Toobig Water Refilling Station: "Boxed Water Is Better"

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TooBig Water Refilling Station

"Boxed water is better"

Chapter 1

Description of the project


The demand at the water stores that sell purified water is now rapidly increasing. The

qualities of purified water match up to the national standards for drinking water and are even

better than the quality of water produced by traditional water supply systems in terms of

removed impurities.

In the area of Metro Manila, most of the water refilling stations is connected to the pipes

of two concessionaires: MAYNILAD Water Company or Manila Water Company for their

source of raw water while in other areas they opt to use private deep wells. The “potable water”

supplied by the providers is then further purified by utilizing a combination of water treatment

equipment, such as sediment filters, carbon filters, water softeners, reverse osmosis membranes,

ultra-violet lamps, and ozone generators. Typical water refilling stations can produce 3,000 to

12,000 litres of purified water per day. In previous years, most of the people were bringing a

container to a water refilling station to buy purified water.

Nowadays, because of convenience on the part of the many consumers, purified water in

5-gallon (22.7 litres) containers is delivered by the station directly to the people’s home. Aqua

Sure, a water refilling station in Metro Manila, can deliver 5,500 gallons (25,000 litres) a day to

its 8,000 household clients.

Over the years, as the demand for cleaner water becomes higher, the price of household

water purifiers and bottled water has become grow prohibitive. Water refilling stations managed

and utilized by private entrepreneurs offer an affordable and more convenient solution to the

public’s drinking water needs than bottled water or the use of household filters.

At our present, about 3,000 water refilling stations have proliferated nationwide. They

market purified water of comparable quality with bottled water at a lower price. Water refilling

station can be operated with a minimum area of at least 20-25 square metres. It comprises the

following sections: refilling and selling room, enclosed water purification room, container

washing and sanitizing room, storage room for empty and refilled containers, source water

storage facility, toilet and an office. To operate the water store, about five employees are needed.

Company Description

Water is the most important necessity for life. People are becoming more health

conscious these days. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), about 3.4 million

people die annually from water-related diseases. About a million Filipinos get sick with water-

borne diseases yearly. These problems are accredited to the poor water system in the Philippines.

Nowadays, people are more concern to their financial, health and environment due to the

negative impacts of the ever changing happening to our environment.

As the demand for a cleaner, safe and affordable drinking water, TooBig Water Refilling

Station offers the overall society needs with the utter of utilizing the technology while retaining

the good quality of our product. For years the water refilling station industry was locked in a

vicious cycle of price wars.  Everyone was slashing prices while at the same time adding more

and more stages of filtration to the treatment process. This reduced profit margins while

increasing costs. The TooBig Water Refilling Station followed suit in adding filtration stages and

slashing prices to sustain the affordability issue for all. However, the unsustainability of this

approach and decided to differentiate the TooBig Water Refilling Station brand by adopting the

principle of Quality, Service, Value, and Technology (QSVT).

The Shareholders











The partnership of TooBig Water Refilling Station is divided in the shares of the

members that will build the business. The members agreed to have a 10% shares in every

member to achieve the capital requirement to build and to operate the TooBig Water Refilling

Station and to also promote it to the market. The equal share means to have equal shares of

income to avoid any conflicts in the business.


Logo Description

This logo of TooBig Water Refilling Station signify the essence of a safety drinking water with

the hence of promoting the spirit of being environmentalist person. Since water is the primary

necessity of many individuals, our group decided to propose a business where in it cater the basic

needs and primary problem that our country Philippines were facing. Pollution and waste

management is the cause to come up with the thought of "Boxed Water". In utilizing the paper

based packaging’s we can rest assure a better world to reserve for the young generations.


The company lease a site (255 Atay De Paz Pasay City, Metro Manila) where they can derive

from the places which they can operate. Though the extensive analysing of market information,

we can more acquire the access to customers, workers, transportation, materials and plays the

essential role of gaining profit and overall success.

 From Baclaran to the TooBig Water Refilling Station by walk it will take for about 15

minutes. Through the Airport Road McDonalds turn left and enter the Electrical Road, go

straight until you saw a chapel then turn left you arrive at TooBig Water Refilling


 From Domestic Road you can straight approach to the Domestic Salem and just turn


Legal Structure and Form of Ownership

The owners of the company will be sharing profits, losses, and assets. A partnership is

not a corporate or separate entity; rather it is viewed as an extension of its owners for legal and

tax purposes, although a partnership may own property as a legal entity. While a partnership may

be founded on a simple agreement, even a handshake between owners, a well-crafted and

carefully worded partnership agreement is the best way to begin the business.


TooBig Water Refilling Station is enacting to become recognizable, respected, and trusted brand

who aims to be more a good service provider with the best satisfactory and refreshing drinking



To reassert and promote all the people’s right to safe drinking water and to provide and

affordable with refreshing feeling of drinking water with utter of the advanced technology while

retaining the good quality.


The objective is to lease a site in 255 Atay De Paz Pasay City, Metro Manila with the initial

capital of 1 Million. We will manipulate our own personal marketing strategies and skills to

generate our own success. Recreate plan and duplicate the successful formula to inadequate the

overall outstanding result in terms of the following objectives;

1. We ensure to sell not just pure water but the safe drinking water possible to ample the

application of advanced technology and excellent customer care.

2. Utilize marketing strategy to build volume quickly.

3. To be environmental in packaging to help to lessen the pollution of the plastics that helps

the environment.

SWOT Analysis

1. Health and Hygiene Conscious: Packaged Water category is a healthier option

considering the increasing amount of water diseases and their consequences.

2. Strong Distribution Network: TooBig Water Refilling Station has a very

strong distribution network since we are the only one water refilling station in 255

Atay De Paz Pasay City. We can cater the whole barangays and some

establishments near our business location.

3. Environmental friendly Packaging: With the introduction of TooBig Water Refilling

Station has developed a 100% safer packaging of our water which is the paper-based

bottles that inadequate the high score on being environmentally friendly. Thus, can

be a great solution to our primary problem which is the pollution and waste


4. Differentiation: TooBig Water Refilling Station has a differentiated product


W 1. Misuse of empty bottles: There have been various examples wherein empty

branded bottles have been used to refill with impure water and this affects the

image of the business.

2. Under maintenance of the equipment and machineries.

3. Newly in the market industry.

O 1. Distribution: Increasing the distribution of the product is the best way and only

way that Water companies can sell higher numbers. Water is a universal

requirement, so the farther and wider the brand is present, the more will be the sale.

Off course, production and shelf life is a bottleneck to distribution as well.

2. Increasing Awareness: There has been an increasing awareness towards the pure,

safe, and hygienic water, which is a boost to the packaged of water refilling station


3. Tie Ups: TooBig Water Refilling Station should look for more tie-ups with some

establishments like restaurant, fast food chain, school and etc. which increase its

sales as well as promotions.

T 1. Water shortage: Water shortage is a major threat to Aquafina because government

might decide to limit the water supply to packaged drinking water companies.

These companies are selling the water back to consumers when there is a shortage

of water supply. Many consumers have a problem with this because they believe

that mineral water companies should not be supplied water in the first place and it

should go to consumers.

2. High brand switching: When it comes to packaged water, people do not generally

have a brand preference and hence sales are dependent on retailer/seller. As long as

its packaged drinking water and the people are thirsty, they will take any brand

presented to them.

3. Future Local Competition: Local Competition also becomes a deterrent to growth

in the industry and hence rise of Local competition is also a threat.

Product and Service Description

TooBig Water Refilling Station caters 3 products. The following are; Mineral Water,

Purified Water, and Alkaline Water. In addition, each of this type of water has different

characteristics. It is said that our immune system works accordingly to what type of water we

will intake. TooBig Water Refilling Station caters all this 3 products to ensure that they will

provide whatever type of water their customers would prefer and use a boxed packing that is

environmental. Also, this will give them the advantage in terms of competition.

Chapter 2

Economic/Market Study

Demand/Supply Analysis

One of the fast expanding businesses in many cities nationwide is the water refilling

station. It's mushrooming on every street corner, because a lot of people in urban areas prefer to

get their drinking water from these water stations, it's simply clean and safe to drink. Over the

years, as the demand for cleaner water becomes higher, the price of household water purifiers

and bottled water has become prohibitive. Water refilling stations managed by private

entrepreneurs offer a cheaper and more convenient solution to the public's drinking water needs

than bottled water or the use of household filters.

There's no need to be concerned about disposing of our bottle because it's 100%

recyclable. As a result, every customer can make a significant contribution to the goals of our

company, because this type of packaging is rarely seen anywhere, it will undoubtedly attract

other markets, implying that we are encouraging more people to not only consume our product

but also to contribute to environmental preservation.

Tabular presentation between demand data and supply data

Unsatisfied Demand/

Year Projected Demand (Qty) Projected Supply (Qty) Excess Supply

2021 120,000 117,500 2,500

2022 166,820 153,000 13,820

2023 192,200 161,890 30,310

2024 244,940 203,670 41,270

2025 326,650 257,850 68,800

Total 1,050,610 893,910 156,700

Evidently, there is a total Unsatisfied Demand and an Excess in Supplies of 156,000


1. The Projected Demand for the next five years is increasing, thus there is a positive prospect

for the proposed project.

2. The Projected Supply shows an increase but apparently the amount of increase is not sufficient

to incline in projected demand. This trend is a continual process to exist in the future, if the

suppliers will not increase their production capacity of the said proposes business. As the

supplier increases their capacity, the demand – supply gap will decrease. The higher the demand

gap is favourable to propose business.

Target Market

Our target customers are everyone in the society. Nevertheless despite the fact that there

could be water refilling stations establish nearby. This business research was intended to target

the majority of the people as the water offered will be well purified and it will cater 3 varieties of

water which will indeed cater people needs such as to what type of water they prefer to drink.

Geographic Area

TooBig is a water refilling station in Pasay City. It is located in 255 Atay de Paz Pasay City,

Metro Manila. The location is near to the target market, in near places like schools, offices,

hotels and apartment. It will be a great indicator for the product to be sold in the firm is located

in an area where primarily working people pass by. We can offer our goods to private office

buildings in the area since it is surrounded by them. Having a visually appealing physical

business can attract more passers-by. Our business also provides delivery to some far clients that

wish to be served by us. This place is unquestionably accessible to everybody.

Market Demographics

The TooBig Water Refilling Station will be targeting personal contacts as the prospective

customers. This is an ideal market segment because a positive relationship already exists with the

personal contacts, making the water refilling stations job of selling the products significantly

easier. If this segment will continue to progress, the number of customer count in the refilling

station would progress largely. For example, the refilling station originally or has 5 customers in

their first day, if those customers will be satisfied with the service and the product, they will

spread the news about the firm. Let’s just say the power of communication. If they communicate

with a large clique of people, that clique will then be curious and would try the refilling station,

if they will also be satisfied, the same procedure would then occur. This is being practical.


Many entrepreneurs invest in this kind of business and furthermore, this also inadequate

the purification of their product before sale. Nowadays, bottled water has established a major

foothold in the Philippines, with such an intense competition. This research is aim to deliver

more marketing strategies employed by these water refilling stations. This also tackles the

safeties of processes used by water refilling stations in the Philippines, specifically on the

National Capital Region, on the purified water it sells to its customers.

Marketing Strategies

The market strategy is to concentrate on the segment of the sales advertising, most easily

captured by the following sales feature: increase of sales and customers annually. At this point,

the goal of the company is to have a large number of sister companies for function. In order to

promote sales is through strategic alliance. The relationship between water service companies

(sister companies) and water distributors (TooBig Water Refilling Station) could be called a

strategic alliance. These water service companies have an extensive customer base. Most of the

customers have needs such as well purified water and some may ask for varied water types

however, many water distributors’ customers have needs as well. At present, these water service

companies must direct their own needs to the water distributors in order for them to cater their

customer’s needs. Forming a relationship between water service companies and water

distributors would quickly result in substantial sales increases for the water distributors and

would result in increased prestige and profits for the water service companies.

Chapter 3

Management Study

I. Organizational Chart

The owners of the company will be sharing profits, losses, and assets. A partnership is not a

corporate or separate entity; rather it is viewed as an extension of its owners for legal and tax

purposes, although a partnership may own property as a legal entity. While a partnership may be

founded on a simple agreement, even a handshake between owners, a well-crafted and carefully

worded partnership agreement is the best way to begin the business.



Front Liner Delivery Man Delivery Man

Person #1 Person #2 Person #3

Worker 1 – will handle the plant operation. They will be in charge of cleaning and refilling

containers. She/he will also observe proper sanitation of the plant and maintain excellent quality

of the product.

Worker 2 and Worker 3 – will be tasked in the delivery and distribution of the products. They

will ensure that all deliveries are done at the shortest possible time. They will also handle

collection of payments and issuance of receipts during deliver

II. Principal Structure

Capital: P 1,000,000












The partnership of TooBig Water Refilling Station is divided in the shares of the

members that will build the business. The members agreed to have a 10% shares in every

member to achieve the capital requirement to build and to operate the TooBig Water Refilling

Station and to also promote it to the market. The equal share means to have equal shares of

income to avoid any conflicts in the business.

III. Executive Committee

Board of Directors

Michelle G. Cisneros

Hezel L. Matriano Alexis G. Abenido Jonalyn P. Campos

Shareholders Shareholders Shareholders

Alexa Edgie A.
Angela Banawa Danica Melgar Decena
Shareholders Shareholders Shareholders

Clairisse Canda Jessabel Anzano Brenda Zaragosa

Shareholders Shareholders Shareholders

IV. Functions and Responsibility

I. Delivery Man

 Knows how to drive a 4- wheeler truck or less.

 Knows how to operate water station equipment.

 Has valid license.

 Contributes to team effort by accomplishing related results as needed.

 At least high school graduate.

 Hardworking

 Has good personality.

 Who can work under pressure

 Self-Motivated

 Pro-active Team Worker.

II. Front Liner

 A person who can be all around in water refilling station business (except manager,

bookkeeper and administrative assistant).

 A person who at least knows how to operate water processing equipment.

 Contributes to team effort by accomplishing related results as needed.

 At least high school graduate.

 Hardworking

 Has good personality.

 Who can work under pressure

 Self-Motivated

 Pro-active Team Worker

 Efficient at work

 Knows how to deal with customers.

V. Corresponding compensation and benefits


 Phil Health

 Pag – ibig

 Christmas bonus

 13th month pay

Chapter 4

Technical Study

I. Manufacturing/ Service

TooBig will manufacture the Product in accordance with the Specifications and any applicable

process steps. TooBig will reply to each proposed process that is submitted in accordance with

the terms of this Agreement. TooBig will provide Additional Services for existing or future

Product manufactured by this business. Company shall be solely responsible for the sufficiency

and adequacy of the Specifications and shall hold TooBig harmless for any claim arising there


TooBig will produce the Product in line with the Specifications and any process steps that may

be required. In line with the terms of this Agreement, and will respond to each suggested process

that is presented. TooBig will be entirely responsible for the sufficiency and appropriateness of

the Specifications, and will indemnify TooBig for any claim originating from them:

1. Testing. The Product will be tested by TooBig in line with the Test Procedures.

2. Packaging. TooBig will package the Product in line with the Packaging Specifications and is

entirely responsible for the Packaging's sufficiency and appropriateness.

3. Water to be supplied by TooBig. TooBig will use the TooBig Manufacturing Process, as well

as any appropriate manufacturing technology, manufacturing capacity, personnel, systems, and

facilities, to provide the Manufacturing Services in accordance with these terms and conditions.

4. Store Inspection. Inspectors shall have the right to inspect, evaluate, monitor, and oversee the

Manufacturing Services with reasonable prior notice, during regular business hours, and at its

cost, provided that such inspection does not interrupt TooBig's usual business operations.

Inspectors must ensure that all of TooBig's employees, agents, and representatives who have

access to the company's facilities maintain, preserve, and protect all of TooBig's proprietary

information and technology, as well as the confidential or proprietary information and

technology of TooBig's other customers.

5. Materials Procurement. TooBig will acquire components using Commercially Reasonable

Efforts and will be responsible for the day-to-day monitoring and management of company


II. Equipment/Tools/Materials

Toobig water refilling station is a business where you can help communities become

environmentally aware. In having a business like this, we need to have the equipment’s that we

will use to make our water clean.

•Multimedia Sediment Filter

This is a tank made from fiber-reinforced plastic. It removes sediments such as sand and various

other particles from the water through a process known as depth filtration and backwash.

•Active Carbon Filter

The main function of the carbon filter is to remove any foul taste, odor and color caused by

organic chemicals.

•Water Softener Tank

The water softener tank removes hardness from water. It replaces the hard minerals in the water

with soft minerals through ion exchange.

•Reverse Osmosis Membrane

Its primary function is to remove all inorganic minerals, bacteria and viruses while retaining the

water's oxygen content.

•Polishing Carbon

This is used to further improve the taste of the water. Depending on the type of water refilling

station, one or two carbon blocks may be used.

•Ozone Generator

Water in the station is passed through an ozone generator to prevent the growth of bacteria in the

product tank and to prolong the shelf life of the water.

For the packaging, we will use boxed water.

Boxed Water is better because it has made considerable efforts to make our packaging more

sustainable. For example, forest management and transportation practices are crucial when

considering the entire impact of the box. Water boxes are paper cartons lined with polyethylene

and aluminum, which complicates the recycling process because they are difficult to get apart.

They require special equipment to process to have a better outcome in our business.

III. Front Layout/ Office Layout

IV. Production Schedule

Gant Chart

The chart below states the production activities for the making of business establishment before

the normal operation takes place.

Activities Sept Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb

Organizational Planning

Acquisition Funds

Business Location & Sign of

Contract Rent


Products, Equipment, Raw

Materials and etc.

Hiring Employees

Grand Opening

V. Machinery

Multimedia Sediment Filter

This type of filter has replaced the conventional sand filter for water refilling stations. This is a

tank made from fiber-reinforced plastic. It removes sediments such as sand and various other

particles from the water through a process known as depth filtration and backwash. Whereas the

sand filter was time-consuming and offered very slow flow rates, the multimedia sediment filter

delivers high-quality filtered water at much faster flow rates.

Active Carbon Filter

The main function of the carbon filter is to remove any foul taste, odor and color caused by

organic chemicals. This is also done through backwash in the same manner as the multimedia

sediment filter. Most carbon filters have filter bodies made from fiberglass.

Water Softener Tank

The water softener tank removes hardness from water. It replaces the hard minerals in the water

with soft minerals through ion exchange. Soft water tastes better and generally is preferred for

drinking. It also is healthier because the hard minerals have been removed.

Reverse Osmosis Membrane

This typically is the most expensive unit in the entire station. Its primary function is to remove

all inorganic minerals, bacteria and viruses while retaining the water's oxygen content. This is

done by reverse osmosis, which is also known as hyper-filtration. During this process, water is

forced to pass through a 0.0001 micron semi-permeable by water pressure.

Polishing Carbon

This is used to further improve the taste of the water. Depending on the type of water refilling

station, one or two carbon blocks may be used. If two carbon blocks are used, then the first one is

used to remove any remaining organic contaminants that the water may still have, while the

second is used to improve the taste of the water.

Ultraviolet Lamp/Sterilizer

Water treatment stations use this machine to make sure any germs and disease-causing micro-

organisms have been eliminated from the water by emitting ultraviolet rays as the water is being

passed through a reaction chamber.

Ozone Generator

Water in the station is passed through an ozone generator to prevent the growth of bacteria in the

product tank and to prolong the shelf life of the water.

VI. Plant Location

The company lease a site (255 Atay De Paz Pasay City, Metro Manila) where they can derive

from the places which they can operate. Though the extensive analysing of market information,

we can more acquire the access to customers, workers, transportation, materials and plays the

essential role of gaining profit and overall success.

Chapter 5

Financial Study

Total Project Cost

TooBig Water Refilling Station: Sales Estimated (for 6 months)


Selling Price (Php) 25

Sales per Day 100


Bottles (Paper Based)

Open for 30 Days/Month 30


TOTAL: 75,000


Employee Salaries 19,000

Employee Meals 2,700

Electricity 7,000

Gasoline Cost 7,000

Maintenance Cost 2,500

Emergency Cost 600


TOTAL: 38,000

Initial Capital Requirements

Account Title: Amount:

Fixed Assets:

Land P 50,000.00

Machineries and Equipment 300,000.00

Building (25sq meters) 150,000.00

Delivery Vehicle 75,000.00

Total Fixed Assets Required P 575,000.00

Working Capital:

Salaries and Wages P 54,000.00

Returnable Containers 15,000.00

Materials and Supplies 45,000.00

Fuel, Gas and Lubricants 45,000.00

Promotions 10,000.00

Raw Material Supply (Water) 18,000.00

Utilities 25,000.00

Initial Working Capital (for 3 months of operation) 212,500.00



There will be 3 workers tasked in refilling and cleaning of containers. The owner will be the one

to oversee the production and help in the operation whenever it is needed.


Materials and Supplies are estimated at Php 6,000.00 monthly (water is the major raw materials



Overhead expenses are composed of Utilities, Telephone Bills and Depreciation. Electric

consumption is assumed at Php 7,500.00 monthly and telephone bills are at Php 1,000.00 per


Financial Statement

Projected Income Statement

Particular Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5

Sales 1,794,000 1,973,400 2,107,725 2,464,495 2,842,590

Less: Cost of Sales

Direct Labor 108,000 118,000 130,680 145,840 171,740

Materials and 72,000 79,200 87,120 98,960 115,530


Manufacturing Overhead Expenses

Depreciation 7,500 7,500 7,500 7,500 7,500



Depreciation 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000

Expense: (M &


Utilities 102,000 112,200 123,420 139,360 162,880

Total FOE 129,500 139,700 150,920 166,860 190,380

Cost of Goods 309,500 337,700 368,720 411,660 477,650

Sold Available

for Sale

Gross Profit on 1,484,500 1,635,700 1,802,005 2,052,835 2,364,940


Less: Operating Expenses

Marketing Expenses

Fuel, Gas and 180,000 198,000 217,800 239,230 260,630


Promotions 10,000 10,000 10,000 15,000 15,000

Packaging 5,000 5,000 5,000 10,000 15,000

Materials and 180,000 198,000 217,800 239,230 260,630


Salaries and 108,000 118,800 130,680 145,840 171,740


Depreciation 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000


Delivery Vehicle

Total Marketing 498,000 544,800 596,280 664,300 738,000


Net Operating 986,500 1,090,900 1,205,725 1,388,535 1,626,940


Income tax 425,950 457,270 491,718 546,561 618,082

Net Income 560,550 633,630 714,007 841,974 1,008,858

Projected Balance Sheet

Particular Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5


Cash 1,018,505 1,148,630 1,261,507 1,404,974 1,616,358

Land 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000

Building 142,500 135,000 127,500 120,000 112,500

Machineries & 280,000 250,000 230,000 210,000 200,000


Delivery Vehicle 60,000 45,000 30,000 15,000 10,000

Returnable 10,000 5,000 15,000 15,000 20,000


Total Assets: 1,560,550 1,633,630 1,714,007 1,814,974 2,008,858

Liabilities and Capital

Abenido, Capital 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000

Anzano, Capital 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000

Banawa, Capital 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000

Canda, Capital 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000

Campos, Capital 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000

Cisneros, Capital 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000

Decena, Capital 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000

Matriano, Capital 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000

Melgar, Capital 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000

Zaragoza, Capital 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000


Add: Net Income 560,550 633,630 714,007 974 1,008,858

from Operation

Total Liabilities & 1,560,550 1,633,630 1,714,007 1,814,974 2,008,858


Projected Cash Flow

Cash Inflows Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5

Initial Capital 787,500 - - - -

Sales 1,794,000 1,973,400 2,170,725 2,464,495 2,842,590

Total Cash Inflows 2,581,500 1,973,400 2,170,725 2,464,495 2,842,590

Cash Outflows

Purchase Land 50,000

Purchase & 200,000

Installation of

Machineries &


Construction of 140,000


Purchase of 75,000

Delivery Vehicle

Purchase Returnable 15,000


Purchase of Labels 180,000 198,000 217,800 239,230 260,630

& Stickers

Fuel, Gas & 180,000 198,000 217,800 239,230 260,630


Payment of Salaries 216,000 237,600 261,360 287,330 314,400

& Wages

Promotion Expense 10,000 10,000 10,000 20,000 20,000

Payment of Raw 72,000 79,200 87,120 98,960 115,530

Material Supply

Payment of Utilities 102,000 112,200 123,420 139,360 162,880

Total Cash 1,350,000 835,000 917,500 1,024,110 1,134,070


Net Cash Inflows 1,231,500 1,138,400 1,253,225 1,440,385 1,708,520

Add: Cash Balance 1,231,500 2,369,900 3,623,125 5,063,510


Cash Balance, end 1,231,500 2,369,900 3,623,125 5,063,510 6,772,030

Chapter 6

Social Economic Responsibility

Economic Significant

Good management of water resources brings more certainty and efficiency in

productivity across economic sectors and contributes to the health of the ecosystem. A water

refill station could decrease the amount of plastic bottle litter in a localized area. Supplying a

water refill station where consumers purchase bottled water was compared to placing a station

where consumers dispose of plastic bottles, which was found to reduce single-use plastic bottle

consumption and subsequent littering. The packaging solution supports time and cost-efficient

repacking with minimal waste, affect the total economic and environmental performances of e-



Employee benefits are defined as a form of compensation paid by employers to

employees over and above regular salary or wages. Thus the Employee benefits come in many

forms and are an important part of the overall compensation package offered to employees.

Compensation paid to employees on top of regular salary and wages. Some employee benefits

are required by law; others are optional and serve as an important part of the overall

compensation package used to attract and keep employees. There are also different ways to

structure and offer benefits. Whereas organizational-oriented benefits have historically been the

way to offer benefits, many employers are turning to consumer-oriented benefits to better meet

the expectations of employees and to better control cost.

Environmental Contribution

The business conducted switches to more sustainable product packaging, to reduce your

carbon footprint. Using recyclable materials and lightweight structures eliminates much of the

energy that goes into producing finished goods. Biodegradable packaging is often non-toxic and

chemical-free. This means that you don’t have to worry about dangerous substances from

plastics and inks seeping into your products. As consumers grow increasingly concerned with

what their products and their packaging are made from, it’s important to ensure that your

solutions are as natural as possible. Choosing a sustainable packaging option could give

consumers more incentive to purchase your products.

 To promote the benefits to use paper based packaging to lessen of using plastic bottles.

 Have a win-win solution (stay hydrated and help the environment)

 Set a trend and a good example

To promote the benefits to use paper based packaging to lessen of using plastic bottles.

Consumer’s todays widely view paper as a more environmental friendly to use an alternative to

plastic. Paper is relatively easy to recycle as it can be re-pulped. This means if does not rely on

chemical reaction and is less sensitive to contamination. Have a win-win solution (stay hydrated

and help the environment. As such as there are some environmental advantages to using paper as

a substrate foe flexible if it does not increase food waste and or compromise other properties

essential to the packaged product. This has led to some brands replacing plastic packaging with

paper. Set a trend and a good example. Setting a good example can result a long-time impact that

the community that will benefit from it can also encourage other near communities and for to

adopt the same practices.

Societal Benefits

Toobig water refilling station can help people become more conscious about the

environment. It can also provide excellent quality water that will filter out any particles entering

the waterway. This can be very beneficial to our health and provide peace of mind to concerned

people regarding water supplies. Rather than packaging our water in bottles we use cartons, as

the name might suggest. Boxed water is environmentally friendly in every possible way, from

reducing plastic pollution and carbon emissions to making the process of recycling easier.

Toobig water refilling station can be profitable all year round. We will also be serving our

community, with customers coming from high- to low-income backgrounds. It's relatively easier

to handle compared to other businesses since we only sell water.

Toobig water refilling station can help people become more conscious about the environment. It

can also provide excellent quality water that will filter out any particles entering the waterway.

This can be very beneficial to our health and provide peace of mind to concerned people

regarding water supplies. Rather than packaging our water in bottles we use cartons, as the name

might suggest. Boxed water is environmentally friendly in every possible way, from reducing

plastic pollution and carbon emissions to making the process of recycling easier. Toobig water

refilling station can be profitable all year round. We will also be serving our community, with

customers coming from high- to low-income backgrounds. It's relatively easier to handle

compared to other businesses since we only sell water.

Chapter 7

Study, Conclusion and Recommendation


The Toobig Water Refilling Station is a good source of safe drinking water in the

Philippines. A Purified Water can meet the aesthetic standards easily detectable by the people in

terms of taste, odor, and color. The efficient water purification processes can make the quality of

water superior to the traditional water systems. The risk of contamination is possible if the

handling practices are not closely monitored.

To ensure the production of safe water in water refilling stations and avoid waterborne

diseases, the following aspects all have to be in place compliance of operators to all sanitary

requirements. The capability of water laboratories to conduct complete and accurate water

testing and analysis, Proper operation and maintenance of water purification equipment, Skills of

local health office to conduct sanitary surveys and water quality monitoring, A program for the

water source protection and a vigorous information campaign on how to keep delivered water

safe at home.


Water is very essential for our daily routine. People need to drink water in order to live.

The cause of human introduction directly or indirectly substances into the marine environment

and the water become polluted and undrinkable. The high demand for cleaner water starts with

water refilling station and provide the most promising and profitable business today.

Decide if you want to put up your own water refilling station or just acquire water

refilling station franchise. If you are decided to put up your Water Refilling Station Business

make a Business Plan that includes good location, look for supplier and register the Business.


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