Sax PPT 25.3 Rac - Mesc

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 Introduction.

The term refrigeration has been

derived from the word freeze which involves the
conversion of a liquid into solid by extraction of heat.
Freezing involves the extraction of sensible heat for
lowering the temperature of the liquid followed by
removal of latent heat of freezing for conversion of the
liquid to solid at a constant temperature known as
freezing point. A heat pump or a refrigerating machine
can be utilized for the removal of heat from a given
body or space.
 Refrigerators are commonly used for
production of ice, cooling of storage chambers in which
perishable foods, fruits, drugs etc. are stored, for
liquefying gases and vapours in chemical and
pharmaceutical industry, for cooling water and for air
Refrigeration. Refrigeration
can be defined as the process by
which the temperature of a given
space or substance is lowered
below that of the surroundings
and maintaining it.
4. Air Conditioning. Air
conditioning can be defined as
the process of simultaneous
controlling of temperature,
humidity, cleanliness and flow of
air or air motion.
Basic Laws of Refrigeration
 The following are the three basic laws
which govern the refrigeration and air
conditioning :-
 (a) All liquids while evaporating take
(absolute) heat from the surroundings.
 (b) Any vapour can be condensed back
to liquid if it is suitably compressed and
 (c) The temperature at which any liquid
evaporates or boils depends directly upon
the pressure to which the liquid is
Types Of Refrigeration Systems.
 The types of refrigeration and air
conditioning systems commonly used in
the Navy are:-
 (a) Vapour compression
refrigeration system
 (b) Vapour absorption refrigeration
 (c) Steam jet refrigeration or
Vacuum refrigeration system
 (d) Air refrigeration system.
 (e) Thermo electric refrigeration
Direct A/C or
Refrigeration Method.
In this system, the refrigerant
is circulated through the
evaporator coil directly for
cooling the space or absorbs
heat from the product. There
is no secondary refrigerant
such as water or brine used in
this system.
 Advantages Of Direct System
 (a) System is compact and simple.
 (b) Smaller equipment and less weight.
 (c) Less initial cost
 (e) Suitable for small capacity plants.
 Disadvantages Of Direct System

 (a) Maintenance cost is high

 (b) Not suitable for large capacity plants
as refrigerant is costly.
 (c) More chances of leakage of
refrigerant if the system is big.
 (d) Cooling effect does not remain for
long after stopping the plant.
Indirect A/C Or Refrigeration
method. In this system a
secondary refrigerant like water or
brine is cooled by the primary
refrigerant in a chiller and this
secondary refrigerant is circulated
through the coils of the air treatment
unit (ATU) to cool the air or the coils
of the space to be refrigerated.
 Advantages Of Indirect System.
 (a) Low maintenance cost
 (b) Suitable for large capacity plants as
secondary refrigerants are used.
 (c) Better temperature control by
controlling the secondary refrigerant.
 (d) Cooling effect will remain for same
time even after switching off the plant.
 (e) Leakages can be detected easily.
 Disadvantages Of Indirect System.
 (a) High initial cost due to additional
 (b) System becomes bulky as secondary
refrigerants are used.
 (c) Chances of corrosion as brine is used.
 Refrigerant. The working substance
used in a refrigeration system is known
as a refrigerant. It absorbs heat at one
place and rejects it at some other place.
The refrigerant changes from liquid state
to vapour state during the process of
absorbing heat and condenses to liquid
while rejecting heat. The refrigerants are
classified into following two groups.

 (a) Primary refrigerants

 (b) Secondary refrigerants.
 Primary Refrigerant. These
refrigerants are circulated directly in the
system where they evaporate and
actually produce the low temperatures.
They absorb the latent heat of
 E.g.. : Freon, Ammonia, Carbon dioxide
 Secondary Refrigerant. These
refrigerants are first cooled by the
primary refrigerants and then they are
circulated in the spaces for producing low
temperatures. They absorb sensible heat
 E.g..: Water, Ice, Brine etc.
Ton of Refrigeration
 Unit of refrigeration is ‘TON’. Here a TON means not
the mass, but the measure of rate of heat transfer. The
latent heat of fusion of ice is 336 kg/kg. One TON
means 1000 kgs of ice if melts in 24 hours it produces
a cooling effect of
 1000 x 336 = 233 kg/min
 24 x 60
 In other words, if heat is removed at the rate of 233
kg/min, 1000 kgs of ice can be produced in 24 hours.
This rate of cooling is designated as a TON of
refrigeration. However this value is rounded off to 210
kg/min. So a machine which has a capacity of
producing a cooling effect of 210 kg/min is designated
as 1 TON machine.
 OR
 A TON of refrigeration can be defined as the
equivalent amount of cooling effect produced
melting one TON of ice in 24 hours.
 The cooling effect produced by a particular
machine is called its refrigerating effect. For
producing the refrigerating effect, work is to be
supplied to the machine.
 The COP of a refrigeration machinery is the
ratio of effect produced by it in a given time to
the work supplied to it during the same time.

 Let N- Net refrigerating effect in KJ/MIN.
 i.e. Heat extracted by the machine
 W- Work supplied to the machine in
 Then COP = N i.e. Heat extracted
 W Work supplied
Applications of A/C Refrigeration
 The air conditioning and refrigeration
applications may be grouped into the
following general categories:-
 (a) Domestic refrigeration
 (b) Commercial refrigeration
 (c ) Industrial refrigeration.
 (d) Marine and transportation
 (e) Comfort air conditioning.
 (f) Industrial air conditioning.
Use Of A/C Plants Onboard Ships
 The common uses of A/C plant
onboard ship are as follows:-
 (a) Air conditioning of mess decks.
 (b) Air conditioning of MCR and Ops
room for better operation of
 (c) Air conditioning of missile
 (d) Air conditioning of Magazine
 (e) Air conditioning of sick bay
(f) Air Conditioning of WT office
Uses of Refrigeration Plant Onboard
 The common uses of refrigeration
plants onboard ship are as follows:-
 (a) Preservation of Meat, Fish
etc(cold room -7 to -11 )
 (b) Preservation of Vegetables,
fruits, milk products etc
 (c) Preservation of medicines.
 (d) Cooling of drinking water
 (e) Preparation of ICE for domestic
and Medical purposes.
 Introduction. The Vapour Compression system is a
type of mechanical refrigeration system. The ability of
certain liquids to absorb enormous quantities of heat as
they vapourise is the basis of the system. Compared to
melting solids (ice) to obtain refrigeration effect,
vapourising liquid refrigerant has more advantages
such as the refrigerating effect can be started or
stopped at will, the rate of cooling can be
predetermined and the vapourising temperatures can
be governed by controlling the pressure at which the
liquid vapourises. Moreover, the vapour can be readily
collected and condensed back in to liquid state so that
the same liquid can be re-circulated over and over
again to obtain refrigeration effect. Thus the vapour
compression employs the liquid refrigerant which
evaporates and condenses readily. The system is a
closed one since the refrigerant never leaves the
 (a) Compressor
 (b) Condenser
 (c) Evaporator
 (d) Expansion Valve
 (e) Oil Seperator
 (f) Receiver
 (g) Drier
 (h) Filter
 (j) Sight Glass
 (k) Solenoid Valve
 (l) Heat Exchanger
 (m) Vibration Damper
 Compressor. The function of the
compressor is to draw the low pressure
refrigerant vapour from the evaporator,
compress it to raise its pressure and
temperature to such a point so that it is easily
condensed by the normally available cooling
medium. It maintains a continuous flow of
refrigerant through the system.
 It also satisfies the second law partly.
 Condenser. The function of the
condenser is to provide a heat transfer surface,
through which the refrigerant vapour rejects
heat to the cooling medium, condenses or
liquefies and is sub cooled. It can store the
total refrigerant charge of the system. It also
satisfies the second law partly.
 Expansion Valve (Refrigerating Valve or
Throttle Valve).
 The function of the expansion valve is to drop
the pressure of the liquid refrigerant from
condenser pressure to evaporator pressure so
that the liquid refrigerant will evaporate at low
temperature in the evaporator because of the
pressure drop. It controls or regulates the flow
of refrigerant into the evaporator according to
the demand or load changes. It also satisfies
the third law of refrigeration.
 Evaporator. The function of the evaporator is
to provide a heat transfer surface so that the
low pressure liquid refrigerant will evaporate
absorbing heat from the surroundings thus
producing cooling effect .It also satisfies the
first law of refrigeration.
 Lub Oil Separator. It is generally
located at the discharge side of the
compressor and separates the lubricating
oil from the gas.
 Liquid Receiver. It is located at the
outlet of condenser and acts as a
reservoir of liquid refrigerant coming
from the condenser. It supplies the liquid
refrigerant to the evaporator through
expansion valve. A gauge glass is fitted
to the liquid receiver which indicates the
quantity of refrigerant charge in the
 Drier. The function of the drier is to
absorb any moisture present in the
refrigerant. Generally it contains “silica
gel” crystals which is a moisture
absorbing agent.
 Strainer. The function of strainer is to
prevent any dirt or foreign particles
passing through the expansion valve.
 Sight Glass. The function of sight glass is
to observe the flow of liquid
refrigerant through it. The Flow of
refrigerant should be bubble free. It is
fitted before the expansion valve.
 Vibration Damper. It is installed on the
suction and discharge line near the compressor
for damping compressor vibrations.
 Solenoid Valve. It is electro magnetic valve
and it is installed on the discharge side of
Compressor and before Expansion valve to stop
the flow of liquid refrigerant to the evaporator
when compressor is not running.
 Heat Exchanger It is fitted in the system for
super heating of refrigerant which is coming out
from evaporator and sub cooling of refrigerant
is coming out from condenser.

 1.The refrigerants are primarily classified into
the following categories:-
 (a) Halocarbon compounds
 (b) Ageotropes
 (c) Hydrocarbons
 (d) In organic Compounds
 (e) Unsaturated organic compounds.
 2. Halocarbons.
 R – 11 (CCl3 F– Trichloro Monofluro Methane)
 R – 12 ( CCl2F2 - Dichloro Difloro Methane)
 R- 22 ( CHClF2 - Monochloro Difloro Methane)
 R-40 (CClF2 – Methyl Chloride)
 3. Azeotropes.
 Refrigerant – 500(73.8%f of Freon – 12 and
26,2% of Difluro ethane) is an example of
 4. Hydrocarbons.
 Refrigerant 500 - Methane
 Refrigerant 170 - Ethane
 Refrigerant 200 - Propane
 5. Inorganic Compounds.
 Refrigerant -717 – Ammonia (NH3)
 Refrigerant -718- Water (H2O)
 Refrigerant -729 - Air
 Refrigerant – 744- Carbon Di-Oxide (CO2)
 Refrigerant – 764 – Sulpher Di-Oxide (SO2)
6.Properties Of
Refrigerants. An ideal
refrigerant should have
certain properties for safe,
economical and
thermodynamically efficient
performance. These
properties can be classified
as thermodynamic physical
and chemical properties.
Thermodynamic Properties
 (i) Low Condensing and Evaporating
Pressure. The vapour pressure
corresponding to normal room temperature
(300) in the condenser should not be high, but
should be positive. Higher pressure in the
refrigerating system increases size and cost of
the plant.
 (ii) High Specific Enthalpy of
Evaporation. That is the change of specific
enthalpy to evaporate unit mass of liquid
refrigerant in to dry saturated vapour. This
must be high to reduce the quantity of
refrigerant in circulation, lower machine speed
and size etc.

 (iii) Low Boiling Point. The boiling
point of the refrigerant should be low so
that the liquid evaporates quickly and
maximum heat can be absorbed. This
increases the capacity of the plant.
 (iv) Low Specific Volume. The specific
volume of the vapour at evaporator
temperature should be low. It results in
compactness of equipment and use of
small machines.
 (v) High Critical Temperature. The
critical temperature of the vapour must
be high so that the gas can be liquefied
easily after compression with the normal
available cooling media.
 (vi) High Latent Heat of Vaporization.
The latent heat of vaporization should be
high so that the quantity of refrigerant to be
circulated for producing desired refrigerating
effect will be minimum.
 (vii)High Thermal Conductivity. The
refrigerant should have high thermal
conductivity. This increases the efficiency of
condenser, evaporator, and heat exchanger.
 (viii)Low Critical Pressure. The critical
pressure of the refrigerant must be low. It
results in low condensing pressure.
 (ix) COP. The COP of the refrigerant should
be high. It reducesthe running cost because of
smaller plant.
(x) Low Specific Heat Of
Liquid. The specific heat of
the liquid must be low. It results
in a high degree of sub cooling.
(xi) High Specific Heat Of
Vapour. The specific heat of
the vapour must be high. It
results in less superheating of
 (i) .Miscibility with Lub Oil. The
refrigerant should mix with the oil in the
compressor for the lubrication of compressor
cylinder liner and should be able to be
separated from oil before the vapour enters the
condenser. This is advantageous as the lub oil
vapour carried by the refrigerant vapour
lubricates the moving parts of the compressor.
 (ii) .Low Viscosity. The viscosity should
be low so that the pressure variations (drops)
will be less, heat transfer will be better and
power consumption will be less.
 (iii) .Easy Leak Detection. The refrigerant
should be detected easily in case of leakage so
that special appliances are not required for leak
 (iv).High Dielectric Strength.
Dielectric strength of a refrigerant is the
resistance it offers to the flow of electric
current, i.e. it should not conduct
electricity. The dielectric strength of the
refrigerant should be high. Especially in
hermetically sealed compressors in which
the electric motor is exposed to the
 (v) .Economical. The refrigerant
should not be costly and should be easily
available. Costly refrigerant increases the
running cost of the plant.
 (i) Chemical Stability. The
refrigerant should be chemically
stable throughout the cycle of
operation where it encounters
different temperatures and
 (ii) Non Flammable and Non
Corrosive. The refrigerant must be
non flammable and non explosive, so
that in case of over heating there will
be no danger of fire or explosion.
 (iii)Non Corrosive. The
refrigerant must non corrosive to the
ferrous and non ferrous fittings of
the system even in the presence of
moisture and oil. This increases the
life of the fittings.
 (iv) Non Toxic (Non Poisonous).
The refrigerant should be non toxic
or non poisonous. So that in case of
leakage it will not be dangerous to
the personnel working on the system
and staying in the living spaces.
(CCL3F): -
 Boiling Point: - -24°c

 Freezing Point: - -111°c

 It is non-toxic, non inflammable & non

 Low operating pressure.

 Visible with all mineral lubricating oils

 It is used with centrifugal compressors

 Critical pressure: - 43.9 kg/cm 

 Critical Temperature: - 198°c

 It is used in 50 Tons capacity A/C Plants

(CCl2F2): -
 Boiling Point: - -30°c

 Freezing Point: - -158°c

 It is non-toxic, non inflammable, non explosive

& highly stable
 Condenses at moderate pressure: - 7.32
 Critical temperature: - 112.1°c

 Critical pressure: - 40.6 kg/cm

 It is used in domestic applications and water

coolers under the trade name Freon: -12. Freon
group is corrosive to Magnesium or Aluminium
 Boiling Point: - -40.76°c

 Freezing Point: - -160°c

 Trade name is Freon: -22

 It is non-toxic, non inflammable & non corrosive

 Critical pressure: - 48.1 kg/cm

 Critical Temperature: - 95.4°c

 It is used with reciprocating compressors in large

units for low temperature applications such as
cold storages, food freezers etc. It has 60%
more refrigerating capacity than R-12. It needs
relatively small compressors.
R-729 AIR: -
Boiling Point: - -194°c
Freezing Point: - -140°c
Non-toxic & nonflammable.
Freely available
Equipment becomes bulky
High operating cost.
Low heat carrying capacity.
Low COP
R-718 WATER: -
 Boiling Point: - 100°c
 Freezing Point: - 0°c

 Critical temperature: - 374°c

 Non-toxic & nonflammable.

 Freely available

 System becomes bulky

 It is used in Vacuum refrigeration

systems for air conditioning.
 R-717 AMMONIA (NH3): -
 Boiling Point: - -33°c
 Freezing Point: - -78°c
 Toxic, slightly explosive & inflammable
 Offensive odour
 Low specific volume in vapour state
 High refrigerating effect
 Critical temperature is 130.8°c
 Critical pressure is 112 kg/cm
 It should be used with steel pipes &b
never with copper, brass of their alloys
 Extensively used in cold storages, ice
plants, foods refrigeration plants
 Boiling Point: - -78°c

 Freezing Point: - - °c
 Non-toxic, nonflammable & non corrosive

 Non explosive & non corrosive

 Low Refrigerating effect

 Solid carbon dioxide is called dry ice

 Mainly used in air conditioning of

theaters, Hospitals, hotels etc.
 Used onboard ships for transporting
cartons containing perishables (as dry
(SO2): -
Boiling Point: - -10°c
Freezing Point: - -75.5°c

Critical temperature: - 157°c

pressure: - 77.5 kg/cm
Non-toxic & non explosive

Works at low temperatures.

 These are the mixtures of different
halo carbons which have formed like a
compound. An Azeotropic mixture of two
substances by distillation.
 R-500: - Mixture of R-12-73.8% and R-
 R-501: - Mixture of R-22-75% and R-12-
 R-502: - Mixture of R-22-48.8% and R-
 CHClF2 + CClF2CF3
 Note: - CClF2CF3 = Chloropenta
 R-170: - Ethane
 R-200: - Propane
Desirable Properties Of Lub
 Chemical stability
 Low pour point

 Low flow point

 Low viscosity.

 Low acidity.

 High dielectric strength.

Chemical Stability. The oil
should be chemically stable and
should not decompose under
high temperature and pressure.
Pour Point. It is the
temperature at which the oil will
just flow or pour. The oil should
have low pour point. It should be
well below the lowest evaporator
temperature for proper
 Flow Point. The flow point of oil can be
defined as the temperature at which the
wax content of the oil starts precipitating
from a mixture of 90% refrigerant and
10% oil by volume.
 The refrigerant oil may contain a
certain amount of paraffin. If the
temperature of the oil is reduced to very
low level the wax content in the oil will
precipitate. So the flow point of the oil
should be low. If an oil of high flow point
is used, wax will separate from the oil in
the expansion valve where the pressure
and temperature falls and restrict the
flow of refrigerant.
 Di-electric Strength. The oil
should have high dielectric strength.
This is the measure of the resistance
that the oil offers to the flow of
electric current. It is a very
important factor in case of
hermetically sealed compressors.
 Viscosity. The oil viscosity is to be
maintained properly for proper
lubrication. The viscosity of the oil
should not be affected due to high
and low temperatures encountered
by the oil in the system.
Acidity. Nearly all lubricating oils
have a certain amount of organic
acidity. The degree of acidity is
determined by the weight of
potassium Hydroxide (in milligrams)
required to neutralize the acidity of
one gram of oil. This is known as
neutralization number. This number
should not be greater than 0.05
milligrams of potassium Hydroxide per
gram of oil.
Examples of Lubricating
 L.P Side Charging Procedure
 (a) Switch on ventilation blowers of RAC
 (b) Switch on condenser cooling water pump
and chilled water or brine pump (in case of
indirect system).
 (c) Switch on ATU blowers.
 (d) Weigh the refrigerant cylinder and note
down in the log book.
 (e) Place the cylinder in upright position
(vertical) and connect it to the charging valve
through the drier.
 (f) Purge the charging line before tightening
the last joint (connection)
(g) By pass the L.P cut out or adjust it to 1-2
lb/sq in. (to prevent it from operating while
(h) Close the condenser/receiver out let
valve. Start the compressor and open the
charging valve. Now refrigerant from the
cylinder will be transferred into the system by
the compressor.
 (j) To prevent freezing due to drop in
pressure, the refrigerant bottle may be
warmed with water when the refrigerant
bottle is about to become empty.
 (k) Check the condenser pressure, if
sufficient, open the condenser / receiver
outlet valve.
 (l) Run the plant and when it settles down
(after 15 min.) observe the parameters.
 (m) If the parameters are not satisfactory
(with in the limits) repeat the steps (h)-(m)
until the plant is running satisfactorily.
 (n) Reset the L.P cut out.

 (p) Disconnect the refrigerant bottle.

 (q) Weigh the refrigerant cylinder and note

down the amount of refrigerant charged.
 (r) Take one set of readings and note
down in the log book.
 H.P Side Charging
 (a) Switch on ventilation blowers of the
RAC Compartment
 (b) Switch on condenser cooling water
pump and chilled water pump or brine
pump(in case of indirect system)
 (c) Switch on ATU blowers.
 (d) Weigh the refrigerant cylinder and
note down in the log book.
 (e) Connect the cylinder in upside down
position to the charging valve fitted
before the drier and after the condenser.
 (f) Purge the charging line before
tightening the last joint.
 (g) By pass the L. P cut out or adjust it to
1lb/sq in and by pass the solenoid valve if it
is fitted after charging valve.
 (h) Close the condenser or receiver out let
valve as applicable.
 (j) Start the compressor and pump
down the evaporator until the suction gauge
reads zero or 1-2 lbs/sq in.
 (k) Stop the compressor.
 (l) Open cylinder and charging valve. Drier
must be in the circuit.
 (m) Liquid refrigerant will flow from the
cylinder into the evaporator. A pressure of 3-4
kgf/cm2 is to be maintained.
 (n) Close the charging valve and wait till the
suction pressure gauge reading gets steady.
The pressure will increase as the liquid
refrigerant will boil inside the system and will
get steady when the evaporation completes.
 (p) Pump down the gas from the evaporator
and the system.
 (q) Check the condenser pressure; if not
sufficient repeat the procedure (h) to (p) until
sufficient pressure in the condenser is
 (r) Open the condenser or receiver outlet
valve and start the plant. Check the
 (s) Reset the L.P cut out and solenoid
valve if it is by passed.
 (t) Disconnect the refrigerant bottle
and weigh it again.
 (u) Note the amount of refrigerant
added to the system in the log book.
 (v) As a precaution the drier must be
left in the circuit for several hours and
make sure all cap nuts and pipe blanks
are replaced correctly after charging.
 (w) One set of readings to be taken and
noted down in the log book.
 The purpose of fitting safety devices
with any equipment are as follows:-
 (a) For the safety of personnel working
on and around the machinery.
 (b) To safeguard the machinery from
any unusual damages
 (c) To make sure that the machinery is
running according to the laid down
 parameters.
 High Pressure Cutout.
 Low Pressure Cut Out.
 Differential Lub Oil Pressure Switch
 Differential Thermostatic Cut Out.
 Condenser Cooling Water Pressure Switch
 Brine Pump Pressure Switch.
 Chiller Temperature Cut Out.
 Safety Valve
 Safety Disc.
 Compressor Un Loader.
 Solenoid Valve
 Compressor Motor over Load Trip.
 High Pressure Cutout. The function of
this device is to stop the compressor if
the discharge pressure rises beyond the
permissible limit. In case of refrigeration
plant it is set to operate at 175 PSI OR
12 kg/cm2
 Low Pressure Cut Out. This device trips off
the compressor if the suction pressure falls
below the permissible limit. This switch is set to
cut off compressor at 25 PSI and will
automatically cut in when suction pressure
rises to 45 PSI OR 3.5 kg/cm2
 Differential Lub Oil Pressure Switch. This
device stops the compressor if the lub oil
differential pressure (difference between
suction and lub oil pressure) falls below 12 PSI
OR 0.9kg/cm2.
 It is very important to recognize that the
total pressure measured by the oil pressure
gauge is the sum of crank case pressure and
the pressure developed by the oil pump.
Therefore it is not the actual lub oil pressure
available for lubrication. The useful lub oil
pressure is the oil pressure gauge reading
minus suction pressure.
 Differential Thermostatic Cut Out. The
function of this cut out is to stop the
compressor when the required temperature in
the refrigerated space is attained and restart
when the temperature rises.
 The air conditioned room temperature is to
be maintained between 140 C to 180C . This
cut out stops the plant when the temperature
reaches 140C and restarts the plant when the
temperature rises to 180C.
 Condenser Cooling Water Pressure Switch.
This device stops the compressor if the
cooling water pump fails or the cooling water
pressure falls below the permissible limit.
 Brine Pump Pressure Switch. This device
stops the compressor if the brine pump fails
or the brine system pressure falls below the
permissible limit.
 Chiller Temperature Cut Out. This device
stops the plant if frosting takes place on the
evaporator coil or if the temperature of the
evaporator falls between 40C to 80C.
 Safety Valve. This is fitted on the condenser.
This valve lifts if the condenser pressure rises
beyond the permissible limit and releases the
excess gas pressure to the atmosphere.
Generally it is set to operate at 255 PSI.
 Safety Disc. It is fitted in some cases
which will burst off if the pressure
increases beyond the permissible limit. It
is also called as bursting disc.
 Compressor Un Loader. It is fitted to
control the plant capacity by
loading/unloading the cylinders according
to the load changes and minimize the
power consumption.
 Solenoid Valve. This valve is fitted
before expansion valve and after
condenser. The function of this valve is to
stop the flow of HP liquid refrigerant
from the condenser to evaporator
immediately after the plant is stopped.
 Solenoid Valve. It is an
electromagnetic valve and its supply is
connected in series with the compressor
so that it will shut as the magnetic coil
gets de energized when the compressor
is stopped and open when the
compressor is started as the magnetic
coil gets energized.
 (l) Compressor Motor Over Load
Trip. The function of this device is
to stop the compressor motor if the
motor current exceeds the limit and safe
guard the armature windings.
 Starting Procedure.
 (a) Make sure chilled water system is charged.
 (b) Start all ATU’s blowers.
 (c) Check lubricant oil level in the compressor. (It
should be 3/4 sight glass or up to high level.)
 (d) Check compressor belt for tightness and ensure it
is having protective guard.
 (e) Check the surrounding & turn the compressor 2 to
3 turns by hand to ensure it is free.
 (f) Check refrigerant gas system for valve opening &
closing & ensure that system is connected to all
control devices.
 (g) Start chilled water pump & ensure that the chilled
water system is connected to low chilled water
temperature cutout.
 (h) Starting cooling water pump & check
water pressure & water is circulating through
the condenser. Ensure system is connected to
cooling water failure cutout.
 (j) Check the electric supply to compressor
 (k) Ensure that compressor is fully unloaded
before starting. (If it is having capacity control
system, it will work on auto.)
 (l) Start compressor by pressing starting
knob & ensure that compressor starts with
operation of solenoid valve.
 (m) Record starting, running current and
following parameters of compressor and it
should not exceed the design specifications.
 (i) Lubricating oil pressure
(Differential oil pressure)
 (ii) Control oil pressure (If the
system have capacity control)
 (iii) Suction pressure (Temperature)
 (iv) Discharge pressure
 (v) Cooling water inlet & outlet
pressure (Pump suction & discharge
 (vi) Chilled water suction &
discharge pressure.
 (a) Inform electrical department.
 (b) Switch off compressor by pressing
stopping knob & ensure compressor
 (c) stop with the operation of LP cutout.
 (d) Bring the change over switch of starter to
‘OFF’ position.
 (e) Switch off chilled water pump & ensure
that overboard valves are shut.
 (f) Switch off cooling water pump & ensure
the overboard valves are shut.
 (g) Ensure that all blowers are running.
 (h) Ensure that crank case heater gets
automatically switched on the moment
 (j) compressor is switched off
 (a) After starting the plant check all
parameters for their limits.
 (b) Check all level in the compressor. It
should not be less than 1/3 of the sight level.
 (c) Note down one set of readings in the
logbook once the parameters get settled
down. i.e. 10 to 15 minutes after starting the
 (d) Every after one-hour note down the
parameters in the logbook.
 (e) Note down any defects observed in the
logbook. Try to rectify the minor defects then
& there.
 (f) Inform the next watch keeper & section
in charge if any abnormality is observed.
R-12 R-22
a. Suction pressure 1.8 to 2.5 3 to 5
ksc ksc
b. Discharge pressure 7.5 to 9.5 15 to
ksc 17ksc
c. Suction temperature 10°c 10°c
d. Discharge temperature 40°c to 50°c to
70°c 80°c
e. Chilled water inlet 20°c 20°c
f. Chilled water outlet 10°c 10°c
g. Condenser cooling water 0.9 to 1.5 0.9 to
pressure ksc 1.5 ksc
Sl. Sympt Cause Remedy
No om
1 High (a) Air or non (a) Purge out air
head condensable gas from the system.
pressu in the system (condenser)
re (b) Inlet water (b) Check for
warm or in obstruction in the
sufficient cooling condenser
water flowing cooling water
through the supply, choked
condenser strainer, partially
closed valves,
leakages in the
Sl Symp Cause Remedy
.N tom
1 High
head (c) choked (c) Clean
press condenser condenser tubes
ure (d) Too much (d) Draw off
refrigerant in excessive
the refrigerant in the
condenser refrigerant

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