Pre-Advanced 2 - Written Tests A e B - Gabaritos

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Listening Reading Use of English

1. 2. 3.
a. She would have liked to a. If he hadn’t been curious a. might have prevented
help choose the about science, he wouldn’t him from becoming
windows. have been so successful. b. get it checked
b. He wanted to do b. He educated himself. c. by myself
something nice. c. He discovered the secret of d. By the time
c. It was harder that it had Bavarian glass making. e. hurt yourself
initially appeared to be. d. When Davy decided to hire f. by a professional
d. He hurt himself. Faraday, he had already g. I can do this myself.
e. Because he could have received the book he h. must have burned
been seriously injured. compiled. i. must have happened
f. That they hire a e. He was Faraday’s greatest j. would have called
professional to do the supporter.
job. f. He was never quite sure
Pre-Advanced 2 g. He can do the job himself. what the applications
Midterm Written Test h. She has full confidence in would be.
Type A the man’s ability. g. Because Humphry Davy
i. He would not have been wanted to keep him out of
hurt if he had listened to the spotlight.
his wife. h. He would not have been
j. Spend the carpenter promoted if Davy hadn’t
money on a nice meal. died.
i. It must have been a very
complicated and detailed
j. He intended to make fun of
Faraday, but everybody
made fun of him.
1. 2.1. 3.1.
a. At a restaurant or diner. a. It’s about a lucky find that a. He said they couldn’t
b. He doesn’t like her. saved a family’s house. figure out a way out of
c. If he had stayed home, he b. He didn’t. The author chose that.
wouldn’t have to interact these words to make the b. He said it was a
with Kelly. title more curious. tremendous piece of
d. She’s not worried about c. They would have lost their American pop culture
the consequences of her home to the bank. history.
actions. d. The Holy Grail of … c. He said you couldn’t have
Pre-Advanced 2 e. She is trying to get Mike e. It has great cultural and asked for a happier
Final Written Test and Sally back together. historical value. ending.
Type A f. Tom got really mad and f. They contacted a company d. He said Superman had
was rude to her. that auctions rare comic saved the day.
g. Because he offended her books.
friend. 3.2.
h. He thinks she gossips 2.2. a. I wish he would stop
about him and Judy. a. T doing that.
i. A friend of hers heard b. F b. I wish I had brought an
Sally talking about it with c. F umbrella.
someone else and then d. F c. I wish I knew a little

told her. German.
j. Someone who likes to d. had brought
spread rumors about
other people’s lives. 3.3.
Pre-Advanced 2 a. Culture is generally
Final Written Test related to the
Type A geographical region, but
that’s not the only
determining factor.
b. Movies can be seen as a
precise depiction of real
life, and that’s




Listening Reading Language Use

1. 2. 3.
a. She would have liked to a. T a. might have prevented
help choose the b. F him from becoming
windows. c. T b. get it checked
b. He wanted to do d. T c. by myself
something nice. e. F d. By the time
c. It was harder that it had f. T e. hurt yourself
initially appeared to be. g. T f. by a professional
d. He hurt himself. h. F g. I can do this myself.
e. Because he could have i. F h. must have burned
been seriously injured. j. T i. must have happened
f. That they hire a j. would have called
professional to do the
Pre-Advanced 2 g. He can do the job himself.
Midterm Written Test h. She has full confidence in
Type B the man’s ability.
i. He would not have been
hurt if he had listened to
his wife.
j. Spend the carpenter
money on a nice meal.
1. 2.1. 3.1.
a. At a restaurant or diner. a. It’s about a lucky find that a. He said they couldn’t
b. He doesn’t like her. saved a family’s house. figure out a way out of
c. If he had stayed home, he b. He didn’t. The author chose that.
wouldn’t have to interact these words to make the b. He said it was a
with Kelly. title more curious. tremendous piece of
d. She’s not worried about c. They would have lost their American pop culture
the consequences of her home to the bank. history.
actions. d. The Holy Grail of … c. He said you couldn’t ask
Pre-Advanced 2 e. She is trying to get Mike e. It has great cultural and for a happier ending.
Final Written Test and Sally back together. historical value. d. He said Superman had
Type B f. Tom got really mad and f. They contacted a company saved the day.
was rude to her. that auctions rare comic
g. Because he offended her books. 3.2.
friend. a. I wish he would stop
h. He thinks she gossips 2.2. doing that.
about him and Judy. a. T b. I wish I had brought an
i. A friend of hers heard b. F umbrella.
Sally talking about it with c. T c. I wish I hadn’t quit my
someone else and then d. F German lessons.
told her. d. had brought
j. Someone who likes to
spread rumors about 3.3.
other people’s lives. a. Culture is generally

related to the
geographical region, but
that’s not the only
determining factor.
b. Movies can be seen as a
precise depiction of real
life, and that’s


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