Asphalt Institutes Guidance Document On MSCR Implementation

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Asphalt Institute Guidance Document

Implementation of the Multiple

Stress Creep Recovery Test
and Specification
The purpose of this document is to provide of an asphalt binder after short-term aging. It is
guidance to the asphalt industry, users and the Asphalt Institute’s opinion that the MSCR
producers, regarding the implementation of the test and specification represent a technical
new high temperature binder test and advancement over the current PG specification
specification using the Multiple Stress Creep that will allow for better characterization of the
Recovery (MSCR) test.The MSCR test replaces high temperature performance-related
the existing AASHTO M320 Dynamic Shear properties of an asphalt binder.
Rheometer (DSR) test used for characterizing
the high temperature performance properties
Background While the G*/sin δ parameter did capture viscous and
elastic effects, it was unable to adequately capture the
One of the objectives in the development of the benefits of elastomeric modification because of the

value of G*/sin δ. As a result, the additional empirical tests

Superpave Binder Specification was the use of relatively small impact of phase angle (δ) on the overall
performance-related criteria specific for a distress and
related to climate and traffic loading. This objective (sometimes referred to as“plus”tests) continued so that a
implies that test measurements should be made at user agency could have assurance that they were getting
temperatures and loading rates consistent with conditions a polymer-modified asphalt binder as they had in the past.

temperature criteria stays the same for G*/sin δ (1.00 kPa

existing in the pavement. Based on this, the high
MSCR Test and
for unaged and 2.20 kPa for RTFO-aged binder) regardless
of the location of the pavement, but the test temperature Specification
where this criteria must be met is derived from the actual The MSCR test was developed based on creep and
pavement temperature. recovery work conducted on asphalt binders and
While this concept worked well for conventional speed, mixtures. During SHRP, researchers at the University of
moderate traffic volume pavements, it needed some California at Berkeley developed the Repeated Simple
refinement for pavements that had slow speed loading Shear Test at Constant Height (RSST-CH) for asphalt
and high traffic volumes. Rather than change criteria mixtures.The RSST-CH was developed to characterize the
and/or test conditions to reflect a change in loading time rutting performance of asphalt mixtures and was
and traffic volume, the architects of the PG system elected conducted using repeated cycles of 0.1-second shear load
to simply adjust for traffic speed and volume by“grade- followed by a 0.6-second rest period. Based on this
bumping”or testing at higher temperatures than mixture work, the NCHRP 9-10 research used a repeated
indicated by the climate. So for a standard traffic asphalt creep-recovery test to characterize the expected rutting
pavement the designer might use a PG 58-28 asphalt performance of modified asphalt binders.
binder, but a high volume highway pavement might The MSCR test procedure, published as AASHTO TP70,
require a PG 70-28 asphalt binder – even though the captures the non-recoverable creep compliance (Jnr) and
pavement temperature will likely never get above 58°C. percentage of recovery (MSCR Recovery) during each
This was a simple way to ensure that a stiffer asphalt loading cycle.Values are reported as the average of 10
binder would be used in high volume and/or slow loading loading cycles at each shear stress level.
conditions. One problem with grade-bumping in the PG
The MSCR test is an improvement in several ways:
system was that a PG 70-28 asphalt binder would have its

G*/sin δ.
performance-related properties determined at a 1. Jnr is better correlated with rutting potential than
temperature that would be at least 12°C hotter than the
highest pavement temperature that would be 2. The MSCR test results from just the one test can be
experienced. Such high specified testing temperatures in used with modified and unmodified asphalt
some instances have caused asphalt suppliers to binders, thereby eliminating the need for
manufacture binders that are very highly modified and additional tests to properly characterize the high
thus difficult to use at reasonable temperatures. temperature performance of modified asphalt
Another objective of the PG system was that the binders.
performance-related properties that defined the 3. There is now criteria to eliminate binders that are
performance grade of an asphalt binder would be blind to overly stress sensitive, which would previously have
modification. In other words, all asphalt binders of the passed the PG criteria and potentially been
same performance grade would be expected to perform susceptible to rutting in the field.
the same in the same traffic/environmental conditions 4. MSCR Recovery is faster/easier to determine than
regardless of how they were produced.This would allow other“PG Plus”tests like the Elastic Recovery test
the asphalt industry to divest itself of the specification and does a better job of characterizing polymer
proliferation that had become increasing more common modified asphalt binders.
as modification of asphalt binders became more common.
5. The MSCR test is conducted at the actual pavement
temperature, regardless of traffic loading.
Implementation • A stress sensitivity calculation which determines the
percent increase in Jnr as the stress level increases
As stated earlier, the Asphalt Institute believes that the from 0.1 to 3.2 kPa is also required. The percent
MSCR test and specification are improvements to the increase in Jnr at 3.2 kPa must be less than or equal
current PG system that will allow for better to 75% of the Jnr at 0.1 kPa. The requirement to
characterization of the high temperature performance- keep the percent increase in Jnr below 75% is to
related properties of asphalt binders. As such, AI insure that the binder will not be overly stress
encourages user agencies to make the transition to the sensitive to unexpected heavy loads or unusually
test (AASHTO TP70) and specification (AASHTO MP19).To high temperatures.
make an effective transition, several items need to be
• MSCR Recovery is usually determined, but is not
addressed, as shown in the following sections.

• Determination of the value of G*sin δ after Pressure

required in the specification.
Become Familiar with the
Aging Vessel (PAV) aging remains the same, but the
criterion changes to a maximum value of 6000 kPa
The MSCR test is a DSR test that is performed using the for any letter grade designation other than“S”.
same equipment and techniques as the standard DSR test
procedure (AASHTO T315).The only thing that varies is the Conduct Transitional Testing As
actual execution of the test. If AASHTO T315 identifies a Needed
practice that will affect test results, you can be assured that
the same practice will affect the MSCR test results. Many users transition to a new system by conducting
Temperature control, calibration, and proper sample transitional testing. In this testing, an asphalt binder is
preparation are all critical to minimizing testing variability. tested according to the current specifications and its
Users should also check with their DSR manufacturer to acceptability for use is judged based on that set of results.
ensure that they have the proper application script in the At the same time, testing is conducted using the new
software to perform the MSCR test. specification to evaluate how the new system relates with
the current system. If this is to be done, users will find that
Once the test can be performed, it is recommended that
tests: (1) Original DSR to determine G*/sin δ at the
they will need to conduct, at the most, three additional
regional round robin testing be conducted, specifically
between users and producers, to ensure that the test is
selected environmental grade temperature; (2) RTFO
being properly performed and is within acceptable testing
MSCR at the selected environmental grade temperature to
DSR to determine G*sin δ at the intermediate
determine Jnr, Jnr Ratio, and MSCR Recovery; and (3) PAV
Become Familiar with the
temperature based on the environmental grade.What
Specification does this mean? To evaluate the new specification for a PG
The biggest change in the specification is the naming of 76-22 asphalt binder, the technologist would, in addition

• Original DSR to determine G*/sin δ at the selected

the binder performance grades. All binders will have to the normal AASHTO M320 Table 1 tests, perform:
numerical grades based on the environment in which they
are intended to be used. Following the numerical grade environmental grade temperature. For Kentucky, the
will be a letter designation that identifies the traffic Department of Highways has selected 64°C as the
loading (volume and/or speed) where the asphalt binder standard high temperature grade based on the
is expected to perform. Designations include“S”(standard environment. For the Southeastern United States,
traffic loading),“H”(heavy traffic loading),“V”(very heavy the selected environmental grade temperature may
traffic loading), and“E”(extreme traffic loading).The be 67°C. For parts of the Southwestern and Western
numerical grade tells the user the temperatures at which US, the selected environmental grade temperature
testing is conducted.The letter designation tells the user may be 70°C.
the criterion for judging if the asphalt binder meets the • RTFO MSCR to determine Jnr (3.2 kPa shear stress)
specification. An example of the new grades is PG 64-22S. and the Jnr ratio at the selected environmental

• Determination of the value of G*/sin δ after RTFO

Changes from AASHTO M320 Table 1 are as follows:

• PAV DSR to determine G*sin δ at the environmental

grade temperature. See Item #1.

aging is replaced by the determination of Jnr at intermediate grade temperature. In AASHTO M320
3.2kPa shear stress using the MSCR test. Table 1 a PG 76-22 asphalt binder is tested at an
intermediate temperature of 31°C. If the same
binder were tested using the MSCR specification
(AASHTO MP19) in Kentucky (PG 64-22 standard
climatic grade), then it would be tested at an
intermediate temperature of 25°C.
Before testing, users will need to choose an environmental indication that the asphalt binder has a significant elastic
grade temperature that matches the climate in which the component at the test temperature. In AASHTO TP70, a
binder will be used. One tool that can be employed for chart and table are provided if a user agency wants to
selecting environmental grade temperature is the latest incorporate MSCR Recovery with Jnr in the specification. If
version of LTPPBind. But the environmental grade a user agency does not use“PG Plus”tests (such as Elastic
temperature can also be selected on the basis of Recovery) with AASHTO M320 Table 1, then we would not
engineering judgment, which takes into account local expect the agency to necessarily require MSCR Recovery.
experience, performance, and current design practice in
the pavements and materials engineering community. …And Eliminate the Use of Other
It is critical to note that in any transitional testing, results “PG Plus” Tests
are only indicative of current products and formulations. If a user agency does use“PG Plus”tests, then it is
Products are likely to change once the full specification is recommended that MSCR Recovery should replace other
implemented.This is a perfectly normal market reaction “PG Plus”tests that are intended to have a similar purpose.
that was observed as the industry transitioned from In other words, MSCR Recovery should replace Elastic
penetration and viscosity based specifications to the PG Recovery, Force Ductility, and Toughness and Tenacity
specification in AASHTO M320 Table 1. tests. Other tests that have a different purpose, like the
Separation test, may still be required.
Transition Regionally and
Although technologists will no doubt conduct
Uniformly comparative testing between MSCR Recovery and other
Producers may market their asphalt products into more “PG Plus”tests, they are cautioned not to expect strong
than one state.To avoid having an interruption in supply, correlations.Test conditions are sufficiently different
producers would prefer that neighboring states or regions between the MSCR and“PG Plus”tests that a strong
transition to a new specification in the same manner. AI relationship would be unlikely.
encourages user agencies to work within their user
producer group to make a uniform transition to the new Closing
MSCR specification (AASHTO MP19).
This document is only intended to provide suggestions to
a user agency interested in implementing the MSCR test
Use MSCR Recovery if there is a
(AASHTO TP70) and specification (AASHTO MP19).
Need to Identify Elastomeric Considerations in the implementation process are shown
Modification in an Asphalt above, but may not represent an exhaustive list.The
Binder… Asphalt Institute recommends that user agencies work
within their user-producer groups to resolve
In AASHTO MP19, there is no requirement for MSCR
implementation questions.The Asphalt Institute will be
Recovery.This is done because Jnr is the parameter that
pleased to assist users in better understanding the MSCR
relates to rutting potential. However, MSCR Recovery
test and specification.
provides an indication of the delayed elastic response of
the asphalt binder. A high delayed elastic response is an

Additional information may be obtained from the following references:

D’Angelo, J. and R. Dongre.“Development of a High Temperature Performance Based Binder Specification in the United States,”10th
International Conference on Asphalt Pavements, Quebec City, Canada, International Society for Asphalt Pavements, 2006.
D’Angelo, J., R. Dongre, and G. Reinke.“Evaluation of Repeated Creep and Recovery Test Method as an Alternative to SHRP+ Requirements for
Polymer Modified Asphalt Binders”, Proceedings, Canadian Technical Asphalt Association, November 2006.
D’Angelo, J. et al. “Revision of the Superpave High Temperature Binder Specification: The Multiple Stress Creep Recovery Test.”Journal of the
Association of Asphalt Paving Technologists,Vol. 76, 2007.
D’Angelo, J. and R. Dongre.“Practical Use of the MSCR Test: Characterization of SBS Dispersion and Other Additives in PMA Binders,”
Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, 2009.

Prepared by: Asphalt Institute Technical Advisory Committee in cooperation with

Federal Highway Administration

April 2010

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