Grade 4 DLL ENGLISH 4 Q3 Week 3

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School: DR.


DAILY LESSON LOG Teaching Dates and
Time: FEBRUARY 27 – MARCH 3, 2023 (WEEK 3) Quarter: 3rd Quarter

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

I. OBJECTIVE/S A. Oral Language A. Reading Comprehension A. Fluency A. Study A. Vocabulary

1. Talk about famous people. 1. Identify sequence of events. 1. Read words with the Strategies/Research 1. Give the meaning of
B. Listening Comprehension consonant blend dr. 1. Use a timeline to show unfamiliar words through
1.Note significant details from B. Grammar the order of events. restatements.
a selection heard. 1. Use appropriate word
C. Attitude signals to show sequence of
1.Show interest in listening to a events.
biography. C. Writing and Composition
1. Write about an event using
sequence signals.
A. Content Standard/s A. Oral Language A. Reading Comprehension A. Fluency A. Study A. Vocabulary
1. Demonstrates understanding 1. Demonstrates 1. Demonstrates Strategies/Research 1. Demonstrates
of verbal cues for clear understanding of different understanding that English is 1. Demonstrates understanding that word
expressions of ideas. linguistics nodes to stress-timed language to understanding of library meaning changes based on
2.Demonstrates understanding comprehend various texts. achieve accuracy and skills to research on a context.
of verbal and non-verbal cues automaticity. variety of topics.
for effective oral presentation. B. Grammar
3. Demonstrates understanding 1. Demonstrates command of
of information derived from the conventions of standard
multi-media sources for clear English grammar and usage
and creative presentation. when writing or speaking.
B. Listening Comprehension C. Writing and Composition
1. Demonstrates understanding 1. Demonstrates
of the elements of understanding of writing as a
informational text for process.
comprehension. 2. Demonstrates
2. Demonstrates understanding understanding of the
of text types to construct importance of using varied
feedback. sources of information to
C. Attitude support writing.
1. Demonstrates understanding
of non-verbal cues to
communicate with others.
2. Demonstrates understanding
of verbal and non-verbal
elements of communication to
respond back.

B. Performance Standard/s A. Oral Language A. Reading Comprehension A. Fluency A. Study A. Vocabulary

1. Actively participates in oral 1. Use linguistic cues to 1. Reads aloud text with Strategies/Research 1. Uses strategies to
theme-based activities. appropriately construct accuracy and automaticity 1. Use library skills to gather decode the meaning of
2.Efficiently delivers oral meaning from a variety of B. Grammar appropriate and relevant words.
presentations. texts for a variety of purposes. 1. Speaks and and writes using information.
3. Creatively presents good command and the
information using broadcast convention of standard
media. English.
B. Listening Comprehension C. Writing and Composition
1. Recalls details , sequence of 1. Uses a variety of strategies
events and shares ideas on text to write informational and
listened to. literary compositions.
2. Identifies story perspective 2. Uses varied sources of
and text elements. information to support writing.
C. Attitude
1. Applies knowledge of non-
verbal skills to show respect
when communicating with

C. Learning Competency/ies 1.Use appropriate expression 1. Identify sequence of events. 1. Read aloud grade level texts 1. Use a timeline to show 1. Get the meaning of
to talk about famous places. EN4RC-IIIc-3 accurately. order of events. unfamiliar words through
EN4OL-IIIb-2 EN4F-IIIc-3 EN4SS-IIIc-3 restatements.
2. Point out details from a 2. Use appropriate word
biographical account. signals to show the sequence
EN4LC-IIIc-3 of events in sentences.
3. Show interest in reading a EN4G-IIIc-3
biography. 3. Write simple sentences
EN4A-IIIc-3 using sequence signals.

II. CONTENT Biography: “Who is Randy Time Connectors Paragraphs Showing Time Word Meaning from
Halasan?” Order Restatements
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pp.232-233 233-234 234-236 236-237 237-238
2. Learner’s Material pp. 244 248 249-251 250
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Material from
Learning Resource (LR) Portal
B. Other Learning Chart Chart, pictures Chart , pictures
A.Reviewing previous Pre-Listening Activities Review: Phonics drill on dr. Review: Teacher will introduce the
lesson or presenting the 1.Oral Language Activity Recall the important details 1. Reading of words with dr What is meant by sequence lesson by explaining how to
new lesson. ( See page 244 of LM under in the biography of Randy 2.Reading of a short poem. of events? What words are use context clues and that
Think and Tell) Halasan used to show the order of the easiest context clue to
2. Unlocking of word events? recognize and use is a
difficulties. Pupils look for definition or restatement.
word/words in the paragraph
that have similar meaning to
the underlined word.

B. Establishing a purpose Motivation: Motivation: Teacher will say to the class: Teacher will tell the class
for the lesson Who do you admire most? Why Who is Randy Halasan? Can you One effective way of about the things he/she did
do you admire the person? recall the significant events in his organizing events in the before coming to school
life? order of their occurrence is today.
( Teacher make a list of all the through the use of
pupil’s responses ) timelines.
C.Presenting Examples/ Teacher presents the motive Teacher will assign group Pupils will read the sentences Teacher will show an Pupils will answer Do and
instances of the new question. tasks to the pupils. then teacher will ask questions example of a timeline. Learn on page 250 of LM.
lesson See page 233 to 234 of TG like:
Which of these events in Randy’s
life happened first? second?
third? etc.
( All the responses will be written
on the board using connectors.)
D. Discussing new Listening Activity Group presentation of Teacher will say to the class : Pupils will try to complete Teacher will present other
concepts and practicing Teacher will read to the class outputs. Events do follow a certain the details on the examples, taken from the
new skills #1 the biography of Randy Halasan sequence. The sequence of timeline shown by the biography of Randy
on page 245 of LM. events in a story is the order in teacher. Halasan.
which things happen. Afterwards,teacher will
explain to the class what a
timeline is and the
advantages of using it.
E.Discussing new concepts What words are used to show Guided Practice Guided Practice
and practicing new skills the order of events in the life of See page 237 of TG Teacher will group the
#2 Randy? pupils into three and give
( Teacher writes the pupil each group a set of
responses) sentences to work on.
Teacher will say again to the
class : These are called signal
words. They signal time order.
F. Developing Post Listening Activity Guided Practice: Independent Practice Group presentation of
mastery(Leads to Pupils will answer the Pupils will do the activities on See page 251 of LM under outputs.
Formative Assessment 3) questions on page 246of LM page 248 of LM under Learn Write About It
under Talk About It Some More
G. Finding practical
applications of concepts
and skills in daily living
H. Making generalizations Who is Randy Halasan? Why he What does sequence of events What is a timeline? What What word provides the
and abstractions about has been given a world-known mean?What words are used to are the advantages of using clue for the given definition
the lesson award? show the order of events? it? or restatement?
I. Evaluating learning Write the appropriate order of Independent Practice
events using the signal words to See page 249 of LM under
complete each sentence. Try and Learn
_____, Buboy planted a seed.
_____, out came a tiny leaf.
_____, it had more leaves and
taller branches.
_____, it had fruits.
J. Additional activities for Bring ½ cartolina and some
application or remediation pictures:
1. when you are a baby
2. when you were around 2
or 4 years old
3. when you first entered
4. when you were in grade
2 or 3
A. No.of learners who
earned 80% on the
formative assessment
B. No.of learners who
require additional
activities for remediation.
C. Did the remedial
lessons work? No.of
learners who have caught
up with the lesson.
D. No.of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well?
Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I wish
to share with other

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