conducted to address their
suitability for the task and any accommodation that may be necessary to permit the safe completion of the task. In the event accommodation
cannot be made, alternative employment should be sought.

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Appendix 14: Questionnaires and Evaluation Forms

Form Uses

Q1 Medical history questionnaire

 Breathing apparatus first evaluation
 Heavy vehicles drivers all evaluations
 Emergency Response Team all evaluations
 Professional driver all evaluations
 Remote location all evaluations

E1 Medical physical evaluation form – To be completed as indicated in the relevant

 Breathing apparatus first evaluation
 Heavy vehicles drivers all evaluations
 Emergency response team all evaluations
 Professional driver all evaluations
 Remote location all evaluations

E2 Certificate of of fitness for work completed with the statement by physician (An IT
based record of fitness to work is an acceptable alternative)

SQ2  Breathing apparatus screening When further clinical evaluation is

required following completion of a
screening questionnaire, the details
should be recorded on Q1 and E1

SQ3  Business travellers screening

SQ4  Catering and food preparation screening

SQ4a  Catering and food preparation -return to

work after illness

SQ5  Epworth sleep apnoea screening

EX4  Group A transfer adult

EX3  Group A transfer child

EX2  Group B transfer

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Appendix 15: Fitness to Work Certificate

Employee Data Date

Name Department/Company

I.D No. Age Occupation

Type of Medical Evaluation Mark those applying 

A1 Aircraft refuelling A6 Fire / Emergency response team work

A2 Breathing apparatus A7 Professional driving

A3 Business traveller A8 Remote location work

A4 Catering and food preparation A9 Transfers – group A country

A5 Crane or forklift driving & all heavy vehicles A10 Transfers – group B country

Health Advisor Statement : The above named person has been examined according to the statements laid
down in “Protocols and Guidance Notes on the Medical Evaluation of Fitness to Work”. At this time his/her
fitness to work status for the above tasks is as follows.

Fit with no restrictions

Fit with following restriction(s)

The employee is fit for above work but should Temporary Permanent
avoid the following task(s) restriction restriction

Work near moving machinery or sharp edges

Working at height

Puling, pushing, or carrying weight over ____ Kg

Ascend/descend ladders or stairs

Operate motor vehicles, forklifts or heavy machinery

Use of a respirator

Repetitive twisting of valves or wrenches


Other (Specifiy)

Temporary Unfit until

Permanently Unfit Date

Name of health advisor Signature Date

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Appendix 16: (Form SQ2), Breathing Apparatus Screening

Employee Data Date:

Name: Department/Company:

I. D No. Tel # Occupation :

This form is required to be completed either at the time of your fit testing for respirator use or
medical evaluation. If you have never completed an initial questionnaire form, you should
not be fit tested nor use a respirator until the initial questionnaire has been reviewed and
approved by a health care professional. All information provided on this form and during
consultations remains strictly confidential. When further clinical evaluation is required
following completion of a screening questionnaire, the details should be recorded on Q1 and
E1 forms.

Yes No Not Sure

1 Have you experienced any health problems/signs or symptoms that you

associate with respirator use or the ability to use a respirator while
performing your work that requires the use of a respirator?

2 Has here been any change in workplace conditions (e.g., physical work
effort, protective clothing, and temperature) that has or may result in a
substantial increase in the physiological burden placed on you when
performing your work that requires respirator use?

3 Do you currently have any medical restrictions or limitations (for example:

lifting restrictions) that may affect your ability to safely wear a respirator?

4 Do you have any medical problems (for example: issues related to the
heart, breathing problems, seizures, back problems, neck problems,
medications, etc.) that may affect your ability to safely wear a respirator?

5 Do you have any medical problems that prevent you or may prevent you
from working in a confined space?

6 Would you like to talk with a health professional regarding your health and
respirator use?

This form will be forwarded to the healthcare provider who will perform your evaluation for respirator use
fitness. If you answered “yes” or “not sure” to any of the questions, then you are prohibited from using
a respirator until this evaluation is completed and approval is granted.

Declaration: I, _________ (Print Name) certify that to the best of my knowledge the above
information supplied by me is true and correct.

Signature:__________________________ Date: _________________

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Appendix 17: (Form SQ3), Business Travel Screening Questionnaire

Employee Data Date:

Name: Department/Company:

I. D No. Tel # Occupation :

This questionnaire will help identify if you have any health condition which may need a more
detailed medical assessment as part of your fitness to work determination. If you have a
heath condition or concern which you think may be adversely affected by business travel,
please contact your doctor or local Health Services. They will assist you in making your trip
as safe and healthy as possible. All information provided on this form and during
consultations remains strictly confidential. When further clinical evaluation is required
following completion of a screening questionnaire, the details should be recorded on Q1 and
E1 forms.

Yes No

1 Do you feel physically and psychologically fit for travel?

2 Do you have a history of Deep Venous Thrombosis (DVT), Pulmonary

Embolism or a known clotting tendency?

3 Are you pregnant?

4 Have you been hospitalised or had surgery in the past 3 months?

5 Do you have a chronic illness or affliction, e.g. cardiovascular disease,

Diabetes or a mental condition?

6 Are you currently under medical treatment?

If Yes, please indicate the condition or illness and the medication(s)

prescribed on regular basis

This form will be forwarded to the healthcare provider. If you answered “yes” to any question
you should seek a medical opinion from your doctor or local Health provider on your fitness
for business travel.

Declaration: I, _________ (Print Name) certify that to the best of my knowledge the above
information supplied by me is true and correct.

Signature:__________________________ Date: _________________

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Appendix 18: (Form SQ4), Catering & Food Preparation Screening

Employee Data Date:

Name: Department/Company:

I. D No. Tel # Occupation :

This questionnaire will help identify if you have any health condition which may need a more
detailed medical assessment as part of your fitness to work determination. If you have any
queries please contact your doctor or local Health Services staff. All information provided
on this form and during consultations remains strictly confidential. When further clinical
evaluation is required following completion of a screening questionnaire, the details should
be recorded on Q1 and E1 forms.

Yes No

1 Do you have any medical condition that you believe may affect your ability
to handle food safely? (Answer “yes” if you do not know)

2 Have you been in contact with anyone with any infectious disease in the
past 12 months e.g. tuberculosis, typhoid, paratyphoid, or enteric fever?

3 Do you have any skin problems (on arms, hands or face) that require
treatment or affect your ability to wear gloves?

4 Do you have any history of recurrent diarrhoea or other bowel problems?

5 Have you suffered from a runny ear or chronic ear infection in the past year?

6 Have you ever previously been advised that you should not prepare or
handle food?

This form will be forwarded to the healthcare provider. If you answered “yes” to any question
you should seek a medical opinion from medical personnel on site before continuing to
prepare food at work.

Declaration: I, _________ (Print Name) certify that to the best of my knowledge the above
information supplied by me is true and correct.

Signature:__________________________ Date: _________________

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Appendix 19: (Form SQ4a), Catering & Food Prep. Follow up Screening.
Screening questionnaire following illness (Food handlers)

Employee Data Date:

Name: Department/Company:

I. D No. Tel # Occupation :

To be completed by all designated food handlers on return to work following

 Absence due to ill health

 Any period of gastrointestinal illness whether resulting in absence or not

This form will be forwarded to the healthcare provider. If your answer is in any of the shaded boxes,
you must seek a medical opinion from local Health Services before continuing to prepare food at

Please tick the appropriate box Yes No

Have you suffered from vomiting, diarrhoea or a bowel disorder during the last 7

Are you currently free from an infection of the skin, ears, nose, throat and eyes?

Have you been in contact with anyone suffering from Enteric Fever, Typhoid or

Health declaration

I am currently free from all of the above symptoms

I am currently free of any skin rash affecting my hands forearms and face

I have been free from sickness or bowel disorders for 48 hours

Declaration: I, _________ (Print Name) certify that to the best of my knowledge the
above information supplied by me is true and correct.

Signature:__________________________ Date: _________________

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Appendix 20: (Form SQ5): Epworth Screening Quest. for Sleep Apnoea

Employee Data Date:

Name: Department/Company:

I. D No. Tel # Occupation :

This questionnaire will help identify if you have any health condition which may need a more
detailed medical assessment as part of your fitness to work determination. If you have any
queries please contact your local Health Services staff. All information provided on this form
and during consultations remains strictly confidential. When further clinical evaluation is
required following completion of a screening questionnaire, the details should be recorded
on Q1 and E1 forms.

How likely are you to fall asleep in the following situations? (use 0 to 3 score as shown below)

0 Would never doze

1 Slight chance of dozing

2 Moderate chance of dozing

3 High chance of dozing

sitting and reading

watching TV

sitting inactive in a public place (e.g. theatre or meeting)

as a passenger in the car for an hour without a break

Lying down to rest in the afternoon when circumstances permit

Sitting a talking with someone

Sitting quietly after lunch without alcohol

In a car, while stopped for a few minutes in traffic


If you score a total of 15 or more you should seek advice from medical personnel on site before
continuing to drive or operate machinery in the workplace.

Declaration: I, _________ (Print Name) certify that to the best of my knowledge the
above information supplied by me is true and correct.

Signature:__________________________ Date: _________________

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Appendix 21: (Form SQ6): Returning to work Checklist.

Employee Data Date:

Name: Department/Company:

I. D No. Tel # Occupation :

This checklist should be completed by any employee who return to work after significant
injury, major illness, long sick leave ( >/=10 days) or long annual leave (>/= 30 days). Submit
the completed checklist to your direct supervisor.

This questionnaire will help identify if you had any significant health condition while away
from work that could affect your work performance, safety or hinder you from coping well or
feeling overwhelmed.
Yes No
Have you had peaceful time off work?
Have you travelled outside Oman?
During your leave, at home or abroad, have If yes, please notify your doctor or
you visited a doctor for any illness or medic on site.
significant injuries?
If yes, please notify your doctor on
Have you been prescribed medication to use site to ensure you receive your
for long term use (10 days or longer)?
regular prescription
During your leave, at home or abroad, have
you had fever or were you admitted in a
hospital (even if for a day)?
Has your treating doctor ask you to inform
your employer or your doctor in Oman about
your health?
Medical reports can help your doctor to plan
and ensure you receive appropriate medical
support. Have you share your report with site
Now that you are back to work, do you have
any health or safety concern relating to your
work that you want to discuss with your
supervisor or privately with your site doctor?
Do you think you need to have a fitness to
work medical, before resuming work?
Has any of your close relative been treated
for significant chest problem while you were
on leave? (significant coughing)
If you answered “YES” to any of the questions (3, 4, 5, 6, 8, and 9), your direct supervisor shall
submit this questionnaire to the respective site doctor/medic nearby to decided on the
appropriate advice before you continuing to work. If you have any queries please contact your

Declaration: I, _________ (Print Name) certify that to the best of my knowledge the above
information supplied by me is true and correct.

Signature:__________________________ Date: _________________

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Appendix 22: PDO Noise Protocol


Regarding Baseline * and Periodic Evaluation

Exposure to noise NOTE: If exposure to loud noise <16 hours prior to audiometry or if
> 85 dB(A) TWA: suffering from a cold, URTI, ear infection, sinusitis or the like:
or NO audiometry but new appointment to be given for when employee has
not been exposed to noise > 24 hours and/or has fully recovered
As defined by local legislation respectively.

Repeat audiogram
New Employee: No noise
in 1-3 months;
exposur Abnormal
Baseline Evaluation: if still abnormal,
Audio-questionnaire + audiogram + refer to ENT for
Clinical assessment opinion

Exposed Existing Employee: Abnormal To request Noise dosimetry & Abnormal

Periodic Evaluation:
Audio-questionnaire + audiogram Health professional assessment.
+ Clinical assessment
Inform and counsel
InformHR/line in case of
restrictions and actions
Query NIHL

Referral to ENT – Specialist Outcome - Letter

Outcome NORMAL for opinion to Employee.

Existing Employee Outcome
Repeat every 2 years

Repeat audiometry annually Report in Fountain as Occupational

If exposure >80 dB(A)TWA Illness if confirmed as work related
NIHL and OSHA-reportable.

Letter to line/manager in case of

restrictions & necessary actions

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Appendix 23: PDO-approved Medical centres (Clinics)

Medical examination by other than the below listed Medical Practitioners is subject to prior
approval by PDO's Chief Medical Officer. PDO expectation is that the examining doctors are
approved by PDO rather than the clinic itself. Therefore, it is the prime responsibility of each
contractor to enquire about PDO approval certification for each doctor conducting fitness to
work medical examination for their employees.

Abeer hospital

Al Amal PolyClinic-Al-khuwair [email protected]

Al Bashayer [email protected]

Al Bushra Medical speciality complex

Al Ehsan Medical centre

Al Lamki Clinic [email protected]

Al Muzn Oasis Medical centre

Al Raffah/Aster Hospital-Ghubra [email protected]

Al Salama PolyClinic

Al-Hayat international Hospital- AlGhubra

AL-Maha PolyClinic

Al-Rusayl Medical Centre [email protected]

Apollo Medical centre- Ruwi [email protected]

BABYLON Medical Centre

Badr al Samaa Group [email protected]

Bahwan Clinic [email protected]

Bombay Medical centre

Bombay Medical centre-Ruwi

Burjeel hospital

Crystal Polyclinic

Dar AL Shifa Medical Complex

Farah Medical Centre- Athaiba

Fusion Medical centre

Green corner clinic

Gulf specialised Medical centre

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Haima PolyClinic in Haima

Hatat PolyClinic [email protected]

Ibn Zuhr

International Specialised centre for Heart

&vascular diesease

KIMS Hospital

Lifeline Medical centre in Ruwi, Salalah and


MB clinic

Muscat Private Hospital [email protected]

NMC Health care

Oman Al Khair hospital in Ibri

Oman International Hospital

PDO Clinics

Peaceland Trading [email protected]

Renaissance Majan Medical Complex

SAGAR PolyClinic

Shell International - London Shell Centre. London SE1, UK

Shell International – The Hague Shell health - The Hague

Shifaa Al Jazeera

Star Care- Alkoudh&Khuwair [email protected]

The blue Medical centre

Wellness Medical centre

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Appendix 24: Minimum Requirments for First Aid Kits

Description Quantity

Sterile Cotton Bandage (5 cm) 6 rolls

Sterile Crepe Bandage (7.5 cm) 4 rolls

Sterile Triangular bandage 4 rolls

Safety Pins 6 pins

Adhesive Plaster (1.25 cm) 1 roll

Sterile Eye Pad 4 pads

Assorted Plasters (various sizes and shapes) 1 packet

Gauze Swabs 20 pieces

Scissors 1 pair

Protective Gloves 2 pairs

Oropharyngeal airway (or mask, or airway shield) 1 item

Mask to mouth device 1 item

Appendix 25: PDO Clinic Facilities

Location Clinic Staffing Level Services Provided


Mina Al Fahal Major Clinic Doctors + Nurses +  Primary Health Care

(Coastal) other support  Occupational Health services
 Cardiology,
Endocrine/Diabetes and
OBS/GYNE clinics , ENT, Eye
and other specialised clinics
 Family planning
 Immunisation
 Support Services:
- Laboratory
- Pharmacy
- Antenatal care
- Physiotherapy

Marmul Major Clinic Doctors + Nurses  Primary Health Care

(Interior)  Occupational Health advice
 Support Services:
- In-patient beds
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- Laboratory (minor)
- Physiotherapy

Fahud Major Clinic Doctors + Nurses  Primary Health Care

(Interior)  Occupational Health advice
 Support Services:
- In-patient beds
- Laboratory (minor)
- Physiotherapy

Lekhwair Satellite Nurse

Clinic  Primary health care provided
Qarn Alam Satellite 2 Nurse by qualified site nurse
Clinic  Back-up from doctors at major
Yibal Satellite Doctors +Nurses

Bahja Satellite Nurse


Nimr Satellite Nurse


Harweel Satellite Doctors +Nurses


Saih Rawl and Satellite 2 Nurse  Primary health care provided

Amal Clinic by qualified site nurse
Back-up from doctors at major

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Appendix 26: Minimum Requirements for Ambulances

The ambulance shall contain as a minimum the following:

A seat adjacent to the stretcher(s) for a nurse / doctor

Cardiac monitor

Defibrillator - portable Automatic External Defibrillator(AED).


BP apparatus

(x1) Oxygen cylinder with breathing apparatus

(x1) Portable oxygen cylinder with breathing apparatus (AMBU)

(x1) Hook for hanging IV fluids (drips)

(x1) Urinal and bed pan, preferably plastic

(x1) Coleman flask with disposable cups

(x2) Assorted leg splints

(x2) Assorted arm splints

(x1) Locksley stretcher

(x1) Spinal board (for spinal fracture)

Bandages / gauze / cotton wool

Spare oxygen cylinders of each size

(x1) Suction machine


IV fluids

Small plastic bags

Plasters / scissors / forceps

Mouth gauge and tongue forceps

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Appendix 27: Minimum Equipments for Camp/worksite Clinics

Quantity Item Quantity Item

3 Oxygen Cylinder 3 Urinals

2 Oxygen Cylinder Stand 1 Dressing Trolley
2 Drip Stand (Portable) 1 Patient Carry Chair
1 Portable Suction Machine 1 Weighing Scales
1 Crash Box and Ambu Bag 2 Oxygen Flow meter
1 Folding Stretcher 1 Suture Scissors
1 Refrigerator 1 Glucometer
1 Examination Couch 1 Eye Test Chart
1 Sphygmomanometer 1 Ring Cutter
1 Stethoscope 2 Hospital Beds
1 Patella Hammer 2 Hospital Lockers
1 Torch (Flashlight) 2 Over bed Tables
2 Standard sharps containers 1 Auto clave or Sterilizer
1 Magnifying Glass 1 Defibrillator- portable Automatic
3 Splints – different sizes including External Defibrillator(AED)
Thomas splint
1 Ear Tray with Aural Syringe, 1 Medicine Cupboard
Receiver, Bowl (Optional)

2 Tourniquet (venous access only) 1 Probe

2 Vomit Bowls 1 Artery Forceps

3 Hand Towel and Holder 1 ECG Machine
1 Cupboard for medical files
2 Means of communication e.g.
Telephone, Fax, GSM and 2 Dissecting Forceps

Quantity Item Quantity Item

4 Oxygen Masks with Tubing Asstd 2 Box Gloves (sterile and unsterile)
24%, 100% (size 7 and 8)
2 Oxygen Flow Meters 1 Doz Razor and Razor Blades
1 Box Suction Gatherers 1 Doz Suturing kits with(Assorted
Sutures and Steristrips,
needles and needl holders)

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Quantity Item Quantity Item

1 Box IV Cannullas 20,18,16g 1 Doz Eye Pads

6 Bot IV Normal Saline 0.9% 2 Dressing Scissors
6 Bot Plasma Expander 2 Each Oropharyngeal Airways
(Haemacell or equivalent) (sizes 2,3,4,5)
2 Box Syringes of variuos sizes 6 each Blankets,bed sheets/linen
6 Box Needles of various sizes 6 Plastic Draw Sheets
5 Box Plasters (assorted) 6 Disposable Dressing Packs
5 Box Cotton Wool 2 Box Scalpels (assorted blades)
2 Doz Bandages (assorted) 2 Tube Gauze (different sizes
with applicators)
5 Box Sterilised Swabs 3 bottles Anti-septic solutions
1 Box Spatulas(wooden) 1 Spinal board
2 Cervical collars-different sizes 4 Thermomoters
1 Portable Nebulizer machine 1 Automatic blood pressure
1 Hand washing basin with 1 Instrument tray with covering
plumbed water lid

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Appendix 28: List of Clinics’ Essential and Emergency Medications.

List of essential and emergency medications to be kept in camp or worksite clinics as per the
Ministry of Health Requirments.

Antibiotics and Antiseptics

Amoxil 500mg
Augmentine 375 mg
Flagyl 400 mg
Emergency and ACLS Medications
Amiodarone 150 mg
Adenosine 3mg/ml
Adrenaline (Epinephrine) 1:1000
Atropine 0.6mg/1ml
Adrenaline (Epinephrine) 1:10,000
Lidocaine 2% 40 mg in 2ml
Glyceryl trinitrate 400 mcg (sublingual spray)
Chlorpheniramine 10 mg injectable
Hydrocortisone 100 mg
Calcium gluconate gel
Calcium gluconate 10 % injection
Aspirin 300 mg
Propranolol 10 mg and 40 mg
Fruosemide 20 mg
Morphine 10 mg
Naloxone 400 mcg/ml
Adrenaline Auto-Injector 0.3 mg
Dextrose 50 % 20 ml
Intravenous Fluid
Normal Saline 0.9%
Ringer Lactate
5% Dextrose in Normal Saline 500ml
Paracetamol 500 mg
Paracetamol 1 g in 100 ml
Diclofnac Sodium tablets and injection
Respiratory system
Loratadine 10 mg
Chlorpheniramine 4 mg
Cough syrup and expoctrants
Salbutamol nebulizer solution
Salbutamol metered dose inhaler
Ipratropium bromide nebulizer solution
Nasal decongestant drops
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Gastrointestinal tract
Mouth wash/gargles
Hyoscine butyl bromide (Buscopan) tablets and
Metoclopramide 10 mg(tablets and injections)
Procto-Glyvenol cream/Suppositories
Ranitidine tablets 150 mg
Antacid suspension
Oral Rehydration Salts(ORS)
Lactulose suspension such as Duphalac
Urinary Tract
Ural alkalizer sachets
Musculoskeletal topical
Deep Heat cream
Diclofnac Sodium gel
Cerumol ear drops
Artificial tears
Naphazoline Hydrochloride
Fusidic acid eye drops
Calamine lotion
Eurax cream
Magnesium sulphate paste
Silver Sulphadizine 1% cream 50 g(Flamazine)
Fucidin cream/ointment
Hydrocortisone cream
Betadine solution
Hydrogen Peroxide
Water for injection
Tetanus toxid injection
Xylocaine 2% and 1 %
Anti-epileptic medications eg ( injectable 5mg

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Appendix 29: Nurses/Medic Medical Responsibilities

Clinic  Manage the clinic by ensuring it is clean, orderly and fit for
 Ensure equipment selection and numbers are adequate
Emergency  Deal initially with all emergencies
Response  Be fully conversant in PDO emergency response procedures and
nurse duties with respect to emergency response
 Ensure that all emergency contact numbers are prominently
Emergency  Ensure that all emergency medical equipment is regularly
Equipment checked and functioning
 Ensure emergency medical equipments are kept in a manner that
allows easy accessibility for utilisation to an incident
Medical Records  Maintain securely individual patient files, containing all medical
 Maintain a list of clinic attendances
 Calculate non-confidential monthly attendance statistics
First Aid  Maintain an updated list of First Aiders
 Supervise the First Aid Team
 Deliver regular, short refreshers in First Aid topics every 4 months
 Liase with area coordinator to ensure adequate numbers of First

Medications  Maintain a list of allowed medications

 Prescribe a limited number of medications
 An ability to describe the purpose of any medications stocked and
any likely side effects
 Suitably store and maintain medications up to date
Communication  Ability to communicate with customers (including verbal and
written English)
Public Health  Assist the PDO Public Health Officers if there is a breakdown of
hygiene practices
Occupational  Maintain a good basic knowledge of the health risks associated
Health with the local working environment
Health Promotion  Deliver health promotion and education as part of HSE meetings
Training  Attend the scheduled 3 yearly rig medics and other essential
training to maintain clinical and casualty management skills.

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Appendix 30: Definitions

Cardiovascular (CVS) Profile: A Cardiovascular system risk calculator (e.g. Framingham or
equivalent may be used to give an indication of an employee’s potential for a cardiovascular
event directing the need for further investigation. They do not provide an absolute and personal
measure of individual risk).

Health Advisors: A clinical physician, occupational physician, nurse practitioner or nurse who
has been assigned responsibilities in a fitness to work programme who is deemed competent
to complete the assigned tasks.

Safety Sensitive Position: These are positions in which the incorrect action of the incumbent
or a failure to act can be a significant factor in events causing or leading to unsafe acts,
environmental damage or material losses.

Medical evaluation: The process by which medical information is solicited through

questionnaire and or examination as part of the decision making process in respect fitness to

Functional capability (Non medical evaluation): Evaluations which are not medical in nature
but which are integral parts of the fitness to work decision making process. Examples include
strength and agility tests, substance abuse tests and trade tests (functional capability
testing).Trade Test: The process of evaluation, in controlled circumstances, of an employee’s
proficiency to complete a required task e.g. helicopter evacuation training, fire-ground training
and colour vision task testing.

Unfit: This describes a decision made as a result of medical and non-medical evaluation, that
an employee has a functional limitation such that they are not able to complete the designated
task safely. In these circumstances the process of accommodation is applied to facilitate the
retention of the employee in the workplace.

With cause evaluation: A with cause evaluation is one where an “off-schedule” review of
fitness to work is carried out. An essential element of any FTW program is the capacity to
review and repeat an assessment of an employee’s fitness to work between regularly
scheduled evaluations. Examples of circumstances when a “with cause” evaluation may be
appropriate include, but are not confined to:

 Return to work after illness or commencing new medication.

 Referral by a supervisor following observed behaviour in the workplace e.g. failing

to complete a task appropriately.

 Self-referral by an employee with concerns over fitness to work.

 Following an incident or accident in the workplace where it is considered fitness to

work may have been a factor.

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Appendix 31: Terms and Abbreviations

ACLS : Advance Cardiac Life Support
AED : Automatic External Defibrillator
AMA : American Medical Association
BA : Breathing Apparatus
BCG : Bacille Calmette-Guérin
BLS : Basic Life Support
BMI : Body Mass Index
BUPA : UK's leading provider of private health care insurance
CABG : Coronary Angio Bypass Surgery
CVS : Cardiovascular
DVT : Deep Vein Thrombosis
ECG/EKG : Electrocardiogram
ESR : Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate
FTW : Fitness To Work
HIB : Haemophilus influenzae type b
HSSE : Health Safety Security Environment
LMP : Last Menstrual Period
MER : Medical Emergency Response
MoH : Ministry of Health
MSDS : Material Safety Data Sheet
OPAL : Oman Society for Petrolume Services
PAC : Permanent Accommodation for Contractors
RPE : Respiratory Protective Equipment
SAR : Supplied Air Respirator
SCBA : Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus
UKOOA : United Kingdom Offshore Oil and Gas Industry Association

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Appendix 32: EX1 Form (Initial Examination Report)


Petroleum Development Oman Surname


Place of examination Home telephone number

If a dependant enter employee’s name here:
Surname: Forenames:
Birth date: Nationality: Country of birth: Religion:
Relationship to employee Number of
Male Female Married Single Separated /Divorced children:
Wife Son Daughter

Reason for examination Pre-Employment Job:

Pre-Overseas Area:
Name and address of family doctor List your last 3 jobs

Are you a Registered Disabled Person? (UK only) Do you belong to any Medical Insurance Scheme?
DO YOU HAVE OR HAVE YOU HAD:- (Tick “Yes” or “No” column or put a (?) if uncertain exclude minor ailments.)
1. Sinus trouble 21. Cancer HAVE YOU EVER BEEN:-
2. Neck swelling/glands 22. Heart Disease 40. Rejected for employment or
3. Difficulty in vision 23. Rheumatic fever insurance for medical reasons
4. Any ear discharge 24. Abnormal heartbeat 41. Awarded benefits for industrial
5. Asthma/bronchitis 25. High blood pressure injury/illness
6. Hayfever /other significant allergy 26. Stroke 42. Treated for a mental condition,
7. Any skin trouble 27. Serious chest pain e.g. depression
8. Tuberculosis 28. Any blood disease 43. Treated for problem drinking or
9. Shortness of breath 29. Kidney disease drug abuse
10. Coughed/vomited blood 30. Blood in urine 44. Exposed to toxic
11. Severe abdominal pain 31. Diabetes substance or noise
12. Stomach ulcer 32. Headaches/migraine FOR WOMEN ONLY
13. Recurrent indigestion 33. Dizziness/fainting Have you ever had:-
14. Jaundice or hepatitis 34. Epilepsy 45. An abnormal smear
15. Gall Bladder disease 35. Joints/spinal trouble
46. Any gynaecological treatment
16. Marked change in bowel habits 36. Surgical operation
17. Blood in stools (motions) 37. Serious accident/fracture 47. Are you pregnant?
18. Marked change in weight 38. Tropical disease 48. HAVE YOU HAD AN ILLNESS
19. Varicose veins 39. Fear of heights NOT MENTIONED ABOVE
20. Lump in breast/armpit
How much tobacco each day? Average daily alcohol consumption
Have you ever taken elicited drugs? ( ) PDO test all new/potential employees for elicited/recreational drugs
FAMILY HISTORY: Diabetes ( ) Tuberculosis ( ) Epilepsy ( ) Asthma ( ) Eczema ( )
Heart disease ( ) High blood pressure ( ) Stroke ( ) Blood Disease ( ) Cancer ( )

I declared these statements to be true to the best of my knowledge and belief and I agree that the result of this medical examination in
general terms may be revealed to the Company if required, and the details sent to my own doctor if this is considered necessary by the
examining medical officer. I am also aware that PDO reserve the right to dismiss me if it was found that I have purposely withheld
important medical information.
Date: Signature of Applicant:

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Further details of medical history and recreational activities

N = Normal A = Abnormal (please describe) PHYSICAL EXAMINATION

1. Eyes & Pupils
2. E.N.T.
3. Teeth & Mouth
4. Lungs & Chest
5. Cardiovascular System
6. Abdo. Viscera
7. Hernial Orifices
8. Anus & Rectum
9. Genito-urinary
10. Extremities
11. Musculo-skeletal
12. Skin & Varicose Vns.
13. C.N.S.
cm kg L DISTANT NEAR Vision Group
_____ /mins. R L R L
R Uncorrected


1. Urinalysis 7. Audiogram
2. Hb, Bloodcount, ESR 8. Lung Function
3. LFT, RFT, RBS 9. Chest X-Ray
4. Drug Screen 10. ECG
5. Lipids (40 years +) 11. CVS risk for 40 yrs. & above
6. Sickle Cell test 12. HIV, Hepatitis screening

OTHER FINDINGS (Physique, scars, disabilities, mental stability including behaviour, etc.)



Date: Name (Block Capitals): Dr. / Nurse Signature:


Date: Name (Block Capitals): Dr. / Nurse Signature:

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Appendix 33: EX2 Form (Routine/Periodic Medical Examination)


Petroleum Development Oman Surname/



Home/Leave Address:
Mobile No. Company Number: Reference Indicator:

Personal Details

A Male Female Married Single Separated /Divorced /Widow(er)

Relationship to employee
Home/Leave Address: Wife Son Daughter No of Children:
Reason for Examination (tick as appropriate)

Periodic Medical Examination Final / Retirement Other Reason:

Employee only
B Present Job and Location: Next Job and Location:

Are you a registered person with special needs? Do you belong to any Medical Insurance Scheme?
Previous Medical History: All important medical events should be listed and dated at every medical examination. To be completed together
with the interviewing Nurses or Doctor who will be able to help by referring to your notes.
Please answer the following questions and tick ‘N’ (no) or ‘Y’ (yes) in the column. If ‘Y’ please describe
N Y Description
Have you, since your last medical been treated by your family doctor or
specialist for significant (major) ailments?
1 Ear, nose, eye or throat problems
2 Chest problems like asthma, bronchitis, other bad cough
3 Heart abnormality, chest pains
4 Abdominal pains, abnormal bowel motions
5 Urogenital problems (kidney disease, menstrual disorder)
6 Skin trouble or allergies
7 Epileptic fits, dizzy spells or migraine
8 History of mental illness, depression anxiety
9 Diabetes, thyroid disease
10 Blood disorder e.g. anaemia, blood cancer e.g. leukaemia
11 Any history of accidents or fractures
12 Have you had any serious allergies
13 Do any dependants have a significant ongoing illness?
14 Any family history of cancers
Do you take any regular medicines, or have your taken in the past?
Do you smoke? If yes, what and how much each day?
Do you drink alcohol? If yes, what is your average weekly intake?
Have you ever taken elicited/recreational drugs?
Are you doing regular sports or physical activities?
STATEMENT: I have read the above questions and the above answers are correct and no information concerning my present or
past state of health has been withheld. . I understand and agree that this form will be held as a confidential record by PDO
Medical Department, and may be copied (by paper or secure electronic transmission) ) to the Occupational Health Services for
the purpose of Health Surveillance and other Occupational Health review .

Date: Signature of Applicant:

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Further details of medical history and recreational activities

N = Normal A = Abnormal (please describe) PHYSICAL EXAMINATION

1. Eyes & Pupils
2. E.N.T.
3. Teeth & Mouth
4. Lungs & Chest
5. Cardiovascular System
6. Abdo. Viscera
7. Hernial Orifices
8. Anus & Rectum
9. Genito-urinary
10. Extremities
11. Musculo-skeletal
12. Skin & Varicose Vns.
13. C.N.S.
_____ /mins. R L R L
R Uncorrected


1. Urinalysis 7. Audiogram
2. Hb, Bloodcount, ESR 8. Lung Function
3. LFT, RFT, RBS 9. Chest X-Ray
4. Drug Screen 10. ECG
5. Lipids (40 years +) 11. CVS risk for 40 yrs. & above
6. Sickle Cell test 12. HIV, Hepatitis screening

OTHER FINDINGS (Physique, scars, disabilities, mental stability including behaviour, etc.)



Date: Name (Block Capitals): Dr. / Nurse Signature:


Date: Name (Block Capitals): Dr. / Nurse Signature:

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Appendix 34: EX3 Form (Transfer Examination Report)



Employee’s Last name & Initials


Dependant <12
Family Name First Names Date of Birth (dd/mm/yy) Nationality

[ ] Male [ ] Female Height cm Weight kg

Home/Leave Address: Name and Address of Family Doctor:

Tel. No. Te. No.

Please answer the following questions and tick ‘N’ (no) or ‘Y’ (yes) in the column. If ‘Y’ please describe
Y N Description Y N Description

1. Ear discharge/infection 11. Bronchitis or Asthma

2. Sinus-or adenoid trouble 12. Highy fever or other allergy

3. Recurrent throat infection 13. Skin trouble

4. Eye problems 14. Kidney disease

5. Convulsions or fits 15. Diabetes

6. Frequent headaches or 16. Serious accident/fracture

7. Severe abdominal pain 17. Congenital abnormality

8. Blood in stool (motions) 18. Any operation(s)

9. Heart abnormality 19. Tropical disease

10. Anaemia or other blood 20. Any other health problem

Has your child received common childhood vaccinations: If ‘yes’ give dates

Diphtheria Measles Mumps Rubella (MMR)

Tetanus Typhoid

Polio Yellow Fever

Whooping Cough (Pertussis) Tuberculosis (BCG)

Haemophilus Influenzae B Hepatitis B


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Last Name: First Name: DOB:

Yes No Details
21. Was the pregnancy with this child normal?
22. Was the delivery normal?
23. What was the birth weight?.......... grams
For children under 3 months
24. Is breast/bottle feeding well established?
25. If bottle fed, what Brand of milk used:
For children under 5 years
26. Has there been any unusual delay (in reaching the usual
milestones? (e.g. sitting-up, crawling, walking, talking)
27. Is the child on regular medication?
28. Is he/she attending a normal school?
EDUCATION ASSESSMENT: Please give details if you have replied YES to any of the following questions
29. Have there been any problems associated with the
education development of the child:
30. Has the child been referred to an education
31. Are there any medical conditions of which normal
school would need to be aware?
STATEMENT: I have read the above questions and the above answers are correct and no information concerning
my child’s present or past state of health has been withheld. I understand and agree that this form will be held as a
confidential record by PDO/Shell Health, and may be copied (by paper or secure electronic transmission) to the Senior
Medical Office of my future PDO/Shell employing company. The Employing company in question may be based in a
country outside the European Economic Area (EEA) and the country may therefore have a different level of protection
for an individual’s rights than those countries within the EEA.

Date: ………………………….. Signature …........……………

ASSESSMENT AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Name (block capitals)_____________________ (Doctor / Nurse)

Fit Worldwide Location: _____________________

Fit Restricted

Temporarily Unfit (See correspondence)

Date __________ Signature __________________

Health Manager ___________________________ Date ___________ Signature___________________

Final review ____________________________ Date __________ Signature__________________

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Appendix 35: EX4 Form (Transfer Examination Report)


Petroleum Development Oman Employee’s Family Name & Initials



Employee only
Present Job Present country and Ref. indicator Tel. No. Date and place of last Shell Medical Exam

Next Job Next country and company Offshore Y / N No. of children

Employee and dependents

Family name First Names Date of Birth (dd/mm/yyyy) Nationality

[ ] Male [ ] Single [ ] Widow(er) Relationship to Employee

[ ] Female [ ] Married [ ] Divorced/ Separated [ ] Partner [ ] Son [ ] Daughter [ ] Other

Home/Leave Address: Name and address of Family Doctor:

Tel. No. Tel. No.

Previous Medical History: All important medical events should be listed and dated at every medical examination. To be completed together
with the interviewing Nurses or Doctor who will be able to help by referring to your notes.

Registered Disabled Person? [ ] Yes [ ] No Medical Insurance? [ ] Yes GEMS [ ] Yes other [ ] No

Please answer the following questions and tick ‘N’ (no) or ‘Y’ (yes) in the column. If ‘Y please describe (overleaf)
N Y Description
Have you, since your last medical examination or during the last four years,
been treated by your family doctor or a specialist? If so, please specify.
Have you, in the recent past, taken medicines regularly, or are you still doing
so? If so, please specify
3 Do you have any allergies (food, medicines)? If so, please specify.
4 Do you have any medical problem related to travel? If so, please specify
Did you ever or do you suffer from mental health issues like stress, anxiety or
depression? If so, please specify.
Do you require any work-related medical examinations? e.g. remote location
(offshore), breathing apparatus use.
If you are going on an unaccompanied posting, do any dependents have a
significant ongoing illness/condition. If yes, please specify overleaf.
STATEMENT: I have read the above questions and the above answers are correct and no information concerning my present or past
state of health has been withheld. I understand and agree that this form will be held as a confidential record by Shell Health, and may
be copied (by paper or secure electronic transmission) to the Senior Medical Office of my future Shell employing company. The Shell
employing company in question may be based in a country outside the European Economic Area (EEA) and the country may therefore
have a different level of protection for an individual’s rights than those countries within the EEA

Date: Signature of Applicant:

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Petroleum Development Oman LLC Effective: January 2022

Last Name: First Name: DOB:

ASSESSMENT AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Name (block capitals)_____________________ (Doctor / Nurse)

Fit Group A Countries Location: _____________________

Fit Restricted
Date __________
Temporarily Unfit (See correspondence)

Fit Offshore/Remote Locations Signature __________________

Health Manager ___________________________ Date ___________ Signature___________________

Final review ____________________________ Date __________ Signature__________________

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Revision: 5.0
Petroleum Development Oman LLC Effective: January 2022

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