Linear VS Non-Linear Detailed Lesson Plan

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Lesson Plan in English 9

June 10, 2019

I. Objectives

At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:

1. Infer thoughts, feelings and intention based on the details of information presented
in the photo /picture or drawing.
2. Produce the correct critical consonant sounds in words like: in /s/ - s, z, sh, or zh.

II. Subject Matter

Topic: The Seven Ages of Man

Materials: Book, Visual aids, Laptop, TV

III. Lesson Proper

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

A. Routinary Activities

Everybody stand up and let us pray.

Anyone who wants to lead the prayer? Heavenly father…
Good morning Class! Good morning teacher!
Is there any absent today? None ma’am.
Wow! That’s good! Everybody will be part of
another exciting day of learning. Is everybody ready
to think, have fun and learn? Yes ma’am.

B. Activity

Ten minutes IMAGE Talk

Although it is never stated, you as a reader/ viewer
can infer thoughts, feelings and intention based on
the details of information presented in the photo /
picture or drawing. You can focus on the lines,
angles, colors, even shapes of the objects/ images
presented and relate them to real life experiences for
you to understand its message/ meaning.
Pair up, and look closely at the drawing.

C. Analysis

Talk about / discuss what it communicates to you.

Use the following guide questions.
What do you think the drawing wants/ intends you to
Does it suggest/ answer the question: What roles can I
perform that will make a difference in my life?
How closely do you think/ believe the drawing matches
your mental image of recognizing and performing roles in
life? Prove your point.
What details of the drawing tell you about recognizing and
performing roles in life?
How well do you think/ believe the drawings/ illustrations
fit the value of recognizing and performing roles in life?
How does the picture make you feel about recognizing
and performing roles in life?
After 10 minutes, convene and share your responses.
Find common grounds about your ideas

D. Abstraction
Reading a poem paves the way to making meaning in
life. It allows you to share certain experiences.
Oftentimes, you find you share something in
common with that experience that makes the poem
meaningful. This is when you think back and recall a
time when you have much in common with the same
experience than what you originally thought. The
poem speaks to you as you explore the human

Poetry is a personal type of writing where words

flow and carry you along the realms of beautiful
thought. What really contribute to the poem’s
meaning? Doubtlessly, you know that the
orchestration of sounds, story, sense and form brings
about “life” in a poem you read. That absolutely
drives you to “feel” life in it. Some poems are full of
words that are fun to say aloud. You can express the
meaning of the words by reading them aloud and you
can use your voice To express their meaning.

D. Application

In small groups of five, read the poem, “The SEVEN

AGES OF MAN” from the comedy “AS YOU LIKE
IT” by William Shakespeare aloud.
Decide who will be the first, second, third, fourth
and fifth readers.
Try to make the meaning of the words come alive
through using good expressions.
Remember to produce the correct critical
consonant sounds in words like: in
/s/ - s, z, sh, or zh.
e.g sooth - /s/ zoo - /z/ shoe-/sh/ sure /zh/
Watch out for words in the poem that have the
same sounds.
Also think back on the importance of using
appropriate stress to words you’ll read to convey

Remember that the parts in capital letters receive the

primary stress / ‘ /. Stress the words properly.
Read the poem aloud again. Use appropriate stress
and produce the correct sounds of the letters that
make up the words.

E. Assignment

Research on the internet about the meaning and

examples of Rhyme, Onomatopoeia, Alliteration,
Assonance, Consonance, Imagery.

Prepared by: Checked by:

Reychelle Ann F. Quinto Marivi D. Ladines

Teacher Teacher-in-Charge

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