SAR Convention - SOLAS Convention, - Salvage Convention - FAL

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Search & Rescue

1. Volume 6 Is one of The legal Frameworks regulating the SAR Service ( False)

*Correct : ➢United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea,

➢SAR Convention - ➢SOLAS Convention, - ➢Salvage Convention - ➢FAL

Convention - ➢IMO Global SAR Plan. - Admiralty List of Radio Signals, Volume 5,

2. SOLAS Regulation V/21-2 obligated all ships to carry an up todate IAMSAR

manual volume three ( True )

3-volume Manual

✓Volume 1 – Organization and Management

✓ Volume 2 – Mission Coordination

✓ Volume 3 – Mobile Facilities

3. Joint Rescue Coordination Center is responsible for the aeronautical incidents

only ( False)

*Correct : responsible for both aeronautical and maritime search and rescue

4. The Global SAR Concept require From each State to provide Sar services For its
own citizens Wherever they travel worldwide ( False )
*Correct* ➢Eliminate the need for each State to provide SAR services for its own citizens
wherever they travel worldwide,

➢Develop regional systems for each ocean area and continent

Instead➢Globe is divided into SRRs, each with associated SAR services which assist anyone
in distress within the SRR without regard to nationality or circumstances.

➢An effective worldwide system, so that wherever people sail or fly, SAR services

will be available if needed.

5. Admiralty List of Radio Signals Volume 6 Is one of the legal Framworks
regulating the SAR Services ( False)

*Correct : ➢United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea,

➢SAR Convention - ➢SOLAS Convention, - ➢Salvage Convention - ➢FAL

Convention - ➢IMO Global SAR Plan. - Admiralty List of Radio Signals, Volume 5,

6.The Search and rescue coordinator (SC) is Responsible to release SAR Facilities
when assistance is no longer required ( False)

*Correct* One or more persons or agencies within an Administration with overall

responsibility for establishing and providing SAR services and ensuring that
planning for those services is properly coordinated.

7. Flag States is the only obligated party to establish search and rescue centers

*Correct* Flag States - Coastal States - SAR Area States - Ship Masters

8. Initial medical assistance or medical evacuation is one of the SAR System

Functions ( True )

*search and rescue functions, including provision of medical advice, initial

medical assistance, or medical evacuation, through the use of public and private
resources includingco-operatingaircraft, vessels,and other craftsand installations’

9. A new edition of the IAMSAR manuals are Puplished every 3 years ( True )


10. The main Purpose of the SAR and SOLAS Conventions 2004 amendments was
to minimize the inconvenience to assisting ships ( True )

To help ensure that persons in distress are assisted, while minimizing the
inconvenience to assisting ships and ensuring the continued integrity of SAR
11. The SAR System Must have Four general coordination levels (False)

Correct* THREE General Coordination Levels for the SAR systems

SAR coordinators (SCs) - SAR mission coordinators - (SMCs) - On scene


12. Preparing the SAR operation Final report is the responsibility of ……… Search
and rescue mission coordinator (SMC)……………….

Responsibility : ✓issue progress reports

✓determine when to suspend or terminate the search

✓release SAR facilities when assistance is no longer required

✓prepare a final report.

13. Which one of the following is not a benefit of the SAR Service Reduce The
SRUs numbers to save costs

Benifite : reduce the negative publicity

Reduce life lost

Reduce the bad impact on the marine and aviation activities.

14 . Establishing, staffing, equipping, and managing the SAR system is

responsibility of Search and rescue coordinator (SC)

Other responsibility : ✓establishing (RCCs) and rescue sub-centers (RSCs)

✓providing or arranging for SAR facilities

✓coordinating SAR training

✓developing SAR policies

15 …………SRS………………… is defined as a specified area within a search and

rescue region associated with a rescue sub-center
16. ………JRCC………………… is defined as a rescue coordination center responsible
for both aeronautical and maritime search and rescue incidents .

17. ………Search operation…………. Is defined as an operation normally

coordinated by a rescue coordination center (RCC) or rescue subcenter (RSC)
using available personnel and facilities to locate persons in distress.


18. The Ships master is obliged to give assistance to any person in distress
according to ………All of them ……..(Unclos Convention) , (SOLAS Convention) ,
(SAR Convention)

19.The Main User of the IAMSAR Volume 1 – organization and management is

……………SAR System Mangers…………


20 …………SRR………….. is defined An area of defined dimensions, associated with

a rescue coordination center (RCC), within which search and rescue services are

21…… (RCC) ………… is defined A unit responsible for promoting efficient

organization of search and rescue services and for coordinating the conduct of
search and rescue operations within a search and rescue region (SRR).


22. ……RSC…………. Is defined unit subordinate to a rescue coordination

center(RCC) established to complement the latter according to particular
provisions of the responsible authorities


23. ………SC……………. Is defined One or more persons or agencies within an

Administration with overall responsibility for establishing and providing SAR
services and ensuring that planning for those services is properly coordinated.
24. ……SMC………….. is defined The official temporarily assigned to coordinate
response to an actual or apparent distress situation.

25. ……OSC…………… is defined A person designated to coordinate search and

rescue operations within a specified area.


26. .The Main User of the IAMSAR Volume 2 – organization and management is
……………Rescue Co-ordination Centers (RCCs) and Rescue Sub-centers

27..The Main User of the IAMSAR Volume 3 – organization and management is

……………Rescue units, civil aircraft, and vessels(SOLAS § Regulation 21 - 2)....


28. the International SAR Agencies ➢International Maritime Organization (IMO)

➢International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO)

29. ………Rescue operation……….. An operation to retrieve(recover) persons in

distress, provide for their initial medical or other needs, and deliver them to a
place of safety


30. IAMSAR VOLUME 1 purpose : Discusses global SAR system concept,

establishment and improvement of national and regional SAR system, and
cooperation with neighboring nations to provide effective and economical SAR

31. IAMSAR VOLUME 2 Purpose : To assist personnel who plan and coordinate
SAR operations and exercises.

32. IAMSAR VOLUME 3 Purpose : Help ships and planes deal with their own
emergency situations as well as search and rescue operations in general

33. The (SMC) designates an (OSC), who may be the person in charge of a:

✓Search and rescue unit (SRU), ship, or aircraft participating in a search, or

✓Nearby facility in a position to handle OSC duties.

34. (SRR) Purpose: help to define who has primary responsibility for coordinating

responses to distress situations in every area of the world

The International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) regional air navigation plans
(RANPs) describe aeronautical SRRs.

35. The International Maritime Organization (IMO) Global SAR Plan describes

maritime SRRs.

36. (SRS) Purpose: If the communication facilities in a part of an SRR are not
enough for coordination between the RCC and SAR facilities;

If the SRR includes a number of States or territorial divisions of a State in

which, for political or administrative reasons, local facilities can only be directed

and controlled through local authorities

37. IN RCC : Aeronautical SAR responsibility may be met by means of an

aeronautical RCC (ARCC).

Maritime SAR responsibility may be met by means of a maritime RCC (MRCC)

*A coastal State may have an MRCC but not be able to be provided with an
ARCC. In such a case, the SAR manager should arrange a suitable organizational
relationship to provide the MRCC with aeronautical advice.
38. (JRCC) Benefits include: fewer facilities to establish or maintain;

reduced cost; - less complexity in forwarding distress alerts; and better

coordination and sharing of SAR expertise.

39. IN RSC : An aeronautical RSC (ARSC) can be established for aeronautical SAR

maritime RSC (MRSC) for maritime SAR incidents.

40. RSCs typically have fewer responsibilities and capabilities than their
associated RCC and their requirements in personnel, equipment, and
accommodations are usually smaller.

41. the SAR System Functions? Receive, acknowledge, and relay notifications of
distress - Co-ordinate SAR response - Conduct SAR operations

42. National and Regional Systems

➢SAR systems can be established on a national or regional level, or both

Both systems involve the establishment of one or more SRRs, along with
capabilities to receive alerts, and to coordinate and conduct SAR services within
each SRR via an RCC.

Each SRR needs an RCC, but each State does not necessarily need an SRR if one
RCC can be supported by and serve more than one State, especially in ocean
areas. In such cases, each State may establish an RSC.

43.Define search and rescue ? The performance of distress monitoring,

communication, coordination and search and rescue functions, including
provision of medical advice, initial medical assistance, or medical evacuation,
through the use of public and private resources includingco-operatingaircraft,
vessels,and other craftsand installations’
44. State the benefit of sar service ?

Mainly reduction of loss of life and suffering by providing rescue services

(a) A safer and more secure environment

(b) Availability of SAR resources

(c) Well-performed SAR operations can provide positive publicity

promoting cooperation and communication among States

(e) The value of the property which can be saved

45. Define the place of safety mentoring its specification ?

Is a location where rescue operation are considered to terminate

1-where the survivors safety of life is no longer threatened

2- where their basic human need can be met (such as food , shelter , and medical
needs )

3. where transportation arrangements for the survivor next or final destination

can be made.

46. mention the four obligated parties of sar service ?

Flag States - Coastal States - SAR Area States - Ship Masters


47. mention 4 the international legal frameworks regulating the sar service ?

United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, - SAR Convention - SOLAS
Convention - Salvage Convention - FAL Convention (Facilitation of International
Maritime Traffic) - IMO Global SAR Plan Admiralty List of Radio Signals, Volume
48. what are the three obligations relating to sar ?

1 – Obligation to provide assistance to persons in distress at sea

Coastal States: SAR Convention

SAR State: SAR Convention

Ship’s master: (SOLAS)

Flag State: UNCLOS

2- Obligation to establish search and rescue centers

Coastal States: UNCLOS

3- Humanitarian obligations

All Parties: IMO Assembly resolution A.920

49. What are the International SAR Agencies?

➢International Maritime Organization (IMO)

➢International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO)

50. What is the 3 main SAR System Functions?

1. Receive, acknowledge, and relay notifications of distress

2. Co-ordinate SAR response

3. Conduct SAR operations

51. what are the 3 general coordination level of the sar system ?

SAR coordinators (SCs)

SAR mission coordinators (SMCs)

On scene coordinators (OSCs)

52.Mention 6 of the primary SAR System Components ?

❑Search and Rescue Regions (SRR)

❑Communications in the SRR and with external SAR services;

❑RCC for the co-ordination of SAR services;

❑Medical advice , medical assistance, and evacuation services;

❑Support facilities that provide services in support of SAR operations.

❑On-scene coordinator (OSC) assigned for coordinating the on-scene

activities of all participating facilities;

53.What are 3 main function of a SAR Communication System ?

➢Receipt of alerts from equipment used by persons in distress;

➢Exchange of information for co-ordination of responses to SAR incidents


▪persons in distress

▪SAR mission coordinator (SMC)

▪On-scene coordinator (OSC)

▪SAR facilities

➢Direction finding (DF) and homing

54. What are the general operation requirements For SAR Communication ?

➢RCC staff and SAR unit crews to be professional in using the

ENGLISH language as it is the default SAR operational language

➢Fast delivery of alert messages to the RCC responsible to respond

to a distress alert.
➢RCC is obligated to consider every alert it receives as a real distress,

and to promptly respond to it.

➢RCC should be able to contact the unit in distress on the same

equipment it used to contact the RCC

55. State the 3 of RCC Required Capabilities ?

•24-hour availability

•Trained persons with a working knowledge of the English language

•Plotting facilities (a stock of maritime and aeronautical maps, plotting

equipment, and other

necessary information)

•Ability to receive distress alerts, e.g., from MCCs, CESs, etc

•Ability to coordinate medical advice, medical assistance or evacuation


56.State three of RCC Desired Capabilities ?

• Wall chart showing SRR, SRSs and neighboring SRRs, SAR resources

• Computer resources

• SAR Databases

• Vessel tracking information including AIS, LRIT, and VMS

57.Discuss The benifites the different between the disgnated of SRUs and
specialized SRUs ?

Designated SRU

SRUs which is not dedicated solely to SAR operations, but should have the
training and equipment necessary for proficient operations.
Specialized SAR Units

Teams with specialized training and equipment are created for specific rescue
scenarios; such as mountain or desert rescue.

58.State four the operation to be conduct by the (SRUs) ?

✓Conducting a search;

✓Delivering supplies and survival equipment to the scene;

✓Rescuing survivors;

✓Providing food, medical or other initial needs of survivors; and

✓Delivering the survivors to a place of safety.

59. Factors Affecting SRR Size and Shape …… Air and shipping traffic density and
pattern….. ,………… Availability, distribution, readiness, and mobility of SAR
resources………… , ……… Reliability of the communications network,……..

60. Communication consists of a sender passing information to a receiver

by various means.

SAR personnel, survivors, RCCs and RSCs, SAR facilities, and many

others must have the means to be senders and receivers.

SAR managers must provide the essential communications elements

to: ……… receive distress alerts…….., ……… perform the SAR mission …….

61. …… Alerting posts………… defined as Any facility intended to serve as an

intermediary between a person reporting an emergency and a rescue
coordination Centre (RCC) or rescue sub-Centre(RSC).
62. Alerting posts include, but are not limited to …… (CRSs)……… , … (LUTs)…., …
(MCCs)….. , …… (LESs)……. , …… (ATS)…… , …… vessels, aircraft, or other persons
or facilities which may receive and relay alerts.……

63. ……… Locating…………. Locating capabilities (ELT)& (EPIRB) and Position

information is very important for SAR operations

64. Locating …… Get the actual position of distress for rescue…… , …… Minimize
the search time…..

65. various suitable means should be provided in (SRR) to determine positions

May include …… Dirction Finding (DF) stations…. , ……vessel traffic service

66. SAR aircraft must be able to home onto 121.5 MHz signals from (ELT)&
(EPIRB) used for locating a distress scene and survivors.

67. Necessary communication Systems for SAR May include …… Telephones

.. , …Radios operating on international distress frequencies …. , ……long-range
terrestrial and satellite systems …..

68…… Search and rescue facility………. Defined as Any mobile resource, including
designated search and rescue units (SRUs), used to conduct search and rescue

69. …………… Search And Rescue Units (SRUs)……….. defined as A unit composed
of trained personnel and provided with equipment suitable for the fast conduct
of SAR operations

70. Medical advice and medical assistance An RCC should establish a relationship
with a maritime telemedical assistance service (TMAS) to ensure that medical
advice can be provided to masters at sea within its SRR 24 hours a day

71. The RCC should have the means to coordinate medical assistance and
evacuation in consultation with a TMAS

72. Support facilities enable the RCC and SRUs to provide the SAR services.

Support facilities Without the supporting resources, the RCC and SRUs cannot
sustain effective operations.

73. support facilities and services may include the following …… Facility
maintenance……, ………Communications facilities….. , …… Medical facilities…… ,
…… Aircraft landing fields ……… , ……… Refueling services……

74. What is the equipment needed by (SRUs) ?

Communication equipment – Mobility - Supplies and Survival Equipment -

•Other required equipment such as disposal maps, charts, plotting equipment,
and information

75. Mention the 3 different emergency Phases ?

1- Uncertainty phase - 2- Alert phase - 3- Distress Phase

76. When uncertainty phase is declared for ships ?

When the ship

(a) been reported Late at its destination; or

(b) failed to make an expected position safety report.

77. What are the types of SAR operation and discuss in brief the difference
between them ?

Normal Rescue Operations : Means the use of normal available resources of the
RCC to assist persons and property in potential or actual distress without any
help from other RCCs.
Mass Rescue Operations (MRO) : Means operations that involve a need for
immediate assistance to large numbers of persons in distress such that
capabilities normally available to SAR authorities are inadequate and closely co-
ordinate large-scale actions and use of resources from multiple organizations are

78. Mention The different SAR Operation Stage ?

1- Awareness stage - 2- Initial action stage - 3- Planning stage - 4- Operations

stage - 5- Conclusion stage

79. ……… Emergency phases…………. Defined as The level of concern for the safety
of persons or craft which may be in danger.

80……………… Uncertainty phase ……………. Defined as A situation wherein doubt

exists as to the safety of an aircraft or a marine vessel, and of the persons on

81…………… Alert phase…………… Defined as A situation wherein apprehension

(fear) exists as to the safety of an aircraft or marine vessel, and of the persons on

82…………… Distress Phase …………. Defined as A situation wherein there is

reasonable certainty that a vessel or other craft, including an aircraft or a person,
is threatened by grave and imminent danger and requires immediate assistance.

83…………… - Awareness stage ……………… Defined as Aperiod during which the

SAR system becomes aware of an actual or potential incident

84……………… Initial action stage……………Defined as Aperiod during which

preliminary action is taken to alert SAR facilities and obtain amplifying

85…………… Planning stage………………… Defined as Aperiod during a SAR incident

when an effective plan of operations is developed.
86………… Operations stage ………. Defined as A period during a SAR incident when
SAR facilities proceed to the scene, conduct search, rescue survivors, assist
distressed craft, provide emergency care for survivors, and deliver survivors to a
suitable facility.

87. ………… Conclusion stage…………. Defined as A period during a SAR incident

when SAR facilities return to their regular location and prepare for another

88. uncertainty phase When there is doubt regarding the safety of a craft, or
persons on board, but does not require dispatching of resources.

89. Alert phase When a craft or persons on board are having some difficulty and
may need assistance, but are not in immediate danger and not requiring
immediate action

90. an ALERT phase is declared After the uncertainty phase

91. Awareness stage : When information is known by any person or agency in the
SAR system that an emergency situation exists or may exist.

92. Initial action stage : This stage may include evaluation and classification of
the information, alerting of SAR facilities, and communication checks.

93. Planning stage : When developing operational plans, including plans for
search, rescue, and final delivery of survivors to medical facilities or other places
of safety as appropriate.

94. Conclusion stage : When all required documentation had been completed.

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