HouseholdServices DLP

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education

Detailed lesson plan in Household Services – Grade 8


At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to:

A. recognize the proper storing and stacking of kitchen tools and equipment;
B. demonstrate understanding on the proper storing and stacking of kitchen tools and equipment and;
C. follow proper handling of tools and equipment.

TITLE: Standard Operating Procedure in kitchen

Reference: TLE Grade 7 and 8 module.
Materials: Laptop (PPT)
Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

A. Preliminary Activity
“Good morning class!” “Good morning, Sir”

“Okay class, before we begin our lesson, “(One student will lead the prayer)”
let us pray first. Who would like to lead “Let us bow our heads and feel the presence of
the prayer?” God. In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and
of The Holy Spirit”
“Before you take your sit, arrange your (Students arrange their chairs) “Yes sir.”
chair and pick up the unnecessary
things under you chair”

“Secretary, please check the attendance.”


“Before we proceed to our new lesson, let’s (Student raises their hands)
have a quick recall to our previous
“Our discussion last time
discussion, what is our discussion all
about?” sir is about different
sanitizing methods.”

(Students raise their hand)

“What are the 3 steps in cleaning and “Sir first one is washing and then, sanitizing, and last
sanitizing kitchen tools and equipment?” one, drying.”

“Very good! Okay, what are the three factors (Students raise their hand)
to consider when choosing chemical “Sir concentration, temperature, and contact time”

“Excellent, you are listening attentively

definitely. Thank you for your


“Now before we start our new lesson, we

will have a short activity, we have here 5
pieces of paper that form the word
STORE. Each paper will be placed
around the room and pair of student will
try to find it with one who guides and one
who will be blindfolded. Do you
understand the instruction class?” “Yes sir, we understand the instruction.”

After 10 minutes…
“Broom sir”

(First picture)

“Dustpan sir”

(Second picture)

“Okay, sir “

(Third picture)

“Very good class all of your answers are

correct “

B. Lesson Proper

“Thank you again to those who

participated, we can now proceed to
the new lesson.”

“Our lesson is about cleaning tools and equipment.”

Broom - is a cleaning tool consisting of usually stiff

fibers attached to, and roughly parallel to, a
cylindrical handle, the broomstick. It is thus a variety
of brush with a long handle.
“Next one is.”

Dustpan - A dustpan, the small version of which is

also known as a "hearth brush and shovel”, is a
cleaning utensil. The dustpan is commonly used in
combination with a broom or long brush.

“I think you are all familiar with these two, right?’

“Okay, next one”

Vacuum cleaners - are not only effective at cleaning

dust and getting rid of allergens, but they are also
easy to use, they save time and energy. They are
equipped with suction motors and filters to pull in
dirt and dust. They can be categorized into hand-held,
canister, vertical and robot vacuum cleaners.

“Yes sir”

“Can you still follow?”

“Okay, thank you. Next”

Cleaning cloth- These are all-purpose cloths made of

soft, absorbent material. They are used for wet
cleaning and damp dusting of all surfaces above floor
level. They can be also used for cleaning sanitary
fittings such as bathtubs and wash basins.

Sponge- is a cleaning aid made of soft, porous

material. Typically used for cleaning impervious
surfaces, sponges are especially good at absorbing
water and water-based solutions.

Scrubbing foam- is used to remove the stains or the

dirt of any object though rubbing or scrubbing.

“Yes sir”

Detergent- is a surfactant or a mixture of surfactants

with cleansing properties when in dilute solutions.

“Are we still in here class?”

“Okay, last slide for today”

Cleaning gloves - protects the hands from harsh

detergents and other cleaning products which are used
in the home and elsewhere.
C. Application
“yes sir”
“So, we are now done with the lesson. Now, I want
you to demonstrate on how you’ll use the equipment
or tools we have discussed, is it clear class?”

After 5 minutes…. “Students clapped”

“Okay you did a great job, let’s give yourself a round
of applause.”

D. Generalization

“So, we had tackled this lesson since it will be a

great thing for you to learn this kind of topic, you “Thank you so much sir.”
can learn skills like on how you use these
equipments, you can apply these almost everywhere”

Identify the following tools and equipment.

1. The small version of which is also known as a "hearth brush and shovel”, is a cleaning utensil. The dustpan is
commonly used in combination with a broom or long brush. _______________________________
2. Are not only effective at cleaning dust and getting rid of allergens, but they are also easy to use, they save
time and energy. ______________________________.
3. They are used for wet cleaning and damp dusting of all surfaces above floor level. ____________________.
4. is a cleaning aid made of soft, porous material. Typically used for cleaning impervious surfaces. _
5. is a surfactant or a mixture of surfactants with cleansing properties when in dilute solutions. _____________


Search for some other tools and equipment we can use in household services. At least 5 and give
their uses.

Comillas High School-ID No. 300961

Brgy Comillas, La Paz, Tarlac
[email protected]

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