ACA - Lec 01

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ACA - Lecture 01

A logic gate is a device that acts as a building block for digital circuits. They
perform basic logical functions that are fundamental to digital circuits. Most
electronic devices we use today will have some form of logic gates in them.

For example, logic gates can be used in technologies such as smartphones, tablets
or within memory devices.

In a circuit, logic gates will make decisions based on a combination of digital signals coming
from its inputs. Most logic gates have two inputs and one output. Logic gates are based
on Boolean algebra. At any given moment, every terminal is in one of the
two binary conditions, false or true. False represents 0, and true represents 1. Depending
on the type of logic gate being used and the combination of inputs, the binary output will
differ. A logic gate can be thought of like a light switch, wherein one position the output is off
-- 0, and in another, it is on -- 1. Logic gates are commonly used in integrated circuits (IC).

To better understand Logic Gates

logic gate (AND, OR, XOR, NOT, NAND, NOR and


A logic gate is a device that acts as a building block for digital circuits. They perform basic
logical functions that are fundamental to digital circuits. Most electronic devices we use
today will have some form of logic gates in them. For example, logic gates can be used in
technologies such as smartphones, tablets or within memory devices.

In a circuit, logic gates will make decisions based on a combination of digital signals coming
from its inputs. Most logic gates have two inputs and one output. Logic gates are based
on Boolean algebra. At any given moment, every terminal is in one of the
two binary conditions, false or true. False represents 0, and true represents 1. Depending
on the type of logic gate being used and the combination of inputs, the binary output will
differ. A logic gate can be thought of like a light switch, wherein one position the output is off
-- 0, and in another, it is on -- 1. Logic gates are commonly used in integrated circuits (IC).
ACA - Lecture 01

Basic logic gates

There are seven basic logic gates: AND, OR, XOR, NOT, NAND, NOR, and XNOR.


The AND gate is so named because, if 0 is called "false" and 1 is called "true," the gate acts
in the same way as the logical "and" operator. The following illustration and table show the
circuit symbol and logic combinations for an AND gate. (In the symbol, the input terminals
are at left and the output terminal is at right.) The output is "true" when both inputs are
"true." Otherwise, the output is "false." In other words, the output is 1 only when both inputs
one AND two are 1.

AND gate

Input Input Outpu

1 2 t




1 1 1

The OR gate gets its name from the fact that it behaves after the fashion of the logical
inclusive "or." The output is "true" if either or both of the inputs are "true." If both inputs are
"false," then the output is "false." In other words, for the output to be 1, at least input one
OR two must be 1.

OR gate
ACA - Lecture 01

Input Input Outpu

1 2 t


  1 1

1   1

1 1 1

The XOR ( exclusive-OR ) gate acts in the same way as the logical "either/or." The output is

"true" if either, but not both, of the inputs are "true." The output is "false" if both inputs are
"false" or if both inputs are "true." Another way of looking at this circuit is to observe that the
output is 1 if the inputs are different, but 0 if the inputs are the same. 

XOR gate

Input Input Outpu

1 2 t


  1 1

1   1

1 1  

ACA - Lecture 01

A logical inverter, sometimes called a NOT gate to differentiate it from other types of

electronic inverter devices, has only one input. It reverses the logic state. If the input is 1,
then the output is 0. If the input is 0, then the output is 1.  

Inverter or NOT gate

Inpu Outpu
t t



The NAND gate operates as an AND gate followed by a NOT gate. It acts in the manner of
the logical operation "and" followed by negation. The output is "false" if both inputs are
"true." Otherwise, the output is "true."

NAND gate

Input Input Outpu

1 2 t


  1 1

1   1
ACA - Lecture 01

1 1  

The NOR gate is a combination OR gate followed by an inverter. Its output is "true" if both
inputs are "false." Otherwise, the output is "false."

NOR gate

Input Input Outpu

1 2 t




1 1  

The XNOR (exclusive-NOR) gate is a combination XOR gate followed by an inverter. Its

output is "true" if the inputs are the same, and "false" if the inputs are different.

XNOR gate

Input Input Outpu

1 2 t


ACA - Lecture 01


1 1 1

Complex operations can be performed using combinations of these logic gates. In theory,
there is no limit to the number of gates that can be arrayed together in a single device. But
in practice, there is a limit to the number of gates that can be packed into a given physical
space. Arrays of logic gates are found in digital ICs. As IC technology advances, the
required physical volume for each individual logic gate decreases and digital devices of the
same or smaller size become capable of performing ever-more-complicated operations at
ever-increasing speeds.

Composition of logic gates

High or low binary conditions are represented by different voltage levels. The logic state of a
terminal can, and generally does, often change as the circuit processes data. In most logic
gates, the low state is approximately zero volts (0 V), while the high state is approximately
five volts positive (+5 V).

Logic gates can be made of resistors and transistors or diodes. A resistor can commonly be
used as a pull-up or pull-down resistor. Pull-up and pull-down resistors are used when there
are any unused logic gate inputs to connect to a logic level 1 or 0. This prevents any false
switching of the gate. Pull-up resistors are connected to Vcc (+5V), and pull-down resistors
are connected to ground (0 V).

Commonly used logic gates are TTL and CMOS. TTL, or Transistor-Transistor Logic, ICs

will use NPN and PNP type Bipolar Junction Transistors. CMOS, or Complementary Metal-
Oxide-Silicon, ICs are constructed from MOSFET or JFET type Field Effect Transistors. TTL
IC's may commonly be labeled as the 7400 series of chips, while CMOS ICs may often be
marked as a 4000 series of chips.

Steps to solve logic gates:

1. Symbol
2. Truth Table
3. Characteristic Equation
4. Logic Design / Diagram
ACA - Lecture 01

What are features of computer architecture?

It describes the design of an electronic computer with its CPU, which includes the
arithmetic logic unit, control unit, registers, memory for data and instructions, an
input/output interface and external storage functions.

Full Adder in Digital Logic

Full Adder is the adder that adds three inputs and produces two outputs. The
first two inputs are A and B and the third input is an input carry as C-IN. The
output carry is designated as C-OUT and the normal output is designated as
S which is SUM. A full adder logic is designed in such a manner that can take
eight inputs together to create a byte-wide adder and cascade the carry bit
from one adder to another. we use a full adder because when a carry-in bit is
available, another 1-bit adder must be used since a 1-bit half-adder does not
take a carry-in bit. A 1-bit full adder adds three operands and generates 2-bit
1. Symbol

2. Truth Table

3. Characteristic Equation
ACA - Lecture 01

SUM: = A’ B’ C-IN + A’ B C-IN’ + A B’ C-IN’ + A B C-IN = C-IN (A’ B’ + A B) + C-IN’ (A’ B + A

B’) = C-IN XOR (A XOR B) = (1,2,4,7)

Logical Expression for C-OUT: = A’ B C-IN + A B’ C-IN + A B C-IN’ + A B C-IN = A B + B C-IN

+ A C-IN = (3,5,6,7)
4. Logic Design / Diagram

Difference Between Analog and Digital


Analog Computers Digital Computers

Analog computers Digital computers use

use continuous discrete values or to
values or similar process discrete data.
types of systems They use binary
process continuous system to compute
data. In other words it complicated tasks
uses physical data to
compute tasks

Compared to digital Digital Computer are

computers, analog fast when it comes to
computers are slow in processing their tasks
their task

Analog computers Digital computers 

have low or limited have large memory
public memory and thus are able to
capacity and thus can store large amounts of
ACA - Lecture 01

only store less data. data.

Analog computers Digital computers have

have no state. On and Off these 2

Analog computers are Digital computers are

not on the whole reliable and accurate
reliable as compare to than their analog
digital computers counterparts

Its performance is Its performance is very

comparatively low. high.

Its speed of Its speed of

processing is not so processing is very
high. high.

Analog computers are Digital computers

reliant on physical neither employ nor use
variations and inputs. physical variations for
its tasks.

The results provided It provides results with

by analog computers higher accuracy as
are not reliable as compared to analog
compared to their computers.
digital counterparts.

Analog computers are Digital computers are

extremely easy to use
complicated to use

Analog computers Digital computers do

have complex not have such complex
ACA - Lecture 01

architecture. architecture like

analog computers.

Readability of analog The readability of

computers is low. digital computers is

Analog computers Digital computers

show the result in show the result on the
terms of voltage computer display
signals. screen.

Power consumption Power consumption is

is high. low.


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