Mathematics 1

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Arithmetic and Elementary Algebra


 A set is any well-defined collection of distinct objects called elements. The symbol ∈is
used to denote the element of a set. There are two ways to describe a set: (1) Tabular
or Roster Form where the elements are separated by commas and enclosed by braces
and (2) Rule Form which makes use of description. The cardinal number (n) of a set is
the number of elements of a particular set.
Example: Rule Form: A = {set of letters in the word
Roster Form : A = { s, c, h, o, l }
Cardinality: n (A) = 5 (since set A has 5 elements)

 Kinds of Sets
Empty/Null Set Has no elements { }, ∅
Unit/Singleton A set with only one element {1}, (∅ )
Finite Set A set with a definite number of {a set of letters in the
elements alphabet}
Infinite Set A set which is not finite {A set of even numbers}
Equal/Identical A set with exactly the same elements {a, b, c} = {a, b, c}
Sets ( = )
Equivalent Sets Sets with the same number of {a, b, c} ~ {1, 2, 3}
(~) elements or cardinality
Subsets ¿) Given sets A and B, A is a subset of B {1, 2} ⊆ {1, 2, 3 }
( A ⊆ B ) if every element of A
belongs to B
Improper For any set, there are always 2 { a, b, c, d, e } ⊆ {a, b, c, d,
Subset (⊆) improper subsets, itself and null set e}
{ } ⊆ {a, b, c, d, e}
Proper subset ( Given sets A and B, A is a proper { 2, 4 } ⊂ } 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 }
⊂) subset of B (A ⊂ B) if there is at least
one element in B that is not in A (n (A)
< N (B) )
Universal Set ( The set of all elements under {set of real numbers}
∪) consideration for a particular scenario
of problem
Joint Sets Sets with common elements {1, 2, 3, 4} and {4, 5, 6} are
joint sets since they have
common element 4
Disjoint Sets Sets without common elements {sets of even numbers} and
{sets of odd numbers} are
disjoint sets
Power of a Set Set whose elements are all the Let A = {1, 2} then
(P) subsets of a set. A set with n elements P(A) = { ∅ , {1}, {2}, {1, 2}}
has 2n subsets.

 Set of Operations
1. Union of Sets ( A ∪ B)- consists of the combined elements
of two or more sets.
Example : {1, 2, 3, 4 } ∪ {3, 4, 5,6 } = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 }
2. Intersection of Sets ( A ∩ B ) – consists of all elements common to two
or more sets.
Example: {1, 2, 3, 4 } ∩ { 3, 4, 5, 6 } = {3, 4}
3. Difference of Sets ( A – B ) – consists of all elements found in one but not the other.
Example: A = {a, b, c, d, e, f, g } and B = { b, c, h, i, j, k}
A – B = {a, d, e, f, g}
B – A = {h, i, j, k }

4. Complement of a set ( A’ )- consists of all elements not in the set but part of the
universal set.
Example: Let U = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 } (universal set)

A = {2, 4, 5, 8 }
A’ = {1, 3, 6, 7}

 Word problems involving sets are best solved by using Venn Diagrams for
EXAMPLES: Word Problems on Sets
Problem: There are 37 members of Math Club and 55 members of Science Club. If 12
students are members of both Math and Science Clubs, how many will there be when
the two clubs meet together?

M = {Math Club members}, S = { Science Club members}
n(M) = 37
n (S) = 55
n (M) ∩ (S) = 12
n (M) – n (M ∩ S ) = 37 – 12 = 25 members of Math Club only
n (S) - n (M ∩ S ) = 55 – 12 = 43 members of Science Club only
n ( M ∪ S) = 12 + 25 + 43 = 80 people in the meeting

Problem: In a group of 100 people, 61 can speak Korean, while 56 can speak English.
(a) How many can speak both Korean and English? (b) How many can speak Korean
but not English?
K = { can speak Korean }, E = (can speak English)
n(K) = 61
n(E) = 56
61 + 56 = 117
n(K ∩ E ) = 117 – 100 = 17 can speak both Korean and English
n(K) – n(K ∩ E ) = 61 – 17 = 44 can speak Korean, but not English
n(E) – n(K ∩ E ) = 56 – 17 = 39 can speak English, but not Korean
Check: n( K ∪ E ) = 17 + 44 + 39 = 100 people
Let U = { set of all integers from 1 to 10} = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10}
A = { all even numbers from 1 to 10} = {2, 4, 6, 8, 10}
B = {all odd numbers from 1 to 10 } = {1, 3, 5, 7, 9 }
C = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5} D = {3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, } E = { 5, 6, 7, 8, 9,

1. A U B = 8. ( C ∩ D ) – E = 15. (A ∩ B)’ =
2. C U E = 9. A U ( C ∩ D ) = 16. ( A – B)’ =
3. D – B = 10. n (P(D)) = 17. D’ – C’ =
4. E – A = 11. A’ = 18. n (P(B)) =
5. A ∩ B = 12. D’ = 19. ( A ∩ B ) ∪ ( C ∩
6. A ∩ C = 13. B’ = 20. n (C ∩ D ∩ E ) =
7. C ∩ D ∩ E = 14. (A U B)’

Problems on Sets
1. If A is the set of prime factors of 24 and 8, and B is the set of positive whole numbers
less than 8 then what is the cardinality of the solution set of A ∩ B?

2. If A is the set of letters in “mathematics” and B is the set letters in “science”, what is
the cardinality of B ∩ A?

3. If A is the set of prime factors of 20 and B is the set of positive numbers less than 10,
then what is the cardinality of P ( A ∩ B)?

4. In a group of 50 people, 36 liked reading Marvel Comics while 35 liked reading DC

Comics. How many liked reading both comics?

5. In a class of 40, 7/10 likes English while ½ likes Filipino. How many students like both
English and Filipino?

6. There are 120 reviewees in the room. Among the reviewees, 70% are good in Math
while 55% are good in English. How many are good in both Math and English? How
many are good in English only?

7. In a certain class of 60, when asked whether they liked Math or Science, 3/5
answered they liked studying Math. If 8 of the class liked Math and Science equally,
what fraction of the class likes Science only?

8. A group of students were asked which soda they liked. Each student chose at least 1
soda. How many students were in a group if 13 liked Pepsi, 10 liked Coke, 14 liked
Sprite, 7 liked Pepsi and Coke, 7 liked Coke and Sprite, 8 liked Pepsi and Sprite, and 5
liked all three?

9. Each of the 40 students in a class liked at least one Social Media: Facebook,
Instagram, and Twitter. Seven like Facebook and Twitter, 12 like Instagram and Twitter,
and 4 like Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. Eighteen like Facebook, 20 like Instagram,
27 like Twitter. Find the number of students who like Facebook and Instagram.

10. From Problem number 9, find the number of students who like Facebook and
Instagram but not Twitter.

 The Set of Real Numbers include the following:

 Natural/Counting Numbers ( N ) are numbers that are in the set {1, 2, 3 ...}
 Whole Numbers (W) are numbers that are in the set of {0, 1, 2, 3 ...}
 Integer Numbers ( Z ) or Integers are all natural numbers, their negatives and
 Rational Numbers (Q ) are numbers that can be expressed as a ratio of integers.
Terminating and repeating decimals are rational numbers.
 Irrational Numbers (Q ’) are numbers that cannot be expressed as a ratio of
integers. Non – terminating numbers and non – repeating decimals are irrational
numbers. Ex. π
 Real Numbers ( R ) are all the rational or irrational numbers.

 Properties of Real Numbers

Property Example
Closure Property of Addition (CA) and Multiplication (CM) x, y ∈ R, x + y ∈ R
x, y ∈ R, XY ∈ R
Commutative Property of Addition (CPA) and Multiplication x+y=y+x
(CPM) xy = yx
Associative Property of Addition (APA) and Multiplication a + ( b + c ) = (a + b ) + c
(APM) a(bc) = (ab)c
Distributive Property of Multiplication over Addition (DPMA) x (y + z) = xy + xz
Identity Element of Addition (AP0) and Multiplication (MP1) a+0=0+a=a
Additive Inverse (AI) and Multiplicative Inverse (MI1) a + ( -a ) = 0
a x ( 1/a ) = 1
Zero Property of Multiplication (MP0) ax0=0


1. Check under the column of the set to which each given number is an element of.
Natural Whole Integer Rational Irrational Real
π /2
−√ 8

2. Which number set will include the elements 0, −π and √ 19?

a. Irrational Numbers c. Real Numbers
b. Rational Numbers d. Whole Numbers
3. The sum of a negative integer and a positive integer
a. is always integer c. is always zero
b. is always negative d. is never zero

4. Which of the following sets is closed under addition?

a. { -1, 0, 1} c. {1}
b. {0} d. {0,1}

5. If set A = {1, -1} , then it is closed under what operation?

a. Addition
b. Multiplication
c. Division
d. Both B and C


 Factors are numbers that multiplied together to have another number as a result. A
whole number (or integer) is a factor of another integer if the factor can be multiplied
with another to have the integer as a result. Example: 4 and 6 are factors of 24
because 4 x 6 =24.

 A multiple of a whole number (or integer) is the result of multiplying that number by
another. The multiple is said to be divisible to that integer; they can be divided
without any remainder. Example: 24 is a multiple of 4. 24 is divisible by 4.

 Divisibility Rules

Rule Example
1. all numbers are divisible by 1
2. the numbers must be an even number 2,4,6,8,10
3. the sum of digits of the number should be 351 3+5+1=9
divisible by 3 4 785 4+7+8+5=24 2+4=6
4. the number must be an even number and the last 45 900 The last 2 digits are
two digits should be divisible by 4 or the last two 0’s
digits are both zeroes 7 924 24 is divisible by 4
5. the number must have a units digit of 0 and 5 25, 145, 300, 5 324 235
6. the number must be an even number and 12, 306, 3 600
divisible by 3
7. the difference of twice the units-digit of the 49 147 49 14-2(7) = 4 900
number and the number formed by the remaining
digit should be divisible by 7 and if the number is
still large, repeat the process
8. the number must be an even number and the last 345 000 The last 3 digits are
three digits should be divisible by 8 or the last 0’s
three digits are all zeroes 71 488 488 is divisible by 8
9. the sum of the digits of the number should be 9 162 9+1+6+2=18
divisible by 9
10 the units-digit of the number must be zeroes 70, 4 350, 23 438 748 370
11. the difference of the sums of the alternating digits 132 121 1(3)2 (1) 2(1)
should be equal to zero or divisible by 11 (odd): 3+1+1 = 5,even: 1+2+2=5

 Prime numbers are numbers greater than one and have only two factors, 1 and
itself. (2 is the only even prime number)

 Composite numbers are numbers having more than two factors.

 The numbers 0 and 1 are Special Numbers; neither prime nor composite.

 Prime factorization is breaking down a whole number into a list of its prime factors.
To get the list of prime factors, we may use a factor tree or continuous division.
Example: Prime Factorization
By Factor Tree: By Continuous Division:

36 x 10 2 360
2 180
6 x 6 2 x 5 3 90
3 30
3 x 2 3 x 2 5 10
The Prime Factorization of 360 = (1)x2x2x2x3x3x5= 23 x 32 x 5

 The Greatest Common Factor (or Highest Common factor) is the largest common factor
of two or more numbers; if the GCF of two numbers is 1, the numbers are considered
relatively prime.
 The Least Common Multiple is the lowest common multiple of two or more numbers.
Example: GCF and LCM
Problem: Find the GCF and LCM of 60,180, 450. 10 60 180 450
Solution: To find the GCF and LCM of two or more numbers, 3 6 18 45
use Continuous Division. 2 2 6 15
To get the GCF, we take the numbers where all the given numbers 3 1 3 15
are divisible to, which are 10 and 3, and multiply them, thus; 1 1 5
GCF: 10 x 3 = 30.
On the other hand, to get the LCM, we take the numbers on the left
most column and bottom row and multiply them, thus;
LCM: 10 x 3 x 2 x 3 x 1 x 1 x 5 =900

 In getting the LCM, you can also think of the multiples of the biggest given
number and then determine the smallest multiple that is divisible by the
other number/s on the list. Divisibility rules will be very useful for this.

Problem: Find the LCM of 5 , 8 and 12

Solution: Given 5 , 8 and 12; get the multiples of 12 (12, 24 ,36, 48, 60, 72, 84, 90, 108,
120...). If you know the divisibility rules then you know that only the numbers 60 and 120
are multiples of 5. So all you have to do now is to find out which is divisible by 8. The
answer is 120.


Divisibility: Check the corresponding column if the number is divisible by the number
indicated in the column.
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
a. 84
b. 180
c. 440
d. 3 696
e. 3 465
GCF and LCM: Find the GCF and LCM of the following numbers.
8, 36
7, 98
2, 5, 7
25, 35, 60
20, 80, 240
40, 200, 36
Word Problems on Factors and Multiples:
1. Find the difference between the least common multiple and the highest common
factor of 56, 84, and 140.
2. Determine the sum of the GCF and LCM of 16, 18, and 24.
3. Raissa is making gift boxes, each containing equal number of pens and stickers.
If she has to use all 7 pens and 35 stickers, how many gift boxes can she make?
4. Two ropes with lengths of 602 cm and 645 cm are to be cut into pieces of all the same
length without any remainder. Find the greatest possible length of the pieces.
5. The length of a clip of Lloyd’s flail video is 24 seconds, while a sample from the song
“Shooting Stars” is 28 seconds. If the video clip and the song sample will be combined
together by having both start at the same time and each play on repeat, after how
many seconds will they both end at the same exact time?


 Fractions are representations of parts of a whole, each part being equal. The
numerator (written above the fraction line) represents a number of equal parts
and the denominator (written below the fraction line), represents the number of
parts that make up a whole (it cannot be zero). Fractions are rational numbers.
1 6 8
Examples: , ,
2 15 3
 Reducing Fractions to Lowest Terms
Before performing any operation dealing with fractions, you must always know
how to reduce fractions to lowest terms. To reduce a fraction to its lowest term,
you must get the factors of the numerator and the denominator and cancel the
common factors to get the reduced form.

24 24 4 (6) 4
Example: Reduce to lowest terms. Solution: = =
30 30 5(6) 5
 Converting Mixed Fractions to Improper Fractions
Before performing operations on fractions, we also must learn how to convert
mixed fractions to improper fractions.
Mixed fractions are just fractions with whole numbers and improper fractions
are fractions with bigger numerators than denominators.

1 1 3 ( 4 )+1 13
Example: Convert 3 to improper fraction 3 = =
4 4 4 4
Solution: The improper fractions can be obtained by multiplying the denominator (4)
with the whole number (3) and adding it to the numerator (1), we get 13 as the
numerator and we just retain 4 as the denominator.

 Converting Improper Fractions to Mixed Fractions

The previous concept will be applied here but the process will be reversed.
25 25 24 1 1
Example: Convert to mixed fraction = + =8
3 3 3 3 3

Solution: The numerator (25) will have to be divided by the denominator (3). The
quotient will be the whole number (8) and the remainder (1) will be placed as the
numerator and 3 will be retained as the denominator.
 Addition/Subtraction of Fractions
 Similar fractions – have the same denominator. When adding similar
fractions, just add up the numerator and retain the denominator. When
subtracting similar fractions, just subtract the numerators and retain the
Example: Solution:
5 3 5 3 8 2(4 ) 2
1. + + = = =
12 12 12 12 12 3(4 ) 3

5 3 5 3 2 2 1
2. - - = = =
12 12 12 12 12 2(6) 6

 Dissimilar Fractions- These fractions have different denominators.

When adding/ subtracting these fractions, you would first have to make
them similar (with the same denominator) before you could add/subtract.
We make the fractions similar by getting the least common denominator
(LCD) or the least common multiple (LCM) of the denominators first.

7 9 7 9 7 (5 )+ 9(4) 35+36 71
Example: + =? + = = = =3
4 5 4 5 20 20 20

LCM of 4 and 5 is 20. We got the answer by dividing the LCM (20) by the original
denominators, 4 and 5, multiplying the answer with their respective numerators
7 and 9, to get 35 and 36. We then perform the operation indicated.
 Mixed Numbers - When adding or multiplying mixed numbers, the whole
numbers can be added or subtracted separately before performing the
operation on the fractional part or by converting the mixed numbers to
improper fractions before performing any operation.

 Multiplication of Fractions
Multiplying fractions is much easier than adding or subtracting them
because all you have to do is multiply the numerators and then multiply
the denominators.
3 5 3 5 3 x 5 15
Example: x =? Solution: x = =
4 7 4 7 4 x 7 28
 If there are mixed fractions, convert them to improper fractions first. If
there are whole numbers, all you need to do is to set 1 as an imaginary

1 1 3 1 3 x1 3
Example: 3 x =? Solution: 3 x = x = =
4 4 1 4 1x 4 4
  By cross cancelling common factors, you will be able to
simultaneously solve and simplify your product.

25 18 25 18 25 x 18 ( 5 )( 5 )( 9 )( 3) 5
Example: x =? Solution: x = = =
27 10 27 10 27 x 10 ( 3 )( 9 )( 5 )( 3) 3

 Division of Fractions
Dividing fractions is easy once you have mastered the art of multiplying
fractions because the process is basically the same. The only difference is that
you would have to get the reciprocal of the divisor (or the second fraction) and
then multiply it with the dividend (the first fraction).
3 6 3 6 3 10 ( 3 )( 3 ) (5) 5
Example: ÷ =? Solution: ÷ = x = =
2 10 2 10 2 6 ( 2 )( 3 )( 3) 2

 Arranging Fractions
 In arranging fractions in ascending (smallest to greatest) or descending
(greatest to smallest) order, you would first have to know how to
determine which of the fractions are greater. The easiest technique is to
try cross-multiplication: multiply the denominator of the second fraction to
the numerator of the first fraction. The product of this pair of factors
corresponds to which fraction the numerator belongs. The one that gets
the higher product is the greater fraction.
3 4 3 4 3 4
Example: Which is bigger, or Solution: (3) (7) ? (4)5) 21 > 20 >
5 7 5 7 5 7

3 4
In this example, the product of 3 and 7 corresponds to , while the product of 4 and 5 corresponds to .
5 7
3 4
Therefore since 21 is greater than 20, is also greater than .
5 7

 If the fractions have the same denominator, the one with the smaller
numerator is smaller.
15 8 12 25 18 8
Example: , , , , ; the smallest is and the
27 27 27 27 27 27
largest is

 If the fractions have the same numerators and different denominators, the
one with the larger denominator is smaller.
3 3 3 3 3 3 1
Example: , , , , ; the smallest is = and the
7 5 15 3 1 15 5
largest is or 3

 Decimals are representation of fractions whose denominators are powers of 10.

They are written in decimal notation, where values less than 1 are on the right
side of a decimal point right after the units digit.
Examples: 0.3, 2.5, 9.000009

 Converting Decimals to Fractions

 Digits to the right of the decimal point correspond to the numerator and
the number of these digits correspond to the place value which will be the
denominator (first digit after the decimal point is the tenths digit, the
second is the hundredths, third is thousandths, and so on).
Example: 0.75 is 75 hundredths or 75/100; 0.1256 is 1256 ten thousandths
or 1256/10000.
 For repeating and non-terminating decimals, the repeating digit/s can be
represented as the numerator. The number of repeating digit is the
number of 9’s to be placed in the denominator.
75 3 125 5 1
Example: a). 0.75 = or c). 1.25 = or or 1
100 4 100 4 4

1256 157
b). 0.1256 = or d). 0.123= 123/999 or
10 ,000 1250

 Converting Fractions to Decimal

 To convert fractions to decimals, divide the fraction’s numerator by its
denominator to get the decimal equivalent.
 If a mixed fraction is to be converted to decimal form, you first have to
convert it to an improper fraction first before dividing the numerator by its
 When we encounter repeating numbers after dividing the numerator by
the denominator, we draw a bar over the repeating digit to indicate that
the decimal is repeating and non-terminating.
 If necessary, such as when the decimal becomes too long, we may round
off after the important decimal digit.

5 1
Examples: = 5÷8 = 0.625 1 = 5/4 = 1.25
8 4

2/3 = 0.66..... 2/7 =0.285714...͌ 0.286

 Addition and Subtraction of Decimals

When adding and subtracting decimal numbers, align the decimal points
of each number so that the corresponding place values align, then add or
subtract as with whole numbers.
Example: 4.567
+ 67.3205

 Multiplication of Decimals
In multiplying decimal numbers, just multiply the digits as if multiplying
whole numbers. Count the number of decimal places of each number then add
them. The total is the number of decimal places of the product.

Solution: The first number has 1 decimal place while the next one has 2 decimal places.
Thus, 1+2, the product would have 3 decimal places.
Example: 2.1
x 0.02

 Division of Decimals
Dividing decimal numbers is done by first moving the decimal point of the
divisor to the right until it becomes a whole number. Move the decimal point of
the dividend with the same number of decimal places, and then just divide the
usual way.

Example: 0.21 ÷0.07 =? Solution: 0.07 0.21 7 21 = 3

 A percent represents a ratio of a whole number and 100. A percent sign (%)
indicates that the number is divided by 100.
 Converting Decimal to Percent
 To convert decimal numbers to percent, move the decimal point two
places to the right and affix the % sign
Example: 1.25 = 125%
 Converting Percent to Decimal
 To convert percent to decimal numbers, you must remove the % sign and
move the decimal point two places to the left.
Example: 34%= 0.34 or 250% = 2.50 or simply 2.5
 Converting Fractions to Percent
 To convert fraction to percent, convert the fraction to decimal first and
then convert to percent.
Example: ¾ = 0.75 =75%
 Converting Percent to Fractions
 To convert percent to fraction, divide the number by 100 (since percent
means “per hundred”). Afterwards, reduce fractions to lowest terms.
Example: 60% =60/100 = 6/10 = 3/5
 Percentages
 A percentage is a measure of a portion in relation to a whole (the base),
often expressed in relation to how many of something there are per 100
or percent (the rate). Percentage (P) is the rate in percent (R) multiplied
by the base (B):
P=R x B
Example: What is 12% of 800?
Solution: Percentage is unknown, rate is 12% and the base is 800 x=12%x800=12/100 x 800= 96
Example: 144 is what percent of 900?
Solution: We are looking for the rate (in percent). 144=x x 900 x=144/900 = 16/100=0.16 =16%
Example: 216 is thirty percent of what number?
Solution: We are looking for the base. 216=30% x X 216=30/100 x X x=216x100/30 =720

 Percentage Problems
 For word problems involving percentages, identify what information are
given, and what exactly is being asked about.

Example: The original price of a pair of shoes was 2,000 pesos. It was decreased to 1,500
pesos. What is the percent decrease?
Solution: The base is 2,000 pesos. The rate is unknown and being asked. The percentage
is the amount of decrease in the original price, which when subtracted becomes 1,500
pesos. The percentage then 2,000 pesos - 1,500 pesos.

2000-1500 = X x 2000 500 = X x 2000 X = 500/2000 = 25/100 = 25%

 RATIO – is a comparisons of two groups or units; say a and b, it is usually written

as a:b or a/b where b ≠ 0, since that will give you an undefined fraction.
 PROPORTION - is a comparison of two ratios that are equal; say a:b = c:d or
a/b =c/d; where a and d are called extremes while b and c are the
 Direct Proportion – indicates that when a increases, b also increases, or
when a decreases, b also decreases.
a c
b d

Problem: If Jen’s dad gave her PhP 500 for every PhP 2 000 she saves, how much should she
save to receive PhP 3 500?
Solution: Let x = the amount she needs to save.
500 3500 ( 3500 ) (2000)
= = 500x = (3 500)(2 000) ⇒ x = ⇒ ∴ x = P14 000
2000 x 500
 Inverse Proportion – indicates that when a increases, b decreases, or
EQUATION: a.b=c.d
Problem: Joseph flies his plane at a rate of 250 miles an hour for four hours to
get to Japan. Under stormy weather, how fast was he flying if he got to Japan in
double the original time?
Solution: Let x = speed of the plane in miles per hour (mph)
(250) ¿ (4) = x ¿ (2)(4) ⇒ 1 000 = 8x ⇒x = ⇒ ∴ x = 125 mph
 Partitive Proportion- this kind of proportion occurs when a quantity is
divided into more than two parts.

Two sacks of rice are to be divided among 3 families and the partition would be according to the
number of family members. If family A had 3 members, Family B had 4 members, and Family C
had 7 members, how much rice would each family have?
First, you would have to add the number of the family members in each family 3+4+7 = 14 to get
the total number of members, then you divide 2 sacks of rice by this number = 2/14 or 1/7. This
means each family member gets 1/7 of a sack of rice. Now all you have to do is to multiply this
(1/7) by the number of family members in each family.
Family A = (1/7)•3 = 3/7 ; Family B = (1/7)•4 = 4/7; Family C = (1/7) •7 = 7/7 or 1 sack.

 Order of Operations (PEMDAS)

One should always remember that when doing a series of operations on signed
numbers one should do the operations in parentheses (or other forms of groupings such
as braces and brackets) first, followed by raising specified numbers to the power of its
Exponents, and then Multiply/ Divide first before Adding/Subtracting, doing it from left to

Example: 2(-3) + 1 + (-1) – 3(5) ÷ 3 x {2 – [5 + ( -2 + 4) 2 – 3(2)]}2

= 2(-3) + 1 -1 – 3(5) ÷ 3 x {2 – [5 + (2) 2 – 3(2)]}2
= 2(-3) + 1 -1 – 3(5) ÷ 3 x {2 – [5 + 4 - 6 ]}2
= 2(-3) + 1 - 1 – 3(5) ÷ 3 x {2 – 3}2
= 2(-3) + 1 - 1 – 3(5) ÷ 3 x {-1}2
= -6 + 1 – 1 - 15 ÷ 3 x 1
= -6 + 1 - 1 – 5 x 1
= -6 + 1 - 1 – 5
= -11
 Addition of Signed Numbers
 If you have to add numbers with the same sign, all positive or all negative,
all you have to do is add the numbers up and affix the sign of the
addends to the sum.

Example: -2 + -15 + -6 + -4 = - (2 + 15 + 6 + 4) = -27

 If you have to add up numbers with unlike signs, you just subtract the
smaller number from the bigger one and then affix the sign of the bigger
number to the sum.
Example: -19 + 5 = -(19-5) = -14
 Subtraction of Signed Numbers
 The concept is the same as adding signed numbers, but you have to
remember that if the minus sign is followed by a negative sign, say 5 - -3,
then the minus and negative sign cancels each other out thus
transforming it into a plus sign 5 + 3 which is equal to 3.
 If the minus sign is followed by a positive number, say 8 -+ 9, the sign
becomes -, thus 8 – 9 = -1.
 If the first number is positive, subtract the smaller number from the bigger
number and affix the sign of the bigger number to the difference.
 If the first number is negative, add the two numbers and affix the negative
sign to the sum.

Example: -13 - -5 = -13 + 5 = -(13 – 5) = -8

-5 - +10 = -5 – 10 = -(5 + 10) = -15

 Multiplication and Division of Signed Numbers

 The process is the same as with whole numbers especially if all factors are
positive. But if there are negative factors involved, first you should multiply the
numbers given and see how many negative factors are involved. If there is an
even number of negative factors, then the answer should be positive. If there is
an odd number of negative factors (negative integers), then affix the negative
sign beside the product/quotient.

Example: -3 x 5 x -5 x 10 x -2 = -(3 x 5 x 5 x 10 x 2) = -1 500

 When performing operations with signed numbers, it is important to remember

the following:
(+)(+) = (+)
(+)(-) = (-)
(-)(+) = (-)
(-)(-) = (+)

 Absolute Value
The absolute value of a number is always positive. It is the distance along the
number line from 0. It is defined as:

lxl = √ x 2 = {−xx ,if, ifxx≥<00

Example: l3l = 3 l– 2l = - (-2) = 2
2 2 ( 3 )( 5 )−2 15−2 13
│ -3│=3- = = =
5 5 5 5 5


 Below are some terms used in Algebra:

 Variable – symbol usually represented by a letter which stands for or may
be replaced by a certain value from a specified set of numbers called
 Constant – a variable whose value is fixed; replacement set contains
only one element.

Example: E= mc 2, E and m are variables since each can take any

positive value, while c is a constant since the speed of light is
constant and thus only 1 value ( c= 1.99 x 108 )
 Exponent- tells us how many times a number is used as a factor.

Example: 7 x = 7.x.x.x.x x is a factor four times
 Base- the number which is used as a factor.

Example: in 7 x 4, x is the base ( not 7x)

 Algebraic Term- a quantity using only multiplication of numbers and
literal coefficient

Example: 10x , 14a

 Algebraic Expression – it is the expression which consists of addition
and subtraction of algebraic terms.

Example: 3x + y , 4b 2 – 2b + 3, (a -3) * ( b – 2)
 Coefficient – the factors of a term when broken down into two or more

Example: In 14abc, 14 is the numerical coefficient , while abc is the

literal coefficient.


 To evaluate the expression, we replace the variable by a given value
(substitution) and perform the indicated operations.

1. Given 2xyz, evaluate the expression when x= -1 , y = 2, z = 7
Solution: 2xyz = 2(-1)(2)(7) = -28

2. Given the formula F = (9/5)C +32, where C = 40. Find F.

Solution: F = (9/5)C + 32 = (9/5)40 +32 =72 +32 = 104
2 4
(a−b) +c
3. Evaluate , where a =3, b= 4, c= 2
( b−a)c
2 4 2 4
(a−b) +c (3−4) +2 1+ 16
Solution: = = = 17
( 4−3)

 Laws of Exponents
Name of Law Rule Example
Product Law a b
x*x= x
a+b 3
y ∗y =y
2 2+3

Quotient Law x
5−1 4
b = x
= y =y
x y
Power of a Power Law (xa)b = x ab (a6)7 = a(6)(7) = a42
Power of a Product Law (xy)a = xaya (2x2y)3 = 23x2 * 3 y3 = 8x6y3

( )
Power of a Quotient Law a x
3 2
x x
3∗2 6
( x / y) = a 2
= 2∗2 = 4
y y y y

Other Properties of Exponents

Rule Example
x =1 , x ≠ 0 (3xyz3)0 = 1
x 1= x (2y3)1 = 2y3
1 1
x−a = a (2x)-1 =

() ( ) ( )
a a 2 −1 3 1 3
−a y y x y y
( x / y) = = a = 2 = 2
x x y
x x

 Polynomial – an algebraic expression with at least two terms. Restrictions, however,

exist that the denominator should not contain any variable and that the exponents should
always be a whole number. These restrictions prevent the polynomial to have radical
expressions and negative exponents.
 Monomial – an algebraic expression with one term.
E.g. 4x, 2 ( x – y ), (x – y)(x + y)
 Binomial – an algebraic expression with two terms.
E.g. 4x – 2y, x2+x
 Trinomial – an algebraic expression with three terms.
E.g. 3x + 4y – 2z
 Degree of a term – the sum of the exponents of the variables of the term.

Example: 3x
3 2
y z → degree of x : 1 , degree of y :3 , degree of z :2 ≫ 1+ 3+2=6 ; The degree of the term is 6

 Degree of a polynomial with more than one variable – the highest sum of the
exponents of the variables in any of the terms.
4 4 5 3 4 4

Example: in 3x y 2 z ¿ +4 a bc −5 r s t ¿ ≫ degree of 1st term: 1 + 2 + 4 = 7; degree of

2nd term: 4 + 1 + 5 = 10; degree of 3rd term: 3 + 4 + 4 = 11, therefore the degree of
polynomial is 11 and 5 is the leading coefficient, the numerical coefficient of the term with
the highest degree.

 Similar/Like Terms and Dissimilar /Unlike Terms – similar terms are those algebraic
terms which have the same literal factors and where each letter has the same exponent
as that of all the terms. Dissimilar terms don’t have exactly the same literal factors and/or
exponents. You can add or subtract similar terms but not dissimilar terms.
Example: 2x y 2 +3x y 2 =5x y 2; while 2xy+3x y 2will just remain this way since you cannot
combine them because they are unlike terms.

 Simplifying Polynomials
 Addition and Subtraction of Polynomials
 When adding/subtracting polynomials, you would have to group the
similar terms together and then you can add them. If there are no more
similar terms, then the polynomial will stay the same.

Example: 5ax -6ay – 6ax +7ay – 7ax +10ax – 5ay – ax = ?

Solution: =(5ax – 6ax -7ax +10ax – ax) + (-6ay +7ay +7ay -5ay)
= ax +3ay

 Multiplication of Polynomials
 To multiply polynomials we must use the laws of exponents and apply
the distribution property.
 Division of Polynomials
 To divide monomials, we need to apply the laws of exponents.

Example: 4x4 y2 z3 = 4 * x4 * y2 * z3 = 2 x 4−2 y 2−3 z 3−1 = 2 x 2 y −1 z 2= 2 x2 z 2

2 3 2 3
2x y z 2 x y z y
 To divide polynomials by monomial, we should divide each term by the

Example: 4 x 3 y 2 +6 x 2 y 3 +10 x 2 y 2 = 4 x 3 y 2 + 6 x 2 y 3 + 10 x 2 y 2 = 2 x 2y + 3x y 2+5xy

2xy 2xy 2xy 2xy

a+b a
= c
+ bc

 To divide a polynomial by another polynomial with a lower degree, we

can use these methods:

This method is used if the divisor is a polynomial with a degree greater than one.
1. Arrange the terms of the dividend and the divisor in descending powers of the variable.
2. Divide the first term of the dividend by the first term of the divisor that will give the first term
of the quotient.
3. Multiply the first term of the quotient to each term of the divisor.
4. Subtract the product from the dividend.
5. Continue the process until the remainder is reached whose degree should be less than the
degree of the divisor.

Example: (2a 4-7a 3+17a 2-19a +15) ÷ (a 2-2a+3)

Solution: See the figure. 2a 2 - 3a +5__________
a 2-2a +3 2a 4-7a 3+17a 2-19a +15
-(2a 4-4a 3+6a 2)________
-3a 3+ 11a 2-19a
- (-3a 3+ 6a 2 - 9a)____
5a 2-10a +15
- ( 5a 2-10a +15)

 If there is a remainder, the final quotient is written below:

dividend remainder (R)

= quotient (Q) +
divisor divisor ( D)

 SYNTHETIC DIVISION – This method is used if the divisor is a first degree polynomial.
1. Arrange the terms of the dividend in descending powers of the variable.
2. Write the numerical coefficients of each term of the dividend in a row
indicating the coefficients of powers. If there is a missing power, replace it
with zero coefficients.
3. If the divisor is x-r , use r; or if the divisor is x +r, use –r where r is a constant.
4. Bring down the first term of the dividend and multiply it to r. The product is
written on the second column, second row. Add the column and write the sum
on the third row. The sum is multiplied to r and the product is written on the
next column, second row. Add the column and repeat the process until the
last column.
5. The third row indicates the coefficients of the terms in the quotient. The
degree of the quotient is one less than that of the dividend. The last number
on the third row is the remainder.

NOTE: Synthetic Division can also be used in factoring. Let us say when the
polynomial function is divided by x-r, and the remainder is zero, we say that x –r
is a factor of the polynomial.

 If a polynomial expressed in x is divided by ax – r, the remainder is
given by evaluating the given polynomial at x = r/a

Example: What is the remainder when 3 x 4 −2 x 3 +7 x 2−3 x+1 is divided by X -1?

Solution: Evaluate the given polynomial at x=1:
3(1)4−2(1)3 +7 ( 1 )2 3 ( 1 ) +1 = 3-2 +7-3 +1 = 6 Remainder=6
 Common Monomial Factoring (CMF) - Get the common factor of all
terms and factor it out of the expression.
ax =ay = a (x +y)

Example: 7x2 – 35xyz + 35x – 7xy = 7x(x – 5yz + 5 – y)

 Difference of Two Squares (DOTS) - If the expression is a binomial,

and both terms are perfect squares, then factoring it would result to the
product of the sum and difference of its square roots.
a2 – b2 = (a + b)(a – b)

Example: 49x2 – 36y2 = (7x + 6y) (7x – 6y)

 Perfect Square Trinomial (PST) – The first and last term should be
perfect squares, while the middle term should be twice the product of
the square roots of the first and last term. If the middle term is negative,
then the sign of the binomial factor should be negative. If the middle
term is positive, then it should have positive sign.
a2 + 2ab + b2 = (a + b) 2
a2 – 2ab + b2 = (a – b) 2

 Sum and Difference of Two Cubes (SOTC/DOTC) – If the expression

is a binomial and both perfect cubes, then factoring it will consist of two
factors. To get the factors, we should get first the cube roots of the
terms and use the equation below:

a 3 + b 3 = (a + b) (a 2 – ab + b 2
a 3 – b 3 = (a - b) (a 2 + ab + b 2
 Quadratic Trinomial (QT) –This technique is subject to TRIAL and ERROR method
because we need to find the factors of the last term whose sum will be equal to the
middle term.
x + (a + b) x + ab = (x + a) (x + b)

Example: a) a 2+ 6a + 8 = a 2+ (4 + 2)a + (4) (2) = (a + 4)(a + 2)

b) c 2+c – 25+ c 2+ (5 + -4)c + (5)(-4) = (c + 5)(c - 4)
 Factoring by Grouping –This method is usually used if we are factoring algebraic
expressions consisting of at least four terms. Proper grouping of terms is necessary to
make it factorable.

Example: a) ax + az – bx – bz =(ax + az) + (-bx – bz) = a(x = z) + (-b) (x + z) = (x + z)

( a – b)
b) x 2- y 2 +2y – 1 = x 2- ( y 2- 2y + 1)= (x)2 -( y – 1)2 = {x + (y – 1)} {x - (y – 1)}
= (x + y -1) ( x – y + 1)


To simplify rational algebraic expressions, simply factor both the numerator and
denominator completely and cancel common factors.

x2 −2 x−8 ( x−4 ) (x+ 2) x+2

Example: (a) = =
x −4 x ( x−4 ) ( x ) x

x2 −14 x+13 ( x−13 ) ( x−2) x−1

(b) = = 2
x 3−13 x 2 ( x−13 ) ( x 2) x


 Equations are statements of equality between two expressions. There are two types of
equations: (1) Conditional equation and (2) identity equation. In conditional equation,
the equation becomes true only for some values of the variables. In identity equation, the
equation becomes true for all permissible values of the variables.

Example: x + 1 = 4 is an example of conditional equation since x=3 is the only

x +1 = x+1 is an example of identity equation since x can be any real
 Properties of Equalities
To solve an equation, the following properties are applied:
For any a, b, c ϵ R.

Reflexivity (RPE) a=a

Symmetry (SyPE) If a = b, then b = a
Transitivity (TPE) If a = b and b = c, then a = c
Addition (APE) If a = b then a + c = b + c.
Multiplication (MPE) If a = b, then ac = bc
Substitution (SPE) If a = b, then a may replace b or b may replace a in any

 Linear Equations are polynomial equations with a degree of 1.

Example: x + 1 = 3x – 4 (highest degree of the variable x is 1)

2 – x = x4 + 1 (not linear since the highest degree of the
variable x is 4)
 Single Variable Linear Equations has the general equation:
ax + b = 0 where a, b ϵ R, a ≠ 0

Example: 2x + 3 = 0 is an example of a linear equation.

 The solution of the equation is the value of the variable that makes an equation true

Example: If 3x + 6 = 0, then x = -3. Therefore SS = {- 3}

or the solution set is – 3.

 Solving Linear Equations

 We first remove any grouping symbols and then we clear off
denominators by multiplying the whole equation by the LCM of all
denominators. Take note that denominators must not be zero. After this,
we then isolate all terms containing the variable you are solving to one
side and all the other terms on the other side. We then solve for the
2 4 (2 x +5) 16
Example: Solve: (x + 3 ) – =-
3 5 15 We first clear
2 4 (2 x +5) 16
(x + 3) – =- denominators by
3 5 15
multiplying both sides by
(15) [
2( x +3) 4 (2 x +5) −16

15 ]
(15) MPE 15.

10 (x + 3) – 12 (2x + 5) = - 16 Simplify
10x + 30 – 24x – 60 = - 16 Distributive
- 14x - 30 = - 16 Simplify
We then isolate all terms
- 14x = - 16 + 30 APE
- 14X = 14 Simplify with x on the left side

( −114 ) [−14 x=14 ] (−114 ) MPE

X=-1 Simplify
Therefore, the solution set of the equation is x = { -1}

 Inequality- is a statement that uses inequality signs, which are > (greater than), < (less
than), ≥ (greater than or equal to) and ≤ (less than or equal to). There are two types of
inequality: (1) conditional inequality and (2) absolute inequality. In conditional inequality,
it is true only for particular values of the variables. In absolute inequality, it is true for all
real values of the variable.

Example: (a) x2 > 0 and (2x – 3)2 > -3 (example of absolute inequality)
(b) 2x – 1 > 0 and |x| > 5 (example of conditional inequality)

For any a, b, c, ∈R.

Trichotomy If a ≠ b , t h en a> b∨a>b If x + 1 ≠ 5, then x + 1 > 5 or x + 1 <

(Tricho) (but not both) 5.
Transitivity If a > b and b > c, then a >c. If 2 – 4x > 3 and 3 > x + 1 then 2 – 4x
(TPI) Also, if a < b and b< c, > x + 1.
then a < c.
Addition (API) If a > b, then a + c > b + c. If x - 3 > 5 then x – 3 + 3 > 5 + 3 or x
Also, if a < b > 8.
then a + c < b + c.
Multiplication If a > b and c > 0, If 2x < 4, then (1/2)2x < (1/2)
(MPI) then ac > bc. If -3x < 12, then (-1/3) (-3x) > (-1/3)
If a > b and c < 0, (12).
then ac < bc.
 Different Representation of Inequality

 LINEAR INEQUALITIES – polynomial inequality with a degree of 1.

The expression ax + b ≠ 0, where a, b, c ∈ R, a ≠ 0, represent a linear
inequality which can be written as ax + b > 0 or ax + b < 0.

Example: 5x + 1 ≠ 0, which can be written as 5x + 1 < 0 or 5x + 1 > 0.

Note: If x > 0 then x is positive (+) if the x < 0 then x is negative (-).

 Solving Linear Inequality

 In solving linear inequalities, we apply the necessary properties of
inequality and PEMDAS.

Example: 2(4x + 5 ) < 18 MPI

4x + 5 < 9 Simplify
4x < 4 API
x<4 MPI


 The Cartesian plane is represented as all points in the plane formed by two
perpendicular lines, the x – and y – axes divide the plane into four regions, each
called a quadrant.
 Each point in this plane is represented by an ordered pair ( x, y), the coordinates of a
point. The x – coordinate is called the abscissa of the point while the y- coordinate is
called the ordinate of the point.
 The intersection of the x – and y – has coordinates ( 0, 0)and is called the origin. To the
right of the y- axis, the abscissa of a point is positive while to the left it is negative.
Similarly, above the x- axis, the ordinate is positive and below it, it is negative. Thus, in
the first quadrant (QI), both coordinates are positive; in QII the abscissa is negative while
the ordinate is positive; in QIII both are negative; and in QIV the abscissa is positive
while the ordinate is negative.
Point A ≫ ( -9 , 7 ) ≫ on the second quadrant (QII)
Point B ≫ ( 0, 0 ) ≫ on the origin
Point C ≫ ( 0, 8 ) ≫ on the y – axis

Point D ≫ ( -4, -6 ) ≫ on the third quadrant (QIII)

Point E ≫ ( 10, -11 ) ≫ on the fourth quadrant (QIV)
Point F ≫ ( 10, 7 ) ≫ on the first quadrant (QI)
Point G ≫ ( -11, 0 ) ≫ on the x – axis

 Length of a segment
 We can determine the length of the segment formed by connecting two points whose
coordinates are (x1 , y1 ) and ( x2 , y2 ) using Euclidean formula:
d = √¿¿ = √¿¿

Example: Find the length of AB if A ( -1, 1) and B (4, 5)

Solution: Let A ( x1, y1) and B (x2, y2), then its length is:
d AB = √ ¿ ¿ = √ ¿ ¿
= √ ¿ ¿ = √ 25+16
d AB = √ 41

 Midpoint of a Segment
 Given two points with coordinated (x1, y1) and (x2 , y2 ), we can
determine the coordinate of its midpoint using the formula:

Midpoint (x, y) = ( x 1+x

y 1+ y

Example: Find the midpoint of AB if A (-1, 1) and B (4, 5)
Solution: Let A ( x1, y1 ) and B (x2, y2 ), then its midpoint is:

Midpoint = ( x 1+x
y 1+ y

) 2 2 2 , 3)
−1+4 1+5
, ) = ( 3
 Linear equation in two variables - are first degree equations in terms of x and y. It can
be graphed in Cartesian plane and the graph is a line. Two points on the plane can
determine a unique line. This line can be described using its slope.

 Slope (m) – indicates the steepness or inclination of a line or segment. To determine the
slope of two points, use the formula below:
y 2− y y 1− y rise
m= x = x = run
1 2

2− x 11− x 2

 x – Intercept – is the point of intersection between the given line and the x – axis. Given
the equation of a line, we can determine its x – intercept by setting the value of y to zero.

Example: What is the x – intercept of line 2x – 3y = 6?

2x – 3y = 6 2x – 3 (0) = 6
Solution: Set y = 0, then: 2x = 6
 y – Intercept – is the point of intersection between the given line and the y – axis. Given
the equation of a line, we can determine its y – intercept by setting the value of x to zero.

Example: What is the y – intercept of line 2x – 3y = 6?

2x – 3y = 6 2(0) – 3y = 6
Solution: Set x = 0, then: -3y = 6
y = -2

 Different Forms of Linear Equations

Equations of line have different forms and they are as follows:

 General Form: ax + by + c = 0 where a, b, and c are constants

 Standard Form: ax + by = c where a, b, and c are constants
 Slope – Intercept: y = mx + b where m is slope and b is
y – intercept

This form is used to determine the equation of a line given its slope and y –

Example: Find the equation of line having a slope of 2 and y – intercept of 3

Solution: Using the slope intercept form, the equation of line is y = 2x + 3.

 Point – Slope Form: y – y1 = m (x – x1)

Where m is the slope, x1 and y1 is the x and y coordinates of a point. This
form is used to determine the equation of line given its slope and a point
on the line.

Example: Find the equation of line passing through (1, 2) and having a slope of 3.
Solution: From the given, x1 = 1, y2 = 2 and m = 3, using the point – slope form, the
equation of the line is:
y – y1 = m (x – x1 ) y – 2 = 3 (x – 1)
y – 2 = 3x – 3
y = 3x – 3 + 2
y = 3x - 1

( )
y 2− y
 Two – Point Form : y – y1 =
x 2−x
( x−x 1 )

where (x1, y1) and (x2, y2) are coordinates of the two points on the line.
This form is used to determine the equation of line given two points.

Example: Find the equation of line passing through ( 2, -1) and ( 1, 3).
Solution: Using the two point form where x1 = 2, y1 = -1 , and y2 = 3, the equation
of the line is:

y – y1 = ( x 2−x 1)
y 2− y 1
(x – x1) y – (-1) = ( 3−(−1)
1−2 )
(x – 2)

y+1= ( −14 ) (x – 2)

y + 1 = - 4 ( x – 2)
y + 1 = -4x + 8
y = -4x + 7

x y
 Intercept Form: + =1
a b
Where a is the x – intercept and b is the y – intercept. This form is used to
determine the equation of the line given its intercepts.

Example: Find the equation of line whose x – intercept is 5 and y - intercept is -3.
Solution: Using the intercept form where a = 5 and b = -3, then the equation of the
line is:

x y
+ =1
a b

x y
+ =1
5 −3

x y
(15) +
5 −3
=1 (15)
3x – 5y = 15

 Graph of Lines
1. When graphing slanted lines, we either plot any two points belonging to that line or
use its slope and a point on the line.
2. When a line is inclined to the left, its slope is negative while if it is inclined to the
right, its slope is positive. The equation of these lines can be written in form 1 – 6.
(described by the graph A and B).
3. The graph of y = b is a horizontal line through the point (0,b). The slope of a
horizontal line is 0. (described by graph C)
4. The graph of x = a is vertical line through the point (a, 0). The slope of the line is
undefined. (described by graph D)

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