DLP Mhar-Jane-1
DLP Mhar-Jane-1
DLP Mhar-Jane-1
Grade 7 – Science
I. Objectives
a. Define speed
1. Prayer
“Let us all stand for a prayer. May I request (A student leads the prayer)
_________ kindly lead the prayer.”
2. Greetings
3. Classroom Management
Rule #1
Rule #2
Kindly read ________.
Rule #3
Rule #5
Treat others with respect.
Kindly read ________.
4. Checking of Attendance
“Let’s give a clap for ______ because he is the “Students go to their classroom as fast as they can.”
fastest to reach our classroom.”
“Yes ma’am”
C. Lesson Proper
“Okay, if we walk and run what do you think is our “We run and walk ma’am”
lesson for today?”
a. Define speed
“Very good! We need to stop to avoid being hit by
the car. You stop and estimate how fast the car is
approaching or how long it will take the car to reach
your position. Then, you decide whether to cross the “I will stop for a while ma’am.”
street or not.
“Good job____”
“Speed class has no direction that is why it is a
scalar quantity. Speed is the rate of distance travelled
by an object per unit of time.”
Speed= distance travelled/ time elapsed “Because scalar quantity are those that are describe by
magnitude alone ma’am.”
Where in distance is in meters (m) or kilometres
(km), time in seconds (s) or hours (h).”
s= d/t
s= 20km/4h
“20 km ma’am”
D. Application
“I will give you a problem and then once I call your “9m/s ma’am”
name you come in front and answer.
“Yes, ma’am”
“Any question?”
IV. Evaluation
Write TRUE if the statement is correct and if the statement is false you write the word that make it false
and change it with the word or term to make it a correct sentence.
V. Assignment