Extension 1: For Years 11 12
Extension 1: For Years 11 12
Extension 1: For Years 11 12
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FOR YEARS 11 & 12
Pearson Australia
(a division of Pearson Australia Group Pty Ltd)
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Copyright © Bernard Fitzpatrick and Bob Aus 2019
First published 20 I 3 by Pearson Australia
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Publishers: Julian Lumb, Tim Carru thers
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National Library of Australia Cataloguing-in-Publication entry :
As Fitzpatrick wrote in 1983: 'Mathen1atics, like 1nany other things, is best learnt by doing.
A student begins to appreciate the po,ver of n1athen1atics when he or she has achieved
a 1nastery of basic techniques, not after reading lengthy explanations ... The emphasis
throughout the book is on the understanding of n1athen1atical concepts' (Introduction,
New Senior Mathematics 1984).
f. B. Fitzpatrick passed away in 2008. Fitzpatrick was a respected author, teacher and figurehead
of mathematics education.
Bob Aus
Bob Aus taught in New South Wales high schools for 40 years, retiring in 2007. During that
tin1e Bob taught all courses fro1n Years 7 to 12 up to Level 1 / 4-unit I Extension 2. He has
1narked HSC examination papers and has been involved in the standards setting process
as judge and chief judge for the three Calculus-based courses over four years. He has also
con1pleted review ,vork for the NSW Board of Studies and represented NSW at a ,veek-long
review and standards setting of the upper level course fron1 each state prior to the develop1nent
of the Australian National Curriculu1n for senior students.
Bob spent tilne as Regional Vocational Education Consultant in the North Coast region and
,vas a Mathematics consultant in the Hunter region. When he retired he was Head Teacher
Mathen1atics at Merewether High School and enjoyed teaching an Extension 2 class ,vith
24 students.
Bob's first publication was in 1983 and he has been involved with writing a range of textbooks
and study guides since then, including revising and updating the New Senior Mathematics
series 2nd edition in 2013.
Bob has presented talks on the three Calculus-based courses throughout the state. He has
co-written the Years 6- 9 Mathe1natics syllabus for the Abu Dhabi Education Authority, as
,veil as managing the writing project for support 1naterial for this course. He also ,vrote the
Years 10- 12 syllabus for their Calculus-based course.
This third edition of New Senior Mathematics updates it for the new Stage 6 HSC courses in
NSW to be ilnple1nented in Year 11, 2019.
• ••
Introduction and dedication 111
New Senior Mathematics Extension I for Years I I & I 2 is part Student Worked Solutions
of a new edition of the well-known Mathematics series for
The New Senior Mathematics Extension I for Years I I & 12
New South Wales. The series ha.s been updated to address
Student Worked Solutions contains the full y worked solutions for
all requirements of the new Stage 6 syllabus. We have
every second question in New Senior Mathematics Extension I
maintained our focus on mathematical rigour and challenging
for Years I I & 12.
student questions, while providing new opportunities for
students to consolidate their understanding of concepts and
idea.s with the aid of digital resources and activities.
Student Book
The first three chapters of the first student book contain
·-- _. ..
revision material that provides the necessary foundation for
........ ..--·
.__ .,
the development of senior mathematics concepts. In the new
edit ion you'll also find:
,._ --
--· _
..._,,_.... ,,
-.. .... --
• content built on a rigorous, academic approach that
promotes excellence and prepares students for higher
education Reader+
• a simple, convenient approach with Year I I and 12 content Reader+ , our next generation eBook, features content and
in one book for Advanced and Extension I , with colour
digital activities, with technology such as graphing software and
cod ing to distinguish year levels spreadsheets, to help students engage on their devices.
• digital technology activities that promote a deeper There are also teacher support materials, such as practice
understanding, allowing students to make connections, and exams, question banks, investigation assignments, and fully
visualise and manipulate data in real time. worked solutions to cover all internal and external assessment
items and save you time. · •
• Pearson Places
Year levels are indicated on each page for easy
identification of Year 11 and 12 content. YEAR 11
This eBook feature provides teachers and students \vith
a visual interactive of specific n1athen1atics concepts or
ideas to aid students in their conceptual understanding. MAKING CONNECTIONS
This eBook feature provides an opportunity for students
to consolidate their understanding of concepts and
ideas \vith the aid of technology, and answer a sn1all EXPLORING FURTHER
nun1ber of questions to deepen their understan ding an d
broaden their skill base. These activities should take
approxiinately 5- 15 n1inutes to co1nplete.
Each chapter contains a co1nprehensive review of chapter
A co1nprehensive course su1n1nary is provided at the end
of the book.
1.3 Inequalities involving absolute value and square roots ... . ...... . ..6
3.2 Square root functions ..... . . . .... .... . . . ... ..... . ........ . 41
3.3 Absolute value functions . . . . .... .... . . . ... ..... . ........ . 51
VI New Senior Mathematics Extension 1 for Years 11 & 12
CHAPTER 4 Further trigonometric identities 72 ME-T2
4.1 Sum and difference of two angles . . . ..... . . . . . . ..... . .. . . . . 72
4.2 Double angle formulae ................. . . . ........ . ...... 75
4.3 Half-angle formulae- the t formulae ....................... 78
4.4 Using identities to simplify expressions and prove results . . . . . 80
4.5 Trigonometric products as sums or differences ........ . . . .... 82
4.6 Overview of trigonometric equations ..... . . . ........ . . . .... 85
4. 7 Simple trigonometric equations . . . . . ..... . . . . . . ..... . . . . . . . 89
4.8 Trigonometric equations involving angle formulae ..... . . . .... 91
Chapter review 4........................................ . ...... 93
CHAPTER 7 Rates of change and their application 149 ME-C1
7 .1 Rates of change with respect to time .. . . . . . . ..... . .. . . . ... 149
VIII New Senior Mathematics Extension 1 for Years 11 & 12
CHAPTER 10 Vectors in two dimensions 195 ME-V1
10.1 Introduction to vectors . ..... . . . . . . ..... . . . . . . ..... . .. . . . 195
10.2 Vectors in t\vo dimensions ... . . . ........ . . . ........ . ..... 201
10.3 Vectors in component form .. .. . ........ . . . ........ . ..... 206
10.4 Scalar product of vectors ..... . . . . . . ..... . . . . . . ..... . .. . . . 214
10.5 Projections of vectors .......... . ........ . . . ........ . ..... 219
10.6 Vectors in geometric proofs .. .. . ........ . . . ........ . ..... 222
Chapter review 10 . . ........ . . . ....... . . . . ..... . .. . . . ..... . .. . . . 226
12.3 Solving differential equations of the form i = f (x) ... . ..... 277
Contents IX
CHAPTER 13 Motion, forces and projectiles 310 ME-V1.3
13.1 Problems involving displacement and velocity ..... . .. . . . ... 310
14.4 Normal approximation for the sample proportion .. ... . . . ... 346
Chapter review 14 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 5 5
Answers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 377
Glossary ................................................... 442
Quadratic inequalities
Example 1
Solve x - 4x > 0.
To solve a quadratic inequality you 1nust not silnply factorise it like a quadratic equation, as this is ,vrong:
If you now substitute any negative number for x in the origin al inequality, you will see that it is a solution,
so x > 0, x > 4 1nust not be the complete answer. Similarly, x = 1 is not a solution even though it is included in
x > 0, x > 4, so this method 1nust be ,vrong. What has happened? Where is th e error?
The answer is that for x(x-4) > 0 to be true (Le. for the product of two factors to be positive), both x and
x - 4 n1ust be positive or both factors 1nust be negative.
The solution can proceed as follows:
x>O and x-4>0 or x<O and x-4 <0
x>O and x>4 x<O and x<4
For both x > 0 and x > 4 to be true: For both x < 0 and x < 4 to be true:
x>4 x<O
Hence the correct solution is x < 0, x > 4 (which is read as 'x < 0 or x > 4').
Alternatively, a graphical method can be used:
• Sketch the parabola y = x - 4x
(concave up, cuts the x-axis at O and 4).
• Identify the x values for which the parabola is
above the x-axis (because you are looking for the places
,vhere y > O). These values are the solution. 0 X
The graphical n1ethod in Example 1 has the advantage of providing a visual picture. It is also an easy n1ethod for
higher-degree inequalities.
Polynomial inequalities
• Use the factored fonn of the polynomial to sketch the graph of the function.
• Use the graph to identify the x values for ,vhich the graph is above (or below) the x-axis (depending on the
inequality). These values are the solution.
• If the inequality is< or>, be careful to include the values ,vhere the graph cuts or touches the x-axis.
Example 2
2 y = x 1(x - 2)(x+ I)
Solve x (x- 2)(x + 1) > 0.
Sketchy= x2(x - 2)(x + 1), noting the double zero at x = 0
(a turning point on the x-axis), and zeros at x = 2 and x = - 1. - 1 0 X
Quadratic inequalities
Use tech nology to solve quadratic inequalities graphically.
Example 3
Solve 1 > - 1.
x- 2
There are t\vo iinportant things to note here:
• x -:t. 2, as the function f (x) = does not exist where x = 2
x- 2
• if you n1ultiply both sides by (x- 2), you don't kI10,v ,vhether (x- 2) is positive or negative, so you don't
kI1ow whether to reverse the m equality or not.
There are several possible methods to solve an inequality like this (see below). You should n1em orise the one
or t\vo 1nethods that you find easiest an d 1nost useful, but you should be a,vare of the other 1nethods too.
You can now solve this quadratic inequality using the graphical 1nethod )'
x- 2-
Make the right-hand side becon1e zero, then si1nplify the resulting left-hand side:
l + 1> 0
l +(x-2 ) > O
x-2 -
x-2 -
Multiply both sides by (x- 2)2:
(x-l)(x-2) >0
This is the factorised forn1 of the quadratic inequality obtained in Method 2. Fro1n this point on, the solution
is identical to Method 2.
Method 4 (graphical method) y
1 >-1
x- 2-
Sketch a graph of y
= x- 2 : it is a hyperbola with vertical asyn1ptote y= - I
x- 2
Use the graph to find the x values for which the hyperbola is on or above
the horizontal line y = - 1. You can see that this happens for all x values
fron1 point A back to the left, including point A, and for all
x values to the right of the asyinptote.
To find the x-coordinate of the point A, solve = - 1: the solution is x = 1. Thus the solution is x < 1, x > 2.
x- 2
Method 5 (like the graphical method, but \Vithout drawing the graph)
1 >-1
x- 2-
List all the x values that are excluded because they 1nake the denon1inator beco1ne zero:
x -:I: 2 (the vertical asyn1ptote)
Solve the inequality's corresponding equation:
--= - 1
x- 2
1 =-x + 2
x= 1 This is the x-coordinate of the point of intersection of y = and y = -1.
x- 2
The x values found by these two steps are 'critical values: to be n1arked ◄•--<l>----<---1---1-_,,
on a number line. Use open circles to mark the excluded (asymptotic) -3 -2 -1 o 1 2 3
values. If the inequality is< or>, use open circles to mark the x values
fron1 solving the equation; if the inequality is <or>, use filled circles.
Now choose representative x values from each section of the nu1nber line and test to see whether the x values
satisfy the original inequality:
t O: 1 > 11
Is(0- ves
2) _ - . "
Test x = 1 ~: Is 1i -2 -> - 11. No
This finds \Vhere the graph of y = 1 is above the line y = -1.
Test x= 3: 1 > 11
Is (3-2) ves 2
- - . " Thus the solution is x < 1, x > 2. x -
Example 4
1 1
Solve 2
> 2
X -X X - 1
Using Method 3 (fro1n Example 3): Using Method 5 (from Example 3 ):
1 1 x;c0,1,-1
- - - > - - - - -, sox;cO, 1,-1
x(x-1) (x- l)(x+l) 1 1 2 2
Solve 2 - x - 1= x - x
1 X -X x2 - 1
1 >0 x= l
x(x - 1) (x - l )(x + 1)
Critical values are 0, 1, - 1; all must be not included
(x+l)-x >O
(i.e. open circles on nun1ber line)
x(x - l )(x + 1)
• I (jl (jl (jl I •
1 >0 -2 _, 0 I 2
x(x - l )(x + 1)
Multiply by x (x- 1)2(x+ 1)2: I 1 1 1 No
x(x- l )(x+ 1) > 0 s ((-2) 2 -(-2)) > ((-2) 2 - 1).
)' Testx= -t:
I 1 1 1 Yes
s (<-~>2-(-~)) > (<-~>2-1).
Testx = t:
I 1 1 1 No
s ((~)2 -(~)) > ((1)2-1).
The graph is above the x-axis for -1 < x < 0, x > 1, Testx=2:
which is the required solution. I 1 1 1 Yes
s ((2)2-(2)) > ((2) - 1).
The solution is - 1 < x < 0, x > 1.
1 When asked to solve x ~ < ~, four students began their solutions as follows:
1 ,
StudentA: 4<x-l Student B: 4(x- l )<(x- l )"
Example 5
Solve lx-21<;.
Fron1 the definition of absolute value, you know that Ix - 21is sin1ply
equal to x - 2 where x > 2, but it is equal to -(x - 2) ,vhere x < 2.
Using graphical method (Method 4 fron1 Exa1nple 3):
Graphy= lx - 2land y= ;.
Note that the 'V'-shaped absolute value graph consists of the 2 X
y =0.Sx
ray y = 2 - x for x < 2 an d the ray y = x - 2 for x > 2.
The solution of the inequality Ix - 21< ; is shown on the graph where the 'V' -shaped absolute value graph is
below the straight line y = ; . You need to find the x-coordinates of the points of intersection A and B.
Example 6
Solve lx-41+1x + 21> 7.
Although it is possible to solve this analytically, a graphical approach is easier.
• First sketch y= Ix - 41and y = Ix + 21on the same axes, writing the equations of their rays.
Ren1ember that y = lx-41is made up of the ray y = x - 4 (\vith positive gradient) and y = 4 - x.
Siinilarly, y = Ix+ 21is made up of y = x + 2 and y = -x - 2.
Note that the graphs have the bases of their 'V' -shapes at x = 4 and x = -2.
Next, sketch y= Ix - 41+ Ix + 21by detern1ining the equations of each of its three parts:
• For x < -2, find the equation by adding the ordinates (y values) that apply. Over this domain the
two rays that apply are y = -x- 2 and y = 4-x, so the equation is y = (-x- 2) + (4-x), i.e.
y = -2x + 2. This can easily be sketched. At x = -2, y = -2(-2) + 2 = 6, so the ray starts at (-2,6) and is
drawn back to the left with a gradient of -2 (\vhich is steeper than the existing rays on the diagram).
• For -2 < x< 4, the two rays that apply are y = -x- 2 and y = x - 4, so the equation is
y = (-x- 2) + (x- 4), i.e. y = 6. Add this horizontal interval to the graph.
• For x > 4, the hvo rays that apply are y = x + 2 and y = x - 4, so the equation is y = (x + 2) + (x - 4),
i.e. y = 2x - 2.
Draw this ray on the graph. It starts at (4, 6) and proceeds to the right with a gradient of 2.
You have now sketched the 'trough' -shaped graph of y = Ix - 41+ Ix + 21and found the equations of each of its
three parts.
• Draw the horizontal line y = 7 on the graph and label points A and B where y = Ix - 41+ Ix+ 21and
y = 7 intersect.
• 6 - -
. •.
• •
-- --
y= (4- x) + (x+ 2)
- -
• . --- -
• • 4
.• r= - x - 2
-- -- •
-- -
• •
---2 - •
- --...
y -
=x - 4
. --- -- -
• . ----
• • •
•• •
-2 0 4 X
To solve lx - 4l+ lx+ 21> 7, you need to find the x values for which the graph is above the horizontal line y = 7,
which means you need to find the x-coordinates of A and B.
• To find A, solve siinultaneously y = -2x + 2 and y = 7: x = - ~
• To find B, solve sin1ultaneously y = 2x - 2 and y = 7: x = ~
Hence the solution is x < - ~, x > ~.
Example 7
(a) Sketchy = ✓1 - x 2 and state the don1ain of this function.
(b) On the san1e diagran1 sketch y= Ix -11. (c) Hence, or otherwise, solve Ix - 11> .J1 - x 2 •
(d) Solve x-1 > ✓l -x 2 •
(a) The sketch is shown at right. (b) , ,
'' ,
The don1ain is - 1 < x < 1. '' ,,
'' r=lx- ~ ,'
'' ' ,,
' , ,'
' ,
'' , ,
'' ,
' ,,
' ,
0 I X
(c) To solve Ix - 11> ✓1- x 2 you need to state the x values for which the 'V' -shaped absolute graph is on
or above the semicircle. The graphs intersect at x = 0 and x = 1. Also ren1ember the domain from (a),
i.e. that the only applicable x values are between -1 and 1. Thus the solution is -1 < x < 0, x = 1.
In this inequality, both sides are known to be non-negative
(as ✓1 - x 2 means the positive square root), so you can square y=x' - x
both sides and know that the inequality ,viii not change.
(lx- 11)2 > (./1 -x )
x2-2x + l>l-x2
2x2 -2x>O
x 2 -x>O
-I 0 I X
Graphing y = x - x:
The parabola is on or above the x-axis for x < 0, x > 1.
But the don1ain is restricted to - 1 < x < 1, so the solution
is-1 <x<O,x = 1.
, ,,
-I ,
, ,,
, ,,
1 R <3 (Hint: The deno1ninator is known to be non-negative.)
2 (a) On the saine axes sketchy= 1 - lxl and y = 3x. (b) Hence solve lxl + 3x > 1.
3 (a) On the saine axes sketchy= Ix - 21ai1d y = 2x. (b) Hence solve lx-21< 2x.
4 Solve :x?- - lxl > 0.
5 (a) On the saine axes sketchy= Ix - 21md y = .!._ (b) Hence solve Ix - 21> .!._
6 Solve x < 1. (Note: This looks like a standard problem, but in fact requires son1e malysis, depending on
x+ 1
which method you use.)
A circle divides the number plane into two regions, a finite region called its interior md ai1 infinite region called its
exterior, as \veil as the set of points that n1ake up the circle.
A parabola, cubic, quartic or hyperbola curve divides the nu1nber plai1e into hvo infinite regions, as well as the set of
points that 1nake up the curve.
Points inside and outside a circle
A circle divides the number plane into three sets of points: the sets of points on the circle, inside the circle
ai1d outside the circle. The set of points on a circle of centre C(h,k) md radius r is given by the equation
(x-h)2 + (y-k) 2 = r2.
A point P(x, y) lies on this circle if CP = r.
If CP < r, the point Pis inside the circle. If CP > r, the point Pis outside the circle.
)' )'
, , ,- - - - 1'~<.y) ,,
... -- - -, , P(x,y)
, ,
I Ci] B\j c .dB
'' (h, k)
'' ( h, k)
,' ,'
--- - .. ,
X 0 -.. - - .. , X
2 2 2
The graph of (x - h) + (y- k) < r2 gives the The graph of (x - h)2 + (y - k) > r2 gives the
interior of the circle. exterior of the circle.
Example 8
For the circle with centre (O, 0) and radius 3 units, sketch the region of the Cartesian plme that includes
all points on or inside the circle that are also:
(a) to the left of the line x = 2 (b) on or above the line x + y = 3.
In each case give the inequalities that define the region.
, 2
(a) y (b) )' x- + y <9,x+y>3
3 3
-3 0 ,2 X -3 0 3 X
-3 -3
Example 9
Sketch the region defined by y > x2 and y < 2x + 3. Describe this region in words.
To find the points of intersection, solve si1nultan eously )' )'
Example 10
Describe the region of the x-y plane whose points satisfy the inequalities y < 2 + x - x and y + 2x < 2.
The graph of y =2 + x - x can be obtained by con1pleting a table of values and then plotting points.
It can also be obtained by co1npleting the square for x and then graphing accordin g the shape and
2 2 2
properties of y = x : 2 + x - x = 2 - ( x - x)
= 2 + ! - (x 2 - X + ! )
=2¼ - (x - ½)
'' '
As shown in the diagram , the required region is the region on or below
the lin e y + 2x = 2 that is contained between the 'anns' of y = 2 + x- x • '' '
Simultaneous inequalities
Use technology to solve simultaneous inequalities graphi cally.
-8 -8 -6--~ Q X 0 6 X
6 Sketch the region of the Cartesian plane whose boundary consists of:
(a) the curve y = x2, the ordinates at x = 1 and x = 2 and the x-axis
(b) the lines y = 1 and y = 3 and the circle with centre (O, 2) and radius 2 units
(c) the circle (x - 3)2 + (y - 4)2 = 25 and the y -axis
(d) the arc of the parabola y = 4 - x bet\veen x = 2 and x = -2 and the x-axis
(e) the graph of y =Ix - 11, the x-axis and the y-axis
2 2
(f) the circle x + y = 36 and the lines y = 6 and x = 6
(g) the circle centred at (-2, O), radius 2 units, and the circle centred at (-2, O), radius 1 unit
(h) the parabola y = x 2 - 2 and the line y = x
(i) the curve y = ✓ x , ✓e y -axis and the line y = 2
0) the semicircle y = 1- x 2 and the x-axis.
7 For the shaded region in the diagran1, state whether each staten1ent is correct or incorrect.
2 2
(a) The shaded region is defined by y < lx l and x + y < 4.
(b) The shaded region is the part of the interior of the circle of centre (O, O) and (- 2,2)
(d) The shaded region is the part of the circle \Vith centre (O, O) and radius 2,
and its interior, that is on or belo\v the lines given by y = lx l. -2
1 The diagra1n shows the graphs of y = Ix+ 21and y = ✓4 - x 2
• r= lx+2I
The solution of ✓4 -x 2 < Ix+ 21 is: 2
A O<x<2
B -2<x<O y =J4 - x'
C x=-2, 0 <x<2
D x>O -2 0 2 X
6 Show that the straight lines 2x+ y = 20 and x + y = 14 intersect at (6, 8). Hence sketch the region of the
Cartesian plane for \Vhich y > 20 - 2x, y < 14 - x and y > 0 are all true.
7 Sketch the region in the number plane defined by (x - 1) 2 + (y- 1) 2 < 1 and x > 1.
8 Sketch the region of the Cartesian plane bounded by the curves y = x - 4 and y = lx l + 1.
(a) its degree (b) the constant tern1 (c) the coefficient of x 2 (d) the leading tern1
(e) the greatest nun1ber of real zeros possible. (f) Hence solve the equation P(x) = 0.
P(x) = -x4 + x 3 + 6x2• In standard form (fully expanded): P(x) = -x4 + x3 + 6x2 + Ox+ 0
2 4
(a) degree= 4 (b) constant tenn = 0 (c) coefficient of x = 6 (d) leading tenn = -x
(e) The polynon1ial is of degree 4, so there are at (f) -x4 +x3 + 6x2 =0
-X (x - X - 6) = 0
2 2
most four zeros.
x (x - 3)(x + 2) = 0
:. x= 0, 3, -2
The equation has three real roots. x = 0 is a double root.
A graph of y = x3 - x 4 + 6x2 sho,vs that at x = 0, the curve touches the x-axis.
Chapter 2 Polynomials 13
Example 2
If A(x) = x 2 + 2x + 3, B(x) = 2x - 5, C(x) = 3x4 - 3x2 + 5x + 6 and D(x) = xs - 3x2 + 1, sin1plify:
(a) A(x) + C(x) (b) B(x) x D(x) (c) D(x) - C(x) (d) A(x) x D(x) (e) A(x) + 2C(x) - 3B(x)
(a) A(x) + C(x) =x 2 + 2x + 3 + 3x4 - 2
3x + 5x + 6 (b) B(x) x D(x) = (2x - 5)(xs - 3x2 + 1)
4 2 6 3 S 2
=3x -2x + 7x+ 9 =2x -6x + 2x-5x + 15x -5
6 S 3 2
=2x -5x -6x + 15x + 2x-5
(c) D(x) - C(x) = xs - 3x2 + 1 - (3x4 - 3x2 + 5x + 6)
=x S - 3x2 + 1 - 3x4 + 3x2 - 5x - 6
=xs- 3x4 -5x-5
(d) A(x) X D(x) = (x2 + 2x + 3)(xs - 3x2 + 1)
=x7 - 3x4 + x2 + 2x6 - 6x3 + 2x + 3xs - 9x2 + 3
=x7 + 2x6 + 3xs - 3x4 -6x3-8x2 + 2x+ 3
(e) A(x) + 2C(x) - 3B(x) = x 2 + 2x + 3 + 2(3x4 - 3x2 + 5x + 6) - 3(2x - 5)
=x 2 + 2x + 3 + 6x4 - 6x2 + l Ox + 12 - 6x + 15
= 6x4 - 5x2 + 6x + 30
Example 3
Find x + 7 x+l 2 ,x:;c-3.
The condition x :;1: -3 exists because it cannot be divided by zero.
Divide the leading tenn of the dividend (x ) by the leading term of the divisor x + 4
(x) and write the ans,ver (x) above the x • x+3)x 2 +7x + l2
2 2
Multiply the divisor (x + 3) by the result of x + x (i.e. x) to obtain x + 3x. x 2 +3x
2 2
Subtract (x + 3x) fro1n (x + 7x) to get 4x, then bring down the + 12 fron1 above. 4x+ l 2
Divide this new leading term (4x) by x and write the answer (+4) above 7x. 4x+ l 2
Multiply (x + 3) by 4 to obtain 4x + 12. 0
Subtract the last two lines to get a rem ainder of 0, co1npleting the division.
H ence you h ave x +7x+ l 2 = x + 4 , W1.th no ren1a1n
. d er.
x+ 3
You could also ,vrite x2 + 7x + 4 = (x + 3)(x + 4) + 0:
Dividend = Divisor x Quotient+ Rem ainder
Example 4
If P(x) = 3x3 - 7x2 + 2x + 4, divide P(x) by x - 3.
Divide 3x3 by x and ,vrite the answer (3x2) above the 3x3•
2 3 2 3 2
Multiply (x - 3) by 3x to obtain 3x - 9x and write it under 3x - 7x •
Subtract (3x
9x ) from (3x
2 2
7x ) to get 2x , then bring down the +2x from above. 3x 2 + 2x + 8
Divide (2x2 + 2x) by x and write the an swer (+2x) above -7x2. x-3 )3x 3 -7x 2 + 2x + 4
2 2
Multiply (x - 3) by 2x to obtain 2x - 6x and write it under 2x + 2x. 3x3 -9x 2
Subtract (2x2 - 6x) fron1 (2x2 + 2x) to get Bx, then bring do,vn the +4 fron1 above.
2x 2 +2x
Divide Bx by x and write the answer (+8) above +2x.
2x 2 -6x
Multiply (x - 3) by 8 to obtain Bx - 24 and write it under Bx+ 4.
Subtract (Bx - 24) fro1n (Bx+ 4) to get 28.
Chapter 2 Polynomials 15
The nu1nber 28 is a constant with a degree less than the divisor, so it is not divisible by (x - 3).
Thus the ren1ainder is 28.
3 2
Hence: 3x -7x + 2x + 4=3x2 + 2x + 8 + 28
x-3 x-3
or 3.x3 - 7x2 + 2x + 4 = (x - 3)(3x2 + 2x + 8) + 28
1.e. P(x) = (x - 3)Q(x) + R
where Q(x) is the quotient and R is the re1nainder (i.e. in this case, 28). Note:
When the divisor is a linear function (first degree), the re1nainder \Viii be a constant.
Note also that P(x) = (x - 3)(3x2+ 2x + 8) + 28, so:
P(3) = (3 - 3) X Q(3) + 28 = 0 + 28 = 28
This suggests that the ren1ainder of division by (x - 3) could be found just by finding the value of P(3), \Vithout
doing the long division.
Example 5
Divide 4x - 19x + 9 by 2x- 3.
When writing out the dividend, include all 1nissing tenns by writing the1n \Vith zero coefficients.
6x 2 - 9x If2x- 3 = 0 then x = ~.
- l Ox + 9 P(~)=o x Q(~) - 6=--6
- l Ox + lS This again suggests a siinpler method for finding the re1nainder.
Example 6
Divide x 4 + x3 - 7x2 - x + 6 by x2 - 1.
x 2 +x - 6
- x2
- 6x 2 +6
The remainder is zero, so this 1neans that (x2 - 1) is a factor of
--6x2 +6 x 4 + x3 - 7x2- x + 6. This then n1eans that (x + 1) and (x - 1)
0 are also factors of x 4 + x3 - 7x2 - x + 6.
3 2
(a) R = P(2) = 2 X 2 - 6 X 2 + 4 X 2 + 3 = 16 - 24 + 8 + 3 = 3
(b) R =P(-3) = 2 x (-3) 3 -6x (-3) 2 +4x (-3) + 3 =-54- 54-12 + 3 =-117
3 2
(c) R =P(l. )= 2x(l.) - 6x(l.) +4x l. +3= l. _ l. + 2 + 3= 32
2 2 2 2 4 2 4
3 2
(d) R=P(- l)=2 x(- l) -6x(- l) +4x(- 1 )+3= - l.Q. - ~-~ + 3= - 79
3 3 3 3 27 3 3 27
Chapter 2 Polynomials 17
9 When x 4 + sx3 - ax + band a:x? + bx - 1 are each divided by (x + 1), the remainders are 7 and -6 respectively.
Find a and b.
10 When the polyno1nial x3 + 3x2 - mx + n is divided by (x + 2) the ren1ainder is 9; when divided by (x - 3) the
re1nainder is 49. Find m and n.
11 If x3 + 2:X: + 3x + p and x3 + :x? + 9 have the same remainder when divided by x + 2, find p.
12 When 3x3 - ax2 - bx + 1 is divided by (x- 2) the ren1ainder is 5; when divided by (x - 1) there is no
re1nainder. Find a and b.
3 2
13 When 2x + 7x + ax+ b is divided by (x - 3) the remainder is 120; when divided by (x + 1) the remainder is -8.
Find the values of a and b.
3 2
14 Let P(x) = x - ax + x be a poly1101nial, \Vhere a is a real number. When P(x) is divided by (x - 2) the
re1nainder is -2. Find the ren1ainder when P(x) is divided by (x + 1).
By finding the zeros of a poly1101nial (i.e. values of a, such that P(a) = O), you cai1 factorise the polynon1ial. The first
factor can usually be found by trial and error, and then by long division you can find the quotient, which will have
a degree of one less than the original polyno1nial. You may then be able to find factors of the quotient, which 1nust
also be factors of the original polynon1ial.
For exa1nple, if the original poly1101nial is cubic, then the quotient \viii be a quadratic polynomial, which you can
then factorise into real factors (if they exist). For higher degree polynomials, further trial and error ,nay be needed
after long division until you can reach a factorisable quotient.
Example 8
3 2
P(x) = x - x - 14x + 24. Find one zero of the polynon1ial and then express P(x) as a product of linear factors.
3 2
P(x) = x -x 14x + 24 is 1nonic, so the factors of24 can be regarded as the only possible zeros, nan1ely
+ 1, +2, +3, +4, ±6, +8, + 12, +24:
P(l) = 1-1-14+24= lO;t:O, (x- 1) is not a factor
x-2 )x - x 2 - 14x + 24
P(-1) = -1 - 1 + 14 + 24 = 36 ;t: 0, (x + 1) is not a factor
x 3 - 2x 2
P(2) = 8 - 4 - 28 + 24 = 0, (x - 2) is a factor
Hence P(x) = (x - 2)(x2 + x - 12) x 2 - 14x
= (x - 2)(x + 4)(x - 3) x
- 2x
The factor theoren1 could also have been used to find the zeros 3 - 12x+24
and -4. You should use the 1nethod that you find easiest and quickest - 12x + 24
in each case.
Example 9
Find the linear factors of x 4 +,? - 7x2 - x + 6.
P(x) = x 4 + x3 - 7x2 - x + 6
x 2 - l )x4 +x3 -7x 2 -x+6
P( 1) = 1 + 1 - 7 - 1 + 6 = 0 Hence (x - 1) is a factor.
x4 - xi
P(-1)= 1-1-7 + 1 +6=0 Hence (x + 1) is a factor.
You now know that (x - 1)(x + 1) = x2 - 1 is a factor, so you can use X - 6x 2 -X
this as the divisor in the long division. x3 - x
Hence P(x) = x 4 + x3 - 7x2 - x + 6 = (x - l )(x + l)(x2 + x- 6)
-6x 2 +6
= (x- l)(x + l)(x + 3)(x- 2)
-6x 2 +6
6 Find the values of a and b that 1nake x 4 + 4x3 + ax2 - b divisible by (x- 1) and (x + 2).
7 Given that (x - 3) and (x + 2) are factors of x 3 - 6x2 + px + q, find the values of p and q.
8 If Sx2 - 6x - 56 and 3x2 - 14.x + a have a co1n1non factor (x + b), find the values of a and b.
9 Given that (x - 1) and (x + 2) are factors of 6x4 + ax3 - l 7x2 + bx - 4, find a and band the other two factors.
Chapter 2 Polynomials 19
Quadratic equations
The general quadratic equation is: ax + bx + c = 0, a -:i:- 0
The equations (3) and (4) show the relationships behveen the roots a, f3 and the coefficients a, b, c of a quadratic
Example 10
Write the quadratic equation with roots that are the squares of the roots of 2x + 3x + 5 = 0.
This can be ans\vered without solving the origin al equation.
Let the roots of2x + 3x + 5 = 0 be a and /3.
Now' a=2 ' b=3 ' c=5·. a+/3= - land
2 a/3=~2
2 2 2 2 2
The new equation is of the forn1: x - (a + f3 )x + a /3 = 0
2 2
But a + /3 = (a+ /3)
- 2af3, so a + /3 = (- 2 )
2 2
-2 x 1 = 2.4 _ 5 = _.!..!.
2 2 4
and a 2132 = 25
2 25
Hence the required equation is: x + .!..!.x + =O
4 4
1.e. 4x2 + l lx + 25 =0
Cubic equations
3 ,
The general cubic equation is: ax + bx- + ex + d = 0, a -:i:- 0
Dividing both sides by a: x 3+-b x 2+-C x+ -d =0 (1)
a a a
Let the roots of this equation be a, f3 and r
i.e. :X: - (su1n of roots).x2 + (sum of products of each pair of roots)x - (product of roots)= 0
Equating the coefficients of like po\vers of x in [l) and [2):
The equations [3], [4) and [5) show the relationships between the roots a, /3, y and the coefficients a, b, c, d of a
cubic equation.
Note: These relationships bet\veen the roots and the coefficients are not enough to find the roots of an equation
\vithout so1ne additional inforn1ation.
Example 11
Show that a 2 + /32 + y 2 = (a + f3 + y)2 - 2(af3 + ay+ f3y).
RHS = (a + f3 + r>2 - 2(af3 + ay+ f3r)
= a 2 + af3 + ay + af3 + /32 + f3r + ay + f3r+ y 2 - 2(af3 + ay + f3r)
= a 2 + /3 2 + y 2 + 2af3 + 2ay + 2f3y- 2(af3 + ay + f3r)
= a 2 + 132+ y 2= LHS
Example 12
3 2
If a, f3, y are the roots of the equation x + 2x + 3x + 4 = 0, find the value of the follo\ving.
(a) a + f3 + r (b) af3 + ay + f3r (c) af3r (d) (a - 1)(/3- l )(y-1)
(e) ..!. + ..!. + .!. (f) a 2 + 2 + r2 (g) _1_ + _1_ + _1_
a f3 r
13 af3 ar f3r
(a) Sun1ofroots = a + f3 + y =- b = -2
(b) Sun1 of products of pairs of roots = af3 + ay+ f3y = ~ = 3
(c) Product of roots= af3r= - - = -4
(d) (a- 1)(/3- l )(r- 1) = af3r- (a/3 + ay+ f3r) + (a + /3 + r ) -1 (e) 1 1 /3r + ay + af3
a + f3 + r = af3y
= -4-3-2-1
= - 10 =- l4
Chapter 2 Polynomials 21
Example 13
3 2
Solve the equation 2x - 7x - 12x + 45 = 0, given that two of its roots are equal.
Let the roots be a, a, {3.
Sun1 of roots: 2a+f3=l [l]
Sum of products of pairs of roots:
a +2a.f3=-6 [2]
Product of roots: a2f3=-45 131
From [l ]: f3= i -2~
Substitute into [2]: 2
a +2a(i-2)=-6
a 2 + 7a-4a 2 =-6
3a -7a-6=0
(3a+ 2)(a- 3) =0
a=3 or - ~
Substitute into [ 1]: f3= - ~ or 22
Substitute a= 3, f3 = - ~ into [3]: 2
LHS = 3 x(-~)=- 4i5 = RHS
Substitute a=- ~,{3= 2 into [3]: LHS=(-1) x 29 = - 58 ;tRHS
3 6 27
Example 14
If the roots of the equation x 3 + px2 + qx + r = 0 are consecutive tenns of an arithmetic series, find an equation
linking p, q and r.
Let the roots be a - {3, a, a+ f3 (i.e. three terms with the common difference {3).
Sun1 of roots: 3a=-p [l]
Sun1 of products of pairs of roots: a(a- {3) + a(a+ {3) + (a- {3)(a+ {3) = q
3a 2 -{3 2 =q [2]
Product of roots: a(a 2 - {32 ) =-r [3]
Fron1 [l]: a=-p
Substitute into [2]: - -ff=q
2 p2
f3 = 3 - q
- -r
1 If a and f3 are roots of the equation x2 + Bx - 5 = 0, find the quadratic equation \Vhose roots are f3 and ~ .
2 If a and f3 are roots of the equation x + 4x + l = 0, find the value of:
(a) a+ f3 (b) af3 (c) a 2 + {3 2 (d) a 3 + {3 3
2 2 2
3 If a and f3 are roots of the equation x + mx + n = 0, find the roots of nx + (2n - m )x + n = 0 in terms of
a and {3.
4 If a and f3 are roots of the equation px2 + qx + r = 0, find the following in tern1s of p, q and r.
(a) _!_ +_!_ (b) _l +-!,
a f3 a2 13-
5 If a and f3 are roots of the equation x2 + 5x + 7 = 0, the quadratic equation whose roots are (a- {3)2 and
(a+f3)2 is:
, , ,
x + 22x+75=0 B x- + 22x - 75 = 0 C x- - 22x - 75 = 0 D x- - 22x + 75 = 0
6 Solve the equation x3 - 3x2 - 4x + 12 = 0, given that the sun1 of t\vo of its roots is zero.
3 2
7 Solve the equation 2x - 2lx + 42x - 16 = 0, given that the roots are consecutive terms of a geon1etric series.
(Hint: Let the roots be a, af3.)f3,
3 2
8 Solve the equation 4x + 32x + 79x + 60 = 0, given that one root is equal to the sum of the other two roots.
3 2
9 Solve the equation 3x - l 7x - Bx + 12 = 0, given that the product of two of the roots is 4.
Chapter 2 Polynomials 23
10 If the roots of the equation :JC + p:1 + qx + r = 0 are consecutive tenns of a geometric series, prove that q3 = p 3r.
Show that this condition is satisfied for the equation 8x3 - 100:1 + 250x - 125 =0 and solve this equation.
3 2
11 Find two values of m , such that the roots of the equation x + 2x + mx - 16 = 0 are a, /3, a/3. Using these
values of m, find a and /3.
12 If the roots of the equation 24x4 - 52x3 + 18x2+ l 3x - 6 = 0 are a, -a, /3, 1•
find the values of a and /3.
3 3 2
13 If two of the roots of the equation x + qx + r = 0 are equal, show that 4q + 27r = 0.
3 2
14 If the roots of the equation x + 3x - 2x + 1 = 0 are a, /3, r, find the value of:
(a) a2(/3 + y) + /3 2(y+ a)+ y2(a + /3) (b) a 2/3 2+ /32r 2 + r 2a 2
15 Solve the equation 4x3 - 12x2 + 9x - 2 = 0, given that two of its roots are equal.
3 2
16 Solve the equation 6x - l lx - 26x + 22x + 24 =0, given that the product of hvo of the roots is equal to the
3 2
18 Solve the equation 32x - 48x + 22x - 3 =0, given that the roots are consecutive tenns of an arith1netic series.
19 Solve the equation 8x4 - 2:K - 27x2+ 6x + 9 =0, given that the sum of two of its roots is zero.
3 2
20 If a, /3, yare the roots of3x + 8x - 1 = 0, find the value of: ( /3 + ~ ) ( y +~)(a + /3 ).
21 Solve the equation x 4 - 2x3 - 3x2 + 4x + 2 =0, given that the sun1 of hvo of its roots is zero.
22 If the roots of the equation x4 - 6x3 + 3x2+ 12x + 4 = 0 are a, 2a, /3, 2/3, find the values of a and /3.
Example 15
3 2
Solve x - 4x - 3x + 18 =0, given that it has a root of multiplicity 2.
3 2
Consider the polyno1nial P(x) = x - 4x - 3x + 18
Differentiate: P'(x) = 3x2 - Bx- 3
Factorise: P'(x) = (3x + l )(x - 3)
Solve: P ' (x) = 0: x = - !,3
As P(x) = 0 has a root of m ultiplicity 2 (i.e. a double root), the solution must be either x = - ~ or x = 3, b ut not both.
Chapter 2 Polynomials 25
( 1, 1) (- 1, I) (I, I)
X 0 X
(- 1, - 1)
Example 16
Sketch the graph of the following.
(a) f(x) = x3 (b) f(x) = (x- 2) 3 (c) f(x)=(x-2) 3 + 1
Solution y
(a) f(x) = x = 0 for x = 0
For all x < O,f(x) < 0
For all x > O,f(x) > 0 0 X
J(-a) = (-a)3,J(a) = a 3
:. f(-x) =-f(x), so the function is odd.
(b) J(x) = (x - 2)3 )'
J(x) = 0 at x = 2
The graph off(x) = (x - 2) 3 can be obtained fron1 the graph off(x) = x3
by a translation of 2 units to the right, parallel to the x-axis. 2 X
J(x) = 0 at x = 1
The graph of[(x) = (x - 2)3 + 1 can be obtained fron1 the graph of
f(x) = (x - 2) by a translation of 1 unit upwards, parallel to the y -axis. O I ,2 X
In general, the graph off(x) =(x + b)" + c will have the sam e general shape (0, - 7) ''
as the graph of f(x) =x". '
Cubic functions
3 2
A general cubic function is a polynon1ial function f of the 3rd degree, defined by f(x) = ax + bx + ex+ d, ,vhere
a, b, c, dare constants and a -:I: 0. Every cubic polynomial has at least one linear factor of the forn1 (x + a), where
a is a real number. Factors like this can be found using the factor theoren1.
Example 17
Sketch the graph off, where f(x) = (x + l )(x - 2)(x - 3).
At the points where the graph offcrosses the x-axis, f(x) = 0:
1.e. (x + l )(x - 2)(x - 3) = 0
X =-1, 2, 3
The function value will change sign fron1 positive to negative or from negative to positive
at these points (x = - 1, x = 2, x = 3).
• For all x < - 1, each of the three factors is negative, so f(x) < 0. e.g. X = -2: j(-2) = -20 < 0
• For -1 < x < 2, the factors (x + 1) > 0, (x - 2) < 0, (x- 3) < 0, so f(x) > 0. e.g. x = 0: f(O) = 6 > 0
• For 2 < x < 3, the factors (x + 1) > 0, (x- 2) > 0 and (x- 3) < 0, so f(x) < 0. e.g. X= 2.5: j(2.5) = -0.875 < 0
• For all x > 3, each of the factors is positive, so f(x) > 0. e.g. x=4: f(4)=20>0
Chapter 2 Polynomials 27
0 I
.. X
At the point where the graph off crosses the y-axis, x = 0, )'
sof(O) = 1 x (-2) x (-3) =6. Thusthegraphcrossesthey-axis at (0,6).
(0, 6)
Note: this cubic equation has a positive coefficient of x , so that as x
in creases, y also increases (except in the don1ain between the two turning
points). For x > 3,f(x) > 0 for all values of x.
Example 18
Sketch the graph off, where f (x) = 2x3 - x 2 - 13x - 6, an d find the values of x for which 2x3 -x2 - 13x - 6 > 0.
It is useful to find the linear factors of2x3 -x2 - 13x- 6. (Re1nen1ber there will always be at least one.)
f( l ) =2-1- 13-6=-18,;tO so (x- 1) is not a factor
f(- 1) =-2-1 + 13-6=4;t0 so (x + 1) is not a factor
f(2) = 16-4-26-6=-20-:/:. 0 so (x - 2) is not a factor
f (-2) =-16-4 +26-6 = 0 so (x + 2) is a factor
3 2
To get the other linear factors (if any), you cru1 divide 2x - x - 13x - 6 by (x + 2) md then factorise the quotient.
2x 2 - 5x - 3 The factors of2x2 - 5x- 3 are (2x + 1) and (x - 3):
x+2)2x 3- x 2-13x-6 · f(x)=(x + 2)(2x + l)(x-3)
2x 3+ 4x 2 f(x) =Oatx=-2, 3 -1,
-5x 2 -13x • For all x< -2,f(x) < 0 e.g . x=-3: f(-3) = -30 < 0
-5x 2 - l Ox • For-2 <x< - 1 ,J(x) > 0 e.g . x=-1: f(-1) =4 > 0
- 3x-6 • For -1< x < 3,f(x) < 0 e.g . x=O: f(O) =-6 <0
- 3x-6 • For all x > 3,f(x) > 0 e.g . x=4: f(4)=54>0
This infonnation is sun1n1arised in the following sign diagrm1.
Example 19
Without showing too 1nuch detail, sketch graphs of the polynomial functions defined by the following rules.
(a) y= (x+2)(x- 1)2(x + 1) (b) y=x2 (x-3)(x+ 1)3
(a) y=(x+2)(x- 1)2(x + 1). When lx lislarge,ybehaveslikex • )'
2 A polynomial of odd degree always has at least one real zero (i.e. its graph cuts the x-axis at least once).
3 At least one 1naxin1u1n or miniinun1 value of P occurs between any two distinct real zeros.
4 For a polynomial of odd degree, the ends of the graph go in opposite directions.
5 For a polynomial of even degree, the ends of the graph go in the sa1ne direction.
6 When the graph of a polynon1ial function n1eets the x-axis, it may cut it (single zero), touch it (double zero)
or cut it at a point of inflection (triple zero).
Chapter 2 Polynomials 29
Degree 2 (quadratic)
P(x) =ax- + bx+ c
a > 0:
2 )' )'
Cuts t\vice 6 Touches 6 Does not cut
- - 2 - 120 I X ,6. > 0 .6. = 0 4 .6.<0
-4 Two zeros Double zero No real zeros
0 2 X
I X -2 - 1 I
a < 0:
y y
2 y
4 Cuts twice Touches ---+-+-+""o+-+- x Does not cut
-3 - - 1 0 I X - 2 - ,I.'f+'- 1 2
2 .6. > 0 -2 .6. = 0 /- .6.<0
Two zeros -4 Double zero -4 No real zeros
- 2 _, 0 I X
-2 -6 -6
0 I
I 2 -2 I 2
_, X
-2 _, l 2 X
-2 -2 -2
-2 I O
_, I 2 X
Cuts once Cuts three tin1es Cuts once and touches Cuts once
Triple zero Three zeros One zero, one double zero One zero
a < 0:
y y y )'
2 2 2 I
1 1 I
-2 _, 0 2 X -2 _, 0 -2 I 2 X
- 1 1
-2 -2
Cuts once Cuts three tin1es Cuts once and touches Cuts once
Triple zero Three zeros One zero, one double zero One zero
D egree 4 (quartic)
P(x) = ax4 + bx3 + cx2 + dx + e
a > 0:
)' y
1 1
-3 2 I 1 2 X
- 1
-2 -1 O l 2 X
- 1 _, 0 1
X -2
0 X
-3 - 1 2
- _,
- 1 l X
-2 -3
-2 - 1_,0 I 2
The addition of an appropriate constant to each equation can create a polynomial with n o real zeros.
a < 0:
A negative a inverts each of the six graphs above so that they open do\vnwards, with the properties of their zeros the san1e.
1 Sketch the graph of each function and fin d the values of x for which: (i) J(x ) =0 (ii) f(x) > 0
(a) f(x) = x(x - 2)(x + 3) (b) f(x) = 2(x - ~)(x + 1)(2x + 3) (c) f(x) = x(x - 2) 2
2 Sketch the graph offwheref(x ) is the polyno1nial given. D raw a sign diagrrun ru1d label your sketch sh owing
the poin ts of intersection with the axes. Find the values of x for which f(x) > 0.
3 3 2 2 3 3 2
(a) f(x) = x - 4x (b) f(x) = x + 4x + 4x (c) f(x) = 2x - x (d) f(x) = x - x - l Ox - B
2 3
3 (a) Find the linear factors of 6 + Sx - 2x - x •
2 3 2 3
(b) Fin d the values of x for which : (i) 6 + Sx - 2x - x = 0 (ii) 6 + Sx - 2x - x >0
2 3
(c) Sketch the graph offwhere f(x) =6 + Sx - 2x - x •
Chapter 2 Polynomials 31
Show that the graph off, where f(x) = x - x 2 - Bx + 12, cuts the x-axis at one point and touches it at anoth er.
Find the values of x at these points.
10 Show that the graph off, where f(x) = x3 - 4x2 + Bx - 8, cuts the x-axis at one point only.
8 The cubic polynomial P(x) =x3 + bx2 +ex+ d (where b, c, dare real nu1nbers) has three real zeros: -1,
a and-a.
(a) Find the value of b. (b) Find the value of c - d.
Chapter 2 Polynomials 33
In the Mathen1atics Advanced course, you looked at the graphs of linear, quadratic, cubic and quartic polynon1ials.
In this section you are going to look at the effects of applying other function rules to linear, quadratic and cubic
polynomials and drawing their graphs.
Example 1
In each part, use the graph of the given function to dra,v the graph of y = f tx )"
y ,
(a) The graph of y = .!. is undefined at x = 0, so x = 0 is a vertical y=x, ~
X 3 , ,
asY1nptote. , ,
2 ,
The graph approaches y = 0 fro1n above as x ➔ oo. ,,
The graph approaches y = 0 fro1n below as x ➔ -oo. ,, y= X
2x + 1 =
1 where x = - 1, 0. Hence the curves intersect at ' .,:••
2x+ l '
(-1, -1) an d (O, 1). I
Example 2
(a) Given the graph of y = x , (b) Given the graph of y = (x - 2)2, (c) Given the graph of y = (x + 2)(1 - x),
1 1 1
draw y= -
• dra,v y =
(x-2) 2
• dra,vy= ( x + 2)( 1-x r
y ) )'
4 y =x' 4 4
y= (x - 2) 2
3 3 3
2 2 .,.,...~- y = (x + 2)( 1 - x)
1 1 1
-4 -3 - 2 - 1 O l 2 3 4 X - 4 - 3 -2 - 1 O 1 2 3 4 -1 0
-1 -1 -1
-2 -2 -2
-3 -3 -3
-4 -4 -4
. .
Solution 1
y= x2r'
(a) The graph of y = _l_ is undefined at x = 0. ' '
x2 ' 1 ''
X -1
x = 0 is the vertical asyinptote an d y = 0 is the horizontal asyinptote. -2
1 :r ...
• .
(b) The graph ofy = is undefined at x = 2. ... '
(x-2) 2 s
The graph approaches y =0 from above as x ➔ oo. y= (x - 2) 2 4 ... I '
... ,,'
The graph approaches y =0 from above as x ➔ - oo. 3
The function is never negative. 2 ... '
I ... '
(x - 2)2 = 1
\Vhere x = 1, 3. The curves intersect at y= (x - 2) 2 I
\ .. , '
( x -2) '
(1, 1) and (3, 1). -s -4 - 3 - 2 - 1 0
I i 3 4 s
x = 2 is the vertical asyn1ptote and y = 0 is the horizontal -2
asyinptote. -3
x =2 is an axis of syin1netry.
1 4 .' I \
y = (x+2)( 1 - x)
at X =2 . .: '
Thus the least positive value of ( ~( ) is
-s -4 - 3 2 -1 0
-1 .:•i•' 2 3 4 5 X
x + 2 1-x 9
-2 : '
occurs at x = ;- ' : '\ y =(x + 2)( 1 - x)
' -3 ·
1 1 4 -4 ''
x < -2, ( x + 2 )( 1- x ) < O; -2 < x < 1, ( x + 2 )(1-x) > -9;
' -s
1 .'' '
x> 1, ( x+ 2)(1-x) < 0.
x = -2 and x = 1 are the vertical asy1nptotes, y = 0 is the horizontal asymptote.
x =- ; is an axis of syinm etry.
Example 3
(a) Given the graph of y = x3, draw y = -¼-- (b) Given the graph of y = x (x + l )(x - 2),
x 1
y draw the graph of y = x(x + l)(x _ 2 )"
4 y =r'
3 4
I 2
-4 - 3 - 2 - IO I 2 3 4 X
-2 -4 - 3 - 2 I 0 I 3 4
-3 -2
-4 y = x(x+ l )(x - 2)
(c) Given the graph of y = (2 - x )(x + 1)2, (d) Given the graph of y =,2 + 2x
+ 1,
1 1
draw the graph of y = • draw the graph of y = 3 2
(2-x) (x + 1)2 X + 2x + 1
y y =(2 - x)(x + 1) 2 4
y=x3 +2x'+ I
0 1 3 4 X -4 - 3 2 -1O I 2 3 4
- 4 - 3 - 2 - !.1 -1
-2 -2
-3 -3
-4 -4
Solution y
(a) The graph of y =-¼- is undefined at x =0.
X 3
.!'-- 1 \ , .'
' .~2
(c) The graph of y = 2
is undefined at x = -1, 2. ...: y
(2-x)(x + 1) • ..•• ,
• , ' I
1 )'
(d) The graph ofy = 3
is undefined at x =-2.2.
+ 2x 2 + 1 X 4
As the Exan1ples above show, a 1naxin1u1n turning point on the original function becomes a 1niniinum turnmg point
on the reciprocal function (or equivalent asyn1ptote). A 1ninin1um turning point on the original function becomes a
maxin1u1n turning point on the reciprocal function (or equivalent asymptote).
Graph ing reciproca l functions
Use graphing software to explore graphs of reciprocal functions.
- 4 - 3 -2 - I O _, I 2 3 4 X
, : :,
-? . -1 -?
: , 3
• .:j
, : ,:3
,' - 4 ,,'-~ ,
/ -4
-4 - 3 -2 - 1 0 1 2 3 4
A ?' 8 7 C D
3'I 31 .' ' I ) '
2 'I '
z' i"
'' I
2' '
' '
' ' '
I '
1 ' 1
' l•' l•' ''
\ :' , '
\: '
' ' ' ' '
' '
() X
' X
-3 - 2 - 1 1 2 3 - 3 -2 - 1 0 1 2 3 -3 -2 1,
1 2 3 - 3 - 2 - 1 () 1 2 3
-1 -1 - 1•
-2 -2 -~
-3 -3 - 3,'
3 The graph of y = (2x - l ) is shown. y
- 3 -2 - 1 0 1 2 3
A )' 8 y C { D
' ' '
' ' ~
3 3 ' ~
' ' I
2 '' '' 2 i i
1 ' ' 1 1,' 1,'
' '' 1 3 0 I ,: 3 () I
3 X - 3 - 2 - 1 () 1 3 X
2 X - 3 - 2 - 1- 1 :
1 2 X
- 3 -2 - l, 1 2 - 1,
I 2
-2 I
0 I
- 1!
0 I
' '
- 3 I' 'o -3 '
~: •"
- .,, I
4 Given the graph of y = 3 - 2x, draw the graph 5 Given the graph of y = (x + 1)(2 - x), draw
ofy= l l
3-2x the graph of y = (x+ l )( 2-x )"
2 _.,,..,
-4 -3 - 2 - 1 0 -4 - 3 -2 10 123456x
-1 -1
-2 -2
-3 -3
-4 -4
6 Given the graph of y =x(x - l)(x + 2), draw 7 Given the graph of y = x + 3x2, dra\v the graph
the graph of y = x (x-1 )( x+2 )" ofy= l
x 3 + 3x 2 •
)' )'
4 4
-4 - 3 - I 2 3 4 X -4 - _,
-2 - I O I 2 3 4 X
-2 -2
-3 -3
-4 -4
8 Given the graph of y = 4 - x2, dra\v the graph 9 Given the graph of y = x(x + 1)(2 - x), draw the
of y= l ,. l
graph of y = x (x + l )( 2-x )"
)' )'
4 4
_, 0 X X
-4 - 3 I 3 4 -4 - 3 - 2 I 3 4
-2 -2
-3 -3
-4 -4
10 Given the graph of y = 2 + 3x - x3, draw the gr aph 11 Given the graph of y = x2 + 2x + 2, draw the graph
1 1
of y = 3
. ofy= 2
2 + 3x-x x + 2x + 2
y )'
4 7
-4 - 3 - 2 -1 0 1 3 4 2
- 4 -3 - 2 - 1 O l 2 3 4 X
-4 -1
-4 -3 - 2 - 1 O l 2 3 4 X
Example 4
In each part, use the graph of th e given function to dra\v the graphs of y = .Jf (x ) and y 2
= j(x).
)' )'
4 y =x 4
y=2x+ l
3 3
2 2
1 I
y= l - x
-4 - 3 - 2 - 1 l I 2 3 4 X -4 - 3 - 2 - I 2 3 4 X
-4 - 3 -2 - 1 O I 3 4 X
- 1
-2 -2
-3 -3 -3
-4 -4 -4
y ,
(a) The graph ofy =✓x is undefined for x < 0. 4
y =x,,
, ,
x=✓ x at x = 0, 1. Graphs intersect at (O, 0) and ( 1, 1). 3 ,,
For O< x < 1, th e graph of y = ✓xis above the graph of y = x. 2
I ,
- 4 - 3 - 2 - 1, I 2 3 4
, - 1
, ,, -2
,, -3
, ,,
, -4
2 2
The graph ofy = x is undefined for x < 0 as y cannot be negative. )'
- 4 - 3 - 2 - 1, 0
_, X
, ,
, -2
, ,
, , -3
,, -4
,o X
-4 -3 -2 - 1, I 2 3 4
r l
,I - 2
,I -3
, I
, I
Graphs intersect at (- ~ , 0) and (O, 1).
-4 -3 -2 - 1, I 2 3 4
r l
,I - 2
I ' -4
-4 - 3 -2 - I O I ',2 3 4 X
- I ,
-2 ''
-3 ''
-4 '
The graph of y =1- x is undefined for x > 1.
It has two branches, y = ✓I - x and y = -.JI - x.
'' 3
Graphs intersect at (O, 1) and (1, 0).
-4 - 3 -2 1 ',2 3 4 X
-3 '
Example 5
(a) Given y = x2, draw (b) Given y = (x - 2)2, draw (c) Given y = (x + 2)(1 - x), draw
y= N and y =x
2 2
/ 2
y= \J(x-2) andy =(x - 2) .
2 2
y= ✓(x+ 2)( 1 -x ) and
y 2 =(x+ 2)(1-x).
y ) y
4 , 4
y = (x - 2) 2 4
3 3 3
2 2
,-,-,.. y = (x + 2)(1 - x)
1 I I
- 4 - 3 -2 - 1 0
- 1
l 2 3 4 X _,
- 4 -3 -2 - I O I 2 3 4 X -4 - 3
_, 0
_, X
-2 -2 -2
-3 -3 -3
-4 -4 -4
(a) The graph of y = N
is defined for all x . '' 4
The resulting graph is the same as y =lxl.
2 I
' 1
'' ,,
-4 -3 -2 - 1 O I 2 3 4 X
- 1
The graph ofy = x2 is defined for all x. '
The graphs intersect at (-1, 1), (O, 0) and (1, 1). '' 4
' 3 ,I
The resultin g graph is the same as the graph of y =+x.
1 '
'' ,,
-4 - 3 -2 - 1 0 I 2 3 4
=- !.
y= (x+2)( 1 - x), t
The greatest value of J(x + 2)(1- x) is ; and occurs at x , '
' 1 ' y=.J(x+2)( 1 - x)
-2 < x < 1: 0 < y < 1.5.
_, 0
Further algebraic investigation sho\vs that the graph is a sen1icircle -4 - 3 .!2
I _, 1' 2 3 4
I '
in the upper half plane, centre (-0.5, 0), radius 1.5. I
-3 '
I -4
The graph of y = (x + 2)( 1 - x ) is undefined for x <-2 and x > 1. y
-2<x< l:-l.5< y < 1.5.
Further algebraic investigation sho\vs that the graph is a circle, )' =(x + 2)(1 - x)
/ "'I \
centre (-0.5, O), radius 1.5. ,•,,---!..
-4 -3 7
I _, 0
_, 3 4
I -2
-3 '
-4 '
Example 6
Given y = x , draw y = Hand y = x
2 3
• (b) Given y = x(x + l )(x - 2), dra\v y = ,Jx(x + l)(x - 2)
y and y = x(x + l)(x- 2).
4 )'
3 4
2 3
I 2
-4 - 3 - 2 - f I 2 3 4 X
-4 - 3 - 2 I 0 3 4
-2 -1
-3 -2
y=x(x+ l)(x - 2)
-4 -3
-4 - 3 2 - L10
-3 -2
-4 -3
'- 2
'' - 3
' -4
2 3
The graph ofy = x is undefined for x < 0. y y=x';
4 '
The curves intersect at (O, O) and ( 1, 1). 3 ''
y2 = x3 is equivalent toy = +N. 2
- 4 - 3 -2 -l1
,o 2 3 4 X
''- 2
'' - 3
' -4
(b) The graph of y = .jx(x + l)(x - 2) is undefined for x < -1, 1 <x < 2. )'
The graph of y = x(x + l )(x- 2) is undefined for x < -1, 1 < x< 2. y
The graphs meet at (- 1, O), (O, 0), (2, 0). y=x(x+ l )(x - 2) '
3 '
- 4 - 3 -2 .,,,- 0 '' I 3 4 X
, ' ,I '
,' -2 '-
' -3
' -4
(c) The graph of y = ✓(2- x)(x + 1)2 is undefined for x > 2. )'
y = (2 - x)(x + 1)2
The maxin1um turning point of y = (2 - x)(x + 1)2 is (1, 4), so ' ,
' 3 ,
the 1naxin1u1n turning point of y = ✓(2- x)(x + 1) is (1, 2). '
y= V(2 - x)(x+ 1) 2 '
(-1 , O) is not called a turning point of y = ✓(2 - x )(x + 1) 2 because
at this point the curve changes sharply, not sn1oothly. Instead this -4 - 3 -2 - 1 O
I J 3 4 X
-4 - 3 - 2 I 3 4 X
y' = (2 - x)(x+ 1) 2
(d) The graph of y = x 3 + 2x 2 + 1 is undefined for x < -2.2
The graphs intersect at (-2.206, 0), (-2, 1) and (O, 1).
y=x3+2x2+ I ' y= ✓x'+i?+ I
, - ,2
' ,
, 0 4
- 4 -3 . 2 - L1 I 2 3 X
' -2
-4 - 3
=x3+2x'+ I
- 4 -3 -2 - L10
/ / / /
/ / /
, ,.:'3 , , ,.:'3
, / , /
2 2
Which of the follo\ving represents the graph of y =1 - x?
A y 8 )' C )' D )'
3 3 3 3
2 2 2 2
, I , I
I ' I ' ' ' I ' '
' ' ' ' '
' 0 ' X ,o X , o X X
I '' I '' I'
- 3 - 2 rl I 2 3 - 3 -2 rl 2 3 -3 - 2 ,J 2 3 - 3 -2 10 2 3
' - I '
'' ,' ' '' ,
' -2 '' ,' -2 ' '' -2
, -2
' '
-3 '1 ,'
-3 -3 -3 1
3 The graph of y = x(2 -x)(x + 1) is shown. )'
- 4 - 3 -2 - Li I 3 4
'' '
-2 '1 -2 ' -2 -2 '
-3 -3 ' -3 -3
' '
4 Given the graph ofy = x + 2, draw: 5 Given the graph ofy = (x + 1)2, dra\v:
(a) y= ✓x+2 y= ✓(x+ 1) 2
2 2
(b) y =x+2 (a) (b) y =x+ 1
y )'
4 4
3 3
2 2
- 2 - IO
I 2 3 4 X
-4 -3 -2 -1P I 2 3 4 x
-2 -2
-3 -3
-4 -4
6 Given the graph of y = (x + 2)(2 - x), draw: 7 Given the graph of y = x(x - l )(x + 3), draw:
2 2
(a) y= -./(x+2)(2-x) (b) y =(x+2)(2-x) (a) y=-./x(x- l)(x+3) (b) y =x(x- l)(x + 3)
y y
4 6
3 5
2 4
--4 - 3 -t,0 I 3 4
-3 -4 -
3 2
8 Given the graph of y = x + 3x + 1, draw: 9 Given the graph of y = ( 1 -x)(x + 2)2, dra\v:
(a) y = ✓x 3 + 3x 2 + 1 2 3
(b) y = x + 3x + 1
(a) y = .J(1 - x )(x + 2)
2 2
(b) y = (1 - x)(x + 2)2
y y
5 5
-2 -2
-3 -3
3 2
10 Given the graph of y = 2 + 3x - x , draw: 11 Given the graph of y =x + 2x + 2, draw:
(a) y= ✓2 + 3x-x 3 2
(b) y =2+3x-x
(a) y= ✓x 2 + 2x+2 2 2
(b) y =x +2x+2
)' )'
6 7
4 6
2 5
-6 -4 -2 0 4 6 X
-2 3
-4 2
-4 - 3 - 2 -t 10 I 2 3 4
12 Given the graph of y =-x + 2x - 2, draw: )'
(a) y= ✓-x +2x-2 2
(b) y =-x + 2x - 2 2
-4 - 3 - 2 - 1 O I 2 3 4
y =If( x )I is defined ,vherever fix) exists. If( x )I>0 if -oo < fix) < If( x )I>0 wherever fix) < 0. 00•
y = J(I xi) is the same as y = fix) for x > 0, but different for x < 0.
Example 7
In each part, use the graph of the given function to draw the graph of y =If( x )I and the graph of y = J(I xi).
(a) Given the graph of y = x, draw (b) Given the graph ofy = 2x + 1, (c) Given the graph of y = 1 - x,
Y =lxl. draw y =l2x + 11and y = 2lxl + 1. dra,v y =11- xi and y = 1- lxl.
y y )'
4 y=x 4 4
3 3 3
2 2
I I y=l - x
- 4 - 3 -2 - I I 2 3 4 X -4 - 3 - 2 - 1 O I 3 4 X
-2 -2
-3 -3 -3
-4 -4 -4
(a) The graphs are the sa1ne for x > 0. 4
y = lxl
lxl > 0 for all x. 3
-4 - 3 -2 -lf
I 2 3 4 X
,, -2
// -3
// y =x -4
(b) The graphs of y = 2x + 1an d y =l2x + 11are the sa1ne for x >- 21.
I2x + ll > 0 for all x.
The graphs ofy =2x + 1and y = 2lxl + 1are the sa1ne for x >0.
I2x + ll > 1 for all x.
)' = 2lxl + I
-4 -3 -2
,o X ,o X
- J, I 2 3 4 - 4 - 3 - 2 - ,-
~1 I 2 3 4
y =2x + l' y =2x+l'
,, - 2 ,, - 2
, ,
, -3 ,I -3
, -4 ,I -4
, , I
(c) The graphs of y = I - x and y = II -xi are the same for x < 1.
I1 - x i > 0 for all x.
The graphs of y = I - x and y = I - lx l are the san1e for x > 0.
1- lx l< l
y ' y
'' 4
3 y= l - x ' , 3
' ',2
- 4 - 3 -2 - 1 0 I ' ,2 3 4 X
I 3 4 X
- 1 '
-2 '' -2
-3 y= l - x' ' , -3 Y=I - lxl
-4 ' -4
Example 8
(a) Given the graph of y = x2, (b) Given the graph ofy = (x-2)2, (c) Given the graph of y = (x + 2)(1 - x) ,
draw y = lx and y = lxf.
dra\vy = l(x-2 ) 1and dra\vy = l(x + 2)(1-x and )I
)' y= (l xl-2J2. y=(lxl+ 2)(1- lxl).
4 y=x2 y
3 4
2 3
y = (x + 2)( I - x)
I 2
-4 - 3 - 2 -t,0
0 X
-2 -4 - 3 -2 -t? -4 -3 2 -t i I 2 3 4
-3 -2
-4 -3
(a) The graphs of y = lx 2 and y = I I xf are the srune as (b) The graphs of y = (x - 2) 2 and y = l(x - 2)2 1are
the original graph y = x2• th e sa1ne.
By the definition, lx l= ✓x2 so lxf = x The graphs of y = (x - 2) 2 and y = (l x l- 2) 2 are the
same for x > 0.
4 y=x2 There is a cusp at (O, 4). x = 0 is an axis of syn1n1etry.
3 <lx l-2J2> 0
2 y = (x - 2) 2 t
I 5
y = <lxl - 2J' 4
_, 0
-4 -3 - 2 _, I 2 3 4
-4 X
- 4 - 3 - 2 _, O I 2 3 4
(c) The graphs of y = (x + 2)(1 -x) and y = l(x + 2)(1-x )Iare the san1e )'
for-2 <x< 1. 4
. f
x = - 1 1s
an aXJs o syn1n1etry.
2 I
- 4 - 3 .2 0 2
- Li I' 3 4
' '
' -2
'' ' -3 '
' '
'' -4 ''
The graphs of y = (x + 2)(1 -x) and y = (lxl+ 2)(1 - lx l) are the )'
'' ' -2
' -3
'' -4
Example 9
(a) Given the graph of y = x , draw y = lx 3 and y = Ix 1 .
(b) Given the graph of y = x(x + l)(x- 2), draw
)' y = lx(x + l)(x - 2)1and y = lx l(lx l + 1)(lx l - 2 ).
-4 - 3 - 2 -
-2 - 4 -3 -2 10 3 4
-3 -2
-4 -3
3 2
(c) Given the graph of y = (2 - x)(x + 1)2, dra\v (d) Given the graph of y = x + 2x + 1, draw
3 2
y= 1<2-x)(x + 1)2 Iandy= ( 2-lx l)(lx l + 1)2.
3 2
y= lx +2x + 11andy= lx l + 2lx l + 1.
)' y=(2 - x)(x+l) 2
- 4 - 3 -2 -Li° I 3 4 X -4 -3 2 - Li
I 2 3 4
-2 -2
-3 -3
-4 -4
(a) x
=Ix 3 Ifor x > 0, i.e. the curves are identical for x > 0. )'
Also x
=Ix1for x > 0, i.e. the curves are identical for x > 0.
)'= !xi' 3
The graph ofy =lxl
is the srune as the graph of y =lx3 I. 2
They are both the solid line in the graph.
-4 - 3 - 2 -~,or l
I 2 3 4
'' - 2
y =x': - 3
''' -4
I O \ ~ 3 4 X
-4 - 3 - 2 , 1 I , I ,,_
'- '
'' -2 ' ''''
'' - 3
The graphs 1neet at (O, 0), (2, 0) aJ1d (-✓2 ,-2 ). This last point caJ1 be solved 4
using graphing sofuvare.
The graphs are the srune for x > 0. There is a cusp at (O, O). I
lxl(lxl +l )(lxl-2) >-2. ' '
-4 - 3 - 3 4
'' - 3
Fory= (2-lxl)(lxl+1}2: 4
The graphs are the sa1ne for x > 0. '
The curves also intersect at (-✓ 3 , 2). 2 ,
(O, 2) is a cusp. (-1, 4) and ( 1, 4) are n1aximun1 turning points. '
'' I,,I
(2-lxl)(lxl +1)2 <4 -4 -3 - -I 0 I 3 4 X
- 4 - 3 ~2 - I 0 I 2 3 4
3 2
For y= lxl +2lxl +1: )'
-4 -3 - 2 - I O I 2 3 4 X
3 3 3 I
'' I
2 2 ' 2
' '
' '1 1 , '1
I ' I
I '
- 3, - 2 - 1 0 1 2 3 - 3 ✓ -2 -1 0 1 2 3 2 3 - 3... ,,- 2 - 1 0 1 2 3
-1 ' -1 -1
-2 I
-2 ' -2
-3 -3 -3 -3
- 4 - 3 -2 -t,0
-2 -2 -2 -2
-3 -3 -3 -3
3 The graph of y =x(x + 2)2 is sho,vn.
-4 -3 -2 I 2 3 4
2 ,' 2 ,' 2 2
, ' 0 , ' I
~~/ ~~~'
- 3 1- 2 ~ I _ 1 1 2 3 - 3 ,' - 2 1 2 3 - 3 ,'- 2 I 2 3 - 3 1'- 2 ' ~J -0 / 1 2 3
, 'v'
, , ,, 'v'
, -2
, -2 -2
, -2
,' -3 ,' -3 -3 ,' -3
-4 - 3 - 2 - I 0 I 2 3 4
3 -4 -3 -2 - I O I 2 3 4
-4 -2
6 Given the graph of y = (x- 1)(2 -x) , dra,v: 7 Given the graph of y = x(x - l)(x + 2), draw:
(a) y= l(x- 1)(2-x)I (a) y = lx(x- 1)(x + 2)1
(b) y=(lxl-1)(2- lxD (b) y= lxl(lxl-l)~xl+ 2)
-4 - 3 - 2 - I O
-4 - 3 - -I 0
I 2 3 4
3 2
8 Given the graph of y = (x - 3)(x- 2)(x + 1), draw: 9 Given the graph ofy = x + x + 1, draw:
(a) y = l(x -3)(x-2)(x + l )I (a) y = lx 3 + x 2 + 11 (b) y= lxi3 +1xf + l
(b) y=(lxl-3)~xl-2)(1x + l) y
6 3
5 2
-4 -3 -2 - I O I 2 3 4 X
2 -I
I -2
-4 - 3 - 2 - - 10 4 -4
10 Given the graph of y = -'2 + 2:x!- + 1, draw: 11 Given the graph of y =:x!- + 2x + 2, draw:
(a) y = l-x + 2x + 11
(b) y= - lxr + 21xF + 1 (a) y= lx 2 +2x+21 (b) y= lxf + 2lxl+2
y y
4 6
3 5
-4 - 3 -2 - 1 O 1 2 3 4
- 4 - 3 -2 - 1 O l 2 3 4 X
-3 - 1
-4 -2
-4 - 3 -2 - 1 O 1 2 3 4
- 1
Example 10 )'
The graphs of y = fix) and y = g(x) are sho\vn. 20
1 2 3 4 5
On the diagram, vertical lines are dra\vn through iinportan t points )'
such as turning points, points where a curve cuts the axes, an d points 20
I J.,..
_.. I,.. ., I )'
=J\X )
the left of x = - 1. They intersect at x = -1. y = f(x) + g(x) cuts the x-axis ' '' ,,
,- I I I I
' ',,
at (-1, O) an d (O, 0). -s
-4 _ -..:l- ~i -i
"(} .,
- I
- -4
Example 11
The graphs of y = f(x) and y = g(x) are shown. )'
On the diagram, vertical lines are dra\vn through iinportant
' ' ''
y '
points such as turning points, points where a curve cuts the axes ' '' '' ,,'
and points \Vhere the curves intersect. ''•
On each vertical line, the intercepts of the two curves are ' ,
' "" ' y = fix ) + g(_.j
added to find the position of a new point, which is marked on the ' ' ,
line. These new points are then joined to obtain y =f(x) + g(x). ' \
The solid curve is the graph ofy =fix) + g(x). '
\ ,, ,
y= fix)'' t
This curve is above y =fix) to the right of its turning point, and '
I\ I /
, ,'y = g(x)
belo\v y =g(x) to the left of its turning point.
' "' , ,
\ t I 11' '
,, '
" ,' ' '
t '' ''
t ,_, ,
' ''
' ''
Example 12
The graphs of y = fix) and y = g(x) are sho\vn. )'
-4 -3 -10
O n the diagran1, vertical lines are dra\vn through important points, such as )'
turning points, points \Vhere a curve cuts the axes and points where the 20
curves intersect.
O n each vertical line, th e intercepts of the two curves are added to find 15
the position of a ne\v point, which is 1narked o n the line. These new points
are then jo ined to obtain y =fix ) + g(x). J' = fix) +.g(.r)Jo
I I I ''
The solid curve is the graph of y =f(x) + g(x). .., -.
._ .._ ..,
y =f(x) - ,,, ,5
The ne\v curve is above y =g(x) for x < 4, p assing through (O, 6). They I ,f... ,.,. ~
I / I I
' '
-4 - 3 ~2 ~ I O I . 2 3- 4' -x
= = = = = = =10
Graph ing polynomials by adding ord inates
Use graphing software to verify the add ition of ordinates for combined polynomial graphs.
1 The graphs o f y = fix ) and y = g(x) are sho\vn . By drawing vertical lin es and adding ordinates, dra\v the graph
of y =f(x) + g(x). Comment on th e ne\v curve.
~ (~ ~
)' y )'
14 14 y= g(x ) 10
12 12 8
10 10
8 4
6 2
-I 0 4 X
2 -2
-4 - 3 -2 I 2 3 4
-4 -8
2 2
2 On the same diagra1n, sketch the graphs of y = x + 2x and y = I - 2x. Use these graphs to sketchy= x + 1.
2 3 3 2
3 On the same diagra1n, sketch the graphs of y = x - 2x and y = x . Use these graphs to sketch y = x + x - 2x.
2 3 3 2
4 On the san1e diagran1, sketch the graphs of y = x - 3x and y = x - 3x. Use these graphs to sketchy= x + x - 6x.
5 The graphs of y = x 2 - 2x + 4 and y = x3 - 2x are sho\vn. y
-3 - 2 - 1 O 2 3 X
3 2
Which diagra1n represents the graph of y = x + x - 4x + 4?
A >' 8 >' C y D
5 8 5
4 4
3 3 3
5 2 2
4 1 1
0 X
-3 - 2
1 2 3 2 -3 - -1 0
1 2 3
-3 - -1 0
1 2 3
- -2 - 1 0
- 1
1 2 3
Example 13 II
The graphs ofy = j(x) and y = g(x) are sho\vn. By drawing vertical lines and 10 y= g(x)
n1ultiplying ordinates, dra\v the graph ofy =j(x)g(x). Co1n1nent on the new curve. 9
On the diagran1, vertical lines are dra\vn through important points, such y I
'I II y =f(x) x) ;
as turning points, points \Vhere a curve cuts the axes, points where the curves I
10 I
intersect, and points where the function value is 1 or -1. ', )' =g(x) 9 I
On each vertical line, the intercepts of the two curves are 1nultiplied to find '. 8 I
the position of a ne\v point, which is 1narked on the line. I 7 I '
I ,
6 '
'I I' ,,
• x= -2: Ordinates are 3 and-1, so 3 x (-1) =-3. The point onj(x)g(x) I 5 ' ,,
I I , R
is (-2, -3). 4 I,," y=)\X)
': I 2 , ,. ,'•:/'..
• x = -1: Ordinates are Oand 0, so the point on j(x)g(x) is (-1, 0).
:: 'I
• x= 0: Ordinates are -1 and 1, so (-1) x 1 = -1. The point onfix)g(x) is (O, -1). ,, : ' /
.: ' 1...
', .' . • I :
Example 14 8
The graphs of y = fix) and y = g(x) are sho\vn. By drawing vertical lines
and multiplying ordinates, dra\v the graph of y =j(x)g(x). Co1n1nent on
the new curve. y= g(x)
y= f(x)
3 4 5 X
On the diagram, dra,v vertical lines through in1portant points, such as turning I I
0 I
points, points where a curve cuts the axes, where the curves intersect, and I I
points where the function value is 1 or - 1. ' '
' I
I I 6
Multiply the intercepts on these vertical lines of the hvo curves and mark a I
Example 15
The graphs of y = f(x) and y = g(x) are shown. By dra,ving vertical lines
and 1nultiplying ordin ates, draw the graph of y =f(x) g(x) . Comn1ent
on the new curve.
y =g(x)
- 3 - 2 _, 4 5 X
- I 2
On the diagran1, draw vertical lines through iinportant points, such as )' I
turnmg points, points ,vhere a curve cuts the axes, ,vhere the curves 6 I
' ' .)'=fix) y =gl.x),:,.
mtersect, and points where the function value is 1 or - 1. '
'' 4
y =f(x) gl.x)
Multiply the intercepts on these vertical lines of the hvo curves and n1ark a '' '
' ,: ,3 : '
new point : '
.: 2 : '
: '
Where the horiwntal lme y = 1 intersects a curve it sho,vs the x value for which I '' : '
the product of the two functions is the san1e as the other function value. .: '
' ...: ' -'''
Where the horizontal line y =-1 intersects a curve it sho,vs the x value for - 3 - 2 - ir
which the product of the two functions has the opposite sign to the other ...
.. '
function value.
'' '
' ''
• x = - 1: Ordinates are 3 and -4, so the point on J{x)g(x) is (-1,-12). 1
'' :
., '
~ ':t l
• x = 0: Ordinates are 2 and 2, so 2 x 2 = 4. The point on J{x)g(x) is (O, 4). ' ',' ' I
• x = 1: g( l ) = 0, so J{x)g(x) = 0 and cuts the x-axis at ( 1, O).
• x = 2: }{2) = 0, so f(x)g(x) = 0 and cuts the x -axis at (2, O).
• x = 3: Ordinates are (-1) and (-4), so (-1) x (-4) = 4. The point onj{x)g(x) is (3, 4).
• x = 4: Ordinates are (-2) and 6, so (-2) x 6 = - 12. The point on J{x)g(x) is (4, -12).
g(x) cuts the x -axis again at 0.6 and 3.6, so J{x)g(x) = 0 and cuts the x -axis at (-0.6, O) and (3.6, 0).
Drawing x = 1.5 will help locate the turning point which is at approximately ( 1.5, - 1).
Join the points to obtain y =f(x)g(x).
The solid curve is the graph of y =J{x)g(x) .
The ne,v curve is a quartic, the product of a linear and a cubic function. It is positive where the original functions
both have the san1e sign, zero where one of them is zero, and negative where only one of the functions is negative.
As x ➔ +oo,f(x)g(x) ➔ -<X>. It has a greatest value of 4, which occurs at x = 0 and x = 3.
- - - - - - - - = = = = = = =10
Graphing polynomials by multiplying ordinates
Use graphing software to verify the multiplication of ordinates for combined polyn omial graphs.
1 The graphs of y = J{x) and y = g(x) are sho,vn. By drawing vertical lines and n1ultiplying ordinates, draw the
graph ofy =J{x) g(x). Con1n1ent on the new curve.
(a) )' (b) )' (c) )'
6 6 10
)' = g(x)
5 5 )'=fix)
4 4 5
3 3
2 2
1 1
- 3 -2 - 1 0
- 1
2 3
-3 - - 1 0
- 1
- 10
-4 -4 - 15
-5 -s
- 20 2
-8 3
- 10 4
- 12 -5
- 14 -6
2 On the same diagra1n, sketch the graphs of y = x?- and y = I - x. Use these graphs to sketch y= x 2 - x3.
3 4 3
3 On the same diagra1n, sketch the graphs of y = x - 2 and y = x • Use these graphs to sketch y= x - 2x •
2 2
4 On the same diagra1n, sketch the graphs of y = x - 3x and y = x - 1. Use these graphs to sketch
2 2
y = (x - 3x)(x - 1).
5 The graphs of y = x + 4 and y = x - 2x are shown.
Which diagra1n represents the graph of y = (x + 4)(x - 2x)?
A )' B y C )' D y
8 8 8 8
6 6 6
2 2
-2 0 2
-2 0 2
-2 -2
-4 -4
-6 -6
-8 -8 -8
Example 16
Find the Cartesian equ ation of the curve and describe it in word s, given the p aran1etric equations:
(a) X = t, y = t + 1 (b) x = 2t - 1, y = 3t + 2.
(a) x= t,y= t + 1
Make t the subject of the equation in x: t = x
Substitute in the equ ation for y: y = x + 1
The parametric equation s represent a straight line \Vith gradien t 1 and y -in tercept 1.
(b) x = 2t - 1, y = 3t + 2
Make t the subject of the equation in x: 2t = x + 1
t = x+ l
Example 17
Find the Cartesian equ ation of the curve whose p ara1netric equation s are x = 1 + t, y = t2.
x= l +t [ 1l
y=r [2)
Fro1n [ 1): t = x - 1
Substitute in to [2): y = (x- 1)2
Hence the Cartesian equation is y = (x - 1)2 I
and the graph is th e parabola sh own. - 4 - 3 -2 - I O I 2 3 4 X
Example 18
Find the Cartesian equ ation of the curve whose p ara1netric equation s are x = 1 + t, y = t2, t > 0.
As in Exan1ple 17, these parametric equations give the Cartesian equation 6
y = (x - 1)2, but there is now also the condition t > 0. 5
x = 1 + t and t > 0, so the condition is equivalent to x > 1.
Hence the Cartesian equation is y = (x - 1)2 with the domain 2
restricted to x > 1, as shown. I
-4 - 3 - 2 - I O I 2 3 4 X
Example 19
Find the Cartesian equation of the curve \Vhose paran1etric equations are given by x = 2 sin 0, y = 2 cos 0.
Describe the curve in \Vords and sketch its graph.
Recall the Pythagorean identity: sin 2 0+ cos 2 0= 1. y
2 2
· 0 X , 20 2
cos0 = Y2' so cos 0 = L4 .
Sill = - SO Sill = -X
2' 4 I
xi 2
Hence, using the identity: - 1
+- =l -3 - -I 0 I 3
4 4 - I
or x2 + y2=4
The curve is a circle with centre at the origin and radius 2. -3
Example 20
Write each Cartesian equation in para1netric form.
(a) 3x + y - 3 = 0 (b) x2 =4(y-3)
There 1nay be n1ore that one set of paran1etric equations for each Cartesian equation, depending on how the
parameter is defined for x and y.
(a) Method 1 Method 2
Re\vrite the equation: y = 3 - 3x Rewrite the equation: y = 3( 1 - x)
Let t = x: y = 3 - 3t Let t = 1 - x: y = 3t
The paran1etric equations are x = t and y = 3 - 3t. The parametric equations are x = 1 - t and y = 3t.
(b) Re\vrite the equation: (;) =y-3
Method 1 Method 2 ,
2 Rewrite the equation: x-, =4(y-3)
Let t =
: t =y - 3
2 Let t= x: C=4(y-3)
x=2t y= t2 + 3 t2
The parrunetric equations are x = 2t and y = t2 + 3. y= - +3
The parametric equations are x = t and y = t + 3.
(c) The equation is the sum of l\vo squares, ,vhich suggests that the identity sin 2 0 + cos 2 0 = 1 may be useful.
( x-1)2 (y + 2)
Rewrite the equation:
Method 1
Y + 2 = cos 0
Let x - 1 = sin 0 and -'---
3 3
x = 3 sin 0 + 1 y = 3 cos 0- 2
The paran1etric equations are x = 3 sin 0 + 1 and y = 3 cos 0- 2.
Swapping the position of sin 0 and cos 0 would give different paran1etric equations.
Example 21
Sketch the graph of each curve fron1 its panunetric equations.
(a) x = t + 2, y = 2t (b) x = 2t, y = 2t2 (c) x = 2 sin 0, y = 2 cos 0
Either use graphing soft,vare or dra,v up a table of values and plot points.
t -2 -1 0 0 X
-2 -I I 2
X 0 1 2 -I
y -4 -2 0
(b) -2 -1
t 0 1 2 9
X -4 -2 0 2 4 7
y 8 2 0 2 8
-4 - 3 -2 - I 0 I 2 3 4
0 0 -11: -11: -TC -TC -2rr: -311: -Srr: 11:
6 4 3 2 3 4 6
x=2sin0 0 1 ✓2 ✓3 2 ✓3 ✓2 0.5 0
This table gives the right half of the graph of the relation. By changing the
signs on values as the quadrant for 8 changes, the left half n1ay be graphed
-3 - -10 I 3 X
Substituteinto[2): y=a(;af
x- =4ay
The point P(2at, at2) on the parabola is the variable point that depends on the value oft, so it is frequently called
'the point t'.
For questions 1 to 14, find the Cartesian equation of the curves with the parametric equations given.
1 x = 2t, y = t + 2 2 x = t, y = t2 3 x = t, y = } 4 x = 2 cos 8, y = 2 sin 8, 0 < 8 < 2,r
15 Two boats on a lake start sailing at the san1e time. Boat A moves on a course given by x = ; , y = t + 1,
while boat B moves on a course given by x = t - 2, y = -2t + 9, where tis the tiine elapsed in hours.
(a) Find the Cartesian equation for the course of each boat. Show that the courses intersect at the point (1,3).
(b) Do the boats collide? Justify your answer.
16 Find the Cartesian equation for the paran1etric equations x = sec 8, y = tan 8, -1 < 8 < 1·
17 Find the Cartesian equation for each of the following parabolas.
(a) x = 2t, y = 2t2 (b) x = 12t, y = 6t2 (c) x = t + 2, y = t
(d) x=4t,y=-2t2 (e) x= ✓t ,y=t+l
18 Sketch the graph of each curve from its paran1etric equations.
(a) x=t+l,y=2t- l (b) x=t,y=2t2 (c) x= t ,y=t2
. e, y = 4 COS 8 (e )sin8 , y = cos8
(d) X = 4 Sin X =
2 2
19 Find the Cartesian equation for each of the following parabolas.
(a) x=2t,y=t2 (b) x=l2t,y =6t2 (c) x=t + 2,y=t2 (d) x=4t,y=-2r
Conchoid of Nicomedes
An interesting family of curves are the conchoids of Nicomedes. The parametric equations of these curves are
x =a+ cost and y = atant + sint. Observe the change in shape for changing values of a.
1 Given the graph of y = x + 4, dra,v:
(a) y= x~4 6
(b) y= ✓x + 4
(c) y= lx + 41
0 X
- 10 - 8 - 2- 2 2 4
(d) y = I
(x + 4) 2 -4
2 -6
(e) y =x +4
(t) y= lxl+4
2 Given the graph of y = x2 - 4, draw:
(a) y= 2 1
x - 4 4 y=x' - 4
(b)y = .Jx2- 4 2
(d) - 1
y - ( X 2 -4)2
(e) y 2=x2-4
(t) y= lx2 1-4
3 Given the graph of y = x - 2x + 3, draw: )'
(a) y=
x 3
(b) y= .Jx 3
- 2x+3 2
3 y=x' - 2x+3
(c) y= lx -2x+31
2 3 0 X
(d) y = x - 2x + 3 -4 2 4
(e) y= lx 1-2lxl+ 3
-10 I 2 3 4
5 For each set of para111etric equations given, (i) sketch the graph of the curve; (ii) find the Cartesian equation of
the curve.
(a) X = 2 - t, y = t + 2 (b) x = 3t, y = 3C (c) x= Ssin 0,y = 5cos0
6 The point P(t + 3, t2 - 5) is a variable point on a parabola. Find the Cartesian equation of this parabola.
7 Match the paran1etric equations to their Cartesian equations. (The Cartesian equations A B C D may be used
more th an once.)
2 , 2 2
(a) x = 2ap, y = -ap (b) x=ap-,y=2ap (c) x = -2ap, y = -ap (d) x=2ap, y=ap
2 , ,
A J=4ax B y =-4ax C x- =4ay D x- =-4ay
8 x = t - 2, y = 2t - 1 are the parametric equations for a parabola. Find the Cartesian equation.
Writing(-¢) in place of¢ in (3): sin (0- ¢)=sin 0cos (-¢) + cos 0 sin(-¢)
sin (0- ¢)=sin 0cos ¢- cos 0 sin¢ (4)
Dividing numerator and denominator by cos 0 cos <P (cos 0 cos <P -:I: O):
m) tan0 - tanip [6)
tan - .,, = 1 + tan0tanip
Example 1
Find the expansion for each expression, simplifying where possible.
(a) sin (3x + 2y) (b) cos (2 a+ /J) (c) tan (A + 45°)
(a) sin (3x+ 2y) = sin 3xcos2y + cos3xsin2y (b) cos(2a+ /J) = cos2acosf3- sin2asinf3
(c) tan(A+ 45 o)= tanA+tan45° =l + tanA
1- tanA tan45° 1 - tanA
Example 2
Sin1plify each expression.
(a) sin(2a+ /3)cos {3- cos(2a+ /J) sin/3 (b) cos (20- 3a) cos20 + sin (20- 3a)sin 20
By recognising the forn1 of the equation, the two-angle expansion can be used in reverse:
(a) sin (2a + /3)cos /3- cos (2a + /3)sin f3 = sin [(2a + /3) - /3] = sin 2a
(b) cos(20- 3a) cos20+ sin (20- 3a) sin20= cos [(20- 3a) - 20)
=cos(-3a) =cos3a
Alternatively, the expressions on the LHS can be expanded and like term s collected For exainple, the solution to
(a) becomes:
sin (2a + /3) cos /3- cos (2a + /3)sin /3 = [sin 2acos f3 + cos 2asin /3]cos {3- [cos2a cos {3- sin 2asin /3)sin f3
= sin 2a cos f3 + cos2a sin f3 cos /3- cos2a cos f3 sin f3 + sin 2a sin f3
2 2
Example 3
If 0 and <Pare acute angles and sin 0 = 3 and tan <P = 24 , find, without using a calculator, the exact value of the
c 11o\v1ng
,o , expressions:
, 5 7
(a) sin (0+ <P) (b) cos(0-<P) (c) tan (0- <P)
Draw right-angled triangles for each ratio and use Pythagoras' theoren1 to find the third side.
. 0 = -3
Sln 24
tan<P = -
5 7
cos0= 4
sin <P = 24 24 25
5 8 25
tan0= -3
4 cos<P= -7
(a) sin ( 0 + ip) = sin 0 cos ip + cos 0 sin ip (c) tan( 0 -IP)= tan0-tanip
=lx ...Z... + 4 x 24 1 + tan0 tanip
5 25 5 25
3 24
-_ -125
117 _ 4 7
- 1+lx 24
(b) cos (0- ip) = cos 0cos ip + sin 0 sin ip 4 7
= 4 x 2._ + l x 24
5 25 5 25 - 228+72
100 75
125 =-100
5 4
1 Expand:
(a) sin (A + 2B) (b) sin (2x - y) (c) cos (2x - 3y)
(d) cos(20+ 60°) (e) tan(0+a) (f) tan (A - 135°)
2 Siinplify:
(a) sin A cos (A - B) + cos A sin (A - B) (b) cos(0+ a)cos (0- a)+ sin (0 + a)sin (0- a)
(c) sin2A cos A - cos2A sin A (d) cos60° cos30° - sin60° sin 30°
tan0 - tan20° tan2a + tana
(e) ~-~-~ (f) ~ -~-- (g) sin (2A + B) cos (A + B) - cos (2A + B) sin (A + B)
1+ tan20° tan0 l - tan2a tana
tan3x - tanx
(h) cos(30 + a)cos(20 + a) + sin(30+ a)sin(0+a) (i) l+ tan x tanx
3 The expression tan(A+B)+tanC
) . l'fi
s1n1p I es to:
1- tan(A + B tanC
A tan A + tanB + tanC 8 tan(A-B + C) C tan (A + B - C) D tan (A + B + C)
4 (a) Find the exact value of sin 38° cos 22° + cos 38° sin 22°.
. tanll9°+ tanl6°
(b) Find the exact value of .
1- tan 1190tan 160
(c) Find the exact value of cos 165°. (d) Expand and siinplify sin (x + 40°) + sin (x - 40°).
5 Write the expansion of cos (A + B). Fro1n this, deduce the expan sion of cos (A - B).
6 Write the expansion of cos (0- ip). Write (90° - 0) in place of 0 to deduce the expansion of sin (0 + ip).
7 If 0 and ip are angles between 0° and 90°, sin 0 = ~, tan ip = J find the following ,vithout using a calculator.
(a) sin (0- ip) (b) cos (0 + ip) (c) tan (0- ip)
8 If tan A = 4, tan B = ~, and A and B are acute angles, then A - B = ...
A 45° 8 30° C 60° D 135°
9 If tan a = j and cos/3= ~~' where O< /3 < a< 90°, evaluate the following without using a calculator.
(a) sin 2a (b) tan 2a (c) cos (a- /3)
10 (a) Using the expansion of sin (A + B), prove that sin 75° = ✓6: ✓2.
(b) Using the expansion of tan (A + B), prove that tan 75° = 2 + ✓3.
Using the sum-and-difference-of-two-angles forn1ula [2) (see previous section), \vriting 0 in place of !fa:
tan (e + e~ tan0+tan0
J = l - tan0 tan0
tan20= , tan0;t: + l [9)
1-tan 28
The double angle fonnulae can be used in n1any different \vays.
For exan1ple, as 40= 2 x 20, therefore sin 40= 2sin20cos20.
This result can be further sin1plified by again using the double angle forn1ulae to obtain an expression in tenns of 0:
sin40 = 2 x 2sin 0cos 0x (cos2 0- sin 2 0) = 4sin 0cos 0 (cos 2 0- sin 2 0).
Also, sin 0 = 2 sin ~ cos ~ , so it is possible to express a function of an angle in tenns of half the angle.
Example 4
If tan A = - !,90° < A < 180°, and cos B = 153, 0° < B < 90°, write the exact value of the follo\ving.
(a) sin (A - B) (b) cos2A (c) tan (A + B) (d) sin 2B
Draw diagrams to show the given ratio for each angle, then use the diagran1s to find the other ratios for the angle.
sin A= l y sinB = 12
5 13
5 y
cosA =--4 3 A cosB=2 13 12
5 13
tan A=_]. -4 0 12 B
tanB= -
5 0 5 X
(a) sin (A - B) = sin AcosB - cos A sinB (b) cos2A = cos 2 A - sin 2 A
=lx2.... + 4x l 2=63
5 13 5 13 65 =(-tf-(~f =is
(c) tan (A+ B) = tan A+ tanB (d) sin 2B = sin B cos B
1- tanA tanB
3 + s12 _ 33 12 5
_ 7 = 2X 13 X 13
- 1+ l x .!2 - 56
4 5
= 169
Example 5
cos30 sin 30 sin 2a+sin a
(a) Prove that . + = 2cot 20. (b) Prove that = tan a.
SIIl 0 COS 0 1+cos 2a+cosa
(a) LHS = c~s 30 + sin 30 (b) Method 1
s1n0 cos0
LHS= sin 2a+sina
cos 30cos 0+sin 30 sin 0 l +cos2a+cosa
- ---~~~~--
sin 0cos0
2 sin a cos a+sin a
cos(30- 0) - 2
- 1sin 20 1+2cos a - l +cosa
2cos20 - cosa(2cosa+l)
- sin 20
sin a
=2cot20=RHS = - - if 2cosa+l:;c0
cos a
In the deno1ninator, use forn1ula [7) to directly
replace 1 + cos2a,vith 2cos2 a.
Example 6
If cos x = -! and 1< x < n, find the value of: (a) sin x (b) sin2x
Fro1n the diagram (dra,vn to show the given ratio for the angle):
Example 7
(a) cos TC cos TC - sin TC sin TC
3 6 3 6 (b) sin( 1-0)+ sin( 1 - ¢) (c) sin(1 -x)cos(1 -x)
() TC - SinJ
• TC Sin
• (i
J + (i
TC) (using forn1ula [2] fron1 page 75)
= cos TC= 0
(b) sin( 1-0) + sin( 1 - ¢) = cos0 + cos¢
(c) sin ( 1-x)cos ( 1-x) = 1x 2sin( 1-x)cos( 1-x)
4 If sin 0 = ~, 1< 0 < TC and tan¢ = J.4, 0 < ¢ < 1,find the value of:
(a) sin(0-¢) (b) cos(0-¢) (c) tan(0-¢)
5 Sin1plify:
(a) l + tan (1 - a) (b) l-cos2 (TC + 0) (c) sin0cos (1 - 0)+cos0sin (1 -0)
(d) 2 cos 2 : - 1 (e) l - sin0cos(1 - 0) (f) sin (TC- 0) cos¢- cos(TC- 0) sin¢
Example 8
Given that tan A = i52 , find the exact values of sin2A and cos2A.
l - t2
tanA =
so t= 5 :
. 2A = 2t
l + t2
cos2A =
l+t 2
_ 2>< ff _1- (-&)2
- - 2
5 2
1+ ( 12) 1 + ( .52)
120 119
= 169 = 169
Note: If a calculator is used to find in tennediate values then the answer will be only approxiinate.
For exan1ple, tan A = 5 so A = 22° 37', 2A = 45° 14', sin 2A "' 0.70998, while ~~~ "' 0.710 06 (both to five d.p.) -
close, but not the san1e.
Example 9
cos0 + sin0 - l 0
Use the t fonnulae to prove that: cos 0 _ sin 0 + 1 = tan 2
LHS = cos0+ sin0 - l
cos0 - sin0 + 1
l - t + 2t 1)
- ( 1+ t
1+ t
( 1l +
- t 2t 2 + l)
t2 - 1+ t
2 2 2 2
= ( 1- t + 2t - (1 + t )) + ( 1- t - 2t + (1 + t ) )
2 2
1+ t 1+ t
1- t 2 + 2t - 1- t 2
- l - t 2 - 2t + l+t 2
2t - 2t 2
- 2 - 2t
_ 2t(l - t)
- 2(1 - t)
= t = tan ~ = RHS
(a) sin A - cosA (b) 3sinA + 4cosA (c) 2cosA- sinA (d) cotA
cot A - tan A
(e) cot A - tan A (t) (g ) l - l s1n
•A tan A (h) l + tanA tan1
cotA+tanA 2 2
(i) tan A - tan 4 0) cot1 - 2cotA (k) l+sinA + cosA (I)
sin A + sin ~
cot~+tanA 1+sinA - cosA 1+cos A+cos ~
l - cos0
4 Ift = tan -0 then - - - =
2' sin0
l + t2 l - 2t+t 2
A O B t C D t
5 If t = tan~, solve for t the equation tan 0 = d.
Example 10
cos20 + sin20- l
Prove that = tan 0.
cos2 0 -sin2 0 +l
LHS = cos20 + sin20-l
cos20- sin20 + 1
1-2 sin 2 0 + 2sin0cos0-l
-- ---------
2 cos 2 0-1- 2sin0cos0 + 1
2 sin 0(cos0 - sin 0)
- 2 cos0(cos0- sin0)
- cos0
= tan0 = RHS
Notice how t\vo different expansions for cos 20 are used in Exa1nple 10 above. To decide ,vhich expansion is the best
to use in each part you 1nust consider the - 1 in the nun1erator and the + 1 in the denominator. The ain1 is to re1nove
these constants by using the appropriate fonn.
Using cos20= cos 2 0-sin 2 0would have 1nade the question more con1plicated. Try this to see for yourself.
20 2 sin 3 0+cos 3 0 _ l. .
15 tan ( 0 + a) tan ( 0- a ) = tan - tan a 16 sin0+cos0 - l - 2 sin 20
l - tan 2 0tan 2 a
2cos 82 - l - cos0 _ l - cos 82
17 18 cot(x +y)= cotxcot y - 1
2cos~ + l +cos0 - 1 + cos~ cotx+coty
tan20 - tan0
19 - - - - ~ =tan 20 20 tan (0 + 45°) tan ( 0-45°) = -1
tan20 + cot0
l - tan0tan20
21 - - ~ - - - = 4cos20 - 3
l +tan0tan20
22 If tan A= P, express the following in tenns of p and q.
(a) qsinAcosA + psin 2 A (b) psin2A + qcos2A
23 If A, B and Care the angles of a triangle, prove that cos A cos B - sin A sin B + cos C = 0.
24 Given that sin 18° = !(✓5 - 1) , find cos 36° in surd form.
. tern1s of tan 0'f
25 F.111d tan x 111 1 tan 0 = cos(0+x)
( ).
cos 0 - x
26 Three points P, Q, Rare in a horizontal plane. Angles RPQ and RQP are a and /3 respectively. If PQ is x units
in length, show that the perpendicular distance y fro1n R to PQ is given by y = x tan a tan~ .
tana + tan
27 Using the double-angle formula for tan 0, find tan 22.5° in silnplest surd fonn.
28 cos
( 1- x)- sin 1- x) sin1plifies to:
30 If 1< x < 1r: and cosx = - ~' find the value of: (a) Sll1X (b) sin2x (c) tan2x
31 If cosec a= - 1 and tr< a< 3 f, find the value of: (a) cota (b) tan2a
35 By expanding each term on the left-hand side, prove that si11 ( 0 + : ) sin ( 0 - : ) = sin 2 0 - !.
1r: l - cos20 1r: r;::
36 If O < 0 <
2,prove that tan 0 = 1
+cos . Hence sho,v that the exact value of tan is v 2 - 1.
20 8
37 (a) By writing expansions for sin (A + B) and sin (A - B), find a silnplified expression for
sin (A+ B) + sin (A - B).
(b) By writing 0 = A +Band ip = A - B, find an expression for sin 0 + sin ip as the product of two
trigonometric functions.
38 If sec 0- tan 0= ~' sho,v that sin 0 = ~. (Hint: Use t formulae.)
n'o a. sin2a
39 If 4 tan (a- ,.,1 = 3 tan a, prove that tan,-,= 7 +cos 2a.
40 Use the factors of .x3-/ to show that cos6 8 - sin 6 8 = ( 1- ~ sin 2 28) cos 28.
41 If tan 8 = t, express sin 2 8 and cos 28 in terms oft. Find the values oft for \Vhich
(k + 1) sin28 + (k- 1) cos28= k + 1.
42 If A, Band Care successive terms of an arith1netic series, prove that sin A + sin C = 2 sin B cos (B - A).
12- m 2
43 Ifcos8= , and0<8<n ,expresstan8andsin28intermsof/andm.
l 2 +m- 2
44 If tan a = k tanj,, show that (k- l ) sin (a+ j,) = (k + 1) sin (a- j,).
cos A cosB =
(cos(A + B) + cos (A - B)) sin AsinB= ~ (cos(A-B)-cos(A+B))
Example 11
Express each product as a su1n or difference of trigonon1etric functions:
(a) 2 cos 5x sin x (b) 2sin 4A sinA (c) cos 38 cos 58 (d) sin 38 cos 8
(a) 2 cos5x sinx = sin (5x + x) - sin (5x-x) (b) 2sin 4A sinA = cos(4A -A)- cos (4A + A)
= sin6x - sin4x = cos3A -cos5A
(c) cos38cos58=
(cos (38+ 58) + cos (38- 58)) (d) sin38cos8= ~ (sin (38+ 8) +sin(38-8))
= ~ (cos88+ cos(-28)) = ~ (sin 48+ sin28)
= ~ (cos88+ cos28)
Hence A =
0 +'"
'I' and B =
0-</> .
2 2
Substitute in [a]: sin 0 + sin</>= 2 sin ( ; </>) cos ( 8 ; <I>)
8 8
Substitute in [b ]: sin 0- sin </>= 2 cos ( ; </>) sin ( ; </>)
Example 12
Convert the following su1ns or differences into products:
(a) sin 6x- sin4.x (b) cos 3A - cos SA (c) cos80+ cos20 (d) sin 3x+ sin x
. 6X
(a) Sin -
. 4X = 2 COS ( 6x + 4x) Sin
Sin . ( 6x - 4x) (b) cos3A - cos SA= -2sin ( 3A; SA) sin ( 3 A; SA)
2 2
= 2 cos Sx sin x =-2sin4A sin(-A)
= 2sin4A sin A
Example 13
sin0 + sin30 + sin50
Show that = tan 30.
cos 0 + cos3 0 + cosS 0
LHS = sin 0 + sin30 + sinS0
cos0 + cos30 + cosS0
(sin50 + sin0) + sin30
- (cos50+cos0)+cos30
2 sin 30cos20 + sin30
- 2 cos30cos20 + cos30
sin30(2 cos20 + 1)
- cos30(2 cos20+1)
sin 30
-- ~
= tan 30=RHS
. ( 3x + y) COS ( 3x - y )
11 Sin 12 2 sin 75° cos 15° 13 sin (A - B) sin (A + B)
2 2
14 cos 75° cos 45° 15 2sin(0 + ¢) cos(8-q'>) 16 sin ( A; B) cos ( A; B)
17 sin 100° sin 130° 18 2sin30cos 8 19 cos(0+ 2¢) sin(2 8 + q'>)
36 sin (2A + 2B) - sin (2A - 2B) 37 sin 165° - sin 105° 38 sin 8- cos q'>
Example 14
Find all values of 0 for which sin 8 = ~.
Q p
sin0= l
. (21C + tr) , ...
· . 8
Sll1 =Sll1
. tc , SIU
. ( tc - tc) , SIU Jt - 6
6 6 6 It
Consider a coordinate diagra1n. 6
0 X
LXOQ=tc- :
The ray OP defines an infinite number of angles in the first quadrant. If you rotate OP about the origin (either
clock\vise or anticlockwise), then during each revolution it is along the original ray OP once.
Each full rotation increases the angle by 2rr, so you find that OP is the tenninal ray defining the angles:
• 6tr, 2 7r: + 6tr , 4 7r: + rr: , ... 1or · 1oc",v1se
c antic '- · rotation
• -2rr: + : , -4,r + : , -6rr: + : , ... for clockwise rotation.
This result can be sun1n1arised as: ntr +: \Vhere n = 0, ±2, +4,... [ 1)
or: n x 180° + 30° (in degrees)
Si1nilarly, the tern1inal ray OQ defines an infinite number of angles:
rr:- tr, 3rr:- tr , 5rr:- tr , ... ,or
c an t 1c
' 1ockwise
. ro tat"1011
6 6 6
-rr:- :, -3,r- : , -5,r- :, ... for clock\vise rotation.
This result can be sun1n1arised as: ntr-: \Vhere n = +1, +3, +5, ... [2)
or: n x 180° - 30° (in degrees)
Staten1ents [ l ) and [2) can be written together as:
8=ntr+(- l )" :
or: 0= n x 180° + (-1)" x 30° (in degrees)
Note: (-1 )" is 1 when n is zero or even, an d is - 1 when n is odd.
Follo\ving Exainple 14 above, the general solution to the equation sin 0 = sin a can be written as:
The general solution of trigono1netric equations has not been included in this course. This 1naterial is included
to show why you have to be very careful to consider all possible results in th e given don1ain when solving
trigonometric equations.
The pattern for this general solution can also be seen by considering the value of 0 at the points of intersection of the
curves y = sin 0 and y = (fro1n Example 14), as shown in the following diagram.
-3 3;r 8
From syn1n1etry, you can observe that the line y = 1intersects the sine curve at values of 0 that are : units to the
right of nn where n = 0, +2, +4, .. . and that are : units to the left of nn when n = + 1, +3, ...
Both of these solutions are contained in the state1nent: 0=nn +(- l)" :
Example 15
Solve sin( 0 + )= - Fi for O < 0< 2n.
sin < 0 in third and fourth quadrants: sin (0 + n)
= sin Sn, sin ?n
4 4
0 + n =Sn, 7n
4 4 4
0= n, 3n
Example 16
Find all angles 0 for which cos 0 = 1·
Solution )'
1.e. cos 0 = cos 1, cos ( 2n- 1 ), cos ( 2n + 1 ), ...
Follo\ving Exainple 16, above, the general solution to the equation cos 8 =cos a can be \Vritten as:
8= 2 nn: + a (in radians)
8= n x 360° + ct' (in degrees) for any integer n.
The pattern for this general solution can also be seen by considering the value of 8 at the points of intersection of the
curves y = cos 8 ai1d y = (from Exan1ple 16), as shown in the follo\ving diagra1n.
Fro1n symmetry, you can observe that the line y = intersects the cosine curve at values of 8 that are 1units
to the left and right of 2 nn: where n = 0, +2, +4, ... i.e. 8 = 2 nn: + 1·
Example 17
Solve 2 cos (3x + 30°) + ✓3 =0 for 0° < x < 360°.
2 cos (3x + 30°) = -✓3
Example 18
Find all the angles for which tan 8 = 1, where 8 is in radians.
tan 8 = 1 y p
Following Example 18, the general solution to the equation tan 0 = tan a can be written as:
0= n1r+ a (in radians)
0 = n x 180° + a° (in degrees) for any integer n.
diagnun at right.
y= tan8:'
From syn1n1etry, you can observe that the line y = 1 intersects the tangent curve at values of 0, which are 1units to
the right of n1t\vhere n = 0, +1, +2, ...
Example 19
Solve tan x = 3 cot x for -1r < x < 1r.
tanx= 3
tan x
tan x=3
tanx=+ ✓3
Example 20
Solve the equation 3sin20= 1.5, 0 < 0< rr.
3sin20= 1.5 This solution can be checked graphically by using graphing
sin20= 0.5 software to find the intersection ofy = 3 sin 20 and y = 1.5.
0 < 0 < ,r 1neans that O< 2 0 < 2n: Over the don1ain O< 0 < ,r these functions intersect only twice.
20= :, s; If the do1nain is increased, there will be two more intersections
for each do1nain increase of :rr units.
Hence: 0= ~' ~1
Example 21
Solve the equation cos( 2x - : ) = .Jf, 0 < x < 2n.
Let0=2x-:: cos0=
11:rr :rr rr l lrr rr l lrr
Hence: 0 =... - 6 , 6' 6' 6 ' 2 :rr+ 6, 21r + 6 , ...
Fron1 the lin1its: 0 < x < 2n
0 < 2x<4rr
But 2x = 0 + :: 0 < 0 + : < 4:rr
6 - 0<4--
- ,. rr
0=_]£ rr l lrr 2:rr+:7r 2:rr + l lrr
6' 6' 6 ' 6' 6
. 2x- n = _J£ n l lrr 2-+ :rr 2- + l lrr
6 6' 6' 6 ' " 6' " 6
:7r 2 7:rr
2X = 0'3' :Tr, 3' 4:7r
Example 22
Find the values of x for which cos2x < }i,0 < x < 2n.
First solve the equation, then solve the inequality graphically.
Solve the equation: cos 2x = Ti (O < x < 2n)
Hence cos2x < ✓2 for 1
< x < 7: and
4 4 8 2 8
c0 r 9n
,, 8 <
- x<
- I Sn
8 .
(e) ta11(20 - 1)+1=0 (f) 2cos( 2x-1 )= ✓3 (g) sin28=-cos 7 ,f (h) sin x = cosx
6 Solve for 0° < x < 360°: (a) cos(2x+ 60°) = 0.7242 (b) 5 sin (2x - 70°) + 4 = 0
7 If O< x < 2n, the solution to sinx < .Jf is:
A B x< 1or x> 2[ C O< x < 1or x > 2f D O< x < 1or 2f < x < 2n
8 If O< x < 2rc, solve: (a) sinx > 1 (b) cosx < 1 (c) sinx > 0 (d) cosx > .Jf
(e) sinx < 1 (f) cosx>O (g) tanx> l (h) ✓2cosx> -l
9 Solve for O< x < n: (a) sin2x > 1 (b) cos2x < 0
10 Solve for -n < x < n: (a) 2sin2x < ✓3 (b) 2cos2x>-l
Example 23
Solve the equation sin 2x = 3 cos x, 0 < x < 2rr.
As sin2x = 2sinxcosx: 2sinxcosx = 3cosx
cosx(2sinx-3) =0
· cosx=O or sinx= 1.5
Because lsinxl < 1, the only solution is cos x = 0.
. x = rr 3rr
2' 2
Example 24
Solve the equation cos2xcos a- sin2xsin a= -0.5, 0 <x < 2n:, ,vhere a=:-
Use the expansion of cos (A + B) to sin1plify the LHS:
cos2xcosa- sin2xsin a= cos(2x + a)
Example 25
Solve for O< 0 < n:, the equation sin 20 cos 0 = sin 30 cos 20.
sin 20 cos 0 = sin 30 cos 20.
Convert each product to a su1n: ~ (sin (20+ 0) + sin (20- 0) ) = ~(sin (30 + 20) + sin (30- 20))
sin 30 + sin 0 = sin50+ sin 0
Siinplify: sin30=sin50
Re,vrite: sin50=sin30
Solve: 50= 30, rr- 30, 2rr+ 30, 3rr- 30, 4n:+ 30, Sn:- 30, 611:+ 30, 7n:- 30.
0 < 0< 1r. 20= 0, 2rr, 4rr, ...
0= 0, rr
and 80= rr, 3n:, Sn:, 7rr.
n: 3rr Sn: 7rr
0 = 8'8'8'8"
. . rr 3n: Srr 7rr
The co1np1ete so1ut1on 1s: 0 = 0, , , , , rr.
8 8 8 8
Example 26
Solve for O < 8< n, the equation cos38 + cos 8= cos 28.
cos38+ cos 8 = cos28
38 8 38 8
Convert the LHS to a product: 2 cos ( + ) cos ( - ) = cos 2 8
2 2
2 cos28cos 8 = cos28
Rearrange: cos28 (2cos 8- 1) = 0
Solve: cos28= 0 or cos 8 = .!.
28= rr, 31r or 8= rr_
2 2 3
The complete solution is: 8 = Tr, Tr, 3,r.
4 3 4
3 Solve: (a) cos2x cos~ - sin2x sin~= 1,o< x<2rr (b) sin2x cos 1+ cos2x sin 1= f , -1r<x< Tr
7 Solve sin 3x cosx - cos3x sinx = f, 0 < x < 2,r. 8 Solve tan28= 2 tan 8, 0 < 8 < 2,r.
3 Sin1plify:
(a) sin ( 8 + </)) cos</)- cos ( 8 + </)) sin </) (b) l - tan 2 ~ (c) sinx cosx cos2x cos4x
(b) Suppose that O<A< 1and O< B < 1·Show by deduction that if tan A tan B = I then A + B = 1·
cos8 2 l - cos28 .
5 Sho\v that: (a) . e=sec8 - tan8 (b) tan 8= , g,ven thatcos28;t-l.
1+sin 1+cos 28
6 Use the expansion of tan 2A to sho\v that the exact value of tan 22.5° = ✓2 - 1. Hence find the exact value of
tan 11.25°.
One-to-one functions y
y y
0 X
0 X 0 X
f(x) =x- g(x)=x2.x>O h(x) =x3
A one-to -one function is a function that has no ordered pairs \Vith the san1e y-coordinate. Any line parallel to the
x-axis will intersect the graph of a one-to-one function no m ore than once. It is said that such graphs pass the
horizontal line test. This 1neans that in the diagra1ns above, g(x) and h(x) are exainples of one-to-one functions.
Note that f(x) is not one-to-one, because a straight line parallel to the x-axis could intersect the graph off(x) at hvo
points, e.g. (- a, a 2) and (a, a 2). This 1neans that the graph off(x) is a two-to -one function.
An example of a many-to-one function is s(x) = sinx. But a function t(x) = sinx, 0 < x < 1is a one-to-one
restriction of s(x).
One-to-one functions are significant because of their properties when reflected in the line y = x. This is important in
the development of inverse functions. For exan1ple, the reflection of the graph of y = x2 in the line y =xis the parabola
I= x, \Vhich is the graph of a relation and not a function (see the left diagrain below).
The reflection of the graph of y = x in the line y = x is the y
positive branch only of the parabola y = x, i.e. y = + ✓ x.
," )'=X
Iff(x) is a one-to-one function, then the reflection of its graph in the line y =xis the graph of a function,
i.e. if a graph passes the horizontal line test then its reflection in the line y = x will pass the vertical line test.
Example 1
Define a restriction on the domain off, \Vhere f(x) = x2 - 4x + 5, so that f is one-to -one.
Solution ''II)'
f (x) = (x - 2)2 + 1 : the graph off is a parabola (concave up) '10
with vertex at (2, 1).
f is thus one-to-one for x > 2 or for x < 2. 1
Thus: Ji (x) = x - 4x + 5, x > 2 and fi(x) = x
2 2
- 4x + 5, x < 2 5
are both one-to-one restrictions off 4 •
These restrictions give the largest possible do1nains for which
3 '
2 '
f is one-to-one. (Of course, any narro\ver restriction, such as I '' (2, I)
f/x) = x2 - 4x + 5, x > 5, would also give a one-to-one - 3 - 2 - IO I 2 3 4 5 6 X
The dashed graph represents
f(x) = x - 4x + 5 for x < 2.
The solid graph represents
f(x) = x - 4x + 5 for x > 2.
Rx ) - - - - - - - - - '
J\ • '
fix,) - .... - -
' ' '
Rx )•----- 0 ' '
J\ l ' ' fix,) -,' - - T- - --
' '
'' '' •> '
0 a x, b X
Similarly, a function is said to be strictly monotonic decreasing when, for all x 1 and x2 in the do1nain, if x 2 > x 1 then
f(x 2) < f(x 1). This n1eans that the curve slopes do\vnwards to the right, as shown in the right diagram above.
Functions that are strictly monotonic increasing or decreasing are clearly one-to-one.
Inverse functions
Consider t\vo operations such that each is the 'reverse' of the other. For exainple, the cube of 2 is 8 and the cube root of
8 is 2. The cube function defined by f(x) = x3, x ER (i.e. 'xis a member of the set of real numbers'), and the cube
root function, defined by g(x) = ¼, x ER, are said to be a pair of inverse functions: f(2) = 8 ai1d g(8) = 2.
Chapter 5 Inverse functions 95
If you cube any real nun1ber x and then take the cube root of the answer, the result is x again. Likewise, if you take
the cube root of any nun1ber x and then cube the answer, the result is x.
l(x)=x 3 g(x)= <Ix Thus you can define, for any pair of inverse functions:
l (g(x))=(g(x)) 3 g(J(x))= ~l (x) l(g(x))= g(l(x))= x
=(½}3 =ef;3 If you denoteg(x) as l - (x) (1neaning 'the inverse ftmction ofl'):
=x =x
The square of 2 is 4, but in the reverse operation 4 has two square roots, + 2. If you wish to return to 2 in the square
root operation, you n1ust take the positive square root.
This 1neans that the square function, defined by l(x) = x2, x > 0 and the positive square root function, defined
by g(x) = ✓x, x > 0, are a pair of inverse functions. For the inverse to define a function, the functions must be
one-to -one.
l(x)=x 2 (x>O) g(x)= ✓ x (x>O)
l(g(x))=(g(x))2 g(l(x))=.,/l(x)
=(✓x )2 =✓x2 Thus l(g(x))=g(J(x))=x
=x =x if x>O i.e. l(l- 1(x)}= 1- 1(l(x))=x whereg(x) =l -1 (x)
Example 2
Find the inverse function 1-1 for the function l \Vhere l(x) = 2x + 4.
You require 1-1, such that: l(l- 1(x))= x =1-1 (l(x))
· 2l- 1(x) +4=x
1.e. 1
l -1(x)= (x-4)
It is now easy to show that: l - (l (x))= 1[(2x +4)-4]
Hence 1-1 (x) = ~ (x - 4) is the rule defining this inverse function. You no\v need to find the do1nain and
range of 1-1•
Let d and r denote the do1nain and range respectively off, and d _, and r _, denote the domain and range
1 1 1
re~&~fyofl- 1. f
Consider a few typical elements of d , e.g. 0, 1, -2, 3. Under the rule l(x) = 2x + 4:
d f r 1-1 d
I. 0 .....,,_ _ _ -'/--e4 rr, O- - - -4 r'
I o-+---+--e6 I o-+--+--e 6
-2 0 -2 0
3 .....J'------>,--e 3 10
This correspondence can be represented by the ordered pairs (0,4), (1, 6), (-2, O), (3, 10).
Every real number in d has a corresponding real nun1ber in1age in r .
1 1
The inverse ,napping is obtained by operating 1- on the ele1nents of 'r This means that these elen1ents can now
The hvo diagra1ns in Exan1ple 2, considered together, show that an elen1ent x EdI is ,napped back to itself by the
con1posite function f (f - 1(x )). This is as required by the general defining property f (f - 1( x )) = x.
Exa1nple 2 illustrates several important general properties of inverse functions.
1 d1 = r _, and r1 = d _, , so the do1nain and range are interchanged between a function and its inverse.
1 1
2 If (a, b) is a point on the graph off. then (b, a) is a point on the graph of l - 1• On the graphs these are called
corresponding points.
3 Representing P(a, b) and Q(b,a) as corresponding points on the graphs offand j - 1, the coordinates of the
1 i
n1idpoint of PQ are [ (a +b ), (b+a )] . which is a point on the graph of y =x for any a and b. Hence
y = x bisects the line seg1nent PQ so that P and Q are mirror in1ages of each other in this line.
4 The graph of 1-1 is thus seen to be a reflection of the graph off in the line y = x. This is very useful when
sketching graphs. It also follo\vs that any intersection between the graphs offand f - n1ust be on y = x.
' ,
i.e. y = 2x + 4 for xeR and y eR ,c x;, , .r'(x) =-2I(
, ' X - 4)
' '
Hence f - is defined by: <;; ,
, '' ''
x = 2y + 4 for yeR and xeR ,,
,' >',
(6) 1)
, ,' 0
(interchanging x and y) (4,0)
Thus: f -1(x)= (x - 4) as before.
A function l \viii have an inverse function f -1 if and only ifl is a one-to-one function.
Example 3
Investigate the existence of an inverse function where l is defined byl (x) = x?-.
Solution y
Example 4
Investigate the existence of an inverse function where l is defined byl(x) = x2, x > 0.
This is a restriction of the function in Example 3. In this case there is only the right-hand branch of the parabola
y = x2, \Vhich is the graph of a one-to-one function. Hence1-•exists and can be determined as follows.
Method 1 (using algebraic definition) Method 2 (using reflection property)
1 1
You requirel- such that 1 - (l(x))=x. Let y = x2.
:. (l -'(x))2 =x Interchangexandy: x =y
· 1-•(x) = +✓x Which one? Make y the subject: y = +✓x Which one?
The range of1-•consists of non-negative nu1nbers, so The range of1-1 consists of non-negative numbers,
take the positive square root. so take the positive square root.
· 1-'(x) = ✓x :. 1 -l(x)='</x
Example 5
Consider the function y = - ✓x .
(a) Explain why the largest possible domain of the function is x > 0.
(b) Use calculus to show that the function has no stationary points and is strictly 1nonotonic increasing for
all x in its do1nain.
(c) Show that the graph of the function does not 1neet the x-axis.
(d) Find y \Vhen xis a very s1nall nu1nber and also when x is a very large nu1nber. Hence state the range
of the function.
(e) Explain why an inverse function exists.
(f) Sketch the graph of y = - ✓x and its inverse on the san1e axes.
(g) Find the equation of the inverse function, carefully specifying any restrictions on its do1nain.
(a) x > 0 because you can't take the square root of a negative nun1ber and you can't divide by 0.
=-x-½ . dy - .l -f . dy - 1
(b ) Yd .. dx - 2 x i.e. dx - 2.J;i
ry -;t; 0, so there are no stationary points.
dX d
For all x in the don1ain, fx> 0 , so the function is increasing.
/, y=x :. 1-1 has domain x < 0 and range y > 0
To find the equation of1- , interchange x and y:
y =1-•(x)
, ,
x=- fy
,' 0 X
, Makey the subject: y = ~-
,, x
, , y= f(x)
Re1ne1nber tile restriction on the do1nain of 1-1,
, ,
, i.e. X < 0.
, ,
, 1
, , Hence tile inverse function is 1-1(x) = - 2
, x < 0.
, X
Example 6
l(x) is defined byl(x) = x - 2x - 1, x < 1.
(a) Sketchy= l(x) and the inverse function y = 1 - 1(x) on the sa1ne diagran1.
(b) State the do1nain and range of 1-1•
(c) Find tile equation of the inverse function.
3- ✓13
(d) Sho,v that land I - I intersect where x = - - -.
(e) Sho,v that the gradient of the tangent to y= l(x) at tile point (-1, 2) is -4. Hence find tile coordinates
of the point on y = 1-1(x) where the gradient is -0.25.
(a) y = x - 2x - 1 is a concave-up parabola with vertex
at ( 1, -2).
It cuts tile y-axis at (O, - 1) and cuts the x-axis at (- 2, I) y= /(x)\ y ,,,' ,'y=x
(1 + ✓ 2 , 0) and ( 1- ✓ 2, O).
As tile domain ofI is restricted to x < 1, its graph (-0.41,0) ,'
is the left half of tile parabola. (- 1, 0) X
, ,
(c) I is y = x 2
2x - 1 - ,
, ( I, - 2)
Interchange x and y: x = I - 2y - 1
is a different poin t of intersection that would exist if the entire parabola ,vere intersected with the line
y =x (instead of only half the parabola).
Fron1 the diagra1n, you can see that the required value in this case is the smaller of the two solutions,
. . . . 3 - ✓13
so the point of 1ntersect1011 1s at x =- - -.
(e) y = x- - 2x - 1 :. :i=2x - 2
At x = - 1, the gradient of the tangent is - 4.
At correspondin g points in the reflection in y = x, the product of the gradients of a function and its
inverse n1ust be 1, so 1-1 has a gradient of -0.25 at the point (2, - 1).
The function g, where g(x) = log. x, is called a logarith1nic function. Its don1ain is R+(the range off) and its range is
R (the don1ain off). It is also a strictly monotonic increasing function.
Hence log. ax = x for all real x (i.e. for all x in the do1nain of the exponential function), and a1og"x = x for all x > 0
(i.e. for all x in the domain of the logarithn1ic function).
It should be noted th at for any pair of inverse functions f and g, f is the inverse of g and g is the inverse off
Inverse functions
Use technology to explore the graphs of inverse functions and their properties.
6 Show that the following pairs of functions are inverses by sho,ving thatf(g(x)) = g(f(x)) = x.
(a) f(x) = 2x-l and g(x) = (x + 1)1 (b) f(x) = and g(x) = log,2x
(c) f(x) = ✓16-x 2 , -4<x< 0 andg(x)=-✓16-x 2 , 0 <x< 4
1 l x+ l
(d) f(x) = 2x- x 2, x > 1 and g(x) = 1 + ✓1 -x, x < 1 (e) f(x)= - -,x> - andg(x)= - - ,x>O
2x-l 2 2x
7 f(x)= ✓4 -x 2 , -2 < x < 0. The inverse function is given by:
A x +y =4
B y= ✓4 -x 2 ,-2<x<2 C y= ✓4 -x 2 ,0<x<2 D y=-✓4 -x 2 , O<x<2
8 (a) Sho\v that y = x3 - 9x + 6✓ 3 has turning points at (✓3, O) and (-✓3, 1 2✓3 ).
(b) Use the 'sun1 of roots' (covered in section 2.4) to find the other point where the graph cuts the x -axis.
(c) Letf(x) = x3 - 9x + 6✓3 for the restricted don1ain -✓3 < x < ✓3. Sketch the graph of y = f(x) and explain
why the inverse function f -1(x) exists.
(d) State the do1nain and range of f -1(x).
(e) Sketchy= f -1(x ).
(f) Find the equation of the tangent to the curve y = f - 1(x) at the point where the curve cuts the x -axis.
9 (a) Show that y = ex - 1 is a monotonic increasing function.
(b) Show that the graph of y = ex - 1 has a gradient of 1 at the point (O, O).
(c) Carefully sketch y= ex - 1, y = x and the inverse function on the san1e diagran1.
(d) Show that the inverse function is y = log,(x + 1).
(e) Solve log, (x + 1) < x.
X 2
-2 X
_, - .
-2 _,2
There are infinitely 1nany \vays to restrict the don1ain ofy = sinx to 1nake it one-to-one. Mathematicians have agreed
that the most useful restriction is -1< x < 1,so you will now consider the function f (x) = sin x, -1< x < 1- The
graph of this is sho\vn below left, and its reflection can be seen in the line y =xis shown below right.
Note that the reflection is that part of x = sin y for \Vhich -1< y < 1·
y y
- !!' 0 7C X
_, I 2
2 _, 2
By restricting the do1nain of y = sin x to -1< x < 1,a one-to-one function is fonned, whose inverse is that part of
x = sin y for which -1< y < 1·Our final concern is how to 1nake y the subject of this inverse function. The answer
is to say that y = sin- x, \Vhere y = sin- x n1eans 'that part of x = sin y for \Vhich -1< y < 1'·
1 1
Note that this raised number notation - t here is different to y= sin 2 x , where the 2 means y = (sinx)2.
Here y = sin- 1 x does not mean y = (sin x)- 1, as that would be y = co sec x.
Instead, there is a new function, the inverse sine function, y = sin- 1 x or y = arcsin x.
Note the follo\ving features of the inverse sine function: y
• increasing function y = sin- 1 x
• do1nain is -1 < x < 1 2
Remember: 'you can only take sin - t of values fro1n - 1 to 1 inclusive'.
• range 1s _ y <TC
· - TC<
2 _
Remember: 'sin - t gives values from -1to l inclusive' _, I
Example 7
. d th e exact val ues of th e "II
F111 ·
,o owing. (a) s1·n- 1 (./323 ) (c) arcsin 1.2
(a) As -1 < f < 1, sin- 1 ( f) exists. It is the nu1nber y or angle ye (i.e. in radians), such that -1< y < 1
and \Vhose sine is f. Hence sin-
f =1·
(b) Sin1ilarly, sin- 1 ( - ~) can be evaluated as a nun1ber y or angle y<, such that -1< y < 1,\Vhose sine
· - 1. Hence sin
1s . - 1 ( - 1) =- TC .
2 2 6
Alternatively: sin-ix is an odd function, so sin - t (-1) = - sin 1) = - :
-t ( .
(c) 1.2 is not \vithin the don1ain - 1 < x < 1, so arcsin 1.2 does not exist.
(d) 1.2 is \vithin the do1nain -1< x < 1•so sin- (sin 1.2) = 1.2.
(e) : is \vithin the don1ain -1<x < 1,so arcsin( sin 1)= 1·
TC is outside the don1ain -1<x < 1•so sin- (sin TC) TC. Instead, sin- (sin TC) = sin- 0 = 0.
1 1 1
(f) -:I:
Example 8
By first considering the do1nain and range, sketchy= 3 sin- 1 (2x - 1).
Re1nen1ber, 'you can only take sin- 1 of values fro1n - 1 to 1 inclusive', 2
so, -1 < 2x - 1 < 1. Solving this inequality:
0 < x < 1 is the required don1ain. " y = 3sin•• (2x - I)
Siinilarly, 'sin- 1 gives values fro1n -1 1
to inclusive: so the range of 3sin- 1 (2x- l) _, 2
f f I X
- 3f < y < 3f
_ 3,r
Multiplying by 3: 2
y 2
2 3;r
u< -2 - 1 Jr I 2
- 21<
There are infinitely 1nany ,vays to restrict the do1nain of y = cos x to make it one-to-one. Mathematicians have
agreed that the most useful restriction is O < x < Jr, so you will now consider the function f (x) = cos x, 0 < x < rr.
The graph of this is shown belo,v left, and its reflection can be seen in the line y = x is sho,vn below right.
Note that the reflection is that part of x = cos y for which O < y < rr.
y=cosx. O~x~Jr 2 X=C.OS) t O~y~Jr
I r-~
- 1! 0 7C X
_, 0 I 2 X
2 _, 2
By restricting the do1nain of y = cos x to O < x < rr, a one-to-one function is formed,
whose inverse is that part of x = cosy for which O< y < rr. )'
• range is O<y< rr
Remember: 'cos- • gives values fron10 torr iI1clusive'
• vertical tangents at the endpoints
104 New Senior Mathematics Extension 1 for Years 11 & 12
• gradient of -1 at ( 0, 1)
• the function is neither even nor odd, but it does have rotational sy1n1netry about its y-intercept.
• In particular: for any x in the domain, the sun1 of the function's heights at x and - x will ahvays be tr:
- I (
+ COS- I X = 7r
Example 9
Find the exact values of the following. (a) cos-• (-Fi) (b) cos( arccos(- 1)) (c) cos-
( cos :f)
5 1
(d) arccos( cos 3tr) (e) sin( cos- (- 1)) (f) tan( arccos(- ~))
(a) Method l Method2
Let y =cos-• cos-• (-Fi)= tr - cos- •(Fi)
Then cosy= - Fi and O< y < tr =tr- -tr
:. y = 3tr 3tr
4 =4
:. cos- •(- }i)= :
(b) cos(arccos x) = x for -1 < x< 1, so cos( arccos(- 1))= - 1
(c) cos- (cosx) = x for O< x :f) = 2f
< tr, so cos_, ( cos 2
(d) 5[ is not in the don1ain O< x < tr, so arccos ( cos 5 f)-:# 5[
The solution is: arccos (cos 5 f) = arccos ( cos 1) = 1
(e) Method l Method2
Method 2 here sho\vs a good approach. When you have to take an inverse trigonometric function
of a negative value, use the syn1n1etry properties of the inverse trigono1netric functions:
sin- 1 (-x) = -sin- 1 x cos- 1 (-x) = n-cos- 1 x tan- 1 (-x) = - tan- 1 x
This process ensures that the function is evaluated \vith a first quadrant angle.
(f) Method 1 Method2
Let arccos(- ~ )= 0 Use the symmetry properties:
Then cos0= - ~ and O< 0< n arccos(- ~)= n - arccos- 1 (~) and tan (n- 0) = -tan 0
So 0 is a second quadrant angle.
tan ( arccos (- ~))= tan ( n - arccos ~)
Need to evaluate:
tan( arccos(- ~))= tan0 = - tan ( arccos ~)
State the do1nain and range of the function y = 2 cos_, (2x + 1).
Hence sketch the graph of the function. 2
Solution y = 2cos· '(2x + I)
It is only possible to take the inverse cosine of values bet\veen -1 and 1
inclusive, so -1 < 2x + 1 < 1.
0 I
Solving this, the don1ain is -1 < x < 0. - 1 X
' 2
-2 .
- 2Jr
There are infinitely 1nany ,vays to restrict the don1ain of y = tanx to make it one-to-one. Mathen1aticians have agreed
that the 1nost useful restriction is -1 1•
< x < so you will now consider the function f(x) =tanx, <x < -1 1·
The graph of this is sho,vn below left, and its reflection in the line y =x is shown below right.
Note that the reflection is that part of x = tan y for which - 1< y < 1.
'• y= tanx• - -2Jt <x< -2Jt ---------- 2 ----------------
On ;r 3n2Jtx
0 X
--------- -2 ---------------- ·
By restricting the don1ain of y = tan x to -1< x < 1, a one-to-one function is fonned, whose inverse is that part
of x = tan y for ,vhich <y< -1 1·
This function is the inverse tangent function, y = tan- 1 x , or y = arctan x , where y = tan- 1 x 1neans 'that part of
x = tan y for which -1< y < 1'.
Note the follo,ving features of the inverse tangent function:
• increasing function
• do1nain is all real x --------··2Jr
Remember: 'you can take tan - t of any real value' J = tan-• X
• 1C 1C
• range1s -
2 <y< 2 0 X
• y = tan (tan- 1 x) or y = tan (arctan x) is equivalent toy= x for all real x .
• y = tan- 1 (tan x) or y = arctan (tan x) exists for all real x except x = + + 3 1, f, ...
It is equivalent toy= x only for -1 1·
< x < Its graph looks like an infinite set of parallel intervals with open
circles on each end.
Example 11
Find the exact values of the following.
(a) arctan (-13) (b) tan(tan- 1 1) (c) arctan ( tan ( 1)) (d)
tan- (tan(- 4
(a) arctan ( TJ )= :- It is the value of 0, between -1 and l (not inclusive), for which tan 0 = -13·
arctan(tan(1))=1,as 1isbehveen - 1 and l (not inclusive).
(b) tan(tan- 1)=1 (c)
(d) tan -i ( tan (- 4[)) is not equal to - 4[ , because - 4[ is not between -1 and l ·
Using the symmetry properties that tan 0 and tan- 1 x are odd functions, and that tan (n:+ 0) = tan 0:
tan (- [ ))= tan- (- tan (
:f ))= -tan -
4 1
4 1
tan ( [ ))=-tan- ( tan ( ))=-1
Example 12
Find the exact value of sin ( 2 tan -i 1).
Let tan- .l =x
Thus tan x= 1 an d - n: <x< n:
2 2 2
Hence x can be represented as a first quadrant angle. I
Example 13
Find sin[cos- t + tan-
1 1
108 New Senior Mathematics Extension 1 for Years 11 & 12
Solution y
sin[ cos-
t 1
+ tan- (- j)]= sin [ cos-
t- 1
tan - j ]
sin[ cos-
t + tan - 1
(- j)]= sin x cosy - cos x sin y
=(~)(~)- (t)(t)
Example 14
Prove that sin- 1 x + cos- 1 x= 1for -1 < x < 1.
Let a = sin- x
:. sina=x\vhere - 1 <a< 1
1- a) = sin a, so cos (1- a) = x
Recall that cos (
1r: -a = cos- I x (noting that 0 = cos- 1 x only \Vhen cos 0 = x and O< 0 < tr)
1r: . -I - I . - I
+ COS- I X = 1r:
2 - Sin X = COS X SO Sin X
You should ren1ember this result: sin- 1 x + cos- 1 x = 1 for -1 < x < 1
This can be proved by an alternative n1ethod involving differentiation which will be looked at later in section 11.7
(page 252).
You could also verify it by graphing y = sin - 1 x + cos- 1 x.
Example 15
Solve2sin- 1 x + cos- 1 x = 1·
Usin g the result of Exa1nple 14, the equation becomes: 2sin- 1 x + 1r: -sin- 1 x = 7r
2 3
sin- x =- 7r
x = sin (- ~)
x =-l
- 1 - 1
A n B 2cos x- n C 2cos x D 0
2 Find the exact values of the following (if they exist).
(a) arcsin 1 (b) arcsin O (c) arcsin (-1) (d) arcsin ./j (e) arcsin (-1 ) (f) arccos 1
(g) arccosO (h) arccos(-1) (i) arccos 1 O) arccos(- 1 ) (k) arctan l (I) arctan(-1)
(m) tan- 1 ✓3 1
(n) tan- (- .E) 1
(o) sin- (sin1)
(p) sin- (sin80°)
(q) sin- (sin 2 f)
(r) sin- 1(sin(- 3:))
(s) cos- (cos1)
(t) cos- (cos f)
2 1
(u) cos- 1(cos(- 1)) (v) tan- (tan
3 Evaluate the following.
(a) cos (sin - t 1) (b) (c) tan- 1( tan 245°) (d) cos- 1(cos 540°)
4 Sho,v that:
7 Sketch graphs of each of the following, stating their don1ain and range.
(a) y=2sin- 1 x (b) y=2sin- 13x (c) y=3sin- 1(2x+l) (d) y=3sin- 12x + l
(e) y=2tan- 1x (f) y=2 tan- 1(x- l ) (g) y=2cos-1(;)
(h) y = 2 sin - t (-x) (i) y = sin (cos- 1x), by first simplifying sin (cos- 1x)
8 Consider the functionsf(x) = 2sin- 1(2x- 1) andg(x) = 2sin- 1(1 - 2x).
(a) Find the do1nain and range of each function.
(b) Show that g(x) = -f(x).
(c) Sketch the graphs of the hvo functions.
9 Solve the following equations. For part (c), ans,ver correct to two decin1al places and check your solution by
substituting values back into the original equation.
(a) sin- 1xcos- 1x=O 1 1
(b) sin- (1-x) + 2cos- (x-1)=1 (c) sin- 1xcos- 1x=-l
13 Ifl (x) = 3 cos- •(;), detennine the inverse function 1-• and specify the do1nain and range of 1-•.
(d) sin- 1 (sin :) (e) sin- 1 (sin 7[) (f) sin(2tan- ' 1) (g)
tan(2cos- (-0.4))
5 Find the equation of the normal to the curve y = tan- i (2x + 1) at the point on the curve where y = -1-
6 Sketch the graph of the inverse function of y = 3 cos- •;.
7 (a) Sketch bothy= sin- •x and y = cos- 1 x on the saine number plane.
(c) Show that the function y = log, (sin=: x ) is increasing for all x in its don1ain.
Total nun1ber of ways = m x n where m = nun1ber of ways first outcon1e can happen
n = nu1nber of ways second outcon1e can happen
For exa1nple, this sin1ply n1eans that if you have 5 different shirts and 7 different hats, then the total nu1nber of
different selections of a shirt and hat is 5 x 7 = 35.
This is known as the multiplication principle.
Example 1
There are four roads fron1 town A to to\vn B, and three roads fro1n town B to town C.
Ho\v 1nany different \vays are there to travel by road fron1 A to B to C?
Consider the first road fron1 A to B. After this road there are three \vays to travel fro1n B to C.
Similarly, after taking the second road from A to B there are then three ways to go from B to C.
As there are 4 different ways from A to B, and after each of these there are 3 different \vays to go fron1 B to C,
there are in total 4 x 3 = 12 ways to go fro1n A to B to C (i.e. fron1 A to Cvia B).
Example 2
The old New South Wales black-and-yellow nu1nber plates showed three letters and three digits. How many
different number plates could be n1ade?
There are 26 letters of the alphabet and 10 digits to choose from.
3 3
Nun1ber of different nu1nber plates= 26 x 26 x 26 x 10 x 10 x 10 = 26 x 10 = 17 576000
Example 3
In how 1nany different ways can six people A , B, C, D, E, F be arranged:
(a) in a row of 3 (b) in a ro\v of 6?
(a) There is a choice of 6 people for the first p lace.
There is a choice of 5 people for the second place, as one person already occupies the first p lace.
There is a choice of 4 people for the third p lace, as two people have already been used.
Hence there are 6 x 5 x 4 = 120 different ways to fill the three places in the row.
This problem could also be considered using a diagram to represent the p laces:
6 5 4 Each nu1nber shows how many ways there are to fill each place.
Using the fundalnental counting principle, this gives 6 x 5 x 4 = 120 d ifferent ways.
(b) The same method as in part (a), continued for six places:
Factorial notation
Factorial notation uses all exclalnation mark ! as a short way to write the product of consecutive positive integers.
The answer to Exalnple 3 (b) above can be written as 6!, which n1eans the product of the consecutive integers from 6
to 1.
6! is read as '6 factorial' or 'factorial 6'. In general, the product of n consecutive positive integers fro1n n to 1 is
,vritten n! a11d read as 'n factorial'.
Make sure you know how to use the n! key on your calculator.
Example 4
A group of 6 boys al1d 5 girls decide to go to the n1ovies.
(a) In how 1nany ,vays ca11 the boys sit together in a ro,v?
(b) In how 1nany ,vays ca11 the girls sit together in a ro,v?
(c) In how 1nany ,vays ca11 the ,vhole group sit together in a ro,v?
(d) Why is the answer to part (c) not the product of the answers in parts (a) and (b)?
(a) The 6 boys Call sit together in 6! ways, i.e. 720 ,vays.
(b) The 5 girls Call sit together in 5! ways, i.e. 120 ,vays.
(c) The group of 11 people can sit together in 11! ways, i.e. 39 916 800 ways.
(Note: This a11swer is best ,vritten sin1ply as ' 11!' rather tha11 as '39 916 800'.)
(d) In part (c) there is no grouping by gender, so 11 different people are being arranged in one big group.
But 1nultiplying the answers to parts (a) a11d (b) would keep the hvo groups separate, only finding half the
nun1ber of ways a group of 6 people can sit in a row with a group of 5 people.
1 There are five roads from to,vn A to town B, and two roads from to,vn B to to,vn C. In how many different
ways ca11 you travel by road fron1 A to B to C?
2 A man has three pairs of shoes, four suits and six ties. Ho\v n1any different sets of shoes, suits and ties can he
4 A Mathematics test contains 20 multiple-choice questions. Each question has four possible answers, A, B, C
and D . If a student guesses every answer, in how many different ways can the answers be given?
5 A restaurant n1enu has three choices of soup, five choices of main course and three choices of dessert. How
n1any different n1eals of soup, n1ain course and dessert are possible?
6 There are 10 candidates for school captain and vice-captain. The nun1ber of different ways they might be
selected is: A 90 B 45 C 10 D 9
7 New South Wales black-and-\vhite nu1nber plates consist of three letters, t\vo digits and one letter. How many
different number plates can be n1ade?
8 Ho\v 1nany arrangements of the letters of the \Vord PENCIL are possible?
12 The digits Oto 9 are used to 1nake 10-digit nu1nbers (not beginning with zero). Ho\v n1any different numbers
are possible if:
(a) each digit can be used only once (b) each digit can be used any nun1ber of tiines?
If (n + 1) ite1ns occupy n containers, then at least one of the containers 1nust contain at least two iten1s.
If each container contains at most one ite1n, then n containers will contain n ite1ns.
Thus any additional iten1s must go into a container already containing an iten1.
Hence the state1nent is true: at least one of the containers 1nust contain at least t\vo iten1s.
This result n1ay be extended to:
If n iten1s are sitting in k containers, \Vhere n > k, then there is at least one container with at least ~ ite1ns in it.
Assume there are no containers that have at least ~ ite1ns. Hence every container has fewer than ~ iten1s.
Total nun1ber of items< ~ x k = n, as there are k containers.
This says that the nun1ber of items is less than n, which contradicts the initial statement that there \Vere n iten1s.
Hence the assumption 'assu1ne there are no containers that have at least ; items' must be false.
Thus, there is at least one container with at least ; items in it.
Another exainple of this principle is that if you pick up four gloves, then you 111ust have either at least two left-hand
gloves or at least two right-hand gloves: 1= 2. The actual set of possible outco1nes is {4L, 3LlR, 2L2R, 1L3R, 4R},
\Vhich verifies the state1nent.
Example 5
(a) You have a dra\ver full of red and blue socks that have not been arranged in pairs. Socks can be \Vorn on
either foot. What is the least nu1nber of socks that you 1nust take fron1 the drawer to be sure that you have
one pair of the san1e colour?
(b) Explain why ai1y 27-\vord sequence in this book 1nust have at least two \Vords that start with the saJ11e letter.
(a) In this exa1nple the socks are the iten1s an d the colour of the socks are the containers. Thus there are two
contain ers, so you need three iten1s to be sure that you have two ite1ns in the saine container.
Hence you n1ust select three socks fro1n the drawer to be sure that you have one pair of the same colour.
You would have either three socks of the saJ11e colour or two socks of the saine colour and the other sock
the re1naining colour.
(b) There are 27 words (ite1ns) that can start with one of the 26 different letters of the alphabet (containers).
By the pigeonhole prin ciple, two of the words 1nust start with the san1e letter.
Example 6
There are seven pigeons sitting in three pigeonholes.
Explain why one of the pigeonholes must contain at least three pigeons.
n = 7,k = 3,so n =7..= 2.!.
k 3 3
Hence one pigeonhole 1nust contain at least 2 .!. pigeons, but since part-pigeons are in1possible, it n1ust contain
. 3
th ree pigeons.
1 How n1any cards must be selected fro1n a standard pack of 52 playing cards to 1nake sure that you have two
cards of the san1e suit?
2 If you select five cards fron1 a standard pack of 52 playing cards, at least how 1nany 1nust be of the sa1ne suit?
3 There are three pairs of socks in a drawer, coloured brown, grey and black. They are not paired up. Ho\v n1any
socks must be selected fron1 the drawer to be sure that you have a pair of the same colour?
4 Six pairs of shoes, of different colours and styles, have been thrown into the botton1 of n1y wardrobe. It is dark.
What is the minimun1 nu1nber of shoes I need to take from the ,vardrobe to be sure I have a matching pair?
5 Twenty-five students attend a class reunion and shake hands with each other. If no students shakes hands ,vith
the san1e person twice, explain why two students ,vill each have shaken the san1e nu1nber of hands.
6 There are 400 students attending a Senior College. Explain why at least two of the1n ,vill celebrate their
birthday on the same day.
7 (a) When taking pairs of nun1bers fron1 the integers l to 8, list all the pairs of integers that add up to 9.
(b) How 1nany nun1bers do you need to select from the integers l to 8 to be sure that you have a pair of
numbers that add up to 9?
8 Prove that in a group of 13 people there are two people ,vho \Vere born in the san1e month.
It is very iinportant to re1nen1ber that pennutations are used when the order is important!
Example 3(b) above is an exan1ple of the nun1ber of arrange1nents of a set of six objects. Exa1nple 3(a) is an example
of the nun1ber of arrange1nents of three me1nbers of a set of six objects. Note that in general:
• the nun1ber of arrange1nents of n different objects is n !
• the nun1ber of arrange1nents of three objects taken fron1 a set of n different objects is n(n - l )(n - 2).
c II n(n _ l)(n _ 2) -_ n(n - l)(n - 2)(n-3)(n- 4) x ... x 3 x 2 x l _ n!
C onsi der th e 10 o,ving statement:
(n - 3)(n-4) x ... x 3 x 2 x l (n - 3)!
Example 7
Fron1 a standard pack of 52 playing cards, the set of hearts (• ) are taken. In ho,v n1any ways:
(a) can the 13 cards be arranged in a row
(b) can 6 of the 13 cards be arranged in a ro,v?
(a) 13 cards can be arranged in 13 ! ways.
(b) 6 out of 13 cards can be arranged in 13 x 12 x l l x 10 x 9 x 8 = 1235 520 ways.
This could be written as ( l~! )' = / = 1235 520 ways.
13 6 . 7.
Number of permutations np r
The sy1nbol "P, 1neans the number of arrangen1ents (i.e. ordered subsets, pern1utations) of any n different objects
taken rat a tiine (or in other words, the arrangements of r objects taken from a group of n objects). This denotes the
nun1ber of ways of filling r places ,vith then different objects that are available (r < n).
Using the diagram notation fro1n Example 3 above:
"P, = I n I n - l I n - 2 I ... I n - r+ l I
The first place can be filled in n ways, because any one of the n objects can occupy this place. When the first place
has been filled in any one of these ,vays, there ren1ain (n - l) objects, any one of which can occupy the second place.
By the fundan1ental counting principle, each way of filling the first place can be associated with each ,vay of filling
the second place, so the nu1nber of ways of filling the first two places is n(n - l).
Sin1ilarly, after the first t\vo places have been filled in any one of these ways there re1nain (n - 2) objects, any one of
which can occupy the third place. Hence the first three places can be filled in n(n - l)(n - 2) ways. Continuing this
pattern, the number of ,vays of filling r places is given by:
. "P = n! [2]
' (n - r)!
Similarly, note that the syn1bol "P11 would denote the number of ,vays of filling n places with n objects available:
Fro1n [l]: "P = n(n - l )(n - 2) ... (n - n + 1)
= n(n - l )(n - 2) x ... x 3 x 2 x 1 = n!
"P n! _ n !
But fro1n [2]: " - (n-n)! - O!
Hence you have: n!= O
For consistency, O! is therefore defined to be equal to 1: O! = 1
Example 8
(a) In how 1nany ,vays can a first, second and third prize be awarded in a class of 10 students?
(b) In how 1nany ,vays can a Mathen1atics prize, a Physics prize and a Chemistry prize be awarded in a class
of 10 students?
(a) This question is asking us to find how many different arrangements of three students can be selected
fron1 10 students.
Nu1nber of ways = ' P3 = 10 x 9 x 8 = 720
(b) In this question each student could ,vin any or all of the prizes, so permutations are not used.
Nu1nber of ways = 10 x 10 x 10 = 1000
Use technology to explore the calcu lation of numbers of permutations.
Example 9
In ho,v 1nany ,vays can six students and two teachers be arran ged in a row if:
(a) the two teachers are together (b) the two teachers are not together
(c) there are at least three students separating the teachers?
(a) If the teachers are together they can be regarded as one 'unit'. Thus there are seven 'units'
(six students plus the unit of two teachers) to be arranged in a row. This can be done in 7! ways.
However, the hvo teachers (label the1n A and B) can be arranged a1nong then1selves in 2! (i.e. hvo)
,vays, AB or BA.
:. Nun1ber of arrange1nents = 2! x 7! = 10 080
Example 10
Ho\v 1nany different arrangen1ents of the letters of the word TUESDAY are possible if:
(a) the three vo\vels are together (b) the first and last places are consonants
(c) the consonants and vo\vels occupy alternate positions?
The vowels are A, E, U; the consonants are D, S, T, Y.
(a) As the three vowels are together they can be regarded as one unit.
Thus there are five units (the four consonants plus the group of vowels) to be arranged in a ro\v.
This can be done in 5! ways.
Also, the three vowels can be arranged in 3! \vays.
:. Total nu1nber of arrange1nents = 3! x 5! = 720
(b) There are restrictions on the first and last places, so fill then1 first.
• There are four consonants, so the first place can be filled in 4 \vays.
• After the first place is filled, the last place can be filled in 3 ways.
• The ren1aining five places can be filled \Vithout
restriction in 5! ways. I
4 5I I
4 3I 2 I I 1 3
Total nu1nber of arrange1nents = 4 x 3 x 5! = 1440
(c) The consonants (C) and vo,vels (V) occupy alternate positions, as
shown in the table on the right. There are 1nore consonants than C V C V C V C
vowels, so the consonants n1ust occupy the end places.
The four consonants can fill their places in 4! ways. The three vo,vels can fill their places in 3! ways.
: . Total number of arrangen1ents = 4! x 3! = 144
Arrangements in a circle
The nun1ber of ways of arranging n different objects in a circle, regarding clockwise and anticlock,vise arrange1nents
as different, can be sho,vn to be:
- · =(n - 1)! (This is shown in Example 11 below.)
In a circular arrangement there is no start or finish, so to count the arrange1nents one object needs to be fixed as the
'starting' object.
Example 11
In ho,v 1nany ,vays can the four people, Alexia, Bronwyn, Chanda and Divya, be arran ged in a circle?
Method 1
There is no first place to fill, so any one person can be fixed as the 'starting' person (or the 'fixed position') and
the other three people arranged around her. This can be done in 3! ,vays.
The diagram at right shows an arrangement of the four people (labelled with the first
letter of each name, A , B, C, D). D B
If A, B, C, D are kept in the san1e position relative to each other and then 1noved
all one place clocbvise, they still have the sa1ne arrangement- the arrange1nent has
not changed.
If A , B, C, D were arranged in a straight line an d they \Vere all moved along one position to the right (so that the
fourth position n1oved to the first position), then the arrangement would have changed.
You should be able to see that for every one arrangement of the group in a circle, there are four different
arrange1nents of the san1e group in a straight line.
: . Nun1ber of circular arran gements= Number of linear arrangen1ents + Number of elements
= 4 =3!=6
Example 12
Ho,v 1nany numbers greater than 6000 can be form ed using the digits 3, 4, 6, 8, 9 if no d igit can be used
n1ore than once per number?
Nun1bers containing either four digits or five digits can be fonned.
For four-digit numbers, the first place can be filled in three ways by either 6, 8 or 9.
After the first place is filled (in any one of these three ways) , four digits ren1ain, any one of which can occupy
second place. Following the n1ultiplication principle, the second place can be filled in four ,vays, the third place in
three ways and the fourth place in two ways:
:. Number of arrangen1ents = 3 x 4 x 3 x 2 = 72 3 4 3 2
4 41
or Nun1ber of arrange1nents = 3 x P3 = 3 x ( _· )! = 72
4 3
For five-digit nun1bers the first place can be filled in five ways, the second in four ways, and so on.
:. Number of arrangen1ents = 5 x 4 x 3 x 2 x 1 = 120 5 4 3 2 1
5 51
or Nun1ber of arrange1nents = P5 = ( - )! = 120
5 5
You cannot fonn a four-digit nun1b er and a five-digit nu1nber at the same tiine. These two operations are
1nutually exclusive.
:. Total nun1ber of arrangen1ents = 4 -digit arrangements + 5-digit arrange1nents = 72 + 120 = 192
3 Ho,v 1nany different arrangen1ents can be n1ade using three of the letters of the ,vord SUNDAY?
6 Ho,v 1nany different arrangen1ents of the letters of the word MINOR are possible if:
(a) th e two vowels are next to each other (b) the first and last letters are conson ants?
7 In h ow 1nany ,vays can four different consonants and four different vo,vels be arranged in a row, if:
(a) th e four vowels are together (b) the first and last letters are conson ants
(c) th e vowels and consonants occupy alternate positions?
8 In h ow 1nany ,vays can four girls and three boys be arranged in a row, so that:
(a) th e boys are ahvays together (b) the girls and boys occupy alternate places?
9 Ho,v 1nany five-digit numbers can be formed usmg the digits 2, 3, 5, 6, 8, 9 if no digit can be used n1ore than
once per number? How n1any even nu1nbers can be form ed?
10 Five different n1agazines and four different books are arranged in a row ,vith the books standing together.
Indicate ,vhether each state1nent belo,v is a correct or incorrect step in the calculation of the total nun1ber of
(a) 5! X 5! (b) 6! X 4! (c) 9! (d) 17280
11 Five swimmers and five runners are to be seated alternately in a row (i.e. alternating so that no hvo swimmers
or hvo runners sit next to each other). In how 1nany different ways can this be done?
12 Ho,v n1any four-digit even nu1nbers can be fonned using the digits 3, 4, 7, 8 if:
(a) no digit is repeated (b) digits n1ay be repeated?
13 How many numbers greater than 4000 can be forn1ed using the digits 3, 5, 7, 8, 9 if repetition is not allo,ved?
14 Ho,v n1any nu1nbers of seven digits can be formed using the digits 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 if:
(a) the numbers all begin with 1 and end with 2 (b) the nu1nbers are all odd?
15 In ho,v 1nany ways can five different Mathematics books, four different Physics books and two different
Che1nistry books be arranged on a shelf if the books in each subject must be together?
16 In ho,v 1nany ,vays can three doctors, three nurses and three patients be arranged in a row if the three patients
must be together?
17 Find the number of possible arrangen1ents of the letters in the word PENCILS if:
(a) 'E' is next to 'I' (b) 'E' co1nes before 'I' (c) there are three letters between 'E' and 'I'.
18 Ho,v n1any five-digit nu1nbers can be formed fro1n the digits 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 if the Salne digit can be used more
than once per number and each nu1nber is:
(a) divisible by 5 (b) an even number (c) an odd nu1nber (d) divisible by 4?
19 A car holds three people in the front seat and four in the back seat. In how many ways can seven people be
seated in the car if hvo particular people must sit in the back seat and one particular person is the driver?
25 The ratio of the nun1ber of arrange1nents of (2n + 2) different objects taken n at a tin1e to the number of
arrangen1ents of 2n different objects taken n at a tin1e is 14: 5. Find the value of n.
27 Prove fron1 the formula for "Pr that: n+ tpr ="Pr + r x "Pr - 1
28 Show that: "P, ="- 2P, + 2r X " - 2P,_1 + r(r - 1) X " - 2P ,_2
29 In ho,v 1nany ,vays Call five writers al1d five artists be arranged in a circle so that the writers are separated? In
ho,v n1any ways can this be done if two particular artists must not sit next to a particular writer?
Example 13
In how 1nany ,vays can the six letters of the ,vord MAMMAL be arranged in a line?
There are six letters, of ,vhich three are 'M' and two are '1'.
:. Nu1nber of arrangements= , ,
3.X 2 .
= 6X5X4X3X2 =
One of the 60 arrangen1ents is MMMAAL. If the letters 'M' ,vere different, e.g. M 1, M2, M3 , then this arrangement
could be six different arrangen1ents (3!):
M 1M 2M3AAL M 1M3M 2AAL M 2M 1M3AAL M 2M 3M 1AAL M3M 1M 2AAL M3M 2M 1AAL
Without the subscripts, all these arrange1nents are the same. This is why 6! is divided by 3! in the calculation
of identical object arrange1nents.
Similarly, the two letters '1' have 2! arrange1nents the sa1ne, so the result is also divided by 2!.
9 Seven cubes, identical except that four are red and three are black, are arranged in a ro,v. How 1nany different
arrange1nents are possible?
10 Three blue, three white and three red balls are placed in a row.
(a) How 1nany different arrange1nents are possible?
(b) In how many of these arrangen1ents are the red balls together?
11 Ho,v 1nany seven-digit numbers can be forn1ed that contain all the digits 2, 3, 3, 3, 4, 5, 6?
12 Find the number of different ways in \Vhich n students can stand in a ro\v when two are boys, the rest are girls,
and the boys all stand together.
A com bination (or 'selection') is an unordered pennutation of all or part of a set of objects.
Consider a set of four people, A, B, C and D. In groups of two people at a tin1e, they can be arranged as follo\vs: AB,
AC, AD, BC, BD, BA , CD, CA, CB, DA , DB, DC.
There are 4P2 = 12 arrangements.
However, the nun1ber of combinations (selections) of two people at a tin1e is only six. For exainple, AB and BA are
two arrange1nents, but only one con1bination- the order in which they are combined does not n1atter. A ai1d B can
be arranged together in 2! \vays, but co1nbined in only one \Vay.
The six different co1nbinations (selections) are as follows: AB, AC, AD, BC, BD, CD.
Example 14
Ho\v n1any groups of three can be selected from the four people A, B, C and D?
The selections are: ABC, ABD, ACD, BCD.
. . 4 ~ 4X3X2
Number o f coinb,nations = C3 = 3! = x =4
3 2
"C, = ( ~) = "~
_ n(n- l)(n-2)... (n-r+l)
. "C,-
- ( n) - n!
r - r !(n-r)!
Example 15
In how 1nany \vays can a group of four people be selected fro1n ten people if:
(a) there are no restrictions (b) the oldest person is included in the group
(c) the oldest person is excluded fron1 the group?
(d) What proportion of all possible groups contain the oldest person?
10 10! 10 X9 X8 X7
(a) Numberof\vays= C4 = 4 !(l0- 4 )! = 4 x 3 x 2 xl =210
(b) Auton1atically in cluding the oldest, the selection is now for three out of nine people.
9 9! 9x8x7
Numberof\vays= C3 = 3!(9 _ 3)!= 3 x 2 x l =84
(c) Excluding the oldest, the selection is now for four out of nine people.
9 9! 9x8x7x6
Numberof\vays= C4 = 4 !(9 _ 4 )!= 4 x 3 x 2 x l =126
(d) 84 out of the 210 possible sets contain the oldest person.
. 84 2
Proport1on= = =40%
210 5
You can use the "C, key or function on your calculator to check your answers to this work.
It is a good idea to write the nun1erical expression for the "C, result and to practise the numerical simplification. This
practice will help you to simplify the algebraic expressions that can occur in this work.
Use technology to calculate the number of combinations of n different objects taken r at a time.
Important result
From the definition for "C,:
"C -(n)- n! and "C -( n ) - n! - n!
,- r - r !(n-r) ! n-,- n-r - (n-r)!(n-(n-r))! - (n-r)!r!
For exan1ple, if a group of six is selected fro1n a set of nine people, then a group containing three people is left
9 c _ 9! _ 9x8x7x6! _ 9x8x7 _ 9C
6- 6!(9- 6)! - 6!x3! - 3! - 3
This useful result allows you to sin1plify your calculations by calculating s1naller factorials:
9 9 9! 9x8x7
C6 = C3= 3!(9-3)! = 3! = 84
Example 16
A class consists of 15 students, of \Vhon1 five are prefects. Ho\v n1any con1n1ittees of eight students can be
forn1ed if:
(a) there are no restrictions (b) each co1n1nittee contains exactly hvo prefects
(c) each committee contains at least two prefects?
(a) N un1berof comm,·ttees= ( 15) = (15) = '( 15! )'= 15Xl4X l 3Xl2Xl1X l 0X9 = 6435
8 7 7. 15- 7 . 7.1
(b) The class contains five prefects and ten non-prefects. You have to select two prefects and six non-prefects.
5) 51 5X4
Number of ways of selecting two prefects= ( = !( ..:_ )! = = 10
2 2 5 2 2
=5X4xl0x9x8x7+5X4X3xl0X9X8X7X6 + ~xl0X9X8X7+1Xl0X9X8
2Xl 4X3X2Xl 3X2X l 5X4X3X2Xl l 4X3X2Xl 3X2X l
= 2100 + 2520 + 1050 + 120 = 5790
Doing the nu1nerical calculations by showing this working-out will help you to develop the skills you \Viii
need to siinplify expressions involving ( ~) · It's tempting to just write the first line of working and then use
Example 17
In how 1nany ,vays can four runners and three s,vimmers be arranged in a row if there are eight runners and five
swin1n1ers to select fro1n?
First select the total group of seven runners and swimmers, then arrange the group in a row:
• four runners and three swi1nmers can be selected in 8 C4 x 5C3 ways.
• The group of seven can be arranged in 7! ,vays.
Nun1ber of arrange1nents =8 C4 x 5C3 x 7!
= 8X7X6X5 5X4 71 = 352 SOOO
4 X3X2X l X 2X l X .
This answer is not 8P 4 x 5P 3, because the group has to be selected before it can be arranged. When selecting the
group the order is not important, so the number of ,vays the group of seven can be selected is 8C4 x 5 C3. After the
group is selected they can then be arranged in a row.
Example 18
Prove that: m+"Cr ="'Cr + "'Cr - 1"C1 + "'Cr - 2"C2 + ... + "'C2"C r - 2 + "'CI "C r - 1 + "C r
The syn1bol m+"C, denotes the number of selections, each of r objects, when you select fro1n hvo sets containing
m and n objects respectively.
The r objects can be selected as follows (assun1ing r is not greater than either morn):
r objects fro1n m and no objects fro1n n in "'C, ways
or (r- 1) objects fro1n m and one object fron1 n in "'C,_/C 1 ways
or (r - 2) objects fro1n m and two objects fron1 n in "'C,_/'C2 ways
and so on until:
no objects fron1 m and r objects fro1n n in "C, ways.
These selections are 1nutually exclusive, so they are added to obtain the final result:
m+ncr ="'Cr + "'Cr - I "C1 + "'C, - 2"C2 + ... + "'C2"C r- 2 + "'CI "C , - I + "C r
Example 19
P rove th at: "+'ck ="ck + "ck- 1
Method 1
The syn1bol "+ 1 Ck denotes the nun1ber of selections, each of k objects, when you select from hvo sets containing n
objects and 1 object respectively.
The k objects can be selected as follows (assuming k < n):
• k objects fron1 the set of n and none fro1n the set of one in "C/C0 ="Ck ways
• (k - 1) objects from the set of n and the other one object in "Ck_/ C, = "Ck_1 ,vays.
1 1
Note that C0 = 1 and C 1 = 1.
These two selections are mutually exclusive, so they are added to obtain the final result:
n+ lc
k = "Ck + "Ck- 1
Method 2
Use the result for "C, in factorial notation:
"C "C n! n!
k + k - 1 = k!(n -k)!+ (k-l)!(n-k+l)!
from k! =k(k-1)!
= n!( k(k - ~;(:~~+ l)! + k(k - 1)!(:-k+ l)!) { and (n - k + l)! = (n - k + 1) x (n - k)!
_ n!(n+l)
- k!(n+ l - k)! Note: (n - k + 1) = (n + 1 - k)
_ (n+l)!
- k!(n+ l - k)!
_ n+lc
- k
Example 20
Ho\v n1any selections can be made from five different books, taking any nu1nber of books at a tiine?
The books can be selected one at a tiine, two at a tin1e, or up to five at a tiine.
Nun1ber of selections= 5 C1 + 5C2 + 5 C3+ 5C4 + 5 C5
=3 1 =2 -1
Example 21
In ho\v 1nany \vays can four people be divided into:
(a) an A pair and then a B pair (b) any pairs?
(a) Nu1nber of ways the A pair can be selected= 4 C2 = 6
Nu1nber of ways the B pair can now be selected = 1
:. Number of \vays an A pair an d a B pair can be selected= 6 x 1 = 6
After the first pair is selected, there is only one pair left for the B pair.
In this question you are distinguishing behveen the two pairs selected by calling the1n A and B.
Example 22
In how 1nany ,vays can six people be placed into three groups containing:
(a) three, two an d one people respectively (b) hvo people in each group?
(a) Three people can be selected fro1n the six people in 6 C3 ways.
Fron1 the remain ing th ree people, hvo people can be selected in 3C2 ways.
This leaves one person for the last group.
6 3
Number of ,vays = C3 x C2 x 1
6! 3! 6 X5 X4
= 3!(6- 3)! X 2!(3- 2)! X l = 2 = 60
(b) Two people can be selected fro1n six people in C2 ways.
Fron1 the remain ing four people, two people can be selected in 4C2 ways.
This leaves two people for th e last group.
You ,night distinguish behveen the groups, e.g. by calling then1 X , Y, Z.
The number of ,vays people can be put into three distinct groups of 2 = 6 C2 x 4C2 x 1 = 90
If the groups are indistinguishable (i.e. do not have nan1es), th en you have to divide the total nun1ber
of arrangen1ents by 3! (the number of arrangen1ents of the three groups).
C2 x 4 C2 x1 90
Number of ways people can be put into any three groups of two = =
6 = 15
(e) (1:)
(g) (:) (h) ( :) (i) "C2 0) ( :) (k) "C11
2 Evaluate:
(a) IOC S (b) 20C 9 (c) 2sc ,o (d) "C5
3 In how 1nany ,vays can three books be selected from eight different books?
4 Ho,v 1nany different hands of five cards can be dealt fro1n a standard pack of 52 playing cards?
8 How n1any different selections can be n1ade by taking three of the digits 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9?
9 In ho,v 1nany ,vays can a committee of four teachers and five parents be fonned fro1n eight teachers and seven
10 From eight lawyers, seven clerks and five judges, how many different groups could be forn1ed that contain
five lawyers, four clerks and three judges? Indicate ,vhether each answer is correct or incorrect.
20 8 7 5 8 7 5
(a) c l2 (b) P 5 X P4 X P 3 (c) C5X C4 X C3 (d) 19600
11 In ho,v 1nany ways can eight different rabbits be divided into a group of five and a group of three?
12 A co1n1nittee of six is selected fron1 ten people, of ,vhom A and B are two. How many committees can
be fonned:
(a) containing both A and B (b) excluding A if Bis included?
13 In how 1nany ways can three cards be selected fron1 a standard pack of 52 playing cards if:
(a) at least one selected card is an Ace (b) no 1nore than one selected card is an Ace?
14 In ho,v 1nany ,vays can a tean1 of three runners and four hurdlers be chosen fro1n six runners and seven
15 A co1n1nittee of seven politicians is chosen fro1n ten Liberal me1nbers, eight Labor 1nen1bers and
five independents. In how many ways can this be done to include exactly one independent, at least three
Liberal 1nen1bers and at least one Labor 1nen1ber?
16 A team of 11 is chosen from 15 cricketers. Five of the 15 cricketers are bowlers only, hvo are wicketkeepers
only and the rest are batters only. How many possible tean1s can be chosen that contain:
(a) four bo,vlers, one ,vicketkeeper and six batters
(b) at least four bowlers and at least one wicketkeeper?
17 From seven teachers and five students, a co1n1nittee of seven is formed. How many different committees can
be selected if teachers and students are both represented and the teachers are in a n1ajority?
18 From four oranges, three bananas and two apples, how 1nany selections of five pieces of fruit can be n1ade,
taking at least one of each kind?
19 In horse racing, a 'trifecta' is when the first three horses are picked in the correct order, while a 'quinella' is
when the first two horses are picked in any order. In a ten-horse race, what is the nu1nber of possible:
(a) trifecta co1nbinations (b) quinella con1binations?
20 In ho,v 1nany ways can a jury of hvelve people be chosen fro1n ten wo1nen and seven n1en so that there are at
least six wo1nen and not n1ore than four n1en?
21 In ho,v 1nany ,vays can a group of three or n1ore be selected from nine?
22 In how 1nany ways can a committee of three wo1nen and four girls be chosen fron1 seven women and six girls
so that if the eldest wo1nan is serving on the committee then the youngest girl is not?
23 Ho,v n1any (a) selections or (b) arrangen1ents, consisting of three consonants and two vowels, can be n1ade
fron1 eight different consonants and four different vowels?
24 In ho,v 1nany ,vays can four Physics books and three Mathematics books be arranged on a shelf if a selection
is 1nade fro1n six different Physics books and five different Mathe1natics books? In how n1any of these
arrangen1ents are all the Physics books next to each other?
25 In how n1any ways can three glasses and two p lates be arranged in a row if a selection is made from five different
glasses and four different plates? In how n1any of these arrangements does a glass occupy the 1niddle position?
26 Ho\v 1nany \Vords (i.e. any arrangements of letters) containing three consonants and two vowels can be fonned
fron1 the letters of the \Vord PROMISE?
28 In how 1nany \vays can nine books be distribu ted among a teacher, a parent and a child, if the teacher receives
four, the parent three and the child two?
29 In how 1nany \vays can eight different toys be divided into hvo unequ al groups?
30 In how 1nany \vays can eight basketball players be divided into four groups of hvo?
31 In how n1any ways can n objects be shared behveen hvo people? ('Shared' n1eans that each person gets
at least one. )
(c) "C
= n - yr + l x "Cr - 1 (d) m+nc
="'C3 + "'C2"C 1 + "'C 1"C2 + "C3
(e ) " + 3cr ="Cr + 3 x "Cr - 1 + 3 x "Cr - 2 + "Cr - 3
33 The ratio of the nu1nber of con1binations of (2n + 2) different objects taken n at a time to the nu1nber of
combinations of (2n - 2) different objects taken n at a tiine is 99: 7. Find the val ue of n.
A co1nbination is an unordered selection of all or part of a set of objects.
A co1nbination ( or 'selection') is an unordered pennu tation ( or 'arrangement').
• The nun1ber of combinations of r objects selected fron1 n different objects is "C, = (n)
= '( n~ )'
r. n r .
Useful results
"C - (n) -
,- r - r!(nn!- r)! and 11-, -- ( n -n r ) -- (n - n!r)!r!
This means that the number of co1nbinations of n objects taken rat a tin1e is equal to the nu1nber of combinations of
n objects taken (n - r) at a tin1e.
P(A) = nu1nber of favourable outcon1es O< P(A) < 1 P(A)= l - P(A)
number of possible outcomes '
Mutually exclusive events: P(A or B) =P(A) + P(B)
Not 1nutually exclusive events: P(A or B) = P(A) + P(B) - P(A and B)
Independent events: P(A and B) = P(A) x P(B)
Example 23
PINs (Personal Identification Nun1bers) are short nun1ber codes used as a security device.
(a) How many four-digit PINs can be made using the digits 0, 1, 2, ... 9?
(b) What is the probability that someone can randomly guess the four-digit PIN?
(c) As a further security n1easure, some financial in stitutions require a four-syn1bol code that is n1ade
using the 26 letters of the alphabet and/or the digits 0- 9. How 1nany different four-syn1bol codes
can be created?
(d) What is the probability of someone correctly guessing one of these four-syn1bol codes?
(e) What is the probability of someone correctly guessing the four-digit PIN and the correct
four-syn1bol code?
(a) Nu1nberof PINs = 104 = 10000 P(guessingPIN)= ~4 = ~
1 10 00
(c) There are 26 letters of the alphabet and 10 digits. Number of codes= 364 = 1679 616
12 horses total, two picked for a quinella: Nu1nber of quinella con1binations = C2 = 66
Only one of these co1nbinations \Vins: P(\vinning quinella)= :
Example 25
Eight people in total, including two people A and B, randomly arrange themselves in a straight line. What is the
probability that:
(a) A and B are next to each other (b) A and B are not next to each other
(c) A and B occupy the end positions (d) there are at least three people behveen A and B?
(a) Eight people can be arranged in a row in 8! \vays = 40 320
As A and B are next to each other, consider then1 as one unit.
This unit and the other six people can be arranged in 7! ways.
A and B can be arranged in two ways (AB or BA).
Total ways of arranging the people = 2 x 7!
2 X7! 2X7! 1
P(AandBnext to eachother)= ! = x ?!=
8 8 4
(b) P( A and B not next to each other)= 1- P( A and B next to each other)= 1- != !
(c) A and B can be placed at the ends in two ways (A at the beginning and B at the end, or Bat the beginning
and A at the end). The remaining six places can be filled in 6! \vays.
Total number of \vays with A and B at the ends = 2 x 6!
2x6 1 2 x 61 1
P(A and B occupy end positions)= ! · = x x· ! =
8 8 7 6 28
(d) A diagram helps to visualise the possibilities:
A ___ B ___, A ____ B __, A _____ B _, A ______ B.
_ A ___ B __, _ A ____ B _, _ A _____ B.
__ A ___ B _, __ A ____ B.
A B.
A and B can be s\vapped, so this gives 10 x 2 = 20 arrangen1ents for A and B with 6! ways of filling the
re1naining six places.
Total number of favourable arrangements= 20 x 6!
20 x 6! 20 x 6! 5
P(at least three people between A and B ) = ! = x x ! =
8 8 7 6 14
Example 26
A bag contains nine cubes: three that are \Vhite and six that are black. T\vo cubes are dra\vn at randon1 \vithout
replacen1ent. Calculate the probability that both cubes are black.
Method 1
Nun1ber of ways two cubes can be selected fron1 nine cubes without replacen1ent = 9 C2
Nun1ber of ways the t\vo cubes can be black = 6C2
C 6X5 2X1 5
P(both cubes are black)= 9 C2 = x x x =
2 1 9 8 12
Let A be the event 'black cube in the first draw' and B be the event 'black cube in the second draw'.
Each cube is equally likely to be selected, so P(A) = ~.
The outcome of the second dra\v is dependent on the outco1ne of the first draw:
if event A has happened then there are eight cubes left, of which five are black.
Hence P(BIA)=~
Now P(AB) =P(A)xP(B I A)=~ X ~= 5
Example 27
A group of nine people contains three teachers and six students. A randon1 san1ple of five people is selected.
What is the probability that it contains: (a) exactly hvo teachers (b) not 1nore than t\vo teachers?
(a) Exactly two teachers means the sa1nple contains hvo teachers and three students.
(b) Not more than hvo teachers 1neans either zero teachers and five students, one teacher and four students
or hvo teachers and three students.
Zero teachers and five students can be selected in (:) ,vays.
Example 28
From a set of five cards nu1nbered 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, t\vo cards are selected at randon1 without replace1nent.
(a) What is the probability that both cards are odd-nun1bered?
(b) If the cards are used to n1ake a t\vo-digit nu1nber, ,vhat is the probability that this nun1ber is odd?
(c) If the cards are used to n1ake a t\vo-digit nu1nber, ,vhat is the probability that this nun1ber has one
odd digit and one even digit?
(a) Number of different two-card selections= 5 C2 = 10
Number of two-card selections where both are odd= 3 C2 x 2C0 = 3
P(both cards are odd)= t
(b) Method 1
The second digit 1nust be odd, so the order is in1portant.
Number of odd numbers formed= 3P 1 x 4P1 = 12
Number of two-d igit nu1nbers fonned = P2 = 20
P(odd two-digit nwnber fonned) = tii = ~
To be an odd number, the cards n1ust be odd- odd or even- odd.
P( odd nun1ber) = P( odd, odd)+ P( even, odd)
5 4 5 4
= tii
If you consider the order: P(one even digit and o ne odd digit)= tii = ~ (i.e. the sa1ne answer)
Example 29
A box contains 10 pairs of headphones, two of which are defective. A san1ple of three pairs of headphones is drawn
at randon1 from the box without replacen1ent. Find the probability that not n1ore than one pair of headphones is
Nun1ber of possible selections= °C3 = 120
Nu n1ber of favourable selections= [O defective] + [l defective]
'O defective' 1neans that O(none) of the two defectives are selected and three of the eight non-defectives are
. ic x
1.e. 0
sc 3
'1 defective' 1neans that one of the two defectives is selected and two of the eigh t non-defectives are selected,
. ic x sc \vays.
1.e. 1 2
. 2 s 2 s 8x7x6 8x7
Nun1ber of favourable selections= C0 X C3 + C1 X C2 = X Xl + 2X x = 56+56= 112
3 2 2 1
. 112 14
P(not m ore than 1 defective)= =
120 15
Example 30
A scientific study of penguins uses the 'capture- recapture' technique. In the first stage of the study, 36 penguins are
caught, tagged and then released Later, in the second stage of the study, so1ne penguins are again captured fron1
the same area. Of these penguins, 27 of them are found to be tagged, which is 30% of the total nun1ber captured
in this second stage.
(a) In the second stage of the study, how many penguins are captured in total?
(b) Calculate the estin1ate for the total population of penguins in this area.
(a) 27 is 30% of total captured, N: 27 =0.3N
N = - = 90 Hence 90 penguin s ,vere captured.
1 Five cards are drawn at rando1n from a standard pack of 52 playing cards. What is the probability that:
(a) they are all fro1n the same suit (b) they include four Aces (c) they include three 10s and t\vo 9s?
2 A bag contains five red balls and four white balls. Three balls are withdra,vn ,vithout replace1nent. The
probability of drawing at least two red balls is:
A _l B 2.... C 20 D 25
21 42 42 42
3 A student writes a randon1 three-digit nu1nber using the digits 1- 9. What is the probability that the three
digits in the nun1ber are all the san1e?
4 In horse racing, a 'trifecta' is when the first three horses are picked in the correct order. In a 10-horse race, what
is the probability of picking the trifecta, assun1ing that each horse is equally likely to win?
5 A bag contains three white balls, four red balls and five black balls. Three balls are dra,vn at randon1 without
replacement. What is the probability that they are: (a) different colours (b) the sa1ne colour?
6 From a group of seven teachers and five students, a rando1n selection of seven people is made. What is the
probability that the selection contains at least four teachers?
7 A co1n1nittee of three judges and four la,vyers is to be chosen from six judges and seven lawyers. What is the
probability that it contains a particular judge and a particular la,vyer?
8 Five cards are drawn from a standard pack of 52 playing cards (,vithout replace1nent). What is the probability
of dra,ving at least three Aces?
9 A person correctly picks the first and second horses in a race of 10 horses. If each horse was equally likely to
win, ,vhat is the probability of this?
10 The letters of the word PROMISE are arranged in a row. What is the probability that there are three letters
bet\veen 'P' and 'R'?
11 Six giraffes rando1nly arrange the1nselves in a line. What is the probability that the tallest giraffe and the
shortest giraffe are together?
12 Four different trucks and three different cars are parked in a row. What is the probability that the trucks and
the cars occupy alternate positions?
13 A car's number plates contain three letters of the alphabet followed by three nun1erals. How many nun1ber
plates like this can be n1ade? What proportion of these would contain three letters the sa1ne and three
nu1nerals the saine?
14 The letters of the ,vord INDEPENDENCE are arranged in a ro,v. What is the probability of all the letters 'E'
being together? Indicate ,vhether each statement belo,v is a correct or incorrect step in solving this problen1.
(a) Nun1ber of arrange1nents of the letters=
f~~! (b) Nu1nber of ways ;~at the letters 'E'
are together= ! ! !
(c) Number of ,vays that the letters 'E' are together= f;!
4 32
(d) Probability of the letters 'E' being together=
15 A carton contains a dozen eggs, of ,vhich three have a double yolk. If three eggs are taken to make a cake, find
the probability that the three eggs all have double yolks.
16 A tean1 of six is selected fro1n 10 people. What is the probability that the youngest and oldest people are on the
17 A box contains five red cubes and four ,vhite cubes. Three cubes are drawn in succession ,vithout replace1nent.
What is the probability that: (a) the first two cubes are red and the third cube is white
(b) any two cubes are red and one cube is ,vhite?
18 An angler has caught 15 fish, of which three are undersized. A random sainple of three fish is drawn without
replacen1ent by an inspector. The angler is fined if one or 1nore of the fish in the sainple is undersized. What is
the probability that the ai1gler is fined?
19 Eight different jackets are divided into two piles. What is the probability that there \viii be four in each pile?
20 A party of 12 people, including A and B, are arrai1ged at rando1n in a straight line. What is the probability that
A and B are not next to one another?
21 A box contains 15 me1nory cards, of which 5 are defective. If a random sainple of 6 memory cards
is drawn fron1 the box (\vithout replace1nent), determine the probability of there being 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 defective
n1emory cards in the sainple.
22 An urn contains 12 distinguishable cubes of which five are red and the re1nainder black. If a random sa1nple
of six cubes is drawn without replacen1ent, calculate the probabilities of 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 red cubes in the
23 Two boxes each contain eight balls. In box A there are three black and five white balls; in box B there are
one black and seven ,vhite balls. For each box, find the probability that two balls chosen at randon1 \vithout
replacen1ent \viii both be white.
24 A sainple of three coins is selected \vithout replace1nent from a handful of eight coins that consists of four 1Oc
coins and four 20c coins. What is the probability that the sa1nple contains at least two 10c coins?
25 A hand of five cards is dealt fro1n a standard pack of 52 playing cards. What is the probability that it contains
at least one Ace?
26 Fron1 a group of 12 people, of whom eight are painters and four are carpenters, a sample of four is selected at
rando1n. What is the probability that the sainple contains at least two carpenters?
27 Box A contains six ,vhite and four black balls. Box B contains two white and t\vo black balls. Fron1 box A, two
balls are selected at randon1 and placed in box B. Two balls are then selected at rai1do1n from box B. What is
the probability that exactly one of these two balls is white?
28 Fron1 a set of 10 cards nun1bered 1- 10, two cards are drawn \vithout replacen1ent. What is the probability that:
(a) both numbers are even (b) one is even and the other is odd
(c) the sun1 of the two nun1bers is 12 (d) both nu1nbers are even ai1d the sun1 of the two nun1bers is 12?
29 The letters of the word TOMATO are arranged in a row. W hat is the probability that:
(a) the two letters 'O' are together (b) the two letters 'O' are not together?
30 The letters of the word TUESDAY are arranged at randon1 in a row. W hat is the probability that:
(a) the vowels and consonants occupy alternate positions (b) the vowels are together
(c) the vowels are together and the letter 'T' occupies the first place?
31 Four girls and four boys arrange then1selves at random in a row. W hat is the probability that the girls and the
boys occupy alternate positions?
32 Six different robots, including A and B, arrange then1selves at rando1n in a row. W hat is the probability that:
(a) A and B occupy the end positions (b) A and B are not next to each other
(c) there are at least three robots between A and B?
33 The digits l, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 are used to forn1 numbers that contain two or n1ore digits. The sa1ne digit cannot be
used more than once in a nu1nber. W hat proportion of the nu1nbers fonned are even nun1bers?
34 Five cards are selected with replacement fron1 a standard pack of 52 playing cards. W hat is the probability that
the selected cards include:
(a) exactly three hearts (b) four Aces (c) no hearts?
35 A gan1e involves choosing six numbers from a set of 44 nu1nbers.
(a) What is the probability of winning (i.e. choosing the six numbers correctly) in a single gan1e?
(b) If you play four games, choosing a different set of nun1bers for each gan1e, what is the probability that one
of your gan1es will win?
36 A scientific study uses the 'capture- recapture' technique. In the first stage of the study, 48 possun1s are caught,
tagged and then released. Later, in the second stage of the study, son1e possun1s are again captured fron1 the
sa1ne area. Of these possu1ns, 24 of them are found to be tagged, \Vhich is 40% of the total captured in this
second stage.
(a) In the second stage of the study, how many possums are captured in total?
(b) Calculate the estin1ate for the total population of possu1ns in this area.
Example 31
In a randon1 group of people, \Vhat is the probability that at least hvo people in the group have the same birtllday (Le.
the same day and month, but not necessarily the saine year)? This exainple investigates this problen1.
(Note: 29 February and leap years will be ignored, assuming instead 1 year= 365 days.)
(a) In a group of four people, what is the probability that there is at least one birthday shared?
(b) In a group of 10 people, \Vhat is the probability that there is at least one birthday shared?
(c) In a group of n people, \Vhat is the probability that there is at least one birthday shared?
(d) For \Vhat value of n is there a 50% chance that at least hvo people in the group have the saine birtllday?
(a) If two people have their birthday on different days, then there are 364 days on which the second person
could have been born.
.. 364 363 362
In a group of four people, the probability that no two people are born on the san1e day = x x
365 365 365
Probability of at least one birthday in con1n1on =1- ;~! x ;~; x ;~; =0.0164
364 p,
Fron1 (b) you known> IO. Trying n =20: - ~i~
g= 0.556
Trying n = 25: Pis = 0.4012
Trying n = 22: 22 =0.5234
364 P.
Trying n = 23: -
-."f- =0.4917
Hence the closest value of n is 23.
An interesting problen1 sin1ilar to the birthday investigation above is the 'Hern1it Problen1: which you 1nay wish
to research.
Pascal's triangle
Create and explore the construction of Pascal's triangle.
Unfortunately, using these properties of Pascal's triangle to find the coefficients of any particular expansion requires
all the previous rows. For exa1nple, to expand ( 1 + x) 12 in this \Vay you \vould first need all the ro\vs up to n = 11 to
find the 12th row of Pascal's triangle.
However, there is a n1ore efficient way to find the coefficients. You can establish a relationship for the coefficients for
the expansion of the general case ( 1 + x) •
To do this, you can use the notation 11C, in place of the coefficient, \vhere the right subscript r is the power of x and
the left superscript n is the po\ver n. Previously defined as the nun1ber of combinations of n different objects taken r
at a tin1e, 11C,, is also by definition the coefficient of x' in (1 + x) 11 •
Thus you can \Vrite the general expansion of (1 + x )" as:
(1 + X ),, = "Co + 11C1X + 11 CzX 2 + ... + "C,X r + ... + 11 C11 X 11
= I."crx'
If you write b in place of x and multiply both sides by a11, you obtain:
=a 11
11 11
C0 + C, b
(b) + ...+ (b)' + ...+ (b)
a + C2 a
C, a
C 11 a
= 11
C0 a" + 11 C1a 11 - 1b + "C2a 11 - 2b 2 + • • • + 11Cr a"-' b' + • • • + "C,, b11
=L "C,an-rbr
This is the binomial theorem. Notice that in each tenn the su1n of the powers in a11 -'b' is n - r + r = n. As the po\ver
of a decreases \Vith each tern1, the power of b increases by the same ainount.
Example 32
Write the expansion of ( 1 + 2x)4, using Pascal's triangle to obtain the coefficients.
Write: (1 + 2x)4 = 4Co + 4Cl(2x)l + 4cie2x) 2 + 4C3(2x)3 + 4C4(2x)4
Fro1n Pascal's triangle: 4Co = 1, 4cl = 4, 4c 2 = 6, 4C3 = 4, 4c4 = 1
(1 + 2x)4 = 1 + 4 x2x + 6 x4x2 +4x 8x3 + 1 x 16x
= 1 + 8x + 24x-' + 32x3 +16x4
Example 33
Write the expansion of ( 1 -x) 3 •
Write: (1 - x)3 = 3Co + 3C1 (-x)1 + 3C2(-x) 2 + 3Cl-x)3
Fro1n Pascal's triangle: 3Co = 1, 3cl = 3, 3c 2 = 3, 3C3 = 1
(1 -x)3 = 1 + 3 x (-x) + 3 xx-' + 1 x (-x)
2 3
= l -3x + 3x -x
Example 34
Write the sin1plified expansion of ( 1+ JJ)6.
= 6Co + 6C1 X ✓3 + 6C2 X ( ✓3)2 + 6C3 X ( ✓3)3 + 6C4 X ( ✓3) + 6C5 X ( ✓3)5 + 6C6 X ( ✓3)
4 6
(1 +
Example 35
4 5
Find the coefficient of a in ( 1 + 5a) •
Method 1
(1 + 5a) 5 = 1 + 5 x Sa+ 10 x (5a)2 + 10 x (5a)3 + 5 x (Sa)4 + ...
After the required tern1 is found, there is no need to find succeeding tern1s.
(1 + 5a) 5 = 1 + 25a + 250a2 + 1250a3 + 3125a4 + ...
The coefficient of a 4 is 3125.
Method 2
5 5 1 5
For the expansion, you can write T 1 = C0 , T 2 = C1(5a) and so on, leading to the general term T,+t = C,(5a)'.
5 4 4 4 4
For the tern1 in a4. r = 4: T 5 = C4(5a) = 5 x 5 a = 3 125a
Hence the coefficient of a4 is 3125.
Example 36
Use the expansion of ( 1- !) 5
to find an approximation for (
tJo ) correct to four decimal places.
140 New Senior Mathematics Extension 1 for Years 11 & 12
This can be written as an expansion: (
!) 5
= ( 1- ~ )
1 0
1 1 1
=l - 5X 100+ 1ox 2- lOX 3+ ...
100 100
5 10 10
= l - 100 + 10000 - 1000000 + .. .
= 1- 0.05 + 0.001 - 0.00001 + .. .
= 0.9510
As the accuracy is only to four decimal places, the tern1s s1naller than 0.00001 are insignificant and can
be ignored.
: . ( 99 ) = 0.95 10 correct to four decimal places.
(I) ( 1+ 2; )5 (o) ( x +
A -30 8 30 C --60 D 60
7 3
5 Find thefourth tennintheexpansionof: (a) (l + x)5 (b) (1 -2a) (c) ( 1+ : )
6 Write the simplified expansion for each of the following. (a) ( 1+ ✓2)4 (b) ( 1- ../3)3
(c) (1+✓5) 6
(d) (1+2../3)3 (e) (1-3✓2) 4
(f) ( 1+ f) 5
7 Use the expansion of( 1- !)" to find the value of each expression correct to four decin1al places.
(b) (1ir 99 )
(c) ( 100
where the "C, are the nun1bers in the (n + 1)-th row of Pascal's triangle.
Example 37
Write the expansion of (a+ x)s.
(a + X)S =SC0aSXO+ SCI a4XI + SC2a3JC + SC3a2K + SC4alX4 + SCSa0x5
where the sc, are the numbers in the sixth row of Pascal's triangle.
Example 38
Write the expansion of (2 + x)4.
Coefficients are the nu1nbers in the fifth row of Pascal's triangle:
(2 + x)4 = 1 X 24x 0 + 4 X 23x 1 + 6 X 22x2 + 4 X 21x3 + 1 X 2°x 4
= 16 + 32x + 24x2 + sx3 + x4
Example 39
Write the expansion of (2a - b)s.
Coefficients are the nu1nbers in the sixth row of Pascal's triangle:
(2a - b)s = (2a)s + 5 X (2a) 4 X (-b) 1 + 10 X (2a) 3 X (-b) 2 + 10 X (2a)2 X (-b)
+ 5 X (2a) X (-b) 4 + (-b)s
= 32as - 5 X 16a4b + 10 X 8a3b2 - 10 X 4a2b3 + 10ab4 - bs
= 32as - 80a4b + 80a3b2 - 40a2b3 + 10ab4 - bs
Example 40
Write the expansion of ( x + !) 4
Coefficients are the nu1nbers in the fifth row of Pascal's triangle:
1 4 3 l 2 1 1 1
x+ - ) =x +4x x - +6x x - + 4xx- + -
( x x x2 x 3 x4
4 2 4 1
=x +4x +6+- + -
x2 x 4
In this exan1ple, hvo tenns that were functions of x create a constant tern1 in the expansion. You can say that
'the tenn independent of x' (i.e. the term without an x) is 6.
(f) (3 - x) 3
(g) (2 - a) 8
(h) (3y - 2x)
(i) (x- !) 4
0) 2
(x + !)
(b) ( 4 - ✓3)
2 Write the simplified expansion for each of the following. (a) (2 + ✓2)4
(c) ( ✓2 + Js)6 (2../3- 3✓2)
(d) (Js+../3)5 (e) (f) (✓6 + 2✓3)5
3 Write the coefficient of x in the expansion of: (a) (3 + x)
(b) (2 -x) 1 (c) (x+ !)'
4 The coefficient of x 5 in the expansion of (2x + 5) 8 is:
A 32000 B 4000 C 224000 D 1792
5 Find the tenn independent of x in each expansion. (a) (2x + 3) 4
(b) ( x+ !) 6
· "Co-
- 1
· "CII = 1
Adding the above two lines, the left-hand side becon1es: (1+ x)"-1 + x(l + x)"- 1 = (1 + x)( l + x)"-1 = (1 + x )"
(1+ X )" = 11-JcO+ ( 11-ICO+ 11- lcl )x + ( n-lcl + 11- lc2 )x2 + ... + ( 11- lc,- J + 11- lc, )x' + ... + ( 11-lc11- 2+ n-lc11-J)x"-1 + 11-Jc,,_1X"
Equating the coefficients of x: "C, = "- 1c,_1 + "- 1c, for 1 < r < n - 1
In terms of Pascal's triangle, this result is equivalent to saying that a tenn in one ro\v is the sum of the hvo tenns in
5 4 4
the ro\v above to the left and to the right (e.g. C3 = C2 + C).
• 1 •
n . -n x -
n- 1
- n n- 1 n - 2
• TX 2 x 3
1 1 2
. d th h "C n(n - l )(n - 2) .. .(n - r + 1)
Th1s n1ay 1ea you to guess at per aps , = , 1 < r < n.
1 x 2 x 3 x ... xr
Call this staten1ent S(n). The coefficient of"C0 has already been shown to be 1.
Note: This forn1ula for "C, can now be used to obtain bino1nial expansions ,vithout having to construct the rows of
Pascal's triangle.
Making x = b and multiplying both sides by a" gives the expansion for (a + b)":
(a +b )" =a"+ C1a"- b + C2a 1 11 11
2 2 11
b + . .. + C,a"- rb' + .. . + b 11
=L 11
C,a11 -'b'
r =O
• The expansion of (a + b)" contains (n + 1) tern1s. "C,a"-' b' is th e (r + 1)-th tenn and is called the
general term .
• If you write -b in place of b, the expansion becomes:
1 2 2
(a - b )" = a" - C 1a11 11
- b+ "C2a"- b - .•• + "C,a - r(-b )' + ... + (- b )" = L.(-1)' 11 C,a11 - rb'
r ::O
The tenns are alternately positive and negative.
• Because (a + b)" = (b + a) 11 and 11 C, = "C,,_, , any tenn fron1 one end of the expansion of (a + b)11 is the saine
tern1 counted fron1 the opposite end of the expansion of (b + a)".
Example 41
Write the expansion of (2x - y) 5•
(2x - y)5 =(2x) 5 - 5
C1 (2x) 4 y + 5C 2 (2x)3 y 2 - 5
C3 (2x)2 y 3 + 5C4 (2x)y 4 - y 5
=32x5 - 80x 4 y + 80x 3y 2 - 40x 2y 3 + 10xy 4 - y 5
Example 42
Find the coefficient of x 4 in each expansion. (a) (1 + x) 6 (b) (3x - 2) 7
(The alternative notation(;)= 11 C, is used belo,v. Either notation ,nay be used.)
Method 1
6 2 3 4
(a) (1 + x) = 1+(: ) x+( ~)x +( !)x + ( !)x + ...
The expansion does not need to be written out in full; only far enough to find the required term.
( 6) 6! 6 x 5 x 4! 6 x 5
Coefficient of x 4: = - - = - - - = - - = 15
4 4!2! 4! X 2 2
6 6 5 6 6
(Recall fro1n earlier in the chapter that ( ) = ( ) = ( ) = x = 15, which can simplify the
calculation.) 4 6- 4 2 2 X1
(b) (3x- 2)7 = (3x)7 - 7 Ci(3x)6 x 2 + 7 C2(3x)5 x 22- 7 C3(3x)4 x 23+ .. .
. 4 7 4 3 4 7X 6 X5 4
Tern11nx: (-l) X C3X 3 X 2x = - 3X2Xl x 8 1X8x
Coefficient of x 4 : -22 680
Method 2
(a) In the expansion of (1 + x) , T,+i = ( ! ) x '
• 4
Tern11n x :T5 = ( ) x 4 = 6 xx 5 x 4 = 15x 4
4 2 1
Coefficient of x 4: 15
(b) In the expansion of (3x - 2)7, T,+t = (:)(3x) - ' (- 2)'
The tenn for x requires 7 - r = 4, so r = 3.
4 3
Tern1 in x : T4 =(:)(3x)4 (- 2) = - ~:~:~ x8l x 8x 4
= - 22680x
Example 43
Write the sixth term in the expansion of (2x - 3y)8.
The general term is 8C,(2x)'(- 3y)8-'. This is the (r + 1)-th term: T,+ 1 = 8 C, (2x)'(- 3y)8- r
For the sixth tern1, r + 1 = 6, so r = 5: T6 = 8 C5 (2x )5 (- 3y )3 (Ren1en1ber 8C5 = 8 C3)
=(- l )3 8X 7 X6 2533 5 3
3X2Xl x x y
5 3
= - 48384x y
5 4 5
(e) (x2 - 3y2)4 (f) (2a - ~ ) (g) ( 21- 3;2) (h) (x3 - 2x-2)6 (i) ( a: -3b)
3 2b
A -20 B 20 C D
( 3)
8 13
1 A coin is tossed, a die is rolled, and a card is selected from a standard pack of 52 playing cards and its suit
noted. Which would be the best fonn to display the possible outco1nes of this experiment: table, list or
tree diagram?
2 A bag contains four discs, each of a different colour. Ho\v n1any different arrangen1ents can be n1ade of
four discs if:
(a) they are selected at rando1n one at a time and placed in a row until the bag is e1npty
(b) one disc is selected at randon1, its colour is noted and it is p u t back in the bag before the next disc
is selected?
3 How n1any different arrangements can be n1ade of the five vowels a, e, i, o, u?
4 How n1any different four-digit nu1nbers can be fonned fro1n the digits 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 if:
(a) none of the digits are repeated (b) the digits may be repeated?
5 Ho\v n1any four-digit or five-digit nun1bers greater than 4000 can be fonned using 0, 2, 4, 5, 7 if:
(a) none of the digits are repeated
(b) the digits may be repeated
(c) none of the digits are repeated and the nun1bers forn1ed are even?
6 (a) How 1nany arrangements of the letters in the word ISOSCELES are possible?
(b) How 1nany arrangements of the letters in the word ISOSCELES are possible if the consonants and vowels
n1ust alternate?
7 In how 1nany ways can a cycling tean1 of four riders be selected from a squad of ten riders?
8 A co1n1nittee of six is chosen fro1n 14 people. In how many ways can this be done?
9 A ,nixed volleyball tea1n of eight players is selected fro1n eight 1nales and nine fen1ales. In how 1nany \vays can
this be done if the tean1 n1ust have an equal nun1ber of male and fen1ale players?
12 (a) In how many ways can a co1n1nittee of three parents and four teachers be chosen fro1n six parents and
eight teachers?
(b) The me1nbers of the con1n1ittee are seated in a ro\v of seven chairs on a stage. In how 1nany different ways
can they be seated?
(c) Find the nu1nber of ways of seating this con1n1ittee if the parents refuse to sit at the ends of the row.
(d) What is the probability that for a chosen con1n1ittee, the parents do not sit at the ends of the row?
13 A box contains four n1arbles labelled 2, 3, 4, 6. If two 1narbles are drawn at random fro1n the box, \Vhat is the
probability that their su1n is greater than 7?
14 The letters of the word CONSIDER are rearranged What is the probability that the rearranged set of letters
will begin with 'SI'?
15 Three-digit nu1nbers are formed using the digits 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7. If none of the digits are repeated, \vhat is the
probability of forn1ing an even nu1nber?
16 The letters of the word ARRANGEMENT are arranged in a row.
(a) In how many ways can this be done using all the letters?
(b) What is the probability that the vowels are all together?
17 Three cards are selected fro1n a standard pack of 52 playing cards. What is the probability that at least one of
the cards will be a King?
18 If a coin is tossed six tiines, what is the probability of obtaining exactly three heads?
19 Seven-digit nu1nbers are formed using all the digits 2, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 7.
(a) How 1nany different nun1bers can be fonned?
(b) What is the probability that the number forn1ed is odd?
(c) What is the probability that the number forn1ed is greater than 4 000 000?
(d) What is the probability that the number forn1ed is less than 7 000 000?
20 A test consists of six n1ultiple-choice questions. Each question has four possible ans\vers: one that is correct
and three that are incorrect. An1anda rando1nly selects an ans\ver to each of the six questions.
(a) What is the probability that Amanda selects four correct and two incorrect answers?
(b) What is the probability that Amanda selects four or n1ore correct answers?
(c) What is the probability that Amanda selects at least one incorrect ans\ver?
21 Four ordinary six-sided dice are rolled. What is the probability that exactly three of the dice roll a 5? Leave
your ans\ver in unsin1plified fonn.
Example 1
The volume of ,vater in a cylindrical tank of constant cross-section is given by V =25tr ( 100 - t) 1n3, where t is
the time in minutes.
(a) How 1nuch ,vater is in the tank initially?
(b) If~~ gives the rate at ,vhich water flo,vs out from the bottom of the tank when a tap is opened, find ~~
and comment on your answer.
(c) How 1nuch tiine does it take for the tank to en1pty?
(a) t = 0: V = 25n: x 100 = 2500 1r1n3
(b) ~~ =-25n:
The water is flowing out of the tank at a constant rate.
(c) The tank is empty when V = 0: 25tr(l00 - t) = 0
t = 1001ninutes
This could also be solved by considering where the graph of V = 25n:( 100- t) cuts the t-axis.
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 t
The graph cuts the t-axis (that is, reaches V = O) at t = 100, so the tank is empty after 100 n1inutes.
Example 2
A large cube of ice has edges of length 10cm. As it melts its volun1e decreases at a constant rate of25cm 3 per hour.
(a) What is the initial volun1e of the cube of ice?
(b) What is the volume of ice re1naining after 2 hours?
(c) Obtain a forn1ula for the volun1e V c1n3 re1naining after t hours.
(d) How 1nuch tin1e will it take for the ice to 1nelt con1pletely?
(a) Volume of cube of ice= 103 = 1000cm3.
(b) After 2 hours, the volu1ne 1nelted = 25 x 2 = 50 cm 3.
Volume remaining= 1000 - 50 = 950 cn13.
(c) After t hours, the volu1ne n1elted = 25 x t = 25tcm 3•
V = 1000 - 25t.
(d) V = 0: 1000 - 25t = 0, sot= 40 hours.
It takes 40 hours for the cube of ice to 1nelt con1pletely.
1 When concentrated chemical solutions are allowed to evaporate slowly, crystals are formed. The surface area
of a particular crystal is given by A= 0.8t2, where A is mm 2 and t is days of evaporation. The rate at which the
surface area is increasing after 4 days is:
A 0.8 mm 2 day- • B 1.6 mm 2 day- • C 6.4 1n1n2 day- 1 D 12.8 mm 2 day- •
2 The length of the sides of a square, xcm, is given by x = 4t + 1 where tis in seconds.
(a) At \Vhat rate is the length of the side of the square increasing at t seconds?
(b) At \Vhat rate is the length of the side of the square increasing when t = 5 seconds?
(c) Write an expression for the area A cni of the square as a function oft.
(d) At \Vhat rate is the area of the square increasing \vhen t = 5 seconds?
3 A petrol pump delivers petrol at the rate of 4 litres per 1ninute.
(a) Ho\v n1uch petrol is delivered in 5 n1inutes?
(b) If V litres of petrol are delivered in t 1ninutes at this rate, find an expression for Vin terms oft.
(c) Ho\v n1uch time will it take to deliver 45 litres of petrol?
4 A tank holds 50 000 litres of water. The water drains from the tank in 40 1ninutes. The volun1e of \Vater
re1naining in the tank after tn1inutes is given by V = 50 000 ( 1- ; where Vis 1neasured in litres.
(a) Find the rate at which the \Vater is draining from the tank after: (i) 5 minutes (ii) 10 n1inutes
(iii) 201ninutes.
(b) Ho\v n1uch water ren1ains in the tank after 20 n1inutes?
(c) How n1uch time will it take until only half the initial volu1ne of water remains in the tank?
5 The volume of ,vater in a tank is given by V = 1000 - 2t + liOO , where V is n1easured in litres and t is
in m in utes.
(a) Ho,v n1uch water is in the tank initially, assu1ning it ,vas full?
(b) Find an expression for dt as a function oft.
(c) At ,vhat rate is the water flo,ving out of the tank at 25 1nin utes?
(d) Ho,v n1uch tiine ,vill it take to e1npty the tan k at this rate?
6 The rate at ,vhich solven_t i'.1 a nail polish evaporates is given by ~~ = 560 ( 1- ; 0 ), where V m L is the volu1ne
of solven t presen t and t 1s 111 seconds.
(a) What is the initial rate of evaporation of the solvent?
(b) When does the evaporation of the solvent stop?
7 An electric curren t exists whenever electric charges 1nove through a surface. The quan tity of charge Q in
coulon1bs (C) that has passed through a surface after tiine t, 1neasured in seconds, is given by
Q = f - 6t2 + 12t + 5. The current, in amperes (A), where 1 A = 1 Cs- 1 is given by~~ . Find the current when:
(a) t = 0.5s (b) t = l s.
(c) What is the initial charge? (d) When does the current stop flowing?
f-x- Consider a particle, represen ted by a point P, n1oving in a straigh t line X' OX.
The displacement x is the particle's position relative to the fixed point 0. It ,nay be a
X: 0 p X
A positive or negative n u1nber, according to whether Pis to the right or left of 0. The origin
of the n1otion is not necessarily at 0 , so ,vhen t = 0, P n1ay be (for example) at the point A.
Displacen1ent is defined as the position relative to a starting point. It can be positive or negative.
Displacen1ent is not necessarily the total distance travelled.
Unlike displacement, distance is al,vays a positive quantity.
Consider the equation x = f (t), ,vhich gives the position coordinate x of a particle 1noving in a straight line at tin1e t.
x At tin1e t, the particle is at A, and at tin1e (t + h) the particle is at B, as sho,vn
in the d iagra1n. Thus in the small time interval h the particle has changed its
position by an amount k = f(t + h) - f (t).
. . . . . k f(t+h) - f(t)
B - - - - - - - - - - - (I+ /J,j{t + /J)) The average velocity 111 this tune interval = h = h , h '#. 0.
(t,fil)) :
A - - - - - - - - - - . k =fit+ /J) - fit)
I h : The instantaneous velocity of the particle at tiine t is defined by
' ' . J(t +h) - J(t) . , dx .
0 t t +h I lun h . This n1ay be denoted by v(t) , f (t), -d or x:
lo➔O t
v(t) = f'(t ) = dx = x = lin1 f (t + h) - f (t)
dt h➔O h
Velocity is defined as the rate of change of position (i.e. of displace1nent) with respect to tiine, or as
the tiine rate of change of position in a given direction.
Velocity can be positive or negative, depending on the direction of travel.
Speed is the magnitude of the velocity and is always positive.
Acceleration is defined as the rate of change of velocity \Vith respect to time.
Acceleration, like velocity, can be positive or negative.
Positive acceleration indicates that the velocity is increasing, \Vhile negative acceleration
indicates that the velocity is decreasing (\vhich is often called deceleration or retardation).
(Note: 'increasing velocity' is not necessarily 'faster speed'; it only n1eans acceleration in the direction of
positive displacement.)
If velocity is denoted by v(t), then the average acceleration over the tin1e interval fron1 t to (t + h) is v(t + h/2 - v (t )
The instantaneous acceleration at tin1e tis defined by liin v( t + hh - v(t). This ,nay be denoted by v'(t ), a(t),
2 /1 ➔0
f "(t ), -dv , d x
dt dt
( ) =v t = - x =x.. = Ii1n v(t + h)h -v(t)
' ( ) d
dt2 lo➔O
Tiine s t
Displacen1ent Cln, m
(ors in Physics)
cn1s- 1 , ms- • dx
Velocity V, dt , x
cn1s-2 , ms- 2 dv d x
Acceleration a, dt' dt 2 , x
Note that 's' is the abbreviation for second, 'c1n' for centiinetre and '1n' for 1netre.
Constant acceleration due to gravity on Earth can be assun1ed to be 9.8,ns- 2 (,=l On1s- 2).
Example 3
A particle is moving in a straight line, so that its displace1nent x 1netres fro1n a fixed point O on the line at tiine
t seconds (t > O) is given by x = t3 - 2t2 - 4t.
(a) Detennine expressions for the velocity and acceleration of the particle.
(b) Find \Vhen the particle is at rest.
(c) Find \Vhen the acceleration is negative.
(d) By dra\ving the graph of the velocity function, co1n1nent on the velocity when the acceleration is negative.
(e) When is the acceleration positive? What does this 1nean for the velocity of the particle?
(a) X =f - 2f - 4t
Differentiate: dx = 3t2 - 4t - 4
:. v=3t2-4t-4
Differentiate again: dv = 6t - 4
:. a=6t-4
(b) At rest when v = 0: 3t2 - 4t - 4 = 0
(3t+ 2)(t-2) = 0
t=-3, 2
As t > 0, the particle is at rest after 2 seconds.
(c) a < 0: 6t - 4 <0
t <l
2 t =I
0 t
I 3
When t < l the velocity function is a decreasing function and the velocity is negative. It obtains its least
3 2
value \Vhen t = 3.
(e) The acceleration is positive when t > ; . This means the velocity is increasing \Vhen t > ; , and since the
graph of the velocity is getting steeper it 1neans the velocity is increasing at an increasing rate.
1 A particle is moving in a straight line, so that its displacement xmetres from a fixed point O on the line at tiine
t seconds (t > O) is given by x = 2? - st2 - 4t.
(a) Find the velocity and acceleration of the particle at any time t.
(b) Find the initial velocity and acceleration.
(c) When is the particle at rest?
(d) When is the acceleration zero? What is the velocity and displacen1ent at this tiine?
2 A particle is moving in a straight line so that its displacement x metres from a fixed point O on the line at tiine
t seconds (t > O) is given by x = t3 - 3.St2 - 6t.
(a) Find expressions for the velocity and acceleration of the particle.
(b) Find \Vhen the particle is at rest.
(c) Find \Vhen the acceleration is negative.
(d) By dra\ving the graph of the velocity function, co1n1nent on the velocity when the acceleration
is negative.
(e) When is the acceleration positive? What does this 1nean for the velocity of the particle?
3 A particle n1oves in a straight line. Its velocity v ms- 1 at tiine tis given by v = 5- lO .
(a) Find the initial velocity.
(b) Find the acceleration of the particle when the particle is at rest.
(c) Sketch the graph of v for t > 0, sho\ving any intercepts and asy1nptotes.
4 The graph shows the displacen1ent x of a particle 1noving along a X
5 The displace1nent of a particle moving along the x-axis is given by x = 2t - ,
where xis the displace1nent from the origin in n1etres, tis in seconds and t > 0.
(a) Find the expression for the velocity v and draw the graph of v against t.
(b) What value does the velocity approach as t increases indefinitely?
(c) Find the expression for the acceleration a and draw the graph of a against t.
(d) Show that the acceleration of the particle is always negative.
6 A particle is moving along the x -axis. The displacen1ent of the particle at tiine tis x metres. At a certain tiine,
v =-4ms- 1 anda = 3 n1 s- 2.
Which staten1ent describes the ,notion of the particle at that time?
A The particle is 1noving to the left \vith decreasing speed.
B The particle is 1noving to the left \vith increasing speed.
C The particle is 1noving to the right \Vith decreasing speed.
D The particle is 1noving to the right \Vith increasing speed.
7 A driver takes 3 hours to travel the distance bet\veen t\vo points A and B on a country road. At tiine t hours
after passing A, the driver's speed vlunh- 1 is given by v = 60 + 40e-•.
(a) Calculate the speeds \vhen the driver passes points A and B.
(b) Write the acceleration in tenns of: (i) t (ii) v
(c) Sketch the velocity- tiine curve and con1n1ent on the motion for large values oft.
8 A particle n1oves in a straight line so that its displacement x fron1 a fixed origin at any tiine t is given
by x (t) = 2( 1 - e-').
(a) Find x (O) , x(O) and .x(O). (b) Sketch the graph of x( t). (c) Find t when x (t) = l.
9 A body starts fro1n O an d 1noves in a straight line. At any tiine t its velocity is given by x = 6t - 4. Indicate
whether each statement below is correct or incorrect.
(a) x = 3t2 - 4t + C (b) x=3r-4t (c) x= 3r-4t (d) x= 6
10 A body starts fro1n O and 1noves in a straight line. At any tiine t, its velocity is t2- 4t3. Find, in terms oft:
(a) the displacement x (b) the acceleration.
11 The velocity v 1n s_, at tin1e t seconds ( t > 0) of a body moving in a straight line is given by v = 6t2 + 6t - 12.
Find the acceleration at any tiine t.
12 A particle is projected vertically upwards fro1n a point O with an velocity of251ns- 1 and a do,vnward
acceleration of 10 1n s- 2•
(a) Find its velocity and height above Oat any tiine t.
(b) What 1naxin1u1n height does the particle reach?
(c) At ,vhat time has its velocity been reduced to half the velocity of projection?
13 A body is projected vertically up,vards with an initial velocity of 301n s- 1• It rises with a deceleration of
10,ns- 2•
(a) Find its velocity at any tin1e t. (b) Find its height h n1 above the point of projection at any time t.
(c) Find the greatest height reached. (d) Find the time taken to return to the point of projection.
14 The velocity v1ns- 1 of a body moving iI1 a straight line is given by v = 3r - 2t- 1. Find the acceleration at any
tin1e t.
x2 4 -
0 1 4 9 16 25 36 100 10 8 (2, 4) ---
- --
2· 1 2 4 8 16 32 64 1024 z l 030 0 I 2 3 4 5 6 X
In 1972, a political think-tank called the Club of Ro1ne published The Limits to Gro~vth, a controversial but
influential study of the possible interactions behveen various kinds of linear and exponential gro,vth and decline in
global syste1ns of population, pollution, natural resources, food and other factors.
The general principle behind their models of exponential growth can be appreciated if you iinagine the vertical axis of
the exponential graph above to represent the growth of a quantity (e.g. population or pollution) and the horizontal axis
to represent tiine_ An increase of 1 unit of x ('tiine') fro1n x = 1 to x = 2 causes only a s1nall absolute increase in y, from
y = 2 toy = 4. You could in1agme this ,night represent world population growth in past centuries. Ho,vever, an mcrease
of one unit of 'tin1e' fron1 x = 10 to x = 11 causes y to increase by 1nore than 1000.
This illustrates the enorn1ous mcreases that can occur ,vhen an exponentially growing variable becomes large enough
to reach the steeply rising part of the curve. ( Of course, global population gro,vth is n1ore co1nplicated than a siinple
exponential curve, but the general principle of exponential change is the iinportant pomt to ren1e1nber.) Exponential
decline can be equally dramatic, which is one reason for concern about the use of non-rene,vable resources.
There are many exan1ples of exponential growth and decay in the physical \Vorld, including population growth, the
growth of bacteria, radioactive decay, rates of heating and cooling, the decrease in at1nospheric pressure at higher
altitudes, the decrease in light intensity through \Vater or glass, and the fading a\vay of sound vibrations. In each
case, the quantities follow the exponential la\v (exactly or approxiinately):
• The rate of decrease of atn1ospheric pressure with respect to height above sea level is proportional to the
pressure at that height, i.e.1r = -kP.
• Light passing through a transparent 1nediu1n loses its intensity. The rate of loss of light intensity \Vith respect
to the distance is proportional to the light's intensity at the distance, i.e. ddl = -kl.
In each case there is a differential equation of the form
lx = f...y.
d X
A differential equation is an equation that involves
It is iinportant to understand the role played by the constants A and kin the equation y = A!F.
• At x = 0, y = Ae0 = A, so if x > 0 then A is the initial value of y.
• Because :Yx = f...y, k is the growth rate and influences the slope of the curve.
For y=AIF: • A is the value of y when x =0 • k is the growth rate.
Example 4
The annual growth rate of the population of two towns P an d Qare 10% and 5% respectively of their populations
at any time. If the initial population of P is 20000 and of Q is 10000, find their populations 3 years later.
Let N be the population at any time t years.
0 1 2 3 I (years)
Note that exponential gro\vth or decay is continuous, so k indicates the instantaneous rate of change. Compare this
to the growth of money invested at con1pound interest: interest is calculated periodically, so change only happens at
fixed intervals (e.g. daily, 1nonthly, quarterly, yearly).
Example 5
A vessel containing water is being en1ptied. The volu1ne V(t) cu bic metres of water remaining in the vessel after
t 1ninu tes is given by V (t) = Ae-k'.
(a) If V(O) = 100, find the value of A. (b) If V(S) = 90, find the value of k. (c) Find V(20).
(a) When t = 0, V = 100, so: A= 100
(b) When t = 5, V = 90, so: 90 = lOOe-sk
0.9 = e-Sk
:. -Sk = log, 0.9
k = -0.2 log, 0.9 "' 0.02
(c) V(t)"' lOOe- 0·021
V(20)"' lOOe-0·4 "' 67 (Note that \Vithout rou nding, this answer is closer to 66.)
Example 6
The pressure of the atn1osphere, 1neasured as P kilopascals (kPa), decreases ,vith the altitude hkn1 above sea level
approximately according to P = lO l e-o.2,,_Find the rate at ,vhich the air pressure falls ,vith respect to height above
sea level ,vhen: (a) h = 5 (b) P = 20
P = lOl e-o.21i
dh = -0.2P [2] [2] gives ~~ as a function of P.
(a) h = 5: ~~ = -20.2e- l = -7.43 IOI
(b) P = 20:
dh = -0.2 x 20 = -4
The pressure falls at a rate of 4 kPa/ kn1
when P= 20. 0 5 10 IJ(km)
Example 7
The 1nass M of a radioactive substance is initially 10 grams. Twenty years later the 1nass of ren1aining radioactive
substance is 9.6 grains.
(a) Find the annual decay rate, given that the rate of decay of a radioactive substance is proportional to the
n1ass of the substance present at any tin1e.
(b) In how many years ,viii the n1ass of radioactive substance be halved?
It is kI10,vn that ft = -kM. You kI1ow that M = Ae-k' is a solution to this differential equation.
Note: The time taken for half of an a1nount of radioactive substance to decay is called the half-life of the substance.
dy .
1 If dx = 2y and y = 5 where x = 0, express y as a function of x.
2 If~~ = -0.5N and N = 100 \Vhen t = 0, then N expressed as a function oft is:
A N= l OOeo.s, 8 N=lOOe-o.s, C N=0.5e 1001 D N=0.5e- 1001
6 Ify = Ae-k', y = 1000 \Vhen t = 0, and y = 368 when t = 2, find the values of A and k.
7 If N = Al', N = 200 \Vhen t = 0, and N = 1478 \Vhen t = 5, find the values of A and k.
8 If P = Ae-k1', P = 76 \Vhere h = 0, and P = 28 when h = 5, indicate whether each of the follo\ving statements is
correct or incorrect.
(a) A =76 (b) esk = J_
(c) k = 0.2 log,(
i) (d) k "" 0.20
9 The population of a city increases at a rate that is proportional to the current population. If the population
of the city was 100000 in the year 2000 and 120000 in the year 2010, express the population Pin terms of
t years after 2000.
10 In a certain bacterial culture, the rate of increase of bacteria is proportional to the number of bacteria present.
(a) If the nun1ber of bacteria doubles every 3 hours, find the hourly growth rate.
(b) If the original bacteria population is 104, \Vhat is the population after 9 hours?
(c) After ho\v n1any hours are there 4 x 10 bacteria?
11 The rate of decay of a radioactive isotope is proportional to the ainount of the isotope present at any tin1e. If
one-half of a given quantity of the isotope decays in 1600 years, what percentage will decay in 100 years?
15 The charge Q (n1easured in coulon1bs) on the plate of a condenser t seconds after it starts to discharge is given
by the forn1ula Q = Ae-"'.
(a ) If the original charge is 5000 coulon1bs, find the value of A.
16 The rate of increase in the number N of bacteria in a certain cultu re is given by ddN =0.15N, where tis tin1e
. h ours.
m t
(a) If the original number of bacteria is 1000, express N as a function oft.
(b) After how 1nany hours has the original nun1ber of bacteria doubled? What is the rate of increase at
this time?
17 Sunlight transmitted into \Vater loses intensity as it penetrates to greater depths according to the law
l(d) = l(O)e-kd, where l(d) is the intensity at depth dmetres below the surface. If 1(300) = 0.31(0), find:
(a) the value of k (b) the depth at which the intensity \vould be decreased by one-half.
18 The rate of increase of the population P(t) of a particular island is given by the equation Jt P(t) = kP(t), where
tis tin1e in years. In the year 2000 the population \Vas 1000 and in 2010 it had decreased to 800.
(a) Find k, the annual growth rate. (b) In how 1nany years will the population be half that in 2000?
19 A substance decomposes at a rate equal to k times the 1nass of the substance present. If initially the mass is M,
find the mass mat tin1e t. If k = 0.1, find the value oft for which m = ~.
20 A heated body is cooling. The excess of its temperature above that of its surroundings is 0= Ae-"', where 0 is
n1easured in °C and tis in 1ninu tes.
(a) At tin1e t = 0, 0 = 80. Find A.
(b) If the ten1perature of the surroundings is 20°C and the body cools to 70°C in 101ninutes, find:
~) the body's ten1perature after 201ninutes (ii) the time taken to reach 60°C.
21 The number N of bacteria in a colony grows according to the rule liJ: =kN. If the original number increases
fron1 4000 to 8000 in 4 days, find the nu1nber after another 4 days.
22 A population of size N is decreasing according to the rule ~~ = - 1~ 0 , where tis the tiine in days. If the
population is initially of size N 0, find ho\v 1nuch time it takes for the size to be halved, to the next day.
23 A radioactive substance decays at a rate that is proportional to the n1ass of radioactive substance present at any
tiine. If 10% decays in 200 years, \vhat percen tage of the original radioactive 1nass will re1nain after 1000 years?
Example 8
Show by integration that the solution to tiJ: = kN is N = Aek', where A is the value of N when t = 0.
dN =kN
dt 1
Reciprocal of both sides: dN=kN 1 1
t= - log N- - log A
Integrate with respect to N: f
t= ~dN
k '
k '
1 t= - log -
t= k log,N+C k 'A
kt=log, A
1 N kt
When t = 0, N = A: 0= klog,A+C x=e
C=--k log, A N=Aek'
d: = k(N - P) n1eans that the rate of change of N is proportional to the excess of N over a fixed quantity P.
This can be applied to several real-life physical processes.
Given ~~ = k(N - P), \Vhere k and Pare constants, it is easy to show that a solution of this equation is N = P.
If N = P, then ~~ = k(P- P) = O; because Pis a constant, differentiating the equation N = P with respect to t also
. dN
gives dt = 0 .
It can also be sho\vn by substitution that N = P + Aek' is a solution to ~~ = k(N - P):
LHS= dt RHS=k(N-P)
=Ake•' = k(P+AI' -P)
=Akekl =LHS
It is iinportant to be able to derive this result by integration.
dt 1
Reciprocal of both sides: dN = k(N-P)' N':f:P
N-P=l' xe-•c
Let A = e-•C (a constant): N - P = Ae''
N=P + Ae''
dN k
If dt =k(N - P ) then N=P+Ae'
Example 9
N is in creasing according to the equation t = 0.4( N - 50 ). If N = 60 when t = 0:
(a) show that N = 50 + Ae0.4' is a solution to this equation, where A is a constant
(b) calculate the value of N when t = 20.
(a) Differentiate N = 50 + Ae0A•: dN =0 4 A o.4t
dt . e
Rewrite N = 50 + Ae0A': Ae0.4' = N - 50
Hence N = 50 + Ae A' is a solution to the equation t = 0.4(N - 50).
(b) At t = 0, N = 60: 60 = 50 + A
A = 10
· N = 50 + 10e0.4'
At t= 20: N= 50 + 10e8
N"' 29 860
Example 10
The 1nass M of a particular southern right whale is modelled as M = 55 - 54e-kl, where Mis 1neasured in tonnes,
tis the age of the whale in years and k is a positive constan t.
(a) Sho\v that the rate of gro\vth of the whale's mass is given by the differential equation
(b) What is the birth mass of the whale? (i.e. at t = 0)
t = k(55 - M).
(c) When the whale is one year old, its mass is l Otonnes. Sho\v that k = ln( ~)-
(d) What is the n1ass of the whale when it is 10 years old (to the nearest tonne)?
(e) If male southern right whales grow to about 55 tonnes and fen1ales grow to about 85 tonnes, detern1ine
the gender of this whale, giving reasons for your answer.
(a) M = 55- 54e-k'
Differentiate ,vith respect to t: dM =54ke-sk.
Re,vrite M = 55 - 54e-k': 54e-k' = 55 - M
. . dM k -kt dM
Sub st1tute into dt = 54 ·e : - =k(55 - M)
Hence the rate of gro,vth of the whale's n1ass is ~ = k(55- M).
(b) At t = 0: M = 55 - 54e0 (c) At t= 1, M = 10: 10 = 55 - 54e-k
M= 55-54= 1 54e-k = 45
The birth 1nass of the whale is 1 tonne. e-k = 45 =2.
54 6
(d) At t= l O: M = 55 - 54e
- 101_(~)
'\s ek = -6
101J ~)
M=55 - 54e '\ k= ln ( t )
The mass of the ,vhale to the nearest tonne (e) As t ➔ oo: M ➔ 55 - 54e-~
M ➔ 55
is 46 tonnes.
The li1niting 1nass of the whale is 55 tonnes,
so it is n1ost likely to be a 1nale.
Example 11
The original temperature of a body is 100°C, the temperature of its surroundings is 20°C and the body cools to
70°C in 10 minutes. Assuming Ne,vton's law of cooling, i.e. ~~ = - k(T - 20), where Tis the ten1perature of the
body at time t, find:
(a) the te1nperature of the body after 20 n1inutes (b) the tiine taken to cool from 100°C to 60°C.
!~ =- k(T - 20)
dt - 1
Reciprocal of both sides: dT= k(T - 20)' T;t: 20
t= - k1og, (T - 20)+C, T>20
e- I Ok = :~ = 0.625
-lOk = log, 0.625
k = 0.047 (using the approximate logarith1n value)
: . T = 20 + 80e- 0·047'
(a) When t = 20: T = 20 + 80e- 0·94 (b) When T = 60: 60 = 20 + 80e- 0·047'
T,., 51.25 e-o.0411 = :~ = 0.5
After 20 minutes the te1nperature is
approxi1nately 5 l.25°C. -0.047t = log, 0.5
-0.047t ,., -0.6931
t z 14.7
The te1nperature reaches 60°C after approxin1ately
14.7 minutes.
0 10 t
Wilhelmy's law
Many chen1ical reactions follow a law that states that th e rate of the reaction is proportional to th e
difference behveen th e initial concentration of the reagent (i.e. th e chemical reacting) and the an1ount
transforn1ed at any tilne:
dt=k(a - x), O<x<a ,vhere a is the initial concentration and x is the an1ount transfonned at tin1e t.
Example 12
A chemical reaction follows the rule !; = k(a - x ), ,vhere a is the initial concentration and xis the an1ount of the
reagent transforn1ed at time t. Thus when t = 0, x = 0. If a = 10 and after 2 minutes x = 4, find the concentration
of the reagent after S 1ninutes.
dt=k(IO-x), O<x< 10
k= 11og,(~) k= 0.255
Fro1n the previous exa1nples, it can be seen that if k < 0 then as t ➔ oo, N ➔ P.
Given -d = k(N - P), where k and Pare constants, if k < 0 then li1n N = P.
t I➔•
current at any_ti1ne is given by i = ~ ( 1- e-f' ), \Vhere Eis the electron1otive force (i.e. the voltage) in volts.
Sho\v that L ~; + Ri = E.
9 A vessel is filled at a variable rate so that the volu1ne of liquid in the vessel at any time tis given by
V = A(l - e-k').
(a) Show that dt =k(A - V ). (b) If a quarter of the vessel is filled in the first 51ninutes, what fraction
is filled in the next 5 minutes?
(c) Show that liin V
t ➔~
= A.
10 A rectangular vessel is divided into two equal co1npartn1ents by a vertical porous 1nen1brane. Liquid in
one compartment, initially at a depth of 20 cm, flows into the other co1npart1nent, initially empty, at a rate
proportional to the difference between the levels in each co1npart1nent. The differential equation for this
process is : =k(20 - 2x ), where xc1n is the depth of the liquid in one of the vessels at any tiine tn1inutes.
(a) Show that x = 10( 1 - e-2.k'). (b) If the level in the second con1partn1ent rises 2 c1n in the first
5 n1inutes, at what tiine will the difference in levels be 2cm?
11 In a certain che1nical process, the amount y grams of a certain substance at tin1e t hours is given by the
forn1ula y = 3 + e-k,_
(a) Show that ';l; = - k(y-3).
(b) If initially y decreases at a rate of 0.08 gran1s per hour, find the value of k.
(c) Find the rate of change \vhen y = 3.5. (d) What values can y take?
Example 13
4 3 dr . dV
(a) If V = 1!'r and dt = 5, find the expression for dt .
2 dr dS
(b) If S = 4,rr an d dt = 5, find the expression for dt.
4 dV
(c) If V =
3 nr3 and S = 4nr2, find the expression for dS .
dV 4 ,
(a) - = - ,rx3r- (b) -dS =Birr (c) dV = 4 1rr2, dS = Bll'r
dr 3 dr dr dr
dV =4irr2 dS = dS x dr dV = dV x dr
dr dt dr dt dS dr dS
dV = dV x dr dr =S -dr =- 1
dt dr dt dt dS 81rr
dr =5
-dS =8m-x5 dV = 4 1rr2 x _ l_
dt dt dS Birr
dV =41l'r2X5 dS =401l'r -dV = -r
dt dt dS 2
dV = 20nr2
As 1; is the san1e in parts (a) an d (b), these results can be used to find the answer to part (c) in this case.
Example 14
If x = St cos a and y = St sin a- ~gr, where a and g are constants, find:
dx 1C
(a) dt = 5 cos a (b) t=2 a=
4 ,g =9.8
y=5tsina-.!.gt2 dy - 5sina-gx2
2 dx - 5cosa dy 5sin¾-2x9.8
dy .
dt = 5 sin a - gt dy - 5sina-2g dx = ,r
dx - 5cosa 4
dy dy dt
dx = dt X dx dy ✓
dy (t) dx =
c1x=(:) 7x =-4.544
dy 5sina-gt
dx = 5cosa
Example 15
Given x = t2 - 1 and y = t3, find as functions oft: (a) dy
dx (b) dx2
(a) : =2t (b) dy = 1!_ dx = 2t
dx 2 ' dt
y=t3 d y = _!!_(dy ) = .E._(dy)x dt
dx 2 dx dx dt dx dx
dy =3t2
it(!)= ;t(~)=;
dy dy dt
dx = dt X dx dt I
dy = 3t2 X _!__ = 3t
dx 2t 2
Example 16
A spherical balloon is being inflated so that its radius increases at the constant rate of 3 cn1/n1in. At what rate
is its volu1ne increasing when the radius of the balloon is 5 c1n?
If r is the radius of the balloon, its volu1ne is V = nr3 • Given ~; = 3, need to find ~~ for r = 5.
dV dV dr
By the chain rule: - - -x -
dt - dr dt
But: V=4nr3
dV 2
So: dr =4nr
Thus: dV = dV x dr = 4 n, 2 x 3
dt dr dt
dV 2
For r = 5: dt =41C X5 X3
= 3001rcn13/ min
Example 17
A vessel containing water has the shape of an inverted right circular cone with base radius 2 m and height 5111.
The water flo\vs out of the apex of the cone at a constant rate of 0.21113/min. Find the rate at which the \Vater level
is dropping when the depth of the \Vater is 4 m.
Solution 2
Let the depth of the \Vater be h 111, the radius of the cone at the water T
level be rm and the volume of the water be Vn13 at tin1e tminutes. '
The volun1e of the water at any time t is V = ~ n:r 2h. ..-.J·- ..
' r '
' '
. dV dh 5'
Given dt = - 0.2, need to find dt when h = 4.
dV · negative:
dt 1s · th e vo1un1e 1s
· decreas1ng,
· because th e \Vater 1s
. flo\v1ng
. I, '
out of the vessel. ''
To find the link between rand h, use si1nilar triangles.
Example 18
The volun1e of water in a hen1ispherical bo,vl of radius 10 cn1 is V = n x 2 (30- x ), where x cn1 is the depth of
water at tiine t.
The bowl is being filled at a constant rate of2nc,n3 /min.
At what rate is the depth mcreasing ,vhen the depth is 2 cn1? 10 cm
Given ~~ = 2:IZ', need to find : when x = 2.
The related variables are V, x and t.
V = inx (30 - x)
Method 1 Method2
dV dV dx dx dx dV
= I0nx 2 - l nx 3
3 dt = dx x dt dt = dVx dt
dV 2 dx dx I
dx =20nx - nx =nx(20- x) 2n= nx(20 - x) x dt - = - - - - X2:IZ'
dt nx(20 - x )
dx 2 dx 2
dt= x(20- x) dt = x(20 - x)
When x = 2: : = / c1n/s
As an extension to this question, you n1ight ask: 'At what depth is the depth increasing at a minimun1 rate?'
This is the sa1ne as askmg: 'For what value of xis ';u a n1inin1u1n?'
Note that the fonnula for the volu1ne of water in the he1nispherical bowl at any depth a can be calculated by
2 2
finding the volu1ne generated by rotating the circle ,vith equation x + y = 100 between y = IO- a and y = IO.
Example 19
A ladder 101n long has its upper end against a vertical wall and its lower end on a horizontal floor. The lower
end is slipping away fro1n the wall at a constant speed of 4m/ s. Find the rate at which the upper end of the ladder
is slipping down the wall when the lo,ver end is 6 n1 fro1n the wall. What is this rate when the upper end is very
close to the ground?
At any tiine t, the lo,ver end of the ladder is x m fron1 the wall and the upper end is y n1 above the ground.
Given : = 4, need to find Yt
,vhen x = 6. y
y= ✓IOO -x 2 ,0<x<IO I
dx =
1( 100 -x 2)_.21 x (- 2x)
100- x 2
dx = 4m/ s
dx dy dy dx
For dt=4: dt = dx x dt
= -;====X4
✓100- x 2
At x =6: dy = -4 X6 = - 3
dt ✓1 00 - 36
Example 20
A radar tracking station is located at ground level, vertically belo\v the path of an approaching aircraft flying
at 900kn1/h at a constant height of 10000,n. The tracking station transn1its a radar bean1 that turns to follow the
aircraft perfectly as it approaches. Find the rate in degrees per second at which the radar beam is turning \Vhen
the aircraft is at a horizontal distance of 3 kn1 fro1n the station.
S represents the tracking station an d x is the horizontal displacen1ent of the aircraft at time t.
Chain rule: d0 d0 dx
dt= dxxdt
sin 2 0 dx
= - 1oooo x dt
2 2
dx d0 = - sin 0 (-250 )= sin 0
For dt = - 250: dt lOOOO x 40
10000 10
Fron1 the triangle, with x = 3000 m: tan °= 3000 =3
. 10
Fron1 the triangle: SIil 0 =M9
Hence d 8 = - 1- l OO = ~ radians per second
dt 40 x 109 218
5 180
= x ,r degrees per second
= 1.3 degrees per second
Note: The initial expression for x could have been written x = IO000 cot 0.
(a) Find the expression for Vin tenns of h. (b) If ~~ =0.6, find the expression for !; .
(c) Find the value of !; \Vhen r = 1.
2t 1- t 2 • dy .
6 (a) If x = and y = , find the expression for d 111 terms oft.
l + t2 2 l +t 2 x
d y .
(b) Hence find - - 2
as a function oft.
7 (a) If x = t2 + 4t and y = 3t + t3, find the expression for Z
in terms oft.
dy d2y
(b) If -d = 1, find the values of x. (c) Find - 2 as a function oft.
X dx
8 Water is being poured at a constant rate of 3 cm 3/s into an inverted right conical vessel whose apex angle is 90°.
At what rate is the \Vater level rising \Vhen the depth is rrc,n?
9 A la1np is 6111 directly above a straight footpath. A person 2 m tall \Valks along the footpath away from the light
at a constant speed of 1 m/s. At \Vhat speed is the end of the person's shadow n1oving along the path? At \Vhat
speed is the length of the shadow increasing?
12 A melting snowball is decreasing in volun1e at a constant rate of 8 c1n3/n1in. If the 1nelting sno\vball is al\vays a
perfect spherical shape, find the rate at \Vhich its radius is changing \Vhen the radius is 4 c1n.
14 The perimeter of a circular sector is 20 cm. The radius is increasing at a rate of 5 c1n/s.
(a) At \Vhat rate is the angle of the sector changing when the radius length is 10 c1n?
(b) At \Vhat rate is the area changing when the radius is 10 cn1?
15 A ladder 5 metres long is standing vertically, flat against a vertical \Vall, while its lower end is on the horizontal
floor. The lo\ver end n1oves horizontally away from the \Vall at a constant speed of l 111/s \Vhile the upper end
stays in contact \vith the \Vall. Find the speed at which the upper end is n1oving down the wall 4 seconds after
the lower end has left the wall.
16 Sand is poured into a heap in the shape of a right circular cone whose sen1i-vertex angle is a, \vhere tan a=!-
When the height of the cone is l6cn1, the height is increasing at a rate of2cn1/n1in. At that instant, at what
rate is the volume increasing?
172 New Senior Mathematics Extension 1 for Years 11 & 12
17 When a certain gas expands at constant te1nperature, its pressure P and volume V are given by the relation
PV1.4 = k, a constant. At a certain instant the pressure is 25 g/cm 2 and the volu1ne is 32 c1n3 • If the volun1e is
increasing at the rate of 5 cn1 3/s, at ,vhat rate is the pressure changing at that instant?
18 A kite 50 n1etres above the ground is being carried horizontally by the wind at a rate of 4 mls. If the kite's string is
always perfectly straight, how fast n1ust the length of the string be increasing when the string is 100 n1etres long?
19 Sand is poured into a heap at a constant rate of 4 cnl/min, so that the heap is in the shape of a right circular
cone ,vhose height is always equal to the radius of the base. When the heap is 10 c1n high:
(a) how fast is the height increasing (b) how fast is the area of the base increasing?
20 A boat is pulled in to a wharf by a rope at a speed of 201n/ nun. If the rope is attached to a point on the boat 7 m
vertically below the wharf, at ,vhat rate is the rope being drawn in when the boat is 241n from the wharf?
21 A straight raihvay track and a straight road intersect at right angles. At a given instant a car travelling at
40 km/h and a train travelling at 50 km/h are n1oving away fron1 the intersection and are 40 Ian and 30 Ian
fron1 the intersection respectively.
(a) The car and train continue 1noving in straight lines ,vithout changing their speed. One hour later, at what
rate is the distance between the car and the train changing?
(b) At ,vhat rate would the distance behveen the car and train be changing if they were both travelling
towards the intersection?
22 Two straight roads meet at an angle of 60°. Car A starts fron1 this intersection and travels along one road at
40 km/h. One hour later, car B starts fron1 the intersection and travels along the other road at 50 lan/h.
Three hours after car A starts, at what rate is the distance behveen cars A and B changing?
23 A conical tank with a vertical axis has a se1ni-vertical angle of 45°. Water, initially at a depth of 51netres, leaks
out through a hole at the bottom of the tank at a rate of 0.2./h n13/min when the depth is h 1netres. Find the
rate at which the depth is decreasing ,vhen the depth is 4 metres.
24 The height of a right-angled triangle is 6c1n and its base is increasing at a constant rate of2cn1/s. At what rate
is the hypotenuse increasing when its length is 10 cm?
25 A loading chute is in the shape of a square pyra1nid with base length 10 m and depth 8 n1. Liquid is poured in
at the top at a rate of 4n13/n1in. At what rate is the level rising when the depth is 4n1?
26 Grain is ejected fron1 a chute at a rate of 0.1 m 3/inin to form a heap on a flat horizontal floor. The heap is in the
forn1 of a circular cone of se1ni-vertical angle 45°. Find the rate (in metres per n1inute) at which the height of
the cone is increasing at the instant 3 n1inutes after the opening of the chute.
27 In triangle ABC, AB= lOcn1, AC= 12c1n and angle A is increasing at the rate ofO. l radians per second.
At ,vhat rate is:
(a) the area of MBC increasing (b) the length of BC increasing, ,vhen angle A is 1radians?
28 A spherical mothball evaporates at a rate proportional to its surface area so that its volun1e V c1n3 and radius r
after t weeks are related by the equation ~~ =-4k1Cr 2 , ,vhere k is a positive constant.
(a) Show that dt =- k.
(b) If the initial radius of the mothball is 1 c1n and the radius after 10 weeks is 0.5 c1n, express r in terms oft.
29 The volume V and surface area Sofa sphere of radius rare given by V = j 1Cr3 and S = 4nY respectively.
dV dV dr
(a) Show that dr = S and dt = S dt.
(b) A spherical ball of radius 241n1n is iln1nersed in an acid bath so that its volume decreases at a changing
rate equal to three tilnes its surface area (,vhile remaining constantly spherical). How 1nuch tin1e does it
take to reduce to one-eighth of their original size: (i) the radius (ii) the volu1ne
30 (a) Show that the formula for the volu1ne V of a right circular cone of base radius rand height h can be
expressed as V = i11:h tan a , where a is the semi-vertex angle.
3 2
(b) Water flows out through a hole at the vertex angle of an inverted cone, whose angle is 60°, at a rate equal
to 11: tin1es the square root of the depth of the water at any tiine. At what rate (in cn1/s) would the \Vater
level be dropping \vhen the depth is 9cn1?
1 A particle is moving along the x-axis and is initially at the origin. Its velocity v n1etres per second at
. t secon ds .1s g1ven
tune . by v = 2t •
9 +t 2
(a) What is the initial velocity of the particle?
(b) Find an expression for the acceleration of the particle. (c) When is the acceleration zero?
(d) What is the maxiinum velocity attained by the particle and when does it occur?
2 The growth of the nu1nber of internet users in the USA was n1odelled as an exponential function N = Aek',
where N is the estimate for the nun1ber of internet users (in 1nillions) and t is the tiine in years after
1 January 2001.
(a) At the start of200 1 (t =O) there were 124 1nillion internet users in the USA. At the start of2009 there
were 220 n1illion. Find A and k.
(b) Ho\v n1any internet users \vould you expect there to be at the start of2012?
(c) In what year would you expect the nu1nber of internet users in the USA to first exceed 300 million?
3 A full water tank holds 4000 litres. When the tap is turned on, water flows out fron1 the tank at a rate of
~~ = 110 + l 7t- t2 litres per 1ninute, where Vis the volun1e in litres and tis the tiine in 1ninutes since the tap
was turned on.
(a) At \Vhat tin1e is the tank emptying at a rate of 50 litres per 1ninute?
(b) At \Vhat tin1e does the water stop flo\villg out of the tank?
5 The number N of bacteria in a colony grows according to the rule f =kN. If the original number increases
fron1 5000 to 10 000 in 6 days, find the nu1nber of bacteria after another 6 days.
6 A population of size N is decreasing according to the rule ~~ = - : , where t is the time in days. If the
population is initially of size N 0, find ho\v 1nuch tiine it takes for the size to be halved (rounded to the
next day).
7 A radioactive substance decays at a rate that is proportional to the n1ass of radioactive substance present at any
tiine. If 10% decays ill 400 years, \Vhat percentage of the original radioactive 1nass will re1nain after 1000 years?
8 The radius of a cylinder increases at a constant rate of 0.1 cm per 1ninute while its height remains constant at
l Oc1n. At \Vhat rate is the volun1e of the cylinder increasing when the radius is 2 cm?
9 Rain is falling and collects ill an inverted cone so that the volun1e collected increases at a constant rate of
4 trcn13 per hour. If the radius r of the cone is half its height h, find the rate (in c1n per hour) at \Vhich the
height is illCreasing \Vhen h = 3.
10 A cup of hot coffee at a temperature T"C loses heat in a cooler environn1ent. It cools according to the
law 1I =- k(T - T 0 ), where tis the time elapsed in minutes, T0 is the te1nperature of the environ1nent in
degrees Celsius and k is a constant.
(a) At recess, Mr Masters 1nakes his cup of coffee \Vith \Vater at 100°C. The te1nperature in the staff room is
25°C when he places his coffee on his desk. Three n1inutes later his coffee is just the te1nperature he likes
it, 75°C. Find the value of k.
(b) Before Mr Masters gets a chance to drink his coffee, he leaves the staff roon1 to help a student with a
maths proble1n about exponential growth and decay. What is the ten1perature of the coffee when he
returns, 5 n1inutes later?
11 Crean1 taken out of a refrigerator has a te1nperature of3°C. It is placed on the table in a roo1n of constant
ten1perature 24°C. After t1ninutes the te1nperature, T'C, of the cream is given by T= A - Be--0·041, where A and
Bare positive constants.
How n1uch tiine does it take for the crean1 to reach a temperature of 8°C?
12 Given x = 40t and y = 56t- 16t2, then the expression for ! is given by:
A dy = 5 B dy = 7 - 4t C dy = 5(7 - 4t) dy I
dx 7 - 4t dx 5 dx dx = 5(7-4t)
13 If P = ~O and ~~ = 4, find the expression for dJ:.
14 (a) If x = 2 ( t + ~ ), y = 2( t - ~ ), find an expression for Z in tenns oft.
(b) Find - -
, as a function oft.
15 A spherical balloon is being filled with air at the rate of lOOc1n /n1in. At what rate is the radius of the balloon
increasing when the radius is 5 cn1?
16 A circular oil slick floats on the surface of still water. Its area is increasing at a rate of lOni/min. At what rate is
the radius (r n1etres) increasing?
17 A point P n1oves on the curve y = x 3 so that its x-coordinate increases at a constant rate of 5 units
per second. When x = 1: (a) at what rate is they-coordinate of P increasing
(b) at \vhat rate is the gradient of the curve increasing?
18 A vessel is shaped so that when the depth of water in it is x c1n, the volume of the water is V c1n3, \Vhere
V = I08x + x3. Water is poured into the vessel at a constant rate of 30 c1n3 /s. At what rate is the water level
rising when its depth is 8 c1n?
19 A trough In1etres long has a cross-section in the shape of an isosceles triangle \vith base length 2a n1etres and
height bn1etres. Water leaks from the trough at a constant rate of cn1 3/ min. Find the rate at which the \Vater
level is falling \Vhen the depth of the \Vater is ~ 1netres.
20 A 1netal sphere is dissolving in acid. It remains spherical and the rate at which its volume decreases is
proportional to its surface area. Show that the radius of the sphere decreases at a constant rate.
21 A circular cylinder \Vith height 6 c1n and base radius 4 cn1 sits on a table \vith its axis vertical. A point source
of light moves vertically up at a speed of 3 cm/s above the central axis of the cylinder, thus casting a circular
shadow on the table. Find the rate at which the radius of the shadow is decreasing \Vhen the light is 4 cn1 above
the top of the cylinder.
In each case, r = ✓ a2 + b2 and a is an angle in the first quadrant such that tan a=~.
Example 1
Express: (a) ✓3sinx -cosx in the forn1 rsin (x- a) (b) 3 cosx - 4 sin x in the fonn rcos (x + a).
(a) ✓3sinx -cosx=rsin(x -a)
= r(sin x cosa-cosx sin a)
= rsinx cosa-rcosx sin a
Exa1nple 1 illustrates two different auxiliary angle 1nethods that 1nay be used. You should practise both.
Important uses of the auxiliary angle method
• Writing asinx + bcosx in the forn1 rsin (x + a) tells you that the greatest and least values of the function are
rand -r respectively. This makes sketching functions like y = a sinx + bcosx n1uch easier.
• Writing a sin x + b cos x in the forn1 r sin (x + a) allows you to solve equations of the type a sin x + b cos x = c.
Example 2
Sketch the graph of y= ✓3sinx - cosx, 0 <x < 2tr.
Example 1 (a) has already sho\vn that ✓3sinx -cosx = 2sin(x-: ). Hence: y =2sin( x-:)
At the endpoints of the domain, x = 0 and x = 2tr: y =2sin(-: )= 2sin( 2,r - : )=-1
x- tr= 3,r - 1
"6 3 6 3
6 2
x=5,r -2
The graph crosses the x-axis where: sin( x - : ) = 0
x-: =0, ,r
=,r 7,r
6' 6
Example 3
Solve the following equations.
(a) ✓3sinx -cosx= l, 0 <x<2n: (b) 8cosx + 6sinx = -3, 0° < x < 360°
Method 1
(a) Exrunple 1 (a) has already (b) Useacosx+bsin x=rcos(x-a).
sho,vn that ✓3sinx-cosx = 2sin( x-: ). 8cosx + 6sinx = -3
a=8,b=6: r= ✓~82_+_6_2 = 10
· 2sin(x-:)=l
tana= ~ =0.75 so a= 36° 52'
6 =2
. ( x-
Sin n:) 1 · lOcos (x- 36° 52') = -3
(Note the slight difference in the answers due to the rounding error \Vhen solving the quadratic equation.)
Because t = tan ~ is undefined at x = n:, you must no\v separately test whether x = 180° is a solution.
x = 180° : LHS = 8 cos 1r + 6 sin 1r = -8 + 0 = -8 ~ RHS
Hence x = 180° is not a solution of the equation.
Important note:
If you use the t forn1ulae substitution to solve equations of the type acosx + b sinx = c, you 1nust also test to see
\vhether x = +nrr is a solution of the equation. The use of the t formulae to solve a variety of equations will be
covered later in this chapter.
Example 4
(a) Solve the equation tan 8+ tan 8-2 = 0, 0°< 8< 360°.
(b) Solve the equation cos 2 x = 2 cosx, -n: < x < rr.
(a) Factorise: (tan 8 - l )(tan 8 + 2) = 0
tan8= 1 or -2
8=45°,225° or 116° 34',296° 34'
Solution is 8= 45°, 116° 34', 225°, 296° 34'.
(b) Rearrange: cos x- 2 cosx = 0
Factorise: cos x (cos x - 2) = 0
:. cosx= 0 or 2
Because lcosxl < 1, the only solution is cosx = 0.
. x=--n: -rr
Example 5
Solve the equation sec2 x - 2 tanx = 4 for O < x < 2rr.
(Trigono1netric values rounded to 3 d.p. where necessary.)
2 2
The trigono1netric functions are different, but they can be linked by the identity sec x = 1 + tan x:
sec2 x- 2 tanx = 4
1 +tan x-2tanx=4
tan 2 x-2 tan x-3=0
(tanx- 3)(tanx +l) = 0
tanx=-1 or 3
x = n:- rr , 2rr- rr , 1.249, rr+ 1.249
4 4
X = 3rr , 7n: , 1.249, 4.391
4 4
6 Solve for O < 0< 2n: (a) 3tan3 0-3 tan 2 0-tan0 + 1 =0 3 2
(b) cos 0- 2cos 0+ cos 0= 0
Example 6
Solve the equation 2 sin ( x + 5: ) = sin x, for O < x < 2n.
. Sn COSXSll16
2 ( Sll1XCOS6+ . Sn:) .
= s1nx
2sinxx(-f ) +2cosxx ~ =sinx
3 sinx + cosx = sinx
(1 + ✓3)sinx = cosx
tanx = r,;
.._,3 + 1
X = 0.3509, n + 0.3509
X = 0.351, 3.493
Example 7
Solve for O < x < 2tr. (a) 4cosx= cosecx (b) cos4x-cos2x=O
(a) 4cosx = cosec x (b) cos4x-cos2x=O
1 2cos22x- 1 - cos2x= 0
4cosx= - .-
s1nx 2cos22x- cos2x- 1 = 0
4sinx cos x = 1 (cos2x- 1)(2 cos2x + 1) = 0
2sin2x= 1 cos2x= 1, cos2x=-0.5
sin2x = 0.5 2n 4n 8n 10n
2x=0,2n,4n or 2x= , , ,
2x= n Sn 13n 17n 3 3 3 3
6'6'6'6 x=O, n , 2n , n, 4n , Sn , 2n
3 3 3 3
x= -n - Sn 13n
- - - - 17n:
12' 12' 12 ' 12 This equation could also have been solved by ,vriting
cos 4x = cos 2x.
Example 8
Solve for O< x < 2tr: (a) cos 3x = cos 2xcosx (b) sin 7x- sinx = sin 3x
(a) cos 3x = cos 2x cos x
cos 3x= ~(cos3x+cosx)
2 cos 3x = cos 3x + cosx
3x=x, 2n-x, 2n + x, 4n-x, 4n+ x, 6n-x, 6n+x, Sn-x
2x = 0, 2,r, 4n, 6n or 4x = 2n, 4n, 6n, Sn
x = 0, n, 2n or x = n , n, 3n , 2n
2 2
. 1s
The so1ut1on . x = 0, n , n, 3n , 2 n
2 2
(b) sin7x-sinx=sin3x
2 cos 4x sin 3x = sin 3x
sin 3x(2cos4x- 1) = 0
sin3x= 0, cos4x= 0.5
3x = 0, n, 2n, 3n, 4n, Sn, 6n 4x= n Sn 7n lln 13n 17n 19n 23n
n 2n 4n Sn ,r Sn 7n l ln 13n 17n 19n 23n
x=0,3'3'n'3'3' n or x= 12' 12 ' 12'12'12' 12' 12' 12
n n Sn 7n 2,r l l n 13n 4n 17n 19n Sn
X - O, 12' 3' 12' 12 ' 3 ' 12 ' n, 12 ' 3 ' 12 ' 12 ' 3 ' n
Example 9
(a) Use the expansion of sin (20 + 0) to obtain an expression for sin30 in tenns of sin 0.
(b) Hence find the roots of 4x3 - 3x + 0.5 = 0.
(a) sin30=sin (2 0 + 0) (b) Let x = sin 0 : 4 sin 0- 3 sin 0 + 0.5 = 0
= sin 2 0cos0 + cos2 0sin 0 3sin0 -4sin 0 = 0.S
= 2sin 0cos 0cos0 + (1 - 2siI/ 0) sin 0 sin30= .!.
2 3 2
= 2sin 0cos 0 + sin 0- 2sin 0
= 2sin 0 (1 - sin2 0) + sin 0- 2sin3 0 = n Sn 13n 17,r 2Sn 29n
3 6'6'6'6'6'6
= 2sin 0 - 2si1/ 0 + sin 0- 2sin 0
3 n Sn 13n 17n 2Sn 29,r
sin30=3sin0 -4sin 0 0
= 18 ' 18'18' 18' 18 ' 18
. n . Sn . 2Sn
H ence th e roots are x = sin , sin , sin 18.
18 18
Example 10
Solve S cos 0 - 2 sin 0 = 2 for 0° < 0 < 360° using the t forn1ulae.
0 . 2t 1- t 2 2t
t= tan - ,s1n0 = 2
,cos 0 = 2
, tan0=
2 l+t l+t 1-t
Subslltute .
into th e equation:
. sx 1- t -
2x 2t = 2
l +t 2 l +t 2
Example 11
(a) Show that sin (A + B) + sin(A - B) = 2sinA cosB.
(b) By using suitable substitutions for A and B, show that sin x + sin y = 2 sin ( x; Y)cos ( x; Y).
(c) Hence solve sin 2x + sin 4x = sin 6x for O< x < n:.
(a) LHS = sinA cosB + cosA sinB + sinA cosB - cosA sinB
(b) Let x=A + B andy=A -B.
Adding these equations: A = x; y Subtracting the equations: B = x; Y
Example 12
Solve the equation cos 4 x + sin 3x = 0 for O< x < n:.
Re\vrite equation: cos 4x = -sin 3x
Sine is an odd function, so: -sin 3x = sin (-3x): cos 4x = sin (-3x)
Use sin = cos ( ~ -
0 0) to rewrite equation: cos 4x = cos ( ~ + 3x)
4x = ~ + 3x, 2,r - ( 1+ 3x ), 2,r + (1+ 3x ), 4n: - (1+ 3x ), 6n: - ( ~ + 3x), 8,r - ( 1+ 3x)
n: 3,r Sn: 7n: l ln: 15n:
x= 2 , 7x= 2 ,x= 2 , 7x= 2 , - 2- , 2 .
x - -n: --
3n: ,r 11,r 15,r
- --
- 2' 14 ' 2 ' 14 ' 14 .
As O< x < n:, the solution is x = i:, 1 or
l ln:
14 .
(d) sin ( x + : ) = cos ( x -1) (e) 4 tan( x- :) = tan ( x-1) (f) cotx + cot(x+:)=3
0 0
y y
10 Solve each equation:
(a) tan-
( ~ ) - tan- 1 ( ; ) = tan- 1 ( !) (b) tan - i (2x) + tan- 1 (3x) = tan- 1 ( 1)
11 (a) Use the expansion of cos (20 + 0) to obtain an expression for cos 30 in tenns of cos 0.
(b) Hence find the roots of 8.x3 - 6x - ✓3 = 0.
12 (a) Use the expansion of tan (20 + 0) to obtain an expression for tan 30 in tern1s of tan 0.
(b) Use this result to show that tan 15° = 2 - ✓3 . Justify your ans,ver.
(c) Use the expansion of tan (45° + 30°) to find the exact value of tan 75°. Con1pare this answer to the other
result obtained in (b).
13 Solve each equation using the t formulae, for 0° < 0 < 360°.
(a) 2sin0+cos0=1 (b) 5cos0+3sin0=4 (c) 2cosec0-4cot 0=3
14 Solve each equation using the t formulae, for O < x < 21r.
(a) sinx+cosx=l (b) 7cosx-24sinx=5 (c) 6sinx + 8cosx=5
15 Solve for O < x < :Ir.
(a) cos4.x=cos2x (b) tan2x=cot x (c) sin3x =sinx (d) cos3x=sin2x
16 Solve for O < 0 < :Ir.
(a) cos30=sin(1-0) (b) sin20 =cos(0-:) (c) cos20=sin(0 + 1) (d) sin(0-~)=cos20
18 (a) Given that 2 sin 0 cos</>= sin ( 0 +</>)+sin ( 0- </>), sho\v that sin A+ sin = 2sin( A;B B) cos (A; B).
(b) Hence solve for O < 0 < ,r.
(i) sin 30= sin 50 + sin 0 (ii) sin20+sin30 + sin40=0
(iii) sin0 + sin20+sin30 + sin40=0 (iv) sin50+sin30=sin40 + sin20
19 (a) Given that 2cos 0cos </>= cos( 0 + </>) + cos(0- </>), show that cosA + cosB = 2cos( A; B) cos (A; B).
(b) Hence solve for O < x < 2,r.
(i) cos5x+cosx=cos3x (ii) cosx + cos3x=cos5x+cos7x (iii) cos5x+cosx + cos7x+cos3x=O
1 (a) Express 2✓3cos( 0 + : )-2cos 8 in the forn1 Reos (0 + a), where R > 0 and O<a < 1·
(b) Hence, or other\vise, solve 2✓3cos( 0 +: ) - 2cos8= 1 for O < 0< 21r.
2 (a) Express 3 sin x + 4 cosx in the forn1 rsin (x + a) where O<a< 1·
(b) Hence, or other\vise, solve 3 sinx + 4cosx = 5 for O < x < 21r. Give answer(s) to hvo deciinal places.
(c) Write the general solution for 3 sinx + 4 cosx = 5.
2 l - cos2 0 :,r
3 Use tan 0= l + cosZ to find the exact value of tan .
0 8
4 Show that the cubic equation 8x - 6x + 1 = 0 can be reduced to the fonn cos30 = - by substituting x = cos 0.
From this, deduce the following:
(a) cos Z:,r + cos 4 :1r = cos :,r (b) sec Z:,r + sec 4:1r = 6 + sec :,r
9 9 9 9 9 9
(c) sec :,r sec Z:,r sec 4 :1r = 8 (d) tan 2 :,r +tan 2 Z:,r +tan 2 4:1r =33
9 9 9 9 9 9
5 It can be shown that cos 30 = 4 cos 0 - 3 cos 0. Use this result to solve cos 3 0 + cos 2 0 + cos 0 = 0 for O< 0 < 21r.
6 (a) Expand cos (2A + B) and hence prove that i cos30 = cos 0 - !cos 0.
(b) By writing x = kcos 0 and giving k a suitable value, use the fonnula proved in part (a) to find the three
roots of the equation 27x
- 9x = 1. Hence write the value of the product cos ~ cos 3: cos 5: cos 7: .
7 If tan a, tan/3, tan rare the roots of the equation x
- (a+ l)x2 + (c- a)x- c = 0, sho\v that a + f3 +r = n1r+ 1·
8 Solve sin x = cos 5x for O < x < :Ir.
9 (a) Find A and B in tern1s of x and y such that sin x + sin y = 2 sin A cos B.
(b) Find the solution of sin 0 + sin 20 + sin 3 0 = 0 for O < 0 < :Ir.
In step 2 it is proven that there is the potential for a 'chain reaction' to occur: if it is true for any one case then it is
also true for the next case, ,vhich 1neans that it is also true for the case after that, and so on forever.
In step 1 it is proven that it is true in the first case: this is like flicking the switch to start a chain reaction or pushing
over the first domino of an infinite line of dominoes. The infinite cascade of falling do1ninoes 1neans that the
statement is true for all appropriate values of n fron1 the starting value to infinity.
You will now look at several different types of problems that require proof by induction.
Example 1
Prove that 1 + 3 + 5 + ... + (2n - 1) = n for all integers n > 1.
The two methods shown below are equivalent, but Method 2 introduces a syn1bolic representation of the
staten1ent being proved. When you are fan1iliar with Method 2 you will find that it requires less writing than
with Method 1.
No ,natter ,vhich 1nethod you use, you n1ust ahvays write all three steps and use the appropriate words
e1nphasised belo,v (or their equivalent) in each step.
Method 1
Step 1 Prove that the state1nent is true for n = 1.
When n = 1: LHS = 1 RHS= 1 = 1
LHS =RHS :. the staten1ent is true for n = 1
Step 2 Assun1e the statement is true for n = k, ,vhere k is any integer greater than or equal to 1.
No,v prove that the statement will be true for n = k + 1 if it is true for n = k.
Let S(n) be the state1nent that 1 + 3 + 5 + ... + (2n - 1) = n ,vhere n is a positive integer.
Step 3 Conclusion
S(k + 1) is true if S(k) is true (Step 2)
S(l) is true (Step 1)
: . by in duction, S(n) is true for all integers n > 1.
Example 2
1 2
Prove by induction that 12 + 22 + 32 + ... + n 2 = n(n + ~ n + l) for all positive integers n.
2 2 2 2 n(n + 1)(2n + 1) h . .. .
Let S( n ) be th e statement th at 1 + 2 + 3 + ... + n = , w ere n 1s a positive integer.
Step 1 Prove that S( 1) is true.
LHS = 12= 1 RHS = 1(1 + 1)(2 x 1 + 1) = 1(2)(3) = 1
6 6
LHS = RHS : . S( l ) is true
Step 2 Assun1e S(k) is true for a positive integer k
· assu1ne th at
1.e. li2
_ + 22+ 32+ . . . + k2 I- k(k+l)(2k+l)
__ --'---'--'------'- [a]
No\v, prove that S(k + 1) is true if S(k) is true.
2 2 2 2 2
LHS = 11 + 2 + 3 + ... + k I+ (k + 1)
Step 3 Conclusion
Example 3
Prove by indu ction that n + (n + 1) + (n + 2) + ... + 2n = n(;+ l) for all integers n > 1.
Let S(n) be the statement that n + (n + 1) + (n + 2) + ... + 2n = n(; + l) for positive integer n.
Step 1 Prove that S( 1) is true.
LHS = 1 + (2 x 1) (Note that the sun1 on the LHS starts \Vith n and fin ish es \Vith 2n.)
Note that when n = k + 1, the sun1 on the LHS starts \Vith (k + 1) and finish es \Vith 2(k + 1).
. 2 n 2 (n+ 1)
1 If S(n) 1s the staten1ent that n + 2n + 3n + ... + n = , then S(5) represents the statement:
5X6 25X26
A 1 + 2 + 3 + ... + 5 = B 1 + 2 + 3 + ... + 25 =
2 2
25x6 25 6
C 1 + 2 + 3 + ... + 25 = D 5+ 10+ 15+20+25= ;
Prove each of the following by in duction for all positive integers n.
n(n+ l)
2 1 + 2 + 3 + ... +n= 3 1 +2+4+ ... +211 - 1=2"-1
n(3n + 1)
4 2 + 5 + 8 + ... + (3n - 1) = 5 a+ (a+ d) + (a+2d) + ... + (a+ (n - l)d) = ~ (2a+(n-l)d]
11 1 -r11
2 11- 1 a(r -l) 2 3 n- 1
6 a + ar + ar + ... + ar = 7 l+r+r+r + ... +r = ~- -
r- 1 1- r
n(n + l)(n + 2)
8 1 x 2 + 2 x 3 + 3 x 4 + ... + n(n + 1) =
n(n + 1)(2n + 7)
9 1 x 3 + 2 x 4 + 3 x 5 + ... + n(n + 2) =
3 3 1 1 1 1 n
3 5
10 4 + 104 + 756 + ... + (n + 3n ) = n (n +l) 11 1X2 + 2X3 + 3X4 + ... + n(n+l)=n+l
1 1 1 1 n
12 2x3 + 3x4 + 4x5 + ... + (n+l)(n+2) = 2(n+2)
12 22 32 n2 n(n+ l ) 14 1 1 1 1 n
13 lx3 + 3x 5 + 5x7 + . .. + (2n - 1)(2n+ 1) = 2(2n + l)
lx3 + 3x5 + 5x7 + ... + (2n- 1)(2n+l)- 2n+ l
19 12+ 32+ 52+ ... +(2n- 1)2=n(4n;-1) 20 12-22+ 32_42+ . .. +(-l )11- 1n2=(-1)"- 1;(n + l)
1 3 7 211 -1 1
22 - + - + - + ... + - 11- =n - 1+- 11 23 2x2 1+3x2 2+ 4x23 + . .. +(n+ l )x2"= nx2 11 +1
2 4 8 2 2
n(n + l)(2n + l )(3n 2 +3n-l)
24 14 + 24 + 34 + .. .+ n 4 = (For those who like an algebraic challenge.)
Example 4
Prove by induction that 4 - 1 is divisible by 3 for all integers n > 1.
Let S(n) be the statement that 4" - 1 is divisible by 3 for integer n.
Step 1 Prove that S( 1) is true.
4 1 - 1 = 3, ,vhich is divisible by 3. (Note: The LHS- RHS style of proof can't be used here. )
: . S(l) is true.
4k+ 1 - 1 = 4X4k- l
= 12M + 3
= 3(4M + 1) ,vhich is divisible by 3, because it is a multiple of
3 and 4M + 1 is an integer (as integers are closed
under 1nultiplication and addition).
Step 3 Conclusion
S(k + 1) is true if S(k) is true (Step 2)
S(l) is true (Step 1)
:. by induction, S(n ) is true for all integers n > 1.
Example 5
Prove by induction that 3" + 7" is divisible by 10 for all positive odd integers n.
Let S(n) be the statement that 3" + 7 is divisible by 10 for positive odd integer n.
Step 1 Prove that S( 1) is true.
:. S( 1) is true.
(Note the S(k + 2) instead of S(k + 1), as this is \Vorking \Vith odd integer values of n.)
Step 3 Conclusion
1 If k and Mare integers, \Vhich of the following expressions does not always generate an integer?
A 9M+4x7k B 9M-4x7k C 9M+4x7k D 9Mx4x7k
Prove the following by induction.
2 5" + 3 is divisible by 4 for all positive integers n. 3 3 211 - 1 is divisible by 8 for all positive in tegers n.
4 3" + 2" is divisible by 5 for all odd integers n > 1. 5 5 + 2(11") is a 1nultiple of3 for all positive integers n.
6 (a) Factorise k(k + l)(k + 2) + 3(k + l)(k + 2).
(b) Hence prove that n(n + l)(n + 2) is divisible by 3 for all positive integers n.
7 3 311 + 2"+2 is divisible by 5 for all positive integers n. 8 7" - 2" is divisible by 9 for n > 2.
9 3 - 1 is divisible by 80 for all positive integers n. 10 5" + 2 x 11" is divisible by 3 for all positive integers n.
Example 6
Let S(n) be the statement: n 2 - n is an odd integer, for all positive integers n.
(a) Sho\v that if S(k) is true, then S(k + 1) is true. (b) Is S( l ) true? (c) Is S(n) true for any n?
(a) Let S(k) be that k k is an odd integer.
Statement: S(k + 1): (k + 1)2- (k + 1) is an odd integer.
(k + 1)2-(k+ 1)
=(k + l )(k+ 1-1)
=k(k+ 1)
=k -k+2k
=S(k) + 2k
=Odd + Even = Odd
Hence the result is true for n = k + 1 if it is true for n = k.
(b) S( l ) is that 1 - 1 is an odd integer and since this result is 0, then S( l ) is false.
(c) S(n) is never true because when n is even, n - n is even, and when n is odd, n 2 - n is even.
Example 7
Use 1nathen1atical induction to prove that 2" - 1 is prin1e if n is prin1e.
Using a table of values to explore this for son1e values of n:
This suggests that the result \Vorks, although finding a pattern for the priine nwnbers for n is not possible.
The next priine values for n are 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, ...
Any non-prin1e value for 2" - 1 is enough to say the original staten1ent is false. Testing these values finds
for n = 11: 211 - 1 =2047. As 2047 =23 x 89, this is not priine, so the initial assun1ption is false.
The result can not be proved by mathe1natical induction.
1 Prove by induction that -2 + 2 + 6 + ... + (4n - 6) = 2n(n - 2) for all integers n > 1.
2 Prove by induction that 4"+1 + 52" - 1 is divisible by 21 for all positive integers n.
4 Prove by induction that 6 + 24 + 60 + ... + n(n + l)(n + 2) = n(n + l)(n: 2 )(n + 3) for all positive integers n.
7 Prove by induction that 7" + 6" is divisible by 13 for all odd positive integers n.
8 Prove by induction that 2 x 1! + 5 x 2! + 10 x 3! + .. . + (n + l)n! =n(n + l)! for all positive integers n.
. d . th 1 1 1 1
9 Prove byin uct1on at 4 + 28 + 70 + ... + ( 3n- 2 )( 3n + l ) - 3 nn+ 1 for all integers n > 1.
Consider the vector quantity of displace1nent. In order to fully specify the displacement of all object, it is necessary
to ki10\v how far it is fro1n its starting pomt (magnitude) and the direction in which it has n1oved.
Example 1 N
Sarall walks from point O to point C, via points A and B. 200 m
c .-----------. B
(a) What distance has she walked?
(b) What is her position relative to her starting point? 80m 80m
(a) Sarall walks a total distan ce of 480 m. 0 200 m A
- - - - I " - -- E
The diagran1 at right shows a vector OA of magnitude 10 km in a direction N48°E. 0
Vector algebra
Equality of vectors
Two vectors are equal if and only if they have the same magnitude and the saine direction, regardless of
their positions.
Negative of a vector
The negative of vector AB= !! is the vector -AB = BA = -g.
a -a
-g has the san1e n1agnitude as!! but \Vith opposite direction. BA is the vector drawn
- -
from B to A, \Vhereas AB is the vector drawn from A to B. Therefore, BA = -AB and -
the direction is reversed. A A
The zero vector, denoted Q, is a vector of zero n1agnitude. Its direction cannot be defined.
Adding a vector to its negative will produce the zero vector.
g +(-g) = Q
Addition of vectors
The triangle rule for the addition of vectors
To add hvo vectors g and ~' the vectors are
placed with the head of g at the tail of~-
The resultant vector or vector sum is a vector
-a -a - b
-a -b
Also, for L1ABC , AB + BC= AC or g + ~ = ~- A
- C
The diagram sho,vs that '! + ~ = ~ + '! = ~ and this rule is kno,vn as the
parallelogram rule for addition of vectors.
The parallelogram rule for addition of vectors illustrates that vector
addition is con1n1utative.
For parallelogram OABC, you can also write OA +AB= OB and OC +CB= OB.
Addition of vectors
Explore the parallelogram rule for the addition of vectors.
Example 2
Draw diagrains to show:
(a) (~ + ~)+£ (b) a +(b+c)
- - -
(a) (b)
(a+ b) + c a+ (b + c)
-a a
(a+ b) + c =a+ (b + c) =a+ b + c
Vector addition is also associative. If three vectors~,~ and£ are added, then ~ + (~ + £) = (~ + ~) + £ = ~ + ~ + £·
This n1ethod can be extended to any nun1ber of vectors (so1netimes called the polygon rule for vector addition).
Example 3
Draw a diagram to sho,v ~ + ~ + £ + rJ.
- C
-- ~----
,,, ..... a+b+c
,✓ -- ... ~ ~
-a , , , , -
, -
, , ---
a +b+c+d
Subtraction of vectors
Subtraction of a vector is defined as addition of
its negative. That is, to subtract ~ from~' -b
add-~ to ~' and so~ - ~ = ~ + (-~).
a a
- -
-b a- b
- - = = = = = = = = = = = =10
Subtraction of vectors
Use technology to explore the subtraction and addition of vectors.
Example 4
Given the three vectors~,~ and£, as shown, construct the follo,ving:
(a) i:!+~ -b
(b) f + i:! -a -
(c) ~ -£
(a) To add two vectors I:! and ~' (b) To add t\vo vectors£ and~, the (c) To subtract vector£ fro1n
the vectors are placed with the vectors are placed ,vith the head vector~, the vector-~ is
head of a at the tail of b. of cat the tail of a. placed ,vith the head of~ at
- - - - the tail of-c.
The resultant vector or vector The resultant vector or vector -
sun1 is a vector joining the su1n is a vector joining the tail The resultant vector or vector
tail of a to the head of b. of c to the head of a. su1n is a vector joining the
- - - - tail of b to the head of -c.
- - -
- b
a+ b _,
b- c -
Example 5
ABCD is a parallelogran1. If AB =I:! and BC= ~, express each of
the following vectors in tenns of I:! and~-
(al DA (b) AC (c) BJ5 -
Solution D
(a) As a parallelogran1 has sides (b) Start at A and get to C by (c) Start at B and get to D by
equal in 1nagnitude and following a path around the following a path around th e
direction, the other sides can edges. These edges add to edges. These edges add to
also be labelled. -
give AC. -
Either -BD=BA+AD
- -
b AC= AB+ BC (or BJ5 =BC+ CD)
- BD=-a+b
=a + b
b or =b-a
D =b + a
DA has the same 1nagnitude
as ~ in the opposite direction.
DA =-b-
4 ABCD is a trapeziu1n with DC parallel to AB and one-and-a-half tiines the
- - -
length of AB. If AB = 'i! and BC = ~' express each of the following
vectors in tenns of a and b. D
- -
(a) CD (b) CA
(c) AD (d) DB -b
5 If all the short line seg1nents shown are the san1e length, express the I H G F
0 a A C D
6 BC is parallel to OA and twice its length. Express the following in
tern1s of a- and -b.
(a) AB (b) AC
- - -
11 MBC is a triangle with AB= q and AC=£· D and E are the n1idpoints of B
AB and AC respectively.Fis a point on BC such that FC = 2 X BF. D
A position vector is a vector drawn with its tail at 0, the origin. Position
vectors are used to represent points by a distance and a direction rather
than two nun1bers (the coordinates). You can draw position vectors on the
Cartesian plane and represent them with ordered pairs as ,veil as a length
and a direction. 0 X
-3 -2 - I 0 I 2 3
Position vectors
Use techno logy to explore position vectors on the Cartesian plane.
Example 6
Draw the following position vectors on the Cartesian plane.
(a) QA, where A is (-3, 2) (b) ~, the position vector of (1, -3)
(a) Vector is dra,vn fro1n the initial point at the (b) Vector is drawn fro1n the initial point at the
origin O to the given coordinates. origin O to the given coordinates.
2 2
-3 -2 - I O I 2 3 X X
- I - 3 -2 - I O I 2 3
- I
-2 a
-3 -3
A position vector can be represented by a coordinate pair (a, b). This represents the vector that is a units
fron1 0 in the positive x direction, and b units fron1 0 in the positive y direction. This can be represented as a
colun1n vector (: ), [:] or by the coordinates (a, b). Any vector that is equivalent to a translation of a units in
the positive x-direction and b units in the positive y -direction can be represented in this ,vay.
If A has coordinates (3, 2), then the position vector OA can be represented by the colu1nn vector ( !} !) OA = (
Example 7
Draw the following position vectors on the Cartesian plane.
(a) !! represents a vector which is 1 unit from O in (b) OB represents a vector which is - 4 units fro1n
the positive x direction an d 2 units from O in the 0 in the positive x direction (4 units in the
positive y direction. negative x direction) and 3 units from O in
Vector is drawn fron1 the origin to the point (1, 2). the positive y direction.
y Vector is drawn from the origin to the
point (- 4, 3).
4 y
3 B(- 4, 3)
2 A( l.2) • 3
-4 -3 -2 -I 0 I 2 3 4 X
- I - 4 - 3 -2 - 1 0 _, I 2 3 4
-2 -2
-3 -3
-4 -4
Equal vectors y
Equal vectors do not have to start at the san1e point. To be equal, they only need
to have the san1e n1agnitude and direction.
Although the position vector of the point A(3, 1) starts at the origin, the coordinate
pair (3, 1) can be used to represent any vector \Vhose head is three units across and one
unit up fron1 its tail. Ho\vever, none of the other vectors can be called position vectors. C X
-4 -3 I~ 2 3 4
Vectors \viii also be equal if and only if they are expressed using the sa1ne
: ___.,-2
coordin:tes. For exam ple, the vector [ : ] will only be equal to the ------- -3
vector [ d] if a= band c =d.
Example 8
Given q = (2, 5), specify an ordered pair for each of the follo\ving. (a) 2q (b) -d
(a) As this vector has twice the 1nagnitude, each coordin ate will be 1nultiplied by 2.
2q = (4, 10).
(b) As this vector has the sa1ne 1nagnitude but in the opposite direction to 1, each coordinate n1ust also be
negated (n1ultiplied by - 1).
The vector -q is represented by the ordered pair (-2, -5).
Example 9
Given !: =( ~ ), specify a colun1n vector for each of the following. (b) -3!:
(a) As this vector has half the n1agnitude, each coordinate is nutltiplied by ~.
1 If vector Ii! is represented by the ordered pair (2, -6), specify an ordered pair for each of the following vectors.
(a) 3t;! (b) ~ ':! (c) -':! (d) 0.4':!
2 If vector~ is represented by the colu1nn vector ( ~ ) , specify a colu1nn vector for each of the following vectors.
(a) -2b (b) 5~ (c) !~ (d) - -5 b
3 If£ is the position vector of (6, -3), represent each of the following as an ordered pair.
(a) -£ (b) 2~ (c) - !£ (d) 1.5£
4 If~ is the position vector of (6, -3), represent each of the vectors as a colun1n vector.
(a) -~ (b) 2£ (c) - -1 c (d) 1.5£
5 Represent each of the vectors in the plane shown y
as an ordered pair.
(a) a (b) b (c) ~
(d) 4. (e) !: (f) f -b
- JO -s 0 5 JOX
- JO
(d) d
- (e)
-e (f)
- -
- JO -5 0 5
- JO
7 If vector ~ is represented by the ordered pair (3, - 5), then which of the following represents the vector -2~?
A (- 6, 10) B (6,-10) C (10, - 6) D (-10, 6)
8 Which of the follo,ving represents the vector from the point (2, 6) to the point (- 1, 8)?
(c) If the vector £ = ( ~~) has an initial point (2, 1), detennine the coordinates of its tenninal point.
(d) If the vector~ = ( ~;) has a tern1inal point ( 12, - 2), detern1ine the coordinates of its initial point.
(e) Sketch representations of the vector = ( ~ ) ,vith initial points at:
(i) (O, O) (ii) (3, 1) (iii) (5, - 3) (iv) (- 5, 5) (v) (- 2, - 2).
12 The points A, Band C have coordinates (-2, -3), (2, 3) and (8, -1) respectively.
(a) Find the vectors AB, BC and AC and express then1 in colu1nn vector fonn.
- - 2- - X
(c) If Yis a point on CX, such that CY= cx, find CY in
tern1s of a and c.
- -
(d) Find OY and hence show that Y lies on OB.
- --.1
Recall that a vector can be represented as an ordered pair (x, y) or as a colun1n Sj
2 -
vector(;), where the first value represents the distance parallel to the x-axis and the I
0 X
second value the distance parallel to the y -axis. -3 -2 - L, I 2 3
This inforn1ation can also be defined using the vectors! and j, where f is a vector of -2
magnitude one unit in the positive x-direction and is a vect~r of one unit magnitude -3
in the positive y-direction. The vectors!, and are unit vectors.
For exan1ple, the vector g defined by the coordinates (2, 5) or the colu1nn vector (:) can be written as g = 2i + 5l-
xi X
Example 10 )'
Express the vector!! in co1nponent fonn.
-2 _, 0 I 2 X
Solution y
Vectors are drawn fro1n the tail of the vector across and then 2
up (or down) to n1eet the head of the original vector, labelled
as xf and Yl- 4L
Oigin al vector in terms of the co1nponents xf + Y{ g = -3f + 4j 0
-a 2
-2 I I X
When finding the components of a vector, start at the tail end. It does not ,natter whether you first 1nove parallel to
the x-axis (to find the i con1ponent) or parallel to the y -axis (to find the l component).
Magnitude of a vector in component form I
To find the 1nagnitude in co1nponent fonn you can use Pythagoras' theorem, 5
as the co1nponents forn1 a right-angled triangle. For example,
_, 0 X
if!!=5f-2j: 2 3 4 6
- _, -2
lgl = .Js2 + c-2)2 -129
=✓29 -2
When finding the magnitude of a vector, use only the positive square root value.
Example 11
Resolve the vector ':! into component form q = xf + yj, given ':! has a n1agnitude of 6 units and has a direction
of 50° to the positive x-axis. Give answers correct to two decin1al places.
li:! I = 6 an d 0= 50°
If a vector':! of n1agnitude li:! In1akes an angle 0with the positive x-axis, then ':!= li:! lcos0f + li:! Isin 0{
Example 12
Given~=f-Sjand~=-3£ + 2j , find: (a)~+~ (b) ~-~ (c) -4~+7q
- -
(a) Sum of the vectors in con1ponent forn1:
Group the coefficients of the con1ponents together and sin1plify: = (1- 3)£ + (-5 + 2)j
Group the coefficients of the con1ponents together and sin1plify: = (-3- l)f + ( 2 - (-5)) j
= -4£ + 7 j
(c) Sum of the vectors in con1ponent forn1: -4~+7~ =-4(£-Sf) + 7(-3£ + 2f)
=-4£+20j-21£ + 14j
- -
Group the coefficients of the con1ponents together and sin1plify: = (-4 - 2 1)£ + (20 + 14)f
= -25.!, + 34j
If~= Xii + Jij and q=Xi! + J i j, then~= qif and only if Xi = Xi and Yi = Yi·
- -
Example 13
Find the values of m and n if7f -5 z= (3m + l).!, + (4n-9)z.
Equate coefficients of the vector con1ponents and solve the resulting equations:
.!, components: 7 = 3m + 1
j co1nponents: -5 = 4n - 9
n= l
Relative position vectors
B 3
You have already looked at position vectors that represent the
position of one point in relation to the origin. A relative position
vector represents a point's position in relation to another point.
· AB = OB-OA
-2 A
Example 14
The position vector of point A on the Cartesian plane is OA = 12£ - 5 j an d the position vector of point B is
OB= -7 £+ 6l. Find the position vector of A relative to B.
The position vector of A relative to B is BA. Write the rule to find BA: BA = BO + OA
:. BA= OA-OB
Parallel vectors
Two vectors are parallel if they are scalar multiples of each other:
Example 15
Consider the three vectors 13 = -2 i + 3j, ~ = 8i - 5j
- - and ~ = -8i + 12-j. Which two vectors are parallel?
Look at the vectors to see if a scalar multiplier exists for any of the1n: ~ = -8£ + 12 j
Vectors 13 and~ are parallel. -
, ,Jx2 + 1 2 . .
or ~= 2 2(x!.+y;).
X +y -
Example 16
Find the unit vector~ for each of the following vectors.
(a) ~=4f-31 (b) ~=-Sf+8j
(a) Divide the original vector by its n1agnitude to get a unit vector: ~ = ~ ( 4i - 3 L)
(b) Find the 1nagnitude of the vector: l~I= J(-S)2 + 8 2
= ✓89
Divide the original vector by its n1agnitude to get a unit vector: ~ = Fs9 (-sf+ 8t)
= !9(-sf+sz)
Example 17
Given~= 3£ - 6 j:
(a) find~ (b) find vector 4 of 1nagnitude S in the direction of~·
(a) Find the 1nagnitude of the vector: l~I= ✓3 2 + (-6) 2
=3✓ 5
Find the unit vector by dividing the vector by its magnitude: ~ =
.Js ( 3£ - 6 t)
= s✓5( !.-
• 2·)l
(b) Multiply the unit vector in the direction required by the required n1agnitude: ~= Sf (f - t)
= Js(I- 2t)
- -4
8 The position vectors of points C and Dare OC = -8i + 12 j and OD = 13£ - 23 j , respectively. Find:
- -
(a) OC (b> loci
9 In parallelogran1 ABCD, AB = 3f + 4 j and AD = -2i - 5 j. Find:
11 Given vectors Ii!= Sf+ 4 z,~ = -4f + 7 j and£ = -i - 9l, with 3f! + 2~ - v~ parallel to the y -axis, find the value
of V.
18 Given~= i -3land~= -3f + 2z, find the vector fin the direction of~ \Vhere 1£1= 1~1·
19 What is the unit vector in the direction of g = -2[ + 5 j is?
A .!.(-2i
7 -
+ Si)
- B J9(-2i + sz) C D Jh(-21 +sz)
20 Which of the follo\ving vectors is parallel to ~=-Sf + 5j and has a magnitude of 5?
22 MBC has vertices defined by the position vectors OA = -2i + 3j, OB= 4i - 5l and OC = 6f - 9 j.
(a) State the coordinates of the vertices of MBC.
(b) Find the vectors AB, oc and AC. (c) Find IAB~lociand IAc1.
23 t.OAB is a triangle in which OA = 6£ and OB= 4 j . The point M with position vector OM = xf + yj is
equidistant from 0, A and B. -
(a) Find the values of x and y. (b) Find the vectors AM, MB and OM.
25 OABC is a square in which vectors OA = 3£ -2} and OC = 2£ + 3 j. Mis the 111idpoint of AB and N divides CB
internally in the ratio 1 : 2.
(a) Find the vectors OB, AC, OM, ON and NB. (b) Find the length of the diagonals, IOBI and IAcl.
26 (a) If!! = 3i - 4 j and ~ = -4i + 3j, find ~ and b.
- - - '
(b) Hence find the exact values of x and y, such that 2x~ + 3y~ = i + j.
(c) If£ = 4i - 8 j and 4 = 8i + 4 j, find
£and d. -
_. _. - ...
(d) Hence find the exact values of v and w, such that 2v~ + 3wq = i + j.
27 (a) If!! = 3Pi+ 4 PL, p > 0 and li:! I = 2, find the exact value of p. (b) Hence find~.
(c) Find the vector~ \Vhich is parallel to~' ifl~I = 10.
(d) If£= 7 qi + 24qj, q > 0, and 1£1= 4, find the exact value of q. (e) Hence find f
(f) Find the vector 4 in the direction of£ where 14 1= 50.
(g) Find the vector \vith n1agnitude 10 that is parallel to the vector~ + q.
(read as 'i:! cross~'). The result of this multiplication is a vector quantity. This is beyond the scope of this course.
Example 18
Given li:! I = 5 and l~I = 6, find the scalar product of!! and~, correct to hvo deciinal places, in each of the following.
(a) (b) -a
-b b
40" 140°
(a) i;! • ~= li:! ll ~lcos8 (b) I;! • ~= li:! ll ~Icos8
=5x6xcos40° = 5 x 6 x cos140°
= 22.98 = -22.98
If':! and~ are parallel vectors but in opposite directions, then: ~ • ~ = 1~11~1cos,r -a
Equal vectors
If~ = ~' then 8 = 0 (just as for any parallel vectors), so the scalar product is the 1nagnitude squared:
Perpendicular vectors
Two vectors are said to be perpendicular or orthogonal if the angle behveen their directions is a right angle (90°).
If':! and qare perpendicular vectors, then:':! • q= li:! llq lcos 1
= l~ll ~lx 0 -a
An in1portant property of the unit vectors i and j is that they are perpendicular, so that i • j = j • i = 0.
- - -
Also, using the property of parallel vectors: i •i = j • j = 1.
This means there are two basic expressions for the scalar product:':! • ~= lt:! II ~Icos0 = X1X2 + Y1Y2•
2 2 2
Rewriting the cosine rule: It:! - ~1 = lt:!1 + 1~1 - 211:!II~ Icos0
~ + 1~1 = l1:!l
2 2 2 2
l1:!l - 21:! . + 1~1 - 2 11:!II~ Icose
Example 19
Find the scalar product f:! • ~, given':!= 2i +SL and~= -3i + 4l-
q • ~ = (2{ + 5 t) •(-3f + 4t)
Multiply the coefficients of the like components and su1n together: q • ~ = 2 x (-3) + 5 x 4
= 14
= l~l x l5NI
2 2
-a N
.. 0 = cos
_1 (a•b)
1; 11~1
Note: It is usual to consider 0 to be the s1naller of the two possible angles between the two vectors. Either way, the
sn1aller angle and the larger (reflex) angle will be equivalent for any scalar product, because cos ( 0 ) = cos (2:7r - 0 ).
Example 20
Find the angle in degrees, correct to hvo deciinal places, between vectors ~ = 3f - 2 j and ~ = 4 f + j.
- -
Scalar product of the vectors: ~ • ~: q • ~ = ( 3f - 2f )( 4f + L)
= 10
Magnitudes of the vectors: lq l = J3 2+ (-2) 2 1~1 = ✓42 + 12
=✓13 =✓17
- 1( 10 )
= cos ✓13 X ✓17
= 47.73° (correct to two deciinal places)
2 Given li:!I = 8 and l~I = 7, find the scalar product of':! and~ for each of the following, correct to hvo decimal
places \Vhere necessary.
(a) (b) (c)
- -b -b
(d) -a (e)
-a (f)
- -b
3 Find the scalar product g • ~for the following:
(a) i:!=3f+2jand~=Sf+3j (b) i:!=-3f + 4j and~=2f+Sj (c) i:!=4f-Sjand~=-3f+8j
- - - - _, -
(d) g=-4f-3j and~=7f-6j (e) g=-2f-9jand~=-7f-4j (f) g=2f-12jand ~=6f + j
- - - ,., - -
4 Sho\V that the vectors ':! = 3i + 7 l and ~ = 7i - 3zare perpendicular.
5 Find the vector ,:J that is perpendicular to £ = 4 i - 3j and has a n1agnitude of 10.
10 Find the angle, correct to the nearest degree, between each of the following pairs of vectors ':! and ~:
(a) i:!=3f+2jand~=3f+Sj (b) ':!=-3f + 2zand~=Sf+6z (c) g=4f-jand ~=3f + 4j
- - - -
(d) i:!=-2f-4jand~=4f + 3j (e) ':! = -Sf-6j and~= -7[-2j (f) g=8f + 4jand~=-3[+6j
- - - - - -
11 Which vector is perpendicular to f =-Si + 2 j with magnitude 12?
= 12
(2i- -SJ·)
12 Vectors g = xf - 2 j and ~ = -6i + y j are perpendicular. What are possible values of x and y?
- -
A x = 1 and y = 3 B x = 1 and y = - 3 C x = - 2 and y = -6 D x = 2 and y = 6
13 The angle behveen the vectors ':! = -5i - 2l and ~ = 3i + l is closest to:
A 3° B 40° C 140° D 177°
(b) Find 1::rn1,1oc1and IA°cl. (c) Show that MBC is a right-angled triangle.
(d) Find the position vector of a point D such that ABCD fonns a square.
(e) Find the vector BD, the other diagonal of the square ABCD. C
(f) Show that the diagonals of the square ABCD bisect at right angles.
- - - -
15 ABCD is a kite ,vith AB= AD and CB= CD, as shown.
(a) Show that the quadrilateral ABCD ,vhose vertices have position vectors 8 D
OA = 2f + _.j, OB= 2f + 4j,
OC = 8f + 7 _,j and OD= Sf+ _,j respectively, is a kite.
(b) Find AC and BD and hence show that the diagonals of this kite cross at
right angles.
(c) Express BD, BC and DC in tern1s of p, q and!:, where OB= p, QC= q and OD=!:·
_. .... _, -
(d) Explain why BC • BC = DC • DC and use this equation to sho,v
thatp • q=q • r.
(e) Hence show that the diagonals of a kite cross at right angles.
Scalar projection
A scalar projection of a vector can be
thought of as like the shadow of a wire when
the sun is overhead. (The original vector is a
- -a
the wire.)
In the diagrams, vector ~ is the vector
projection of vector'.:! in the direction 8
of vector b. -
The magnitude of£, 1£1, is the scalar projection of vector '.i! onto vector~-
• • a• b
The scalar projection of '.i! onto~ is f! • ~.where'.:! • ~= l ~I- •
Example 21
Consider the vectors!!= 5£- j and~= 3£ + 4j.
- -
(a) Find the scalar projection of!! onto~. (b) Find the scalar projection of~ onto !!·
(a) Find~= Ii i by first finding l~I· (b) Find~= ; by first finding l!!I·
~=3f+4j !!=st-t l!!I = .Js2+(-1)2
!! • ~ = (5£ - t) •!(3£ + 4 t) 15
= Ju,- Ju,
5 11
- Ju,
= -11
5 _ 1 1✓
The scalar proJ· ection of a onto b is !.!.. 26
- - 5
The scalar projection of~ onto !! is 11-f.[6.
In general, the scalar projection of!! onto ~ does not equal the scalar projection of~ onto !!·
Vector projection
In each of the diagra1ns above, vector £ is the vector projection of vector !!
onto~. The vector projection of!! onto~ is a fraction of~' for example, : ~
where m and n are real numbers. -a
Now,£= 1£1~ 8
=(!! · ~)~
The vector projection of!! perpendicular to ~ is: !! - £
Example 22
Consider the vectors'!= 2£ -5 j and lz = -2£ + 3j.
- -
(a) Find the vector projection of q onto lz. (b) Find the vector projection of q perpendicular to lz.
, b
(a) Find lz = l~I by first finding llzl- (b) Find':!-(':! • ~)~:
a-(a• b)b = 2i-SJ' - - (-2; +31·)
lz = -2£ + 3L: llz l = ✓(-2)2 + 32 - - - - - - 13 - -
38 . 57 .
= ✓13 = 2 I. - S.J- - 1+ - J
- 13 - 13 -
, b 1 ( . ·) 12 . 8 .
lz= 1~1 = Jo -2!_+3z =-- 1- - 1
13- 13 -
Scalar projection: q • lz: = -{; (3f + 21)
':! • ~ = (2f-st) • ffi(-2i +31) The vector projection of q = 2i - 5l perpendicular
-4 - 15
= ~= + ~= to b = -2i + 3]. is _ _±_(3; + 21·).
Jo Jo - - - 13 - -
- 19
- Jo
Vector projection: ( t;! • ~)~:
(a• b)b =
- - -
ffi x ffi
13 13
(-2i + 31·)
- -
-19( 2· 3z·)
Note: The scalar product of the parallel and perpendicular vector projections should be equal to 0. This can be
used to check the projections obtained.
1 For each of the follo\ving pairs of vectors, find the scalar projection of q onto lz.
(a) t;!=4f-jandlz=3f+4j (b) t;!=4f+3jandlz=3£+2j (c) t;!=8f+3jandlz=-3£ + 8j
- - - - - -
(d) q=-3i + 2j andlz=Sf + 6j (e) q=-2f-3jandlz=4f+Sj (f) q = -Sf-6} and lz = - 7f-2j
- - - - - -
2 For each of the follo\ving pairs of vectors, find the vector projections of'! onto lz.
(a) q=4f+3jandlz=3f+2j (b) q=4f-jandlz=3f + 4j (c) q=8f+4jandlz=-3f + 6j
- - - - - _,
(d) q = -3i + 21 andlz=Si +6j (e) q=-2f-3l andlz=4i +7j (f) q = -Sf-61 andlz = -7f-2j
3 For each of the follo\ving pairs of vectors, find the vector projections of g perpendicular to lz.
(a) g=4f+3zandlz=3f + 2l (b) q=4f-Landlz=3f + 4j (c) g=8f+4Landlz=-3f + 6j
(d) I;!= -3£ + 2} and lz = Sf +6} (e) '! =-2£-3} andlz=4i +7} (f) '! = -5£-6} and lz= -7£-2}
- - - - - _,
5 For the following vectors, find the vector projection of~ onto q.
(a) g=4f+3jand~=3f+2j (b) g=4f-jand~=3f + 4j
- _, _. -
6 For g = -2i - 3l and~= -2i + 2 j, the scalar projection of g onto~ is:
✓2 -✓
2 -2✓ 13 2✓13
2 2 13 13
7 The vector projection of 3i + 2! onto -f + 2! is ; ( -i + 2 t} What is the vector projection of 3f + 2!
perpendicular to -f + 2 j ?
A ~ (3i +2t) B
~(-i + 21) C D 2f + j
8 Consider two vectors g = -i + 7land~= Sf + 4j.
(a) Find the scalar projection of q onto~- (b) Find the vector projection of q onto~-
(c) Find the scalar projection of~ onto q. (d) Find the vector projection of~ onto q.
(d) Hence, express the vector q = 3£ -4 j in tenns of projections onto an d perpendicular to~= 2f - 2 j.
- -
10 For any two vectors q and ~' state the 1neaning of each of the following.
~ ~
of congruent triangles
• a square is a rectangle \Vith a pair of equal adjacent sides. It has all the properties of a rectangle, as \Veil
as that all sides are of equal length, the diagonals bisect the angles of the square, the diagonals bisect each
other at right angles, and the diagonals divide the square into four congruent right-angled triangles
• a rhombus is a parallelogran1 with a pair of adjacent sides equal. It has all the properties of the parallelognun, as
\Veil as that all sides are of equal length, the diagonals bisect the angles of the rho1nbus, the diagonals bisect each
other at right angles, and the diagonals divide the rhombus into four congruent right-angled triangles
• a square can also be defined as a rho1nbus with one angle a right angle
• a kite is a quadrilateral \Vith two pairs of adjacent sides equal. The opposite angles between the pairs of
non-equal sides are equal.
Vector proof involving sides of a triangle
Example 23
Use vector n1ethods to prove that the line seg1nent joining the n1idpoints of two sides of a triangle is parallel to
the third side and half its length.
Consider MBC, where P and Qare the n1idpoints of sides AB and BC respectively. B
:. PQ= .!.AE
Thus, PQ is parallel to AC and half the length of AC.
Example 24
Use vector n1ethods to prove Pythagoras' theoren1: in any right-angled triangle, the square on the hypotenuse is
equal to the su1n of the squares on the other t\vo sides.
Consider MBC. Let AB= -a and AC= -c. C
:. BC= BA + AC
=-a+c -
-a B
2 2 2 2 2
By Pythagoras' theoren1: -AC = -AB + _BC-, or 1-AC 1 = 1-AB 1 + 1-BC 1
2 2
Use scalar product of vectors to find IAc l : IAc l = AC • AC
=c • c
So: IAC 12 = 1£ 12
2 2 2
= 1~1 +(1£1 - 1~1 )
2 2
= IAB l + li3cl
1 Consider the parallelogran1 OABC where OA =~and OC = ~- Express OB -
~-------- 8
and CA in terms of~ and~- Hence show that the diagonals of a parallelogram
1neet at right angles if and only if it is a rho1nbus.
0 C
2 Consider the parallelogran1 ABCD, where AB=~ and AD= 4..
Prove that the 1nidpoints of the sides of a parallelogram join to forn1
a parallelogra1n.
4 Consider the circle with centre O and radius OA = ~- B and Care points on the
circle and BC = b.
Which one of the follo\ving staten1ents must be true? 0
1 1 Ak---->-----:,!C
A a= - b B a=- - b
- 2- - 2-
c a•b = b•b D 2a • b = -b • b
-b C
2 2 2 A
6 Use vector methods to prove that, ifj!,1 = 1~1 + 1~1 for MBC, then LACB is a right angle.
b -
7 ABCD is a rectangle. C
-a B
-b -b
Apollonius' theore1n relates to the length of a n1edian of a triangle to the lengths of its sides. In any triangle,
the su1n of th e squares on any hvo sides is equal to hvice the square on half the third side together \vith twice
the square on the median \Vhich bisects the third side.
2 2 2 2
(c) Prove this, i.e. prove that lAB l + IA"c l = 2(IA"x l + IID?l ).
1 Four vectors, g, ~' £ and g, are shown in the diagran1. Which one of the
following staten1ents is true?
A a +c=b+d B a+b=c +d
C a+b+c +d =0 D b +c=a +d
2 In the parallelogra1n ABCD shown, the point of intersection of the diagonals is 0 .
The vector OD is equal to:
3 If vector I;! is represented by the ordered pair (- 2, 3), then the vector -3(;! is represented by the ordered pair:
A (-6, 9) B (- 6, -9) C (6, -9) D (6, 9)
4 The vector that runs from the point (- 3, 1) to the point (3, - 2) can be represented by the column vector:
A (:) B ( ~3 ) C (~ ) D ( ~ 3)
8 If g = -4i + 2 j and~ = i - 4 then 2g - ~ is:
A 2 B 2✓3 C 2✓5 D 20
10 Which of the following vectors is parallel to the vector 2£ + 3 j and has a n1agnitude of 2Jo?
A -4f+6j B 4f-6j C 6f+9j D -4f-6j
- - ,., _.
A - -15 8 - -6 C -6 D -15
2 5 5 2
14 The angle between the vectors':!= 2i + 3j and q= 3i - j is closest to:
A 75° 8 g90 C 91° D 105°
(c) AD (d) DB
• ':! the position vector of (- 3, 2)
• OB where B is ( ~)
- 4 - 3 -2 I 2 3 4 X
21 Given ':! = -2i - 5 j and q= 3f - j, calculate the n1agnitude of the following vectors.
(a) It:! + ~I (b) 13~ - 2(:! I (c) 1-2(:!- 7~1
22 Given vectors £ = ( ~) and q = (-:),find the following vectors in colu1nn vector form.
23 The position vectors of points A and B are OA = 15i - 7 j and OB = -6i - 19j, respectively.
(a) Find the vector AB in co1nponent fonn. (b) Calculate IABI.
24 Find the magnitude of each of the following vectors.
(a) q=lOf +24j (b) ~=-6f-3j
- -
25 Resolve the follo\ving vectors into con1ponent forn1 xf + yj. Give answers correct to t\vo deciinal places.
(a) q has a n1agnitude of 16 units and 1nakes an angle of 48° to the positive x -axis.
(b) ~ has a n1agnitude of 24 units and n1akes an angle of 148° to the positive x-axis.
26 Find the exact values of the unknown pronu1nerals in the follo\ving vector equations.
(a) (2a-3b)£-2bL =5f-12L (b) (2f + 5)£ +(8-7g)f = f(3f-2f)+2g(f + 4L)
(c) ( a
- 9a) f + ( 2b3 + 1) l = 10.!, - 5l (list n1ultiple solutions)
27 Consider the vector q = -9£ - 3 j.
(a) Find~- (b) Find the vector~ in the direction of q \Vith a magnitude of 5.
31 Forq=2f-5jand~=4f+j,find:
(a) the vector projection of q onto ~
(b) the vector projection of g perpendicular to ~-
32 The points A, Band C have coordinates (2, -5), (5, 9) and (-9, 12) respectively.
(a) Find the vectors AB, BC and AC in column vector form. (b) Find IABI, IBCI and IACI.
(c) Show that MBC is an isosceles triangle.
(d) Find the coordinates of a point D such that ABCD forn1s a rho1nbus.
(e) Find the coordinates of the pomt of mtersection of the diagonals of the rho1nbus ABCD.
33 (a) If q = -4e£ + 2ef, e > 0 and lq l = 40, find the exact value of e. (b) Hence, find ~-
(c) Find the vector~ that is parallel to~ with I~ I= 10.
(e) Hence find c.
(d) If£= 4Ji - 3fj, f > 0 and 1£1 = 250, find the exact value off.
(f) Find the vect;r q in the direction of~ where 14 1 = 20. (g) Find b-d.
35 MBC is right-angled with M being the n1idpoint of the hypotenuse AC, as shown. C
Let AM = a and BM = b.
- -
(a) Find AB and BC in tenns of g and~-
(b) Prove that Mis equidistant from the three vertices of MBC.
36 OABC is a parallelogram where OA = ~ and OC = £·Mand N are the midpoints of AB and BC respectively.
(a) Draw a diagra1n of parallelogran1 OABC, sho,ving the given vectors and midpoints.
(b) Find the vectors OM and ON in tenns of g and £ and show the1n on your diagran1.
(c) Hence find the vector MN in tern1s of g and f.
(d) Find vector AC in terms of g and f and show this on your diagra1n.
- - 2- -
(e) Pis a point on OM such that OP =- OM. Find the vector OP in tern1s of a and c.
3 - -
- - 2- -
(f) Q is a point on ON such that OQ = 0N. Find the vector OQ in terms of g and f.
(g) Show that vector MN is parallel to and half the n1agnitude of AC.
(h) Find vectors AP, PQ and QC, and hence prove that the diagonal AC is trisected at P and Q.
This area is given by the definite integral A = oh r dx, \Vhich is A= I s:· rdx = [ rx ]~ = rh. 0
8x ,, X
.." ''
V = 1C I
,- dx. 0
•'• • '
'' 2
dx = 1C [ r 2x ] = nr 2h, which you should recognise as the
' ""...__ I
_ _,.,__ Thus the volume is V = 1C
lix volume of a cylinder of radius rand height h.
When the arc CD of the curve y =f (x) on the interval a < x < b is )'
y= f(x) - 71\D
rotated about the x-axis, the volume of the solid of revolution
formed is given by: C
b 2 b 2
V = 1C • (f(x)) f dx or
V=n .Y dx
0 b X
Example 1
Calculate the volu1ne of the solid forn1ed when the portion of the line y = 2x between x = 0 an d x = 3 is
rotated about the x-axis. What is the naine of the kind of solid formed?
b 2
Volun1e = n: • y dx
Draw a diagrain:
3 2
y= 2x
= n: (2x) dx
=4n: J:x dx 2
=4n:(9 - 0)
= 36n: units3
The solid is a right circular cone of base radius 6 and height 3.
is a point close to P. The ordinate PM describes a circle of area n:y2 ---+-- .t "-----------
', M
-N- - -
a11d QN describes a circle of area n:(y + 8y)2. 0
a ' 8x
The typical lower rectangle PRNM describes a cylinder of volume
n:y2 8x and the typical upper rectangle describes a cylin der of
volun1e n:(y + 8y)2 8x. If a typical layer PQNM describes a solid of
volun1e 8V, then:
n:y2 8x < 8V < n: (y + 8y)28x
b b
Thus: I, n:y 2 8x<V< L, n:(y+8y)28x
• •
Asbx ➔ O: V = li1n I, n:y 2 8x
= n:y2 dx
= s
n::y2 dx
Hence, volun1e of a solid of revolution:
V = n: J:y dx
where y = f(x)
Example 2
Find the volu1ne of a right circular cone of height h and base radius r.
The cone can be considered as a solid of revolution generated y A(/J, r)
by rotating the right-angled triangle OAB about the x-axis.
The equation of OA is y = r;. r
b 2 -- ~ -- - -- i--.L...-1---
J (/J,O) X
V=n: .Y dx 1
2 J'' X dx
V=n: r2x 2 dx= -n:r2 2
Jo h 2
h o 8x
= n:r 2 [ £ 3 ] ''
h2 3 0
n:r2 h3
= --x -
h2 3
= 1n:r2h
Example 3
Find the volu1ne of a sphere of radius r.
The volun1e of a sphere can be considered as the volu1ne generated by rotating the semicircle defined by
y = ✓r 2 - x 2, -r < x < r, about the x-axis.
y Hence:
V = n: J~,Y dx 2 where y =✓ r 2 - x2
'' '' P(x,y)
' 2
'' ' ' = n: J~,(r 2 2
- x )dx because y = r2 - x2
' ' '
' ' I 0
- - - - - - -,- ~- - .1.1---
o, ' , (r, O) x
= n:[r 2x _ x; ] ~,
' '
' ' 0 I
'I ''
----~·,__.,.. =-tl-
= 34 n:r 3
Example 3, above, proves the fonnula for the volun1e of the sphere- a fonnula that you have used for n1any years.
The fonnula for the area of a circle A = n:r2 can si1nilarly be proved using calculus.
Example 4
The part of the parabola y = x between x = I and x = 3 is rotated about the y-axis. Calculate the volun1e
y =x:
x = l, y=l; x = 3,y = 9 V f
= ,r 19x 2dy 2
\Vhere x = y
9 V = ,r f19 y dy
- - - - 'i - - .. ..
- '' '
=n(8z1 - 1)
3 X
-3 -I O I =40,r units 3
about the y-axis, the volume of the solid of revolution forn1ed is given by: d --------- D
X =g(y)
d 2 ,I 2 C
C -
V = 1C C (g(y )) dy or V = 1C C X dy
0 X
Example 5
Find the volun1e of the solid formed \Vhen the area bounded by the parabola y = 4 - x and the x-axis
is rotated about: (a) the x-axis (b) the y-axis.
(a) Rotate about x-axis: (b) Rotate about y-axis:
y )'
y=4 - x'
y=4 - x'
' -- - - .... ..
---- - - - - -.. .. .. ..
-- '
-2 0 2 X
V=1r f
y dx
where y =4 - x 2 V = 1C f x 2dx
o4 \Vhere x 2 = 4 - y
Example 6
Calculate: (a) the area bounded by the curve y = e1. 5X, the coordinate axes and the line x = 2
(b) the volu1ne obtained by rotating this area about the x-axis.
a y=e
( ) I.Sx
,y= Q,x= 2 )' = el.Sx (b) Volu1ne = 11: f y dx where y =
2 5
e'- x .
Area= s: e1.sx dx
= 11: f
02 e3x dx
=[ ; el.Sx J: =1[e3xJ:
=; (e3 - eo) I
= 1(e6 -eo)
X o' 2 X
2(e - 1)
3 '
11: (e - 1)
2 ''
= 3
= 12.72 units '
= 421.4 units3
Example 7
Find: (a) the area bounded by the curve y = log, x, the x-axis and the ordinate x = 2
(b) the volun1e of the solid of revolution forn1ed by rotating the area bounded by the curve y = log,x,
the coordin ate axes and the lin e y = log, 2 about the y-axis.
(a) Area = f log, x dx
Instead of trying to evaluate this integral directly, dra,v a diagran1.
This problem requires the area of the shaded region BCE. It
can be obtained by finding the area of the rectangle ABCD and
A B subtracting the area ABED.
log,2 1 - - - - - - - ,:,,('"
=[ eY J:os,2
=e1og,2 -eo
=2- 1
f log,2
(b) Volu1ne = tr Jo x 2 dy \Vhere x= e1
f log, 2 2
= 1C Jo e dy
= 1(e21og, 2_ eo)
= 1C ( 4 -1) = 31r units 3
2 2
Example 8
Find the volun1e generated by rotating about the x-axis the area beneath the curve y = between x = 4 i-
andx=9. ~x
Volume= tr J:y dx 2
where y= ✓x
91 '
= 1C J4
- dx
= n[log, x J: 0 I
4 9
' '
= n(log, 9- log, 4) '
= tr log, 2.25
= 2.548
Solids of revolution
Use graphing software to graph and calculate the volume of solids of revolution.
about the x-axis, the volu1ne of the solid of revolution fonned is given by
V= 1C J,~([J(x) r -[g(x) J2) dx \Vhere a and b are the abscissae of the points
y= g(x)
d - - - - - - - - - - - - ' y =f{x)
of intersection of the two curves, a< band f(x) > g(x).
If the region is rotated about the y-axis, the equation of each curve n1ust first
be written as a function of y , i.e. x = f- 1(y) and x = g-1 (y), and the ordinates
of the points of intersection used, na1nely c and d, as shown in the diagran1. 0 a b X
Example 9
The curve y = :X: - 3.x2 + 3x and the line y = x intersect at (O, O), A and B. )'
(e) Hence find the volume of the solid fonned when the shaded region between the curves from
0 to B is rotated about the x-axis.
(a) x 3 - 3x2 + 3x = x
3 2
x -3x + 2x=O
x(x - 3x + 2) = 0
x(x- l )(x-2)=0
x=O, 1,2
y = 0, 1, 2
A(l, and B(2, 2)
(b) Area= J:(x -3x +3x-x)dx+
f (x-(x -3x +3x))dx
3 2
= J:(x -3x + 2x)dx +
J 1
(-x +3x -2x)dx
4 4
= [: _
x +x
J: + [- : +x
_ x
] ~
6 5 4 3 2
= ,r J:(x -6x +15x -18x + 8x )dx
7 4 3 1
x 6 s 9x 8x ]
= ,r [ 7-x + 3x - - 2- + - 3- o
= rr (.!.7 - 1 + 3 - -2.2 + ~3 - o)
= 13,r
= -11: (
- 64 + 96- 72 +
-[.!.7 - 1+ 3 -
+ ~])
2 3
2 3
= :; units
1 Find the volun1e of the solid of revolution fonned by rotating about the x -axis the arc of the parabola
y=x2 benveen x= 0 and x = 3.
2 Find the volun1e of the solid of revolution fonned by rotating about the x -axis the line y = 2x behveen
x= 0 andx=4.
3 A cone is fonned by rotating about the x -axis a segn1ent of the line y = 3x between x = 0 and x = 4. The definite
integral used to calculate the volu1ne of this solid is:
4 ,
9x· dx 8 C D
4 (a) Find the equation of the line passing through the points (1,0) and (3,4). y (3, 4)
(b) A cone is forn1ed by rotating about the x -axis the segn1ent of the line joining
the points (1, O) and (3,4). Calculate the volun1e of the cone.
0 X
I 3
5 The semicircle y = ✓9 - x 2 is rotated about the x-axis. Calculate the volun1e of the sphere generated
6 The region bounded by the parabola y = x - x 2 and the x -axis is rotated about )'
0 X
7 Find the volun1e of the solid formed \Vhen the region bounded by the parabola y = 1 - x 2 and the x -axis
is rotated about: (a) the x -axis (b) the y -axis.
8 The region bounded by the parabola y = (x - 2)2 and the coordinate axes is rotated about the x-axis. Find the
volu1ne of the solid generated.
9 Find the volun1e of the solid generated when the segn1ent of the line joining the points (O, 3) and (6, O) is
rotated about: (a) the x-axis (b) the y -axis.
10 A rugby ball has a volume approxiinately the sa1ne as the volun1e generated y
2 2
by rotating the ellipse 9x + 16y = 144 about the x-axis. Find its volun1e. 3
0 4 X
11 Find the volun1e of the solid formed \Vhen the region bounded by the parabola y = 9 - x and the coordinate
axes is rotated about: (a) the x-axis (b) the y -axis.
12 (a) Find the equation of the line through the points (3, 0) and (4, 10).
(b) A drinking glass has the shape of a truncated cone. The internal radii of the base and the top are 3 cm and
4c1n respectively and its depth is lOc1n. If the base of the glass sits on the x-axis, use integration to find its
(c) If the glass is filled with water to a depth of 5 cm, find the volume of \Vater in the glass.
13 A hen1ispherical bo\vl of radius a units is filled with water to a depth of ; units. Use integration to find the
volu1ne of the \Vater.
14 Find the volu1ne of the solid forn1ed when the region bounded by the parabola )'
y = 4 - x 2 and the line y = 1 is rotated about the y -axis.
0 2 X
15 A solid is fonned by rotating about the y -axis the region bounded by the parabola y =x - 2 and the x-axis.
Indicate whether each state1nent below is a correct or incorrect step in calculating the vohune of the solid fonned
(a) V=n f ./i(x -2)2dx
(b ) V=n- J: (y+2)dy (c) V=n- ['i, +2y] ~ (d ) V=21t'
0 2
2 2
16 Use integration to find the volume of the sphere generated \Vhen the circle x + y = 16 is rotated about
the x-axis.
17 The area under the curve y = 2x✓l - x 2 between x = 0 and x = 1 is rotated about the x -axis. Using the
trapezoidal rule with four subintervals, find an approxi1nation for the volu1ne of the solid correct to
hvo decimal places.
2 2
18 Find the volu1ne of the solid forn1ed when the ellipse 4x + y = 16 is rotated about: )'
(a) the x-axis (b) the y-axis.
0 X
19 A region is bounded by the curve ✓x +✓Y = 2 and the coordinate axes. )'
(a) Calculate the area of the region.
(b) Calculate the volu1ne of the solid generated \Vhen the region is rotated about the
x -axis.
(c) Calculate the volu1ne of the solid generated \Vhen the region is rotated about the
y -axis. 0 4 X
20 The region bounded by the curve xy = 1, the x -axis and the lines x = 1 and x = a, for a > 1, is rotated about the
x -axis. Find V, the volume generated. Hence find Jim V.
21 The area bounded by the parabola y = 2x - x2, the y -axis and the line y = 1 is rotated about the x-axis. Find the
volu1ne generated.
22 Find the volu1ne of the solid generated by rotating the region bounded by the parabola y = 1 - x 2 and the lines
x = 1, y = 1 about: (a) the x -axis (b) the y -axis.
23 Find the volu1ne of the cone fonned by rotating the seg1nent of the line x + 2y =4 that is cut off by the axes
about: (a) the x-axis (b) the y -axis.
24 Use the trapezoidal rule with five function values to estiinate the volu1ne of the solid fonned by rotating the
curve y = , about the x -axis benveen x = -2 and x = 2.
25 The area under the curve y = e-x between x = 0 and x = 1 is rotated about the x-axis. Find the volume of the
solid of revolution.
26 Find the volu1ne generated when the curve y =e', 0.5 < x < 1.5, is rotated about the x -axis.
27 Find the volu1ne generated when the curve y =e-o.sx, -2 < x < 2, is rotated about the x-axis.
28 Find the volun1e generated when the curve y = ex + e-x between x = - 1 and x = 1 is rotated about the x -axis.
29 (a) Find the area of the region bounded by the curve y = e-x, the coordinate axes and the line x = a, a> 0.
(b) Find the limit of this area as a ➔ oo.
(c) Find the volun1e of the solid generated by rotating the region in (a) about the x-axis and find the lin1it of
this volu1ne as a ➔ oo.
30 Find the volun1e of the solid generated by rotating about the x -axis the region enclosed by the curve
y 2 = ~, the x -axis and the ordinates x = 1 and x = 3.
31 Find the volun1e of the solid generated by rotating about the x -axis the area beneath the curve y = .J 1
benveen x = 6 and x = 11. x- 2
32 (a) Given a> 1, sketch the curve y = log,x for 1 < x < a. Find the area enclosed by the curve and the lines
y=O andx= a.
(b) The region enclosed by the curve y = log,x and the lines x = 0, y = log, a and y = 0 is rotated about the
y -axis to forn1 a solid of revolution. Find the volun1e of this solid.
33 Sketch the curve y = : 2 for values of x fron1 x = 1to x = 1. This part of the curve is rotated about the y -axis to
35 The region enclosed by the curve y = .J 2 and the x -axis between x = 8 and x = 10 is rotated about the
x -axis. Find the volume of the solid fonned.
36 The region enclosed by the curve y = .Jxx+ 1 and the x -axis between x = 3 and x = 5 is rotated about the x -axis.
Find the volun1e of the solid formed.
2 2
37 (a) Sketch the region bounded by the curves y = 2(x - 1) and y = 1 -x •
(b) Calculate the area of the shaded region.
2 2
(c) The region bounded by the y -axis and the curves y = 2(x - 1) and y = 1 - x for x > 0, is rotated about the
y -axis. Calculate the volu1ne of the solid of revolution generated.
38 The curve y = ✓2 cos( 1x) n1eets the line y = xat the point A(l, 1), as sho,vn in the diagram.
(a) Find the exact value of the shaded area. >'
(b) The shaded area is rotated about the x -axis. Calculate the volun1e of the 2
y= x
solid of revolution forn1ed.
(c) The shaded area is rotated about the y -axis. Write the integral for
I A(l , I)
this volu1ne.
(d) By using a combination of exact integration and the trapezoidal rule, y= V2cos({ x)
as appropriate, calculate the volun1e of the solid in (c).
0 I 2 X
39 In the diagran1 on the right, the parabola y = 4x - x 2 and the line y = 2x intersect
at the points (O, 0) and (2, 4).
(a) Calculate the area of the region bet\veen the curves.
(b) The shaded region between the curves is rotated about the x -axis to form a solid
of revolution. Calculate the exact volun1e of this solid.
(c) The shaded region between the curves is rotated about the y -axis to forn1 a solid
of revolution. Calculate the exact volun1e of this solid.
(0, 0) (0, 4)
40 (a) Sketch the region bounded by the curve y = 1 + ✓x and the lines y = 1 and x = 4.
(b) Calculate the area of this region.
(c) This region is rotated around the x-axis to form a solid. Calculate the volu1ne of this solid.
(d) Calculate the volume of the solid fonned if this region is rotated about the y -axis.
2 2
41 (a) On the san1e diagran1 sketch the graphs of x + y = 1 for - 1 < x < 0 and : + y 2 = 1 for O ~ x < 2.
(b) An egg is modelled by rotating about the x-axis the curves x 2 + y 2 = 1 for -1 < x < 0 and£ + y 2 = 1
for O < x < 2 to form a solid of revolution. Find the exact value of the volu1ne of the egg.
42 A bowl is formed by rotating the curve y = Slog, (x - 1) about the y-axis for O< y < 4. Y
(a) Calculate the volume of the bowl (capacity), giving your Y =810s, (-x - I) 4
y=81og, (x - l)
. Yu=J(u)
But dy = dy x du
dx du dx
= f(u)x dx
f y= f(u)x dxdx
JJ(u) x ~~ dx = Jf (u)du
This 'backwards' fonn of the chain rule is convenient when the substitution of u = g(x) allo,vs a function to be
expressed as the product of: and a function of u. For exan1ple:
• Iff(x) = 2x (x
- 1)4 then you can substitute u = x
- 1. As ~~ = 3x2, you can ,vrite 2x2 as ~ x 3x 2, so that
f(x) is written: f(x)= ~(x 3 -1) 4 x(3x 2 )
= 2.u4 du where u = x 3 -1
3 dx
2 2
• If f (x) = x ../1 + x 2 , you can see that 2x is the derivative of 1 + x , so if you n1ake the substitution u = 1 + x
and write x as (2x) , then f (x) = 1u½ ~~ where u = 1 + x2 and~~ = 2x.
• If f (x) = x
2 + 3
, you can see that 2x + 2 is the derivative of x2 + 2x, so if you make the substitution
(x + 2x)
u = x2 + 2x and write x + 1 as 1(2x + 2), then f ( x) = 1u- ~~- 3
_ ( 1
-- u 2 - u 2
.:!.) x du
1 i)
= ( u 2 - u 2 x dx
= f(u) dx
Example 10
Find: (a) I 3x 2 ( x 3 -1 r dx using the substitution u = x3 - 1
I3x (x - 1)4 I
2 3
dx= u
X ~~dx
= Ju4 du
=lus +C
= ~(x 3 - 1)5 +C
2 du
(c) u = x + 2x, dx = 2x + 2
J x+l 3 dx= 1 J (2x+2 )(x 2 +2x)- dx
(x 2
+ 2x)
= lJ u-3 xdudx
2 dx
=1 J u- du
=1 x ( 12)u-2 +C
- 1
= 2 +C
4( x + 2x) 2
A quick way to check your answer is to differentiate it to see that it gives the integrand.
Example 11
Find: (a) f x .J~l---x dx using the substitution u = 1 - x (b) f✓l + t
t dt using the substitution u = 1 + t
= - f( (note that
u½ - u½) du du= ( -l)dx)
2 1 2 .2.)
= - ( 3u2- 5u2 + C
2 .2. 2 1
= - (l - x) 2 - - (l - x) 2 +C
5 3
du du
(b) u = 1 + t, dt = 1, t = u - 1 (c) u = 3x - 5, dx = 3
f ✓l + t ✓
t dt = u - 1 x du
u dt
x dt f (3x - 5)4 dx = i f 3(3x - 5)4 dx
= lfu4x
= f(u½ - u-½
) <1)dt 3 dx
= j X ~u5 +C
3 l.
=2.u2 - 2u 2 +C = ..l.(3x - 5)5 + C
3 15
3 I
= ~(l + t) 2 - 2(l +t)2 +C
3 Using u = 2x + 3, f( )3 = ...
2x + 3
1 - 1 +C
A 4(2x + 3)4+ C B ( +C C -4(2x + 3)2+ C D
4 2x + 3)4 4(2x + 3)2
(b) J 2
3x + 1
dx using the su bstitution u = 3x2+ 2x + 5
(3x +2x+5)
(c) I(x 2
- r
2x )( x 3 - 3x2 + 1 dx using the substitution u = x 3 - 3x2 + 1.
5 Find: (a) I r
3x2 ( x 3 + 1 dx using the su bstitution u = x + 1
(b) J✓l ~ t 2
dt using the substitution u = 1 - t2
Ia - x dx using
. th e sub st1tut1on
. . u =a - x
Jx v 2 2 2 2
9 z = x .Jx 2 - 4 and y = 2 at x =
✓5. Use the su bstitution u = x 2 - 4 to find yin terms of x.
10 If j '(x) = .J x for all x andf(O) = 2, use the substitution u = x + 1 to findj(x).
x +l
11 ddx = .J t - l and x = 10 when t = 0. Use the substitution u = t2 - 2t + 4 to find x in terms oft.
t t - 2t + 4
12 Given that ddBr = and r(O) = 0, use the su bstitution u = 1 - r to find r in terms of 0.
13 At any point \Vhere x >~,the gradient of a curve is given by Z= ✓2x -1. If the point (2.5, 9) is on the curve,
use the su bstitution u = 2x - 1 to find the equation of the curve.
14 Given that dxdt = 1 and x = 0 \vhen t = 0, use the substitution u = 4 - x to find x in tern1s oft.
2(4-x) 2
Example 12
Evaluate: (a) f 2x✓
x 2 - 1 dx using the substitution u = x2 - 1
(c) J:x 2
+ 1 dx using the substitution u=x + 1.
(a) u = x 2 - 1, du
dx = 2x (b) u=4-x, dx =- 1
Limits: for x = 1, u = 1 - 1 = 0 x=4-u, so x✓~
4---x =(4-u)✓u
for x = 2, u = 2 - 1 = 3 or -x✓4 - x =(u - 4)✓u
2x✓x 2 - l dx= f ✓uxdudx
Limits: for x = -5, u = 4 + 5 = 9
1 Jo dx for x = 3, u = 4 - 3 = 1
=(~ - ~) - ( ~ x 9½ - ~ x9½ )
(c) u = x + 1, dx = 3x
Lim its: for x = 0, u = 1
for x = 1, u = 1 + 1 = 2 =2. _ .8. _ 2. x 35 + i x 33
5 3 5 3
= - 412
= l [l u5]
3 5 I
= ..l..[u5]2
15 I
= ..l..(32- 1)=1.!.
15 15
Useful result
J:f (x )dx = - f f (x )dx
ha If you reverse the lin1its of integration, you change the sign of the integral.
(c) J .Jx-~x+ 1 dx using the substitution u =x + 1.
2 Evaluate: (a)
I 1.
.J2- 2x 2 dx using the substitution u = 2x - x 2
o.5 2x -x
A 0.5 B 1 C 2 D ✓3-1
4 Evaluate: (a) f 4
3 ( 2x - 3 )( x
- 3x + 2 )2 dx using the substitution u = x
- 3x + 2
(b) J x , dx using the substitution u = x 2 + 2
o (x2+2t
(c) f ✓2t + 1 dt using the substitution u =2t + 1.
(b) J:3x 2
( r
x 3 - 1 dx using the substitution u = x 3 - 1
8 (a) EvaIuate
4-X 2
. th e su bstltutlon
2x dx using . . u = 4 - xi .
(b) EvaIuate
J .J
2 2x dx using
. th e subst1tut1on
, . . u =xi .
(C) Why is the substitution in (a) easier to use than the substitution in (b)?
9 Using the substitution u = 1 - x , calculate the area bounded by the curve y = x✓l - x 2 , the x -axis and the
lines x = 0 and x = 1.
10 Find the area of the region bounded by the curve y = .J x , the x-axis and the lines x = ✓2 and x = ✓S.
x - l
2 2
11 Sketch the curve defined by y = x ( 1 -x) and find the area of the loop. Use the substitution u = 1 - x.
12 Iff(x) = x (x - 3), calculate the area between the x-axis, the lines x = 4 an d x = 6 and the curve y = .Jf (x).
Use the substitution u = x - 3.
13 Calculate the area of the region bounded by the curve y = .J : ,the x-axis and the lines x = 0 and x = 2✓3.
Use the substitution u = x 2 + 4. x +4
Useful result
You n1ay have noticed that for an integral of the forn1 J f'(x)(f(x))" dx, using the substitution u =f(x) gives
If you can recognise that Jf'(x )(f(x) )" dx = n ~ 1 (f (x) )"+ + C, you can obtain your answer faster. This result will
be especially useful in section 11.6 (page 250) when integrating powers of trigonometric functions.
2 2
11.4 INTEGRATION OF sin x AND cos x
Jsin 2 xdx and Jcos2 xdx cannot be found without using a substitution. However, a useful substitution comes fron1 the
fonnulae for cos 2x. This n1ay not be given in a question, but you n1ust be able to use it when necessary.
2 2
The in1portant results are as follo\vs: cos2x = cos x - sin x
. cos 2 x + s,n-
U sing · ' x = 1: cos 2x = 2 cos2 x - 1
. cos2 x = 1 + c~s 2x
Thus: Jcos 2
xdx = 1J(1 + cos2x)dx
= 1(x + 1sin 2x) + C
= l.2 x + l.sin2x
Sin1ilarly: cos2x = 1 - 2sin x
sin2 x = l-cos2x
Example 13
(b) Evaluate J_"~cos 2 xdx.
2 2
(a) Find 3 sin xdx. J
(c) Find cos 3x dx.
(a) 3Jsiii xdx = 3 x 1J(1- cos2x)dx
=l(x-sin 2x) + c= 3x _ 3sin2x +C
2 2 2 4
(d) f2cos dx 2
; (e) fsin 3xdx 2
(f) fcos 4xdx 2
2 12 6
3 The region under the curve y = sin x behveen x = 0 and x = tr is rotated about the x -axis. The volun1e of the
solid of revolution fonned is given by:
B tr J:sinxdx D tr f: sinx dx
4 The region under the curve y = cosx between x =: and x = 1is rotated about the x-axis. Find the volume of
the solid of revolution formed.
5 The region under the curve y = sin x behveen x = 0 and x = tr is rotated about the x -axis. Find the volu1ne of
the solid of revolution formed.
d 2y
7 If dx 2 = 2cos 2 x and when x = 1,dydx = 0, y = 0, then find y in terms of x.
8 The region bounded by the curves y = cos 2x and the x-axis between x = 0 and x = 1is rotated about the
x -axis. Calculate the exact value of the volu1ne of the solid of revolution fonned.
9 The region bounded by the curves y = sin 3x, the x -axis and the ordinate x = ~ is rotated about the x-axis.
Calculate the exact value of the volu1ne of the solid of revolution formed.
10 The region bounded by the curves y = sin x, y = cosx and the x -axis between x = 0 and x = 1is rotated about
the x-axis.
(a) Find the point of intersection of the hvo curves.
(b) Calculate the exact value of the volu1ne of the solid of revolution formed.
11 The region bounded by y = sin x, y = cosx and the y-axis between x = 0 and x = 1is rotated about the x -axis.
Calculate the exact value of the volu1ne of the solid of revolution formed.
12 (a) Sketch the region bounded by the curve y = sin x + cos x and the coordinate axes in the first quadrant.
Show the intercepts on the axes.
(b) Calculate the area of the region in part (a).
(c) The region in part (a) is rotated about the x-axis to form a solid of revolution. Calculate the volun1e of the
solid formed.
f 2
consider trigono1netric integrals such as cosxsin xdx, i.e. wheref(x) = sinx and f'(x) = cosx. In trigonometric
integrals of this type the substitution will not always be given.
Example 16
(a) Find cosx sin x dx. 2
(b) Evaluate J~ sinxcos 2 xdx.
(a) Jcosxsin 2 xdx: Letu = sin x,t=cosx
J cosxsin xdx = J u x
~~ xdx
= J u 2 du
= l u 3+C= l sin 3x +C
3 3
2 2 3
If you can recognise that J cosxsin xdx is of the form J f'(x)(J(x)) dx = (/(x)) + C, 1
2 3
then you can write the ans,ver iin1nediately as J cos x sin x dx = sin x + C. 1
(b) f ;" sin xcos 2 xdx: Let u = cosx,:= - sinx Forx=n u= l·forx=:lt u = O
3' 2' 2'
" 2
f ; sinxcos xdx =
fo- u x dd~ x du
= Jo- u du
2 2
0 u du (reversing the li1nits of the integral and changing the sign of the
,r ,r.
integrand) could have been used. Also: J; sinxcos 2 xdx =- f ; (-sin x)cos 2 xdx
3 3
Substitution simplified
If you treat : like a fraction, then ~~ x dx = du.
If u = sinx, then t =cosx can be ,vritten as du = cosxdx.
You are really replacing f'(x)dx by du. This 1nakes the algebra involved n1uch siinpler.
Example 17
2 2
Find J tan xsec xdx.
2 2 2 2
Let u = tanx, du = sec xdx: J tan xsec xdx = J u du
= l u 3+ C= l tan 3x+C
3 3
Note: In this course, if these substitutions are needed they should be given in the question.
Example 18
Evaluate J ✓4 - x dx using the substitution x = 2sin0, - ~ < 0 < ~.
x=2sin0, - f~0~f; ~=2cos0
f 2 2cos0xd
= f 02 2cos0X2cos0d0
=2 J (l+cos20)d0
2 ,-.._
= 2[ 0+ sin20 1 J: II.
= 2[ ~ + sin re - (0 + sin 1 O)]
0 2 X =2Xre=re
2 2
Geon1etrically, the graph of y = 4 - x 2 between x = 0 and x = 2 is the quarter of a circle ,vith equation
x + y = 4 (in the first quadrant). This integration thus proves the fonnula for the area of a circle: A= ,r;r •
Area=! rer = ! x re x 4 = re when r = 2.
Note: If the restriction on 0 had been different, e.g.1 < 0 < 3 f ,then cos0 > 0 would not be true and you would
not be able to use ✓4-x 2 = ✓4cos 2 0 =2cos0. Instead, you may have needed ✓4 -x 2 = ✓4cos 2 0 = - 2cos0.
Remember: Ahvays take care with trigonometric substitutions and check the sign of the function for the given domain.
Example 19
Evaluate rt
Jo l +x 2 dx using the substitution x = tan 8.
Method l Method2
dx 2 1 1 1 2
x = tan 8, dB = sec 8: x = tan8, dx = sec 8d8
l+x 2 l+ tan 2 8 sec 2 8
Limit for x = 1: 1 = tan0 8= 1t:
Liinit for x = 1: 1 = tan8 8= 1t: ' 4
' 4
Limit for x = 0: 0 = tan8, 8= 0
Liinit for x = 0: 0=tan8,8=0
rt 1 dx -r 1 1 xdxxd8 rt -1-dx=
- -sec
Jo1+x Jo l+ tan 8
Jo1+x2 - Jo sec 2 8 d8
xsec 8d8 2 =rJo sec1 8 xsec2 8d8
o sec 8 JC
= fo4d8 =f o4 d8
Example 20
J1- -
F.111d - x dx using
sin- . th e su bst1tutJ011
. . u = x + cosx.
u = x + cosx, du= ( 1 - sinx) dx: I x+cosx
1-sin x dx= f du
This exa1nple involves an indefinite integral, so you must ren1ember to resubstitute for u at the end to 1nake
the ans\ver a function of x.
1 Evaluate J: ✓16- x 2 dx using the substitution x = 4 sin 8. What shape have you just found the area of?
3 Evaluate r dx using the substitution x = 2 tan 8.
Jo 4+x 2
6 Evaluate J--~✓1-x
2 2
dx using the substitution x = cos 0.
7 El
va uate f2
• ✓l -x 2 dx.
using th e sub
. . x = cos 0.
8 Evaluate J 0
l. dx 2
- 2 1+ 4x
using the substitution x = 1
tan 0.
9 Evaluate Jx✓l6-x
4 2
dx using the substitution x = 4 sin 0.
10 Evaluate f..fj dx using the substitution x = 3 tan 0.
Jo 9 +x 2
II. 2
11 Evaluate Jo (tansecx+3)
x 4
dx using the substitution u = tanx + 3.
12 Use the substitution u = tanx to find JCOS 2
. . u = cos x + sin
13 Use th e substJtutJon . x to find s1nx
. - cosxdx. J
smx+ cosx
14 (a) By\vritingsecx= ,show that dd (secx)=secxtanx.
(b) Using the substitution u = 1 + secx, find I 1+secx
=- = l
. cos 2 y + sin dy _ 1
N O\V, using , 2
y = l: Which one?
dx - +✓1-sin2 y --
Derivative of sin- 1 ~
a )'
i.e. for-a<x< a d ( . -1
dx sm ax) = .Ja 2 1-x2 , -a<x<a
Derivative of cos- x
cos- 1 xis defined for -1 < x < 1.
- 1
Let y=cos x : . X = COS y, 0 < y < 1C
dx .
- =-s1ny 2
y= cos· 1 x -d (cos -1 x ) = --;===,
1 - 1< x < 1
dy dx .J1 - x2
dy 1
- =-- -
for O<y< 1C
dx sin y
dy 1 -1 0 I
Derivative of cos- ~
cos-1 x is defined for -a< x < a.
a X
y = cos·•-
-1 X
Let y=cos - :. x=acosy,O<y<n
dx .
- =-as1ny
dy X
-a 0 a
dy 1
. - =-- - for O<y< n
. . dx asmy
. dy 1 X)
i.e. -d =-.Ja-, -x 2 for-a <x<a - d ( cos-1 - =- -== 1 ,-a<x<a
x dx a ,Ja2- x 2
Derivative of tan- 1x
tan_, xis defined for all x.
x= t any - -n <y< -n
- I
Lety= tan x ,r
' 2 2 2
dx 2
dy =sec y
=l+tan- y 0 X
. dy _ 1 y = tan· 1 x
" - -n <y< -n
· · dx- l+tan 2 y 2 2
for all x
l+x 2
-d ( tan -I x ) = 1 2 for all x
dx l+x
- 2
a +x-
, for all x !!...(tan-,
dx a
= 2
a +x
afor all x
Example 21
Find the derivative of cos- 1 (2x + 1), stating the values of x for \Vhich it is defined.
cos- 1 (2x + 1) is defined for -1 < 2x + 1 < 1 )'
1.e. for-2<2x<O
Hence cos- 1 (2x + 1) is defined for -1 < x < 0. y = cos-• (2x + I)
Example 22
Find the derivative of xcos- 1 (2x + 1), stating the values of x for which the derivative is defined.
Following the previous exa1nple and using the product rule:
- 2x
- .J +cos- 1 (2x+ 1)
On the RHS, the first term is defined for -1 < x < 0 and the second term is defined for -1 < x < 0. Thus the
co1nplete RHS is defined for -1 < x < 0 and these are the values for x for \Vhich the derivative is defined.
Example 23
Differentiate sin- 1 (cosx). Hence sketch the graph of y = sin- 1 (cosx) for -n: < x < n:.
Let y = sin- 1 (cosx)
= sin_, u \Vhere u = cos x
dy dy du
- = - X- n: n:
dx du dx X -n: -2 0 n:
1 .
= -.===X(- s1nx) n: n: n:
.J1 - u 2 y -2 0 2 0 -2
- sm x
- .J1 - cos 2 x
- s,nx
= ✓su1 2 x
- s,nx
- smx
- -= - 1 for O< x< n: ,r
. dy sm x 2
.. - = y- sin•• (cos x)
dx - smx for-rr<x<O
. =l
- smx
0 X
no restrictions on the domain, the graph would
repeat itself (i.e. it would be periodic with period 2rr).
2 --
The range is -1 1 < y < and the derivative is not
defined for any values of x = nn:, n = 0, + 1, +2, ...
Note that these sharp peaks are not turning points, because the function here changes sharply instead of
smoothly. The point \Vhere the function changes sharply is called a cusp.
Example 24
, -I - I 1r
(a) Differentiate sin- 1 x + cos- 1 x. (b) Hence s h ow th at sin x + cos x =
(a) d ( -I -I ) 1 1 O
- sin x +cos x = ~ - ~=
dx v i - x- vi - x-
(b) sin- 1 x + cos- 1 x is a constant as its derivative is 0.
The value of the constant can be found by evaluating the function at any x in its domain.
1 1
Wherex=O: sin- 0+cos- 0=0 + 1r =n:
2 2
1 1
sin- x + cos- x = 1 (You may wish to verify this by substituting other values for x.)
(i) y= sin-
(~) 0) y= 2cos- ( 3
f) (k) y = log,(sin- 1 x) (I) y = log, (cos- 1 2x) 2
1 1 • - I
(n) y = -l (0 ) y =XSU1 X
(q) y = cos- 1 1- x ) (s) y = tan x tan- 1 x
( l+ x 2
3 Find the equation of the tangent to the curve y = 2 tan - i (2x + 1) at the point on the curve where x = -1.
(b) Find f'(x). (c) Findf( l ) andf(-1). (d) Sketch the graph of y = f (x).
9 Find the coordinates of any stationary points on the curve y = 2sinx + 3cosx, 0 < x < 1, and detennine
their nature.
1 dx . -I x C -1 X
f ✓a2-x2 =sm - + -a<x<a
a ' f ✓
a2 -x2
dx=cos- 1 - +C,-a <x<a
Example 25
Find: (c)
f 4+x1 dx2
(a) f ✓4 -x
dx=sin_1 x+C(asa=2) (b) f -ldx=cos- 1 ~+C(asa=3)
2 2 ✓9-x 2 3
(c) f4 +x1 2
(d) f ✓3-x
dx=2sin- 1 ~ + C(asa= ✓3)
So1netimes a slight adjustment is necessary to n1ake the coefficient of x equal to 1.
Example 26
Find: (a) f ✓l - 9x
dx (b) f 1+4x
1 dx
2 (c) f ✓4-25x 2
1 1 1
(a) J 2 dx=f dx= l I dx= l sin- 3x + C
(asa = ~)
.J1- 9x ✓9 (~ - x2) 3 ✓~ x2 3
2 1 1
(c) J dx=2f dx= l I dx=lsin_ Sx + C
(asa = ~)
✓4-25x2 ✓2s(2~ - x2 ) 5 ✓is xi 5 2
Example 27
2.s dx .fj dx J!
Evaluate: (a) 1 .J25 - x 2
J l +x 2
(d) dx
-¼.J1- 4x 2
(a) f2.5 dx
= [ sin-I X r·S (b) J.fj -l dx = [ cos-i x ].fj
Jo .J2s - x 2 5 - F3 .J4 - x 2 2 - Fl
=sin- 1 1 - sin- 1 0 1
=cos- ./f - cos-
(- .Jf)
=:-o = : - s;
=6 =- 2:
=1C _ 1C
3 4 lJ. dx Jl. dx
= .JI.
_"i_4 2 ~p 2
✓1 - 4 X =2
4 - - X
Example 28
Evaluate J 2 sin- 1 xdx.
There is no standard derivative that yields sin- 1 x, so finding its priinitive is beyond the scope of this Mathen1atics
Extension 1 course. (However, the primitive can be found using the 1nethod of 'mtegration by parts' as studied in
the Mathe1natics Extension 2 course.)
It is possible to evaluate this integral by an alternative n1ethod. You can regard the mtegral as an area and use your
kno\vledge of inverse functions to determine this area.
The graph off(x) =sin_, x is shown in the left diagram belo\v. The shaded area A is the area bounded by the graph,
the x-axis and the Imes x = 0 and x = 1· This area is equal to J!sin- xdx• 1
2 2
(i.e. A + B) - Area of B
J6sm· x dx
IL _,
= 6 x2
TC 1-
TC ✓3
= 12 + 2 - l
1 I dx
✓16-(x + l) 2 - ...
(let u=x + 1)
. _, x +l C _, x +l 1 . _, x+l C
A sin- 1 4(x + 1) + C B Sin + C 4sin +C D - SUl +
4 4 4 4
2 Find the follo\ving.
f ✓I~ J✓ldxx2
J J -1
✓5-xz dx
(a) (b) 3 2dx (c) (d)
x2 9 +x
I✓2dxx2 (f) I 25+5 x d 2 X
J4~ 2
f 2~ 2
J✓l ~x 2
J -1 0) J dx J dx
✓6-x2 dx (k)
1+ 9x 2
9+ 16x 2
J✓1 ~ I ✓5 ~x 2
(m) J 2dx (n) (o) J -1 dx (p)
x + 16 x 2
✓16 -9x 2
(q) J dx
2 (let U = X + 5) (r) J✓ dx (let u=x-3) (s) J✓ dx
(letu = x +2)
4+(x + 5) 2- (x - 3)2 8- 4(x+2) 2
✓l~x 2
f4 dx l 2 -1
ll+x 2
(t) J½,
fo ✓2 - x 2
(h) ---.====dx
Jo ✓16-x 2
-./3 dx I( -fi dx
f73 1+ x
O) r½dx
I 1
o l +x
l +x
dx (I)
fo ✓3-x 2
(m) I4 2
-4 X +16
(n) I 1i
o :J1-9x
6 -1
dx (o) r½_dx
Jo1+ 4x 2
(p) r.fi
x +2
I 5
f2cos-• x dx
I ✓2-x
f-s ✓l00-x 2
dy 1
4 Given that dx = .J and y = 1 at x = 0, express y as a function of x.
1- x 2
5 Find the area bounded by the curve y = 2 , the x-axis and the ordinates x = 1 and x = -1.
x +l
nx ny
6 On the same axes, sketch the graph of y = 2sin- for O< x < 2 and x = 2sin- for O< y < 2. Find the area of
4 4
the region enclosed by the curves.
1 1
7 The curve y= .J 2
is rotated about the x-axis. Find the volu1ne of the solid enclosed bet\veen x = ✓3 and
x= ✓3.
8 Sketch the curve y = tan- 1 x and find the area bet\veen this curve, the x-axis and the line x = ✓3.
9 Without evaluating the integral, explain \vhy f~ tan- •xdx is equal to zero.
2 = n4
(b) f 3
-2l +x-
dx , = 3n
11 Find the volu1ne of the solid of revolution formed by rotating the curve y = sinx between x = 0 and x= about 1
the x-axis. Hence find the volume of the solid fonned by rotating the curve y = sin_, x between y = 0 and y = 1
about the y -axis.
12 Differentiate xcos- x -
✓l - x 2 and use the result to evaluate J:cos-• xdx.
13 (a) Sketch the graph ofl(x)
=1 - cosx, 0 < x < n.
(b) Evaluate f
I (x )dx and indicate the area represented by this integral on the graph off
(c) Find the inverse function 1-• (x), stating its don1ain and range.
(d) f:
Evaluate 1-• (x )dx and indicate the area represented by this integral on the graph off
d ( . -I )
x + .J ,.
. - 1 X
14 (a) Prove that - XSlll x =Sill
dx 1- x -
Use the substitution x = cos 0, where O< 0 < n, to show that J✓l - x dx = cos- x - ✓l - x + C.
2 2
15 2
16 Find x✓9 - x 2 dx 11sing the substitution x = 3 sin 0, - ~ < 0 < ~. Confirm your answer by using the
alternative substitution u = 9 - x .
1 By integration, find the volu1ne of the solid of revolution formed from the region bounded by:
2 2
(a) the circle x + y = 1, rotated about the x -axis
(b) the line y = x + 3 between x = 0 and x = 2, rotated about the x-axis
(c) the parabola y = x + 3 between y = 4, y = 12 and the y -axis, rotated about the y-axis.
2 A speleologist is in a cave with a flat, circular floor. She walks across the dian1eter of the floor and n1easures
the height of the cave ceiling every 4 metres, as recorded in the following table:
Height, y 01 0 1 3 5 4 2.5 0
(a) Use the trapezoidal rule and all the values in the table to find an approxin1ation for the area of the cave's
vertical cross-section to the nearest m 2•
(b) Considering the diaineter of the cave to be the x -axis (for -12 < x < 12), and considering the vertical
at 12 01 fro1n the edge to be the y-axis, discuss how you n1ight use the trapezoidal rule to estiinate the
volu1ne of the cave.
3 Using the substitution u =✓ x, find dx.JJ-;
4 (a) Use the substitution u = 1 - x to evaluate J~2x✓l - x dx.
Use the substitution u = x - 3 to evaluate f x.J x - 3 dx.
(b) 3
3 r1 3
5 Using the substitution u = x + 1, or otherwise, evaluate Jox 2ex +i dx.
r"4 sin0cos2 0d0.
6 Evaluate Jo
7 Use the substitution u = 1og, x to evaluate f' x( log, x) dx.
25- x
14 (a) By expanding the left-hand side, sho\v that sin(6x + 3x) + sin(6x- 3x) =2 sin6x cos3x.
(b) Hence find sin6xcos3xdx.
15 Find the exact value of the volun1e of the solid of revolution forn1ed when the region bounded by the curve
y = sin 2x, the x-axis and the line x = ~ is rotated about the x-axis.
16 Evaluate J 9 sin( 3x ) dx
o cos 2 (3x )
17 (a) Starting from the identity sin(0 + 20) = sin0cos20 + cos0sin20 and using the double-angle forn1ulae,
prove the identity sin 30 = 3 sin0- 4sin 0.
(b) Hence find f(3sin0 - 4sin 0)d0. 3
18 (a) Differentiate x cos- •x. (b) Hence find fcos- •xdx. (The substitution u = 1 -x2 will be helpful.)
19 Differentiate the following. (a) sin- 1 x (c) tan- ' K
(e) esin-
(f) tan- ' .2.
~) log, (tan- ' x?
20 Evaluate the following. (a) (b) r.Js dx
Jo ✓20-x 2 (c) f~ 9x~
(c) f 4+9x dx
(d) f dx (e) f .J16 -(x+2)
dx (usingu = x + 2)
✓4-8x 2
2 2
22 (a) Sketchy = 2 sinx for -1< x < 1and show the area represented by J; sin- 1
; dx.
(c) Show that the function y = log, ( sin=: x)is increasing for all xin its do1nain.
25 Find the follo\ving integrals. These are a ,nix of different integral types that you have seen in this Mathematics
Extension 1 course.
(b ) f dx i
(c) f X
l + x2
dx (d) f l +xx 2dx
2 x2 1 3
(e) I x 2dx (Hint: 2 = 1- 2
) (f) I l +x x 2 dx (g) I dx
l+x l+x l+x (l + x )2
(k) I ex 2x dx
(using u = ex) (I) I tan- ' 3; dx
(using u = tan- 1 3x)
( ✓ 1~✓5 ) · I
y' = cos1 x
(b) Find the shaded area correct to one deci1nal place.
_,0 tr
tr 3tr
A differential equation is an equation that relates some unknown differentiable function to one or 1nore of its
For exa1nple, the general fonn of the first-order differential equation y'(t) =f(t, y(t)) expresses the rate of change
of a quantity y(t) in tenns of t\vo variables: th e tin1e t and the value of the quantity y(t) itself.
Differential equations are a powerful way to represent, understand and predict the behaviour of variable quantities,
including syste1ns that change with tin1e.
Whereas the solution of an algebraic equation such as x + I = 0 is a nu1nber, the solution of a differential equation
is a function. More specifically, the solution of a differential equation will be a differentiable function y =g(x) if the
differential equation is true when y and its derivatives are replaced with g(x) and its derivatives.
A solution of the differential equation ddy = J( x, y) is any differentiable function y = g(x) with a derivative
d X
fx = g'(x) so thatg'(x) = f(x,g(x)) for allx e (a, b).
In other words, substituting the solution y = g(x) into the differential equation will reduce Jx = f( x, y) to an
identity in the independent variable x, for all values of this variable in some open interval of the x -axis. Therefore:
To verify that a function y =g(x) is a solution of a differential equation, you can substitute the function and its
derivative(s) into both sides of the differential equation and check that both sides are identically equal.
Example 1
Verify by differentiation that y = 3e- x is a solution of the differential equation Z -y.
Calculate the LHS of the equation: LHS = Z Calculate the RHS of the equation: RHS = - y
= -3e- x
= -3e- x
The LHS of the equation is identically equal to the RHS of the equation for all relevant values of the
independent variable.
Example 2
Graph the following n1en1bers of the one-para1neter general solution y = Ae- x ,vith A e {-3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3}.
Solution y
A particular solution (or solution curve) of a differential equation is a unique function that is found by giving
specific values to the paran1eters in the general solution. The paraineters in the solution are chosen so that the
particular solution satisfies one or n1ore extra require1nents called initial conditions or initial values. Initial
conditions are also so1netimes called boundary values.
Every particular solution of a first-order differential equation is the unique solution of an appropriate initial value
y' = f(t,y(t))
An initial value problem of a first-order differential equation: y(a) =Ya
t e [a,b]
consists of the differential equation together ,vith its initial condition, requiring you to detennine a particular
solution y(t) over a specific in terval of the independent variable a< t < b.
Example 3
Find the particular 1nen1ber of the general solution y = Ae-x, where A is a real nu1nber that passes through the
point \Vith coordinates (O, 3). Yf
3 . . (0, 3)
To satisfy the relevant initial condition, substitute the given values.
x = 0, y= 3: 3 =Ae
:. A = 3
The particular solution curve that passes through the point (O, 3) is identified.
Example 4
Verify by differentiation that y = ae'i" x is a solution of the differential equation
suitable choice of the paran1eter a.
! = y cosx, y ( O) = 2, for a
The required derivatives of the trial solution are calculated to prove that LHS = RHS:
LHS= dy
= fx (ae•inx )
= cos x( aesinx )
= ycosx
Check if the initial condition is satisfied, y(O ) = 2: y(O) = ae•in °
sin 0 . . l l
:. y = 2e 1s a part1cu ar so utlon..
Example 5
values of s.
Verify by differentiation that x = Ae' is a solution of
d ; -51 +
6x = 0, x(O) = 1 and x'(O) = 2, for suitable
Calculate any required derivatives of the trial solution x = Ae' t :
=sAe' t
d x d (dx)
dt 2 -
dt dt
= jt (s Ae' t )
=s2 Ae' t
266 New Senior Mathematics Extension 1 for Years 11 & 12
Substitute into the LHS of the equation given, d ; - 5 dxd + 6x = 0:
dt t
LHS = s 2 Ae' t - 5s Aest + 6Ae' t
t 2
= Ae' (s -5s+6)
Solve for possible values of the parameters: Ae''(s2 - 5s + 6) =0
As Ae'' "1:- 0, t E R, so: (s- - 5s + 6) = 0
: . s=2ors=3
2 3
The solution could be x = Ae ' or x = Ae '.
Check in itial conditions: x(O) = 1, x = Ae'' :. x(O) = Ae = 1 :. A= 1
st st 0
x'(O) = 2, x' = sAe = se :. se = 2 :. s = 2
Hence s = 2 is the o nly solution that satisfies both the d ifferential equation and the initial conditions.
: . x(t) = e ' is a particular solution.
The nun1ber of paran1eters in the general solution of a differential equation, ,vhich detern1ines the nu1nber of initial
conditions required to fix these para1neters, depends on the order and the degree of the differential equation.
The order of a differential equation is equal to the highest order derivative of the dependent variable.
The degree of a differential equation is the highest power of that highest order derivative.
d , ..., d'r- ~ ) , the dependent variable (y) always appears in
d" = f ( x , y,dy
In the nth -order differential equation ---2'..
dx" X dx"-
the nun1erator of any derivatives and the independent variable x appears in the denon1inator.
A first-order first-degree differential equation for the unknown dependent variable y is an equation that involves
only the first derivative of y. All first-order first-degree differential equations for y can be expressed in the fonn
t = f( x,y) for a suitable choice of the functionf(x, y) of the independent variable x and dependent variable y.
The particular solution of a first-order first-degree differential equation requires a single initial condition
(x, y) = (xo, Yo)·
Example 6
Classify the following differential equations accordin g to their order and degree.
2 2
(a) dt=k(l+0.2cos0)
(b) (dw)
dz =4cos 2 z (c) ddt 2x -cdt
dx +kx=F
(a) This equation defines a first-order first-degree differential equation because it involves only a first-order
derivative to a power of o ne.
(b) This equation defines a first-order second-degree differential equation because it involves only a first-order
derivative to a power of t\vo.
Variable III is in the numerator of ~ , so it is the dependent variable, ,vhile z is in the denon1inator, so it is
the independent variable. z
(c) This equation defines a second-order first-degree differential equation because it involves a second-order
derivative d ; of the dependent variable to the power of one.
dt 2
Variable xis in the nun1erator of d ; , so it is the dependent variable, while tis in the deno1ninator, so it is
the independent variable. dt
Note: In each example considered so far, the solution is given in explicit form, such as y =g(x).
1 Verify by differentiation that the function y = x' is a solution of the differential equation y ' - .!:!. y = O.
2 Use technology to graph the particular solutions that correspond to the indicated values of C.
3 Verify the general solution and then specify any para1neters in this solution and state the required particular
solution of the initial value problem.
(a) General solution Differential equation Initial condition
y= Ae-2x+ l O y'= 2(10- y) y(O) = 3
General solution Differential equation Initial condition
Y = Ae2x _ X _ .!. y' = 2y +x y(O) = l
2 4
4 Verify the general solution and then specify any paran1eters in this solution to find the required particular
(a) Trial solution Differential equation Initial condition
-x 2 , 2 1
y= Ax + l xy = - y y (l) = - -
Trial solution Differential equation Initial condition
Trial solution Differential equation Initial condition
y = e-x(ax + b) y" + 2y' + y= O y(O) = 2, y'(O) = 1
Trial solution Differential equation Initial condition
y= asin2x + bcos2x --1'..
2 + 4y = 0 y(O) = I, y' (O) = 2
Trial solution Differential equation Initial condition
y= ae-x + be3x y" - 2y' - 3y = 0 y(O) = 1, y'(O) = 1
5 Classify each of the following differential equations in tern1s of its order, degree, dep endent variable and
independent variable.
(a) (y')2 = x 2 (b) x' = x sin(t) (c) d2x + kx = O (d) dy = y+ 1 2
2 dx
d 2y dy
6 Given that y = i"' satisfies the differential equation dx 2 = dx + 2 y, find the possible value(s) of k.
9 The a1nount m(t) of n1edication ren1aining in the bloodstrean1 t hours after swallowing a pill can be modelled
by the differential equation ~7
= -3m + 4e- 21.
The first tenn on the RHS represents the rate at which the 1nedication is absorbed from the blood into the body and
the second tern1 represents the rate at which the 1nedicine enters the bloodstrean1. (This is exponential because it is
rapid at first, as most of the pill dissolves, then later becomes slower when only a small an1ount of the pill ren1ains.)
(a) Verify by differentiation that m(t) = 4(e- 2' - e- 31) is a solution of ~m = -3m + 4e- 2•.
(b) What is the initial amount of medication in the bloodstrean1? t
(c) When is the an1ount of n1edication in the bloodstrea1n at it greatest?
(d) What is the long-term amount of medication in the bloodstrean1?
10 The population of fish in a lake is initially 10 000. The population \vould increase at a rate of 20% per year,
except that there is fishing quota of k fish per year taken fron1 the lake. The population P after t years is
modelled by the solution of the differential equation:
dP = .! P- k \Vith P = IO 000 when t = 0.
dt 5
Here, k is the constant nun1ber of fish re1noved from the lake each year d ue to fishing (the fishing quota).
(a) If the fishing quota is set at k = 1000 per year, verify by differentiation that the nun1ber of fish in the lake
t years later will be P(t) = 5000(1 + e }.
(b) Alternatively, if the fishing quota is set at k = 3000 per year, verify by differentiation that the nu1nber of
fish in the lake t years later \viii be P(t) = 5000(3 - es).
More generally, you can assu1ne an arbitrary but fixed fishing quota of k fish per year. ,
(c) Verify by differentiation that the nu1nber of fish in the lake t years later \viii be P(t) =5(k + (2000 - k)es).
(d) Hence choose a fishing quota of k fish per year to maintain the fish population at its initial value of 10 000.
Recall that dy is the slope of the curve at any point (x,y). A differential equation, such as ddxy = f(x ,y) , can be
thought of as a definition of the values of the slope of the tangent to the solution curve for possible values of x and y.
This enables us to sketch the graphical features of the solution. The graph sho\ving the gradient at different points is
called the direction field or the slope field.
Example 7
dy .
Construct the slope field of dx = xy on the grid: (0,0) (0,1) (0,2) (0,3)
(1,0) (1,1) (1,2) (1,3)
(2,0) (2,1) (2,2) (2,3)
(3,0) (3,1) (3,2) (3,3)
dy = J(x, y) = xy is evaluated for each point using integer values for x an d y.
dX d
For example, at the point (O, 0), k
= xy = 0 x O= 0.
Therefore, if the curve goes through (O, O), its gradient at that point will be 0.
. dy
At the poin t (2, 3), dx = xy = 2 x 3 = 6.
Therefore, if the curve goes through (2, 3), its gradient at that point will be 6.
All the gradients are calculated
f(O,O) =0 f(0,1)=0 f (0,2) =0 f(0,3)=0
f( l,0)=0 f( l, l)=l f(l,2)=2 f(l,3)=3
f(2,0)=0 f(2,1)=2 f(2,2)=4 f(2,3) =6
f(3,0)=0 f(3,1)=3 f(3,2)=6 f(3,3)=9 3-
I f
At each such point (x, y) on the grid, tangent seg1nents of slope
1x =f(x, y) are drawn using rise over run.
Having constructed a direction field, the short sloping lines can be used
I / I I
as a guide to draw sn1ooth curves with the san1e gradients. These curves
represent possible graphs generated by the differential equation. In so1ne
cases, n1ore slopes ,nay need to be drawn.
Example 8
Construct the slope field of Z= -2(y - 5) on a suitable grid for O< x < IO and O< y < 10.
Step 1: A grid is constructed to cover the given intervals: y
10 • • • • • • • • •
9 • • • • • • • • • •
8 • • • • • • • • • •
7 • • • • • • • • • •
6 I e • • ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦
5 • • • • • • • • • •
4 • • • • • • • • • •
3 • • • • • • • • • •
2 I ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦
I • • • • • •
O I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 X
Step 2: At each such point (x, y) on the grid, tangent segn1ents of the y
slope function are drawn. As the derivative is a function IO + + + + + + + + + +
of y only, then given any specific value of y, it will be the san1e 9 + + + + + + + + + +
8 + + + + + + + + + +
for all values of x. This means it only needs to be calculated for
7 \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \
each value of y. 6 \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \
For f(.x, y) = -2(y - 5),f(.x, 0) = 10,f(x, 1) = 8,f(x, 2) = 6, 5 ..............................
f(.x, 3) = 4,f(x, 4) = 2,f(x, 5) = O,f(x, 6) = -2, 4 ti ti ti ti ti ; ; ti ti ti
3 f f f f f f f f f f
f(.x, 7) = -4,f(.x, 8) = -6,f(.x, 9) = -8,f(.x, 10) = -10. 2 + + + + + + + + + +
This inforn1ation is shown in the diagran1 at right. I + + + + + + + + + +
:--+-'. .-++-+-H--,
oj I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 IO x
Example 9
(a) Construct the slope field of the differential equation ddy = - x for -3 < x < 3 and -3 < y < 3.
X y
(b) Use the slope field to draw possible solutions to Z= - ; .
(c) Draw the specific solution if the curve passes through the point: (i) (O, 2) (ii) (2, -2).
(d) Suggest a possible equation of the general curve an d test your answer by differentiation.
(a) Step l : The differential equation is used to find the gradient at each point.
dy x -3
(-3, -3): dx = - y = - -3 = - 1
dy x -3
(-3,-2): -d =-- =-- =-1.5
X y -2
dy x -3
(-3,-1): dx =- y =- - 1 =-3
(-3, O): Z
= - ; = - ; . This is undefined, but it may mean that if the curve goes
-3 - 1 - -2 - -1 0 -1 -2 1
3 3 3 3
-2 -1.5 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5
-1 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3
ca 0 - - - - - - -
,.__ 1 3 2 1 0 -1 -2 -3
2 1.5 1 0.5 0 -0.5 -1 -1.5
3 1 -2 -1 0 - -1 - -2 -1
3 3 3 3
/ 2 ......._
I I / I \
-3 -2 -I 0 I 2 3 X
\ \ " -I / I I
\ " ......,_ _ _,, / I
-- ./ /
(b) The curve n1ay be circular. Son1e curves can be
dra\vn using the slopes as a guide, possibly with a
con1pass. This diagrain reinforces that the undefined I /
slopes are at points where the curves are vertical,
except for the point (O, O). These slopes have been added /J
to the diagrain.
Circles see1n to fit very well. At this point there are
an infinite number of solutions to the differential
. dy X
equation dx = - y.
I / z
0 I X
" -I
/ I I
\ ' ......._ - 2 - _,, .,,, I
' '(2, - 2)
2 2 2
(d) The equation of a circle is x + y =r •
2 2
(i) In this case, r = 2, so the equation is x + y = 4.
y .J
If a function is required, = 4 - x 2 • The positive square root is taken because the curve goes through (O, 2).
(ii) Substitute x = 2, y = -2 in x2 + y = r2.
2 + (-2)2 = r
:. r= Js, so the equation is x 2 + y 2 = 8.
If a function is required, y= -.Js - x 2
• The negative square root is taken because the curve goes
through (2, -2).
The general result is tested by differentiation.
Method 1 Method2
Need to differentiate both sides ofy = ✓r 2 -x 2 .
2 2
Need to differentiate each term of x + y = r2 with
respect to .x:
dy = _4_(✓r2 -x2)
fx ( + fx (1 = fx (
) 2) r2 ) dx dx
2 , du
Usin g the chain rule, Let u = r - x-, so dx = -2x
Example 10
Which of the following direction fields could have the differential equation Z= x + ky as a solution if k > O?
A J I i i / :/
r Ill/II
C \ \ \ \ \ ).
r , , - .,,.;/ D ,,..., _ ,... }'
>' II/Ill
I I I I I I I I I I I t Ill/I Ill/II \ \ \ \ \ \ ' ~- I I ✓ ,,,_,..,,, Ill/II
/JIii ~ /Ill/.,,. 1111 2/ JI/I/.,. \ \ \ \ \ 2,. ,-,;/// \ \ \ -.. - 2-- I I I I I I
Ill/I V
I I I / ,.. -
,,,,,, _ _ _ ,
I I I I I I I I I ,,, - , \ \ \ \ \ \ ~,.. I I I I \ \ \ , - - t I I I I I
I I I I / ]/ ,1.,, _ _ , , \ \ \ \ \ 1' - ,1111 \ \ \ , ..._~ I I I I I I
//Ill/ ,.. _ _ ,,, I / I I I I .,,. - , , \ \ \ \ \ \ \ , ,... I I I I I \ \ \ \ \ .._ I I I I I I
__~-£,,,,:-r ~ ~\ t\ \~ \t \: \~ X -~~-i ~-ti ; f ~ *; 1 X -~:-i :-t~ : 1; ~ ~ 1 X
.... - ... '\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \\\,-- /Ill/I \ \ \ \ \ \ ... ,.. t I I I
...' ' \ \ ...\ ~\ \\ '' \\ \\ \\ \\
\ \ - '
' \ \.-2', '
\ \ \ .._ - 2-"
, , , __ .,.
\ \ \ \ \,-2,.
.._ - ,,,. /
The behaviour of the derivative is considered for different values of x and y.
At x = 0 (the y-axis), 1x = f..y, so 1x will be positive where y is positive and negative where y is negative.
This eliminates C.
If x > 0 and y > 0, 1x will be positive and increases as x increases. : also increases as y increases.
This eliminates A and B.
Further analysis will sho,v that D is consistent with ix = x + ky, k > 0.
Direction fields
Use techno logy to construct the direction field of a different ial equation.
Example 11
The slope field for a differential equation is shown: y
\\\\1 1 1 lf l l l l l
\\\\\\1 Ill/Ill
Which of the following could be the forn1 of the differential equation \\.\\\\1 II/I/II
\\\\I l l II I J / / /
Consider ho\v the slope lines are changing and whether this is consistent with each proposed option.
By exrunining option A, if x > 0 and y > 0, the slope is positive ru1d if xis constant (any horizontal ro\v) , so the
slope should increase as x increases. However, if a horizontal ro\v is exan1ined, the slope decreases as
x increases. This also rules out option B.
Alternatively, the gradient in the slope field is undefined where x = 0, yet the derivatives in options A ru1d B are
defined and zero where x = 0.
For options C and D, if x > 0 and y > 0 the slope is expected to be positive. This is consistent \vith the slope field.
The gradients are undefined where x = 0, which is also consistent with the slope field.
The difference between these two options is the power of y.
If x > 0 and y > 0, the slope should increase as y increases, which cru1 be seen by examining any vertical column.
If x > 0 and y < 0, the slope in C will be positive and increase as y increases, but the slope in D \viii be negative
and decrease (become m ore negative, i.e. steeper) as y increases. By looking at the fourth quadrant, it can be
seen that option C correctly predicts the behaviour of the slope.
2 Construct direction fields for the following differential equations for -3 < x < 3 ru1d -3 < y < 3. Use integer
values of x ru1d y.
dy dy x2 + y2 dy _ x + l
(a) - =x - y (b) dy - 2 (c) dx = 10 (d)
dx dx - x+ y dx - y-1
(e) (x+
=xy (f) X
dy X
+y + 1x =0 (g) z
= J3-y
(h) - =(x - l )(x+2)
(i) dx=y - 5 0) - =- +l
dx 2
3 (a) Calculate the value of the derivative for each of the following values of y, and hence sketch the slope field
of the differential equation i= 1 + y 2 , using values of x fro1n -1 to 1•increasing by : .
(i) y=O (ii) y = + l (iii) y = +2 (iv) y = +3
(c) State at least one point on the slope diagrain which will not be on any solution of Z= + 1 y
4 The graph sho,vn is the slope field of a first-order differential equation. )'
X y \\\\\\'
,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,_ -,,,,,,
5 The slope field of dx = J(y) is sho,vn. ,,,,,,,,,z ,,,,,,,,,
,,,,,,,,, '''''''''
For each of the following, sketch a possible curve which is a solution to
this differential equation, containing a point for which:
(a) y > 2
--------- ---------
///////// //////////
(b) -2<y<2
(c) y<-2
--------- ---------
,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,
\\\\\\\\\ \\\\\\\\\\
6 Which of the following slope fields does not represent a differential equation of the fonn Z= J(y )?
A B )'
C )'
D ,,,,, 3.y
/ :JI
I I Ill/JI
,,,,,, /////
I I / /,;
/ / / / / },
/////']/ //////
,,,,,, I I I///
I I I / / /
///Ill /Ill/I
. . ,,,, 1,
------ - - --
I I I I I ]I ......... / ......... y I// ✓ ,,,
........ ,,,\
II/Ill / / / / / 1 / / l l 'J/ II/Ill
Ill/II I/Ill/ ,..,.,,, I/Ill/ Ill/II /////
'\ '\ \
' \
' \
2,. \\\\\\
Ill/II ,,,,,,
' ' ' ' ....2,. ,,,,,, .... ,,,,\
I I I/,,.
I I I / /
\ \ \ \ ¥3.. \\\\\\ I I I I J. ~ Ill/// ' ' .... ' .....,3,.
.... ,,,, .... .... ' ' ...~
\ I/II//
7 Which of the follo,ving slope fields represents a differential equation of the fonn Z= f(y )?
A .,.,,,,.,,,.,,,,. ... y
........... .,., .,,. ,,,. 8 )'
C , ,, ......... _ D ' ' ' \ ) y
_ ..._,,, ).)' ,, - .......
,,,. ,,, ,,,. ,,,. ,,,. ... ,,,.,,,.,,,,,,.,,,,,,.
,;,,-/// )
I ///,,-,;
I /I/,,,,,,.
_,,,,, ,,, ........ _ ' ' ' I I
\ ,, _ ,....,..
,, __ ...,
.,,.,,,.,,,.,,,. .... 2-' .,,.,,,,,,,,,.,,,.,,. ,,,,-.-
--.,,, 2,. ,,,, __ \.
..... - - ....
,,.,,,./1/ ']J 1 21
,, ,, ,, /
I ////,;
__ , , , }-. ,,, , __ ' ' ' '
'' ' I III .... - - ....
/ / / / / / / / ,,,.,,,111 I I I/,,,..,,. I \
/ / / / / )/ ///// / .,,.,,.,,1, 11 I ///,,,.,,,.
_..._,,,, , ,, ......... _
/ ,, .,, -
(b) Which of the follo,ving first-order differential equations is -,, ,
, ,, , - - , , , I I I
dy dy 2 I J '.! 1,.. _ {)
, , , - -,,- - "' l', I I I X
A dx = xy 8 - =x I I I
, ,, , - - , , , I I I
dx I
I - _- ,, ,,, ,,
, ,,, ,__
dy 3 dy I I
, , - - - -·,, , I I I
C dx =x D dx =x+ y I
J I I , , - -,, ,
,,,, ........ ... .,,,,,,,,, .... ,,.,,,,,,/, ,,,, ........ .... ....... ,,,,,
/ / / / /,,,,.
.,,,.,,.,,,,11 ................ ' \
Ill/ /
;,,,,,,.,,. __ _
\ \ \ \ \ , ...
,,,,,,,, ____ ,,,____
.,.,.,.,,,.,,.,,.,,,,,./ I ,,
.......... ..._ ... ............. \
// / ///.,,.
/,,,.. ___ _ _____ _,
.,,,.. ____ _
\\\\\\, ----,,'
,,,, , x
,,,,, f> ....,,,,1 ___ .._, . . o ,,.,,.,,,,,,,,,.. __ x -----,, -- - --- 0 .,,,.. _ _ _ _ _ X
__ _,,,,.,,.,,. f>
' , , ____ X
,,,,,,,,. \ ......... ,,,, , ,,. ,,,,,,,,_,.. I ,,,,, __ I,,,,,,,. __ _
............ ,,,, ,,,,,,.,,.,,,,.,,. ,,,, ........... ... .... ,,,, I I / ,,, ,,, ,,, ,,,.
I I I I / ,,. ,., , , , , \ \ \ .,,,,,,,./ / / /
,,,,,, ....
,,,,,,, ,,,,,,
1/1/ ✓ / ✓
// / ////
,,,,,, , \\\\\\
Ill// /
I /Ill//
(b) Draw so1ne possible solutions to the differential equation Z= x + y, including one that is a straight line,
and including one that touches but does not cross the x -axis.
(c) Write the equation of the possible straight line solution.
(d) Verify whether the straight line represents a solution to the differential equation.
Example 12
A one-para1neter family of curves f(x, y) = c has the property that the gradient of any member of the fan1ily at a
point is three tiines the square of the x-coordinate at the point.
(a) W hat is the equation of the fan1ily of functions?
(b) Plot a few 1nen1bers of the fan1ily.
(c) W hat is the equation of the particular 1nen1ber of the fa1nily that passes through the pomt (1, 6)?
(a) Possible gradient function: ! = 3x2•
Both sides of the ,node! are integrated with respect to the independent variable: J ! dx = J 3x2dx
Equation of the fan1ily of functions: y = X: + c
(c) The coordinates of the given point (1, 6) are substituted into the equation of the fan1ily of functions:
6 =1 + C
c= S
Solution: y = x + 5
Example 13
The slope of the tangent line to an unknown curve is 2
• They-intercept of the curve is (O, 1). Find the
equation of the curve. 1+ x
dy _ 1
dx - l + x 2
I dydx dx -J
l +x 2
- 1
y=tan x + c
y (l )= O: l = tan- 1 0 + c
c= l
:. y= tan- 1x + 1
Finding the particular solution of a directly integrable problen1 ix = J(x), y(a) = Ya involves the follo\ving
two-step procedure.
1 Integrate \Vith respect to tlle independent variable.
That is, y = F(x) + c where F(x) = f J(x )dx and c is the constant of integration.
2 Use the initial condition to solve the constant of integration.
That is, (x, y) = (a, y.) :. Ya= F(a) + c.
Therefore, y = F(x) + Ya - F(a).
Rearranging the previous equation, the final result is y(x) =Ya+ F(x) - F(a).
Example 14
Given y ' = ✓ 1
and y(O) = 2, find the solution to the differential equation.
y'= 1
✓l-x 2
y=f ✓1-x
dx2 y(O) =2 : 2 =sin- 1 0+ C
y=sin- 1 x+C . - 1
:. y=s1n x +2
Example 15
Find the solution to tlle follo\ving differential equations:
(a) !=sinx,giveny(O)=l (b) !=2-cosx,giveny(0)=2.
d 2y dy
(c) Hence, use parts (a) and (b) to solve the second-order differential equation - 2 = sinx, given that dx = I
and y = 2 \Vhere x = 0. dx
dy . dy =2-cosx
(a) - = s1nx (b)
dx dx
y = f sinxdx y= f (2-cosx)dx
y=-cosx+ C y=2x-sinx +c
y(O) = 1: y(O) =2:
l =-l + C 2 = 2 x O- sin O+ c
C=2 c=2
y=2-cosx y = 2x - sin x + 2
(c) Now: d J= fx
d (d )
If d { = sin x then the solution of this differential equation ,viii give an equation of the forn1 Z= f(x ).
From part (a) you can obtain that
= 2- cosx.
From part (b) you can obtain the solution of this equation, it is y = 2x - sin x + 2.
Hence the solution to d { = sin x ,vith the given initial conditions is y = 2x - sin x + 2.
5 (a) Show that f (xex) =ex+ xex. (b) Hence find Jxex dx.
(c) Find the particular solution of the differential equation Z = xeX, given y(O) = -1.
(c) Hence show that i f ~ = ; ( ex - e-x) with y(O) = 0 and y'(O) = 1, then y = ; ( ex - e-x) is a particular
solution of this equation.
9 A sin1ple economic ,node! for the rate of change t of the price P of a product with respect to time t states
that t varies directly with the difference bet\veen the de1nand D and the supply S of the product. This can be
(a) Express P(t) in terms of rand t. The ,vidget price after three 1nonths is $4.
(b) Sketch the ,vidget price over the course of the year.
10 An oil tanker hits a reef and spills oil into the sea. The oil spills fro1n the tanker at a rate of ; t litres/day,
where t is the number of days since the tanker first hit the reef. t + 16
It is known that Jt
4 t
+ 16
dt = 1
arctan(f) + C.
(a) If V litres is the volume of oil spilled into the sea in the first T days, find Vin tern1s of T.
The local ne,vspaper report stated, 'It is expected that eventually 300 000 litres of oil ,viii spill into the sea.'
(b) Detern1ine whether the ne,vspaper report is in agreen1ent ,vith the model above.
11 An irregularly shaped tank 10 metres high, holds 100 cubic n1etres of oil when full. The volume, V(h) cubic
metres, of oil in a partially filled tank, where the depth of oil is h n1etres, is given by V(h) = Ahsin- 1 ( .l!_)
where A is a real nu1nber. 10
(a) Find the exact value of A.
The tank is initially e1npty. Oil is then pu1nped into the tank at a constant rate of2 cubic 1netres per minute.
(b) Find, in tenns of h, an expression for the rate at ,vhich the volu1ne of the oil is increasing, in 1netres per
minute, where the depth is h n1etres.
(c) Find an expression for the derivative 1~ in tenns of h.
(d) Hence find an expression for tin tenns of h.
(e) Hence find the tin1e t (in 1ninutes) for the depth of oil depth to reach 5✓3 1netres. Express your answer in
the fonn t = aJb 1ninutes for a suitable choice of the natural numbers a, b, c.
12 A rocket has a 1nass 40 000 kg plus an initial n1ass mpkg of fuel. At the initial tiine t =0 seconds, the rocket is
launched vertically fro1n ground level. Ignoring the variation of gravity ,vith height h, the altitude of the rocket
d 2h 49 780000 dh
is then governed by dt 2 = - ), 0 < t < 200, starting with dt = 0 and h = 0 ,vhen t = 0.
5 + mF_ 2 00(t _
(a) Find !; (Assu1ne O< t < 200).
(b) Given that l!..(
3900t - 49 t + 39 ( m p - 200( t - 200 )) log m F -
2 '
(t -
) )
49t m p + 40000
= -5+3900log, m F-200(t-200)' findh(t).
Burnout occurs at tin1e tb = ;c:o, when all the fuel has been expended.
(c) Find the altitude hb of the rocket at the time of burnout.
Chapter 12 Differential equations 281
Models that describe systen1s exhibiting growth or decay have the fonn :Z = g (y). In other words, the rate of
growth :Z in the dependent variable y is a functiong(y) of the variable y alone. The function g(y) on the right-hand
side of such a differential equation has no explicit dependence on the independent variable x.
To solve :Z = given that
g (y) = consideration has to be given to two separate cases.
y(O) y 0,
Case I: g(y0 ) =0
If g(y0 ) = 0, then y(x) = y 0. In other words, the solution y(x) = y 0 is not dependent on the independent variable, so it
is variously called the stationary solution, the steady state solution, or the equilibriun1 solution, y,.
Case II: g (y 0 ) *0
The n1odel :Z = g(y) can be transforn1ed to a directly integrable forn1 ( k_) = t = gty) by taking the reciprocal
of both sides, wherever g(y0) * 0. dx
The solution of this new equation gives x(y) , so the variable xis 110\v a function of y. In other words, the roles of the
dependent and independent variables in the original equation
. dx 1
:Z = g (y) have been exchanged in the transforn1ed
equation dy = g(y)"
Recall that exchanging the roles of dependent and independent variables in any relationship, such as y = fix),
requires the existence of an appropriate inverse function f - 1• In other \Vords, y = f(x) <=> x = f - 1(y), provided f is a
one-to-one function on an interval, \Vhich requiresj(x) * 0 inside that interval. In this problem, g(y) defines ix=
y as an invertible (i.e. one-to -one) function of x on an interval, wherever g(y) * 0 for any value of the variable y in
To find the particular solution of ix = g (y), y(a) = y 0 , g(y) * 0, requires the following five-step procedure:
• Takethereciprocalofbothsidesofz =g(y)toobtain t = gty) withx=awherey=y•.
• Integrate both sides of the equation \Vith respect to the new independent variable y:
ft dy = f gly) dy
Example 16
Find the solution of ix = 2 y, given that where x = 0, y = 3.
• Take the reciprocal of both sides of the equation: • Sin1plify and express \Vith y as a function of x:
dx 1
dy = 2y x + ~ log, 3 = ~ log, Iy I
• Integrate with respect to y: 2x = log, 11 1- Iog, 3
x + c = ~log, 11 1
Logarith1ns are only defined for positive
2x = log, 3 lzl
quantities, so the absolute value sign is used.
w = e2x
• Substitute kI10\vn values of x and y, 3
x = O,y= 3: IYI= 3e2x
O+ c = -21 log , 3 This gives two solutions.
If y > 0, IYI = y = 3e2x
If y < 0, IYI = -y = 3e2x : . y = -3e2x
Con1plete solution is: y = +3e2x
Example 17
Find the particular solution of dt = -r(y-s), given that y(O) = y with r, s >
0 0 positive constants.
Take the reciprocal of both sides and transpose -r:
-r-dt = -1-
dy y -s
Integrate both sides with respect to the original dependent variable y:
-r f ddt dy
=f 1 dy
y -s
- rt + c = log, IY- s I
Rearrange to find the general solution:
11 -sl = e' e-''
:. y -s = Ae-''
y = s + Ae-'' where A = +e' .
To find the particular solution, substitute initial condition y(O) = y 0 :
y 0 -s = Ae
:. A = Yo-s
:. y = s + (y0 -s)e-''
It appears that this is a single solution. However, this solution will
behave differently depending on the relative size of the initial )'o> s
condition y(O) = y 0 and the steady state solutions, as sho\vn.
s --------------------
In the case that (y0 - s) < 0, the solution y = s + (y0 - s)e-" grows
as time increases. Yo< 5
In the case that (y0 - s) > 0, the solution y = s + (y0 - s)e-'' J'o
decays as tin1e increases.
Example 17 above is related to the 1nodel of uninhibited exponential growth/decay, ddy = ry, \Vhich for y(O) = y0 has
. rx t
th e general so IutJon y = y0 e .
Assun1ing r > 0, the differential equation 1; = -r(y - y, ), y(O) = y is a 1nodel of inhibited growth for y < y, and
0 0
inhibited decay for y0 > y,. The rate of growth (or decay) in the dependent variable is called inhibited because the rate
falls to zero as the dependent variable approaches its equilibriun1 value y,.
The solution curve of an inhibited growth (or decay) proble1n is y(t) = y, + (y0 - y,)e-''.
Example 18
()sh tht 2 _ l + l
a O\V a (l-y)(l + y) - 1-y l+y·
(b) Find the general solution of! = (1- y )(1 + y ), given that y(O) = y0 .
(a) RHS = + 1
1-y l+ y
_ l+y+l-y
- (1-y)(l + y)
- 2 =LHS
(1-y)(l + y)
(b) Take the reciprocal of both sides of the equation:
d.x 1
dy = (1-y)(l + y)
Both sides of the equation are integrated \Vith respect toy:
I~; dy = I ( 1- y )\ 1+ y) dy
2x = f( 2 y +
1 1: y) dy
2x+C=(- Inll-yl + Inll+ yl)
2x+C= ln l+ y
1- y
Note: Add the constant of integration to the side with the original independent variable.
Rearrange the equation fro1n the previous step to find the general solution for the original dependent
variable in tenns of the original independent variable:
e2x+C = 1+ Y
I- y
1- y
= e2xec
- ~ =+e2xeC
I- y
I+Y = Ae2x
1- y
I+ y = Ae2x - yAe 2x
y( 1 + Ae 2x) = Ae2x -1
Ae 2x - 1
Y = l + Ae2x
The initial condition is substituted to find the particular solution, y(O) =y0 :
A- 1
Yo= l + A
Yo +Ayo= A-1
Yo + 1 = A ( 1 - Yo)
A= l + Yo
I- yo
The solution of the quadratic growth rate model ! = (1- y) (1 + y ), y(O) = y 0 is:
l -( 1- Yo )e-2x
l + Yo
1+ ( l -yo )e-2x
l + Yo
2 In each case, find the equation of the solution curve and then sketch its graph.
(a) ! =-2(y-3),y(0)=8 (b) ! =-2(y(x)-8),y(0)=3
3 Given that ! 2
= cos y and that y = : at x = 0, then \Vhich of the following is true?
A y=~y+ !sin2y 8 x= tan(y + 1) C y=tan- (x+ l ) D y= tan- 1 (x-1)
4 In Biology and Ecology, the tenn desiccation refers to the drying out (i.e. the loss of \Vater) of the cells of a
living organisn1. Most cells are n1ostly made of water. Assun1e that the desiccation of a cell is n1odelled by the
solution of the following differential equation: ~~ = -kV , where Vis the volume of the \Vater in the cell, tis
tiine and k is an appropriate constant of proportionality.
During the mtense heat of the Australian su1n1ner, the cells of a newly fallen eucalyptus leaf still contain \Vater,
but the leaf loses this \Vater rapidly through the process of desiccation. Suppose that each leaf cell initially
contains 8 µn1 3 of water, but 4hours later each cell has only 1 µ111 3 of water.
(a) Find the particular solution of~~= -kV3 , V(O) = 8µm •
(b) Find the tin1e taken for the cells to lose all their water (assu1ning that the environmental conditions don't
change over this tiine).
5 The pressure of the atJnosphere, P kilopascals (kPa), decreases accordmg to tile height hkin above sea level. The rate
of change of tile pressure witll respect to tile height above sea level is proportional to tile pressure at tllat height
(a) Write a differential equation to describe this situation.
(b) The pressure at sea level is 101.3kPa and it is approxi1nately 37.3kPa at a height of Skin. Solve the
differential equation to find Pas a function of h.
(c) Estimate the air pressure at the top of Mount Everest, which is about 9 kin high.
6 In an electric circuit, a capacitor of capacitance C charged to a potential difference E is discharged through
a resistance R. If q is tile charge on the capacitor at tin1e t, then !; = - RqC is the differential equation
describing this situation. If initially q = EC then find the solution of this equation (that is, q as a function oft).
7 Newton's la\v of cooling states that 'the cooling rate of a body is proportional to the difference between the
ten1perature of the body and tllat of the surrounding n1ediun1: This ,nay be written as dT = -k(T- M),
where Tis the ten1perature at any time t and Mis the te1nperature of the surrounding medium (a constant).
A pot of soup is cooked at 100°C. To cool the soup, it is placed in a room where the te1nperature is 20°C. After
20 minutes the te1nperature of the soup has dropped to 70°C.
(a) Find tile general solution of the differential equation !T = -k(T - 20).
(b) Find tile value of k. t
(c) How n1uch time will it take the pot of soup to cool to 25°C?
8 Two pieces of inforn1ation are needed for the safe medicinal use of a drug:
(i) dosage level required to achieve the desired effect (ii) tin1e interval between doses.
The body deals with a drug by first absorbing it into body tissues, then excreting it via body organs. After being
absorbed, the process of drug excretion usually begins as blood takes the drug fron1 body tisses and flows
through the kidneys. Assun1e that the kidney's excretion rate ddy is proportional to the an1ount of the drug y
in the body tissues, so that
= -ky, k > 0.
Suppose that an initial dose D of a drug is given at tiine t =0 and that this dosage is repeated at intervals of
(a) Show that the amount of the initial dose re1naining when the second dose is given is De-kT_
(b) Find an expression for the a1nount of drug in the body just after the nth dose has been given.
(c) Show that the maxiinum amount of the drug that can build up in the body fro1n a succession of doses
of quantity Dis D_k, . This is called the saturation level y, and is the desired dosage level for safe
maxin1u1n effectiveness.
(d) The half-life for the excretion of a drug is the tin1e for the quantity of a drug in the body to reduce from D
D . . . .
to , \Vhen no further dose 1s given. If the half-hfe 1s h, show that k =
log 2
Towards the end of his life, the great Swiss mathe1natician and teacher )'
Therefore: ST = t:; t)
0 = (
ST = aOS :. y = ax
Solving for the derivative in this equation gives ddy = L.
X ax
In so1ne \vays, this problen1 is slightly n1ore co1nplicated than the equations solved so far because it has the forn1
t = f (x )g (y ). Both the independent and the dependent variables appear as separate factors in the derivative Z.
In this section you \vill learn how to answer Bernoulli's question. You will learn how to solve any first-order
differential equation of the forn1 Z= f (x )g( y ). The key to solving these equations is the separation of the t\vo
variables onto either side of the equality.
In other words, to solve Z = f (x )g(y ), transpose the equation so that all tenns involving the dependent variable
are on the left side of the equality and all tern1s involving the independent variable are on the right side.
In the table belo\v, the original equation is in the left-hand colu1nn \vhile the equation \Vith variables separated is in
the right-hand colu1nn.
Original differential equation Variables Rewritten with variables separated
Example 19
Find the general solution of the differential equation z = x(y-1).
The dependent an d independent variables are separated onto either side of the equality, with the dependent on
the left and the independent variable on the right: ddy = x.
y- 1 X
Both sides of the equality are integrated \Vith respect to the independent variable, using the change of variable
dx = dy on the LHS:
f y~ldy= f xdx
log, y - 1 = I ~x2+c
Represent the dependent variable as an explicit function of the independent variable.
Exponentiating both sides:
l x 2 +c \ \ \ , ~f-,,., - I 1I 1I
IY- l l =e2
\ \ "-i T.. ., , /
-I x 2
e' e 2 ''~, ---///
I 2
Removing the absolute value: y = 1+ Ae2x , \Vhere A= +e<.
dy ! x2
It appears that the general solution of dx = x(y -1) is y = 1 + Ae 2 ,
Real A, A-#; 0.
The slope field of z = x(y-1) is shown at right.
This slope field indicates that y = 1 should also be a solution curve for dxdy = x(y-1). Ho\vever, the general solution
I 2
y = 1 + Ae x cannot give y = 1 because A= +e<, A ,t; 0.
In the exan1ple above, the solution y = 1 is an exa1nple of a so-called singular solution because it is not part of
the general solution for any allowable value of the constant of integration. However, the singular solutions of
Jx = f (x )g(y) are often of the form y = y * for son1e root k of the equation J(y*) = O. The singular solutions are
also usually evident fron1 an investigation of the slope field.
To avoid 1nissing any possible singular solutions when finding the general solution of a differential equation of
the forn1 Jx = f (y) g( x ), always re1nen1ber to investigate the roots {y*: f (y*) = O} and/or the slope field.
Finding the particular solution of a first-order differential equation
by the method of separation of variables
Example 20
Find the particular solution of Bernoulli's problen1 Jx = 2; passing through the point (1, -4).
The dependent and independent variables are separated onto either side of the equality with the dependent on
the left and the independent variable on the right: .!_ ddxy = 2
y X
Both sides of the equality are integrated \vith respect to the independent variable, using the change of variable
Jx dx = dy on the LHS of the equation: J~ Jx dx = 2 f !dx
I ~dy=2 I !dx
log, 11 1=2log, x+c
log, ly l = log, x +c
Solved for the dependent variable to obtain the general solution: log, y I I- log, x 2 = c
log , [rl2 = c
11 1=eC
- 2
:. y=Ax2,whereA=+e' x
Constant of integration is found to satisfy the required initial condition (x, y) = (1, -4): -4 = A
Constant of integration is substituted to specify the particular solution of the problen1: y = -4x
To solve the first-order differential equation Z= f (y} g( x) by the n1ethod of separation of variables:
1 Solve {y•: fly*) = O} for any steady state (or equilibrium) solutions y = y•.
2 Separate the dependent and independent variables onto either side of the equality 1 dy =g ( x ).
f (y) dx
3 Integrate both sides of the equality with respect to the independent variable:
For the integral involving y tern1s, apply the change of variable Jf ty) ix dx = f f ty) dy _
Add the constant of integration C to the side with the independent variable. This is the general solution.
4 Wherever possible, you should represent the dependant variable as an explicit function of the independent
variable. However, you ,nay need to be satisfied with an equation that determines the dependant variable as an
implicit function of the independent variable.
5 If an initial condition y(a) =b is given, solve for the constant of integration C. This is the particular solution.
You have now learnt two different n1ethods to solve the differential equation Z= f (y ).
Each of the two 1nethods above give the original independent variable x as a function of the original dependent
variable y, which must then be inverted to give the required solution y(x).
1 Use the method of separation of variables to find the general solution of each of the differential equations
below. W here reasonable, express the fa1nily of solutions as explicit functions of x.
(a) ( x + 4) Z= 2xy (b) dx
2y (d) ✓1 -x2 dy
y+ l dx
= -2x
(e) ( 1 + x ) ix =
xy (f) e Y COSX -
dy .
dx Sin
X =0 (g) (sec x) y' + y·
2 Find the particular solution of e-x yy' + .xy = 0, y(O) = 1.
dy = 180- ___ _
h . h di . h
-- --
X ////////,;
dx 4 25+ y
)' as s own 111 t e agram at ng t.
/ / / / / / / ,.. ,..
- 15 I I / / / / ; ,, ,... ,.. -•- -
Here, xis the longitude and y is the latitude (both are measured in I I I / / / / ; .,- ..- - - -
/ / I I / / / / / . , . . , __
degrees, \vith southern latitudes negative). /ll/l//1;,,-..---
- 20 ///I//I//;.,..,.._
Tropical Cyclone Wendy is shown at the point longitude 175°£
and latitude 15°S.
I I I I I I 1 1 1 1 1 ,, -
I I I I I I I I I I I / ,..
(a) Find the particular solution of ddy = ( - x), y(l 75) = -15. l l L I I I I I / .,-
X 4 25 + y
155 160 165 170 175
(b) Hence, plot the path of Cyclone Wendy.
6 An insect population P experiences a seasonal growth rate given by ddP = ~ sm(I£ t)P , P(O) = 1, where Pis
t 12 6
measured in n1illions and tis the nu1nber of n1onths since the beginning of spring.
Express the tin1e variation of the insect population P and sketch this variation over the course of one year.
9 The altiinetry equation~~ !
= - (To ! Tz )' relates air pressure Pin pascals (Pa) to the altitude (height above
sea level) z in 1netres (n1). In this 1nodel, T 0 is the air ten1perature in kelvin (K) at sea level; r is the constan t
rate of te1nperature change as th e altitude increases (Kim); P0 is the air pressure (Pa) at sea level; R is the gas
constan t of air; and g is the gravitational acceleration.
(a) Find the rule for the air pressure Pas a function of the altitude z.
(b) Hence, find the rule for altitude z as a function of the air pressure P.
(c) Use the table belo,v to find the altitude corresponding to an air pressure of 6 1640 Pa. Express the ans,ver
correct to the nearest 1netre.
10 Consider the differential equation dxdy = - x Y , y > 0.
(a) Find the general solution g(x, y) = c of this differential equation as an iinplicit relation between x and y ,
using the substitution u = log, y to co1nplete the integration.
(b) Find the particular solution passing through the point (O, e).
(c) Explain why x = I cannot exist in the solution to part (b).
(a) What is the sign of the constant of proportionality k? Explain why this is so.
(b) Find S('f) in tern1s of k.
14 A space probe is launched vertically up,vards fro1n the surface of a spherical planet with a radius R. If the
at1nospheric drag is ignored, the upwards velocity (v n1s- 1) of the probe at height hmetres above the surface
of the planet is 1nodelled by the solution of the differential equation :~ = - gR 2 , v = u, where h = 0 and
g is the gravitational acceleration on the surface of the planet. v ( R + h)
(a) Show that v2 = u2 - gR .
I+ R
(b) Hence find the minimun1 launch velocity u for the probe to escape the planet's gravity.
15 In a dry, still atmosphere, the air temperature T(K) usually decreases with the altitude h (m) above sea level
according to !r = -0.00649, \vith T(O) = 288K.
(c) Hence find a formula for the altitude h (1n) as a function of the boiling point ten1perature B (K).
During a clin1b of Mount Everest, 1nountaineers observe \Vater boiling at 84°C (that is, 357K).
(d) Find the height of the 1now1taineers above sea level.
16 According to Torricelli's Law, the rate of outflo\v fro1n a tank filled to a depth h with a volwne V of fluid
draining under the influence of gravity alone is ~~ = -k-./h, where k > 0.
Consider a hemispherical tank of radius l 1n, filled to a depth h m with V(h) =.!.3 nh 2 (3 - h) cubic metres of
water. Assu1ne that this tank drains through a hole at its lowest point.
dh k
(a) Use the 1nethod of related rates to sho\v that: dt = - ,r JF, ( _ h).
(b) Initially, the tank is filled to a depth of 1 n1. Find a fonnula for the tin1e t taken for the water level to fall to
a given depth h. (Express your answer in tenns of the unkno\vn constant of proportionality k.)
(c) Find the constant of proportionality k if it takes \
fn1inutes for the depth to fall to ~ 1n.
(d) Hence find the tin1e taken (in n1inutes) for the tank to en1pty.
A dependent variable y(t) is said to have an exponential growth rate if its relative growth rate .!. ddy = k > 0, or an
y t
exponential rate of decay if its relative growth rate ~ Jt = -k < 0 for some positive constant k.
Example 21
Consider the differential equation Jt = f...y, given that y(O) = y > 0, with k > 0.
Rearrange to separate the two variables: 7t = ky
.!. dy =k
y dt
Integrate with respect to the independent variable: J .!. dy dt = J k dt
y dt
log, ly l = kt+ c
Exponentiate: IYI= ekt+<
The general solution is: y = Aek' where A = +e'
Apply the initial condition y(O) = y 0 to solve for the constant of integration: y0 = A
Substitute to find the n1odel of exponential growth:
At time T, y = 2y0:
2yo =yoe
2 =ekT
T = - log 2
k '
For a syste1n y = y0 e' t, r > 0 experiencing exponential growth, the doubling- Doubling- time T
8yo ------------ ' y = Yoe'r
tin1e (T) is the time it takes the system to double in size. The fonnula for the
do.,bling-Hm, ;, T - l log, 2 -
') ) log, 2
' y(t2) Yo
T 2T 3T t
Radioactive decay
Example 22
The New Zealand-born physicist Ernest Rutherford is often called the father of nuclear physics. Rutherford was
able to formulate a model of radioactive decay as a simple differential equation. From his laboratory experin1ents
Rutherford discovered that the relative rater, at \Vhich aton1s of radioactive materials disintegrate, is proportional
to the nun1ber of aton1s N still present in the sainple. In other words, this model states that ~~ = -rN, N ( 0) = N 0 •
(a) Show that the solution of this model is N = N 0e-, '.
(b) Hence find the tin1e t½ required for the nun1ber of aton1s still present (N) to fall to ~ N 0•
(a) The two variables are separated: ~ ~~ = -r
Both sides of the equation are integrated \Vith respect to the independent variable:
J ~ ~~ dt = - J r dt
log, IN I = -rt + c
N = +e- rt+c
N = +e' e- rt
· N = Ae-'' where A= +e'
The initial conditions are substituted in the last equation to find the constant of integration, N(O) = N0 , N 0 > 0:
A = +e' =N0
:. N = N e-,t as require
. d.
(b) The conditions required are su bstituted into the equation from part (a): N = N 0 e-" \Vith N = ~ N0
1 N _ N - ,,
- o- oe
1 - ,,
The exponential equations are ch anged into a logarithn1ic form: t = .!.Jog, 2.
Hence t1 = .!. log, 2, where tl. is the h alf-life of the radioactive n1aterial.
2 r 2
For a systen1 y = y0e-'', r > 0 experiencing exponential decay, the half-life, )' Half- life I~
t1 is the tiine it takes the value of y to h alve. The fonnula for the half-life is
2 1
Yo '
(t2 -t1)
t = - log, 2 =
1 ( ) log, 2. yof2
"i" r I y(t1)
og, y(t2) yof4 y =Yoe-11
0 r 2r 3r t
That is, the concentration [A] of the reactant A is modelled by the differential equation d~:] = -r( A], where the
relative decay rate r is usually called the reaction rate.
Exa1nples of so1ne first-order decay reactions are included in the table belo\v.
Example 23
Newton's la,v of cooling can be used to model the ten1perature of a cup of coffee cooling on a kitchen bench.
If the ten1perature of the kitchen is a constant 20°C and the initial ten1perature of the coffee is 95°C, after
20 minutes the coffee will have cooled to 65°C.
(a) Find the temperature of the coffee after an additional 20 1ninutes.
(b) Sketch a graph of the ten1perature of the coffee for the first 2 hours.
(a) This problem models the process of cooling, so Newton's la,v of cooling is: ~T = -r(T- 20), r > 0,
no)= 95. r
The two variables are separated: (T ~ ~; = -r
Both sides of the equation are integrate~ ,vith respect to t and a change of variable is applied on the LHS
of the equation: f (T ~ 20 ) ~; dt = -frdt
f(T ~ 20) dT =- f r dt
log, IT- 201=-rt+ c
Both sides of the equation are exponentiated and solved for the dependent variable: T - 20 = Ae-, ',
where A = +e'.
The initial condition is substituted and the constant of integration is determined:
T(O) = 95: 95 - 20 = A
:. T=20 +75e -''
t = 20, T = 65, is substituted to detennine the constant of proportionality: log, ( ~~) = -20r
r = i
Olog, ( ~)
- -
The constant of proportionality is substituted in the general solution: T = 20 + 75e 20 3
_.!._log,(1) .!._log,(1) log,(1)20 ( 3 );O
No,v: e 20 3 = e 20 s =e s = 5
Simplify:T(t) = 20+75( ~)
After an additional 20 minutes, t = 40: T ( 40) = 20 + 75( ~) = 20 + 27 = 47°C
The ten1perature of the coffee is 47°C.
(b) Using the 1nodel fro1n part (a) to plot the changing value of T:
20 - - - - - - - - - - -
0 306090
Example 24
Rabbit Island currently has 5000 rabbits, but has sufficient space and food for 20 000 rabbits in total.
The n1odel describing this rabbit population Pis then ';J; = io (1- 20~00 ).
Find the particular solution of this differential equation, given that 20 OOO = _!_ + 1
P(20000-P) P 20000-P
Take the reciprocal of both sides of the differential equation: ';J; = io (1- 20~ 00)
dt 200000
dP = P(20000-P)
Integrate both sides of the equation with respect to the original dependent variable:
. 200 000 (1 1 )
Given th at P(20000-P) = lO P + 20000-P
I dt
I P(20000-P)dP
1~ I dt = I ( ~ + 20000- p)dP
t p
lO + c=log, 20000-P
t p
Find the general solution: AeTo = _ p ' where A= +e'
20 000
Substitute t~e initial conditions t = 0, P = 5000: A =
= !
p = 20000elO
3+ elO
1 + 3e 10
If a substance m is conserved (that is, neither created nor destroyed), then the rate of change of m within a
confined region (called a control volume) is equal to the difference between the rate at which it flo\vs into the
region (Rin), and the rate at which it flows out of the region (R001). That is, ~7
= R;n -R0111 •
Consider the situation shown at right: q i.n
• m(t) is the 1nass of so1ne conserved substance (e.g. salt or sugar) in the control 'in7 .__________ .,
volun1e at tin1e t
• V(t) is the volun1e of the well-mixed solution within the control volume at tiine t
. u111ts
• q.m , n1easure d 111 . of ( volume)
t· . th e rate at \Vh"1ch th e so IutJon
, 1s . flows into
. th e V-./ell•mixed solution
tme m(I), V(I)
control volume
• q0 ., 1neasured in units of volume, is the rate at which the solution flows out of
u time
the control volun1e ---------- · L qout
' out
• c. , 1neasured in units of ( ~ass ), is the concentration of the conserved
m voume
substance in the inflow
• c0 , 1neasured in units of ( ~ass ). is the concentration of the conserved substance in the outflow
u1 vo ume
The rate R. at \Vhich the conserved substance m(t) flows into the control volu1ne is n1easured in units of ~ass so
,n time
that 0 _ [mass] = . [volume] x c- [ mass ]
" i" time q.,, time "' volume
Sin1ilarly, the rate at which m(t) flows out of the control volun1e is R0111 [~ass]= q 0111 [ vo(ume] x c0111 [ ~ass ]
time time vo ume
Assu1ne that m(t) is conserved, so it is neither created nor destroyed \Vithin the control volun1e. Therefore
dt = R;,, - R.ut•
This n1eans that the net rate of change in the mass of the solute m(t) within the control volu1ne at tin1e t, is modelled
by the solution of differential equation ~7
= q ;,, X C;,, - q 0111 X c0111 •
To solve this equation, the mass concentration of the solute in the outflo\v c0 ., n1ust be expressed in terms of the
dependent variable m(t) and the control volume V(t) as c0 111 = ~ ~: ~.
Ho\vever, the net rate of change of the volu1ne of the solution \vi thin the control volun1e is modelled by the sin1ple
differential equation ~~ = q ;,, - q 0111 , which gives the solution V ( t) = V ( 0) + ( q ;,, - q 0111 ) t.
The differential equation for the tin1e rate of change of the conserved substance \vithin the control volun1e can now
. dm m(t)
be written as d =q ;,, x c;,. - q o111 x V (O) ( . _ ) •
t + q,., qoul t
Example 25
A holding tank at a desalination plant contains 200cubic metres of brine solution (salt in \Vater), 20 tonnes of
which is salt. At tin1e t = 0 minutes, seawater starts to flow into this at a rate of 10 cubic metres per minute. This
seawater has a salt concentration of 35 kilograms per cubic 1netre. The 'well-mixed' solution (brine mixed with
seawater) also flows out of the holding tank at the san1e rate of 10 cubic metres per minute.
(a) Construct a differential equation to n1odel the n1ass m kg of salt in the tank after tn1inutes.
(b) State the amount of salt within the holding tank m(t) kg after t 1ninutes.
(c) As the water continues to flo\v through the tank, over time the concentration of salt within the tank
approaches a 'long-tern1' value. What is this value, in units ofkg/in ?
(d) Sketch the time dependence of th e salt concentration of the 'well-mixed' outflow.
-dm =350--m
dt 20
= io (7 000-m) given that m(O) = 20000kg
(d) The concentration c0 u, of the outflow is the mass divided by the
volun1e of the tru1k: Cout =
kg/n1 . 35 - - -~-""-~----
The mass exhibits an inhibited decay to\vards its equilibrium value of 7000 kg. 0 60 120
This corresponds to a n1ass concentration of35kg/m • l(min)
1 Market research in a large city indicates that the n1axi1nun1 sales of a soon-to-be-released mobile device, is 10
truckloads per 1nonth ( 1 truckload = 10000 devices).
Past experience ,vith 1nodels iThingiel through to iThingie6 indicates that the rate of growth in the truckloads
of sales ~:, t n1onths after the release of an iThingie, is directly proportional to the difference between the
current sales and the 1naxin1u1n monthly sales.
(a) Find an equation for the rate of growth t in the sales s as a function of the tin1e tin months after the new
product is first released onto the n1arket. Express your answer in tenns of the constant of proportionality r.
(b) Find the solution curve of your ,node!. Express your answer in terms of the constant of proportionality r.
(c) If two truckloads are sold after one n1onth, find the predicted nu1nber of truckloads per 1nonth after three
months. (Express your ans,ver correct to the nearest truckload.)
2 A siinple n1odel for the spread of a contagious illness assumes that the rate at which the illness spreads ~I
varies jointly with the product of the nun1ber of ill people I and the number of people still susceptible to \he
illness S. This means that ~; = rIS , r > 0.
Assu1ne that one infected person is introduced into a fixed population of size P.
Then P + 1 = J + S :. S = P + 1 - J. Therefore, ~; = rI ( P + 1- I), I(O ) = 1 and r > 0.
3 A pond initially contains 200 000 litres of unpolluted water. A stream begins to flow mto the pond at rate of
10 000 litres per day. The strean1 is polluted with a concentration of 2 gran1s of pollutant per litre. The pond
also has an outlet that spills 10 000 litres of well-mixed water per day.
(a) State the initial value problen1 that n1odels the mass of pollutant m (t) grams in the pond, t days after the
polluted strea1n first begins to flow into the pond.
(b) Hence find a differential equation that n1odels the concentration of pollutant c(t) = ;{;/~~0 grains per
litre in the pond, t days after the polluted strean1 first begins to flo,v into the pond.
(c) Solve the n1odel fron1 part (a).
(d) What is the concentration of pollutant in the pond after 10 days?
4 A tank initially contams 1000 litres of salt solution of concentration 0.01 kg/ L. A solution of the san1e salt, but
concentration 0.04kg/L, flows into the tank at a rate of 10 litres per minute. The mixture iI1 the tank is kept
uniform by stirring and the n1ixture flows out at a rate of 5 litres per n1inute.
Let Q kg be the quantity of salt in the tank after t n1inutes. Set up (but do not solve) the differential equation
for Q in tern1s oft, and specify the initial conditions.
5 Carbon monoxide (che1nical sy1nbol CO) is toxic to hun1ans. Two hours of exposure to air ,vith a volu1ne
concentration of CO at 0.02% will cause headaches and confusion.
During World War I, so1ne generals co1n1nanded their soldiers from inside a bombproof bunker ,vith an
internal volu1ne of 80 m • Troops restmg near the air intake to the bunker ,vould often smoke cigarettes.
Unfortunately, the air intake to the bunker sucked the carbon-monoxide-filled sn1oke fro1n the cigarettes
back into the bunker.
Assu1ne that smoky air is sucked into the bunker at a rate of21n /inin, and that 0.03% of this air (by volun1e)
is carbon n1onoxide. Ventilation fans keep the air well mixed inside the bunker, and the well-n1ixed air is
extracted fron1 the bunker at the same rate of 21n3/inin. It can be sho,vn that ~~ = 0.025(0.0003 - v ), v(O) = 0.
(a) Solve this differential equation to find v(t).
(b) Hence find the tiine for the volume fraction of carbon monoxide to reach 0.02% by volun1e inside the
bunker. Express your ans,ver in minutes, correct to the nearest minute.
6 A lottery winner puts $5 000 000 in ,vinnings into a fund that has a 5% annual rate of return, paid continuously
throughout the year. Each year the ,vinner spends $300000, ,vithdra,vn fro1n the account at a continuous rate
over the course of the year.
(a) Show that the differential equation to ,node! the fund balance x(t) after t years is
and state the value of x(O).
t = 0.05(x - 600000)
C log, .!_ = log, 10- 2t, t > 0 D log,(y) = log,( 10) + t, t > 0
8 A can of soft drink at a temperature of 24°C is placed in a freezer. The temperature inside the freezer is
maintained at -4°C. When the can has been in the freezer fort minutes, the temperature of the can is T'C.
The rate of decrease in the ten1perature of the can is proportional to the excess of its te1nperature over the
temperature inside the freezer.
If k is a positive constant, the temperature of the can is modelled by the solution of:
dT dT
A dt =-k(T-24); t=O,T=-4 8 dt=-k(T-24); t=O,T=-4
dT = -k(T + 4);
dt t = 0, T = 24 dT = -k(T - 4);
C D dt t = 0, T = 24
9 The rate at ,vhich a ru1nour spreads throughout a population of 1000 students is proportional to the product
of the nun1ber N of students ,vho kno,v the run1our and the nu1nber of students ,vho haven't yet heard the
ru1nour after t hours. If hvo students decide to start a ru1nour, the model that best decribes the spread of the
ru1nour t hours later is:
A dN =k(lOOO-N) N(O)=O dN
8 dt = k(N - 2)(1000- N), N(O) = 2
dt 1000 '
C dt = kN( l OOO- N), N(O) = 0 D ft = kN(lOOO- N), N(O) = 2
10 A chemical dissolves in a pool at a rate equal to 10% of the a1nount of undissolved chen1ical. Initially the
ainount of undissolved chen1ical is 5 kg and after t hours x kilogra1ns has dissolved. The differential equation
that 1nodels this process is:
dx x dx 5-x x-5 -dx =5- -x
A dt = 10 B dt = 10 C D dt 10
11 The rate of increase in the nu1nber of bacteria in a laboratory is directly proportional to the nun1ber present. If
the nu1nber of bacteria triples every 2hours, after how many hours will the number of bacteria be quadruple
its initial value?
A 2log, ! 8
2log, 4
log, 3 D
log, 3
log, 2
12 In a simple ,node! for the body mass m of an adult, the rate of change of body 1nass in kg/day varies directly
with the difference benveen the total energy (food) intake C per day and the total energy expended per day.
The energy expenditure per day depends upon the metabolic rate of the individual, but 165 kJ/kg of body n1ass
is a realistic average value.
Assun1ing t is n1easured in days, the differential equation 1nodelling the rate of change of body 1nass in kg/day
could be:
A ~7=k(l65-C), k>O 8 dt = k(l65m-C), k>O
dm dC
C dt =k(C- 165m), k>O D dt =k(C- 165m), k>O
13 A population P(t) of an ani1nal satisfies';/;= / P( 2- ~ ), P(O) = 100 \Vith t n1easured in years. What is P(t)
0 5 0
?Yi . th 1 _ 1 (1 1 )
as t ➔ =. ou are given at P(lOOO-P) - 1000 p - 1000-P .
carbon-14 atoms from the at1nosphere, while any carbon-14 present is still decaying). Consequently, you can
detennine the length of tiine since an organis1n's death by measuring how much this ratio has changed.
(b) Half the original carbon- 14 has radioactively decayed. How 1nany years ago did the tree die?
[ 14c]
(c) Find a differential equation for the ratio R = [ 12C]. (Hint: [12C] can be considered a constant.)
(d) Hence find a formula for the ratio R after t years in the form R(t) = a(.!.);;
for a suitable choice of real
nun1ber a and integer n.
(e) The skeleton of an extinct n1ega-marsupial is found to have a carbon ratio ~ ::c~ = 0.9 x 10""". How many
years ago, to the nearest year, did the anin1al die? C
17 Bubonic plague (known as the Black Death) ravaged Europe most severely between the years 1347 and 1351. It
is estiinated that the plague killed n1ore than one in three people living in Europe at that tiine. The disease was
survivable only in about 5% of cases.
Epide1niologists com1nonly use S to represent the fraction of a population that have survived an epide1nic
disease, t days after its arrival. The change in this fraction over tiine can be modelled by the differential equation:
~; = -r(S-I), S(O) = 1, ,vhere I is the fraction of the population that ultimately recover (and hence survive).
(a) Find a fonnula for the survivability fraction Sas a function of the tin1e t days.
d S
(b) Show that - 2 = r 2 ( S - I)
After l n1onth, the survivability fraction S approaches a steady state value of 0.05.
(c) Find I.
(d) Find the value of r if after 14 days, only 6% of the population has survived.
(e) Find the tin1e when the death rate reaches its n1aximun1 value and state this death rate.
(f) Plot the survivability fraction over the first 2 ,veeks.
18 Two types of bacteria, type A and type B, coexist in a biological system. Assu1ne that each population
grows exponentially. The proportion of the total bacteria population belonging to type A is given by
p(t) = A(t) + B(t).
(a) Express the growth rate ddp in tern1s of A(t), B(t), A'(t) and B'(t).
(b) Given that A'(t) = rAA(t), rA> 0 and B'(t) = r ii3(t), r 8 > 0, express the gro,vth rate
in terms r 11 , r 8, A and B.
(c) Hence write the growth rate dp in tern1s rA' r 8 and p.
(d) If p (O) = /
and r,1 - r8 =
1 0
t hour- 1 , and given that p (l ~ p) = 2
~ + 1 P' find p(lO).
19 Toxins that enter an ecosystem are generally observed to be 1nore concentrated per unit of biomass as you n1ove
up the food chain. This phenon1enon is known as bioaccun1ulation.
Following one gro,vth rate model, the length L (111) of a species of tuna at age t (years) is given by
ddL = .!.(3-L), L(O) =0, 0 < t < 20.
t 5
(a) Find L(t).
The weight W (kg) of a tuna is related to its length L by the equation W(t) = 16L • Let H (t) (mg) be the
accu1nulated mass of mercury (in n1illigrams) in a tuna after t years. The rate at which mercury is added to
the tissue of the tuna is ddH = 1 W, H(O) = 0.
(b) Find H(t). t
(c) Find a fonnula for the concentration C of n1ercury in units of milligra1ns of mercury per kilograin of
tuna, for a tuna of age t years.
(d) Assun1ing the tuna has a lifespan of 20 years, plot the 1nercury concentration in the tuna over its lifetime,
0 < t < 20.
20 The British actuary and 1nathe111atician Benja1nin Gompertz (1779- 1865) proposed the following growth rate
n1odel: dd~ = rW log, ( ~) [1]
Nun1erous experimental studies have den1onstrated that the growth rate dd~ of tu1nours is modelled by
dW =
1 W ( 10-log, W ) , [2] W ( 0) = e
\Vhere Wis the weight of the tun1our (in n1illigrams) and tis the tin1e in days.
(a) Given that W grows according to the Gon1pertz growth rate ,node! [ 1], find the Gon1pertz parameters r
and C from [2] .
(b) Verify that W = e 10- 9'
is the solution of the differential equation [2].
(c) Find the equilibriu1n weight of the tumour, i.e. the weight of the tun1our when it stops gro\ving.
(d) Find the maxin1um growth rate for this tumour.
Treatn1ent of many tun1ours is n1ost effective when the tun1our is growing at its fastest rate.
(e) After ho\v long is the tumour growing at the fastest rate?
(f) Sketch the graph of W for the first 3 n1onths, sho\ving any equilibriu1n solutions and the point of
maxiinum gro\vth rate.
21 Oil is pumped fro1n a Bass Strait oil well at a rate proportional to the volwne V of oil (in w1its of 'barrels')
remainmg in the well after t years. Initially, the \veil had 1 000 000 barrels of oil, but 5 years later, only 600 000
barrels of oil remam. It \viii not be profitable to continue pumping oil \Vhen fewer than 1000 barrels of oil ren1ain.
(a) Show that the volume of oil V re1naining after t years is given by V(t) = a ( b )dfor a suitable choice of
positive integers a, b, c and d. c
(b) At \Vhat rate is the remaining nu1nber of barrels of oil decreasing after 5 years?
(c) For how many years \viii the oil well remain profitable? Express your answer to the nearest 1nonth.
22 A nature conservation group releases 21 Tasmanian devils onto a remote island off the coast ofTas1nania. The
group believes the island can support at most 588 Tas1nanian devils. The growth rate of the Tas1nanian devil
1 A can1era at ground level is 400 n1etres a,vay fro1n a hot air balloon just prior to the balloon lifting off.
The balloon lifts off and the can1era records the balloon rising into the sky at a constant rate of 10 n1etres
per second.
(a) If 0 is the angle of elevation of the balloon, express the height h of the balloon in terms of this angle.
(b) Ho,v fast is the angle of elevation 0 radians changing when the balloon is 300 m above the ground?
2 Verify that y = e-•cos x is a solution of d ; + 2 ddxy + 2 y = 0.
3 The gradient of the tangent to a curve at any point (x, y) is x I' x > -1. If the curve passes through the point
(1, 1), find the equation of the curve. x+
2 2 2
A 2
-9x =0 B d
- x -9x=O C d
- x +9x=O D dx
- +3x=O
dt dt2 dt2 dt
d2 y dy
11 Ify = e'"' satisfies the differential equation dx 2
+ dx - 6 y = 0, then the possible values of k are:
A land-6 B -land6 C -2and3 D 2and-3
13 What is the slope field of y' = x 2 ?
A ,
- ,- - ,,,,, ,
- - -___ B .... , _____ ___ )'
- - ___-,,,,.,,
' ' --
, /
-, ---
, ,.,., -
__- --,
-- , , ,
, ,; /
' ,,, ___ , - ,,,
- ,,-_,,
I I ,,,,. / I
' ,, / /
, -- - - I
' ' ' ''' .... ....
I I / I I \ I
- -, I I \
I I I I I I I \ / / I I I I
I I I I I / I I I I I
''' I \
I I I ' / I I I I I
' ' I I I I / / I I I I
' I
''' I I I I I I
f) () I X
' , I
- -,
, - - -___
I I I / I I I I I I X
I' '' '' ' ' ' I I I I I
' I
I I I I I I,, I I I I I I \ / I I I I I I
-- -- -- - - -
,I I
____ ,,,,,,,,,,,,
,, .... , ... , ___
I / I I
, /,, -· .,., .,, / I
C .,, ..., -
- D , ,, __)' --,
I , /
.,,,,,,. __- - - .,, , - - - ,.,,
/ I I I I
-- - - I I I I
I I I I / I I I I I I I I I
I /,;-- ,--
, ,, -- --, /
- - -__- ,, ,
, __ -__- ,,
, ,,- -
- I /
, ,, __ __ , I I J I
-- - -
' I I / - ,, I I I I I I I I I I / / I I I I
- - --,
I I I \ I I I I I I I I I
\ I I
I \
' ' \ \ I I I I I I I
14 If
z = -3 y, an d y = 1 where x = 2, then which of the following is true?
y= 2e3-3x B
y=e6-3x C
y= 2e3x-3 D
16 Consider the differential equation ix = x - 2 y , for \Vhich the solution is g(x). Which of the follo\ving
staten1ents about the particular solution that contains the point (O, - 1) is true at x = O?
A the graph is increasing and concave up B the graph is increasing and concave do\vn
C the graph is decreasing and concave up D the graph is decreasing and concave down
Consider the differential equation ix = ysinx, for which the solution is y = f(x). LetfiO) = 1.
17 Which of the following staten1ents about the graph off(x) are true?
19 When added to water, 5 grams of a substance dissolves at a rate equal to 10% of the ainount of undissolved
chemical per hour. If xis the nu1nber of grains of undissolved chen1ical after t hours, then x satisfies the
differential equation:
dx 1 dx =--1 x dx = -1 (10-x)
- dx = _!._(5-x)
A dt=-1ox 8 - C D
dt 5 dt 5 dt 10
20 The population P(t) of a certain species satisfies the differential equation clJ: = P( 2- ~ ) with an initial
10 00
population P(O) = 4000, \Vhere tis the time in years. What is the population as t approaches infinity?
1 1 20000
Note at P + 20000- P - P(20000-P)"
A 4000 8 5000 C 10000 D 20000
21 A quantity of sugar is dissolved in a tank containing 100 litres of pure \Vater. At tin1e t = 0 n1inutes, pure
water is poured into the tank at a rate of 4 litres per 1ninute. The tank is kept well stirred at all times. At the
sa1ne time, the sugar solution is drained from a tap at the bottom of the tai1k at a rate of 6 litres per minute. A
differential equation for the mass m gran1s of sugar in the tai1k is:
A dm 8 dm =4 _ 3m C dm _ _ 3m D dm =4 - 3m
dt = -6m dt 50 dt - 50- t dt 50-t
22 According to Fourier's law of heat conduction, the rate of heat transfer~~ through an ice sheet in Antarctica
is given by the differential equation ~~ = k(Twh- T. ), \Vhere k is the thern1al conductivity of the ice, h is
the thickness of the ice sheet and Twand T. are the te1nperatures at the ice/water boundary and the ice/air
boundary respectively.
As the \Vater loses Q joules of heat through the ice sheet, the rate of increase in ice thickness h is given by
f3 = Llp' where Lis the latent heat of sea water (in other words, the amount of heat loss required to freeze
(a) Find the rate of increase of the ice sheet thickness ~;.
(b) If h(O) =h0 , find h(t), assu1ning that k(TL~ T. ) is a positive constai1t.
23 The quantity q sold of a new product is a function of the selling price p. The revenue R(p) =p q(p) from selling
q units at price p is also a function of the selling price. It can be sho\vn that ~R = q ( 1 + P 7" )·
d p q p
Econon1ists call E = P dq the price elasticity of de1nand q with respect to price p. This price elasticity of
q p
den1and measures the relative change of the quantity den1anded in response to given relative change in price.
(a) Show that revenue is a 1naxin1u1n \Vhere E =-1.
The inverse den1and curve of a product n1easures the selling price p(q) in tern1s of the available supply q. The
la\v of de1nand states that, 'when the price of a good rises, and everything else re1nains the san1e, the quantity
of the good den1anded will fall'. In other words, selling price varies inversely \Vith the de1nanded supply.
Suppose that a business has the exclusive right to iinport a new product into a large city. Market research
indicates that the selling price $p for a new product is modelled by p = J25 -
q 2 , \vhere the supply q is
n1easured in units of 1000.
(b) State the don1ain of the n1odel.
(c) Find the rate of change of the den1anded quantity q \vith respect to the selling price p. (Express your
ai1swer in tenns of q.)
(d) Hence find the selling price that will n1axi1nise revenue.
24 The relationship behveen air temperature T Kand wind speed V m s- 1 is 1nodelled by the differential equation
dT =- V , where CP is a constant kI10\vn as the specific heat of the air mass.
dV Cp
(a) Find the general solution for the wind speed V(T) as a function ofte1nperature.
Near a particular tropical cyclone the wind speed is zero and the ten1perature is 308 K.
(b) Find the particular solution for the wind speed V(T) as a function of ten1perature.
(c) If CP = 1004.6, find the wind speed near the centre of a tropical cyclone if the te1nperature there is 307 K.
25 A mathematical ,node! for the relationship between x the number of predators (in hundreds) and y the
nu1nber of prey (in thousands), in a particular environn1ent at tin1e t years, gives the follo\ving pair of
a: .al equations.
diuerent1 . . -ddy = - - 1 ( x - 2) dx = - 1 (y - 1)
t 400 t 100 d
(a) Use the chain rule to obtain a differential equation involving fx,
x and y only.
(b) At so1ne point in tiine there are 100 predators (x = 1) and 3000 prey (y = 3). Hence show that
a2(x- h) 2 + b2(y- k) 2 = 1 for real numbers a, b, hand k.
(c) The graph of the solution in part (b) is an ellipse with a centre at (h, k). Sketch your solution from part (b).
(d) Fron1 your previous answers, find the maxin1u1n and 1ninin1um nun1ber of predators the environn1ent
can support.
26 This question uses data fro1n the table below.
The Lake Eyre basin is the lo\vest point in Australia and usually dry. However, the southern lake of the Lake Eyre
co1nplex fills to a depth of about 3 n1etres via inflo\v fro1n flooding rivers, a fe\v tin1es each century.
This southern lake can be n1odelled as the cap of a sphere of radius R (1n), with a
centre at 0, as sho\vn. Assume the inflow from the flooding rivers has stopped so
that Q111 "" 0 (1n /day).
A possible balance for the volun1e of \Vater in the southern lake of the Lake Eyre con1plex
during a flood year is ~~ =Q.,, - £A1( h )- a A2 ( h ).
(a) Use the information from the table above to express ~~ as an explicit function of h.
(b) Show that !r = nh (2R - h) and hence find ~; in simplest forn1.
The depth of the \Vater in the lake can now be n1odelled iinmediately after an inflow of 1 gigalitre
(1000000 n1 3), which fills the lake to a depth of 31n above its centre so that h0 = 3 1n. (Assume no further
inflows or precipitation.)
(c) Find the radius R of the hen1ispherical cap.
27 The coroner arrives at Frog1norton Manor on a cold winter evening. Lady Frogmorton has just been found
dead in her clin1atically controlled greenhouse by the butler. The temperature of the body is taken, and is
recorded as 29°C at precisely 7:20 pn1. The coroner checks the progran1n1able thermostat and detern1ines the
greenhouse has been kept at a constant 20°C for the past 12 months. At precisely 8:20pm, the coroner takes
the te1nperature of the body once more, and it is recorded as 27.4°C.
Sn1iggins is Lady Frogn1orton's chauffer. Under questioning by the police, he claims that he delivered Lady
Frogmorton to the manor at around 6 pm that evening, after a day at the Chelsea Flower Show.
(a) Assun1ing a normal body ten1perature of 37°C, propose a differential equation to n1odel the te1nperature
T(t) of the deceased at a tin1e t hours since death.
(b) Solve the initial value problem in part (a). Recall that the coroner arrived on the scene at precisely
7:20 pm, which is r hours since death.
(c) Show that at r hours after death e'' = 1;.
(d) Find an expression, similar to your answer in part (c), for the ten1perature at 8:20 pn1.
(e) Hence find r.
(f) The coroner inforn1s the police that the chauffer's story may need further investigation. Explain why this is so.
28 Bob's credit card bill Bis initially $15 000 and he pays 18% interest on this debt per year, co1npounded
continuously. He decides to pay it off by transferring 1noney fro1n his savings account continuously at the rate
of $300 per n1011th .
(a) Find and solve a differential equation to n1odel the credit card balance B after t years.
(b) Ho\v n1uch tiine \viii it take to pay off the credit card bill (to the nearest day)?
(c) What is the sum total of Bob's repayments?
Assun1e Bob has $40 000 in a savings account that accu1nulates interest at an annual rate of 6%, also
co1npounded continuously.
(d) Find and solve a differential equation to n1odel the balance S of Bob's savings account.
(e) Ho\v n1uch n1011ey \viii Bob have in his savings account when the debt is finally paid off (assu1ning no
other transactions)?
29 An abandoned open-cut ,nine just outside a large city has been purchased as a landfill for solid waste by a city
council. When purchased, the open-cut ,nine had a volume of 1 1nillion cubic 1netres. At the beginning of
2015, the landfill already had 100 000 cubic metres of solid \Vaste. The volu1ne of solid \Vaste W in the landfill
(n1easured in units of 100000 cubic metres) t years after the beginning of2015 is modelled by the solution of
the differential equation dd~ = ~ (10- W) , W(O) = 1.
(a) Find the volun1e of solid waste in the landfill t years after 2015.
(b) Hence detennine the volun1e of solid waste in the landfill at the beginning of 2035. (Express your answer
in cubic n1etres, correct to the nearest cubic n1etre.)
30 The population P(t) of penguins on an island in the Southern Ocean t years after the beginning of2015 grows
at a rate directly proportional to 1000 - P(t), where the constant of proportionality is k.
(a) If the population at the beginning of 2015 is 200, express the penguin population t years after the
beginning of2015 in tenns oft and k.
(b) If the population after 2 years is 300, find k.
(c) Hence detennine the long-tenn population of penguins on the island.
31 While on an unauthorised trip to the local fast food restaurant during their study period, a pair of Year 12 students
are convinced that they have just seen the Priine Minister buying a hamburger. On returning to the school,
their ainazing discovery spreads throughout the school community at the rate f=
~ p(l- p), where p is the
proportion of the school con1n1unity that has already heard the ru1nour, t minutes after their return to school.
(a) What proportion of the school community has heard the rumour \vhen it is spreading most rapidly?
By the beginning of the afternoon period, 20% of the school co1n1nunity had already heard the rumour.
(b) Find p(t), at time t 1ninutes since the beginning of the afternoon period, given (l l ) =.!. _ .
p -p p p- 1
(c) At \Vhat time (correct to the nearest 1ninute) is the run1our spreading most rapidly?
When considering the ,notion of an object, you need to consider the position of the object, how fast it is travelling
and the cause of the motion.
The position of an object n1ust be defined relative to a reference point, \Vhich is usually its starting point. The
position can be described by both its distance and its direction from the starting point. This is a vector quantity,
called displacement. On the other hand, if you are only concerned with how far the object has travelled then the
direction can be ignored, so you can consider the distance travelled by the object. The international syste1n of units
(SI) uses the metre (n1) as the standard unit for displace1nent and for distance. Other common SI units include the
centiinetre (c1n), n1illi1netre (mm) and kilometre (kn1).
For exa1nple, if you walk around a square park of side length 500 m, the distance you travel is 2000111. Ho\vever, as
you arrive back at your starting point, your displace1nent is zero.
The rate at \Vhich the displacement of an object changes \Vith respect to tin1e can be described by the vector quantity
velocity. As a vector quantity, velocity is defined by its 1nagnitude and direction. The 1nagnitude of velocity is the
scalar quantity speed. The SI standard unit for velocity and speed is 1netres per second (n1/s or ,ns- 1). Another
co1n1non unit is kilometres per hour (km/h or kn1 h - I).
The average velocity of an object between two positions is defined as:
. change in position displacen1ent
average ve ocity = ti1ne taken = ti1ne
On the other hand, the average speed between two points is defined as:
average speed = dist~nce t~velled
t1n1e ta en
+ 3.6
Note: Speed ,nay need to be converted from ms-1 tokinh- 1 or fro1n kmh- 1 to n1s-1:
For exa1nple: 90kinh- 1 = 90 x 1000 + (60 x 60) = 90 + 3.6 = 25 n1s-1
and 15n1s-1 = 15 x 3.6 = 54km h- 1• X 3.6
• Displacement is the change in position of an object relative to its starting point. It is a vector quantity \Vith
both magnitude an d direction.
• Distance is ho\v far an object has travelled. It is a scalar quantity with 1nagnitude only.
• Velocity is the rate at \Vhich the displacement of an object is changing with respect to tin1e. It is a vector
quantity with both magnitude an d direction.
• Speed is the magnitude of the object's velocity. It is a scalar quantity \Vith 1nagnitude only.
Example 1
Marli is going for a \Valk around the block. She starts at 0 c- - - - - - - - - - - - - B N
and 1Tioves to point A and then to point B, where she stops
to talk to a friend.
(a) the distance Marli travels fron1 0 to B
250 m
(b) Marli's displacement fron1 0 to B, correct to one deciITial place.
(a) Distance travelled fro1TI Oto point A to point B = 750 + 250 = 1000 !TI
(b) Using Pythagoras' theorem to find the distance c ,--------------=~ B
bet\veen the startmg and finishing points:
1001= ✓750
= 790.61TI
+ 250
. o f n1ot1on:
0 = tan -1(250)
0 ~=--'"----- - - - - - - - - - ~ A
750 m
250 m
= 18.4°
Bearing is N(90 - 18.4) 0 E = N71.6°E
Marli's displace1Tient is 790.6n1 fro1TI O in a direction ofN71.6°E.
Example 2
Magayi can swi1TI in still water at a rate of 3.0 !TI s- 1• If she swiITis in a river that is flo\ving at 4.0 n1s- 1 and keeps
her direction (\vith respect to the water) perpendicular to the flo\v, find the n1agnitude of her velocity with
respect to the riverbank.
Vector diagra1TI to illustrate the situation: Using Pythagoras' theore1TI to find the 1Tiagnitude of
Flow4ms- l the resultant velocity !'.:
Example 3
Let .£ and j be unit vectors in the directions of east and north, respectively. Pravat is s\vimming in the ocean and
his velocity relative to the water 1'.'i 1n s-I is given by the vector 1:'.i = 2.5 .!, + 1.0 j. The ocean's current has a velocity
]'.' 21n s- 1 where ]'.'2 = 0.5.£ - 3.0 j. Find the 1nagnitude and direction of Pravat's-resultant velocity):'. 1n s- 1, correct to
one decin1al place. -
Vector diagram to illustrate the situation: Adding vectors to find the resultant velocity:
N j
3 -
= 2.Sf + l.Oj + 0.Sf-3.0j
2 L~ = 3.0f- 2.0 j
- -
11'.'I = ✓(3.0)2 +c-2.0)2
- = 3.6n1s- 1
-I 3 E
0 is an acute angle in the diagran1, so use positive
-1 values for side lengths.
-2 0 = tan- 1 ( 3.0
· )
= 33.7°
The direction bearing: 90 + 33.7 = 123.7°T.
Pravat is swimming at 3.6 m s-1 in a direction of
Velocity vectors
Use technology to explore combinations of velocity vectors.
and 1noves to point A and then to point B, \vhere she stops
to have a rest.
(a) What is the distance Jaide has travelled fro1n Oto B? O ' - - - - -- - - - - - ' C
(b) What is Jaide's displacen1ent from O to B, correct to one decin1al place, and \Vhat is her direction?
Jaide has taken 12 1ninutes to reach point B.
(c) What is Jaide's average speed in 1netres per second, correct to one decin1al place?
(d) What is Jaide's average velocity in 1netres per second, correct to one decin1al place, and what is her direction?
2 Courtney \valks 2001n south, then 330 n1 east, and finally 190 m south N
(diagran1 shown is not to scale).
3 A 1nountain-clin1bing expedition establishes its base camp and hvo intern1ediate ca1nps at positions A and
B. Camp A is 8400 m west of and 18001n above base can1p. Ca1np Bis 5900 m west of and 8501n higher than
Camp A. What is the displace1nent of can1p B fro1n the base can1p and what is its angle of elevation? Give
answers correct to one decin1al place.
,.__ _ _ Start N
4 Kenneth is taking his dog for a walk along the path in the local park,
as shown in the diagran1 on the right (not to scale). 210m
5 While exploring a recently discovered cave system, a spelunker (cave explorer) starts at the entrance and
makes the follo\ving movements: 85 m north , 1901n east, 250 m N45°E, and 1001n south.
What is the spelunker's final displacen1ent fro1n the cave entrance and what is their direction?
6 Brianna can swiin in still \Vater at a rate of 6.0kin h- 1• If she S\Vin1s in a river flowing at 4.5 kin h- 1 and keeps
her direction (with respect to the water) perpendicular to the flo\v, then \Vhat is the 1nagnitude of her velocity
(correct to one decin1al place) with respect to the riverbank?
7 (a) A river flows at 5 kin h- 1 and Rhani rows at 10 kin h- 1• In what direction should Rhani row to go straight
across the river?
A Angle of 30° to the riverbank downstrea1n B Angle of 60° to the riverbank do\vnstream
C Angle of30° to the riverbank upstrean1 D Angle of 60° to the riverbank upstream
(b) If the river flo\vs at l Okn1h- 1 and Rhani rows at 5kinh- 1, then in \Vhat direction should she row to go
straight across the river?
A Angle of 30° to the riverbank downstream B Angle of 60° to the riverbank do\vnstream
C Angle of 30° to the riverbank upstrean1 D It is not possible
8 Youlin and Nick are riding in a boat that has a speed relative to the water of3.00ms-1• The boat points at an
angle of 35° to the shore, moving upstream on a river that is flo\ving at 0. 75 n1s-1•
Ho\v n1uch tiine does it take for the boat to reach the opposite shore, correct to two decin1al places, if the river
is 50 1n \vide?
9 (a) Raphaela is \Vatching an aircraft that is flying at a velocity of l OOms-1 N with respect to the flow of air. If
the velocity of the \Vind is 101n s- 1 north, what is the resultant velocity of the aircraft relative to Raphaela?
(b) Later, she observes a second aircraft flying with a velocity of 125 1n s- 1 N \Vith respect to the flow of the air.
If the flow of the air has a velocity of 10 m s-1 south, then the resultant velocity of this aircraft is 115 n1s-1.
What is the direction of this resultant velocity, relative to Raphaela?
(c) The next day, Raphaela observes another aircraft flying with a velocity of 1001n s- 1 N \Vhich encounters a
\Vmd coining fro1n the side at a rate of25 n1s- 1 W What is the resultant velocity of this aircraft relative to
Raphaela, correct to one decimal place, and \vhat is its direction?
10 Let !. and j be unit vectors in the directions of east and north respectively. Mitchell is swi1n1ning in the ocean
and his velocity !'.i 1n s- 1 is given by the vector !'.i = I.Of - 2.0 j. The ocean's current has a velocity !'.2 n1s-1 \Vhere
!'.2 = -0.5i + 2.5 j. What is the 1nagnitude and direction of Mitchell's resultant velocity!'. m s-1, correct to one
decimal place, and \Vhat is its direction?
11 Let i and j be unit vectors in the directions of east and north respectively. Give answers correct to two decin1al
places \vhere required.
(a) Express each vector in the forn1 xi + yz.
~) OA = 5.0 mat 053°T
(ii) AB = 6.0 mat 315°T (iii) BC = 4.0 n1 at 240°T (iv) CD= 3.0 n1 at 150°T.
(b) Express the swn of the four displacen1ent vectors in the fonn xi+ y l, with values correct to two decm1al places.
(c) What is the 1nagnitude and direction of the resultant vector OD, correct to hvo decimal places, and what
is its direction?
12 Let f and j be unit vectors in the directions of east and north respectively. Morgan and Eilish finish their
last day of school and in1n1ediately decide to take a road trip across the desert in Eilish's ne\v car. Their trip
involves the following moven1ents: 43kr11 at 337°T, 65kI11 at 270°T and 22kin at 93°T. Eilish's car breaks down
after the last leg of the trip.
At this tiI11e, how far are Morgan and Eilish fron1 the school and in what direction?
13 Johanna is driving along the free\vay at 108 kin h- I when it begins to rain.
She observes the raindrops running do\vn the driver's side windo\v.
Calculate the angle that the raindrops 111ake \Vith the vertical windo\v, as seen by
Johanna, if the raindrops have a speed of 10 111 s-I relative to the Earth's surface.
Assu111e that the raindrops fall vertically down, relative to the Earth's surface.
14 Bus # 1 is moving at a speed of 50kn1h-1, while Bus #2 is 111oving at 30kinh-1 in the opposite direction. What
is the relative velocity of Bus # 1 with respect to Bus #2?
A 20kn1h- 1 in the direction of Bus #1 8 20kn1h-1 in the direction of Bus #2
C 80kn1h-1 in the direction of Bus #1 D 80kI11h- 1 in the direction of Bus #2
15 On her \Vay hon1e fron1 school, Teluila \valks along three streets after exiting the school gate. She walks 240 m
east, 720 n1 north and 75111 east. What is the magnitude ofTeluila's resultant displacement?
A 555111 8 763n1 C 786m D 1035n1
16 Freddie rows his boat in a direction perpendicular to the riverbanks. The river is 200 n1 wide. The boat's speed
in this direction is 2 m s-1. The speed of the river's flow is 1 n1s - I and the riverbanks are parallel straight lines.
(a) Calculate the velocity of the boat relative to the riverbank.
(b) At \Vhat distance, in the direction downstrean1 fro111 his starting point, will Freddie get to the other
(c) Calculate Freddie's final displacen1ent from his starting point.
(d) Rohanne is going to cross the river in another ro\vboat. She can ro\v at the speed of 2 111 s- I relative to
the river's flow. At what direction should Rohanne ro\v to get to the other riverbank at the san1e point as
Freddie, and how n1uch tiI11e will this take?
17 The pilot of an aircraft flying due south is notified by the flight controller that there is a second aircraft flying
due north in the same general area and at the san1e altitude. The pilot is told that the northbound aircraft is
currently located at a position that is 12.6 kin, 170°T \vith respect to the pilot's aircraft.
(a) Ho\v n1any kilon1etres to the south is the second aircraft?
(b) Ho\v n1any kilon1etres to the east is the second aircraft?
(c) If the hvo aircrafts both have an airspeed of 300 kin h-1, how much tiI11e (in seconds) will elapse before
they are side by side?
18 An aircraft drops a package of emergency rations to a fan1ily stranded in the floods. The aircraft is travelling
horizontally at 45.0n1s-1 and is 100111 above the ground. A parachute allo\vs the package to fall with constant
speed and hit the ground 10 s after release.
(a) Find where the package hits the ground, relative to the point fro111 where it was dropped, to the nearest n1etre.
(b) Find the velocity of the package just before it hits the ground, correct to one decimal place.
Every object near the Earth's surface is subject to a force called gravity. This force is called the weight of the object
and it acts vertically downwards on every object, to\vards the centre of n1ass of the Earth. The force due to gravity
(the weight force) of a body of mass 1 kilogram is 9.8 N. For exa1nple, a person whose n1ass is 80 kg has a weight
equal to their n1ass multiplied by g, where g= 9.8 n1 s-2, so an 80 kg person weighs 80 x 9.8 = 784 N.
Force is a vector quantity, so it needs both magnitude and direction to fully describe it.
If more than one force is acting on an object, the su1n of all the forces is the
resultant force or net force. The object will n1ove as if the net force is the only
force that is actually acting on the object.
For exan1ple, in the diagran1 on the right, the resultant force acting on the object is f,
the sun1 of the two forces f 1and f 2 acting on the object: f = f 1 + f 2• This principle can F,
be extended to involve the addition of many forces. -
The resultant force or net force f is the vector sum of all the forces acting on an object.
If forces f 1, f 2 , f 3 , ••• f,, act on an object, then f = f 1 + f 2 + f 3 + ... f,,
Example 4
Forces are acting on an object. Calculate the resultant force on the object for each of the following.
(a) F1 = 130N east, F2 = 210N \Vest (b) f1 = 240 N north, f 2 = 165 N west
- -
(a) Vector diagran1 to show the forces acting on the object:
f = f1 + f2
= 130N east + 2 10N west= 80N \Vest
Fi ,.
210N I. • I 130N., F,
- +
(b) Vector diagran1 to sho\v the forces acting on the object: Vector diagram to add the forces:
- 165 N
240 N F 240 N
165 N r-t--,
Using Pythagoras' theoren1: If I= ✓2402 + 165 2
= 291.25 N
Direction of resultan t force: tan 0 = ~~~
0 = tan- ( ~~~)
0 = 34.5 1°
The resultant force is 291.25 N in the direction N34.5 l 0 W.
If the forces acting on an object are in the sa1ne plane, then each of the forces
and the resultant force can be expressed in component form as a su1n of two ~ 1D sin (0)j
perpendicular vectors, using horizontal(£) and vertical (z)
components. The
force f can be resolved into the hvo perpendicular con1ponents as f = xf + yz.
For exan1ple, fron1 the diagram: f = If Icos 0{ + If Isin 0;_·.
_ _.____..,___ -
Example 5
Two forces are acting on an object: f 1 = 120 N acting at N60°E and f 2 = 150 N acting at N50°W Calculate the
resultant force f acting on the object.
Vector diagram to show the forces acting on the object: Resolving forces into horizontal (i) and vertical (1)
N components:
F, F,
• LL
!SON 120N
F, !SON 120N F1 -i
150sin (40°) 120sin (30°)
\V - - - -- E
w-----0~1-----E 150cos (400)
f 1 =120cos30°f+ l 20sin30°z f 2 =-150cos40°f+ l 50sin40°z
= 103.92.i, + 60.00 j = -1 14.91£ + 96.42}
f = f1 +f2
= 103.92.i, + 60.00j- 114.9 1{ + 96.42}
- - 156.42
= (103.92-l 14.91)f + (60.00 + 96.42)}
= -10.98£ + 156.421
= 156.80N
0 = tan - I (156.42)
:. Bearing is (270 + 86) = 356°T
f = 156.80 N acting in the direction 356°T.
The n1ethod shown in Example 5, above, can be used sin1ilarly in situations where n1ore than two forces are acting
on an object.
Example 6
Three forces f 1, f 2and f 3are acting on an object: f 1= 100 N at 045°T, f 2= 130 N at 120°T an d f 3= 80 N at 325°T.
(a) Resolve each of the forces into horizontal f components and vertical j co1nponents.
(b) Detennine the resultant force f.
(a) Vector force diagram:
F · F,
3 '
SON 35•: 45•
- +
Resolving forces into horizontal f and vertical j con1ponents:
100sin (45°)j
130 cos (300) i
80sin(55°)j F,
- 130sin(300)j
- 55°
- 80cos(55°)i
7 1.24j
= 154.77 N
tan0 = 7 1.24
137.4 l i
The resultant force is 154.77N acting at an angle of062.59°T.
Forces in equilibrium
If the resultant force acting on an object is zero, then the forces on the object are said to be in equilibrium. The
object's ,notion \Vill not change, which n1eans that the object \Vill remain at rest or continue \Vith constant velocity.
This is known as Ne\vton's first la\v of n1otion.
Newton's first law of motion states that an object at rest stays at rest and an object in n1otion stays in ,notion
with the same velocity, unless acted upon by an unbalanced force.
Example 7
A particle of mass 10kg is suspended by two strin gs attached to 40°
two points in the same horizontal plane. If the two strings n1ake
angles of25° an d 40° respectively to the horizontal, find the
n1agnitude of the tension force in each string in newtons correct to
two decimal places.
Representing the forces in a triangle:
The triangle of forces is best obtained by
producing the vertical force up\vards,
translating f 2 to the head of f 1 and
producing it until it n1eets the vertical line.
In the original diagran1 the forces are not
dra\vn to scale, so the triangle is not drawn --~----==------4------,,40::•- , , - -
to scale.
Using the sine rule to determine the F2 N
The magnitude of the forces acting and the angles between the forces can also be found by expressing vectors in
con1ponent forn1. If there are not three forces acting on an object, then a triangle of forces obviously cannot be used.
However, if more than one force acts on an object, then the resultant force can ahvays be determined from adding
the forces. If the object is in equilibritun, then the sum of the i co1nponents and the su1n of the j components 1nust
each be zero. -
Example 8
A particle of 1nass 20 kg is suspended by hvo strings attached to hvo 30° 40•
points in the sam e horizontal plane. If the two strings 1nake angles
of 30° and 40° respectively to the horizontal, use component form
to find the magnitude of the tension force in each string, in newtons
correct to one decimal place.
Resolving the forces into i and l components:
F 1N
- F2N
- ~L
1- ---=============0
Forces in equilibrium
Use technology to invest igate forces on an object at equilibrium.
1 Forces are acting on an object. Calculate the resultant force acting on the object for each of the following:
(a) f 1 = 150 N north, f 2 = 120 N south (b) f, = 67 N east, f 2 = 83 N west
(c) f 1 = 320 N east, f 2 = 2 10 N west, f 3 = 140 N east (d) f, = 64 N south, f 2 = 56 N north, f 3 = 48 N south
2 Forces are acting on an object. Calculate the n1agnitude and direction of the resultant force acting on the
object for each of the follo\ving:
(a) f 1 = 160N north, f 2 = 120N west (b) f, = 80 N east, f 2 = 90 N south
(c) f 1 = 125 N \Vest, f 2 = 85 N south (d) f, = 340 N north, f 2 = 110 N east
3 Two tugboats are applying simultaneous forces to a container ship as it atte1npts to come into port. One
tugboat is applying a force of 3200 N in an easterly direction and the second tugboat is applying a 2300 N force
directly south. What is the magnitude and direction of the resultant force being applied to the container ship?
4 Two forces are acting on an object: calculate the resultant force f acting on the object for each of the
following. Give answers correct to two decin1al places.
(a) f 1 = 100 N acting at N40°E and f 2 = 90 N acting at N35°W
(b)f 1 = 200 N acting at N39°W and f 2 = 160 N acting at S40°W
(c)f 1 = 15 N acting at 152°T and f 2 = 23 N acting at 065°T
(d)f 1 = 2050N acting at 037°T and f 2 = 1560N acting at 226°T
5 Three forces f 1, f 2 and f 3 are acting on an object: f 1 = 200 Nat 057°T, f 2 = 220 Nat 170°T and f 3 = 150 Nat
(a) Resolve each force into horizontal f and vertical j co1nponents.
(b) Detennine the resultant force f. Give answers in-co1nponent fonn.
6 Three forces are acting on an object: f 1 = 250 Nat N45°E, f 2 = 270 Nat S35°W and f 3 = 350 Nat S25°E.
(a) Resolve each force into horizontal f con1ponents and vertical j components.
(b) Detennine the resultant force f. Give answers in co1nponent fonn.
7 A particle of mass 20 kg is suspended by two strings
attached to hvo points in the sa1ne horizontal plane.
If the hvo strings make angles of 20° and 45° respectively
to the horizontal, find the n1agnitude of the tension force in
each string, in newtons correct to two decimal places.
8 (a) A particle of n1ass 25 kg is suspended by two strings attached to two points in the same horizontal plane. If
the hvo strings make angles of27° and 42° respectively to the horizontal, draw a force diagrain ai1d find the
n1agnitude of the tension forces, F1 ai1d F2 respectively in each string, in newtons correct to two deciinal places.
(b) A particle of n1ass 56 kg is suspended by two strings attached to two points in the san1e horizontal plane.
If the two strings n1ake angles of 18° ai1d 54° respectively to the horizontal, draw a force diagra1n and
find the n1agnitude of the tension forces, F 1 and F2 respectively in each string, in newtons correct to hvo
deciinal places.
9 A particle of mass 25 kg is suspended by two strings 45°
attached to hvo points in the sa1ne horizontal plane.
If the hvo strings make angles of 20° and 45° respectively
to the horizontal, use co1nponent fonn to find the
n1agnitude of the tension forces, F 1 ai1d F2 respectively
in each string, in ne\vtons correct to one deciinal place. 25g
10 (a) A particle of mass 15kg is suspended by two strings attached to two points in the same horizontal plane.
If the t\vo strings make angles of 22° and 38° respectively to the horizontal, dra\v a force diagran1 and
use co1nponent fonn to find the 1nagnitude of the tension forces, F1 and F2 respectively in each string, in
newtons correct to two deciinal places.
(b) A particle of mass 45 kg is suspended by two strings attached to two points in the same horizontal plane.
If the t\vo strings make angles of 36° and 34° respectively to the horizontal, dra\v a force diagran1 and
use co1nponent fonn to find the 1nagnitude of the tension forces, F1 and F2 respectively in each string, in
newtons correct to two deci1nal places.
11 An object that is being pulled vertically downwards by a force of 70 N is attached
to a wall by a string of negligible 1nass. The object is also being pulled to the right by 350
a horizontal force so that the object is not n1oving and the string makes an angle T
of 35° \Vith the vertical, as shown. -
Find the 1nagnitudes of the horizontal force fN and the tension force in the string,
IN. Give answers correct to two decin1al places.
70 N
12 An object that is being pulled vertically downwards by a force of 250 N is attached to a wall by a string of
negligible mass. The object is also being pulled to the right by a horizontal force so that the object is not
moving and the string 1nakes an angle of 22° with the vertical.
(a) Con1plete the force diagran1 for this situation. Label the horizontal force fN and the tension in the
string IN.
(b) Find the magnitudes of the horizontal force, fN, and the tension in the string, IN.
13 Three forces are acting on an object sin1ultaneously in the san1e plane. The resultant force is f = 360 N due
north. Which of the following co1nbinations of forces \viii give this resultant force?
A f 1 =440 N south, f 2 = 560 N north, f 3 =480 N south
B f 1 = 120 N north, f 2 = 250 N south, f 3 =480 N north
C f 1 = 440 N north, f 2 = 560 N south, f 3 =480 N north
D f 1 = 120 N south, f 2 = 240 N north, f 3 =480 N south
14 (a) Two tugboats are to\ving a large boat of 1nass 15 000 kg in an easterly direction to\vards a dock. The first
tugboat pulls with a force of f 1 = 8000 N at an angle of 28° north of the forward motion while the second
tugboat pulls \Vith a force of f 2 =8250 N at an angle fJ> south of the forward motion. Given that there is
a resistive force of 4200 N opposing the eastern n1otion of the large boat, calculate the total easterly force
acting on the large boat, to the nearest ne\vton.
(b) Two tugboats are to\ving a large boat of 1nass Mkg back to shore. The first tugboat pulls \vith a force of f 1 N at
an angle of27° north of the for\vard n1otion and the second tugboat pulls with a force of f 2 Nat an angle 30°
south of the for\vard n1otion. If the large boat is moving with constant velocity and there is a resistive force of
5500 N opposing this ,notion, calculate the n1agnitudes of the t\vo forces f 1 and f 2 to the nearest newton.
15 A section of a new bridge is being n1oved by four cranes that will move it horizontally into position. The
chains that are connected from the cranes to the bridge section exert forces that are acting on the bridge
si1nultaneously and in the san1e plane. The four forces are f 1 = 2050 Nat 037°T, f 2 = 1560 Nat 130°T,
f 3 = 1650N acting at 237°T and f 4 = 1930 N acting at 316°T.
(a) Resolve each force into horizontal i and vertical j con1ponents.
(b) Calculate the magnitude and direction of the resultant force applied to the bridge section.
' a
-- ~'
li•(O)I cosa
0 1-- - - - - - -Range - - - - - - --i X
A particle is projected from the point O with an initial velocity y(O) at an angle a to the horizontal as shown. The
position vector of the particle is 1:(t) = xf + yj. The only force acting on the particle is the gravitational acceleration g
- -
acting vertically downwards. When t= 0, g(t) = -gj, while y(O) = ly(O)lcosaf + ly(O) lsinaj and 1:(0) = Q.
You can use integration and the initial conditions to derive the equations for y(t) and 1:(t).
To find velocity, integrate g(t): To find position, integrate y(t):
y(t) = g(t)dt 1:(t) = I y(t)dt
= f -gzdt = I (ly(O) Icos af + (ly(O) Isin a - gt) z)dt
= -gtj + £
- = (ly(O) Icos at )i + (ly(O) lsinat -1 gt )L + g
y(O) = -gx(O)j +~
- From initial conditions: 1:(0) = Q
=c :. d- = O
- -
From initial conditions:
y(O) = ly(O) lcos a f + ly(O) Isinaz
Example 9
A particle is projected from a horizontal plane at an angle of 30° with speed of 1001n s- 1• The acceleration due to
gravity is 9.8n1s-2 .
(a) Write ~(O) in con1ponent forn1.
(b) Find !'.(t) and r(t) in con1ponent form.
(c) Find the velocity and position after 4 seconds.
(a) l~(O) I = 100, a= 30°: ~(O) = lOOcos 30°.i, + lOOsin 30°l
=50✓3f +SOj
(b) Find ~(t): ~(t) = -9.Sj (c) t=4: !'.(t)=S0 ✓3f + (50-9.St)j
Integrate ~(t) \Vith respect tot: ~(4) =S0 ✓3f +(50-9.8x4)j
~(t) = ~(t)dt = 50✓3.i, + 10.Sj
= f -9.Bf dt i:(t) = so../3 tf + ( sot -4.9t )t
=-9.Stj+~ r(4) = so../3 x4f + (SOx 4-4.9x 16)}
!'.(O) = 50 ✓3 i + 50 j: 50✓3 i + 50 j = ~ = 200../3 i + 121.6L
- -
!'.(t) = 50✓3 i + (50-9.St)j
Integrate !'.(t) \Vith respect tot:
i:(t) = I ~(t)dt
= f (so../3f +(so-9.Bt)f)dt
= soJ3 tf + (sot-4.9t )t + rJ
i:(O) =Q: q=Q
r(t) = so../3 tf + ( sot-4.9t
) t
This trajectory is a concave down parabola and the properties of the parabola may be used to answer questions
about this path.
x ( tana- g2x 2 ) =o
211:'. (0)1 cos a
2 2
2lr (O) l cos a tan a
x = O or x= ~ - - - ' - - - - - -
_ 2 lr(O)l sinacosa
_ 11:'. (0)1 sin2a
lv(O) l sin2a
:. Greatest height occurs at x = ,_----'----
2 2 2
lv(O)l sin2a g lr (O) l sin 2a
Greatest heigh t is: y = - x tan a - 2 x
2g 2
211:'. co)I cos a 2g
2 4 2 2
_ 11:'.( 0)1 2sinacosa sin a g 11:'.(0) 1 x4sin acos a
- ' - ~ - - - - - x - - - - -~ - - x
2g cosa 2 lr (O)l2 cos2 a 4g2
2 2 2 2
_ l1:'. (0) l sin a ly(O) l sin a
g 2g
2 2
_ lr (O) l sin a
Time of flight
In the typical case, the tilne of flight is the tilne taken for the projectile to return to the ground.
This is ,vhen the vertical co1nponent of !'.(t) is equal to zero.
y = 11:'.(0)lsinat- ~ gt
l~(O) lsinat- ~ gt 2 = 0
Range of flight
The range is the horizontal distance fro1n the point of projection to the point where the particle hits the ground.
Maximum range 2
lv(O) l sin2a
For a given speed of projection 11:'.(0) I, the equation R = - g defines the range Ras a function of the angle of
projection a. This function has its greatest value where sin 2a= 1 or a= 45°.
Thus the greatest range of the particle occurs where a= 45° and is given by: Rmax = l1:'.(0)l
Example 10
In Example 9, you found that 1:'.(0) = 50 ✓3£ +50 1:'.(t) = 50 ✓3 i + (50-9.St)t and r(t) = 50 ✓3 ti+ (sot -4.9t 2 )L
Use this infonnation to find:
(a) the equation of the trajectory
(b) the greatest height reached
(c) the time of flight and the range of the flight.
(a) r(t) = so ✓3 tf + (sot-4.9t 2 )t x = so ✓3 t, y = sot-4.9t 2
Hence t =
50 3
JJ so y = 50 x JJ -
50 3
4.9 x ( JJ )
50 3
X 4.9x 2
= ✓3- 7500
x ✓3 49x 2
- 3 75000
y = 50t-4.9t : Greatest height is Ymax = SOX
19°-4.9x( 19°) 2
t=O or t= -50
Time of flight is 10.2 s.
For the range, substitute t = !.~ into x = 50✓3 t: Range= 50✓3 x I.~= 883.7111
You can see from the calculations above why you are often giveng= l Oms-2 rather than g= 9.81ns-2 .
A particle is not always projected from level ground, so you will usually need to draw a diagrain to show all the
given information and so you can form the appropriate vector for ~(t) and the initial conditions for y(t) and !'.(t).
Example 11 20ms- 1
A particle is projected fron1 a \vindo\v 9 n1etres above the y
horizontal ground at an angle a to the horizontal, where
3 .h
tai1 a= , \Vlt uutla1ve1oc1ty
an ... . o f20 111 s_, . Use g = 10 1n s- 2 .
(a) Write y(O) and r(O) in co1nponent fonn. w - . -------
(b) Find v(t) and r(t ).
- - .:9m
(c) When does the particle hit the ground?
(d) What is the horizontal distai1ce fro1n the base of the
0 Ground level X
building to where the particle hits th e ground?
(e) What is the n1aximun1 height of the particle above the ground?
(f) What is the Cartesian equation of the path of the particle?
(a) sin a= l, cos a= 4 , lv(O) I = 20:
5 5 -
y(O) = 20cosa£ + 20sinaj
- 5 3
= 20 X 4 i + 20 X J ].
s- 5-
= 16f +12j a
- 4
t = 0, x= O,y= 9: r(O) = Of +9z
(c) The particle hits the ground where y = 0: (d) Find x when t = 3: x = 16x3=481n
9+ 12t-St2 =0 The particle hits the ground 48 1netres
(3 + 5t)(3 - t) = 0 from the base of the building.
t= _l or t= 3
As t > 0, t = 3 and the particle hits the ground
after 3 seconds.
(e) The n1aximun1 height occurs when the vertical (f) t;(t)= l 6tf +(9+ 12t-St )z:
velocity is zero: 12 - 1Ot = 0
x= 16t,y=9+ 12t-St2
t = 1.2s 2
Projectile motion
Use techno logy to graph the motion of a projectile under the fo rce of g ravity.
Example 12
A particle is projected horizontally fro1n the top of a cliff 20 m above
the water, \Vith a velocityof30n1s-1. Useg= l Oms-2•
0 30m/s
(a) Write );'.(O) and t;(O) in con1ponent forn1.
...I X
(a) Horizontal velocity, (b) q(t)=-gj
so ~(O) = 30f +Oj·
- J
Integrate ~(t) with respect tot: ~(t) = ~(t)dt
The top of cliff is taken as the
origin, so r( 0) =Q = f -gzdt
The particle hits the water \Vhen =-gtz+£
y=-20,n. ~(0)=30f + Oj: 30f =~
~(t) = 30f-gtj
- d =0
-r(O)=O: ,., _,
Note: If there is no vertical co1nponent of projection, then the velocity of projection does not affect the tiine taken
to reach the water. If you drop an object and at the sa1ne tiine throw another object horizontally, you will notice that
both objects reach the ground at the san1e tiine (assuming that air resistance is not significantly different for the
objects). In both cases the vertical n1otion is governed by y = - ~ gt 2 , independent of any horizontal ,notion, just as
in the previous exa1nple.
Example 13
A particle is projected fron1 ground level and 1.5 seconds later it just clears a \Vall 3. 75 1netres high
I~( I I
at a horizontal distance of 36 1netres. If the initial velocity is 0) = cos af + sin al n1 s-l and I
~(t) =l~(O)Itcosa i + (l~(O)It sin a-5t
) t
(a) Calculate the initial velocity and the angle of projection.
(b) Find expressions for r(t) and ~(t) in component form. (c) Find the range.
I!'. (OJI
(36, 3¾)
(a) t = 1.5, x = 36, y = 3.75: r(t) = l~(O) Itcosa i + (l~(O) It sina-5t
) l
Hence x = l~(O) Itcosa and y = l~(O) Itsina-5t
Solve simultaneously to find the angle of projection a.
t = 1.5, x = 36: 36 = 1.51~(0)1cos a (1)
t = 1.5, y = 3.75: 3.75 = 1.51~(0)1sin a - 5 x 1.52
15 = L5l~(O)lsina (2)
15 L5l~(O) lsina
(2) + (1):
36 = L5l~(O) icosa
a= 22°37'
To calculate the velocity of projection lv(O) Isubstitute into [ 1): cos(a) = ~;, as tan a=
36 =I~(O) IX l3
1.5 12
(b) r(t) = 26tcosa + ( 26t sin a - 5t
)z (c) y=O: 10t-5t2=0
5t(2 - t) = 0
= 26t X i + (26t X 2_ - 5t 2 ) j t= 2s
13- 13 -
x=24x2=48 m
= 24t i + ( l Ot - 5t
) z The range is 48 metres.
Differentiate r(t) ,vith respect to t:
~(t) = 24f + (10-lOt)j
Example 14 )'
A stone is thro,vn to hit a s1nall object sitting on 40 ms- 1
top of a wall that is 20 metres horizontally fro1n
the point of projection and 5 n1etres high. If the
stone is thrown from ground level with a speed , P (20, 5)
of 401ns- 1, show that there are hvo angles of
projection that will allow the object to be hit.
The position vector of the particle is given by
r(t) = l~(O) It cosaf + o~(O) It sin a-5t ) f where l~(O) I
2 X
l~(O) I= 40, i:(t) = 40tcosaf + ( 40tsina-5t 2 )L, x = 20, y = 5.
x = 20: 40tcos a= 20
t= ---'c...._
y= 5: 40tsin a-Sr= 5 [l]
Substitute t =
2 cos a
into [l]: 40sinax
2 cos a
-s( 1
2 cos a
) =5
20tan a- cos 2 a= 5
80tan a-Ssec 2 a= 20 [2]
Substitute the identity sec2 a= I + tan 2 a into [2] to solve for a: 80 tan a - 5 ( 1+ tan 2 a) = 20
5tan2 a-80tana+25 = 0
tan 2 a-16tan a+5 = 0
_ 16± ✓236
=8 + ✓59
tan a= 15.68 or 0.3 189
a= 86°21' or 17°41'
There are two angles of projection that allow the object to be hit, 17° 41' and 86° 21'.
1 A particle is projected with a speed of 100 n1etres per second from a horizontal plane at an angle of 60°.
Given ~(t) = 100cos60°f + (lOOsin 60° - I Ot)l, find: Y
(a) when the particle reaches its greatest height
(b) its position vector r(t)
(c) the greatest height reached 1oo ms- 1
(d) the time of flight
(e) the horizontal range
(f) the equation of the trajectory.
2 A particle is projected with a speed of801ns- fron1 a horizontal 0 X
(c) Hence find the tiine of flight and the range of the projectile.
(d) Find the maxin1um height reached by the projectile.
(e) Show that the equation of the trajectory is y = ~ - ;;, .
4 A cricket ball is hit with a velocity of 12.5 m s-1 at an angle with the horizontal whose tangent is i·
(a) If ):'.(t) = l!'.(O)Icosaf + (l!'.(O)Isma - z,
gt) find ):'.(t) and r(t), given that g = IO m s-2 and tan a= i·
(b) Find the greatest height reached.
(c) Find the tin1e of flight and the horizontal distance travelled.
5 A particle is projected so that at time tits position is given by r(t) = 36tf + ( 15t - ~ gt 2 )f, \Vhere distances are
in metres and time is in seconds. If a is the angle of projection and l!'.(O)Iis the initial velocity, which of the
follo\ving staten1ents is correct?
A l!'.(O)I =36 n1s-1 and a = sin- • (i53 ) 8 l!'.(O)I = 15111s- 1 and a = cos- •( ~;)
D l!'.(O)I = 39111s- 1 and a = tan- 1 ( )
6 The equation of the trajectory of a particle projected fron1 the origin is given by y= ; - :Oo. Find:
(a) where it hits the ground (b) the greatest height reached.
7 A particle is projected at an angle a to the horizontal with a velocity of 50 111 s-l. It passes through the point
(200, 25) where distance is measured in n1etres and g = IO 111 s- 2 .
(a) Write the expression for ):'.(O). (b) Find the vectors ):'.(t) and r(t).
(c) Find a given that the particle passes through the point (200, 25).
8 A ball is projected so that its horizontal range is 45 metres. It passes through a point l l .25111etres vertically
above and 22.5 metres horizontally fro111 the pomt of projection.
(a) Ifl):'.(O) I is the initial velocity and a the angle of projection, find expressions for ):'.(t) and r(t).
(b) Giveng= lOms-2 , find the angle of projection and the speed of projection.
(22.5, 11.25)
0 - ···························45m················································· - I x
9 A stone is projected fro111 the edge of a cliff \Vith a speed of 30 n1s-1 to hit an object 120 n1 horizontally fro111
the edge and 35111 belo\v. Giveng= l On1s-2 , find:
(a) expressions for ):'.(t) and r(t) (b) the angle of projection.
10 A ball is thro\vn horizontally with speed v 111 s-l fron1 a point h n1etres above the ground and lands at a
horizontal distanced 111etres fron1 the point of release. Useg = lOms-2 .
(a) Find expressions for ):'.(t) and r(t). (b) Find v given d = 3 and h = 1.25.
(c) Find h given v = IO and d = 20.
11 A particle is projected fron1 a point \Vhose coordinates are (O, O) \Vith a velocity 20 Ill s- 1 horizontally and
l OOms-1 vertically. Assumeg= 101lls-2 .
(a) What is the angle of projection? (b) Find expressions for !'.(t) and r (t ).
(c) Find the tin1e when the projectile passes through the point whose horizontal distance from O is 120 Ill.
(d) What is the vertical height at this time in (c)?
12 A particle is projected so that at any tin1e tits position is given by r(t ) = 36tf + (15 t -5t 2 ) f, \Vhere distances
are llleasured in metres. Find:
(a) the velocity of projection (b) the angle of projection
(c) the greatest height reached (d) the range.
13 A particle is projected so that at any tin1e tits position is given by r(t ) = 15 tf + ( 20 t - 5t 2 ) l, where distances
are llleasured in metres. Find:
(a) the point of projection (b) the angle of projection
(c) the speed of projection (d) the coordinates of the highest point on the path.
14 A shell is fired at 200 1lletres per second to strike a target 2 lull a\vay. Using g = 10 ms- 2 , find:
(a) expressions for y(t) and r(t) (b) the angle of projection.
15 An aircraft travelling at 630lunh-1 drops a package fro1ll a height of lOOOn1. Usingg = lOn1s-2, find:
(a) expressions for y(t) and r(t) (b) the tiille taken for the package to hit the ground
(c) the horizontal distance travelled by the package.
16 A particle is projected to just clear two walls that are each 7 Ill tall, and 7 m and 14 Ill respectively a\vay from
the point of projection. It is given that r(t) = Vt cosaf + ( Vt sin a -5 t 2 ) L-
(a) If a is the angle of projection, prove that tan a= 1.5.
(b) Show that if the walls are h llletres high and are respectively b metres and c n1etres distant fron1 the point
. . th h(b + c)
of proJectlon, en tan a = be .
17 A particle is projected with a speed of 25 ill s- 1 in the direction of a point P that is 7 n1 vertically above and
24 m horizontally fron1 the point of projection. Use g = 10 Ill s-2 .
(a) Draw a diagram to sho\v this infonllation. (b) What is the angle of projection?
(c) Find expressions for y(t ) and r(t).
(d) Find the coordinates of the pomt on the trajectory directly below P.
(e) At the mstant of the particle's projection, a second particle is dropped from P. Find the position vector for
this second particle.
(f) Prove that the two particles will collide (i.e. will be in the same place at the san1e tiille).
18 A particle projected at an angle of 15° has a horizontal range of 80 Ill. Use g= 10 n1 s- •
(a) Find expressions for y(t ) and ~(t). (b) What is the velocity of projection?
(c) What would be the range if the angle of projection were increased to 45° \vith the sa1lle speed of projection?
19 A stone is projected horizontally with a velocity of 15 ms- I fro1ll the top of a building 30 m high.
Useg = lOn1s .
(a) Find expressions for y ,(t) and!'. 1(t ), the velocity and position of the stone.
At the same instant another stone is projected fron1 the base of the same building \vith a velocity of 30 m s-1 at
an angle of 60° to the horizontal. The two stones collide.
(b) Find expressions for !'. 2 (t) and r 2 (t ), the velocity and position of the second stone.
(c) If the coordinates of the base of the building are (O, 0), find the coordmates of the point of collision.
20 A golfer hits a ball fron1 a point on a flat golf course. Two seconds later, it strikes the ground 50 m a\vay.
Usingg= 101ns-2 , find:
(a) expressions for ~(t) and r(t) (b) the velocity and angle of projection
(c) the n1axi1nun1 height of the ball above the golf course.
21 A particle is projected \Vith velocity 20n1s-1 to hit a target at a horizontal distance 20m fron1 the point of
projection and a vertical height of 10111. Usingg= 101ns-2 , find:
(a) expressions for ~(t) and r(t) (b) t\vo possible angles of projection.
22 A particle is projected so that its position vector is given by r(t) = 30t i + ( 40t -5t 2 ) j, where distances are
measured in n1etres and tin1e in seconds. Find:
(a) the expression for ~(t) (b) the velocity of projection (c) the angle of projection
(d) the Cartesian coordinates of th e highest point on the path.
23 A particle projected from a point 1neets the horizontal plane through the point of projection after travelling a
horizontal distance a. In the course of its trajectory it reaches a greatest height b above the point of projection.
(a) Find expressions for ~(t) and r(t).
(b) Find the horizontal and vertical con1ponents of the velocity of projection in tern1s of a and b.
(c) Show that \Vhen the particle has travelled a horizontal distance x, it has reached a height of bx(~ - x).
24 A football kicked at 16ms- just passes over a crossbar 4n1 high and l6n1 away.
(a) If ais the angle of projection, finds expressions for ~(t) and r(t).
(b) Usingg= 101ns-2, show that a satisfies 5 tan2 a- 16tan a+ 9 = 0.
1 A car is moving at a speed of 100 kn1 h-1 and a truck is n1oving at 90 km h- 1in the opposite direction.
The relative velocity of the car with respect to the truck is:
A 10 km h- 1 in the direction of the truck B 10 km h- 1in the direction of the car
C 190 kin h_, in the direction of the truck D 190 kin h-1in the direction of the car
2 On his way home from training, Mitch walks along three streets. He \valks 1501n north, 300 n1 east and 250 n1
north. The n1agnitude of Mitch's resultant displace1nent is:
A 200111 B 400 m C 500111 D 700 n1
3 Three forces are acting sin1ultaneously in the san1e plane on an object. The resultant force is f = 520 N due
east. Which of the following combinations of forces will give this resultant force?
A f 1 = 350 N west, f 2 = 270 N east, f 3 = 440 N west
B f 1 = 350 N east, f 2 = 270 N west, f 3 = 440 N east
C f 1 = 350 N east, f 2 = 270 N west, f 3 = 440 N \Vest
D f 1 = 350 N west, f 2 = 270 N east, f 3 = 440 N east
4 A soccer ball is struck with a force of 420 N in the direction N22°E. The northerly and easterly components of
this force are f 1 and f 2 respectively. The 1nagnitudes of these forces are:
A f 1 =87N,f2 =411N B f 1 =411N,f2 =87N
C f 1 = 157N, f 2 = 389N D f 1 = 389N, f 2 = 157N
5 Forces are acting on an object. Calculate the resultant force acting on the object for each of the following:
(a) f 1 = 250 N north, f 2 = 450 N south, f 3 = 125 N north (b) f 1 = 100 N east, f 2 = 100 N south
6 A particle of mass 50 kg is suspended by two strings attached to two points in the same horizontal plane.
If the t\vo strings each 111ake angles of 30° respectively to the horizontal, find the n1agnitude of the tension in
each string, in newtons, given that sin 30° = ~.
7 Jaide paddles her canoe in a direction perpendicular to the riverbanks. The river is 120 n1 wide. The canoe's
speed in this direction is l.5ms-1. The water in the river is flowing at 0.8ms-1 and you can assume that the
riverbanks are parallel straight lines.
(a) Calculate the velocity of the canoe relative to the bank. Give the angle correct to t\vo deci111al places.
(b) At \Vhat distance, in the direction downstrean1 fro111 the starting point, will Jaide get to the other
(c) Calculate Jaide's final displacen1ent fro111 the starting point.
(d) Jake is going to cross the river in another canoe. He can paddle at the speed of l.8111 s-I relative to the
water's flow. At what direction should Jake row to get to the sai11e end-point as Jaide, and how 111uch tin1e
will this take?
8 A particle is projected with a velocity whose horizontal and vertical components are 6 m s-1and 4 m s-1
respectively. Use g = l On1s- 2 .
(a) Draw a diagram to sho\v this infon11ation. (b) What is the angle of projection?
(c) Find expressions for ~(t) and r(t). (d) Find the greatest height reached.
(e) Find the horizontal range.
9 A cricketer hits a cricket ball off the ground towards a fielder \Vho is 65 m away. The ball reaches a maxin1u111
height of 4.9 n1 and the horizontal component of the velocity is 28 n1s-1. Use g= 9.8 n1 s-2 .
(a) Find expressions for ~(t) and r(t).
(b) How n1uch time does it take for the ball to reach its greatest height?
(c) Ho\v far has the ball travelled horizontally when it has descended to a height of 1.3111?
(d) Find the constant speed with which the fielder must run forward, starting at the instant the ball is hit, in
order to catch the ball at a height of 1.3 m above the ground.
10 A particle is projected fron1 a point 15111 above horizontal ground. At its highest point it just clears the top of a
wall 26.25m high and 30m away. Use g= 10 ms-2 .
(a) Draw a diagram to sho\v this infon11ation. (b) Find expressions for ~(t) and r(t).
(c) Find the speed ai1d the ai1gle of projection of the particle.
11 A tennis ball is struck \Vith a force of 300 N in the direction S40°W The southerly and \Vesterly con1ponents of
this force are f 1 ai1d f 2 respectively. The n1agnitudes of these forces are:
A f 1 =230N,f2 =230N B f 1 =193N,f2 =230N
C f 1 =230N,f2 = 193N D f 1 = 150N,f2 =260N
Example 1
Decide \Vhether each state1nent could represent a Bernoulli trial.
(a) You can either pass or fail an exa1nination.
(b) You can either buy a particular braJ1d of phone or not buy it.
(c) You can either \Valk, ride your bike or catch the bus to school.
(d) You can either get the job that you applied for or not get that job.
(a) Only two outcon1es, so it is a Bernoulli trial. (b) Only two outco1nes, so it is a Bernoulli trial.
(c) Three possible outcomes, so it is not a Bernoulli trial. (d) O nly t\vo outco1nes, so it is a Bern oulli trial.
p ifx= l
P(X = x )=
1-p ifx = O
The probability distribution table for this situation is: 0 1
1-p p
1 In an exa1nination there are 10 multiple-choice questions \vith four possible answers, only one of which is
(a) If you just guess your ans\vers, does this form a sequence of Bernoulli trials?
(b) Use Pascal's triangle (or the binomial expansion) to calculate the number of different ways you could get
6 out of the 10 questions correct.
2 At the recent local government elections, 20 people are selected at random after leaving the polling booth and
asked if they have voted for a particular candidate. Would the list of responses represent a Bernoulli trial?
3 The babies born at a hospital in one 111011th have their sex recorded as '1nale' or 'female'.
(a) Would the list of sexes represent a Bernoulli trial?
(b) In 20 births at the hospital during the 111onth, 11 are male. Use Pascal's triangle (or the bino1nial
expansion) to calculate the number of different ways this result could occur.
4 A coin is tossed four tin1es.
(a) Would the list of outco1nes represent a Bernoulli trial?
(b) If the possible outcomes are recorded as H (heads) or T (tails), list all possible sets of outcomes \Vith at
least three heads.
5 Two standard dice are rolled together and the sun1 of the numbers rolled is noted. The result is recorded as either
7 or not 7.
(a) Does this experiment represent a Bernoulli trial?
(b) If pis the probability of a sun1 of 7, find the value of p.
(c) In 36 rolls of the dice, how many tin1es would you expect the su1n to be 7?
X - B(n, p) indicates a random variable X that has a binomial distribution \vith n identical trials and a
probability of success of p.
Consider the experi1nent of dra\ving three cards, one at a tiine \Vith replace1nent, fron1 a standard pack of 52 playing
cards. If interested in the nun1ber X of hearts cards selected, then Xis a binomial variable. Consider dra\ving a heart
card to be a success. In tern1s of notation, n = 3 (the nun1ber of trials) and p = .!. (the probability of success on any
particular trial, as P(heart) = .!..
If you were drawing three cards fron1 a pack without replace1nent, then X would not be a bino1nial variable because
the probability of success p would change with each draw.
Even if an experin1ent has only two possible outcomes, it is not auto1natically bino1nial.
Example 2
Find the probability of obtaining exactly hvo hearts in a selection of three cards if the card is replaced after
each selection.
There are three ways to obtain exactly hvo hearts: HHN, HNH, NHH, ,vhere H represents 'getting a heart'
and N represents 'not getting a heart'.
In each case, the probability is equal to .!.x .!.xi.
4 4 4
P(exactlytwohearts)=3x ( -1 ) x -3 = - 9
4 4 64
Binomial theorem
In Chapter 6 Pern1utations and combinations, you developed Pascal's triangle and the general expansion of (a + b)"
using the binomial theore1n.
This is ,vritten as:
(a + b)" = "C0a" + "C1a''- 1b + "C2a" - 2b2 + .... + "C,a" - ' b' + ... + "C,,b"
where "C = ·
' (n-r)!r!
Example 3
Calculate, using technology or by hand, the coefficients in the expansion of (a + b) 6•
C0 = 1, 6C1 = 6, 6C2 = 15, 6 C3 = 20, 6C4 = 15, 6 C5 = 6, 6C6 = 1
Thus (a+ b)6 = a6 + 6a 5b + 15a4b 2 + 20a3 b3 + 15a2b4 + 6ab 5 + b6 .
It is usual to replace "C, by (~) when working with binon1ial probabilities. Do not n1ix up this notation with the
colu1nn vector!
It is easy to ,vork out sin1ple exan1ples like Exan1ple 2, but when finding the probability of dra,ving 13 hearts
from 30 draws, it is not as easy to list all the possible outco1nes. Instead you can use C13 to find the total nun1ber
of possible outcon1es. With the binomial distribution, use the alternative notation (;) or in this case, ( :~}
Consider the probability of obtaining any one of these outco1nes, such as 13H followed by 17N. The probability of
3 7
thisis ( 1 ) ' x ( 3) '
4 4
Recalling that the probability of failure is so1netimes ,vritten as q, ,vhere p + q = 1, this can also be ,vritten as:
Example 4
A variable x follo,vs the distribu tion X - B( 10, 0.6).
Find P(X = 5) for this distribution, expressing your answer correct to four decin1al places.
Identify n (the n un1ber of trials), x (the nu1nber of successes), p (the probability of success), and
1 - p (the probability of failure):
n = 10 X=5 p = 0.6 1- p = 0.4
P(X = 5) = 0.2007
There is a clear link between the binomial probability distribution and the binon1ial theorem, although the order
of the terms has been reversed. You can use this link to show that the sun1 of the bino1nial probabilities equals one.
Reme1nber, it is a condition for a probability distribution that the su1n of the probabilities equals one.
Using the expansion of the binomial theore1n:
i=O I
= l"
You can also think of a binomial distribution in tern1s of the expansion of (p + q)", where p + q= 1, and pis the
probability of success.
Example 5
The probability of any particular egg being cracked in a carton containing a dozen eggs is 0.05.
Find the probability that exactly three eggs are cracked, stating your ans\ver correct to three deciinal places.
Binomial probability is appropriate because there are two outcon1es, a fixed probability of success and a
defined nu1nber of trials.
Identify n (the number of trials), x (the nun1ber of successes, i.e. cracked eggs), p (the probability of success),
and 1 - p (the probability of failure):
n = 12, X = 3, p = 0.05, 1 - p = 0.95
P(X = 3) = ( : )(0.05) 3 (0.95) 9
P(X=3) = 0.017
Example 6
A particular medical test correctly identifies whether or not a person has an illness 98% of the tin1e. If 10 people
are tested, find the following probabilities, correct to three deci1nal places:
(a) No people are incorrectly diagnosed.
(b) At least one person is incorrectly diagnosed.
(a) Identify n, x and p: n = IO, x = IO, p = 0.98
Example 7
Accurate Andy is a darts player whose favourite shot is the triple-hventy. Andy is successful with this shot 80%
of the time. In each of the following situations, An dy has five shots. In each case state your answer correct to
four decin1al places where necessary.
(a) Find the probability that Andy makes exactly two triple-hventies.
(b) Find the probability that Andy 1nakes n1ore than three triple-twenties.
(c) Find the probability that Andy 1nakes triple-hventies on his first and fifth attempts only.
(a) n = 5, x = 2, p = 0.8
P(X=2l= (~)co.8)2(0.2)
P(X = 2) = 0.0512
(b) P (more than three successes)= P(four successes)+ P(five successes)
P(X > 3) = P(X = 4) + P(X = 5)
= (!) 1 5
(0.8)4(0.2) + (:) (0.8) (0.2)
= 0.4096 + 0.32768
(c) Certain conditions have been specified, therefore you cannot use a complete tern1 fro1n the binon1ial
distribution. In this case, consider only the sequence SFFFS, not the 1nore general case
of hvo successes anywhere within the five trials.
P(triple-twenty on first and fifth only)= 0.8 x 0.2 x 0.2 x 0.2 x 0.8
= 0.00512
"'0.005 1
0.10 +
0.05 ·• 0.0 16
0 1 2 3 X
No,v, consider the effect that the values n and p have on the graph of the distribution. The following diagrams ,vill
help you understand the effect each of these variables has on the graph.
Set n = 10.
1 Find the stated probability for the following bi1101nial distributions. Give your answers correct to
four decin1al places (d.p.).
(a) P(X = 4) if X - B( l 2, 0.7) (b) P(X = 6) if X - B(20, 0.45)
(c) P(X = 2) if X - B(B, 0.3) (d) P(X = 30) if X - B(50, 0.6)
2 A spinner is divided into eight equal sections, of which three are shaded. Find the probability, correct to four
decimal places, of the spinner landing on a shaded section exactly five tiines out of 10 spms.
3 A stan dard six-sided die is rolled 50 tin1es. Find the probability, correct to five deciinal places, of the
follo,ving outcomes:
(a) exactly 30 even nun1bers are rolled (b) at least one 6 is rolled.
4 Peter, a keen gardener, knows fro1n past experience that only 60% of his tulip bulbs will flower. He plants
20 bulbs. Fmd the probability, correct to five decin1al places, of the follo,ving outcomes:
(a) exactly 15 bulbs flower (b) n1ore than 15 bulbs flo,ver.
5 For each of the following situations, state \vhether or not it is suitable for binomial 1nodelling. For those that
are not, explain why the binon1ial model is not suitable.
(a) You are playing a gan1e where you are required to roll a 6 before you can start. The number of rolls
required for the eight players is recorded.
(b) A die is biased in such a way that P(4) = - .The die is rolled 40 tiines and the nu1nber of 4s rolled
is recorded. 3
6 If 100 cards are dra\vn with replacen1ent fro1n a standard pack of 52 playing cards, find the probability of the
following events, correct to four deciinal places:
(a) exactly 25 hearts are dra\vn (b) exactly 40 cards are clubs
(c) exactly 55 red cards are dra\vn (d) exactly 60 cards are black.
7 The probability that an archer will shoot a bullseye \Vith any particular arrow is - . The archer shoots
10 arrows. Which of the follo\ving expressions best represents the probability that the archer misses
the bullseye \Vith exactly two of the arrows?
8 In Amazonia, 62% of all births are girls. Find the probability, correct to four decin1al places, that of eight births
exactly half are girls.
9 In the town of Sinistraville, 35% of the population is left-handed. Find the probability, correct to four decimal
places, that exactly 35 people out of a randon1 san1ple of 100 will be left-handed.
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 x
12 Cards are dealt from a standard pack of 52 playing cards without replacen1ent. Let X be the nun1ber of hearts
dealt and assu1ne five cards are dealt. Can this experiinent be described as X - B ( 5,:)?
13 On the way to work, Philo1nena 1nust drive through six sets of traffic lights. The lights are independent of each
other and the probability that Philon1ena must stop at any particular set is 0.7. Find the probability, correct to
four decin1al places, that Philo1nena stops at the following sets of lights:
(a) exactly five sets of lights (b) fe\ver than two sets of lights
(c) more than five sets of lights (d) the first three sets of lights
(e) the second and sixth sets of lights only ( f) four sets of lights, including the first t\vo.
14 Boxes of matches are supposed to contain 47 ,natches. Production records indicate that 80% of boxes contain
47 ,natches. A batch of20 boxes is sa1npled. If 1nore than four boxes do not contain exactly 47 ,natches,
production is stopped.
(a) Find the probability, correct to four deci1nal places, that of the 20 boxes selected, the nu1nber of boxes
that do not contain 47 ,natches is the following:
~) 0 boxes (ii) 1 box (iii) 2 boxes (iv) 3 boxes (v) 4 boxes
(b) Find the probability that the nun1ber of boxes that do not have 47 matches is no n1ore than four.
(c) Find the probability that production is stopped.
15 The local baker kno\vs that, on average, 8% of the loaves of bread baked each day are slightly burnt and
cannot be sold at full price. The likelihood of a particular loaf being slightly burnt is independent of any other
loaf being slightly burnt. For each of the follo\ving, give your answers correct to four decimal places \Vhere
(a) If a random sample of 12 loaves is selected, what is the probability that exactly one loaf cannot be sold
at full price?
(b) For the san1e rando1n sa1nple, calculate the probability that exactly three loaves are slightly burnt.
(c) What is the probability that all loaves in the random sample are sold at full price?
(d) To make a profit, the baker has to sell more than 40% of the loaves at full price. Calculate the probability
that the baker n1akes a profit selling the 12 loaves.
16 A recording co1npany receives a large number of ne\v songs from various artists. On average, only 4% of the
ne\v songs become popular hits. One of the producers decides to select a random sample of 35 new songs.
(a) What is the probability that a maxin1um of three new songs fro1n the sample \vill become popular hits?
State your ans\ver correct to three deciinal places.
(b) What is the probability that 1nore than four but less than six songs fro1n the sample \vill become popular
hits? State your ans\ver correct to three deci1nal places.
(c) Detern1ine the 1nost likely number of songs fron1 this san1ple that will becon1e popular hits. Explain your
answer using appropriate calculations.
(d) The producer decides to select 70 songs at rando1n from the new songs received. If the probability of a
new song becon1ing a popular hit has not changed, \Vhat is the probability that exactly one ne\v song will
become a popular hit?
(e) What \vould be the n1ost likely nu1nber of new songs fro1n this sa1nple to beco1ne popular hits? Explain
your answer using appropriate calculations.
17 Black n1arket DVDs have a 0. 15 chance of being faulty. Five DVDs are purchased independently.
(a) Draw a table to sho\v the probability distribution of X, the nun1ber of faulty DVDs purchased.
(b) Find the probability that fe\ver than four faulty DVDs are purchased if you know there is at least one
faulty DVD.
X 0 1 2 3 4 5
P(X=x) 0.07776 0.2592 0.3456 0.2304 0.0768 0.0 1024
Using the 1nethod outlined earlier in this chapter, you can find the expected value of X, E(X), and the Variance of X, Var(X).
E(X)= L X;P ;
= 0 X 0.07776 + 1 X 0.2592 + 2 X 0.3456 + 3 X 0.2304 + 4 X 0.0768 + 5 X 0.01024
= 0 + 0.2592 + 0.6912 + 0.6912 + 0.3072 + 0.0512
So, [E(X) ] =4
) ='I,x; P;
= 0 X 0.07776 + 1 X 0.2592 + 4 X 0.3456 + 9 X 0.2304 + 16 X 0.0768 + 25 X 0.01024
= 0 + 0.2592 + 1.3824 + 2.0736 + 1.2288 + 0.256
= 5.2
So, Var(X) =E(X2) - [E(X)]2
= 5.2 -4
= 1.2
When dealing with a binon1ial distribution, if Xis the randon1 variable representing the nu1nber of successes
in n trials and p is the (constant) probability of success, then:
E(X) = np = µ (1nean)
Var(X)=np(l - p)
a(X) = Jnp( l - p)
You can check these results for the example given at the very beginning of this section, where X - B(5, 0.4).
Using the rules:
Example 8
Find the follo,ving statistics for X - B(l5, 0.3). If necessary, give answers correct to hvo deciinal places.
(a) E(X) (b) Var(X) (c) a(X)
(a) E(X) = np (b) Var(X) = np(l - p) (c) a(X) = .Jnp(1- p)
= 15 X 0.3 =4.5 X (1 - 0.3)
=4.5 = 3. 15 = ✓3.15
= 1.77
Example 9
Given X - B(20, p) and E(X) =5, find the value of p.
Use E(X) = np: np = 5
Substitute the kI10,vn value: 20 x p = 5
5 1
Solve for the unknown: p = - = - = 0.25
20 4
Example 10
Given X - B(n, p), µ = 9 and a 2 = 6.3, find the values of n and p.
µ=np a 2 =np(I-p)
µ =9 :.np=9 a 2 = 6.3 :. np(I - p) = 6.3
Substitute for the known value of np in the a 2 equation: 9(1 - p) = 6.3
1-p =0.7
p= 0.3
Fin d n: n x 0.3 = 9
n= -
n = 30, p = 0.3, so X - B(30, 0.3)
1 Find the stated values for each of the following binon1ial distributions.
(a) X - B(20, 0.7). Find E(X), Var(X), a (X) (b) X - B(IOO, 0.55). Find E(X), Var(X), a (X)
(c) X ~ B( 50, ~ ). Find E(X), Var(X), a (X) (d) X ~ B( 10,0.5). Find E(X), Var(X), a (X)
(e) X ~ B(25,0.8). Find E(X) , Var(X), a(X) (f) X ~B( 40,0.4). Find E(X), Var(X)
2 For each of the follo\ving, find the value of the unknown.
(a) X - B(l5, p), E(X) = 5, p =? (b) X - B(30, p), E(X) = 3, p =?
(c) X - B(n, 0.2), E(X) = 7, n =? (d) X - B(n, 0.4), E(X) = 10, n = ?
3 For each of the follo\ving, find the values of n and p for X - B (n, p).
(a) X - B(n, p), µ = 4.8, a 2 = 2.88 (b) X - B(n, p), µ= 2 and a = 1.8
(c) X - B(n, p), µ = 4.5 and a 2 = 3.825 (d) X - B(n, p), µ= 11 and a 2 = 8.58
(e) X-B(n,p),µ=65anda 1 =22.75 (f) X-B(n,p),µ=41.25anda 2 =29.90625.
4 Given X - B(30, 0.4), which of the following pairs of values is correct?
A E(X) = 12, Var(X) = ✓ 72 B E(X) = 12, a 2 = 7.2
C E(X) = 18, a 2 = 7.2 D E(X) = 18, a = ✓ 72
5 Given X - B(n, p), µ=IO and a 2 = 8, \Vhich of the following pairs of values is correct?
A n = 80, p = 0.8 B n = 50, p = 0.8 C n = 80, p = 0.2 D n = 50, p = 0.2
6 Find P(X = 3) given that E(X) = 3 and Var(X) = 0.75 and X ~ B(n, p).
7 A spinner is divided into four equal sections, one of \Vhich is coloured blue. If the spinner is spun eight times,
calculate the probability of obtaining less than the expected number of blue outcomes, correct to three deci1nal
8 For the variable X - B(40, p), a 2 = 9.6. The correct value(s) of pis:
A 0.4 B 0.6 C 0.4 and 0.6 D none of these.
Using the formulas for the expected value and standard deviation of a 0.09 "
unifonn distribution: 0.08 ...
2 0.07 ...
0.06 ...
E(X)= ando- =2
2 12 12
0.05 "
10+ 1 2 =2.60
_ (10-1) 0.04 "
2 12 0.03 ...
=- 81
=- 0.02 ...
2 12 0.01 ...
=5.5 =6.75
1 23456 78910x
The graph on the right displays the results fro1n 1000 observations of P(X =x) St:wcbrd d,:,,iatioo = 2.8 7
rolling a fair ten-sided die. This can be considered as a very large san1ple
of a random variable fron1 a discrete unifonn distribution. The sample
1nean and standard deviation were calculated. 100 -
80 . -
Note that this sample distribution is very close to the discrete uniforn1
distribution, but not identical. This would be expected in n1ost cases.
60 .-
Such a random sam ple ,vould have a n1ean around 5.5 and the expected 40
san1ple size, in this case 100. This sample's 1nean is 5.36 and the standard
l 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 X
deviation is 2.87.
Now consider what happens if you take 100 samples of size ...
,., 20
50 and plot the n1ean of each sa1nple. Note in this case a
E 15 ...
histograin is used to plot the means of the sa1nples, so that
similar sized n1eans are grouped within one interval, providing -
"' 10
a better picture of the overall pattern thai1 plotting each E
individual sam ple 1neai1 separately. z . . . . . . . . I' . I
4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0 6.5
Mean of samples
- .....
- -
syin1netrical, 1nuch like a norn1al
distribution. From the histogram it can
z 20
. . .
_r - -
- -
. . .
be seen that the mean is very close to 5.5, 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0 6.5
,vhich reflects the probability of the discrete Mean of samples
unifonn distribution.
In most cases, the population para111eters are unknown, so the CLT is used in reverse. Taking samples of size n fro1n
any distribution, you can calculate the 1nean for each san1ple and kno,v that the collection of sample 1neans will be
approxilnately norn1ally distributed. This implies that the average of the san1ple means ,viii be approxilnately equal
to the population 1nean.
Consider obtainmg san1ples of size 50 ,vhen rolling a ten-sided fair die. When a s1nall nu1nber of samples of size 50
are generated, the distribution of the san1ple means does not show a norn1al distribution as clearly as when larger
sa1nples are taken. The shape is n1ore randon1 and often can be ske,ved to the left or the right, or very spaced out.
When a large nun1ber of sainples of size 50 are generated, the distribution of the san1ple means starts to resemble the
shape of the nonnal curve 1nore closely; the larger the number of san1ples generated, the 1nore evident this is.
- - - - - - - - = = = = = = = -10
Central lim it theorem and sample proportions
Explore how the shape of a distribution changes as more samples are taken.
If a large enough san1ple is taken fro1n any population where the n1ean JL and the variance cr are known, then the
sa1nple observations have a distribution ,vhich is approximately nonnal ,vith 1nean nµ. and variance ncr 2• In n1ost
cases, a san1ple size greater than or equal to 30 is usually enough to assun1e that the san1ple means will follow a
normal distribution.
If X 1, X 2, X3, ••• , X,, are independent identically distributed randon1 variables, each ,vith 1nean µ and varian ce
er 2, then as n ➔ 00 , D= X 1 + X2 + X3 + ... + X11 ~ N(nJL,ncr 2 ).
The central li1nit theore1n is often expressed in another way. Instead of dealing ,vith the sun1 of the san1ples,
you can instead deal with the n1ean of the samples, X. In this case, you have X ~ NG,: 2
) .
This n1eans that no matter what the distribution of XI> X2, X3, ••. , X11 looks like, if there are lots of distributions
then the san1ple statistics will be approxilnately nonnal. In fact, 'lots' is often not a very large number, only n > 30 as
stated above.
If the underlying population has a norn1al distribution, then the sample size is usually not an issue. It is only
when the distribution of the underlying population is son1ething other than nonnal that the sa1nple size is n1ore
The table below illustrates definitions and terminology associated with sample proportions fron1 this example.
The sainple proportion p= ~ is not the population proportion; rather, it is the best estiinate of the population
proportion fro1n a single sa1nple. Because of this, the sa1nple proportion is sometiines called the point estimate.
Example 11
Consider a san1ple of2000 18-year-olds in NSW Fron1 this sa1nple, 210 have their provisional driver's licence
(P plates). Using this inforn1ation, identify:
(a) the population proportion (b) the sa1nple size
(c) the observation value (d) the san1ple proportion.
(a) p is the population proportion.
The population proportion, \Vhich is unkno\vn, is the proportion of all 18-year-olds in NSW
who have their provisional licence.
(b) The sample size is n, the nu1nber of people in the san1ple: n = 2000
(c) The observation value is the nun1ber of people in the sample \Vho have their provisional driver's
licence: x = 210
,., X ,., X
(d) The sample proportion is given by p=- : p=-
n n
The n1ore sa1nples that you take, the n1ore the distribution beco1nes bell-shaped and syin1netrical, like a norn1al
distribution. The tallest column on this histogran1 is above five, meaning that the expected result of 5 'threes' per
sa1nple n1ore often thai1 any other result.
The CLT applies equally to the proportion of a specific randon1 variable in a san1pling distribution, as it does to
the sampling distribution of meai1s.
Taking samples of size n, fro1n any distribution, a specific proportion of a randon1 variable can be calculated and
it will be approxiinately norn1ally distributed. This implies that the proportion of a specific randon1 variable in a
sa1nple will be approxin1ately equal to the proportion of the same specific random variable in the population.
When a s1nall nu1nber of san1ples of size 50 are generated, the distribution of the nun1ber of threes does not clearly
show a normal distribution. The shape is more random and often skewed to the left or the right or very spaced out.
When a large number of san1ples of size 50 are generated, the distribution of the nu1nber of threes starts to rese1nble
the shape of a nonnal curve. The larger the nun1ber of samples generated, the n1ore evident this is.
The sainple proportion p= Xn is the bino1nial count divided by the sa1nple size, ,vhich gives a value between
, ,
0 and 1. This 1neans that the set of p values are related to a rando1n variable called P and follow a binomial
Notice the differences in notation. The values X and pare used ,vhen observing a single random sample. However,
,vhen considering the ,vhole set of values that can be obtained fron1 all sainples, X and P' are used.
The standard deviation of a binomial distribution can be estin1ated fron1 the sa1nple proportion pof one sample,
rather than 1nany. This cannot be done easily for other distributions.
As previously discussed, both the 1nean and the standard deviation are defined using the population para1neter p.
However, the value ofp is unknown, so the exact meai1 and standard deviation cannot be calculated.
To overcon1e this problem, use the sample proportion pas an estin1ate for both the expected value and standard
deviation, and replace p ,vith p. When preplaces p in the standard deviation, then it is often called the standard
error S ( instead. This is to distinguish between the use of a paran1eter and a statistic.
The distribution off, for the sample proportions is defined as f, ~ N p,) p(lnP) ,
,vhere the expected value E(P)"' pand the standard deviation SD"' ✓p(ln p) =S(P).
Example 12
A social 1nedia survey found that 134 out of 265 respondents had used son1e forn1 of social n1edia within
the past year. Using this infonnation:
(a) calculate the expected value for the proportion of people ,vho access social n1edia, correct to
two decimal places
(b) calculate the standard error, correct to three decimal places.
(a) Use the formula for the expected value: E ( P) "' p
Substitute the given values into the fonnula: E(fa) "' 134
"' 0.51
The expected value E( f>) "' 0.51, to hvo deciinal places.
"' 0.03 1
The standard errors( f>) = 0.031, to three deci1nal places.
Example 13
A recent survey of 1500 Year 12 students sho\ved that 990 were intending to apply for university.
(a) Calculate the expected value.
(b) Calculate the standard error, correct to four deciinal places.
(a) Find the expected value using the forn1ula: E(i>)"' p
,,, 990
"' 0.66
The size of n
Fro1n the CLT, you know that where a randon1 sample of size n has X 'successes: ,vhen n is sufficiently
large, the san1pling distribution of the san1ple proportion pwill be approxin1ately normal with mean p and
" --
0. 14
1;- 0. 12
E o.os
~ 0.02
~ 0.06 ~ 0.04
"- - 0.02 0.0 1
0.02 -,
0.05 0. 10 0.15 '
0.20 '
0.25 '
0.30 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.10 0. 12 0.14 0. 16
Here you can see that for a value of p = 0. 1 and n = 50, the distribution ,nay look bell-shaped but it is noticeably
skewed. However, as the value for n increases, the shape, ,vhile retaining the bell shape, becomes 1nore syn1n1etrical
about p. This means that even if the value of pis not close to 0.5 (i.e. the population is unbalanced), the larger the
san1ple, the n1ore the sampling distribution of presembles a nonnal distribution.
So what value of n is considered sufficiently large? The following conditions allow you to detennine if the CLT
can be applied.
The following hvo conditions n1ust be n1et for the CLT to apply:
• np>5
• n(1-p)>5
You also need to approxin1ate the population proportion p with the sample proportion p.
However, note that if tile population already has a norn1al distribution then the conditions are not necessary.
Example 14
A survey of 25 people has obtained a sa1nple proportion of 0.2. Detern1ine if tile distribution can be
approxiinated by a normal distribution.
Define the parameters: n = 25 and p= 0.2.
Test these paran1eters for each condition: np > 5 And: n(l- p)> 5
25x0.2=5 25x0.8=20
5>s 20>5
Botll staten1ents are true, so the distribution can be approximated by a norn1al distribution.
1 Read through tile following scenarios and identify the population proportion, san1ple size, observation
value and sample proportion. Give answers correct to two decilnal places where necessary.
(a) A report by an IT data con1pany in tile Northern Territory surveys 800 people and reports that
42% of then1 have received a fake en1ail clain1mg tlley have won a large ainount of 1noney.
(b) A database search shows tllat approximately 215000 Tas1nanians own a Holden. A survey of2500 Holden
owners in Tasn1ania sho,vs that 1893 prefer a n1ediun1 - to large-sized car over a s1naller ,node!.
2 A survey has found that 64 of 104 Year 12 students are not sure what to do after they leave school. Using this
inforn1ation, calculate the expected value and standard error for the population proportion of Year 12 students
who are not sure what to do after they leave school. Give answers correct to three deciinal places.
3 The results of a survey of 334 people give a sa1nple proportion of0.98. Do these given values allo,v the
distribution to be approxin1ated by a normal distribution?
4 Calculate the expected value and standard error for the follo,ving proportion elements. Give answers to three
decin1al places where necessary.
(a) x = 507 and n = 1300 (b) x = 415 and n = 500 (c) x = 50 and n = 1000
5 Detennine ,vhether the following values satisfy the conditions for normality.
(a) p=0.55 and n = 1000 (b) p=0.9 and n = 10 (c) p=O. l and n = 50
6 For each of the following, given the san1ple proportion and observation value, find the sa1nple size.
Give your ans,vers correct to the nearest whole nu1nber.
(a) p=0.7andx=9 1 (b) p=0. 15andx=300 (c) p=0.83andx= l 5
7 For each of the following, given the san1ple proportion and the sa1nple size, find the observation value.
(a) p = 0.34 and n = 2500 (b) p = 0.02 and n = 100 (c) p = 0.98 and n = 5000
8 The 'san1pling error' is considered to be the difference between the values of the population proportion and
the san1ple proportion. Why is the value of the sampling error difficult to calculate?
9 In the follo,ving cases, calculate the expected value, correct to two deciinal places. Then calculate the standard
error, correct to three decin1al places. Finally, describe the shape of the sa1npling distribution.
(a) Jess is running for school captain. From a simple random sample of900 students, the proportion
of students who favour Jess is 0.75.
(b) A siinple rando1n sa1nple of 50 people found that five people were prepared to quit s1noking \vithin
the ,veek.
(c) Last year 67 000 children were hospitalised. Of these ad1nissions, 42 600 were boys.
10 Explain the difference between p and p.
12 What happens to the value of the standard error as the sa1nple size increases and what does this 1nean?
13 According to a survey of 500 e1nployers, it was found that 78% of employers agreed that the de1nand for
jobs has increased. This survey ,vas repeated many tiines with randon1 san1ples being taken fro1n the saine
population and the san1ple proportions recorded.
(a) Do you think that the san1ple proportion from each survey \viii always be 0. 78?
(b) Would a sa1nple proportion value ofO be possible? What ,vould this 1nean?
(c) Could some of the sa1nple proportions be lower than 0.45? What could this be caused by?
(d) Is the sample proportion of0.78 close to the true population proportion? Justify your answer.
(e) In what scenario could the sample proportion value not be representative of the true population
14 A randon1 san1ple of 1500 patient records showed that since the introduction of heparin injections for all
patients, only 7% of patients developed blood clots. This research was repeated n1any times with random
samples being taken from the san1e population and the san1ple proportions recorded.
(a) Why do you think that the sainple proportion varies for each sainple?
(b) Would a sa1nple proportion value of one be possible? What ,vould this 1nean?
(c) If a sa1nple proportion appeared abnormally high, for example 0.23, ,vhat could this indicate?
(d) A proportion of 7% is fairly s1nall. Does this indicate a proble1n with the sampling process?
(e) In what scenario could the sample proportion value not be representative of the true population
354 New Senior Mathematics Extension 1 for Years 11 & 12
15 A fitness club surveys a sainple of 120 of its me1nbers on \Vhether they are satisfied with the club's facilities or not.
The survey results show that half of the n1e1nbers are satisfied, a third are indifferent aJ1d a sixth are dissatisfied.
(a) Calculate the observation value for each type of response.
(b) Calculate the point estimate for each type of response, correct to hvo deci1nal places where necessary.
(c) Ho\v would the point estiinate of the dissatisfied n1embers change if the sa1nple size is doubled but the
results are in the saine proportion?
(d) Ho\v would the point estiinate of the dissatisfied n1embers changes if the san1ple size is the san1e but the
proportion of dissatisfied custo1ners changes to one-fifth of the sample?
16 The sales 1nanager from a publishing co1npany believes that 35% of the con1pany's sales come from returning
custo1ners. A randon1 san1ple of 200 sales has been chosen.
(a) For this san1ple, state the expected value, correct to two decin1al places. Then calculate the standard error,
correct to four decimal places.
(b) Assun1mg nonnality, plot the san1pling distribution of p.
(c) The sales 1naJ1ager chooses a second randon1 san1ple of 200 sales and notices that only 55 of the sales are
fron1 returning customers.
~) For the new san1ple, calculate the expected value, correct to three decin1al places. Then, calculate
the stai1dard error, correct to four decin1al places.
(ii) Assun1ing nonnality, plot the saI11pling distribution of this saI11ple on the same axes as the first sainple.
(d) If a third rando1n sa1nple is chosen and the nu1nber of sales from returning custo1ners is 80, aJ1d assun1mg
normality, how \vould the new san1pling distribution co1npare to the other hvo sainpling distributions?
Plot the third saI11plmg distribution on the san1e axes as the first and second san1ples.
1 Find the stated probability for the follo\ving bino1nial distributions. Express your answers as fractions
in siinplest form.
2 For the variable Y - B(n, p) it is known that E(Y) = 32 and Var(Y) = 6.4.
(a) Find the probability of success, p. (b) Find the nu1nber of trials, n.
3 A coin is biased in such a way that P(heads) = 3 x P(tails). The coin is tossed 100 tin1es. Let X stai1d for the
nun1ber of tails obtained. Find the value of E(X).
4 When Yehudi and Carlos play racquetball, the probability that Yehudi wins a point is 0.35.
(a) Ho\v n1aJ1y points would you expect Yehudi to win from the first 15 points? Give your ans\ver to the
nearest whole number of points.
(b) Choose the correct terms in the following staten1ent.
If Yehudi won 10 out of the first 15 points, I would [not be/ be slightly/ be very) surprised as the nun1ber
is [about the saine as / just above/ well above) the expected nu1nber.
5 A saI11ple of three ite1ns is selected at raJ1don1 fro1n a box containing 10 ite1ns of which three are defective.
Let Y represent the nu1nber of defective ite1ns selected.
(a) Con1plete the table to sho\v the probability distribution of the variable. State the probabilities in sin1plest
fraction forn1.
0 3
6 A jar contains seven white marbles, three green n1arbles and t\vo blue marbles. Two marbles are dra\vn,
with replacen1ent, fro1n the jar. What is the probability of dra\ving exactly one white 1narble?
A 77
12x l 2
B (7 5) (5 7)
12xii + 12xii
C 2 75
D -7 x -5
12 12
7 Find tile value oft in the following probability X 0 1 2 3
distribution table.
P(X=x) t 2t 3t 4t
A 10 B 0.1 C 6 D 0.6
8 A coin, which is biased so that P(heads) = 2 x P(tails), is tossed eight tilnes. The probability that the result is
heads exactly three times, P(X = 3), is best represented by:
12 A cereal manufacturer is running a pron1otion on single-serving boxes of cereal, which states that one in five
cereal boxes contains a free gift. Carol likes to win free gifts and intends to buy one cereal box every day for
one week. State your answers correct to three decimal places where necessary.
(a} If tile variable X represents tile nun1ber of cereal boxes with a free gift, calculate tile probability that
Carol will win exactly one free gift fro1n tile seven cereal boxes she intends to buy.
(b} What is tile probability that Carol \Vins no free gifts from the seven cereal boxes she intends to buy?
(c} Given that Carol wins one free gift on the first day, calculate the probability that she \Vins exactly one
more free gift in the next six days.
(d} Given that Carol does not win a free gift in the first five days, calculate the probability tllat she \Vins more
than one free gift in the next two days.
(e} Carol thinks that if she buys one cereal box per day for 10 days, her chances of \Vinning 1nore than two
free gifts will increase. Explain why Carol is correct in her thinking, using appropriate calculations.
Summary 357
For a ;c 0, \Ve have: 5 Odd functions will have an inverse function, although
• f (x) = ax + b (general linear function) so1ne n1ay require a restriction on the domain.
• f(x) = ax2 + bx + e (general quadratic function) 6 Even functions will not have a single inverse function,
3 2 but can be split into two parts (by restricting the
• f (x) = ax + bx + ex + d (general cubic function)
don1ain) so that each part has an inverse function.
If the coefficient of the highest power of x is unity ( 1), (Inverse functions are covered in Chapter 5.)
the polynon1ial is said to be monic.
7 Note that n1ost functions are neither even nor odd,
Graphs of polynomial functions e.g. J(x) = x 2 + x , f (x) = ex.
The simplest polyno1nial function of degree n is f (x) = x". Cubic functions
Graphs of these basic polynomials for n = 1, 3, 5 follow, A general cubic function is a polynon1ial function f of
and for n =2, 4 below: 3 2
the third degree, defined by f(x) =ax + bx + ex + d,
Odd functions y n=3 where a, b, e, dare constants and a ;c 0.
,. = 1
f(-x) =-f(x) Every cubic polynomial has at least one linear factor of
the form (x + a ), \Vhere a is a real number.
0 X
1 For very large lxl, P(x) ,., a,,x".
2 A polyno1nial of odd degree always has at least one
(- 1,- 1)
real zero (i.e. its graph cuts the x -axis at least once).
3 At least one n1aximun1 or 1ninin1u1n value of P
n=S occurs between any two distinct real zeros.
n=3 4 For a polynon1ial of odd degree, the ends of the
graph go in opposite directions.
Even functions Y tJ =2
f(-x) =J(x) 5 For a polynon1ial of even degree, the ends of the
graph go in the san1e direction.
6 When the graph of a polynomial function 1neets the
(- 1, I) (I , I) x -axis, it may cut it (single zero), touch it (double
zero) or cut it at a point of inflexion (triple zero).
0 X Polynomial graphs, standard forms
Degree O
P(x) = e
0 X
- 3 - 2 _, 0 l X -2 - 1 O I 2 X
2 )'
0 X X
-3 - - '- 2 1 I 2
-4 -4
-6 -6
I I 2
-2 - _,0 1 2
-2 0
- 1
I 2 X
-2 _, 1 2
0 X
-2 I 1 2
-2 -2 -2 -1
Cuts once Cuts three times Cuts once and touches Cuts once
Triple zero Three zeros One zero, one double zero One zero
a< 0:
y )' y y
2 2 2 I
-2 - _,0 X
- 2 - 1_,0 2 -2 - 2 -2 I 2
-2 -2
Cuts once Cuts three times Cuts once and touches Cuts once
Triple zero Three zeros One zero, one double zero One zero
Summary 359
Degree 4 (quartic)
P(x) = ax4 + bx3 + cx2 + dx + e
a> 0: )'
)' )'
0 2 X
- -2 I 1
- 2 _, 0 l 2 X
-1 X -2
- 1 I
l X
-2 _, 0 I 2 X
-2 - 1
Summary 361
1 and x 2 in the do1nain, if x 2 > x 1 then f(x 2) <f(x1). This
cos A cosB = - (cos (A + B) + cos(A - B))
2 1neans that the curve always slopes down to the right.
sin A sinB = .!.. (cos(A - B) - cos (A + B)) Strictly monotonic increasing or decreasing functions
2 are one-to-one.
sinA+sinB=2sin ( ;¢)
;¢) Inverse functions
If f (g(x)) = g(f (x)) =x then g(x) = f - 1(x) is the inverse
sinA-sinB=2cos (0+¢) 2 sin
function off
• If dis the do1nain and r is the range off, then r is the
cosA + cosB=2cos (0+¢) 2 cos
don1ain and d is the range of f -1 • Thus, if (a, b) is a
point on/then (b,a) is a point on f - 1•
co1nbinations of n different objects taken rat a tilne. Combinations of any number of objects
The symbol "C, also represents the nun1ber of r-subsets
An unordered san1ple can be ordered in r! ways:
in a given set, where O< r < n.
"C - n - "Pr -n.' If no specific value of r is stated, r cai1 assume ai1y value
• , - ()
r - -;:;- - r! (n - r )! between Oand n inclusive. Hence the nun1ber of subsets
• An ordered sample of r objects taken fro1n n different that each contain at least one elen1ent, i.e. the nun1ber
objects can be chosen in "P, ways. of non-en1pty su bsets in an n-set, is:
• An unordered sainple of r objects taken fron1 n "Cl + "C2 + C3 + ... + "C,
different objects can be chosen in "C, ways. Fron1 a set of n objects, each object can be dealt \Vith in
Important result: two ways: it can be included or it can be excluded. The
n! nu1nber of ways of dealing \Vith the n objects is thus
• "C11- r 2 x 2 x 2 x ... to n factors, or 2 11• But this includes the
(n - r )!r!
so "Cr ="C11 - r or r (n) =( n )
n- r
case when all n objects are excluded, so the n un1ber of
con1binations of at least one object is 2 - 1.
:. "Cl + "C2 + 11 C3 + ... + "C, = 211 - 1
Expansion of (1 + x)", Pascal's triangle ( I +x)0 I
The coefficients of the successive powers of the (1 + x )" ( I +x)' I I
expansion can be arranged in a triangular pattern ( I +x)' I 2 I
called Pascal's triangle, as shown on the right. ( I +x)' I 3 3 I
( I +x)' I 4 6 4 I
( I +x)' I 5 I
Properties of Pascal's triangle 5~ 10
( I +x)• I 6 15 '@' 15 6 I
1 The first and last number in each row is 1.
2 Every nu1nber not at the end of a ro\v is the su1n of the
two nun1bers in the row above it to the left and right
(e.g. 10 = 4 + 6, 15 = 5 + 10, 20 = 10 + 10).
3 The nun1ber of tern1s in each row is one 1nore than the value of n.
4 The second and second-last terms in each row are the value of n.
Binomial expansion
(a) (1 + x ) = Co + C1x + C2 x + ... + 11 Crx' + ... + 11 C11 x 11 =
11 11 11 11 2
L, 11C,x'
(b) (a +b),, = "Coa" + ,,Clan- lb+ ,,C2a11-2b2 + . .. + ,,Cra11-rbr + ... + ,,C,,b,, = L ,,Cra11-rbr
(c) "C0 = 1' "C,r = 1' "Cr = "C11 - r
(d) "Cr ="- 1Cr - 1 + 11 - 1Cr for l <r<n-1
(e) The general tern1 in the expai1sion of (a + b)" is T,+i ="C,a" - 'b'
n- r+ l b
(f) The ratio of successive terms of the bino1nial expansion of (a + b)" is T,+i - - -x -
. T r a
Alternate notation: r
n n! (n
• Cr= r!(n - r)! = r
In the expansion of (1 + x)": Sum of coefficients of even tern1s = Sun1 of coefficients of odd tern1s = 2"- 1
• P(A) = nu1nber of favourable outcon1es, 0 < P(A) < 1 • P(A)=I - P(A)
nwnber of possible outcomes
• Mutually exclusive events: P(A or B) =P(A) + P(B)
• Not mutually exclusive events: P(A or B) =P(A) + P(B) - P(A and B)
• Independent events: P(A and B) =P(A) x P(B)
X' X Acceleration
0 A p
• Acceleration is defined as the rate of change of
The displacement x is the particle's position relative velocity with respect to time:
to the fixed point 0. It may be a positive or negative 2
a (t) -v'(t) - - x2 -_ -dv -_ x.. -_ 1un
_ d . ~ v(t+
- h)
nun1ber, according to ,vhether P is to the right or left
dt dt ,,...o h
of 0 , so it does not necessarily represent the total
Summary 365
• Acceleration can be positive or negative. Positive both x and y are also functions of another variable,
acceleration means the velocity is increasing (i.e. in
the direction of positive displacement), while negative
e.g. tiine t. For exan1ple, we n1ay need to detennine 7t
acceleration means the velocity is decreasing, \Vhich is
when '1j; is known. In such cases it is necessary to use
. dy dy dx
often called deceleration or retardation. the chain rule, dt = dx x dt .
Time s t
For y = Ae , we have dx
dv kx
= kAe = ky:
• A is the value ofy \Vhen x = 0 (i.e. the initial value)
Displace1nent cn1, 1n • k is the growth rate.
(ors in Physics)
Velocity cm s- 1, n1s- 1 V,
dx .
dt, X The equation ~~ = k(N - P), where k, Pare
-2 -2 dv d 2x ..
Acceleration ems , n1 s a, dt' dt2 'x • N = Aekl.1s th e so1utJon
. ofth e equation
. d= -,
dN kN
\Vhere A is the initial value of N. t
• Note that's' is the abbreviation for second, 'cm' for
centimetre and 'm' for n1etre. • N = P + Aek' is a solution of the equation
• Constant acceleration due to gravity= 9.8 n1s- 2 dN
dt = k(N - P) , where A is a constant.
(=lO n1s- 2)
• If k < 0, Aekt ➔ 0 as t ➔ oo and hence N ➔ P fron1
Displacement, velocity, acceleration-
important links
• Given the displacen1ent function, you can find Newton's law of cooling
velocity and acceleration functions by differentiating The cooling rate of a body is proportional to the
with respect to time. difference behveen the te1nperature of the body and the
• Given the velocity function, you can find the te1nperature of the surrounding mediu1n:
displacement function by integrating with respect
to tilne; you can find the acceleration function by
~~ =-k(T-M)
differentiating with respect to time. where Tis the te1nperature at any time t and Mis the
• If ,notion information is given as a graph, remember te1nperature of the surrounding mediu1n (a constant).
that the definite integral is linked to the area under Wilhelmy's law
the graph, while the derivative is linked to the Many che1nical reactions follow the law that states that
gradient of the curve. the rate of the reaction is proportional to the difference
• For example: given the graph of velocity '1j;
against between the initial concentration of the reagent (i.e. the
tilne, then the value of the definite integral gives the chen1ical reacting) and the am ount transforn1ed at any
displacement and the slope of the curve gives the time:
acceleration. - =k(a-x),O<x<a
Related rates where a is the initial concentration and xis the amount
Problen1s with related rates arise when there is a transfonned at tin1e t.
function that relates two variables, e.g. x and y, where
- C
Summary 367
The parallelogram rule for the addition )'
of vectors
Xi+ )'j
.Jx 2 + y2 ( •
2 2
XL+ YJ ·
X +y -
The magnitude of a vector
Scalar product of vectors
The n1agnitude of a position vector OA = ( :)can be The scalar product (also called the dot product or
calculated using Pythagoras' theoren1. the inner product) is a \Vay of n1ultiplying two vectors.
The result of the multiplication is a scalar quantity
l0A i=.Ja2+ b2.
(1nagnitude but no direction). The scalar product of two
Vectors in component form vectors~ and~ is \Vritten as~ • ~ (and read as'~ dot£ ').
The fonn !! = xi, + y l is called component form or i,, l If 0 is the angle bet\veen the positive directions of two
form of a vector. The vector!! may also be represented vectors !! and ~' then the scalar product is defined to be
~ • £ = 1~11£1cos0.
in column vector forn1 as(;).
-b -b
interval c < y < dis rotated about the y-axis, the 2 l+cos2x
• cos x= ,
volun1e of the solid of revolution forn1ed is given by: 2
J"x Jcos2 x dx = 1J(1 +cos2x)dx= 1x+ l sin2x+ C
V = 7r:
cd (g(y)) 2 dy = 1r: c
Summary 369
• 2 l - cos2x Derivative of sin_,~
• SlllX= ,
2 Let y=sin- 1 ~ for-a< x < a
Jsin2x dx = 1J(l - cos2x) dx= 1x - !sin2x+C
... x -- as1n
. y, _ 1C<
- Y <1(
2 2
Integrals of the type Jf '(x)(f(x))" dx dx . dy I
- =acosy - = ,or - -fC <y< -fC
dy dx acosy 2 2
In trigonometric integrals of this type such as
J cosxsin 2xdx, i.e. wheref(x) = sinx and As for the derivative of sin- t x:
f '(x) = cosx, the substitution \viii not always be given. dy _ I
· - - -;===== for -a < x < a
· · dx ✓a 2 -a 2 sin 2 y
• Jcos xsin 2 xdx=1sin 3 x + C
d ( . _1 x) 1
: . dx sm a = ✓a2- x2 ' -a<x< a
Substitution simplified
If you treat '%:c as a fraction, then '%:c x dx = du. Derivative of cos- 1 x
Let y = cos - t x for -1 < x < I
If u = sin x, th en '%:c = cosx can be written as
:. x = cosywhereO<y<tr
du =cosxdx.
dx . . dy I
You are really replacing f '(x) dx by du. - = - s1ny .. - = - for O< y< 1C
dy dx smy
Integrals involving trigonometric substitution dy I
2 2 :. -dx
- = - -,.=== for-1 <x< 1
If an expression of the fonn a - x occurs in the ✓l - cos y
:. -dd (. -1 )
sin x= 1
, -l<x<l Lety = tan- 1 x forallx
X l - X2
:.x =atany where - l< 1 <l
Note that the derivative is not defined at x = + I (the
graph of sin- 1 x has vertical tangents at its endpoints). dx , ,
dy =asec-y=a(l+tan-y)
Also note that the derivative is positive for all x in its
do1nain (as sin - t xis an increasing function). . dy a
,or - -tr <y<-tr
·· dx = a 2+a 2 tan 2y 2 2
370 New Senior Mathematics Extension 1 for Years 11 & 12
. dy a Direction fields
.. - = , 2
for all x
dx a- +x Qualitative methods are a set of graphical methods
to describe the general behaviour of the solution to a
... - d ( tan _1 x=
) a for all x
dx 2
a +x 2 differential equation \vithout solving the equation.
t e [a,b] x + c = G(y)
consists of the differential equation together \Vith 1
\Vhere G'(y) = and c is a constant of
its initial condition, requiring you to detennine a g(y)
particular solution y(t) over a specific interval of the integration.
independent variable a < t < b. 3 Where possible, invert the equation fro1n previous
step to find the general solution for the original
The order of a differential equation is equal to the
dependent variable y in tenns of the original
highest order derivative of the dependent variable and
independent variable .x:
the degree of the equation, is the highest power of that
th x + c= G(y)
highest order derivative. In the n order differential
:. y = G-1(x + c)
d" y ( dy d"- y
equation dx" = f x,y, dx ,..., dx"_ 1
J the dependent
4 Substitute the initial condition (x, y) = (a, y.) into the
variable (y) always appears in the nu1nerator of any equation obtained in the previous step to evaluate the
derivativesand the independent variable x appears in constant of integration c:
the denon1inator.
:. Ya= G-l(a + c).
Summary 371
5 Substitute the value of the constant into the general 5 If an initial condition y(a) =bis given, solve for the
solution obtained in the previous step to obtain the constant of integration C. This is the particular solution.
particular solution. To avoid 1nissing any possible singular solutions
The solution of the uninhibited growth-decay ,node! when finding the general solution of a differential
dy = ry, y(O) =Yo is Y =Yoe'x. equation of the fonn dy = f(y )g(x ), always
dt dx
Assu1ning r > 0, the differential equation remember to investigate the roots {y• : f (y*) = 0}
dy = - r(y - y, ), y(O) = y 0 is a model of inhibited and/or the slope field.
gro\vth if y 0 < y, and inhibited decay if y0 > y,. The Modelling with first-order differential equations
rate of growth (or decay) in the dependent variable A dependent variable y(t) is said to have an exponential
is inhibited as the dependent variable approaches growth rate if its relative gro\vth rate .!_ dy = k > 0 and
its equilibriun1 value y,. The solution curve of an y dt
inhibited growth (or decay) proble1n is an exponential rate of decay if its relative gro\vth rate
y(t) =Y, + (yo -y) e-''.
The solution of the quadratic gro\vth rate model .!.. dy = - k < 0 for son1e positive constant k.
y dt
dy =(1 -y)(1+ y),y(O)=y0 is For a system y = y0 e'', r > 0 experiencing exponential
gro\vth, the doubling-time CD is the tiine it takes the
l - ( 1 - Yo )e -2x systen1 to double in size. The formula for the doubling-
1 + Yo .
time . T = -11og, 2 = --'--=,~-'-'--~
1s (t2 - t , ) I
og, 2
1+(l - yo)e-2x r I
1) )
1 + Yo
y Doubling time T
Solving differential equations of the form ------------
Syo 'y =Yoe"
dy = f(x)g(y) using separation of variables I
dx 4J'o -------
To solve the first-order differential equation 2J'o
dy = J(y )g(x) by the n1ethod of separation of t
T 2T 3T
variables: 1
For a system y= y0e·' , r > 0 experiencing exponential
1 Solve { y•: J(y*) = O} for any steady state decay, the half-life t1., is the tiine it takes the value
(or equilibriun1) solutions y = y• of y to halve. The fonnula for the half-life is:
2 Separate the dependent and independent variables 1 Ct2 - t,)
1 dy t1. = - log, 2 = ( ) log, 2.
onto either side of the equality J(y) dx = g(x) , r log y (t,)
e y(t2)
3 Integrate both sides of the equality \Vith respect to
the independent variable: First-order decay reactions
In a sin1ple first-order decay reaction, the rate of
• For the integral involving y tern1s, apply the
. I 1 dy I
change of variable J(y) dx dx = f (y) dy
1 decrease - d[ A] in the concentration of a reactant
A, varies directly with the concentration [A] of that
• Add the constant of integration C to the side reactant.
with the independent variable. This is the general
That is, the concentration [A] of the reactant A is
4 Whenever possible, represent the dependent variable n1odelled by the differential equation d[ A] = - r [ A],
as an explicit function of the independent variable.
where the relative decay rate r is usually called the
However, you ,nay need to be satisfied with an
reaction rate.
equation that detern1ines the dependent variable as
an in1plicit function of the independent variable.
Summary 373
14 THE BINOMIAL DISTRIBUTION in n trials and p is the (constant) probability of success,
Bernoulli trials
E(X) = np = µ = mean
Bernoulli trials refer to situations where there are
exactly hvo possible outco1nes. This 1neans there are Var(X) = np(l - p)
only hvo possible outco1nes: success and failure. The cr(X) = ✓np( l - p)
trials are independent, the outco1ne of one trial has
no influence over the outcon1e of the next trial. The Normal approximation for the sample
nun1ber of trials is fixed. proportion
If XI> X 2 , X3, ... , X,, are independent identically
For a Bernoulli random variable X:
distributed random variables, each \Vith
E(X) =p n1ean µ and variance a 2, tllen as n ➔ oo,
Var(X) =p(l - p) D = X1 + X2 + X3 + .. . + X,, ~ N( nµ,na 2 ).
Binomial distribution The central limit th eoren1 is often expressed in another
X ~ B( n, p) indicates a random variable, X, which has way. Instead of dealing witll the sum of the samples,
a binomial distribution with n identical trials and a you can instead deal \Vith tlle(me:~ o)f tile sa1nples, X.
probability of success of p.
In this case, you have X ~N µ,-;; .
n and p are called the parameters of tile distribution.
X ~ B( n, p) is read: ' X is distributed as a binomial , X
The sa1nple proportion p = - is not tile population
variable \Vith parameters n and p'. n
proportion; rather it is the best estin1ate of the
Just because an experi1nent has only two possible
population proportion from a single sainple. This leads
outcomes does not n1ean it is automatically binomial. If
to the san1ple proportion sometin1es being referred to
you were drawing the cards above without replacement,
as the point estimate.
then X would not be a bino1nial variable because tile
probability of success, p, would change \Vith each draw. The CLT and proportions
The CLT applies equally to tile proportion of a specific
Binomial theorem
rando1n variable in a sainpling distribution, such as the
P(X = x) = (:) px( l - p)"-x nu1nber of threes obtained in san1ples of size of 50, as it
does to the san1pling distribution of n1eans.
Recalling that the probability of failure is so1netimes
written as q, where p + q = l , this can also be written as: Sampling distribution for sample proportions
The standard deviation of a bino1nial distribution
P(X = x) = (:) pxqn-x be estiinated from the sainple proportion p of one
sample, ratller than n1any. This cannot be done easily
Note: P(X >a)= l - P(X < a). for other distributions.
This can be a useful result in n1any situations. The distribution of j, for tile sa1nple proportions is
For graphs of the bino1nial distribution,
where X ~ B(n, p): defined as P~ N p, p(l- p) ,
If p < 0.5 tile graph is ske\ved to the right or positively
skewed. where the expected value E ( P) = pand the standard
If p =0.5 tile graph is syn1n1etric about the 1nean.
If p > 0.5 tile graph is ske\ved to the left or negatively deviation SD = p(i-p) = S (')
1- ' - - --'--P .
skewed. n
The follo\ving two conditions must be n1et for the CLT
As n increases, tile graph clusters more tightly about tile np >5
mode but retains the same shape as oilier distributions to apply: ( ,)
n l -p> 5
with the same value of p.
You \vould also need to approxi1nate the population
Mean and variance of the binomial distribution proportion p witll the san1ple proportion p.
When dealing with a binon1ial distribution, if Xis tile
randon1 variable representing the nu1nber of successes
• develop the ability to use concepts and skills and apply complex techniques to the solution of problems and modelling
in the areas of trigonometry, functions, calculus, proof, vectors and statistical analysis
MEII- 2 MEI2- 2
manipulates algebraic expressions and graphical functions applies concepts and techniques involving vectors and
to solve problems projectiles to solve problems
MAII- 3 MEI2- 3
applies concepts and techniques of inverse trigonometric applies advanced concepts and techniques in simplifying
functions and simplifying expressions involving expressions involving compound angles and solving
compound angles in the solution of problems trigonometric equations
MAII - 4 MEI 2- 4
applies understanding of the concept of a derivative uses calculus in the solution of applied problems,
in the solution of problems, including rates of change, including differential equations and volumes of solids of
exponential growth and decay and related rates of change revolution
MEII- 5 MEI 2- 5
uses concepts of permutations and combinations to solve applies appropriate statistical processes to present, analyse
problems involving counting or ordering and interpret data
• develop the ability to interpret, justify and communicate mathematics in a variety of forms
Mathematics Extension 1 Stage 6 Syllabus 2017 extracts © NSW Education Standards Author ity
for and on behalf of the Crown in right of the State of New South \.Yales, 2017, reproduced by permission.
1 (a ) Student D
(b) Student A multiplied by 2(x - I), which could be positive or (b)
2 y=2x - 4
negative; B multiplied by (x - I) , but did not note x >' I; C
took reciprocals, but can't be sure that both sides are positive.
y =6
2 x< - l,x> 3
3 x< - 3,x>-f 4 xS - 3,x>-½ X
-1 0 5
5 x<l,x>3 6 ¾<x< :~ 7 l <x<3
8 x<-4, - 3<x<3,x>4 9 x< - 1, 0<x<I
10 x< - 3,x> 'f (C) X < _ l. ,, X
> !l (d) - I SxSS
11 (a) j(x) = ,x , f(-x) = -: =-f(x)
X -4 (-x) -4
(b) y (c) x< - 2,-1 <x<2,x>4 1 (a) y (b) y
2 I
,, -- - - '2
0 ,2
-4 -2 0
2 X
- 2• _, 0
_, I ,•2
' --2
(c) )'
- ---
1 x<-.!.,x> .!. 3
2 (a) ' ' (b) X > ¼ , '2 '
, I
1 \
' '
- 2' 0 I 2 3 ,,4 X
' ' -2 ,,
y= l +x ,
-' 3' -- -
2 C
3 (a) y (b) y
3 (a) )' y= 2x (b) x>f 3 4
, -, 1
I 2
0 2 X - 6 - 5 - - J ..-'2 0 X
-2 - 2 _, 0 1 2 X
4 x< - 1,x> I y y
(c) (d)
5 (a) y (b) x<O,x> I + ✓2 3
y=2 - x
2 1 2
y=x y=x - 2 4
0 X
2 0 3 X
-2 - I 0 1 2 X
4I '' 4
6 x> - 1 7 - 2SxSO
, '
'' ,,
' ,,'2
, ' ' II
- 3 ,• 2 0 2 3 X -4 -2 0 X
y y , ,
(c) (d) , (i) )' 0) )'
, , '' 3
,, 3 2
,, 'I
, ,1 ,
, ,,
2 1
,' 2 I ; '1 I 1
, I '
-2 0 l 2 X
- 10 l 2 3 0
X -1
2 ' ,
' ' ' ,, -2 0 2 X
1 , - 1
5 A 7 )' 8 y
6 (a) (b) )' 2 ,, .. i - , 4
, '
1 ,
2 ' ' ' ,,
-10 X
1 1 2
-1 ' -2 0 l 2 X
-2 0 l 2 X
- 2 - 10 l 2 X
0 6 X EXERCISE 2.1
1 C
(e) Y (f) 2 - x3+cl +6x
(a) 3 (b) O (c) I (d) - x' (e) 3 (f) x = - 2, 0, 3
3 (a) s.l + cl - 6x + 7 (i) 3 (iO7 (iiQ I (iv) not monic (v) 3
1 (b) -.I+ 27 (i) 3 (ii) 27 (iii) 0 (iv) not monic (v) 3
-6 -3 0 3 X (c) ax'+ ex'+ bx - d (i) 3 (ii) -d (iiQ c (iv) not monic (v) 3
-3 (d) Sx4 - 3.1 + 2x (i) 4 (ii) 0 (iiQO (iv) not monic (v) 4
-1 0 1 2 X
(e) 6x'1 + 2x" - 15x- 5 ©4 (iQ- 5 (iiQ O (rv) notmonic (v) 4
(f) 9x' - IZK + 4 (i) 4 (ii) 4 (iii) - 12 (iv) not monic (v) 4
14 (a) 9 (b) - 2
x' +4x 2 + x 15 x = 0.5,0.5, 2 16 f,-f, 1 ± ✓3
x3 - x2 +x 17 1,-f, 1 + ✓2 18 l
4, 2, 4
l 3
Sx 2 +I 19 +✓3 , ¾ ,-½ 20 1.
= 4 X ½- 8 X ¼+ ½- I = ½- 2 + ½- I = 0
(b) P(x) = (x - 2) 2 (x - a) (c) x = 2, - 3
But 12 = (- 2) x (- a) x= ½is the root of multiplicity 2.
a =- 3 P(x) = (2x - 1) 2 (x - a)
P(x) = (x - 2) 2 (x + 3) - 1 = (- l)'xa
5 (a) P(x) = 3x4 - sx' + 6x' - 24x + 40 a =- 1
P'(x) = 12x' - 24x' + 12x - 24 = 12(x' - 2x' + x - 2) P(x) = (2x - 1)2 (x + I)
= 12[x'(x - 2) + l(x - 2)) = 12(x - 2)(x' + I) Roots are x = ½ , ½, - 1
The only possibility is x = 2
(b) P(x) = x' + 4x' - 16x - 16, is the root of multiplicity 3.
P(2) = 48 - 64 + 24 - 48 + 40 = 0
P '(x) = 4x1 + 12x' - 16
x = 2 is a zero of multiplicity 2.
P"(x) = 12x' +24x = 12x(x+ 2)
(b) P(x) = (x - 2) 2 (ax' + bx+ c)
P"(x) = 0, x = 0, - 2. x = 0 is not possible because P(x) has a
Coefficient of x4 is 3, so a = 3
constant term.
Constant term is 40, so (- 2)2 x c = 40, soc = JO
P '(- 2) = - 32+48 - 16 = 0
Hence P(x) = (x - 2) 2 (3x' +bx + JO)
P(- 2) = 16 - 32 + 32 - 16 = 0
P(x) = (x' - 4x + 4) (3x' + bx+ JO)
P(x) = (x + 2)'(x - a)
Write an expression for the term in r. 4bx - 40x = - 24x - 16 = 21 X (- a)
4b =16, sob = 4
a =2
Hence P(x) = (x - 2) 2 (3x' + 4x + JO)
P(x) = (x + 2)'(x - 2)
(c) x = 2 as 3x' + 4x + JO= 0 has no real roots Roots are x = - 2, - 2, - 2, 2
(t. = 16 - 4 X 3 X JO= - 104 < 0)
1 O (a) P(x) = 9x' + 12x' - I Ix+ 2, is the root o f multiplicity 2.
6 (a) P(x) = ax4 + bx' + ex' +e, P(- 1) = -4, P( l) = P'(l ) = 0
P '(x) = 27x' + 24x - 11
a - b + c+e = - 4 (i) (3x - 1)(9x+ 11) = 0
a+b + c+e = O (iQ
x = ½, - •; .The most likely answer is x = ½ because (3x - I )2
Qi) - (Q: 2b = 4, so b = 2
generates 9x' in its expansion.
P'(x) =4ax' + 3bx' + 2cx
P'( l ) = 0: 4a + 3b + 2c = O P(½) =9x ;1 +12x¼ - +2 =½+½ - ½=0
4 - 1 0 I
2 -I -3
0 X -4
- 4 - ~2
5 (a) ( l - x)(x + l)(x - 2) (c) y
(b) x< - 1, 1 <x<2 I
(c) y (i) 0, 2
I (ii) 0 < X < 2, X > 2 X
0 I 2 3 X
0 3 4 X
0 X -I
-2 - I I 2 3
- IO
-I 0 I 3
(c) Y (d) y
-I - 20 I I
0 X 0 I 2 X
I 2
• I
-2 -I 0 I 2
I •
-4 - 2 0 2 4
I •
-5 I 20 -
-2 4
6 a = -4,b = - 2; P(3) = 17 -2
' '
7 a = 3,c = -6; a = --4 -3 ''
(i) y 8 (a) I (b) 0 '
-4 ''
9 (a) 4 (b) - 12 (c) - 3
0 X
10 (a) - 2 < x < l , x> 3
- 0.1 5 y
y :4
- 0.2 '
0) y 6 :' , '
' ,.
- 4 - 3 - 2 'l 0
, '' 2~I
1 r-
3 4
0.5 I 1.5 2 , '
:' ',
, :3 ' '
- 0.5 0 2 4 X , ' '
, :4
12 B y
-4 6
13 (a) y 4
4 3
2 (b) x> 2
' ,
, ,2 :: ,'
y ''
X '
- 10 ''
2 0 X
-4 -3
' - !10 ' ' l 2 3 4 X
-6 2 ' ''
''' '
-8 , '
-2 '
- 10 ,' ''' -3 '
- 12 ,' '' -4
- 14
7 y
(b) y
-8 I
, ' 4
' 3
'' ,,
- 10
(c) x< - 2, - 1 <x< O,x> I -4 - I 2 3 4 X
0 X
I 2 y
- 0.5
2 -3
y -4
(c) I
8 y
0 X
,,3 '
-1 , 2
' :'
., I '
' ,.'
(d) all x, x ;t o. 2
-10 I 2
X - 4 - 3 f - !10 I 1 3 4 X
y , -2
- 20 ' :' '
(d) y
2 ,' : - 3 '
'' '
' '
' '
-4 '
0 2 3
X I ' '
I 2
- 30
-4 -3 -2 -!'f
1 3 4
1 2 3 4
- 4 - 3 - 2 - !P 1 2 3 4
' -2
'3 • -3 -3
4 -4 -4
10 . )' (b)
)' (b) ,, ' )'
,, ' • '• 4
'• 3 ' •3 ''
' 2 '
1' ' 1
,' • ' ' X
0 X
--4 - 3 - 2 - !1 1 3 4 --4 - 3 - -!1 1 2 3 4 -4 - 1 2 3 4 X
•2 -2 -2
+3 -3 -3
' -4
,4 -4
-4 -3 0 1 3 4
- 4 - 3 - 2 - !P I 2 3 4
- 4 - 3 -2 - ! P 1 2 3 4 - !1 2)
' '
-2 -2 -2
-3 -3
-4 -4
12 )'
1 (b) )' (b) )'
4, 4
i '•
-4 -3 -2 - 1 X '
-1 , 3 4 '3 '
, '' ,' '
-f '
' - 4 - 3 -, - ! 10 1 3 4 X 2 3 4 X
' '• •
EXERC ISE 3.2 ' -3
' '•
1 B
'' •
2 C
3 D 7 (a) )'
)' 10 (a)
4 (a) )'
,, '
6 4
,, ' •
4 ,, ' '• 5 3
3 , ••4 •
' •3
,, i X
1 - 4 - 3 - 2 - !P 1 2 3 4
- 4 -, J '- 2 - ! f 1 2 3 4 X •
, -2
, , -2 - 4 - 3 - 2 - !10 , ' l 2 3 4
-3 ' -2 -4
- 4 - 3 - 2 - ! 10 1 2 3 4 '0
, ,J'
'' -4 - 2 - }1 1 2 4 X
-3 - 4 - 3 - 2 - !10 1 2 3 4 X
-2 '- 3
(b) )'
5 6 (a) y 9 (a)
' \ ' 3 3
' ' 2
2 '
' 1
-2 -2
EXERCISE 3.3 - 3'
' -3
1 B 2 A
3 C -?' ' -4
4 (a)
4 y
7 (a) 10 (a) y
2 3
- 4 - 3 - 2 - 10 1/"2 3 4 X 1
-1 ,,
- 4 - 3 - 2 - 10
l ' 'l 2 3 4 X
- ,2, I - - 4 - 3 - 2 - ! 10 1 2 1I 3 4 X
, , •3 ' -2
, , -4 ' -3
-3 I
' -4
I -4 'I
4 (b)
3 4
(b) . )'
2 3
1 ,2 'J
' \
-4 - 3 -2 0 2 3 4 X
- 2, - 4 -3 -f - !1 0
-4 - 3 - - !1 1 3 4 X
, , ~'.l -2
, , -4 -3
-4 -3
5 (a) )'
7 8 (a) y
6 11 (a) y
5 5
-4 - 3 -2 - 1O 1 2' - '.l 4 X - 4 - 3 - 2 - ! 10 1 2 3 4 X
- 4 - 3 - 2 - ! 10 1 2 3 4 X rl
~2 -2
'- 3
384 New Senior Mathematics Extension 1 for Years 11 & 12
(b) )' (c) 2 y
' ',,'
' 5
y IO
' 'l,, ''
8 9
:\ ; I
: 4
' .,
: 'i
: \ :1 :
' '
' -( . '. .( . \
6 '
' '' ' '
-4 - 3 - 2 - !1
0 I 2 3 4 X -4 - l•-1
° !., ,.1 ,}( 4 X
'. ~4 ' '
-6 y=i'+2x\
12 (a) )' ' -8 '\
' \
- 4 - 3 - 2 - !10
X ', y =j{x + g(x)
-I 2
' '
3 4
3 y
-2 ' ' :'' ' 12
- 3''
: '
_q' '
' \
\ .:: ' . \
': :'
'\ 8 I '
\' '
\, .' ' I 6
{b) )'
:, :, : ,: X \ I
4 ' \ ' \
.. ' :' \4 I
. - ' :'
3 ... \
y=x'+i' - 2x', I
2 ' : I
I 4 X
-4 - 3 3
-4 - 3 - 2 - I 0
The new curve is a parabola, -4
concave up cutting the y-axis -6
-J y=x' '
at (0, -4). ' -8
-'4 (e) )'
14 4
EXERCISE 3.4 12 ,'' '
IO 12
1 (a)
y=x2 - 3x\
)'=fix)+ g(x) 8
6 '' :' ' IO
4 '' :'
12 '' 2 ' :
' 6
'' '
IO -i - i-~ j,-f
-4 -3 .., . ":"
- ~- " \
-- :,' / -,;;. ' ... .:.
• ,. I '
'' -
6 . ,,. - - .., - ,: " :..-8"" .. '
...• .; - ---
:, I ' - IO
.' . 4
' - 12 -4 - - l ' - L20 I '' 4 X
, -:
-- - : ~J
.• •.... .
- 4 - ~ -? -lz - 1 2 3 4 x
y= .<'+i' - 6x
.. -.:
The new curve is a cubic, cutting the -6
• .. •
.: •
x-axis at about (3.5, 0) and the y-axis ' -+-y =x' - 3x
,, -8
at (0, - 8). It has th e same shape as
The new c urve is a parabola, concave y=g(x).
up cutting the x-axis at (- 1, 0) and (f) )'
{O, 0).
)'=fix) + g(x)
'' 5 B
. -..
3 4 X '
The new curve is a cubic, cutting
the x-axis at about (- 2.6, 0) and the
y-axis at (0, 5). It has a similar shape
The new c urve is a parabola, concave toy = g(x), but flattens out more
up cutting the x-axis at (- 2, 0) and between the turning points.
(1, 0) and the y-axis at (0, - 3).
,, 2
- 0
' -3 - 2 -r:o
,, 3 X I
y =f(x g(x) ',
' X
, -2 , -2 -1 O 2 3 4 5
' ' ,
' ,3
(d) y =fix)g(x)
,,J' - 4 -2
I ' ,I I
' ,
' '''
' ~ I The graph is a quartic with a horizontal
' ' :' ' /: /
point of inflection at (O, O) and cutting
,: ~
.,' ' ' '_, - ( I
the x-axis at (2, 0). It has a least value of
, '
' - ,I
-4 - 3 -
© - -.-...
-- -
- 1
_. , ', . 5 X
about - 1.7.
. )'
. (b) )'
- 10 ' t4 y=x-2 - , 8
' '
- 20
' '',3 \: ' 7
2 6
(e) ' '
, ' ', '
y=x2 - 3x' '
,: -3 -2 2 I 4 3
,: I
': -2 ' ,
' : '
' I
' -3
-4 - 3 ,-' - i- -4
~I -6
~ 2
' • 4
-7 (c) y
' 16 y =Jlx) g(x) y = (x2 - 3x)(x2 - 1) 8
- 18 -8
(f) y 6
8 The graph is a quartic, cutting the x-axis
7 y =Jlx) g(x) at (- 1, 0), (O, 0), (1, 0) and (3, 0). It has
6 a least value of - 7. 4
--- 4 5 C 3
--- '
' 2
- -' -
1 2y= x +4
-2 - ~o 5 X
2 y =x' 0 2 X
I 3
' \
'' ' --- 3 y =l.
x • x ;tO
-2 -1
,~ 4 '
\ '' ,' 2
,: 5 ' 4 x' +y =4,-2 SxS2
,' 6 '
• -7
' -8
'' -9
' -- ' 5 y =.J4-x 2 , - 2SxS2
(d) r' y 2
0 .5 , ,
-0 - 0.25 0.25 X 8
, -6 -4 - 2, 0 ,2 4 6x
- 0.25 6 , , •2 ,
, , '' , ,
4, - 4'
, ,2
19 (a) y = x - 1,x + y = 3 , 0 4
- 10 - 8 -6,
, - 4 - 2- 2 2 X
(c) y
(b) 2x + y+ 24 = O, x - 2y + 72 = 0 , , '' 6
(C) )' = 2x - 5, X + 2y - 5 = 0 , ,
(d) y = x + 2,x + y+ 6 = 0 ,, 4
, -6
1 (a) y 0
10 -6 -4 -i, ,'2 4 6x
,, ,
(e) ~2
10 I
, - 4'
,, 8 ,
6 , , ,,
,, 6 , -6
4 ,,
,, 4, y
,,2 , {d) I
,, I
', '
4 ,
-2 0
- 10 -8
,, 4 -2
- 10 -8
, , 2 4x
, ,, ,, ''
,, -4 ,, -4 '
,, ,, -6 -6 -4 0
:f 4 6x
, ,
, -6 I '- 2 ,, '
-8 '' , ,
-8 -4
8 (e) y
, '
6 ,, '
,, 4
4, ,, ,
, ,, 2 2
, 0 4
- 10 - 8 ... 6, , - 4 - 2 2 X 0
,, .
-6 -4 4 6x
- 10 - 8
-6 , , _4 -2 0 2 X
-2 '•I 2
, ,
,, -2 , -4 ' ,
,, ,, --4'
, -4 ,, -6
, , -6
,, -6
0 -2
-4 2 4 X
-6 -4
II t = -X , y = -I'
(b) )' -4 3 3
(c) (i) y
0 4 ' I
, - -4 - 3 - 2 - 1 1 2 3 4
-4 -i 2 X
' '
v' -2
, -,
-2 , - I
I -3
' I
' ,
,· >·"4 - 3 - 2 - 1 1 2 3 4 5 X
-4 (ii) x'+ I = 25
(c) )'
6 6 y =x' - 6x + 4
(b) )' y= x) g(x); 7 (a) D (b) A (c) D (d) C
' I
8 (a) y = 2x' + Sx + 7
'\ ', CHAPTER4
'<t, , , -, EXERCISE 4.1
, , II
-4 -~ 0 2 4 X
, ,
,T - ', , 1 (a) sin A cos2B + cosAsin2B
-2 ,
,- X
(b) sin2xcosy - cos2xsiny
,-s ~ - -2- 1 1 2 3 4
(c) cos2xcos 3)1 + sin 2xsin 3y
-4 (d) ½cos 20 - f-sin 20
(e) tan0+ tan a (f) tan A+ l
l - tan0tana 1- tan A
2 (a) sin (2A - B) (b) cos2a
(c) sin A (d) 0 (e) tan ( 0 - 20°)
(f) tan 3a (g) sin A (h) cos0
(i) tan 2x
3 D
4 (a) sin 60° = -If (b) tan 135° = - 1
(c) - 1 - ✓3 (d) 2sin xcos40°
Jin A+
cotA c~B
= cosAcosB + sin A sinB
= sin AcosB - cosAsinB _ sin(A - B) _
6 cos(8 - ¢) = cos8cos¢+sin 8sin¢ sin AcosB+cosAsinB - sin(A+B) - RHS
cos(90°- 8 - ¢) = cos (90° - 8)cos¢ + sin(90° - 8 ) sin¢
4 LHS = sin (8 + a)sin(8 - a)
cos (90° - ( 8 + ¢)) = sin 8cos ¢ + cos 8sin ¢
= (sin 8cos a + cos 8sin a )(sin 8cos a - cos 8sin a)
sin (8+ ¢)) = sin 8cos¢ + cos8sin ¢
= sin' 8cos' a - cos' 8sin2 a
7 (a) ,~~ (b) ¾ (c) ,~~ 8 A 9 (a) ;! (b) - ~• (c) ~ = sin2 8(1 - sin2a) - (l - sin2 8 ) sin2 a
10 (a) sin( 45° + 30°) = sin 45°cos30° + cos45° sin 30° = sin' 8 - sin' 8sin2a - sin2a + sin' 8sin2a
' x .r,
sin 75° = 7, = sin2 8 - sin' a = RHS
, + 7,
' x l.,=.
(b) tan(450 + 300) = tan 45° + tan 30° 5 LHS = sin3A _ cos3A
1- tan45° tan30° sinA cosA
I+ ' r:: r:: ' r:: = sin 3AcosA - cos3AsinA
tan 75o = 7'=v3 + 1 (v 3+1) = 4+ 2v3 = 2 + ✓3
1- +, ✓ 3 -1 3- 1 2 sin A cos A
_ sin(3A - A)
11 (a) ✓6 ~ .fi. (b) 2- ✓3 (c) ✓6 : .fi. 12 E (i; ./3) sin A cos A
sin 2A 2sinAcosA
- sin AcosA = sinAcosA = 2 = RHS
6 LHS = tan(45° +A)+tan(45°-A)
1 (a) 3sin8- 4sin 38 (b) 4cos'8 - 3cos8 (c) 3tan8- tan' 8
2 = l + tan A + l - tanA
2 () ,.fl {b) ,
a - - .-
() r,:;
- 8 c 3v 7 (d) 3rd quadrant
l - 3tan 8 1- tan A l + tanA
3 (a) tan A (b) sin' 8 (c) cos48 (d) ½ (e) ½sin8x _ (l +tanA)2 +(1- tan A)'
- (1 - tanA)( l+tanA)
(f) 2sin' 8 (g) ¼sin 4x (h) sin4x (i) l + sin 28 O) l - sin 2A
= 1+ 2tan A+tan2 A + l - 2 tan A+ tan' A
(k) I (I) I (m) ½cos2x (n) tan2 8 (o) cos6x
1- tan ' A
4 (a) t (b) - ¾ (c) -t
2 2
5 (a) cosec'a. (b) sin 8 (c) I (d) ½ (e) cos 8 (f) sin (8+¢) _ 2+2 tan' A 2sec' A
- 2 =
I - tan A I - tan' A
- 2 2 = RHS
1 A 2 (a) tan 18° (b) cos30° = ,q. (c) sin;45° = .fi. cos' A - sin' A cos2A
7 LHS = cos4x
3 (a) 1 + 212- 1 (b) 4+61-41
(c) 2- 21 - 21
(d) 1- 1
= 2cos2 2x - l
I+ 1 I +1 2 I +12
= sin' 8 - ¼(sin' 8 +cos' 8) = sin' 8 - ¼= RHS = (k+ J)sin(a- ,BJ+ 2 tan; cosasin,B - 2sinacos,B
36 RHS = J- cos28 = (k + l )sin(a - ,BJ+ 2sina cos,B - 2sinacos,B
l + cos28 = (k+ l )sin(a- ,BJ = RHS
_ 2sin 8 = sin8 = tan 8 = LHS 45 LHS = 4sin 0sin(8 - ;)sin(8 - ';)
2cos28 cos0
tan.!'..= 1- cosf = 1- 1 =
-- (✓2 - 1)' = ✓2 - 1
= 4 sin8( sin8cos·; - cos0sin 1)( sin 0cos 2;
= 4 sin8(½sin8 -
• l +cos1 l +i 2_ 1
8 9 = 4 sin8(- ¼sin' 8+¾cos28) = sin8(3cos' 8 - sin' 8 )
37 (a) 2sinAcosB {b) 2sin( ;¢)cos( ;¢)
RHS = sin 38 = sin(28 + 8)
38 sec8 - tan0 = ¾
= sin 20cos8+cos20sin0
I + t' 21 = l
1- t' 1- t' 5 = 2sin0cos 28 + (cos' 8 - sin' 0)sin8
(1 - 1)' 3 = sin 8(3cos20 - sin' 0) = LHS
1- 1' = 5
1- 1 3 EXERCISE 4.5
l +I = s 1 C 2 sin 68 + sin 28
S- St = 3+31 3 cos SA + cos 2A 4 ½(sin 6A - sin 2A)
t= ! 5 ½(sin 20+ sin 2a)
7 ½( cos (48) + cos (2a)
6 I - sin 2A
21 .1 8
sin8 = = 2
1 = - 8 sin (4a + ,BJ - sin (2a + 3,8)
l +I 2 1+ 16 17 9 cos8 - cos 38 10 ½(cos 68 - cos 2(/)
39 4tan(a - ,8) = 3tan a 11 ½(sin 3x + sin y) 12 I + Jj2
4(tana - tan,B)
~ - - -~~= 3 tana
l +tanatan,B 13 ½(cos 2,8 - cos 2A) 14 ✓3 - 1
4 tana - 4 tan,B = 3tana + 3tan' a tan,B 15 sin 28 + sin 2</) 16 ½(sin A + sin B)
17 ½( ;' + cos50°) 18 sin 48 + sin 28
( 3tan 2a+4 )tan,B = tan a
.!!!!!!. 19 ½(sin(38 + 3</)) + sin(8 - </)) 20 sin 6A - sin 2A
tan,B = tan a = «..a 21 sin JOA + sin 4A 22 D
2 2
3tan a+4 ,,,., ,,
Hn «+4
23 2cos 2x sin x 24 2cos (x+ 1) sin 1
sin a cos a
3sin2a+ 4cos2 a
6+ 2cos 2a
7 + cos2a
25 - 2sin (x+4) sin ½
27 2 cos .i..2 cos !!.2
26 2sin 8 cos a
28 - 2sin (A+ C) sin B
40 LHS = cos• 8 - sin 8
= (cos' 8 - sin' 8)(cos 8 + sin' 8)
3 3
29 2cos( x; Y) cos( x;y ) 30 2cos ( A;B) cos ( A;B)
= (cos8 - sin 8)(cos20 + sin 8cos8 + sin' 8)(cos8 + sin8) 31 2cos 2A cos A 32 0
2cos(x;')cos(x;-' ) 4
56 LHS = sin 10° + cos 40°
= tan( -o/) = sin 50° + sin 10°
= 2 sin 30° cos 20°
45 LHS = cosx - cos3x = cos 20°
sinx - sin 3x
_ - 2sin2xsin(-x) = sin 70°
2cos 2x sin(- x) 57 LHS = sin 48°+sin l 2°
= - tan 2x cos48°+ cos!2°
_ 2sin 30°cos!8°
46 LHS = sin 2A - sin 2B 2 cos 30° cos 18°
sin 2A +sin2B
_ 2cos(A + B)sin(A - B) =-'.r,
- 2sin(A + B)cos(A - B)
_ tan(A- B)
58 LHS = sin3x - sinx
- tan(A+ B) cosx - cos3x
47 LHS = cos(0+a) - cos(0 - a) 2cos2xsinx
sin( 0 +a )+ sin( 0 - a) - 2sin2xsin(- x)
_ - 2sin0sina _ cos2xsinx
- 2sin 0cosa sin2xsinx
= - tan a = cot 2x
- sin x+sin(x+ y) + sin(x + 2y) 59 LHS = cos (A + B) cos(A - B)
48 LHS - = tan(x+y)
cosx+cos(x+ y)+cos(x+2y) = ½(cos 2A + cos 2B)
_ sin(x +2y ) +sinx+sin(x+ y) 2
= ½(2cos A - I + I - 2 sin B)
- cos(x+2y)+cosx+cos(x+ y)
= cos2A - sin 2B
_ 2sin(x+ y)cosy+sin(x + y)
- 2cos(x + y)cosy+cos(x+ y) 60 LHS = sin 0+sin 70
sin 30 + sin 50
= sin(x + y)(2cosy+ I 2sin40cos30
cos(x+ y)(2cosy + I) 2 sin 40cos0
= tan (x +y) for 2cosy + I-¢ 0 cos30
49 LHS = sin 50 + sin 30 - 2sin 20cos 0 cos0
= 2sin 40cos0 - 2sin 20cos0 _ cos20cos0 - sin 20sin0
= 2cos0(sin 40 - sin 28) cos0
= 2cos0 x 2cos 30sin 0 = cos 20 - _ 2sin
, cos0
. . :. : ~ =-=-
= 2sin 20cos 30 = cos20 - 2sin-0
50 LHS = sin 2x + sin 4x + sin 6x = cos20 + cos20 - I
= sin 4x + sin 2x + sin 6x = 2cos20 - I
= 2sin 3x cos x + 2sin 3x cos 3x
= 2sin 3x (cos 3x+ cos x) 61 LHS = sin(0 + 4>) - sin(8 - 4>)
cos(0+ 4> )- cos(0 - 4>)
= 2sin 3x x 2cos 2x cos x
_ 2cos0sin 4>
= 4 cos x cos 2x sin 3x
51 LHS = sin' 50- sin' 30 - 2sin0sin4>
= (sin 50 + sin 30)(sin 50 - sin 30) = - cot0
= 2sin 40cos0x 2cos 40si n 0 62 LHS = cos75° + cos!5°
sin 75° - sin !5°
= 2sin 402cos 40x 2 sin 0cos 0
= sin 80sin 20 _ 2cos45°cos30°
2cos45° sin30°
52 LHS = sin 35° - sin 25°
= cot 30°
= 2 cos 60° sin 5°
= ✓3 sin 5° = ✓3
=- J' n' J•
10 (a) x = O' .ll. 5
(b) x =.!!..!..
6 ◄
"<1 . 566 7 5 7
' . '. ' . ' . "'
◄ 46
(g) X - 1!.
1!. l l lll.
6' 6 ' 6
(c) x = 0.39, 2.23, 3.53, 5.37 (d) x = o, ; • 11:, ' f , 211:
x = O, <1{,2n
11 (a) 0 = f, f , 't (b) 0 = f , 1f, ':
(h) x == O (i) x = ! , ':, ':, '." G) x = 0.4, 2.74
2 C (c) 0 = 0.0205, 2.074 (d) 0 = 0, 1, 1, n
3 (a) x = O (b) x = - 11:, 0, ~ . n (c) x = - ; • : • ': 12 Solve for OS x S 211:, the equations:
(d) x = - ;,o,; (e) x = - n,n (n x = -':. - ;.: .'t (a) X -- 0, z• , T7 • , 6l . .' 2 n (b) X -- 0, 2, , 3, . ,n, 2,. , 3•• , 2'IC
= cos(A + B) = LHS
cosAcosB (k) r (x) = - log,x, O<x< 1,y> O
tan 22.5° = - 1 ±✓ 2
Since 22.5° is an acute angle, tan 22.5° = ✓2 - I
Now tan 22.50 = 2 tan I 1.250
I - tan' ll.25° 5 (a) not one-to-one, - a S x s 0, 0 s x s a
(✓2 - 1)(1 - tan' 11.25°) = 2tan 11.25° (b) not one-to-one, x S 0, x 2: 0
(c) not one-to-one, x < 0, x > O
2 - l) tan2 l l.25°+ 2tan 1 1.25°+ 1 - ✓2 =0
6 (a) l(g(x)) = l(½(x+1)) = 2X½(x+ l)- l = x,
o _ -2± ✓4 - 4( ✓2- 1)(1 - ✓2) g(l(x) ) = g(2x - I) =½((2x - l)+ I) = x
tan 11.25 - ( )
2 ✓2 -1
(b) l(g(x)) = l(log, 2x) = ½e'*'' =½X2x =x,
-1±J1+(✓2 - 1)' g(l(x) ) = g(½e' )= log,{2 x ½e' ) = x
tan 11.25° = ( J2 _ I)
(c) l(g(x)) =1(-./16-x' ) =./16-(-../16- x' )'
tan 11.25° = - I± J 4- 2 ✓2
(✓2 - 1) =& = x asO s x s 4
(✓2 - 1)
7 (a) x =O, ~. n =- & =- (-x)=x as -4 SxS 0
(b) x -- 10'
,r J R' 1r 11t 9 1t or x 1t 21t 41 .1!' S.1!'
10' 2 ' 10 ' 10 - 3' 3 ' 3 ' 3 (d) l(g(x)) = 1(1+~
8 (a) x = -4, O 2
s, • • 0 • • s, = 2X(l +../1 - x) - (1+ ~
(b) X =- T , - 'JC, -"I, -'i", , 6 , 2 , n, 6
(c) x = 2,•, O = 2+ 2../1- x - (1+2..fl=x + 1- x)=x,
g(l(x) )= g(2x - x')= I+ .J1- (2x - x')
= l + ✓(x - 1)2 =x asx2: l
1 A, B, 0 , E, H (e) l(g(x)) =1( x2:1) = 2x ~ - 1 ,,
2 (a) - 2SxSO (b) x2:2 (c) x< - 2,x> - 2 (d) xS l.5 (e) x2: - 3 I
3 (a) 1- (x) =½x+2,all real x, allreal y
1 x+l-.x =X,
(b) 1-1(x) = ../x+ I, x 2: - 1, y 2: O g(l(x)) = g( I ) = ,;:;- + I ?x-1
_ X
2x - l 2x(_i_)
2.x- 1 ?x-1
(c) g-1 (x) = x'+ 3, x2: O,y 2: 3
7 D
(d) 1-1(x) =- .J9-x' , 0 s XS 3, - 3 sys 0
8 (a) % = 3x 2 - 9 :. stationary points at x = ±./3
(e) 1-1(x) = x',J. all real x, all real y d'
---2:'.. = 6x :
(f) 1- 1 (x) = -✓X - 2, X 2: 0, JS - 2 dx'
Where x = ./3, { = 6./3 which is positive
(g) 1-1(x) = - 1+../x+ I , x 2: 0, y 2: 0 dx
:. max turning point at (./3, O)
(h) 1-1(x) = e'-1, all real x,y> - 1
394 New Senior Mathematics Extension 1 for Years 11 & 12
\.Yh ere x = -✓3 , - 2 = -6✓3 which is negative 3 (a) f (b) - .5, (c) 65° {d) !80° (e) ½ (f) -½
dx (g) - :~~ (h) ''f
:. min turning point at (- ./3, 12✓3)
4 (a) 0 < tan-' ¾< tan-• 4 < f , so O<tan- 1 4 - tan-' ¾< ~
(b) As there is a turning point at x = ./3 o n the x-axis, x = ./3 is
Now tan (tan-• 4 - tan-'¾)
a double zero o f th e polynomial.
Let the zeros of th e polynomial be ✓ 3, ✓ 3 and a tan(tan- 1 4) - tan( tan-' ¾) 4- ¾
= -----~--~= - ~ - = I
Usingsumofroots = _ b: 2✓3 + a = O l+tan(tan- 1 4) tan{tan -' ¾) 1+4x¾
:. Cl = -2✓3 :. tan-L4 - tan- 1 ! t=
:. other x-intercept is at ( -2✓3 , 0)
(b) sin_,¾ + sin-•(- ¾) = sin_,¾ - sin_,¾ = O
(c) (- '/3, 12'/3) >' (because sin-' xis an odd fun ction)
(c) 0 < tan_, u<zan
' • d O<cos _, s < • ,
11 2
so 0 < tan -I 12
+ cos-I u<
Now cos ( tan - l 12 + cos- l S )
= cos(tan- 1 ,~) cos(cos- 1 ,~) - sin(tan- 1 .5,) sin(cos-' .5, ) = 0
-1 5
:. tan IT + cos rr= 2z
-1 5
0 X
At th e point (6✓3, O): ddy = 1, =- 1 (f) O < sin- 1 .1S < lt.and
2 O < tan-' L24 < '1..2 ,
3 X0 - 9 9
so O< sin- 1 f + tan- 1 { 4 < n:
Thus, equation of tangent: y - 0 = (x - 6✓3) -! Now cos (sin- 1 ¾+ tan_, {, ) = cos (sin_, ¾)
or x+9y = 6✓3
cos(tan- 1 J,) - sin(sin-'¾) sin(tan- 1 {, ) = ¾
9 (a) ;Z = e' which is positive for all x :. sin- 1 f+ tan- 1 J.i = cos-' ¾
:. th e function is increasing for all x
(g) 0 < sin_, .5, <~and O < tan-•~~<;,
(b) \.Yherex = O, i = e0 = I
so O< sin- 1 2...
+ tan-
< n:
(c) From (b) we see that y =xis a tangent to the curve at (0, 0):
Nowcos(sin- 1 153 + tan- 1 !~)
y = e' - I
y = cos(sin-• i', ) cos(tan-1 ~~) - sin(sin- • i', ) sin(tan- 1 ~~) = f
y =x
:. sitC 1 153 + tan- 1 !~ = cos- 1 t
5 (a) o (b) o (c) ~~ (d) ~
(el ~ (fl b (gJ -•:
X 6 (a) Leta = sin-' xwhereOSxS l
:. OS a$; 1 and s ina = x = ·;
"2 il
y= 2 ta n- 1(x - 1)
-4 -3 -2 1 2 3 4 -3 -2 - 10 1 2 3
-4 - 3 - 2 - 1 . - - - - - - - - - -If
--" 2
= tan (n - cos-' x)
= - tan(cos- 1 x)
-2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 - 1'
= - f (x) :. odd function
-,, 13 y = 2cos ·; ,os x s3n, - 1SyS1
31< 0) Let a.= cos- ' xwhere OS as n, 14 (a) sin-'x+ cos-'x = ~ for - I SxS I,
2 i.e. cos a = x so the graph is:
From sin' a + cos' a = I:
1d) - l. <X < + I <- J < J ,r + I sin a = ± ./1- x'
\ 2 -
l. -
- 2•
, .•
2 - 2 " y= sin-I x+ cos- Ix
Which one? OS as n so "2
sin a = + ./1- x'
21' 0 X
Hence y = sin (cos_, x ) becomes
y = sina,
-2 -1
--"2 1 2
2 - Jr
y= 3 sin- t 2x + l which becomes y = .Ji - x'
" i.e. a semicircle
"2 (b) J~ (sin- 1 x+cos-' x )dx
Domain - I S x S I, Range Osys I 1
0 X
-2 -1
--2Ji 1 2 3 4
y = sin(cos-'x)
= Area of rectangle between interval
and x-axis = n
--3Jt2 0 2 1 (a) vertex ( 1,- 9), intercepts (0, - 8),
-2 -1 1 X
(4, 0), (- 2, 0)
(e) all real x, - ns yS n (b) x SI (c) y = i - .Jx + 9
3;r; (d) y
8 (a) Both have domain OS x S I,
·----------Jt -----------· range - n s y s n
2 y= 2tan- 1x (b) g(x) = 2sin_, (I - 2x) = 2sin- 1 (- [- I (- 9, 1)
X + 2x)) 0 X
-4 - 3 - 2 2 3 4 -8
2 = - 2sin- 1 (- 1 + 2x) = - f (x)
. - - - - - - - - - -Jt
( 1, - 9)
_, dy I 4
(f) For / - - - - ?==
' dx - 2../x+9
Evaluating this for x = - 3
F is very difficult.
-2 - 1
0 1 2
For f, %= 2x - 2 . At T, x = 3 -{41,gradient of
1=2( 3 - F )- 2=1 - m )'
:. gradient of /- 1 at T= I = - l +m I ,r)
i- m 40 ( - ..,..,
2 (a) ; (b) ': (c) 1 {d) : (e) - ! (f) ¾ (g) 'ff ,r
3 (a) Both tan -' ¾and tan-' ½are between O and !
:. 0 < tan-
¾+ tan- 1 ½< ~ -2 -1 O .!_ 1 2
2 ...,....___
4 (a) - 2SxS2, 0S y S21r
0 ,r ,r 3,r
-2 2 2
2 7 (a) O<x < I
0 X
-4 -2 2 4
-2 -1 0 X {b) (1,0)
1 2
-- ,r
-~ (n+ l)Xn!
~~,...,_- -'--,-,--'-,- ~ ~ 17 (a) i x 4 x 4 - .!..Q_ (b) .!..Q_ 18
(n- r)X (n - r - l )!x (r + I) x r ! 9 8 7 - 63 21
= n'· (n -r+ l+3r)+ n'· [3(n - r+3)] 2 (a) 6 (b) 21 (c) 10 (d) 27 (e) 40 (f) 54
(n -r+ l)!r! (n-r+3)!(r-2)! +r-2 3 (a) 32 (b) - 64 (c) ~
n! [(n+2r+ l )(n -r+ 3)(n -r+ 2) ] 4 B 5 (a) ! Ox' (b) - 280a' (c) i 35 x'
- (n -r+ 3)!r! +(3n-2r+7)(r)(r- l ) 16
6 {a) 1+4✓ 2 +6X2+4X2✓ 2 +4 = 1 7+ 12✓2
n! [ , , ]
= (n _r+ ) , 1 n +6n +lln+6
3 .r .
{b) 1 - 3✓3 +3X3-3✓3 = 10 - 6✓3
(c) I + 6✓5 + 15 x 5 + 20X 5 ✓5 + 15X 25+ 6x 25✓5 + 125
= n!(n+ l )(n+2)(n+3) = (n+3)! = "+>c = LHS
(n-r+3)!r! (n+3-r)!r! ' = 576+256✓5
33 5 (d) I+ 6✓ 3 + 36+ 24✓ 3 = 37 + 30 ✓3
(e) 1 - 12 ✓2 + 1 08 - 216✓ 2 + 324 = 433- 228✓2
(f) I + 5 ✓3 ~ 15✓ 3 45 + 9✓
2 + 2 + 4 + 16 32
3 = 362 + 209✓
1 (a) v = 6r - 101 - 4, a = 121 - 10
(b) I = 0, v = -4 m s-•, a = - 10 m s-'
(c) v = 0: 3r - St - 2 = 0
(3t+ 1)(1 - 2) = 0 2 --------
I = 2s
{d) a = 0: 121 - IO= 0
l = ls
v = 6x(l)'
- IOxl
- 4 = -S l.m
s- 1
x = 2X (6s)' - sx (s)' s ,s
6 - 4X 6 = - 5 54 m
0 I 2 3 4 5 6 7 I
2 (a) v = 3r - 7t - 6, a = 61 - 7
(b) v ➔ 2ms-'
(b) v = 0: 3r - 7t - 6 = 0
(3t+ 2)(1 - 3) = 0 (c) a = (,::r
I = 3 sec
(c) a< 0: 61 - 7 < O I
I< I¼ sec. During the first I¼ seconds.
(d) V
x=I ! 0 I 4 5 6 7 I
0 I I 2 4 t _,
-6 -2
{d) Since I~ 0 th en (I + 1) 3 > 0 so a< 0 to all I~ 0.
- 10 6 A
7 (a) For A, 1 = 0: v = IOOkmh- 1• For B, I = 3,
\<\Then a < 0, th e velocity is negative, it is a decreasing v = 60 + 40e-3 ~ 62km h- 1
function reaching its least value when a = 0. {b) (Q a = - 40e-• (ii) a = 60 - v
(e) a> 0 when t >I¼- The velocity is now an increasing
3 (a) 1= 0, v = - Sms-1
{b) v = 0: 5 = .~,
I= I
a = - '"-
(1+1)2 _,
l =l,a = Sms
-----~-~_, _____ 2 (a) N = 40 + Ae0·",
so ft = 0.2(N - 40)
', but Ae0·" = N - 40,
(b) 113.9
3 ~~ = - k(T - 50), f} = k(T-~ SO)' T ;o 20
20 1= - .l J I d1 = - .l log (T - SO)+ C, T>50
k T - 50 k e
IO - k(t - C) = log, (T - 50), T - 50 = e·•<•-C)•
T = 50 + Ae-,1' where A= e·•C
0 I 2 3 4 5 6 I 1= 0, T = 120: A = 70
As t increases, the velocity approaches 60 km h" 1 from above.
I = 10, T = 70: 70 = 50 + 70e·'""'• k = 1~ log.. 3.5 = 0.125,
T = 50 + 70e-o.u,,
8 (a ) x(t) = 2(1 - e_,), x(t) = 2e· 1 • x(I) = - 2e· 1
x(OJ = o, x (OJ = 2, x(O) = - 2 (a) 1= 20: T = so + 1oe·2·• = ss.7°C
(b) x(I) (b) T = 60: 60 = 50 + 70e...,·""• e-o.1251 = ·h
2 - - - - - · __:.
· ;.· =
· - - 0.1251 = 1n 7,t = 15.6min
4 B
5 (a) 1= 0, T = 1230: RHS = 30 + 1200 x I = 1230 = LHS
dT = - 1200ke·•• = - k(T - 30)
I • dt
(b) I = 10, T = 1030: 1030 = 30 + 1200e· ""', k = 1~ ln(t)
1= 20: T = 30 + 1200e-21n(i)
• = 30+1200x (¼)' = 863.3°C
12 (a) 16500 (b) 13.86 min (c) (i) 824/min (ii) 1000/min di = E - R1· or
Hence L di L dt
di + R.1 = E
13 (a) ;,(V0e•k~ = - kV0e•kr = - kV (b) k = ¼log..(f), ~
9 (a) .dll = A(O+ ke·••) = kAe·"
(c ) 0) 0.032V0 m 3 min_, (ii) 0.043V0 m 3 min·' d1
14 (a) 50 (b) 0.1 (c ) 2 years But A - V = Ae"'' so~ = k(A - V)
15 (a) 5000 (b) 2 (c ) IOOOOcoulombspersecond (b) If total volume = B, then at I = 5: V = !
16 (a) N = IOOOe0· ' " (b) 4.62 h, 300/h
17 (a) k = ,;,0 1n('t)z0.004 (b) 173m
.B. = A(I - e•'k) e•Sk = 4A - B e" = 4A
4 ' 4A ' 4A-B'
18 (a) k = ~~ln{f) z -0.02 (b) 35 k =.l ln( 4 A )
5 4A-B
19 m = Me•k•, 6.9 20 (a) 80 (b) (ij 51.25°C (iij 14.8min
21 16000 22 70 days 23 59%
= A( 1- e'•('t;•)' ) = A( 1- ( 4 ~~ B)') = ~ - 1~ x !
dx ( I + 1' )' 2 ( I - 1' ) t' - I
1= - 1 J I dx = - - 1 log (10 - x) + C
2k 10 - x 2k '
t=- t:x=¼- t =- '91
1= 1: x =l + 4 = 5
t = O x = 0· 0 = - - 1 log IO+ C C = - 1 log 10
' . 2k ' ' 2k ' C li!..._ 3(t' +41- 1)
1= - - 1 loa (IO- x)+ - 1 log 10 - 2kl = loa( 10 - x) (l dx - 4(t + 2)'
2k "' 2k ' ' "' 10 '
di = 3; V = ,I n:It' ' dV
8 r = It' dV dlt = n:It'
IO- x = e_,., x = IO(t - ['k')
10 ' dV = dV x dlt , dlt _ _ 3_
(b) I = 5, x = 2: 2 = 10(1 - e_'..), e_, .. = 0.8, k = ,~ log, 1.25 di dlt d1 d1 - n:li'
x =I O( 1- e..l.J
5 og, l25 )
· lt = n: dlt =..l... ems- '
di n'
5 u s) -.!.iog,us
9 dx _ l y _ 6 y _ 3x dy _ dy x dx _ 3x 1-1 sms-•
Wherex = 9: 9 = 10 ( 1- e ,e = ~,
1 dt ' y - x 2' 2 ' dt dx di 2 .
Length of shadow = y - x
5 og, '·" = 10 .!. log 1.25 = log 10 t = 5 log' I0 = 51.6min
But y- x = y .sl..cy - x) = l xdy =!.x i 5 = OSms- 1
•s e r • loge 1.25
3 ' d1 3 d1 3 · ·
11 (a) dy = - ke_.., but e-kt = y - 3 so El_ = - k(y - 3)
di di
(b) k = 0.08 (c) y = 3.5: = - 0.08(3.5 - 3) = - 0.04 gfh 6
(d) 1=0, y = 4, limy = lim (3 +e-o.os, ) = 3,
,~- ,~
hence 3 <yS 4
I· X
EXERCISE 7.5 t - - - - -y - - - - - 1
1 C 10 C
2 dy _ - 3 _ -3M 11 -dy - -;===
-x dy -x
- - -;===== X 4
dt- ✓119 - 119 dx - .J4 - x ' ' dt - .J4 - x '
3 V = 1nx2(60 - x): V = 1 <60x2 -X") dy -4 4✓3
x = l : 7t= ✓3 = --3-
~~ = (120x - 3x )
12 ~ cm/ min 13 12
dV _ dV xdx
at- dx dt 14 (a) r = I 0: ~f
= - 1 radians per second
~~ = 2n: 2n =~(120x - 3x2) x ,Z (b) r = 10· dA = - SO em's-•
. di
dx 6n: , ., .J , dy
15 x + J' = 25, y = 25 - x , -d = .J
d1 = n: (12ox - 3x' ) X 25 - X 2
- - -6- - dx = I, x = I; at I = 4, x = 4
3(40x - x') d1
---- 2
x(40 - x)
dy dy dx -X -4
- = - X- =,==== Xl =,======= - f ms
d1 dx dt .J
2s - x' ./2s - 16
4 (a) dy = dy X di = 41 X !. = I
dx dt dx 4
(b) dy = t, I = X > so dy = X y dx
- - =I
dx 4 dx 4 dt
5 (a) V=l irr'1t: V = n: x(")' x lt = nit' X
3 3 4 48
(b) dlt = 9.6
d1 nit'
Answers Chapter 7 403
16 dV = 9 11:h' x 2=288ncm 3/ min ~-
(b) " - 30°' dV
= n 'h dV = nh' tan ' 30° = l.n;h
" n' dh 3
dt 16
n✓ h = l.nh2 x dh
17 dP = - 4480 x 5 = _5.!.l.
g/cm' ' di
dt 32'-'
18 Atx= JOO: 4 = JOO x dx dx =2✓3ms-' Ath = 9: ~~ = ''ff = ¼em s-'
✓7500 di' dt
19 V = 3, 11:1I ' , dV dh = n h' , h =I 0
di =4, dV
1 (a) O (b) a= 1•- 2 •'. (c) 1=3 (d) 1= 3, v = ½ms- 1
(a) ~7 = 2 ~n cm/ min (b) A= nh
, ~~ = 0.8cm2/min
(•+1' )
2 (a) A = 124 million, k = ½log.. ( ~:) z 0.072
. . s(log, 75 - l<>s, 31)
20 Atx = 24: dy = 480 = 19.2 m/min (b) 273m1lhon (c) 1= 1oS, ss-11>$" = 12.3, 2013
di ✓625 ,
dt = 45✓2km/h
21 (a) At I= J·. dD 3 (a) 1=20min (b) t = 22min
4 B
dt = 50 km/h
(b) At I = I·. dD 5 A = 5000, k = ¼In 2, N = 5000e21"' = 5000e1" 4 = 5000 x 4 = 20000
22 At I= 2: dD = 5 x 96 z 43.l km/h 6 k= I , N,,
40 2
' 2= e•
= N0 e.....,, .!..
, 1= 40 In2 ~ 2s d ays
di ..frn 7 1=0' M = A·k ' lnlll
' = -◄00
23 V = ½nh', ~ii= nh
, ~i; = 0.2✓h 9
d1 -_..i_
25 -_o·16 m/ min
25 Ath= 4·. dh h = JO ' r= 2·. dV dt = 4n cml min
26 0.0732 m/min 9 r -_ h2' V --l.3 "-r' /, -.l. -h' dV - l.-/1' dV -4=
- 12 " ' dh - • " ' di - ,.
27 (a) Area= 60 sin 0
dV dV dh . , 2 dh dh _ I6
d (Area) _ d0 = d (Area) _ 4
dt - dh x di . 11: - • nh x di ' di - h'
d0 - 60 cos 0 ' di 0 .1' di - 6 cos 0
2 C 3 (a) ,.. i l {b) 5.. 7• lll. (c) 1!.. ,. {d) 1!. , . i1!..
17 (a) 15 units/s {b) 3 units/ s J ) J 2'6'6 2'2 2)J)J
4 (a) 68° 12', 108° 26', 248° 12', 288°26'
18 At x= 8: ~~ = 0.1ems-' {b) 90°, 2 16° 52', 323° 8'
19 Atx = b dx = _ .£... 5 A 6 (a) L6 ' 1L,1' '6
' ' '6 'u
• ' '<1' ' 6 {b) o, 2• , 2" , 2tr
2 ' dt al
Level is falling at :, m/ min.
20 V = f:n:r', ~r = -4k:n:r2 where k is a constant
1 (a) x = 0.262, 3.403 {b) x = 1, ·: (c) x = 2.203, 5.344
(d) x = 0.916, 4.058 (e) x = 0.2928, 2.849, 3.434, 5.990
dV = 4 :n:,' dV = dV x dr (f) x = 0.3982, 2.716, 3.540, 5.858
dr , dt dr dt 17
2 (a) x = !!.. ''
◄' <I
{b) x = .!!.. l!!. '" •
-4k:n:r' = 4:n:r' x dr dr = - k 12' 12' ) 2 ' 12
dt' dt (C) X = .<!. 5..
• i1!.. (d) x = 0.3649, 1.2059, 3.5065, 4.3475
Radius decreases at a constant rate. 6'3 ' 6'3
4 (a) ✓2cos( x+~) {b) 2cos(x +1) (c) x = - ;so no solution in the given domain.
7 (a) x = 0.6435 {b) x = 0.3629, 2.1351 (c) x = 0.8751, 3.1937
(c) ./65 cos(x + 7°8') (d) .../34 cos( x+ 30° 58')
5 B
(d) X = !!.. !!.. ,. ,.
,p 2' 4 ' 2
6 (a) (i) 2, ': (i0 - 2, ' ~• (b) (i) ✓2 ,: (i0 -✓ 2 , ••• 8 acos8+ bsin 8 = c
a b . c
(c) (0 4, 1 ~• (i0 -4, ••• (d) (i) 13, 22• 37' (i0 - 13, 202• 37' COS 8 + -;====Sill 8 =-;:====
7 (a) o,; , 2:n: (b) 1 (c) 33°41' (d) ; , :n:
Ja' + b' J
a' + b' a' + b 2 J
{e) I 56° 52', 276° 52' (f) 138°24', 295° 20' (g) 'f
cos(8 - a) = c where<X =tan- 1 (b).
{h) ; , :n: (0 -76°43', 1so 0 21' 0) 95• 16', 1ss0 16'
Ja 2
+b' a
8 If a' + b' < c' then Ja' + b 2
< c and c >J
Ja' +b'
✓3 Hence cos ( 8 - a) > I which is not possible as by
I definition - 1 :s cos x s I.
Hence equation has no real roots if a'+ b2 < c2.
0 ' X
' 9 The angles are 53° 8', 53° 8', 73° 44'.
_, ' 10 (a) x = 2,3 (b) x= - 1,¼
11 (a) cos38 = cos(28+8)
= cos28cos8 - sin28sin 8
= (2cos2 8 - I) cos8 - 2sin 8cos8 sin 8
(a) L6 > ll.
2 (b) 0 :S x < : , ': < x S 2:n: = 2cos 3 8 - cos8 - 2sin2 8cos 8
9 )' = 2cos 3 8 - cos 8 - 2cos8(1 - cos' 8)
= 2cos 3 8 - cos8 - 2cos8+ 2cos3 8
= 4cos 3 8 - 3cos8
{b) Let x = cos 8: 2(4x - 3x) = ./3
4cos 8 - 3cos8 = Jf
" 1' X
cos38 = -If
' '
3 8 = 1!.. l!.:!. BJT
-1 6' 6 , 6
l +f, x =cos 19
1t cosil cos s.T
' 9' 9'
or x =-cosL cos 2 cos ◄Jt
9 , 9,
J - ...l...
Jj (a) sum of roots: cos 2; + cos"; - cos; = 0,
- ✓3 + 1 cos 29Jf + cos.!!.
= - cos!:!.=
14 (a) x = 0, ; , 211: (b) x = 0.082, 3.627 (c) x = 1.69, 5.88 (d) sec"; + sec '." - se.c; = 6
(sec ◄: +se.c 2,: - sec :)2 = 6 2
15 (a) x = O, 1, ' f , 11: sec2 .!:!. + sec2 21t + sec2 L
(c) x = O, ~, ': , 11:
• • •
+ 2(sec 29-T se.c 49.1t - secltsec
2 -T - sec Lsecg) = 36
9 9 9
16 (a) 8 = ; , ~;, :: (b) 8= ~, ':; 1 + tan 2 4
.1t + 1 + tan 2 ll
+ 1 + tan 2 £.
18 (a) 2sin 8cos I/> = sin (8 + I/>)+ sin (8 - ,f>) 5 8=L 2x 3,r .!:!. g ix
4 ' 3 ' ◄ '3 ' ◄ ' ◄
Let A =8 + ,t>and B = 8 - ,p
A + B= 8, A - B = I/>
2 2
_ ~'-'-
k ~ + ~---,'le,.,--~ _ - k("'"k'--'+-"3_,,)-'-
+-" 2~ _ -"
+-'-1~ = ( 2k + 1)( 2k2 + Sk + 3)
2( k+2) (k + 2)( k + 3) - 2(k + 2)(k + 3) - 2( k + 3) 3
= RHS = ( k + 1)(2k + 1)( 2k + 3) = RHS
13 ForS(k + I ): 3
I I I I 20 I: LHS = I. RHS = I x I x 2 = I = LHS.
11 =
LHS = J X 3 + 3X S + ... +(2k - 1)(2k + l ) +(2k + l)(2k + 3) Result is true for n = I 2
_ k I _ k(2k + 3)+ 1 _ k + I
- 2k + l + (2k + l )(2k + 3) - (2k + l )(2k+3) - 2k + 3
S(k) = (- it-•k(k + I), S(k + I) = (- l l(k + l)(k + 2)
2 2
= RHS S(k + I) = I 2 - 22 + 3' - 42 + ... + (-1it - 1 k' + (-1it (k + I )2
14 ForS(k + I ): 1
12 22 32 k' =(- 1t- k ( k + I ) +(-1/ (k + I)'
LHS = I X 3 + 3 X5 + S X7 + . . . + (2k - 1)( 2k + l ) 2
= (- it-• k ( k + I)+ 2(- ll(k + 1)2
(k + 1)
+ ( 2k + 1)(2k + 3)
_ (- ll(k + 1)( - k + 2( k + 1))
k(k + I ) (k + l ) 2
= 2(2k + I) + ( 2k + 1)(2k + 3)
= ( - ll(k + l )(k + 2) = RHS
_ k(k + 1)(2k + 3) + 2(k + l ) 2
- 2(2k + l )( 2k + 3) 21 11 =I: LHS = 2. RHS = 8 - 6 = 2 = LHS. Result is tru e for n = I
_ (k + l )[k( 2k + 3)+ 2( k + !) ] S(k) = (k' - 2k + 3)x 2•• 1 - 6, S(k + I)
- 2(2k + l )(2k + 3) = ((k + 1) 2 - 2(k + I) + 3) X 2t• 2 - 6
= (k + l )(k + 2)(2k + I) = (k + l )( k + 2) = RHS =(k' + 2) x2•• 2 - 6
2( 2k+l)(2k + 3) 2( 2k+3) S(k + I) = I X 2 + 4 x z' + 9 x 23 + . . . + k 2 X 2k + (k + 1) 2 X 2•• 1
(c) lb =
' -
(-f) s
(d) - lb
4- =( _2s
5 )
-C -b 3 (a) - c = (-6, 3)
(b) 2£ = (12,-6)
a- b
-b -c - -a - C
4 (a) - £ = (~) (b) 2£ = ( : )
2 9
(c) _ l e = ( - ) (d) I.Sc = ( )
--a '- I - -4.5
2 (a) ci5 =- a (b) AD = b (c) CA = - a - b (d) DB = a - b 5 (a) q = (S,s ) (b) ~ = (4, - 5) (c) £ = (0,9)
3 (a) AC = q + ~ (bl AD = q + !! + £ (c) i5A = - q - ~- q (d) 4 = (- 13,- 5) (e) ! = (10, 2) (f) [ = (-3,5)
(d) DB = - b - C
6 (a) q = (:) (b) ~ = ( : ) (C) f = ( ~ )
4 (a) CD = - ½q (b) CA = - q - ~ (c) AD = - ½q+~
(d) DB = la - b
'- - (d) 4 =(~) (e) ! = ( ~~) (f) [ = ( ~ )
5 (a) OP = q + ~ (b) 0G = 2q + 2~ (c) OQ = 2q + !! 7 A 8 C
(d) cr = !! + ~ (e) AB = - q + !! (f) i5i = - 3q + 2~
(g) FQ = - q - ~ (h) DE+ ro = - 3q
6 (a) AB = - q + ~ (b) AC = q + ~
(e) TB =Ai5 + 5B
= OB - OA
10 )' =b - a
3 AP = m and AB = m +n
AP m
= =
AB m +n
I 2 3 4 X AP = AB
m +n
OP = OA + AP
OE 111
-4 =a + (b - a)
- m +n - -
= (1- )a +
m b
11 (a) The column vector is ( : ). m +n - m + n-
~ 4 (a) 7{ - 3j
5 m= - 1, n= - I
(b) - { + 7j (c) 29{ +4 j (d) - 3f - 25j
{bl ITBI = 2 ✓13, lac l = 2 ✓13, ITc: I = 2Ju (f) x = 2 - ✓ 6,2 + ✓6, y = - I , I
7 BA = - 2{ + 31
(c) ITBI' + lac l' = ( ~)' + ( ~)'
8 (a) - 21{ + 35j (b) 7 ✓34
= 104
9 (a) CD = - 3{ - 41 (b) CA = -L + L (c) DB = 5{ + 9L
= ITc: I'
and so MBC is a right- angled triangle.
(d) ITBI = 5 (e) 1a 1= ✓2 (f) IDBI = ✓106
1 O (a) 5 ✓10 (b) x = - 3
(d) The coordinates of Dare (4, - 7).
(e) The coordinates of the point of intersection of the diagonals 11 V =-7 12 D 13 B 14 B
of the square ABCD are (3, - 2).
- - I -
1s (al ~ = .~(sr + 6L) (b) a=.r. (3i - 6;·)
- 15 - _
13 (a) OB = q + £, OX = !! +,£ {b) CX = q - ½f
(c) CY = !!! - ½£
(c) a=Ji} (-2; + 9;·)
- 1b - _ (d) ij = ~ (- f - 121)
= 1.(a + c) 18 C
= JiTo
(- 3i- + 2;·)
3 - -
= ,OB 19 C 20 C
Hence, Y lies on OB
(e) OY : YB = 2: I
412 New Senior Mathematics Extension 1 for Years 11 & 12
21 (a) AB = 2i - 3j, CB = 3i + 2j (b) OB = Sf - j, CJ\ = i +5j 9 If q and ~ are parallel and in the same direction, then
q • ~ = l!!ll £1coso = l!!ll ~I
Answers Chapter 10 41 3
lci5I = ✓(-3)' +(- 6)' = +1s = 3..Js EXERCISE 10.5
DA = OA - OD
1 (a) a • i, = 8 (b) a• b=,sJu
- - 5 - - 13
= 2 f+ 1 - (st+ L) (c) a • b = O (d) a- • .b
= - --,--=
- -,r.;
= - 3i
(e) a- • b- = - 23
.r.; (f) a•b="
- -
l™ l = 3
2 (a) (q • ~)~ = :~(3f+2f) (b) (q •~)~=:,(3i +4l)
ITBI = 3, loc i = 3 ..Js, lci5I = 3 ..Js, l™ I = 3
(c) (q • ~)f = Q (d) (q •~)~=;;(sf+6l)
Adjacent sides AB and DA are equal in length and adjacent
sides BC and CD are equal in length. Thus, ABCD is a kite.
(b) Use vector addition to calculate th e vectors of the kite's (el (q • ~)~ = -.',9(4f + 11) (fl (q • ~)~= ::(- 1r - 21)
diagonals, then calculate the dot product of those diagonals.
3 (a) q - (q • ~)f = - ,',(2r - 31)
=31 + 6{ +3{ (b) q- (q •~)f = i,(76{ - 57 L)
=6f+6j (c) q- (q •~)f = 8{ +41
BD = BC+CD (d) q- (q •~)f = ~ (42{ - 351)
= 6{ + 3 j - 3f - 6 j
- - (el q - (q • ~) f = ;~ ( 1i - 4 L)
= 3f - 31
AC • BJ5 = 6 X 3 + 6 X (- 3) !fl !! - (!! • f) ~ = ;; ( 2 t - 11)
=0 4 (a) b • a = .!§. •- = •"!7
(b) b- • a- = -./17
- - s l,
:. AC .L BD
s (al ('1 • ~)~=!:(4f + 3L) (b •a)a
(bl - - - = .!.(4; - ,·)
Bi5 = r - p, Fc: = q - p and ix = q -
- r-
17 - _
- - _,
6 B 7 C
(d) Use the distributive law applied to vectors.
Now BC • BC = Inc l' and DC • DC = IDC l' - 8 (a) The scalar projection o f q onto '1 is ";(:i.
(b) The vector projection of q o nto '1 is ;; (5 i + 4 l ).
Since IFc: I = loci, then IFc: I' = locf and so
(c) The scalar projection o f onto q is '~'[i.
BC • BC = DC • DC.
(d) The vector projection of~ onto (l is ~~ (- f + 7 l).
Now, BC · BC= locl' = l~ - r l
9 (a) The scalar projection of q o nto '1 is 1
=(2- e)•(q - e) (b) The vector projection of q onto '1 is% i - % l-
=2•2- 1· e- e•2+e•e (c) The vector projection of q perpendicular to '1 is -½! - ½l ·
=2 • 2 - 2 2 · e+e· e
(d) a=
- ( -72-,· - -72_;·) + ( - -2-
l ,· - -l ;· )
andOC · OC= jix l' = 12 - r l' .
10 (a) q • '1 is the scalar projection of q o nto '1-
=(q - r) • (q - r) (b) q•'1 is the scalar projection of'1 onto q.
(c) ~ • f is the cosine of the angle between q and '1-
=q• q- 2 q• r+ r • r
11 (al q = lq lcosar+ lq lsina1
NO\\\ ITB I = IAJ51and so le I= k l and e· e= [ • r- Since q is a unit vector l!!I = I.
BC • BC = DC • DC q = IXcosa{ + l xsinaj
q• q- 2q • E+ E• E= q• q- 2q • r + r • r
= cosaf + sin aL
- 2q • p = - 2q • [ since p • p = [ • r
(b) ~ = cos/3i + sin/31 and f = cosf3L - sin/31
:. q• e=q •r (c) q• '1 = cos a cos /3 + sin a sin /3; q• £ = cos a cos /3 - sin a sin f3
(e) Show that the dot product of the diagonals is 0.
Tc • iID = q • (r - e) (d) Now q • '1 = l!! ll '11cos8where 8 is the angle between q and '1-
=q•r - q• e Here 8 = a - /3and l!! I = 1'11= I.
= 0 sinceq • p=q • r Therefore q • '1 = cos( a
- /3)
:. AC and BD are perpendicular Thus, cos( a - /3) = cosa cos f3 + sin a sin /3
Similarly. q • £ = l!!ll£1cosef> where ef>is the angle between q and£·
b IANfl = IMCI = IBM I = ½1!! + £1
Let 0A = CB = <.! and OC = AB = ~-
Then OB = OA+AB
a M
= (!+~
and CA = 0A - cc5
=(! - ~ b
OB • CA = (i1+~) • (1.J - ~)
=a• a - a • b+b• a- b• b 6 By Pythagoras' theorem: IXBI' = IAcl' + lcn l'
=a• a - b • b
k l' = l~I' + li1I'
= l!! I' - lql' Nowc = a + b
Now if OB • CA = 0, th en the diagonals OB and CA are
perpendicular. so. k l' = ~• r = (q+!!) • (!! + £)
Thus, OB • CA = l!! I' - 1£1' Is l' = I.J • !! + 2!! • !! + ~ • !!
= 0 if 1(.11= 1~1 = It.JI' + 1£1 + 2 1.J • £
Therefore, l™ I = lciil = loc i = IAB I and OABCisa rhombus. :. 2a • b = 0
2 -;----::.,-,;:-- -~ c Soa • b = O
andq .l ~
A L-- -.::..E..::::...._ ..._.;B
-a b '-
Since ABCD is a parallelogram, AB = DC = !! and AD = BC = tj.
Let the midpoints of AB, BC, CD and DA be E, F, G and H
respectively. Therefore, AE = EB =DG = GC = ½!! and C a B
- - - - l
AH = HD = BF = FC = 2 ~
7 (a) AC = a + b
DB = a - b
AX = xAC = x(t.J +!!)
DX = yDB = y(q - 1!)
FG=FC+CG -AD = -AX - -DX
= x(!! + £) -y(q - !!)
HG = HD + DG = xq+x£ - yq + y!!
=.!.2 d+ !..a =(x - y)q +(x+ y)£
- 2 -
Now in the quadrilateral EFGH, opposite sides EH = FG
and opposite sides ff = HG. That is opposite sides of the (x - y)q + (x + y)q = Oq + £
parallelogram are equal in length and are parallel. Therefore, x - y =O a
A r::::-----
- - - -~ B
EFGH is a parallelogram. x+y = I
3 D 4 D 2x = I
x -.l
- b
- ' D C
y =½ -a
Answers Chapter 10 415
(b) AC = a- +b- (d) The sum of the squares of the len~ths of the diagonals of a
1 B 2 D 3 C 4 B
5 A 6 D 7 B 8 C
-a C
9 C 2✓5 10 D -4i - 6i 11 B 12 C
8 (a) a +b 13 C 14 A 15 A 16 B
17 !! - ~
A -a F -a B
18 CD = - l.a AC = a+b AD =-'-a +b..,) DB =l.a - b-
-b 3 - ' - ..,)
3- 3-
D 19
3 -
C 2
30 (a) a- • b
= " 5"
(b) a- • b
= -i•Ji
31 (a) (q •~)~ = ,~(4i + l)
(bl 2(l(ll +l~I') (b) q- ({! · ~)f = l;(i - 41)
(cl 2(l!!l +l~I') - (134),-
32 (a) AB = BC = (- 14} -AC =
(bl IAi3I = ✓-ws, loci = ✓-ws, IAEI = Jm
=.fios (g) AC =c - a
IBCI = J(- 14) +3 2 2
MN =½(~ - '.!)
=.fw, =.i2 AC
IR I = ✓-(--11-)2_+_17-2 (h) AP = PQ =QC =½AC, hence AC is trisected at P and Q.
= J410
{d) (- 12,-2) EXERCISE 11.1
(e) (- f ,f) 1 ,r J'x'dx =n[•;]' = "ffz 2 fz 25
3 D
0 0 3
33 (a) e = .fi. {b) f (- 2L + L) (c) 2 ✓5(-21 + L) 4 (a) y=2x - 2 (b) 4n J, (x- l)' dx =':,Z
34 (a ) The scalar projection of'! in the direction of is --([/' .'1 (b) n: J~(l - y)dy =l
{b) The vector projection of'! in the direction of~ is 1
~ ( 3L+ L) 8
n: (x - 2)' dx = ';z
(c ) The vector projection of q perpendicular to~ is :~ (i - 3l). 9 (a) n: J : (3 - ;)' dx = n:[9x - ' ;' + ;; = 18n J:
{b) 4n: J:(3- y)' dy = 36n:
(d) q = ,~(3{ + 1) + :~( i - 31)
10 n: s:("•,:•' )dx =![144x-3x']: = 48,r
35 (a) AB = AM + MB
=AM - BM
11 (a) 2n J:(
81- 18x + x' )dx = "~oz
.-. l<.! I' -l!d' =0 18 (a) ,r J.:(16- 4x')dx =''1z (b) ; J.'(16- y')dy =~z
li!I' =l~I' 19 (a) J.'(2 - ✓ x)' dx =J~'(4-4✓x+x)dx = 2-¾
1m1=l™ I=IMEI (b) V = n J:( 4-4✓x +x)' dx
36 (a) A
o-- - -i\1- - -~ B =ns:(16 - 32✓x+24x - sxt +x' )dx=~•,'
(c) •;','
-a N
20 V=nf:~ = n [ -:,' ] ~ = n:(1- ;\-), ~V =n
0 f C
21 n: - n f~(2x -x' )' dx = ;; 22 (a) ~; (b) ;
(b) OM= q +½~ and ON= T'! +~
23 (a) n: J~'(' ;' )' dx = '~• (b) nJ ( 4 - 2 y) dy = '~•
V, =n J ,Ji(;cos-'(}i)J dy
0 X
I I 2 (✓
2- 1) 1r'
2 - 4
34 )' V = nln2.25
0.5 ,r ( ✓2 - 1)1r'
V =- + units'
3 4
0 I 2
X 39 (a) A = J:(4x - x' - 2x)dx
35 4n ln3 4 . 2
= J UllltS
36 n(12s+ log.. f)
)' (b) V =nJ: {(4x - x')' - (2x) }dx
37 (a)
y= 2(x' - I )
2 32n . ,
=- u111ts
(c) y = 4x - x' ⇒ x' - 4x+4 = 4 - y=> (x - 2) 2 = 4 - y=>
x - 2 = ±J4- y => x = 2± J4 - y and since0SxS2 then
2 X
x = 2 - J4 - y-
x = l..
40 (a) >'
(b) Area = J ~, ( I - x' - 2( x' - I)) dx
. 2
= 4 units 3
= 3n units'
(b) A = J:(1 +✓xdx)
38 (a) Area = J~( ✓2cos(~x) - x )dx 23 . 2
= - units
= S- n units'
=1r { (1+ ✓x}'dx = u ;n
21f 4
(c) V
(b) V = 1r J~( 2cos 2
( ~x) - x' )dx
(d) y = 1+ Fx ⇒ ✓x = y - 1 =>X =(y - 1) 2
= 2(tr3+3) Ulll'ts' For OS y S 2 the new solid is a piece of cylindrical pipe with
volume, V, = n(42 - 12 ) X 2 = 30n
= 2rr units 3
- 0.5
42 (a) y = Slog. (x - I)=> ; = log, (x - 1) => x - 1 =e• =>
f1 (u + 3)✓u du = J(,.½ + 311½)du
3 3
12 Area = J: x .Jx - 3dx =
l. 1
X = I + e•
12 4
= [¾u½ +211½ ] ~ = ( -;3 - J) units'
V=n f~x' dy = n J.'(l +ei ) ' dy
~ 66.8 units3
,.r, .,/ x I f i• d '
13 Area =
J O X2+4
dx = ): = 2 units
2 4 -..JU
{b) Solve81og. (x - I) = 4 => x - 1 = e05 ⇒ x = I + e05 is the
radius of the outer shell. EXERCISE 11.4
Volume of plastic = Outer Volume of cylinder - Capacity
1 (a) x +½sin 2x+C (b) x - ½sin 2x + C
= n(I + e0·' )' x 4.5 - 66.8 (c) ; - ½sin x + C (d) x + sinx + C
= 32.4 units3 (e) ; - 1~sin6x+C (f) ; + 1~sin 8x + C
5 (a) ¼(x3 +J)' +c (b) - .../1- 12 +C (c) ¼(3x - 5)' + C .IL .IL
3 3 8 V = n f .' cos 2xdx = l f _'' ( l +cos4x)dx = ~' units3
6 (a) - f( J- 1 ) 2 + C
(b) - ½(a' - x' )' +C
• •
(c) ¾(z' + 1)3 + C 9 V =nf
" sin' 3xdx = ~ J (1 - cos6x)dx = i~ (n - 2) units
12 3
5 3
7 (a) f(y +l)2 - f( y+ l )' + C (b) ...:.!... - I +C 10 (a) sinx = cosx, x = ~
3 I
x - 1 2(x - J)2 . ,
(c) ¼(2x - 1)2 +½(2x - J)' +C (b) V = n J.• sin' xdx + n f ~ cos' xdx
du -- 3x' '3.1J ✓
8 (a) dx u du -- l.x
+ C -- l.(I
+ x 3 )½+ C '
d 3 3
= ~{[ x - ½sin 2xJ: +[x + ½sin2xJ j }
3 2
(b) d: = 3x', ½f ~ du = txf(l + u)' + C = ¾( l+x ) + C
= ¼(n ' - 2n ) units3
(c) The integration of ✓u is easier than the integration of ~ -
= .n:[ ~ sin2x
r 3 y = 2x+ 2 - ~
4 (a) dy = 2 sec' 2x = 2
dx I + tan' 2x
(b) tan ( + ~) is undefined
=1C2 Wlits1
(c) )'
12 (a) y
y= tan- 1 (tan2x)
0 I 2 3,r
-- "-4
,-. X
2 2
(b) A = J,;"(sinx+cosx)dx 2
= (- cosx + sinx
i• = I+ ✓2 units' • 1
(d) J _•, tan- (tan2x)dx
3K 3K •
= area of triangle above x-axis - area of triangle below x-axis
(c) V = J,;" (sinx +cosx)' dx = .n: J,;" (l+sin2x)dx
x 1t x 1t - .!. x 1t x 1t = x - t'
= .!.2 6328 <1 3664
= 5i6
J: = ¼.n:(3.n: + 2)units
= [ x - ½cos2x 3
11 du=sec xdx,
, J ''du
3 u'' =
[-1]'' 37
3u3 3 = 5184 "2 -y=<1an-
>----- I
x+ tan- 1 1 (x)
14 (a) dd ( 1 ) = - IX 1, x (- sinx)
(d) 2tan- x
(e) I e' (g) ½tan-' ; + C (h) 1;tan -'-f, + C (i) cos-'-j. + C
I + x2 2✓x ( l + x) l + eix
0) ½sin- 1 2x+C (k) ½tan-1 3x + C
✓16~ x'
e tan - 1:t
(g) 2 (h) e + e" tan- 1 x (I) .l.. tan- 1 ll +C (m) l.<I tan- 1 "- +C
l+x l+x' (i) 12 3 <I
(s) ~ + l - ~
(m) ; (n) - ~
(t) : - ½log, 2
·------- i 16 - ½(9 - x 2 ) 2 +C
y= tan- tx
-- - ------i 1 (a) •; (b) •i• (c) 401t
2 (a) 62 m', 64 m'
{b) Rotating about the y-axis, the subintervals for the trapezia
9 \<\'hen graphed, the area above the x-axis is equal to the area would not be equal and the curve is not the same above and
below the x-axis by symmetry. In general, J~. f(x)dx = 0 for below the axis. Calculating the volume for each region and
every odd function f(x) .
taking the average would give an approximate volume:
10 (a) f' fx = tan-• 4 - tan- ¾
.l. X + l
V = 7t J:x' dy z 1t[ 'f (122 +8 2 ) + ,-,,s(8 2
+ 42 )
Hence J sin-• xdx = xsin-' x- f ✓l ~x' dx = sin 0 - 2sin3 0 + 2sin 0(1 - 2sin2 0)
= 3sin0 - 4sin3 0
{b) f sin30d0 = - ½cos30+C
-2 2
:. cos x =
- 1+,/s
(b) 0.5 units'
Jr y=sin- 1 x
- 3 -2 - 1 O I 2 3 4 EXERCISE 12.1
1 y = x" : y' = n x"- 1
LHS = y' - ; y
(b) (; ,o)
=n xn-l - .!!. x xn
n-1 n-1
(c) y = log,(sin- 1x)- log,(cos- 1x) = nx - nx
~ I I
= O= RHS
. - ----.==+---,== 2 (a) (b)
· · dx - sin_, x✓I - x' cos-• x✓I - x' )'
Over the d omain O< x < I, every factor in the expression
is positive :. : > 0 for all x in the domain
Hence the function is increasing for all x in the domain.
(d) >'
(d)J ~
2 3 4 X
3 (a) y = - 7e_,, + 10 (b) y = e-, + 5 (c) y = _ e_
25 (a) log, (l + x)+ C (b) tan-'x + C (c) ½log, (l + x')+ C e" - l.
5e10x ; lx , I
(d) log, x + tx' + C (e) x - tan-•x + C (d) y = 4 ,o, ( )e y=, e - 2- ,
- _,
_, 0 I
3 X
1 1 LHS = l -(1 - l +x
x )'
=x +x- +x+x- / -2
(l + x)'
= 2x = RHS I
- --- 1
(l + x)'
t ,., 3
(d) y =
l +e
,, : y' = r
..._ "-
t JI 2
t 1
RHS = r ( 1- e" )( e"' ) RHS = 2xx 2
l +erx l + en: (4 - x') -3 -2 -1 0 I 2 3 X
t ,, ,.,
= 2x = LHS
(4 - x')' .... ..... ..... - 2 ' t ,,
9 (a) m(t) = 4([ 21
- [
), ~7 = 4(-2e- 21
+ 3e-") = - 8e-" + 12e- 31
. ........ ...... _3
.... ' t
- 3m+4e-" = - 3x4(e-" - e-")+4e-"
= - 12e-2I + 12e-3/ + 4e-1t = - 8e-1t + 12e-3/ = ,Im
I I ,,
3 ,, I I
f f ♦ 2 I I
..._ ... .,,, 2 I I I
I I ♦ 1 .,,," ,., ,., ..._ ... .,,, 1 I I I
-1 0 3 X
-3 -2
♦ -1
1 2
3 X
..._ ...
.,,, - 1 I
1 2
\ \ ♦ -3
" '
\ \ The gradient at (-1, 0) ..._ ... .,,, - 3 I I I
' cannot be determined.
en ... " y
3 (a) (Q I (iQ2 (iii) 5 (iv) JO
' \ \
3 )'
... \ \ \
I I I 3 I I I
" ...'
1 \ \ \
I 2
! = sec
" ...'
(b) x= I + tan 2x = I +
f f -3 I (c) Any point where x = 1or x = - ;
" y
(g) y I I I 3 I I
f f f 3 f f f
f f f 2 f f f
,/" " " ,/ ,/
-~ - ,..6 -
ft Jr Jr X
f f f I f f f ~ ~
• -I t f,
"I I
-3 "I "I
-3 -2 -1 0 I 2 3 X
I I I -I I I I 4 B
5 Refer to graph below for answers to (a), (b) and (c)
'''' ''''''''''
'''' '''''
''''' '''''''''
f ... \
3 ... f +
/.,.. / / / / / / /
f ... \ 2 ... f f
f ... \ 1 ... f + ,,,,.,,,.,,,,,,,.,,,.,,,,,,,.,.,,.,,,,,
-1 0 3
- ---------
... \ -1 ... I 2
f f
f ... \ -2 ... f + 6 D 7 A
f ... \ -3 ... f +
8 (a) The three lines below are an example.
I I I I / ..-3 I I
f f f 3 f f f I I I I ✓ - -✓ I
I I I I / -2 /. I
I I I I / I I
" " " 2
" " " I
I 1/ -1
✓- -
\ \ \ 1 \ \ \ /.
-p I - - J, I I
-3 - -1 0 1 2 3 X I I -✓ I. I I I
\ \ \ -1 \ \ \ I
/ -2
- - -✓ 7
-✓ I
"f "f " -2
f -3
"f "f "f I I / -3 -✓ I I I I
dy 2
(b) B dx =X
\ i , o _ J. / f X y(O) = 0: 0 = C, C = O
I \ \ \ ', l , _ ,...../I I y = x + x tan -• x - ½log,(x ' + 1)
I I I \ \ ' , _ _..../I
~2 ''
, - ,,,,. /
' , _ .,,
8 (a) y =½(e' +e-') (b) z = ½(e' - e-•)
I I I I \3
(c) Shown in (a) and (b)
9 (a) P(t) = I + rt + :.' sin ( ~)
(b) Some possible solutions are shown.
y (b) P(t) = l + I + !sin (';'~0,;;1,;; 12.
- /////3 I I I I I p
, _ _,.,/I I I I I I I 14
I I I I , ,
12 ,
I I I I I ,
I ;, I I I I
/ 1/ I I I I ,
- J. / f I j
, ,
6 ,
2 ,
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 t
(c) y =- x - I or x + y + I =0. The dashed line is the graph of P(r) = I + t.
(d) Ify = - x - 1, ¼ = - I
y =- x - 1 => - l =x +y 10 (a) I = T: V (T) = 125 OOOarctan ( ~,)
:.1 = x + y, soy = - x - I is a solution of! = x + y. (b) Maximum amount of oil leaked = )~(125000 tan -• ( ','. ))
- I x 22x
-1 X
= ! + tan x + ,
X +I 2 X +I 30mF 49m/ 40 000
h(tb) = 2 - 400 000 + 780 OOO log, 40 000 + mF
y = A e-,, wI1ere A = ec 2
S:in ( " )
6 P=e
t = O, y = D: D = A
P(milliom )
= De-1, 1
y kT 3
t = T:y = De-
(b) t =O, y = D 2
t = T:y = De-•r
t = 2T:y = De-•r + De- ,ir 1
t = 3T:y= De-•r + De- ,ir + De-,•r
l = (n - l)T: = D + De... r + De-lkT + De-3kT + ... + D/-• 1>•r
o-~-t---!--+-- +-- t(mo11t/1s)
3 6 9 12
y = D(l + e_{T + ['kT + e-3kT + ... + e<-n+l)kTT)
dy - l x (- 1)
. . I
Ge.ometnc senes, a = , r = e .
-kT 7 B - = ---'--'-,- X cosx = y 2 cosx
dx (sin x + C)'
1(1 - e-nkT )
y = DX -kT 8 B -dy = 2e' ' x 2x = 2xy
1- e dx
D( I- e-••T ) _ _L Ir
- -kT
9 (a) P = p0 T0 • r (T0 - r z)
I- e
. [ D( l - e-nkT ) ] D
(c) )', = nJun
-e -kT = I
- e-kT
(d) I = T, y, = -kT
1- e
t = T + h: y = I -kT
De-•<T•hl D
- ~ - ~1=
1- e-•r 2(1- e- r)
2e-k(T+h) = I
Let T = 0 as you wish to measure your time from when there
are no more doses:
2e-k h = I z 4003 m
- gR
t = r( IO- s), s(O) = O
2 (b) s = 10 - ! Oe-•'
v' = gR' u' (c) s(3) = JO - !Ox(¾)' = 4.88 z 5 truck loads
2 R + lt +2 - gR
=!!.:_ _ gR' + gRh - gR' 2 {a) RHS = (l:P) [ (l + ! - I) + ~]
2 R +h
gRh ( I + l + P- 1)
=2 - R +h - (l + P) I(l + P- I)
, , 2gR
V = U -
J + lt. - (1:P)(I(l ~+PP- I) )
(u' - 2
1+ h
= u' -2gR ~ 0 when u ~ .J2gR. (b) I -
- l +
I+ p
Pe-(J+P)r r
= 20000 - ;';.
= 0.000189 -;, X (-0.0352 7·)
Initially pond is unpolluted, so m(O) = 0
_ m(r)
= - 6.65 X 10-6 ~ (b) c(t ) = ,00000
dt(r) I dn~l )
But T = 288 - 0.006 49h di = 200000 X d i
dB - 6.65 x JO_. B2
So dlt = 288 - 0.00649h
! = icx!ooo X ( 20000 - ; )
- .!. _ m
- 10 20X200000
(c) h = 288 - 3990e_ 8_ 1
0.006 49 = 10 - {0 where c(O) = 0
h = 44 400 - 6!5000e--. (d) c(IO) = 2( 1- e-½) = 0.79 g/L
The actual numbers obtained will depend on when you used
your calculator, but should be of a similar magnitude.
(d) B = 357°K, h = 44400 - 6!5000x e " 7 z 4890 m z 5000 m
t, = - log, -1 = 5730 years
j; = O.OSx - 300000 2 1.2097 X 10~ 2 1
= O.OS( x- 600000) where x(O) = 5000000 (b) If half the original carbon-14 has radiated away then the tree
(b) x(t) = 1000000(6- e 0.o;') died 5730 years ago.
e2 k = 3
-Tl I
ek = ,J3 But e 2 = ½i.e. e-sJ;o, = ½
/' = ( ✓3)' = 3½
so { e-S370, )5370 = (½)SJ7o
N = l000 x 3 2
0.9se-"' = 0.01
3- L = e 5
_L C
3 - L = Ae 5 where A = ±e
r =- 1
~ log,;. = 1
~ log, 95 = 0.3253
L(O) = 0 : A =3
(e) Death rate = - :;; and is a maximum when Sis a ma.ximum I
Death rate = 0.3253(S - 0.05). S(O) = I, which is the largest L(t) = 3 - 3e-,
value o f S so the d eath rate is greatest when t = 0.
Maximum death rate = 0.3253(1 - 0.05) = 0.309 per day
(f) S(I)
00 • c..
• I =--=--=--=--=--_;:-;:-:::-::::-==--
0 7 14
(d) Hg(mg/kg)
JOO( I - e-•2r )' _,
e 20 -.
- l.
t = 20 1og, 9 ~ 44 days
0.12 (f) ~V(mg)
0 10000
5 IO JS 20
Age(years) 5000
20 (a) d;,v = rW log, ( i)
0 20 40 60 80 JOO
d,'; = rW(log, C - log, W) (1)
d;; = ,\, W(!O- log, w) (2)
21 (a) ".(, = - kV, V(O) = I OOOOOO, k>O
r -- 1
20 ' log, C = JO, C=e 10
dV =- kdt
(b) W
_, Jd: = - k fdt
= ilW
X du
where u = 10 - 9e 20 log, IVI = - kt +C
= ..2...e-io x e'o-9e 20
=L lvl= e-tr.c
-_, _, V = Ae-kt where A = ±ec
= -io e10-9t-20 x 9e20 V(O) = 1000000 : A = 1000000
Now JO - log, ( e10-•,;; ) = 10 - ( J0 - 9e;;) = 9e;~
V(SJ = 600000: 600000 = 1ooooooe-•k
dt = _I
So dW 20 e 10-•,;~ ( JO- og, ( e10-•,;~ ))
W =e 1
o-9 '
is a solution to equation (2)
e-kl =(e-k)' =[(¾)'.1]' =(¾)' I
(s3)L= 1000
5 I dP
(P - a)(P - b) = - Kdt
t log, 0.001
s = log, 0.6 J (P - a~fP - b) = - K J dt
I = 67.6
b_:a f ( P :b - P : a)dP = - K J dt
It will remain profitable for 67 years 7 months.
I I P- b
22 (a) RHS = p - p _ 588 log, p = - (b - a)Kt + C
_ p - 588 - p P - b = e-<•-•)K1+c
P- a
- p(p - 588)
- 588
_ _ --=..::..::..__ P - b = Ae-(1'-a)K, where A = ±ec
P- a
p(p - 588)
P(O) = P0 : Po - b = A
= I = LHS Po - a
p(1- f..) P - b = PAe-<•-•)Kl - aAe-(l,-a)Kl
log, l-p- --'-- - = rt + c P' log,3 _ P' log, 3 (a + b)P log, 3 ab log, 3
58 8 3
588 + Plog, = - 588 + 588 - 588
p = ert+-t . .
Equatmg coefficients: log, 3 =
(a + b) log 3 _ ab log, 3
' and 140 -
p - 588 588 588
p = Aerr where A = ±e" a + b = 588 [I)
p - 588 ab = 140x588 (2)
21 I log, 3
p(O) = 21 : 21 - 588 = A:. A = - 27
(i) :. b = 588 - a (ii) ... a (588 _ a ) = 140 X 588
-p 588
p = - er' +- e" a' _ 588 a+ 140X588 = O
27 27
log, 3
p( 27 + e'' ) = 588e''
588e" 588 588+ 588' - 4 X I X 140 X 588
log, 3
p = 27 + e" = 1+27e-' ' a =--'-------~-
(c) p(3) = 294 : 294 = 588+ (4X49x 3)' - 4x I X 140X4X 49X3
1+27e-3' log, 3
1+27e-3' = 2
- --'------------''----
log, 3
b- a( Po - b ) e-<•-•)Kt
(h) K = , P0 = 567, P(t) = P0 - a
588 I - ( Po - b ) e-(b-a)Kt
Po - a
P(t) = 401.262 - 8J.3902e_,.,.,os,
J - 0.435852e-lS01081
3 y = x + log, (
(b) z = y' - 4
22 (a) dh = k(Tw - T.)
(b) h(t) =
ho'+ 1k(Tw - T. ) t
dy =dx Lp
y2 - 4
23 (a) dR [ pdq ]
dp =q l +q dp
!J( 1
: 2 - y ~ z ) dy = J dx
Revenue 1.s maximum
. w I1en dR
dp = 0
! (log, ly- 21- log, ly + 21) = x + C
l + pdq =O
.!.1og y - Z = x +C q dp
4 ' y +2
f.. dq = - I hence E = - I
y- 1 q dp
log, I-'--- = 4(x + CJ
(0,0) : log, I= 4C
(b) p= J25 -
q ;;,: 0 and p ;;,: 0 so 25 - q' ;;,: 0
q' S 25
y - 2 = e"
y +1 0 S q S 5 is the domain of this model.
2y1 - 4y = - -
+ 2x + C
f T ~T20 = - r fdt
log, IT - 201= - rt + c
(1,3) : J8 - 12= - - +2+C
2 T(O) = 37 : log, I 7 = c
C = -9 T - 20
2 log, = - rt
x' + 2x + -9 T - 20 - ,,
2y 2 - 4y = - -
2 2 17 =e
4y - By = - x' + 4x+9 T - 20 _ + - ,,
17 - _e
4(y' - 2y + 1)= - (x' - 4x +4)+ 17
T = 20+ 17e-•'
2 2
(x - 2) + 4(y - 1) = 17
Since t(O) = 37, T = 20 + 17e- •'
(_.Jl7!_)' (x - 2) 2 +(-.Jl7 2
er(-r-+Jl = lL
-3 -T _ 7.4. XQ _ 7.41
e - )7 9 - 9
26 (a) ~: =Qm - EA1 (h) - C1A1 (h) The coroner has predicted the time of death to be 3 h 15 min
before 7:20 pm, that is, at 4:05 pm. The chautfer claimed that
= 0 - Enlt(1R - h) - C1 X2nhR he brought Lady Frogmorton home at 6:00 pm, at which time
= nh (- 2ER +Eh - 2aR) the coroner sa)'S she was dead.
= nh (Eh - 2R(C1 + £))
t =l0 ✓2s
t =- - .
-, Vsmax --7 - - sx (
-7--)' = 7
Vcosa Vcosa Vcosa (b) tan a = i,
35 Cl = 16° 16'
tana - , , =I
V cos a (c) !.'(OJ = 24 L+ 7 j: !.'(t) = 24 i + (7 - Io r) j
, 35 , = tan a - 1 - -
V cos a r(OJ = Q=rCtJ = 24ti +(71 - st')j
V' cos' a = 35 (I) (d) x = 24: I = I
tan a - 1
(14, 7): Vtcosa = 14, Vtsin a - St' =7 y = 7 - 5 =2
The point is (24, 2)
14 14 14 rO) = 24i + 2j
t= : Vsinax - sx( )' = 7
Vcosa Vcosa Vcosa (e) ri(O) = 24i + 7 j, ~,(O) = Q, q,(r) = - IOj
140 r, (t) = - 101 j
- -
2tan a - -"-=~ = l
V' cos' a
r,(t) = 24i +17 - St')j
, , = 2 tan a - l (f) t =l: r,(1) = 24i+2L
V cos a
~= 140
V ' cos, ., (2)
This is the same position vector as that obtained for the first
2tana - l particle after I second. Hence they are in the same place at
35 the same time and thus collide.
Substitute from (I) in (2): - --"1..c
tan a - l 2 tana - l 18 (a) !_'(0J = lr(O) lcos l 5°i + l~(O) lsin l 5°f:
2 tan a - 1 = 4(tan a - 1)
2 tana = 3 ~(t) = lr(OJ Icos l 5°i + (l ~(O)Isin 15° - 101) j
tana = l.5 r(O) = Q: r(t) = I!_'(OJ Icos 15° t L+ (I~(O) Isin is0 t - St') L
t = 2x
fif., y = 2x
VK a
{if_ x J 2gb _ .!. g( 2x
VK 2 a
{b) I= ls
(c) 1 = is the time on the way up, 1 = ~ is the time on the
4bx g 4x1 2b way down
= a -2 X 7 Xg I = ~: X = 28 X ~ = 52 m.
4bx 4bx' {d) The fielder has to run (65 - 52) = 13m in~ s
=- -
a a' Speed of fielder = 13X 173 = 7ms- 1
4bx(a - x)
- 10 (a) r(O) = 15l•(30, 26.25J. Ymu = 26.25 m,g= 10 ms-'
Height reached is 4 bx(a - x J m. y (30, 26.25)
24 V= l 6ms- 1,(16,4)
!_'(0) = 16cosai + 16sinaj 20
I ( 16sin a - St) = 4
t = -~a
'- : -c~a
'- (16sina- -c~a
'- ) = 4
n= i.\ = 130
j,(1- j,)
2 Use the formulas E{ fa) z j, and s( P) = (b) j, = 0.15 and x = 300
For the sample, X = 64 and n = 104.
" 0.15 = 300
• X 60
s(f>) = ✓0.4200
X 0.6 = 0 0346
(b) Satisfied members: Ps = ;;- = 120 = 0.5
Use technology to plot the sampling distribution of j, with
Indifferent members: j,, = ; = ,~ = 0.33(2 d.p.) mean 0.40 and standard de,~ation 0.0346 on the same set
of axes.
Dissatisfied members: p0 = ; = ,;~ = 0. I 7 ( 2 d.p.)
(b) E(Y) = ,~
6 C 7B SB 9C 10 D
11 (a) P(success) = 0.75
0.25 0.35 0.45
(b) (Q X - B(30, 0.75)
Sample distribution of j,
(ii) The expected number of odd numbers which will occur in
(c) (i) Let x be the observation value. The expected th e 30 rolls is E(X) =22.5
value E( fa) z j, where j, = ; . For x = 55, n = 200: (iiQTo roll 28 odd numbers in the 30 rolls would be unusual
p = ;! = 0.275 as it is outside the 95% confidence limit.
(c) (Q The probability of any pair of rolls resulting in two odd
E ( z 0.275, Calculate the standard error using the num bers is 0.5625.
formula: (ii) The probability distribution of the number of odd
s(f>) = ✓p(l - p) =
numbers in the two rolls
/0.275X0.725 z 00 3 ! 6
n ~ 200 · y 0 1 2
(ii) Use technology to plot the sampling distribution of with p P(Y= y) 0.0625 0.375 0.5625
mean 0.275 and standard deviation 0.0316 on the same
set of axes as previously.
12 (a) 0.367 (b) 0.2 1 (c) 0.393 (d) 0.04
(e) Chance of winning more than two if buying one box per d ay
for seven d ays is 0.148.
Chance of winning more than two if buying one box per d ay
for JOd ays is 0.322. Therefore, Carol is correct, her chances
will increase.
0.15 0.25 0.35 0.45
Sample distribution of j,
(d) Consider whether the expected value of the new sample
is a h igher or a lower value. A higher number of orders
from retur ning customers will produce a higher expected
value, which means that the curve will be to the right of the
previous two curves.
(P) z :~ = 0.40
· c , a"-'b'
special case of the binomial distribution, where n = I.
Bernoulli random variable
A Ber noulli random var iable has two possible values, (l + x )" =(:)+(~)x+(;)x +. .+(:)x'+...
Bernoulli trial
A Ber noulli trial is an exper iment with only two possible
outcomes, labelled 'success' and 'failure'.
as: a = (:).
exponential decay
Exponential decay ( or 'exponential decline') occurs when
a quantity decreases by a constant percentage over time.
A combination is a selection of r distinct objects from exponential gro,vth
n distinct objects, where order is not important. The Exponential growth occurs when a quantity increases by
number of such combinations is denoted by "C or
I r r
(n), a constant percentage over time.
degree of a polynomial H
A polynomial P(x) = a. x" + a. - ,x•-• + ... + a 1x + a0 is of
the nth degree if a. '# 0.
The time taken for half of the atoms in a radioactive
differential equation substance to decay.
A differential equation is any equation containing the
horizontal line test
der ivative of an unknown function.
To check that any hor izontal line that can be drawn will
direction field only cut a curve once.
A direction field (or slope field} is a graphical
representation of the tangent lines to the solutions of a I
first-order differential equation. increasing function
displacement A function f defined on the interval a < x < b is said to be
The signed (positive or negative) distance of a par ticle str ictly monotonic, increasing when, for all x 1 and x 2 in
from the origin; x(t). the domain, if x 2 > x 1 then j(x2) > j(x 1). In other words,
displacement vector the curve always slopes upwards to the r ight, so the
A displacement vector represents the displacement from function never has a negative gradient.
one point to another. indefinite integral
division algorithm The pr imitive of a function, written Jj(x)dx .
For any polynomial P(x) = (x - a}Q(x) + R, where Q(x)
is a polynomial.
Glossary 443
independent events multiplication principle
Events are independent if the occurrence or non- See fundan1ental counting principle.
occurrence of one event cannot change the probability of
multiplicity of a root
the occur rence of another event, i.e. the events have no
Given a polynomial P(x) , if P(x) = (x- a)' Q(x),
effect on each other.
Q (a)"# 0 and r is a positive integer, then the root
induction (mathematical) x = a has multiplicity r.
A method used to prove that something is true for all
positive integers n (or e.g. for all positive integers n
mutually exclusive events
Two events are mutually exclusive ( or 'disjoint') if
greater than a specified starting value, or for a subset
membership of one event excludes membership of the
such as all positive odd integers n) . First, the proposition
other, so that they cannot occur simultaneously.
is proved tr ue for a starting value of n; next, it is proved
that if the proposition is true for n = k then it is tr ue for
n = k + I; by induction, it is therefore tr ue for all values N
of n greater than the starting value. Newton's la,v of cooling
The cooling rate of a body is proportional to the
initially difference between the temperature of the body
\"/hen time t = 0 (at the beginning).
and the temperature of the surrounding medium:
integrand ~; = - k(T - M), where T is the temperature at any time
An integrand is a function that is to be integrated. t and M is the temperature of the surrounding medium
integration by substitution (a constant). A solution of this differential equation is
Changing the variable in an integral to make it easier T = M + Ae-k', where A is a constant.
to determine the integral, e.g. by substituting a new
variable u = g(x). 0
invers e cosine function odd function
1 A function is odd if j(-x) = -f(x) for all values of x in
y = cos- xis the inverse cosine function; it means 'that
the domain. The function has rotational symmetry about
part of x = cosy for which O< y < n-'.
the origin.
invers e function
Iff(g(x)) = g(f(x)) = x theng(x) = f - 1(x) is the inverse one-to-one function
function ofj(x). The graph ofy = J- 1(x) is the reflection of A function for which any vertical line can only cut it
y =j(x) in the line y = x, when the inverse function exists. once and any horizontal line can only cut it once; every
one-to-one function has an inverse function.
invers e sine function
y = sin- xis the inverse sine function; it means 'that par t p
of x = sin y for which -1< y < 1'. parameter
invers e tangent function (1) A parameter is a quantity that defines cer tain
y = tan-' xis the inverse tangent function; it means 'that character istics of a function or system. For example,
part of x = tany for which -1< y < 1'. 0 is a parameter in J = X COS 0.
(2) A parameter can be a characteristic value of a
L situation. For example, the time taken for a machine
leading term to produce a certain product.
The term a. x• of a polynomial, where a. "# 0. parametric equations
logistic equation When two related variables (e.g. x and y) are expressed
The logistic equation is the differential equation in terms of a third variable, the 'parameter' (e.g. tor 0),
dn so that x = f(t),y = g(t) or x = f(0),y =g ( 0).
- = kN ( P - N) where k, Pare constants. Thus: if
dt Pascal's triangle
N = Oor N = P, - = 0 An arrangement of numbers that gives the coefficients of
dt the ter ms in the binomial expansion of ( I + x)".
mathematical induction
Mathematical induction is a method of mathematical
proof used to prove statements involving the natural
numbers. It is also known as proof by induction or
inductive proof. The principle of induction is an axiom
and so cannot itself be proven.
Glossary 445