Pre-Advanced 2 - Final Written Test - Tipo B

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Pre-advanced 2 - Final test

Name: ____________________________________________ 1. Listening
Teacher’s name: _____________________________________ 2. Reading
Group: __________________ Date: _____________________ 3. Language Use
4. Writing

Listen and check the best option.

(Total: 5 points - 0.5 each correct answer)

a. Where does this conversation probably take place?

At the gym. At a restaurant or diner. At work. At home.

b. What is the man’s opinion about Kelly?

He likes her a lot. He thinks she’s boring.
He finds her too quiet. He doesn’t like her.

c. Why did Tom say he wished he had stayed home?

If he had stayed home, he wouldn’t have to eat the disgusting ice cream.
If he had stayed home, he wouldn’t have to interact with Kelly.
If he had stayed home, he wouldn’t learn the truth about Mike and Sally.
If he had stayed home, he wouldn’t miss the game.

d. What is true about Kelly?

She goes to the same gym as Sally.
She’s not worried about the consequences of her actions.
She is a great friend of Tom’s.
She and Sally are best friends.

e. What is NOT true about Kelly?

She didn’t check the information with Sally
before telling other people.
She can’t be trusted with a secret.
She annoys Tom.
She is trying to get Mike and Sally back


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Pre-advanced 2 - Final test

f. Why did Kelly leave?

Tom got really mad and was rude to her. She had to talk to someone else.
She was in a hurry. Judy asked her to leave.

g. Why was Judy mad at Tom?

Because he didn’t let Kelly finish the story.
Because now Kelly will never talk to her again.
Because he offended her friend.
Because he told Kelly they were getting divorced.

h. What does Tom think Kelly does?

He thinks she gossips about him and Judy. He thinks she’s honest.
He thinks she has to eat some ice cream. He thinks she has a crush on him.

i. How did Kelly learn about Sally and Mike’s situation?

She goes to the same gym as Sally and Sylvia.
She talked to Sally.
A friend of hers heard Sally talking about it with someone else and then told her.
She read about it in Mike’s blog.

j. What’s a gossip?
Someone who likes to spread rumors about other people’s lives.
Someone who enjoys some harmless fun.
Someone who buys and sells top secret information.
A person that only tells the truth.


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2. 1. Read this newspaper article and check the best option.
(Total: 3 points – 0.5 each correct answer)

co-owner of, a
company that specializes in dealing with
rare comic books. “Literally, this family
was in tears. The family home was going
to be lost and they’re devastated. They
can’t figure out a way out of this. They
start packing things up. They go into
the basement and start sifting through VOCABULARY
boxes – trying to find packing boxes – • FORECLOSE: to
SUPERMAN SAVES and they stumble on eight or nine take back property
FAMILY HOME comic books.”
because the
Most of the comic books in the box money owed for
Superman saved a family that was were worth between $10 and $30 but the property has
about to lose their home to a bank one – dated June 1938 and depicting
not been paid.
because they couldn’t pay up their the Man of Steel lifting a car above his
debts. It seems strange, but it’s true. head – was extremely rare. That issue, • AUCTION: a
The couple, who live in the South with which originally sold for 10 cents, is public sale at
their children, and asked to remain considered to have started the age of which things are
anonymous, accidentally found what the superheroes. sold to the people
is considered to be the Holy Grail of “It’s a tremendous piece of American who offer to pay
comic books in their basement – a pop culture history,” Zurzolo said. the most.
lucky find that could sell for a quarter The couple learned online that
million dollars at an auction. had sold other
As they started the painful task of copies of Action Comics #1 for over
packing up a home that had been a million dollars in an online auction.
in the family since at least the 1950s, They immediately texted a cell phone
they found a copy of Action Comics picture to the firm’s co-owner, Stephen
No. 1, the first in which Superman Fishler.
ever appeared. “You couldn’t ask for a happier ending,”
“The bank was about ready to Zurzolo said. “Superman saved the day.”
foreclose,” said Vincent Zurzolo,
Adapted from abcnews.

a. What’s this article about? b. How did Superman save the family’s home?
It’s about Superman. He found a copy of Action Comics No. 1.
It’s about comic book auctions. He sold a copy of the comic book in an online auction.
It’s about the economic He gathered the money they needed to save their house.
He didn’t. The author chose these words to make the
It’s about a lucky find that title more curious.
saved a family’s house.


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Pre-advanced 2 - Final test

c. What would have happened to the family if e. What made the comic book so
they hadn’t found the comic book? valuable?
They would have used their savings to It has great cultural and historical
pay the bank. value.
They could have gone to jail. It is the first-ever comic book.
They could have found another way. It is from 1938.
They would have lost their home to the It was perfectly preserved in the
bank. basement.

d. What expression does the author use to say f. What did the family do after they
that something is very valuable and desired? realized they had found something
Lucky find.
They contacted a company that
Tremendous piece of American pop
auctions rare comic books.
culture history.
They gave it to the bank.
The Holy Grail of…
They sold it on e-bay.
Extremely rare.
They decided to preserve it.

2. Read the text again and decide if the statements

are true (T) or false (F).
(Total: 2 points – 0.5 each correct answer)

a. The comic book they found features the

first ever appearance of a super hero.
b. The family sold their copy of Action
Comics #1 for over a million dollars.
c. The family managed to keep their home
with the money from the auction.
d. The comic book was sold to the bank the
family owned money to.


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3. 1. Match the quotations from the reading passage and their precise reported forms. There’s only one
correct answer for each sentence. (Total: 2 points – 0.5 each correct answer).
He said they couldn’t figure out a way out of that.
a. “They can’t figure He said it had been a tremendous piece of American pop culture history.
out a way out of
He said you couldn’t ask for a happier ending.
He said Superman was going to save the day.
b. “It’s a tremendous
piece of American He said they were going to figure out a way out of that.
pop culture He said it’s a tremendous piece of American pop culture history.
history…” He said Superman had saved the day.
c. “You couldn’t ask for He said that Superman would save the day.
a happier ending…”
He said it was a tremendous piece of American pop culture history.
d. “Superman saved
the day.” He said you could ask for a happier ending.
He said you asked for a happier ending.
He said they couldn’t figure out a way out of this.

2. Check the best option to complete the sentences.

(Total: 2 points – 0.5 each correct answer)
a. My roommate stays up late every night playing video games. And since the TV is in our room,
I can’t sleep.
I wish I had a video game of my own. I wish he would stop doing that.
I wish he hadn’t done that. I wish he could do that.
b. It’s raining a lot and I can’t go out.
I wish I were an umbrella. I wish I had brought an umbrella.
I wish I would get an umbrella. I wish my umbrella would disappear.
c. Man… this is so frustrating. The instructions manual is all in German, and I have no idea how to
turn this thing on.
I wish I knew how to make German food. I wish I had bought a German item.
I wish I hadn’t quit my German lessons. I wish I lived in Germany.
d. I wish I _________ my sweater. It’s freezing here.
brought would bring could bring had brought

3. Match each sentence and its equivalent passive form. (Total: 1 point – 0.5 each correct answer)
a. People generally Culture is generally related to the geographical region, but that’s not the
relate culture to the only determining factor.
geographical region,
but that’s not the only Movies can be seen as a precise depiction of real life, and that’s dangerous.
determining factor. Movies are seen by people as a precise depiction of real life, and that’s
b. People can see movies as
a precise depiction of real Culture relates to the geographical region, but that’s not the only
life, and that’s dangerous. determining factor.


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Pre-advanced 2 - Final test


Write a short paragraph about one of the topics in the box. Include the following information:

• the influence of this industry

• the importance and potential dangers
• people’s opinions in general about it
• your personal opinion about it

The movie industry The media The video game industry

(Total: 5 points)


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