To Be Able To Describe and Ask For Personal Information.: Lesson Plan

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Teacher: Mr Martinez Class: No. on roll:

Date: Period/Time: Subject : Spanish

No. of SEN: No. of other (e.g. No. of G&T:

No. of EAL: LAC)

Role of TA or EAL
support teacher
(if present)

Students have seen before what regular verbs are (finished in –ar, -er and - ir), and they
Links with may have used them in previous classes. They have also used the verb to be (ser and
previous work: estar) but maybe they have never studied the verb to have (tener) in detail and what the
differences are and when they need to use each of them. Students may have learnt some
vocabulary related to professional occupations.
Cross curricular
links (e.g.

-Reading – this skill will be developed throughout the whole lesson.

Reading, writing, -Writing –The use of the indefinite article (El artículo indefinido).
speaking and -Speaking – Conversations using personal information related to email and telephone.
The use of some verbs such as have, learn, live, be, search, organise, reserve and sell
(tener, aprender, vivir, ser, estar, organizar, reservar y vender) in present simple.
-Listening – Personal information activity.
Key words: Instructions, questions and feedback from the teacher.

Verbs: have, learn, live, be, search, organize, reserve and sell (tener, aprender, vivir, ser,
estar, organizar, reservar y vender). The indefinite article (El artículo indefinido)

Learning objectives Success Criteria

All students will be able to:

Identify verbs to describe and ask for personal
LO’s: information.
To be able to describe and ask for Most students will be able to:
Understand when they need to use the verbs have,
personal information. learn and live.
Some students will be able to:
Differentiate the use of the different verbs developing
their thinking and reasoning skills to justify their choices
when choosing one of different verbs.

Homework (What work and for what purpose?)


Behaviour Management

Additional notes

Time What will the teacher do? What will the students do? Assessment
(How will you monitor
understanding and
progress throughout the
Through The Door activity
The teacher projects a picture and Routine: they are supposed to get Still training them to
a saying / proverb on the screen their things out and think about remember this
for the students to start thinking the TTD activity (this can be routine. Teacher will
as they come into the classroom. discussed in pairs or small groups). be asking them to start
5 mins
thinking of that saying
and maybe helping
Greet students in the target Respond to teacher’s greetings, them a bit.
language and ask them for that guess the meaning of the
question they have been thinking saying/proverb found on the Students will answer
about since they came into the board and start copying title and “Buenos días/ Hola” at
room. The teacher gives them the date on the exercise book. the beginning and they
title, date and lesson aims and Answer “¡Hola!” as they listen to say “¡Hola!” as they
starts calling the register. their names. listen to their names.

Starter Students work individually writing Students sharing

The teacher explains the lesson the answers on their exercise responses will receive
aims as well as the success criteria books and respond to teacher’s verbal feedback from
5 mins and gives them the starter exercise questions (hands up) as the starter the teacher.
(7a). activity is going to be corrected.

Teacher projects the Starter on the Match up activity. Encourage the high
board including an extension for Differentiation: ability students to do
those finishing earlier. Conjugation of the verbs “speak the extension.
and organize” (hablar and
organizar) as extension task.
TASK 1 Listen to the grammatical Q&A
Teacher explains what the explanation the teacher will
personal information is and how to deliver during a few minutes. Ask
use correctly when speaking using for doubts if they don’t
the verb to have (tener) and the understand something as they will Verbal feedback.
indefinite article (el artículo work on this later on.
indefinido). Then the teacher Circulate and monitor.
teacher will project some Participate asking giving answers Help them with
sentences from the book for the using the verb to have (tener) to pronunciation and
students to give the answers complete the sentences projected mistakes they may
orally. Eventually, teacher asks on the board. make.
20 them to do a Speaking activity in Work in pairs asking and
mins which they will work in pairs, answering and practising the verbs
asking and answering (exercise 7a that the teacher has just
and b, 8a and b and 9). explained.
Listen to the grammatical
explanation the teacher will

TASK 2 deliver during a few minutes. Ask Q&A

Teacher explains the main for doubts if they don’t
differences between learn understand something as they will
(aprender) and live (vivir) and work on this later on. Circulate and monitor.
when they need to use each of Students can compare
them. (pre exercise 10) Copy and complete the sentences. and share answers
Teacher ask to students if they They can work in pairs or small with peers.
10 know some verbs from the text groups in order to discuss their
mins (exercise 10) and ask them to do answers. Ask for the number of
the exercise 10 and 11. Teacher right answers to see
will reinforce the hand ups when Mark the activity when the whole easily how they are
marking the activity all together. class do it. doing.

PLENARY Ask for feedback as a

The teacher will now ask the Students will reflect on their class at the end of the
students to discuss a few learning by talking and discussing lesson and see what
questions projected on the board about what they have learnt today they have learnt,
with the person sitting next to and what they have improved or enjoyed or improved
them. need more help. and what they need to
continue working on.

5 mins

Personalised Learning
Pupil EAL, AEN, G&T etc. Intervention strategies

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