Khutbah Kampus
Khutbah Kampus
Khutbah Kampus
ِّصحْ بِ ِه َوتَابِ ِع ْي ِه َعلَى َمرَ َو َعلَى ٰالِ ِه َو، َصاَل ةُ َوال َّساَل ُم َعلَى ُم َح َّم ٍد َسيِّ ِد َولَ ِد َع ْدنَان َّ َوال،َّان ِ ك ال َّدي ِ ِالح ْم ُد ِ ْال َمل َ
َوَأ ْشهَ ُد َأ َّن، َوَأ ْشهَ ُد َأ ْن اَّل ِإ ٰلهَ ِإاَّل هللاُ َوحْ َدهُ اَل َش ِر ْيكَ لَهُ ْال ُمنَـ َّزهُ َع ِن ْال ِج ْس ِميَّ ِة َو ْال ِجهَ ِة َوال َّز َما ِن َو ْال َم َكا ِن،ان ِ ال َّز َم
ِص ْي ُك ْم َونَ ْف ِسي بِتَ ْق َوى هللا ِ ْ فَإنِّي ُأو، ِعبَا َد الرَّحْ مٰ ِن، َأ َّما بَ ْع ُد ََسيِّ َدنَا ُم َح َّمدًا َع ْب ُدهُ َو َرسُوْ لُهُ الَّ ِذيْ َكانَ ُخلُقُهُ ْالقُرْ آن
)٤٣ ـ:صبَ َر َو َغفَ َر اِ َّن ٰذلِكَ لَ ِم ْن ع َْز ِم ااْل ُ ُموْ ِر (الشورى َ ـ َولَ َم ْن: ْالقَاِئ ِل فِي ِكتَابِ ِه ْالقُرْ آ ِن،ان ِ َّال َمن
Ma’asyiral Muslimin rahimakumullah,
First of All, khatib reminds his self and all attending Muslim brothers to develop
and strengthen our taqwa to Allah. Taqwa is aware of Allah. To acquire taqwa,
we need to feel the presence of Allah in our privacy of public. By knowing that
we are watched by Allah, we will obey what he orders and leave whatever He
Hadirin rahimakumullah, in a Hasan hadith narrated by At Thabrani, Rasulullah
:ال َ َ َوا ْبتُلِ َي ف،َم ْن ُأ ْع ِط َي فَ َش َك َر
َ َ َما لَهُ؟ ق،ِ يَا َرسُوْ َل هللا: فَقَالُوْ ا، َ ثُ َّم َسكَت، َوظُلِ َم فَ َغفَ َر، َوظَلَ َم فَا ْستَ ْغفَ َر،صبَ َر
َ ُأولِئ
)ك لَهُ ُم اَأْل ْم ُن َوهُ ْم ُم ْهتَ ُدوْ نَ ( َر َواهُ الطَّبَ َرانِ ُّي
Meaning: "Whoever is given something by others and then grateful, tested and
then patient, doing something wrong then apologized and others do wrong to him
then forgive," then the Prophet was silent. The companions asked: O Messenger
of Allah, what is wrong with him (what did he get)? The Prophet replied: "They
are the ones who get security (from the torment of the grave and the hereafter)
and get guidance" (HR ath Thabrani).
Ma'asyiral Muslimin rahimakumullah, In the above hadith, the Prophet
sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam explained the virtues of a Muslim who has the
following four characteristics: First, being grateful when receiving blessings.
There are two kinds of gratitude: obligatory gratitude and sunnah gratitude.
Compulsory gratitude is not using the various favors that Allah has bestowed
upon Him in doing disobedience to Him. Instead, take advantage of the favors as
a means of obeying Allah. Among the blessings that many people often neglect
are the benefits of health and free time.
The Prophet Muhammad said that:
ِ غ ( َر َواهُ ْالبُ َخ
: ) ُّاري ُ اس الصِّ َّحةُ َو ْالفَ َرا
ِ ََّان َم ْغبُوْ ٌن فِ ْي ِه َما َكثِ ْي ٌر ِمنَ الن
ِ نِ ْع َمت
Two pleasures that most humans are fooled by, namely health and leisure time”
(HR al-Bukhari).
Al-Hafizh Ibn Hajar al-'Asqalani in Fathul Bari explains the above hadith by
saying, whoever uses his free time and health in obeying Allah, then he is
maghbuuth (others should want like him without envy), and Whoever uses both
of them in disobeying Allah, then he is maghbuun (deceived). If a person does
not fill his spare time with useful things, then bad things will occupy him.
Imam Shafi'i advises us:
ِ َق َش َغلَ ْتكَ بِ ْالب
اط ِل ِّ ك بِ ْال َح
َ ِإ َذا لَ ْم تَ ْشغَلْ نَ ْف َس
“If you do not occupy yourself with truth, it will occupy you with falsehood.”
Therefore, let us keep ourselves busy with things that are beneficial to us, namely
good deeds such as learning, helping others and teaching it as well as performing
various worship and other observances.
While the sunnah gratitude is to say al-Hamdulillah or by doing the prostration of
gratitude. Prostration of gratitude is sunnah when a person gets certain favors,
avoids a calamity or when he sees someone else being afflicted with a calamity
while he is not afflicted.
Ma’asyiral Muslimin Rahimakumullah
Second, being patient when tested. Patience in the face of trials and calamity is
one of the three types of patience. The other two types of patience are patience in
carrying out obligations and patience in leaving forbidden things. Patience in
facing trials and calamity means that the calamity does not cause someone to
disobey Allah ta'ala.
When a Muslim has done good and then gets a calamity, then the calamity is a
test that elevates his status in the hereafter. Whereas a Muslim who commits a lot
of immorality and then a disaster structs him, then the calamity is a hastened
torment in this world that aborts or ease his torment in the hereafter. In both
cases, calamity is good for a Muslim as long as he is patience and ridha.
Ma’asyiral Muslimin rahimakumullah,
Third, apologize when doing wrong to other and fourth, forgive when others do
him wrong. Doing wrong to others is like insulting them without rights, talking
about his ugliness, slandering him, taking his property without rights and so on.
Rasulullah shallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam said:
ث َم ْن ُك َّن ِف ْي ِه َحا َسبَهُ هللاُ ِح َسابًا يَ ِس ْيرًا َوَأ ْد َخلَهُ ْال َجنَّةَ بِ َرحْ َمتِ ِه قَالُوْ ا لِـ َم ْن يَا َرسُوْ َل هللاِ؟ قَا َل تُ ْع ِط ْي َم ْنٌ ثَاَل
(ر َواهُ الطَّبـ َ َرانِ ُّي)ـَ ك َ َص ُل َم ْن قَطَ َع ِ ك َوت َ ك َوتَ ْعفُوْ َع َّم ْن ظَلَ َم َ َح َر َم
Meaning: "Three things if a person has them, then he will be accounted for by
Allah with a light reckoning and entered into heaven or jannah with His mercy."
The companions asked: For whom is it, O Messenger of Allah? The Prophet said:
"You give to those who never gave you, forgive those who wronged you and
maintain friendship with relatives who cut ties to you." (HR at Thabarani)
Rasulullah shallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam also said:
ض ِه َأوْ ِم ْن َش ْي ٍء فَ ْليَت ََحلَّ ْلهُ ِم ْنهُ ْاليَوْ َم قَ ْب َل َأ ْن اَل يَ ُكوْ نَ ِد ْينَا ٌر َواَل ِدرْ هَ ٌم ِإ ْن
ِ ْظلِ َمةٌ َأِل ِخ ْي ِه ِم ْن ِعر ْ َت لَهُ َم
ْ َم ْن َكان
َ صا ِحبِ ِه فَ ُح ِم َل َعلَ ْي ِه
ُ(ر َواه َ ت ِ َات ُأ ِخ َذ ِم ْن َسيَِّئاٌ ظلِ َمتِ ِه َوِإ ْن لَ ْم تَ ُك ْن لَهُ َح َسن ْ صالِ ٌح ُأ ِخ َذ ِم ْنهُ بِقَ ْد ِر َم
َ َكانَ لَهُ َع َم ٌل
ِ َ ْالبُخ
) ُّاري
Meaning: "Whoever has wronged his brother, whether it is related to his own
honor or something else, then let him ask for forgiveness from his brother in this
world before the hereafter comes. If he has good deeds then the good deeds are
taken from him according to the degree of the injustice, and if he does not have
good deed then the bad deeds of the brother he wronged is taken and burdened to
him "(HR al-Bukhari)
Ma’asyiral Muslimin rahimakumullah,
khutbah Jumat ini menjabarkan empat sifat utama yang dijelaskan dalam sebuah
sabda Rasulullah,
Barang siapa yang diberi lalu bersyukur, diuji lalu bersabar, menzalimi lalu
meminta maaf dan dizalimi lalu memaafkan,” kemudian Nabi terdiam. Para
sahabat bertanya: Wahai Rasulullah, ada apa dengannya (apa yang ia peroleh)?,
Nabi menjawab: “Mereka adalah orang-orang yang memperoleh keamanan (dari
siksa kubur dan akhirat) dan mendapatkan petunjuk” (HR ath Thabarani).
Bersyukur terbagi menjadi dua, syukur wajib adalah dengan menggunakan
kenikmatan yang kita dapatkan utk hal-hal positif. Seperti menggunakan harta,
jabatan, kekuatan, waktu, fasilitas yang kita miliki utk hal-hal positif. Sedangkan
syukur sunnah adalah bentuk formal yaitu dengan mengucap alhamdulillah dan
sujud syukur.
Sabar ada tiga, yaitu sabar menghadapi cobaan, sabar melaksanakan kewajiban
dan sabar menahan diri dari nafsu dan kejahatan.
Ketiga dan keempat yakni meminta maaf, dan memaafkan. Semuanya Terkesan
mudah diucapkan, tetapi sungguh berat untuk dilakukan dan diistiqamahkan.
Demikian khutbah singkat pada siang hari yang penuh keberkahan ini. Semoga
ada manfaatnya dan bisa kita aplikasikan dalam kehidupan sehari2
ٍ ِإ َّن اِإْل ْن َسانَ لَفِي ُخس، َو ْال َعصْ ِر، بِس ِْم هللاِ الرَّحْ مٰ ِن ال َّر ِحي ِْم،َّجي ِْم
ِإاَّل الَّ ِذينَ آ َمنُوا،ْر ِ أ ُعوْ ُذ بِاهللِ ِمنَ الشيطن الر
صب ِْر َ ق َوتَ َو
َّ اصوْ اـ بِال ِّ اصوْ ا بِ ْال َح ِ َو َع ِملُوا الصَّالِ َحا
َ ت َوتَ َو
ت َوال ِّذ ْك ِر ْال َح ِكي ِْمِ .إنَّهُ هُ َو ْالبَرُّ التَّوَّابُ اركَ هللاُ لِ ْي َولَ ُك ْم فِي ْالقُرْ ِ
آن ال َع ِظي ِْمَ ،و َج َعلَنِي َوِإيَّا ُك ْم بِما َ فِ ْي ِه ِمنَ اآليَا ِ بَ َ
الرَُّؤ وْ ُ
ف ال َّر ِحي ِْم.
َوقُلْ َربِّ ا ْغفِرْ َوارْ َح ْم َوَأ ْنتَ َأرْ َح ُم الر ِ
َّاح ِم ْينَ
صلِّ ْي َوُأ َسلِّ ُم َعلَى َسيِّ ِدنَا ُم َح َّم ٍد ْال ُمصْ طَفَىَ ،و َعلَى آلِ ِه َوَأصْ َحابِ ِه َأ ْه ِل ْال َوفَاَ .أ ْشهَ ُد َأ ْن اَّل اَ ْل َح ْم ُد هللِ َو َكفَىَ ،وُأ َ
ص ْي ُك ْم ك لَهَُ ،وَأ ْشهَ ُد َأ َّن َسيِّ َدنَا ُم َح َّمدًا َع ْب ُدهُ َو َرسُوْ لُهَُ أ َّما بَ ْع ُد ،فَيَا َأيُّهَا ْال ُم ْسلِ ُموْ نَ ُ ،أوْ ِ ِإلهَ ِإاَّل هللاُ َوحْ َدهُ اَل َش ِر ْي َ
صاَل ِة َوال َّساَل ِم َعلَى نَبِيِّ ِه ْال َك ِري ِْم َونَ ْف ِس ْي بِتَ ْق َوى هللاِ ْال َعلِ ِّي ْال َع ِظي ِْم َوا ْعلَ ُموْ ا َأ َّن هللاَ َأ َم َر ُك ْم بَِأ ْم ٍر َع ِظي ٍْمَ ،أ َم َر ُك ْم بِال َّ
ص ِّل َعلَى صلُّوا َعلَ ْي ِه َو َسلِّ ُموا تَ ْسلِي ًما ،اَللّهُ َّم َ ُصلُّونَ َعلَى النَّبِ ِّي ،يَا َأيُّهَا الَّ ِذينَ آ َمنُوا َ فَقَا َلِ :إ َّن هللاَ َو َماَل ِئ َكتَهُ ي َ
ار ْك َعلَى َسيِّ ِدنَا صلَّيْتَ َعلَى َسيِّ ِدنَا ِإب َْرا ِه ْي َم َو َعلَى آ ِل َسيِّ ِدنَا ِإ ْب َرا ِه ْي َم َوبَ ِ َسيِّ ِدنَا ُم َح َّم ٍد َو َعلَى آ ِل َسيِّ ِدنَا ُم َح َّم ٍد َك َما َ
ار ْكتَ َعلَى َسيِّ ِدنَا ِإ ْب َرا ِه ْي َم َو َعلَى آ ِل َسيِّ ِدنَا ِإ ْب َرا ِه ْي َم ،فِ ْي ْال َعالَ ِم ْينَ ِإنَّكَ َح ِم ْي ٌد آل َسيِّ ِدنَا ُم َح َّم ٍد َك َما بَ َ ُم َح َّم ٍد َو َعلَى ِ
ت ،اللهم ا ْدفَ ْع َعنَّا ْالبَاَل َء ٰ
ت اَأْلحْ يَا ِء ِم ْنهُ ْم َواَأْل ْم َوا ِ وال ُمْؤ ِمنِي َـْن َو ْال ُمْؤ ِمنَا ِت ْ َم ِج ْي ٌد .اَللّهُ َّم ا ْغفِرْ لِ ْل ُم ْسلِ ِم ْينَ َو ْال ُم ْسلِ َما ِ
َو ْالغَاَل َء َو ْال َوبَا َء َو ْالفَحْ َشا َء َو ْال ُم ْن َك َر َو ْالبَ ْغ َي َوال ُّسيُوْ فَ ْال ُم ْختَلِفَةَ َوال َّشدَاِئ َد َو ْال ِم َحنَ َ ،ما ظَهَ َر ِم ْنهَا َو َما بَطَنَ ِ ،م ْن
َان ْال ُم ْسلِ ِم ْينَ عَا َّمةًِ ،إنَّكَ َعلَى ُك ِّل َش ْي ٍء قَ ِد ْيرٌ .ربنا أتنا في الدنيا حسنة وفي االخرة صةً َو ِم ْن ب ُْلد ِ بَلَ ِدنَا هَ َذا َخا َّ
حسنة وقنا عذاب النار
ان َوِإ ْيتَا ِء ِذي ْالقُرْ بَى ويَ ْنهَى ع َِن الفَحْ َشا ِء َو ْال ُم ْن َك ِر َوالبَ ْغ ِي ،يَ ِعظُ ُك ْم إن هللاَ يَْأ ُم ُر بِ ْال َع ْد ِل َواإْل حْ َس ِ
ِ عبَا َد هللاَِّ ،
لَ َعلَّ ُك ْم تَ َذ َّكرُوْ نَ .فَاذ ُكرُوا هللاَ ْال َع ِظ ْي َم يَ ْذ ُكرْ ُك ْم َولَ ِذ ْك ُر هللاِ َأ ْكبَرُ .