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GRADES 1 TO 12 DAILY School Grade Level One

LESSON LOG Teacher Learning Area ENGLISH

Date/Time Quarter 3rd


1.Identify and describe 1. Identify the problem 1.Students will understand 1.Use courteous expressions 1.Produce expressions listened
specific events. and solution in a story. the concept of sequencing listened to in appropriate to
2. Use critical thingking 2.Uses critical thingking events. situation (greeting others). 2.Read courteous expressions
to analyze events and skills to determine the 2.Students will be able to 2.Read words used through 3.Use expressions in appropriate
make connections with problem and solution in a identify and sequence three repeated exposure. situations-taking
them. given scenario. events in the correct order. 3.Write the appropriate leave/permission to enter
3.Work collaborately 3.Express their 3. Students will develop an expressions for the given 3.Act out a dialogue
with peers to create a understanding of the appreciation for the situation.
dramatic presentation. problem and solution. importance of following a
Grade level The learner listens for comprehension, speaks clearly and uses appropriate expressions in talking about oneself, family, and other social context
standards interactions.
Learning Listen to short Listen to short Listen to short EN1OL-IIIa-e-1.5
Competencies/ stories/poems stories/poems stories/poems Use/Respond appropriately to polite expressions: greetings,
Objectives Write Discuss, illustrate, Identify the problem and Give the correct sequence of leave takings, expressing gratitude and apology, asking
the LC for each dramatize specific events solution three events permission, offering help

A. References
1. MELC and MELC 129 LP 1st Q
2. Learner’s
Materials pages
3. Textbook
4. Other Learning
w-1 3rd q
A. Reviewing Identify the cause and Draw a line to match the Teacher: Good Morning (3x) Drill
previous lesson or effect for each picture. problem with solution. How are you?
presenting the new Flashcard reading.
Pupils: Good Morning (2x)
lesson We’re fine thank you.

B. Establishing a Ask: Ask: Ask: Ask: Play, “ Game ka na ba?”

purpose for the Have you attended a Do you ever had a Do you know what it means How do you greet your Use tambourine for ringing to
lesson special event, such as problem before that to put things in order? answer the question. (Explain
teacher this morning? What
birthday party or family needed to be solved? the standard of playing).
vacation? did you say?
(Broken toy, had a fight, Question:
What are your steal something) What will you say in the
experiences? Encourage them to share following situation?
their experiences.
Was it happy, exciting? 1.You meet Mr. Salvador one
2.The principal enters your
room one afternoon.
3.You kiss your mother in the
evening because you want to
4.You meet Ana, your friend in
the evening.
C. Presenting Today, we are going to Listen as I read the short Listen as I read the short Present a picture showing a Today we are going to show
examples/instances watch a video entitled story. story. classroom scene with the
of the new lesson (movie roll) Situations are the
“The Three Little pigs.” teacher and the pupils
Jack was at his My Hen greeting each other. following:
grandma’s house playing Fem has a hen. The children answer:
with his brother, Sam. It is a yellow hen. (pointing to the children’s
a.A boy leaves home waving his
They we’re throwing the The hen goes up there on speech balloon)
ball back and forth. the bench. “Good morning, Miss hand to his mother.
Fem wants to play with the Rosendo.”
hen only.
b.A girl asks permission from
The hen makes Fem happy.
her Mother to go out and play.

c.A pupil asks permission from

her teacher to go to the comfort
Jack threw the ball
really hard! It hit the glass
d.A girl comes late to the class.
window and broke it.
Three Little Pigs |
CoComelon Nursery
Rhymes & Kids Songs -

Jack and Sam, we’re

scared they might get in
trouble. Jack did not
Know what to do.

Grandma came out.

She looked upset. Sam
was crying.
Jack decided to tell the
truth. He had broken the
glass window.
His grandma was glad he
told the truth and together
they cleaned up the mess.
D. Discussing new Questions: Questions: Arrange the pictures Call on a pupil to come in Roll again the show. Now,
concept and 1.Who were the charcters 1.Who was playing with according to what comes 1st,
practicing new front. Greet the child. Ask teacher relates the story.
in the story? Jack at Grandma’s house? 2nd and 3rd in the story.
skills #1 2.What did the first little 2. What did Jack and Sam the class to greet him too.
pig build his house of? do that caused them to be Tell the child to respond to
3.How did the second scared? the greeting using Hello! Or
little pig builds his house 3. Who came out when
differently from the first the glass window was
pig? broken?
4.What did the big bad 4. How did Jack feel Answering questions based on
wolf do when he came to about telling the truth? Present Good afternoon
the first little pig’s 5. What did Jack and his the situation read.
using the same procedure.
house? grandma do together after
5. What did the big bad he told the truth?
wolf do when he came to
the second little pig’s
6.How did the third pig
outsmart the big bad wolf
in the end?

E. Discussing new Study the pictures from Ask them to identify the Observe and sequence the Connect the picture to the Practice the courteous
concepts and the story. problem in the story. events by numbering them correct polite exoressions. expressions learned at home.
practicing new 1,2 and 3.
skills #2 Check ( √ ) in the box if the
Ask them to describe the
sentence is a polite expression.
events in each picture,
including the characters Cross ( x ) if it is not.
involved, the setting and
___ 1. Good morning Miss
the plot.

___ 2. May I go out Mr. Cruz?

___ 3. May I come in Mrs.


___ 4. Go on your way. I don’t


___ 5. Goodbye Mrs. Sevilla.

F. Developing Ask the students to If you were Jack, will you Show the students a set of Listen to situations. Say the What courteous greeting will
mastery (Leads to illustrate the event do the same? Why? pictures or illustrations of correct expressions. Choose you say to each picture?
formative discussed. three events and ask them if your answer box.
assessment) they can identify the events
and the correct sequence of 1.You meet your teacher in
events. the morning.
1. What do you think 2.You meet your friend in the
happened next? market.
3.Your classmates greet you
on your birthday.
4.Your uncle asks you “How
are you?”

Explain to the students that

they will be learning how to
put three events in the
correct order.
G. Finding Divide the class into 3 Divide the class into 3 Which comes 1st, 2nd and Say the correct expression. Dramatize the situations
practical/ groups. Give each group groups. Give each group last? Cut the pictures and
application of pictures from the story pictures with a problem paste them on your (Teacher say the words of learned or situations seen in the
concepts and skills that they will dramatize. and solution. Have them notebook. greeting, pupils will give
in daily living roll show.
identify each. their response)
Hi children, (hello teacher)
Good morning. (Good
How are you today?
(We are fine, thank you)
H. Making Remember: Remember: Remember: Remember:
generalizations 1.Planning and Learning to recognize Putting things in order
and abstractions preparation is important, when something goes means arranging things in a
about the lesson In greeting someone What will you say if you want
the 3rd pig took the time wrong, thinking about specific sequence or order
to plan and build a strong how to fix it, and finding to go out? If you want to come
house which help him ways to make it better. 1.We say Good morning or
in? If you’re leaving?
withstand the wolf’s Good afternoon.
2.We say Hello! To someone
2.Working together can
make a task easier.. whose age is the same as
3.It is important to listen ours.
from others advice. 3.An older person can say
Hello! or Hi! To a younger
I. Evaluating Ask the students to draw Match the Problem to its Put the pictures in correct Copy the correct polite Supply the missing letters to
Learning pictures of diffent houses solution. order. expression from the box then complete the polite expression
that the Three Little pigs write them for the given appropriate for each pictures.\
buil, and explain which pictures.
house is the best and

J. Additional
activities for
application or


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