DescriptiveA Detailed Lesson Plan in Reading and Writing SHS 11
DescriptiveA Detailed Lesson Plan in Reading and Writing SHS 11
DescriptiveA Detailed Lesson Plan in Reading and Writing SHS 11
I. Objectives: At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to:
1. Classify different texts according to type of writing
2. Recognize the generic features and structure of specific texts
3. Identify the pattern of development used in specific text
4. Recognize well-written texts and their specific properties
II. Subject Matter: Descriptive Writing
Reference: Critical Reading and Writing
Material: powerpoint
Values Integration: Cooperation
III. Procedure:
Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity
A. Preliminaries
1. Prayer
Everybody is requested to stand for the
prayer. (Students do as told.)
“Our Father…Amen.” “Our Father…Amen.”
2. Greetings
Good morning, class
Good morning, Ma’am
Take your seats.
Thank you, Ma’am
3. Checking of Attendance
Who are absent today?
(Students mention those who are absent.)
4. Collecting of Assignment
Pass your assignment to the front.
B. Drill (Students observe.)
(The teacher plays a video clip.)
C. Review
What was our previous discussion? (Students raise their hands.)
2. Presentation
What you did minutes ago was listing the
descriptive words as many as you can
using the five sense. Today, I will
introduce to you what Descriptive
Writing is all about. (Students observe.)
(The teacher presents her lesson through
powerpoint presentation.) (Students raise their hands.)
What is Descriptive Writing?
Next, we have?
Yes, Khim?
All of us are love to travel, but not Use sensory words to describe a place.
everyone is able to courage to take that
big trip. One way that many people are
able to give in and take a vacation is by
writing about their experience afterwards.
This can be done by either penning an
essay or giving a speech detailing the
amazing time they had on vacation. Our
second form is travel essay.
(Students participate.)
Do you have any questions?
Descriptive Writing is expresses ideas and
I guess you’re now ready for our next feelings about real or imagined people, events,
activity. and ideas. It uses precise language and
sensory expressions to create vivid images and
E. Practice Exercise figurative language to express ideas in new,
Go to your group. I will give you pictures fresh, and interesting ways.
and then describe the picture in front of
the class. The forms of descriptive writing are;
F. Generalization descriptive essays, travel essay, and definition
What is Descriptive Writing? essays.
G. Values Integration
How did you accomplish your group
activity? (The students clap.)
I’m glad that everyone cooperate in the
group activity and in our discussion. As a
students like you cooperation is important
in the situation like group activity
because it allows you to participate to
exchange valuable information that helps
both sides improve knowledge bases and
work in a time and resource efficient
Let’s give ourselves a round of applause.
H. Evaluation/Assessment
Direction: In a one whole sheet of paper, write a descriptive writing about your
experience during the pandemic. Your work will be assessed by the rubric.
3 2 1
Description Challenges faced and Challenges faced and Challenges faced and
advantages were clearly and advantages were advantages were not
systematically described described clearly but clearly described and
description lacked lacked organization
Use of English Excellent use of compound Good use of compound Incorrect and inappropriate
adjectives, relative clauses, adjectives, relative use of compound
and quantifiers clauses, and quantifiers adjectives, relative clauses,
with a few mistakes and quantifiers
Spelling Most words spelled Most words spelled Incorrect spelling with
correctly with no more than correctly with no more more than six mistakes
three mistakes than six mistakes
Grammar Grammar used accurately Grammar used Grammar used inaccurate
with no more than three accurately with no more with more than six
mistakes than six mistakes mistakes
Layout Followed the layout learned Followed the layout with Did not follow the layout
a slight deviation learned
Prepared by:
Lovely Jane A. Pabutoy