DLP Mhar-Jane-1

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Grade 7 – Science

I. Objectives

At the end of the lesson, the students can:

a. Define speed

b. Calculate speed in different examples

II. Learning Content

A. Subject Matter: Motion in terms of Speed and Velocity

B. References: Grade 7 Science LM

C. Materials: Visual aids, chalk, blackboard

III. Learning Procedure

Teacher’s Activities Students’ Response

A. Preliminary Activities

1. Prayer

“Let us all stand for a prayer. May I request (A student leads the prayer)
_________ kindly lead the prayer.”

2. Greetings

“Good morning my dear students”

“Good morning ma’am!”
“How are you today?”
“We’re fine and great ma’am.”
“That’s great!”

“Before you sit down, let’s do some energizer. We

call this game what do you meme? I will say or tell a “Yes ma’am!”
situation or scenario and you will make a reaction or a
meme on your face. ”
( Students follows instructions and make a meme or
“What will be your reaction when you see your
reaction )
( Students follows instructions and make a meme or
“What will be your reaction when you see your
reaction )
plastic friend?”

“Okay, very good! Are you now ready for our

discussion?” “Yes ma’am.”

3. Classroom Management

“Before you sit down, kindly pick up the pieces of

papers and plastics under your chair if there are, and
arrange your chairs properly.”

“And finally, before we start our class for today,

let me remind you with our class rules which to be
followed in our Science class.”

Rule #1

Kindly read ________.

 Seat properly
(Thank you, you may now take your seat)

Rule #2
Kindly read ________.

(Thank you, you may now take your seat)

 Listen when somebody is talking.

Rule #3

Kindly read ________.

(Thank you, you may now take your seat)

Rule #4  Raise your right hand if you want to say

something.. Do not answer in chorus.
Kindly read ________.

(Thank you, you may now take your seat)

Rule #5
 Treat others with respect.
Kindly read ________.

(Thank you, you may now take your seat)

 Always do your best.

4. Checking of Attendance

“Who is absent today?”

“Ms. Secretary, kindly rights the names of those

who are absent today and give the list to me after “None ma’am”
“Yes ma’am”
5. Review

“Last meeting, we discussed about distance and

displacement. Who can differentiate the two?”

“Distance is the actual length covered by an object

while displacement is the straight line distance from the
“That’s correct! Do you have any question before initial position to the final position of an object.”
we proceed with the other term that describes

“Let’s now move with to our next topic.” “None ma’am”

B. Motivation

“In order for you to have a glimpse of our

discussion today, we will have an activity.”

“We will be doing an activity. May request

everybody to go outside and walk or run for at least 2
minutes and observed what is happening around you.
(Students will perform the activity)
Do you understand?”
“Yes ma’am”
“Time’s up! The fastest one to reach our
classroom will have additional 2 points in our activity.”

“Let’s give a clap for ______ because he is the “Students go to their classroom as fast as they can.”
fastest to reach our classroom.”

“Students clap their hands”

“Have you enjoyed the activity?”

“Yes ma’am”

C. Lesson Proper

Introduction to the Lesson

“Now based on the activity that we had a while

ago, what had you noticed on it?”

“Okay, if we walk and run what do you think is our “We run and walk ma’am”
lesson for today?”

“Basing it on our activity, our lesson for today ma’am is

“Excellent! That’s it. We will explore now about about speed.”
speed. But before that, let us first know the different
objectives that everyone must attain at the end of the

“Kindly read the objectives______________.”

At the end of the lesson, the students can:

a. Define speed

“Thank you____” b. Calculate speed in different examples


“We see and experienced motion every day. You

are crossing the street once or many times a day. What
do you do when you see a vehicle approaching?”

“Very good! We need to stop to avoid being hit by
the car. You stop and estimate how fast the car is
approaching or how long it will take the car to reach
your position. Then, you decide whether to cross the “I will stop for a while ma’am.”
street or not.

“Nice question! Your decision class will be based

“Ma’am if the car is still far from me and it’s speed is
on your understanding of how fast object moves. If the
very fast will I cross the street?
car is still and will take a long time before it will reach
your place then you can cross the road.

“While walking outside what have you observed?

“Exactly! Now if we are describing how fast or

slow an object is we are talking about its speed.”

“If you were asked to describe the speed of a

moving bus, you would probably say it is “fast” or “Ma’am some of us walk very slow while some is fast.”
“slow”. What you may describe as fast may appear
“very fast” to your teacher or may look “very slow” to
your classmate. In science class, the best way to
describe how fast an object moves is to give the
distance it travels in a given time interval. This is called
speed, which is defined as a measure of how fast an
object moves.”

“Is speed a scalar or a vector quantity?”

“How do you say so?”

“Good job____”
“Speed class has no direction that is why it is a
scalar quantity. Speed is the rate of distance travelled
by an object per unit of time.”

“We have the formula “Ma’am it is a scalar quantity.”

Speed= distance travelled/ time elapsed “Because scalar quantity are those that are describe by
magnitude alone ma’am.”
Where in distance is in meters (m) or kilometres
(km), time in seconds (s) or hours (h).”

What do you think is the unit for speed class?”

“Very good! Let us try to solve an example

problem about speed.”

Carlo walks 20 km in 4 hours. Find his speed.

“To solve for that problem we need to identify the

given first. What is the distance in the situation?”
“Kilometres per hour and meters per second
“Excellent! What about the time?”
“Very good! Now we are ready to substitute.

s= d/t

s= 20km/4h
“20 km ma’am”

“Very good! It is 5 km/h

“4 hours ma’am”
“Another example you do it on your notebook.”

“Calculate the speed of a lion that runs 45 meters

in 5 second.
“5 ma’am”
“Very good! For us to get the correct answer we
need to substitute the given correctly.

D. Application

“Let us have another activity.”

“I will give you a problem and then once I call your “9m/s ma’am”
name you come in front and answer.

1. What is the average speed of a person

running 100m in 30s?
“What is the distance obtained by the

“Very good! What about the time?”

“Good job! What is the answer in problem

number 1?”

“Yes, ma’am”


“Now, let us have a short quiz. On a ½ sheet of “100 meters ma’am”

paper you solve for the following problem.”

1. A runner covers a distance of 478 meters in

“30 seconds ma’am”
170 second. What is the speed of the runner?
s= d/t
2. It takes a fast swimmer about 25 seconds to
complete 50 meters freestyle. What is the s= 100m/30s
speed of the swimmer?
s= 3.33m/s
E. Generalization

“Any question?”

“Who can say something about what you have

learned?” (Students do the activity”

“Very good! Let’s give _________ a clap”

“Now, what is the unit for speed?”

“Excellent! A major clap for ________”

“What is the formula in getting the speed of an


“You really had listened to our discussion, let’s

give ourselves a clap.”

“Speed describes how fast or slow an object moves.”

“Meters per seconds, kilometres per hour ma’am.”

“Speed= distance travelled/time elapsed”

“Students clap their hands”

IV. Evaluation

Write TRUE if the statement is correct and if the statement is false you write the word that make it false
and change it with the word or term to make it a correct sentence.

1. Speed is a vector quantity.

2. The formula for speed is s= d/t.

3. Speed has magnitude and direction.

4. The unit for speed is km and m.

5. Speed is rate of distance travelled by an object per unit of time..

V. Assignment

Research about the meaning of speed.


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