Refrigerants For Vapour Compression Refrigeration Systems: G Venkatarathnam and S Srinivasa Murthy

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Refrigerants for Vapour Compression

Refrigeration Systems
G Venkatarathnam and S Srinivasa Murthy

With the mandate of Montreal Protocol banning ozone de-

pleting substances, and Kyoto Protocol later on curtailing the
use of substances which contribute to global warming, con-
ventional refrigerants are to be replaced by environment-
friendly working fluids. Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) and
hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs) are being substituted by The authors are at Refrigera-
hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs), hydrofluorooelifins (HFOs), and tion and Airconditioning
Laboratory, Department of
a variety of mixtures. In view of the global warming potential
Mechanical Engineering,
of these newly synthesized refrigerants, the recent trend is to IIT Madras, Chennai.
go back to the originally used natural fluids such as ammonia,
carbon dioxide, hydrocarbons, water vapour, etc. In this (left) G Venkatarathnam’s
interests are refrigerants and
article, various issues related to this changeover of refriger-
refrigerant mixtures, vapour
ants being used in vapour compression refrigeration systems compression refrigerators,
are discussed. cryogenic systems and
processes and compact heat
Introduction exchangers.

Present day mankind depends very heavily on refrigeration (which (right) S Srinivasa Murthy’s
can be defined as artificial production of cold) for daily needs. interests are mixture based
refrigeration & heat pump
These cover a wide range of applications such as food processing,
systems, sorption cooling
preservation and transport, comfort cooling, commercial and systems, clean and renewable
industrial air conditioning, manufacturing, energy production, energy and heat & mass
health, recreation, etc. The first known machine to produce transfer in porous media.

continuous cold was invented by the Frenchman Ferdinand Carre

in 1859. This was the earliest version of ‘aqua ammonia’ absorp-
tion system. However, commercially successful compression
refrigeration systems working with ammonia were introduced in
1875. Since then, the refrigeration technology has grown tremen- Vapour compression refrigera-
dously, influencing almost all aspects of human life. tion system, refrigerant, ozone
depletion, global warming, CFC,
Refrigeration systems can be broadly classified into two catego- HCFC, HFC, HFO, zeotropic
ries: mixture, natural fluids.

RESONANCE ¨ February 2012 139


• Steady-state refrigeration systems in which the cooling effect

is continuous; the refrigerant flow is steady and in one direc-
• Periodic refrigeration systems in which the cooling effect is
cyclic or intermittent; the refrigerant flow varies periodically
with time and is bidirectional.

The former is similar to direct current electrical systems and the

latter to alternating current electrical systems, the refrigerant
mass flow rate being analogous to current, and pressure being
analogous to voltage. Vapour compression refrigeration systems
used in domestic refrigerators and air conditioners are typical
examples of steady-state refrigeration systems. Sterling refrig-
erators and adsorption systems are examples of periodic refrig-
eration systems. The efficiency of periodic refrigeration systems
depends on the phase relationship between the mass flow rate and
pressure vectors, just as the phase difference between current and
voltage influences the performance of an alternating current
electrical system. The performance of steady-state refrigeration
systems, on the other hand, depends on the properties of the
working fluid (refrigerant) used.

Refrigeration systems can also be classified depending on the

type of energy input:

• Mechanical energy (compression refrigerators)

• Thermal energy (absorption/adsorption refrigerators)
• Electrical energy (thermo-electric refrigerators)
• Magnetic energy (magnetic refrigerators)
A large fraction • Acoustic energy (acoustic refrigerators)
(typically, about • Light energy (optical refrigerators).
80%) of practical
Figure 1 shows the different types of refrigeration systems. A
refrigerators are of
large fraction (typically, about 80 %) of practical refrigerators are
vapour compression
of vapour compression type and operate with mechanical energy
type and operate
input. In most cases the mechanical energy is derived from
with mechanical
electric motors. Vapour absorption refrigerators that operate with
energy input.
heat input are the second most widely used refrigeration systems.

140 RESONANCE ¨February 2012


Refrigeration Methods

Steady State Refrigeration cycles Periodic Refrigeration Cycles

Compression refrigeration
cycles Regenerative cycles

Vapor Compression (Subcritical) • Stirling

• Basic (single stage) • Pulse Tube
• Cascade (multi stage) • Gifford- McMahon
• Mixed Gas (single/multi stage) • Vuilleumier
Vapor Compression (Transcritical)
• Joule- Thomson Magnetic refrigeration
• Carbon dioxide based cycles
Turbo expander cycles
• Carnot (Expander) Adsorption refrigeration
• Brayton(Expander) cycles
• Claude (Expander & J-T Valve)

Vapor absorption cycles

• Single effect
• Double effect


Refrigerators that operate with other types of energy input are Figure 1. Classification of
only used in niche applications. refrigeration methods based
on type of the variation of
This article deals with the refrigerants used in steady-state sys- pressure and flow rate in the
tems belonging to the broad category of vapour compression cycle during steady-state op-
refrigeration systems (VCRS) that operate using mechanical

Vapour Compression Refrigeration Cycles

The Clausius–Rankine and the Lorenz–Meutzner cycles shown

in Figure 2 are the two widely used basic vapour compression
refrigeration cycles. Heat is absorbed/rejected by the refrigerant
at constant temperature in the Clausius–Rankine cycle
(Figure 3a) and over a range of temperatures in the case of the
Lorenz–Meutzner cycle (Figure 3b). Processes shown in both

RESONANCE ¨ February 2012 141


Figure 2. Schematic of a
simple vapour compression
refrigerator. The refrigerant
vapour is compressed in the
compressor (Process 1–2),
condensed in the condenser
(Process 2–3), expanded in a
throttling device (Process 3–
4) and evaporated in the
evaporator (Process 4–1).
Heat from the product to be
cooled is added at the evapo-
rator and rejected at the con-
Figures 3a and 3b are realized as follows:
denser to the ambient.
Process 1–2: Isentropic compression of the refrigerant.
Process 2–3: Constant pressure heat rejection1 in a heat ex-
changer termed as the condenser.
Process 3–4: Isenthalpic expansion2 of the refrigerant in an
1 The heat added in the evapora- orifice, valve or a capillary tube.
tor and the work supplied to the
Process 4–1: Constant pressure heat addition in a heat exchanger,
compressor are rejected in the
usually termed as the evaporator.
2 Isenthalpic expansion process
is an irreversible process, and is Processes in a real refrigeration system will be slightly different
therefore normally shown in dot- from those shown in Figures 2 and 3 due to irreversibilities such
ted lines on a T-s (temperature– as pressure drop in heat exchangers caused by friction, accelera-
entropy) diagram.
tion of the refrigerant in the evaporator as the liquid turns into
vapour, pressure drop in the suction and discharge valves, non-
Figure 3. a) Clausius–Rank-
isentropic compression in the compressor, etc.
ine (1-2-3-4) and b) Lorenz–
Air and water are the two most commonly used external heat
Meutzner (1’-2’-3’-4’) cycles
operating with heat transfer
fluids that undergo a tempera-
ture change across the con-
denser/evaporator. The
Clausius–Rankine cycle is
used in refrigerators operat-
ing with single fluids and
azeotropic mixtures, and the
Lorenz–Meutzner cycle is
used in refrigerators operat-
ing with zeotropic mixtures.

142 RESONANCE ¨February 2012


transfer fluids in the condenser to reject heat. Air is also generally

used as the heat transfer medium in the evaporator of air condi-
tioners. Fluids such as air, water, ethyleneglycol/water mixture,
propyleneglycol/water mixture, brines, or other heat transfer
fluids, etc., can be used at the evaporator depending on the
temperature and requirements of the particular application. Ex-
cept in a few cases, the temperature of the heat transfer fluid
normally varies across the condenser and evaporator in most
applications. The Lorenz–Meutzner cycle is preferable when the
temperature change of the external heat transfer fluid (both at the
evaporator and the condenser) is significant. The Lorenz–Meutzner
cycle can be realized by using zeotropic (also called as non-
azeotropic) refrigerant mixtures. It makes thermodynamic and
also economic sense to match the temperature change of the
refrigerant with that of the heat transfer fluid (the so-called
‘glide-matching’). Figure 4 shows a comparison between the
Clausius–Rankine and Lorenz–Meutzner refrigeration cycles.
The shaded portion represents the energy saved when the Lorenz–
Meutzner cycle is used instead of the Clausius–Rankine cycle.

Zeotropic refrigerant mixtures were not favored by the refrigera-

tion community for a long time because of the possibility of
change of composition of the mixture in case of leaks. However,
zeotropic mixtures of hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) are now widely
used in place of chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) banned by the
Montreal Protocol. (See Box 1). This has led to a renewed interest
in the refrigerators operating on the Lorenz–Meutzner cycle. Figure 4. The shaded area
gives the energy savings due
to glide-matching when
zeotropic refrigerant mixtures
are used in a Lorenz–
Meutzner cycle (1’-2’-3’-4’)
and glide of the refrigerant is
close to that of the heat trans-
fer fluid, compared to a refrig-
erator operating with a pure
fluid as the refrigerant and
the Clausius–Rankine cycle

RESONANCE ¨ February 2012 143


Box 1. The Ozone Depletion Effect

The atmosphere is divided into layers defined by the distance above the surface of the earth as follows:

• 0–15 kilometers (Troposphere)

• 15–50 kilometers (Stratosphere)
• 50–85 kilometers (Mesosphere)
• >85 kilometers (Thermosphere)

A proportion of the sun’s energy is emitted as ultraviolet (UV) radiation which can be divided into three types
according to the wave length:

• UVA : 3200 – 4000 Å

• UVB : 2900 – 3200 Å
• UVC : < 2900 Å (1 Å = 10–10 m).

It has been established that the short wavelength bands of the UV radiation are harmful to the life on earth in
many ways. It has also been established that a layer of the stratosphere, 20–40 km thick and rich in ozone, filters
out a major portion of this harmful UV radiation from reaching the earth’s surface. Chemically stable
chlorofluorocarbon (CFC) refrigerant molecules remain for a very long time in the atmosphere and can
therefore reach the ozone layer. In the stratospheric area an energetic UV photon strikes the CFC molecule.
The energy of the impact releases a chlorine atom, which is chemically very active and reacts with an ozone
molecule. Through this interaction, the ozone molecule is destroyed. This is a complicated chain reaction
leading to the ‘ozone hole’.

Health and environmental effects of ozone depletion can be multifarious. Because biological life on this planet
evolved only after the ozone shield developed, enormous potential for harm exists if the shield is damaged.
DNA, the genetic code present in all living cells is damaged by UV radiation, UVC being the most damaging.
A significant reduction in ozone in the upper atmosphere could result in long-time increase in skin cancer and
cataracts, and probably damage the human immune system. Environmental damage and the resulting
economic losses could be because of decreased yields of major agricultural crops, and reduced productivity
of phytoplankton with possible implications for the aquatic food chain, resulting in substantial losses at the
larval stage of many fish (e.g. anchovies, shrimps and crabs).

The extent of damage that a refrigerant can cause to the ozone layer is quantified by the Ozone Depletion
Potential (ODP), which is the ratio of impact caused by the substance on ozone to that caused by CFC 11.

History of Refrigerants

Table 1 summarizes the different refrigerants used in the last 150

years. Many of the refrigerants used during the early periods did

144 RESONANCE ¨February 2012


Period Refrigerants

1800–1900 Ethyl alcohol, methyl amine, ethyl amine, methyl chloride, ethyl chloride,
sulphur dioxide, carbon dioxide, ammonia

1900–1930 Ethyl bromide, carbon tetrachloride, water, propane, isobutene, gasoline,

methylene chloride

1931–1990 Chlorofluorocarbons, hydrochlorofluorocarbons, ammonia, water

1990–2010 Hydrofluorocarbons, ammonia, isobutene, propane, carbon dioxide, water

Immediate future Hydrofluorooelifins, hydrofluorocarbons, hydrocarbons, carbon dioxide, water

not survive, mainly due to their toxicity. Ammonia, however, Table 1. History of refrigerant
continues to be a refrigerant of choice for food freezing appli- usage.
cations even today in spite of its toxicity, mainly due to its
excellent thermodynamic and thermal properties. Carbon diox-
ide used in the early days of refrigeration is again being consid-
ered as a refrigerant in spite of its high operating pressures.
Hydrocarbons used in the early part of the last century were
quickly discontinued because of their flammability. However,
3 Global Warming Potential is the
hydrocarbons have made a successful comeback and are being
ratio of global warming impact
used extensively in small domestic refrigerators and freezers in caused by a substance to that
recent years. caused by CO2 of same mass in a
certain period of time.
The discovery of CFCs in the late twenties revolutionized the
refrigeration industry. Both CFCs and hydrochlorofluorocarbons
The discovery of CFCs
(HCFCs) are non-toxic, possess excellent thermodynamic prop-
in the late twenties
erties, and are non-flammable. Both CFCs and HCFCs domi-
revolutionized the
nated the refrigeration industry for nearly 70 years till the
refrigeration industry.
Montreal Protocol imposed a ban due to their contribution to
Both CFCs and HCFCs
ozone depletion. In the last two decades, hydrofluorocarbons
dominated the
(HFCs), which possess zero Ozone Depletion Potential (ODP),
refrigeration industry
have gradually replaced CFCs. Very recently, global warming
for nearly 70 years till
due to emission of various gases into the atmosphere has been
the Montreal Protocol
the issue being dealt with by the Kyoto Protocol (see Box 2).
imposed a ban due to
HFCs which have high Global Warming Potential3 (GWP) are
their contribution to
also being banned in spite of the fact that they are ozone
ozone depletion.
friendly. Hydrofluorooelifins (HFOs), which have very low

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Box 2. The Global Warming Effect

The earth and its atmosphere get heated as they continuously receive sun’s energy in the form of high frequency
radiation. A major part of this heat is returned as infrared radiation. Thus a delicate balance exists between the
energy received and that returned to the outer space. The temperature of the earth depends on this. Many gases
such as CO2, methane (CH4), nitrous oxide (N2O), various hydrocarbons, CFCs, HCFCs, HFCs, etc., are
released by mankind due to various agricultural and industrial activities. These gases, called ‘green-house
gases (GHG)’, act as a screen, blocking out part of the infrared radiation of the earth towards outer space. Water
vapour is also a powerful greenhouse gas but is not harmful as it is condensable and cannot build up in the
atmosphere. This is the reason that HFCs, even though are safe from the ozone depletion point of view, are
increasingly being blamed for contributing to the global warming.

In fact, man and animals emit significant amounts of GHGs due to their metabolic activity. Methane is a potent
greenhouse gas produced by ruminant animals, such as dairy cows. Animal agriculture is responsible for more
greenhouse gas (18%) than all of transportation (13%) according to a 2006 report of the UN-FAO. On Al
Gore’s website, he notes: “Eat less meat. Methane is the second most significant GHG,
and cattle are the greatest methane emitters. Their grassy diet and multiple stomachs cause them to produce
methane, which they exhale with every breath.” By being vegetarian, we grow plants which not only produce
food but also act as carbon sinks because they consume CO2.

GWP and invented very recently are expected to replace HFCs in

many applications. A detailed discussion on the different refrig-
erants is given below.

Desirable Properties of Refrigerants

The following are the important requirements of a refrigerant:

• Low GWP and zero ODP from a sustainable environment
point of view.
• Non-toxic from human and animal safety point of view.
• Compatibility with the materials used in refrigeration systems
(metals, polymers, lubricating oils, etc.) from design and
operation points of view.
• Desirable thermodynamic and thermophysical properties from
the operating efficiency point of view.
As already mentioned, the requirements of low GWP and ODP
are relatively new as a consequence of Kyoto and Montreal
Protocols respectively. Tables 2 and 3 list the GWP and ODP of
various refrigerants.

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Table 2. Refrigerants from different chemical groups.

No. Refrigerant Boiling Point Freezing Critical Critical

@1 atm(K) Point (K) Temp (K) Pr (bar) ODP GWP

CFCs (Chlorofluorocarbons)
R113 Trichlorotrifluroethane 320.73 238.16 487.3 34.4 0.9 5200
R11 Trichlorofluromethane 296.98 162.05 471.2 44.1 1 4000
R114 Dichlorotetrafluroethane 276.94 179.27 418.9 32.6 0.7 16600
R12 Dichlorodifluromethane 243.37 115.38 385.2 41.2 1 12200
R115 Chloropentafluroethane 233.83 167.05 353.1 31.5 0.6 39200
R141b Dichlorofluroethane 305.16 – 483.35 46.4 0.15 600
R123 Dichlrotrifluroethane 301.03 166.01 457.15 36.76 0.02 80
R22 Chlorodifluromethane 232.40 113.16 363.15 49.78 0.05 1480
HFCs (Hydrofluorocarbons)
R245fa Pentafluropropane 288.44 166.49 383.4 31.5 0 790
R134a Tetrafluroethane 247.00 176.55 374.25 40.67 0 1160
R507 Azeotrope - Blend 226.05 255.38 344.05 37.92 0 1400
R125 Pentafluroethane 224.59 170.01 339.25 36.2 0 3360
R32 Difluromethane 221.44 137.05 351.4 58.08 0 440
R23 Trifluromethane 191.10 118.16 298.75 48.37 0 24000
HFOs (Hydrofluorooellifins)
R1234yf 2,3,3,3-Tetrafluoropropene 244.15 220.00 367.85 33.82 0 4
FCs /PFCs (Fluorocarbons/Perfluorocarbons)
R218 Octofluropropane 241.66 113.16 344.95 26.8 0 9300
R14 Tetrafluromethane 145.22 89.27 227.65 37.43 0 6500
R600 Butane 272.66 134.66 425.12 37.7 0 0
R290 Propane 231.07 85.49 369.83 42.1 0 0
R170 Ethane 184.35 90.38 305.32 48.5 0 0
R1150 Ethylene 169.44 104.27 282.34 50.3 0 0
R50 Methane 111.66 90.94 190.56 45.9 0 0
Inorganic Compounds
R718 Water 373.16 273.16 647.13 219.4 0 0
R717 Ammonia 239.83 195.44 405.65 113.0 0 0
R744 Carbon dioxide 194.72 216.55 304.21 73.9 0 1
R728 Nitrogen 77.38 63.16 126.2 33.9 0 0
R702n Hydrogen 20.38 13.99 33.19 13.2 0 0
R704 Helium 4.22 _ 5.2 2.3 0 0
HFEs (Hydrofluoroethers)
HFE-7100 Methoxynonafluorobutane 334.16 138.16 468.45 22.3 0 320
HFE-7200 Ethoxynonafluorobutane 349.16 135.16 482.0 19.8 0 55
HFE-7000 Methooxyheptafluropropane
307.16 150.38 438.15 24.8 0 400

RESONANCE ¨ February 2012 147


No. Blend/ Compo- Boiling Pt Dew Pt Critical Critical

Constituents sition @1atm(K) @1atm(K) Temp.(K) Pr.(bar)

R404a Zeotrope (R125/143a/134a) 44/52/4 226.59 227.36 – –

R407c Zeotrope (R32/125/134a) 23/25/52 229.39 236.46 – –
R410a Zeotrope (R32/125) 50/50 221.6 221.65 – -–
R507 Azeotrope (R125/143a) 50/50 226.4 226.4 344.1 37.9

Table 3. Commonly used Thermodynamic and Thermophysical Properties

HFC refrigerant blends (zeo-
tropes and azeotropes). The ideal refrigerant should have the following thermodynamic
and thermophysical properties:

a) Low condensing pressure to allow the use of lightweight

materials for heat exchangers, compressors, piping, etc.
b) Suction pressure above atmosphere for ease of leak detection
and to prevent air and moisture ingress into the system.
c) Low compression ratio to give high volumetric efficiency and
low power consumption.
d) High latent heat of vaporisation for large refrigerating effect
or a small mass flow rate for a given cooling load.
e) Small specific volume for large mass flow rate per unit volume
of compression (specifically for use with positive displace-
ment compression systems).
f) Moderate temperature rise during compression to reduce the
risk of compressor overheating and to avoid chemical reaction
between refrigerant oil and other materials.
g) Low liquid specific heat capacity to increase liquid subcooling
prior to expansion and to minimize flash gas.
h) High vapour specific heat capacity to reduce vapour superheat
at suction.
i) High thermal conductivity of both liquid and vapour to im-
prove heat transfer.
j) Low viscosity of both vapour and liquid to reduce pressure

Items (c) and (d) are somewhat contradictory as both require-

ments are inter-related by the Clausius–Clapeyron equation

148 RESONANCE ¨February 2012


according to which the evaporation enthalpy is directly propor- The critical

tional to the slope of the vapour pressure curve. temperature, normal
boiling temperature
The critical temperature, normal boiling temperature and the heat
and the heat capacity
capacity of the vapour are significant thermodynamic criteria
of the vapour are
which influence most of the properties such as latent heat of
significant thermo-
vaporization, evaporator pressure, etc. At a given reference evapo-
dynamic criteria which
ration temperature, the volumetric heating or refrigerating capac-
influence most of the
ity will be lower for the gas with the higher critical temperature properties such as
(see Box 3). This is due to the lower vapour pressures and thus
latent heat of
lower vapour densities for refrigerants with higher critical tempera-
tures (at fixed evaporator temperatures).

The Coefficient of Performance4 (COP, defined as the ratio of 4

COP of vapour compression
cooling output to the work input), however, is higher for refriger- cooling systems can be larger
than 1 because heat quantity is
ants with higher critical temperatures. The COP drops as the
divided by mechanical work.
temperature of the condenser approaches critical temperature of Therefore the typical COP of a
the refrigerant due to excessive compressor superheat and flash home air conditioner is about 3,
gas losses. while the COP of –80oC deep
freezer can be as low as 0.2.
The normal boiling point is also a good indicator of the critical 5
The boiling point of a pure fluid
temperature since their ratio is in the range of 0.6–0.7 for most at a pressure of 1 atm. is known
as the normal boiling point.
fluids. Therefore, higher the normal boiling point of the refriger-
ant, higher will be the COP of the refrigerator.

The heat capacity of vapour ( ), has a smaller effect on the

performance of the refrigerator than the critical temperature but is

Box 3

The critical point is the highest temperature and

pressure at which liquid and vapour phases can
coexist in a pure fluid. The normal boiling point is
the temperature at which a fluid boils (say saturated
liquid to a saturated vapour state) at a pressure of 1
atm. The figure shows the different states of the
fluid. The line connecting the saturated liquid states
(at different pressures) is called the saturated liquid
line and that connecting saturated vapour states is
called the saturated vapour line.

RESONANCE ¨ February 2012 149


Figure 5(left). Vapour dome still significant. High volumetric capacities are associated with
of a typical refrigerant low values of . For maximum COP, an optimum value of
(HFC134a) with negative
exists. The heat capacity affects the performance of the vapour
slope of the saturated vapour
compression cycle primarily through its influence on the shape of
the two-phase region or ‘vapour dome’ on the temperature –
Figure 6 (right). Vapour entropy diagram (see Figures 5 and 6). Low values of give a
dome of a typical refrigerant vapour dome such that a compression process starting on the
(HFC123) with positive slope
saturated vapour line terminates in the superheated vapour re-
of the saturated vapour line.
gion. With a high value of , however, the vapour dome is
‘undercut’ so that an adiabatic compression process terminates in
the two-phase region. Such a ‘wet’ compression must be avoided
for most types of compressors. The liquid and vapour sides of the
two-phase region are connected and thus high values of also
result in greater flash losses (entropy generation) in the expansion
device. The result of these offsetting effects is an optimum value
for lying between 40 and 100 J/mol-K depending on the
critical temperature of the refrigerant. The optimum value of
results in a vapour dome that gives a small superheat; this is the
behaviour observed with most common refrigerants.

Environmental and Safety Properties

In addition to thermodynamic and thermophysical properties,

possible environmental impacts, safety, toxicity and flammabil-
ity are also to be considered. In fact, environmental friendliness
of the working fluid today is a major consideration. It is essential
that all newly considered fluids should possess zero ODP, and
low GWP. Decomposition and environmental assimilation of

150 RESONANCE ¨February 2012


released substances may require many days to years to take effect. In addition to
These effects are widespread and may affect locations far away thermodynamic and
from the source. Hence, these issues are to be tackled on a global thermophysical
basis. properties, possible
On the other hand, toxicity effects are generally localised and
impacts, safety,
immediate. The margin of safety from the viewpoint of toxicity
toxicity and
depends on the degree of concentration and the duration of
flammability. It is
exposure to cause harmful effects. An ideal refrigerant should be essential that all newly
non-toxic to humans, animals and plant life even at low concen-
considered fluids
trations and with long time exposure. should possess zero
The main concern with the use of hydrocarbon refrigerants is ODP, and low GWP.
their flammability especially in case of leaks. Small- and
medium-sized refrigeration systems use ‘hermetic’ compressors
(compressor and motor placed inside a single sealed shell). Large
systems, on the other hand, use open-type compressors that are
difficult to seal completely. Similarly, a small amount of leakage
also can occur from other components such as valves, measuring
and safety equipment, etc. Refrigerant leaks are therefore diffi-
cult to avoid in large systems. The degree of hazard expected by
the use of a refrigerant depends on factors such as the quantity of
refrigerant used, volume of the space into which the refrigerant
leaks, type of occupancy of the room, risk of naked flame or
electric sparks.

Flammable refrigerants (isobutane, mixture of propane and

isobutane, etc.) have been adopted widely for use in home refrig-
erators, including in India. Most low GWP refrigerants are flam-
mable and their use is becoming the norm due to regulations such
as the F-gas regulations in Europe which require refrigerants with
GWP less than 150 to be used in new car models from this year.
R1234yf, the low GWP refrigerant of choice, in the new car
models has been accepted in spite of its flammability. Standards
already exist on the type of safety features to be mandatorily used
in plant rooms, the amount of refrigerant charge permitted to be
used in plant rooms of given size (volume), etc. In cases where it
is not recommended to use large amounts of hydrocarbon refrig-

RESONANCE ¨ February 2012 151


With the increasing erants (supermarkets, concert halls, auditoria, etc.), hydrocarbon
concern for global refrigerants can serve as primary refrigerants in the plant room
warming, it is likely while secondary refrigerants such as propyleneglyocol or
that the refrigeration ethyleneglycol can be used inside the building enclosure. With
industry will have to the increasing concern for global warming, it is likely that the
learn to adopt refrigeration industry will have to learn to adopt flammable
flammable refrigerants even in large applications.
refrigerants even in
Another essential characteristic is the chemical stability within
large applications.
the refrigeration system so that the refrigerant does not decom-
pose when it is repeatedly compressed/expanded and condensed/
evaporated. It should not react with the lubricant or system
construction materials to form harmful compounds. However,
once emitted, a refrigerant should not be so stable that it persists
indefinitely in the atmosphere to reach the upper layers of atmo-
sphere. The ideal refrigerant should be totally stable while in use
High oil solubility ensures that but decompose quickly into safe substances when released. These
the compressor lubricating oil contradictory requirements essentially limit the number of fluids
carried over by the refrigerant
that can be used as refrigerants.
returns to the compressor and
does not accumulate in other
Other Properties
components of the refrigerator
such as heat exchangers, pipe-
In addition to the various properties discussed so far, a number of
lines, etc. High vapour dielectric
strength ensures that there is no other practical criteria are also necessary. Oil solubility and high
electric short circuit between the vapour dielectric strength6 are most important for hermetically-
motor windings and the outer sealed compressors. HCs, CFCs and HCFCs are compatible with
shell through the refrigerant
mineral oils, while HFCs are not. Synthetic lubricating oils such
vapour in the case of hermetic
compressors. as polyolester (POE), polyalkyleneglycol (PAG), etc., need to be
used with HFC refrigerants. Since these lubricating oils are also
hygroscopic they cannot be exposed to the atmosphere for more
than a few minutes during maintenance and service activities.
The ideal refrigerant Freezing point of lubricants should be below the lowest expected
should be totally system temperature.
stable while in use
but decompose Economic operation is mainly related to thermodynamic and
quickly into safe thermophysical properties which govern the efficiency and there-
substances when by the energy consumption of the system. Energy saving has
released. significant indirect influence on the environment as it reduces the

152 RESONANCE ¨February 2012


global warming caused by most of the energy production / con-

version processes. The initial cost of the refrigerant is generally
not very important as it usually forms a small percentage of the
total system cost. Moreover, it is a one-time expenditure as
against the energy cost which is a recurring one.

Properties of Specific Working Fluids

The basic thermodynamic and environmental properties of differ-

ent fluids that have been used or can be used as refrigerants in
vapour compression refrigeration and air conditioning equipment
are discussed in this section.

The properties of different categories of refrigerants are summa-

rized in Tables 2 and 3.

Chloroflurocarbons (CFC)

These are fully halogenated fluids that have high ODP and were
found to be the most responsible for the creation of ozone hole.
Use of formerly popular CFCs such as R12 and R11 in new
equipment was banned by the Montreal Protocol. While R12
recovered from old systems may still be available, new lots of
CFCs are no longer being produced.

Hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFC)

Unlike fully-halogenated CFCs, which contain only carbon and

halogen atoms, in the case of partially-halogenated HCFCs, not
all hydrogen atoms are replaced by halogen atoms. The remaining
hydrogen atoms facilitate partial breakdown of the compounds in
the troposphere. For this reason these compounds are less harm-
ful to the stratospheric ozone layer, though they still have the
some potential to damage the ozone layer. However, since they
are known to cause global warming, HCFCs are no longer used in
the industrialized countries of the West. Phase-out of HCFCs
(mainly HCFC22, which is still widely used in India) is being

RESONANCE ¨ February 2012 153


Hydrofluorocarbons (HFC)

Hydrofluorocarbons contain fluorine but no chlorine or bromine

in the molecule, so that their ODP is zero. Some examples of
HFCs are R23, R32, R125, 134a, 143a and 152a. A problem with
HFCs is that they are chemically stable and can accumulate in the
atmosphere contributing to the global warming. Hence, HFCs
need to be eventually replaced.

Hydrofluorooelifins (HFO)

These also belong to a class of HFCs, but are derived from

unsaturated hydrocarbon molecules such as propylene. HFOs are
relatively unstable, have a small atmospheric lifetime and there-
fore a small GWP. R1234yf and R1234ze are two HFO refriger-
ants invented recently. R1234yf has been widely accepted for use
in cars by the automobile industry because of its very low GWP
of 4. As soon as it becomes commercially available, R1234yf is
expected to replace R134a, which is currently being widely used
in air-conditioning plants, automobile air conditioners, domestic
refrigerators, etc. There are also attempts to find mixtures of
R1234yf and other HFCs such as R32 for use in other applications
such as domestic air conditioners since mixtures containing
R1234yf will have low GWP, typically less than 1000.

Fluoroiodocarbons (FIC)

These are a group of chemicals containing fluorine, iodine and

carbon such as, trifluoromethyl iodide (CF3I), perfluoroethyl
iodide (C2F5I) and perfluoropropyl iodide (C3F7I). The FICs are
reported to have zero ODP and negligible GWP due to their very
short life periods. These can also be used in blends. A blend of
CF3I and HFC 152a (51/49 mole percent) was run in a refrigerator
without oil change for over 1,500 hours without apparent ill
effects. Measurements showed that the energy efficiency and
capacity were equal to or slightly better than CFC 12.

154 RESONANCE ¨February 2012


Hydrocarbons The main concern

is that most of the
Several hydrocarbons have excellent thermodynamic properties
hydrocarbons are
and can be used as refrigerants. Though alkanes, ketones, alcohols flammable.
and ethers can be used, alkanes are the most preferred group. As
already mentioned, the main concern is that most of the hydrocar-
bons are flammable. Here, one should note that in certain indus-
trial applications hydrocarbons have been used as refrigerants
since the beginning of the 20th century. Hydrocarbons, for in-
stance, are used in pure or mixture forms as refrigerants in
petrochemical plants and in gas liquefaction plants. In LNG
plants, mixtures of methane and n-pentane are in common use.
With adequate safety precautions flammability will not pose a
major problem in the usage of hydrocarbons. Home refrigerators
have been sold in tens of millions worldwide, including India,
during the last twenty years. The ODP of hydrocarbons is zero,
while their GWP is very small.

While hydrocarbons have found acceptance in Europe, these

were scarcely used in USA, mainly due to commercial reasons.
However the Environment Protection Agency (EPA, USA) is-
sued a ruling on December 14, 2011, approving propane, isobutane,
and R-441A for use in small domestic and commercial refrigera-
tion appliances. R-441A is a patented blend of ethane (3.1%),
propane (54.8%), n-butane (36.1%) and isobutane (6.0%). This
mixture is also considerably more energy efficient than
HFC134a.Thus, hydrocarbons will now be allowed in domestic
household refrigerators, freezers and window air conditioners in
the USA.

Hydrocarbon refrigerants possess full chemical compatibility

with nearly all lubricants commonly used in refrigeration sys-
tems. Good miscibility is maintained with most lubricants under
all operating conditions. Due to the particularly high solubility
with mineral oils, it may be necessary to use a lubricant with The ODP of
lower solubility or increased viscosity to compensate for possible hydrocarbons is zero,
thinning under situations where high solubility could occur. while their GWP is
Almost all common elastomer and plastic refrigeration materials very small.

RESONANCE ¨ February 2012 155


used as ‘O’ rings, valve seats, seals and gaskets are compatible
with hydrocarbon refrigerants. These include neoprenes, vitons,
nitrile rubbers, PTFE and nylon. Evaporators and condensers
using hydrocarbons tend to be virtually of the same design and
size as those used for conventional fluorocarbon refrigerants that
operate at similar pressures. Heat transfer coefficients tend to be
higher for most hydrocarbons. Most compressor types are also
suitable for use with hydrocarbon refrigerants. Compared to
CFCs or HFCs, a much smaller refrigerant charge is normally
required when hydrocarbons are used.

Natural Inorganic Fluids

Ammonia is an environmentally safe but toxic working fluid

which is attracting renewed attention. It possesses the most
advantageous thermodynamic and thermophysical properties
needed for refrigeration. Ammonia-based compression systems,
mainly for low temperature applications, are well developed.
These are generally suited for industrial surroundings where
sufficient knowledge and facilities exist to handle chemical leaks.
There are proposals to extend its use into areas occupied by
common public (e.g., comfort air conditioning, cooling of display
cases in food shops, heat pumps, etc.). But this requires careful
planning and design to avoid panic and accidents in case of leaks.

Water has many desirable characteristics for cooling applications

Ammonia is an such as: thermal and chemical stability, neither toxic nor flam-
environmentally mable, high COP and high heat transfer coefficients. Disadvan-
safe but toxic tages of water include sub-atmospheric pressure operation, large
working fluid which specific compressor displacement, limitations of evaporation
is attracting temperatures above 0°C and problems of lubrication.
renewed attention. It
possesses most Air has been used commercially for aircraft cooling since a long
advantageous time. In spite of the low COP, this is being used because of the
thermodynamic and operating conditions (e.g., availability of compressed air and ram
thermophysical effect) and stringent specifications (e.g., low weight, small size,
properties needed absolute safety, zero toxicity, etc.) which are exclusive to aircrafts.
for refrigeration. In the light of the new situation created due to the ban on synthetic

156 RESONANCE ¨February 2012


refrigerants, possible use of air for on-ground applications is Water has many
being considered actively. It should be noted here that the tech- desirable
nology with air as refrigerant will be totally different from that characteristics for
with other working fluids due to the fact that air does not undergo cooling applications
phase change (condensation/evaporation) at the temperature lev- such as; thermal and
els encountered in conventional refrigeration applications. chemical stability,
neither toxic nor
Use of carbon dioxide as refrigerant dates back to the early years
flammable, high COP
of refrigeration. It is environmentally benign. Being the by-
and high heat
product of many energy conversion processes, it is cheap and
transfer coefficients.
easily available. Its use as a refrigerant can reduce its release to
the atmosphere, thereby making a positive contribution to the
environment. Very high operating pressure is a drawback. Be-
cause of its low critical point, most of the thermodynamic cycle
operates in the single phase region. Since CO2 enters the expan-
sion valve as a superheated vapour, it results in a large energy loss
during the throttling process. Carbon dioxide is an excellent 7 The dew point is the tempera-
refrigerant when both heating and cooling are desired. Also, it is ture at which the saturated
not preferable for use in tropical countries such as India due to the vapour starts to condense. The
bubble point is the temperature
high ambient temperatures which result in high condensing
at which the liquid starts to boil.
pressures. In the case of a single compo-
nent fluid, both these tempera-
Blends and Mixtures tures have the same value, i.e.,
at a specified pressure, the fluid
A number of refrigerant mixtures are used for a variety of boils and condenses at the same
applications. Blends or mixtures are used either to obtain differ- temperature. However, in the
ent desired properties such as bubble point temperature, oil case of fluid mixtures, as shown
in Figure 8, the two tempera-
solubility, flammability, as drop-in-substitutes for older refriger-
tures are different and depend
ants that are no longer produced, etc. by combining different on the concentration of each
fluids or to obtain variable temperature refrigeration. The mix- component of the mixture. In the
tures used in refrigeration systems can be divided into four case of an azeotropic mixture,
as seen in Figure 7, the dew
categories, namely, azeotropes, near-azeotropes, zeotropes and
point and the bubble point are
very wide boiling zeotropes. identical just like a single com-
ponent fluid. The line joining the
Figure 7 shows the bubble and dew lines7 of a typical azeotropic dew points at different concen-
mixture. The bubble and dew point temperatures are the same at trations is known as the dew

the azeotropic composition. The mixture essentially behaves as a point line, whereas that joining
the bubble points is called the
pure fluid at this composition. The boiling point temperature of bubble point line.

RESONANCE ¨ February 2012 157


Figure 7. Dew and bubble

lines of a typical azeotropic
mixture (R23/R13).

azeotropic mixtures used in refrigeration industry is lower than

the constituents of the mixture. Since azeotropic mixtures allow
reaching temperatures lower than those with pure single compo-
nent fluids, these have long been used in the refrigeration indus-

Figure 8 shows the bubble and dew lines of a typical binary

zeotropic mixture. The difference between the dew and bubble
point temperatures at any given concentration is known in the
8 The COP of a refrigerator will
refrigeration industry as ‘glide’8. Zeotropic HFC refrigerant mix-
improve when the glide of the
refrigerant is the same as that of
tures with a small glide (0.5 K to 6 K) are widely used in air-
the heat transfer fluid in the con- conditioning and supermarket applications (in place of refriger-
denser/evaporator. ant HCFC22).

Figure 8. Dew and bubble

lines of a typical zeotropic
mixture (nitrogen-methane).
The state of the mixture at
different points are as follows:
‘a’: superheated vapour, ‘b’ :
saturated vapour, ‘c’ : satu-
rated liquid, and ‘d’:
subcooled liquid. State points
‘e’ and ‘f’ correspond to that
of the coexisting phases in
equilibrium when the mixture
is at state points ‘b’ and ‘c’

158 RESONANCE ¨February 2012


Box 4.

Air conditioning for comfort and commercial applications such as office buildings, district cooling, malls,
hospitals, information technology and telecom, etc., is a major area which is impacted by the need for change
of refrigerants. Currently, many HFCs, HCFCs and mixtures such as R22, R134a, R404A, R407C and R410A
are in use for this purpose. While these are known to be efficient, they suffer from high GWPs. The most recent
alternatives offer dramatic reductions of GWP between 50 and 99 per cent. A new HFC mixture of particular
interest is R407F (R32/125/134a in the proportion 30/30/40). As a replacement for R404A, this refrigerant
yields nearly 50% GWP reduction, as well as energy savings. It is non-toxic, non-flammable, has properties
similar to R22 and is of interest to supermarket operators. Environmentally-friendly chillers are also being
developed and commercialized based on HFO1234ze, giving reduced energy consumption and also over 99 per
cent reduction in GWP compared to R134a. In most cases, the HFO replacements are compatible with existing
equipment designs and compressors, and therefore can yield quick and cost-effective solutions.

Refrigerant mixtures with glide less than 1 K are known as ‘near

azeotropes’, and those with glide greater than 6 K are known as
‘wide boiling zeotropes’. Though the boiling points of the
components of near azeotropes are close, their mixture can have
favourable properties such as lower flammability, better
thermophysical properties, better oil solubility, etc.

It is well recognized that no direct replacement has been found for

HCFC22, widely used for air-conditioning applications. Hun-
dreds of mixtures have been tried as either drop-in-substitutes in
existing systems or as a refrigerant in new systems, some of which
are available commercially. Even today, the quest for a mixture
with more favourable properties continues. The more recent
efforts are in mixing low GWP refrigerants such as R1234yf with
high GWP refrigerants such as R32 to form mixtures that have
both favourable thermodynamic properties in addition to low
GWP. Zeotropic mixtures with glide greater than 6 K are, in
general, not preferred by the refrigeration and air-conditioning
industry because of the large change in concentration of these
mixtures if leaks occur and the difficulty in utilizing the glide

Very wide boiling refrigerant mixtures that have a glide over

50 K, and up to 150 K can be effectively used in a relatively new

RESONANCE ¨ February 2012 159


Box 5. Mixed Refrigerant Cascade (MRC) Refrigerators

Traditional cascade refrigeration systems used for production of very low temperatures employ separate
compressors and different refrigerants in each of the stages. Mixed refrigerant cascade systems employ a single
compressor operating with a zeotropic mixture of refrigerants to provide cooling with much smaller working
pressures (Discharge:15-20 bar / Suction:3-5 bar) compared to conventional cryogenic cooling systems.
Mixtures with at least four or more components are used in these systems. The refrigerant glide is very large
and is typically over 100 K. In comparison, zeotropic mixtures used in traditional refrigeration systems have
glides less than 6 K, and are made of only two or three components.

In a traditional cascade refrig- class of refrigeration systems known as mixed refrigerant cas-
erator, temperatures lower than
cade9 (MRC) refrigerators and liquefiers (see Box 5). Figure 9
–35oC are normally obtained by
using two refrigeration systems shows a schematic of the MRC refrigerator. Mixtures of nitrogen,
operating with different refriger- methane, ethane, propane, and butanes are used in these systems.
ants in each of the cycle, with It is also possible to use HFC refrigerants in mixtures. Tempera-
the evaporator of the first stage
tures as low as 70K can be reached in a single stage with
cooling the condenser of the
second stage. compressor operating pressures similar to those in air-condition-
ing systems. These refrigerators have replaced traditional cas-
cade refrigerators (multistage refrigerators operating in series
with different fluids in different stages) and conventional gas
cycle systems, many in low temperature applications. The main
advantages of MRCs are their higher COP, lower capital cost

.n 5 g
. .
- Wc Qo Evaporator
1 2a 2
. 3 4 .
n Expansion
Compressor Aftercooler Heat exchanger valve

400 (a)
20 bar 2 bar
(K Ambient temperature 2
T 300 1
, 5
Figure 9. Mixed refrigerant e
t 250
cascade refrigerator: State ra
m 200
points 1–5 of working fluid e
shown on the schematic cor-
respond to those shown on 100 3
4 g
the temperature – entropydia- - 300 - 280 - 260 - 240 - 220 - 200 - 180 - 160 - 140 - 120 - 100
Entropy, s (J/m ol.K)

160 RESONANCE ¨February 2012


Refrigerant Toxicity COP Cost of Working Flammability Materials of Compatible

refri- pressures construction lubricating
gerant oils

CFC/HCFC Non toxic High Low Low Non-flammable All Mineral

commonly oils/Synthetic
used oils
HFC Non toxic High Low Low Non-flammable All Synthetic oils
commonly only
used materials

HFO Non toxic High ? Low Flammable All Synthetic oils

commonly only
used materials

HC Non toxic High Low Low Flammable All Mineral oils/

commonly Synthetic oils
used materials
NH3 Toxic High Low Low Mildly Only steels. Mineral oils
flammable Copper not
CO2 Mildly Low Low Very high Non All Mineral oils/
toxic flammable commonly Synthetic oils

(single compressor instead of many compressors in cascade Table 4. Comparison of dif-

systems), lower operating pressures, and ease of control and ferent refrigerants.
operation. There is a worldwide effort including at the authors’
laboratory to develop efficient MRC refrigerators and liquefiers
for a variety of applications.

Concluding Remarks

The refrigeration industry has seen the rise and fall of a large
number of refrigerants during the last 150 years. CFCs probably
survived the longest till it was proved that they were the major
cause of ozone depletion leading to the ozone hole. HFCs that
replaced CFCs in the last decade have high GWP and need to be
eventually phased out. Environment friendly natural refrigerants
such as ammonia, carbon dioxide, hydrocarbons have specific
practical deficiencies that limit their universal use. Recently
suggested HFOs have low GWP compared to natural refrigerants,
but are flammable.

RESONANCE ¨ February 2012 161


Address for Correspondence Thus, there are no refrigerants in the horizon that completely
G Venkatarathnam meet the safety, stability, energy efficiency and environmental
S Srinivasa Murthy friendliness. It seems that the refrigeration industry will have
Refrigeration and
very little choice but to use flammable refrigerants (HFOs, low
Airconditioning Laboratory
Department of Mechanical GWP HFCs, HCs, NH3, etc). Since the energy efficiency of HFOs
Engineering is somewhat low, mixtures of medium GWP fluids such as R32
Indian Institute of Technology and low GWP refrigerants such as R1234yf may be the working
fluids of choice in the immediate future. Meanwhile, the quest for
Chennai 600 036, India.
better molecules continues. Barring new inventions, natural re-
frigerants appear to be the best choice in the long term.

Suggested Reading

[1] T Engler, L R Oellrich, S Srinivasa Murthy and G Venkatarathnam, Das VerhaltenzeotroperKohlenwasser-

stoffgemischeals FCKW-Alternativen in Waermepumpen, DKV- Tagungsbericht Hamburg, Vol.24, pp.260–277,
[2[ T Engler, L R Oellrich, S Srinivasa Murthy, G Venkatarathnam, and A R Balakrishnan, Refrigerant mixtures
as alternatives to HCFC22 and R502, Forschungsberichte des DKV, No.54, 1996.
[3] D A Didion and D B Bivens, Role of refrigerant mixtures as alternatives to CFCs, Int. J. Refrig., Vol.13, No.5,
pp.163–175, 1990.
[4] U Hesse, and H Arnemann, Carbon dioxide - hydrocarbon mixtures as alternative fluids in refrigeration systems,
IIR Commission B2, Hannover, May 10–-13, 1994.
[5] N J Hewitt, J T McMullan and B Mongey, Some aspects of using hydrocarbons as components in refrigerant
mixtures, IIR Commission B2, Hannover, May 10–13, 1994.
[6] NIST Standard Reference Database 23, REFPROP - Thermo dynamic properties of refrigerants and refrig-
erant mixtures, Version 3.04, NIST, USA, 1991.
[7] L R Oellrich and S Srinivasa Murthy, Alternatives to CFCs for Refrigeration Applications, Scientific Series of
the International Bureau, Vol.25, KFA, Juelich, 1994.
[8] J Paul, Water as alternative refrigerant, IIR Commission B2, Hannover, May 10–13, 1994.
[9] B Petersson and H Thorsell, Comparison of Refrigerants HFC 134a and CFC 12, Int. J. Refrig., Vol.13, No.5,
pp.176–180, 1990.
[10] J M Rene, Ammonia as refrigerant; applications and risks, IIR Commission B2, Hannover, May 10–13, 1994.
[11] Filippo de Rossi, R Mastrullo, Working fluids Thermodynamic Behaviour for Vapor Compression Cycles,
Applied Energy, Vol.38, pp.163–180, 1991.
[12] The Montreal Protocol in 2011, 23rd Meeting of the parties to the Montreal Protocol on substances that deplete
the ozone layer, November 21–25, Bali, Indonesia, 2011.
[13] G Venkatarathnam, Cryogenic Mixed Refrigerant Processes, Springer, NY, 2008.
[14] S Vijayaraghavan Chakravarthy, Ramesh K Shah, and G Venkatarathnam, A Review of Refrigeration Methods
in the Temperature Range 4–300 K, ASME J. Thermal Sci. Eng. Appl., Vol.3, pp.1–19, 2011.

162 RESONANCE ¨February 2012

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