Principles of Split Mass Flow and Heat Shifting Psychrometrics Toward Efficient Comfort Management

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Principles of Split Mass Flow and

Heat Shifting Psychrometrics toward

Efficient Comfort Management
Peter Phillips

When designing energy efficient buildings much attention is devoted to reducing building fabric, internal sensible heat loads and ventilation heat loads.
Latent heat loads from people and ventilation are beginning to dominate our thinking toward satisfying our concepts of occupant comfort and mold control
building wellness.
The paper discusses the merits of split mass flow psychrometrics (SMFP) and cold cooling heat exchangers to disconnect the sensible and latent cooling
processes. In association with SMFP, heat shifting within either air mass stream can provide further disconnection of the cold cooling process from the
saturation curve to enhance occupant comfort management and control of the potential for mold growth within ducting systems.


Air conditioning system design has followed several generational conceptualization trends. Each challenge is
assessed and with varying successes solved toward providing superior outcomes. Energy efficiency perhaps is the
greatest challenge presented to modern designers. This drive toward greater efficiency has several subsets of
complexity to resolve. Designing a better building could seek to reduce sensible heat loads. Improving façade
efficiencies, reducing internal equipment loads and reducing pressurization and occupancy ventilation, all work toward
minimizing sensible heat loads (refer ASHRAE 2017, page 36.12). Certainly there will consequentially be a reduction
in latent loads from reduced façade leakage and lower outdoor ventilation rates. But what is the implication of these
efficiencies upon psychrometric processes? One could image the perfect building envelope and no internal heat loads,
with the only load presented to heat exchangers emitted by occupants. What would our system design endeavor to
solve, perhaps only the comfort solution for the occupant? Of course this narrowing of heat flow analysis within
buildings at this stage is potentially naïve, however working toward a net zero energy building will have
contemplations and complexities beyond our current thinking.
This paper will discuss principally opportunities to disconnect our psychrometric processes from the saturation
curve and energy efficiency justifications to afford enhancements of the concepts presented.


If we consider our standard person, ASHRAE 2017, page 18.4, Table 1 suggests an office worker would require a
heat exchanger to deliver a sensible heat ratio of 0.58. Further, if we consider comfort could be achieved for the
occupant with a space condition of 24oC (75.2oF), 55%RH, inside the comfort zone indicated by ASHRAE 2017, page
9.12, Figure 5, will a simple cold cooling heat exchanger provide an appropriate supply air condition to offset the heat

Peter Phillips is the Principal Consultant of PCES Consulting, a private practice HVAC engineering consultancy based in Australia.
ASHRAE 2017, page 9.12, Figure 5, Summer and Winter Comfort Zones

All too often as designers we conceptualize heat exchanger performance akin to ASHRAE 2017, page 1.13,
Figure 5, a process line projected to intersect the saturation curve. However a SHR of 0.58 does not intersect the
saturation curve for the stated comfort condition. Our attention would then be drawn to ASHRAE 2016 page 25.2,
Figure 2 suggesting adding sensible heating to achieve a dew point driven comfort solution.

ASHRAE 2017, page 1.13, Figure 5 ASHRAE 2016, page 25.2, Figure 2

The addition of wrap around coils indicated ASHRAE 2016, page 25.10, Figure 16 and 17 suggests how a
psychrometric process incorporating three heat exchangers can with no (minimal) additional energy (by means of heat
shifting), separate the leaving air condition away from the saturation curve. This suggests that air conditioning
designers may not be tied to the saturation curve to deliver cold cooling comfort management.

ASHRAE 2016, page 25.10, Figure 16 ASHRAE 2016, page 25.10, Figure 17
If we consider now the ventilation requirement for our occupant, the use of dedicated outdoor air systems to
pre-treat the ventilation air supply as indicated through ASHRAE 2016, page 4.14, Figure 14, suggests an opportunity
to manage separately air mass flows. Although Figure 14 suggests a series configuration psychrometric process,
parallel split mass flow processes are also valid.

ASHRAE 2016, page 4.14, Figure 14

Figure 1 indicates a variant on the ASHRAE Figure 14 schematic. The outdoor air stream and the return air
stream are separately psychrometrically treated prior to mixing within the supply air fan suction chamber (heat shifting
coils are indicated). This configuration maintains psychrometric independence and reduces load on the primary
outdoor air make up fan indicated.

Figure 1, Figure 14 modified to a parallel split mass flow psychrometric solution incorporating heat shifting

If we then consider that there is an opportunity to separately process the ventilation air mass flow from the
recirculating air mass flow through split mass flow psychrometrics (SMFP), we can as indicated by ASHRAE 2017,
page 36.12, use outdoor air heat exchangers to deliver moisture content related comfort, and the recirculating air heat
exchangers to deliver dry bulb temperature related comfort.
If we consider an outdoor ventilation rate of 7.5 L/s (15.3 cfm) per person and an office worker emitting 55
Watts (188 BTU/hr) of latent load, depressing the outdoor air leaving air condition by 2.5g/kg (17.5 g/lb) below the
desired room moisture content would achieve a comfort balance. This would require lowering the cold heat
exchanger leaving dew point by approximately 5oC (9oF). Alternatively it may be more energy efficient to increase the
dehumidification mass flow. This can be achieved through the introduction of recirculating airflow into the outdoor
air stream. Increasing the dehumidification mass flow to 12.5 L/s (26.5 cfm) can reduce the leaving dew point
differential from 5oC to 3oC (9oF to 5.5oF).

If we then consider the other moisture management issue within our air conditioning system environment, mold.
ASHRAE 2017, page 25.16 states, ‘mold in buildings is of concern to occupants’, and further suggests, ‘mold growth
can be usually avoided by surface relative humidity over 80% for only a short period time periods’. Then if we can
separate duct humidity away from the saturation curve through use of heat shifting, perhaps mold can be substantially
reduced from systems without the use of additional energy resources.

If we consider a simple psychrometric plot of the split mass flow and heat shifting (wrap around coil) processes
as depicted in Figure 1, the psychrometrics of each airstream and the end points will follow Figure 2. Figure 2 depicts
Heat exchanger A pre-cooling the dehumidification air stream, this should generally be the ventilation requirement
outdoor air flow. Heat exchanger B then depresses moisture content from the dehumidification air stream to a level
that satisfies occupant comfort. Heat exchanger C recovers sensible cooling associated with the dehumidification
process, the extent to which this process shifts energy will be dependent on either the duct relative humidity set point
or the occupied space dry bulb set point. Heat exchanger D sensibly cools the recirculating air stream, its leaving air
condition can be limited by either the duct relative humidity set point or the occupied space dry bulb set point.

Figure 2, General psychrometric representation of split mass flow and heat shifting processes

Of course variants on the depicted psychrometric processes indicated will depend on whether recirculating air
flow is introduced to the outdoor air flow and whether heat shifting is required within the return air process as part of
the mold management requirements.


If we expand our thinking back toward real building scenarios, we understand that other heat load influencers are
very real. Increased sensible heat loads will change the conditioned space supply airflow rates of delivery and fabric
related latent heat loads will depress leaving heat exchanger dew point requirements. Managing acceptability criteria
within the schematic design process may lead us to adjusting airflow rates of delivery and psychrometric split mass
flows to suit load extremes. If we consider a simple psychrometric plot (Figure 3) of the region of ‘outdoor air’ heat
exchanger leaving air conditions (G) to satisfy variable latent cooling scenarios. Leaving border (a) satisfies the
maximum duct relative humidity set point (A). Leaving border (b) satisfies the room condition dew point (comfort)
set point (B). Leaving border (c) delivers dehumidification capacity (C) to the conditioned space based on conditioned
space latent load. Leaving border (d) delivers sensible cooling capacity (D) to the conditioned space based on
conditioned space sensible load and the conditioned space below dry bulb temperature control range (E). The
leaving air condition (F) therefore satisfies the conditioned space latent control comfort set point, in part the
conditioned space sensible control comfort set point and the outdoor air duct mold management set point. The heat
exchanger line (H) is a generalization of the cold cooling, heat shifting psychrometric process.
Figure 3, Dehumidification leaving air condition psychrometric representation

If we consider a simple psychrometric plot (Figure 4) of the ‘recirculating air’ heat exchanger leaving air
conditions (G). Leaving border (a) satisfies the maximum duct relative humidity set point (A). Leaving border (b) is a
consequence of the dehumidification strategy which satisfies the room condition dew point (comfort) set point (B).
Leaving border (d) delivers sensible cooling capacity (D) and potentially dehumidification capacity (C) to the
conditioned space based on conditioned space sensible load (the extent to which latent cooling being provided will be
determined by mass flow proportioning and cold cooling medium entering temperature). The leaving air condition
(F) therefore satisfies the conditioned space dry bulb control comfort set point, in part the conditioned space latent
control comfort set point and the supply air duct mold management set point. The heat exchanger line (H) is a
generalization of the cold cooling, heat shifting psychrometric process.

Figure 4, Sensible cooling leaving air condition psychrometric representation

We can then consider that the supply air condition based on variable cooling load scenarios would be a mass
flow mix of the two heat exchange processes depicted in Figure 5. The mixed air, supply air condition (M) satisfies
variable load scenarios with a greater degree of independence relative to the saturation curve. The room sensible heat
load (D) and room latent heat load (C) are offset with the supply air condition (M) ostensibly without a requirement
for sensible re-heating.
Figure 5, Parallel split mass flow mixing psychrometric representation

Although total independence cannot be created with this method, any requirement for re-heat within the process
should be significantly reduced. Peak load and part load performance of heat exchangers utilizing SMFP and heat
shifting can create separation from the saturation curve to achieve low non intersecting sensible heat ratios to satisfy
comfort solutions for occupants.


Where an existing air handling plant is not satisfying occupant comfort objectives, adding a heat exchanger to the
outdoor air stream and introducing a SMFP strategy managing thermal capacity delivery to offset moisture stress,
should improve comfort management at peak and part load. A parallel arrangement mixing the split air stream post
treatment should not result in additional fan power. Selecting the outdoor air heat exchanger and its filtration
arrangement with the same or less pressure drop than the existing arrangement should be accommodated by the
existing motive arrangement. Typically the return air heat exchanger will required fewer rows within its configuration
than the outdoor air heat exchanger. Lowering air flow face velocity for the outdoor air heat exchanger will overcome
the air resistance disparity and the potential for moisture carry over.
Adding equipment into available space will always be a challenge for the retrofit designer. Introducing only the
outdoor air dehumidification heat exchanger and not the heat shifting mold control strategy may be the solution for
the system being evaluated. Adjustment of the desired moisture content set point controlling the dehumidification
strategy may be introduced to manage supply air duct relative humidity.

Figure 6, Shifting the moisture content set point to manage duct relative humidity
Figure 6 indicates the room condition moisture content controlling set point shifting from A to A’. This will
result in the dehumidification heat exchanger leaving air condition to shift from B to B’, the recirculating air steam
heat exchanger will then consequentially reduce its capacity with a resulting process curve moving from A to C to A’
to C’, thereby effectively drying the required supply air duct condition away from the required relative humidity set


Whether the long term consensus of the impact of climate change is real or inconclusive, changing expectations
upon system performance in many instances is exposing marginal system designs and plant performance. Additional
thermal capacity and enhanced psychrometric management can be achieved through the addition of heat exchangers
configured to a SMFP solution.

Air handling heat exchanger performance ratings and airflow resistances are discussed on page 23.6, ASHRAE
2016. Several precautionary statements are offered including designing to maximum limits. These precautionary
statements provide sound engineering advice potentially at the expense of reduced recurrent energy consumption.
Although it is acknowledged that the creation of plantroom space does impose a capital cost impost on new build
projects, reducing space to engineering limits does have the potential to increase recurrent energy costs.
If we consider a conventional six row single cold cooling heat exchanger providing an air off condition to
accommodate a room sensible heat ratio of 0.8, with a face velocity of 2.5m/s (492 f/m), if face velocity is reduced to
1.5m/s (295 fpm), pressure drop should reduce notionally to 36% of the initially proposed pressure drop allowance.
This suggests that the six row could be expanded to 16 rows. Lowering the face velocity to 1.0m/s (197 f/m) would
suggest that 37 rows could be afforded. Notional selections suggest a 20 row heat shifting series heat exchanger
operating at 1.25m/s (246 f/m) provides an effective psychrometric performance selection with a reduction in fan
power of approximately 15%. An assessment of opposing acceptability criteria should be undertaken. On one hand
we have a six row heat exchanger squeezed into a plant space delivering a marginally acceptable comfort solution and
an industry metric energy consumption. On the other hand with SMFP’s we have a deeper heat exchanger
configuration accommodated in a larger plant space performing a superior comfort solution potentially consuming
less fan power.
Cold cooling heat exchangers have conventionally been designed with an approach temperature differential
(entering cooling medium to leaving air temperature) of approximately 5 to 7oC (9 to 12.6oF). Increasing available
heat exchange surface area has the potential to reduce the approach temperature differential. This should permit
elevation of compressor saturated suction temperatures permitting a reduction in energy consumed by the vapor
compression cycle (refer ASHRAE 2016, page 43.9, and ASHRAE 2015, page 42.12). Actively managing elevated
chilled water temperature to improve coolth generation energy efficiency will require additional chilled water and/or
airside mass flow rates to satisfy load/capacity equilibrium (refer ASHRAE 2015, page 42.14). Understanding the
relationships of compressor power, pumping power and fan power within a multi-dimensional energy consumption
model requires skilled assessment (refer ASHRAE 2015, Section 42).
Figures 7 and 8 are a representation of HVAC plant energy efficiency depicted psychrometrically for a generic
building located in Dubai. Figure 7 assumes a conventionally designed cooling process incorporating industry practice
part load energy efficiency management. Figure 8 assumes the design enhanced with split mass flow psychrometrics
with low approach temperature heat exchanger selections supported by load feedback management of the chilled
water plant. A 38% improvement in energy efficiency is possible, occupant comfort management should be improved
and mold development within ducting systems should be reduced.
Figure 7, Generic system design, plant efficiency Figure 8, Split mass flow system design, plant efficiency

It is recognized that assertions of energy efficiency gain potential should commence with baseline concepts
followed by sustainability enhancements to balance economic, environmental and societal values. Each technical
opportunity should be tested beyond merely capital cost affordability.


It is acknowledged that the upper limit moisture content management of the occupant comfort equation had
little audience within the post 1970’s energy crisis HVAC world. However our collective drive toward reducing
energy consumption through the creation of superior energy utilization strategies resulting from the global warming
debate, has heightened a desire to effectively understand the occupant comfort equation (refer ASHRAE 2017,
Section 9). Reducing sensible loads have created an increased reliance upon effective latent cooling strategies to drive
the comfort solution. Development of the ASHRAE Summer Winter Comfort Zones depicted in ASHRAE 2017,
page 9.12, Figure 5, suggests a maximum conditioned space dew point of less than 17oC (62.6 oF). Thermal zoning
now should not merely consider effective sensible load profile management, latent load zoning should also be
The application of parallel split mass flow and sensible heat shifting psychrometrics has the potential to provide
effective sensible heat ratios whereby separation of leaving air conditions away from the saturation curve makes
possible energy efficient occupant comfort management whilst minimizing the potential for mold growth within
ducting systems. Effective control of the multiple heat exchangers employed maintains the occupant comfort
equation through the range of part to full load scenarios. Effective selection of heat exchangers can manage fan
power requirements within general acceptance criteria and the application of energy efficiency part load strategies
within the chiller plant can enhance the HVAC system efficiency.
Split mass flow psychrometrics incorporating heat shifting can enhance; societal acceptance of our modern
enclosed built environments through improved comfort management and mold minimization, economic acceptance
through reduced recurrent expenditure, and environmental acceptance through the application of energy reduction
strategies associated with its application.

ASHRAE. 2015. ASHRAE Handbook—HVAC Applications. Atlanta: ASHRAE.
ASHRAE. 2016. ASHRAE Handbook—HVAC Systems and Equipment. Atlanta: ASHRAE.
ASHRAE. 2017. ASHRAE Handbook—Fundamentals. Atlanta: ASHRAE.

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