Les Miserables

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A Detailed Lesson Plan in English 10

I. Intended Learning Outcomes

At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to:
a. Read closely to get the author’s purpose (EN10RC-IIe-7.3.1); and
b. Draw conclusions from the set of details (EN10RC-IVg-2.12)

II. Subject Matter

Topic: Author’s Purpose

Theme: Bridging Gaps
 Grade 10 Learner’s Module (pages 448- 452) and Grade 10
Teacher’s Guide (pages 407-408)
 Glence Grammar and Composition Handbook ( pages 338-357)

Material(s): Power point Presentation, Hand-outs, and Visual Aids

Teaching Techniques: Interactive discussion and Task-oriented Group Work

Subject Integration:
 AP (Across) - Featuring the Tourist Spots in Isabela

 GAD- Identifying the author’s purpose and making conclusions as a

student in a current issue regarding “ Gender and Development”

 NDEP- Identifying the author’s purpose and making conclusions as a

student in a current issue regarding “ Drug Addiction”.

 ICT- For vocabulary enhancement

 Values- Self- assessment on the current issues.

III. Learning Activities

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

A. Preparatory Activities
1. Prayer
Let us start the day with a prayer.
(Student’s prayer)

2. Greetings
Good Morning Class!

Good morning Ma’am

3. Checking of Attendance

Are all of you present today class?

Yes Ma’am.
Very Good!

4. Review of the Previous Lesson

What have we discussed last meeting class?

Yes Ammy.

Last meeting, we discussed about the most commonly

used literary devices.

That is correct! Very good Ammy. And what are those

most commonly used literary devices again class? Can
you name them? Ma’am.

Yes Arnold.
The most commonly used literary devices are: simile,
metaphor, personification, imagery, allusion, flashback and
Indeed! Very good Arnold, for naming all the seven
most commonly used literary devices.

How about its importance class?

Yes Ayesha.
Literary devices helps writers to convey their message
more creative and beautiful. Literary device gives
color, tone, and mood to their writings.
Very well said Ayesha!

How about its impact to you as readers?


Yes Lesly.
As a reader ma’am I can say that literary devices gives
me anticipation and enjoyment to my readings. And
also it helps me appreciate and understand a literary
selection in a deeper sense.

That is absolutely right! It is because literary devices are

author’s tool in order make their writings more of just
delivering their message in the most common way.

Are there any questions and clarifications class in our

previous topic?
None Ma’am.

Very well then, let us proceed to our next topic.

B. Motivation
Before we begin our next topic, I will show you video
clips. I want you to write down important contents and
details of the video presentation because later on I will
be asking questions regarding the videos.
(Video Presentation no. 1)

From the video presentation that I have shown you.

What have you noticed?

Ma’am a clown who is having fun playing bubbles.

Yes very good. A clown in the video is having fun

playing. How do you feel about what he is doing?

We feel happy too ma’am.

What do you think is the purpose of the clown in doing

the act?
To entertain ma’am.

Yes it is! Very Good. Let us now proceed to the next

video clip.

(Video presentation no. 2)

What about this video? What does it imply?

Ma’am it tells us facts trying to inform us about the
longest bridge in Isabela.

Precisely! Let us take a look now what the next video


(Video presentation no. 3)

Now, who can tell me what was the motive of the recent
video that I have shown you?
The video clip’s primary purpose is to promote and
convince other people to visit our country.
Yes, it tries to convince or to persuade viewers to visit
our very own Philippines.

To sum up, what are different purposes of the videos?

The videos are to entertain, to inform, and to persuade.

Very Good!

C. Introduction of the Lesson

The words that you came up with in your activity were
to; persuade, inform, and entertain. Don’t you know that
these three has something to do with the topic that we’ll
be discussing for today?

Well class, many different types of writing exist in the

world like those of the videos that you have analyzed.
And these works may vary in tone, genre and type, but
as pieces of writing, they should have one thing in
common: a purpose.

And this will be our topic for today. We will be

discussing about the “Author’s Purpose in Writing”.

D. Lesson Proper ( 4 A’s)

a. Activity (Initial Activity)
Before we start in our today’s activity, proceed first in
your respective groups. You’ll be watching a video clip
regarding the “Author’s Purpose in Writing”. Watch
very carefully and make sure to jot down important
details from the video, because later on, that will serve
as your reference in your next activity.

(Video Presentation)

b. Analysis
Each member of the group please choose a
representative to come here in front and pick an
Inside the envelopes are written texts. Your group task
is identify what is the purpose of the author in the text,
then explain and justify your answer. I will give you 10
minutes to finish the task. Afterwards one from each
groups will discuss your answers.

(Activity proper)

c. Abstraction
Okay class so what are again the 3 purposes of an author
Ma’am to persuade, to inform, and to entertain.
in writing?

That is right!

What does it mean if the author’s purpose is to

Ma’am it means the author is trying to make the
reader(s) agree with something important. The author
wants to persuade you to see their point of view.

To inform is to teach a lesson or to show how to make

How about when the author’s purpose is to inform?
something. You usually read something informational
to learn more about a certain subject.
Lastly, how about when the author’s purpose is to
To entertain is to tell a funny story or to tell what a
person or place is like in an interesting or funny way.
You usually read something entertaining for fun.

Class, to you as students, why do you think the need to

learn about the author’s purpose is important?
Ma’am it is very important, because it will help us
especially to understand and to comprehend when
reading a particular literary piece.

Very well said!

d. Application
Very Good class! I think you are now ready for a new
level of activity! Now I’ll be giving each group a task.

Group 1. Write a brief informative report about

“ Mappakana Festival”

Group 2. Write a 2 stanza poem about the beauty of


Group 3. Write a commercial text for “ Maria’s


IV. Evaluation
Now class, your next task is to answer the activity sheet
that I’ll be giving you.
In your activity sheets, there are two topic/ issues. These
are the issues that we are now facing in our society.
Your task is to accomplish the following:
1. Read, analyze, and identify the author’s
(Passage about Drug addiction and Gender
2. Based on how the author conveys the details in
the passage, as a student, draw a conclusion on
one of the current issues of your choice.

V. Assignment
For your assignment, answer the following
1. What is cultural mapping?
2. What is the purpose of cultural mapping?
Learners Material page 453-456

Do you have any question class regarding our
None Ma’am.
Alright then, please arrange your chairs and pick
up scattered pieces of paper or trash in your
place. That is all. Goodbye Class.
Goodbye Ma’am.
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region II
Schools Division of Isabela
Magsaysay, Naguilian

A Demonstration Plan in English for Grade- 10



Student- Teacher

Cooperating Teacher

March 4, 2019


Head Teacher III

Secondary School Principal II

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