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The centre of gravity of a body is:

a) The point at which all the mass of the body may be assumed to be
b) The point through which the force of gravity is considered to act vertically
downwards, with a force equal to the weight of the body.
c) The point about which the body would balance.

Density is defined as ‘mass per unit volume’.

The specific gravity (SG) or relative density of a substance is defined as the ratio
of the weight of the substance to the weight of an equal volume of fresh water.

The force of buoyancy: is the force considered to act vertically upwards through a
point called the centre of buoyancy.
The centre of buoyancy is the centre of gravity of the underwater volume.

Tonnes per centimetre immersion (TPC)

The TPC for any draft is the mass which must be loaded or discharged to change a
ship’s mean draft in salt water by one centimeter

Reserve buoyancy
It is the volume of the enclosed spaces above the waterline. It may be expressed
as a volume or as a percentage of the total volume of the vessel.

Lightweight (Light Displacement) :

This is the weight of the ship itself when completely empty, with boilers topped up
to working level. It is made up of steel weight, wood and outfit weight, and the
machinery weight.

Deadweight (Dwt):
This is the weight that a ship carries. It can be made up of oil fuel, fresh water, stores,
lubricating oil, water ballast, crew and effects, cargo and passengers.
This deadweight will vary, depending on how much the ship is loaded between light
ballast and fully-loaded departure conditions.

Displacement (Load Displacement):

This is the weight of the volume of water that the ship displaces.

Water draft:
This is the vertical distance from the waterline down to the keel.

Air draft:
This is the quoted vertical distance from the waterline to the highest point on the
ship when at zero forward speed.
The Fresh Water Allowance
It is the number of millimetres by which the mean draft changes when a ship passes
from salt water to fresh water, or vice versa, whilst floating at the loaded draft.

Dock Water Allowance (DWA):

The distance by which summer load line can be submerged When the ship is loading
in dock water that she will automatically rise to summer load line when the open sea
and salt water is reached.

The coefficient of fineness of the water-plane area (Cw)

The coefficient of fineness of the water-plane area is the ratio of the area of the
water-plane to the area of a rectangle having the same length and maximum breadth.

The block coefficient of fineness of displacement (Cb)

The block coefficient of a ship at any particular draft is the ratio of the volume of
displacement at that draft to the volume of a rectangular block having the same
overall length, breadth and depth.

The midships coefficient (Cm)

The midships coefficient to any draft is the ratio of the transverse area of the
midships section (Am) to a rectangle having the same breadth and depths.

The prismatic coefficient (Cp)

The prismatic coefficient of a ship at any draft is the ratio of the volume of
displacement at that draft to the volume of a prism having the same length as the
ship and the same cross-sectional area as the ship’s midships area.

A ship is said to be heeled when she is inclined by an external force (.waves or wind)

A ship is said to be listed when she is inclined by forces within the ship (shifting a
weight transversely within the ship). This is a fixed angle of heel.

The metacentre
The verticals through the centres of buoyancy at two consecutive angles of heel
intersect at a point called the metacentre

The metacentric height:

The vertical distance between G and M is referred
If G is below M the ship is said to have positive metacentric height, and
if G is above M the metacentric height is said to be negative.
The lever GZ (the righting lever):
It is the perpendicular distance between the centre of gravity and the vertical through
the centre of buoyancy.

The angle of loll

An angle of heel where the centre of gravity (G) on the ship’s centreline and
transverse GM is zero

The Moment of Statical Stability

It is the moments which are taken about G to return the ship to the upright.

This moment is referred to as and is equal to the product of the force ‘W’ and the
length of the lever GZ; i.e.

Moment of Statical Stability = W x GZ tonnes metres

Stable equilibrium
A ship is said to be in stable equilibrium if, when inclined, she tends to return to the
initial position. For this to occur the centre of gravity must be below the metacentre,
that is, the ship must have positive initial metacentric height.

Unstable equilibrium
When a ship which is inclined to a small angle tends to heel over still further, she is
said to be in unstable equilibrium.
For this to occur the ship must have a negative GM. Note: G is above M.

Neutral equilibrium
When G coincides with M ,the ship is said to be in neutral equilibrium, and if
inclined to a small angle she will tend to remain at that angle of heel until another
external force is applied. The ship has zero GM. Note that KG = KM.

When a ship has a comparatively large GM, for example 2 m to 3 m, the righting
moments at small angles of heel will also be comparatively large. It will thus require
larger moments to incline the ship. When inclined she will tend to return more
quickly to the initial position. The result is that the ship will have a comparatively
short time period, and will roll quickly – and perhaps violently – from side to side

Tender ships
When the GM is comparatively small, for example 0.16 m to 0.20 m the righting
moments at small angles of heel will also be small. The ship will thus be much easier
to incline and will not tend to return so quickly to the initial position. The time period
will be comparatively long and a ship, for example 25 to 35 seconds,

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