Optimal Trajectories For A Liquid Piston Compressor Expander in A Compressed Air Energy Storage System

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2012 American Control Conference

Fairmont Queen Elizabeth, Montréal, Canada

June 27-June 29, 2012

Optimal Trajectories for a Liquid Piston Compressor/Expander in a

Compressed Air Energy Storage System with Consideration of Heat
Transfer and Friction
Mohsen Saadat, Perry Y. Li and Terry W. Simon1

Abstract— For a Compressed Air Energy Storage (CAES) power for a given efficiency, or optimize efficiency for a
approach to be viable, the air compressor/expander must be given power) have been shown to increase the power of the
sufficiently powerful and efficient. Since efficiency is governed compressor/expander by 200-500% at the same efficiency,
by heat transfer, there is a generally a tradeoff between over ad-hoc trajectories such as linear and sinusoidal
efficiency and compression/expansion time (or power). In this trajectories. In [5, 6], the optimal trajectories were derived
paper, we determine Pareto optimal compression/expansion analytically based on simple heat transfer models and by
profiles for a liquid piston air compressor/expander that considering thermodynamic losses alone. In [5], the product
maximizes efficiency (power) for a given power (efficiency). of the heat transfer coefficient (h [W/m2/K]) and heat
Compared to previous works, a numerical optimization
transfer surface area (A [m2]) – (“hA” [W/K] in short) is
approach is proposed that allows for more general heat
assumed to be a constant; and in [6], “hA” is allowed to vary
transfer model, the consideration of the viscous friction, and
system limitations in the optimization. The resulting optimal with air volume to take into account the decrease in surface
profiles are compared to other trajectories. At compression area (A) as the porous materials is submerged in the liquid
ratio of 10, the optimal profile results in 10%-40% increase in piston. In both cases, the optimal trajectories consist of fast
power density relative to other methods. Optimal geometries adiabatic portions at the beginning and at the end. For the
that trades off friction and heat transfer improvement can also constant “hA” case [5], the middle portion is isothermal
be determined using this method. whereas for the volume dependent “hA(V)” case [6], the
temperature difference from the ambient is inversely
I. INTRODUCTION proportional to .

novel Compressed Air Energy Storage (CAES)
system for offshore wind turbine has been proposed
in [1, 2] (Fig. 1). It uses the open accumulator
architecture [3] to combine the power density advantage of
hydraulics and the energy density advantage of pneumatics.
High pressure (~20-30MPa) compressed air is stored in a
dual chamber storage vessel with both liquid and
compressed air. Since the air compressor/expander is
responsible for the majority of the storage energy
conversion, it is critical that it is efficient and sufficiently
powerful. This is challenging because
compressing/expanding air 200-300 times heats/cools the air
greatly, resulting in poor efficiency, unless the process is
sufficiently slow which reduces power [3]. There is therefore
Figure 1. Novel Compressed Air Energy Storage (CAES) System for
a trade-off between efficiency and power. Most attempts to
Offshore Wind Turbine
improve the efficiency or power of the air
compressor/expander aim at improving the heat transfer Although the heat transfer models above are reasonable
between the air and its environment. In our approach, a simplification for some cases, they do not apply to more
liquid piston compression/expansion chamber with porous general situations such as when the heat transfer coefficient
material inserts is used. The porous material greatly varies with liquid piston velocity or temperature. Moreover,
increases the heat transfer area and the liquid piston prevents in-efficiencies due to liquid piston’s viscous friction were
air leakage [4]. In addition, the compression/expansion not considered in these previous works. Friction loss can be
trajectory can be optimized and controlled to increase the significant since optimal trajectories in [5, 6] have portions
efficiency for a given power or to increase power for a given with very high flow rates which must flow through the
efficiency. This paper focuses on this latter aspect. narrow flow channels in the porous materials (Figs. 2 and 3).
In previous works [5, 6], Pareto optimal trajectories that Furthermore, the physical hardware limitations in flow and
optimally trade off efficiency and power (i.e. optimize power are not considered.
In this paper, we propose a general numerical approach
The authors are with the Department of Mechanical Engineering, in which the input function is finitely parameterized and the
University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN55455; e-mails: parameters are directly optimized to determine the Pareto
{saad0021,perry-li}@umn.edu, [email protected]

978-1-4577-1096-4/12/$26.00 ©2012 AACC 1800

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optimal trajectories for the liquid piston air Work input consists in the pressure work ( ) in the air
compressor/expander. This allows us to consider a general and the work to overcome viscous friction in the liquid
class of heat transfer models, and the effect of liquid friction, piston. Since air’s P-V diagram depends on the air
and physical constraints of the system. temperature, a heat transfer model between the air and its
The system models and compressor/expander profile surrounding is needed. To determine friction, a viscous
optimization problem is formulated in section 2. The direct friction model between the liquid piston column and the
parameter optimization approach is introduced in section 3. solid tube’s wall is also needed.
Optimization results are shown in section 4. Section 5 A. Heat Transfer Models
contains some concluding remarks.
It is assumed that the cylinder wall, cap and the liquid
II. PROBLEM FORMULATION are at the ambient temperature . Air inside the tube is
assumed to have uniform properties and obeys the ideal gas
We consider a liquid piston compression/expansion law. Newton’s law of cooling is assumed. Applying the first
chamber consisting of many similar small capped tubes of law of thermodynamics, we have:
length L and inner diameter d (Fig. 2). A liquid column is
used to compress or extract energy from the air above it. (1)
Compression occurs when the liquid piston advances;
expansion occurs when liquid piston retreats. By symmetry where T, V and m are temperature, volume and mass of the
we need only consider one such tube. air; h(t) and are the heat transfer coefficient and heat
For compression, it is desired to compress a certain transfer area between the air and its surrounding; and γ
amount of air from ambient pressure ( ) and temperature are the heat capacity of air at constant volume and the heat
( ) to the final pressure r in a given final compression capacity ratio of air. Let X(t) be the length of the liquid
time . There are many different compression profiles to piston. The active heat transfer area between the air and the
cylinder wall, liquid piston surface and the cap decreases as
achieve this goal, (such as constant speed or sinusoidal). Our the liquid piston is advanced, hence:
goal is to determine the Pareto optimal profile which
minimizes the required work input for the same compression (2)
time , or one which minimizes the compression time for
the same work input. Minimizing work input or minimizing 1) Fully developed laminar pipe flow model
time are equivalent to maximizing efficiency or maximizing For a narrow cylinder (L/d >> 1), if the interior flow is
power. Similar objective can be defined for expansion in laminar and fully developed flow, and the heat transfer is
which work output is to be maximized. uniform, the Nusselt number is a constant given by Nu ~
3.66. It does not vary with Reynolds number and Prandtl
number or the axial location [7]. Since the thermal
conductivity of air (k) is roughly a constant over the range of
temperature being considered, a constant
is assumed. As a result, the heat transfer
coefficient for small cylinders is:
Because h is a constant, the Pareto optimal compression/
expansion profile can be solved with the method in [6] if
friction is not considered.
2) Fully developed boundary layer flow model
While the heat transfer coefficient in (3) is reasonable for
cylinders with large aspect ratio ( ), a different
model is needed for cylinders with smaller aspect ratios.
When the diameter d is sufficiently large relative to length L,
the surface of the cylinder behaves like a flat plate.
Accordingly, the heat transfer coefficient is obtained by
considering laminar flow over a flat plate. In this case, the
average Nusselt number is a function of the average
Reynolds number and the average Prandtl number:


Here, the average Reynolds number is based on the

Figure 2. Liquid Piston Compression/Expansion Chamber Schematic (upper average air velocity:
left), Test Sample (upper right) and a Single Tube (lower)


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where is the average air density, is the average where the integral term is the required work to compress the
dynamic viscosity; and Pr is the Prandtl number. Both air from to in the compression chamber while the
and Pr =0.7 can be considered constant for the range of second term is the required isobaric flow work associated
temperature of interest. As a result, from (4), the heat with cooling the air back to ambient which occurs in the
transfer coefficient becomes: storage vessel. Since the isobaric compression occurs in the
storage, the cycle time, , associated with compression is
(6) related to initial compression from to ) only.
Integrating (10) over time gives the overall viscous friction
loss during the compression process (Fig. 4):
This heat transfer model was utilized in [4] to evaluate the
feasibility of using an array of small liquid piston for The stored energy in the air after compressing to and
efficient compression. Because is a function cooling down to ambient temperature in the storage
of the liquid piston velocity, the solution methods in [5, 6] vessel is defined as the maximum work obtainable via an
cannot be applied to this heat transfer model. isothermal expansion as [3, 5]:

B. Viscous Friction (13)

According to the Darcy-Weisbach equation, the pressure
drop across the liquid piston column is (see Fig. 3):


where and are the liquid piston length and velocity, and
is the constant water density, and is the
friction factor which is a function of Reynolds number
and the relative roughness . The friction factor is given
by the Colebrook formula [8] and the Moody Chart:

Figure 4. Pressure Work (left) and Friction Work (right)

Note that it is only a function of the compression ratio. Since
the total input work is , we define
the storage efficiency as:
a and b are constants that specify relative roughness. The
viscous liquid friction power is then given by: (14)
(10) If the final compression time achieved with the compression
where is the rate of change of air volume or the negative profile is , the storage power density [W/m3] is:
liquid flow rate. (15)

Note that storage power density is maximized by minimizing

the compression time .

The Pareto optimization problem is: for the given

compression ratio r, find the optimal compression profile ,
for each desired power density S* (or equivalently
compression time tf* ):

Subject to S( )= S* (16)

Figure 3. Water Side (left) and Air Side (right) of the Tube An exact analogous problem can be defined for expansion.
This problem is a functional optimization problem (or
C. Optimization Problem optimal control problem) with a nonlinear dynamic
Suppose that a compression profile ζ compresses air constraint and a terminal constraint. The cost functional is
from pressure to ) and then isobarically to the required work and the dynamic constraint is the
as shown in Fig. 4. The required work is [3]: dynamic relationship between air temperature, volume and
flow rate according to (1), and the terminal constraint is the
(11) storage power or compression time. This optimization
problem can be summarized as:


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reason of performing such a transformation came from the
nature of this problem. In fact, while the compression time
(17) changes from one power density to another, the pressure
ratio and pressure range doesn’t change since it is a fixed
subject to the temperature dynamics in (1), and design parameter for the CAES system for which the liquid
the air volume dynamics: piston air compressor/expander is designed. Moreover,
because the problem will be solved numerically, it is much
(18) better to normalize all variables. Here, both pressure and
volume have been normalized as:
and the final pressure constraint ) so that

The terms in (17) are the pressure and friction work and the The benefit of such a logarithmic normalization is that the
net work due to ambient pressure work and the isobaric dependency between and would be very close to linear
cooling inside the storage vessel. Here, the state variables which makes the numerical calculations easier.
are air temperature ( ) and volume (V) while the control
As an example, consider the final compression time (tf)
variable is liquid piston velocity ( ). is 0.3 second and the required compression ratio (r) is 10.
With the general computational approach, additional The liquid compression chamber consists of many small
inequality constraints due to hardware limitations can also tubes with diameter (d) of 1.5 mm, length (L) of 30 cm and a
be imposed. Here we consider liquid pump/motor limitation relative roughness of 0.0307. The maximum flow rate and
so that the liquid piston flow rate (and speed), and the maximum input power of the liquid piston are set to be
instantaneously power are limited: five times the average flow rate and average storage power
of the air over the predefined compression time. Since the
aspect ratio for each tube is large (200), the fully developed
(20) heat transfer model in (3) is used during the compression
process. Using the piecewise-linear parameterization
where is the liquid piston cross area. approach, the optimal compression profile of air inside the
small tube is found as shown in Figs. 5, 6 and 7.


In this paper, the continuous optimal control problem is
parameterized as a finite dimensional problem and then
solved numerically by standard algorithms for constrained
parameter optimization [9]. The control input can be
parameterized as:
in which, ’s are some constant parameters and can be
any function. Here, we used a linear function for . Once
the control input defined over the time range, air temperature
can be found by solving the differential equation (1).
Similarly, the cost and constraints can also be evaluated Figure 5. Optimal Liquid Piston Velocity (blue) and Temperature (red)
through (17), (19) and (20). Now the problem is to find a
vector of ’s ( ) such that it minimizes the
cost while satisfying the constraints.
From physical point of view, time is the independent
variable while volume and temperature of the air are the
dependent variables (or states). Hence, the control input (U)
is the liquid piston velocity. However, from the theoretical
point of view one can choose pressure as the independent
variable while time and volume as states. In this way, the
control input would be the slope of V-P diagram ( ).
Knowing this, it would be possible to solve (1) to find time
as a function of pressure (replacing temperature with volume
and pressure from the ideal gas law). As a result, the
constraint equation (19) will change into an integral over the Figure 6. Optimal Velocity (blue) and Pressure (red)
pressure range which gives the final compression time. The


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1.5 0.06 efficient than constant speed and sinusoidal profiles. At high
storage power, viscous friction losses due to the initial fast
1.2 0.048 compressions of A-I-A and A-PI-A decrease their
Pressure Power (Watt)

efficiencies to a point that they are lower than those of the

Friction Power (Watt)

0.9 0.036 constant speed and sinusoidal profiles. Moreover, all these
compression profiles underestimate the real achievable
0.6 0.024 storage power for a similar compression efficiency found by
using the optimal compression profile resulted by employing
0.3 0.012
the piecewise-linear parameterization method. For example,
for an efficiency of 90%, the storage power density achieved
0 0
with the optimal compression profile is 4.1MW/m3. The
0 0.05 0.1 0.15
Time (s)
0.2 0.25 0.3 storage power densities with A-PI-A, AIA, constant speed
and sinusoidal compression are 3.7 MW/m3, 2.8 MW/m3, 2.7
Figure 7. Pressure Power (blue) and Friction Power (red) during the MW/m3 and 2.3 MW/m3, respectively – i.e. a 11%-78%
Compression Process Using the Optimal Compression Profile
improvement. The optimal profiles provide improvement in
efficiency over all power, especially at high powers. For
For tf = 0.3s, the storage power density is 0.46 MW/m3.
compression efficiency of 85%, the power density of the
The optimal compression efficiency is 91.45%. The optimal
optimal profile is 17% larger than the power of A-PI-A.
profile includes an initial fast compression is followed by a
Moreover, it should be mentioned that such an improvement
long relatively slow compression and then a final rapid
is even better for larger compression ratios.
compression to increase the pressure to the desired final
value. Such fast-slow-fast trajectories are present in the 100
results in [5, 6] as well.
95 AIA
IV. RESULTS Constant Speed
90 Sinusoidal Speed
The effect of optimal compression profile on the
Efficiency %

compression efficiency is compared to those with four other

types of compression trajectories. They are: i) linear, ii)
sinusoidal, iii) adiabatic-isothermal-adiabatic (A-I-A), iv)
Adiabatic-PseudoIsothermal-Adiabtic (A-PI-A). All
trajectories are designed to compress air from ambient
pressure and temperature to the final compression ratio of r 75

=10 in a 1mm diameter and 30cm length tube. The final time
tf is changed for different storage power densities. Linear 70
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
and sinusoidal profiles are typical ad-hoc profiles. A-I-A Storage Power Density (W/m 3) x 10

trajectories are the optimal trajectories if the “hA” product is Figure 8. Efficiency vs. Storage Power Density for Different Compression
a constant throughout the process [5]. The A-PI-A Profiles
trajectories are optimal if the heat transfer coefficient is
constant and heat transfer area varies with volume, with the The effect of tube geometry is studied next. Figures 9
temperature in the pseudo-isothermal portion being a and 10 show how the optimal efficiency changes (at constant
function of the instantaneous “hA” product [6]. In both power density) for different diameters and lengths. The
cases, friction is not considered in the optimization. For the compression ratio is 10 and the compression time is 0.5
A-I-A trajectories, it is not possible to achieve true adiabatic second corresponding to the storage power of 0.28 MW/m3.
compression when heat transfer exists. As proposed in [5], In Fig. 9, long narrow tubes (aspect ratio (A.R.) > 20) are
the first adiabatic compression of the A-I-A profile can be considered and the heat transfer model in (3) is used. It
approximated by a constant piston velocity which is the shows that for very small diameters, efficiency increases
maximum velocity of the middle isothermal part. The second with diameter due to decreased viscous friction loss. For
adiabatic compression of A-I-A profile can be approximated larger diameter tubes, efficiency decreases again as diameter
by the final compression velocity of the isothermal portion. increases due to reduced heat transfer. As a result, for each
tube length there is an optimal diameter which maximizes
The same strategy is used for A-PI-A compression the efficiency for the same compression ratio and time (Fig.
profile. In this case, the first adiabatic part uses the 9). In Fig. 10, small aspect ratios tubes are considered. Fully
maximum piston velocity of the pseudo-isothermal portion developed flat plate heat transfer model in (6) is used. It
while the second adiabatic part is done using the final piston shows that efficiency decreases as diameter increases. This
velocity of the pseudo-isothermal compression part. Here, effect is due to the decreasing piston speed and heat transfer
while “h” is calculated base on (3), “A” is a function of the coefficient (h). Although friction would decrease as diameter
air volume as in (2). Fig. 8 shows the compression efficiency increases, this is not significant at these aspect ratios.
versus storage power density trade off for the different types
of compression profiles. As expected, the optimal
compression trajectories are more efficient than the others at V. CONCLUSION
any given power; and provide more power at any desired Using a liquid piston air compressor/expander together
efficiency. For small storage power which corresponds to with optimal compression/expansion profile improve the
large compression time, A-PI-A and A-I-A profiles are more storage/generation power significantly. In this work, a more


Authorized licensed use limited to: Univ of Calif Merced. Downloaded on July 22,2021 at 05:16:43 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
general numerical approach is proposed to solve the problem [3] P. Y. Li, C. Sancken, and J. D. Van de Ven, “Open Accumulator
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ASME-IMECE, Seattle, WA, 2007.
more general heat transfer models, the viscous friction and [4] Van de Ven, J. D., and Li, P. Y., "Liquid Piston Gas Compression,"
system constraints in the optimization process. The optimal Applied Energy, Vol. 86, Issue 10, pp. 2183-2191, October, 2009
compression profile increases the storage power up to 10 % [5] Sancken, C. J., and Li, P. Y., "Optimal Efficiency-Power Relationship
for a compression efficiency of 90 % compared to the A-PI- for an Air Motor/Compressor in an Energy Storage and Regeneration
A and more than 40% when compared to conventional System," ASME Dynamic Systems and Control Conference, ASME,
Vol. DSCC2009-2749, Hollywood, CA, 2009.
compression profiles such as sinusoidal or constant speed [6] A. T. Rice and P. Y. Li, "Optimal Efficiency-Power Tradeoff for an
compression trajectories for the same compression Air Motor/Compressor with Volume Varying Heat Transfer
efficiency. The method can be used to find the optimal Capability," ASME DSCC 2011/Bath Symposium on PTMC,
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that trades off heat transfer and friction effect can be [7] Incropera, F.P., and Dewitt D.P., “Introduction to Heat Transfer,”
obtained. The proposed method also has the potential to John Wiley & Sons, 1997.
[8] Streeter, V.L., Wylie, E.B., Bedford, K.W., Fluid Mechanics,
solve the optimization problem for more general heat McGraw-Hill, 1998.
transfer and viscous friction models. [9] Ben-Asher, J. Z., “Optimal Control Theory with Aerospace
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While this paper only consider compression ratio of 10,
the advantages of optimal profile is even greater at higher
compression ratio (e.g. r=20 or 50).

L= 10 cm
L= 20 cm
L= 30 cm
Compression Efficiency (%)

L= 40 cm
L= 50 cm
L= 60 cm



0.75 1.5 2.25 3 3.75 4.5
Diameter (mm)

Figure 9. Efficiency vs. Tube Geometry for Large Aspect Ratio Tubes (A.R.
>20) Using the Optimal Compression Profile

L= 1.5 cm
L= 2.5 cm
L= 3.5 cm
Compression Efficiency (%)

68 L= 4.5 cm
L= 5.5 cm



5 6 7 8 9 10
Diameter (mm)

Figure 10. Efficiency vs. Tube Geometry for Small Aspect Ratio Tubes
(A.R. <11) Using the Optimal Compression Profile

[1] P. Y. Li, E. Loth, T. W. Simon, J. D. Van de Ven, and Stephen E.
Crane, "Compressed Air Energy Storage for Offshore Wind
Turbines," 2011 International Fluid Power Exhibition (IFPE), Las
Vegas, NV, March, 2011
[2] M. Saadat and P. Y. Li, “Modeling and Control of an Open
Accumulator Compressed Air Energy Storage System for Wind
Turbine,” Proceedings of the 2012 American Control Conference.


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