DLP in Science 3 QUARTER 1

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DLP No.:2 Learning Area:Science 3 Grade Level:Three Quarter:1st Duration: 50 mins

Learning Code:
Competency/ies: Describe different objects based on their characteristics (e.g. Shape, S3MT-Ia-b-1
Weight, Volume, Ease of flow).
Key Concepts/ Solids have definite size, color, shape and texture.The characteristics of solids are small,
Understandings to big, rough, smooth,round, square, black and white.
be Developed
1. Objectives
Knowledge Describe the different solids based on their characteristics: color, shape, size and texture.

Skills Classify the objects based on their characteristics.

Attitudes Display cooperation in doing the activity.
Values Practice open-mindedness in working with a classmate.
2. Content / Topic Characteristics of Solids
3. Learning Different objects found in the garden
Resources / Science LM page 2, Science Worktext
Materials /
4. Procedures (indicate the steps you will undertake to teach the lesson and indicate the no. of minutes each step will
4.1 Introductory Preparatory Activity
Activity A. Review
3 min Checking of assignment.
B. Motivation
Show real objects available inside the classroom. Let the pupils describe the objects.
4.2 Activity Activity
1. Divide the class into 5 groups.
2. Set standards before doing the activity. Tell the pupils to obey the rules during the
15 min activity.
1.Visit the school garden. Collect different solids.
2. List down 10 solids you have collected.
3. Describe the solids based on their characteristics.
4. In the chart write the name of solids in their proper column.

small big rough smooth round square black white

5. Let the group leader report their observation in class.

4.3 Analysis Discussion

Discuss the activity using the following questions:

1. What different objects did you see in school garden?
2. Can you name the objects?
5 min 3. Can you describe the objects?
4. What are your observations on the solids?
5.Can you tell if these solids are hard, soft, rough, smooth, round, square, colored, black,
white? How can you tell?
6. Did you touch the solids? Are these solids of the same color? size? shape? Are they
different? Will you give examples?
Emphasize that texture is also one of the characteristics of solids. They will have to
touch the solids to be able to tell whether they are rough or smooth.

4.4 Abstraction Generalization

3 min 1. How did you describe the solids?
2. What are their characteristics?
(Solids have definite size, color, shape and texture.The characteristics of solids are
small, big, rough, smooth,round, square, black and white).

4.5 Application Directions: Describe the following solids based on their characteristics. Write your answer
on the blank.

Example: glass-texture smooth

9 min 1.ripe tomato-color ___________________

2.marble -shape ___________________

3.sandpaper -texture ___________________

4.charcoal -color ___________________

5.cotton -texture ___________________

6.eggplant -color ___________________

7.belt -size ___________________

8.notebook -size ___________________

5. Assessment (indicate whatever it is thru Observation and/or Talking/Conferencing to Learners and/or Analysis of
Learners’ Products and/or Tests) ________minutes
10 min Directions: Read each item carefully. Encircle the letter of the correct answer.
1. Which of these objects has a smooth texture?
A. sand B. glass C.sandpaper D.charcoal
2. Which is the biggest object?
A. comb B. house C. table D. chair
3. Which of these is a soft solid?
A. marble B. ice cube C. marshmallow D. notebook
4. What are the characteristics of a mirror?
A. smooth B. rough C. fixed shape D. it melts
5. Which of these groups has round objects?
A. ring, book, kite C. paper, kite, eraser
B. book, pencil, eraser D. ring, ball, plate
6. In what way are ball and a marble alike?
A. They are alike in size. C. They are alike in texture.
B. They are alike in shape. D. They are alike in color.
7. What are the characteristics of a ripe mango?
A. yellow and sweet C. green and sweet
B. green and sour D. yellow and sour
8. Tina touched something hard and smooth. It must be ___________.
A. solid B. liquid C. gas D. object
6. Assignment(indicate whether it is for Reinforcement and/or Enrichment and/or Enhancement of the day’s lesson and/or
Preparation for new lesson) ______minutes
5 min Cut out pictures 5 different solids from old magazines and describe each pictures.

7. Wrap-up /

Prepared by:
Name: Joygen A. Lofranco School: Eustaquio Capin Memorial Elementary School
Position/Designation: Teacher 1 Division: Danao City
Contact Number: 09184835079 FB Account: [email protected]


Duration: 50
DLP No.:3 Learning Area:Science 3 Grade Level:Three Quarter:1st mins
Learning Code:
Competency/ies: Describe different objects based on their characteristics (e.g. Shape, S3MT-Ia-b-1
Weight, Volume, Ease of flow).
Key Concepts/ There are different colors of solids. Solids are colored
Understandings to brown,yellow,green,red,orange,blue,and other colors. Some solids show specific color
be Developed based on appearance. Some solids have the same color while other have different
colors.Each solid has its own color.
1. Objectives
Knowledge Name solids of different colors.

Skills Group different solids based on their colors.

Attitudes Display generosity among classmates.
Values Practice cooperation with the members of the group.
2. Content / Topic Characteristics of Solids according to Color
3. Learning Pictures and if possible concrete ripe papaya, unripe papaya, ripe mango, unripe mango,
Resources / ripe tomato, unripe tomato, eggplant and charcoal
Materials / Science LM page 3-4, Science Worktext
4. Procedures (indicate the steps you will undertake to teach the lesson and indicate the no. of minutes each step will
4.1 Introductory Preparatory Activity
Activity A. Drill:
Let the pupils read different colors on the flash cards.
3 min Checking of assignment.
C. Motivation
Ask the pupils to name some objects seen inside the classroom and tell something about
them. If you have two green magoes in your bag, will you give the other one to your
classmate? Why?
4.2 Activity Activity
1. Divide the class into 4 groups.
2. Set standards before doing the activity.
1. Let the groups do the activity.
2. Study the pictures of different solids.
3. Write the color of solid in the chart.
15 min Solids Color
Ripe Mango

Unripe Tomato

Ripe Tomato



Ripe Papaya

Unripe Papaya


Let the group leader report their work in class.

4.3 Analysis Discussion
Discuss the activity using the following questions:
1. Can you name and tell the color of the pictures?
2. What are the solids in the chart?
(Ripe mango, unripe tomato, ripe tomato, watermelon, eggplant, ripe papaya, unripe
5 min papaya, charcoal).
3. Can you describe the appearance of each solid?
4. Can you name each picture and give its specific color?
5. Are the solids of the same color? Different colors?
Note: Emphasize the color of the objects. Some objects have different colors, but some
have definite colors.
4.4 Abstraction Generalization
1.What are the colors of solids?
2.Do solids have their own color?
3 min 3.Are solids of the same color or different colors?
(Solids are colored brown,yellow,green,red,orange,blue,and other colors.Some solids
show specific color based on appearance.Some Solids have the same color while other
have different colors.Each solid has its own color.
4.5 Application Let the pupils draw table on their science notebook. Ask them to bring out 5 things in their
bags. Let them fill out the table by naming and giving the color of the objects from their
bags and describing their colors in the proper column.
Solids in my bag Color
Ex. pencil yellow

10 min

5. Assessment (indicate whatever it is thru Observation and/or Talking/Conferencing to Learners and/or Analysis of
Learners’ Products and/or Tests) ________minutes
Directions: Group the solids according to their color. Write the name of the solids under
the proper column.

unripe mango heart

sunflower sun
okra strawberry
10 min carrots orange

Green Solids Red Solids Yellow Solids Orange Solids

6. Assignment(indicate whether it is for Reinforcement and/or Enrichment and/or Enhancement of the day’s lesson and/or
Preparation for new lesson) ______minutes
4 min List 5 solids found at home.Draw these solids and color each correctly.
7. Wrap-up /

Prepared by:
Name: Joygen A. Lofranco School: Eustaquio Capin Memorial Elementary School
Position/Designation: Teacher I Division: Danao City
Contact Number: 09184835079 FB Account: [email protected]

Duration: 50
DLP No.:4 Learning Area:Science 3 Grade Level:Three Quarter:1st mins
Learning Code:
Competency/ies: Describe different objects based on their characteristics (e.g. Shape, S3MT-Ia-b-1
Weight, Volume, Ease of flow).
Key Concepts/ There are solids different shapes around us, at home, in school, in the community.
Understandings to be Solids are grouped if they have the same shape: round solids, oblong solids, and
Developed rectangular solids.
1. Objectives
Knowledge Identify solids based on their shape.
Skills Group different solids based on their shapes.
Attitudes Display generosity among classmates.
Values Practice open-mindedness and perseverance in working with a classmate.
2. Content / Topic Characteristics of Solids According to Shape
3. Learning Ball, eraser, calamansi, plate, guava, notebook, triangle(musical instrument),empty boxes
Resources / Materials labeled with different shapes.
/ Equipment Science LM page 5, Science Worktext
4. Procedures (indicate the steps you will undertake to teach the lesson and indicate the no. of minutes each step will
4.1 Introductory Preparatory Activity
Activity A . Review
Checking of assignment.
B. Motivation
Lead the class in singing the song “ I Have “ to the tune of “ Where is Thumb Man ”, or a
local song that the pupils can sing.
5 min “Where is Thumb Man”
I have ballpens*
I have notebooks*
I have books*
I have chalk*
These objects are called solids (2x)
In our room (2x)
(*Give names of other objects found in the room)

Ask the pupils to get some objects from their bags. Each will stand and show the
object while singing.
Ask: If you have extra notebook in your bag, will you give one to your classmate?

4.2 Activity Activity

1. Divide the class into 3 groups.
2. Set standards before doing the activity.
1. Each group will be given a basket with real (5 pieces) of solids with different colors. Give
enough time for each group to observe the solids and be able to tell something about their
2. Ask each group to put each solid in its proper box labeled as round, oblong, rectangle, square,
15 min Oblong Round Rectangle Square Triangle

3.Representatives from each group will take turns to show the object put in each box and
the class will have to agree if it is correct or not.

4.3 Analysis Discussion

Discuss the activity using the following questions:
1. Can you name the different solids? What are these solids?
(Yes. Ball, plate, eraser, notebook, etc)
2. What different shapes of solids did you observe?
5 min (round, oblong rectangle, square, etc)
3.What characteristic of solids is shown in the activity)
(Solids have shapes)

4.4 Abstraction Generalization

1.Are there solids of different shapes around us?
2.Can we group solids based on their shapes?
3 min 3.What are the shapes of solids?
(There solids of different shapes around us, at home, in school/ in the community.
Solids are grouped if they have same shape: round solids, oblong solids, rectangular
4.5 Application Directions: Group the objects according to their shape. Write the name of each object
below their corresponding shape.

Book Flaglet door

Coin calamansi tripad
7 min

Rectangle Objects Triangle Objects Round Objects

5. Assessment (indicate whatever it is thru Observation and/or Talking/Conferencing to Learners and/or Analysis of
Learners’ Products and/or Tests) ________minutes

Directions: Study the pictures of different solids. Write the shape of solids in the chart.

Solids Shape

10 min
a slice of pizza






6. Assignment(indicate whether it is for Reinforcement and/or Enrichment and/or Enhancement of the day’s lesson and/or
Preparation for new lesson) ______minutes
Bring the following tomorrow.
3 min
1.Two solids of the same kind, big and small, long and short, thick and thin which are not

7. Wrap-up / Let the pupils sing the song “ I Have “ to the tune of “ Where is Thumb Man ”, or a local
Concluding song that the pupils can sing.
“Where is Thumb Man”
I have ballpens*
I have notebooks*
I have books*
I have chalk*
These objects are called solids (2x)
In our room (2x)

Prepared by:
Name: Joygen A. Lofranco School: Eustaquio Capin Memorial Elementary School
Position/Designation: Teachcer 1 Division: Danao City
Contact Number: 09184835079 FB Account: [email protected]


DLP No.:5 Learning Area:Science 3 Grade Level:Three Quarter:1st Duration: 50 mins

Learning Code:
Competency/ies: Describe different objects based on their characteristics (e.g. Shape, S3MT-Ia-b-1
Weight, Volume, Ease of flow).
Key Concepts/ Solids can be grouped according to their sizes. Each solid has its own size. By looking at
Understandings to
be Developed two solids of the same kind, we can tell if one is big and the other is small, short or long,
thick or thin. Solids may have similar or different sizes with other solids. Measuring the
sizes with a ruler will tell if the solids have the same or different sizes.

1. Objectives
Knowledge Name solids of different sizes.

Skills Group different solids based on their size.

Attitudes Display sincerity in measuring the size of a solid.

Values Practice cooperation with the members of the group.

2. Content / Topic Characteristics of Solids according to Size

3. Learning Bag containing solids,ruler

Resources / Science LM page 6, Science Worktext
Materials /
4. Procedures (indicate the steps you will undertake to teach the lesson and indicate the no. of minutes each step will
4.1 Introductory Preparatory Activity
Activity A. Review
Checking of assignment.
B. Motivation
3 min Let the pupils display the solids brought to class on their tables. Let them describe their

4.2 Activity Activity

1. Divide the class into 3 groups.
2. Set standards before doing the activity. Be honest in measuring the size of a solid.

1. Get the materials inside your bag.

2. Identify solids according to their sizes.
3. Record it in your notebook.
15 min
Materials/Solid Size
Short Long

4. Measure each solid using a ruler.

5. Record your measurement in your notebook.

Solids Size (exact measurement)

4.3 Analysis Discussion

Discuss the activity using the following questions.
1. Can you tell if the solid is big or small or small, long or short, thick or thin?
5 min 2. How did you identify the size of solids?
3. What did you use to measure the material?
4. Were you able to get the exact measurement of the solids? How?
4.4 Abstraction Generalization
1.How did you group the solids?
2.Do solids have their own size?similar or different from other solids?
3 min 3.How did measurement help you in describing the size of the solid?
(Solids can be grouped according to their sizes. Each solid has its own size. By looking at
two solids of the same kind, we can tell if one is big and the other is small, short or long,
thick or thin. Solids may have similar or different sizes with other solids. Measuring their
sizes with a ruler will tell if the solids have the same or different sizes.)
4.5 Application Directions: Group the solids according to their size. Write the name of each solid below
their corresponding size.
10 min



elephant mouse



Big Solids Small Solids Long Solids Short Solids Thick Solids Thin Solids

5. Assessment (indicate whatever it is thru Observation and/or Talking/Conferencing to Learners and/or Analysis of
Learners’ Products and/or Tests) ________minutes
Directions: Study the pictures of different solids. Get the exact measurement of the following solids
using a ruler. Write your answer on the blank.


11 min ________



6. Assignment(indicate whether it is for Reinforcement and/or Enrichment and/or Enhancement of the day’s lesson and/or
Preparation for new lesson) ______minutes
At home, get hold of another 2 solids. Use your ruler to measure accurately the length and
3 min the width of the solids. Draw the solids on a bondpaper. You may color these then, show
the measurements in centimeters. Describe each solid.
7. Wrap-up /

Prepared by:
Name: Joygen A. Lofranco School: Eustaquio Capin Memorial Elementary School
Position/Designation: Teacher 1 Division: Danao City
Contact Number: 09184835079 FB Account: [email protected]


DLP No.:6 Learning Area:Science 3 Grade Level:Three Quarter:1st Duration: 50 mins

Learning Code:
Competency/ies: Describe different objects based on their characteristics (e.g. Shape, S3MT-Ia-b-1
Weight, Volume, Ease of flow).
Key Concepts/ Textures of solids are determinedby touching/ feeling them. Solids have the same or
Understandings to different textures.
be Developed
1. Objectives
Knowledge Name solids of different textures.

Skills Group different solids based on their texture.

Attitudes Display obedience in describing different solids based on texture.
Values Practice cooperation among the members of the group.
2. Content / Topic Characteristics of Solids According to Texture
3. Learning Bag or box containing stone, cotton, sand, banana, cardboard, sandpaper, rambutan,
Resources / jackfruit peelings, manila paper, pentel pen
Materials / Science LM page 7, Science Worktext
4. Procedures (indicate the steps you will undertake to teach the lesson and indicate the no. of minutes each step will
4.1 Introductory Preparatory Activity
Activity A. Drill
Unlock the following words: smooth, rough, soft, hard.
B. Review:
10 min Checking of assignments.
C. Motivation
Let the pupils touch the objects available inside the classroom and say something about
the objects.

4.2 Activity Activity

1. Divide the class into 4 groups.
2. Set standards before doing the activity. Tell the pupils to obey the rules during the
1. Get all the contents of your bag.
2. In your notebook, write the name of each object and classify according to texture.

Checklist of Solids inside the Room

15 min
Name Texture
smooth rough soft hard Other observations

Plastic cup
Drinking glass

Note: Emphasize that the textures of the different solids were based on touching/ feeling.
4.3 Analysis Discussion
Discuss the activity using the following questions.
1. What solids are smooth, rough, soft, hard? Will you name them?
5 min 2. Can you describe the solids as hard or soft, rough or smooth? How can you tell?
3. What characteristic of solids is shown in the activity?
4. Are the solids of the same texture? Different textures? Can you give examples?
4.4 Abstraction Generalization
1.Can you describe the solids by touching/ feeling?
2.Are solids of the same texture? Different textures?
5 min 3.What characteristic of solids was shown in the activity?
(Textures of solids are determinedby touching/ feeling them. Solids have the same or
different textures.)
4.5 Application Cite examples of solids that are smooth, rough, soft and hard.
3 min
5. Assessment (indicate whatever it is thru Observation and/or Talking/Conferencing to Learners and/or Analysis of
Learners’ Products and/or Tests) ________minutes
Directions: Group the solids according to their color. Write the name of the solids
under the proper column.

10 min
ampalaya rambutan sunflower strawberry

atis carrots chick orange

Red Solids Orange Solids Green Solids Yellow Solids

6. Assignment(indicate whether it is for Reinforcement and/or Enrichment and/or Enhancement of the day’s lesson and/or
Preparation for new lesson) ______minutes
2 min Cut out 5 pictures of solids with different textures.
7. Wrap-up /

Prepared by:
Name: Joygen A. Lofranco School: Eustaquio Capin Memorial Elementary School
Position/Designation: Teacher 1 Division: Danao City
Contact Number: 09184835079 FB Account: [email protected]


DLP No.:7 Learning Area:Science 3 Grade Level:Three Quarter:1st Duration: 50 mins

Learning Code:
Competency/ies: Describe different objects based on their characteristics (e.g. Shape, S3MT-Ia-b-1
Weight, Volume, Ease of flow).
Key Concepts/ Liquid is another form of matter just like solid. Liquids also have their own characteristics
Understandings to or properties. Liquids have no shape. They occupy space and take the shape of their
be Developed containers. They have mass. They have the ability to flow. There are many liquids around
us like water, juice, shampoo and many others.

1. Objectives
Knowledge Name different liquids around us.

Skills Describe different liquids based on their different characteristics.

Attitudes Perform the activity with cooperation within the members of the group.
Values Practice orderliness in performing the activity.
2. Content / Topic Characteristics of Liquids
3. Learning glass of water,soda in a bottle, condensed milk in can, shampoo sachet, soup in a bowl,
Resources / milk in a cup, big pictures of liquids
Materials / Science LM page 8, Science Worktext
4. Procedures (indicate the steps you will undertake to teach the lesson and indicate the no. of minutes each step will
4.1 Introductory Preparatory Activity
Activity A. Review
What are the different characteristics of solids?
B. Motivation
Show pictures of different liquids.
Name and describe them.

5 min

4.2 Activity Activity

1. Divide the class into 4 groups.
2. Set precautionary measures in handling the materials and parameters of group work.
15 min Activity
1. Let each group list down different liquids within 5 minutes in a manila paper.
2. After 5 minutes, let each group post their output on the board.
3. Let the group leader report their output.
4. Let the pupils read the different liquids written in the manila paper.
4.3 Analysis Discuss the activity using the following questions.
1. What are the liquids listed in the activity?
2. Why do you say that these materials are liquids?
5 min 3. What are the different characteristics of liquids?
4.4 Abstraction Generalization
What does the activity tell about?
Liquid is another form of matter just like solid. Liquids also have their own characteristics
5 min or properties. Liquids have no shape. They occupy space and take the shape of their
containers. They have mass. They have the ability to flow. There are many liquids around
us like water, juice, shampoo and many others.

4.5 Application Give other examples of liquids.

5 min
5. Assessment (indicate whatever it is thru Observation and/or Talking/Conferencing to Learners and/or Analysis of
Learners’ Products and/or Tests) ________minutes
Directions: Write the name of the liquid as shown in the picture. Choose your
answer from the words inside the box.

shampoo coffee milk paint juice water catsup oil


10 min

1. ____________________

2. ____________________

3. ___________________

4. ___________________

5. ___________________

6. ___________________
7. ___________________

8. __________________

6. Assignment(indicate whether it is for Reinforcement and/or Enrichment and/or Enhancement of the day’s lesson and/or
Preparation for new lesson) ______minutes
5 min Bring the following:
condensed milk, soy sauce, vinegar, shampoo, water oil, 2 spoons, transparent bowl
7. Wrap-up /

Prepared by:
Name: Joygen A. Lofranco School: Eustaquio Capin Memorial Elementary School
Position/Designation: Teacher 1 Division: Danao City
Contact Number: 09184835079 FB Account: [email protected]


DLP No.: 8 Learning Area: Science 3 Grade Level: Three Quarter: 1st Duration: 50 mins
Learning Code:
Competency/ies: Describe different objects based on their characteristics (e.g. Shape, S3MT-Ia-b-1
Weight, Volume, Ease of flow).
Key Concepts/ Liquids have the ability to flow. Some flow slowly and others flow fast when poured from one
Understandings container to another. They have no definite shape. They just follow the shape of their
to be Developed containers.
1. Objectives
Knowledge Describe how liquids flow from one container to another.

Skills Demonstrate how liquids flow from one container to another.

Attitudes Display cooperation in doing the activity.
Values Practice obedience in performing the assigned tasks.
2. Content / Topic Characteristics of Liquids according to how they flow
3. Learning condensed milk, soy sauce, vinegar, shampoo, water oil, 2 spoons, transparent bowl, manila
Resources / paper, pentel pen
Materials / Science LM page 9-10, Science Worktext
4. Procedures (indicate the steps you will undertake to teach the lesson and indicate the no. of minutes each step will
4.1 Introductory Preparatory Activity
Activity A. Review
Let the pupils show their cut out pictures. (Assignment from the previous lesson.)
Ask: Have you experienced pouring them from one container to another?
5 min B. Motivation

heart-shaped container star-shaped container plastic cup

Ask: If you will pour those liquids in the containers shown on the picture, what will happen to
the shape of liquids?
4.2 Activity Activity
1. Divide the class into 5 groups.
2. Set standards before doing the activity. Tell the pupils to obey the rules during the activity.

1. Get two teaspoons.
2. Hold each teaspoon with each hand as shown in the picture below.

15 min
3. Scoop a teaspoon of water and a teaspoon of vinegar.
4. Hold two teaspoons with liquids at elbow level.
5. Tip both hands at the same time as shown in the picture.

6. Record your observation in your notebook.

Which flows faster, water or vinegar?
7. Repeat steps 2 to 6 using other liquid and paired it with water.
(Note: Water will serve as your point of reference as to the flow of liquid.)
Name of Liquid Does it flow slowly? Does it flow fast? Does it flow very
1. water
2. soy sauce
3. vinegar
4. shampoo
5. oil
6. condensed milk

Let the group leader report their observation in class.

4.3 Analysis Discuss the activity using the following questions:
1. Did the liquids flow at the same time?
2. Which liquids flowed fast?
5 min 3. Which liquids flowed slow?
4. What happened to the different liquids when poured from one container to another
container? Do they flow in the same way? Why? Are the shapes the same as the original
container? Why?
5. What characteristics of liquids did you observe?
4.4 Abstraction Generalization
What does the activity tells about liquids?
Liquids have the ability to flow. Some flow slowly and others flow fast when poured from one
5 min container to another. They have no definite shape. They just follow the shape of their
4.5 Application Read the situation and let the pupils analyze.
5 min Rita poured a small can of condense milk and an evaporated milk from one container to
another. Which one will flows fast and slow? Why? When Rita poured the milk, it spills on the
table. What would Rita do? Why?
5. Assessment (indicate whatever it is thru Observation and/or Talking/Conferencing to Learners and/or Analysis of
Learners’ Products and/or Tests) ________minutes
Describe the liquids below on how each one flows when poured from one container to
another. Put a check ( ⁄ ) mark in the box if it correctly describes the liquid and (X) mark if not.

Name of Liquid Does it flow slowly? Does it flow fast? Does it flow very
10 min 1. lotion
2. alcohol
3. water
4. catsup
5. juice
6. Assignment (indicate whether it is for Reinforcement and/or Enrichment and/or Enhancement of the day’s lesson and/or
Preparation for new lesson) ______minutes
5 min Cut out pictures 3 different liquids from old magazines and describe how they flow.

7. Wrap-up /

Prepared by:
Name: Evelyn D. Capuyan School: Maslog Elementary School
Position/Designation: Master Teacher I Division: Danao City
Contact Number: 09258680255 FB Account: [email protected]


DLP No.: 9 Learning Area: Science 3 Grade Level: Three Quarter: 1st Duration: 50 mins
Learning Code:
Competency/ies: Describe different objects based on their characteristics (e.g. Shape, S3MT-Ia-b-1
Weight, Volume, Ease of flow).
Key Concepts/ Liquids do not have their own shape. They take the shape of their container.
to be Developed
1. Objectives
Knowledge Describe the liquid according to the shape of the container.
Skills Demonstrate how liquids take the shape of the container.
Attitudes Display cooperation in doing the activity.
Values Practice cleanliness in performing the assigned tasks.
2. Content / Topic Characteristics of Liquids on how they take the shape of the container
3. Learning Different shapes of container, water, juice, milk, manila paper, pentel pen
Resources / Science LM page 11, Science Worktext
Materials /
4. Procedures (indicate the steps you will undertake to teach the lesson and indicate the no. of minutes each step will
4.1 Introductory Preparatory Activity
Activity A. Review
Bring out your cut out pictures. How do these liquids flow?
B. Motivation
5 min

Say: Look at the glass on the table. What is inside it? What occupies the space in
the glass? If I will transfer the liquid into a glass with different shape, will the shape
still looks the same? Why?
4.2 Activity Activity
1. Divide the class into 5 groups.
2. Set standards in performing the activity. Remind pupils to clean the area after the activity.

1. Describe the 3 shapes of container.
15 min 2. Get 3 kinds of liquids. (water, juice, milk)
3. Pour each liquid in each container.
4. In your notebook, record your observation.
Name of Liquid Shape when poured in container

Let the group leader report their observation in class.

4.3 Analysis Ask the following questions:

1. What happened to the different liquids after pouring them?
2. Do liquids have the same shape?
5 min 3. What characteristics of liquids did you observe?
4. What does this activity tell about shape of liquid?
4.4 Abstraction Generalization
3 min What does the activity tell about?
Liquids do not have their own shape. They take the shape of their container.
4.5 Application Practice
There are three containers of different shape on the table. The blue container is filled with
milk. The yellow container is filled with water. The orange is filled with juice. If I will transfer
7 min those liquids into a glass with different shape, will the shape still looks the same? Why? Do
liquids have the same shape? Why?
5. Assessment (indicate whatever it is thru Observation and/or Talking/Conferencing to Learners and/or Analysis of
Learners’ Products and/or Tests) ________minutes
Directions: Write Yes if the object changes its shape when transferred from one container
to another and No if it is not
1. _______ 5. _____ .
10 min

2. ______ 6. _____

3. _____ 7. _______

4. _____ 8. ______

6. Assignment (indicate whether it is for Reinforcement and/or Enrichment and/or Enhancement of the day’s lesson and/or
Preparation for new lesson) ______minutes
5 min Cut out 3 different liquids from old newspaper which can be identified according to shape.
7. Wrap-up / End the lesson by asking, if I will transfer the liquid into a glass
Concluding with different shape, will the shape still looks the same?
Activity Why?

Prepared by:
Name: Evelyn D. Capuyan School: Maslog Elementary School
Position/Designation: Master Teacher I Division: Danao City
Contact Number: 09258680255 FB Account: [email protected]


DLP No.: 10 Learning Area: Science 3 Grade Level: Three Quarter: 1st Duration: 50 mins
Learning Describe different objects based on their characteristics (e.g. Shape, Code:
Competency/ies: Weight, Volume, Ease of flow). S3MT-Ia-b-1
Key Concepts/ Liquids occupy space. The space it occupies depends on the shape of its container thus, it
Understandings has no definite volume.
to be Developed
1. Objectives
Knowledge Describe the liquid according to the space it occupies.
Skills Demostrate how liquids occupy space.
Attitudes Display cooperation in doing the activity.
Values Practice obedience in performing the assigned tasks.
2. Content / Topic Describing Liquids on How they Occupy Space
3. Learning Glass, water, stones, water, beaker, rugs, manila paper, pentel pen
Resources / Science LM page 12, Science Worktext
Materials /
4. Procedures (indicate the steps you will undertake to teach the lesson and indicate the no. of minutes each step will
4.1 Introductory Preparatory Activity
Activity A. Review
Bring out your cut out pictures. What is the shape of the liquid in your cut out
B. Motivation

5 min

Say: Look at the glass on the table. What is inside it? What occupies the space in
the glass? If I will transfer the liquid into a glass with different shape, will the space
occupied by the liquid still looks the same? Why?
4.2 Activity Activity
1. Divide the class into 5 groups.
2. Set the standards in performing the activity. Tell the pupils to obey the rules during the
1. Prepare the materials. (stones, water, beaker, rugs)
10 min 2. Fill the beaker with water.
3. Put more water in the beaker.
4. Observe what happens while adding more water in the beaker.
5. Put some stones in the beaker with water.
6. Again observe what will happen.
7. Record /draw your observation in your notebook.

Let the group leader report their observation in class.

4.3 Analysis Discuss the activity using the following questions:

1. What happened as you added more and more water in the beaker? Why?
2. What did you notice when the stones sank to the bottom of the beaker? Why?
5 min 3. What happened to the water? Why?
4. Does water occupy space? Why?
5. Do liquids really occupy space?
4.4 Abstraction Generalization
5 min What does the activity tell about?
Liquids occupy space. The space it occupies depends on the shape of its container thus, it
has no definite volume.
4.5 Application There are three glasses on the table. The blue glass is filled with milk. The yellow glass is
5 min filled with water. The orange is filled with buko juice. What occupies the space in the glasses?
Do liquids occupy the same space? Why?
Note: Teacher may use any available colored glass.
5. Assessment (indicate whatever it is thru Observation and/or Talking/Conferencing to Learners and/or Analysis of
Learners’ Products and/or Tests) ________minutes
Given two liquids in each container. Liquids A and B drawn below. Describe the two liquids
according to the space it occupies.

10 min Liquid A Liquid B

1. Space occupied by liquid A __________ (space of the glass)

2. Space occupied by liquid B __________ (space of the can)

6. Assignment (indicate whether it is for Reinforcement and/or Enrichment and/or Enhancement of the day’s lesson and/or
Preparation for new lesson) ______minutes
3 min Bring the following:
rubbing alcohol, catsup, juice, vinegar, perfume, soy sauce, water, glue baby oil
7. Wrap-up / End the lesson by asking, if I will transfer the liquid into a glass with
Concluding different shape, will the space occupied by the liquid still looks
Activity the same? Why?

Prepared by:
Name: Evelyn D. Capuyan School: Maslog Elementary School
Position/Designation: Master Teacher I Division: Danao City
Contact Number: 09258680255 FB Account: [email protected]


DLP No.: 11 Learning Area: Science 3 Grade Level: Three Quarter: 1st Duration: 50 mins
Learning Describe different objects based on their characteristics (e.g. Shape, Code:
Competency/ies: Weight, Volume, Ease of flow). S3MT-Ia-b-1
Key Concepts/ Some liquids have taste. The taste of liquids maybe sweet, sour, salty and bitter.
to be Developed
1. Objectives
Knowledge Describe the taste of liquids.
Skills Differentiate the tastes of liquids.
Attitudes Display cooperation in doing the activity.
Values Practice cleanliness in performing the assigned tasks.
2. Content / Topic Characteristics of Liquids according to their Taste
3. Learning milk, juice, water, vinegar, hot sauce, softdrinks, black coffee, catsup, soy sauce, calamansi
Resources / juice, manila paper, pentel pen
Materials / Science LM page 13, Science Worktext
4. Procedures (indicate the steps you will undertake to teach the lesson and indicate the no. of minutes each step will
4.1 Introductory Preparatory Activity
Activity A. Review
5 min Do liquids occupy space? Why.
B. Motivation
Ask: What can you say about these liquids?
Vinegar, soy sauce, catsup, milk
4.2 Activity Note: The teacher should provide precautionary measures before letting the pupils taste any
Caution: Never taste poisonous objects.
1. Set the standards in performing the activity. Remind pupils to clean the area after each
activity and cooperate among the group members.
2. Prepare the set-up of liquids and let the pupils observe them.
3. Have the pupils describe their characteristics according to taste.
4. Have them record their observations in an activity sheet.
Activity Card
1. Taste each liquid.
10 min
2. Describe the taste.
3. Check the corresponding taste of liquid in the chart.

Liquid sweet salty sour bitter spicy tasteless

1. milk
2. juice
3. water
4. vinegar
5. hot
6. black
7. catsup
8. soy

Let the group leader report their observation in class.

4.3 Analysis Ask the following questions:
1. How did you describe the different taste of liquids?
2. What are the different tastes of liquids?
5 min 3. Do all liquids have the same taste?
4. What should we do to avoid being poisoned when tasting liquids? (Read label before
4.4 Abstraction Generalization
5 min What are the different tastes of liquids?
Some liquids have taste. The taste of liquids maybe sweet, sour, salty and bitter.
4.5 Application Directions: Put a check ( √ ) on the column that corresponds the taste of the liquids.
sour sweet bitter salty

1.Soy sauce
10 min

2.Ampalaya juice

3.Choco milk drink

4.Calamansi juice

5. Assessment (indicate whatever it is thru Observation and/or Talking/Conferencing to Learners and/or Analysis of
Learners’ Products and/or Tests) ________minutes
Directions: Classify the taste of the following liquid as sweet, sour, bitter and
salty. Write your answer in the blank.

1. ________ 3. ________
vinegar honey
10 min

2. ________ 4. _______
patis black coffee

6. Assignment (indicate whether it is for Reinforcement and/or Enrichment and/or Enhancement of the day’s lesson and/or
Preparation for new lesson) ______minutes
Directions: Write T if the statement is true and F if it is false.

_____ 1. Liquids have different taste.

3 min
_____ 2. Liquids have the same taste.
_____ 3. Water is tasteless.
_____ 4. Condensed milk is sweet.

7. Wrap-up / End the lesson by asking, what can you say about the taste of the following liquids?
Concluding Vinegar, soy sauce, catsup, choco milk

Prepared by:
Name: Evelyn D. Capuyan School: Maslog Elementary School
Position/Designation: Master Teacher I Division: Danao City
Contact Number: 09258680255 FB Account: [email protected]


DLP No.: 12 Learning Area: Science 3 Grade Level: Three Quarter: 1st Duration: 50 mins
Learning Describe different objects based on their characteristics (e.g. Shape, Code:
Competency/ies: Weight, Volume, Ease of flow). S3MT-Ia-b-1
Key Concepts/ Some liquids have odor. Its odor or smell maybe good or bad.
to be Developed
1. Objectives
Knowledge Describe the odor or smell of liquids.

Skills Differentiate the odor or smell of liquids.

Attitudes Display cooperation in doing the activity.
Values Practice obedience in performing the assigned tasks.
2. Content / Topic Characteristics of Liquids according to their odor or smell of liquids
3. Learning soy sauce, perfume, alcohol, catsup, coke, hand sanitizer, shampoo, liquid soap, manila
Resources / paper, pentel pen
Materials / Science LM page 14, Science Worktext
4. Procedures (indicate the steps you will undertake to teach the lesson and indicate the no. of minutes each step will
4.1 Introductory Preparatory Activity
Activity A. Review
5 min What are the different tastes of liquids?
B. Motivation
Ask: What can you say about these liquids?
soy sauce, alcohol, perfume, hand sanitizer
4.2 Activity 1. Divide the class into 5 groups.
2. Set the standards in performing the activity. Tell the pupils to obey the rules during the
activity and cooperate among the group members.
1. Prepare the materials. Name the different liquids.
2. Describe the smell of the different liquids. Put a check on the proper column.
(Do not put the samples near your nose because some may cause irritation)
3. Record your observation.
10 min Liquid Bad Smell Good/Fragrant Smell
1. soy sauce /
2. perfume /
3. alcohol /
4. vinegar /
5. coke /
6. hand sanitizer /
7. shampoo /
8. kerosene /

Let the group leader report their observation in class.

4.3 Analysis Discuss the activity using the following questions:

1. What characteristics of liquid did you observed?
2. How were you able to group them?
5 min 3. Do all liquids have the same smell?
4. Do you frown when you smell liquids that have bad odor? Do you smile when you smell
liquids that have fragrant odor? Why?
5. Do liquids have smell?

4.4 Abstraction Generalization

3 min What does the activity tell about?
Some liquids have odor. Its odor or smell maybe good or bad.

4.5 Application Directions: Describe the smell or odor of the following liquid. Put a check on the proper
Liquids Smell / Odor

Good Bad

10 min


2. .


3. liquid soap


5. Assessment (indicate whatever it is thru Observation and/or Talking/Conferencing to Learners and/or Analysis of
Learners’ Products and/or Tests) ________minutes
Directions: Identify the smell or odor of the following liquid. Put a check on the proper column.
Liquids Smell / Odor

Good Bad

12 min
fabric conditioner

2. .

3. kerosene


6. Assignment (indicate whether it is for Reinforcement and/or Enrichment and/or Enhancement of the day’s lesson and/or
Preparation for new lesson) ______minutes
Directions: Write T if the statement is true and F if it is false.

_____ 1. Liquids have different smell.

3 min
_____ 2. Liquids have the same smell.
_____ 3. Water is odorless.
_____ 4. Shampoo has an unpleasant smell.

7. Wrap-up / End the lesson by asking, what can you say about the smell of the following liquids?
Concluding soy sauce, alcohol, perfume, hand sanitizer

Prepared by:
Name: Evelyn D. Capuyan School: Maslog Elementary School
Position/Designation: Master Teacher I Division: Danao City
Contact Number: 09258680255 FB Account: [email protected]


DLP No.: 13 Learning Area: Science 3 Grade Level: Three Quarter: 1st Duration: 50 mins
Learning Describe different objects based on their characteristics (e.g. Shape, Code:
Competency/ies: Weight, Volume, Ease of flow). S3MT-Ia-b-1
Key Concepts/ Gases have no definite shape. They take the shape of the container.
to be Developed
1. Objectives
Knowledge Describe the characteristic of gases according to its shape.
Skills Demonstrate how gases take the shape of the container.
Attitudes Display cooperation in doing the activity.
Values Practice cleanliness in performing the assigned tasks.
2. Content / Topic Characteristics of Gas according to the shape of the container
3. Learning Different shapes of balloons (deflated), string, manila paper, pentel pen
Resources / Science LM page 15, Science Worktext
Materials /
4. Procedures (indicate the steps you will undertake to teach the lesson and indicate the no. of minutes each step will
4.1 Introductory Preparatory Activity
Activity A. Review
What are the different characteristics of liquids?
5 min B. Motivation
Show an inflated balloon to the pupils. Tell one of the pupils to blow air in it.
Ask: If you will release the balloon from your hand, what will happen to it? Why?

4.2 Activity 1. Divide the class into 5 groups.

2. Set the standards in performing the activity. Remind pupils to clean the area after each
1. Get different shapes of balloons.
2. Blow air into it. Tie it with string.
15 min
3. Describe the shape of air in the balloon.
4. Record your observation.
5. Draw the shape of gas in each balloon.

Let the group leader report their observation in class.

4.3 Analysis Ask the following questions:
1. What happened to the balloon as you blew air into it?
2. Did the gas follow the shape of the balloon? Do gases have shape?
5 min 3. What characteristic of gas did the activity show?
4. What is the shape of air container?
5. When can air have a shape?

4.4 Abstraction Generalization

3 min What does the activity tell about?
Gases have no definite shape. They take the shape of the container.

4.5 Application Draw 3 balloons with different colors. Describe their shapes.
5. Assessment (indicate whatever it is thru Observation and/or Talking/Conferencing to Learners and/or Analysis of
Learners’ Products and/or Tests) ________minutes
A. Directions: Write Yes if the object takes the shape of its container and No if not.
12 min
1. _____ 5. _____

2. _____ 6. _____

3. _____ 7. _____

4. _____ 8. _____

6. Assignment (indicate whether it is for Reinforcement and/or Enrichment and/or Enhancement of the day’s lesson and/or
Preparation for new lesson) ______minutes
5 min List down 5 different gases found in the environment.
7. Wrap-up /

Prepared by:
Name: Evelyn D. Capuyan School: Maslog Elementary School
Position/Designation: Master Teacher I Division: Danao City
Contact Number: 09258680255 FB Account: [email protected]


DLP No.: 14 Learning Area: Science 3 Grade Level: Three Quarter: 1st Duration: 50 mins
Learning Describe different objects based on their characteristics (e.g. Shape, Code:
Competency/ies: Weight, Volume, Ease of flow). S3MT-Ia-b-1
Key Concepts/ Gas has no definite shape and volume. It takes the shape and volume of its container.
to be Developed
1. Objectives
Knowledge Describe the space occupy by the gases.

Skills Demonstrate how gases oocupy space.

Attitudes Display cooperation in doing the activity.
Values Practice obedience in performing the assigned tasks.
2. Content / Topic Characteristics of gases according to the Space they Occupy
3. Learning Tissue, drinking glass, Styrofoam, big bowl filled with water, plastic bag, manila paper, pentel
Resources / pen
Materials / Science LM page 16, Science Worktext
4. Procedures (indicate the steps you will undertake to teach the lesson and indicate the no. of minutes each step will
4.1 Introductory Preparatory Activity
Activity A. Review
What are some examples of different gases found in the environment?
5 min B. Motivation
Ask: Do you know the content of air freshener?

4.2 Activity Note: Teacher may use any available materials found inside the classroom to replace
styrofoam and paper towel.
1. Show the illustration of the different air fresheners.
Ask: If more gas is added on these containers, what will happen?
2. Prepare the materials a day before the lesson. Give some precautionary measure in
handling the materials before the activity starts. Tell the pupils to obey the rules during the
3. Divide the class into 5 groups.

19 min Procedure
1. Prepare a drinking glass.
2. Place a paper towel at the bottom of the drinking glass so that it will not fall out when the
glass is inverted.
3. Fill a big bowl with water.
4. Hold the glass upside down and quickly plunge it into the water.
5. Count one to ten while holding the glass underwater.
6. Slowly lift the glass up and out of the water. Be sure to hold the glass straight upside
7. Observe. What happened to the tissue?
8. Do this with a piece of Styrofoam. Place the Styrofoam in the water. Place your glass
upside down over the styrofoam and push straight down into the water.
In your notebook, answer the following:
1. What is inside the glass?
2. What happened to the paper towel? To the styrofoam?
3. What does the activity show?

Let the group leader report their observation in class.

4.3 Analysis Discuss the activity using the following questions:
a. What is inside the empty glass?
5 min b. What happened to the paper towel? to the Styrofoam?
c. What does the activity shows?
4.4 Abstraction What does the activity tell about?
3 min
Gas has no definite shape and volume. It takes the shape and volume of its container.
4.5 Application Tell your pupils in group to blow air into the plastic bag. Add more air into it. What happen to
5 min the plastic bag?
5. Assessment (indicate whatever it is thru Observation and/or Talking/Conferencing to Learners and/or Analysis of
Learners’ Products and/or Tests) ________minutes
Directions: Study the picture of different objects. Box the object if it shows that gas occupies

10 min

6. Assignment (indicate whether it is for Reinforcement and/or Enrichment and/or Enhancement of the day’s lesson and/or
Preparation for new lesson) ______minutes
3 min Bring solid objects found at home for our next lesson.
7. Wrap-up /

Prepared by:
Name: Evelyn D. Capuyan School: Maslog Elementary School
Position/Designation: Master Teacher I Division: Danao City
Contact Number: 09258680255 FB Account: [email protected]

DLP No.: WK1 Learning Area: Science 3 Grade Level: Three Quarter: 1st Duration: 50 mins
Learning Classify objects and materials as solid,liquid and gas base on some Code:
Competency/ies: observable characteristics. S3MT-Ic-d-2
Key Concepts/
Understandings There are many solids around us. It can be found at home, in school or everywhere.
to be Developed
1. Objectives
Knowledge Classify the materials found at home and in school as solids.
Skills Name the materials found at home and in school as solids.
Attitudes Display cooperation in doing the activity.
Values Practice open-mindedness in performing the task..
2. Content / Topic Common Solid Materials Found at Home and in School
3. Learning Pictures, paper strips with written words ( pillow, chalk,blanket,eraser, kettle, desk,
Resources / laddle,book) chart
Materials /
4. Procedures (indicate the steps you will undertake to teach the lesson and indicate the no. of minutes each step will
4.1 Introductory Preparatory Activity
Activity A. Review
What is solid? What are the different characteristics of solids?
B. Motivation: (Guessing Game)
Let pupils guess what solid is being describe.
5 min 1.I am hard.I have many pages. You will learn something when you read me.
What am I? (book)
2.I am soft. Mostly I am in rectangular shape. I can give you a nice sleep when you
lie on me. What am I? (pillow)
3. I am hard yet I can be easily broken. You can use me when you drink something.

4.2 Activity Presentation (Activity) Set standard before doing the activity.Remind pupils that helping one
another can make the work easier.
1. In groups let the pupils do the activity.
2. Using the paper strips with names of solid materials posted on the board let the
pupils classify it as were it is found.
3. Let the pupils write the solid as where it is found. Follow the table below.
4. Let somebody from the group report their work.
Solid Materials Mostly Found at Home Solid Materials Mostly Found at School

(Note: Words to be posted on the board)

pillow chalk eraser blanket kettle desk laddle book


4.3 Analysis Discussion((Ask the class the following questions)

1. What are the words posted on the board?
5min 2. What do you call the materials written in the paper strips?
3. Where can we find these materials?
4.4 Abstraction Generalization
5min What does the activity tell about?
There are many solid around us.It can be found at home or in school.
4.5 Application Practice
5min Let pupils name solid materials found at home and in school.

5. Assessment (indicate whatever it is thru Observation and/or Talking/Conferencing to Learners and/or Analysis of
Learners’ Products and/or Tests) ________minutes
A. Name the solid as shown in the picture.



2. __________

3 . _____________

4. ____________

5. _____________

6. Assignment (indicate whether it is for Reinforcement and/or Enrichment and/or Enhancement of the day’s lesson and/or
Preparation for new lesson) ______minutes
5 min Circle the solid materials found in the box.

Spoon juice paper oil water

Vinegar box basket oxygen sharpener

7. Wrap-up /

Prepared by:
Name: Mary Joy O. Riveral School:Cayang Elementary School
Position/Designation:Substitute Teacher Division: City of Bogo
Contact Number:09363411276 FB Account:: [email protected]

DLP No.: 16 Learning Area: Science 3 Grade Level: Three Quarter: 1st Duration: 50 mins
Learning Classify objects and materials as solid,liquid and gas base on some Code:
Competency/ies: observable characteristics. S3MT-Ic-d-2
Key Concepts/
Understandings Just like solid there are many liquids around us. It can be found at home or in school.
to be Developed
1. Objectives
Knowledge Classify the materials found at home or in school as liquids.
Skills Name liquid materials found at home or in school.
Attitudes Display cooperation in doing the activity.
Values Perform the activity harmoneously.
2. Content / Topic Common Liquids Found at Home and in School
3. Learning Pictures,realia, chart, paper strips
Resources /
Materials /
4. Procedures (indicate the steps you will undertake to teach the lesson and indicate the no. of minutes each step will
4.1 Introductory Preparatory Activity
Activity A. Review
What is a liquid? What are the characteristics of liquid?
B. Motivation
Show pictures/ realia to the class.
5 min

Ask: What does the picture show? Whta do you call these materials?
4.2 Activity Presentation (Activity) Set standard before doing the activity
1. In groups let the pupils do the activity.
2. Present different pictures on the board and let each group list down the liquid materials
found in the pictures presented.

15 min
Alcohol ball water bat juice

Apple vinegar glue balloon

2.3 Analysis Discussion (Ask the following questions)

What are the liquids mentioned in the activity?
5 min Where can we find these liquid?
Aside from the given examples can you give other liquids found at home and in school.
2.4 Abstraction Generalization
2 min What does the activity tell about?
Just like solid there are many liquids around us. It can be found at home or in school.
2.5 Application Practice
5 min When we are thirsty, what liquid do we usually drink?( water) Is water important? Why?
5. Assessment (indicate whatever it is thru Observation and/or Talking/Conferencing to Learners and/or Analysis of
Learners’ Products and/or Tests) ________minutes
A. Circle the liquid found inside the box.

15 min bag catsup oil spoon computer sauce

softdrink pencil dress syrup water soap

6. Assignment (indicate whether it is for Reinforcement and/or Enrichment and/or Enhancement of the day’s lesson and/or
Preparation for new lesson) ______minutes
3 min List down 5 examples of liquids found at home.
7. Wrap-up /

Prepared by:
Name: Dorena C. Heyrana School:Maslog Elementary School
Position/Designation:T3 Division: Danao City Division
Contact Number:09212810297 FB Account:: [email protected]

Quarter: Duration: 50
DLP No.: 17 Learning Area: Science 3 Grade Level: Three 1st mins
Learning Classify objects and materials as solid,liquid and gas base on Code:
Competency/ies: some observable characteristics. S3MT-Ic-d-2
Key Concepts/
Understandings to be Just like solid and liquid there are many gases around us. It can be found at home or
Developed in school.
1. Objectives
Knowledge Classify the materials found at home or in school as gas.
Skills Name gas materials found at home or in school.
Attitudes Display cooperation in doing the activity.
Values Practice orderliness in doing the activity.
2. Content / Topic Common Gases Found at Home and in School
3. Learning Resources / Pictures, chart
Materials / Equipment
4. Procedures (indicate the steps you will undertake to teach the lesson and indicate the no. of minutes each step will
4.1 Introductory Activity Preparatory Activity
A. Review
What are the liquids found at home and in school.
5 min B. Motivation
Let the pupil perform inhale/exhale exercise.
Ask: What did you inhale? (oxygen)
Is oxygen important? Why?
4.2 Activity Presentation (Activity) Set standard before doing the activity.
1. In groups, let the pupil do the activity.
2. Using the following pictures let the pupil identify gas materials found in the
3. Write the name of the materials in the chart.
4. Let somebody from the group report their output.

15 min
oxygen shoe flower butane

Smoke catsup balloon steam

Ask: Which is an example of gas?

4.3 Analysis Discussion

1. What are the materials found in the box?
2. Which of the materials are example of gas?
10 min 3. Where can we find these materials?
4.4 Abstraction Generalization
2 min What does the activity tell about?
Just like solid and liquid there are many gases around us. It can be found at home or
in school.
3.5 Application Practice
3 min Name gas materials found at home or in school.

5. Assessment (indicate whatever it is thru Observation and/or Talking/Conferencing to Learners and/or Analysis of
Learners’ Products and/or Tests) ________minutes
Put a check √ on the blank if the material is a gas and X if not

___1. ___ 5.

___2. ___6.
10 min

___3. ____7.

___4. ____8.

6. Assignment (indicate whether it is for Reinforcement and/or Enrichment and/or Enhancement of the day’s lesson and/or
Preparation for new lesson) ______minutes
5 min Identify the materials as solid, liquid or gas
1. LPG __________
2. soy sauce _________
3. appple _________
4. spoon _________
5. vinegar _________

7. Wrap-up / Concluding
Activity ___ __minutes

Prepared by:
Name: Dorena C. Heyrana School:Maslog Elementary School
Position/Designation:T3 Division: Danao City Division
Contact Number:09212810297 FB Account:: [email protected]

DLP No.: 18 Learning Area: Science 3 Grade Level: Three Quarter: 1st Duration: 50 mins
Learning Classify objects and materials as solid,liquid and gas base on some Code:
Competency/ies: observable characteristics. S3MT-Ic-d-2
Key Concepts/ There are many materials found at home.this can be if the form of solid, liquid and gas. These
Understandings materials have different uses at home. Some of the materials are used for cooking, cleaning
to be Developed and many others.
1. Objectives
Knowledge Describe the uses of common solid,liquid and gas found at home or in school.
Skills Distinguish the uses of common solid,liquid and gas found at home or in school.
Attitudes Display cooperation in doing the activity.
Values Practice orderliness in performing the activity.
2. Content / Topic Uses of Common Materials Found at Home and in School
3. Learning toothpaste, soap, alcohol, personal care products, detergent, cleaning agents, disinfectants,
Resources / medicine, or labels of these products
Materials /
4. Procedures (indicate the steps you will undertake to teach the lesson and indicate the no. of minutes each step will
4.1 Introductory Preparatory Activity
Activity A. Review
What are the gas materials found at home or in school?
B. Motivation
Show the following materials to the class:

5 min

Ask; What can you say about the picture? Tell something about the picture and its uses.
(Note: Teacher may use picture or realia)
4.2 Activity Presentation (Activity) Set standard before doing the activity.
1. Divide the class into 5 groups. .
2. Ask each group to check the appropriate uses of each material on the table.

Materials Used for Used for Used for Used for

cooking beautifying cleaning killing insects
homes or pests
15 min 1. paint /
2. floorwax /
3. insecticide /
4. cooking oil /
3. After all the groups are done with the activity, assign a leader in each group to report
their answers.
4.3 Analysis Discussion
Ask the class the following questions : ·
1. What are the useful materials found at home and in school? ·
10 min 2. Which of these materials are common to you? ·
3. Give examples of materials that are used for cooking, for beautifying homes, for
cleaning, and for killing insects or pests.
4.4 Abstraction Generalization
What are the materials found at home and in school? How do we use these materials?
2 min There are many materials found at home.this can be if the form of solid, liquid and gas.
These materials have different uses at home. Some of the materials are used for cooking,
cleaning and many others.
4.5 Application Practice
3 min Name some materials found at home or in school and its uses.
5. Assessment (indicate whatever it is thru Observation and/or Talking/Conferencing to Learners and/or Analysis of
Learners’ Products and/or Tests) ________minutes
Part I. Match the picture in column A with the description in column B by connecting a line.


1. a. Toothpaste. It is used for cleaning our teeth.

2. b. Cooking Oil. It is used for cooking.

10 min

3. c. Paint. It is used for beautifying our home.

4. d. Bath Soap . It is used for cleaning the body

5. e. Insecticide /pesticide. It is use in getting rid of


(Note: You may use/ include other pictures of materials found at home/school different from
those already given by the pupils. )
6. Assignment (indicate whether it is for Reinforcement and/or Enrichment and/or Enhancement of the day’s lesson and/or
Preparation for new lesson) ______minutes
Give two examples of materials found at home and in school used in:
a. cleaning bathroom, floor tiles and lavatory:
b. preparing and cooking food:
5 min __________________________________________
c. getting rid of insects and pests:
7. Wrap-up /

Prepared by:
Name: Dorena C. Heyrana School:Maslog Elementary School
Position/Designation:T3 Division: Danao City Division
Contact Number:09212810297 FB Account:: [email protected]

DLP No.: 19 Learning Area: Science 3 Grade Level: Three Quarter: 1st Duration: 50 mins
Learning Classify objects and materials as solid,liquid and gas base on some Code:
Competency/ies: observable characteristics. S3MT-Ic-d-2
Key Concepts/
Understandings We use chemical substances properly to prevent its harmful effect.
to be Developed
1. Objectives
Knowledge Identify the harmful effects of the common materials found at home.
Skills Describe the harmful effects of the common materials at home.
Attitudes Display open-mindedness on the harmful effects of common materials at home.
Values Practice social responsibility in handling the harmful materials found at home.
2. Content / Topic Harmful Effects of the Common Materials Found at Home
3. Learning Chart, manila paper, pentel pen
Resources /
Materials /
4. Procedures (indicate the steps you will undertake to teach the lesson and indicate the no. of minutes each step will
4.1 Introductory Preparatory Activity
Activity A. Review
What are the different uses of materials found at home?
B. Motivation
A family in a remote barrio made use of empty mineral water bottles as containers
for their washing and drinking water. One day, the father filled in one empty bottle with
5 min kerosene to be used in the farm. While preparing other things, he left the bottle with kerosene
on top of the table. Unknowingly, his little boy who was playing outside, came in the house,
got the bottle and used its content in washing his hands. Suddenly, the little boy felt itchiness
and got his hands irritated.

Why do you think this happened? What was done wrong?

4.2 Activity Presentation (Activity)Set standard before doing the activity

1. Divide the class into 5 groups. .
2. Using manila paper and pentel pen ask each group to complete the table by
writing the substances on the approriate effects if not used properly.
3. Let somebody from the group report their output.

LPG Insecticides
Medicine Gasoline
Chemicals used to preserve foods
15 min

Substances Bad Effects

1. Can explode when expose to fire
2. Too much insecticides can kill people
3. Too much used can cause disease in the
4. Overdose is also not good to our body
5. Can cause fire
4.3 Analysis Discussion
1.Discuss some undesirable/deadly effects of some materials and emphasize the following
concepts :
a. Materials maybe flammable, toxic, poisonous and corrosive to skin when not used properly
10 min
so it should be handled with extra care.
. b. Reading product labels is important in order to determine the hazards of materials to man
and ther living things

2. Let the pupils share their experiences in dealing some of the harmful materials.

4.4 Abstraction Generalization

2 min Why should we use chemical substances properly?
We use chemical substances properly to prevent its harmful effect.

4.5 Application Practice

Some medicines bear the following instruction”Keep this away from the reach of
3 min children”. Why should this be followed?

5. Assessment (indicate whatever it is thru Observation and/or Talking/Conferencing to Learners and/or Analysis of
Learners’ Products and/or Tests) ________minutes
Direction: Write T if the statement is true and F if it is false.
1. A little leak in the tank can start a fire.
2. Too much intake of medicine or ones dosage is not good to our body.
10 min 3. Glue and rugby cause diseases when inhaled in large amount.
4. Let the person sleep if he had swallowed poison.
5. Too much use of insecticides can also kill people.

6. Assignment (indicate whether it is for Reinforcement and/or Enrichment and/or Enhancement of the day’s lesson and/or
Preparation for new lesson) ______minutes
5 min Let each group bring empty containers of the following materials:
1. Muriatic Acid
2. Paint thinner
3. Match
4. Rugby
7. Wrap-up /

Prepared by:
Name: Dorena C. Heyrana School:Maslog Elementary School
Position/Designation:T3 Division: Danao City Division
Contact Number:09212810297 FB Account:: [email protected]

DLP No.: 20 Learning Area: Science 3 Grade Level: Three Quarter: 1st Duration: 50 mins
Learning Classify objects and materials as solid,liquid and gas base on some Code:
Competency/ies: observable characteristics. S3MT-Ic-d-2
Key Concepts/ There are many materials around us. It should be taken/handled properly to prevent its
Understandings harmful effect
to be Developed
1. Objectives
Knowledge Identify the harmful effects of the common materials found in school.
Skills Describe the harmful effects of the common materials in school.
Attitudes Display cooperation in doing the activity.
Values Practice orderliness in performing the activity.
2. Content / Topic Harmful Effects of the Common Materials Found in School. .
3. Learning Chart, picture/realia of empty container of muriatic acid, paint thinner, match, rugby, manila
Resources / paper, pentel pen
Materials /
4. Procedures (indicate the steps you will undertake to teach the lesson and indicate the no. of minutes each step will
4.1 Introductory Preparatory Activity
Activity A. Review
What are the harmful effects of common materials found at home?
B. Motivation
Present the following illustrations

5 min

Ask: What can you say about the illustrations?

Unlocking of words
poisonous: destructive, harmful
toxic: can cause death when it is swallowed
flammable: can cause fire or can burn rapidl

4.2 Activity Presentation (Activity) Set standards before doing the activity

1. Let the pupils do the activity by group.

2. They will write on manila paper the name of the materials they brought in their
3. Let them classify the materials based on the harmful effect/s on humans and other living
15 min things.as flammable, toxic and poisonous. (Refer to the sample table below.)
3. After the groups have done the activity, one representative in each group will report their

Flammable Toxic Poisonous

4.3 Analysis Discussion

Ask the following questions :
a. What are the materials used in the activity?
10 min b. Which material is flammable? Toxic? Poisonous? Danger acid?
c. How should this materials be handled?

4.4 Abstraction Generalization

What can you say about materials when handled improperly?
2 min There are many materials around us. It should be taken/handled properly to prevent its
harmful effect.

4.5 Application Practice

3 min Have you experience dealing with harmful materials? What did you do?

5. Assessment (indicate whatever it is thru Observation and/or Talking/Conferencing to Learners and/or Analysis of
Learners’ Products and/or Tests) ________minutes

Write the hazards that the following materials may do to people when not used properly:
Classify them as flammable, toxic, poisonous.

10 min

1._________________ 2._________________ 3. ___________________

4.__________________ 5.__________________

6. Assignment (indicate whether it is for Reinforcement and/or Enrichment and/or Enhancement of the day’s lesson and/or
Preparation for new lesson) ______minutes
List down at least 2 reasons on what should you do in order to avoid accident brought about
5 min by the misuse of the materials that are commonly found at home?

7. Wrap-up /

Prepared by:
Name: Dorena C. Heyrana School:Maslog Elementary School
Position/Designation:T3 Division: Danao City Division
Contact Number:09212810297 FB Account:: [email protected]

DLP No.: 21 Learning Area: Science 3 Grade Level: Three Quarter: 1st Duration: 50 mins
Learning Describe ways on the proper use and handling solid, liquid and gas Code:
Competency/ies: found at home and in school. S3MT-Ie-g-3
Key Concepts/ Materials found at home have many uses but they can be harmful and dangerous if not
Understandings used properly. To avoid dangers and hazards , one should practice precautionary measures
to be Developed in handling and using these materials .
1. Objectives
Knowledge Identify the proper ways in using and handling harmful materials at home.
Skills Describe the proper ways in using and handling harmful materials . at home.
Attitudes Display cooperation in doing the activity.
Values Practice orderliness in performing the activity.
2. Content / Topic Safety Measures in Handling Solid, Liquid and Gas
3. Learning pictures of proper ways of handling materials , chart of precautionary measures in handling
Resources / materials; photos showing a boy and a girl playing a match near an LPG and a farmer
Materials / spraying insecticide in a farm
4. Procedures (indicate the steps you will undertake to teach the lesson and indicate the no. of minutes each step will
4.1 Introductory Preparatory Activity
Activity A. Review
What should you do in order to know if the material is hazardous or not? Why?
Checking of assignment.
B. Motivation
 Post the two photos on the board.

5 min

 Ask the class to describe the two photos.

4.2 Activity Presentation (Activity)

1. Look at the pictures.
2. Put a √ on the box if it is a proper way of handling materials and put an X if it is not.

10 min

a.Label poisonous substances b. Using hand gloves and gas

and keep out of children’s reach masks when using pesticides.

c.Inspecting regularly if the d. Keeping flammable

cooking gas tank is tightly closed. materials near the stove
. Will you follow the safety measures in handling harmful chemicals? Why?
4.3 Analysis Discussion
Ask the following questions:
a. What are the proper ways of handling and using harmful materials found at home?
b. How does a material become harmful to humans and other living things?
15 min c. What should one do in order to avoid accident?
d.Discuss with the pupils the following concepts:
1. Precautions are essential for safety in using the materials commonly found at home.
2. Never use more than the amount listed on the label of the product.
4.4 Abstraction Generalization
What should we do with all the materials found at home?
5 min Materials found at home have many uses but they can be harmful and dangerous if
not used properly. To avoid dangers and hazards , one should practice precautionary
measures in handling and using these materials .
4.5 Application Practice
3 min You saw your younger brother playing with match near the LPG tank. What would you
do? Why?

5. Assessment (indicate whatever it is thru Observation and/or Talking/Conferencing to Learners and/or Analysis of
Learners’ Products and/or Tests) ________minutes
Draw a on the blank if the sentence shows a good way of handling household materials
and a if it is not.

______1. Dispose garbage properly.

______2. Read product labels carefully.
______3. Store flammable materials, such as gasoline and paints, near a stove.
10 min ______4. Buy only the amount of paint thinner that you need.
______5. Lock a cabinet containing insecticides and other poisonous materials.
______6. Avoid using bleaching solutions.
______7. Keep only food items in the kitchen cabinet.
______8. Play with matches.

6. Assignment (indicate whether it is for Reinforcement and/or Enrichment and/or Enhancement of the day’s lesson and/or
Preparation for new lesson) ______minutes
Prepare with your group a role play on the safety measures in using and handling harmful
2 min materials at home.
7. Wrap-up /

Prepared by:
Name: Dorena C. Heyrana School:Maslog Elementary School
Position/Designation:T3 Division: Danao City Division
Contact Number:09212810297 FB Account:: [email protected]


DLP No.: 22 Learning Area: Science 3 Grade Level: Three Quarter: 1st Duration: 50 mins
Learning Describe ways on the proper use and handling solid, liquid and gas Code:
Competency/ies: found at home and in school. S3MT-Ie-g-3
Key Concepts/ Materials found in school have many uses but they can be harmful and dangerous if not
Understandings used properly. To avoid dangers and hazards , one should practice precautionary measures
to be Developed in handling and using these materials .
1. Objectives
Knowledge Identify the proper ways in using and handling harmful materials in school.
Skills Describe the proper ways in using and handling harmful materials in school.
Attitudes Display cooperation in doing the activity.
Values Practice orderliness in performing the activity.
2. Content / Topic Safety Measures in Handling Harmful Materials
3. Learning Pictures of proper ways of handling materials
Resources /
Materials /
4. Procedures (indicate the steps you will undertake to teach the lesson and indicate the no. of minutes each step will
4.1 Introductory Preparatory Activity
Activity A. Review
What are the precautionary measures in handling and using materials at home?
2 min B. Motivation
Who wants to become an actress like Sharon Cuneta or an actor like Coco
4.2 Activity Presentation (Activity)
10 min Divide the class into 4 groups and give them enough time to practice their role play
about safety measures in handling and using materials found in school.
4.3 Analysis Discussion
Precautions are essential for safety in using the materials commonly found at home
and in school.

1. The following are the safety measures in handling and using materials
found at home and in school: •
2. Label all containers properly. Avoid taking , smelling or using materials
without label. •
10 min
3. Check the expiry date of any food item. •
4. Keep flammable materials like kerosene, alcohol, cloth, wood, paper and
candle away from the source of heat •
5. Keep all flammable, poisonous and hazardous materials out of reach of the
6. Look for danger signs or hazard symbols in the labels of bottles , cans or
7. Never use more than the amount written on the label of the product

4.4 Abstraction Generalization

What should we do with all the materials found in school?
3 min Materials found in school have many uses but they can be harmful and dangerous
if not used properly. To avoid dangers and hazards , one should practice precautionary
measures in handling and using these materials
4.5 Application Practice
20 min Presentation by group
5. Assessment (indicate whatever it is thru Observation and/or Talking/Conferencing to Learners and/or Analysis of
Learners’ Products and/or Tests) ________minutes
3 min Evaluate their performance based on the rubrics made by the teacher.
6. Assignment (indicate whether it is for Reinforcement and/or Enrichment and/or Enhancement of the day’s lesson and/or
Preparation for new lesson) ______minutes
2 min List down at least 2 materials found in your home and write down the proper way in handling
the material that you listed. Write in your activity notebook.
7. Wrap-up /
Prepared by:
Name: Dorena C. Heyrana School:Maslog Elementary School
Position/Designation:T3 Division: Danao City Division
Contact Number:09212810297 FB Account:: [email protected]

Duration: 50
DLP No.: 23 Learning Area: Science 3 Grade Level:Three Quarter:1st mins
Learning Describe changes in materials based on the effect of temperature Code:
Competency/ies: 4.1 Solid to liquid S3MT-Ih-j-4
4.2 Liquid to solid
4.3 Liquid to gas
4.4 Solid to gas
Key Concepts/ There are many materials that we can identify and classify according to its
Understandings to be temperature.Some are hot and some are cold.
1. Objectives
Knowledge Tell whether the material is hot or cold.

Skills Compare the material as to hot or cold.

Attitudes Display self-confidence in performing the activity
Values Practice helpfulness during group work.
2. Content / Topic Is it Hot or Cold?
3. Learning Resources Pictures of hot or cold materials, manila paper,pen (see examples of materials that are
/ Materials / provided in the LM lesson 1 Activity 1)
4. Procedures (indicate the steps you will undertake to teach the lesson and indicate the no. of minutes each step
will consume)
4.1 Introductory A. Drill: The teacher will show different materials and let the pupils identify whether it is
Activity solid, liquid or gas

8 min
B. Review/ Checking of homework
Ask: What are you going to do if you will spray insecticide in your bedroom in order to
kill the mosquitoes inside?
Ans: We should wear a mask to protect us from poison.
C. Motivation: Let all pupils hold their cheeks using their palm.
Ask: How does it feel?
Ans:We felt cold
Let them rub their palms together within 15 seconds and after rubbing let them hold their
, Ask: How does it feel?
Ans: We felt hot.
In this way they can now identify the hot or cold materials.
4.2 Activity  Let the pupils do the activity by group.
 Give the needed materials and instruct them to do the activity. After doing the
activity present their output.

Activity 1: Is it Hot? Is it Cold?

Tell whether a material is hot or cold.
Manila paper, marker pen, paper, pen
1. Look at the pictures below. Tell whether the material is hot or cold. Put a check (√) in
15 min column (3) if it is hot or in column (4) if it is cold.

(1) (2) (3) (4)

Material/Object Is it Hot? Is it Cold?

Candle Flame

Ice Cream

Boiling Water

Boiling Soup

Ice tea
4.3 Analysis 1. When do you say that a material is hot?
5 min Ans: We say that it was hot when we touch it.
2. When do you say that a material is cold?
Ans: We say that the material was cold when we feel and touch it.
4.4 Abstraction How do we describe the temperature of a material?
3 min
4.5 Application Tell whether the material is hot or cold.

5 min
________ 1. Flat iron _______3. Fruit Shake

________ 2. Lighted Bulb _______4. Meat in the

5. Assessment (indicate whatever it is thru Observation and/or Talking/Conferencing to Learners and/or Analysis
of Learners’ Products and/or Tests) ________minutes
Write H if the material is Hot and C if it is Cold.
10 min ______1. Fire ______5. Iron bar
______2. Heated nails ______6. Ice water
______3. Boiled water ______7. Milk in a freezer
______4. Ice ______8. Hot coffee
6. Assignment(indicate whether it is for Reinforcement and/or Enrichment and/or Enhancement of the day’s lesson
and/or Preparation for new lesson) ______minutes
2 min Cut out 5 pictures of hot and cold materials.

7. Wrap-up / Give two examples of hot objects and two examples of cold objects. Write it in a sheet of
Concluding paper.

Prepared by:
Name: Eunice B. Batoon School: Guinsay Elementary School
Position/Designation: Teacher III Division: Danao City
Contact Number: 09329712614 Email Address: [email protected].

Duration: 50
DLP No: 24 Learning Area: Science 3 Grade Level:Three Quarter:1st mins
Learning Describe changes in materials based on the effect of temperature Code:
Competency/ies: 4.1 Solid to liquid S3MT-Ih-j-4
4.2 Liquid to solid
4.3 Liquid to gas
4.4 Solid to gas
Key Concepts/ Using the thermometer we can measure the hottness and coldness of water.
Understandings to be
1. Objectives
Knowledge Identify tap water from hot water by measuring its temperature.

Skills Measure the temperature of tap water and hot water using a thermometer.
Attitudes Perform the activity honestly.
Values Practice carefulness in performing the activity.
2. Content / Topic Measuring the Temperature of Hot/Warm Materials
3. Learning Resources 2 beakers/identical glass jars or containers
/ Materials / laboratory thermometer
Equipment equal amounts of tap and hot water( see examples of materials that are provided in the
LM Lesson 1 Activity 2)
4. Procedures (indicate the steps you will undertake to teach the lesson and indicate the no. of minutes each step
will consume)
4.1 Introductory A. Drill:Word Puzzle:Form the scrambled letters to get the exact word and identify it as to
Activity hot or cold materials.
1.ertaw eic - ________________ 2. Detghti ublb – _____________________
Ans: Ice Water Ans: Lighted Bulb

B. Review::Identify the materials given as to hot or cold.

1. fire - ________ 3. Ice candy - _________ 5. frozen ice pops -
2. lighted candle - _________ 4. Ice - __________

15 min C. Motivation:
Ask: Who among you have experienced having a fever?What does your mother do in
order to know that you have a fever?
Ans:My mother hold my forehead and then after used thermometer to determined the
temperature of my body
1.When do you say that a material is hot?
Ans: We say that it was hot when we touch it.
2. When do you say that a material is cold?
Ans: We say that the material was cold when we feel and touch..

The teacher should let the pupils realize that their sense of touch would not give
accurate measure of how hot or cold the material is,and that a certain device is needed
to measure how hot or cold it is.
Ask: What is the instrument that measures the hotness or coldness of the material?
Ans: Thermometer
Tell the pupils that they will learn more about heat and temperature.They will perform an
activity that will help them learn how to measure the temperature of materials using the

4.2 Activity Orient pupils with the kinds and parts of a thermometer, the proper way of using it and
some precautionary measures.
Divide the pupils into small groups.
10 min Give them the materials and other necessary instruction in accomplishing the task)
1. Prepare the beaker or two identical glass.
2. Let them put water on the two glasses,put water in the faucet to one glass and
boiled water on the other glass.
3. Carefully put the two laboratory thermometers on each glass and observe what
happens to the thermometer.
4. Let them write their observation on a sheet of paper and present it to the class.
4.3 Analysis
Ask: What happens to the mercury of the thermometer the red color found at the center
5 min
of it?
Ans: The mercury rises when the objects measured is hot.
Ask: Which jar shows higher movement of the mercury, and lower movement of the
Ans: Jar A shows higher movement of the mercury while Jar B shows lower movement
Ask What are you going to do in order to measure the hotness or coldness of objects?
Ans: Used thermometer in measuring the hotness and coldness.
4.4 Abstraction How do we that the material is hot or cold?
4.5 Application Write the correct measurement of the given thermometer.


1. 2.

5. Assessment (indicate whatever it is thru Observation and/or Talking/Conferencing to Learners and/or Analysis
of Learners’ Products and/or Tests) ________minutes
Observe a thermometer and answer the given question.Choose the letter of the correct
1. What is the lowest temperature reading?
10 min a. 3,below the thermometer b. 1,below the thermometer c. 0,below the

2. What is the highest temperature reading?

a. 35,above the thermometer b. 40,above the thermometer c. 24,above the

3. What do you call the red color at the center of the thermometer that goes up and
a. mercury b. Iron c. Metal
4. When do you know that the water is hot or not?What instrument will you use?
a. cutter b. Thermometer c. Lighter

6. Assignment(indicate whether it is for Reinforcement and/or Enrichment and/or Enhancement of the day’s lesson
and/or Preparation for new lesson) ______minutes
5min Let each group bring one sample body thermometer tomorrow.
7. Wrap-up /

Prepared by:
Name: Eunice B. Batoon School:Guinsay Elementary School
Position/Designation: Teacher III Division: Danao City
Contact Number: 09329712614 Email Address: [email protected]

Duration: 50
DLP No.:25 Learning Area: Science 3 Grade Level:Three Quarter:1st mins
Learning Describe changes in materials based on the effect of temperature Code:
Competency/ies: 4.1 Solid to liquid S3MT-Ih-j-4
4.2 Liquid to solid
4.3 Liquid to gas
4.4 Solid to gas
Key Concepts/ Thermometer is used in reading the temperature of water.
Understandings to be
1. Objectives
Knowledge Identify the temperature of water on the thermometer

Skills Demonstrate how to read the temperature of water on the thermometer.

Attitudes Read the temperature of water on the thermometer honestly.
Values Practice carefulness in performing the activity.
2. Content / Topic Reading the Temperature of Hot/Warm Materials
3. Learning Resources / 2 jars tap and hot water
Materials / Equipment Thermometer water heater
4. Procedures (indicate the steps you will undertake to teach the lesson and indicate the no. of minutes each step
will consume)
4.1 Introductory Activity Review:
How do we measure the temperature?
Motivation :
Boil the water in the heater, let the pupils observe. What happens when the
water get boiled in a few seconds.
10min Ask: What was the result of a water when boiling into seconds.
Ans: The water becomes boiled and hot.
Call up 1 to 2 pupils to do some measurement
Task: let them pour a small amount of water into the heater and then boil it in a
Pour the boiled water in the jar and put the thermometer and let them measure
the temperature.

4.2 Activity (Set precautionary measures before starting the activity)

1.Group the pupils into 3.
2. Perform the activity
1. Look at the laboratory thermometer closely.
2. Observe the markings on the thermometer.
3. What is the smallest number? Where is it located?
15min 4. What is the largest number? Where is it located?
5. What unit of measurement is used?
6. What symbol is used to express a measurement of temperature?
7. Half-fill the container with tap water.

8. Place the thermometer in the container with tap water. Hold it in upright position.
9. Observe the level of the liquid in the thermometer.
10. Measure the temperature of tap water. (Read the markings nearest the level of the
liquid in the thermometer). Record the temperature in table 1.
11. What is the temperature of tap water? (This is the temperature of tap water at room
4.3 Analysis Ask: What was your feelings towards doing the activity.
Ans: feeling happy and excited.
Ask: What devices used to measure the temperature of water.
Ans: Thermometer is a device used to measure the hotness and coldness of the
Ask: What do you call the red color inside the thermometer that goes up and down.
Ans: The unit of measure use in reading the temperature is degree Celsius .(º C)
4.4 Abstraction How do we read the temperature of water?
4.5 Application Call a pupil to read the temperature of the water in the glass.
5. Assessment (indicate whatever it is thru Observation and/or Talking/Conferencing to Learners and/or Analysis
of Learners’ Products and/or Tests) ________minutes
Show a picture / diagram that a show a portion of a thermometer,
Ask: What is the temperature in degree celsius indicated in the thermometer below?


1. _______ 2. _______ 3. ________ 4. ________ 5. ________

6. Assignment(indicate whether it is for Reinforcement and/or Enrichment and/or Enhancement of the day’s lesson
and/or Preparation for new lesson) ______minutes
2min Complete the statement.
The temperature of hot water is_______________ than the temperature of mineral
7. Wrap-up / Concluding

Prepared by:
Name: Eunice B. Batoon School: Guinsay Elementary School
Position/Designation: Teacher III Division: Danao City
Contact Number: 09329712614 Email Address: [email protected]

Duration: 50
DLP No.: 26 Learning Area:Science 3 Grade Level:Three Quarter:1st mins
Learning Describe changes in materials based on the effect of temperature Code:
Competency/ies: 4.1 Solid to liquid S3MT-Ih-j-4
4.2 Liquid to solid
4.3 Liquid to gas
4.4 Solid to gas
Key Concepts/ In comparing the temperature of tap water and hot water. We need to look at the
Understandings to be temperature reflected on the thermometer.
1. Objectives
Knowledge Compare the temperature of tap water and hot water.

Skills Distinguish the difference of temperature of tap water and hot water.
Attitudes Differentiate the temperature of the different classes of water with sincerity.
Values Display helpfulness in doing the activity.
2. Content / Topic Comparing the Temperature of Hot/Warm Materials
3. Learning Resources tap water and hot water
/ Materials / 2 jars , thermometer
Equipment Kagamitan ng Mag-aaral : Sinugbuanong Binisaya pp.28
By:Arthur D, C.et .al
4. Procedures (indicate the steps you will undertake to teach the lesson and indicate the no. of minutes each step
will consume)
4.1 Introductory A.Drill :
Activity Let the pupils guess the scrambled letters on the board.These are the scrambled
rgeeDe suiselC
Ask What is the word?
Ans: Degree Celsius
Teacher Say: Degree Celsius – is the unit of measure use in reading the temperature.
B. Review:
10min Ask : What instrument do you use in measuring the tap/ hot water?
Ans: Thermometer
C. Motivation:
Have two jars on the table containing the tap water and hot water. Call two pupils
and let their elbow dip on the jar.
Ask; How do you feel when your elbow go dip down on the jar with hot water?
Ans: I feel hot,
Ask: How do you feel when your elbow go dip down on the jar with tap water?
Ans: I feel a natural reaction.
4.2 Activity Group activity ( Set standard before doing the activity)
Let the pupils do the activity
1.Fill the two jars with tap water and hot water.
10min 2.Put the thermometer on the 2 jars.
3. Let them write the different readings they have.
4.Let them a have a comparison of temperature reading of tap water and hot water.

4.3 Analysis Ask: What was your feelings upon doing the activity?
Ans: We feel excited upon doing the activity.
5min Ask: Can you describe the effect of heat to water?
Ans: The effect of heat to water is we can cook food like eggs, noodles and etc.
Ask: What will you do if you want to drink milk or hot choco?
Ans: Get any cooking utensils and pour an amount of water into it. Then, start boiling
using any other ways it could be in firewood or electric.
4.4 Abstraction How do we compare the temperature of tap water and hot water?
4.5 Application Mother prepares two glasses of milk for her two kids. She uses hot water on the
5min first glass and tap water on the second glass. Which do you think has the higher
temperature? Is it the first glass or the second glass? Why?
5. Assessment (indicate whatever it is thru Observation and/or Talking/Conferencing to Learners and/or Analysis
of Learners’ Products and/or Tests) ________minutes
Direction: Choose the letter of the correct answer.
1. What is the effect of hot water?
A. Temperature is high when the water is hot
10min B. Temperature is low when water is hot.
C. Temperature is high when water is cold.
2. What will you do if you need hot water for hot Choco?
A. Put ice on the water B. Boil the water C. Put water under the
heat of the sun
3. Compare the temperature of tap and hot water.
A. Tap water is hotter than hot water.
B. Tap water is colder than hot water.
C. Hot water is colder than tap water

6. Assignment(indicate whether it is for Reinforcement and/or Enrichment and/or Enhancement of the day’s lesson
and/or Preparation for new lesson) ______minutes
5min What instrument will you use if you want to compare the temperature of tap water and
hot water?
7. Wrap-up /

Prepared by:
Name: Eunice B. Batoon School: Guinsay Elementary School
Position/Designation: Teacher III Division: Danao City
Contact Number: 09329712614 Email Address: [email protected]

Duration: 50
DLP No.:27 Learning Area: Science 3 Grade Level:Three Quarter:1st mins
Learning Describe changes in materials based on the effect of temperature Code:
Competency/ies: 4.1 Solid to liquid S3MT-Ih-j-4
4.2 Liquid to solid
4.3 Liquid to gas
4.4 Solid to gas
Key Concepts/ In measuring the temperature of tap water and cold water,we need to look at the
Understandings to be temperature reflected on the thermometer.
1. Objectives
Knowledge Identify the temperature of tap water and cold water.

Skills Demonstrate how to measure tap water and cold water.

Attitudes Practice helpfuness in performing the activity.
Values Display cleanliness in doing the activity.
2. Content / Topic Measuring the Temperature of a Cold Materials
3. Learning Resources / Identical glass jars , laboratory thermometer ,equal amount of ice cubes and tap
Materials / Equipment water,
Science TG pp.36
Science kagamitan sa Mag-aaral by Arthur D.C. et.al
4. Procedures (indicate the steps you will undertake to teach the lesson and indicate the no. of minutes each step
will consume)
4.1 Introductory A.Review:
Activity Ask: What is the difference between the temperature of hot water and tap
Ans: The temperature of hot water is high while tap water is low.
10 min Call up two pupils in front of the class
Let one pupil hold the jar with cold water and the other one will hold the jar
with tap water.
Ask: What did you feel when holding the jar with cold water?
Ans: I feelt a moist of an ice melted on my hand.
Ask? What did you feel when holding a jar with tap water?
Ans There was no reaction in my hand.
4.2 Activity Divide the pupils into small groups.Give the materials needed and some reminders in
doing the activity.
1. Half- fill the container with tap water.

2. Place the thermometer in the container with tap water. Hold it in upright position.

15 min
3. Observe the level of the liquid in the thermometer.
4. Measure the temperature of tap water. (Read the markings nearest the level of the
liquid in the thermometer). Record the temperature.
- What is the temperature of tap water?
(This is the temperature of tap water at room temperature).

Note: When reading the thermometer, position your eyes at the same level as the
liquid in the thermometer
5. Half-fill also the other container with cold water. (Some ice cubes may be added to
make the water cold and to remove some heat from the water.)

6. Place the thermometer in the container with cold water.

7. Observe what happens to the level of the liquid in the thermometer

4.3 Analysis Ask: How did you find the activity?
Ans: We find it interesting,
5 min Ask: How did you know that the cold water has a lower temperature than the tap
Ans: We knew it based on the reading of the temperature.
4.4 Abstraction How do we measure the temperature of tap and cold water?
2 min
4.5 Application Sally prepares two glasses of juice for her two kids. She uses tap water on the first
3 min glass and cold water on the second glass. Which do you think has the lower
temperature? Is it the first glass or the second glass? Why?
5. Assessment (indicate whatever it is thru Observation and/or Talking/Conferencing to Learners and/or Analysis
of Learners’ Products and/or Tests) ________minutes

Direction: Encircle the letter of the correct answer

1. What is the possible temperature of a water with an ice?
A. higher B. Lower C. Equal
2. What is the temperature of water from the faucet?
10 min A. Lower B. Higher C. Equal
3. How do you know that water is cold even if not holding it?
A. Drink the water B. Measure using the thermometer C. Pour it into
your finger
4. What do you use in measuring the temperature of distilled water and cold water?
A. Wall thermometer B. Body thermometer C. Laboratory thermometer
6. Assignment(indicate whether it is for Reinforcement and/or Enrichment and/or Enhancement of the day’s lesson
and/or Preparation for new lesson) ______minutes
5 min Study and practice reading body thermometer
7. Wrap-up / Concluding

Prepared by:
Name: Eunice B. Batoon School: Guinsay Elementary School
Position/Designation: Teacher III Division: Danao City
Contact Number: 09329712614 Email Address: [email protected]


Duration: 50
DLP No.: 28 Learning Area: Science 3 Grade Level:Three Quarter:1st mins
Learning Describe changes in materials based on the effect of temperature Code:
Competency/ies: 4.1 Solid to liquid S3MT-Ih-j-4
4.2 Liquid to solid
4.3 Liquid to gas
4.4 Solid to gas
Key Concepts/ Thermometer is used in reading the temperature of tap water and cold water.
Understandings to be
1. Objectives
Knowledge Describe the temperature reading of tap water and cold water.

Skills Use a thermometer in reading the temperature of tap water and cold water.
Attitudes Perform the activity honestly.
Values Display cleanliness in doing the activity.
2. Content / Topic Reading the Temperature of a Cold Materials
3. Learning Resources / Identical glass jars , laboratory thermometer , equal amount of ice cubes and cold
Materials / Equipment Tap water,
Science TG pp.36
Science kagamitan sa Mag-aaral by Arthur D.C. et.al
4. Procedures (indicate the steps you will undertake to teach the lesson and indicate the no. of minutes each step
will consume)
4.1 Introductory Activity Review:
How do we measure the temperature of tap water and cold water?
10 min Form a big circle and let the children be observant of the activity of the
teacher .
On the two jars pour an amount of tap water and a cold water, then put the
thermometer, let the children see the temperature of each water inside the jar. Let
them read the two temperature.

4.2 Activity Divide the pupils into four groups. Give the materials needed and some reminders in
doing the activity.
1.Half- fill the container with tap water.
2. Place the thermometer in the container with tap water. Hold it in upright position.

15 min
3. Observe the level of the liquid in the thermometer.
4. Read the temperature of tap water. (Read the markings nearest the level of the
liquid in the thermometer). Record the temperature.
- What is the temperature of tap water?
(This is the temperature of tap water at room temperature).

Note: When reading the thermometer, position your eyes at the same level as the
liquid in the thermometer
5. Half-fill also the other container with cold water. (Some ice cubes may be added to
make the water cold and to remove some heat from the water.)

6. Place the thermometer in the container with cold water.

7. Observe what happens to the level of the liquid in the thermometer

8. Read the temperature of cold water after 5 minutes. Record the temperature. What
is the temperature of cold water?
4.3 Analysis Ask: How did you find the activity?
Ans: Interesting and excitement.
Ask: What is the temperature reading of tap water?
5 min
Ans: 25º C
Ask: What is the temperature of cold water?
Ans:15º C
4.4 Abstraction How do we read the temperature of tap water and cold water?
2 min
4.5 Application Call a pupil to read the temperature of tap and cold water in the glass.
3 min
5. Assessment (indicate whatever it is thru Observation and/or Talking/Conferencing to Learners and/or Analysis
of Learners’ Products and/or Tests) ________minutes
Read the temperature of the given thermometer.

10 min

1. ________________ 2.
6. Assignment(indicate whether it is for Reinforcement and/or Enrichment and/or Enhancement of the day’s lesson
and/or Preparation for new lesson) ______minutes
5 min Answer the given question. Write the answer in your notebook.
What are you going to do to make the water cold?
7. Wrap-up / Concluding

Prepared by:
Name: Eunice B. Batoon School: Guinsay Elementary School
Position/Designation: Teacher III Division: Danao City
Contact Number: 09329712614 Email Address: [email protected]

Duration: 50
DLP No.: 29 Learning Area: Science 3 Grade Level:Three Quarter:1st mins
Learning Describe changes in materials based on the effect of temperature Code:
Competency/ies: 4.1 Solid to liquid S3MT-Ih-j-4
4.2 Liquid to solid
4.3 Liquid to gas
4.4 Solid to gas
Key Concepts/ In comparing the temperature of tap water and cold water. We need to look at the
Understandings to be temperature reflected on the thermometer.
1. Objectives
Knowledge Compare the temperature of tap water from cold water.

Skills Demonstrate how to compare the temperature of tap water from cold water.
Attitudes Differentiate the temperature of tap water from cold water with sincerity.
Values Practice cooperation in performing the activity.
2. Content / Topic Comparing the Temperature of a Cold Materials
3. Learning Resources / Identical glass jars , laboratory thermometer ,equal amount of ice cubes and cold Tap
Materials / Equipment water,
Science TG pp.36
Science kagamitan sa Mag-aaral by Arthur D.C. et.al
4. Procedures (indicate the steps you will undertake to teach the lesson and indicate the no. of minutes each step
will consume)
4.1 Introductory Activity Review:
Checking of homework.
10 min Motivation:
Call pupils to touch 2 glasses of water on the table. Let them compare the two glasses.
4.2 Activity Divide the pupils into four groups.
Set standards in doing the activity. Cooperate among the group in performing the
Observe the temperature reading of tap water and cold water.
Answer the given table.

Material Temperature (º C )
15 min Tap water 22 º C
Cold water 13 º C
1. What is the temperature of tap water?
2. What is the temperature of cold water?
3. Which has a lower temperature?
4. Which has a higher temperature?
5. Compare the two temperature.

4.3 Analysis Ask: How did you find the activity

Ans: We find it interesting
5 min Ask: What are the comparison of the two temperature?
Ans: Tap water temp. 25º C while cold water temp.15º C
4.4 Abstraction How do we compare the temperature of tap water and cold water?
2 min
4.5 Application Which do you prefer to drink, cold choco or hot choco? Why?
3 min
5. Assessment (indicate whatever it is thru Observation and/or Talking/Conferencing to Learners and/or Analysis
of Learners’ Products and/or Tests) ________minute
Direction: Encircle the letter of the correct answer.
1. What is the appropriate temperature of tap water?
10 min A. 20ºC B. 25ºC C. 15ºC
2. What is the appropriate temperature of cold water?
A. 10ºC B. 15ºC C. 18ºC

6. Assignment(indicate whether it is for Reinforcement and/or Enrichment and/or Enhancement of the day’s lesson
and/or Preparation for new lesson) ______minutes
5 min Compare the temperature of tap/cold water. Write your answer in your notebook.
How will you compare the two materials?

7. Wrap-up / Concluding

Prepared by:
Name: Eunice B. Batoon School: Guinsay Elementary School
Position/Designation: Teacher III Division: Danao City
Contact Number: 09329712614 Email Address: [email protected]

DLP No.: 30 Learning Area:Science 3 Grade Level:Three Quarter:1st Duration: 50 mins

Learning Investigate the different changes in materials as affected by Code:
Competency/ies: temperature. S3MT-Ih-j-4

Key Concepts/ Heat causes a change in the appearance of the material. Initially, the candle wax is solid
Understandings to form, but when heat is added, it melts. It changes from solid to liquid. The process of
be Developed changing solid to liquid is called liquifaction/melting.
1. Objectives
Knowledge Describe the candle wax when heated.
Skills Discover on how solid change into liquid.
Attitudes Perform the activity with tolerance.
Values Practice cleanliness in doing the activity.
2. Content / Topic What Happens When A Candle Wax is Heated?
3. Learning Small piece of candle wax, big spoon, thick cloth, candle, ceramic saucer, matches
Resources /
Materials / Learner’s Material pages 32-33
4. Procedures (indicate the steps you will undertake to teach the lesson and indicate the no. of minutes each step will
4.1 Introductory Preparatory Activity
Activity A. Review
Ask: What can you say about the temperature of a material when heat is added to
it? (increase)
What can you say about the temperature of a material when heat is removed
5 minutes from it? (decrease)
What can you say about the difference in temperature of tap water and cold
B. Motivation
Say: Now, what do you think will be the effect of the increase or decrease in
temperature on the material? If the candle wax is heated, what do you think will
happen to it?
This is what we will investigate today.
4.2 Activity Presentation (Activity)
Divide the class into small groups. Orient them with the materials that will be used in this
15 minutes activity. Give some precausionary measures, ie. Do not touch any hot material because
you might get burned, etc..........
1. Put a small piece of candle wax on the spoon. Wrap the handle of the spoon with a thick

2. Light the candle. Let it stand firmly on a ceramic saucer.

3. Hold the spoon with candle wax over the flame.

Caution: The spoon will become hot. Handle it with care.

4..Heat the spoon with candle wax for 5 minutes. Observe what happens to the candle
5. Remove the hot spoon with candle wax from the lighted candle.
After the activity let each group answer the given questions
- What happens to the candle wax?
- Is there a change in the appearance of the wax? In what form is it now?
- Why does this change happen?
- What is the effect of applying heat on the candle wax?
Have each group post their observation on the board using a manila paper.
4.3 Analysis Discuss answers to the activity questions. Process pupil’s responses to arrive at the
10 minutes correct ideas/concepts.
a. Is there a change in the appearance of the wax? If so, describe the change.
b. Infer why this change happened.
c. What is the effect of heat on the candle wax?
d. What do you call the process of changing solid to liquid?
4.4 Abstraction Generalization
2 minutes What happens to candle wax when heated? (It melts. It changes from solid to liquid.)
What process is shown in the activity?
4.5 Application Practice
2 minutes Let them cite other examples of materials that may change from solid to liquid when
5. Assessment (indicate whatever it is thru Observation and/or Talking/Conferencing to Learners and/or Analysis of
Learners’ Products and/or Tests) ________minutes
Show to them a real/picture of butter/margarine.
10 minutes Then let them answer the following questions.
1. What do you think will happen to the butter/margarine when heated? Why?
2. What change is shown on heating the butter/margarine?
6. Assignment(indicate whether it is for Reinforcement and/or Enrichment and/or Enhancement of the day’s lesson and/or
Preparation for new lesson) ______minutes
1 minute List down 3 objects that may change from solid to liquid.
7. Wrap-up /

Prepared by:
Name: Mrs. Cheryl H. Cascabel School: Bibiana Mercado Integrated
Position/Designation: Teacher III Division: Danao
Contact Number: 09435664055 FB Account:

DLP No.:31 Learning Area:Science 3 Grade Level:Three Quarter:1st Duration: 50 mins

Learning Investigate the different changes in materials as affected by Code:
Competency/ies: temperature S3MT-Ih-j-4
Key Concepts/ Cold causes a change in the appearance of the material. Initially a melted candle wax is a
Understandings to liquid form, but when it is cold it goes back to solid. It changes from liquid to solid. The
be Developed process of changing liquid to solid is called solidification/freeezing.
1. Objectives
Knowledge Describe the candle wax when cold
Skills Discover on how liquid change to solid
Attitudes Practice carefulness in doing the activity.
Values Display cleanliness in doing the activity.
2. Content / Topic What Happen When a Candle Wax is Cold?
3. Learning Small piece of candle wax, big spoon, thick cloth, candle, ceramic scaucer, matches
Resources /
Materials / Learner’s Material pages 32-33
4. Procedures (indicate the steps you will undertake to teach the lesson and indicate the no. of minutes each step will
4.1 Introductory Preparatory Activity
Activity A. Review
Checking of homeworks.
B. Motivation
10 minutes Say: We had already discover on how to melt a candle wax.
Ask: What change does it show?
What do you think will happen to a melted wax when it is cold?
Say: This is what we will investigate today.
4.2 Activity Presentation (Activity)
Group Activity
15 minutes Give some precausionary measures, ie. Do not touch any hot material because you might
get burned. Clean the area after doing the activity.
(Prepare a melted wax.)
Say: Here is a melted wax. This is what we had done yesterday. Let us wait for few
minutes and discover what will happen into it.
Let each group observe and write their observations on a sheet of paper.
Then let them post their observation on the board.
4.3 Analysis Discuss answers to the activity questions. Process pupils’ responses to arrive at the
correct ideas/concepts.
10 minutes a. Is there a change in the appearance of the candle wax? If so, describe the change.
b. Infer why this change happened.
c. What is the effect of removing the spoon and the wax from the flame?
d. What process is shown from this activity?
4.4 Abstraction Generalization
2 minutes What happen to a melted wax when cold? (It changes from liquid to solid.)
What do you call the process of changing liquid to solid?
4.5 Application Practice
2 minutes Let them cite other examples of materials that change from liquid to solid.
5. Assessment (indicate whatever it is thru Observation and/or Talking/Conferencing to Learners and/or Analysis of
Learners’ Products and/or Tests) ________minutes
Show to them a glass of water.
10 minutes Ask:
1. What do you think will happen to this water when place in a freezer? Why?
2. What change does it show?
6. Assignment(indicate whether it is for Reinforcement and/or Enrichment and/or Enhancement of the day’s lesson and/or
Preparation for new lesson) ______minutes
1 minute List down 3 materials that may change from liquid to solid.
7. Wrap-up /
Prepared by:
Position/Designation: TEACHER III Division: DANAO
Contact Number: 09435664055 FB Account:

DLP No.:32 Learning Area:Science 3 Grade Level:Three Quarter:1st Duration: 50 mins

Learning Investigate the different changes in materials as affected by Code:
Competency/ies: temperature S3MT-Ih-j-4
Key Concepts/ Water when heated increases its temperature. It makes water change its form from liquid
Understandings to to gas (vapor) when it starts to boil. Hence, you observed that the amount or level of water
be Developed is decreased after heating, because some water evaporates as vapor (steam). Water
vapor is formed hen liquid (water) is change to gas. The process of changing liquid to gas
is called evaporation.
1. Objectives
Knowledge Describe what happen to water when heated or when its tempeature is increased
Skills Discover on how the water increased its temperature
Attitudes Perform the activity with tolerance.
Values Practice helpfulness in doing the activity.
2. Content / Topic What Happens to Liquid Water When Heated?
3. Learning Transparent drinking glass, marker, water
Resources / Learner’s Material pages 34-35
Materials /
4. Procedures (indicate the steps you will undertake to teach the lesson and indicate the no. of minutes each step will
4.1 Introductory Preparatory Activity
Activity A. Review
Checking of homework.
10 minutes B. Motivation
Ask: Have you observed your mother heating/boiling water in the kettle? What
did you observe while the water is boiling? What does it show?
4.2 Activity Presentation (Activity)
Say: Today we will do an activity that will help us describe what happens to water
15 minutes when heated.
Divide the class into small groups. Give them the materials needed, and other
necessary instructions in accomplishing the task (i.e. time limit in doing the activity, group
output reporting/output presentation,etc.)
1. Fill the glass with some water. Mark the level of water.
2. Place the glass with water under the sun for about 15 minutes. Observe what happens
to the water.

3. Mark again the level of the water.

While doing the activity let them answer the guide questions on a sheet of paper.
a. Was there a change in the level of the water?
b. What happened to the amount of water?
c. What does this observation show?
d. What is the effect of sun’s heat on water?
4.3 Analysis Discussion
After doing the activity, let each group reporter present the group output. Check
15 minutes pupil’s answer to the activity questions. Process their responses to correct
misconceptions if there are and to arrive at the correct ideas/concepts.
Say: The process of changing liquid to gas is called evaporation.
4.4 Abstraction Generalization
2 minutes Help the pupils formulate generalizations by asking:
What is the effect of heat on the water? What happens to the water when heated?
What do you cal the process of changing liquid to gas?
4.5 Application Practice
Ask the pupils to give other examples of materials that change from liquid to gas
2 minutes when heated
Ask: If you want your wet clothes to dry quickly, where should you hang them?
5. Assessment (indicate whatever it is thru Observation and/or Talking/Conferencing to Learners and/or Analysis of
Learners’ Products and/or Tests) ________minutes
Study the situation below and answer the questions that follow.
5 minutes Your mother is boiling water in a kettle for your milk.
What do you think will happen if she leaves the water for a long time? Why?
6. Assignment(indicate whether it is for Reinforcement and/or Enrichment and/or Enhancement of the day’s lesson and/or
Preparation for new lesson) ______minutes
1 minute List down 3 materials that may change from liquid to gas when heated.
7. Wrap-up /

Prepared by:
Name: Cheryl H. Cascabel School: Bibiana Mercado Integrated
Position/Designation: Teacher III Division:Danao
Contact Number:09435664055 FB Account:

DLP No.:33 Learning Area:Science 3 Grade Level:Three Quarter:1st Duration: 50 mins

Learning Investigate the different changes in materials as affected by Code:
Competency/ies: temperature S3MT-Ih-j-4
Key Concepts/ When a liquid water is suffifiently cooled in a freezer, it changes from liquid to solid (ice).
Understandings to Heat is removed from water when placed in the freezer. It’s temperature decreased. When
be Developed ice is left exposed to air, it changes back to its liquid form because of the heat from the
1. Objectives
Knowledge Describe what happens to water vapor when cooled
Skills Discover on how water decreased its temperature
Attitudes Perform the activity patiently.
Values Practice helpfulness in doing the activity.
2. Content / Topic What Happens to Liquid (Water) When Cooled?
3. Learning Ice cubes, bottle with cap, spoon, orange juice
Resources / Learner’s Material pages35-36
Materials /
4. Procedures (indicate the steps you will undertake to teach the lesson and indicate the no. of minutes each step will
4.1 Introductory Preparatory Activity
Activity A. Review/Checking of homework
Ask: What did you learn from our previous activities? What happened to a solid
10 minutes material when heat is added? What happened to a liquid material when heat is
B. Motivation
Ask: What do you think will happen to a liquid when it is sufficiently cooled? Will it
be also changed to gas or become a solid?
Let’s find this out as we perform the activity.
4.2 Activity Presentation (Activity)
Divide the pupils into small groups.
1. Hold an empty glass jar with both hands.
15 minutes - What do you feel?

2. Pour orange juice (more than half) in the glass jar as shown in the figure below.

3. Put some ice cubes .Then, using the lid close the jar tightly

4. Shake the jar vigorously for a few seconds.

5. Hold the outside surface of the jar for few minutes.
- What do you feel?
- Is there air surrounding the jar?
- Is there water vapor surrounding the jar?
- Where did this water vapor come from?
6. Leave the jar on the table for 2 minutes.
7. After 2 minutes, look closely at the jar. Feel the outside surface of the jar again for a few
- What do you feel and see on the outside surface of the jar?
- What do your observations show? .
4.3 Analysis Discussion
After the activity, let the group reporter present their group work. Check the pupils’
10 minutes answers to the activity questions. Process their responses to correct misconceptions if
there are and to arrive at the correct ideas/concepts.
4.4 Abstraction Generalization
2 minutes Help the pupils formulate generalization by asking:
What happens to liquid water when sufficiently cooled? What change does it show?
4.5 Application Practice
2 minutes Let the class give other situations showing that liquid may change into solid when
5. Assessment (indicate whatever it is thru Observation and/or Talking/Conferencing to Learners and/or Analysis of
Learners’ Products and/or Tests) ________minutes
Study the situation below and answer the questions that follow.
10 minutes Your mother is placing water in a plastic and put it into your freezer.
1.What do you think will happen into it after a long time? Why?
2. What change does it show?
6. Assignment(indicate whether it is for Reinforcement and/or Enrichment and/or Enhancement of the day’s lesson and/or
Preparation for new lesson) ______minutes
1 minute List down at least 3 situations showing changes from liquid to gas/solid.
7. Wrap-up /

Prepared by:
Name: Cheryl H. Cascabel School: Bibiana Mercado Integrated
Position/Designation: Teacher III Division: Danao
Contact Number: 09435664055 FB Account:

DLP No.:34 Learning Area:Science 3 Grade Level:Three Quarter:1st Duration: 50 mins

Learning Investigate the different changes in materials as affected by Code:
Competency/ies: temperature S3MT-Ih-j-4
Key Concepts/ When naphthalene ball is heated, it changes from solid (naphthalene) to gas (vapor)
Understandings to without passing the liquid form. The process is called sublimation.
be Developed
1. Objectives
Knowledge Describe what happens to naphthalene ball when heated
Skills Discover on how solid change/turns to gas
Attitudes Perform the activity with tolerance.
Values Practice orderliness in doing the activity.
2. Content / Topic What Happens to Naphthalene Ball When Heated?

3. Learning A piece of naphthalene ball, a piece of stone, 2 identical colored scaucers, a piece of cloth,
Resources / plastic spoon
Materials / Learner’s Material pages 37-38
4. Procedures (indicate the steps you will undertake to teach the lesson and indicate the no. of minutes each step will
4.1 Introductory Preparatory Activity
Activity A. Review/Checking of homework
Ask: What happens to a solid material when heated? (i.e.candle wax) How about
10 minutes to a liquid material when heated? (i.e. water)
B. Motivation
Ask: Can a solid material be change to gas when heat is added to it?
Let’s find this out as we perform the activity.
4.2 Activity Presentation (Activity)
Divide the pupils into small groups. Give the materials they need. (Note: 1.
naphthalene ball crystal is available at the drug store or in the market. You may use a
camphor crystal if naphthalene ball is not available. 2. Use colored saucers instead of
white saucers to clearly see the ground naphthalene.)
15 minutes Give some precautionary measures in using naphthalene ball or mothball, i.e. do
not eat the crystal and avoid contact to skin/eyes, use handkerchief to cover your
mouth/nose, wash your hands with soap and water after use, use hand gloves.
Let the pupils start the activity. Your close supervision is necessary.
Give them necessary instructions in accomplishing the task (i.e. time limit in doing the
activity, group output reporting/ output presentation, and others)
1. Get a piece of naphthalene ball. Place it on a piece of cloth.

2. Wrap it with the cloth and tie the corners together with a piece of thread.

3. Grind/Crush the naphthalene ball into smaller pieces using the stone
4. Divide the ground naphthalene into two halves. Put one half in saucer 1, the other
part in saucer 2.
5. Place saucer 1 inside the room. Place saucer 2 outside the room, preferably
the sun.

6. Observe the ground naphthalene in saucer 1 and saucer 2 for 10 minutes. Note
down your observations.
a. What have you observed?
b. Is the appearance of naphthalene in saucer 1 the same as that in saucer 2? If not, what
is the difference?
c. What is the effect of the sun’s heat on naphthalene?
4.3 Analysis Discussion
10 minutes Let the group reporter present the output. Check pupils’ answers to the activity questions.
Process their responses .
4.4 Abstraction Generalization
2 minutes Help the pupils formulate generalization by asking:
What happen to naphthalene ball when heated? What change does it show?
What do you call the process of changing solid to gas?
4.5 Application Practice
Give some applications or situations showing that solid is changed to gas when heated,
2 minutes i.e. solid toilet deodorizer, solid air freshener, dry ice (solid carbon dioxide) and iodine
5. Assessment (indicate whatever it is thru Observation and/or Talking/Conferencing to Learners and/or Analysis of
Learners’ Products and/or Tests) ________minutes
Answer the following questions :
1. Did you notice any change in the appearance of the naphthalene in saucer 1 and saucer
10 minutes 2? Why?
2. What does this observation tell you?
3. What is the effect of heat on naphthalene?
6. Assignment(indicate whether it is for Reinforcement and/or Enrichment and/or Enhancement of the day’s lesson and/or
Preparation for new lesson) ______minutes
1 minute List down 3 objects that may change from solid to gas.
7. Wrap-up /

Prepared by:
Name: Cheryl H. Cascabel School: Bibiana Mercado Integrated
Position/Designation: Teacher III Division: Danao
Contact Number: 09435664-55 FB Account:

DLP No.:35 Learning Area:Science 3 Grade Level:Three Quarter:1st Duration: 50 mins

Learning Investigate the different changes in materials as affected by Code:
Competency/ies: temperature S3MT-Ih-j-4
Key Concepts/ As the air inside the bottle/ balloon heats up, air starts to expand making also the balloon
Understandings to to expand. But, when the air is cooled, it causes the balloon to contract/shrink. So here,
be Developed we could say that addition of heat (increase in temperature) makes the balloon expand,
and removal of heat (decrease in temperature) makes the balloon contract/shrink.
1. Objectives
Knowledge Describe what happens to the air inside the bottle/balloon when it is heated or cooled
Skills Discover on how the air inside the bottle/balloon expands and contracts/shrinks.
Attitudes Perform the activity with tolerance.
Values Practice helpfulness in doing the activity.
2. Content / Topic What Happens to the Air Inside the Bottle/Balloon When it is Heated or Cooled?

3. Learning glass bottle (with narrow mouth), balloon, 2 small basins, hot water, cold water
Resources /
Materials /
4. Procedures (indicate the steps you will undertake to teach the lesson and indicate the no. of minutes each step will
4.1 Introductory Preparatory Activity
Activity A. Review
10 minutes Checking of homework.
B. Motivation
Have you noticed some vendors selling beautiful and big balloons during fiesta?
To attract customers, some vendors stand under the heat of the sun for a long time. Can
you guess what may happen to some balloons? Some balloons may burst. Why did this
Today, we will do an activity that would help us describe what happens to the air inside the
balloon when it is heated or cooled.
4.3 Activity Presentation (Activity)
1. Divide the pupils into 5 small groups.
2. Give them the materials needed, and other necessary instructions in accomplishing the
task (i.e. time limit in doing the activity, group output reporting/ output presentation, etc…)
3. With the guidance/supervision of the teacher, let the pupils do the activity.
4. Let the group reporter presents the activity output.
1. Take a balloon. Stretch its opening and place over the top of the bottle as shown in the
figure below.
15 minutes



- Is there air inside the bottle?

- Is there air inside the balloon?

2. Place the bottle in a basin with hot water. Observe it after 3 minutes.



Basin with hot water

- What happens to the balloon?
- What does your observation on the balloon show?
- What is the effect of hot water on the air inside the bottle?

3. Transfer the bottle to the basin with cold water. Observe it again after 3 minutes.



- What happens to the balloon?

- What does your observation on the balloon show?
- What is the effect of cold water on the air inside the bottle/balloon?

4.3 Analysis Discussion

10 minutes Check pupils’ answers to the activity questions. Process their responses to arrive at the
correct ideas/concepts. Clarify misconceptions if there are.
6. Help the pupils formulate generalization by asking these questions: (a) What happens to
the air inside the bottle/balloon when it is heated?, and (b) What happens to the air inside
the bottle/balloon when it is cooled?

4.4 Abstraction Generalization

3 minutes (a) What happens to the air inside the bottle/balloon when it is heated?
(b) What happens to the air inside the bottle/balloon when it is cooled?

4.5 Application Practice

2 minutes Ask the pupils to cite other examples of materials that expand when heated or contract
when cooled.
5. Assessment (indicate whatever it is thru Observation and/or Talking/Conferencing to Learners and/or Analysis of
Learners’ Products and/or Tests) ________minutes
As shown in the drawing, what happen to the air balloon when heated? Why?
8 minutes

(When air is heated, it expands causing the balloon to rise)

6. Assignment(indicate whether it is for Reinforcement and/or Enrichment and/or Enhancement of the day’s lesson and/or
Preparation for new lesson) ______minutes
2 minutes Draw on a bond paper 5 living things found in the environment.
7. Wrap-up /

Prepared by:
Name: Cheryl H. Cascabel School: Bibiana Mercado Integrated
Position/Designation: Teacher III Division: Danao
Contact Number: 09435664-55 FB Account:

Unit Test

A.Directions: Read each item carefully. Choose the letter of the correct answer.
_______ 1. A ripe papaya is ( a. yellow b. green c. white d. brown ).
_______ 2. Cotton is ( a. white b. black c. orange d. brown ) .
_______ 3. A basketball is ( a. square b. round c. triangle d. rectangle ).
_______ 4. The rambutan’s peeling is ( a. rough b. smooth c. soft d. hard ).
_______ 5. The pillow is ( a. rough b. smooth c. soft d. hard).

B.Draw a happy face if the liquid has a good smell and

a sad face If the liquid has a bad smell.
_______1. fish sauce
_______2. perfume
_______3. alcohol
_______4. soy sauce
_______5. Cologne

C. Write down how the following liquids flow. Choose the letter of the correct answer and write it on your notebook.
_______1.. water (A. slow B. fast C. very fast )
_______2. softdrinks (A. slow B. fast C. very fast )
_______3. catsup (A.slow B. fast C. very fast )
_______4. syrup (A. slow B. fast C. very fast )
______ 5. shampoo (A. slow B. fast C. very fast)

D. Study the liquids in column A. Write the correct taste of liquid in your notebook. Choose your answer in column B.
___ 1. pineapple juice a. bitter
___ 2. fish b. salty
___ 3. Wine c. sweet
___ 4. vinegar d. sour
___ 5. Water e. tasteless
E. Look at the pictures below. In your notebook, copy the name of the materials and classify them as solid, liquid or

Objects Solid Liquid Gas



4. rain

5. smoke


F. Write T if the statement is true or correct and F if the statement is false or not correct.
_______1. When you blow your hand air evaporates.
_______2. Air takes the shape of the balloon.
_______3. LPG is a kind of gas.
_______4. Deodorizer may change its size.
______ 5. Gas occupies space.
______ 6. Smoke is in a solid state.
______ 7. Wind is moving air.
______ 8. When water vapor is cooled it condensed and turns to liquid.
______ 9. Air freshener takes the shape of the container.
______ 10. Mothballs will dissapear if its in a dry place.

G. Study the pictures/symbols on the left. Match them with their characteristics or description on the right. Write the
letter of your answer on your paper.

1. a. toxic

2. b. poisonous

3. c. flammable


H. Read each sentence carefully. Draw a happy face if it is a proper way of using and handling common harmful
substances, and a sad face if it is NOT.

1. Keep flammable substances like gasoline and alcohol near the fire.
2. See to it that LPG tank is properly closed after use.
3. Do not play with insecticides /pesticides.
4. Be careful in using kerosene, insecticides, pesticides, and fertilizer.
5. Always wash your hands after using them.
6. Avoid tasting or playing with unknown liquid.
7. Always read labels of chemicals before using them.
8. Unplug electric appliances with wet hands.
9. Unplug electric iron and stove after using them.
10. Keep poisonous chemicals safe in a separate cabinet away from reach of children.

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